#reader x 2p Nordics
Hello! I was hoping if you would be willing to do the 2p Nordics with a very short s/o? NSFW if possible!
Of course! I hope you enjoy this :D fair warning tho I'm tall so I naturally don't have a lot of experience with being short ^^;;;
2p Denmark/Markell Køhler
He likes it a little too much in the wrong way (cough pervert cough)
He thinks that you being tinier than him is cute, and he will make you wear cute stuff and then fuck you in it, the size difference turns him on
2p Finland/Thurston Väinämöinen
He's already short enough as it is and he hates it, thinks it makes him look weak. That also applies to a possible SO, you would ideally be tall and lean so you can defend yourself and fight of course
He likes it in the bedroom kinda, he prefers having power over you, but that's about it, he'd still fuck you regardless of height, he just finds taller people to be better mates
2p Iceland/Erikur Steillson
Also prefers an SO who is shorter than him, so you're in luck, because he definitely enjoys the power trip of having a shorter SO both inside and outside the bedroom
It also makes it much easier to kidnap you and tie you to the bed until you agree to be his. His communication skills are shit, blame Loki for that one. Actually none of them really taught him any of that
2p Norway/Loki Thomassen
He doesn't have a preference for height other than it being close to his own. You can be as short as you like and he'll still kidnap you, force a love potion on you and then treat you like his most precious play thing
A short SO definitely also gets the short end of the stick, as he overpowers them more easily that way, size matters in this case
2p Sweden/Bernard Oxenstierna
His preferences lean towards a shorter SO but it's not really as outspoken as some of the others preferences. Mostly he likes picking up a short SO and swinging you around like in a dance and also because it's easier to move you around during sex if you're small
His yandere tendencies also have him leaning towards shorter people, they are easier to control physically. It's gonna be fun that day a short person absolutely wrecks him because he thinks them a weakling
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milaisreading · 9 months
*Me facepalms while Y/N walks away from 2p Japan.*
Me: Seriously Kuro? The love of your life just complimented you from her heart and you just seriously said that? Do you realize she probably won't talk to you after this, right?
2p!Japan: You are thinking too much about it. She will come back.
Meanwhile, Yn at the 2p!Nordics house talking the her 2p
Yn: What do I do? He will kill me! He said so! T_T
2p!Yn: Sucks... hmm. I don't know, really. Maybe avoid him.
Yn: Good idea! How did you successfully avoid all of them?
2p!Yn: Oh... they never leave me out of their sight *points at the 2p!Nordics*
Yn: Oh... makes sense. Can I stay with you, then?
2p!Yn: Sure-
2p!Finland: But, we are getting you a room of your own. We can't let you spread the outside bacteria around her.
2p!Norway: Can't have our 2p!Yn sick because of this! ^_^
Yn:Ok...thank you tho...
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lady0ctavia · 30 days
Hetalia Kiss Headcanons (2p!Nordics)
(Minus Iceland. See the pinned post for the reason why).
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Headcanons on how the 2p!Hetalia characters would kiss their S/O, as well as who I think would initiate your first kiss as a couple.
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2p!Denmark: Markell tends to be more quiet and reserved than his 1p! counterpart, and his kisses reflect this. Kisses from Markell are usually slow and soft, allowing you to be lightly scratched from the stubble on his chin. I can also see him being the kind of guy to lazily press a kiss to your cheek to say good morning, as well as good night. These kisses aren't rare, but they don't happen too often either. It really depends on his mood. But if you want to kiss him on your own, he's not gonna complain. It's probably you who initiates your first kiss as a couple.
2p!Sweden: Bernard's kisses can either be sweet and affectionate or possessive and dominating. There is no in-between. This man's a yandere, so his kisses will entirely depend on his mood and where he personally thinks your relationship is at. If he thinks your relationship is going well and you're not spending time with other guys (or whatever genders you're attracted to), his kisses will be oh-so affectionate. But if he happens to find you hanging around other guys, or he feels you may leave him, he'll grab you by the arms and pull you forward, slamming his lips upon yours, maybe even biting your lip. Given how affectionate he is, he'd be the one to initiate the first kiss between you two.
