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aphspain-pure · 1 year ago
Alpha! England x Omega! Spain semi-AU: Sequel
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Sequel to my previous posts about young Alpha! England and Omega! Spain. This is about how England's mark affects the relationship of these two now both of them are adult nations.
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alcoraplant · 5 days ago
TB vaccine and test move to next phase in England and Wales
Commercial cattle farms in low-incidence bovine tuberculosis (TB) areas of England and Wales are being invited to participate in the next round of field trials for a cattle vaccine and new skin test. The Animal and Plant Health Agency (Apha) is looking for interested farmers and vets, who are being encouraged to volunteer and support the delivery of the project as it moves into Phase 3…
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thxnews · 1 year ago
APHA Expands Faster bTB PCR Testing Nationwide
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Innovative Testing Strategy
Breakthrough in bTB Diagnosis The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) has announced an expansion of its pioneering PCR testing method for bovine tuberculosis (bTB), following its successful initial phase. This expansion marks a significant advancement in the fight against bTB, a major agricultural challenge in the UK.  
Impact on Livestock Keepers
Rapid Result Delivery The new PCR testing method has dramatically shortened the time for reporting bTB results to livestock keepers. The reduction from a lengthy 22 weeks to a swift three weeks represents a major leap forward, alleviating the stress and uncertainty for farmers during the waiting period. With the faster PCR test results, negative cases can lead to the quicker lifting of herd movement restrictions, significantly benefiting farming operations and animal welfare.  
Technical Advancements
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, capable of directly detecting the bacterium responsible for bTB from tissue samples at post-mortem, has proven its efficacy and reliability in the initial rollout. The expanded use of PCR testing across England, Wales, and Scotland will now include a wider range of bovine TB samples such as direct contacts and animals with inconclusive skin test results.  
Official Perspectives
APHA's Commitment David Holdsworth, APHA Chief Executive, highlighted the importance of delivering faster results to farmers, noting the significant reduction in waiting time as a key achievement in APHA’s efforts against bTB. Veterinary Insights UK Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer Ele Brown said: “Timely and reliable testing is essential in halting the spread of this insidious disease in animals, and the initial rollout of the PCR test has shown a tenfold improvement in testing turnaround time. “I am pleased that its use will now be extended even further, ensuring that APHA can continue its vital role in detecting disease on farms, and give farmers earlier certainty of disease in their herd.”  
Economic and Health Context
The Challenge of bTB Bovine TB remains one of the most challenging animal health issues, with substantial implications for the UK, costing taxpayers approximately £100 million annually. The PCR test was initially implemented for a range of cases including bTB slaughterhouse cases and non-bovine animals with TB lesions identified post-mortem, as well as domestic pets and exotic species under investigation.  
Future Developments
Expanding PCR Test Coverage The expanded PCR testing is set to commence on 14 February, extending its scope to a broader range of samples and situations, aiming to enhance disease management on farms. Further details about the PCR test's capabilities and application will soon be available on the TB Hub, providing essential guidance for stakeholders.  
The APHA's expansion of the PCR test for bTB represents a crucial advancement in animal health management in the UK. By significantly reducing the waiting time for test results, this initiative not only alleviates stress for livestock keepers but also enables more effective and timely responses to bTB cases. As the UK continues to combat this costly and challenging disease, innovations like the PCR test play a pivotal role in safeguarding both animal health and the agricultural economy.   Sources: THX News, Animal and Plant Health Agency & Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs. Read the full article
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conandaily2022 · 1 year ago
Avian influenza found in elephant, fur seals on South Georgia
Experts from the Animal Plant Health Agency (APHA), which is based in Addlestone, Surrey, England, United Kingdom, detected High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (HPAI) in elephant and fur seals on the island of South Georgia. This was confirmed by the Government of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI) on January 11, 2024.
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florasearle · 2 years ago
Ruth Sykes
Senior lecturer on graphic design and illustration course at university of hertfordshire.
She founded her own founded design practise with emily wood. she is a researcher of graphic design history.
Graphics UK Women website
Most documented history within design are from men.
Baseline Shift-untold stories of women in graphic design history. Sykes wrote a chapter within this.
Dorrit Dekk (1917-2014)
Why Dekk?
Women had to work extra hard to make a career for herself. A sketch Dekk made is of her running with her portfolio in arms. Her name is a not her actual name.
