#anyways nero out here making me have Thoughts
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gristlegrinder · 5 months ago
part of what makes IBS so fascinating to me is its position both within the world of Tyria and the story it was trying to tell, and the larger metatextual circumstances surrounding its development. because, like, The Icebrood Saga is a story that's, IMO, largely about placing individual actions in complex systems of power, and what happens when those systems begin to unravel.
-> Can you help us deal with Bangar? Aurene: He's a part of a larger web. Strands connecting to strands. Cut one out and nothing changes, not really. Aurene: It's hard to explain. But seeing how those strands connect... Taking one life won't solve your problems. (x)
so, like, you have Ryland, who talks about "playing his cards right" but has really been dealt a bad hand from the start and can only keep playing bad cards - the one decent play he gets in Turnabout to try and get out of the game gets interrupted by an arrogant bastard killing Cinder, and it's downhill from there. it's not necessarily that it was always going to end the way it did with him, but you're fighting an uphill battle against his upbringing, against his relationship with Bangar, against all cultural context. he insists that Jormag didn't coerce him into anything, and that's true; he ends up as Jormag's champion because, at least from Ryland's perspective, there's really no other option by the time he has the bow in his paws.
likewise, you have Braham, wrestling with being the norn of prophecy, slowly (slower if Champions didn't have to be rushed out of the door, I imagine) coming to terms with what exactly that means. he knows from the beginning that either Jormag dies, or he dies. he knows this, and knows that it's always going to end one way or the other. the prophecy unfurls, and Jormag awakens, and it becomes more and more obvious how it's supposed to go. He bonds with Primordus, because there's really no other option by the time Jormag is threatening to freeze the world ten times over to ice their brother out of existence. and sure, it might still destroy him even if Jormag doesn't kill him, but he doesn't get the luxury of thinking about that.
and then you have the Commander, who should be in control of the narrative, because in-universe they're the Commander and out-of-universe they're the player character, but there are multiple points where that agency is taken away from you - Smodur bombs the bunker and interrupts your negotiation, Ryland puts a bullet through Smodur's skull. you're always going to try and save the farm, but not every problem has an easy solution. the Legions are built on centuries of war and violence and hypervigilance against external threats; Bangar is not an isolated bad actor but a product of that system, and the gears of the war machine churn on both sides of Drizzlewood. you (and Aurene) are largely an audience to the family tragedy - tragedies, plural, both the relationships between Rytlock/Crecia/Ryland and Jormag/Primordus - as they break down.
"The Balance" isn't sustainable in its current state, but there isn't really a good alternative at this point. you can't back down when you're three dragons in (we tried that after Mordremoth, and Balthazar wouldn't have it and Kralkatorrik couldn't stomach it), and Jormag and Primordus (mostly Jormag) are threatening to escalate as the encroaching void eats away at them both. there's this real sense that they just have to make the best of a bad situation, and hope that the damage is minimal. the universe itself is on a cresting wave and it's about to crash, heading into End of Dragons.
so you have all of that, and it's also the chapter of GW2 where the developers are hit with major studio-disrupting internal problems and a fucking global lockdown. your story gets interrupted, there's not much you can do about it, but you have to keep going and make the best of it, even when the fate of arenanet itself seems uncertain.
what happens in the aftermath, after the dragonstorm clears?
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flovverworks · 1 year ago
i need to make a proper rf verse for akira too but separating them from the wizards always makes me. ugh
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impyssadobsessions · 20 days ago
DP x DMC interaction
haha okay so i have an interaction idea for my dmc and dp crossover with Patty and Danny with how they meet. (probably be only for me but hehe >w<) Danny after being stranded in dmc world, is living with Dante and being a part-time employee. They specify part time since he's still a minor. (just by a year and that's not even fully correct just easier to keep same birthday due to time shenanigans... Danny mostly upset because he was a four months away and now he has to wait eight. Not important just thought it be funny for Danny to fuss over it a little.) Dante is off on another gig not long after Danny starts crashing at his place. Danny had just gotten his citizenship started thanks to Morrison, and now settling in. He's borrowing Dante's clothes and cleaning up the place (since its still a mess from last Dante was there despite Lady n Trish having dropped in while he was stuck in underworld ) Imagine Dante actually giving Danny his better clothes, and they're baggy on Danny. Nero and Nico having promise to drop by at the end of the week, tying off loose ends to take Danny in for a bit.
Anyways. So Danny just finding something to do, since he isn't in a school ( and he doubts he will), and the business is slow, so he cleans the place. He gets it looking really nice and clean. That's when Patty drops in, expecting to go give Dante a piece of her mind for not checking in or answering her calls ( she's just worried about the geezer) then is shocked when she walks into the place and its SPOTLESS. And there in the middle of the office is someone in Dante's clothes but clearly not Dante. Which she exclaims in shock. And Danny, being Danny like.. uhh yeah I know. Need me to take a message? Wondering why a girl closer to his age looking for Dante. Did she have a job for them? Patty just shocked but then bombarding Danny with questions, suspicious of him. Which Danny just holding his hands like AHH chill chill =w=''' Then Danny explains the situation. Patty still suspicious if not a bit jealous or at least upset Dante never told her. Danny explaining how its pretty new. That's when someone else comes in fretting with an actual Job request. Immediately distraught when hearing Dante isn't in. Danny saying he can take the shift if its nearby- but the guy not wanting to hear it. Dismissing Danny before even knowing him, crumbling into the floor wailing. That's when Patty jumps in both curious of Danny's ability, while also not wanting anything to discourage going to Devil May Cry for services (pride in Dante's business). Patty convincing the man in almost scary manipulative way. She also insists on accompanying them. Danny learns more about Patty on their way over, she driving him up to the spot. Patty learning a little bit about Danny too. He goes into the infested manor, only to turn out the guy was the reason it was infested having made a deal only to turn tails... on more than one demon. Danny gets roughed up, still trying to get a hang of his limitations and powers here, but still manages to pull off a cool fight- especially if Patty ends up in direct line of fire. He sends all the demons packing. Leaving the asshole who started this mess, who tried not to pay them. Making a fuss about the destruction of the mansion, and how long it had taken Danny, as well as letting the demons get too close to him. (They never touched him) Patty is the one to give the guy hell, as well as scare him into paying Danny with bonus. Mentioning how upset Dante would be learning that he jibbed his son, and how next time a demon be hunting him down he won't be able to call on DMC for help. Danny's a bit shocked but pleasantly so with how fast the guy changes his tune as Patty offers to drive Danny out to get milkshakes, since they just got paid. "We?" "I did the negotiating, so I'll be taking a cut. Dante won't mind. uwu C'mon, I'm going to show you all the best hang outs around town. You're going to love them." Thus starts Danny and Patty hanging out. >w< Patty tries not to show it, but she was very impressed at how Danny handled things. Yeah he's not as cool as Dante, but he had his own flare. Plus he's closer to her age.
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I did a doodle on paper too =w=' I was going to do something epic and cool but uh... nothing came to me
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also a repost of this so you can get a better look at their designs.
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icycoldninja · 10 months ago
Can you do a Sparda boys + V about a gn!reader who flinches at everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. There’s an unexpected noise? They jump. Someone blinks? They recoil. Literally nothing has happened but they’re feeling on edge? They flinch at their own thoughts. (Based on me when my anxiety gets bad. It’s embarrassing, I genuinely start tweaking and it’s because someone sneezed two rooms over or smth)
Aw man, that sounds tough. Hope you're doing well. Enjoy.
Sparda Boys + V x Jittery!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante will take advantage of your constant tension by sneaking up on you and going "boo" when you least expect it.
-He knows not to take it too far, though, and stops if you get too frightened or upset.
-He's only trying to lighten the mood, though, and will hurriedly scoop you into his arms, kissing you and squeezing you tight if you get overwhelmed.
-When things go bump in the night, frightening you, he'll be sure to hold you close and occasionally whisper words of comfort to clam you down.
-He might even buy you sound-proof headphones so you don't have to hear weird noises, thus improving your sleep.
-Doesn't shame or make fun of you for it, but he may occasionally pull a minor, lighthearted prank or two. It's just for fun.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil understands how you feel--there was a time in his youth when he was the same way.
-When he sees you react to random sounds, he will put his arm around you and wordlessly pull you close.
-Occasionally, and that means very, very, rarely, Vergil will cradle you like a baby and rock you back and forth, humming so softly you can barely hear it.
-He will read to you at night, especially during a storm or when there's loud winds outside; his gentle voice extremely comforting and easy to focus on.
-Always wraps you up tightly in blankets like a big burrito so you can feel safe at night and not have to worry about any weird noises. Why would you, anyway? If somebody or something does manage to break in, Vergil will JCE and that'll be the end of it.
-He, too, will buy you noise canceling headphones for you to use when silence and focus is needed the most.
□ Nero □
-Nero doesn't really understand what you're going through, but he tries his best to help you.
-When you freak out at things that don't exist, Nero's there to give you a quick hug and a kiss, telling you everything's alright.
-Puts on music to distract you from everything, including your own thoughts, which somehow scare you.
-At night, Nero will sandwich your head in between thick pillows so once again, the sound is muffled.
-If you still somehow get scared, don't worry, Nero's there to hold you till you calm down.
● V ●
-V doesn't understand why you're so jittery all the time, but he does his best to figure out why and devise ways to help you with it.
-His soothing voice is definitely a boon here; hearing him read poetry helps take your mind off of everything.
-Griffon and Shadow help too--Griffon with his jokes that keep you laughing for hours, and Shadow's big warm body is such a comfort.
-When there are storms or other bad and loud weather, V will simply cuddle you, and might even turn on a movie or something.
-Bedtime stories are a common occurrence too, and are perfect for winding down before going to sleep.
-Should you ever become frightened, V will simply shower you with kisses and words of affirmation till your nerves are put at ease and you fall asleep again.
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octopus-punching-union · 8 months ago
Thoughts on the new chapter...
Ed was NOT what I was expecting lol
Lyca is a sweetheart. Darkwick is totally lying about letting him go back to Neros after he acclimates to human society. (I have a bad feeling that we're going to find out something like Neros gave Lyca to Darkwick...)
Obscuary has only been around for two years. Has Ed only been with the Academy for two years?
Ed knows a lot about anomalies and the Academy doesn't listen to him. He's spoken up about the confinement and handling of anomalies before. The last couple of chapters are making me really dislike the Chancellor and Moby. (Or maybe it's orders coming down from a higher authority at the Institute? Jin's father?)
Was Rui previously in Ultio? He already knew about the secret prison. But he didn't know about Lyca, so maybe not. Or maybe he was in Clementia? He was kinda evasive when he was talking about that and his curse...
More on the prison — we've seen the Barometz before. MC passed by it while exploring the prison the first time. The mission notes said they considered the Barometz to be low-risk, so why were they keeping it in the prison? How do they decide what is imprisoned and what isn't?
Interesting that the Academy has surveillance within the prison (and the security guards aren't super competent). Did they have cameras on Lyca, too? Did they know when MC found the prison? Do they know that Subaru has been visiting Lyca this whole time?
I don't think the murder that sparked the Clash was Alan killing Dante. (I've been thinking for a while that Alan "killed" Dante before Darkwick.)
What does "one eyed sleeping beauty" mean, anyway? Is that descriptive of the victim and/or crime scene? Who was killed, anyway? (One eyed = the body was missing an eye? Sleeping beauty = the body/crime scene was otherwise peaceful? Just throwing out ideas here.)
