#aoyama child
yugiohz · 1 month
much to be said about bnha but why are people saying aoyama shouldn't be forgiven, he is literally a child and his parents made a deal with japan's biggest GROOMER when aoyama was 5, he literally had no choice in anything like what
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autumn0689 · 4 months
How can anyone look at this boy having a mental breakdown due to a combination of being stressed and feeling so guilty and say that he deserves to be locked up! He does not need to be put in prison! He needs to be put in THERAPY!
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aspureasamelody · 10 months
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Seeing everyone dressed up as bunnies is so cute, I had to revisit it before the year of the rabbit was over
Look as Zakuro and Minto cuddling together in the corner!
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chaoflaka · 4 months
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I know there was suppose to be a symbolic meaning in these shots. But this made me laugh so much.
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creatively-cosmic · 6 months
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Perhaps in another lifetime, things could have been different.
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killapunk · 1 month
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tokyo mew mew fanart in the year of our lord 2024 god who am i.. i've been in a super art funk so i just wanted to make some incredibly basic sketches... pie was the first drawing on the canvas because i wanted to see him with long hair and then i made 4-year time skip hairdos for all 3 alien boys + post-DB!aoyama... what if he grew his hair out what if his ears were a lil pointier. what then.
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hella1975 · 3 months
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Tw: izuku’s self sacrificial tendencies and low self esteem
Izuku being so self sacrificial and just 1000% willing to die for his friends, and really just for anyone, and his friends are so fucking stressed about it :/
Like. It’s so unhealthy, but this kid is just willing to die to protect his friends and genuinely doesn’t understand why it freaks them out. He one time tells them point blank, “I’d die for you” and doesn’t understand why they’re like, “maybe let’s not do that????” He’s just so used to people not caring if he dies, and he thinks that it’s an okay/healthy way to show love and affection
Like, I imagine it is most detrimental with kiri, Shouto, Iida, Uraraka, Aoyama, and tsu. Like kiri is so insistent on telling izuku how manly he is, and how he admires him, and he starts to see how little izuku values his own life and it freaks him out. Like, izuku just doesn’t understand why they’re all telling him to stop and slow down, or why he needs to not jump into fights without backup. But instead keeps telling them that he’d be fine if he died protecting his friends, and it’s so earth shattering to them all
Shouto understands a bit more where izuku is coming from, but he is just so terrified of losing his first friend. Todoroki “ride or die” Shouto does NOT approve. He tries to stop izuku from putting up with bakugou’s bullshit too. He can see how bakugou impacts izuku’s mental health, and he’s the first one to try and separate them and keep izuku out of harms way. Because he knows what being around someone who torments you does to a person, and izuku, who’s so idiotically brave and kind, who sticks his nose in other people’s business for the sake of heroism and wanting them to feel safe, fucking deserves to have the same kind of annoying, amazing, really fucking odd help and support. And if Shouto can provide it, then of course he will
Iida has seen first hand how willing izuku is to jump in to protect his friends-they all have, but I’m talking about the hosu incident-and he’s so grateful for izuku helping him there, but Jesus does it terrify him how izuku just keeps doing it with no regards for his own life. He almost lost tensei, he can’t lose izuku
Uraraka knows how strong izuku is, they all do, but this dude is stressing her the fuck out with his lack of self preservation. She needs her best friend alive, thank you??? She admires him so much in the beginning, his bravery and heroic personality, and that continues, but she’s coming to realize that some of that bravery comes from such a horrible place of not caring if he lives or dies and she’s horrified
Aoyama. The fucking guilt he has right now. Because he knows where izuku is coming from to some degree, and he knows that it’s partially his fault. That if he wasn’t in cahoots with the L.O.V., izuku wouldn’t be so. Like this. He’s not stupid, he knows he’d still be like this. But he wouldn’t have the added pressure of wanting to protect Aoyama, his friend. And Aoyama doesn’t know what to do because he has to help keep his parents safe, but holy shit, what if izuku actually gets killed??
Tsu is rational, but she’s also good at looking at things from other people’s perspectives. But it just hurts so much to see how izuku views his self worth. She understands to a degree, because he grew up with pretty shitty influences (bakugou, the entirety of Aldera middle school, etc.), but she also does. Not. Get. It. She doesn’t want to get it. She loves her friends, and she knows they’re strong, hell, she’s strong as hell, but it’s just terrifying that this 16 year old, who is one of her best friends, who has saved all of their lives several times, is just so. Lackluster when it comes to keeping himself safe.
