#anyways i love you asexuals i love you greysexuals i love you demisexuals i love you microlabels
i-have-no-braincells · 4 months
in light of some upsetting biphobic and aphobic posts that decided to pop up on my dash, i would like to express my unending support to my aspec friends, followers, and loved ones.
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ace-sher-bi-john · 10 months
Sherlock Holmes: Aro-Spec, A-Spec, Gay Icon
What is Sherlock Holmes' orientation?
Asexual? Aromantic? Homosexual/romantic? Why not all three?
Something I've noticed during my time in this fandom is that people can't always agree on what Sherlock's sexual/romantic orientation is. Most people say that he's gay, some people say that he's ace. These two headcanons are rarely paired together.
I've seen people who think he's asexual be called homophobic because it feels like it's taking away from the gay representation they get from Johnlock. What they don't appear to realize is that asexual people can still have romantic or even sexual relationships. It also seems that people confuse being asexual with being aromantic a lot. Asexuality and aromanticism are not the same thing.
(There are lots of people who don't ship Johnlock, and either ship Sherl with someone else or with no one and that's valid! I personally am a Johnlock shipper)
Asexuality is defined as a lack of sexual attraction and Aromanticism is defined as a lack of romantic attraction. Both of these have a spectrum as well.
Asexual people can experience sexual attraction, only experience it sometimes, or not experience it at all. If you are anywhere on the asexual spectrum, it simply means that you don't experience an urge to have sex with someone in some or all cases.
You might enjoy sex. You might be repulsed by it. You might be completely indifferent towards it. You might even have urges every now and then. That is still valid. On one end of the spectrum, you don't experience any sexual attraction, on the other, you do experience sexual attraction, and all throughout the middle are varying levels of attraction/urges or lack thereof. There are more identities out there under the ace umbrella. There's demisexual which means that you only experience sexual attraction towards people you've developed an emotional connection with first. Greysexual means that you rarely experience sexual attraction, but it does happen sometimes. Lithosexual means you experience sexual attraction, but don't want it reciprocated. There are many more, you can do your research if you want to know all of them. I don't want to make this post too long, as I fear I may already have done.
The same thing goes for the aromantic spectrum.
Being aromantic means that you don't experience romantic attraction. Depending on where you are on the spectrum, you may experience romantic attraction sometimes, or not at all. Some aromantic people love the idea of romance, romantic gestures, have no problem holding hands, kissing, etc. You can participate in romantic relationships, you can get married, and it will never mean you're less aromantic. All being aromantic means is that you don't feel romantic attraction. It being a spectrum means that on one end, you do experience romantic attraction and on the other end you don't. All in the middle, you experience varying levels of romantic attraction. The labels are basically the same as the ace labels and mean basically the same thing.
(Edit: I've just noticed that I forgot to mention queer platonic relationships. So here we go)
Aromantic people may experience feelings for friends that go beyond friendship, but aren't in anyway romantic or sexual. They may choose to form relationships with others that are more than friendship but not quite romantic. These are called Queer Platonic Relationships or QPRs. They are just as valid as romantic relationships and are not just friendships. People in QPRs love their partner just as deeply, if not more so than people in romantic relationships.
When someone is asexual, but not aromantic, you put a label for their romantic attraction. For example: Biromantic asexual, heteromantic asexual, homoromantic asexual, panromantic asexual, etc.
So basically, you can experience limited or no sexual/romantic attraction and still have relationships. You can be aroace and gay. So therefore my headcanon is that Sherlock is grey-homoromantic asexual.
It took me a little bit of deciding between demiromantic and greyromantic. But they both sound just as cliche as the other. In both cases, John is the one and only person that Sherlock ever falls in love with. If he's demi, it's because he's never gotten this emotionally close to someone before and that's why John is his only love. But I wanted to see Sherlock struggle with his new, unfamiliar romantic feelings from the beginning. From that very first day that John walked into the lab at Bart's.
Sherlock doesn't even know what the weird emotions he's feeling are. They are subtle at first, because love at first sight is even more cliche. He doesn't really start to feel them as anything too distracting or difficult until the pool incident. Almost losing John, caused other unfamiliar feelings that Sherlock didn't want to deal with, along with the telltale signs of romantic love. But Sherlock chooses to ignore it for as long as possible, denying the fact that he could be in love with anyone. Let alone his very straight, not gay in the slightest, bi in denial roommate. It's too much of a risk with anyone. Platonic relationships are already a risk, but he's seen the strange things that romantic love can do to people. He doesn't allow himself to feel most emotions anyway, why would he allow himself to feel romantic love?
Once he allows himself to realize that the emotion he's feeling is romantic love, he struggles with his identity. He knows that he's aromantic, so how is it possible that he's feeling this way? Eventually he will come to discover greyromanticism and realize that he's not crazy, and he's not suddenly alloromantic. He is experiencing rare romantic feelings for John, which he's never experienced before and will likely never experience again.
He's still aromantic. He's not "fixed". Sherlock is valid in being aromantic and feeling romantic attraction.
Then add in some asexual tension once they finally get together and we should be good to go!
Thank you for reading. Hopefully that wasn't too long for you.
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oscconfessions · 6 months
Sigh... I'm gonna add my two cents about the Balloon arospec drama(I'm AroAce BTW) and by my two cents I mean I'll mention it two times and just talk about something else related. I'll also be providing some knowledge about AroAceness and all that.
For those of you who don't know,
Aro: Aromantic - Little to no romantic attraction.
Ace: Asexual - Little to no sexual attraction.
Aro+Ace are spectrums and aren't just "every Aro person doesn't feel any kind of romantic attraction" or "every Ace person can't feel sexual attraction." I feel as tbough people forget that all the time so I wanted to remind you lot haha.
I'm noticed this kind of drama a few times, where people argue about a character on where they are on the AroAce spectrum. It's difficult for me to put what I think into words here, but if a character(either canon AroAce or not) doesn't have a canon placement on the spectrum then whatever, go wild.
To help with my previous statement, I'll use SakiK from... SaikiK. People generally agree he's AroAce, yet people argue about where he is on that spectrum(mainly the Aromantic part). Since it's not ever stated where he is on that spectrum(or even if he is AroAce but SHHHSHSHHSH 🤫🤫), everyone has their own interpretation of it.