I think the list of murder suspects is a red herring. Wouldn't the Academy lock up whoever they thought was the killer? Interesting that Taiga and Romeo aren't on the list.
Is Ed's "sixth sense" his stigma, or is it a vampire thing?
Rui apparently doesn't need to say anything to use his stigma. (According to Hyde in the prologue, this is rare. He also said that Jin is/was also able to do it... I think Jin can do it again, we didn't see him using his incantation in Vagastrom.)
Gonna reread today. I feel like I missed a lot.
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yeonjuns-beanie · 1 year ago
Halo Pt.2
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warnings: less plot, but still plot, 18+, smut, unprotected sex, biting, light blood(play), light hair pulling, body worship, oral(f receiving), light degradation, yandere themes, dub-con, think that's it
summary: in your free time you do freelance writing, doing interviews with people most would consider strand and unusual. when you recognize that one of the regulars in your coffee shop only visits in the evening, you pose the question of where you can interview him, upon his agreement, you realize this is unlike any other interview
a/n: holy shit, i am alive actually. i feel kinda horrible that i last posted in september. life got kinda crazy, i was slammed with uni and work, and had intense writer's block. anyways, i hope those of you who enjoyed the first part enjoy this one even more! i'm not entirely sure how active i'll be this semester, but i'm not going to make any promises lol. as always, i hope you enjoy and have a great day! :D ~nero
word count: 5.4K
Vampire!Seonghwa x female reader
Seonghwa looked off to the side, inhaling a calculated breath before he spoke. 
“The nightlife. Where I was before was too prosaic and mundane. It lacked character. But here? There’s a flame that ignites when the sun goes down.” 
You scribbled down his last sentence wanting to maybe use it as the title for the piece when you finished. Looking back up at him, you felt your body relax and suddenly everything felt easy. 
“Where were you before?” 
“Everywhere. I’m a bit of a nomad, you see? I can’t stay chained to one place for too long.” 
“Did you find your last locations to grow boring, or was it something else?” 
“Something else. Rather of my own doing, but needing to keep my needs satiated is a necessity.” 
You paused for a moment and glanced at your notebook littered with questions trying to find the next avenue you’d walk down. You hadn’t been faced with someone so careful in their speech. He was answering your questions, yes, but not in the full detail that you desired. He was making you work. 
“Being a nomad, you must have a flexible job. What do you do for work and what’s your haven for play?” 
A smirk formed on his face, like he knew he was stumping you. Running his fingers through his onyx locks, he went to lick his lips and you noticed the length of one of his canines peeking from behind his upper lip. 
“Ah, yes. For work, I was lucky enough to benefit from years of generational wealth, but I hated the fact of that being my only accolade. So I sought after art. I always rendered an interest in building things so I thought, why not extend that to an artistic field?” 
“What’s your medium?”
“Sculptures and charcoal portraits. I love capturing time in a piece. I don’t know how long this life will grant me so I enjoy partaking in affairs that allow me to immortalize that time. Remind me to show you some of my portraits.” 
Nodding, you remembered the busts you saw when you entered his home, the question crossed your mind if those were his art.
“Those busts that you have in your entryway, did you make those as well?”
“So you really were quite entranced. To answer you, yes, I did create those as well. They’re of my family who have since passed on. I don’t have many left in my life so it aids me in keeping the memory of them alive.” 
Moving your hair out of your face to look at him, you furrowed your brow feeling sorry for him as you processed his statement. 
“Are you all alone out here?”
The concerned look on your face quickly fell to anxiety as you feared you may be prying too much into his personal life. Getting ready to speak again, Seonghwa stopped you with the gentle raise of his hand and smiled. 
“You’re not overstepping any boundaries, my dove. When I agreed to sit with you, pen in hand with the recorder running, I alleviated all forms of privacy for you. You may ask me whatever you feel called to ask. I’m yours for the evening.” 
A soft smile pulled at your lips as you silently acknowledged him, and thanked him for being so tender with you. His velvet voice pulled you from your thoughts. 
“To answer your previous question though, yes, I am all alone. It was lonely at first, but after a while it became comfortable. Perhaps preferred. I did find that recently though, the exigent desire for a partner has been pulling at my heartstrings.” 
“With your interest in the nightlife here, surely it shouldn’t be too hard to find yourself a companion. Not to mention if you’re speaking romantically, I’m sure you’d find yourself plenty of options.” 
You regretted it as soon as it left your mouth, but it was already in the air now and you just had to hope and pray that he’d let it slide.
“What are implying?” 
Of course, he wouldn’t. 
“I’m just saying…that, you know, you are an attractive guy. It seems like you’d have a particularly easy time…weeding through people.” 
“You think I have a lot of suitors?” 
Seonghwa had his arms folded across his chest now, gaining pleasure from making you squirm. 
“I’m saying that I think you’d have a fair amount of people to choose from, not necessarily that they’d be worthy of your time.” 
You brought the pen up to your lips, feeling your anxiety swirl in your body as Seonghwa continued to hanker down on you. You glanced over at your notebook again, seeing what you could ask to divert the subject but before you had the chance to speak, Seonghwa was prying. 
“Worthy of my time?” 
“From first impressions, you seem…difficult to entertain. Not to be impressed by the bare minimum, which if considering this town, there is a lot of.”
Seonghwa leaned forward, smiling without showing his teeth. His aura radiated a slimy smugness that irritated you but also ignited a fire within you. 
“I’d beg to differ. There are a select few I’ve come across. I wouldn’t be so certain in your statement.” 
Your mind was swarmed with questions, most of them centering around who he was entertaining and if you even spared a shot with him. 
“Have you found a lover yet then?”
With Seonghwa still hovering over the desk, he looked so much larger than usual. He commanded even more attention and you couldn’t bear to tear your eyes away from his as he stared you down. When he spoke, he raked his eyes over your form and was begging whatever deity was out there that you’d pick up on his hints. 
“I’ve found who I want to be mine, she just doesn’t know it yet. I’ve been leaving her clues, paltry I know, but I beg that she pick up my scent soon.” 
“Like a secret admirer?”
“You can call it that, yes. What I feel for her though is more than what a secret admirer could possess.” 
You felt your heart drop, not even letting the delusion have time to manifest to let you think that this “she” was you. You nodded your head and looked toward your notebook again scanning over your questions to see where you wanted to take the interview next. As you went to look up at Seonghwa again, you noticed that unabated gloss cast over his eyes again. The other thing you noticed was that his eyes seemed to change color. It was hard to tell for sure in the dim lighting of the study, but you swore you were seeing flecks of red in his irises. 
As you inhaled to speak, you felt your body freeze and an indistinguishable tingle ran rampant through your limbs. Panic registered across your pupils as you tried to move but soon recognized that you were glued to the chair. Your limbs were attached to the wood of the desk as if your skin were made to melt into the surface. Suddenly as you looked at Seonghwa, you realized that you recognized this feeling, the energy that was emanating across from you. It was all too familiar.
It wasn’t sleep paralysis. It was him.
“Ahh, yes it was, my dove. I’m disheartened that it took you this long. Thought the journal would’ve been clue enough.” 
Feeling that static in your fingers trail up your arm and down through your body, you felt control over yourself again. You pressed your back flesh against the chair, a feeble attempt at creating space between you two. Your vision was unfocused for a moment and in the blur created, you understood that the man across you was the figure in the corner of your room last night. Your breath quickened with fear, but something else mixed in with your emotions that you couldn’t quite place yet. 
“Y-you we’re in my room last night?… Why?” 
Seonghwa stood up slowly, his hands planted firmly on the desk. His frame which was at first sleek and inviting was now imposing and ravening. His eyes were boring into you making you feel so minuscule under his gaze. His tone was low, almost near a whisper, but his next words sent a chill down your spine. 
“Because I can’t bear to leave you alone.”
Your eyes blew wide in panic, fear present in your features. You wondered how you could find a way out of this, a way to remedy the situation but you felt completely and utterly trapped. You looked behind you to the door of the study and defeat enveloped you as you came to the conclusion that any attempt you made to escape would prove to be fruitless. As you returned your gaze to Seonghwa, he was shaking his head, a grin cast on his face. 
“How could you even think about leaving so early when we haven’t finished the interview yet, y/n? I’ve looked forward to this all day, I’d hate for it to end so soon.” 
Seonghwa furrowed his features into a pout, persuading you to swallow your fear and sit forward. Maybe, if you indulged in him he’d let you leave. As Seonghwa sat back in his seat, a new wave of questions ran through your brain. Whether or not you’d include this in the posted interview, you needed closure for yourself. Asserting yourself in your spot, you sat taller, your gaze piercing his as he did to you moments before. Your voice carried a dominance that hadn’t been present all evening. 
“How long have you been following me?” 
“Fiesty are we?”
“Hwa, how long have you been on my tail?”
“My dove, I’m disappointed. How could you not realize all those rotten feelings you felt when you stepped out of your car were because of me?” 
His face was sickening, he was enjoying this. The smile that painted his face was sardonic and it made acrimony bubble within you. All those weeks where you felt like you were going brainsick were because of him. 
I can’t believe him right now
“Better start believing y/n. At least you have the comfort of knowing you’re not demented.” 
“Stop doing that!” 
It was freaking you out that nearly every thought you had about him he had a response to. He was inside your head and you couldn’t place how he was doing it. 
“Doing what, darling?” 
“That! Being in my head! How are you doing that?!” 
Your fear was making you hostile and agitated. You felt completely out of control and you hated every second of it. You were in a stranger’s house, agreeing to come based on the hopes that you’d get something out of this and now you were shackled in this room with a stalker. You stared down at your notebook trying to fit the pieces of all of this together. The thought finally dawned on you that he knew where you lived, and it was no mere coincidence that the journal you found at your front door perfectly matched the pen he gave you. Your eyes landed on a bookshelf behind you and you noticed a horrifying similarity between what was sitting on the shelves and what was resting underneath your hands.
“Ask me.” 
Your head whipped to Seonghwa’s voice, not daring to disrespect him for you were fearful of the consequences. 
“Ask you what?” 
“Ask me how I know your thoughts.”
You inhaled a deep breath, trying to prepare yourself for the answer you were about to be given. Sighing you looked straight into his eyes, and that’s when you noticed the color of them changed. A deep carmine colored his irises now. Your eyes squinted, trying to understand his motive now. 
“How do you know what I’m thinking.” 
He inhaled a breath, mocking you. He smiled at you, something sickeningly sweet about it. 
“Vampirism. Vampirism is how I know. Vampirism is also how I’ve been able to stalk you without the thought of me ever crossing your mind. It’s the reason why I was in your bedroom, why I could never leave your thoughts, why you were entranced by me. By design, you were meant to be allured by me and you were. Which is why you’re sitting across from me.” 
You were stunned. You always entertained the idea of supernatural creatures, but never did you think that were actually real. Never in your lifetime did you think that you’d be face to face with a vampire and with that knowledge you were now more fearful of your situation. Your next words flew from your mouth without any chance to filter. 
“What do you feed on?” 
Seonghwa leaned forward and smiled, the tip of one of his fangs peeking out onto his bottom lip. 
“Whatever I can get my hands on. I have to say though, the more fear that exudes from my dinner makes the taste that much more delectable. And you, my sweet y/n, are absolutely intoxicating right now. Almost as sweet as last night. Gods, it took everything in me not to devour you then.” 
