#anywho I’m just gonna go to sleep
dinosnaurnuggets · 1 year
Feeling weird atm
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myfriendtheghost · 1 year
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goodnight my beautiful lil dork
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mars-ipan · 2 years
preemptive “udg sucks” but i do think it slayed in terms of komaeda characterization. he’s just a little fucking freak the whole time. also making him a fanservice character was really fucking funny. why is his theme music Like That
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sungwanns · 11 months
i love shouting into my little void
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honeyednights · 2 years
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tyquu · 6 months
Ah I remember my question now!! Since Ezra is a growing boy, how does that impact his prosthetic use? I'm assuming they can't just go get him refitted like normal... do they help him resize? Do they build new parts? Or help him find some?
Hiii!! :D) So I doodled out my thoughts as I pondered this question but my handwriting is ass so… I’m also gonna write a little summary too!
Ezra's first Prosthetic was given to him by the same people who performed the amputation on his leg in the first place. Some concerned Lothali citizens who couldn't bare to watch him hop around on his severely infected leg any longer. 12 year old Ezra was pretty pissed about it though (understandably). It didn't help that his first prosthetic was old as balls and awful to walk on.
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Thankfully, using bits n bobs he'd collected out on the streets, Ezra was able to tighten the loose hinges at the joints and modify the top to fit better. Alas, he ended up loosing this leg after bopping Kallus over the head with it pretty early on into joining the spectres.
Hera set him up with a pair of crutches and then devoted herself to finding him a replacement. She was determined to find something that was better than his last prosthetic and thought she'd struck gold when she figured out Vizago had one sitting in storage. She haggled hard but eventually managed to pocket the rarity, and delivered it back to Ezra. Sabine helped modify it fit to properly, and to Ezra's delight he discovered that the hinges on this leg were motion activated, and could pack an even better punch (or kick) than his previous one.
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Ezra hadn't really manage to curb his habit of using his leg as a weapon on occasion, and during such an incident ended up losing leg 2 (much to Hera's despair). Thankfully, Sabine had helped Ezra do enough maintenance on his last two legs that she was confident she could fix up some similar prototypes using her engineering skills. The spectres all contributed to a scrap box that would be used to build replacement legs whenever Ezra ended up losing or outgrowing one. All of them were very dedicated to scouting out parts for him and happy to help with maintenance.
At some point the rebellion had gotten large enough to start having a more organised healthcare system, and Ezra was offered a spot on the surgery waitlist for cybernetics. Ezra was initially hesitant, however, post the incident on Malachor he eventually agreed.
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The cybernetic, although not the most advanced for it's time, is connected to his nerves giving him full mobility over the prosthetic. However, it came with it's own new quirks that took some getting used to. Detaching and Reattaching the cybernetic takes between 2-5 minutes to do, and often requires tools to help, rendering it no longer an option as a spontaneous mid battle weapon. As a result there was no longer need for him to cut holes in the left leg of his trousers either.
Ezra doesn't sleep with the cybernetic (same as one wouldn't with a prosthetic) cause it would be hella uncomfortable. On lazy days, he often goes without it, opting to use crutches around base instead. The cybernetic is waterproof, however, in both snow and sand it can sometimes become clogged and stiff, and may need extra maintenance after the mission is complete. The ghost crew is always willing to help pitch in with their engineering expertise (mainly Hera, Sabine and Chopper) or spare part gathering.
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Anywho,,, yeah. I hope that sort of answers that question?? I'm not 100% familiar with how prosthetics and cybernetics work in the Star Wars universe so forgive me if some of this info doesn't check out. ( also if u see a spelling mistake,,, no u don't)
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s0urw00lf · 2 months
I don’t wanna live forever
Part two
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Summary: Y/n is having a hard time coming to terms with her feelings for the guy she’s supposed to feel nothing more than a friendship with, so instead of confronting those feelings she runs away, which proves to be a mistake for her and him.
Warning: angst, heartbreak, fluff, sad angry Dean because he’s a warning in itself
An: this is my first Dean Winchester fic so i hope it lives up to your expectations. Also this is gonna be a two part series because i got carried away with setting up the plot for this. If you like this flick and the way i write i am taking requests for Sam, dean and cas so feel free to make some. Anywho love ya and i hope you enjoy.
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Dean Winchester is the epitome of a girls dream guy. He’s smart, tall, and strong. Not to mention those pretty green eyes that scream ‘walking sex god’ or that cheeky ass smirk he wears when he knows he’s got a girl in his clutch. But thats not what made you fall for him, not the only reason at least. Dean Winchester has been your best friend since you both could walk. Being left to take care of Sammy while your mom and john were out hunting all through your childhood up really sealed your fate, you saw all of his most vulnerable moments and you knew those moments he needed you to break down those walls so he wouldn’t self destruct. But also you saw how much he loved, and how he fought for the people he loved, but he wouldn’t let anyone give that back to him. And thats why you loved him. Because you knew that just like him you’d do anything for him at any moments notice. You’d kill, you’d torture , you’d die If he needed.
So as you sat at a bar sipping on your martini watching dean flirt with the pretty curly headed bartender with a short skirt, your heart felt heavy within your chest and your stomach completely empty despite the large bowl of fries you were sharing with Sam. The feelings that surged through your body weren’t anger, or hatred. It was sadness and longing, knowing that even though you loved everything about that man, even though you knew him better than anyone else. Better than himself. He’d wouldn’t see you how you saw him, and no matter how much you hated it, you couldn’t hate him. Not one bit.
“Y’know if you sulk any harder people are gonna mistake you for a grounded teenager” an amused voice spoke from beside you. Your gaze broke from dean and turned to his brother, “shut up Sam” you said nudging his shoulder softly. A smile crossed the younger winchesters face, “he’s just looking for a distraction” he muttered to you, diverting his gaze over to his brother letting a frown overtake his features. Sam knew how utterly in love you and his brother were with each other, i mean anyone could see it. Except for some reason you two.
“Yeah well sleeping with a random person isn’t exactly what id call ‘a distraction’” you said bitterly, immediately feeling bad even though dean was nowhere around to hear. Sam shook his head at just how blind you were, “ i just don’t understand why he wont open up to us.” You said trying to keep your voice steady, stirring your drink around with your straw “He knows that we know how much loosing john is affecting him. Hell he’s not the only one fucking dealing. We all lost” she said trying not to let the tears forming in her eyes fall. Sam sighed “thats just how he is. It’s how he’s always been. The strong one” he said looking at his friend solemnly.
“Well it’s bullshit and he knows it” you said slamming your hands down on the table as you stood up. “Im going back to the motel” you muttered grabbing you coat from the back of your chair and trying to keep your tears at bay. Sam grabbed your wrist stopping you. “You want me to walk you?” He offered softly. “No it’s fine, i’m fine. I just need some time alone if thats okay” you said. Sam nodded letting go of your wrist, you gave him a hug and a kiss on the forehead, a habit you’d formed when he was only two years old. And with that you exited the bar, not sparing a look in deans direction. You couldn’t stomach it. What you missed was the longing and worried look dean sent you as he weakly excused himself, and made his way over to Sam and began his interrogation.
