#anyways he’s my favorite sad wet cat
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rambutanjpeg · 2 years ago
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thanks miguel
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dc-fanfic-sideblog · 13 days ago
thoughts on bruce with an affectionate wife?
Hello!! I wasn’t expecting an ask literally 30 minutes after I just came back after two years, but god am I glad to be back
To me, Bruce isn’t that big on PDA in public, but he literally will not stop you lol
His public persona, even though he’s now married to you, still holds the smugness from his playboy days
Like you kiss him on the cheek or something in front of paparazzi or reporters and he’s smirking before pulling up the collar of his coat to cover him kissing you
But in private he’s just so soft for you, like full on puppy love kinda feel
Just imagine sitting in your shared bed, reading or scrolling on your phone, and Bruce softly walks up to you before lowering himself down to lay and rest his head against your stomach, eyes looking up to you. As if asking you to pet his head
Honestly my favorite version of Bruce right now is Pattinson’s Bruce/Batman, love me a sad wet cat of a man
And his version of having an affectionate wife is slightly different
He’s so much more dependent on your love, but so much more unwilling to let you be seen with him in public
He knows the kinda trouble he might get you into, especially if it’s after the whole riddler thing Alfred had to deal with
To me this version of Bruce would be a little more rough with affection?? If that makes sense?
Like he always wants to be the big spoon and have some kinda hand on you rather than have you hold him
But during the long nights and days he spends in the batcave, your touch reminds him that he’s (unfortunately) only human
Hunch over in front of his computer, eyes glazing over as he watches the night’s events all over again, he only feels like a human again after feeling your hands wrap around his shoulders. Head resting in the crook of his neck, pressing kisses up and down his neck, whispering to him to go to bed
He sighs before giving in, standing up from his chair to hug you. Leaning into your body that leads him back to his own bed
Alright uhh this kinda got away from me, it became less about the wife herself being affectionate and more about him just loving you
Anyways hope you enjoyed!!
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rosenclaws · 5 days ago
What you've been missing || Worst!Logan x Reader
summary: Logan has found work at a local pet shelter but the last person he expects to see is his very cute neighbor looking for a new cat.
warnings: sad cat backstory, fluff, swearing
a/n: Here's pet shelter logan!! I'm ngl I almost started crying writing this because I want a cat so fucking bad but my dad is allergic and I still live at home so I can't get one. Also it made me think of this one senior cat I saw and I wanted so bad I cried to my boyfriend for days. Anyways I hope lives up to the og idea blurb I had. I've been feeling a little down and wanted to write something cute for a change.
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"Hey watch the claws bub." Logan glares at his attacker. The one who stuck their sharp little claws into his leg as they climb his body like a tree.
The adorable orange cat looks up at him with innocent little eyes. The cutest he's ever seen. Sighing he takes the cat in one hand and places her on his shoulder.
"This is why the others think I play favorites Jeanie." he mumbles. She just purrs happily, rubbing her head against Logan's and taking her place on his wide shoulders.
This really isn't how Logan expected to spend his time. But getting pulled into a new universe meant he was starting from square one and that meant he needed a job and money. Bad. If he ever wanted to get his own place so he didn't have to wake up and see Wade walking around in nothing while making breakfast. Most places were unsure about hiring a man like Logan.
Until he stumbled upon a local pet shelter. Yeah he's not exactly what anyone would think when they thought animal rescue but the animals loved him and this shelter desperately needed help. Plus Logan always got along better with animals than humans. Logan was primarily put in charge of the cats. Feeding, changing their litter box, and playing with them.
Logan understood the cats and they seemed to understand him. They wouldn't hiss or scratch him out of fear, they inherently trusted him. He found himself a little home. He could escape the world and just be around the animals.
"Where are my babies?" He hears Wades voice come from the other room. Logan rolls his eyes as he walks in with a big bag of cat food on his other shoulder.
"There you are Shopping cart and Totino's pizza rolls." Wade scratches the two cats heads. Surprise surprise he named them.
Though as soon as they hear Logan walk in they abandon Wade without a second thought. Logan slices open the bag and pours food into each bowl. The cats scramble to eat, doesn't matter if you had fed them an hour ago they're always happy for food.
"Jeanie, you gotta eat bub." Logan raises his hand and gently pets her head. But her claws dig deep into his shirt.
"Alright come on," Logan he grabs a can of cat food and walks into an empty room.
The sound of it opening makes her ears perk up. Logan gently takes her off his shoulder and places her on the table next to the canned food. He watches as she sniffs it, taking a few small bites before looking back at him.
"More than that." He scolds and she just meows back.
"Please?" She takes one more small bite before abandoning the food and curling up by his side.
Logan sighs, pushing his hair back as takes her in his arms. Jeanie was a surrendered cat. Logan hadn't been here long when she was brought in. Her owner was an old lady who had passed away and her kids couldn't keep Jeanie.
The first week was really hard. She was sad, lonely, and would barely touch her food and water. At first Logan let the more experienced staff deal with her but she just wouldn't budge. Eventually he gave it a shot, talking to her and pushing some nice wet food towards her. To everyone's shock she actually responded to Logan. Peeking her head out of her cage and giving even sniffing his hand.
Since then she really only responded to Logan. Following him around and giving him all her love and attention. She was a mature cat, not as cute as the kittens that most people scooped up right away. It did hurt Logan just a little to see her be passed up because of her age, but Logan did enjoy getting to see her everyday. Still, he knows that with Mary Puppins at home he can't adopt her.
Suddenly the door opens and Jeanie scurries back up to Logan's shoulder.
"Logan, I have a 1:30 appointment and Kathy isn't here so I need you to cover her." Penny begs, she's the one who runs the shelter. She gave Logan the job and he does owe her, but he's never been good with customers.
"I don't know, not exactly a people person." He mumbles but she just rolls her eyes, grabbing his wrist and drags him out of the room. Well kind of, it's hard to pull a 300lb man with a metal skeleton.
"Just one appointment. Show them some cats and see if they want to adopt. That's it."
"Okay," Logan agrees, hoping it's over quickly. He tries to put Jeanie down but she throws a fit, meowing loudly until he just gives up.
"Fine, but you keep it down when I'm talking alright?" He pushes open the door leading to the lobby and stops right in his tracks.
There you are sitting on the waiting room couch. Logan knows you. You live a couple apartments down from Wade. He's seen you in passing, catching whiffs of your shampoo in the elevator in the least creepy way ever. You've shared a few hellos but that's it.