Dekk got her first job in the uk government, she put it down to how good she looked in her uniform. It was easier for women to get into advertising design during this period (Dekk was rejected for theatre designer position). Dekk would sign her pieces using just 'Dekk'-suggests a more masculine name. Learnt theatre production in Vienna but had to move because of the Nazis.
1951 was her big break. She become a freelance designer and worked for the festival of britain. This was her first time being introduced to the general public. She created a mural that demonstrated party games. Dekk was a great socializer and got this job by lying that she did murals before-created a persona. She did work for Air France.
In the 1960s she created personality panels, such as UK priminiseter Harold Wilson. She got various press cuttings and made a collage.
Enid Marx-another leading pioneer in the field of design (1902-1998). Women had to sell their work. Men didn't have to work as hard-just left portfolio with them. Women were paid less. Marx wasn't allowed to sign her work.
In 2010 she produced a range of t-shirts with Tender Co.
Norma Kitson (1933-2002)
Sierra Leone have her face on her stamp. She took advantage of new technological advances to take control of her own life. She had to move to london from south africa to escape government. Her husband was imprisoned and her sister was murdered by authorities.
1950s/60s She had learnt about printing south african communist party materials. Once in england, she got a clerical job with FHK Henrion.
She set up her own typesetting company in 1973 near Red Lion Square in London. Mechanical typesetting was not a feminised environment but there had been throughout history many attempts to make it suitable for women-Delcambre Type Composer 1843. This was focused on the profitable gain of using women and child labour, but companies saw their involvement as undervaluing the job and as a result, lowering the pay of men.
During the 1970s, type setting was accessible and many women took on these jobs. The Quaderik keyboard was introduced and typing was seen as a womens job. 'If you have a typist, you have an operator'-press ad for Apha Corp advertisement, women empowered.
Kitson was not particularly feminist, she employed women as they were cheaper and unionised. She was however, left leaning and against imperialism.
Women in Type - shows the history of women in industry
Alphabettes - organisation that supports and promotes women in type
Hall of Femmes
Women in Graphic Design
Women Design
Designer (H)ers
Women in Design
Kerning the Gap-supports women in moving into senior roles in design
lwd.bournemouth-networking organisation to get women together
My question:
Would you say the feminisation of type work is still prevalent today?
Reasons associated with feminisation is unknown but Sykes puts it down to the action of typing as being an elegant task-'nimble fingers'. She also explains how type designs sometimes have curvy features associated with the female anatomy.
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petnews2day · 2 years ago
Investigation into the risk to human health of avian influenza (influenza A H5N1) in England: technical briefing 2
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/ETTH4
Investigation into the risk to human health of avian influenza (influenza A H5N1) in England: technical briefing 2
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The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is working with the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the public health agencies of the 4 nations to investigate the risk to human health of avian influenza (influenza A H5N1) in England. This briefing is produced to share data useful […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/ETTH4 #BirdNews
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gamer-logic · 3 years ago
Hetalia Platonic Ships Week Day 3: Into the World of Pokemon
After moving in with their 1ps, the 2ps have had no shortage of weird moments they've experienced. One such crazy and weird adventure would be the time the Japans got them all sucked into their newest pokemon game thanks to a new virtual reality invention. Let's see how this goes!
Dropped into various areas around the pokemon universe everyone freaks out and Luciano's particularly enrages screams can be heard everywhere. Starting in the beginner's area, everyone is separated and given their own starter Pokemon. Alfred immediately starts fanboying and runs up to every Pokemon he sees with his starter Rufflet following right behind while Allen gets his bat out as he has no idea what's happening as he's never gotten into video games and mostly tries keeping him out of trouble while eyeing everything with suspicion. Once he catches up and Alfred somewhat comes down from his fanboy high, Alfred immediately gives a fast explanation and tells Allen everything about Pokemon. Allen gets the gist of it and is really interested in Pokemon as they start exploring with his own Houndour walking beside him and his bat swung on his shoulder. France starts freaking out about his hair when a Caterpie string shots it while his Roselia fusses over it. Roselia seems to share the same personality as France. Luiz can't help but scoff and puts his cigarette out, being in a forest and all, and starts to pick a path with his Espurr and leave the two freaking out peas in a pod behind to catch up once they notice he's gone.