While you walked your brain was racked with all of these intense emotions. But the most prominent thought was how much it was killing you. Given you’d known that Dean wasn’t the relationship type, i mean the ratio of his hookups to relationships says enough in itself. But you’d grown up together, you knew how much dean craved to be held and loved by a woman, and you were hoping by chance he’d let it be you. But as the months turned into years and years turned into a decade, you were tired. Tired of loving someone who only thought of you as a friend. Tired of loving someone who would shamelessly flirt with other women in front of you, no matter how deeply in love you showed him you were.
By time you reached the motel you’d had your mind made up, you’d apologize to the boys later but you had to go. And you knew that if you told them in person Sam’s puppy dog eyes that always worked and deans broken expression would’ve coaxed you back in. So there you are packing your bags (not that you had much to pack) and hopping into a car you’d managed to break into and Hotwire and began your way to Bobby’s.
When you arrived at Bobby’s he was shocked to see you but ultimately let you in. “Y’look like shit” he greeted looking you up in down taking in your puffy eyes. You laughed “good to see you too”. Bobby looked behind you, curiosity etched into his face “where are the other two idjits?” He asked. Your once happy expression dropped, replaced by a guilty look and you avoided his eyes as best you could. Bobby took a step forward, now concerned “peanut where are the boys” he asked a little more demanding this time. Tears pooled your eyes for what felt like the 100th time that day. “I- i left them in Wyoming” your voice broke as tears began to cascade down your face. “I didn’t tell them, they would’ve convinced me not to go” you explained. Bobby stared at the girl not sure what to do about the girl he saw as a daughter crying so freely in front of him. “Why’d ya leave? Somethin’ happen?” He asked leading you to the couch and taking a seat himself.
You shook your head “no… no nothing happened. I just couldn’t watch it anymore.” You muttered playing with your fingers in your lap trying to put your feelings into words. Bobby watched intently, and he swore he could almost see the cloud of thoughts above your head. It took about five seconds for it to click. Dean. “S’this ‘bout dean?” He leaned forward. You hesitated, finally looking up to meet them and eyes before you nodded. “It was okay before, i mean I’ve had feelings for him since we were 14 so i learned to tune it out mostly. But as we get older its just go hard, i mean I’m 26 now and I’ve seen him during relationships and hookups and its not effected me until now.” You explained, Bobby didn’t say anything, knowing that if he said the wrong thing you’d probably run up to your designated room and act like the conversation never happened.
“i think because i realized just how far id go for him, and with the way things are heating up that flame seems to grow more and more every hunt. But he doesn’t see it, he doesn’t see the raw and utter devotion i hold for him. He doesn’t see how i run off every guy because i know they wont be like him. He doesn’t see how much it hurts me to see him happy with someone else, even if it’s just for a night. And it hurts Bobby, it hurts like hell to love someone who only sees you as his best friend that much” you finished. By that point the tears were streaming down your face and he could hear the heartbreak in your voice. Bobby stood up trying to keep his own tears at bay as he watched the young girl break down in front of him, he grabbed you by your wrist pulling you into a bone crushing hug as you sobbed into his shirt. The two of you stood like that until your sobs subsided, leaving you with sniffles every few seconds.
Bobby pulled away and grabbed your face “you are a smart, strong, beautiful young lady. And after all you’ve been through you deserve all the love in the world, and if dean can’t see that then he’s more of an idjit than i thought” he joked. A small laugh passed your lips and suddenly the need for sleep hit you like a ton of bricks. Bobby seemed to take notice because he sent you on your way upstairs to your room and you made no effort to fight sleep any longer.
just downstairs Bobby pulled out his phone that saw tht he had 14 missed callers from Sam and 27 from dean. He calculated how angry you’d be at him for making the decision he was about to but he’d deal with your anger over heartbreak any day. So he pressed the call back button and listened to the dial tone until deans voice replaced the noise
“Is she with you” he asked urgently, Bobby noted the sound of deans engine in the background as well as Sam asking if it was Bobby that called.
“Yeah she’s here, and you’d better have a damn good excuse for her showing up the way she did” Bobby said in an authoritative tone.
“I’m not 100% sure but i have a theory” dean replied with a distracted tone. “I don’t care what you do or don’t have. You get here and you fix it you understand boy?” “Yes sir” dean answered. Bobby then hung up, dean knew he was in deep shit if he couldn’t make things right with you
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roachesbf · 1 year
You already know who it isssssss!!!
If you’re up for it, considering you’ve already done a bear courting fic with König if I’m correct.. anywho, if you’re up to it! Bear!Price.
He’s just so big and hairy, and likely musky with an earthy scent. Probably constantly scenting your room or clothes, sometimes even your person as a whole. Big hands keeping you as close as possible.
He’s so possessive at times, keeping you in big bear hugs as he huffs and growls towards anyone too close for liking. He just wants you to himself, can’t risk having someone else’s scent on you.
The man is a heavy sleeper, and refuses to let you go once you’re in bed with him. Keeping you borderline hostage as he purrs and hums pleasantly.
And he’s big on providing. Living up to his little fishermen’s hat as he constantly goes out and brings you back the nicest fish he could find. He wants to show you that he can provide! The perfect mate, no?
He’s just so big on making sure you’re safe and loved. He wants you to know it too. Doting on you constantly and spoiling you with his love.
Anywhooo, per usual, keep up the amazing work!!<333
- 🪶
Bear Price Headcanons
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Hohoho you’re totally right about Price’s scenting obsession, he loves having you wear his clothing. Hats, jackets, shirts you name it, at this point his clothes are your clothes. He’s got such an aggressive scent to others though, it’s almost impossible to not smell him on you since he’s with you any chance he gets. Holding you close or nuzzling his beard into your neck, tickling you in the process. It quite literally makes everyone sick and they complain to him about constantly scenting you but he just looks away and says he has no idea what they’re talking about. 
This mf is so funny though because in his sleep he’ll accidentally roll onto you, a few smacks on his back he wakes up and with a grumbly tone says “Sorry about that love :3” But he’s not sorry at all because he thinks it’s pretty funny and you’re lucky if he doesn’t do it again later that night. If he's not on top of you he’s got you in a strong hold on your waist, keeping you close that he’s practically suffocating you but shittt nobody here is gonna complain.
I feel like he’s very embarrassed about being jealous and possessive, because what does he have to worry about at his grown age. If he was doing something and he saw someone interacting with you in a way he didn’t like, he'd immediately pause whatever he was doing, it’s a simple way of body language to show that he’s distressed. Afterwards he’ll go and wrap an arm around your waist and give you a kiss on the lips before asking what you were talking about. 
If you tease him about it he’ll just gruff and say “So what..” Of course make, him feel better by giving him a kiss on the cheek. It's very sweet and domestic, always managing to calm him down. 
