#anyways i used to think i was really cringe for having ocs (sometimes i still kinda do lol) but i also like talking about them so
idiotarsonist · 4 months
I want to start posting more stuff about my ocs and I decided I'd start with some piccrews I already made. From top to bottom they're Achillies, Holly, Luke, Mordecai, Roxie, and Victoire. I also have a post here with some more info about each of them, although I want to talk about them more too. And maybe post some art but we'll see if I actually get around to doing that.
Edit: the pictures are super big and it annoyed me so they're under the read more now!
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The First Glance
Hua Cheng x M!Reader x Xie Lian
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Honestly I'm just having a go at this and I'm technically writing about my OC. If people notice it that's good. if they don't well😔. So don't hate on me 🖤✨
Mentions of the reader having a veil and white hair, facial scars.
No one has requested any stories from me I wrote this for my own pleasure. So if you want something that isn't for an OC and is for a reader then come tell me and I'll write you something 😋
I keep editing the story cuz I keep forgetting details 😭✊ bear with me plz.
Míngqín means song bird it's Y/n's nickname
Previous part: Tea Shop
You've been by Xie Lian's side for a long time. You've been his guard for as long as you can remember, and a god under him for even longer. A very long time actually, so you'd like to think you know him well enough to predict his movements. Apparently not.
You're at Puqi shrine, cleaning the place up and fixing dinner for you and Xie Lian. You chose to stay while Xie Lian went and to go investigate a ghost groom who was kidnapping brides. It's since then turned dark and when Xie Lian turns up, there's another man with him. You weren't expecting Xie Lian to bring someone home with him, nor were you expecting the strange man to stay the night.
The strange man's name is actually San Lang, but you still think he's strange anyways. After scolding Xie Lian for bringing someone home without any warning you serve dinner at the makeshift table you came up with. You give San Lang yours, you don't really need to eat. You're a heaven official and being with Xie Lian has you used to it anyhow.
"Thank you for making dinner Míngqín, I wouldn't have minded making it myself", Xie Lian says. You cringe at the thought though. You wave a hand, "not necessary I've got it". You sit down and observe as they both eat. Xie Lian and San Lang chat about something but you aren't paying attention. You're staring at San Lang, it's strange how fast the man has clung himself to Xie Lian. You've never seen him before and yet he so easily acts as if he's known Xie Lian forever.
You look away, thoughts straying to the bed laying on the floor. If it can even be called that it's more like a mat. Are all three of you going to sleep on it? Your thoughts are quickly interrupted when you notice San Lang staring at you. He can't possibly see your face not with the veil you've hidden it behind, but the way he's staring at you makes it feel like he's trying to. It doesn't feel like anything bad or alarming, just unnerving. People don't look at you. They usually stray their eyes away, but San Lang does not.
You leave the table, and lie on the mat. Xie Lian and San Lang will eventually lay down too. You take the middle spot. It makes the most sense, you don't want Xie Lian to be in danger. He's always been kind and you don't want that to back fire on him. You figure it's most safe if you stay between San Lang and Xie Lian.
You are already 'asleep', you aren't of course but you're breathing and heartbeat all sound as if you are. You technically don't need sleep but it's still nice to rest sometimes. You can hear San Lang talk about the missing painting on the wall. There's not yet a painting of the God of Scraps, but Xie Lian ushers San Lang to go to sleep instead.
Xie Lian lies to your right, you can tell. After all you've been sleeping next to each other for years. San Lang lies to your left, leaving you stuck in the middle. It's uncomfortable. You aren't worried about your veil slipping off, it's yours to manipulate and you've long since mastered being able to make the veil comfortable on your face. It's the closeness that bothers you.
You haven't really been in anyone's company other than Xie Lian's. No one else tends to like you, not the officials and not ghosts. That's fine you don't like them either but this sudden presence is new and you've never liked touch in the first place. Touch is scary. It always has been since the fall of XianLe. It makes you want to puke. Xie Lian is the only exception to this, seeing as you've been around him your whole life.
It's not that repulsive actually. For whatever reason San Lang's closeness doesn't seem to make you want to hurl. His breath down the back of your neck however makes you nervous. If you weren't a ghost your heart would be beating fast. You can feel him staring holes into you but you play sleep anyways.
"You're not truly asleep are you?" You internally huff as San Lang asks. You didn't think you were bad at it. You ignore him and continue hoping he'll believe your lie. It's not until a shuffle on your right, and a harsh grip on your robes make you realize San Lang isn't talking to you.
"It's not like I was fake sleeping San Lang" you can feel Xie Lian sit up a bit. "You aren't asleep either" Xie Lian exclaims. You can't see of course your eyes are closed even behind the veil you're worried they'd see your eyes open.
"I was too busy staring at your assistant" his voice takes on a teasing tone. 'Assistant' is what Xie Lian had told San Lang you are. Xie Lian is supposed to be a priest for himself and your alias is to be Xie Lian's assistant. Of course it's not who you truly are. You're truly the God of Song and Xie Lian is truly the God of Scraps. San Lang wouldn't know that though.
Your stomach drops when you feel San Lang's hand start to tinker with your veil. You're about to give it all up to move away but a big clap happens right over your face. You suppose it's time to give it up for the night. You open your eyes, and look up at the clasped hands above you. Xie Lian's holding San Lang's, most likely trying to move his hand away.
"Ah I'm sorry we woke you Míngqín, San Lang just needed a blanket he was cold..." Xie Lian smiles down at you. You nod, "It's okay. Let's go back to sleep then." San Lang only laughs to himself and lies back down. You and Xie Lian lay back down too. The night eventually calms again.
When morning comes, you realize you fell asleep and when you get out of bed you see that Xie Lian and San Lang have already gotten out of bed. You get up as well and you change your veil. The veil is often changed, you don't like keeping the same design everyday. Some veils cover your whole face, and some veils leave your eyes unhidden. Today you choose a veil that only covers your nose and mouth.
You're ready to go outside until something in the corner of your eye stops you. A painting of Xie Lian back when he was Prince in XianLe..? Did San Lang really paint that? Now it's obvious San Lang isn't a mortal. No one would be able to paint it so accurately from 800 years ago.
You admire it for a minute and then go outside. San Lang and Xie Lian are standing by a cut wood pile. They both turn their heads toward you.
"Good morning Míngqín", "morning y/n". You nod back, noticing San Lang's hair is loose.
"Your hair will surely get caught if you don't put your hair up, San Lang" you haven't really spoken to San Lang the whole time since he's been here but you don't hate him. He did somehow make that painting after all. "Let me fix your hair San Lang" Xie Lian offers. He leads San Lang back inside to a bucket of water.
You know Xie Lian is checking if San Lang is a ghost, but San Lang looks like he is enjoying himself, "Are you just going to play with my hair gege?" Xie Lian is quick to get flustered and he puts San Lang's hair into a very messy braid. It looks messier than before.
You don't pay attention to the fact San Lang has started calling Xie Lian 'gege'. You snicker quietly at Xie Lian's flustered face, as he waves his hands telling San Lang he's all done with his hair. Xie Lian is not very good at doing hair, but San Lang looks happy with it. You don't bother offering to fix it.
"A-Lian it's your turn, come sit". You pat the stool. Xie Lian cooperates and you start combing through his hair. You've always brushed out Xie Lian's hair. He doesn't know how to get the knots out. Xie Lian used to just leave the knots there until you forced him to sit down one day so you could brush it out.
When you're finished brushing his hair you tie it up in his usual half bun-half down hairstyle. You step away from him and notice San Lang staring at you. It seems he's very good at staring.
"You should let gege do your hair as well y/n" you grunt and shake your head. No way you were letting Xie Lian put knots in your hair. You love him very much but you also love your hair.
"No it's alright" you wave a hand but San Lang insists. "I can fix your hair then. Gege did my hair, and you did Gege's. I'll do yours" he smiles. It sounds like generosity, but you've found whatever San Lang says sounds like teasing. You almost shake your head no, but San Lang looks like he really wants to indulge.
"I... Suppose" you hesitate. To fix your hair you would have to take off your veil and only Xie Lian has seen your face and even he hasn't seen it in so long. San Lang is very gentle when he removes your veil, as if he's touching something that will shatter. You cover your mouth with your sleeve. To hide the scars, you don't want them to be seen.
Your thoughts are interrupted by San Lang's fingers running through your hair. He combs it out gently. "Your hair is very beautiful y/n, has gege ever told you?" This flusters you, if you actually had the ability to blush then blood would have colored your cheeks. You have strange hair, it's long but it's white. It's always been like that but after ascending the officials were not your biggest fans. Especially since you stayed with Xie Lian. So they often make remarks about your appearance not that it bothers you.
"Thank you" you notice Xie Lian looking at you. You're eyes are the only thing that can be seen but he's still soaking up what you've hidden for the past hundreds of years before you hide it behind a veil again.
"How come this one hides his face?" San Lang asks as he does something with your hair. You don't know how to answer that so you redirect, "Does San Lang want to see it that bad?" He only laughs at this, and he moves into your field of vision. "I'm all finished. Gege take a look at y/n's hair is it nice?" You want to see what it looks like. You look into the bucket of water.
San Lang put your hair into a braid. He's tied your hair with a red ribbon, it must be San Lang's but you'll keep it. He gave it to you so it's only fair. You run your hands over the braid. Your hair hasn't been styled in a long time, there was never a reason to put it up after all. Your hair is usually left loose.
"it's very pretty San Lang. Míngqín why don't you keep the veil off?" Xie Lian cocks his head to the side. "Yes, there's no reason to hide your face." You furrow your brows, you could keep it off. You're just scared to have your scars out in the open. "... I'll think about it."
You hesitate, but you remove your hand from covering your mouth. To you, your face has been ruined. Your mouth has been slashed from a sword from a very long time ago. Scars line over your lips. You wished that they were pretty scars, with neat lines. They are not though. It's not so bad to show your face to San Lang and Xie Lian.
They stare at you, Xie Lian's look you can understand. You don't understand San Lang's look, he looks as if he's trying to soak up the details of your face too. As if your face is something he hasn't seen in such a long time. You've never met San Lang though...
Now that everyone's hair is fixed, San Lang is an exception to that - y/n giggles every time he sees it - , now they can start their morning. It's a good start to the day and Y/n thinks that San Lang has fit himself quite well into their routine.
Even though San Lang is a new addition to your group he makes it very easy to like him. Especially with how much he clings to Xie Lian's side, but San Lang also seems to be clinging to you too.
Criticism or comments plzzzz, I want to know if anyone enjoyed it or if there are ways I can make it better. I also want to know if people want to continue seeing the story! Also don't forget you can request me for stuff! 🖤✨
Maple Robes and Lace Veils
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breadbrobin · 3 months
the bet
part three
cedric diggory x reader — harry potter
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[fem!best friend reader]
summary: for once, losing a bet might be a good thing.
warnings: kissing, quite a lot of swearing, betting/gambling, mentions of underage drinking, minor suggestive content, GOD they’re so in love it’s stupid, i think i’m a comedian (i’m not), switched from an x oc story so might have a few mistakes oops, mediocre writing (again i wrote this years ago and this is the worst part i think)
word count: 1.7k
(let’s not talk ab how long it took me to put this up and instead i’ll tell you about how i went away with my friends and may or may not have completely forgotten about this lil series oopssss anyways this is the last part and it’s my favourite i love it so muchhhh enjoy 😘)
part one
part two
The Rainy Days
Neither you or Cedric had brought up what he’d said that night, but it hung in the air between you, stagnant and stiff, leaving awkwardness to rest in the growing distance.
It was odd, you realised. One moment, you were closer than ever before, hugging for a second too long, soft touches as hands brushed, then the next, you were sitting at opposite ends of a metaphorical couch, shooting furtive glances at each other when you thought the other wasn’t looking.
It was confusing, and you were conflicted.
You almost wanted to bring it up. You knew he remembered, that much was clear. It was obvious in the subtlest of looks, the gentlest of touches, the softest of smiles. But sometimes, it would leap to the forefront of his mind and, cheeks red, eyes downcast, he would retreat into himself.
And so, neither you or Cedric brought it up.
No matter how much you may have wanted to.
The days passed in almost comfortable normalcy.
There were no trips to the lake or the town, just sitting and enjoying each other’s company.
You and Cordelia taught him how to play Last Card on a thundery Tuesday, all pouting out the window at the storm.
“I hate thunder,” Cedric shuddered. “It’s the worst to play Quidditch in too.”
“I don’t think it’s safe to play in thunder,” you huffed, collecting the cards after he won again. “I mean, lightning strikes the highest object, right? And look what happened to Harry last season.”
“Yeah, that was horrible,” he cringed, taking the cards from her and shuffling them. “Although that was the Dementors too.”
You pulled a face. “Still not an excuse. It really isn’t safe.”
Cordelia looked between you in confusion. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You remember Quidditch, right?” Cedric asked. “On the broomsticks.”
She nodded slowly. “Did you know that witches riding broomsticks used to be a euphemism for riding the devil’s—”
“—Oh-kay, that’s enough cards for today!” You cut in. “Cords, why don’t you go grab a board game, yeah?”
“Okay!” she chirped, dancing off upstairs.
You breathed a sigh of relief and slumped in your chair.