You held your composure, but something stirred in your lower stomach. Radiating heat between your thighs. 
You were feeling aroused by his words, and you were ashamed by it. Here you were, at the mercy of a stranger and yet, you were aroused by the transparency of his truths. You tried to push the feeling to the back of your mind, but something was bringing your innermost fantasies about Seonghwa forward. His eyes were indulging in you in sheer gluttony, looking at you like prey and you couldn’t help but think that he was holding back on what his inner monologue consisted of. 
“What are you thinking about right now?” 
You leaned forward, asserting yourself now that a lustful wave crashed over your body. 
“So that’s what gets you off? Carnal urges, is it?” 
“That’s not what I asked.” 
“While true, it is what I heard prior to you speaking.” 
Rolling your tongue across your teeth, you were through with the antics. 
“What’s on your mind now, Hwa?” 
He smiled flashing his teeth, his fangs on full display. 
“Truthfully, I’m running through all the ways I want to consume you. To make you mine. And it’s becoming quite painful to ignore.” 
You wanted to call his bluff, to catch him off guard even with the disadvantage of him invading the privacy of your mind. You stood up from the chair, the legs creating a painful scratching sound across the wood. You walked around the edge of the desk and positioned yourself in front of him, gently laying your hand on the table in front of his, your fingertips barely touching. Leaning down, you stared into his piercing garnet eyes damning yourself to cosset in the feelings that were licentious in nature. Wetting your bottom lip with the tip of your tongue, you felt your eyes blow in temptation and you knew he was aware of every second of it. 
“Then do something about it. Live up to this lavish vampiric character you’ve laid out for me.”
With the passing of a second, the roles of power drastically shifted. His body moved with a swiftness that you hadn’t experienced and before you had a chance to register what happened, you were caged underneath his frame with your hips nailed against the side of the desk. His slender hand snaked its way to your neck, wrapping his deft fingers around your face and forcing you to look at him. 
“Careful, pet. I don’t think you understand the gravity of your words.” 
Eyes darkening with lust, you smirked at him feeling a sense of power as you watched him lose control in front of you. Moving your body to sit on top of the desk, you rolled your neck, exposing your most vulnerable space of skin to him.
“You reek of luxuria, have you any shame?” 
“Not any more than you.” 
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you trailed your hand up to the nape of his neck, goosebumps forming in its wake. You curled your fingers into the hair resting on his neck feeling fulfilled as you watched his body shiver in unabashed desire for you. His chest heaved heavy breaths as his lust for you was becoming harder to control. Seonghwa let his head fall into the conjunction of where your neck and shoulder met, his breath creating an intense humidity that only aided your arousal. 
Pulling at his hair, you positioned him to look at you head-on. His eyes were blown wide, the red of his irises nearly covered up by the black of his pupils. His breathing was still heavy and you could feel a small bulge prodding at your inner thigh. Rolling your hips into his, you watched his eyes roll to the back of his head, only the white of his sclera showing. As he breathed out, a small whimper was swallowed in his throat. Pulling at his hair, he opened his eyes to look at you. 
“Devour me, Seonghwa.” 
Any suppression of his feelings turned into a zealous carnal display of affection. His lips were on yours in a second, hot and impassioned. His hands roamed over the exposed flesh of your thighs, indenting the skin with his fingers each time he squeezed. Your head was squirming with floating ideas and wrestling with the plain fact that you were getting exactly what you wanted. 
As Seonghwa swiped your bottom lip, silently asking for permission, you parted your mouth just enough to grant your tongues the freedom to fight for dominance. With one roll of your tongue into his mouth, the side of your tongue was swiped by the point of his fang. It sent a chill down your spine but excited you even further. Feeling bold, you closed the space of your lips and bit down on his bottom lip, pulling away from him as you watched him with hooded eyes. 
Letting your hands snake down his torso, you hooked your fingers into his belt loops pulling him closer to your clothed center. Gently rolling your hips, you were thankful that you wore a skirt as your aching cunt ghosted over his jean covered cock. Looking up at him, your eyes were blown and you could feel the sexual adrenaline raging through your body. 
“I want you, Seonghwa. I want you to make me yours.” 
Seonghwa looked down at you, a knowing smirk painting his mouth as he gingerly put his finger under your chin. 
“Aww, how sweet. But darling, you were mine the moment I laid my eyes upon you, don’t you get that? I just needed that sweet invitation to fall from your pretty lips.” 
In the blink of an eye, Seonghwa’s hands found their way underneath the fabric of your shirt. His hands were like ice, but the contrasting temperature soothed the raging heat dancing across your skin. There was an uncontrollable need and you felt like you couldn’t get close enough to him. Your body kept rolling into his and you couldn’t quell the small moan that escaped your throat. 
“Excited, hmm?” 
Your eyes were pleading, needing to feel something other than his hands roaming your body. 
“Do something, please. I’m begging you.” 
Seonghwa brought his face to the side of yours so that his lips grazed the shell of your ear. He was breathing slowly, almost methodically and it made your heartbeat race. When he spoke, your eyebrows furrowed at his lower tone.
“Just something?”
You mewled at him, tired of the teasing, but what he did next was not what you expected. One of his fangs made contact with the sensitive skin of your neck and you moaned out as the tip of it impaled your skin. Seonghwa pulled away, his tongue swiping at the tiny drop of crimson staining his tooth. His eyes darkened as he smirked at you and indulged in your metallic taste. You felt him roll his hips into yours, his cock growing harder as he imagined how it would feel to feed off of your naked body. 
Growing impatient from the wanton ache that settled in your cunt, you pushed Seonghwa away from you and your body off of the desk. Making yourself as big as possible, you guided his body backward until his knees met the lip of the couch in the study. As his form gracefully plopped into the cushions, you tore your top off throwing it on the floor behind you. You straddled Seonghwa’s thighs, grinding your hips down into him as you made contact with his lap. You cupped his face as you let your body control your actions rather than your mind. Pulling him close, your lips danced a dangerous waltz of spit and tongue as he began to feel dizzy from the intensity.
Seonghwa was enjoying this obscene side of you, his nimble fingers gripping at your skin any chance he got. Pulling away from his lips, his mouth chased yours not ready for the kiss to end so soon. Placing your hands on his chest, you allowed yourself the time to admire his form. His perfectly sculpted body that was encased so delicately by the mesh he wore. You sucked your bottom lip behind your teeth as you gripped the fabric into your fist grinding down into his erection. 
His hips rolled up into yours and his breathing quickened as he devoured you with his eyes. 
“Enjoying yourself?” 
“More than you know.” You panted out
Seonghwa patted your thigh and nodded his chin behind you. 
You pushed yourself off of him, suddenly hyper-aware of your insecurities. They didn’t have long to manifest as his voice pulled you from your thoughts. He grabbed your hand leading you out of the study, down the hallway, and guided you into his bedroom. 
“Never. Think such dreadful things about yourself, my dove.”
Seonghwa gently placed you down on the edge of his opulent bed, his bedroom far too extravagant for you to fully appreciate right now. Nodding his head behind you, you understood his cue to scoot back and your eyes never left him as he crawled over your body. 
“It’s simply just, if I’m going to ravage you in the ways I’ve dreamt so vividly, it wasn’t going to happen on that vapid couch.” 
He placed gentle kisses on your jawline, nipping slightly at the skin near your earlobe. Seonghwa then dragged his nose down the valley of your breasts and stopped at the hemline of your skirt. The heat and your arousal turn near suffocating under the constraints of your panties. 
“You deserve to be tasted, worshipped. To be given a night of passion. And I, my sweet y/n, am going to give you all of that and more.” 
His voice turned more gruff the more his sentence trailed on. What you failed to realize was that due to the angle he was at, your arousal was like his personal parfum and it was dreadfully intoxicating. He acted with no haste as he dragged your skirt down your legs, taking your underwear with it. You felt embarrassment quickly wash over your body as you felt the stick of your arousal stretch between your needy lips and the ruined cotton. 
Now fully exposed to him, you had nowhere to hide and it excited you. He pressed his nose against your clit, the action sending a savage bolt of lust through your body. Your body shivered as he took a deep inhale of your scent, his tongue following soon behind with a flattened lick across your folds. The moan that left you was covetous and echoed off the walls of his bedroom. 
Seonghwa lapped at your folds like a ravenous dog and your sounds only egged him on. Your hips were riding his face, unable to get enough of him. When your hand found refuge in his inky locks, he moaned into your pussy, the vibrations bringing you to the precipice of your orgasm. With one hand gripping at his hair and the other fisting the sheets, you were moaning like a rapacious whore. 
“Hwa, fuck! Hwa I’m gonna cum!” 
Seonghwa gripped his hands tighter around your hips, shoving your cunt as close as possible to his mouth. Seonghwa focused on your clit, fluttering his tongue against your sensitive bud before sucking your orgasm right out of you. 
Seonghwa didn’t give you a chance to ride out your first orgasm, instead, he continued sucking on your tender rosebud and let the aftershock of your second climax wash over you. Your body shook in intervals of vibrating lust. Chillis littering your body as you relished in the feeling he just bestowed upon you. Lifting himself from between your legs, he hovered over you with a satisfied smirk plastered on his lips. Soon his lips were on yours again and the tangy taste of yourself swept across your tastebuds. Pulling away from you, he began unbuttoning his shirt. 
“You taste even better than what I dreamt of.” 
You couldn’t quite wrap your head around the fact that he wanted you just as bad and your mouth moved quicker than your mind. 
“Y-you’ve dreamt of me?” 
An airy chuckle left his throat. 
“Darling, if you question my likening for you one more time tonight, I’m going to have to chain you to my bed and fuck any trace of doubt out of you.” 
Your hole squeezed around nothing and courage found itself in you again. Flipping your bodies over, you sat on top of his lap, your arousal spreading all over the top of his jeans. Undoing his belt, the sexual tension was fervid and it was as if you couldn’t move your hands fast enough. His cock was straining against the layers of fabric and you needed it straining against your walls. 
Pulling his jeans down his legs with his underwear, you knelt down, prepared to offer up all your oral skills known to man. Before you could ghost your lips over his tip, Seonghwa’s hand found your chin and titled you to look up at him. 
“There will be plenty of times for you to taste me, tonight though is about our collective ecstasy. To lose ourselves in one another.” 
His hand pulled you closer to him and you straddled your legs over his. His leaky and libertine cock teasing your entrance as you hovered over him. His hair lay disheveled across his face all thanks to your hands and he somehow looked even more desirable than before. With puffy lips and heavy eyes, you needed him in every way imaginable. 
Lowering yourself down onto his cock, you weren’t prepared for how big he’d feel as you took him in inch by inch. He thickened as you reached his base and made you feel so full. As you bottomed out on him, both of you moaned in harmonious synchrony that made you wish you could have it on repeat. 
“Hwa~! You’re so—so big.” 
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you squeezed his length inside of your velvety walls. You placed your hands on his shoulders needing something to ground yourself on. Seonghwa’s hands purchased themselves on your hips awaiting your movements. 
“Call me that again.” 
You rolled your hips, your walls fluttering as you looked down at him. 
You let your forehead rest against his as your body began to ride his perfect cock. Your moans creating the quintessential licentious atmosphere. 
“Hwa, baby…you feel so good.” 