Tbh Price to me is that one image where it’s like my bitch wife tells me what to do, if he sees you being too rowdy, he’s picking you up over your shoulder. Or he’ll place his bucket hat on you, which surprises you so much you don’t even remember what got you acting out in the first place. He also does that to be smug, he knows everybody hates it and thinks it's ugly…but they also simultaneously want it, it's a need. So when you walk in with the hat, they’re just so jealous because how do you have it???
In my heart I know he is a great cook, and it’s one of the biggest things he does to show off to you. Not only is he strong, smart, but he’s an incredible cook. He’d bend over backwards to impress you with his cooking, he also knows cooking is a thing a lot of guys lack in so it’s just another thing he has over others that proves he’s better.  
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hamiltonaf · 1 year
One Night Stand | Kylian Mbappé
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Pairing: Kylian Mbappé x Female Reader
Requested: Anonymous
Word Count: 3.3K
Warnings: Infidelity / Cursing / Angst but turns into fluff
A/N: Hello loves, apologies for posting this requested after weeks…I’ve been away on holiday for a while and the jet lag is killing me. Sorry I got carried away with writing this. Also, I’m not forgiving when it comes to cheating, but for the request…the reader has a forgiving heart. Anywho, enjoy .xoxo
Summer break seemed to have a bug outbreak that every footballer was either already in the USA or were on their way. Kylian insisted that we should travel to Miami but unfortunately the timing wasn’t right for me to tag along with him since I had 2 final exams. However, the best part about being done with my exams is not the freedom itself, but it was my birthday.
I usually don’t enjoy celebrating birthdays, nothing is that exciting about getting older each year, but I do look forward to spending time with my loved ones, also not gonna lie that I appreciate the love from everyone.
I studied well in advance for these exams so I wasn’t too stressed out. The week of the exams I just spent my time revising and gosh I couldn’t wait to be over and done with it all.
Besides the anxiety that I was hiding, I was quite annoyed and bothered from the fight Kylian and I had just before he left to Miami. He tried to convince me to spend my birthday in Miami, which as lovely as it sounds I wasn’t feeling it this year. I wanted to spend my birthday casually with family and friends, basically a get together without the formality of it being a party.
It would’ve been a bonus for me to go to Miami with him because besides celebrating my birthday, beforehand Kylian had a party at the Hamptons to attend which was hosted by Michael Rubin. Sounds incredible but unfortunately the Hamptons party fell on the day of my last exam and the next day is my birthday. The dates were clashing and it just wasn’t working out so we both ended up arguing.
Basically the math wasn’t mathing for me to go. In the end of it, Kylian said that he’d be here for my birthday and he’d instead take Brice as his plus one for the Hamptons party. I was okay with it but low-key I was disappointed that he was so adamant on going to this party. I get that it’s an A-list celebrity party, but I mean he goes for those kind of events all the time, what was it for him to miss this one ? I tried to put myself into his shoes and understood that he really needed a break from this season so he deserved a holiday, but the other side of me wanted to spend the holiday with him.
Even though we got through our differences, the tension was still in the air since he left a few days early. From the looks of paparazzi pictures on social media, he seemed to have the time of his life away. I hated that I couldn’t stop myself from reading the comments under his papped pictures.
“Where’s his girlfriend, (Y/N) ?”
“Isn’t (Y/N)’s bday coming up ?”
“Did Ky and (Y/N/N) break up ?”
“I would’ve expected his gf to be with him during the break, we barely see them together in public :(“
Our conversations for the past few days were normal, just the usual catch up on each others day and him asking about my exams. My mood was at ease and I was overjoyed once I left the exam room of my final exam. I first messaged Kylian about my excitement for him to be back and how much I miss him, but then it hit me with the time difference he’s still sleeping.
I spent the day at my parents house to enjoy some quality time with them. It wasn’t until late in the afternoon that Kylian was trying to video call me.
“Hey handsome” I greeted. He just woke up and ugh I miss him so much. “Ma chérie…how did it go ?” He asked in his husky morning voice. Melting. “It went well. I’m just glad it’s all over” I sighed. “Ahh that’s good. I’m sure you did amazing as always. You’re one of the most smartest people I know” he smiled half asleep. “Hmm, are you trying to butter me up ahead of my birthday” I raised a brow. “Have to be nice to the birthday girl” he winked. “Ky ! You’re indirectly calling me dumb every other day” I pouted. “Babe jokes aside, I mean it when I say you’re one of the most smartest people I know and not forgetting how talented you are” he smiled. “Oh stop it” I faked wiping a tear. “Being on a break isn’t the same without you, I really miss you and I’m sorry for leaving so suddenly. I thought maybe if we cooled off our minds away for a day it would help - that’s probably one of the most dumbest things I thought. If anything, I miss you more than usual and can’t wait to be back home to spend your special day with you” he pouted.
“It is what it is Ky. We fought and we apologised, well you apologised about 20 times which really wasn’t necessary because I didn’t stop loving you. Just forget about it though, it’s done, it’s in the past now. I just want you back home” I pouted back. “Just a few more hours. Straight after the party I’ll take a flight back home and I’ll be back in time for your birthday” he said as he got up from the bed, revealing his bare torso. “Are you trying to tease me ?” I raised a brow. “Is it working ?” He smirked. “Kylian. Stop it” I blushed. “Alright alright. I need to get ready and do some things before going for the party. I’ll call you later okay ? Je t’aime” he blew a kiss. “Okayyy… have fun, but not too much fun. Just kidding. Love youuu baby ! Ciao” I said lastly as I returned the kiss and ended the call.
The last I spoke to Kylian was during our video call in the afternoon and I haven’t heard from him since. I even messaged Brice but he wasn’t much help - I asked him where Kylian was and he told me that they both were at the party. I tried not to think about it but I hated that deep down it actually bothered me that he didn’t even show the slightest care for my birthday.
Midnight struck and my family, and friends had surprised me with a cute cake, beautiful bouquet arrangements and lots of gifts. I was so overwhelmed that I actually started crying whilst everyone started singing for me. After some time one of my friends had asked what did Kylian get me and if he phoned. I can’t believe I had to lie for him. I tried to justify that he hasn’t called due to the time difference and him being at the Hamptons party.
To my luck, all my friends had left after about an hour. I couldn’t handle lying for Kylian and faking it all in front of my friends and family. I never felt more shit than right now, a mix of emotions ran through me, I don’t know whether to cry or call him up and give him an earful. I stayed up for s few hours, it was well after midnight in Miami. He forgot. Tears threatened to escape and I couldn’t help but cry myself to sleep.
I woke up after 3 hours, anxiously checking my phone for anything on my social media or messages. My socials were bombarded with messages from fans, friends and family. Even Kylian’s parents and Ethan wished me, yet nothing from Kylian.
As petty as I wanted to be, I was itching to talk to Kylian because I was livid. I tried video calling him the first time. Nothing. Second attempt. Nothing. Third attempt after a few rings, he finally picked up. “Kylian you better have a damn good excuse as to why you weren’t answering my messages. What the hell happened to you ?” I asked frustrated. “Hmm” he hummed half asleep. “Is this a damn joke” I said as I grew annoyed. “Who’s yelling on the phone ?” said an unfamiliar voice. My body froze and I could feel the blood almost drain from my body. It was a girls voice and he’s still in bed. “Kylian. Who. Is. That ?” I paused between each word. “It’s no one” he lied. That was it. I ended the call.