Cedric shot you an amused look.
“Shut up,” you muttered.
When you saw a person running towards your house without an umbrella in the pouring rain, you assumed they were an idiot.
Then the figure got closer and you realised that it was your idiot.
“God, Cedric, you dipshit,” you whispered, dropping the knife you was using to butter your toast on the bench and running to the door, grabbing a towel from a clean pile on the way.
You opened the door just as he reached the front steps, having to grip onto the handle tight so that the wind didn’t rip it from its hinges.
“What are you doing?” you asked over the downpour, letting him inside and handing him the towel.
“I swear it didn’t start raining until I was halfway here.” His teeth were chattering. “Gotta love English weather.”
You shook your head in defeat. “Shut up and go take a hot shower. I’ll bring you something to wear.”
He didn’t even move to object, shuffling towards the bathroom instantly.
You left a bundle of warm clothes outside the door and sat on the couch with your toast to wait.
Thankfully, you weren’t alone with your thoughts for very long.
Cedric padded into the room with his hair wet and messy and in a hoodie and sweatpants that he’d left at your house a few weeks before. “Thanks,” he said quietly.
“Are you okay?” you handed him a blanket and a piece of warm toast as he sat down next to you.
He nodded. He looked significantly less cold than before. “Merlin, the last time I was this cold was when you pushed me into the Black Lake.”
“I didn’t push you, you slipped.”
“Yeah, right,” he huddled closer to you, making her tense up briefly. The last time you were this close on the couch…
“Hey, Y/N…” he said quietly after a few beats.
“About that night—”
“It’s okay, we don’t have to—”
“No, I think we should—”
“Cedric,” you said firmly. “Don’t worry about it. We were drunk. It’s okay.”
He paused, studying you like he was committing all of your features to memory. You knew you were doing that for him. “Okay.”
You sat in silence, watching the rain stream down the window.
The Confession
You had a confession to make.
First, to yourself: you liked Cedric—No. You were in love with Cedric.
It was the way he said your name like it was made of porcelain, fragile, delicate. It was the way your bodies fit perfectly together when you hugged, your bodies and hands made for holding each other. It was the way he looked at you, that night and every day since; like you’d hung the moon and the stars in the sky. It was the way he made you feel safe.
Was that so difficult?
Yes, a nagging voice in the back of your mind muttered. You’re going to be twenty galleons more broke because of your stupid feelings.
Maybe, you countered it. But I don’t even care anymore.
Your next confession would be to Cedric. That was slightly more difficult.
It wasn’t like you didn’t have the opportunity; you were almost always at each other’s houses. It was more to do with the issue of you being too scared. You shied away from admitting it every time you thought you were ready, pushing your feelings down and down until they were compressed under a pile of anxiety.
So, the confession was going well. Really well.
You stole another glance at him across the room, peering over your book to find him already staring at you. You withheld a squeak and looked back down, sinking lower into your end of the couch.
“Alright, what is it?” he asked, slipping a bookmark between the pages and setting his book on the end table.
“What is what?” You didn’t take her eyes off your book, pretending to read with your eyes locked on one phrase: ‘I love you.’
Is it that easy? You asked yourself. I just say it?
Cedric leaned forward and pushed your book down. “Well, either that page is very interesting or you suddenly can’t read, because you haven’t turned the page in about twenty minutes.”
“I’m absorbing it properly,” you lifted it back up but he pushed it down again.
“Absorbing it, huh?”
“Well, my other thought was that you were so distracted staring at me every five seconds that you forgot to actually read.”
You dropped your book, struggling to catch it and sending it careening onto the floor. Your eyes were wide as you stared at him. “No.”
He was smiling, that soft, almost smug smile that you’d fallen in love with. “Really?”
“Uh-huh, because from here, it looked like you were staring at me.”
You sat up straight. “Really? How odd.”
“Hmm…” he smiled a bit brighter. God, you wanted to kiss him. “Alright, I’ll take your word for it.”
You breathed an inaudible sigh of relief as he leaned back.
“Shame, because I was actually quite flattered.”
“Oh, I bet you were,” you scoffed.
He leaned back into the couch, opening his book agonisingly slow.
You stared at him, legs crossed and brows furrowed. Your head was swirling with thoughts, all repeating, Cedric, Cedric, Cedric. You’d never wanted to kiss someone so bad, to just hold someone. You’d never, ever in your life, wanted to lose a bet.
His grey eyes flickered up to you once, then twice, then again. “Can I help you?”
“Oh, what the fuck,” you muttered, pushing yourself forward and pressing your lips to his.
He dropped his book, the hardback thudding dully on the floor right next to yours, but neither of you cared. His hands found their place on your waist as you leaned over him, one arm supporting you on the wall behind him, the other entangled in his brown hair.
Butterflies danced in your stomach, your heart racing wildly as your lips melded together. It was like they were made to kiss each other; the way they fit so perfectly, the curve of your cheek and the straight line of his nose. All of your swirling thoughts subsided, leaving only one: Cedric.
God, you never wanted to stop kissing him. He was like sugar; tantalising, sweet, addictive.
He pulled away first, thumb digging subtly into your hip, lips parted and gasping for air. “Y/N…”
“I’m sorry,” you breathed, unable to find your voice. “But I couldn’t wait another—”
He kissed you again, more passionate; noses knocking, hearts pounding, hair standing on end. You wondered how you got so lucky. God, you were lucky.
This kiss was more intense, all those weeks of pent up emotion, released in that moment.
You never wanted it to end.
But, as your lungs gasped for air and your head began to swim, you pulled away. He chased your lips, pressing a final, sweet kiss to them, before resting his head back again.
“Never apologise for that,” he breathed. “Never.”
“Got it,” you whispered, eyes tracing a pattern in his faint freckles. “Fuck, you’re amazing.”
“Amazing at kissing?” he tilted his head.
“Just amazing in general.” You kissed him again. And if you stayed on that couch all afternoon? Well that was no one’s business but your own.
The Pay-Up
You had twenty galleons ready the second you set foot on the Hogwarts Train only a few weeks later. Cedric was holding your free hand as you wove past loitering students and nervous first years until you found Lizzie and Camila.
“Hey, Morgan, Cedric,” Lizzie raised her eyebrow at you.
Camila saw your connected hands and started prodding her arm.
“Hey, guys,” you smiled brightly. “Just paying up.”
You tossed Lizzie the bag of galleons and turned to Camila. “Sorry, I made the first move.”
“Liar,” she pointed at you. “Cedric, please tell me she’s lying.”
“Nope,” he let your hand go and wrapped it around your waist instead. “She kissed me first.”
Camila groaned, digging through her bag. “Fuck.”
As Lizzie danced in victory and Camila complained about you finding your balls, you had to admit, you had never been happier to lose a bet.
cedric taglist:
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his-tamine · 7 months
Okey Dokey, so no more tiptoeing around the issue, with many people's helpful private opinions, I've come to the conclusion it does need to be addressed.
AI "art." From here on out, anyone I see posting it is getting blocked. I'm not arguing with anyone about this, that's not what I'm here for, but I've seen it too much as of late, and I feel I should at least say something about it, especially as an artist myself. There's never an excuse for it.
- Need a visual/reference of what your oc(s) would look like, but don't think highly of your own artistic abilities? Surprise! There are still plenty of ways to obtain one, without using AI. The amount of incredibly talented artists in this community, some of whom are in need of commissions. The incredibly talented artists who sometimes draw for free, out of hobby or perhaps need for practice. And then even if neither of those work for you, try some of the character customization mediums we've all used before, that have existed on the internet for years now. (Think Gacha, Picrew, etc. Even if it's seen as "cringe" by some people, it's better than this.) Or hey, try drawing it yourself. "Bad" art is allowed, and everyone starts somewhere. Even if you don't like how what you're drawing looks at first, you will eventually if you keep trying, I promise you. Watch speedpaints, animatics, cartoons, study the way things look through your human eyes, and apply them to your process. Learn. Grow.
- Ignorance? There is no way that you've dipped your toes in AI generated images, without knowing what needs to occur for an AI to generate said images. It does not come from thin air. These robots use real people's faces to produce images of people, real animals to produce images of animals. So, in the case of "art," that's right, they're using a real artist's artwork to produce it. In short, stealing. If you've not heard about this by now, and have still been using AI generators to generate "art," then I'd have to assume you've been doing it blindfolded.
- Just for fun - or worse - for fet? ...Let's be serious. As I've explained above, there's no reason to be using it at all, but especially here on fucking SNZBLR of all places! Like... Guys, this is a sneezing kink/fetish community. And you're really knowingly using a robot - which grotesquely melds together other people's work - to generate fetish content? Do we... not realize how gross that is?
I'm not coming after anyone specifically, because I've seen more than just one person doing this, but if the shoe fits, wear it. And that's all I'm saying about this. I'm really tired of seeing it, so if those of you doing it won't change, I will. Though considering the blatant disregard some of you have for human artists, one blocking you shouldn't bother you too much, right? ♥
Anyways, sorry if I freaked anyone out with my cryptic ass posts from before, I was hesitant to say anything, because I didn't wanna start shit, but sometimes it's just not worth it to bite your tongue. If the snzblr art community can (rightfully) come down on tracers, then we should be doing the same with AI "art."
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Gangsta’s Paradise
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Pairing: Cody Rhodes/OC (Riley Carter)
Summary: After suffering a loss at Wrestlemania, Cody’s downward spiral is cut short when a certain American Gangsta seeks to tend to The American Nightmare’s wounds with a vacay. 
Warnings: Switch!OC, Switch!Cody Rhodes, Cody gets a bit feral ngl, Use of handcuffs and a blindfold, choking (lil bit), spanking, Oral (M. and F receiving), Dirty Talk, someone gets fucked dumb, etc.
Author’s Note: 10 months…It took me 10 MONTHS TO WRITE THIS SHIT. I hate writer’s block and low inspiration. Anyway, Enjoy my debauchery. As per usual,  
By proceeding with reading this work, you therefore accept any and all drawbacks from horniness. I.e, sudden soul departure, loss of underwear and extreme thirst. The author is not liable for medical and/or therapy costs, should side effects occur. 
-Signed Management
“And your winner…AND STILL The Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, ROMAN REIGNS!”
Straight Cow Manure. 
These were the thoughts that ran through Riley’s head when she heard the announcement, watching the match in Cody’s locker room. The frustrated sigh that she exhaled as she rubbed her face in both hands to prevent herself from not hauling ass out there, her infamous Harley Quinn-eque mallet swinging and busting heads. She looked back at the TV just in time to see the look on her boyfriend’s face. 
Heartbreak and defeat was evident on it which further angered her and broke her heart at the same time. She could tell what he was thinking, too; How he was so close and how he would’ve won if it wasn’t for those rat bastards that were the bloodline’s shenanigans. Riley also took note of how quiet the arena was after that. 
Frankly, disappointment was in everyone’s spirits except for the bloodline, their small group of fans and Vince McMahon. Or Hunter. Who knows and who gives a shit, she thinks when Cody enters his locker room. Riley turns around to look at him, shoulders sagged with that look of defeat on his face still as he sits on the couch next to her. 
“Hey there, Angel Eyes…” Riley hopes to sweeten up to him as she leans over to rub his shoulders. “You ok? I know it’s a dumb question to ask right now but…I need to know what my baby’s thinking or feeling right now.” Cody gives her a deep sigh as he rubs his face. 
“I had him. I almost had him, Riles. But then I-." 
“Don’t you fucking dare, Mister.” Riley stops and rests her hands on his shoulders. "That sleazeball Paul and Solo are the reason The Tribal Chief doesn't sleep with nightmares tonight." She sighs as she slips her hands down his arms to wrap her arms around his waist. “In due time, babe. In due time.” There was a slight pause before she continued. “In the meantime, how about I cash in your victory gift?” 
This made Cody look up at her. “My victory gift? Riles, I didn't win.” 
"The belts, you didn’t win but you did win a vacation." Riley clarified. "Remember back in June, I said that I was gonna pay for our vacation this time but you got hurt and then you were mad busy because someone decided to win the rumble and the build up to Wrestlemania on top of being an EVP of AEW. Basically, what I’m saying Code, is that yo ass needs a break.” 
There was a brief pause as Cody reflected on her words before he spoke. “Well, you do have a point. Can’t remember the last time I had a break.” 
“Yeah, Mister ‘Do the work’.” She tosses him his bag. “Now do the work and pack up. I don’t want to keep the pilot waiting.” 
Cody raises an eyebrow, his face in bewilderment. “Pilot?”
“Yeah, a pilot. What, you think I'mma take a 12 hour plane ride with the poors in First Class?” Riley raised an eyebrow in question. “Angel, I may be a frugal motherfucka sometimes but even I have standards. Standards that don’t include that bullshit you call The Nightmare Express” This gets a chuckle out of him.
“You really need to stop hanging around Max.” Cody said as he got up to pack.
Riley cringes at the statement. “I do not. That fatherless bastard likes to harass me for advice like the orphan he is. Now, hurry up or you gettin’ left.” 
2 days had passed before the two had left the city of angels behind and had arrived at the hotel in Venice, Italy. Already irritated at the shenanigans of Brock on the following Monday night, Riley gave him an ultimatum that he could handle whatever business he can before they were on the plane before Cody convinced her to let him work while on the plane.