I believe it should be the same for Balloon, unless Balloon comes on screen and says "I am *insert very specific thing here* " as he points to a picture of the Aro spectrum then its to to you. Obviously, don't make him a sex crazed fiend or constantly searching for love, you eejit, but it should be up to interpretation.
A little off-topic here, sorry, but I wanted to bring up umbrella terms in both the Aro and Ace spectrums(I'm included ace because eh why not! This is for my people who HC Balloon as Aro AND Ace 🙏🙏)
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Here are some terms under both the aro and ace spectrums. I feel as though you guys and many, MANY others tend to forget that there are umberlla terms for AroAce. I'll define them below:
Ace umbrella:
Aceflux: someone whose sexual orientation fluctuates but generally stays on the asexual spectrum
Greysexual: only experience sexual attraction some of the time, and sometimes not at all.
Demisexual: An individual who does not experience sexual attraction until after a close emotional bond has been formed.
Aro umbrella:
Aroflux: someone whose romantic orientation fluctuates but generally stays on the aromantic spectrum
Greyromantic: Some may feel a strong emotional connection with others but do not desire romantic relationships, while others may feel a weak romantic attraction to some people but not all.
Demiromantic: An individual who does not experience romantic attraction until after a close emotional bond has been formed.
Now, there are MANY more, feel free to add in the replies or the reblogs (o: !
Also, my apologies that this post was very long! Also also, my personal opinion on Balloons arospec thing? Idfk, lmao. TBH, this was kinda an excuse to just talk about stuff I like and am interested in so... 👍I've seen the tweet where one of the people who worked on II said yes, Balloon is meant to be Aro, but I couldn't tell you if they went into specifics about it. Sorry for constantly saying AroAce instead of just aro for Balloon, I felt like it was still important to include all my asexuals out there and educate others about it.
(BTW! Any inaccurate info, PLEASE, PLEASE correct in the replies)
If a character who is just stated to be AroAce(not demi, grey, flux ETC) and never has their place on the spectrum explained whatsoever, it's okay to have a little fun experimenting with it IYKWIM. As I've stated, we all have our own interpretation of the AroAce character and there's no point arguing about it and getting mad because that's fucking stupid, unless they start actively getting rid of the AroAce rep then burn them to the stakes! /j
I know how wild you mother fuckers can be, so don't shank me please. If you disagree, take a deep breath and remain calm because getting all pissy about this isn't gonna do shit. Try to go about it calmly and reasonably. <3
I'd love to see others' opinions on this, remember to be respectful! 🩵
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etinceelle · 11 months
I know and understand that most people HC Penny as a lesbian.
I also exclusively ship her with girls.
However, have you considered that "Pansexual Penny Polendina" is a really fun alliteration?
Look, half of my headcanons have serious thought put into them, the others are like this.
To be honest I never thought about Penny and Ruby's orientation or preferences, so I admit I never thought of Penny as a lesbian especially. I just never sat and thought about this part for them, the only headcanon I have is that they're both aspec, Penny probably being asexual and Ruby maybe being demisexual/greysexual.
As for their preferences, the 3 "P"s for Penny is nice aha. But idk, in my mind Penny only loves Ruby and Ruby only loves Penny. I think in my mind they might both be aromantic too, but they just happened to fall for each other and no else. It's my personal headcanon at least if I have to think about it :) But I could understand why people like to imagine Penny as pansexual maybe, even if I personally can't see that in her (if Penny had to love someone else, I'd say she's into girls).
Anyway I answered seriously but I get the idea with the 3 Ps aha
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magicaldreamfox1 · 10 months
you talked about headcanoning Pete as greysexual and i would still love to know your thoughts—of course only if you want to share 👀
hi hello !!!
thank u for reminding me bc. i forgor 💀
this hc has actually become very dear to me i think i unintentionally always write pete as very greysexual-coded so im very happy to talk abt it
ofc this is just my opinion so pls leave the pitchforks at home thank u <3
so okay listen. i respect the asexual pete hc ofc but personally i just don't see it. like to me for me in my personal opinion that ep 12 sex scene esp the scene leading up to it like yeah no that was sexual attraction. to me for me in my personal opinion
as for demisexual pete i see where people are coming from but the thing is. that doesn't really make sense to me for me in my personal opinion? in the context of ep 12 sexual attraction gate. bc at that point yeah they bonded but like it's not this strong emotional bond? after all like. they've Known capital k eo for like 2 days and they've really only been properly around eo for abt a week or so. and while they've ofc bonded it seems a lot more fragile to me for me in my personal opinion. so considering that a demisexual person may onl, feel sexual attraction after establishing a strong emotional bond with another person i feel like that's not the case here? if all that makes sense. to me personally in my personal opinion
and i was thinking abt it with a friend and i realised actually. to me. for me in my personal opinion. greysexual pete actually makes so much sense?
bc listen. pete not really experiencing much sexual attraction. going abt his life being a good bodyguard doing pete things. and then boom enter vegas and suddenly he's experiencing all this sexual attraction he rarely ever felt before??? and since it's being reciprocated and they're actually doing smthg with it it's just a lot for him to handle.
i just love the idea of pete being like this being normal and not being horny for people all the time shit is EASY. im getting such a good grade in not desiring people 👍 uh oh what was that
and not really knowing how to handle it all bc it's never been this strong !! he's never felt like this before !!! he worked so hard not to look at all these desires !!!!
overall i think when it comes to these headcanons it's kinda boils down to the same thing just approached from different perspectives. and they're all fun!
and the bestie i discussed this with also made this great point shoutout to them <333
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so i just think it's more interesting (for me personally in my personal opinion) to think of pete as experiencing sexual attraction the same way other (allo) people do (just way less often) while also being severely repressed bc it gives him the chance to be left reeling by the intensity of his attraction to vegas as all the desires he had hidden away all these years are brought out of him. and also the chance for pete to discover that with all this sexual attraction comes one hell of a libido
anyway thanks for asking me abt thisss i feel like this was not a coherent explanation but it makes sense in my mind 😔🙏
support the greysexual pete agenda 👍 we have. these memes i made ↓
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shikse · 2 years
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14 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
realized that my carrd in my bio wasn't updated... um...
name's zeph, welcome to my blog!