Did that just happen ? Did I have a fever dream ? I actually pinched myself to confirm that just unfolded. Kylian tries to call me back and I ended the call. Second attempt at calling me and I ended the call again. It went on a few times and I continued ending the call. Brice tried calling me after, I had no intention to hear their lame excuse. I continued to end the call. Eventually I switched off my phone.
Yet again my emotions had taken over me and I cried my heart out. What did I do to deserve this ? So many questions raced through my mind. Who was the girl ? How long has this been going on ? Did he plan this to spend time with her in Miami ? Did he purposely fight with me so we could break up ? My mind was racing. I needed to be completely on my own.
I lied to my parents that I’m going out with my friends for the day. It then hit me that this shit was happening on my birthday. Wow. I needed to let off some steam so I drove off and parked randomly to go for a run. I don’t know where I was going but I continued running until I was so exhausted and couldn’t make it anymore. I finally decided to unlock my phone and wasn’t surprised by the notifications. 25 missed calls from Kylian. 10 missed calls from Brice. 31 messages from Kylian.
Curiosity took over me and I opened the messages. Not like I was going to reply. Basically him saying that it’s not what I think, he’s so sorry, he got drunk at the party and he’s already on his flight back home. I left him on read. I got back to my car and went back to our place. The house felt cold and no longer felt like a home. I went straight to our room and started packing my things. Packing took much longer than expected. I had a bad habit of admiring the gifts he got me and cried at the memory before fighting the thought, and setting the gift aside to give it back.
I got disrupted mid-way when Kylian tried calling and messaging me again. The audacity. Many hours later It was pretty late in the evening, I packed majority of my things, the rest I could get some other time.
Just as I was carrying my belongings downstairs, he walks through the front door calling my name. Shit. “Thank god you’re here. I was worried sick about you. I’m so so sorry I missed your birthday babe” he said as he walked towards me. “Don’t come near me. We’re done” I said as I stormed off back to the room to bring the remainder of the packed things. “What are you doing (Y/N) ?” He asked worried as he followed behind me. “Leaving and getting as far away as possible from you !” I raised my voice.
“Can we just sit down and talk ?” He asked. I slammed a box on the bed as I looked at him standing across from me. “You wanna talk ? Sure. Why don’t you sit down and I’ll do the talking” I said as he then walked over to the edge of the bed and sat down. I walked over to stand in front of him with my arms folded over my chest. “First of all, it’s killing me to know this, did you plan this Miami trip to meet her ?” I said ‘her’ in disgust.
“What ? No ! How could you think that-“ I cut him off. “Kylian, you have some damn nerve to face me and argue with me when you’re the one who fucking cheated” I said. Kylian and myself were shocked by my use of words. This is probably the first time he heard me swear. “Ma chérie, I swear we didn’t sleep together. She took advantage of me and got me drunk. We just kissed” he said. I pressed my lips together firmly and looked up as I felt the tears pool at my eyes. The tears spilled and I couldn’t hear this shit anymore. I walked away from him to grab my stuff. He held me by arm, “Wait” he called. “Leave me alone” I said as I pulled my arm away and walked downstairs.
“You didn’t let me finish” he said which made me stop in my tracks. “I don’t give a damn. I’m not okay. I tried this entire day convincing myself that I’m strong though I know I’m not. I stayed up waiting for you to call or message but I got nothing. I feel like a damn idiot for covering for you when people asked me if you called or messaged or got me anything for my birthday ! I cried myself to sleep and woke up like 3 hours later stressing about you. I don’t even know why I even bothered… oh yeah that’s right, because I loved you. Then I had to be the one to call you to find out that you cheated. How’s that for a birthday present ?” I raised a brow. “I understand you’re upset but you still didn’t let me explain” he argued.
“I couldn’t care whether y’all kissed or if y’all slept together or whatever the fuck actually happened. The fact remains that you cheated and I’m not here for that. Had the tables turned around, you wouldn’t give me a chance either. You had Brice with you the entire time I’m sure” I raised a brow. “Yeah” he answered softly. “So what’s your excuse if Brice was there ?” I asked with my hands on my hips.
“Everything was going fine, I wasn’t even planning to stay till late because I wanted to fly home sooner” he said, to which I didn’t say anything for him to continue. “Just as I was about to leave, she practically grabbed my face and forced me to drink which for all I know could’ve been spiked” he continued. “I was drunk and so was Brice so when we were leaving, she came with” a pang of jealousy struck through me. “Do I know her ? Do you know her ? Who the hell is she ?” I questioned. “She’s just some influencer, I know her but not personally” he answered honestly. “And then ?” I asked. “When I got back to the hotel, she tried kissing me and I didn’t realise what was happening until like a second later. So I pushed her off and I guess I passed out after, that’s when you called not long after… I was half asleep and she was still around”
“Then ?” I raised a brow. “I kicked her out and rushed to leave to come back home” he said as he slowly walked towards me. He grabbed a hold of my hands and rubbed small circles. I pulled my hand away. “Kylian. You can’t just come back and expect me to forget all about this. I don’t even know what to believe at this point” I said softly. “(Y/N) I’m telling the truth” he argued. “You just said that you knew her… our trust is broken ! Forget about what you did for a second. You forgot about my birthday and you didn’t even have the decency to message or call me whilst I stayed up for your dumbass. You know what. I’m done talking. I literally have a migraine at this point. I haven’t eaten since yesterday, I’m living on like 3 hours of sleep… I don’t deserve to feel this shit on my birthday” I said as I burst into tears.
“Baby don’t cry. I swear on my life that I’m telling the truth. I’d never do anything intentionally to hurt you. I’d never want to break your trust. I love you too much to do that” he pouted as he pulled me in for a hug. I didn’t even try to push him away. As much as I was in pain, deep down my heart was saying that he’s telling the truth.
When I broke away from the hug, he wiped away the tears from my face. “It hurts me to see you like this. More especially that I’m the reason for all of this. I didn’t mean to ruin your birthday. I planned a special day for us and unfortunately everything didn’t go as planned. I’m really really sorry for all of this. I love you so so much. It was terrible being without you whilst I was away and now i don’t ever want to leave you. Please don’t give up on us and let me try to get your trust back. I said this earlier and I mean it when I say that I swear on my mum, and my dad, that I didn’t intentionally cheat on you. It was all on that girl” he said wholeheartedly.
I sniffled and wiped away my tears. “I need time” I sighed. A knock at the door interrupted us, that’s when I walked away from him to answer. “Hello” I greeted. “Ahh (Y/N), happy birthday ! I believe these are for you” Kylian’s driver said as he stepped aside and unveiled 10 huge flower arrangements, along with a number of boxes of designer items. “Oh my god” my jaw dropped as I stepped outside. I felt like crying again. “Please don’t tell me you sent these” I said as I turned around to face Kylian. “What..why ? I did…” he said hesitantly.