2p!Norway: Kisses from Loki are warm, intense, and leave you feeling as if your soul's on fire. He'd like to hold your hands as you kiss before peppering your face with little kisses along your cheeks and nose. He can be pretty impulsive, so understand that he'll be giving you surprise kisses throughout the day. He also likes to give you a small kiss on the ear, thoroughly enjoying the way you shudder as his breath hits your skin. Between the two of you, he'd be the one initiating that first kiss.
2p!Finland: Kisses with Thurston are so rare they may as well be nonexistent. He seems to permanently be in a bad mood. Many of his kisses seem to be reluctant, only happening when you kiss him first. However, this doesn't mean that he never kisses you. On the exceptionally rare occasion, he does kiss you, it's a very quick peck on the lips. But he can become more affectionate when drunk, landing a sloppy, lazy kiss on your lips before resting a head on your shoulder. Because of his stubborn nature, you'd have to be the one to initiate that first kiss.
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thatanimeramenchick · 8 months
Requests Are Open!
Writing Rules here!
- Amnesia
- Axis Powers Hetalia (Regular and 2p)
- Brother’s Conflict
- Code Geass
- Death Note
- Diabolik Lovers
- Fruits Basket
- Helluvaboss/Hazbin Hotel
- Kakegurui
- The Legend of Zelda
- Snow White with the Red Hair
Updated Masterlist
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Hazbin Hotel
Adam Headcannons
Alastor Headcannons
Alastor and Eternal Separation
Alastor and Lucifer Rivals with Human Reader
Alastor and Vox with Powerful Reader
Lucifer Headcannons
Lucifer and Hellhound Reader
Vox Headcannons
Lucifer x Human Sacrifice Reader
Part 1 - Part 2
Vox x Secretary Reader Series
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Nordics Headcannons
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shini--chan · 4 years
The s/o wearing another countries flag but with the 1p and 2p nordics? Or just the 2p
Righto. These will be the 2ps for the meantime. !ps are coming up soon.
Yandere 2p! Nordics
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„I always knew that you resented me, this just confirms it”, he would spit as soon as you’d appear in that ghastly t-shirt, his stoic face not betraying emotion just his tone harsh as gravel.
Magnus would not be happy, although he is generally hard to please. This would just be a particular knife to his heart. Denmark is a generally a serious person and doesn’t really understand fun. He’ll understand a joke when it’s slapped in his face like a pie and even there, he’ll be snide and overall unpleasant. So, you’ll have a tough one wriggling out of this one.
He isn’t a talkative person so the argument following will be filled with terse comment that would be brimming with vitriol. The argument wouldn’t be resolved either as he’d see it as betrayal and proceed to give you the cold shoulder out of spite. In reality, it would be his insecurities rearing their ugly head. Just don’t point that out, it would make the whole matter worse. Let the poor chap live in his delusions of having no weaknesses.
You might think that he’ll rip it from your body in a moment of animalistic violence, but no, he’ll not even touch that filthy, sullied cloth. Instead, he would have you get rid of it yourself, in front of his eyes. Only then would he start to forgive you – emphasize on starting.
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“So”, Thurston would drawl as he kept a firm hand on your wrist, even going as far to jerk your arm so that your muscles were even more strained. Really, having your arm so abruptly twisted behind your back isn’t good for your muscles. “This is what you want. Tell me, fairy queen, are you doing this on purpose to make me jealous?”
Seeing you prancing about in somebody else’s flag would ignite a fire in him of the sort he often had while being under Sweden’s thumb. The only negotiations that would be taking place would be of the aggressive sort, preferably with you somehow immobilised so that you couldn’t run away from here.
Why shouldn’t you, if you’d already turned traitor enough to wear another country’s flag? Besides, since in regard to his anger Thurston isn’t to be trifled with, you most likely would want too.
More all the patience he possesses, he’ll end up roughly pulling it over your head and giving it to his dogs as a chew toy. Afterwards, he’ll be sour about it for days. You would want to have an ace up your sleeve to cheer him up. On top of that, even if he may forgive you, he would never forget about the incident.
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It would almost be comical, the sight of him having his hands on his hips and chin lifted up as if he were so important. The tears glistening in his eyes would ruin it, as well as the distinct red flush of his cheeks. “I thought you were going to put on something nice for me”, he would whine, so bloody entitled that it just wasn’t mature anymore. Oh dear.
If somebody would kick up a right fuss about you dressing wrongly, it would be Egil. Forget reasoning, he’ll be a right brat about you walking around with that cheap fabric. He doesn’t care if it would just be a joke, or if the flag is just the seize of a thumb, he’ll be right at chewing both your ears off.