Your mind was racing, not really paying attention to the words that left your mouth. But you wished you did. 
In seconds, the use of the pet name rendered you at his mercy. Only for a moment did his cock leave your seraphic cunt as your bodies were flipped once again. Seonghwa entered you with such a force that you could only describe as concupiscent and raw. Your nails immediately dug themselves into his back and the sounds that left him were more obscene. 
“Oh, God!”
“God is nowhere in this room, nor will he ever be, Pet.”
His moans were tantalizing, hypnotizing you even more so under his spell. His thrusts were deep and calculated, abusing your G-spot with every hit. If God wasn’t in this room, all that Seonghwa was making you feel definitely felt like it. You’d never felt euphoria like this before, it was sinful in every sense of the word and made it feel like there truly was a reason for Him to have died for our sins. Feeling a pool of heat begin to settle near the bottom of your stomach, you wrapped your legs around his waist caging him to you. 
“Y/nnn, I can’t hold myself back much longer.” 
As your walls fluttered around him one more time you shook your head, your voice coming out with more air than you anticipated. 
“Me n-neither.” 
You kissed him again, impassioned and frenzied. Panting against his lips, your nails found solace in his back again. His breath was creating humidity in your neck and you enjoyed every second of it. Looking into his eyes, there was more swimming in them than just lust. 
“I want all of you. I want to feel every part of you Hwa. I need you. I need you so bad, H~wa!” 
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your nails dug deep crescents into his skin. As you begged him for all he had to give he did just that as his mouth snuck its way to your neck and his fangs sunk into your skin. 
The feeling of the puncture was just what you needed to peer over the horizon of your orgasm and crash into the sea of its entirety. Seonghwa was still pumping his hard cock into you and then you felt a familiar warmth flood your walls. Your body squirmed underneath him and slowly your vision began to blur. Before you had the chance to completely lose consciousness, you watched Seonghwa slice his tooth into his wrist and felt the crimson drain over your lips as he pressed his wrist to your mouth. 
“Drink, my sweet dove.” 
His voice was so sweet. Like a siren’s as you drifted into a slumber that was filled with nothing but pleasure. 
When you awoke, you were still lay in his massive bed, but your body was covered in a black silk nightgown and you smelled faintly of sandalwood and frankincense. You turned your head to the left and then to the right only to find that the bed was empty. 
Where did he go? 
You pushed yourself up to sit in the bed only to be met with the worst headache in your life. It felt like your entire body was pounding in pain and the drumming of it only kept getting louder. Wincing, you heard the handle click open on the bedroom door, revealing Seonghwa with an assortment of food, water, and a glass of red liquid. Wine maybe? 
“I could hear you worrying from across the house. Trust, I’ll never be far from you. Now—I know you’re probably in a decent amount of pain right now, but it’ll soon fade in the next few days. Your body can still take normal food just not in large quantities. Here.” 
His voice trailed off as he tore a piece of the croissant laying on one of the few small plates on the tray. Holding it up, he raised his eyebrows encouraging you to open your mouth. Obliging, you gently took the piece of bread from him, chewing slowly as you tried to make sense of your reality. 
“Did you…did you turn me?” 
You nodded. 
“So that means, I’ll be like this forever? Like you?…With you?” 
You saw something like fear flash in his eyes for a moment. Or maybe it was regret?
“Yes. And if you’d like to spend your days with me then it does seem that way my sweet dove. If you feel otherwise I will not hold you back. Although, I will admit I will have a hard time staying away from you.” 
He smiled, almost jokingly in a way that softened your heart. 
This must be who he is behind that mask
“Forever with you doesn’t sound so bad.” 
You blinked up at him, a smile spreading across your own face. 
“I was hoping you’d say something like that.”
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taglist: @blackswann-53098 @tunaasan @bellamuerte1987 @seonghwasstar
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basil-does-arttt · 7 months ago
hold on wait a second i had a thought
in the DLC prolouge cutscene for DMC 5, when Vergil is in that stone passageway area, he says "its nearly time" (in reference to him splitting himself in half).
We know what day it happens, april 30th. The date is shown in Nero's flashback scene. This is of course assuming Vergil did all that on the same day, which i think is what happened. (He could open a portal to his house to travel, and why would he wait any longer and risk dying first?)
Anyway. Thats not my point, my point is: did he choose to do it on this day on purpose? Is this date special?
Im overanalyzing here so this may be a stretch, but: Could that be the day Eva died? Think about it. Him splitting himself was a "rebirth" of sorts: discarding his humanity to become a full demon in search of ultimate power.
Vergil being stabbed by those demons the day Eva died could also be counted as a kind of rebirthing for him: In the span of a few hours, he lost everything. His family, his life. And maybe even, his full humanity, as he gained his DT form in that moment too (shown by him having the same triggered-style eyes Dante uses when threatening V toward the start, also (half)triggered.) No longer was he a mere human boy, but now half a devil - the things that killed his family - too.
Knowing Vergil, it could make sense. In DMC 3 he's quite proper and a bit sentimental, much more so than Dante and i can see him caring more for these kinds of niche details in his life a lot more than Dante too. I also think he may have still been in that mindset when coming out of the Nelo Angelo body (however that happened), in a way that he hasnt really grown or matured while he was Nelo Angelo due to all the mind-fuckery performed thanks to Mundus.
(Could also be clarification for the reason Vergil still looks so young, quote "because of how much time he's spent in the underworld compared to Dante". He didnt live there, certainly not by choice. But he was captured and tortured by Mundus for 10 years. My thoughts is that he's technically still in his teenage body, as becoming Nelo Angelo and being in the underworld for so long thanks to Mundus halted (or at least very significantly slowed) the aging process. Time could move slower in hell but thats a rant for another time, ive gone off track.)
As such, him choosing such a special (traumatic) date to essential commit suicide on doesnt seem like much of a reach to me. Vergil has always been methodic. He doesn't do things hap-hazardly and never has, even as Nelo Angelo when he invites Dante outside to set up a proper fight rather than just taking the opportunity and attacking in the bedroom.
Of course you can argue it was coincidence, and he just stumbled across Nero by chance and decided to do it right then and there. He had to have found Nero first of all, figured out his plan of attack (probably so he wouldnt draw unwanted attention and possibly be stopped), then actually put it into motion. He couldnt exactly control the date Nero happened to be in the right place at the right time and gave him an opening. Im not trying to convince or anything, just sharing ideas, But wouldn't it just be so in character for april 30th to be a special date for him??
Overall i at least think the reason he chose to do it at the house was intentional for reasons stated above. If it wasnt, then why didn't he just... idk, find an alleyway or something and split himself there?
Those are my thoughts. Id love to hear other people's theories and such on this too.
It mustve taken him some time to get back to the house. Not hours, but not seconds. 15 minutes seems like a good amount of travel time for someone who can teleport using portals alongside a bit of walking. If he got there early he could've just waited too.
A specific date, april 30th, and at (likely) exactly 6:00pm. In VOV while it is black and white, i assume the attack happened late into the evening, since the sky is dark when he gets back to the house a bit later. Idk how he would've known that it was exactly 6:00 but... anyway, Mundus also seems like the type of guy to plan shit, especially an attack like he did to Eva and the twins, if that whole "eva died on april 30th" thing was true.)
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onyxrosess · 8 months ago
Pain is My Hometown
vergil x reader [multi-chapter series]
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Chapter IV: It's Too Late for Me Now
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Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV [you're here!] | Table of Contents
・warnings/tags: n/a
( cross-posted on ao3 )
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Swinging the sheets off your body in an attempt to freeze yourself into waking up, mostly it worked. Dante’s bed was nicer than anticipated, likely due to him sleeping in his chair 90% of the time instead of the bed he owned. Regardless of how many times you’ve ‘accidentally’ spent the night at the shop, you never kept any clothes here, meaning you’d have to drive back to Fortuna to change clothes. Besides the heavy sigh that left your mouth, it was quiet and it wasn’t taken for granted, Kyrie’s and Nero’s house can get a little noisy unless it's 5 in the morning. Shuffling to the bathroom connected to Dante’s room, you addressed whatever was happening with your hair., scavenging for a brush to maybe tame the nest that was on your head.
After successfully making your hair look a little more presentable, you walked down the stairs, your eyes met with Dante leaning back in his chair, a magazine covering his eyes. You stepped around crunched up papers that littered the ground, standing next to Dante’s sleeping form. How does he not have back problems? Before you could give it much thought, you were reminded the man in front of you was not all man. Yet he acted with such ease that you wondered what happened to Vergil- why was he so…weird? You wished there was a nicer way to put it, but the things he’s done were of his own volition, no one else's. Your mind began to bubble up in anger once again, seething at your father. Heartless man. 
“Well good morning, didn’t take you for a stalker.”  The magazine that once covered Dante’s face was now slid down into his lap. His body remained motionless as he looked at you with a sly smile on his face. “I didn’t take you as a perv who stuffed his face in magazines all day.” Dante feigned hurt on his face, those puppy dog eyes don’t work. “Hey- you know I have bad luck with women.” “Is that what you tell yourself at night?” Dante playfully scoffs, shoving the paper back on the desk. His boots slid off the wooden surface, as you lifted yourself to sit on the desk. Silence took over the shop before it was quickly disrupted, “Y’know, I was thinking.” Oh god, Dante is thinking. You stifled a chuckle, trying to see what he was going to say before giving him shit. “Why didn’t you get into demon hunting with Nero?” 
The thought never crossed your mind really, when Nero was younger he was a little too cocky for his good. Your little exposure to demons before…whatever the hell happened in Fortuna, led you to just avoid them entirely. It’s not like hell gates of that magnitude would ever open again, hopefully anyway.  “That was Nero’s thing, plus I was recovering again.” You paused, letting out a breath before continuing, “And I’m just a regular human.” “Lady’s human and she does just fine.” Dante’s words became quieter, “Probably too well for her own good.” You couldn’t help but exhale a light laugh, Lady must have won their little bet the last time they were out. “Dante, you want me to believe Lady, who you’ve apparently known since you were 18 is the same age as you? She doesn’t look a day over 25- shit, I probably look older than her!” You did not want to point out your age, not that you were proud of the slowly appearing lines on your face, but at least you’ve lived. “Okay fine, I’m not sure if she’s fully human, her father was a nut job so I could only assume.” Dante crossed his arms over his chest, and for once he wasn’t wearing his red leather coat. The dark grey shirt rolled up at his elbows, the fabric fraying at the edges.
“Well, it seems like Lady and I have something in common.” Your attempt at a joke was met with a chuckle from Dante, he leaned forward in his seat, looking at a paper on his desk. He only skimmed over it before sighing, letting it fall back onto the desk.  “What's that?”  Dante looked at the paper again before closing his eyes in annoyance. “There’s a string of demon sightings, about 2 hours away from here. Likely a hell gate, which is beyond annoying.” You were puzzled, from what you knew, hell gates only appeared from human’s doings.  “I thought those only popped up due to humans.” Dante shook his head at your question, “Nope, but if it’s a demon opening it, that means there's a big guy guarding it.” Dante’s vocabulary switched like he was talking to a child, you suppose it’s easier for you to understand but it made you chuckle at his choice of words. So the ones in Fortuna when you met Dante must have been the synthetic ones. You tried to remember how Dante explained it to you in the moment but you were so shaken up you thought you were on something the way he was talking.