“You’re making this so hard for me right now” I said in frustration. “First of all, thank you so much. You really didn’t have to get me so much. Flowers alone would’ve been more than enough, you know that by now” I smiled. “I can’t not spoil you on your birthday” he smiled back. “I really appreciate it. Thank you” I said as I pulled him in for a hug. He gave me a tight squeeze for a second before placing a kiss on my forehead. He then pulled me by my hand inside, whilst a few people who came along with the driver helped to bring the gifts inside.
“This was part of your surprise that I had planned. I got all these gifts for you and had them kept away with my mom for the past few days. I felt awful for going away and not spending more time with you. It’s the least I could do to show my appreciation and love for you since you’ve been through it all with me. You deserve nothing but the best, always. Happy Birthday ma chérie” he smiled. “I have no idea how to thank you. I’m so overwhelmed and mixed with emotions. I never ever thought you’d do wrong in my eyes, until today, but I believe I know you very well by now… I know when you’re telling the truth. Sooo… this will all take some time to go back to normal, but I’m willing to look past this and move on from it” I huffed. He caught my by surprise when he engulfed me in a hug. “I love you” he said as he kissed my forehead.
“Can I please kiss you ?” He asked softly. “Ky, now you’re just pushing my limits” I playfully warned. “Just one” he pouted. “Ugh fine” I sighed. He cupped my cheeks as he softly placed his lips on mine. “That’s it for the day” I smiled as I started to walk away. “How about one more ?” He pouted as he trailed behind me. “No Kyky” I laughed as I started running away. “(Y/N)” he whined.
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ranhaitanisgf · 11 months
if its okay can i ask for a samon gokuu scenario with oblivious bestfriends + star gazing
tysm for this !!! stay safe !!!! stay hydrated !!! take care of urself!!!!
— samon gokuu // oblivious best friends // star gazing
[𖤐] hello anon! thank you for requesting for my event, and your req has finally been answered !! this is more like one (1) oblivious bsf (you) and one (1) bsf who kinda knows his feelings but also doesnt wanna think abt it. anywho, i hope you all enjoy my lovelies!!
wc: 870+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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“...oi, (y/n), wake up.” samon felt like he was being challenged. he doesn’t know by who; God, maybe? if there was a higher power, it was definitely testing him right now. 
the only reason he had ventured over into your building was because he’d wanted to show you the stars. the sky was particularly clear that night, and ever since you were children, you had always loved to see the stars. in fact, it was one of the reasons that despite working in a prison in the middle of nowhere, you enjoyed your job. 
however, when he’d walked into your small office, you were fast asleep on top of a rather tall stack of papers, completely knocked out. the sight hadn’t surprised him, since it was not an unknown fact that you always tended to slack off when it came to paperwork, (he hadn’t realized it had gotten this bad, but he supposes that it makes sense). 
he’d gone to go wake you up and tell you, let’s take a break and go look at the stars for a bit, but when he’d gotten closer, he’d heard something that he was most definitely not supposed to hear. 
“samon…” you had mumbled, freezing him in his tracks. 
now, what was he supposed to do? 
hearing you utter his name in such a way had gripped his heart in a certain way, and now he wasn’t sure what the hell he was supposed to do next. ignore it and walk away? wake you up and confront you? ignore it and wake you up anyway? 
it seemed the choice had been made for him. 
“samon?! what’re you doing here?! why were you just standing there? you scared the hell out of me…” you exclaimed, clutching your chest to slow down your heart. 
“i just came to tell you the sky looks good right now. and i was standing there ‘cause i was about to wake you up…” he’d decided to take the cool and casual route at the moment, even though you’d caught him extremely off guard. “the clouds are all gone so i figured you would want to see it.” 
“oh, that actually all checks out. i was gonna call you a freak ‘cause you were watching me sleep, haha.” you laughed, standing up from your chair and stretching. “there’s no way i’m gonna be able to submit all this paperwork to warden hyakushiki by tomorrow, so i might as well! let’s go!” as you looped your arm around samon’s and started walking to the balcony, his thoughts began to go wild. 
he’d never really spent too much time thinking about his feelings, especially towards you; he was always focusing on his work and his prisoners. although they were still prisoners and he was still a guard, he’d grown fond of them, (though he would never admit this out loud to them) and helped them with things they brought to him. his little rivalry with hajime was also included with work, and because of this diligence, he never really allowed himself to even think of something aside from it. 
with you though, he found himself thinking less about work and more about normal things. normal things that a twenty-year old might think about, like having a girlfriend and doing things he enjoyed with her. he could teach her all about how to garden and the different kinds of plants and what you can do with them, and he could even train with her. 
except, in these fantasies, it wasn’t a random woman. it was you. 
and that was something that made him a little bit scared. 
now, samon gokuu is not a man to get scared and run away easily, and though he wasn’t running away from you, he was definitely a little scared. not because you’re scary, (at all) but wholly because it was something strange and unknown, and he had no clue what indulging his feelings would be like. he supposes it wouldn’t be bad though. being with you. 
your arm untangled from his as you two reached the balcony, the cool air of the night feeling refreshing. you walked up to the railing, leaning against it as you stared at the stars. 
“ahh, you were right; it’s so beautiful tonight.” you said, a warm smile on your face as you looked back at him. the slight breeze in the night lifted your hair a bit, framing your face damn near perfectly. 
you were beautiful. 
“yeah, um…it really is.” he managed to get out, feeling a little bit too entranced by you. his supposed best friend. he almost felt guilty for whatever he was feeling, but at the same time, he wants to be able to imagine having a future with you. 
as he joined you at the railing, you scooted a little closer to him, beaming up at him with such a joyful expression that it squeezed his heart just a bit, (it really just skipped a beat, he just didn’t want to say it). 
he keeps a small hope in his heart that one day, maybe, these same stars would look down on you and him as lovers. for now though? he’s content just being by your side.
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slytherinqueen123 · 1 year
fix her.
“wow. what is wrong with you’s?” mattheo dumps his books down on a table and drags a chair towards us.
“we were up all night,” hermione says, her hand shaking as she takes a slug of the coffee she’s been manhandling. theo’s eyes widen a bit as he takes in messy hermione. “correction. you where up all night. i crashed at 3am because i care more about my sleep than my grades.” i say, rolling my eyes.
theo leans over and grins. “that’s my girl.” he ruffles my hair affectionately. i raise an eyebrow but don’t push him away. “are you sure you’re not the one who didn’t get any sleep, lover boy?” he crinkles his nose at me and turns around as the teacher walks in.
• • •
“mione. hermione. wake up.”
i gently shove her in the arm, which only results in slightly wobbling her hunched over, sleeping figure. mattheo gives me a look.
“just wake her up already, y/n. i want to go.” he whines. “gosh, your such a child. what’s going on thats making you need to leave so desperately? we have a free period.” i ask, still trying to get hermione up.
“blaise said it’s gonna be colin creevey-“
“ew, that mangy gryffindor kid?”