‘A’ight, fine but once the plane lands,’ She kissed him on the cheek while he was on call with Kenny and The Bucks. ‘You’re all mine, Angel…’ She smiled. Once the couple arrived at their suite, Riley immediately dropped her bags by the door and plopped face first on the bed in the master bedroom. 
“Ah, finally…” Riley sighs, muffled into the bed. “I was almost about to lose my mind in that jet.” 
Cody chuckled and placed his bags next to hers. “I’m sorry, Doll.” He sits down next to her on the bed. “I would’ve kept you entertained if I could.” 
Riley shook her head, rising to sit up straight next to him. “Mm-mm. Nah, I wanted you to handle whatever business you had to do, Mista Executive because, like I said on the plane,” She kissed him on the lips. “You’re all mine…” She smiled at him which he returned.
“Well…” Cody picked her up by her hips to sit him in his lap. “I’m all yours now. What do you wanna do to me?” He leans forward to kiss her but Riley cuts him off with a finger to his lips.
“Uh-uh-uh. Nope. You didn’t wanna join the mile high club so you not gettin’ the nookie that easily. Besides, we’re in Italy! And I really wanna check out the Golden Rectangle. Mami needs more Armani and Cartier.” She hops off his lap. 
He sighs, plopping backwards on the bed as she walks to the bathroom. “Really? You brought us here just to shop?” He exasperated. 
Riley scoffs. “No, dummy. I have other plans for you as well.”
"Babe, come on. How much more do you need?" Cody sat on the couch outside the dressing room, his head on his hand while he watched the inky crimson fluffy coils that was Riley’s 'fro roamed around the Dolce and Gabbana store. “You already practically bought out all of Versace.” He gestured to the boatload of bags at his feet. Riley sputters as she looks through the lingerie section. 
“S’cuse me, I have a special night planned with my man and the clothes I bought with me are not up to par with the event planned.” She explains as she collects a few sets. “Speaking of that, you have a decent suit?” She stopped in front of the dressing room, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
Cody scoffs. “Of course I do, Doll. Why?” 
“What color is it?” She further questioned.
“It’s the dark purple one you like. You know, the one I wore to that photoshoot for my dog collar match with Brodie. I had black hair at the time.” He explained.
“Mmm-mmm-mmm…Lord have mercy.” Riley nods in remembrance. “You really do look good in that suit.” She walks into the dressing room. “Really brings out those pretty eyes of yours.”
“So you tell me, babe. Why do you ask?” 
“So in order to avoid waiting for me to get dressed, I would like to know exactly what I’m gonna wear tonight.” She said from behind the door. Cody then chuckles. 
“Great, so now I only have to wait an hour for you to get ready.” 
“Ya mama!” She responded with playful venom as he laughed.
A few hours passed after Riley practically dragged Cody around her shopping spree and they were back at the hotel. 
"Cody, hurry yo ass up! Yo hair is fine, ya idiot now come on before we miss our reservation!" Riley yelled after him as she adjusted her dress in the mirror of the foyer. “I swear, got the nerve to tell me I take too long and here he go…”  She then hears the sounds of Cody’s footsteps making his way to the foyer, adjusting his cufflinks. 
“I’m right here, babe.” He kissed her on her cheek before grabbing their coats by the door. “Besides, what’s the rush? Didn’t you rent out the whole restaurant?” 
“Just because no one else is gonna be there to witness me in my finest unless they paid me first, it does not excuse us being late.” She said as Cody helped her put on her coat. “Something, something punctuality. Something, something good time management. Now, hurry along. I have a hot date and I refuse to be late, even if fashionably.” She declared as she stormed out the room with her head up high and swinging the door open in a dramatic fashion. Cody chuckles at her antics. 
After they arrived and ate, Riley led him to the ferry station nearby for a gondola ride to see the sights at night. It is there when the American Couple found themselves cuddled together, holding each other
“The city is so beautiful at night.” She commented, resting her head on his shoulder. 
“Yeah, it is.” He said, looking at her. 
“I swear to god, if I look up and see you looking at me, I'mma throw you overboard, you absolute cheeseball.” Cody laughs at her semi-serious threat. 
“So you’re saying you’re not beautiful?” 
“I ain’t say all that, now.” She looks up at him. “I’m saying you’re corny, sir.” 
“Like taking a gondola ride in Venice with your girlfriend is not corny either.” He laughs, pulling her close. 
“Yeah, well…” She leans forward, lips almost touching. “Maybe I like a little corny.” She gives him a teasing smirk with a little chuckle. Cody then reaches over with his hand to pull her in closer to kiss her. Riley couldn’t help but release a soft moan as he grips her a little tighter around the waist. She then pushed him back before the kiss got too deep. 
 “Easy, tiger.” She teased. “We’ll have all the time in the world back at the hotel.” 
If only she believed that. As soon as the couple came back to the hotel, she pushed him up against the wall once they passed the hotel room threshold. “Baby, wait…” Cody gasps as she untucks his shirt from his pants while kissing his neck. “S-Slow down…” This made her giggle mischievously. 
“Oh why, Angel Eyes?” Riley presses her body against his, taking his tie in her hands. “Why slow down when you seemed so adamant on having me on my back as soon as we got here, hmm?” She pulls his tie, yanking him down to bring him face to face with her. 
Cody exhales a breath to calm himself as Riley moves her other hand to his belt to undo. He then looks her deep in the eyes. “Because Doll, unless you want to be fucked dumb and fucked proper, I would suggest you stop.” This made Riley giggle before she walked away from him deeper into the foyer where she stops.
“Well, then…” Riley unzips the back of her dress, letting it fall at her feet before putting her curls up into two space buns. She turns her head to look at him. “You’re gonna threaten me with a good time or what?” She taunted him, which shakes him out of his thoughts in his head. She could see the way his eyes darken before he snatches the tie off his neck, opening his shirt a bit in the process. 
“I’mma make you regret those words, babydoll.” Cody said before he chased after her, a playful squeal leaving her as she quickly ran to the bedroom. However, she doesn’t get far as Cody catches her before she reaches the room. He pushes her up against the wall, taking her hands into one of his own. “You know, I think you like to try me sometimes…” 
“To try you is to assume you have some control over me in the first place…” Riley muttered, feeling vulnerable as she looked down at her feet. Cody then grabs her face by the chin to make her look back up at him.
“Oh? And I don’t?” He then picks her up, causing her to wrap her legs around his waist with a shriek of surprise as she was suddenly airbourne. He then walks into the bedroom towards the bed where he places her down on her back. He strips out his shirt and vest before he takes hold of her hands above her head by her wrists. “We’ll see about that now, won’t we?” He leaned down to whisper in her ear before kissing underneath her ear which made her gasp. 
“Yeah…” Riley sighed before she looked up at the headboard of the bed for her surprise. She smirks at him when he looks back at her. “We will…” 
“What are you-?” Cody tried to ask before Riley managed to break her hands free of his grip to press against his chest to flip him over onto his back. She takes advantage of his confusion to then grab the handcuffs around the headboard to handcuff him to the bed. She then mounts him on his lap as she watches him struggle against the cuffs. 
“Ah, ah, ah. Don’t struggle, baby boy. I would hate for your wrists to be rubbed raw. No doubt, that would be hard to explain to your friends and peers.” She gives him a smug smile. Cody looks at her once he realizes he can’t break free. 
“Babydoll, whatcha got up your sleeve, huh?” He licks his lips as his breath gets a little heavy as he takes in her form again. “ All day, you’ve been leading me to surprise after surprise. Just treating me to things. What gives?” 
“I told you, baby.” Riley said, her hands sliding down his arms. “You haven’t had a real break in like 2 years. If you weren't busy with shit going on backstage in AEW, you were dealing with finishing the story in WWE. Basically…Papi?” She leans forward, placing her hands on the bed to meet him face to face. “You’ve been in control of things and when shit falls apart, you take the blame for it; even if it was something out of your control. So this whole vacation was dedicated to make sure you didn’t..” She leans closer, their lips barely touching. Cody gasps a bit at the slight contact. “Because I didn’t want you to further stress about anything. Can you do that?” She leans back, rubbing her hands down his chest to his abs. “Can you let me have control tonight?” .
“F-Fuck, doll…” Cody stuttered with a shiver, panting as her nails scratched him a little bit. "I…God fucking yes, baby.” He pleaded when she moved off his lap to lay in between his legs. “Ruin me…abuse me. Make me earn it, Baby…" His statement made her raise an amused eyebrow. 
“Make you earn it?” Riley chuckled as she slid off the bed which caused him to whine at the loss of contact. . “I just said I wanted to spoil you, Darlin’.” She teased him when she made her way over to her bags.
“I know. F-Fuck…” He mewled when he threw his head back, writhing against the cuffs. “But I-I wanna earn it. It’s not as rewarding if I don’t. So, please…” He felt movement on the bed before he raised his head again to look at her but couldn’t when she suddenly grabbed him by the chin, forcing him to look up at the ceiling. He whined, waiting to see more of her as she mounted his lap again.
“You must really want me to torment you, considering you forgot your place under me.” She sweetly threatens before she takes the silk blindfold and ties it around his eyes. She giggles a bit at his whimpering when she rolls her hips against his cock through his pants. “Don’t worry. I have all the time in the world to remind you where you belong.” She runs her fingers through his blonde hair. 
“F-fuck me…” Cody pants with anticipation when she lightly scratches his scalp like she knew he liked. He let a sharp gasp of air when he felt her kiss his neck up to his ear. Riley giggles seductively in his ear which causes him to shiver.
“Begging for me already? But I’ve barely got started, my sweet…” She licks and bites his earlobe. 
Cody squirms in the cuffs at Riley’s teasing and swallows his spit thickly. “God-. You’re gonna-.” He gasps again as he feels Riley’s fingers trace along his abs, tracing circles in between his belly button and his pants. “You’re gonna be the death of me.” Riley gives him a mischievous chuckle before she slides down his body, now eye level with the bulge in the pants. 
“Oh, Cody, Cody, Cody, mon âme…If what I’m doing to you right now already has you on the edge, then I see now how Roman bested you.” She felt Cody’s hips buck when she finally undid his belt before sliding it off entirely. “All that time spent in the gym…all that time spent wrestling matches to prove just how great you are, only to lose to a man who barely shows his face anymore? Just lose to a man, who in my sleep, I can outwit and outmaneuver him? I haven’t even done anything to make you lose your mind just yet so you know what?” She said as she slowly dragged his belt across his nipples. His hips bucked at the sensation. “Let's have a test of will.” She takes the belt and folds it in half to snap the belt, the sound damn near echoing throughout the room. She giggles mischievously when she sees his abs contract as he shudders a moan at the sound. “Since you’re a closeted masochist, I think maybe 10 spanks across the chest. A light punishment for you. That okay?” Cody gives her a nod which makes her slap and grips his thigh harshly, manicured nails digging in a little. He whines a little at the pleasure and pain. “Des mots, chérie. I can’t hear you.”
“Yes, mami. I-I understand.” Riley chuckled before she leaned down to kiss, lick and tease his nipples, drawing more moans out of him. 
“Mami, huh? Well, are you just a good boy?” She taunts him before she takes the belt and hits him across the chest with it. Cody throws his head back, letting out one of the deepest groans Riley ever heard out of him. She raises an eyebrow at the sound, humming pleased by it. “Mmm, never heard you make that sound before. Do it again.” She demanded as she hit him with the belt again.
“Oh, fu-.” Cody moans before she hits him again, cutting him off. “Fuck!” Another. “Fucking h-hell.” Another. “Baby…” Another. “Mami…” Cody whimpered as he fought against the cuffs the harder she hit him. 
She chuckled and looked down at him to take it in his disheveled stance. Riley raises her hand to gently stroke his hair. “Don’t tell me you’re tapping out already.” She bends down to kiss his forehead. “We’re not even done with your punishment yet.” 
“Shit…” Cody whines at her gentle touch. “I’m trying not to, babe but…you’re making it hard not to. Ah…” He moaned as he tried to find his resolve to not bust too quickly in his pants. 
“T’is the reason why I said it was a test of will. It’s not supposed to be easy.” She sighs as she moves the hand in his hair down to his now reddening chest.. “If you can’t hold off from losing your mind in pleasure and pain for longer than a few minutes, then what makes you think you can be undisputed champion, baby?” She teases one of his nipples, drawing out more sounds from him.  “While I may be spoiling you, dear, I also mean to make you better in more ways than one so…” She takes her hand off of him. “Try to last as long as you can…otherwise, it’s gonna be a long night for you.” Riley warns before she strikes him with the belt again, this time catching his other nipple.
“Go-God, baby, fuck!” Cody tugs on the cuff as his back arches from the intense pain. “Fuck! I’m trying but you-oh fuck, you’re so fucking-. Ah-! Ha-!” She strikes him again for the eighth time. “Shit…Riley…Mami, I think I’m gonna-. I’m gonna-.” 
Riley looks down at him with a raised eyebrow. “Really? You’re gonna cum in your pants from a few hits to the chest like a horny teenager?” She laughed. “Oh, how the mighty fall. How do you survive taking chops to the chests then?” 