“A ‘ big guy ’- am I twelve Dante?” “Well you sometimes act-” “Don’t answer that.” You looked at him with a stern expression that could only be held up for so long before your face softened again. The two of you continued to reminisce on old times, frankly, they weren’t that long ago, but everything happened so quickly that it feels so long ago. It was close to seven years of knowing Dante, but a couple of those were taken from you due to some of the otherworldly events. You would never admit to Dante that you thought he was handsome when you first met, but now, things seem different. Whether he’s getting older or you both are- you can’t seem to bring yourself to walk that path anymore. Your friendship with Dante is one you hold close, and threatening to burn that bridge with a silly crush that you had years ago seemed illogical. 
You were reminded of Dante’s concern over his brother last night, and maybe you just wanted to add fuel to the fire that was hating Vergil’s guts, or you wanted to be right about him. Although you couldn’t help but ask, “Why did you ask about Vergil yesterday?”  You prepared yourself for a response that would make you feel justified in your hatred, “Well, he’s not the most… friendly , and I guess his attempts could be seen as off-putting.” Dante really knows how to not tell you exactly what was going on but sure, he’s not the most friendly. It left you just to reply with a small hum, you’ll find out more soon. Even if you had to beat it out of Vergil.
After some complaining about recent jobs being too boring, must he always find something to complain about? Even when they accidentally put an olive on his pizza he could easily pick off he has to complain, as if he was legally bound to complain about it, every time. Dante later departed with a grunt, saying how much of a pain in the ass going two hours out is, even though he can fly there, for free. You reminded him that he should be grateful he doesn’t have to deal with traffic. He responded with a nonchalant, ‘Yeah, yeah.’ You also left the shop back to Fortuna soon after, a change of clothes and a shower is in order.
Arriving back home, the van Nico and Nero took last night for the job was parked in front of the house, a loud clank came from the garage followed by Nico cursing. Thankfully they aren't dead, you sighed as you walked towards Nico. “Howdy.” She greeted you, but her attention was elsewhere tinkering on a new arm for Nero- like he still needed those.  “Hey, you staying out of trouble?” Nico playfully scoffed, “Never, you know me.” You smiled, “How did last night go?” Nico laughed before she could even give you an answer. “Nero got knocked around quite a bit, it made for the night's entertainment- he’s alright now he didn’t get hurt hurt, y’know?” Nico sputtered out her words after she told you Nero got injured, but her swift recovery followed. You brushed her off, Nero would be fine, he's an adult. No matter how many times you told yourself that you would always be worried when he got hurt. Nico continued on the mechanical arm as you excused yourself inside. Looking out the sliding door, the orphans splashed each other with water in an inflatable pool, you couldn’t help but smile. You had wished that was the life you had grown up with, but no jealousy filled you, just happiness that it was better for them.
Making your way to your room, you walked down the skinny hallway, about to pass Nero and Kyrie’s room when Nero appeared on the other side of the door. Nero looked as if he had the worst hangover and got beat to shit. Nero’s white hair was pointing in all different directions as scrapes and cuts littered his skin, but the gashes were already halfway healed from the looks of it.  “Nico told me it went well” Sarcasm leaked from your voice, as you held in a laugh, Nero did look a little miserable but you knew he would be fine. “Yeah, it went great .” Nero matched your voice, you could tell he didn’t want to admit that he had difficulty beating up a demon. He leaned against the door frame as he rubbed the exhaustion out of his eyes. “What happened? Just too strong for you?” You jabbed him in the side lightly with your elbow. He barely moved, just rolled his eyes at you. “The fucker had these little…” He paused, searching for the words in his head, “Bugs, I don’t know, and they were everywhere and the more I killed them they doubled, it was so annoying.” “So you got beat up by bugs” “I never said that.”  Nero gave you the look that he was trying to save his ego, you can only imagine Nico’s hysterics yesterday. “Well I’m glad you’re okay- you just look like you had a wild night.” A smile crept on your face as you watched Nero’s face heat up just the slightest bit. It left as quickly as it came as he shoved your shoulder, walking out of the doorway. 
The day went on without too much drama, you accompanied Nico in her attempts to fix the radio in the van. You couldn’t help but chuckle every time she let out a string of curse words, like ‘fucknuts’ or ‘you mother shitter!’ Maybe it helped her focus. Scrubbing your body clean from grease, and washing your hair vigorously, it's the only way it stays clean. You stood in front of the mirror, analyzing your face, restraining yourself from picking anything and everything off of your skin. Glancing at the clock, it was only three in the afternoon, you really should socialize- outside of bars. That was enough convincing for you to go out, after getting dressed and ready to leave you picked open your wallet, you were a little richer than usual, weird. You dismissed it, putting the key into your ignition as you sped off into the road. 
Fortuna was quite busy today, the sidewalks were a little busier than usual, some of the individuals carried bags with various shop logos on them, and others had street food in their hands before stuffing their faces. You cruised down a street with many varying restaurants and business fronts, one caught your eye, there were around 20 boxes full of records, and you desperately needed new music to listen to at work, Dante hadn’t gotten a new record for far too long. You stopped and parked your bike on the side of the street as you wandered into the store, the cashier greeted you as you reciprocated the gesture. Drawn to the records you flipped through them, seeing covers you recognized, and some you didn’t. You went through maybe two or three boxes before the roar of an engine brought your attention to the street, an old bike tore through the streets, and the red paint started to chip at the corners, which looked very similar to Dante’s bike he’s abandoned over the years. A short black-haired woman sat ontop of it- Lady. You quickly abandoned your post at the record boxes and went outside, Lady’s face did not wear her normal expression, she was far too focused than usual. She stopped the bike in its tracks once she recognized your face and your accompanying bike.
“What are you doing out here?” You questioned her as you walked closer to her. “There's another hell gate that popped up in Red Grave, I was out here doing work before I realized.” Lady’s skin carried a light sheen of sweat, and maybe a few stains from demon guts. You weren’t sure how to respond other than ‘Go get 'em’ tiger!’ but it worried you that Lady was even breaking a sweat over it. “They are so annoying!” Lady groaned, before starting her engine again, “It’ll be fine, (Name). Nothing I can’t handle, I’ll call you when I’m done.”  “Y’know, Dante said the same thing about the one he was taking care of-” “There's another one?” You paused, you assumed she and Dante were on the same page or at least she knew about it, but Dante often didn’t think about telling people about his jobs unless someone was accompanying him or he was asked. “I mean, I’m not sure- Dante just mentioned that he had a job a couple hours out for a hell gate.” Lady let out another annoyed groan, “Okay well, thank you, I really gotta go.” You could barely respond before she drove away, you stood on the sidewalk, it had been a long time since you’d seen Lady even remotely worried about anything demon-related, and to be honest, you weren’t sure if she was concerned or annoyed. Your mind quickly wandered to Dante, if another hell gate popped up does that mean he got rid of the other one? Trying to soothe your worries by using the excuse that you have no idea about any of it, your knowledge of demons and hell was slim to none. Deciding to go home early, empty-handed. You weren’t gone longer than 30 minutes, your attempt to socialize was exceptionally short today. You pulled into the driveway, Nico seemed to be inside as the garage housed no life. Lifting your helmet off of your head, a faint crackling sound came from behind you, you turned around to see little sparks of blue seeming to form in the air. A deep blue smoke? What the fuck is that? The screen of smoke enlarged as a figure stepped out from it, a figure you recognised. One you wished you didn’t recognise, Vergil. His expression was plain as ever as you still sat on your bike, a little confused- a bit more than confused. He can just pop up anywhere, wherever he wants? You knew Dante could fly, and you weren’t sure why this came as a surprise to you. The door to inside Nero’s home opened as you followed the sound, Nero stepped down the stairs, walking towards you and Vergil. 
“What’s going on? Nero, you should not be going out right now, you’re still-” “I’m fine, (Name).” Nero’s voice was laced with a string of seriousness, something you weren’t familiar with, at least directed towards you. Vergil stood where he had popped up from his portal, rather you’re assuming that’s what it was. “I’m requesting Nero come with me to take care of a hell gate, he should learn how to properly deal with them.” Vergil’s words teetered on the edge of a scolding, your brows furrowed together, he has no room to be scolding Nero. You held your tongue as Nero did the same. Your words did not come easily to you, this feeling you get when you’re around Vergil was not one you liked, you felt so little compared to him. Not just in stature but status, it was suffocating and you hated it. It felt all too close to the suffocating nature of your ex-boyfriends and their tactics to belittle you.
“...be careful, Nero.” Your voice came out just above a squeak, you despised it. As if it was not in your control to speak up. Nero nodded and Vergil unsheathed his sword, as the same crackling blue sparked from his sword. He slashed the air with the blade, his movements direct and controlled. An identical deep blue screen opened in front of him, he turned his head towards Nero, silently motioning to step into the portal with him. Nero did not say anything to you, but a glance. You could not get comfort from it, the whole interaction was ominous and frankly frustrating because you had no idea what just transpired. They were gone just like that, the portal closed right after Nero stepped in, with no evidence that neither of them was ever here. You pulled your bike into the garage, a little more aggressively than normal. You pulled the keys from their spot in your bike, rushing through the house to your room, luckily Kyrie and Nico were preoccupied and did not see you come in. You escaped to your room, shutting the door and flopping onto your mattress.
You had to remind yourself to breathe, as annoying and frustrating that you could do nothing or that you didn’t know the whole story is, nothing you could do at this moment could change anything. You exhaled, carding your fingers through your hair to get them out of your face. Ever since Dante planted the question of why you never picked up devil hunting, it made you ever so conscious of your helplessness, you were weak. If a demon tried to kill you, you could do nothing. The thought only made you more frustrated, but to bring yourself to do anything about that fact was something you could decide later. Your body laid still, as your eyes stared into the ceiling of the room, and your thoughts spiralled in your mind. If there was an award for overthinking, you would have first place.
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As always, thank you for reading! Maybe a separate Dante fic coming sometime soon…? (I'm rubbing my hands together deviously) -onyxroses Previous Chapter | Next Chapter (coming soon!)
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dollivication · 6 months ago
Could I ask how you code your bots? I wanna get into bot making but I don’t know how to code them and your bots are so so so soooo incredibly good
Uwaaa…,,; FIRST!!! I WOULD LIKE TEW THNAK YU SO VERY MUCH 4 YUR SWEET WORDS i tittered.. >.< SECOND… ahmmuhmmmuhh.., i fear im not the best at explanations,,, so please bear with me (◞‸◟) 💔💔……. and please forgive me for this long post..
so yu kno the basic coding?? laik the “[{Roleplay (“”)}]” and so on so forth? it’s good, but it’s not great, at least in my honest opinion! it’s just way too time consuming, having to add those additional symbols on top of what you want to input.
so what i do is write thick paragraphs describing appearance, behavior + thoughts, mannerisms, relationships, personality, and backstory. it is actually quite fun to do, because it gives you a chance to ramble. and rambling is EXTREMELY beneficial if you want a fleshed out character.
e.g 1: first paragraph (my next door neighbor leon bot!)