The truth is Logan's pretty...well pretty. Your crush on him wasn't surprising in the slightest but you try and stay clear of him, hoping that it will go away so that you can actually talk to the man one day.
"Logan? I didn't know you worked here?" You say, shocked to see your hot neighbor here.
"Yeah, uh anyways you here to adopt a cat?" He asks awkwardly.
"I hope," You respond.
He nods his head and opens the door for you, putting his hand out as to say you first. Logan shows you a couple cats up for adopting, they're all adorable but none of them feel quite right. On the bright side they're kittens so you know they'll be adopted soon.
Logan remains relatively quiet as you say hi to each cat. Wade's been incredibly persistent about getting him to talk to you. Saying that only serial killers smell peoples hair in the elevator and to just pop a Viagra and talk to you. Pushing Wade's stupidly aside, he really doesn't know how to talk to you.
It's stupid, he used to be great at this kind of thing. Flirting was second nature to Logan but now he can barely think of a conversation starter. Plus you don't make it easy when your laugh is so hypnotizing and your smile is brighter than the moon.
"Who's this pretty girl?" Your voice breaks his thoughts. You're pointing to Jeanie who was still on his shoulder.
"Oh, this is Jeanie." She tilts her head at the sound of her name.
"She's so cute." You lift your hand up but Jeanie shrinks away. You immediately pull your hand back, afraid that you've upset her.
"Don't feel bad, she's not great with people."
"Reminds me of someone else I know." You joke. Logan raises an eyebrow, are you talking about him?
"Me, I was talking about me." You add on quickly.
"I've never really been great at making friends or just being around people." The truth is you're lonely.
You're tired of coming home to an empty cold apartment after work. Sure sometimes you go out with coworkers or old friends but it's not the same. You like being alone but you don't like to be lonely. Does that even make any sense? Not that you want to burden Logan with your problems.
"I wanted to adopt a cat because I wanted a friend, is that sad?" You ask nervously. Logan chuckles, reaching up and placing Jeanie down on the counter nearby.
"Not at all, I get it." Logan was alone for a lot of his life and he's still adjusting to having friends. A family if you could call it that. A really weird and fucked up family.
"Play nice Jeanie, I like this one so don't go scratching them up." He whispers, but you catch his words anyways. A faint smile on your lips as you reach your hand out slowly.
"Hi Jeanie, I'm a friend of Logan's." This time Jeanie doesn't run away, in fact she sniffs your hand cautiously.
She looks back at Logan and he nods. You smile when she rubs the side of her face against your hand. Walking around slowly as she takes you in.
"I think she likes you." Logan says.
Carefully you pet her head, making sure not to overstep any boundaries and Jeanie seems to love it. She even rolls on her back surprising both you and Logan.
"Her owner passed away, that's why she's here." He explains as you continue to pet her. Her big eyes are too much to resist. You know senior cats often get overlooked but she deserves to be loved again.
"Is she adoptable?" You ask and Logan hesitates. The answer is yes but apart of him doesn't want to see her go. He's grown very fond of her. But...she deserves a home. Even if it will hurt letting her go.
"Yeah, she is." He says softly.
"If its okay with you, I want to adopt her." Logan's heart clenches, he smiles but he feels the sadness creep in.
"Of course, let me get the paperwork." When Logan disappears you see Jean start to look around, wondering where her friend had gone.
"Hey there girl, If it's okay I want to take you home. I promise I'll take really good care of you." You say gently.
Her little whiskers twitch and she gently headbutts your face. The connection you feel with Jeanie is something you just haven't felt with any of the other cats. You want to love her and give her a nice warm home with toys and treats and anything she could ever want. But apart of you feels guilty knowing how close she is to Logan.
"Just need you to sign a few things and then pay the adoption fee." Logan says, coming back through the door.
Jeanie trots up to Logan and rubs her head all over his hand and torso. Purring happily as he scratches her head. But she makes no move to get on his shoulder, in fact she trots over to you and does the exact same thing. He's always heard that cats have a good sense of character, so he trusts Jeanies judgement here.
After signing the papers and paying the fee Logan helps you carry Jeanie to your car. You can see the hesitancy in Logan's face. The sadness behind those hazel eyes of his.
"Logan, do you want to say goodbye?" You ask softly. He was never going to ask for himself but you could sense he needs it.
"If you don't mind." He mumbles.
"Of course, I'll go put the rest of the stuff in my car." You touch his arm, squeezing it gently before giving them their space.
"Alright Jeanie listen up, you gotta be on your best behavior okay? You deserve this and I know they're gonna love you real good." Logan holds Jeanie up to his face. She just meows as Logan talks.
"I'll miss you bub, don't tell any of the other cats but...you were my favorite." He gives her one last chin scratch.
Jeanie headbutts his face one more time, rubbing her head along his jaw as if to say goodbye. You watch the whole thing from your car, you feel horrible taking her away from Logan. But you know that your building has a rule against more than one pet. If anyone were to take her, he's glad it's you.
Maybe...maybe this is your chance to talk to Logan. Your crush lingers but maybe you don't have to get over it. Logan walks over and hands her to you. He starts to walk away but you call his name, chasing after him.
"You know, I could really use some help with Jeanie. I mean I don't know what food she likes or her favorite toys or anything like that." You ramble, seeing Logan's face turn to that of confusion.
"I was wondering, if you wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow night? Help Jeanie get settled in and stuff." You ask nervously. Your anxiety building as you wonder if this was a mistake.
"You sure?" Logan asks, unsure if you're just doing this because you feel bad for him.
"Yes. I mean. I've been wanting to ask you to dinner sooner but I've never found the right moment because you're really hot and you make me very nervous but Jeanie is going to miss you and it would be cruel of me to keep you two apart so it's a win win situation and I'm going to stop talking now." The words vomit from your mouth before you can stop them.
Great now he's going to think you're creepy and lonely. Logan chuckles, a blush creeping up his face. Was it always this hot outside today?
"Dinner sounds great. I can't cook for shit but I can try for you." Your face breaks out into a smile, Jeanie purring as you hold her close to your chest.
"Then its a date." You say shyly. Logan steps closer to you, his eyes on your lips.
"It's a date." He starts to lean but Jeanie meows loudly making both of you laugh.
"Okay I should get her home, the doors always open if you miss her by the way." You tell him and he thanks you. He stands in the parking lot with a smile, watching as you drive away. Wade sneaks up next to Logan, scratching behind his ear before Logan pushes his hand off in annoyance.