“-yeah, he’s always dying for potters autograph. anywho, apparently it’s him verse one of goyles third year minions. kid stole creeveys camera. hysterical.” he laughs a little. i frown.
“fine. then you wake her up.” i step back and gesture to hermione.
“maybe i will.”
“go ahead then”
mattheo flashes me a smirk and walks over to her.
“please, i’ve already tried that. your lame, riddle.”
he scowls. “betcha haven’t tried this, though.”
he leans down to her and gives her another gentle shove.
“puh-lease. i’m outta her if that’s your best attempt.” i grab my bag and make for the door. “i bet you can’t fix her, riddle-”
“HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER WAKE THE HELL UP NOW!” he screams. i whip around.
“what the actual hell, mattheo? that’s barbaric!” i whisper-scream. he shakes his head at me.
“y/n, i thought we covered this. you can’t say what the actual hell. it’s not grammatically correct.” a sleepy voice mumbles.
“i forgive you then, riddle.” i say sweetly. “get up hermione. let’s go watch this fight.”
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dinosnaurnuggets · 1 year
Oh yeah LOVED the back to back nightmares. Definitely. Variety was great. Uh. Could we maybe try something relaxing next time tho?
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myfriendtheghost · 2 years
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goodnight pretty baby
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ncityprincess · 2 years
idol mark lee x makeup artist older?? y/n
this is just a little drabble i cooked up for mr. mark lee 😁 this is my first time writing for him so if this sucks oh well 🤷🏾‍♀️ i just wrote this for funsies lol. also it’s not really important to the story but y/n is like 2-4 years older than mark. nothing crazy. anywho, enjoy!
your body jolted upright upon feeling a harsh smack on your right ass cheek. as the people in the studio slowly started to dwindle, you had been quietly cleaning up your makeup station and putting away all of your tools. today, you were tasked to do make up for the 2 baddies relay dance schedule. promotions season was always a fun time for you as a makeup artist. getting to see the action up close was the best part of the job. it was exhilarating getting to see the boys participate in all these cool stages and music video shoots.
“mark! you’re gonna get us in trouble” you shrilled. you and mark had been quietly seeing each other for the past few months. the members knew about it, seeing as you were practically always over at their dorm. but most of your coworkers were unaware of you and mark’s budding relationship. it wasn’t that you were hiding it, but being an idol meant keeping highly sensitive information such as dating under wraps in case it ended up in the wrong hands.
mark walked up to you with a smug smirk and grabbed your hips. “relax babe, it’s just us in here. besides, it stared at me first.” he rubbed his hands over your plump backside, making you look down at the ground shyly. you reached behind you to grab his hands with your own, and held them at your sides.
“you’re so bad sometimes, ya know that, marky? i need to put you on time out one of these days” you joked. mark pulled one of his hands out of your grasp and booped the tip of your nose. “that supposed to be a threat or something? ooh the pretty lady’s gonna punish me i’m soooo scared”
you looked up at him with sharp eyes “yeah, well you should be!” you wrapped your arms around his neck and reached up on your tippy toes to plant a kiss on his soft lips. his hands immediately went back to their home on your hips and deepened the kiss.
mark’s hectic schedule often rendered him exhausted. even when you two would have sleepovers, you were more than happy to just let him sleep. he needed it. but when you two were both in the mood? it went down.
mark walked you back toward the makeup vanity, never pulling his lips away from yours. your back hit against the vanity harshly, causing a few lipsticks and brushes to roll onto the ground. you giggled against his lips “see, told you you’re bad.” mark let out a breathy chuckle “can’t help it baby, you make me wanna do bad things.” you two continued your heated make out, forgetting your surroundings. it was so easy to get lost with mark. he was everything you wanted and more. he made you feel so beautiful and free. every moment with him was lighthearted and carefree. you even forgot he was an idol sometimes, and that you two were technically coworkers.
that was until, someone had reminded you that you two were coworkers.
a familiar voice caused you two to separate from one another immediately. suddenly, the lusty, heated environment you and mark had created had vanished. “aHEM!!! car’s out front ‘marky poo’ ” haechan chided in a singsongy tone. he always loved to poke fun at your guys’ relationship, all in good natured fun of course.
“uh-yeah- we’ll uh, i’ll be out in a minute” mark croaked, feeling slightly embarrassed that haechan had seen the two of you in a pretty intimate situation. “don’t keep us waiting, mwah mwah mwah” haechan mimicked the sounds of obnoxious kissing before he giggled and walked out of the studio.
you ran your hand through your hair and chuckled softly. “you heard the man, you’d better get going.” you turned around and continued packing up the last few items from your kit. mark slung his black backpack over his shoulder. “yeah yeah. we’re still on for dinner at your place, right?” mark asked hopefully.
“of course, honey. shower up and come over around 8. i’m making fried chicken and macaroni and cheese. and bring back the tupperware i gave you last time. i’m making enough so that you can take some back home with you,” you smiled. “god, you’re the best, y/n seriously.”
“i know, now go! i’ll see you tonight, handsome.” mark’s large, sparkly eyes looked at you with so much joy before he rushed out of the door to meet up with the others. you smiled to yourself, mentally preparing for the romantic night you were going to have with your man.
you had just taken the mac and cheese out of the oven when you heard a knock at your door. a rush of excited nerves came over you, and you skipped over to the front door to answer it. “honey i’m ho—olyyyy shit” mark stuttered. he took in your form. you were wearing a red negligée and a black silk robe. you topped the look off with some red lipstick and stilettos.
“well don’t just stand there, come on in, marky” you said with faux innocence. you grabbed his hand and led him into your house, closing the door behind you. “come sit, i just took the food out of the oven. can i get you something to drink? i just got this new wine the other day” mark set his overnight bag down and grabbed a seat at the dining room table. “i’ll—i’ll take some” mark stuttered yet again. you kept up your innocent act. “something the matter, baby?”
mark’s eyes continued to linger on your curvy figure. he truly felt like he had won the girlfriend lottery. “you’re just…beautiful. so fuckin’ beautiful, y/n” you blew him a kiss and grabbed two wine glasses from the cabinet.
after your romantic dinner, mark helped you clean up the kitchen in comfortable silence. “do you have the tupperware i told you to bring,” you asked softly. mark jogged over to his backpack to fish out the tupperware bowl and handed it to you. “good boy” you ruffled his hair and put a portion of mac and cheese and chicken into the bowl and set it aside.
mark mirrored his actions from earlier at the shoot, and came up behind you while snaking his arms around your hips. “thank you for dinner,” mark whispered softly into your neck, finishing off with an open mouth kiss. you tilted your head to the side, sighing at the sensual action.
“mmm, you’re welcome hun.”
“is it time for dessert now?” mark spun you around and looking at you with those signature large brown eyes. he was just so stinking cute to you, even when he was trying to seduce you out of your panties.
and of course, it worked.
“hehehe, yes, it’s time for dessert.” you let out a squeal as mark all but dragged you into your bedroom.
“marky slow down, we have all night” you giggled as he plopped you onto your bed. mark wasted no time tearing his shirt and pants off and climbed on top of you. you looked up at him breathlessly as he inched your panties down your legs. he paused for a moment before speaking up.