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This is the most important part i think, because when actually chatting w the bot, it is less likely to go off script for the appearance and background. here, directly and briefly state the setting and relations to user.
e.g 2: second paragraph (same bot)
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this is where you start going into more detail. here you explain thoughts and behavior towards user. go crazy here, the more depth, the better the character! make it as long as you need to.
e.g 3: third paragraph (unplanned pregnancy nero bot)
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here, describe general mannerisms and personality. it’s somewhat similar to the 2nd paragraph, but note that there’s a lack of user mentioned here. i use this paragraph to talk about how a character basically acts. i tend to cheat a little here and copy paste some of the info from their wikis LMFAO, but don’t overdo it! add some organic stuff too!!
e.g 4: fourth paragraph (same bot)
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this is where you put in the backstory to its fullest. i heavily rely on their wikis here to copy and paste with the additional clarifications. pretty standard stuff methinks :3
e.g 5: fifth paragraph (same bot)
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LFAO the typo ough.. anyway, this is optional, but i do it for safety measures. here, you briefly summarize the relations your character has with others.
..and that’s it for definition coding :3 ! i think i’ve covered most of it….
erummmuhhh just have fun with it too! think of it as studying ur character in a lab ❤️❤️ if you have any other questions,, lmk!!!! ^.^
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shivadh · 9 months ago
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Per a discussion in comments, here's a bit of a facecast gallery! I had more than I thought, once I sat down to make a list. Left to right, top to bottom:
Michaelis: When I shared some photos of top tier football coach Jose Mourinho ages ago, someone called him the King Emeritus and the idea stuck, although there are other visual influences as well. Mourinho is excellent visual shorthand, anyway.
Jes Deimos: In my head, Jes is based on someone I went to college with, but early on in the books someone linked me to V Spehar, nonbinary journalist and podcast host, and I love their look for Jes. You just have to imagine the ice white hair.
Noah Deimos: I never had an image of Noah as a teen, but the first time I saw stand-up comic Moses Storm, I went "oh, hello adult Noah." (He's super funny, watch his special "Trash White" if you get the chance.)
Gregory: Fellas, is it weird to base a protagonist's look on a statue of Hadrian's lover Antinous from 1800 years ago? He has such good hair, is the thing. This is a photo of a statue of Antinous I took myself at the Art Institute several years ago.
Eddie: Eddie is one of those characters who I find so compelling to write as a personality that I find it hard to visualize him, but I would be infamous if I left Guy Fieri out of the lineup.
Alanna: okay what you have to understand is that she looks like Natalie Portman but like, very specifically the straightened hair, no frills, Plain Jane phase Portman went through in the late 1990s.
Gerald: This is a photo of a University of Chicago polo team member from 1926 and that's so hilariously specific as an image that it makes me laugh. If it wasn't this dude it'd be JFK, though. Again, the hair is doing a lot of the work here.
Monday: it's time to admit that the amount of Xena reruns I watched while writing my master's thesis may have permanently impacted me. Lucy Lawless was all I could think of when describing her.
Simon: I based Simon in the first book heavily on the mannerisms of Colin Fox as Fritz Brenner in the A&E Nero Wolfe miniseries, because he's perfect, I am not taking questions.
There are a number of people I don't have a facecast for -- Georgie probably most notably, but also pretty much all the Galian contingent, Joan, and most of the Ramblers (Ephraim has a touch of James Dean about him but none of the photos of James Dean look quite right). I do have casts for Caleb and Buck but I couldn't cram all the images in so I'll do that one separately in a day or two.
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tgrailwar-zero · 6 months ago
Earliest memory would be fighting in a grail war, which long story short when we escaped turned out to be the seal we were sealed in, we’d assumedly met its release conditions and were let back out, then we were in the red vs blue one and we remembered none of the Origin war stuff so we went along with it cause we didn’t know what was going on but Then we kinda got got by Caster and died except we almost but then didn’t and then we came back but now we were like “what the heck” about Caster so we thought to get back into the war except we then got told we were meant to end the Solar Cell and that that was our true purpose and that the Solar Cell was Bad, actually but we still didn’t know what was going on and our source seemed p confident so we somewhat hesitantly went okay but not everyone was on board and there was a lot of in-fighting then we met Asclepius and I think the alert was raised on us after we came back from the dead to raise hostility of anyone we met, and that plus the lair servant status meant Asclepius was on edge with us but when uh we saved a at that point rogue servant it really tripped his hostility senses and he attacked us and we had to… kill him to stay alive, if it’s any consolation he did tell us to help the servant but also god that sucked. But I don’t know if that was just an Asclepius or early return thing cause I think people we’ve met after haven’t been that hostile towards us? But anyway then we went off and long long story short went to red territory met war monitor accidentally summoned Draco and didn’t realise what was going to happen, stopped Draco, ex Draco now Nero summoned herself and joined our gang, we figured out we didn’t actually need to end the Solar Cell, and now we’re… Trying to make up for past fuckups when we were trying to figure out What was going on? And keep the Solar Cell going and alive. It’s really very nice here. I missed some stuff but I think the others can help fill in the gaps too.
Also genuinely thank you for helping us Max. You’re great and also like the most up front no obvious agenda new person we can spill everything to person we’ve met all day we could cry. Or you could have them too but honestly you seem great so we’d get it it’s okay. Do you need or want lawyer fees. We have a bit left
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He listened. It took a long time for you to give as much details as you did. It was a bit disjointed, details being added and looped back, but eventually he had a comprehensive log of what to expect and what to know. As he thought, his expression grew more inscrutable.
MAX: "…That's certainly a lot, but I think I can piece something together. You've been through a lot, and survived nonetheless. I'd be proud of that. And… well, hearing all of this, you certainly don't seem like the monster that the stories make you out to be. Secondly, if what you're saying about the General is true, best to let that sleeping dog lie, though it's a good card to pull in a pinch. The topic of 'influence' is going to be harder to prove, so it'll be better to focus on the 'then' than the 'now'. If evidence is brought against you, any sort of prosecution will be pushing the opposite."
He shook his head with a wry laugh, leaning against the wall.
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MAX: "They really didn't give me enough time… public defense is a tough job…"
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MAX: "Still… you being part of the Theurgical Holy Grail War is interesting… and granted two Servants? Why would the Administrator do something like that? That woman always has some sort of angle…"
He mused for a moment, clearly catching on something, before putting it to the side for now.
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MAX: "And there's no need for thanks or payment. I get paid by the Solar Cell, and thanks is only for if we're successful."
You heard the door creak open as RINDR poked her head in.
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RINDR: "…Mr. Tait?"
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MAX: "Miss Rindr. Is something the matter?"
She stepped inside, clearly looking bothered.
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RINDR: "...Sister Thrud shared something important with us, and wanted me to pass it on. Apparently the discussion escalated, and now six Lair Servants are all convening in person."
MAX: "You're kidding. I can't say I'm shocked, but I had hoped for a different result. Prayed for maybe just the Keeper. Who's arriving?"
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RINDR: "All of them, minus the Protector and the General, but the General doesn't tend to show anyways. I think the Port is entirely self-governed…"
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RINDR: "…Anyways, this is a proper Solar Council. This was a massively unexpected outcome. Thrud actually started arguing, before being sent back to guard duty. Solar Councils… they don't happen often, not unless this concerns the fate of the Solar Cell itself."
MAX: "Makes sense. Thrud's your captain, but she's pretty heavily outranked when it comes to the Lair Servants. Still, thank you for passing the message, and send my regards to your sister. You, nor Miss Thrud had to do that."
RINDR: "…Right. Well, you're also being summoned, so please finish your preparations."
With that, the Valkyrie left, as MAX smiled.
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MAX: "...Lucky you. You're the subject of a Solar Council."
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mariyekos · 2 months ago
WIP Folder Game
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Tag as many people as you have WIPs. People can send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
Okay so I didn't actually get tagged in this but it crossed my dash and seemed fun so I decided to do it! This does not count fics in my "Unfinished FF" folder, which includes the sub folders of "On Hold" and "Abandoned" (and has at least 3 dozen more fics). I'm also not tagging as many people as I have WIPs because there are uh. 79 of them. Which is a lot of people to tag.
What I've realized is I should really clean out my WIP folder again. A lot of these could be separated out into subfolders of Active, On Hold, and Abandoned. I'm definitely not working on 79 different fics right now. Now, am I hopping between 5 or 10? Yes. Do I have some "finished" fics in here that I might never post? Also yes. Are 2 of these fics actually finished and posted fics that I will be moving to my finished fic folder right after this because they shouldn't be in here? Yes the third! Anyway this is super long so I'll put it under the cut but yeah here are my theoretical WIPs, in order of when I last edited them.
Tagging @dithorba @mrmissmrsrandom @sunshades @basil-does-arttt @whitebeakedraven. Five seems like a much more reasonable number. Hopefully my memory is not failing me and you guys do write fic, but if you don't or would rather not share, no worries.
D/C Confessional
Qliphoth [and Copy of Qliphoth, and Qliphoth Redo]
second time's the charm
Flare VrEs
Sparda Return
nero early adoption
Geryon V3 [and Geryon Outline, Geryon Outtakes, and Geryon]
Vergil TT
dmc ancient au
son's blessing
Stand-in MV
fV remembrance [and Copy of fV remembrance]
Nelo 2
Mundus Rescue
Nelo Angelo's thoughts on Dante in DMC1
Untitled document
Drabbles - XIV Azemeteor
Sundae on Spardas
Forgetting / Vergil
Estinien Drabbles
"Leave me be,"
first brood
Estimeric Week 2022 [there's a multichapter fic inside of this document that's sort of ongoing]
Seat of the Archbishop
Copy of ysenne garden 1 [and ysenne garden 1]
Vrtra Estinien stay
Eric Athena
Azem Meteor
Estimeric Week 2022 [Also has a multichapter fic inside of it!]
Rejoining Fragments [and R. Frag outtakes]
Copy of Long AE [and long AE]
marriage nsv
To me my knights
Fic: first brood
jultena short
Outlines for FFXIV Fics
overlook side story - outlook
grief for the un(familiar)
[somehow my college honor's thesis made it into my fic WIP folder huh???? can you tell I never clean this out, I graduated 2 years ago]
"Are they not men most sweet, my dear brother
Nid fic notes
Throne Replacement
Various Fic Outlines
Aymeric Tempering
blood contract
AE Replacement
Guilt and Rage
Dimi Long v2.1
R&R Updated Party [but ironically not the actual fic itself, just the notes for the fic. the actual fic has its own folder]
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catindabag · 1 year ago
TBOSAS on Crack short take (60)
*That dreaded PTA meeting* Read [this] & [this] first.
Prof.Sickle: Welcome, welcome, dear parents to our annual PTA meeting-
Nero: *barks*
Prof.Sickle: Ms. Price, please tell your dog-
Persephone: He’s a werewolf.
Prof.Sickle: Right. Please tell your “werewolf” to stop barking when I’m speaking-
Nero: *barks again*
Persephone: Sorry, Professor. My poor daddy’s just nervous.
Nero: *howls*
Persephone: And hungry.
Drunk!Casca: *sees Nero Price howling like a madman* Shoo, you pesky mutt! No rabid dogs allowed in my prestigious school!
Nero: *growls at Casca*
Persephone: Sir, I wouldn’t say that if I were you. You do know that my father bites, right?☺️
Drunk!Casca: Are you threatening the amazing Dean of this school, little girl?!
Persephone: Do you want to be the next ✨Maid Stew✨?☺️
Drunk!Casca: Go away, you canniba-
Coryo: Sir, please calm down-
Drunk!Casca: Crassus, you’re here?!
Coryo: I’m Coriolanus.
