#aph 2p romania
renonv · 10 months
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A comic in which Romano gets sent to alt universe, says fuck 5 times, and Antonio attempts British murder off screen
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roran01 · 5 months
Stupid headcanons for NyoRomania and 2pRomania:
-NyoRomania's name is Valeria but the surname is up for debate.
-Personally I like tying her hair in a ponytail.
-She fits somewhere between ghotic and skater girl aesthetics.
-Pink, red and black colors are in her league.
-A little troublemaker but so is Ro sometimes. A little mischievous, a little menace.
-Too honest for her own good, too dismissive about it as well.
-She keeps making that stupid uwu face.
-Her sense of normalcy is as screwed up as Ro's.
-She slaughtered a pig at the age of 10.
-Makes sexual jokes to get a reaction out of people.
-If "fuck around and find out" was a person.
-Ask her if she'd fuck one of her clones, she'd say yes without thinking.
-Cause technically she had a crush on her male 2p version once. "Is that fucked up?"
-She's a bully, bully her back in self defense.
-NyoBulgaria is the only one who can stand her bullshit. 15 minutes, no more.
-She has a type for cold and distant but cool men (but that's her problem tho..)
-Technically that's how she thought NyoHungary was until she realized he was kind of a doofus.
-She's asking to catch these hands 24/7.
-Unable to detect the red flags even in 4K.
-She likes NyoBelarus and he's the only guy she's been shy about so far.
-2pRomania's name is Dragoş, again surname for debate.
-He's a redhead with blue eyes (crucify me for this if you want, idc.)
-Both him and his 1p loved archery as kids but he switched to guns as he grew up (got a collection)
-Shooting dummy targets as a hobby.
-Wears mostly blacks and grays like his soul dies inside every day.
-"Black coffee liek ma soul" :v
-His expression is hard to read, he's poker faced all the time
-And with that he can be unpredictable. So let's see what it takes for him to snap
-He'll glare at you for gifting him stuffed animals (he keeps them well cleaned in his room tho, gives some to his brother)
-He's more kind mannered with children.
-The sarcasm is on another level (He can be very unserious sometimes)
-You can give him the most inspiring, cinema worthy confession/compliment and he'll say "thanks"
-He's the type who shows his gratitude better through actions instead of words.
-He's painfully honest too.
-Can't stand the cigarette smoke.
-Also, since our honor guard uniforms are blue, I like to make him wear one as a default clothing so it contrasts with the red overcoat Ro's wearing
May update later
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ask-mermaid-romania · 4 years
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“Who are you?”
“I don’t know they look weird.”
“I think they look pretty!”
Vasska, Vladmir and Violet are open for asks!
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ask-the-aph-avatar · 5 years
Hey Aurel do you have any other siblings? Other then your sister?
"I have two older brothers!"
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"Well technically Vasile is my half brother but he's still my big brother none the less! He was a great firebender and even helped my dad teach people! And Luca was a non-bender but he was an amazing sword master!"
"Though... I haven't seen them since the fire lord took them and my dad away."
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nekostar4004 · 2 years
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Drew 2p Romania because I was bored
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ask-2p-hetaliaaa · 3 years
2p Romania for the lovely @key13
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iffyraga · 2 years
Romania 2p (Hetalia) OC
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Update on how the hetalia paper dolls are doing I have ten so far and I’m planning on getting the entire cast so I better pick up the pace big time (ignore everything in the back my room is an absolute mess)
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I have two questions: are 2p Romania and Moldova Slavs? Does 2p Romania get along with Hungary or 2p Hungary?
//Yes. While 1P Romania and 1P Moldova lean more Latin, their 2P counterparts lean more Slavic.
As for 2P Hungary:
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They don’t like her very much.
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Meet my classmates!!
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Lottie: "They told me it was okay to introduce them, so there you go!~"
//Yes, they're not a full 20-student class cause I don't have enough creative power to make a plot/story for everyone, so please accept just them. There are other characters I have to figure out too ahshajahaha
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More and more articles on holders and their most embarrassing moments flooded the press by an anonymous journalist who always seemed to be there at the worst time possible
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And who was this journalist exactly?
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Vasile Ardelean, a 23 year old journalist who's been living in Paris for the past five years, and documenting all that happens
ask box: open
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askthetomatogang · 4 years
Daan- So what now? I mean we're kind of at a stalemate here, you have me pinned against the wall but you're using both hands so you can't knock me out. But you can't let me go to do anything either or I'll just escape, do you want to talk about something?
Luxembourg- Just be quiet I'm trying to think here! Romania the doors open, can you do anything to help?
Romania- I'm not even sure i can walk right now
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Okay so, what do you think of Other Warsaw Pact countries? Do you have good relations with them?
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“As I see it, we are just a military alliance. Most of them seem to have nothing against but we are not friends either. Erzsébet hasn’t spoken to me in civil since ‘56, Gilbert doesn’t talk to me much anyways and otherwise… I think we are all fine with each other? Correct me if I’m wrong though, I’m not sure if I’m reading the situation right. I like Ivan though, I’m not sure if the decision to trust him was the best one in my life but he was there when I needed him.”
[1967 historical event]
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ask-mermaid-romania · 4 years
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"Ah! Hello is someone there? My name is Violet!"
"Great, more people."
Nyo Romania
Flapjack octopus
2p Romania
19-20 ish
Vampire squid
Ask box: open
Part of @aph-aquaverse-hub
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Singur ran down the side walk before sharply turning and hiding behind a corner as he leaned on the wall, trying to calm down his breathing and keep himself from crying again. He barely even noticed how close he was to a certain townhouse. (@ask-miraculous-Romania)
Hálogi was slowly heading home from his round and time spent practicing the latest part. Taken, he was only a supporting character. He still felt the thrill that he couldn’t deny. He just felt different and stopped his holder time to only an hour of time spent on top of a high building before heading home for the night.
However, he had been trying to contact his mama, Vlad for the past day. After that absolute ridiculous article on him, he was worried all day. Scrolling down the many messages he sent that day. He was angry, yes, so angry that he wanted to wring the writer’s neck. But he continued and focused with his breathing and hoped his anger will lessen. He knew it couldn’t leave him, it was impossible but for something to help him slowly lessen the anger was better than leaving it untamed.
Though he paused, the sound of someone crying. He pressed his lips as he wasn’t the type to talk to people outside the family group he had. But he has been trying to make a goal for himself to open up. Even if it was just a little.
So he followed the sound, his footsteps were light and whilst he swallowed down. Feeling his hands clammy, even when he had opened his horizons, why was he so nervous talking to a stranger. This wasn’t like him usually, but the sound of crying caused him to panic.
❝ Are you alright? ❞ he spoke out as he turned the corner to see a monochrome person? But upon closer inspection, he could see what seemed like wires sticking out from the torn parts of the sweater. The heart so easily seen through what seemed like a window, all tangled by the wires.
Hálogi then knew, he was facing an Akuma.
[ @ask-miraculous-romania ]
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nekostar4004 · 3 years
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Made a yandere version for myself.
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