“actually, nah. come up here. i wanna try something.” mark quickly laid next to you and patted his chest, signaling you to crawl on top of him.
“mark?! i don’t wanna like…suffocate you or something.” you hesitated, but began to sit up and straddle his hips. “you said yourself that i’m full of bad ideas right?” mark shot you a cheeky smile. you rolled your eyes, then slowly hovered your hips over his mouth.
every nerve in your body felt like it was on fire as you felt his cool breath over your pussy. you were practically dripping all over the man’s face.
mark slowly lapped at your clit and you sank down further onto his face, allowing your body to get into the moment. getting eaten out from this angle made you feel like a goddess. mark had always been so sweet and attentive to your needs. he always went the extra mile to make sure you were well taken care of. the trust you had in him to be in such a vulnerable position mixed with the trust he had in you brought you a rush of euphoria.
“fuckkkk baby keep doing that” you grabbed onto your headboard and began to circle your hips in a steady rhythm. any other time you would have felt shy in a predicament like this, but mark’s tongue just felt so. fucking. good.
mark slapped your ass with both of his hands and pulled your body further down onto his face. he kept his tongue firm as he dragged your body up and down his tongue. you were positive you were about to explode any moment now.
“markkkkk i’m cumming. oh fuck just like that!” your orgasm hit you like bus. your neighbors definitely wanted to curse you and mark for all the noise you were making, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. mark continued to lick up your folds, and you tried to raise your hips from his face to relieve the sensitivity. mark eventually let up his ministrations and let go of your hips. you plopped down on the bed next to him breathlessly and stared up at the ceiling.
“holy shit…that was…AWESOME!! yo i’ve always wanted to do that not gonna lie” your sweet and silly marky came back to you and you busted out laughing.
“give me like 5 minutes and i’ll show you some new tricks myself.”
thanks for reading! please consider leaving a tip if you enjoyed the story 👑🍭
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shawnflowers · 2 years
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noooo i totally didnt post this earlier whattttt … anywho this has been in my head for a while now i think it’s so sweet. this is gonna take place after wm12 bc emo 🤌🏼 anyway enjoy have fun *nose boops*
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ content: fluff <3
it was 1am by the time the show was over. you were tired, you had a long day the next day, but sleep was absolutely the last thing on your mind.
you watched wrestlemania by yourself, saving yourself the embarrassment of screaming in glee when your boyfriend won his match.
shawn is now the wwf champion, an achievement that was once a dream. how could you not be excited for him? you only wish you could be there for him in person but it just couldn’t work out with your schedule.
so, no, you weren’t in the same time zone and your anxiety festered on for the little sleep you would be getting but it just didn’t matter. what mattered was when he would eventually call you. he’ll probably be on his way to an afterparty very soon, which is fine, you just hope he hasn’t forgotten about you. you just want to hear his voice.
time kept ticking away without the shrill of your phone filling your ears. you got changed into more comfortable clothing, slipping on one of his t-shirts that landed just below your butt. after fifteen minutes of no calls, you made sure to sit right next to the phone as you continued to watch tv. however, your eyes began to droop shut and your body started it’s descent into heaviness as your brain traveled to dreamland.
but then your phone rang.
you sprang up, reaching for the receiver and nearly knocking over your lamp in the process.
there was a beat of silence. “hi, baby.”
“congratulations! i’m so proud of you.” you tried your best not to scream as to not wake your brother up, but it was damn hard. “you’ve always been the champ in my eyes.”
you could hear him chuckle through the line. he probably had his best shit-eating grin on, which, normally you couldn’t stand because it always came with him being cocky, but right now you couldn’t care. who cares about a grin when he’s the new champion?
“thank you. what time is it, are you tired?”
“oh, me? no don’t worry about me i’m fine. so, tell me about it, tell me how you felt.”
“it was incredible, exhilarating, unbelievable, and so many other words i can’t even think of right now. i always thought i looked good wrapped up in gold, but this… this is something else.”
you smiled at that. “that’s good, honey. do you think i can wear it one time?”
“sure, next time i see you. when��� is that again?”
“next week. friday to be exact and i won’t be leaving your side for a while,” you hummed, twisting the phone cord around your finger.
“i’m counting on it.”
“are you, though? i don’t think you’re prepared for what i have in store for you.”
“oh? and what’s that, baby?”
you giggled, feeling your cheeks begin to heat. you’re never this brash on the phone but you’ve missed him and all pent up energy is finally coming out. “well, first-”
you heard some rustling on his end of the phone, followed by muffled voices. you heard the voices come a bit closer, determining one of them to be hunter. “shawn?”
after a brief moment of silence, you could hear shawn groan before he eventually spoke again. “shit, sorry. i’ve gotta go, we’ll continue this conversation tomorrow, okay? i’ll make it up to you.”
you faked a sigh, almost as if you were disappointed. but in reality, you knew this moment would be coming. “okay. just one last thing you should know, i’m not wearing any underwear beneath your shirt. have fun!”
“what—” and then you hung up, giggling to yourself, imagining his jaw being slack in disbelief. you’re sure you’ll have to hear about this tomorrow, but for now you sleep, dreaming of him.
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bodynblood666 · 3 months
Nothing Ever Lasts Forever
ya'll I told you I was gonna write something again 🤭. an idea popped into my head today and thankfully I was able to completely write all today. hopefully I can fully get back into the swing of writing pics again. idk if imma write another chapter of Bonded Together but time will tell. also I hope I can write the Mounty fic I started. anywho RHRN spoilers under cut beware but if you don't care for spoilers go right ahead.
(thanks to @ghuleh-recs for the dividers 🥹)
CW: Death, Sad Ghouls, idk what else they're all just upset.
WC: 1,721 words
Summary: Everyone is having a hard time dealing with Sister's death as well as Copia promotion. On top of everything they're getting a new Papa. Cumulus decided to handle her emotions and grief by heading to the piano room and pouring her hear and soul into the music.
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Cumulus watched as boxes of Sister’s things were moved out of her office and boxes of Copia’s things were moved in. It felt weird not having Sister around anymore, and it was even weirder not having Copia as papa anymore and having him be the head of the Clergy now. Too much change was happening at once and none of the nameless ghouls seemed to like it. It’s not like Sister truly left though, Cumulus sees her spirt roaming the hall so the Ministry at night whenever she’s unable to sleep.
            She deiced that was enough watching for the day when the movers picked up Sister’s elegant mahogany desk. Even though it was cover in bite marks and scratches from ghouls who found themselves in Sister’s office, it was still stunningly beautiful and brought the whole office together. Cumulus couldn’t stand seeing it being moved out, so she left and made her way back to the ghoul den. Every person and ghoul she passed on her walk back, had a somber look on their face. Some had their eyes brimming with tears, some avoided eye contact with anything but the floor, and some looked angry. She eventually made it to the familiar, large iron doors and pushed them open. The sight she saw inside the den was quite the same sight she saw on her walk.