Iceland will keep guilt-tripping you – he’d ask if you’re mad at him and what he did to upset you. Before you know it, he would be spilling tears and using the offending piece of garment as a tissue. No, point out that he’s being childish wouldn’t help at all.
As soon as it is off, it would be in the trash. And don’t you dare try to retrieve it. 
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“While you’re already pretty, my flame, now it is time to make you smoking hot!”, he’d cheer the moment he catches you in a shirt with the wrong colours.
Run. And hope that he wouldn’t find his matches at once. In a way, he’d take it surprisingly lightly, on the other, you would prefer to have him shout at you rather than set of to set the shirt on fire. And should it be more out of a lot of plastic, then you’ll be in double-trouble – it would be such a shame if you’d have to go to the hospital because you’d have molten plastic sticking to your skin.
While Loki wouldn’t like the sight, he would opt for an innovative solution. One that you in turn, would dread. Just happens to be your tough luck that Norway likes to solve all his problems with fire if possible.
For everybody’s sake, just take the shirt off and let him set it on fire. The prospect and realisation of burning something could give you a pretty good chance of coming off the hook.
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A pair of arms would wrap around your waist and squeeze you affectionately as your “lover” leaned down to inquired: “Now where did you find this.”
While his tone would be playful, but the emotional spectrum he’d be putting on display would only be the tip of the iceberg. Sure, he’ll tease you, maybe even humour you and just letting his discomfort out in some vague hints that you would probably fly over your head by how much he’ll be blabbering. But deep inside, an ugly feeling would fester in his chest and poison his thoughts – doubt.
It would make Felix comb through all his memories, trying to pinpoint where you starting drifting away from him. The notion of you waning to leave him would make him at erratic and that would be when matters would get very dangerous. It wouldn’t even occur to him to mention that it was that that really set him off. You’ll wind up somewhere in ropes not even knowing what your offence was.      
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aphnordicksimagines · 6 years
A hand interlocks with yours as you're reaching for a cucumber in the vegetable aisle, pulling it and your attention fast away to a blonde man, slouched yet towering over you. He's flexing, you think? It's not doing much.
For a second you think he's going to kiss it but no, he just holds it before his mouth, breath too warm and too close for you to be any form of comfortable right now. “What if I kissed you right now?”
"Um…" You blink, shuffling in the beginning movements of a hasty escape. "Sorry? Who the fuck are you?"
He goes for the hand kiss. Gross, gross, gr- "It's Magnus," That’s kind of an awkward way to reply, but more pressingly he still hasn't let go of your hand? He still hasn't let go of your- Magnus leans down, closer, pulling your trapped hand with him further below, to his chest. "I'd love to hear you scream it later."
You don't even know how to respond to that. Is this really happening? You just wanted to get some groceries for fucks sake- who tries to pick up in a supermarket? He's still pulling your hand down his body, this might actually contend to be the worst day of your life. Some kind of impulse finally sparking in your head, your fingers twitch a moment from tearing away and kicking this ass in the-
Your hand is on his dick.
Another customer edges a hand past you, grabbing a cucumber themselves and pulling away in the same motion, nothing more than a glance spared to the two of you. Magnus too, glances, at the cucumbers, your hand, and then to you. He smiles. You swallow, roughly. Fuck it.
His smile widens and he lets go, stashing his hands in his pockets and finally giving you some breathing room. "Where to?"