(zephyrean-tunes -> notusian-delights, i'm changing the names for each season!)
info down below on stuff :]
things about me!
♠ i go by whatever name is on my blog atm (but im cool w zeph if need be too!!), if you know my irl name do not say it i will cry
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♥ minor. enough said
♦ hugeeee fantasy person. so far i like little thieves, priory of the orange tree, strange the dreamer, nevermoor, etc. give me book recommendations. i beg. especially if they're queer <3
please do...
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16 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
dream should face reveal like he's on the masked singer
17 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
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okay but. hunters looking directly at who i presumeee is gonna be belos no one else is doing that
57 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hi hi hi happy asexual awareness week! especially to those who don't feel they fit quite right
as in. the demisexuals, the greysexuals, those who are questioning asexuality or those who identify as it but still feel unsure anyways. those who are sex positive or sex neutral. those who are sex-repulsed, or those who worry that they think they're not really ace, maybe just allo and sex-repulsed. those who think they'll grow out of it, and those who worry if they'll still identify as asexual later. those who experience intrusive thoughts, those who have other factors play into their identity, those who end up worrying about it because of these factors.
it's okay not to feel confident. it's okay to worry. just think of right now, this week. you're valid. this week is for you, too.
3,899 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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transrevolutions · 3 years
Out of curiosity, do you have any other characters that you personally headcannon as asexual?
Quite a few, actually!
(I uh. discuss sex in this ask. Obviously. Nothing graphic though.)
~Enjolras (Les Miserables)- asexuality basically canon, shown in text to have no interest in sexual relationships, I see him as aroace. Grantaire is bi and definitely romantically into him, but their relationship is queerplatonic in my modern AU.
~Annabeth Chase (PJO)- aroace as well, Percy's dynamic with Rachel works better romantically and the scene with Luke in TLO has massive "I'm just figuring out I don't feel romantic attraction" vibes. Contradicted in canon but who cares.
~Katniss Everdeen (THG)- demisexual, has some textual support. She's really not into Peeta at all until they are already very close and have been through a lot, and it's implied she wasn't interested in anyone up until that point.
~Tris Prior (Divergent)- implied greysexual in canon, sometimes sex repulsed. It definitely fluctuates, and there is a point in canon where they have sex and enjoy it. I think it comes and goes for them. (I also hc them as non-binary! This isn't canon though lol)
~Four (Divergent)- demisexual. In the same boat as Tris here, though not canon. Sex is weird for Abnegation kids, I think. (Someday I'll make a separate post for my feelings about Abnegation.) He'd probably try to push through it to be Dauntless Enough™ but wouldn't really get anything out of it until he's in a steady relationship.
~Newt (TMR) is asexual, and this one is just because I said so. He simply has the vibes. He's gay in canon, but you can be gay and asexual so it all works out.
~Obi Wan Kenobi (Star Wars). Massive aroace. No canonical love interest (we don't count the thing in TCW) and little patience for romance-based bullshit. Amazingly oblivious to Anakin's growingly obvious romantic involvement with Padme (who he also works closely with). This is relevant because I, an aroace, am often completely unaware of my friends' love lives until they tell me very specifically. Multiple times, sometimes.
~Sejanus Plinth (THG/TBOSAS) is a bit complicated. I see him as asexual but demiromantic, and in an AU where he survives, I don't think he'd be into romance. From TBOSAS I feel like there's subtext that he has romantic-ish feelings for Snow, but uh. Obviously those do Not go anywhere because Snow betrays him and joins the fascist government he hates and he dies in canon anyways. I think if he lived, though, he wouldn't want to deal with being fucked over like that again. A trauma thing, probably.
~Bean (Ender's Game) in a world where he wasn't shat on from birth would be here as an asexual, possibly aromantic. Canonically, as a youngish teen, he has extreme asychronicity (headcanon but pretty canon-supported) and he's got a tendency to latch onto older/authority figures. As a kid, he latches onto Ender, not necessarily in a romantic way (and certainly not a sexual one, he's like. nine years old.) but in a weird parasocial way nonetheless. Later, when he's older, he latches onto Petra, almost obsessively. This might just be weird writing on the author's part because the author of the books has weird views about women, but I choose to interpret it not as Bean being a creep but as Bean coping with trauma in the only way he knows how. In canon, Bean and Petra have kids. In an AU where a) Bean wasn't traumatized his entire childhood and b) Bean didn't have a terminal disease, I don't think he'd be into Petra either way. Maybe he'd get together romantically or queerplatonically with Suriyawong, maybe not.
This got very long. Hope this was what you were looking for!
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my-name-is-ro · 2 years
Happy pride month everyone! A while back there was a graphic for each day during the month celebrating a different identity but 1. I can't find it and 2. It's not accessible anyway. So I'm gonna write it all out for you
June 1: Gay Pride
June 2: Lesbian Pride
June 3: Bisexual Pride
June 4: Polysexual Pride
June 5: Pansexual Pride
June 6: Omnisexual Pride
June 7: Scoliosexual Pride
June 8: Demisexual Pride
June 9: Greysexual Pride
June 10: Asexual Pride
June 11: Polyamory Pride
June 12: Intersex Pride
June 13: MtF Pride
June 14: FtM Pride
June 15: Agender Pride
June 16: Genderfluid Pride
June 17: Bigender Pride
June 18: Trigender Pride
June 19: Pangender Pride
June 20: Genderqueer Pride
June 21: Demigirl Pride
June 22: Demiboy Pride
June 23: Androgynous Pride
June 24: Intergender Pride
June 25: Nonbinary Pride
June 26: Questioning Pride
June 27: Homoromantic Pride
June 28: Biromantic Pride
June 29: Panromantic Pride
June 30: Aromantic Pride
I do realize this list is not all inclusive, but it does have some lesser known/used labels and as someone who uses some of them, it's nice to see yourself represented. If you are not on this list, I still love you and am proud of you and you should still celebrate pride.