Mic (because it wouldn’t be one of my rants if I didn’t include my desire for this man to adopt me, but since that can’t happen, we project into also wanting him to adopt izuku) is just so devastated that this kid, a fucking child, a baby has to fight in a goddamn war. This is ridiculous. But just that he’s also so willing to die for literally anyone???? He’s seen where that got Oboro, and fuck if it doesn’t terrify him that, what if the green bean gets irrevocably hurt?? He’s such a kind, and thoughtful, and smart kid, but he’s also so fucking stupid. He doesn’t even mean it as an insult, it’s just so frightening that this child he’s supposed to be protecting is taking it upon himself to try and fix this major issue that has gotten multiple adults, pro-heroes, killed, maimed, and otherwise injured. AND HE IS A 16 YEAR OLD WITH A SHIT LOAD OF TRAUMA. FUCK. And he can’t even do much to try and keep him out of harms way! Hell, the kid isn’t even in his homeroom! But the war is coming and he can’t keep any of the kids away from it, and that’s even worse.
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Aoyama: wearing a Christmas hat on November 1st
Mina: Aoyama, why are you wearing a Santa hat?
Aoyama: tis the season :)
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outlying-hyppocrate · 2 years
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aspenforest732 · 9 months
Bello Licentiae Chapter 4: Discoveries
tw: arrest, mentions of: bribery, child endangerment, child abuse, and neglect Akira meets the League properly this time 'text' JSL Text thoughts
As Akira walked up to their door, they belatedly realized they didn't make enough onigiri to feed ten people. Maybe they already ate? With a huff, they jimmied the door and placed their crutches a little harder as they walked through the genkan to signal who entered. The smell of miso soup wafted out from the living room tinted with alcohol.
"Aki-tan!" Toga cheered, running full tilt at Akira out of the living room.
Startled, Akira pivoted to the side and whipped out a crutch against her shins. They blanched and quickly signed, ' Sorry! Wasn't expecting that, ' as they helped her up.
Dabi and Twice cackled from the living room as Magne ducked through the doorway, concern written on her features. "Are you kids okay? She didn't stab you, right?"
Gaze flicking between the two, Akira shifted slightly away from the towering woman. 'I'm fine, and no, Knife Dancer just startled me. I brought onigiri, although I wasn't expecting this many people, ' Akira signed awkwardly.
"Good, we told you to avoid that at least the first time," Magne gently scolded her. Toga pouted but let Magne herd her back into the living room. "My JSL is a little rusty, but that's a cute call sign for Toga. Come on, we'll introduce everyone properly now that you're one of us."
The first time? Akira hesitantly followed, giving a small, awkward wave as they eyed the cramped space. Shigaraki sat with his back against the closer armrest of the couch. Twice sat closest to him and Dabi on the far side. Toga flopped in between them as they sobered up under Magne's disapproving glare.
Kurogiri leaned lightly against a tiered cart with multiple types of alcohol and mixers set up by the sliding glass doors. Magne grabbed a fancy pink drink off it and settled on one of the floor cushions between a tense Aoyama and Mr. Compress. He tipped a cup of tea to her that was definitely not from the apartment. Spinner stood brooding on the far wall while looking out onto the balcony, which was empty of even stray birds.
Akira froze, lightly worrying their lip as all eyes turned to them. After a moment, realization crossed Dabi's face and he stood up. "Double Trouble, off. Stabby, slide over by Hand Job." Shigaraki bristled at the nickname but just flipped him off as Toga slid over.
"Okay," Twice piped up. "Fuck off!"
He scrambled off the couch when Dabi swirled cerulean fire from his hand. Akira flinched, taking half step back. ' It's fine, I can manage for today, ' they hurriedly signed.
"Pipsqueak, you're fine," Dabi drawled as he settled in the middle of the couch. "They're just here to officially meet you." His calculating eyes promised a conversation after they left, but his body language held the protective tension they'd come to recognize whenever he spoke of the League.
Akira hesitantly moved to the couch and set their crutches against the side furthest from Shigaraki. Dabi lightly rested an arm across their shoulders without weighing them down. They let themself lean into the grounding touch while looking around at the assembled villains.
After a long moment, Kurogiri broke the silence, "Would you like some tea?"
Akira nodded and busied themself with taking the yaki onigiri out of their backpack. They set the bag of treats on the low table next to a pot of miso soup and unzipped their dedicated medical compartment for some cold compresses. Magne introduced herself with the call sign Polaris, Aoyama said Sparkles was fine, Mr. Compress with Marbles, Shigaraki with Calamity, Spinner with Gecko, Kurogiri with Black Fog, Toga liked Knife Dancer, and Twice with Double Trouble.
"Are you okay, Aki-tan?" Toga asked, leaning forward to look at them more closely past Dabi.
Akira nodded and gestured for Dabi to explain as they unhooked the lower part of their pants and adjusted their braces to hold the compresses in place.
"Their family's a bunch of bastards like my old man, so they need pain management," Dabi said bluntly. Akira snorted but nodded again as they felt the room refocus on them. Sitting back up, they noticed Aoyama in particular looking at them strangely. He quickly looked away, taking interest in his own tea.
"Why'd you main hero brat if your family's so awful?" Shigaraki spat out.