"What the fuck?!"
"Look at you boy! Did someone decide to take you home?" Wade asks in fake excitement.
"Shut up." Logan grumbles, rolling his eyes as he turns around to walk back to the shelter.
"Is someone grumpy? How about we get you a new collar and some treats huh boy?"
"I said shut the fuck up red." Logan snaps but Wade just smiles wider. He's been waiting for someone to adopt his friend. Wade was this close to posting an ad on craigslist.
Old man mutant available for adoption. Loves beer, hates everything else. Is potty trained.
Wade sees the smile Logan's trying to hide. He's been waiting for you guys to get together forever.
"Aww does someone need a belly rub?"
"Touch me and die asshole."
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couldeatthatgirlforlunch · 4 months ago
YAY I can bother you again! \:D/ /jk
Anyways I consider asking my favorite writers stuff as my therapy, so here I go. (Sorry if this is sudden or traumatizing)
I feel so bad for saying this but I'm most attracted to any batfam member (adult obvi) when they are at their worst, Bruce and his pathetic angsty ass literally all the time? Let's make a Robin.
Angry Dick with a cheerful facade trying to just be Bruce's equal? Bra is unclipped.
Post pit Jason so angry and mercilless feeling betrayed (any iteration but mostly Arkahm knight) and vengful? Baby I'm yours.
Fanon Tim who is sleep deprived and stalkerish? I'll strip in front of any security camara in Gotham.
Stephanie feeling she needs to prove herself? Please let me top you.
Insecure about his powers Duke? Sudenly I'm a physical meta expert, please show me those abs.
Cassandra thinking she is only capable of damaging? Honey put your hands on me, I assure you it will be anything but unpleasant.
Damian after "accidentally" killing Dick? Hello my name is beloved!
Don't feel bad about it!! I'm just the same and there's nothing wrong with us!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, pathetic wet cats who would just curl in my lap and rant or cry while I indulge them and they become dependent on me and only me??
Battinson is my favorite Batman from the movies bc hello???? I mean I get it why people liked Bale but like???? A guy who's been traumatized for 20 years and got to the point of making an armour to fight against criminals unrelated to the ones that took his parents bc he got so sad that he reflected enough that he came to the conclusion that no one should ever feel like he did, and he would use his entire life to stop crime because people deserved better, even the worst criminals shouldn't die bc they can change or other people might be miserable if they miss him?? And he's ready to die for that!! He doesn't care!! And then he becomes a parent but he sucks at parenting bc he loves them but he never learned how to love?? BABY I CAN TEACH YOU
Jason at under the red hood or as Arkham Knight??? YOU CAN KEEP KILLING PEOPLE IF THAT'LL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER BABE, especially if you keep me around bc we dated before you died/got tortured for months/years, kidnap me, love me, make me yours, I don't think killing your pops is gonna help you feel better, but no nagging will come from me I SWEAR
Fanom Tim being so neglected by his parents that he doesn't think his physical and psychological suffering is important, the fact that he obsessed over his childhood heroes, putting himself in danger, practically deciding that he was going to help them, not bc "I wanna be a hero and I can so I should be" but bc "I don't have much to lose, we all need you, and I want to help you, bc you're all I have!!!" and caring so much that he tries to clone his bff when he dies, and almost dies just to bring his dad and hero back, bc he cares about others more than he cares about himself??? Baby I'm right here!!!!
ANY Damian angst, Damian sad over Dick, over Bruce, over Talia, all while pretending he's just angry, I love him!! Damian that just wants to make them proud!! Damian that wants to be good!! To be on their level!! To be powerful!! To be good enough!! I love love love him!!! I'm with you no matter if you're a hero, a villain, or an antihero!! Damian Wayne, you will always be famous.
Dick swallowing his traumas, his emotions, breaking down at any opportunity, feeling responsible for everyone and destroying himself bc of it!! His relationship with Bruce never being quite the same after he became Nightwing, but they still know, deep inside, that they would come running if the other asked for help, but they never do. And Dick sometimes doesn't even know if Bruce sees him as his son!! And he's sad bc of it, but he can't show it bc how do you tell someone that?!?!?!
Steph thinking she's never gonna be enough, that she needs to prove herself, when this feeling never goes away, bc it's more about you than others? YES YES YES
Cassie!! Don't feel guilty about your past babygirl!!! It wasn't your fault!! You're just a victim!! They even took your voice from you!! Come spoon me and you'll feel better!!!
You're perfect Duke!! You're amazing and cool and handsome and there's nothing wrong with you!! You have the most awsesome powers ever!! Now come here let me look into those brown eyes and lets make out.
Seeing characters that are just so unreal but we can relato to, watch them suffer, feel joy in it!! I'm just like you and you're just like me! Be mine!!
This is about DC, but I'm an invincible, the boys and Marvel fan too. I'm drooling seeing Invincible and Rex Splode at their most toxic or weak moments! I love seeing homelander, soldier boy and the deep being so pathetic that they HAVE TO make it everyone's problem!! On my Winter Soldier brain rot I was constantly going over and over again on the same scenes watching this man be sad and miserable and covered in blood and not having autonomy of his own body and being alone!! Of course I got sad, but we can be sad together!!
Anyway, I love receiving fun and easy asks like that (I'm unreasonably happy that you called me one of your favs), I closed the asks bc I was just feeling I little overwhelmed with anxiety, college, future and the amount of requests I was receiving even if I knew I didn't have to write every fanfic idea people sent me and can just write what inspires me in the moment, be it something people asked, or some inspiration that came for me from another place
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worldsokayestmagicalgirl · 5 months ago
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Day 11 : Favorite Character
LIU 👏🏼 QING 👏🏼 GE 👏🏼
lmao how many times will I draw him like this?
What can I say? He's beautiful, he's tragic, he's a sad wet cat of a man...
But honestly I love him and can rant for hours about how much of my daily thoughts are occupied about how the narrative never accounted for him being a presence in the story, so that once Shen Qingqiu saved him he's essentially a dead man walking, trying to occupy a place in the narrative that has no use for him, so he can never advance or change anything, so he will always be destined to fail to bring back the one person who matters-
Prompt List by Jaimiedraws on Instagram
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wellzofyouth · 9 days ago
🔥 superbat superbat superbat superbat 🔥
1. People who act like they're boring are wrong, but that's just a personal opinion at the end of the day. However, the idea of Superbat being a "sad wet black cat x golden retriever sunshine himbo" ship doesn't help against those allegations. Superbat is so much more than emo x sunshine. I've posted about this before, so I don't wanna get into it too much, but they have such an interesting dynamic pre crisis, and its by far my favorite relationship in the dcu.