Disclaimer: I did not create this list, just thought it was neat to see so many things represented here
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demis-deserve-love · 4 years
Stolen from @aro-aceplace because I found it online but couldn’t find the original post to reblog.
Aro/Ace Spectrum Orientations
Abrosexual/Abroromantic: Having an orientation or feelings about it that constantly change and cannot be pinned down for this reason.
Aceflux/ Aroflux: When someone’s sexual/ romantic orientation fluctuates but always stays on the aro/ace spectrum.
Acespike/ Arospike: When someone usually doesn’t feeling sexual/romantic attraction but occasionally rapidly skyrockets into intense attraction, then plummeting down to asexuality/aromanticism again.
Acoromantic/Acosexual: Asexual/Aromantic(spec) because of negative past experiences. (similar to Caedromantic/Caedsexual)
Adfecturomantic/Affecturomantic/Adfectual/Adfomantic: Is someone whose romantic attraction is affected by their neurodivergency.
Aegosexual/Aegoromantic: Feeling attraction and desire only for situations that do not involve one’s self.
Aliquasexual/ Aliquaromantic: Not normally feeling attraction, but feeling it on occasion under specific circumstances.
Amicussexual/Amicusromantic: When you are only attracted to people you’re also platonically attracted to.
Antisexual/ Antiromantic: Would rather not develop platonic/romantic/sexual feelings for people, but does anyway.
Apressexual/ Apresromantic: Only feeling attraction after another form of attraction is felt.
Aromantic/Asexual: When someone doesn’t feel sexual/ romantic attraction to anyone
Arovague/Acevague: Aromanticism or asexuality that is heavily influenced by neurodiversity (also known as Adfecturomantic / Adfectusexual)
Akoinsexual/ Akoinromantic: When someone feels sexual/ romantic attraction towards others and also enjoys romantic/ sexual relationships in theory, but does not need that affection to be reciprocated. An Akoinsexual/ Akoinromantic person may also experiencing sexual attraction until those feelings are reciprocated.
(Also known as Lithsexual/Lithromantic or Akoisexual/ Akoiromantic)
Apresromantic / Apresexual: An orientation where romantic/sexual attraction is felt only after another type of attraction is formed.
Apothisexual/ Apothiromatic: A specific term for when someone on the asexual/ aromantic spectrum is sex repulsed or romance repulsed. (Also known as ARCsexual/ ARCromantic)
Autochrissexual/ Autochrisromantic: When someone feels sexual arousal/ romantic attraction for something, but from a distance, as if they were someone else, and have no desire to do that thing themselves (Also known as Aegosexual/ Aegoromantic or Autochorrisromantic / Autochorrissexual).
Bellusromantic: When someone is fine with cute fluffy stuff with anyone but doesn’t want a relationship at all.
Burstsexual/ Burstromantic: An orientation where a type of attraction will occur in a sudden burst, then vanish or fade away.
Borearomantic/Boreasexual: an orientation that seems to revolve around one person in particular. (can also be defined as an exception to one’s orientation, ie, someone who identifies as homosexual/homoromantic feeling attraction to someone of a different gender)
Caedromantic/Caedsexual: The feeling that romantic or sexual attraction was taken away due to past trauma -for PTSD and trauma survivors
Casssexual/ Cassromantic: Feeling utterly indifferent to attraction, believing it isn’t important.
Ceasesexual/ Ceaseromantic: Usually being allosexual/romantic, but occasionally having a complete loss of attraction for a period of time before feeling it again.
Cupiosexual/ Cupioromantic: When someone does not experience sexual/ romantic attraction, but still desires a sexual/ romantic relationship. (Also known as kalossexual/ kalosromantic and Icularomantic/ Icularsexual)
Demisexual/ Demiromantic: When someone is only sexually/ romantically attracted to people they already have a strong emotional connection with.
Dreadsexual/ Dreadromantic: An orientation that fluctuates from feeling no attraction to feeling attraction. When attraction is felt, it is accompanied by a strong feeling of dread or anxiety.
Duosexual/ Duoromantic: Having two or more well defined orientations that you switch between (e.g. cupiosexual and fraysexual).
Durasexual/Duraromantic: Rarely experiencing attraction, but when it happens it lasts for a long time.
Fictosexual/ Fictoromantic: When someone only feels sexually/romantically attracted to fictional characters.
Freysexual/ Freyromantic: When Someone is sexualy/ romantically attracted to those they are less familiar with but after a while the “excitement” of meeting the new person dies down and you are perfectly content on just being friends.
Greysexual/ Greyromantic: When someone only feels sexual/ romantic attraction rarely.This term can also be a general term for identifying as somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum.
Lamvanosexual/ Iamvanoromantic: Feeling uncofortable doing sexual/romantic things to someone, but being willing to receive sexual and romantic acts.
Idemromantic: When someone Categorizes relationships and feelings as platonic or romantic but experiences no notable internal differences
Inactoromantic: When someone experiences romantic attraction and wants a romantic relationship but doesn’t like romantic actions. Also known as initiaromantic.
Limnosexual/ Limnoromantic: Attraction only piqued by depictions of acts of attraction (eg drawings or writing), not the acts themselves in real life (similar to fictosexual/ fictoromantic).
Malasexual/Malaromantic: When someone only experiences attraction during maladaptive daydreams
Metaromantic: Only experiencing attraction that is unable to be defined by strict terms of platonic or romantic.
Nebula-romantic/ Nebula-sexual: Difficulty distinguishing romantic/sexual and platonic attraction due to neurodiversity
Novisexual/Noviromantic: Feeling complicated attraction or lack thereof in such a way that it is difficult or impossible to fit into one word or term.
Omniaromantic:Is someone who feels no romantic attraction whatsoever. In no way, shape, or form do they fall in love or feel any attraction to anyone.They are asensual, have no aesthetic attraction to others, and no squishes. They can experience platonic love or familial love, though not all do so. This term was made to made a distinguish between being on the aromantic spectrum and specify from the common definition of a aromantic person, since saying someone is “aromantic” could mean they could be demiromantic, gray-aromantic, and such other types of aromantics who do feel sensual, have aesthetic attraction and such.