“It’s…one thing…to get chopped in the chest…by a grown ass man…and another..to get whipped by a smoking hot grown ass woman…with an italian leather belt.” He then swallows the excess saliva in his mouth before he continues. “One’s a job…the other’s a privilege.” Riley laughs before she delivers the ninth hit. “Mercy, Mami, Mercy. Ple-please!” His plea makes her shush him. 
“You have one more, baby. You’ve survived this long, mon âme. One more won’t kill you.”  Riley’s sweetened threat made him whine in anticipation. 
“No but you will.” His response sparks another laugh from her again. 
“I wouldn’t dare. After all…” She leans down to whisper in his ear. “There’s not a man on this earth that is as half as good at dicking me down as you, Mr. Rhodes.”  
“S-Shit…” Cody whimpers as she reaches down to squeeze his dick. “Mami…Mami, I’m gonna-gonna-!” Cody tries to warn her before she comes down with the belt from the tenth and final strike hard. He pulls against the cuffs, moaning as he cums in his pants. “Oh fuckfuckfuck! Mami…!” He continued to whimper as she continued to shake from his orgasm. There’s a sudden crack Riley hears coming from the headboard. 
“Oh, my. Looks like someone wants to break free, no Queen.” She laughs as she moves back up the bed, straddling Cody’s hips once more to check on the cuffs. She sees one of the links of the cuffs separate but not entirely break off. She also sees there’s a crack in the wood of the headboard when she attached the cuffs. She also checks his wrists to see that they’re a bit rubbed raw and red against the leather cuffs.She looks down at him to check him, seeing him catching his breath as he comes back down to earth. She lifts the blindfold off of his eyes to take a good look at him. “Hey…” She whispered softly to him, taking hold of the cuffs to get his attention. When he looked up, she could see the haziness in his eyes.  “Do you want your freedom, my love? You have earned it.” Cody just nods numbly. She reaches up to undo the cuffs, rubbing his wrists a little before she reaches around his head to fully take off the blindfold. Cody shuts his eyes to let them adjust before he locks eyes with hers. “Hi, my pretty… You were such a good boy. I think you deserve a reward now, right?” He then shakes his head which makes Riley’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline in surprise. “No? Why not?” 
“Because I-. I c-ame without permission, Mami.” Cody said hoarsely. “I don’t-deserve it.” Riley tilts his head up, clicking her tongue.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” She shakes her head. “Oh, darlin’...Always so hard on yourself.” She leans closer to him. “Did I say that you couldn’t cum?” 
“No, I didn't. I said try to hold out as long as you can and you did. You didn’t break until I gave you the final hit with the belt so…” She kisses him on the forehead. “That means you listened and followed instructions which gets you a reward. Now, sit on the edge of the bed and accept your reward like a good boy.” Riley backs off for him to give him room to do as she instructed him. Riley gives him a mischievous chuckle before she slides down his body, now eye level with the bulge in the pants. 
“Now, then…” She gets onto her knees between his legs. “Time for me to get my reward.” She said as she slowly unbuttons and unzips his pants. He raises his hip to help her lower them a bit to free his dick from its prison. His dick smacks her in the face still hard, sparking a moan from her. “Fuck...” She sees his abs contract as he shudders a moan when she turns slightly to give his cock a few light kisses along his shaft. “I love this dick so fucking much.” Cody gives her a groan in pleasure when she licks his cum clean off his cock. She moans again where she feels it twitch against her lips. She licked all the way up his shaft from base to tip, drawing more moans out of him. “Mami…Can I…?” 
“Angel wants to pull Mami’s hair while she sucks him dry?” She taunts him before she takes his tip into her mouth. Cody throws his head back as Riley uses her tongue around the head of his cock. 
“Yes, Mami…Please, Mami.” Cody muttered as he balls his fists into the sheets the more Riley’s mouth sank down his cock slowly. She chuckled and looked up at him when she took one of his hands to put it in her hair. Cody looks down to see what Riley was doing only to have his eyes roll in the back of his head as Riley slowly deepthroats him as she does. “Goddamnthattongueisdangerous.” The hand Cody had in her hair grips the back of her head to guide her head up and down with her pace. Riley takes her free hand to play and toy with his balls. “Shit…” He throws his head again as she takes his dick out of her mouth to suck on his balls. “Goddamn…I think I’m gonna cum again.” He moaned as he tried to find his resolve to not bust too quickly. 
She gives his balls a firm suck before she lets them go to speak. “Much as I love for you to just nut in my mouth,” She sighs as she adjusted her position on the bed to nestle his cock in between her breasts.“I’ll let you decide. Do you wanna cum in my mouth…” She squeezed her breasts together to massage his dick. “Or on my tits?” Riley asks before she tongues and sucks on the head of his dick while continuing to stroke his cock with her breasts. 
“Oh, shit..” Cody groans into a gasp as he feels himself get closer. He looks down at her faux innocent look. “I’d rather cum in your pussy, Mami.” She looks up back at him with a raised eyebrow which makes him plead. “Can I please, Mami?” Riley’s firm look turns into a look of mischief before she speeds up her tempo, making him cry out. As quickly as she sped up, she stopped to stand on her feet. She places her hands on his knees. 
“I guess you can but you’re gonna have to do the work if you really want it-.” Riley suddenly shrieked as Cody grabs her by the waist and throws her onto the bed, immediately kissing all over her face. “Baby!” She giggled at the eager affection Cody was giving her as he crawled on top of her. “Baby, please!” 
“Mmm, sorry, doll but I’ve been waiting to just…fuck the shit outta you since we’ve arrived.” He whispered in her ear before kissing and sucking hickeys on her neck. “All day. All goddamn day, you’ve been teasing me. From the shopping trip, wearing those tight shorts that makes that plump ass of yours bounce everytime you walk,” His kisses moved down to her chest as he popped her on the ass, earning him a yelp of surprise. “That fucking dress you wore to dinner.” He took one of her nipples into his mouth, sparking a sharp gasp from Riley when he bites down. “ God, your tits...Tits were just…sitting pretty in that dress.” She continued to moan as he toys with the other nipple before he kisses down her stomach. ‘Your stomach and those rolls I love so much. Even though you hate when I show them love, I love that chub of yours, baby. But there’s something I love more than all that I just mentioned.” Cody sits up to pull her closer and throws her legs over his shoulders. Riley sits up on her forearms to watch as he kisses up her calf to her thigh, this time leaving love bites on them. “I absolutely love this pussy.” He muttered as he pushed her legs back to get a good look at her pussy, spreading her lips open to look at how wet she was. “So wet. You must really want me, don’t you?” She nodded, hiding her face with one hand. Cody tsked as he reached up to pull her hand away. “Uh-uh, Mami. Tell me. Do. You. Want. Me?” He enunciated. She nods eagerly, sitting up a little further to look him in the eyes.
“I want you…I always want you.” Her response earns her a sexy chuckle from Cody.
“Good girl. Now, hold your knees for me, doll.” He commanded as he pushed her knees to her for her to grab. “It’s gonna be a long night for you if you don’t behave while I indulge in my favorite treat, all right?” 
“Yes, sir.” Riley meekly answers as she does what she is told. Cody rolls his eyes in his head as he growls at the name.
“Goddamn, you obedient little thing…” He muttered before he leaned down to her pussy to lick from her hole to her clit in a long slow lick. 
“Ahn!” She moaned as she felt her eyes cross a bit when Cody flicks his tongue against her clit. “Oh, shit…” Cody growls into her when he feels her get wetter and drips more of her juice into his mouth. He slaps her thigh hard as he sucks on her clit. “Ah! Fuck…” Cody releases her clit to gently rub it the way he knows that will drive her crazy. Riley’s grip on her knees gets tighter when he does. “Oh, god…Too much! How-How are you so good at that?.” 
“Well, gorgeous.” He hits her with that blinding smile of his before he slips two fingers into her. The action makes her legs twitch with a hungry moan. “When you’re dating a very buxom, short, brazen woman who has spent her entire life, mouthing off to anything that displeases her…” He then curls his fingers up to caress her spot that made her sob with agonizing delight. “You learn how to not be on the receiving end of that brutality.” He sucks in a breath as he feels his fingers get more saturated with her essence. “Ooh, that’s the spot, ain’t it? That’s where you want me to touch, right?” He begins to scissor her with his fingertips assaulting her spot more, coupled with him going back to suck on her clit. Riley, in her ravenous want for more, lets go of her knees to grab the back of his head and pull his hair. He growled into her pussy at the pain and pulled away entirely to take hold of her hands in his free one, standing up. “Bad girl.” He began to scissor her faster, making her tremble in pleasure. “Did I say, you can let go of your legs, gorgeous?” Riley shakes her head which made him stop moving his fingers. “And now, you don’t want to answer Papi properly. Words, love or as you like to say, ‘Des mots, de l'amour’. I can't hear you.” 
“Nnnhmm, no..no, Papi. Y-you didn't…” Riley mewled. “I’m sorry, Papi.”
“No. I didn’t. So tell me why…” Cody said as she picked up his pace again, making her tug at his grip of her hands with a whine. “I should let you come after disobeying you.” 
“Nhn! Be-Beca-use if you don’t…You-Ohh! You wouldn’t be able to…fuck me properly.” She cracked her eyes open a little bit. “Plus, seeing me cum my brains would just make you harder than you already are.” He chuckles at her reasoning before he leans over her to kiss her. Riley kept squirming on the bed as she felt herself get closer and closer to the edge. She tried to break his grip to push him back but that didn’t work. She tried to break the kiss but she could barely get any words out as Cody just kept coming back for more kisses. After a few moments, he lets up on the kisses when he feels her squeeze his fingers tighter than before. “Nmh! Cody! Please! I’m gonna cum-Ahnn!” She shrieks as she squirts all over his fingers and even a little on the floor. Cody stands up straight and takes his fingers out of her. He chuckles as he looks at his hand.
“Tsk. You’re squirted all over me and the floor.” He licks his fingers as his dick twitches, getting harder at her smell and taste. “Making my dick so hard it hurts, you brat.” He moves to pick her up to move her further up the bed, kneels on the bed over her and folds her in half. “Things are gonna get rough, doll. You don’t mind, do you?” Riley keens as she feels Cody’s dick prod at her entrance. “Shit, you’re so soaked, just like I love it.” He then puts her legs back over his shoulders. “I’ve been waiting these past few months to have you.” He then slips the tip in when he takes hold of her hands on either side of her head to get leverage. “I don’t think I can be gentle.” His dick then just plunges into her pussy, causing her to arch her back in delightful agony. He feels her get impossibly tight around him and wetter. He clicks his tongue and shakes his head in disapproval. “You fucking brat. Nnh…you came again.” He started to rock his hips to drive his dick in a slow pace to prolong her orgasm. Riley then drops back to the bed, hands gripping Cody’s hands harder at the pleasure.
“Nhaa! Ha! I-I can’t…! C-Cody! Oh!” She gripe with insatiable ecstasy. 
“You can’t take any more?” He asked her to which she nodded. “Oh but darling…I think you need more.” He shifted his weight to his hands to start rocking his hip faster to pound into her with gluttonous thirst. The change of pace makes her struggle for breath and her toes curl. 
“Ahh! Oh, fuck…Ohhh, fuck me…nnahmm…” Riley thrashed in debauched bliss as she feels her eyes cross, the view of Cody above her getting more and more out of focus. Cody lets go of one of her hands to wrap it around her neck. He smirked when he saw her stick out her tongue with panting breaths. 
“Holy shit…you’re so fucking pretty like this. So fucked out of your mind, that you can’t focus on anything but how my hand feels around your neck…” He squeezes her neck a bit harder which causes her to tighten up more around his dick. “Or how my cock feels, digging out that tight little hole of yours. Fuck…I could just…fuck you full until that pussy couldn’t take anymore. Until every time I fill you up with another load, it would just push the ones before it until there’s a fucking puddle underneath you and yet…even if you would be that fucking stuffed, you’d still ask me for another, wouldn’t you?” He taunts her but Riley just nods, too fucked out to really process what he’s actually saying. He laughs as he leans closer to kiss her. He lets go of her neck when he pulls away. “Go ahead, baby. Cum. Cum all over Papi’s dick again so Papi can fill you up like he knows you like.” He reaches down to thumb her clit which makes her close her eyes tightly. “C’mon, babygirl. Make me proud and cum. Cum and lost the last of your fucking mind. Make a mess of these sheets baby. C’mon…C’mon…” He encourages her before her back arches again and she cums on his cock again, her pussy juices squirting all over the sheets as Cody keeps thrusting through her orgasm to chase his own. He leans down to get close to her ear. “Yesyesyes, fuck! Good girl! Good fucking girl. Take it. Take my fucking load, baby. Fuck, lemme fucking fill you up. Fuck…Fuck! Take it, Mami! Take it!” He growled into her ear as he finally came deep inside her, hips slowing down to feel her pussy pulse around him. “Shit! Oh, shit, baby! Fuck…” He groaned as he moved her legs from his shoulders to fall on the bed beside her. Once he gets on his back, he pulls her close to cuddle her. “C’mere, doll.” He kissed her on the temple to calm down her trembling body. “Hey, doll. You’re still with me, right?”
“Mhmm…” She hummed in confirmation. “We…really shouldn’t go months…without doing that…again.” She cuddled closer to him.
