#ao3 fanfic idea
septicsoldier13 · 6 days
I need domestic, no sadness, non-Deadpool and Wolverine associated X-Men Origins Poolverine fanfics like I need blood in my veins 😫
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@flash-bastardd is working on some but I need more 😩
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Damijon au idea that someone should take and write for me because I don’t have time to do it myself 🤩😃
So in earlier comics, Damian and Jon are always at each others neck and basically Damian brings out the worst in Jon (kinda, just how I interpreted it) so what if that sort of drove jon to be evil? Like along with other reasons but like it’s the main reason. Ik this has probably already been created but I haven’t heard or seen anything like it sooooo…. Yeah, but anyway, Damian continues to follow LoA training and the batfam doesn’t really try to help me as early on but pulls him back from the edge at just the right time so he comes out a little morally gray but still a hero. But he affected Jon a lot in his LoA phase. Jon didn’t really have anyone to balance him out of his dark mindset after that and no one to pull him back from that edge because his parents were always busy and they didn’t realize anything was going on with Jon until it was too late. Jon killed hundreds in an out burst because his parents tried to push him into telling them what was going on with him. He runs and is trained by Talia for a while because she knows her son and Jon like each other. He goes back to hero society reformed and a villain and the plot goes on. Romantic parts are up to you and so is the ending and the rest of the plot. Have fun and happy writing! Tag me if you write it bc I wanna see it! Also lemme know so I can look forward to it lmao 😂
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chodzacaparodia · 5 months
It's frustrating that you can come up with the plot of an entire fic in just a few seconds, but writing it all down can take anywhere from never to forever.
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ao3-crack · 8 months
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erinwantstowrite · 2 months
"au where (insert one Bat here) gets sent back in time" delicious.
but also give me "au where (insert Bat here) is sent back in time and has no idea ALL of the other Bats were also sent back in time because they ALL think they were the only ones and not a single one is telling the others and it creates the most hilarious dynamic where shit keeps changing (because they all want to save their family, friends, etc. from pain/create a new life for themselves where at least their family is happy and stable) and the everyone is slowly going fucking nuts trying to figure out why their family isn't doing the same thing they had done before in the previous timeline"
Bruce: i have to save my children from every bad thing that ever happened to them and I will BE a better father this time. i read so many books and i went to therapy... i should continue therapy. maybe i can save some of the rogues from themselves while i'm at it. hey why are my kids acting weirder than usual did i break them? dick is not as angry as i remember, jason doesn't want to be robin even a little bit, tim is actively avoiding me and my family, cass is chasing tim, damian is far less murderous than he should be... i know i begged talia to let me raise him earlier but i feel like he's adjusting to this easier than he should be... and duke doesn't even have a reason to be here yet but i'm not complaining?
at least steph is normal. i don't know why she's here far ealier than before but she's stealing my food and using the credit card i gave her with reckless abandon but that's normal and good
the kids: what the FUCK is up with B?
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coffeetank · 3 months
Dialogues to Kick-start your Chapter/Writer's Block
"Excuse me?"
"Hell no."
"Hell yes!"
"Fuck off!"
"Fuck me!"
"In what world!"
"Which time?"
"Are you sure?"
"I don't think so."
"Not really,"
"Maybe, if you think about it—"
"What the fuck."
"Okay, catch this (insert ridiculous proposition)"
"So, I'll meet you at 6?"
"For the millionth fucking time—"
"Ya think?"
"This is it, then?"
"Come to my place. Now."
"She's called you. Right now."
"Oh, we're so screwed!"
"Don't do that."
"You've lost it. Completely lost it."
"What were you thinking?"
"I am confident that you belong in an asylum."
"I think you should get some help."
"Shove it up your ass!"
"Piss on it."
"I have a list and you're the top 5."
"I'd never do that."
"I'd definitely do that."
"It does sound like something I'll say, but I didn't say it. I swear!"
"Do you have any idea how hard it is?"
(as a response to the above dialogue ^) "Not harder than me for sure." / "It's not hard. Or else you wouldn't be doing it at all."
"Maybe I just need a little alcohol."
"Smells like jealousy to me."
"Lord, please."
- ashlee
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How the Wayne family handles injuries sometimes
Bruce: My arm feels weird.
Clark: It's broken!
Bruce: Oh is it?
Clark, using x ray vision: I can see the bone snapped in half.
Bruce: Oh, that's why I winced earlier.
Clark: What the hell?
Nightwing: Okay, I can fall down now.
Nightwing falls to the ground.
Wally: Oh my god!
Nightwing, unphased: I'm fine, they didn't break my hip too bad... I just can't stand for an hour or two. Can you carry me?!