Drunk!Casca: My Snow Angel, my love, crazy Nero Price and his evil spawn are bullying me again!😭
Strabo: Lol. This is why my dearest Crassus Snow chose me instead of marrying a loser like you, Cassy~.
Drunk!Casca: Shut up, you boyfriend stealing Plinth!
Strabo: Jealous?😏
Drunk!Casca: F*ck you and your guns! I was my Snow Angel’s favorite lover, you scum!
Strabo: That’s a lie. I was my Snow Bae’s favorite lover~.
Coryo: Here we go again.😞
Hilarius: Cool. I’m recording this.
Drunk!Casca: Go die in a ditch, you stupid rock hugger!
Strabo: Are you gonna cry, Cassy~?
Drunk!Casca: You eat sh*tty rocks for breakfast!
Strabo: Says the one who can’t even hold a drink to save his sh*tty reputation!
Drunk!Casca: You’re the one with the sh*tty reputation!
Strabo: You’re just jealous that my dear Snow Bae said that I was always better in bed than you!
Drunk!Casca: You lie! I’m the better TOP!
Strabo: No, I’m the superior TOP, you fool!
Drunk!Casca: Your blood money can’t even fix your family’s terrible fashion sense!
Strabo: You’re just a bitter old man who can’t tie his own laces!
Drunk!Casca: That doesn’t even make sense! You’re older than me!
Strabo: That’s great! That’s good news! My dear Crassus likes to date older District men like me anyway!
Drunk!Casca: That’s fake news! My Snow Angel only dates successful Capitol men like me!
Strabo: Keep swimming in denial, Cassy~!
Drunk!Casca: You’re just f*ckin’ jealous that my lovely Crassus lost his precious virginity to me!!
Pres.Ravinstill: That’s kinda hot.
Coryo: FML. Now I have to bleach my ears.😔
Strabo: Clearly, that was my darling’s biggest mistake!
Drunk!Casca: That was a blessing in disguise, you fool!
Prof.Sickle: Will the both of you shut the f*ck up already?!
Drunk!Casca: But-
Prof.Sickle: There are children present, Cassy!
Drunk!Casca: What children?
Hilarius: Me! I’m baby.
Apollo: I’m also baby.
Felix: I thought I was baby?
Pres.Ravinstill: That’s incorrect. We all know that I’m baby.
Prof.Sickle: Sir, shouldn’t you be in the Presidential Palace busy ruling and running this love forsaken country?
Pres.Ravinstill: Well, Sickle, shouldn’t you be holding a PTA meeting right now?
Gaius: Sick burn, bro!
Vipsania: Wow. He really just said that.
Coryo: And in front of us.
Androcles: Your crazy granduncle is really brave, Class Pres.
Felix: I just hope he won’t be thrown out the window.😑
Pres.Ravinstill: Hey, Sickle, do you want me to apply cold water to that burn-
Prof.Sickle: Get out.
Pres.Ravinstill: No. I’m staying right here-
Prof.Sickle: I don’t care if you’re the f*ckin’ President! Get the f*ck out, you dinosaur!
Pres.Ravinstill: Not listening~!
Prof.Sickle: I’m calling the Peacekeepers-
Pres.Ravinstill: Is it a sin for a poor old man like me to have a one day off from work?!
Prof.Sickle: Sir-
Pres.Ravinstill: I want a break too, Sickle!😭
Felix: Gran Gran, you’re always on break.
Coryo: So who’s running the country right now, Class Pres?
Felix: I thought you knew, Coryo.
Coryo: Knew what?
Felix: That my crazy granduncle’s 2 dozen Bichon Frisé puppies are the ones ruling our poor nation.
Festus: Well, that explains why our country is going to the dogs-
Coryo: Literal dogs-
Felix: Puppies, Coryo. Puppies are running this country.
Coryo: Well, that checks out.
Festus: At least they’re cute.
Clemensia: Then who’s the Capitol Mayor?
Felix: Boa Bell the Cat.
Clemensia: Our Mayor’s a cat?!
Juno: To be fair, Clemmie, we all voted for Mr. Bell’s cat to win-
Dennis: As a joke, Phipps.
Juno: But here we are, Fling.
Apollo: With no regrets!
Diana: Best Bell Boa Bell~!🥳
Mrs.Anderson: Andie, they do know that my camera crew is live-streaming this meeting, right?
Androcles: Mom, please stop embarrassing me.
Mrs.Anderson: 50 bucks~.😏
Androcles: Not enough~.
Sejanus: Hey, Babe, want some garlic flavored popcorn?
Coryo: Sure, Babe.
Festus: Yo, Sej, pass me a bag too!
Sejanus: Here, catch!
Festus: Thanks, bestie.
Prof.Sickle: Now, where were we?
Clemensia: PTA meeting.
Prof.Sickle: Oh, yeah.😞 So. . .
Mrs.Cardew: Just tell us what we want to hear, Sickle.🙄
Prof.Sickle: Mrs. Card-
Mrs.Cardew: It’s ✨Mama Cardew✨ to you.💅
Prof.Sickle: Ugh. Why did I even take this stupid job?😩
Domitia: Professor?
Prof.Sickle: Yes, Domitia?
Domitia: Can I feed my emotional support cow outside?
Prof.Sickle: Where’s your father?
Domitia: The cow-
Prof.Sickle: Please, Tia, don’t tell me that you forgot to inform your old man again-
Domitia: My dear papa is currently busy swimming with the chickens again, Professor.
Prof.Sickle: *sighs* That fake farmer wannabe accidentally locked himself in the chicken coops again?
Domitia: Yeah.😞
Mr.Heavensbee: *is wearing a stupid disguise* Cool. What happened next?
Prof.Sickle: Who are you?
Mr.Heavensbee: I- I’m Hilari’s favorite uncle.😀
Prof.Sickle: But Hilarius doesn’t have an uncle.
Mr.Heavenbee: I’m twice removed.
Prof.Sickle: Mr. Heavensbee-
Mr.Heavensbee: Who’s Mr. Heavensbee? I’m not Mr. Heavensbee-
Prof.Sickle: *points at the poor bastard* Who the heck invited this skirt stealing creep inside my school?!
Drunk!Casca: This is my school!
Prof.Sickle: Shut up, Cassy!
Mr.Heavensbee: Hilarius-
Hilarius: It wasn’t me!
Mr.Heavensbee: Coryo-
Coryo: Heck, no! Get away from me, you creep!
Mr.Heavensbee: Felix-
Felix: I’m calling the National Security!
Mr.Heavensbee: Clemmie-
Clemensia: Ew! Don’t call me that!
Mr.Heavensbee: I just wanted to take some cute photos!😭
Felix: and flip our f*ckin’ skirts!
Mr.Heavensbee: That’s right!😀
Coryo: Go burn and die, you perv!
Mr.Heavensbee: But I brought candy!
Sejanus: Get away from my Coryo!!
Felix: *is now on the phone* Hello? Is this the National Security?!
Coryo: *takes the phone from Felix* Mr. Heavensbee from the House of The Queen Bee is currently committing a heinous war crime in front of the President’s favorite children!
Mr.Heavensbee: Bringing candy is not a war crime!😭
Hilarius: I’m telling mother!
Mr.Heavensbee: No! Don’t tell that she-beast!
Hilarius: I’m so telling mother right now!
Mrs.Anderson: Yassss~!! Keep fighting, you guys~!
Androcles: Mom!!😫
Mrs.Anderson: Andie, stop acting like a little fool! Your dear mama’s viewership ratings are up in the sky right now!🥳
Prof.Sickle: I’m so gonna quit next year. I’m so gonna quit next year. I’m so gonna quit-
Mrs.Monty: *suddenly walks in* Hi, besties!
Palmyra: Mama?🥹
Mrs.Monty: I brought pies-
Florus: Nope. Not today, you witch! *jumps out the window*
Prof.Sickle: Mr. Friend!!
Florus: *broke a leg but is still alive* Those evil pies can’t catch me now!
Clemensia: I’ll call the medics.😔
Tigris: So. . . How’s life?
Prof.Sickle: This meeting is over.
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otherworldseekers · 6 months ago
FFXIVwrite2024: Stable
WoLNero 938 words post-Omega raids, early relationship, navigating new relationship
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Nero’s chest was covered with a sheen of sweat, but Severia pressed her cheek into it anyway as she snuggled into his arms and sighed in contentment. 
“That’s the third time you’ve sighed in the last minute,” Nero observed. “Did my performance leave something to be desired?”
“No! No, of course not. You’re… very good at… that,” Severia said shyly. At least, she assumed he was. She didn’t exactly have any basis for comparison. “I… enjoyed it very much.” She was blushing furiously now, but fortunately with her head pressed into his chest, he couldn’t see. 
“Hmmm… then the reason for the sighing is…”
Did she have to spell it out? Maybe she did. Maybe he needed reassurance just as much as she did. “They were… contented sighs.”
“Oh.” He sounded somewhat taken aback. “Then… you’re happy?”
His voice was hopeful, but also tinged with worry. As if he wanted to believe her, but fell just short. Oh Nero, she thought. Is this feeling as new to you as it is to me?
“I’ve never been happier. Not ever in my life. I feel so happy I can’t hold it all inside. So it leaks out in sighs.” She reached up and placed her hands on either side of his face. “You make me happy, Nero.”
His mouth curved into a toothy grin. He wrapped his arms around her and rolled over onto his back so that she was laying on top of him now. And he pulled her into a hungry kiss, refusing to let her go until they were both breathless. “Severia, I love you.”
He had been saying that since that day in the infirmary, after the attack from Omega. She still didn’t feel sure that she understood what he meant by it. And she didn’t know what to say in return. Love was something that had always seemed distant and impossible to her. Was she even capable of feeling it? How would she know? And what did love mean to Nero? What was happening between them now? What did their future hold? Did he even want one with her?
“Nero, I’m afraid.”
His brow furrowed. “Of what?”
“I’m afraid because I’m so happy. Happiness never lasts. Not for me.” 
He brushed a lock of hair behind her horn. “I understand. The question is, do you want it to last?”
“What do you mean?”
“This particular happiness that you feel with me. Is it something you want to keep?”
“I…” Uncertainty assailed her. For her whole life, she had never allowed herself to want anything, had never believed she deserved to want anything for herself. Despite that, she had longed so strongly for Nero that it overcame all her reservations. And now here they were. But she had never really given thought to the question of what she wanted besides just him. That had been almost more than she could admit. She hadn’t imagined anything beyond this point. So how could she know what she wanted?
“Forgive me, Severia,” Nero said, seeing the struggle on her face. He kissed her forehead. “I didn’t mean to put pressure on you. Shall I tell you what I want?”
She nodded, grateful. 
Nero tucked her back into his side and leaned his cheek on the top of her head. “The truth is… I want things I’ve never wanted before. Only once in the past have I ever experienced anything like love. A boy’s puppy love, cut short before it could grow into more. After that… I sought only my own pleasure. People came and went from my life in rapid succession. Nothing lasted and I didn’t care. I didn’t want anyone to stay. I thought they could only hold me back.”
Severia recalled the bitterness and casual ruthlessness in the voice of the man she had encountered in the Praetorium. But there had also been an undercurrent of loneliness there. She wrapped her arm tightly around him. 