“Agreed…” Cody squeezed her tighter to him. “Last thing we need is you incapacitated from me dicking you down.” They both chuckled. He kissed her temple again and stood up. “All right, up you go.” He turns around to pick her up off the bed to carry her to the bathroom. “Someone made a mess and now we gotta clean it up.” 
“You’re sure that’s all we doing?” She teased him.
“Don’t start, woman. You already can’t feel your legs.” 
10 Months later… February 2024, Wrestlemania 40 Kickoff
“...Because I have made a legendary career out of knocking golden girls off their top spot…so Mami is gonna learn how to be a bottom.” Becky Lynch taunts the current champion, Rhea Ripley who steps closer to her. “Because that’s what happens when The Man comes around.” The two engage in a staredown as Becky’s theme plays in the background before it’s cut off by someone attacking Becky in the back with a steel chair, pushing her into Rhea to knock them both down. Becky crumbs to the floor as the unknown attacker hits her with the chair again. Once Becky is down, the attacker props the chair around her knee before she focuses her attention on Rhea. The attacker props Rhea onto their to deliver a fireman’s carry spinebuster onto the chair that Becky’s knee was in, causing both of them to scream in agony. The attacker then gets a mic and kneels down to Becky before they pull off the mask, revealing the face of Riley. Riley smirks at Becky’s look of surprise. She then puts the mic to her lips. 
“You know, Becky, I know you said that you’ve made a career out of knocking golden girls off their top spot…” She looks back to the knee Becky was grabbing at. “But I’ve made a career outta rewriting legends, no matter the gender, no matter the company because I know just how boring Life can get when it’s predetermined.” Riley then stands to her feet to look at the hard camera. “And at Elimination Chamber, I plan on rewriting the legend again because no matter who’s the champion. It doesn't matter who’s in the chamber. I’m walking into the chamber. I’m gonna win the chamber and at Mania, I’m gonna take the title off of whichever one of you two unlucky bitches has it by the time we meet.” She stops for a moment to take in the cheers and jeers from the crowd. “But I won’t just stop there because everyone’s got a story to finish but I’m the only one with the pen and paper…because I’m the American Gangsta and to mess with me is to mess with the best.” She drops the mic as she leaves the arena through the crowd. Meanwhile, Backstage, Cody just chuckles at the antics of his girlfriend. 
“She always did know how to make a statement.” 
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fainthedcherry · 5 months
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When I was a child in 2013, visiting Nickelodeon's site and finding a treasure-trove of Spongebob, Winx and TMNT flash games was like magic to me. BUT MAN. The TMNT flash games are one of the best ever to me I've played in my life. (on an aesthetic stand-point! Turtle Tactics and Dark Horizons are so awesome man, legendary flash games to me.)
Since I am utterly autistic about 4 green alien turtles and their rat dad...Here we are again. With me posting OC cringe 2016 me would've killed myself over :V (cry about it 11 yo/ me, afraid of cringe culture back then, it's DEAD NOW)
Gonna sneak-post my redo of that ancient drawing I did of Alex 2 years ago, for the base-post : D
2 years ago, I used flashpoint to replay it for the first time in years and I remember crying of glee LOL (I still play Dark Horizons and turtle tactis to this day btw). I played Dark Horizons and Turtle Tactics and also TMNT: Throw Back (NO I DID NOT NAME THIS LIKE A MEME THIS IS ITS NAME. I STILL BURST INTO LAUGHTER LIKE A CHILD OVER THE NAME AGING POORLY DUE TO INTERNET LINGO)
I am enthralled by the designs and art of Dark Horizons, it's why I made this drawing. The game just..Speaks to me on so many levels. IT'S JUST SO PLEASING TO SEE ALL THE ARTWORK I EXTRACTED. As far to my knowledge- it never got released, so I might make a post of just a few favourites I liked from the game. :D
I just wonder if I can post those in the first place, it's after all, not my artwork, from a flash game, and TMNT, so yeah, legal IP and stuff. I unfortunately don't know who the artist if of the flash games, but if I can find that out via googling or digging for credits in the game or the files, I'll see if I can credit them, so that posting will be fairly accredited!!
I studied the in-game sprites for a good few hours back then, and did my best to replicate it to the best of my abilities!! I think Mushu maybe could've been done better looking back at it, but I think it was the best that I could do back then. :D Plus, I remember being really happy, excited and proud of this piece, as it reflected something, my childhood self always wanted: For Alex to like.."fake" being an official character LOL. I had sooo many dreams where Alex was hanging out with the turtles and Ninjago and throwing in Power Rangers for good measure, just...Everything I liked as a child, I somehow connected in my dreams via either "OH YEAH THE RAINBOW FAIRY!" or "OH YEAH SUDDENLY PORTAL AND MY MARY-SUES JUST BRAVE IT WHILST THE OFFICIAL CHARACTERS DRAMATICALLY TELL THEM NOT TO GO"
^I had vivid and....Creative dreams as a child to say the least, sometimes even Darth Vader and Eggman appeared as the bad guys, despite TMNT and Power Rangers and Ninjago w/ the snakes and lord Garmadon or however you spell him (I never checked + I'm German so ofc his name might be different in english)- I- do I have to go on about the dreams I FULLY remember I had, as a 6-9 yo/, until I told myself at 10 how embarassing my dreams are and stopped doing so? I DIGRESS. I..Need to be more professional in these, instead of such pure fandom trash oml, I feel bad for whoever actually has to read through my blatant autistic interests as a child and thinking "wtf is he on about" dfgklfdg
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spectralstitions · 1 month
lil oc animatic :]
Okay, okay, so if you follow my private Twitter account I know I said I wasn't going to share this publicly BUT I remembered I have an oc blog and you know what, I figure the only people who are going to see this are the people who can handle my cringe anyways, so I made it an unlisted youtube video. I made this in 2 days and It's set to the tune of Harpy Hare by Yaelokre because sometimes I get to be a basic bitch, as a treat.
I planned some of the animatic visually in my head before I started but 99% of the frames ended up being stream of consciousness, just whatever I came up with in the moment. Including the designs for three characters! I knew that if i tried to plan literally anything I would have ended up not finishing or maybe not even starting this. I did still try my best to make it cohesive and I wanted it to be mostly understandable, but at the same time I know nobody knows my ocs the way I do so it's very possible this is just a mess to everyone who isn't me lol. But that's why i'm here to ramble on and on and on and on....... So first point of discussion! The two mystery characters in the beginning! I tried to make it clear in other parts of the animatic but those are Silas' and Finlay's parental figures, respectively.
The first character who appears is Faust. That was supposed to be a placeholder name but I can't get it out of my head so they are Faust now. They are Silas' caretaker and the person Silas' parents trusted to take care of him when they gave him up. Faust took Silas out of the desert (despite his many protests...) and raised him among mostly deerkin. Culture in the Southern Havens is very concerned with manners, fitting into norms, and being knowledgable about highly specific superstitions, among other things. So despite Silas' best efforts, he is literally fucking Blue, has horns, and is also neurodivergent, so he never stops feeling like an outcast. Plus, the forest roof is so thick that it's really hard to see the stars at night, which depresses him because in the desert the entire world looks like a night sky! Secretly Faust would like for Silas to think of them as a parental figure, but Silas never really does; he views them more like a permanent babysitter than anything. Faust is also perhaps overly gentle on Silas and though he will express that he wishes he got out more he can't bring himself to actually push him to do anything that makes him uncomfortable, partially out of affection for him and partially because he feels so guilty about bringing him to the forest in the first place.
The second character is Finlay's dad, who is... a character! You will notice that he is absent from 99% of the animatic, just like how he was absent from 99% of Finlay's life!
In many of the frames I was very intentional about the use of lighter and darker tones and there's no way I can talk about every instance in this post so, I guess pay attention to all that for symbolism! The one thing I will mention are Silas' eyes! Which become dark but gain brightness again when Finlay gives him hope for the future, and they stay bright even when he loses that dream because in place of romanticism he gains clarity.
Last couple of things to note before I move on!! For the parts with Faust and Finlay's dad, I designed the side decorations after the types of patterns that each culture that they're associated with (Southern Havens & the Farlands, respectively) tends towards! And, I also indicated time passing using both Silas' horns and Finlay's hood (it gains stitches as he gets older). Finlay's hood also symbolizes when he's hiding his true self vs when he's not >:) And actually I think we are now at the last point I wanna discuss so!! THIS GUY!!! THIS FELLA!!!!!!!! I'M REALLY REALLY HAPPY I MADE SOMETHING THAT ACTUALLY GIVES ME AN EXCUSE TO TALK ABOUT THEM!!!!! So get ready for a lore dump on this guy...
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This is why animatics / comics are great for me because it forces me to actually design the characters I need to design LOL
OKAY! SO! In terms of direct relevance to the animatic, all that's important to know is that this is the spirit that haunts Finlay! Or at least, the one he believes is haunting him... he's not really sure anymore....
So let me explain the character's deal! Firstly, and this goes for pretty much any spirit, pronouns don't really matter, so anything is fine. I also haven't given them a name yet (rip), I need to figure out those naming conventions first. For now they're just Finlay's Spirit. This spirit's shtick is that they seek out those who have been (or feel as though they have been) "left behind" and offer them belonging and love in the form of.... weaving their souls into little stuffed dolls for their oh so beloved collection. According to the stories, their grounds are littered with shallow, hastily dug graves wherein they dump any remains of the body they deem disposable. When they pull their hood over their face, it disguises them as kinfolk, usually taking a form that represents whatever type of belonging the victim yearns for (for example, for Finlay it was a parental figure). When they approach someone they frame it as "come with me i'll give you a home :]" or possibly "let's make a deal :]" but if the person refuses they will drop the act and take their soul (or whatever it is that they want) by FORCE if ya know what I mean!!! (Which is actually not very common, even for evil spirits. They can usually respect no as an answer specifically because they make it so hard to do. Guess this guy REALLY likes their doll collection. There's only one real way to get away from them and it doesn't look like Finlay is gonna figure it out anytime soon...)
Design-wise! Their true body is obscured and amorphous. They cover themselves in stitched-together fabric scraps with only their face and seeming hundreds of arms/hands ever peeking out of the ensemble. Their fingers are sewing needles and they move very stiffly, almost as if they are moving at a lower frame rate than everything around them. (This remains as a subtle tell when they're disguised!) Their teeth are thin and pointy and stick out in such a way that their mouth almost appears sewn shut when closed.
Like just about any evil spirit they simply get pure joy out of tormenting poor kinfolk. So oftentimes, they will torment a victim for a very long time until the person has finally lost their hope and can be willingly taken. And then they get to remain as a sentient functionless doll and the spirit gets to revel in all their misery for the rest of eternity yayyyyy!!!!!! :]
Finlay has only had one verifiably real encounter with this spirit when he was a child wherein he refused it and it took after him as if to kill him. But it disappeared suddenly and Finlay has been terrified of it ever since because he knows it could be anywhere and anyone. I do want to make it clear that even though this character does physically exist and is a part of the narrative, they're also... kind of a symbol in themselves? Like, in a META sense, Finlay's trauma does not LITERALLY come from this spirit, but from what the spirit represents. Does that make any sense!!! In writing him it's a really careful balance for me to strike because I want everything to be grounded in reality but I also want that reality to be exaggerated for fantastical and storytelling purposes... ya know!!
Okay well!! That's everything I can think to talk about for now, but please feel free to ask if you have any questions about anything!!!! Because that would be fun!!!!! Until next time! :]
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thesmutalorian · 9 months
Yeah  they made the feral predator way too hot. The credits came on and I immediately went to Ao3 like “let’s see what the girlies have to say about thissssss” 🤭 I saw the original predator almost a decade ago and as much as I liked it, never would of guessed I’d be here now 🙂
 the ooman shit kills me, like why do they have these scary ass aliens saying such silly shit I’m gonna die. 
Turns ouuuuut, I actually have more to sayyyyy, but you don’t have to respond: I feel bad bc I don’t have an Ao3 account so I can never comment, but Gorl if I did, id have a whole essay for every chapter, including reaction images 😤. Ik you aren’t currently writing from Ta'Kesh’s POV (which is perfectly fine lol), but I really appreciated how you did so. The predator POV is so fun to read, they’re just so damn cold and pragmatic and just ALIEN yk? (Ta’kesh makes me laugh bc he’s such a lil psycho lol). At least when done right I think. The dynamic you have set up is really interesting, like I love a good slow burn enemies to friends to lovers, but the cultural differences and species hierarchy sets it up for some really fascinating (JUICY) interactions/character development. I was unfortunate enough to come upon your story very early, there aren’t many other fics that hold up to the standard you set! (Have you read The Devil You Know? One of the only other quality fics I’ve found that seems to accurately portray that sort of dynamic- 10/10 recommend). 