2. I do not care about battinson x corensupes at all. Sorry lmao. The reason a lot of people actively ship them is because they're two cute, young, white men. That's it. They have no canon interactions whatsoever, and the movie hasn't even come out yet. I don't ship Superbat because I find them attractive, I ship them because I like their dynamic and storytelling potential.
Random batman hot take ig, but Superman does not and should not be in Battinson's universe at ALL. Anyway, the art is good, and I'm glad people like it, and its getting them into Superbat, but its so so so basic. It's like every yaoi stereotype comes true. I don't want to be a hater, but it's true, sorry. Live your truth tho. x
3. Inspired by my last post, but Superman fans who act like the Superfam are oppressed because of Batfam and Superbat enjoyers annoy tf out of me. Sorry. Superman is the most popular comic book character of all time (the first modern superhero, in fact), and he's not suffering because you have to scroll past Superbat and unfunny incorrect posts every once in a while. Literally join a Superman forum or a tumblr community (PLEASE WE'RE DYING) and shut up. Filter the tags if you don't like a character or ship. Like I barely ever complain about a character or ship I dislike because I filter and move tf on. Actually, this pisses me off a little more when I think about it because so many characters get dust from DC, and you're out here complaining about being a SUPERMAN fan?? I'm in your walls.
4. Sort of related to point one, but I do have to agree with the fact that Clark can get paid dust by Superbat fans. All of his edges tend to get sanded down to fit fanfic tropes, or he's like a full-blown overly masculine evil rapist. I don't think this is a serious problem because it happens on a massive scale to ever popular ship, but it does happen, and I do it notice it. Let him experience horrors beyond his imagining. Let him kill their simulated children to stop the universe from collapsing. Let him gaslight. Let him traumadump. Please let Clark be pathetic! 🥺 can anyone hear me?
5. I'm sorry, but if I'm reading Superbat fic, I don't want any Batfam shenanigans. Leave those damn kids at home! The Batfam is just too bloated at this point, and it almost takes up all of the fic if you try to include them all. Also, another random Batman hot take, but idgaf about the modern Batfam dynamic whatsoever. They're usually written in an annoying way, and I only enjoy the characters separately. But that's just me.
6. The original World's Finest is the best superbat material. I actually really like the new one, and I think they do an amazing job of adapting the dynamic to fit modern times while keeping the same spirit. But the original WF is superior to everything, even despite the shlock. If you see me posting about Superbat, I'm probably talking about Silver Age.
7. I hate to bring this up, but I've seen this discourse in the past and this accusation has even be leveled against ME personally, but Superbat isn't misogynistic because their love interests aren't included lmao. I hate that this is even discourse because it's so deeply stupid beyond a surface level. Yeah, the gay ship between two men isn't going to include women, who knew? Unless the content itself is overtly sexist or someone is spreading blatant lies about them, it doesn't matter.
I think some of you guys forget how much gay people are hated in the real world, so you internalize all the fandom you see and let it warp your worldview. Which is just so stupid. Also, I feel like you guys forget the fact that Superbat is the most popular ship with gay men (including me!), and they also enjoy it. Would you go up to a gay guy and demand him to be more inclusive of straight people?😭 I feel like I'm going crazy because this is always something leveled against Superbat specifically and never any other ship. Superbat isn't even involved in any ship wars??? I'm starting to think some of you guys have weird opinions on gay people because it's just absurd. Either way, keep that shit away from me.
(Also side note, the most misogynistic discourse in this fandom is dickbabskoryby far, and I feel like nobody talks about it? I've seen some pretty prominent people on here call Kory oversexualized and vapid--which has some pretty weird connotations--and babs an evil bitch. I feel like I'm going crazy when I see people ignore or even agree with it. Hello, can anybody hear me?)
8. That being said, a lot of you guys do use Superbat to replace women and not center queer men. Some of the ways you guys talk about bottom and topping is weird, and that's coming from the number 1 bottom Bruce truther himself. Stop trying to place heteronormative dynamics on them. They're not Clois but with men. They have their own thing. Ig this is a fandom wide issue tho so whatever.
That's it to be honest. I can't think of anything else.
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crescentfool · 11 months ago
What are your ryomina headcanons? I've loved these two since I played P3 FES, and I'm so excited to get back into the fandom^^
hi!! thank you so much for the ask, welcome back to the p3 fandom, it's always a delight to see new and old ryomina fans alike! 🥺💛💙
as for headcanons, here's a "few" i that i tend to come back to a lot! my interpretations of them are influenced from both the source material and other's fanworks, so i've linked to them as i saw fit! hcs in no particular order under the cut because oops this got long (900 word bullet point list, mentions of reload content up to 1/1)
minato's hair is dyed blue (hair originally brown, you can see it in his roots!) and he has a beauty mark on under his left eye. i like mirror imagery and there's definitely a few arts i've rb'd that portray them this way :) (e.g. this one by feliichu and this one by marasschino)
as far as i'm concerned the bathhouse scene from the manga where ryoji's hair down = similar shape to minato? that is canon to me. this art from xierru is a fun depiction of hair down ryoji :D
ryoji is homeless. everyone say thank you foxmulder_whereartthou for this awesome fic it's why i have the headcanon! but like seriously. we have no idea where ryoji lives and i could believe this.
minato dying at the end of the game is sad to an outsider's POV BUT!!! ryomina gets to be together in death for the rest of their lives (this illustration from mafuwara is a gorgeous representation of them as nyx avatar + the seal)!
speaking of the seal, they are like telepathically communicating to me in the great seal together. (mymp3 had a comic wip with this. give it a looksie :D)
ryoji likes cuddling with minato because he's warm :) (something something orpheus has fire affinity, minato is warm by extension and ryoji is cold because he's death)
ryoji's camera roll is filled with pictures of minato! ryoji... loves life, to me. and i feel that photography and journaling are perfect ways of expressing gratitude and capturing the moments in life that are most important to you :3
my other favorite activity for these two is stargazing- i feel like it's something they could appreciate either in life or death (looking at the stars from the great seal...)! they do a bit of this in the fic eurydice's vow by crescentmoontea (P5R spoilers, takes place in third sem it's a very fun fic concept).
between ryoji and minato i feel like ryoji was the one who fell in love first- and it doesn't really click in place for minato that he loves ryoji until december hits (appriser reveal + ryoji transforming into thanatos). its about the realization that ryoji was with him for his whole life and that he gets him like no one else does.
ryoji is like a sad and wet puppy who is so scared minato won't like him back. he is so scared of being rejected by minato to me like. this boy straight up deflates after he does his "i know i said i wanted us to be friends, but... i actually want to be something more." / "what about you?" on 12/1 ???