Ideally, anywhere that nobody can recognise you. For the love of God, let nobody see this.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Master List III: Asks & Nekotalia
Last Updated August 12th, 20:54
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America, Canada, Denmark, and Sweden flirting and teasing 
America, Canada, France, Germany, & Italy call you when you left for college 
America with an S/O who prefers Villains over Heroes
America and Japan adopting an introvert meme
America, China, and Japan w/ a Tamamo no Mae (Ninetails fox reader) 
Angel Ukraine X Merman Reader
Axis Trio + Prussia with a Darling who is afraid of storms
British Empire X Motherly Reader
Canada, Germany, and Prussia with the chaotic drunk reader
Canada, Japan, and Russia with an insanely strong reader
Chaos Lord Darling in Love with a human America, Germany, & Russia
China, France, & Italy with a Scene/Emo darling
Country Reader who used to be poor and dependent w/ America, China, & Russia
England and Germany with a Black Nation darling 
France with an Onyx skinned darling
Germany England and France with a Jade West like S/O
Germany, Italy, and Japan answering your texts
Germany with a free-spirited S/O
Italy x reader who loves reptiles (Skink specific)
It’s Hot: Russia, Canada, & America
Pirate France x Male! Reader
Platonic Yandere America and Prussia 
Platonic Yandere’s America x Russia w/Reader 
Platonic Yandere Protectors Germany X France w/Reader 
Quotes that represent the Allies 
Reader begging Germany, Prussia, and Russia with an axolotl
Russia admitting he's immortal to his Gender-Neutral Darling
Two platonic demons: Yandere Demon America with partner in crime Y/N 
Ungraceful Sleeper with Yandere! America, Canada, England, Germany & Japan
When Yandere’s switch places with their darling 
Wild Card Ask: Some RusAme Space Fantasy Thing
Yandere Alpha! 2p Japan with a Bratty Darling
Yandere America and England with Smart (While they languish in sexual frustration)
Yandere America, Canada, England, Germany & Japan breaking into their S/O's house and said S/O is an ungraceful sleeper
Yandere America, England, France & Germany with a darling who just wanted the green card
Yandere America, Germany, and Japan with a non-compliant darling
Yandere America x Reader x Yandere England who are in love with the same darling
Yandere Bully America x Reader X England 
Yandere China with a Pop/Idol Darling
Yandere Demon America x Archangel Darling that are soulmates 
Yandere Demon Hungary x Wizard S/O 
Yandere F.A.C.E. Family with an S/O that loves them unconditionally and yes, even after murder
Yandere France and Russia with an Oni S/O 
Yandere Japan and Germany stalking a celebrity S/O 
Yandere Lithuania Headcanons SFW and N$FW
Yandere Prussia disciplining his S/O
Yandere Prussia with a Spy Solider 
Yandere Russia playing with 3c Black Girl Hair
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Platonic Yandere France, Japan, America, Russia, and Austria 
Platonic Yandere Nordics 
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The Spicy Stuff, so Viewer discretion is advised N$FW
Double Feature: Yandere! Pirate UKUS & Pirate UK X Chubby Reader
Spicy Cardverse America 
Spicy Demon Japan Headcannons 
Spicy England and Germany with a Black Nation Darling 
Spicy Yandere Alpha America X Alpha Darling 
Spicy Yandere America with Pregnant S/O 
Spicy Yandere! Demon America Headcannons 
Size Kink: Russia
Yandere Alpha America having fun with his pregnant S/O 
Yandere Alpha Russia Headcannons 
Yandere Demon America w/ Yandere S/O that wants a baby  
Yandere Demon America & Demon Queen  Bondage  
Yandere Demon America with an Angel he's finally tainted  
Yandere Demon America claiming them for the first time after kidnapping  
Yandere! Demon Germany SFW and NSFW Headcannons  
Yandere Demon Japan sfw and nsfw  (Headcannons)
Yandere Norway Headcannons (SPICY!)
Yandere Omega America w/Alpha Fem Darling 
2p FACE aftercare 
2p FACE Spicy Headcanons 
An Ask I did that I love a lot, so Imma feature it. 
@my2phetaliaheadcanons Yandere with a Professor darling
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clearest-skys · 3 years
Hetalia smut Masterlist
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Will not take the following: character x minor, character x oc, minor x reader, oc x reader, scat kink, piss kink, etc
Current anons: none
*=author favourite
(Due to current world events, I will temporarily not be taking the following characters: Russia, Ukraine)
Italy/Germany threesome drabble
England smut drabble
Denmark smut drabble*
Sweden smut drabble
Switzerland smut drabble*
Lithuania smut drabble*
Netherlands smut drabble
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(Same rules apply here)
(Same characters will temporarily not be taken)
2p japan smut hcs 
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Hello! I was wondering if you can do the 2p Nordics with a fairy reader!