Placiosexual/ Placioromantic: When someone feels little to no desire to receive sexual/romantic acts but expresses interest/desire in performing them on someone else.
Platonisexual/ Platoniromantic: When someone feels no difference between platonic and romantic attraction.
Polarsexual/ Polarromantic: Switching between being either extremely attracted and not at all attracted.
Post rubor: Is someone who quickly gets crushes/squishes/etc on others, but after the initial excitement of said crush/etc vanishes so do their feelings.
Presexual/ Preromantic: A placeholder term for when someone feels that they have not experienced attraction enough to know their orientation yet.
Propeestsexual/ Propeestromantic: An aro/ace spec identity which feels like a mix of many (any more than two a-spec identities) that all are a part of your identity
Quoisexual/ Quoiromantic: Is when someone experiences sexual attraction in a way that is not typical of allosexuals individuals, but doesn’t knowing where they fit on the asexual spectrum; or not identifying with any of the existing labels./ Feeling as if the concept of romance or sexual attraction, etc. is inapplicable or nonsensical to one’s self.(Also known as wtfsexual)
Recipsexual/ Recipromantic: When someone feels sexual/ romantic attraction only after realizing someone is sexually/ romantically attracted to them.
Requeissexual/Requeromantic: When someone feels limited or no sexual/romantic attraction/interest/activity due to some form of emotional exhaustion or trauma.
Schromantic: Is someone who is aromantic and romantic at the same time, or some mix of the two. Frequently described in terms of Schrödinger’s cat as having the possibility of being romantic and aromantic at the same time
Singulusexual/ Singuluromantic: Only experiencing one type of attraction towards people (i.e. if you experience sexual attraction towards a person, you won’t feel romantic/alterous/platonic attraction towards them).
Thymsexual/ Thymromantic: Feeling attraction which varies depending on emotional state
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Hey hey hey! So a quick reminder for you all on this LGBT+ night that there any in fact many many other sexualities falling into the + category as well as LGBT! (I know because I once tried to compile a list and educate myself on every single sexuality out there and it turns out theres about 30 or more that I've never heard of). So although some people disregard sexualities other than the main ones, I believe that if you find a label that describes you then go ahead and use it!
Anyway another way I'd like to use this selfie night is to educate people on asexual/greysexual/demisexual which I try to decipher as to which one I best fall into. Asexuality isnt just a lack of sexual desire or feelings because people can do sexual activities and want to do them whilst still identifying as asexual. Greysexual simply means I know that I don't have the same sort of feelings as everyone else but I have no clue what to identify with 🤷‍♀️ and demisexual is when someone only has sexual desires about a person that they feel a deep connection to. So if you've managed to read this far you'll probably realise that these terms are vague and interchangeable so here's the bottom line. Sexuality is a scale, white one end could be absolutely no sexy feelings ever enter your brain (or other parts), and black is ALL the sexy thoughts enter your brain. Therefore sexuality has a scale, and I'm somewhere in that grey area.
Oh and quick reminder to any ace swifties out there... you CAN find love and you CAN find someone who respects your wishes because I did and I've been with them for the past 3 years 🏳️‍🌈
Thankyou and goodnight ✌💞
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my-darling-boy · 5 years
What is ace? I hope asking this isn’t offensive, I’m just honestly curious.
Oooh no worries, it’s not offensive to ask :P I’d be glad to explain!
Ace is short for being asexual, and there are many ways that asexual people interpret and view what being asexual means to them, but asexuality generally means you do not experience sexual feelings for others. However, some use asexuality as a blanket term to describe other orientations in the ace spectrum such as greysexual or demisexual (more on these later). So with that in mind, asexuality is also categorised by those who experience quite inconsistent or unclear sexual feelings. Asexuals may experience forms of attraction, such as romantic, aesthetic, and sensual attraction, but still not feel the need to pursue someone sexually. This is NOT to be confused with sex repulsion; although there are some asexuals who are sex repulsed as well, the two are separate ideas. This is also NOT to be confused with low libido, which is often an argument to discredit asexuality. Having a low libido, the body’s low desire to feel bodily satisfaction, is not the same thing as asexuality, which is, loosely, the mental feeling of having no (or unclear) desire to have sex with someone. Contrary to popular belief, an asexual person can actually have a very high libido and still not experience sexual attraction. Asexuality is also NOT to be confused with being celibate, which is the act of consciously abstaining from having sex.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of hate towards people who identify as ace, both within the LGBT+ community and outside of it. There are even recent accounts of asexuals being driven out of Pride events because they were flying ace flags. You might think a lack of sexual attraction would be cause for people to leave us be, but instead, it draws just as much harassment from LGBT+ people as it does from cishets. Many trans individuals are targeted as well since a higher number of trans people identify as ace. Lots of asexuals sometimes feel unsafe to disclose their asexuality because of situations like this. Seemingly nice people have even abruptly stopped talking to me after I casually mention being ace. And if you are unfamiliar with asexuality as you say, I think it’s important to know that there is a lot of misinformation surrounding asexuality which needs to be taken into consideration if you ever plan on looking more into it. So here’s a bit of some General Info and it’s a bit Longᵀᴹ and I’m by no means a Highly Educated Ace Expert, but this is what I can tell you as best I can!
Some people feel asexuals receive no oppression or hardships at all, and that they don’t deserve a place in the LGBT+ community simply because they lack attraction in that manner. This is not true.
Something asexual people hear, ironically from people who claim to be LGBT+ allies, a lot is: “You just haven’t found the right person yet!” which, surprise, is what lots of other lesbian, gay, bi, etc. people hear. “You just haven’t had sex yet” is an invalid argument since people accept gay men all the time who have never dated men before; those men know they are gay because they feel romantic feelings towards a man before having intercourse with one. Asexuality works in the same fashion. I don’t have to have sex to know if I’m asexual, because the fact I already lack sexual desire, sexual attraction, etc. is already enough to tell.