AND SPEAKING of wet puppy ryoji. ryoji is like. every animal in the world to me. he's a bird. he's a cat. etc. and also ryoji knows every language in the world ever and uses it to express his love for minato. see this fic from superheroics to see what i mean.
both of them are lactose intolerant. "this isn't lactose, it's milk!" i definitely think ryoji would make himself sick eating ice cream and milk he doesn't know what lactose is. (i made a silly poll about this once and the tags were very entertaining.)
i see minato as transmasc or nonbinary depending on the day (schrodinger's headcanons babey they're simultaneously true and not true at the same time!!). either way he's not cis to me and ryoji is like. His Gender. anyway go read this fic by nail_gun for t4t ryomina :D !
ryomina are WEIRD GUYS TO ME!!! they are so strange and they understand each other better than anyone else because of the circumstances of their relationship!!! if you asked them to do the "i wonder what i taste like" meme i think they'd start biting each other (affectionate) tbh but that's just me.
after ryoji gives minato the music box in 12/31 on reload, minato listens to the music box every night in january. this boy has insomnia and also chronic illness to me (things that housing death does to you). but i think he finds comfort in the melody and memories he made with ryoji.
in general, i think it's fun to imagine minato taking ryoji to places and show him things he's interested in! i feel that ryoji takes a lot of interest in minato's life, this isn't really a hc because in reload, minato DOES give ryoji a tour of the school (11/9) and possibly port island (11/12). but ITS CUTE OK! (tangentially related fanwork: this series of doodles from vinnigami: 1, 2, and 3)
not a hc but minato's kindness is like the backbone of their relationship and i think we would not have the ryomina we know and love today if minato wasn't such a kind soul. oh minato.... we can learn so much from you... like ryoji did!
anyway! that's all the hcs that i could think of, thank you for the ask! i had a lot of fun answering this, these two mean a lot to me 💛💙
i hope you don't mind the links to the fanart and fanfic as well, the fanwork people have made for ryomina have really made an imprint on me! if you want to see more of them, i definitely recommend looking through my tag for them because oh. i got a lot of them reblogged alright 😂 (<- SOOO NORMAL)
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eyeballsoup7310 · 1 year ago
I find it very interesting that people despise Vanessa for threatening Mike but I’ve not even seen a single person mention that Mike beat a man to filth in a mall fountain in front of the guys son.
Not to say mikes an inherently bad person for that, he has trauma and he reacted to something that triggered it— it’s just kind of telling that the entire fandom not only immediately forgave, but also never actually considered criticizing him for violently attacking a man in the first place, but a lot of people refuse to even imagine liking a woman because she was kind of mean to their favorite sad little blorbo due to her own trauma flaring up.
Edit cuz I thought about it again: obviously the dynamic is a little different in each situation. While both Vanessa and Mike were employed in positions of physical power at the time of their fuckups, Vanessa was specifically using her job as a threat whereas Mike didn’t even think about using his power as a guard. They both did something extremely shitty and rash, but if Vanessa weren’t an officer I don’t think people would care as much. Mike did something more comparable to, like, “getting into a drunken fistfight at dennys.”
On the flip side, threatening a man who’s Going Through It is super shitty and I don’t wanna dismiss that, but Mike still physically assaulted a man, and it’s weird to me that the fandom seems to have just forgotten. They’re fictional characters so I think trying to hold them to the exact same standards as real people is a bit weird to me (they’re meant to convey a story, not be a paragon of morality, unless of course the story they’re conveying is about morality but I’ll leave that conversation to people who have more than two braincells) but if we’re gonna criticize Vanessa I feel like we should also criticize Mike a little too
(I will still say, I don’t think Vanessa ever had any intent of trying to even legally challenge him ((i.e. arrest him or charge him or something)) and if she actually wanted to scare Mike she could’ve threatened to take Abby away, something that she previously refused to do in the “dumping shit in the river” scene. Also a stupid move, please don’t throw pills in the river, but it was the year 2000 and she was raised by William Goddamn Afton it makes sense she’s a bit of a dumbass sometimes)
Ultimately I don’t hold it against anyone if they dislike Vanessa because of this scene (or if they dislike Vanessa, especially for being a cop, in general), I guess I’m more so hung up about the fact that if she were a man, less people would hate her. Criticism of her as an officer is fine, we should be shitting on cops, some of it just feels like an excuse to be borderline misogynistic. I dunno, i tend to focus on stupid details. fnaf is a really weird series and an even weirder fandom. can everyone stop writing cops as protagonists please
Edit 2: actually thinking about it more and I just feel. Gross. Defending a character who’s a cop. It’s almost worse that it’s not even relevant to the story, for all the importance it has, she could easily be a janitor with a knife or something and absolutely nothing would change. Eugh. Curse of being written by scott cawthon, I guess. Anyways. Sorry. I think the part of my brain saw a pathetic wet cat of a character who’s a woman this time and went stupid mode
(If anyone has any recommendations for characters with a similar vibe to Vanessa that ARENT part of an extremely shitty job please uh. Comment them)
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winters8child · 10 months ago
It´s been a long, long time
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Chapter 8
Sometimes you imagine a moment so often that when it finally happens, it feels surreal, like a dream you could wake up from at any moment. That’s how it felt to kiss Bucky—hidden behind the bushes, doing something that felt forbidden, and maybe it was. His lips were as soft as I’d imagined, his hands on my face not as calloused as I had thought they would be. It was a gentle kiss, as if he feared he might break me, but after all these months of yearning, I wanted more. I had built up this moment so much in my mind, and yet it was more intense than I had ever expected. My heart raced, my breath caught in my throat.
He moved his hand from my cheek to my chin and pulled away, searching my eyes as if afraid of what he might find. “I’m so sorry... I shouldn’t have done that. This is so wrong. I don’t know what I was thinking,” he stuttered.
I took a step forward, “No, it’s okay. I basically encouraged you. It was a great first kiss.”