Akira took a long swig of tea before signing, ' Justice. Or revenge, depending on how you look at it. ' Chamomile. Good for calming nerves. After a moment of focusing on the warmth from the mug, they added, ' All for One offered the resources and quirks I need to carry that out. His solution would've resulted in the least deaths and least innocents and civilians in danger. '
"My dear, we would certainly like to help you take down the Inoue. I think I speak for all of us when I say that from what we've seen of you, they must be truly horrific individuals," Mr. Compress said.
Akira shook their head, ' There's not much you can do right now without the Doctor and All for One. They have the quirks I need for testing the viability of my Plan A. Since Wildfire said everyone was here, I'm assuming you don't have a way to contact the Doctor? '
"No," Kurogiri said before Dabi finished interpreting. Akira looked over to him in surprise even as the mist briefly flickered and shifted. After a moment, he continued, "Will you require contact with the Doctor before you start working with us?"
Akira swallowed thickly around the lump in their throat and took another sip of tea. Eyeing the League, they tried not to linger too long on Dabi. Who knows what they'd discovered about his situation. ' What would you want me to do? All for One never got to specifics. '
"Sparkles told us about you and the green brat's habit of cataloguing peoples' quirks, strengths, and weaknesses," Shigaraki said, standing up with a gaming console hanging from its wrist strap. "Bring us some of your assessments on the students and teachers, and we can talk."
Akira briefly froze before letting their now-shaking hands set the cup of tea on the low table. ' I'm not giving you information that could get them killed ,' Akira signed stiffly as they tried to hide the tremors. ' You can't forcefully take them, either, since they're heavily encrypted. '
Shigaraki scowled and started scratching at his neck, drawing Kurogiri closer. Akira cocked their head as they recognized the agitation and the scar patterns. With a glance at Dabi, they dug back into their pack and pulled out moisturizer. ' Pink Queen insisted I add it to my kit. This should help Hand... Calamity, ' Akira explained as Dabi gave an amused snort at their slip.
Kurogiri shifted back to them and asked, "What is that?"
' Moisturizing cream? Pretty sure they make ones specifically for dehydration quirks, too. I thought the scar patterns looked a bit off for disintegration... ' Akira's fingers twitched towards their notebooks, but they just made a mental note to correct their entries later. As Kurogiri helped Shigaraki apply the cream, Akira was struck by a thought. They reached back into their backpack and fished out two of their notebooks.
Aoyama's eyes went wide as he stiffened, and Spinner finally looked up with interest. His voice dripped with contempt, "So what, now you're going to help us?"
Akira waved him off as they flipped to the entry for Shigaraki. All the villain entries were in plain text, so they just erased his quirk description and scribbled down a few notes next to questions about the scar patterns and lingering effects. ' I have entries like this for each of you. I can give my analysis, and if you answer my questions, I can tailor it more. ' Akira flipped to Toga's entry and handed it over.
She pouted, "What do you mean, 'severe fluctuation repercussions?'"
'You don't drink blood on a regular basis, right?' At Toga's nod, they continued, 'Quirks fueled by blood require daily intake. Otherwise, you go into starvation mode, which negatively affects your physical and mental health. You wouldn't need much, only twelve ounces or so once you get used to not needing to gorge yourself.'
"Do me!" Twice said eagerly before his expression under the mask darkened. "We don't need to know more about our cursed quirk," he snapped.
Letting Toga keep the notebook for now, Akira hesitantly signed, ' I was actually hoping to get your help at some point. I'm trying to figure out an aspect of my own quirk that is similar to yours and Ectoplasm's. My clones should theoretically be able to use my quirk, but I'm struggling to get them to activate it. Your quirk is one of the few Stranger primaries I've seen trained. Knife Dancer's is another, but blood quirks work very differently. ' They passed their nomu notebook to Dabi to give to Kurogiri, who watched them with an unreadable expression obscured by the haze. ' Calamity's entry is later in the notebook Knife Dancer has, but this is what I have on you and other nomu. '
"Kurogiri's not a nomu," Shigaraki snapped, but he seemed marginally more relaxed with the moisturizer shining on his neck.
Akira cocked their head, ' You're listed as one, though, in All for One's files. I didn't look much into your file since I was pretty familiar with your quirk, but... ' Taking in the League's shock, including Kurogiri, they frowned. ' You really didn't know? How far back can you remember? '
Kurogiri hesitated then his mist started to distort and whip about, exposing flashes of a more solid form underneath. Shigaraki stumbled back as Magne leapt to her feet and took an uncertain step forward, hand outstretched. After a moment, the mist settled and Kurogiri answered flatly, "I can recall very little before All for One. Approximately fourteen years ago."
Akira squinted at Kurogiri, trying to make out the flash of a face they saw underneath. ' We can try to find out who your base is from breaking down your quirk but seeing your face would probably help. '
"I..." The mist distorted and stretched as Kurogiri clutched his head. Leaning forward supported by Dabi's arm, Akira could just make out ashy, tanned skin and fluffy blue hair before it settled again, and Kurogiri stiffly straightened. "That will be unnecessary."
