#aph nedspa
melliofior · 29 days
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Rarepair week- day 5 nature
The hot summer, the dry air, and overflowing feelings were too much for each other.
This is probably my last day for my very delayed post 😭 !!!
This is a little homage to my younger self which I did another post similar to this x over 5 years ago 😭
Anyways I had fun!!! I did try this year <3
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aphspain-pure · 1 year
Alpha! England x Omega! Spain semi-AU: Sequel
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Sequel to my previous posts about young Alpha! England and Omega! Spain. This is about how England's mark affects the relationship of these two now both of them are adult nations.
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i just had a revelation that Spain x Netherlands should be the orange pairing.
Please someone make this a thing.
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arlekhino · 4 years
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Before netherlands independance, Ned was still naive and thinking Antonio was  a good guy! So little he knew what it would take for him to get rid of the spanish empire. 
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Autumn...the year's last, loveliest smile
APH | Netherlands x Spain | Autumn
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pirates-and-posies · 3 years
Spain being taller than both England AND Portugal is really fucking funny. Same applies to Ned being the tallest and only 6'0. Almost a bit homo if you ask me. Like, what are you that tall for? To please other men?? Disgusting 🙄
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keiksy-cake · 3 years
53 - Tomato Toothbrush
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The art for this comic is SO cute!! >w< You don’t know HOW tempted I was to make the vine reference “I won’t hesitate, bitch” XD
I do not own any of the content, I’m just your friendly neighborhood translator! Pixiv ID is 55497151, plz be sure to check out their page as they have a lot of other great fanart!
Cleaned Version
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askthetomatogang · 3 years
something tell me that Ned and Spain have kissed before 👀
Spain, frantically shaking his head- No! Why would you think that!? And I'm not just saying this because I was told someone would break my legs if I ever talked about it!
Romano- You're an even worse liar then Veneziano!
Belgium- So what happened? Come on I want to know!
Luxembourg- I'm rather curious too
Netherlands, at the same time as Spain- Fine but only because I know you won't drop it. It was on a battIefield and I was frustrated and he was there and wouldn't stop talking and trying to taunt me so I kissed him to make him shut up.
Spain, at the same time as Netherlands- So it was after Portugal starting seeing Japan. Netherlands was upset and I just so happened to run into him, and tried to cheer him up. Then one thing lead to another and we started kissing but he pushed me away and just said that I was not Portugal.
Portugal, laughing- Wait this happened twice!?
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rae-does-stuff · 3 years
APH Rare Pair Week 2021
Day 1: Language
Pairing: Nyo!Ned x Spa
AU: None
Human Name:
Nyo!Netherlands: Mienke de Vries
Spain: Antonio Fernández Carriedo
@aphrarepairweek2021 here’s my submission for today!
Mienke didn't know why she was up so late at night.
It was sad if you thought about it. Just Mienke, eating stroopwafel and doing paperwork at night on her birthday.
She got gifts yes, but none of her family was able to make it. Her younger brother sent a waffle recipe and her little sister sent her a check. Not bad presents but deep down she wished that they had visited her, they were neighbors after all.
But alas, nations have work to do, even on a birthday.
So here Mienke was, sitting at the dining table and eating stroopwafel and doing paperwork.
That's when she heard a knock at the door. She was confused. Why was someone knocking at her door at such an ungodly hour of the night?
Against her better judgement, she opened the door and she was very surprised at what she saw.
Antonio Fernández Carriedo holding a package with a great big smile on his face despite the cold temperatures.
He greeted, "¡Hola Holanda!*”
She was confused and asked, "What are you doing here?"
Antonio ignored the question and asked if he could step inside for a bit.
Mienke, not wanting to kick him out, let him through.
Once they were settled on the couch, Mienke asked again, "Since you didn't answer me the first time, I'll ask you again. What are you doing here?"
Antonio kept on smiling, "Well, it's your birthday isn't it? I wanted to give you your gift."
Mienke huffed, "That's not necessary."
Antonio shook his head, "It's not but I want to do this. No one should spend their birthday alone."
"Just because I shouldn't doesn't mean I can't."
"I'll give you your presents and then I'll leave, okay?"
Mienke sighed when she saw that he was dead serious, "Okay, I guess."
Toni smiled and handed her a small package, "Open it."
She did as told and had a small smile on her face when she saw what was inside.
Bunny feed and tulip seeds. Two very simple things that she wanted and needed.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Antonio, “You know, you’re very pretty when you smile.”
Mienke blushed a little, “Heel erg bedankt.*”
Antonio looked confused, since he couldn’t speak Dutch but he assumed she said thanks.
They sat in silence for a while before Mienke thanked him again, “Gracias.*”
Antonio spoke abruptly, “You’re welcome! But I really should go like you said!”
He got up to leave but Mienke stopped him, “Wait!”
Antonio waited. Mienke was at a loss for words.
Why did she tell him to wait again?
She sighed, “Take some food for the road.”
Antonio grinned and took some stroopwafel.
When they were at the doorway, Antonio froze before leaving.