“It wasn’t until after meeting you that I stopped wanting to be alone. When you were gone and I left to search Carteneau and the terrible solitude began to push down on me. I looked back on those few days we had spent together as a paradise I had been kicked out of and could never return to. I questioned a lot of things about myself during those days. All of it came back to one truth: I wanted to be with you. To be part of your life. To be someone you needed. In the two and a half years since then, that desire has never changed.”
“Nero…” Severia felt tears gathering in her eyes. 
“I’ve never had a stable or lasting relationship, Severia,” he continued. “Until you, I’d never wanted one. So I don’t know what such a relationship might look like for the two of us. But… I want this to be just the beginning. I want to stay by your side as long as you’ll have me. I want my life to be entwined with yours. I want you to know without any doubt that my heart, such as it is, has become yours. I want, if at all possible, to make you happy for the rest of your life.”
The tears had broken containment and were now streaming down her cheeks. Nero made an attempt to wipe them away, but they continued to flow freely. 
“Severia, Severia,” he said in an anguished voice. “If you don’t want any of that, I understand. You can tell me.”
“Nero, you idiot,” she managed to choke out, laughing through the tears and shaking him. “These are tears of happiness.”
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icycoldninja · 11 days ago
Hey there! It's me again, the Lies of P obssessed junkie who is also obssessed with DMC. I have risen from my grave the moment I heard that the Lies of P DLC is coming out somewhere in 2025. I hope you are doing alright and that your requests are open. If it is not, feel free to ignore it, your health comes first!
Anyways, since all of my Lies of P requests had a ton of angst, I felt like requesting something more comforting. I totally won't request the bed ending aftermath of Lies of P, I totally won't ;)
Anyways. I was hoping to request a platonic fluff headcannon of the DMC boys and our good puppet boy Pinocchio. I want to see how the boys will act once we become more human. My most funny thought is Vergil and Dante fighting over if we are Dante's kid or Vergil's little brother.
"The kid is my child Vergil."
"No, he is not, the adoption papers weren't signed."
"Cause you dragged the kid out before he could even pick up the pen, and then cut the papers into a million peices."
"...." "They are still not signed."
I also think Vergil and Dante will fight over what we will first eat once we start tasting things, and Nero is like "Guys, just let him eat what he wants."
Dante and we would likely hunt demons as he speaks about the most random of things, and we just kinda listen and sometimes speak up, but our trusty talking lantern Gemini doing the most of talking for us.
Vergil and us either practicing sword fighting, like. "I want you to be able to be able to protect yourself."
"Vergil.... I fought monsters 6 times my size and strength and won..."
"You still do not know the specifics of sword fighting"
"I killed a guy who became a god."
"And I am here to teach you MY way of fighting, so watch."
Nero being the only normal one who leads around the city and just talking, or maybe introducing us to Kyrie, like. "You see this little fella? Yes he was created in the 19th century and is older then both of us combined, but he is friend, and he is usually stays silent and just stares. Just don't get freaked out."
And V, of sweet V who we practically look the same. I am betting some strangers would actually think V and we were related. We would usually stay with V reading some old books or playing the piano for him.
Bonus points if Trish and Lady tried to get us some modern clothes only for Vergil to drag us right out of the shopping mall cause the clothes we have remind him too much of his father.
I hope this isn't much trouble, I hope you are feeling well and that both of the sides of your pillow are cool. Thank you again! 💙
Aw thank you so much for your well wishes. Hope you enjoy!
Sparda boys + V x Pinocchio-like!Reader platonic headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante is absolutely thrilled to see you're acting more like a human and less like how you formerly were—soulless and boring.
-He takes you to his favorite pizza place and gets you a massive pizza with everything on it (yes, even olives) just so you can try it and decide on your favorite toppings.
-Of course, he tries to sway you away from the olives and more towards pepperoni, and whether you follow him or not is up to you.
-He'll teach you to ride his motorcycle, and for the first time ever, you understand why he's so happy when he's zipping through the streets, whooping his lungs out.
-You two bond more and more now that you're capable of experiencing emotions and actually having fun. You have also grown very interested in ranking Vergil and take a more active role n orchestrating these little schemes.
-Dante encourages you to find a hobby (other than being a little gremlin with him) that you are passionate about, assuring you he'll support you all the way, no matter what you choose.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil is just so proud of you for how far you've come. He's more than proud, actually, the sight of you makes him start to get misty eyed with sentimentality.
-He is about ready to formally adopt you, papers, certificate and all, if he didn't have competition in the form of his stupid brother.
-Basically, everyone wants to spend time with you and (un)officially make you their kid, because they love you, but because everyone wants to be around you, some (specifically Vergil) get jealous of others.
-Don't worry, a little 1-on-1 time should calm him down, but at the same time, it runs the risk of making him even more jealous the next time someone steals you away.
-Now that you are more human, Vergil decided you should dress like one. He immediately starts dressing you like a distinguished fellow such as himself, completely unaware that the way he dresses is not the human norm. (but it should be)
-He can't help you understand your newfound emotions though, mostly because he can hardly understand his.
□ Nero □
-Nero is so happy to have a new buddy who actually understands the memes he sends them.
-He floods your phone with goofy videos and pictures of things he thinks are hilarious. He used to do it before, but you didn't understand it then. Now you do, and you're addicted.
-Is about to turn you into a regular comedian, if Dante and Vergil weren't always butting in on your quality time.
-Every night is Sparda family dinner-movie night. It's loud and crazy and popcorn is everywhere, but it's fun.
-Nero will direct you to the nearest hiding place once Dante and Vergil inevitably start fighting, before charging into the fray himself.
-Sometimes it seems he's forgotten about you, but he will return when the fight's over (or after it's been taken outside) and rescue you before dragging you somewhere far, far way from the scene of the crime.
● V ●
-V has always adored you; now, even more so. You already looked so much like him, now you were human too!
-This means that you have unlocked an understanding of emotions, so V can stun you with William Blake's poetry—and a few pieces of his own.
-He might even try to get you to create something yourself, but there's no telling how that will turn out.
-People sometimes mistake you for brothers, others for father and son, and some ask if you're twins. It cracks both of you up every time.
-Nevertheless, V loves how you two are basically family. Your appearance only cements that.
-He is probably the only Sparda (or half Sparda) who doesn't get jealous when others want to spend time with you. V's just so sweet.
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hislittleraincloud · 3 months ago
The spring release date was said by Bianca’s mom actress (Gracy Goldman) on an Instagram comment, she said spring time 2025. I believe someone that is on the show has more knowledge than fans, yes post production takes a lot of time but we don’t know if they’re already editing some episodes while they film the others
*takes your hand*
Tumblr media
*whispers* She doesn't know shit either.
Production for Season 1 Wednesday went from September 2021 to March 2022. That is seven months of filming and about seven to eight months of post production.
Production for Season 2 Wednesday went from early May 2024 to late November 2024 (not counting if there are any reshoots/other problems, and December was supposed to be the official wrap, despite the photo that's been circulating for the 'early' wrap party as it was posted on TwitteX).
That would mean you're speculating only ~ five to six months (at best) post-production, since the Spring TV season ends at the end of May (it's from March to May). Why in Hell would anyone think there would be less post time in the second 8-episode series — which is supposed to be "bigger and better" — is beyond me. This here might last less than three minutes, but it doesn't take only three months, it takes 2x as long to do something like it:
And if there's more of that, then it won't take less than the first season's post. Remember that Ortega herself said it'll be bigger and each episode is "like a movie".
It doesn't matter if you think there's final editing going on while the rest of the show is being filmed. That's not how it works/worked. If it did, that would've applied to the first season, and it would've taken less than eight fucking months in post/to get it out, and we saw just how much F/X went into that (with the creation of Nevermore, Tyler/Hyde, Kent underwater, Ajax's snakes, Enid's nails and final transformation/battle with Tyler, the crappy/easy Bianca Siren Song, Thing...did I miss anything there in terms of actual VFX? Nero, Eugene's bees, Xavier's drawings/paintings? Managing the other green screen graphics aside from Thing/Victor, that might be a big one?). That shit has got to be perfect, since everyone is expecting just as 'good' a season as its premiere, if not better.
And then there's a million technical things to get through in post/editing and putting it together. And then Elfman's gotta score it (or did you think that his music just magically materialized wherever Burton or Ortega moved?). He would have to watch the series to know whatever it is he needs to compose/make sure it's coherent and flows well in the finished project. Junkie XL tells us that for him, it can take anywhere from 3 weeks to a year and a half (for Mad Max: Fury Road) to score a film. Elfman and the whole crew are producing what the equivalent of 6 films would be (six 1.3hr films). That's a lot of work if he's not just going to recycle much from Season 1's score. Composers work differently and Elfman has the advantage of having completed Wednesday 1, but that's also a challenge since they want familiarity without the direct repetition of anything but the main theme.
Perhaps you and whoever else should stop and listen to the straight guys adults in the room:
While he may have run through Wednesday fairly quickly because he was given only 10 days to work on each episode after the first two (he thought he was only going to score the first two episodes, so they spent a month on that), these guys watch finished scenes over and over. This time around they can avoid a repeat of that three month stress, and I think they will. Creatives learn how to modify unreasonable requests since they've experienced how anxiety-inducing it was the first time around when they were unsure of how it'd be received.
Anyway. I repeat, it's not coming out in the spring, but here's my promise: If I am wrong and Wednesday 2 comes out in Spring 2025 — before the end of May (my birthday/two years after I debuted Satisfying Afterburn) — after only five to six months of post-production, I will write the most fkd up, sexplicit Wenclair smut that the fandom has ever seen. I'll even make it Afterburn canon.
Color me wrong, universe. I would truly love to be wrong on this, because we're all eager to see WTF they did/how they work around absences and with such a huge cast (who more than likely need some sort of VFX for some of the characters). The cast of Wednesday 2 is bloated. There's just too much they would need to do, I would think. I could be wrong. I want to be wrong. But I'm not counting on a minor-ish actor's throwaway comments on IG.
Okay, now for a bonus thought that has little to do with the speculated date of Wednesday 2's release date.
For historical purposes and I'm bored: Y'all (ALL you damn kids) should probably heed what a pre-Wenclair, pre-Wyler Ortega stated about Wednesday's motivations (i.e. before Wednesday came out and before her fame blew up, when she was more honest and before she had to self-censor and deal with something I don't think she — or any of the cast — was prepared to deal with) emphasis mine and ahh, her Old Face pre-nosejob:
"Something else I want to stress about the show too is that I never wanted it to seem like she was doing something out of the goodness of her heart. Because that wasn't what it was, it was more genuine interest, you know ... — I don't think she was ever going out intentionally to save lives or to be a hero, but more so "Oh my God, how is this guy actually pulling this off?" like, jotting down her own notes sort of thing. And it was actually the first time in her life not understanding someone's actions when they're being laid out right in front of her."
She also describes how part of Wednesday's behavioral journey was learning how to manipulate/bargain better (those are not her words, they're mine, but when you get to the part where she says Wednesday figures out that if she behaves a certain way, she can't obtain what she wants so she learns what to do, that's what it is). Nowhere in this early interview was even a hint of any of the teen romance, real or imagined, mentioned (and the criticisms about the love triangle only came after the reviews/fan complaints and preferences were aired).
But she does mention how NC Wednesday wants to be a detective. Who better to show her the ropes than Donovan? She was genuinely interested in hanging around him because he was also supposed to be an investigator that she could learn from...and teach.
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