Something about the blue hair tugged at the back of their mind, but Akira brushed it to the side as a wren darted onto the balcony, landing to rest on the railing. Their phone dinged a reminder. ' The arrest should be happening soon. I don't know if you want everyone here...? ' Akira trailed off, glancing between Dabi and the others.
Dabi huffed and started playing with a small flame over his knuckles, "You should go before someone sees you. You've met Pipsqueak now, so fuck off."
"Bye, Aki-tan," Toga waved, tossing back their notebook before she followed the group through Kurogiri's gate. After a moment, Kurogiri gave them the nomu notebook back then disappeared through his own gate.
Akira slumped back into the couch, utterly drained. Curling up, they switched on the news as Dabi lazily rolled a glare their way. "So, All for One?"
Akira silently groaned and shifted to lean against Dabi, carefully avoiding his skin grafts. As they explained what happened after All for One took them, Dabi carded his hands through their hair and awkwardly rubbed gentle circles on their back. As Akira finished explaining why they couldn't go to the heroes they otherwise trusted, Dabi froze and stared at the screen.
Embarrassed heat flooded their cheeks as Akira remembered why they'd requested the weekend off campus in the first place. They jolted up, signing a quick ' sorry ' and setting up the onigiri and tea. Tsukauchi, Fat Gum, and Present Mic led Endeavor in quirk suppressant cuffs out of his agency while sporting a few burns that seemed mild from what they could see. Eraser slipped away with a flicker of movement the reporters didn't comment on. Endeavor was clearly fuming and glared daggers at the arresting heroes and any who dared come close to the group as he was roughly maneuvered into Tsukauchi's patrol car.
Dabi stared at the screen as the reporters started speculating on the charges and whether the people arresting Endeavor were under some kind of quirk. Akira hesitantly started to reach out but retracted as they realized he wasn't aware of his surroundings at the moment. Instead, they poured a bowl of soup and pressed it into his hands. His shaking hands slowly slowed as warmth seeped into them.
Once Dabi's fingers curled around the bowl instead of simply supporting it, Akira shuffled a little closer and draped a cool, damp towel on his neck. Eventually, the news cut to a press conference hosted by Tsukauchi and Fat Gum giving an overview of the charges of child abuse, neglect, bribery, and child endangerment. Dabi finally let out a shaky breath and set the soup down before reaching a hand up to the towel and glancing over to Akira.
"Hey, Pipsqueak," he said with a rough voice. "It's finally happening, huh?"
' Yeah, ' Akira smiled back, ' it finally is. '
Both jumped as Akira's phone dinged several times in a few seconds. Unlocking it, Akira snorted and showed Dabi.
flamingo: did you know about this?
what did he mean four counts?
child endangerment not manslaughter?
is Toya alive?
Sorry, he probably changed his name
reaper: yes, all Endeavor's children
Akira hesitated, looking to Dabi. "Pretty bird can figure it out himself," he drawled.
flamingo: he's got a blue fire quirk
probably some scarring from Sekoto Peak
Dabi opened his phone as Akira muted theirs, the chimes grating on their nerves. Akira looked over and gave a small, lopsided grin.
wildfire changed unknown's name to flamingo
wildfire: stop spamming my friend
flamingo: ???
Who's this?
Are you the sometimes nice one?
Dabi rolled his eyes and flipped Akira off as they silently snickered.
wildfire: mcnugget, the don't spam me was implied
flamingo: *gasp* I thought I was a flamingo!
When did I get downgraded to a chicken nugget?!
...or is that an upgrade for you? 😉
I'm more of a fried chicken man myself, but I don't judge
Akira groaned and lightly shoved his upper arm before teasing, ' Kami, why did I think this would be a good idea. '
Dabi didn't quite cackle but it was close enough for Akira to relax back into the couch. Keigo could be a good distraction for now, the bi disaster continuing to flirt with their roommate from the rolled eyes and light blush creeping onto his cheeks. The Mad Banquet group chat, which now included Shoto, had a video call going, but Akira let the others handle it since they hadn't been tagged.
Akira spent the rest of the day making sure Dabi ate and felt safe while he made poor attempts to flirt with Keigo. As the last beams of sunlight filtered through the doors, Dabi turned to Akira with a serious frown. "You should have someone in your network you can talk to about this. If you can't get in touch with Fat Gum, you should talk to Aizawa on Monday at the latest. You're not doing this without someone on the outside."
Akira nodded, letting out a breath in a woosh. ' Thanks. I probably shouldn't be late to my own send-off. Don't wait up. '
The much more tolerable night air still left a light sheen of sweat on Akira as they took the slightly longer way to base. They passed a few familiar faces on the mostly barren streets and stopped to reassure them that yes, they were fine but no they wouldn't be around as often.
As Akira made their way deeper into Blue Fang territory, the hair on the back of their neck rose, and Akira made a point to not check over their shoulder every few steps. They adjusted their path to be more directly on Eraser Head's patrol route for the night, but the feeling of eyes on them only increased. About halfway to base, Akira purposefully stumbled and checked the rooftops just in time to see a familiar shadow duck back.