Arthur and Oliver get dropped somewhere nearby. Arthur is immediately taken by his Galarian Ponyta introducing her to Flying Mint Bunny. Interestingly, the pokemon can actually see Arthur's magical friends. Oliver immediately starts gushing about his Slwirlix and how helpful he is with baking. They are the only ones who can completely understand and talk to their pokemon thanks to FMB translating. They end up running into the France's and Arthur and Francis immediately start going at it. Thanks to Japan giving their starters similar personalities, Roselia and Ponyta also start bickering. Meanwhile, Oliver is gushing over how adorable Luiz's Espurr is and showing him Swirlix. Luiz, who quickly grows a soft spot for Espurr, humors Oliver.
Mathew and James end up near a stream where a Bidoof and Bibarel dam is. Thanks to countries having a natural connection to their national animal, this also extends to pokemon and they quickly befriend them, becoming the Beaver kings. Mathew has a Cubchoo while James has a gruff Teddiursa. James is immediately reminded of Kuma and how Kumajiro was as a cub and becomes extremely protective. The Bidoof and Bibarel help them find their friends. Gilbert and Klaus start out in a cave somewhere and thanks to millions of Zubat, get immediately get ejected. They come out to see a hilltop view a la BOTW. GIlbert has a Sneasel with the same mischievous streek GIlbert has while Klaus, being the trained knight he is, has a Honedge. Gilbert tries leading them but he and Sneasal immediately fall into a nearby stream because he wasn't looking. Elsewhere, Ludwig gets that strange feeling Gilbert is somewhere doing something stupid while he's petting his Riolu, and Lutz's Poochyena is napping on his stomach. The aforementioned Lutz is taking a nap on the ground. Feliciano has an Eevee and Luciano has a Zorua. Feli immediately tries to say high to every Pokemon in the vicinity and almost gets stunned by grass types, blown away by flying types, etc. Luciano wonders how he'd ever survived out here on his own without him. Flavio starts out with a Popplio and takes it in stride! He helps the, at first timid, Popplio regain his confidence by reminding him it's not the outside that matters and that he has an inner beauty that shines through. Lovino ends up with a grumpy little tsundere Pikachu and tries to find their way to the others while Flavio and Popplio are preoccupied with an impromptu photo shoot. It doesn't take long for them to reunite with Feliciano and Luciano and Feli immediately gets excited to show them his and Luciano's pokemon and meet theirs. Eevee's hyper personality exhausts Pikachu.
Ivan ends up with a Sunflora and immediately names him Sunflower. Viktor thinks it's a stupid name but d doesn't say anything because he knows Ivan loves them so much. Viktor ends up with a serious Bagon who he helps train to evolve. Yao practices martial arts with his Meinfoo while also keeping Xiao and his Aipom out of trouble. Finally, the Kiku has a Treecko for himself and Kuro has a Pawniard.
Eventually, they all manage to meet up with everyone talking excitedly or angrily about the pans sucking them into the game. Luciano especially exclaims they'll pay while Feliciano and Alfred are thanking Japan for doing something so cool. All of the countries start bonding with their partners and the Japans pass out Pokeballs and Ppkedexes for the fun has just begun. Kiku and Kuro regret nothing!
Meanwhile, in the real world: The other countries eventually notice there all missing and they come to the meeting to find them in the game. Because this is a golden entertainment moment, they immediately start passing out popcorn and watching them. Hungary almost chokes laughing when Prussia falls in the stream. Belarus has been locked in the closet after trying to destroy the game or in her words the 'device trapping her big brother.' Denmark gets jealous that he can't join the rest of the Awesome Trio. Spain feels kind of bad getting left out but likes that Lovino's Tauros. The states and provinces also sneak in and try to reverse engineer the device used to get into the game. They want a pokemon adventure too after all!