He turned around and confessed, “I didn’t just come here to wish you a happy birthday.”
Mienke was confused.
He continued, “I wanted to tell you how I feel about you and how much I like you.”
Mienke asked slowly, “How… do you feel about me?”
Antonio took a deep breath and took her hand in his, “Me gustas Mienke.*”
Mienke felt her heart flutter a bit. Did Antonio actually confess that he liked her?
But the real question was, did she like him back?
Mienke decided that she did.
“Ik vind je leuk.*”
The End
¡Hola Holanda!- Hello Holland! In Spanish. I know Holland isn’t the Netherlands but the actual word in Spanish is a mouthful so I just used Holland
Heel erg bedankt- Thank you so much. In Dutch
Gracias- Thanks in Spanish
Me Gustas- I like you in Spanish
Ik vind je leuk- I like you in Dutch
Well there’s my submission! Cya later dudes!
- Rae 💜🖤
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obi-pap · 4 years
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Rare pairs with aph Spain who just also happen to be blonde and with enough numbers to form a harem - Part I 
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melliofior · 2 months
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Loyalty and Desire
He’s a loyal one and Spain likes that, sometimes it comes with lil rewards and favors !! I’d imagine since that’s what Netherlands lil bio says
Im a slower worker but ill get there slowly and surely!! Busy bee but I had fun >:) mwuahahah
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aphspain-pure · 2 years
Genderbend Gakuen AU
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I just know that, even if the Genderbend Gakuen AU is mostly a comical one, this very relationship is very dramatic and angsty. I haven't explained the whole relationship yet, but I promise I will.
Till now we only know that, for some reason Vincent doesn't treat well Toni, and doesn't want to be entangled with her. At the very same time, he dreams about holding her and her loving him tenderly. Why? We'll see eventually.
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NyoSpain (aka Toni) has two main ships in this AU: the president of the Student Council 3rd year Arthur, and {introduce backstory I haven't explained yet} 1st year Vincent. Which one do you prefer? The comic EngSpa or the dramatic NedSpa? Wanna hear about it ~
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nours-nours · 4 years
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Day 1 : Flowers 💐
When fandom nostalgia hits you hard
I drew my dudes Spain and Netherlands for the blessed @aphrarepairweek2020
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arlekhino · 4 years
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My friend saw this and we immediately thought about those morons
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coffeeecake · 4 years
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sweets-sweets · 7 years
NedPan Historical AU headcanon/fic idea
Loosely based on official Hetalia comic Netherlands and Isolationist Japan and The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet.
The story is set around mid 19th century in Japan. Edo period is in its last years, however, Sakoku, Japanese foreign relations policy under which Japan was isolated and strictly regulated the entry of foreigners to Japan is still unyielding and powerful as it always was.
Jan is a young Dutch officer of the V.O.C. (Dutch East India Company). Although he’s not a merchant, in the bizarre turn of events he found himself in, he was sent as a punishment on the trading mission to Dejima, an artificial island in the bay of Nagasaki made to be the only place where Europeans were permitted to trade with Japan. Upon arriving in this distant and exotic land, Jan is absolutely fascinated by its people and culture. But one can only learn and see so much on a small isolated island without the access to the world outside its closed gates.
However, Jan’s wish to explore and learn more about this fascinating country comes true when he’s give the pass to the city of Nagasaki. To say the least, he’s thrilled by this opportunity but hides it behind his somewhat serious exterior.
Certainly, this pass had a price on it. In agreement with Dejima and Nagasaki officials and Jan’s captain (opperhoofd), in exchange for the pass to the city, Jan has to help tutoring the Japanese Dutch scholar his own language and culture. Although the deal was made without him, Jan accepts the offer oblivious to the events that will inevitably follow.
On the first day the Dutch officer is given the pass, he is immediately taken to the city. Everything he ever witnessed in Dejima is thrown away when he sees this captivating city. Unlike on the isolated island where the experience of this country was limited and artificial, here he is directly in contact with the people and their culture. While he is still in his awe from culture shock, he is taken to the place where Dutch studies took their place. When he is taken in the building, he meets the young scholar he is supposed to tutor. Although Jan expected this scholar to be an old grumpy man, it turned out that the scholar, Kiku, was even younger than him. For the umpteenth time that day Jan is in awe upon hearing Kiku speak almost perfect Dutch. Although he’s accent is exotic and typical for someone who learnt the language only by studying it from books, there’s nothing much left for Jan to teach him. He is, however, ever so grateful that he will not be needing any additional translators walking behind him in tow and making him unnerved as they were from the moment he stepped on Dejima. The lessons were tedious and boring just like the books they’re using for studying. In the time they spent studying, Kiku is simply reading from those books and Jan either corrects his accent whenever it’s needed or explains the word Kiku doesn’t understand. The monotonous lessons quickly change after Jan stumbles upon Kiku sketching a rather peculiar dragon on his study paper. Although Kiku is visibly embarrassed for being caught in his childish antics, Jan is quite impressed with the sketch. Instead of their normal and boring lesson they spend the day simply talking, Jan sharing all the various stories and legends of European dragons and Kiku telling him Japanese tales of the same mysterious creatures. The next lesson they disregard the uneventful books once more and simply spend it in asking more curious questions about each other and their cultures.