But anyway, the arrogance, the entitlement, just the cold bluntness makes predator fic so engaging to me. When you take a person with that deeply ingrained of a mindset (that’s another aspect I love, the question of whether or not yautjas are innately “predatory” or if it’s largely due to cultural upbringing) and force them to interact with with someone they deem inferior in a way they never have had to before (and there was only ONE BED heheh) I’m eating that shit up with 2 hands like GOOD SOUP!!😤😤😤
 I appreciate it even more with a quality OC and I like Charlie a lot. I really struggle with reader/you fics bc beyond me just being like “lol I would not do that”, I like having an established character to root for :). She has an interesting past that you’ve managed to portray in an appealing and unostentatious way. Reminds me of Rust cohle from True Detective.  I like that she’s very brave, but not to the point of ridiculousness lol. She has her moments where she’s able to act courageously in order to try to survive, but still gets intimidated/scared (extremely valid) sometimes with the big ass scary aliens. Do you have anyone in mind for how she looks?
Some highlights so far:
Greatly enjoyed ta’kesh’s cringe fail lake venture where Charlie showed his ass up while he fucking stands in the background looking like a drowned ass rat ahahah but watching her Commit Violence like 👀
Idk why but aliens using bidets is so fucking funny to me
Kinda living for ta’kesh being a dork and talking to his cat all the time hehe
let me see what the girlies have to sayyyyy 👏🏼 absolutely the correct response. my friend and I stand by that alien v predator could've been entirely more romantic if they were brave enough but 🤪 no cause literallyyyyy when I read ooman I hear it in a baby voice and I canNOT take it seriously, like bless those authors truly but whoever started the ooman precedent.... I just wanna talk 🧍🏻‍♀️ and girly pop ofc I'm gonna respond you took the time to let me know how you feel and I /love/ interaction okay (I think there's a way to comment anon on ao3 with like a guest account or name or something but maybe I'm wrong idk) but either way you take the time I want to show my appreciation
I stopped his POV just cause I felt like I was backtracking and I'm already so slow (rip sorry) but I really do want to come back to it in the future just to have fun revealing his inner workings (cause sometimes I be writing things and giggling like pookie is such a brat and then I remember y'all can't hear the goofy ass voices in my head and you only know the story I show you) but yes yes their differences are gonna play out in so many ways that I just can't wait for 😇 AND YES IVE READ FRIGGY one of the few I made it all the way through and then had to literally have a whole moment to process that there wasn't a second part 😗😗 sick I tell you, sick,, but I completely understand the not being able to read FPOV or self insert because of the "ummm I would never" --- because that's EXACTLY how I started writing 💀😭 I was chatting w my friend and we were like ok but isn't it kinda weird how fast some of these fmc just like... accept the whole ass murder crab men? also--- how do they survive well in space and from there Charlie was born ahahahHA I was like ok but what if I made it realistic for bits (as realistic as scifi can be) and then asked people to suspend their disbelief for the fun bits like the space pond and the tail n shit 🤭🤭
I have a whole board of art for ta'kesh but I've never really stopped to think about Charlie 🧐🧐
YES DROWNED RAT IS SOOOOO RIGHT mans really does have an ego, which, like rightfully earned? but also... must be checked whenever author feels he needs it (all the time 😇)
the bidet was me being like what is something that isn't necessarily commonplace, but feels bougie enough that an advanced society would have it regularly around.... ah yes.... Bidet.
ta'kesh is a cat girl, confirmed
I promise to bring you more good soup in the future 🍲
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thecornerofegg · 3 months
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Sooooo the time has come to move my art over here instead of instgam, so here are some examples of my art (both older and newer, ish sorted(top: older, bottom: newer))
Anyway, hiya I'm Egg (they/ey) and I'm here now. I'm neurodivergent (adhd) and I'm nonbinary (agender, if you know that term). I'm also a furry, otherhearted (cat), and a fox otherlinker, so if you think that others' hobbies and identities are your business or cringe or whatever then you can leave right now. You're not welcome here.
I draw and sometimes I paint and sometimes I draw digitally, but I'm still working on that. I want to make comics for my ocs' stories, and I like color
If you ask me, coloring traditionally is a pain sometimes, watercolors and acrylics are cool, scrapbooking style collages feed my soul, crafting is fantastic and drawing with graphite is occasionally the best thing that exists
I keep my sketchbooks like diaries/scrapbooks and it's really fun
I like yellow, the stars, flowers, spring- & summer rain, winter, fall colors, illustrations and stories, the consept of spiderman, music, hoodies, blankets, tea, orange chocolate, cats and otters
Am here to vibe and have fun putting my thoughts and art somewhere for me and anyone who wants to vibe with me
Yeah :D
(Intro and tags will be updated, cus things change with time)
Tags used to sort this blog are:
#my art  -  for my art. Also crafts sometimes :D
#blabbering  -  for my thoughts
#not my art - for reblogged art (that is very cool and funky =>)
#live reaction - for my reactions after watching or reading a piece of media, existing examples include Lord of The Flies, Hamlet, the Spiderman Home-trilogy and more
#oc stuff - for my babies (a.k.a. my oc's), can be art, rants, intros, world or story info or anything =>
#wrints - (stands for writing snippets), for writing shenanigans, poems, snippets, verses, possibly eventual song lyrics who knows 👀, script tidbits, concepts or ideas, anything really. Also note that it doesn't have to be fiction, it might be me trying to express feelings & experiences etc. through words
#sketchbooking - for any art I post that was drawn in my sketchbook, cus yeah
#short post - for posts with ca. 4 sentences or less/that don't feel that long to me, because I tend to ramble & sometimes ya just don't wanna read a rant, so I'm sorting them for you <3 (ocationally reblogs, sometimes art, mostly just words)
#alterhumanity - for anything related to that. Be it term coining/definition re-blogs, mask making, memes, div. rambles, related stim-boards, or anything else of the community
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b00m-b0mb · 28 days
do u have lore/a storyline in ur head for wandering karate perchance? i love them a lot :')
AHHH... Wandering Karate, my truest beloved!!!! I do!! But I am rewriting my canon :3c so this is kind of messy and due for a little bit of changing maybe?! Orz !!!!!!!!
UH.. WEOW... cringe...
The basis for a lot of this is a really old fic I wrote for myself that doesn't exist anymore waaa qwqq sorry if this doesn't make sense!
• Joe's family lives in one of the villages Ronin (Wandering Samurai) has rescued.
• Specefically I imagine the one in "Super Samurai Slice", since he leaves unnoticed.. However, Joe saw the whole thing! (Imagine this is some like, 3rd incident lol)
• I like to think Joe would attempt to jump into action and help out (foolishly brave!), but due to being a teensy bit of a clutz he ends up being carried most of the way.
• But he still helped out you know, and like, real danger! Ronin is impressed. And gave compliments where it was due
• Samurai is invited for a drink / some steak and rice. They hang out!! They just chat. I think both of them are a little lonely, and it was just easy to talk. And they did, for hours.
• Joe's inspired by Ronin's skill. Ronin thinks Joe is inspiring for jumping into the situation despite his misteps. Like the desire, but weak energy for skill (Joe, who i project chronic fatigue onto lol), in contrast to the unstopping precise performance, that could fear nothing more than a mistep.
• To me, Joe is a guy who's embarrassed a lot, but he keeps trekking! But hes also frozen still into his current situation, unable to free his wings. While Ronin has light feet when it comes to his embarrassments. And, ofc, cannot let himself stay too long, anywhere! I think due to his nature, he's lonesome and is locked into a endless cycle of self reflection/percieved redemption (over critical)
• Anyways the family comes home. And Ronin's like, ah, I shall go. (Not wanting to be a disturbance) and heads out the door.
• BUT Senior is like "Joe, I need you to pick up my epic gi from -inserts convenient far away comical temple post office-" and Joe, somehow not irritated, and now given a journey, is like 💡‼️ and chases after Ronin.
• He really wants to tag along for just a while. He helped after all! Whats some more time together..? Ronin briefly attempts to decline, before deciding the company wouldn't be a bother... letting Joe come along- call this a ROADTRIP!
• Anyway, the idea was they had two nights of travel / chitchat, with a bit of shenanigans to themselves. Learn about one another. Kind of can see a glimpse into the others perception. And like.. yah... Dudes who want to be friends so bad, everytime they talk there's a silent spark inside both of them bc they're so lonely and a!!!!
• My oc, Karate Maccie, played into my fic uhmm,,, she became the unwanted child tagalong. She's the comic relief pretty much lol!!! but she also is like really trying to set them up as friends you know? She sees these two introverts trying to make it happen. She thinks Joe could use the friend :] She's also just nosey. I know what you are (lonely.)
• More shenanigans & silly adventure for Senior's mail... In the end, Joe and Ronin would have to part ways, but, they would keep touch in letters!!!! Joe being given a post office to write to, and Ronin promising to be there in time to recieve it!
Also I think Maccie + Ronin would have a mini rivalry arc, but it's mostly one sided from Maccie's end lol, and by the end it's somewhat resolved, and Ronin actually offers to train with her or something some time! They all had fun okay! Ugh!!!
I think from there their relationship is just you know, they get each other I guess? They share their thoughts in letters, and are honest and discuss anything and yeahaha... Sometimes a letter is just. "I saw a bird :)" -drawing-, and they get it...!!! they repeatedly will express in their letters how much they truly treasure the others company. Idk man!!! Queer platon guys okay!!!!!
Ronin would definitely make time to come around and visit the village, and Joe would up and leave the house w/o anouncing for mini trips to travel and meet the wandering samurai when hes close to the area!! Skipping practice?! For the samurai he holds dear?! It's serious, you know!!!
But I think the tension takes forever to boil over into melting their boundaries with one another. These dudes need to embrace. So bad. I think. But it's so hard, when you know the lack of it can hurt???? But one day.. I will feel confident enough in both of us, to hold you...??? And know that even when we part, ill see, and hold you again? Wails???
Uhgrhrbrbmammamaaammama 👍👍👍 normal about burnt out souls that are maybe a little mentally ill <33333333 I LOVE THEM SO MUCH ugh,h,m,m,,,,,,
Also they both have a somewhat similar family life in my hcs. Dead mothers, somewhat strained relationship with father, tradition, a clash in how they want to live? Something. They can't be together, but they treasure and hold their shared time dearly, and hold their long distance relationship with nurture :) I lovegh. Them.
Also, food for thought- Bon Odori is also in the village Joe lives in. (And I hc the toss boys are kids in this village, so fourth) maybe Samurai Slice Endless (DS) is there too :] I think he'd do that anywhere needed, but I like the idea of him going from not well known anywhere aside from few legends, to becoming apart of this community because of Joe? Or something? Sobs...??? Sorry idk...
Also I imagine a mini plotline of their relationship regarding the fact Ronin doesn't have a true name + Joe's rise to doing things outside the house ??? Things.. !!!
and and UHHHGGGGGGG rhythm heaven head canon world I missed you.....
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
Random AU bits that try to make more idk a cohesive HB/HH universe with an OC:
Narrative and visual parallels? Like, idk if it's just my inability to resist making more OCs but, what if Loona had had a twin brother? Make Loona and twin OC hit more of Blitzo's trauma-baggage buttons. Make them kinda mirror the other twins, Barbie and Blitzo, but still different.
Then their adoption ends up being more than just giving some random kid(teens?) a better shot at life when he was initially probably shopping for a Hellhound worker for his assassin biz or whatever and caught not only Parental Feelings but also I CAN FIX THE PAST BY FIXING THESE KIDS' FUTURE feelings or whatever, unless he was actually looking to fix his problems with parenthood in a retcon, idk what do you think is more interesting? Anyways, then for Blitzo it's now also somewhat about Rewriting the story, he and Barbie are on the outs, but these twins won't be! Not only will Blitzo be the father he never had, but they won't end up hating each other! THEY CAN'T! NUH-UH! They won't ruin each other's lives! Everything's fine! (Listen, Blitzo projects hard, and I would like to see it more lol.)
Okay I will admit that Loona's twinbro OC is more vibes and narrative parallel than character substance right now, but I would really like to bring back OG!Loona's party animal/party crasher trait from her concept art (like, okay maybe the Keshabee party was the first party she was Actually Invited to, so that could've been an interesting reason why she was so nervous about making a bad impression, also idk I could see her and twinbro OC using party crashing as a way to steal food [if there's any] or whatever when they were younger, depending on their living situation at the time). Honestly what makes designing OC tough is how little traits from Barbie we actually get to see in canon, because that makes it a lot harder to make a similar parallel for twinbro OC, where Loona would mirror Blitzo, twinbro OC would funhouse mirror Barbie. But otoh I kinda want Loona and twinbro to get along at least, maybe in a codependent way? (Barbie and Blitzo probs got along too before Blitzo caused a magical fire that their mother died in, nearly killed & crippled Fizz for life, among who knows how many other things else. Also, I prefer a universe where Blitzo tried to do a hellfire circus trick and fucked it up, no stupid b-day candles, thanks). Anyways, Loona and twinbro OC, they somehow survived the Hellhound Adoption System together and ostensibly got adopted together (at least in the end, by Blitzo, maybe there could be some separation anxiety? Idk, like I'd imagine that they got separated sometimes before being returned), idk so there's loyalty or care there, despite both being fucked up from it probably (isn't everybody). AU of an AU: Alternatively have Loona and twinbro OC mirror Blitzo and Barbie harder, they weren't adopted together, twinbro OC was adopted first (again?), but disappeared instead of being returned. Loona either does or doesn't believe that he left her behind (idk maybe they acted out when they were adopted separately in order to try again in hopes of being adopted together? Or finding each other?) but either comes across information that informs her he was officially returned into the System but mysteriously disappeared and begins (or continues, depending on what Loona believed) her search for him, somewhat mirroring Blitzo's eventual search for Barbie, but the parallel ending where twinbro OC actually does (probably) want to be found.