With a heavy sigh, Akira ducked into an alleyway and gestured at the roof with one of their crutches. ' I know you're there, Eraser. Why are you following me? '
Eraser lowered himself into the alley past a nesting pigeon that cooed at being disturbed by his capture weapon with a huff. "I wanted to check how you were doing after the arrest today.'
Akira rolled their eyes, ' You would just ask if that was the case. You gave me a phone for a reason. ' They rolled some of the tension form their shoulders, wincing slightly at the crackles.
"You're walking alone through gang territory – yes it's your own, but still – at night," Eraser stared flatly. "Is there a reason someone isn't with you?"
Akira shrugged, clock ticking in their head as they tried to act casual. ' Roommate's had a rough day, and base isn't that far. Didn't think I needed someone with me 24/7. '
Eraser sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You were kidnapped by the League, which has a long-distance warper. One of the conditions for you leaving campus was that you wouldn't be alone."
Akira bristled, gaze snapping up into a glare. ' I'm fully capable of getting away or at a minimum getting help! Why do you think I stick close to your patrol routes? If something happens, I just warp to a roof and start hopping to where I see or hear you. ' Aizawa snapped his mouth shut and stared at Akira. They pulled back slightly at his confusion. ' Was that not obvious? Sticking to your routes is a roundabout way to get to any safe house, so I assumed you'd notice. '
"Are you alright, kiddo?" a familiar voice called from the mouth of the alley.
Pivoting around, Akira smiled brightly at Cho as ey eyed the pair. They signed ' safe adult ' and eye relaxed. Turning to the hero, Akira signed, ' Just checking in. Not a great look to onlookers for an adult to be towering over a child. '
"Weren't ey the night cashier for the corner store?" Aizawa asked, eyes darkening slightly as Cho froze.
Akira sighed, ' Yes, and ey've helped many people out of bad situations with that trick. I didn't trust you that much yet, so ey got me out of a compromising situation. ' They gestured for em to go on, repeating the sign for ' safe adult ' but pushing it forward slightly. Catching on, Cho nodded and continued on eir way.
Taking in Eraser's slightly more vigilant than usual posture and tension, Akira sighed. ' Would it make you feel better for me to ask who's available to walk me there? '
"I'd feel better if I walked you there," Eraser said, expression tightening as he peered at them. "I'm not losing you again."
' And what would you do with that information? ' Akira asked slowly and pulled their phone out.
"What makes you think I don't already know its location?" Eraser shot back, crossing his arms.
Akira gave him an incredulous look. ' It hasn't been raided yet. We recognize the delicate balance between helping the community and stopping crime, so we give you the courtesy of not putting the decision in your hands when possible. '
Eraser rattled off base's address.
Akira froze in their one-handed typing of a message to Boss and slid their phone back into their pocket. ' How long have you known? '
"The trafficking investigation," Eraser said simply. "I needed to know who would be handing off one of my kids, and watching your base was the logical choice."
Just over a month and nothing's happened... Akira quickly deleted their message to Boss and instead informed her of the development. ' And why haven't you initiated a raid since then? There would've been sufficiently illegal deals for you to have sufficient cause several times over by now. '
"I'm aware of Fat Gum's arrangement with gangs in Esuha," Eraser started, eyes darting to their phone as it lit up. "I'd like to work towards something similar with the Blue Fang, and he's been advising me on gaining their trust."
Glancing between him and their phone, Akira eventually replied, ' Boss wants to meet you. She's not happy about your spying but understands the complexity of the situation we were in. You're fine escorting me back, but you're to stay on the ground. While we're in base, refer to me as Mortis. '
Eraser raised an eyebrow but nodded and started to lead the way. "Your hero name is your street name?"
Akira smirked slightly, ' Of course, that way people from around here can immediately recognize who I am. It's just Mortis, though. ' Their expression fell at the reminder, 'Umbra is the name my twin and I picked out. '
Akira occasionally caught glimpses of runners and muscle spreading out in a net formation as they drew closer to base. A glance at Eraser told them he noticed it, too, as his neutral expression ticked into a slight frown and his gait became a little more tightly coiled. Mortis hoped the talk wouldn't come to that, but they couldn't blame Boss for being cautious of who would be entering and milling about the area.
As they entered base, the few heads in the room turned to scrutinize them. Ayaka and Azumi were fortunately absent, only Haru, Isao, Au, and the night's bartender, Itoh, present.
"Eraser Head, Mortis," Au started, pushing off from the wall. "Boss will meet you in her office. Mortis, would you feel more comfortable having Haru or Isao with you?" As Mortis started to protest, Au narrowed her eyes. "You're getting one of them, nonnegotiable."
Mortis huffed and signed for Haru. He was Quirkless, so Erasure would be of limited use if it came down to a fight. He startled but gave a warm smile to Mortis and a calculating look to Eraser. Placing himself on the opposite side of Mortis, Haru's suspicion was met with a steady, protective look from the hero. Mortis sighed and pushed on, leading the group to Boss' office as Au joined behind them.