Hi! I did some general headcanons on this. Hope you enjoy it! And thank you, this was really fun to write! (I'm obsessed with the folklore of my country, and I went with the ones from there and the other Nordics)
2p Denmark/Markell Køhler
he's a bit cautious about the prospect of a fairy S/O. Considering he knows the fickle nature of these creatures.
while you may be very sweet and attractive he'll never really let his guard down. He knows of far too many instances where someone has been tricked
2p Finland/Thurston Väinämöinen
he knows of these beings too, but he absolutely does not enjoy it. It's not the magic that's his problem with you, it is your nature of trickery and misbehaviour. He wants structure and order not whatever bullshit you may attempt to pull
he may attempt to remove your wings if he feels they are more trouble than they are worth. If you follow his commands, he will not harm you. But if you misbehave he will punish you accordingly. You will also be forced to cultivate your muscles, so you are not weak without your flying abilities
2p Iceland/Erikur Steilsson 
he would be willing to follow you anywhere, and he'd have no qualms with staying in your home world for eternity, as long as you're completely his
he is, just like the others, knowledgeable about your kind, meaning that attempting to trick him would be difficult, but he would let you if it benefits him. Try to screw him over and you might not have any wings after that. His sickles are always close by, and he sharpens one regularly, the other is kept dull for maximum pain
2p Norway/Loki Thomassen 
it fascinates him, he does much like his counterpart, prefer a partner of magical descent or full blown magical being. He is also aware of the trickery of these creatures. But as his name might suggest, he is also a trickster by nature. It'll be a battle of wits, one he'll thoroughly enjoy
he will ofc attempt to trap you with him, and keep you from returning to your home, where he may not be able to follow. And if you managed to trick him into your home, it would be difficult for him to get both of you out. He is not interested in spending 100+ years in a world where it only feels like a few days.
2p Sweden/Bernard Oxenstierna
he gets overprotective very fast, and he'll be the only other one willing to follow you into your home, regardless of the consequences for him.
he is a yandere by nature and while he prefers to pretend to keep the "family" together, he would enjoy coming back to see the chaos that unfolds without him. He would also be difficult to keep trapped anywhere, he is violent when it suits him and intelligent. Many things you wouldn't know until you're trapped yourself
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kallulovesu · 4 years
Hetalia/APH Masterlist
[last updated on 28/04/22]
General yandere South Italy headcanons
General yandere Spain headcanons
General yandere Russia headcanons
General yandere Japan headcanons
General yandere England headcanons
General Yandere Poland headcanons
General Yandere Luxembourg headcanons
General yandere Asea headcanons
Allies with a darling that outsmarts them
Japan falling in love with one of America’s states
Russia with a complacent darling that loves him back :)
Spain going after a witch country (that so happens to have a past with iggy)
Which 2ps would like a tomboy s/o?
Which 2ps would like a loud, goofy s/o?
Yan America, Spain, Romano and England reacting to finding their s/o that ran away years ago
Yandere allies and axis reacting to their crush’s confession to their home country
2p Romano, America, Japan and China reacting to their darling escaping after having kidnapped them
Platonic Yandere reader against Yandere Belarus! (Poor Russia)
Platonic Yandere allies headcanons
Yandere allies + axis helping their s/o out with depression and existential crisis
Axis trio + America and Russia being war enemies with their s/o
Yandere pirate Spain x mermaid reader headcanons
England, Russia and Germany with a shy s/o that apologizes a lot
Yandere Lithuania with a blind s/o who is dependent on him
Yandere nyo!Allies reacting to being trapped in a giant soap bubble with their s/o
Yandere nyo axis, Romano and baltics reacting to being trapped in a floating bubble with their s/o
Yandere Prussia, England and Germany with a darling that acts all shy— but ends up fooling them.
Yandere Japan, Germany , China and Prussia finding their darling years after they escaped
Yandere Germany, America being told off by their country darling
Yandere Canada in a queerplatonic relationship w an ace reader that is insecure about her identity
Yandere America, England, Spain, Romano reacting to finding their s/o that ran away years ago except they immediately dipped once seeing them,
Yandere Canada, America, and Russia with a sweet, but chaotic s/o
the Nyo Nordics, Nyo Spain and Nyo Korea reacting to being trapped in a floating bubble with their darling
1p/2p italies sharing an s/o
Witch reader breaking it off with a very power hungry and almost abusive iggy (good riddance)
South Italy and Spain sharing a darling!
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lady0ctavia · 29 days
Masterlist 💌
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I will update as I go along making more fics and headcanons. Both 1p! and 2p! characters can be found. 2p! characters will be red so they are easier to find and navigate from the regular 1p! content.