People who are ignorant towards asexual people will often say that they’re “sick and demented” for having no sexual attraction, since society has been predisposed to think for a very long time that the pinnacle of a relationship is sex, which is untrue. Sex can be a way for a couple to express their love for one another but it is NOT the only way, though society often treats it like it is. Many asexuals, myself included, felt very alone and confused growing up into adulthood as seemingly everyone around them–friends, family, advertisements, films, music, clothing–assured them they were SUPPOSED to be feeling sexual attraction, and they weren’t, and it can make an ace person feel very isolated and yes, mentally ill. I myself thought there was something wrong with me when all of my contemporaries were obsessed with sex and I wasn’t. Even more pressure is put on asexual people when their parents demand children from them, when people make fun of them for seeming “so innocent” for not having sex or, even worse, when partners FORCE them to have sex with them. Asexual people sometimes suffer in relationships where their partner feels sex is vital to being a couple and forces the asexual person into having sex to “convert” them and you guessed it! It’s called rape. If you ever encounter a situation as an ace person where your partner feels that they are entitled to sex with you just because you are in a relationship with them, they do not deserve you, as NO ONE is entitled to your body but you. Allosexual people, the term used to describe anyone who DOES feel consistent sexual attraction, do not often understand how strongly steeped society is in sexual content and how even large corporations capitalise off of perpetuating the idea that sexual attraction is the hallmark of being a human. This massive and widespread idea has led lots of people to believe asexual people are mentally ill and that is COMPLETELY untrue. It is completely normal to have no sexual attraction or very weak/unclear sexual attraction to people. And this is what asexuality means.
Usually, people who are misinformed on asexuality hear the term and think of this completely heartless, emotionless person, and this is also untrue. They can be lovable, bubbly, and sweet! Asexuals are not emotionless: they experience the same levels of emotion as anyone else. ALSO. Asexual people can be romantic! Asexual people can hug AND kiss! Asexual people can masturbate! Asexual people can even have sex and still be asexual! Why? Because it has to do with the fact in all these examples, they still lack sexual desire and/or attraction to the person or object they engage in these activities with. You can like the feeling of sex as an asexual person; what makes you asexual is that you enjoy the feeling of the action versus feeling the actual desire towards the person you’re having it with. However, some people feel this latter fact makes them greysexual, a term used to describe someone who has unclear levels of sexual attraction or simply doesn’t know where to identify on the asexual scale. Some may even feel they are demisexual, a person who feels sexual attraction only after getting to know a person very well or being with someone for a long time. And some people even feel liking sex, without having sexual desire/attraction to the person they have it with, makes them not asexual. Some asexual people do not feel comfortable with kissing, and some love sloppy kisses. Some asexuals love things like very bodily romantic activities (such as what some might refer to as foreplay), and some just prefer holding hands or hugs. Some asexuals masturbate a lot, and some may never feel the want to or do it seldom. Some asexuals experiment with kinks, and some do not. Often, the definition of being asexual, along with its general perception, is often too black and white. You don’t have to hate EVERY bit of physical interaction to be considered asexual because like a lot of sexualities, it’s a sliding scale. And figuring out whether or not your personal preferences regarding romantic relationships makes you ace or not is really completely up to you when determining which term feels more comfortable.
Acephobic people often use the same historic argument that was used against gay men through the decades: that just explaining the sexuality is being inappropriate towards teens, which is also untrue. Acephobic people, after some Mental Gymnastics, believe that asexual people are pushing the idea that teens need to be constantly contemplating sex in order to even figure out if they’re asexual, and therefore, perverted, which is just??? The same kids get taught sex education in school (For instance, I was 10 when we had our first lesson) and some adults object to this because they don’t want their kids to be learning about sex at so young an age. But like school sex ed, or even explaining what being a lesbian means or what being asexual means, it’s being done so educationally, so that when a person is ready to determine something about themselves in regards to sexuality or gender, they have the tools and resources to make an educated self discovery with themselves and how they feel they identify. I can’t tell you how relieved I would have been at 14 for someone to tell me that it was normal to feel no interest in all of the sexual content my friends were obsessed with at the time. Instead, I was made to feel “weird” and was made fun of because I wasn’t infatuated with it like everyone else. It even led me to have so many nights crying, wondering how I was going to ever find someone to love after being taught that ALL my partner would want is sex. Explaining being gay to a 13 year old isn’t trying to force the teen into having thoughts on whether or not they like male sex, it’s simply saying “If you like boys, and you’re a boy, that’s normal!” Asexuality is the same way. It could simply be introduced by saying “If all your friends are getting curious about sex and certain body parts and you don’t feel very interested in that now and ALSO as time goes on, that’s normal!” And this is VERY important for asexual people to know. A lot of kids grow up thinking sex is expected of them, and are more likely to, once adults, be pressured into it and get stuck in relationships they feel abused or uncomfortable in. In a highly-sexulised modern society, it is important anyways to inform younger people it is normal to not be interested in sex and they should not be pressured into feeling like they should be. In fact, there are studies which show asexual people are just as likely to experience corrective rape, dehumanisation, abuse, sexual harassment, and invalidation, as other LGBT+ members and may also experience unique forms of sexual abuse allosexual people, within the LGBT+ community or not, do not endure. Educating people about asexuality is just as important as educating them about being gay or being transgender. It’s giving LGBT+ youth the resources they need to avoid being manipulated, given misinformation, or made to feel lesser and letting them know that who they are, however they eventually identify, is valid. Personally, I find the parents/adults who reject explanations of being asexual are the same parents/adults who ironically perpetuate sexual-normativity charged ideas in their household such as insisting on telling their 13 year old daughter to give them grandchildren, which for those of you who don’t know, usually requires sex. The same sex they don’t want their kids knowing anything about when someone talks about asexuality or being gay. Weird, right? It’s almost like they think anything other than being straight is “dirty” and should not be taught to their children or something. Also, I should note, Stonewall even flies the asexual pride flag (the purple, grey, black, and white). So for those acephobes trying to say asexuals are “fake”, just know the literal Stonewall officially acknowledges asexuality
And for me personally, I am gay, but I’m also asexual. So how does this work? Well, asexual people only have issues with the “sex” part. There’s nothing in it that outlines romantic attraction. I love men and doing romantic things with men, but have no sexual desire/attraction to them. There are asexual individuals who identify as aromantic-asexual. Meaning, in addition to not being interested in sex, they may also not be interested in being romantic. Since I’m gay and ace, I could technically also be referred to as homoromantic-asexual (having romantic feelings for another person of the same gender and ALSO having no sexual feelings towards another). But for ease of wording, I say gay and ace :P But you can say whatever you want! You can be biromantic-asexual! Or Pan and ace!