"I hope you understand our position, Eraser Head," Boss said as Mortis and Eraser sat down. "We do our best to respect your boundaries as an underground hero, and here you come knocking at our door with the threat of dogs hot at your heels."
She put up a hand as he opened his mouth. "That's not to say I do not also understand your position, but this puts our tenuous relationship on rocky ground. Up until now, I have respected Mortis' need to keep your personal affairs private for the sake of their relations. But that was always contingent on you or the information not posing a threat to my people."
Boss leaned forward, hands forming a pyramid over her desk as her eyes searched his face with a dangerous glint. "So, tell me, Shouta Aizawa," Eraser stiffened near imperceptibly at his civilian name, "are you a threat?"
comfort? In one of my hurt/comfort fics? Unheard of XD Fun fact: the hand print in Akira's design is specifically to leave a mark from necrosis. That no longer lines up with my story's canon but I've kept the design element because it's a nice distinctive feature that's easier to replicate and recognize than their eyes. Along those lines, I should technically warm up their skin tone since the initial ashiness was (I think) from anemia due to their constant fluctuation at the start of Mortem ad Wrens, but meh Note for the Twice has DID tag: his characterization does start out as pretty canonical because everyone is off-kilter. I have a whole section in my Characters document for alters with triggers, personality, etc. so it does move to better representation as the story goes on. I guess another fun fact: my initial deep dive into DID was because of a Big Hero 6 fanfiction. The author wanted to give people a better look at what at least a 2-alter system looks like irl, and it piqued my interest. Since then, I've been more conscientious of doing research before writing about anything even in fanfiction. Me: oh we'll have a nice lil scene reinforcing the positive aspects of their relationship with Dabi Also me: takes like 1600 words to get the two alone
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ao3feed-hawks · 1 year
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nagitosstolenhand · 4 months
i don't like the growing opinion that people are being 'too hard' on deku for his failing to save shigaraki.
i've seen quite a few people complaining that a lot of the bnha-critical crowd are being too mean to deku for getting tomura killed, arguing that it isn't really his fault, and that hes a 16 year old child soldier who's been failed by almost every adult in his life, why should we be putting all of this on his shoulders? hes just a kid after all?
and the truth is, they're right. deku IS a 16 year old boy whos had the fate of the world thrust on his shoulders. but the story itself just plainly refuses to acknowledge this.
the narrative doesn't acknowledge how fucked up having a school that trains literal children how to be combo cop-celebrities is. it only tentatively acknowledges the fact that a universe having combo cop-celebrities is fucked up, and even then the only people who ever point this out are antagonists, who are portrayed and treated in-universe as untrustworthy. the narrative doesn't care how fucked up dekus circumstances are. the narrative treats deku like hes a fucking messiah here to touch the hearts of the evil depressed villains with his magical empathetic heart of gold before they get blown up or just sent to fucking superhell for daring to challenge the status quote.
deku isn't a person. he's barely even a fucking character at this point. he's a plot device, and a mouth piece for the objectively shitty themes bnha is trying to spout. the themes that tell you that if you're mistreated by society and want to do something about it, you're a villain. that disrupting the status quote and refusing to repent to some random teenage boy spouting empty platitudes at you means you deserve to get sent to fucking superhell. the themes that portray people fighting for civil change as mass murdering supervillains. the themes that look the audience dead in the eye and can call deku the greatest hero to ever live.
deku, who barely spared a second thought to lady nagant telling him the truth about the hero commission. who spouts meaningless platitudes about heroism and morality at nagant, and aoyama, and toga and shigaraki, when even the thought that he should question the world around him comes up. who's constantly talked about as this truly kind, empathetic person, but hasn't spared an empathetic thought to literally anyone who is classified as a villain. who listened to every authority figure around him except the ones who asked him to question his worldview. who saw la bravas tears, shigarakis various breakdowns, himikos plead for understanding, chisakis catatonic state, lady nagants truth, and barley batted a fucking eye. deku, who killed tomura shigaraki.
people don't criticize deku for failing shigaraki because they just hate deku. people criticize deku because of what he represents. because hes a mouthpiece for the atrocious morals and themes of this ideologically rotten manga. because any character he had was chopped up to bits in favor of the incomplete husk we have now. people criticize deku because hes the main character of my hero academia. theres nothing more damning then that.
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sunarinscat · 2 months
how do we feel abt izuku and reader making out his dorky lil dorm… but they’ve been tryna keep their relationship a secret from the rest of their class 3-a, til aoyama accidentally sneaks a peek in his stalker era! and it’s sort of a bit awkward and izu and yuga end up having to negotiate and talk it out to make sure nobody else ends up finding out… but it’s just a silly moment for the two of them… this idea’s sorta been in my head for so long but i can’t actually write and need someone to articulate this so much better than i could 😭
Hehehe ofc anon I love this!
Izuku would loudly announce that he was going to bed because he has an early morning tomorrow and something about studying. Five minutes later you get a text.