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General Headcanons
Kiss Headcanons
2p! Kiss Headcanons
PDA Headcanons
2p! PDA Headcanons
Favorite Spot to Kiss Their S/O
Favorite Spot to Kiss their S/O
When They See Their S/O Crying
When They See Their S/O Crying
When Their S/O Has a Nightmare
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As We Ponder Belief (2p!Prussia X Reader)
Chpt. 1, Chpt. 2, Chpt. 3, Chpt. 4
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General Headcanons
Kiss Headcanons
2p! Kiss Headcanons
PDA Headcanons
Favorite Spot to Kiss Their S/O
Favorite Spot to Kiss their S/O
2p! PDA Headcanons
When They See Their S/O Crying
When They See Their S/O Crying
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France 🇫🇷
Knight!France x Reader
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General Headcanons
Kiss Headcanons
2p! Kiss Headcanons
PDA Headcanons
Favorite Spot to Kiss Their S/O
Favorite Spot to Kiss their S/O
2p! PDA Headcanons
When They See Their S/O Crying
When They See Their S/O Crying
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Coming soon...
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I have a couple of reading suggestions! Though, these haven’t updated in a while, I still think they’re pretty good reads! Both on Wattpad, the first one being 2p Hetalia x reader https://www.wattpad.com/story/27505396-2p-hetalia-x-reader-dangerous-love and the other being a story called “The Other Side: Bloodlust” https://www.wattpad.com/story/166236919-the-other-side-bloodlust-2p-hetalia-x-reader
I really love the 2p Nordics, Sweden in particular, but I’ve also always had a soft spot for 2p Canada! I adore how you write all these characters and I hope you enjoy the recommendations!!
I look forward to reading them. I read the summaries and I can't wait to devour them.
2p Nordics are a lot of fun to write for. I really do need to give them their own one-shot. Maybe a family outing or something. Canada is also a good one. There is something about rough men that make my heart melt.
I also wanted to thank you for the compliments. I try my best to meet y'alls expectations. I hope that I am able to maintain it.
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hibernianbok · 7 years
Mobile Masterlist! ((Will update every 2 months))
Allies sleeping with their S/o
Axis at the zoo (+Romano & Prussia
Nordics with face masks
Tomato gang 4/20 blazin it
Baltic’s + Norway, Romania and Iceland sleepover
Baltic’s + Iceland, Ideal Partner
Baltic’s + Scotland & Australia Love at first sight
Nyo Axis dating head-canons
2p Allies music head-canons 
2p America Boyfriend Head-canons 
Netherlands, Denmark, and Thailand Lost the anti-gravity hair
Nyo Allies cuddles~
2p Germany and non-binary s/o
Baltic’s + America & Seychelles Perfect person 
Nordics Chubby s/o working out and doing exercise 
Axis raising a child together 
South Africa Dating Head-canons
Norway & Iceland’s sister makes a pun
England, Germany & Prussia dating head-canons 
Netherlands and an artist S/o
Romano’s sister being cat-called 
Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Taiwan and China Dating head-canons
Allies being swamped with make-up
England, Spain, America and Norway’s child falling in love with their enemies child
Russia.Italy, Japan (+England and Germany) Fall in love Headcanons 
Germany meets a woman wearing Gothic military clothing
Japan’s s/o wants him to slice a watermelon with a sword
Nyo! Axis cuddle headcanons (Nyo!Romano + Nyo!Prussia included) 
Germany Sex Headcanons (NSFW)
Who would fall for a girl flirty in a nerdy but cute way (List)
Liechtenstein Girlfriend head-canons
France’s reaction to a pretty woman climbing the Eiffel Tower 
Germany’s reactions to a pretty woman poking him thinking he’s a bodyguard
China’s reaction to someone calling him a god
Norway, Denmark, France, England and Prussia with a Bohemian/Festival loving S/o
Italy’s Reaction to his S/o’s skirt being a bit too short
Germany’s reactions to having his younger states drinking
Germany’s reaction to a woman taking an interest in him
Spain, Prussia, Hungary and England’s reaction to their teenager making them breakfast when they’re sick
Germany’s reaction to a female friend collapses during training
England’s reaction to a girl with a pastel pink bob
Germany’s reaction to a little girl calling him “Mommy”
Prussia papa’s headcanons
Romano papa headcanons
Scotland Boyfriend headcanons
Scotland papa headcanons
Germany papa headcanons
Spain, Netherlands and Austria papa headcanons
Happy Birthday Canada & Hong Kong Headcanons
Prussia reacting to not being invited to a party for Germany
Axis (including Prussia & Romano) Reacting to their S/o never getting orgasm (NSFW) 
Happy Birthday America Headcanons
Germany’s reaction to a German woman forgetting about WW2
2p!Nordics cuddling headcanons
Italy’s reaction to his S/o freaking out in concerns to his sanity 
Scotland being broken up with
Scotland dying (Because Rommy Roo thinks hurting me mentally is fun)
Happy Birthday, Hetalia! (Headcanon for every country)
“How often do you play with yourself?” Germany/Italy/France/Canada’s reaction NSFW
China/Germany’s reaction to their S/o admitting they’re a virgin even though they made the first moves NSFW 
Prussia and Germany reaction to going to the future and seeing Borussia’s grave
Germany Boyfriend Headcanons
Happy birthday Liechtenstein headcanons!