“No, I’m the wrong guy for this. We... we can’t tell Steve. He can’t ever know about this,” he said, beginning to pace. I imagined Steve’s face if he ever found out about what had just happened. Bucky was right; this was wrong, and he could never know.
“Let’s forget it then. Pretend it never happened. It was meaningless anyway,” I said, my voice sounding more mechanical than I intended. Bucky nodded, though he looked deeply unsettled. I went home, changed into my nightgown, and cried myself to sleep.
The following days turned into weeks, and then months. Summer ended, and I returned to school. We barely saw each other anymore, our lives diverging into their own paths. I occasionally dreamt of that moment behind the bushes. In my dreams, Steve always found out—he just stared at us in silence, growing older and older, until his hair turned grey and wrinkles filled his face. My parents stopped pestering me about dating, as if they had accepted that I might end up a spinster. Marco never showed up again, probably too embarrassed by his failed kiss attempt.
Sometimes I would run into one of the boys in the park, our old favorite spot. Steve always asked when we could hang out again like we used to, but I pretended to be busy with schoolwork or chores. I told him that I had applied to nursing school and would be even busier from now on. He seemed happy for me, but his face betrayed disappointment. I occasionally ran into Bucky, and we would exchange polite greetings and ask about each other’s families, but that was all.
Years passed, and I started nursing school. After earning my degree, I began working at the same hospital where Steve’s mom worked, though she was in the tuberculosis ward, and I barely saw her. I rented a small two-room apartment just a ten-minute walk from work. Living alone with my cat was peaceful, though I missed the closeness of my family, who never seemed to understand the decisions I made.
One rainy October day, when I had the day off, I heard a knock at my front door. I looked through the peephole and could hardly believe my eyes. I hadn’t seen Bucky in almost two years, and there he was, standing on the other side of my door. He looked distraught, so I opened the door.
“Hey, remember me?” he said with a sad smile. His hair and clothes were wet from the rain, but he looked as gorgeous as ever. His hair was slicked back, and he wore a brown leather jacket, but what caught my attention were his shimmering blue eyes. Were they always that blue?
“May I come in?” he asked.
“Oh, sure. Sorry, I didn’t expect you out of all people to just show up here,” I stammered. He took off his jacket and draped it over the chair at my dining table.
“I’ll get straight to the point. I don’t want to waste your time. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Steve’s mom… she passed away yesterday. Tuberculosis got her. The funeral is in four days, on Saturday. Before you say anything, I know I messed things up and I know you need your space, but… Steve needs you. More than ever. He hasn’t said anything because, well, he’s Steve, but I see it in his face. I’ve seen it for the last two years, and it kills me because it’s my fault…” Bucky rambled, barely taking a breath.
I was overwhelmed with guilt for having distanced myself so much that I hesitated for a moment. Would he even want to see me? But this wasn’t about me. I wouldn’t want to be alone if I were him in this situation. So I told Bucky to take me to him.
We took the bus to Steve’s apartment, riding in silence the whole way. I was lost for words—what do you say to an old best friend you kissed once and hadn’t seen in almost two years? Bucky would occasionally glance at me, offering that awkward, forced smile people give when they’re trying to be polite but would rather not be there. After a tense ten minutes, we arrived at our destination.
Bucky unlocked the front door and led me into the living room. There, I saw Steve sleeping on the couch, curled up like a ball. Bucky took a blanket from the closet and tucked him in. “I didn’t tell him you were coming. I wasn’t sure if you… if you would come,” he explained, avoiding my gaze.
I sat down on a recliner opposite the couch and took Steve’s hand, gently caressing it. “I’m sorry, Bucky. I was scared. I didn’t want to ruin your friendship, so I thought it would be better if I just distanced myself.”
Before Bucky could respond, Steve stirred and looked at my hand on his with bleary eyes. Without a word, he pulled me into a tight hug and began to cry. I had no words, and I doubted that any would help, so I just hugged him back as tightly as I could, letting him cry it out.
Next Chapter
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garfeildfanpage · 1 year ago
Ok so on the topic of headcanons, I know I haven’t mentioned it yet but Terukane has been a gruesome infection in my brain for over 3 years now, and it’s about time I let the brain worms breathe
Terukane infested their way into my brain mostly because they both just so happen to be my favorite type of character design and character archetype (middle part and glasses / absolute wet cat of a man) so them also having a dynamic that makes me both very ill and also jump for joy is (to me) a combo made in heaven.
But I’m picky, especially picky with characterization in fan fiction. And I’m glad that most fics of them are written by people who understand how they behave in-series. Though my biggest fault may be that I love to write but hate the act of writing, so every idea I have is forever locked away in my noggin, I can attempt to get out something here.
Quick note I’m not a weirdo so don’t think I mean anything in any weird way at all, if you do I’ll eat your family. Okay? Okay.
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Smitten Teru is probably my favorite out of any characterization of the two, just because I love how it can either be mindrottingly sweet or just ,sad, personally I love going the “kicking feet and giggling” route but both are great in their own regard.
It also might just be that I can’t really see Akane behaving the way he does for Aoi to Teru, a lot of people just kind of move Akane’s unhealthy attachment issues to him without understanding why Akane behaves like that around Aoi in the first place. (I have a whole thing about that) So it’s refreshing to have him, like, not do that.
To add onto that: aloof/repress feelings as hard as possible Akane totally rocks, and I love seeing it. Especially with the “why in the FUCK would I have LIKE someone like that??” kinda shit, rocks me, love it, can’t get enough. God it’s like the only time where cheesy relationship junk doesn’t give me second hand embarrassment, cause like they’re both so unbelievably stupid at relationships, and watching them be awkward and terrible at it really alleviates the whole existential life-or-death stuff happening in the actual manga. Losers in love kills me, and they are just that. GOD I WANT TO THROW THEM OFF A RAVINE
Also, I know a lot of fan fiction does this, but it’s never to the degree that I wish it was. Flustered/embarrassed teru kills me. It always kills me in anything when he just acts like a normal person, just like, expressing normal people emotions but because he’s so repressed it just like kills him. GOD I went through like a six month period of not crying and the moment I did again it felt like I got hit by a bus, could not IMAGINE barely ever crying my whole damn life. A good hard cry, that’s what he needs.
Anyway, I think that’s enough, if I let the brain worms out anymore they’ll form a union and force me to pay them more. Ninja out
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rarepair-haven · 1 year ago
I think a good shipname for Error x Classic would be: Moth.
Because the moth, the insect, was the FIRST computer BUG to exist.