They start spending more and more time together, not only in the Dutch studies house but also visiting all of the places they’re allowed to see in Nagasaki, simply strolling in the streets and talking about whatever crossed their minds, with Jan never casing to attract all the attention from the people on the streets who have never seen a western man before. Not only Kiku’s Dutch improves with their easy-going talks but Jan starts learning a few words and phrases in Japanese from Kiku. Small and tender stolen moments between the Dutch officer and Japanese scholar began to happen with more and more time they spend together. Stolen glances, cheeks coloured in soft pink, bolder questions being asked both ways and not so accidental brushes of their hands while walking together made them start feeling more than what was supposed for one another.
One day upon arriving late in the evening in back to Dejima to report to his captain, Jan learns that the American fleet has arrived in Japan. It means the once isolated Japan will soon be forcefully opened. What's more, it will probably mean the end of Dutch and Japanese trading. Since trading with various goods they brought on their ship has ended and the Dutch couldn’t diplomatically affect anything anymore, the captain decides to leave Japan. Everyone gets one week to prepare for the journey back to Europe.
Although Jan misses his brother and sister, he is reminded again of the reason he was originally sent on this journey and begins to feel uneasy about his return back home. Yet, all the feelings he grew in time for Kiku and hopefulness of his feelings being returned makes Jan even more sorrowful about his journey back.
The next day Jan informs Kiku of what is happening and tells him that he must leave Japan and go back to his homeland. The day is spent in unbearable silence and uneasiness.
With the day of Jan’s departure nearing, Kiku takes the matter in his hands. He knows quite well how silent and coy he can be, but that doesn’t mean he’s unobservant. With his feelings for Jan growing each time they would meet, he can’t bear to see the Dutch officer this miserable and troubled.
He decides to take Jan on their last walk around the city, visiting all of their favourite places where they shared blissful moments in each other’s company and conversations. Kiku tells him how he noticed Jan isn’t happy about going back and Jan, deciding there is nothing more to lose even is Kiku after hearing the story decides to hate him, so he to tell him the reason he was sent to Japan and is now dreading his return back home.
Kiku learns the story of how Jan met a Spanish merchant in Amsterdam, of their night filled with pleasures and how they got caught. The officials couldn’t simply strip Jan from his title and position so they decided to punish him with sending him far off on the journey. Now he dreads his return and facing his brother and sister and their reactions on his crime. Still, Jan confesses he is grateful for every mistake he had done and punishment he deserved since it all lead him to meet Kiku. To say the least, Kiku was confused. Not that he didn’t understand the story but he didn’t understand why someone would be punished for their pleasures. Jan explains how two man aren’t allowed to be with each other in Europe and Kiku makes a remark on how barbaric that is yet Europeans tend to call the Japanese barbaric even if they are much more accepting than Europeans.
After quite a few laughs and remarks on each other’s cultures, they both fall into comfortable silence. Jan was relieved because he shared his story with Kiku who didn’t run off disgusted by him in the end. Still he feels sad for this will most certainly be the last time he sees Kiku.
As they are about to depart, Kiku pulls him in a soft and shy kiss. Their lips connect only for a moment before Kiku pulls away and bows deep to apologise for his bluntness. Jan instead takes his chin and continues to kiss Kiku lovingly and tenderly.
Kiku wants Jan to stay in Nagasaki with him forever. However, they both know if he stays he will most likely be executed because of the strict Sakoku policy which denies foreigners to permanently stay in Japan. Instead, Jan begs Kiku to come back to Europe with him. Kiku, hearing so much about the Netherlands from Jan, is unsure if going there would be a good idea but Jan ensure him he will protect him, take care of him and that they will keep everything between them a secret.
Kiku knows if he leaves Japan, he can never return back, else he will be executed because of the same strict policy that doesn’t allow Jan to stay. But if they stay together in Europe, everything will be alright. Or will it?
I chose Jan as Netherlands’ name because I can’t organically digest any other name for him after reading Gutters. Also, I have a headcanon that his full name is Johannes (just like, say, Johannes Vermeer) but as a practical man he is, he uses the shorter version simply because he thinks the real one is too long.
There’s more to come (maybe?) but this is what I have for now. I had this idea about Netherlands and Japan meeting and falling in love ever since I visited Ukyo-e exhibition this winter. But I wasn’t brave enough even to put my headcanons for this story down simply because I find myself too uninformed about Japanese history, language and culture… I'm afraid I will get hate for this fictional, pseudo-historical fic, for its inaccuracy, shallowness and inadequate sources. However, I made myself finally write the summary of the first part of the story down and post it here just to see the reactions. So please let me know what you think! I really hope you liked it!
Ukyo-e | Edo Period | Sakoku | V.O.C. | Dejima | Opperhoofd | Dutch Studies
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