BONUS Everyone's final teams:
Alfred: Braviary, Muchlax, Elgyeam, Wailord, Charizard, Vanilluxe
Allen: Houndoom, Manidbuzz, Garchomp, Scrafty, Sigilyph, Krookodile
Matthew: Cubchoo, Bibarel, Sawsbuck, Decidueye, Togekiss, Swanna
James: Beartic, Ursurang, Pidgeot, Kangaskan, Stantler, Alolan Sandslash
Arthur: Galarian Rapidash, Mismagius, Corvinight, Gallade, Inteleon, Toxtricity Low Key
Oliver: Slurpuff, Hatterene, Male Pyroar, Wigglytuff, Alcremie, Polteageist
Francis: Roserade, Furfrou, Florges, Gardevoir, Vivillon, Tsareena
Luiz: Meowstic, Aromatisse, Thievul, Vileplume, Malamar, Granbull
Yao: Meinshao, Pancham, Spinda, Ribombee, Drampa, Relicanth
Xiao: Aipom, Pangoro, Infernape, Dragalge, Sabelye, Yanmega
Ivan: Sunflora, Abomasnow, Bewear, Mamoswine, Aurorus, Dubwool
Viktor: Salamence, Hydreigon, Avalugg, Frosslass, Shuppet, Dusknoir
Ludwig: Lucario, Manectric, Arcanine, Stoutland, Rhypherior, Lycanroc Day
Lutz: MIghtiyena, Aggron, Tyranitar, Rampardos, Slaking, Steelix
Gilbert: Weavile, Gengar, Fearow, Lycanroc Dusk, Gliscor, Male Salandit
Klaus: Aegislash, Mimikyu, Golurk, Comfey, Absol, Audino
Flavio: Primarina, Milotic, Beautifully, Glameow, Delcatty, Cincinno
Luciano: Zoroark, Honchcrow, Liepard, Noivern, Alolan Persian, Wobuffet (He just appeared at some point and Luciano couldn't get him to leave).
Feliciano: Eevee, Plusle, Smeargle, Boltund, Latias, Goodra
Lovino: Pikachu, Minun, Incineroar, Golisopod, Latios, Tauros
Kiku: Porygon, Metagross, Octillery, Lurantis, Greninja, Alakazam
Kuro: Bisharp, Ninetales, Accelgor, Kommo-o, Rotom, Samurott
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modmia · 3 years ago
BSE discovered in cow in England
BSE discovered in cow in England
One case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) has been detected in a cow on a farm in England. The animal died and has been removed from the farm in Somerset, in accordance with the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The single case of classical BSE, identified as exasperated cow illness, became once discovered this past week. Classical BSE occurs in cattle after ingesting prion rotten…
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relationstoday · 2 years ago
Findings of Salmonella in pet food continue to increase, finds report
Findings of Salmonella in pet food continue to increase, finds report
Detections of Salmonella in raw meat-based pet food in the United Kingdom have hit their highest ever level, according to a report. This poses a risk to people who handle it. Data on Salmonella reports from livestock species and in feed and pet food in England, Wales and Scotland was collected by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) for 2021. In 2021, 5,625 isolations of Salmonella from…
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flashbrosales · 3 years ago
BSE found in cow in England
BSE found in cow in England
One case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) has been detected in a cow on a farm in England. The animal died and has been removed from the farm in Somerset, according to the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The single case of classical BSE, known as mad cow disease, was found this past week. Classical BSE occurs in cattle after ingesting prion contaminated feed, according to the…
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alcoraplant · 5 days ago
TB vaccine and test move to next phase in England and Wales
Commercial cattle farms in low-incidence bovine tuberculosis (TB) areas of England and Wales are being invited to participate in the next round of field trials for a cattle vaccine and new skin test. The Animal and Plant Health Agency (Apha) is looking for interested farmers and vets, who are being encouraged to volunteer and support the delivery of the project as it moves into Phase 3…
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number1catlover-blog · 4 years ago
Worried About Cats Catching Covid 19
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Worried About Cats Catching Covid 19The UK’s Chief Veterinary Officer has confirmed that the virus responsible for COVID-19 has been detected in a pet cat in the UK. The infection was confirmed following tests at the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) laboratory in Weybridge on Wednesday 22 July. Although this is the first confirmed case of an animal infection…I hope this helps with any questions you may have about cats and covid 19. This is from the UK Government website I have keep the full article incuding about the other pet to help everyone out. so please use the links below to go the the section that you want. This has been take from the UK Government website. Stay Safe! and keep washing your hands! The UK’s Chief Veterinary Officer has confirmed that the virus responsible for COVID-19 has been detected in a pet cat in the UK. The infection was confirmed following tests at the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) laboratory in Weybridge on Wednesday 22 July. Although this is the first confirmed case of an animal infection with the coronavirus strain in the UK, there is no evidence to suggest that the animal was involved in transmission of the disease to its owners or that pets or other domestic animals are able to transmit the virus to people. The advice from Public Health England is for people to wash their hands regularly, including before and after contact with animals. All available evidence suggests that the cat contracted the coronavirus from its owners who had previously tested positive for COVID-19. The cat and its owners have since made a full recovery and there was no transmission to other animals or people in the household.catlovernumber1 #Catandcovid19 #covid19 Read the full article
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interactiveswingtrading · 6 years ago
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Marijuana For Medicinal Purposes Receives Support From Church Of England, FT Reports #mj #potstocks #aphria $CGC $APHA $OGI #church The Church Commissioners for England only supports marijuana for medicinal purposes though, not recreational. Regardless of this, it's still great news for weed stocks, and is most likely what is driving the price action today. Read the full article here
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petnews2day · 2 years ago
Bird flu (avian influenza): how to prevent it and stop it spreading
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/bird-news/bird-flu-avian-influenza-how-to-prevent-it-and-stop-it-spreading/
Bird flu (avian influenza): how to prevent it and stop it spreading
Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) is in an avian influenza prevention zone (AIPZ). By law you must follow the hygiene and disease prevention rules. This is to prevent bird flu and stop it spreading.