Puerto Rico Boyfriend headcanons (With NSFW)
Axis playing chess with their S/o 
Scotland with a male S/o
2p!Sweden X 1p!Finland headcanons
Poland and Liechtenstein sleepover headcanons
Germany, Italy, America, England, and Spain reacting to a man telling them their S/o isn’t who they think she is
2p!Axis preferred type of S/o
Happy birthday France headcanons!
Germany’s reaction to his f*ck buddy liking kinky sex NSFW
China’s reaction to finding a purely communized  village 
Scotland’s wedding headcanons
Italy, Germany, Japan, Spain and France Papa headcanons
China’s reaction to his S/o telling him they were raised by their grandparents
Germany’s reaction to his photographer S/o wanting to take photos of him
Allies with an artist S/o that lacks inspiration  
Happy birthday Belgium headcanons
Germany, America, France, England and Japan’s reaction to seeing their Nyo!2p!
Germany, Italy, Romano, Russia and China’s reaction to getting an expensive gift from their child
Germany, Russia, America and France’s reaction to an 8-year-old saying they’re dating
Romano’s reaction to Italy’s girlfriend being a racist towards south Italy (him)
England and France falling in love with the same person headcanons
France, Prussia, and China reacting to finding their child crying (drunk) in the bathroom
Italy and Romano on social media headcanons 
Romano’s reaction to Spain’s flamingo dancing girlfriend actually being rather cold
Germany, England, Romania, Romano, and Spain reacting to a vampire child bitting them
Vaults and ghosts ((Scotland x reader fic))
Romano with a rebellious child part two
Pirate and NSFW Scotland headcanons NSFW
France’s reaction to his S/o’s parents wanting them to separate
Romania, England, Norway, Denmark and Prussia’s reaction to a lapdance NSFW
Nordic 5 papa headcanons
Happy birthday Switzerland headcanons! 
What 2p!England, France, and Greece look for in an S/o
Italy Bros with Nyo!Poland headcanons
Romano with a pregnant S/o headcanons
Happy birthday S.Korea headcanons!
How the American Bros would get back an Ex-S/o
England, Romano, Prussia, and Spain rasing a mermaid/merman child
America, Italy, Belgium, Spain, and Prussia helping their S/o when they’re on their  period
The past and Present ((Fanfic))
Happy Birthday Hungary headcanons!
Happy Birthday, Ukraine headcanons!
Happy Birthday Belarus headcanons!
Happy Birthday Moldova headcanons!
Nordics favorite thing that their S/o wears
Norway, England, Iceland and France Bff headcanons
Magic trio, France, and Bulgaria confession headcanons
AmeViet headcanons
How Iceland, England, France and the Baltics act around their crush
Platonic Ladonia x reader ((Minific))
Romano x reader ((Minific))
Sex with Spain headcanons NSFW
Awesome trio getting into an accident and having their S/o assigned to them
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I’ve lost count of how many there are now but I’ve been reading this one for a while and have enjoyed it. I personally like Nordics and 2p Nordics a lot so it’s sad to see there isn’t really much content for the 2ps.. Here’s the new set out for my recs now. Hope it makes it clearer. - Niklas
Fade (APH 2p!Finland x Reader)
Author: delicate-peach
Rating: Mature
Summary: (Y/n) is running away from Luciano (2p Italy), so she tries to hide and ends up running into one of the 2p Nordic family member not knowing they’re related to Thurston (2p Finland). Thurston and Luciano are fighting over (Y/n).