I should also note that, if you feel you are ace yourself, even though things might seem hopeless or scary with the amount of people spreading lies and hatred, you will find a partner who loves you, if that is something you wish to pursue and are worried will never be a reality. You will find friends who understand you or who are ace or aro as well. You will find people who support you. Your asexuality is not a burden or a disappointment. You are not “boring” or “selfish”. And you deserve every bit of happiness. 
There are more than a few websites and sources about asexuality, but I feel this one provides some short but concise insight into if you would like to know a little more!
Thanks for the ask!
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aro-aceplace · 6 years
Sence we’re getting so many asks about the names for various orientations I thought I would post an updated version of our aspec orientation dictionary. This dictionary also exists here on our blog and is frequently updated, but something screwy is going on with the bolding on that page right now so it might be hard to read. There’s also a copy of it here in the Quicksand font because I find that that’s easier for folks with dyslexia and other LD’s to read then Arial is.
Note: this is not a complete list. A-spec terminology is constantly growing and changing and it’s hard to keep track of every single term, so if I missed an orientation please let me know, I’ll be happy to add it! 
-mod Yarrow
Abrosexual/Abroromantic: Having an orientation or feelings about it that constantly change and cannot be pinned down for this reason.
Aceflux/ Aroflux: When someone’s sexual/ romantic orientation fluctuates but always stays on the aro/ace spectrum.
Acespike/ Arospike:  When someone usually doesn’t feel sexual/romantic attraction but occasionally rapidly skyrockets into intense attraction, then plummeting down to asexuality/aromanticism again.
Acoromantic/Acosexual: Asexual/Aromantic(spec) because of negative past experiences. (similar to Caedromantic/Caedsexual)
Adfecturomantic/Affecturomantic/Adfectual/Adfomantic: Is someone whose romantic attraction is affected by their neurodivergency.
Aegosexual/Aegoromantic: Feeling attraction and desire only for situations that do not involve one’s self.
Aliquasexual/ Aliquaromantic: Not normally feeling attraction, but feeling it on occasion under specific circumstances.
Amicussexual/Amicusromantic: When you are only attracted to people you’re also platonically attracted to.
Antisexual/Antiromantic: Would rather not develop platonic/romantic/sexual feelings for people, but does anyway.
Apressexual/ Apresromantic: Only feeling attraction after another form of attraction is felt.
Aromantic/ Asexual: When someone doesn’t feel sexual/ romantic attraction to anyone
Arovague/ Acevague: Aromanticism or asexuality that is heavily influenced by neurodiversity (also known as Adfecturomantic / Adfectusexual)
Apresromantic/ Apresexual: An orientation where romantic/sexual attraction is felt only after another type of attraction is formed.
Apothisexual/ Apothiromatic:  A specific term for when someone on the asexual/ aromantic spectrum is sex repulsed or romance repulsed. (Also known as ARCsexual/ ARCromantic)
Autochrissexual/ Autochrisromantic: When someone feels sexual arousal/ romantic attraction for something, but from a distance, as if they were someone else, and have no desire to do that thing themselves (Also known as Aegosexual/ Aegoromantic or Autochorrisromantic / Autochorrissexual).
Bellusromantic:  When someone is fine with cute fluffy stuff with anyone but doesn’t want a relationship at all.
Burstsexual/ Burstromantic: An orientation where a type of attraction will occur in a sudden burst, then vanish or fade away.
Borearomantic/ Boreasexual:  an orientation that seems to revolve around one person in particular. (can also be defined as an exception to one’s orientation, ie, someone who identifies as homosexual/homoromantic feeling attraction to someone of a different gender)
Caedromantic/ Caedsexual: The feeling that romantic or sexual attraction was taken away due to past trauma -for PTSD and trauma survivors
Cassexual/ Cassromantic: Feeling utterly indifferent to attraction, believing it isn’t important.
Ceasesexual/ Ceaseromantic: Usually being allosexual/romantic, but occasionally having a complete loss of attraction for a period of time before feeling it again.
Cupiosexual/ Cupioromantic: When someone does not experience sexual/ romantic attraction, but still desires a sexual/ romantic relationship. (Also known as kalossexual/  kalosromantic and Icularomantic/ Icularsexual)
Demisexual/ Demiromantic:  When someone is only sexually/ romantically attracted to people they already have a strong emotional connection with.
Dreadsexual/ Dreadromantic: An orientation that fluctuates from feeling no attraction to feeling attraction. When attraction is felt, it is accompanied by a strong feeling of dread or anxiety.
Duosexual/ Duoromantic: Having two or more well-defined orientations that you switch between (e.g. cupiosexual and fraysexual).
Durasexual/Duraromantic: Rarely experiencing attraction, but when it happens it lasts for a long time.
Fictosexual/ Fictoromantic: When someone only feels sexually/romantically attracted to fictional characters.
Freysexual/ Freyromantic:  When Someone is sexually/ romantically attracted to those they are less familiar with but after a while, the “excitement” of meeting the new person dies down and you are perfectly content on just being friends.
Greysexual/ Greyromantic: When someone only feels sexual/ romantic attraction rarely. This term can also be a general term for identifying as somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum.
Lamvanosexual/ Iamvanoromantic: Feeling uncomfortable doing sexual/romantic things to someone, but being willing to receive sexual and romantic acts.
Lithsexual/Lithromantic : When someone feels sexual/ romantic attraction towards others and also enjoys romantic/ sexual relationships in theory, but does not need that affection to be reciprocated. An Akoinsexual/ Akoinromantic person may also experience sexual attraction until those feelings are reciprocated. (Also known as Akoinsexual/ Akoinromantic)
Idemromantic: When someone Categorizes relationships and feelings as platonic or romantic but experiences no notable internal differences
Inactoromantic: When someone experiences romantic attraction and wants a romantic relationship but doesn’t like romantic actions. (Also known as initiaromantic.)