“Come to my room?”
You giggle as you excuse yourself from the conversation to use the bathroom. You and Izu don’t get nearly enough time alone.
You slip into his room and crawl into his outstretched arms. All might merch lines the walls and the sheets your pushing him back onto showcase the hero too. Anyone else would have found it creepy to make out with all might watching, but his dorky little room had become cozy to you.
You straddle him, and pepper kisses all over his face before your lips are on his. His thumbs rub circles into your hips while your hands grasp at his hair. You bite his lip and he groans into the kiss. Your tongues clash as you force your way into his mouth. You hands move to his shoulders and his arms wrap tightly around your waist.
You start kissing down his neck and collar bone and he throws his head back, panting heavily. His breaths come out in little puffs as you nip and suck right where he’s sensitive. You’re about to coax Izu’s shirt off when there’s a flash of light from the window and a squeal.
You and Izuku practically peel apart to find the sound. A startled aoyama stands in the window. His hands are covering his eyes. He peeks at you from between his fingers and squeals again.
“Aoyama wait-“
Deku starts to say, but Yuga is already bolting. Izuku jumps off the bed and jets out the window. You peek your head out to watch him accidentally tackle Aoyama while he shrieks. He flails and writhes in Izuku’s grasp, releasing bright lasers across the campus as he tries to escape. So much for keeping this a secret.
Izu covinces drags him to come back and you both sit him down on the bed to have a little chat. After a few accidental lasers you calm him down enough to have a proper talk.
“Yeah so that’s about it. Do you think you could keep this a secret? I don’t wanna start drama, or what if villains find out! Or aizawa could… Hey what were you doing outside the window anyway!?”
Though he’s rambling, Izuku does have a point. You quirk your eyebrow at Yuga. It is suspicious.
“Ah, you see. I just wanted to leave you an encouraging message you see!”
He leads you and Izu to the window.
“I KNOW YOUR SECRET?! How is that encouraging!! that would have scared us to death.” Izuku shrieks.
You grin at him.
“Well I guess it’s the truth now. He does know our secret.” You giggle.
Yuga waved his hands as he tried to explain.
“Well, see when I was a child my laser would always leak out! That’s why I need the belt.. and it still hurts my tummy, and I’ve noticed your quirk…”
You laugh as he explains the sweet intentions behind the cheese. Aoyama promised to keep his mouth shut. But he made you eat the cheese he brought.
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autumnmobile12 · 6 months
The League of Morons vs A Summer Camp
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All right, so I love the hell out of this nonsense and I want to talk about the Vanguard's plan and how ridiculous it was.
First, most of the crew showed up a night early and…well, then what?  That first night, Dabi says they’re still waiting on a few more people to arrive.  Okay, so what are you all doing here already?
Did Kurogiri warp them back to the bar after they’d gotten a look at the place?  Scouted the area a bit?  You needed seven people for that? Were they that bored waiting for Twice, Compress, and the Nomu to show up?  What were they doing in the 24 hours between this part and the actual attack?  Standing on that cliff and muttering,  “Heroes…”?
Was Toga all, "Guys, I'm tired. Can we go back to the bar already?"
Spinner: "No, as villain protocol dictates, we must stand here menacingly for a minimum of twelve hours."
Dabi: Fuck you, I'm going to bed.
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Except for being a scare tactic, having Dabi start a fire was mostly unnecessary. Their goal was to further weaken society's faith in heroes by targeting UA students, so you'd think he'd be a little more proactive in...well, actually harming someone. As it happened, the fire really only to served to announce there was an attack happening.
But I’ll throw the Vanguard a bone here and say this was Spinner’s doing.  Like their original plan was to start a massive fire that would consume both classes and all the heroes in a singular tragedy, but then Spinner said,  “Hey, pump the breaks, people.  We’re here to uphold Stain’s ideals about toppling the corrupt Hero culture.  Do we really want mass child murder as part of our brand?” Sure, he wanted to go after Iida, but he was a specific target since he was on Stain's hit list.
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The two copies Twice made of Dabi were virtually useless in a fight since Vlad and Aizawa both took him out so quickly it was embarrassing.  And yet he’s apparently a big enough threat that No. 1 and No 2. can’t handle him.  Go fig.
Endeavor/Hawks:  Oh, no, he’s too strong…
Aizawa/Vlad:  Listen here, you little shit!
Muscular goes and reveals their plan even though he didn’t have to.  They all saw the Sports Festival, they knew what Bakugo looked like, and yet here he is asking Deku where he he can find Bakugo as if he was going to answer him.  Yes, he didn’t think there was any harm in telling him since his plan was to kill Deku anyway, but alerting UA to the fact they were looking to kidnap someone is still just hubris.
Going after Bakugo in the first place was a dumb idea.  We can probably credit that one to Shigaraki because only he would look at the violently temperamental teenager raging on national television and think,  “Yes, he seems like a reasonable person to negotiate with.”