The main causes of bird flu in poultry and other captive birds are contact with:
wild birds, in particular waterfowl such as geese, ducks and swans and gulls
faeces from infected birds
dirty footwear, clothing and vehicles and equipment
You can speak to your vet about the specific risks to your birds. They can give you advice about practical things you can do to reduce the risk of disease.
Register your birds
If you have 50 or more poultry or game birds you must register your birds within one month after they arrive at your premises. This is a legal requirement.
If you have fewer than 50 birds you should register your birds, even if you only keep them as pets.
Check if you need to need to register your captive birds of prey.
Registering your birds means the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) can contact you during a bird flu outbreak.
Keep your birds away from other captive and wild birds
Keep ducks and geese in a separate pen or building away from other birds.
Ducks and geese do not always show signs of bird flu. This means they can quickly pass it on to other birds, such as chickens or turkeys.
Do not let poultry or captive birds from neighbouring sites or properties near your birds.
Wild birds can spread bird flu. Your birds can get infected if they:
mix with wild birds (direct contact)
are exposed to wild bird faeces, feathers or carcases (indirect contact)
Your birds’ food, water, housing or equipment can be contaminated by direct or indirect contact.
Make your property or premises unattractive to wild birds. You can use:
Check outside areas around your birds’ housing daily and remove wild bird:
Keep food, water and bedding in enclosed areas so wild birds cannot access them.
If bedding (such as straw and shavings) are stored outside they must be covered. Unwrap the bedding before you take it inside the bird house – only take clean bedding inside.
Regularly change the times you feed your birds. Wild birds can learn when poultry and other captive birds are fed and gather in the area.
Maintain bird houses and sheds
To maintain your birds’ housing:
prevent wild birds nesting or roosting on it
repair any holes or gaps to stop wild birds getting in
fix leaks to stop contaminated water getting in
fix blocked drains or downpipes to stop contaminated water getting in
remove moss from the roof – it attracts wild birds
Follow guidance to manage your birds’ housing and welfare.
If your birds are not housed
You must:
keep birds in fenced or netted outdoor areas – follow guidance about netting outdoor areas
prevent your birds accessing standing water – you can use netting to cover it (this does not apply in zoos)
keep food and water in enclosed areas so wild birds cannot access them
clean and disinfect all hard surfaces, concrete walkways, paths and similar surfaces regularly using a Defra-approved disinfectant
check your birds’ area regularly for contamination from wild birds and remove it – for example, faeces, feathers or carcasses
discourage wild birds by using bird scarers, such as scarecrows
Fence off or cover standing water and ponds
If you have open water on your premises fence it off and where possible cover it with netting to discourage wild birds. Water and wild birds can carry disease.
Control rodents and pests
Rats and mice can carry diseases on their feet and fur. Effective pest control will prevent diseases.
Control rats or mice with an approved rodenticide .
When using rodenticide make sure it does not risk the health of your birds. Read advice for rodent control and the safe use of rodenticide.
Wild animals such as foxes and dogs, cats and other livestock can also carry diseases on their feet and fur. Keep them away from your birds’ housing and food supplies.
Clean and disinfect housing
Keep your premises and birds’ housing clean at all times.
Clean and disinfect regularly:
hard surfaces
equipment such as wheelbarrows, crates, containers, buckets and plastic egg trays
vehicles (to stop disease spreading between premises)
When using disinfectant you must:
use the correct volume and concentration of disinfectant, following the manufacturer’s instructions
follow the manufacturer’s recommended dilution rate
apply pollution prevention measures to stop excessive disinfectant runoff
Do not apply disinfectants close to drinking water supplies such as reservoirs, or surface water such as streams, rivers, lakes and wetlands.