Idk AU thoughts go brrrr, got an AU for something more mystery/whatever, got another AU for a more canon-but-a-little-to-the-left/more-cast, depending on the flavor I or whoever likes more. Also I know twin OCs to canon chars are a little cringe, but I enjoy it.
Good bits for sure!
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enmi-land · 5 months
hia diaa! i want to make a enhypen 8th member oc can you give me tips on how to write stories better🥹
OMGGG GOOD LUCK ON YOUR BLOG!! and hope it goes well for you!! lemme know when you make it so i can pop on over and give you lots of love 💟 but ahhh i think i did give tips to someone here about writing but can’t seem to find the post 😭 but anyway!! idk how much i can help but here’s some i learnt along the way while writing for a while 💖💖
don’t force yourself to write ! sometimes we feel inspired and sometimes we don’t. getting used to the fact that you won’t be constantly able to write works is a good mindset to have, since you don’t want to be burnt out!! that’s one of the things i got to accept recently as you probably know form my recent short lived hiatus. but yeah, sometimes we just need to let things sit for a while and that’s totally okay! sometimes, the best things you can possibly make are the ones that take a while.
sometimes simple is best ! your writing doesn’t have to be shakespeare level to be considered “good” and it’s often a misconception that you have to be. but rlly, the main purpose of writing stories like this (other than having fun ofc!!) is that the audience is able to the world through your character’s lenses and feel what they’re feeling. as long as you get the mentions across, you’ve already achieved your purpose. so don’t worry if it’s not flowery or full of description.
realism + fantasy ! the unique thing about added member blogs is that there isn’t much creative freedoms if that makes sense?? it’s fiction so you don’t have to have pinpoint accuracy, but bc technically the world is set in THIS universe (where enha are idols), you probably won’t be able to do an ‘enemies to lovers’ or a ‘bad boy!member’ as you would if you were writing a college au. that being said, once again, it’s totally up to you what you write!! as long as they aren’t portrayed as serial killers or in a gang, or (one of my pet peeves personally) complete jerks for no reason and with no redeeming qualities, you should be okay!
write things you enjoy writing ! since you’re going to be in this character’s head a lot, it will be easier for you if they’re someone you’re genuinely interested in, and part of that can mean your actual character (are they someone you like to be writing for?) or your plot (is it something you like to read as a reader??)!! because as it happens, the more you like something, the more time you’ll spend on it, meaning the more you’ll improve with time! it’s a simple science but it works really well, and it hasn’t failed me before.
be comfortable with saying no ! which goes to say, going off the last point, don’t write things you’re not comfortable with yet. even if they’re requests and you feel bad for rejecting someone, it’s best to have boundaries, and the last thing you need is for a safe space for you as a writer to become another place where you’re feeling anxious or uncomfortable. it’s your blog and you make the rules, so no one can come at you for doing what you want with it!! and if they do just send them my way heheh >:)
bonus tip ! and last of all, this is a tip for making your oc in general, but have some things in their history that you can relate to personally. they don’t have to be exactly the same as you, but if they’re someone that shared some similarities, it will be easier for you to be able to write them in a way that makes them feel real!! for me personally, i can relate to mila in terms of personality, and while we don’t really have the same beliefs or even background, we still have enough similarities that I don’t end up writing someone who is too ‘2d’. she’s imperfect, she makes mistakes, and sometimes she may not be that likeable for some readers bc she’s too ‘cringe’ or ‘cutesy’, but that’s part of what makes her feel more real (to me at least), so remember that it’s okay to make your oc flawed. we all are. and that’s what will make them that much easier to love. <33
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breoasis · 8 months
hii i love your ocs they look amazing could you tell us more about them?
hihi if this is about the new sketches i just made then there's so much i could tell you about them and at the same time so little things to talk about..... but let's go you're in here for a ride this is gonna be long
So those ocs are from left to right: Eli, Gala, Gavriel and Loreto, all belonging to the same universe, but i've had them for so long that their stories and world building and everything has changed so many times that nothing about them makes sense really (and i'm considering changing everything again to be less fantasy,, maybe, idk). Let me tell you about each one of those in order now under the cut:
> Eli: full name Elijah but i'm considering changing it to Elías because i don't want any of my ocs to have an english name anymore. This one is my favorite of favorites, he is my babygirl and my wet piece of gargabe of a son <3 He's the main character of my oc world and any other oc i have revolves around him somehow. The thing about this guy is that he transforms into a dragon and this only makes sense because i made him when i was 13 (and i am 24 now), so please bear with me... i was an early teen and that was the coolest thing to me at the time... anyway everything about him, from his story to his appearance, has changed multiple times but i kept that trait (the dragon thing) because i think it's funny but it also makes me cringe every time i have to say it. Also he's my pfp. Sadly the only thing i can tell you rn about this guy's story is that he's been travelling and surviving on his own for -reasons- and meeting new people through his travels, nothing specific because, again, i might change everything
> Gala: probably the most recent one out of these four, still from 2017-ish so she's been around the block for quite a while already. She's one of the only who's story probably stayed the same through all these years. She's the daughter of a duchess who rules/controls over a region and its people, so high class, rich and likes to show it. She has an older brother who was one of my favorite ocs for a while. In relation to the oc stories, Eli had to work for her family for some time and they grew close together, even though he was there to just do chores around the house. Gala doesn't have any friends due to her position and appreciates the company of someone her age even if it's a house worker and lower class. She's just a plain human tho, nothing fantasy or magical about her.
> Gavriel: or Gav/Gavi for short. I made this guy around 2016 for a roleplay group thingy and eventually, when that thing ended, i threw him into the pit that is this oc universe because i liked his design. He and Loreto (girl on his right) are both orphans and grew together as siblings. He had some weird "powers" i don't know how to describe without a doodle for you to get an image of it, but the origin of those has changed so many times already i don't even remember most of it. In older iterations of his story he had been experimented on and that's kind of how he got it i think?? his sister thought the experiment was gonna be good for him but it just fucked him up (i know this makes no sense i'm very sorry)
> Loreto: the older out of ALL of my current ocs, the first drawing i made of her was in 2011/2012 i believe, she belonged to another oc universe, looked far different and had another name, but i rescued her for this one because, again, i liked her design. She's around 15 years older than Gav and used to be like the mayor? of a town? She was more of a villain without meaning it really, that's the only backstory thing i remember about her right now, sorry. Also, she's missing half an arm and sometimes uses a mechanical arm as a substitute but it obviously doesn't work the same as a real arm. Gav braids her hair every morning since she can't do it by herself.
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priwenshallprevail · 8 months
respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
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( Picture optional )
ROLEPLAYER NAME: Mjodvitnir , or Wraith to some.
MUSE NAME: Geoffrey Aodhán McCullum
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: Tumblr messages, or even Discord if you'd prefer. If you want my discord, just ask. Whatever is easier for my partners.
EXPERIENCE: At the very least 20 years of experience in role playing. Back in the chatrooms of american online, or myspace. Am I showing my age yet ? I know, it's such cringe. I want to say my first three characters I ever role played was Rufus Shinra from Final Fantasy VII and two oc characters, one VtM relative , the other Werewolf. I'm wanting to say my character had been Tremere clan. Can't remember my generation I had him under, though. My werewolf was from the tribe Silver Fangs. An Ahroun if I can remember correctly.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: Well... absolutely everything! Dark, torturous gritty, gore-infested, action, combat, drama, comedy, angst, fast paced, slow paced, smut, fluff, one shots. I enjoy them all ! Hit me with all the above !
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: I don't have many, but the few I do hold -- are more toward general respect for your partners. Don't be a dick.
God moding/meta-ing the RP. Don't use any info your character wouldn't have the slightest clue on. Unless it was discussed on how they may have acquired it prior , or planned through other threads. What remains in a thought collective, stays in the mind. Unless your muse holds telepathy in some aspect. Then it's a different story.
Judgement of writing style. My writing is far from perfect, and I often have one hell of a time judging myself. I don't need others on top of that, adding to my horrendous insecurities. I like detailing things, from the environment, to facial expressions, or even course of actions. I sometimes hyper focus on one thing and become brief with another. I don't understand it myself, nor always catch myself doing it. I hold horrible habit of having issue with repeating a certain word when writing my own posts, and I do sometimes get carried away over different synonyms to these said words. To the point that not every definition becomes so literal. How, or when I developed this habit, I do not know. It's a tick that only happens on my own writing, never on any of my partners. I judge myself too harshly in everything, not just writing. However, if I flood you with a lot of paragraphs -- that usually just means you struck my muse in a massive way and I wish to shower you with love. That I want to engage with you at what my brain considers my best. No body ever has to match whatever length I spew out. Please remember that. Also note, that even if my muse is struck so highly for your muse. My brain can still muck it up. It's a fickle beast. But that is adhd in a nutshell.
Judgement over ships/shipping. ... This one, the more I think on it, is a big one. I have been judged on ships in the past. On several accounts, actually.. some more recent. That it has gotten me reluctant to approach anyone to ask " hey lets try to smoosh these two together ! ?" Judging someone's ship is a disgusting form of shaming someone because they didn't conform to your ideals of said characters. Judgement with narcissistic attempts to push stuff a certain way -- yeah, no. Don't do it. Also, don't try to force ships . I support McReid, but if a Reid does not ? You back the fuck off the suggestion. It's really that simple. Respect. Your. Partners. Not everything revolves around romance anyways. Plenty of other relationships they can aim for. Friendships are a beautiful thing too. I mean -- platonic is also a thing as well, you know. It can bloom just as heavenly.
Constructive feedback though is more than welcome.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Yes ! I enjoy everything you're willing to throw at me, and will happily plan entire story lines to multiple connectives we can later link if that's what you'd like.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: The in-betweeners. I love doing long replies when muse hits like a freight train, but if my muse isn't as strong -- or if my brain struggles to focus. Which it does, trust me. It'll be between that short and long range, or sometimes drop short all together. I don't ever expect you to match length if you don't wish to. That is not a requirement with me. As long as you can provide me with a paragraph to work with , I'm more than game.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: This is .. .. a tricky one for me. Cause my adhd makes it hard for me to write when everyone else is up in this household. So it would be somewhere between late night and early morn, for me. Eastern time.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: I'm honestly not sure if it's the we have similarities, or if my constant processing of what can be done to improve role play, suddenly bleeds into my own characteristics on a daily basis. Taking a bit of my characters with me every time. I'm a little withdrawn, keep a lot of my emotions on the inside, sometimes quick to become surly with forced authority types, described grumpy often , can be witty with the usual sarcastic bites -- if that accounts to anything.
Tagged by : I stolez it, but I don't remember from who. o.o;
Tagging : @fangsforhire , @coivi , @arcanescholxr , @anedendarkly , @undeadunalive , @astridnorddottir , @luposcainus
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
Which is better? Hs harutaka or POST STR harutaka?