Limnosexual/ Limnoromantic: Attraction only piqued by depictions of acts of attraction (eg drawings or writing), not the acts themselves in real life (similar to fictosexual/ fictoromantic).
Malasexual/Malaromantic: When someone only experiences attraction during maladaptive daydreams
Metaromantic: Only experiencing attraction that is unable to be defined by strict terms of platonic or romantic.
Nebula-romantic/ Nebula-sexual: Difficulty distinguishing romantic/sexual and platonic attraction due to neurodiversity
Novisexual/Noviromantic: Feeling complicated attraction or lack thereof in such a way that it is difficult or impossible to fit into one word or term.
Omniaromantic: Is someone who feels no romantic attraction whatsoever. In no way, shape, or form do they fall in love or feel any attraction to anyone. They are asensual, have no aesthetic attraction to others, and no squishes. They can experience platonic love or familial love, though not all do so. This term was made to make a distinction between being on the aromantic spectrum and specify from the common definition of aromantic person, since saying someone is “aromantic” could mean they could be demiromantic, gray-aromantic, and such other types of aromantics who do feel sensual, have aesthetic attraction and such.
Placiosexual/ Placioromantic: When someone feels  little to no desire to receive sexual/romantic acts but expresses interest/desire in performing them on someone else.
Platonisexual/ Platoniromantic: When someone feels no difference between platonic and romantic attraction.
Polarsexual/ Polarromantic: Switching between being either extremely attracted and not at all attracted.
Post rubor: Is someone who quickly gets crushes/squishes/etc on others, but after the initial excitement of said crush/etc vanishes so do their feelings.
Presexual/ Preromantic: A placeholder term for when someone feels that they have not experienced attraction enough to know their orientation yet.
Propeestsexual/ Propeestromantic: An aro/ace spec identity which feels like a mix of many (any more than two a-spec identities) that all are a part of your identity
Quoisexual/ Quoiromantic: Is when someone experiences sexual attraction in a way that is not typical of allosexuals individuals, but doesn’t knowing where they fit on the asexual spectrum; or not identifying with any of the existing labels./ Feeling as if the concept of romance or sexual attraction, etc. is inapplicable or nonsensical to one’s self.(Also known as wtfsexual)
Recipsexual/ Recipromantic: When someone feels sexual/ romantic attraction only after realizing someone is sexually/ romantically attracted to them.     
Requeissexual/Requeromantic: When someone feels limited or no sexual/romantic  attraction/interest/activity due to some form of emotional exhaustion or trauma.
Schromantic: Is someone who is aromantic and romantic at the same time, or some mix of the two. Frequently described in terms of Schrödinger’s cat as having the possibility of being romantic and aromantic at the same time
Singulusexual/ Singuluromantic: Only experiencing one type of attraction towards people (i.e. if you experience sexual attraction towards a person, you won’t feel romantic/alterous/platonic attraction towards them).
Thymsexual/ Thymromantic: Feeling attraction which varies depending on emotional state.
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Good Graces
Okay.  Dating sites.  Those are a thing.  They’re like online shopping.  But for dating.  Awesome!  ...sort of.
A lot of dating sites have good intentions, but people just kind of...mutilate them into skeezy shells of what they’d once hoped to be.  A lot of what I’ve found have become hook-up sites, in spite of there actually being hook-up sites out there.  It’s sad.  Ah, not my point, though.  Point being that dating sites aren’t really greysexual-friendly.  Now, I’ve asked around for ones that might be, and I’m most times directed to things like Acebook and Asexual Cupid and other sites geared towards aces.  And that’s great!  All for ace dating sites! ...but graces want to find love and companionship, too... T-T ...”graces” because asexuals are “aces,” so greysexuals would be--yeah, you get it.  That needs to be a thing, too, by the way. So, I propose... dating site(s?!) for greysexuals!  The closest accommodation I’ve found was on OKCupid where they list things like demisexual and sapiosexual in their options, and that is an awesome step, but it really has no effect as far as the people are concerned.  As it is now, I still feel a little bit like I’m sneaking around, pretending I’m either hetero or bi or homo or ace, just waiting for the right moment in conversation to surprise the human with whom I’m speaking with that fascinating tidbit.  The most recognition it’s gotten so far is the question “what’s demisexual” right before a guy asks me whether or not I would like to see him play with his genitals.  Uh.  Thanks?
But yeah!  Back to the idea of greysexual dating sites.  Dating sites geared towards greysexuals.  Not saying that it can only be greysexuals.  Aces and sexuals (is there a word for that end of the spectrum?  I’m new to this.) would be welcome, too, since a greysexual isn’t necessarily gonna end up with another greysexual, but...I dunno.  It’d be an awareness thing?  Like, it would be like a normal dating site, but there would be a general understanding of “I think you’re really cool, but I don’t wanna jump into your pants right away, but I maybe might later on?”  I think it would be super welcoming, too, because an ace or a non-ace (that’s what I’m calling them now, probably, even though it only kind of works...) could wander in and be like “Oh, what’s a greysexual?” and everyone would be like, “Oh, yeah, it’s that grey area between sexual and asexual, here are some examples!” because that person would be potential new meat.  ...I mean.  You know what I mean.  I dunno.  I’m ranting. Anyway.  We can call the site “Good Graces” or something ‘cause it would be a totally warm and welcoming and not skeezy website that’s geared towards people meeting people in their area online, and it can be a place of discussion with forums in addition to other general dating-site-ness.  People can meet friends and intellectual peers and whatnot, and there would be the idea of potential romances, but it wouldn’t be so pressured because maybe it’ll happen, maybe it won’t, but can we just get to know each other for a bit before I decide whether or not I’m attracted to you?
In conclusion...I suck at conclusions.  I would’ve made this site already if I could, but I’ve got no idea of how to go about it, nor do I know anyone who might.  This is me throwing an idea out there, and I sincerely hope I’m not the only one.  I can’t be.  If someone could make this a thing?  Or if this is already a thing, could someone point me in that direction?  That would be the shiniest of shinies~
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