Keep all areas and access routes clean
This helps to stop wild birds and animals:
being attracted to your property or premises
entering buildings and stores
It will also reduce the risk of vehicles becoming contaminated.
You must wear clean footwear and clothing when you enter bird housing.
If you have more than one bird house you must have dedicated clothing or overalls for each house.
To access bird housing in clean footwear, you must do one of the following:
use a disinfectant foot dip before you enter and when you step out of bird housing using a Defra-approved disinfectant – this should be at least ankle deep and under cover so it’s not diluted by rain or exposed to UV light
use dedicated footwear which stays inside the bird housing – leave your general footwear outside
Do not walk on ground outside the bird housing in your disinfected or dedicated footwear.
Limit and control access to your birds
The risk of disease can increase if lots of people have access to your birds.
Keep a record of all people that visit and leave your birds’ housing (names, contact details, dates, times and purpose for the visit). This does not apply to zoos.
You can use records to contact people if you get a confirmed case of bird flu or Newcastle disease.
Protecting the welfare of your birds
You are responsible for the welfare of your birds.
When they need to be housed make sure they are calm and comfortable.
Read about how to manage your birds’ housing and welfare.
Adding new birds to your flock
If you buy new birds, always check their health before you bring them to your property.
Keep new birds separate from the rest of the flock. Talk to your vet about this and agree a monitoring programme.
You must put new birds in housing that has been cleaned and disinfected.
Use separate equipment when you handle new birds or isolated flocks.
If possible, have different people to handle new birds. If this is not possible handle the new birds last.
You must change into clean clothes and footwear when you go between new birds and your existing flock.
If you have more than 50 poultry and game birds you must register them.
If you have fewer than 50 birds you can still register them. Defra will contact you if there’s a bird flu outbreak in your area.
Rules for bird shows and gatherings
Check the rules for bird gatherings.
You must tell APHA if you’re holding a bird gathering.
If your premises has over 500 birds
There are extra requirements you need to follow to keep your birds and premises safe from disease.
You must separate your premises into 3 different parts:
Poultry or captive birds (live birds): in the Lion Code this area is known as the ‘specific’ area, and in Red Tractor this is a ‘defined biosecure area’.
Private use: in the Lion Code this area is known as the ‘general’ area, and in Red Tractor this is a ‘defined biosecure area’.
Restricted access (biosecure barrier).
Rules for the live bird part
You must:
restrict access to essential authorised personnel only
make sure all bird keepers change their footwear before entering and leaving
use different coveralls or overalls for each bird area or house
only allow essential equipment and vehicles to enter
clean and disinfect the outside of any vehicles, including strawchoppers, forklifts and pallet trolleys (particularly wheels and wheel arches) when entering and leaving
clean and disinfect equipment that enters or leaves
keep records of any vehicles and personnel that enter and leave
You must clean and disinfect housing and equipment at the end of a production cycle and when new birds are introduced.
Rules for the private part
You must:
restrict access to essential personnel only
carry out full biosecurity practices when entering and leaving
have a clear boundary between the private part and the live bird part
hold waste and fallen stock in biosecure facilities in this part, completely separate from the live bird and the restricted access biosecure part
clean and disinfect the exterior of any vehicles, including fork-lifts and pallet trolleys (particularly wheels and wheel arches) when entering and leaving
Egg producers should:
make sure the packing, handling and storage of second quality eggs are managed in a biosecure way
clean and disinfect plastic egg trays before they’re used
keep records of egg production
Rules for the restricted access (biosecure barrier) part
You must:
restrict access to essential personnel only
not let any non-essential vehicles enter
not feed wild game birds within 500m of this part of the premises
All bird keepers must regularly inspect bird housing including roofs, gutters and downpipes for holes and leaks.
Repair any holes or leaks immediately. Water can carry disease.
Keep records of bird movements, deaths and eggs
Keep records of:
any birds that die
movements of birds and eggs, on and off your premises
your birds’ food and water consumption
how many eggs your birds produce
Damaged eggs, dead birds and manure
These can carry disease. Dispose of them quickly and appropriately. Follow guidance for:
Bird flu vaccinations
Poultry and most captive birds cannot be vaccinated against bird flu. Vaccination is not a routine measure to control the disease.
Zoo birds in England can be vaccinated, but you must get authorisation from APHA.