            Instead of a chatter filled room, Cumulus comes back to abnormally quiet room with only the soft indistinct voices of the TV filling the air. Cirrus was staring out the window at the annoyingly beautiful day. Phantom and Aurora were sat on the couch with tears filling both of their eyes. Swiss was standing in the kitchen, sleep deprived as hell, waiting for his coffee to brew. Rain was standing outside of Dew’s door, waiting to be allowed into the angry ghoul’s room. And she could only think Mountain was in the green house, bussing himself enough to make him forget about reality. Cumulus made her way over to Cirrus and sat down across from her. 
            “Are they still moving everything?” Cirrus spoke up, eyes not drifting away from the window.
            “Yeah, but I left as they were removing her desk. I don’t know when they’ll be finished.” At the mention of the desk, Cumulus noticed tears filling Cirrus’ eyes. She took reached across the small table and held the fellow ghoulette’s hand in hers. “It’s not like she’s truly gone, Rus. She still around somewhere, like Nihil.” 
            “But she’s not physically here Lus! I can’t go to her office whenever I’m upset and fall into one of her comforting hugs. What’s worse is Copia isn’t going to be our Papa anymore. We’ll have to deal with some new guy.” Cirrus’ voiced cracked as tears ran down her cheeks. 
            “Rus, things all things must change at some point. Maybe our new Papa will be just as good as Copia maybe even better.” Cumulus said, trying to comfort her but it was evident it wasn’t working.
            “I don’t want another Papa, we don’t want another Papa, Cumulus!” Cirrus pulled her hands out of Cumulus’ grip and walked towards her room, slamming the door behind her. All Cumulus could do is sigh. She knew Cirrus would take Sister’s death hard. She was the one that taught the two air ghoulettes how to play piano. The three of them bonded over it and would have piano lessons every day. Whether it was to learn a new song, or just a simple little practice, they all would sit in the piano room together playing until the moon rose over the horizon. 
            Just at the thought of those pleasant memories, she felt the lump in her throat grow and water filling her eyes. What was she saying? Sister was truly gone and wasn’t coming back. No more early morning talks with her, no more lessons from her and no more warm, encouraging smiles from her. Cumulus stood up from her seat and headed towards the piano room. The piano room was a large, magnificent space. The evening sun poured in through the stained-glass windows, illuminating the room with vibrant colors. There was a couch opposite of the grand piano that Sister would sit on while the two air ghoulettes played for her. And the center piece of the room was a beautiful Steinway Grand Piano. 
            Cumulus took a sit on the edge of the bench and looked around the room. So many memories fill her mind. Her first lesson with Sister when she kept messing up every other note and Sister helping guide her fingers to the right notes, the occasional morning talks over coffee and tea, and when everyone would gather in the room during summer and just basking in the sunlight. When Cumulus turns her attention back onto the piano, she notices set music on the stand. She recognizes it quickly, the song she was practicing before they went on tour. Cumulus swings her legs around, so her legs and reach the peddles, and sets her fingers on the right keys. With a pit more pressure on the keys the all too familiar notes pour out. 
We're here in the after of a murderous crafter
The past is spun like a yarn and mangled
With flesh and blood and bones, I wonder
Did no one hear the distant thunder
The notes rang throughout the room, bouncing off the walls and making their way throughout the entire ministry. All the Sister of Sin stopped their work, all nameless ghouls looked up from what they were doing and Copia stopped reading over a report to listen to the sweet music. Cumulus seemed to entrance all the members of the Clergy with her playing. 
The autumnal reaper, the stains of this creeper
Will last, the shine and the sham entangled
Like salting earth with tears of Jesus
He sliced and diced our dreams to pieces
            Copia immediately recognized his beloved ghoulette’s playing. He always loved when Cumulus played in her free time. It always seemed to help him focus on whatever assignments Sister had given him. He started to hum along as he read over the report and sat in his new grand office.
For the dreams that you dreamt
Can become just as real
As the blood that was shed
With the slash of his steel
Now the street walking dead
Was quite a scene, wasn't it?
For the lost and mislead
Were promised seats by the pit
            Her playing somehow was able to make it past the large iron doors of the ghoul den, allowing her fellow pack mates to hear the melody. 
We will break away together
I'll be the shadow
You'll be the light
Nothing ever lasts forever
We will go softly
Into the night
            Even though everything in the den was quiet, there was a tense feeling in the air. But as the melodies filled the room, the energy around the resident ghouls seemed to become tranquil. 
We're leaving this city
So this is farewell
Goodbye, Seven Sisters
And Saint Jezebel
The moon in the gutter
Has a story to tell
One day he will come back
From the bowels of hell
            As the song continues all the ghouls file into the common room and for the first time since Sister’s death and since Copia’s promotion, they all collapse onto one another on the couch. Everyone fell into their usual cuddle spots and sat contently with the warmth of their bodies press on one another.
He appeared to ascend
So we all stood there in awe
Now we have to pretend
We didn't see what we saw
When the curtain unveiled
To the sound of applause
That the king that we hailed
Was the Wizard of Oz
A wave of emotions finally hits Cumulus. Tears fall down her cheeks and a quite sob pours from her throat. Big changes are really happening around the Ministry, and she thought she was ready for them. But Cumulus soon realizes that she isn’t ready for them at all. She isn’t ready to give up her daily lessons with Sister, she isn’t ready to give up Copia as Papa, and she isn’t ready for a new Papa. She realizes now, though, that if her pack stays together, everything will be alright.
We will break away together I'll be the shadow You'll be the light Nothing ever lasts forever We will go softly Into the night
Nothing ever lasts forever We will go softly Into the night
As the finally comes to an end, Cumulus feels her sigh a sigh of relief for the first time. She wipes the tears from her eyes and heads back towards the ghoul common rooms. Once she opens the doors, she finds not only her whole pack, including Aether, Sunshine, Mist, Zephyr, Omega and Alpha, but Copia as well. All of them were cuddled up on their cartoonishly large couch with Copia comfortably snug in the middle of everyone. Cumulus smiles at the scene and happily makes her way over to the couch. Cirrus and Aurora try to move over to fit her next to them, however the movement stirs Dew awake from light nap. 
“What the fuck are you doing? I’m trying to sleep.” Dew asked while he tried getting comfortable again in a Rain and Aether sandwich.
“I’m just trying to sit down Dew, shush.” Cumulus replied, finally sitting down.
“Do you have to move so much to sit down.” Dew glared at Cumulus.
“When there’s this many people on the couch, yes.” Cumulus snarky replied while sticking her tongue out at Dew. Before Dew could jump over Aether and Aurora to get to her, Mist started him down from the other side of the couch.
“Stop it, Dew. We’re trying to watch this.” Misty glared at him. Dew immediately sat back down crossing his arms and pouting. 
Copia’s laugh fills the room as he watches ghouls fight over something so little. He’s going to miss them, and he knows they’re going to miss him too. Even though he is no longer Papa, he will still be here for his ghouls, and he will try and make it to movie night. Phantom and Aurora have already told him off for missing one already and he does not want another talking to from them.
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