Wally: Okay this was in a dream I had.
Damien: Hello Jon.
Jon: Hey pal- You hand is bleeding.
Damien: I got stabbed in the hand. I must've done the stitching wrong.
Jon: You sewed your wound?
Damien: Yes, probably missed a stitch.
Jon: ... Awesome!
Tim: Hey, question is the wall over there purple or blue?
Bernard: That wall is white.
Tim: I'm going color blind again, be right back.
Bernard: I should look into that, but... he fixed it last time.
Roy: There's an arrow in your arm!
Jason: Ah shit, yeah it is.
Jason yanks it out with ease.
Jason: You can keep this.
Roy: How strong is your pain tolerance?
Jason: I died once so... super strong. I am numb to the pain... sometimes it feels good.
Roy: Why have I heard... all of you say that?
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me-writes-prompts · 11 months
Romantic/soft prompts:
By @me-writes-prompts
Sickfic prompts
'Affectionate gestures that have me going feral' prompts
Cuddling prompts
'Adorable things couples do that have me feeling single af' prompts
Sweet caring prompts
Sickfic prompts 2
"I've had a really rough day and I need you to make it better" otp soft prompts
Cute smile prompts
Fluff prompts
"You're so cute when you…" prompts
Lazy morning prompts
Late night prompts
Embarrassing first meet prompts
Domestic fluff prompts
'Soft things people in love'
Kisses prompts:
By @me-writes-prompts
Kissing prompts
First kiss prompts
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colfy-wolfy · 5 months
If I wrote a fic about the aftermath of Surv and Monk's family losing two pups at the same moment, would you guys read it?
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it'll be filled with a bunch of my headcanons about them and I promise I'll make it interesting story-wise.
happy ending? depends on how generous i am. it'll probably only be a few chaps long. simply for fun!!
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zunaki · 1 year
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Wangxian in public being disgustingly in love and the Juniors on a matchmaking mission
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k0mmari · 4 months
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Hello, I just wanted a place to put all the concept art and the process for desining the hero costumes for Binghe and Shen Yuan for scholomancefan's amazing fic, Absolute All-Star Binghe! Enjoy the mess <3
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blooms-in-april · 1 month
I want the fic where since Bruce and Clark are public figures (Clark to a lesser extent, but he's decently known, he's done video interviews and stuff) there's a subsection of the Internet that ships them as their public personas. The ship is called Blark and it's a small but strong RPF ship, even a couple of league members (mostly Wally, TBH) ship it.
And suddenly Blark blows up (maybe Clark defends Brucie from a drunk at a gala?) and now it's everywhere. And both Bruce and Clark brush it off, but when they start going through the fan edits and video compilations and essays by strangers online about why they're in love- they realize they actually are.
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knifknightkorner · 4 months
Danny gets sent to live with an estranged grand-uncle (grunkle) aka Alfred Pennyworth. Jazz went off to college and Danny couldn’t go with her. His parents were getting…worse. So Jazz called up an estranged relative on their mother’s side. Danny becomes a little assistant to Alfred—because the kid doesn’t want to be a burden.
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i-suc-at-art · 4 months
DpxDc prompt #2
Full prompt from this idea
Tim and Danny are apart of an online RPG which is basically DND but anonymous and online. (it’s mainly for secret nerds who don’t have anyone irl to play with)
Danny plays as a changeling rogue who will often swipe things from players they don’t like
Tim plays a Variant Human, monk who wields a pole staff (my guy is not subtle) and will often give back the things danny (who’s known as wraith) (Tim goes by Scarlet Redpoll (mainly just Scarlet though)) stole
Rules of the RPG:
Everyone remains under their game handle (so there’s no doxing) NO REAL NAMES
You can interact with other parties who are using the same campaign as you, however when interacting with main story plot your party will go into its own private server
You can have a party of any size however it’s recommended to have a party over 4.. However you can make it with two or three or solo (but that’s just kinda sad..)
There is a chat feature and call feature in the game, however no hate speech, or bigotry
You can’t join a call unless your apart of the party
ofc this doesn’t stop it from happening but that’s not really relevant to the story
There are Dms (dungeon masters) but your team can also just use the computer for your Dm
Your character can be completely customized, and you’ll move around on a map
Ok now to the fun stuff
Danny and Tim (Wraith and Scarlet) have been playing together for about 3 months, and have made a commitment to play every 2 weeks on sunday (ghosts tend to take a break every 2 weeks on sundays (and B forced Tim to take a break from everything including cases every 2 weeks on sunday) Although sometimes each will get pulled away from the game and they’ll have to end early.