Read the bird flu vaccination guidance and apply to have your zoo birds vaccinated.
Protecting people from bird flu
Bird flu mainly affects birds. It can affect humans and other mammals. The UK Health Security Agency advise that the risk from this bird flu strain is very low.
The Food Standards Agency advise that it is safe to eat properly cooked poultry and poultry products, including eggs.
For more advice go to the:
Follow Health and Safety Executive advice to protect workers from bird flu.
Landowners, local authorities and other organisations can download and print bird flu posters to display on site when there is a risk of bird flu or if bird has been detected in the area.
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gamer-logic · 3 years ago
Hetalia Platonic Ships Week Day 2: Coronvirus Chaos
When the virus hit, all the countries were forced to cancel the meeting and quarantine at their respective houses, and use zoom. Here are my headcanons of how the 1p and 2ps would fair!
Americans: With quarantine active, Alfred and Allen had to stay home which also meant the states stay too. Because this is our lovable all-American family, they go full-on zombie apocalypse mode with California and New York trying to panic buy all the toilet paper. Needless to say, they're not on grocery duty anymore. After this initial panic, things start out fine despite Alfred's meltdown about not getting to go to McDonald's anymore and Allen's subsequent victory lap because he won't have to be near the junk anymore. As their giant house is built on an estate because where else is big enough to put fifty kids and various farm and exotic animals including a large enough pool for Ameriwhale, and workshop with various vehicles Allen immediately takes control of the kitchen from Alfred and is dead set on making him eat better. He also gets the kids in on it and soon enough Alfred is hogtied to his chair, courtesy of Texas, and trying out every vegan dish Allen wants. The kids are wild and it doesn't take long for cabin fever to start kicking in though, but both Alfred and Allen are able to mitigate this by planning daily hikes and other outdoor activities. Oregon doing yoga much to the chagrin of a sailor mouthed New Jersey, Texas and Arizona teach everyone the ways of the wide-open range and many survival skills. Lastly, everyone has many movie marathons beginning with, of course, Marvel. Tony also joins them after coming out of his video game hibernation. One question why no one's one's thought to ask Tony about making a cure for the pandemic with his alien tech. Though that may be a good thing as who knows how that alien stuff would affect a human.
Americans: With quarantine active, Alfred and Allen had to stay home which also meant the states stay too. Because this is our lovable all-American family, they go full-on zombie apocalypse mode with California and New York trying to panic buy all the toilet paper. Needless to say, they're not on grocery duty anymore. After this initial panic, things start out fine despite Alfred's meltdown about not getting to go to McDonald's anymore and Allen's subsequent victory lap because he won't have to be near the junk anymore. As their giant house is built on an estate because where else is big enough to put fifty kids and various farm and exotic animals including a large enough pool for Ameriwhale, and workshop with various vehicles Allen immediately takes control of the kitchen from Alfred and is dead set on making him eat better. He also gets the kids in on it and soon enough Alfred is hogtied to his chair, courtesy of Texas, and trying out every vegan dish Allen wants. The kids are wild a and it doesn't take long for cabin fever to start kicking in though, but both Alfred and Allen are able to mitigate this by planning daily hikes and other outdoor activities. Oregon doing yoga much to the chagrin of a sailor mouthed New Jersey, Texas and Arizona teach everyone the ways of the wide-open range and many survival skills. Lastly, everyone has many movie marathons beginning with, of course, Marvel. Tony also joins them after coming out of his video game hibernation. One question why no one's one's thought to ask Tony about making a cure for the pandemic with his alien tech. Though that may be a good thing as who knows how that alien stuff would affect a human. Alfred likes to mess with the filters on the screen to tick off Authur but gets serious when it matters. Also, Tony hacks into the meeting from time to time to hear updates so he can better understand how to cure the virus and also troll everyone. Allen is running damage control to keep the kids from killing themselves and they'll often switch.