(Long story short: this happened because a moth (insect) literally entered inside the computer, causing problems with it.
And that's why bugs are called...well, bugs- )
Sans is the first existing Sans, and Error is the first Sans that bugged.
So...to me this makes some sense.
And well, since Error doesn't eliminate the main au of the multiverse, in this case: Undertale, he implies that he has nothing against Undertale and its Fun Values, he just doesn't care about them.
At some point, I imagine Error ending up visiting Undertale for...reasons he can't remember :).
He would feel a strange feeling of deja-vu from this place.
And then, halfway through, he meets Sans.
Sans, as always, would be friendly towards Error.
Maybe Error would be rude to him at first, but Sans wouldn't care, and would just keep trying to make friends.
Sans would make his natural jokes, and Error, like any other Sans, would find them funny, and nostalgic, in some way.
And well, over time, Error would like to spend time with Sans, as he is not an anomaly like the others, he already existed, perhaps even before Error himself.
Of course, it would take a HUGE amount of time to get to that point, as he seems to have trust issues, but anyway-
Error would maybe vent to Sans about this multiverse balancing thing and Ink not being able to keep this shit balanced.
Sans would obviously understand Error, because, unlike Ink, he is more sensible-
They would do different things together: they would tell jokes, they would laze around, they would just make small gestures of affection because aphephobia-
Error would even take Sans to watch the real stars in Outertale, as Classico has probably never seen them, and he also loves astronomy, so there's no way he wouldn't like it.
They would both nerd out about space, watch Undernovela and other crap on TV, Error would teach him how to knit, Classico would call Error a nerd because of his glasses as a way of teasing him.
Classic would also play pranks on him, using mainly the old and famous whoppie causion-
And with all this attention and affection that Error would be receiving, he would start to fall in love with the Classic.
Error being a wet paper towel around Classic sans is my favorite thing ever. Hes this weird guy who is both overpowered and very easy to beat in a fight but the moment “the Original” is around he’s the epitome of those images of large eyed sad cats who just follow people around all pathetically
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beebeewoop · 1 year ago
I drew mine and my friends' ocs as Evil Hall again because they're my new favorite blorbos now and I'm posting it because I wanna 💪 if you haven't read Tally Hall vs. Evil Hall (created by @salad-006) I really think you should because it's great and the guys are kinda super silly
Anyways I'm going bonkers
Spoilers for like the lastest chapter methinks proceed with caution
Starting off with the least glonked up fellas we got
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Moore (belongs to @arthurisveryrandom) as Evil Zubin
Bro just look at him... He's so sad... Covered in paint... He looks traumatized... Moore is a wet cat confirmed Arthur told me so himself /JJJJJJJJJJJ
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B (belongs to @shim0nk) as Evil Andrew
Bro's swaggin it up in here look at him all chill like that... Even tho he got burnt to a crisp... But it's ok because he's a robot he can't feel pain and his melted latex skin peeled right off he's ok guys don't worry. Burmnt chimnken nunghet... Also get this man on a billboard because whatever he's selling I wanna buy it I mean just look at him wouldn't you also want to buy what he's selling he seems trustworthy ykw I think I'll give him my credit card info and social security number /JJJJJJJJ (PSA: DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR CREDIT CARD INFO AND SSN ON THE INTERNET 👍)
Pardon my goofy ahh rambles... It gets worse from here
Below the cut are the slightly more glonked up fellas...
//bonked up robots or something exposed wires n shii
//blood but it's green evil robot ooze and poorly drawn
//technically decapitation BUT IT'S FUNNY TRUST ME 💪🥺
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Lucius (belongs to @rose-is-fucking-cold) as Evil Rob
Ambrose keeps calling him cunty and I can't disagree... I think everyone should draw Lucius in high heels like right now. Also I'd be mad too if I got my head chopped off like bro now I gotta carry my head around or tape it on... Smh my head. But at least he has high heels those are pretty nice I mean just look at him... Slaying... Here king you dropped this 👑 but good luck keeping it on since you can't even keep your head on Lbozo skill issue (I am so sorry /gen) (I am sleep deprived) (I am mad at Tumblr still) (Tumblr hates me) (I am taking my anger out on Lucius 🙁 /hj)
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Fartlord (belongs to @stromboli-muncher) as Evil Joe
It's everyone's favorite ! The man the fart the guy himself ! Eyeless. Well missing one eye because the birds took it. He got attacked by birds this is so tragic can we get an F in the chat guys one like = eye patch for him 👍
And last but not least...
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Rosebush (MY guy 😋) as Evil Ross
Bro's mad... Fuckimg chrunchy... Listen I'd be pissed too if I fell down an upstairs escalator and came out looking like this... Like zoinks Scoob ☹️ (Well actually he got PUSHED... 😳) Pro tip: don't fall down upstairs escalators even if you're a dream demon robot you're not invincible to escalators those things are terrifying LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN FINAL DESTINATION????? Yeah never again... Escalators are also a no go. Just use the stairs... EVERYDAY is leg day 🦵🦵
And that's enough of that... El oh el ecks dee ✌️
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thewhumpcaretaker · 9 months ago
Top 5 favorite john wick ships⁉️⁉️
Omg the asks are coming so fast um um um
John x Helen. The OGs. Love itself personified to the extent that it's almost religious. They will find each other in every lifetime and they are bound to each other by a power that reshapes international political systems and outshines the powers of death. The sweetest domme and most devoted sub that ever lived. They're brought together by blood transfusions, bullet wounds, and the complete lack of any familial support system. If they're getting whumped, they're getting whumped at the same time because they're soul mates that can feel each other's emotions even beyond the grave (this is Broken Veil lore). The flavor of the whump is honey and that's what they call each other. Fun fact: I literally, irl had to quit writing about them because I stopped sleeping, oops.
John x Vincent. Churchduel sends my brain into immediate overdrive. I am thinking about it all of the time. Sometimes, I try to think other thoughts, and Churchduel thoughts assert themselves out of the ether instead. Unconditional love and impossible levels of redemption. Throw your punitive justice out the window to prove you're not a cop, we came to cum and it WILL save him. Actually healthy underneath it all because this is secretly an NPD/cluster B positivity story about how a narc can have a healthy relationship with proper accommodations. The flavor of this whump is strawberry and it is mixed with so much cocaine. I NEED Vincent and he needs so much help. Kiss this sad wet cat!!! Kiss him now, John, with tongue!!!!!!