Anyways their campaign doesn’t super matter, only that they are online friends. Ok so one day Tim texts Wraith (they use online name bc y'know tim’s like uber famous) that he can’t make it to their session today bc his dad is forcing him to “bond” Aka he’s going to a gala with Bruce and Dick to stop a heist team that has been rampant across socialite and high society events. Wraith tells him it’s alright, and that coincidentally he’s busy too and was just about to cancel.
As Tim surveils everyone he curses Bruce for making him come. Tim had gotten into the habit of getting a night off from everything. He’d also not gotten a chance to do ample research on the guests beforehand because he’d been working on researching the thieves. He’d heard some chatter about the group looking into a possible haunted vahz, that was on display for the night. Tim had been surveying the party staying near the vahz making sure everyone checked out. Dick had texted saying that he’d cornered a possible thieving candidate and that he needed Tim to run an face ID check, on the picture he’d taken. The photo was of a young woman, her red hair caused Tim to think of Babs, but the woman’s simple teal evening dress couldn’t be further from her style. He’d done a quick search of the woman, she seemed to be some sort of rich young socialite, definitely Dicks type.. Her name was Kelly Jankins, no criminal history, or past arrests, she had a couple of parking tickets that were waved from her late teens. But nothing out of the ordinary. Tim texted Dick the information (save for the part about her being Dicks type) before stuffing his phone back into his pocket and moving from his post to go and get a drink. About 20 feet from his post he bumped into a nicely dressed guy, his hair black and suit tailored.. He also wore a Vladco pin on his left breast pocket.
He’d apologized and Tim told him it was no big deal, his eyes were blue.. But he could have sworn they were green when he first looked up. And his voice.. It sounded so familiar. Why did it sound familiar..?
As Tim walked away it hit him like a truck.. Wraith.
Danny, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz had been stealing for some time now, after Danny had been outed as Phantom to the whole town by his parents. Him, Sam, and Tucker had decided to all leave Amity since all of their parents were unaccepting.. Sam’s parents had gone so far as to write her out of their will.. Danny had told her and Tuck to stay in Amity and fix their relationships with their family, but they’d both said ‘that if Danny wasn’t in Amity Park then they didn’t have their family.’ So they left. The three stayed with Jazz for a bit but she was a broke college student that barely had enough money for food and rent. So the three started stealing food.. It was out of necessity at first, and only from big companies, but when Sam got an online invitation to a big gala that was showing off some old artifacts from a rich guy’s private collection, Danny felt a pull toward a particular item from his core. The item belonged to someone in the ghost zone.. and he needed to have it. He needed to return it.
So they stole it. Danny was to be Sam’s plus one as he’s basically a haunted item metal detector. Sam would steal the item and Tuck would turn out the lights and secretly system. Then Danny would get him and Sam out of there. Most of their plans would be similar to this format. Sam would also grift from the other patrons, only stealing from the ones who seemed to have a shit ton of money. Eventually even teaching Danny how to do it too, she’d told him that ‘using his ghost powers were a cop out’ when he brought that up.. and that ‘anyone would be able to feel the chill of it.’ Which Danny was sure that that was untrue.. But he learned how to steal a wallet, or a phone Sam’s way.
Jazz had been against the thefts at first saying that all of these items belonged to the original owner. But soon she was persuaded when Danny told her that they were stealing stolen items. Stolen ghost items. Some of the items even had a ghost core attached to it. So Jazz became their planner, she’d make sure they’d have all the info they needed and that no one got caught.
Danny ends up in jail after being caught trying to lift someone’s wallet.. Jazz was there to legally get him out and pay the bail. Tucker got caught in a backroom of a place they were stealing from. ‘Oh yeah that’s her brother who would often get himself trapped in closets looking for the bathroom.. She apologizes profusely..’
So when Tucker had found their newest item, a haunted vase that had a shit ton of death and destruction attached to it, Jazz had thought up the plan. She’d heard whisperings that Vlad had gotten invited to the party but Danny was going to go in his place since Vlad would never go. Then they had a plan. A plan they were meant to stick to, until someone ran her face and Danny started being followed. So they abandoned the vase opting to get out of there instead of getting caught.
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ao3-crack · 1 year
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erinwantstowrite · 2 months
Since we all know that Dick would sob at the sight of itty bitty Peter, what would be the reactions of the other members of the Batfam?
basing this off of the very, very limited one shot I started writing of this, that may or may not take a while to post... they're gonna keep trying to steal Peter, only to find out that Peter is a velcro kid and will cry if he's separated from Dick in any way. The only one who's able to? Jason. He does, indeed, lord that over everyone
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