The Canadians: Similar to the Americans with how they're quarantined at home with the 13 provinces. They actually start panic buying too. However, instead of toilet paper, they buy up everyone's pancake ingredients and a bottle of maple syrup insight into every normal human's befuddlement. Hey, feeding 13 kids is hard! Unlike the states, the 13 last even shorter t thanks to Quebec who sees a prime opportunity to rebel once more. As for groceries, Quebec gets them for his punishment. Kuma and Kumajirou provide great comfort to animals when it starts getting tense and anxious due to cabin fever. Not only that, but they bring home the literal bacon with James when he goes hunting. Watching Kuma go pounding through the woods with Kuma on his back is a sight to behold and has since gained over 5 billion views on Utube. Everyone helps out in remedying this by creating a ginormous fort for them all to sleep in. This eventually includes Quebec when his punishment ends. Kuma likes sitting in Canada's lap during zoom meetings while James often struggles with keeping the provinces in check. Cue him doing an exact impression of the video with the woman sliding in like she's on ice to get the kids out while her husband is on video.
The Frenchmen: Francis, the drama queen that he is, freaks out about not being able to go out anymore and being forced to wear such ugly masks. Luiz could care less as this is exactly what he's been doing and just carries on until he hast to calm Franics' shrieking at how he'd been forced to home and not go shopping anymore. Francis ends up collaborating with Flavio in his new mask line to remedy the 'threat to fashion everywhere.' He also keeps up with his and Author's rivalry by mail, fondly reminding him of the previous years dealing with ink and a quill. Both Francis and Author have their own chatroom dubbed 'Britain and France's fighting chatroom," or more affectionately, "The 100 years chat."
The German Brothers: They all buy up the beer and Ludwig starts implementing extra training because 'you can't let a pandemic let you get soft! Now run like you're running from a human-sized germ!' Their house soon becomes a minefield with the prank war Lutz and Prussia initiate. Klaus loves the extra peace and quiet he's been getting now. Blackie, Astor, and Berlitz are happy their humans are home much more often now and are getting very spoiled. Ludwig takes control of the computer while on zoom because he knows what the others would do with they got it. Lutz and Gilbert keep making fart sounds and shuffling noises in the background, leaving Klaus to just sigh and a tomato face Ludwig to stammer on with the meeting.
The Italians: Flavio takes one look at the masks and immediately gets inspired for a new, pandemic edition, line of masks, and mask-related cloths including the two in one mask dress. Luciano let all his men go home with their only orders to be safe and stay healthy as he's not willing to relive the Black Plague. Lovino will never admit this, but he's kind of glad for the pandemic since it's given him the chance to spend time with his brother. Though this doesn't;t stop Spain from calling to check in 3 times a day. Feliciano tries to do all kinds of new things to keep everyone's spirits up and is also the guy who stole all the store's pasta, tomatoes, and sauce. Flavio makes all four of them show up fashionably late to the zoom conference despite it being online.
The Russians: Viktor keeps up with his work as much as possible and both he and Ivan have to hide their grins when their president has to quarantine. They don't really like him much. Ivan tries looking at pictures of sunflowers to keep himself occupied. He fears the loneliness quarantine brings, but Viktor tries to be around more so he doesn't get so lonely as he's also felt that pain before. He doesn't want Ivan to be like him who doesn't have friends nor the time for them. Out of the two, Viktor is the most serious about his work and is often seen using zoom for meetings.
The Japanese: Both are enjoying the introvert's paradise but are also worrying over the rising cases in their countries especially since they had to host the Olympics. They did so flawlessly but also struggled in keeping things as stable as possible. They both hold guilt for putting their citizens in such a dangerous situation. Both end up doing a video game/anime marathon with the rest of the Otaku club over zoom. Kuro sets to work refining his swordsmanship skills and actually starts forging new ones. He's a great weaponsmith! Kiku also takes the time to practice his calligraphy. They're the one's who'd have anime playing in the background or their cat, Japaneko, getting in the way.
And last but not least, the ones who started it all, the Chinese: Yao continually works around the clock trying to analyze the bad and how the pandemic got out of hand. Xiao ends up being the one who actually started this because he dared the guy to at the soup. He feels a lot of guilt over this and, in a rare showing of maturity from him, is also working by Yao to fix his mistake that not only risked his and everyone else's people but also killed so many. The pandemic will likely be one of their greatest shames. On a lighter note, Yao can't figure out how zoom works and Xiao likes programming troll hacks into the computer to mess with him.
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potatonewstoday · 5 years ago
Agrico UK steps up technical support for seed growers
Agrico UK steps up technical support for seed growers
With the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) having to cut back its inspection programme in the midst of continued COVID pressures, alongside increasing aphid issues, Agrico has upped the level of technical support offered to seed potato growers. Charlotte Cunningham (@CharCunningham) reports for CPM (Crop Production Magazine).
For growers in England and Wales, the cutting back of APHA’s…
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