Gonna drop in some actual light criticism here: Given the inequality issues that arise in the series later, targeting the heteromorph students for recruitment purposes would have been a smarter move for the LoV.  They’re all part of a demographic that has a justified reason for being dissatisfied with society, so there would have been a believable chance of the LoV thinking they could sway some people to their side.
But hey, the League of Villains was on a learning curve. Give 'em a break.
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He totally saw Aoyama here.  Or at least he heard him because he clocked that there was something weird about that bush and he was going to go check it out…and then Twice distracted him and Dabi has an total ADHD moment and forgets what he was doing.
And it's not because Aoyama was the spy. Nobody in the Vanguard knew.
1.) Shigaraki says he tried and couldn't figure out where the camp was, but AFO figured it out relatively quickly. So if even his successor doesn't know who the spy was or called on that resource, then why would AFO tell anyone else in the group?
2.) Moonfish, Muscular, and Mustard were all apprehended, but none of them ratted out Aoyama, as someone with nothing left to lose would. Neither did Kurogiri when he was later apprehended, but that one may have been a loyalty matter. So I think this was a case of AFO saying, "I have a source of info and you don't need to know who it is." Because at the end of the day, AFO is an arrogant narcissist who's definitely not placing all his eggs in one basket. Aoyama wouldn't be an easy spy to replace, so of course AFO would want to limit any chances of him being exposed.
So this was Dabi's screw up.
Speaking of forgetting things, Dabi also straight up forgot they had a Nomu because he thanked Twice for reminding him they had a Nomu.
Sir....how the hell do you forget you have a Nomu?
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Toga was supposed to get blood from at least three people.  She failed.
Twice had a simple job. Create clones. He succeeded, but the only two he made were Dabi and I refer you to the previous point on how useless they were.
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Spinner and Magne’s roles were a diversion. Distract the Wild, Wild Pussycats and give everyone else the opening to find and kidnap Bakugo.
They did pretty well. Up until the point they were almost caught and Kurogiri had to bail them out. Also Spinner lugged the giant, over-the-top blade contraption all the way there only for Deku to destroy it.
However, they do deserve some credit for making probably the best strategic decision of the group that night, and that was taking out Pixie Bob. We saw on the first day of the camp that she was able to hold back a class of twenty students with an army of earth creatures she was simultaneously controlling. That would have been a huge problem, so for the purposes of their team, good on them for removing that obstacle.
Underrated squad members right here.
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Mustard was a legitimate threat for same reasons Dabi and his fire was a threat, plus he brought a firearm into the fight. (I want to know what the other villains thought when they saw that.)
But instead of putting him in the center of the fight where he could do some significant harm, they placed him on the outliers and all he did was knock some students unconscious and everybody made a full physical recovery, showcasing the gas he emitted wasn’t all that lethal and didn't cause any long-term complications. (Again, maybe this was Spinner's idea of Stain's ideology on not indiscriminately massacring children. "Guys, I'm telling you! That's fucked up!")
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The Nomu (effectively brain dead without orders) did more damage than any of them, which makes the previous point that Dabi forgot they had it even funnier.
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And finally, Mr. Compress was missing for half the night and then almost came in clutch by fulfilling their main objective plus extra credit, only to nearly blow it with his showboating. Seriously, they could have gotten away with both Bakugo and Tokoyami had they just booked it while the going was good.
But no, Compress had to make a dramatic production of it. When he first snatched the kids, he could have just left and Deku and company would have had no idea what happened. Had he just kept his mouth shut and left, they wouldn't have known he even existed. Then as the Vanguard members were leaving through the warp gates, he goes and does it again, giving Aoyama enough time to fire at them with his navel laser, something that also could have bee avoided had Dabi just checked the fucking bush!
The Vanguard Action Squad won by sheer dumb luck and their collective incompetence actually succeeding is the most hilarious thing about this arc. In the end, three members of their crew were arrested.  (Although I think everyone was secretly relieved they lost Moonfish.  Even if he was on my side, I’d be actively worried that guy would kill and eat me in my sleep.)
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Yet this self-important twerp is smiling like they actually did something to be proud of here.  All Dabi really accomplished personally was grab a marble (coincidentally the correct marble) before Shouto could, which is borderline more standard older sibling behavior than actual villainy. He literally lost two separate fights in one night and called it a win.
This arc was a five episode Scooby-Doo trap going wrong and succeeding.
Seriously, I hope that after the warp gates closed, they all just looked at each other and immediately started calling each other out on everything. Like Dabi slapped Compress upside the head and asked him what he'd been thinking having 'one last bow' before they got away. Spinner yelling at Dabi about how the clones did nothing. And there's Bakugo all, "I can't believe I've been kidnapped by a gaggle of morons."
Fake it till you make it at its finest.
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epickiya722 · 4 months
It's shocking (I'm not shocked at all) to see people say Aoyama got off way too light...
They literally muzzled him??? He was a child who was forced into this situation??? And given what's going on, he was still useful against AFO. Like, can everything get settled down first??
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