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aphnordicksimagines · 6 years
“Don’t touch me," you breathe, fingers trailing over Bernard's chest in defiance of your words, "You'll make me want to do something we shouldn't."
Bernard lets out a shaky exhale, putty in your hands as you tug at his shirt, dance across the canvas he makes for you. "Shouldn't we?" His own hands sit heavy at your waist, tentative in their desire for more, waiting for your consent.
Your teeth catch your bottom lip in a roll to a grin, gazing up at him playfully fond. "We shouldn't." Bernard eyes the motion, tongue darting out to wet his too-dry lips at the sight. "We really, really, shouldn't.” 
Leaning back to meet his stare firm, you reach up and tap a rhythm on his shoulder. "Until marriage remember?"
He nods as though the words have simply passed through him, left not even an impression of their passing. "Yeah… until marriage."
Leaning up for a quick peck, you smile warm to your boyfriend. His replying expression is shakier, but meets you in feeling.
Turning him around, you smack his ass as it comes into reach. "See you tomorrow, big boy." And with that, you leave him in the hallway between your rooms, darting away with a clear head and nothing in your chest but the gentle currents of a pure love.
In the hallway, Bernard stares into space, just where you left him. A hand, shaky, goes to capture his face, dragging along it exhausted.
Magnus passes him, shoulder bumping him into the wall with a snort. "Night, incel."
Incel, huh? His fists tremble.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
MasterList IV: Omegaverse and Other AUs
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Updated August 4th 17:57
Alpha Germany Headcannons
Alpha Nordic’s Headcannons (Non-Yandere) 
China falling in love with an Omega darling
Yandere Alpha Japan 
Yandere Alpha Finland Headcannons
Yandere Alpha 2p! America Headcannons 
Yandere America rejecting his Omega S/O only to realize that he misses them
Yandere Alpha Germany being cruel to his Omega darling
That one Anon that added to that Yandere! Germany ask
Yandere France with a feral darling 
Reader that gets thrown into the Omegaverse 
What dog breeds that the Allies and the Axis are in the Omegaverse
Yandere Alpha Germany with a Shy Omega darling 
Omega America Headcannons 
Just more ramblings about how the Omegaverse AU is written 
Omegaverse Germany with a Darling that has a crush on him
Yandere Alpha America and Germany w/ a darling that committed suicide 
Explanations on how you’re categorized in the Omegaverse 
Yandere Alpha Italy Headcannons 
Yandere Alpha Germany Rules 
Yandere Alpha China Headcannons 
Yandere Alpha China falling in love with an Omega S/O headcannons 
Yandere Alpha America with an Alpha Darling 
Yandere Alpha France falling in love with a Beta darling headcannons 
Yandere Alpha America with an Alpha Darling p.2
Yandere Alpha Germany X Omega Peacekeeper : Being found out 
Yandere Alpha Germany X Omega Peacekeeper : The negotiations about equal rights 
Yandere Alpha Germany x Omega Peacekeeper: The dynamics of being a captive 
Omega America on suppressants 
When two Alpha’s fight over an Omega 
How the capturing process works in the Omegaverse 
Alpha Russia with Sweet Omega S/O 
Alpha Russia with a Bratty S/O
Yandere Alpha America w/Beta Darling headcannons 
Omega America tormenting his darling 
More Lore: Lap Dogs vs Guard dogs and how all that works
Differences between Yandere Alpha America and Yandere Omega America
Yandere Alpha England (Spicy)
How being a bird works
Yandere Alpha Canada with a sweet Omega darling (Spicy)
The successful Omega Rebellion hypothetical
Fight to the death for America, Germany, and Russia
Other AU
Club-27 pt. 2
England Summoning A Demoness and Yandere America Wants Her
Judgment and Hierophant with Canada, Prussia, and Russia 
Justice and the Devil 2p America
Magical Strike America with a Metal Head Darling
The Devil, The Star, Temperance- Japan 
The Chariot and the Devil for Prussia, Germany, and Romano 
The Emperor for Evil America 
The Sun, The Devil, Temperance, & Tower America, France, Romano, Spain, & Russia 
The World and High Priestess with the Allies 
Yandere England x Unwilling Familiar Darling (Gets saved by Magical King America) 
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