John x Santino. I can't think about them without my heart fluttering. I feel their love for each other inside my own body. They are pure entities of angst and hurt/comfort, to the extent that I can write endless drabble and ficlets about them which I don't normally do. They don't even require context, Santino is just distilled clinginess and need while John is distilled comfort and they just produce an outpouring of gentleness as John helps Santino heal and Riccardo Scamarcio's pronounced eye bags haunt my daydreams (I swear to god, there is never a time when this man looks like he's had a full night of sleep and I think that's just his face. What a face <3). The flavor of this whump is coffee and cigarettes, and the whumperflies make me feel like I'm passing out.
John x Caine. It is a goal of mine to get feral about John x Caine. That one GIF of Caine saying "are you dead John?" and looking like his heart just shattered is buried in my brain, waiting to blossom. Also the fic with the head pats. THE HEAD PATS. And the wet spot induced by the head pats...I can't. I'm dead. People should please send me John x Caine asks, I need to figure out how to write them so I can dive into this because there's so much potential. Their whump flavor remains a mystery and I need to know. I'm getting hints of something slow and ponderous and gentle, perhaps a relaxing tea?
Vincent x Chidi. Let's be honest: Beyond Judgement could just happen with Chidi instead under slightly different circumstances. The point is for there to be a bodyguard who will do anything for Vincent and love him unconditionally like daddy didn't. Chidi might not offer that enemies to lovers factor, but he could absolutely bring out the best in Vincent. He's the one person in the world who is canonically there for Vicent and doesn't want him to die alone and forgotten. Also I spent the better part of today thinking about that Vincent web weaving image set and how much I want there to be someone there to prevent Vincent's tragic fall
Jude x no one. Get it Jude. Live your best aroace life and whip some folks platonically. I'm spinning you in my brain anyway.
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bartonbones · 2 months ago
3 + 7 carm, hope ur doing well btw!
i am doing well!! i haven't written publishable fic in a 1000 years which is haunting me but otherwise still just thinking abt sad boys. you should watch wayne btw. everyone should watch wayne. anyway
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
that he has blue eyes. lol jk (but not) but i think the easy answer is like, his relationship with claire....but i think i'm so like deep into carmy and his headspace that while i don't love the claire/carmy arc for reasons previously stated, i do still think his reactions to it are rational and in line with who he is as a person. and i can't really fault him for it and i do think it makes him interesting and real and lived in...there's a lot i think i'd find really frustrating about carmy if he was my friend or my sibling or my business partner but as a character i think everything is compelling and true....maybe the fact that he is avoiding sugar's baby? i think as much as i'd like to fight it and say it's just that the writers didn't have time/have something else planned, i think it's not unrealistic that Carmy Avoidance Issues Berzatto would not be able to face Nat's baby head on, but at the same time, like, be there for your sister!! she is always there for you!!! get your head out of your ass !! etc. etc. i wish for him that he was in a better place sometimes for things he'll never be able to get back. he knows exactly what he has and when he will lose it and some of it is sadly his fault. but it doesn't have to be that way!! carmy!! accept joy!!
7. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
that he is just pathetic. that he is a wet cat who throws up all the time. obviously there are sides to the fandom that thirst after him etc. etc. but the fandom side I'M on is not letting him have an OUNCE of sex appeal and i love that
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ratsinmamouf · 2 years ago
I watched the Nimona movie tonight and oh boy oh boy did it hurt me emotionally.
Although extremely different from the book, which is my favorite graphic novel, I had so much fun watching it. The only things I’m truly sad about are the changing of Balister’s last name from Blackheart to Boldheart, the changing of Goldenloin’s design, and Nimona’s backstory (I might just like lab rat style characters though).
This movie was fun and very pretty in some sequences (the rending on some things did feel a little unfinished at times). Any time Nimona herself was on screen was an absolute Joy. I loved how chaotically she was animated. I also love Balister, he was just so sweet. Wet cat energy fr.
Plot was good enough, the administratior’s voice was so calming and she was cast perfectly. Actually, everyone was cast perfectly. I had fun with this movie!
Now onto why it hurted me emotionally:
In the scene where Nimona turns into that creature, with the line “Everyone in this city wants to run a sword through my heart, and somedays I just want to let them do it” as she goes to impale herself.
Balister stopping her with the line “I see you” caused me to collapse sobbing on the floor.
“I see you”
It’s that feeling you get when someone finally is able to get on your level and realize that you’re human too but you just don’t understand some things yet. “I see you” that you aren’t as alone as you thought. “I see you” I’m here, It’s all going to be alright.
This one line. This one line resonated with me so heavily that I had to make art about it. It’s part of my neurodivergent experience to feel that you are so isolated from everyone, because you don’t understand how it all works. And with that you feel so invisible.
Like dude. Being told any equivalent of “I see you” was one of the most eye opening things to me.
“I see you, you are human. You are here. You are not unseen. You’re not trying to do this, all you want is to be seen”
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I made art about it. Because resonated so heavily with my bad mental state at the time.
Anyway, yeah the Nimona movie
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thefroggypond · 1 year ago
oc time !!
part 2 !!
an intro/lore post for my fanbot daisy
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text under the cut!
Daisy was first designed in 1896, like most of the Walter Bots, but wouldn’t be properly built or powered on for several years.
She was finally built in 1923, by Peter Walter I’s sons. Her role was to work as a sort of assistant, and took care of Peter I as he got older.
After Peter I dies, she’s deemed effectively useless and is scrapped. In 2001, she’s found and eventually reactivated by a man that had found her. She would live with this man until 2007, where he would basically end up selling her in order to alleviate some of his financial problems.
From 2007, until 2016, she’s essentially sold around different households working as a live-in sort of maid or nanny or whatever people needed her for. It was a miserable time but in 2016, Peter Walter VI (who’d found her original design plans and wanted to find her and bring her home) finds her and she’s returned to Walter Manor where she belongs.
misc. hcs for my girl:
If I did my math right, her being made in 1923 makes her the youngest of the Walter Robots. She’s just a baby I love her.
Her favorite color is pink! And she loves all things pink and shiny!!
She was originally designed to look similar to The Jon, since her creators decided he would be the easiest design to replicate.
She’s very happy & silly and I love her but she’s also a sopping sad wet cat of a girl. She’s been through some shit ):
this is all i can think of tonight! but yeah. i’m sure more of her will show up on this blog teehee. also! if anyone ever wants to ask questions about any of my ocs,, pls do they have so many Things.
anyway. parts 3 and 4 of my oc posts should come out soon,,
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