why is this written in a funny font. am i the only one seeing the font. i feel so intimidated. like damn bro ill answer put the gun down
anyways neither of them is better or worse i ❤️ both. One cannot exist without the other. both are good they're just a little different dynamics 🙏🙏🙏 like one is awkward cringe teenager crush and the other is married era. you know. how do u compare. like both are good?? its just in one theyre younger and in the other theyre older (= yet to be traumatized vs traumatized)
personally i do like seeing post str content a little more just because ITS THE HAPPY ENDING YKNOW..and its haruka&takane finding their way back to each other after everything and i i i i i *descent into madness* also i think there's generally a lot more fan content set in the hs days so i sigh longingly abt post str content everyday. but cringy hs harutaka has to exist to give place to cringy older harutaka you know!! they can be like oh my gooood our ocs. we were so cringe. anyways our wedding rings should say player 1 and player 2. that is so not cringe like we used to be :333 like theyre still very much cringe you know. but they think they arent. they're like we're GROWN now we aren't LIKE THAT anyway asterisks nuzzles&kisses asterisks... :3 xddddd!!! because they compare to how they used to be and the bar is low and also theyre so happy that theyre together that they kinda. cant see how fucking embarrassing they are. thats what live shintaro reaction is good for 🙏
like im sorry im all for blushing mess takane and stuff like yeahyeahyeah i get it but girl.... i hate when ppl make it like she totally reverts back to how she used to be. like u cannotttt miss the point so badly. takane never thought she'd see haruka again her ass IS NOT wasting her chance being that embarrassed now. that's a huge pet peeve i have with fan content like both in hs/str settings where takane can't behave like a normal person around haruka like that's SOOOO untrue. they're best friends she's totally normal to him even if she gets silly sometimes. like there are so many examples but my favorite is in the sixth novel when takane calls haruka on the phone and she's kinda like OMGGG IF U WERENT BUSY ID TOOOTALLY WOULD'VE TAKEN U SOMEWHERE YOU WOULD'VE LOOOOVED... and haruka's like UM HEHE next time ok!! and takanes like NOT GONNA HAPPENNNN❤️❤️❤️ stupid fucking cringe ass flirting sorry like. sorry. not only is she able to speak normally but she cringely flirts with him. and when ppl make it like she can't speak while around him or is just grumpy 1000% of the time it makes me sick. LIKE haruka describes her as easily excitable and like a gentle girl and i ugh *BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE* SHE'S SO INSANELY MISUNDERSTOOD BC PEOPLE WANNA PUT HER IN THE TSUNDERE BOX SO BAD
also COME ON what i love abt her is that as soon as she figures out she likes him she makes a run for it and despite she's terrified she wants to tell him?? and none of her thoughts are abt OHH BUT WHAT IF HE DOESNT LIKE ME BACK like TAKANE NEVER EVER wonders if haruka likes her back once she figures it out. only ayano's lesbian ass says anything abt haruka reciprocating or not. she's not worried abt being rejected... or she dies before she could worry LMAOOOO but she's just terrified she cannot tell him how much he means to her. and then she really CANT tell him, and she has to live with that regret for what she thinks is gonna be forever, but then she DOES see him again. she IS able to tell him. sorry. she would be so insanely cringely embarrassingly happy that she doesnt give a fuck abt being all blushing COME ON. ofc she would get embarrassed but no more or less than haruka lol. and haruka is like WHAA??? MEEEE??? NO WAY....MEEEE??? OMG...HEHE... WAIT MEEEE??? FOR REALLLL??? HEHEH....WAIT LIKE MEEEE!?!?!?!?! the sillies *goes crazy* theyre so cringe and gross kissing together but good for them
and i KNOW how in their chapter together in the eighth novel takane's kinda grumpy but listen. i will defend her here. they LOST. novel route is not a good ending. and takane HATES LOSING‼️‼️‼️ haruka literally comments it, like he says takane hates losing. like am i forever mad jin robbed us of seeing them actually reunite and we only get a short as hell little moment between them that compared to everyone else's moments feels slapped on last minute? yeah a little. is it still well written and a rly solid harutaka moment? yes🙏 like not only the bit abt haruka saying he loved takane's snippy attitude but also ene's high energy and etcetc but like. ausnfknxoenxkeix GOD i love at the end when takane smirks and then haruka thinks abt how easily influenced he's always been by her and also smirks and theyre just kinda smirking to each other like HEH HEH HEH.. YEAH NEXT TIME WE WILL WIN. fuckingidiots smiling like that ABOUT THE FACT THEIR REALITY IS ABOUT TO BE RESET AND ESSENTIALLY ARE ABOUT TO DIE ONLY TO MEET AGAIN NEXT TIME AND GO THROUGH EVERYTHING AGAIN. BUT THEIR ASSES ARE LIKE >:3!! LITERALLY SO SILLY. sorry. i love them. i excuse takane grumpiness for this reason like it was NOT an ideal happy ending so ofc she wasn't super into it 💔
i need to explode. or whatever. My dumbass thinking this was gonna be a short reply
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multiversxwhore · 1 year
Main character: Black fem oc
Word count: 2k
Warnings: mentions of panic/anxiety attack, spiraling thoughts, and bad eating habits(?) *thought that was worth mentioning*
a/n: please do not share my work, reblogs only please. Also it’s been a while since I touched this fic, sometimes I get in my head about my work as I’m sure we all do. I hope y’all are still enjoying this story, if not…then what the hell you still doin here? This story features
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Chapter 4
The meeting with White Rabbit Publications went shockingly well; according to Trinity Ross, my new boss, my personality is “fun and bubbly” but “not quite what she expected from someone who wrote such dark material.”
 As soon as I made it back to my apartment, I threw my shoes off, and headed to the kitchen. I pulled out my celebratory “eat only if you get the job” chocolate cake I baked for myself the night before. At  this moment I felt the urge to indulge myself, as I cut a fat slice, I decided that I was going to eat as much of this cake as I wanted to. “No one’s here to judge me, let me get a glass of wine real quick too.” I smirk to myself, mentally I high-five myself for deciding to put the red wine in the fridge two nights ago. Carefully I walked my plate, and glass over to the couch. 
I’m in the middle of taking my clothes off when my phone rings, groaning heavily, I pause to think if I want to be bothered with talking right now. “Nope, not now.” Throwing myself down on the couch, I grab the remote, and turn the tv on, after endlessly scrolling through HBO I settled on watching Blade for the millionth time in a row. Half way into the movie, I’m 3 glasses of wine down.  “Some mufuckas always tryna ice skate uphill mmm Amen…” I quoted Wesley Snipes lines as if I wrote them, leaning back into the couch, a content feeling washed over me, it finally felt like I was taking a step in the right direction with my life. My phone buzzed a few times, I rolled my eyes deciding to pick it up. I let out a tipsy giggle when I see it’s Adam who’s texting me. 
Adam: I hope you’re not home on a Friday night. 
Angelica: wats it to ya mr. nosy 
Adam: no date? 
I paused for a moment not really sure how to answer that, I could be witty, or I could be straight forward. While I was thinking he had already texted me. 
Adam: come out with me tonight, me and some friends are getting together.
Angelica: Mmm I'd rather get to know you first before I get to know your friends
Quickly he responded, my eyebrows shot up in shock. 
Adam: it can just be the two of us, they’ll probably ditch once they see I brought a girl along lol. 
“Well okay mister thirsty.” I giggled, I breathed out tiredly, looking up at the tv, the movie was reaching the end where Blade was having his big face off with Deacon Frost. 
Angelica: tempting, but I’m not gonna take the bait, plus we’re supposed to be hanging out tomorrow anyways. Greedy boy. 
I cringed at the last part, but I sent it anyway blaming my slightly drunken state for saying such a thing. It was a while before he responded, I threw the phone down, and went to take my things into the kitchen. As I opened the fridge to put the wine away, my eyes glanced at the leftover cake. There was enough left for the next two days, but I really wanted another slice. My uncontrollable urges take over, before I know it I’m already reaching for it. 
Bzzz, bzzz. My phone saved me just in the Knick of time before I over indulged, and made myself feel bad for it. 
Adam: shit you’re right, I guess I’ll have to wait 😒 
Adam: make sure you send me your address, I’ll come to you. 
Angelica: 😌💗  357 Perry St Apt # 333
Angelica: see ya at 7 bestie :) 
He didn’t reply back after that, I didn’t expect him to; I puffed air from my cheeks, and made my way to the bed. Laying there for a moment in the darkness, I emphasized that I’m doing a lot of what I wouldn’t expect myself to be doing. I can feel the shift happening with me, it makes me feel nervous, yet excited. Turning over in my back I tried not to let it bother me too much, but then my eyes began to sting. A wave of unidentifiable emotions swept over me, the next thing I know tears are rolling down my face, and my throat feels like the cake I ate earlier is lodged in it. All the negative thoughts I’ve kept at bay attack me all at once, “and now I feel like a piece of shit, because how dare I enjoy any fucking thing for once.” I angrily kicked the covers off, I got up and walked back into the kitchen; I snatched open the refrigerator door, and pulled the cake out. 
“Fuck it.” I began to cut myself a slice, as I’m arguing with myself like a crazy person rather I should eat it or not, someone knocks on my door. “Ugh, you’re doing this out of spite, universe.” I mumble as I throw the knife down, and walk over to the door, looking through my peephole I’m taken aback by who I see. 
“Deion?” The last time I talked to my ex-boyfriend was three months ago. I assumed he moved out of state, or dropped dead. 
“Damn, can I come in?” He took a step forward, his hand grabbing me around my waist. I hated when this happens; when I shift from depressed to horny all in for the sake of distraction. I chewed my bottom lip trying to decide whether I should partake in this toxicity or not, and Deion was gonna stand there as long as it took for me to come to a conclusion because he was a hound…
“So did y’all smash or not?” Maddison and I were sitting in her living room making plans for her next Wine Mixer. Hazel, and Taylor we’re on the phone on speaker. Nyla was of course either working or smashing some intern. 
“Oh course they did Maddison, Angie is a hoe, y’all thought she went into remission. Not I.” Taylor proclaimed, Hazel let out a holler, then proceeded to curse out the drivers around her. I rolled my eyes, it’s not like I could deny any of that, I smiled to myself as my friends continued to clown me. 
“Enemies to lovers to exes to friends with benefits? How the fuck did you manage that?” Maddison looked at me, an impressed expression on her face, in their defense I don’t talk about my love life often. I continued to type on her MacBook as I entered names from the guest list she had in her email. 
“I have no idea honestly, it all just sort of happened, I don’t think we were ever in love to begin with. But our sex chemistry is off the charts.” I shrugged nonchalantly, puffing air through my cheeks, I threw  off my glasses, and leaned back on the couch. 
“So wait, what about Adam then?” Taylor asked, my heart jumped at the mention of his name, he hadn’t crossed my mind since our short conversation last night.
“Wait a minute, who’s Adam?” Maddison sipped on her steaming mug of coffee, an eyebrow perked up with interest. Looking down at my own mug I see that it’s empty though it feels like I just filled it up, the jitteriness of my hands signaled a warning to me that I’ve had too much caffeine already. 
“The guy from the bar from a week ago, and we’re just friends. Actually we’re hanging out tonight.” I press my lips together to suppress the smile that threatened to break through. I wasn’t sure if I was excited because I’m finally hanging out with someone different or because of something else. It was something about Adam that made me feel giddy, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. 
“Maddi, you want more, because I’m about to devour the rest.” I say hovering over the leftover fried fish, mac’n cheese, greens, and cornbread she cooked for us this afternoon. 
“Nah, you can have it since you’re drooling.” She waved her hand at me dismissively as she added more items to the Amazon cart for the event. I do a little happy wiggle as I plate myself up more food, at the moment I couldn’t help but feel like a child as Maddison is always feeding me when I come over. She was just that kind of friend, the kind that makes sure you’re fed, or taken care of. 
“Taylor and Hazel tapped out, just us now.” Maddison yawned, I was starting to get a bit sleepy myself, Deion stayed the night, and then I got up at 9am to get ready to come over to Maddison’s house. I plopped back down on the couch, crossing my legs, and placing my plate on my lap. Her cat Ares hopped up and nestled himself between the both of us, a bittersweet feeling settled in my chest. I’ve wanted a cat for quite some time now, but I always talk myself out of it. For now I just live vicariously through Maddison. 
“Alright, the attendees are all listed with their contact information on an excel spreadsheet. The venue is secure, the entertainment is secure, the invitations will be sent out Monday, and now all that’s left is to buy decor, and find a set up team to put it all together for the day of.” I checked off the to-do list on my phone, just then a text from Adam popped up, followed by a text from Deion. 
Adam: You’re a best seller??? 
He then sent me a picture of him staring at my previously published book ‘Night Time Angel’ in complete shock. The grin on my face spreads faster than I have time to stop it, it warmed my heart knowing he actually went and purchased it. 
Angelica: not you googling me 🤣
“Angelica and Adam sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g.” Madison sang teasingly, my head whipped over to her, she’s looking down at her phone. Her lips turned upwards into a playful smirk, but she kept quiet. 
“Anywayssss, I think I’m gonna nap in the guest room.” I get up from the couch, bent over slightly and pop my booty out before walking away. 
“Jesus, not in front of my son.” Madison pretends to cover Ares' eyes, he lets out a soft meow as he falls back into his moms arms. I threw myself on the bed expecting to pass out, but I was buzzing with excitement on the inside now. Rolling over in my back, I opened Deion’s text, involuntarily I rolled my eyes. “Oh look,  a picture of your dick, how original.” I mumbled to myself I was about to throw my phone down when it buzzed again. 
Deion: what you doing later, my friend is having a listening party. 
Angelica: can’t, I’m busy. Have lots of fun though, and don’t get too drunk. 
Deion: so get super drunk? Roger that🫡 
I lay back on the bed, closing my eyes. I play through all the possible scenarios that could happen tonight. “Whoa Angie, are these two friends hanging out or,  a date.” I mumble to myself. 
“Girl, it's definitely a date, but lie to yourself if you must.” Maddison said walking by, I huffed, and turned over on my side facing away from the window. I set a timer on my phone, and attempt to catch a light nap. Eventually I did drift off. 
Time had gone by faster than Angelica expected, her phone alarm blaring into her ear made her heart feel like it was going to leap from her chest. Slowly she sets up, stretches her arms out wide, and throws her head back, mouth open as she yawns. 
“Imma use the shower, change then leave.” Angelica said as she stood in Maddison’s bedroom doorway, she was curled up on the bed with Ares watching Captain America: Winter Soldier for the millionth time that summer. Her hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun, phone in one hand, and the other lazily on Ares' back. 
“That’s cool, just lock the door on the way out, I might be asleep.” She smiled softly, Angelica nodded her head lazily, then walked down the hall towards the master bathroom.
After a quick shower, Angelica pulled on her clothes, then her shoes, and brushed her curly hair out. She double checked her makeup making sure her lash extensions were still intact, and her lipgloss wasn’t layered on too thick. Her phone buzzed on the bathroom counter, a text from Adam flashed across her phone screen. 
Adam: hey might be running a bit late. 
Adam: sorry
She quickly typed back, a small smile pulling at the corners of her lips. 
Angelica: :) that’s fine, see ya when I see ya. 
Sighing to herself in content, she gathers her things from the living room, and leaves Maddison’s house, locking the door on the way out. 
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