#anyways happy early Halloween!!!
raptor-one · 2 years
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Payday Halloween time! This time it’s cowboy bear Vlad edition >:3
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they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery :)
(a silly 4-pg comic I've loosely titled Seeing Double, for fun! I know it's only mid-September, but I'm so so so getting into the Halloween mood)
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en-chi-la-da · 1 year
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OTHER THAN A VAMPIRE OBVS i think he would be a hamster! not bc i think that's what he would dress up as for halloween, but bc that's what i want him to dress up as for halloween :) lmao here's also a bonus doodle of him dressed as a bat <3 bc i think he's cute <3
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luyo-mi · 11 months
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my pookies
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little-pup-pip · 9 days
hihi pip! I was wondering if you could do a Halloween birthday themed moodboard :3 ? without a paci and fem and masc?
[I'm so exited for my birthday this year !! -@buppyyips ]
Here you go!!
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bilbao-song · 2 years
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(all credit for the original idea [and a significant portion of this text] goes to @quiet-beatle​!)
ho ho ho, classic rock fans! Christmas is coming and so is The Secret Rocker Santa project! if you are looking for an opportunity to make new friends who love classic rock, or just want to make someone happy, this is your chance!
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What is Secret Rocker Santa?
Secret Rocker Santa is a tumblr-wide “match-maker” in which you will anonymously send asks to (and hopefully befriend!) a tumblr user who is assigned to you. you will also be assigned to someone else, who will send anonymous asks to you. the event will run from december 1st through december 25th. while this might seem complicated, it’s actually quite simple, and you will only need to answer a minimum of two questions to sign up.
How it works:
you must read these instructions!
the deadline to sign up is november 28th. there are two ways that you can sign up: the first is to send me a submission (or an ask) with your completed questionnaire (found here). while the first two questions are required, you can otherwise provide as much or as little information as you want. the second option is to sign up via google forms.
please reblog this post! (this isn’t a strict requirement, but it would be greatly appreciated and helps to ensure that enough people will participate!)
your ask box must be open to anyone! this means that anon asks will have to be enabled. if you want, you can wait until the first day of the project (december 1st) to change this setting, but please make sure you remember!
your blog doesn’t have to be classic rock-related, you just need to be a fan. (this project will also be using a very broad definition of “classic rock,” so nearly any music from 1950s-1990s counts.)
(more info below the cut!!)
during the last days of november, i will be assigning people to their Secret Rocker Santas. you will receive a message from me telling you who you have been assigned to, either in the form of an ask or direct message.
you will start messaging the person assigned to you ANONYMOUSLY on the 1st of december and continue until Christmas (december 25th), which is when you will reveal your identity and (hopefully) have made a new friend!
you can send your partner whatever you want (as long as you do not reveal your identity). your job is to make your partner feel happier! (some ideas: lyrics, pictures, facts, play games, chat and of course do things that are not only associated with classic rock).
be careful - make sure you are messaging your assigned partner anonymously.
please tag messages that you receive from your secret santa and any other related posts as #SRS22, so your santa will be able to find your answers more easily.
some people might get more than one santa or will be assigned to more than one person, depending on how many people participate and how many suitable matches i have for certain people. if you are certain you will not be able to be a secret santa for two people, please mention this when you submit your form (you can also let me know if you would prefer to be a santa for two or more people! anyone who volunteers for this will get first pick if the need arises)
if you’re not committed to sending asks to your partner and/or responding to your santa at least a few (2-3) times a week, please do not sign up.
while the primary focus of this project is classic rock, any additional interests you list may be used as a secondary way of helping to find a good match for you. with that in mind, don't hesitate to list any interests and hobbies you might have, whether they relate to classic rock or not! this will especially come in handy if there are many applicants who like a particular band, or if i am having trouble finding a match for you based on your favorite bands.
if your santa has not contacted you in over a week, message me and i will gently remind them or find you another one.
as a general rule, be nice! anyone who is rude to the another participant will be removed from the project.
make sure to answer all of your santa’s messages! you don’t have to answer right away, but don’t ignore them.
please let me know if you experience any problems at all (for example, if i have made a mistake, or you are having problems with either your own santa or the person you are assigned to)
if you are not already following your partner’s blog, you probably shouldn’t do it right away, because they might guess that you are their santa.
it’s useful to have an easy-to-find “about me” page so that your santa will have a better chance of finding something to talk to you about!
please try to keep a note of who you’ve been assigned to! you’ll also get a personal number which you will have to remember, so please make a note of it or save the message i send you.
IF YOU CHANGE YOUR URL DURING THE PROJECT PLEASE LET ME KNOW. if you don’t let me know about your new URL (or otherwise make it clear that you have moved), i will not be able to assign matches for you.
please be patient! i will assign matches and answer questions as quickly as possible, but please keep in mind that i have other responsibilities too!
you don't need to be following me, but i will be sharing updates here, so it would be a good idea to at least keep an eye on that page.
please don’t hesitate to participate! this is supposed to be a fun, lighthearted, seasonal activity, and if you do encounter any issues, i will help you.
again, click here for the questionnaire, and click here to submit it! if you would prefer to sign up via google forms, click here!
if you have any questions or want to ask for advice, do not hesitate to message me!
please spread the word if possible! :)
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canniefish · 2 years
Do you blame yourself?
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m0nstermashed · 11 months
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@elfelurick (hello!) DTIYS I did on IG! You guy's should check that out if you're interested
Additional doodles I did with a funny scenario in mind
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roseytoesy · 2 years
Jades maze mishap
thanks to the work of @dionysusdoctrine I was inspired to write a story using their little prompt. sorry this took so long. Had to get through the rest of finals and travel and packing. Hope you like it!
Running at the size of a rat through a cornfield was exausting. But escaping the Savanaclaw students that had decided to shrink and try and eat a student in the middle of the cornfield was haorrifyung enough to keep them running. Luckily at their small size they were able to scurry between the stalls of corn, quickly loosing the gang of rough student, but then getting very lost themselves. At this rate it might be easier to keep waking until they reach the edge of the maze, but that would take forever and it was starting to get cold.
fortunately, or Unfortunetly, for them they stumbled into another path of the maze, and near the end of it too by the markers! As they stated to walk along the path they forgot that the end is supposed to be a chase, by one of the leech brothers. In their excitement to get out of the constant dark green and brown environment they failed to notice a form looming above them. They shrieked as their tiny body was lifted off the ground by a gloved hand. “well, well. What an interesting specimen I’ve discovered.” A smooth voice hummed as the poor shrunken prefect was lifted higher and higher from the ground. They turned to face their captor and gulped. The sharp fanged mouth and the dark bang on the right side of his face along with the dichromatic eyes was easy enough to tell who had captured them. Jade leech. One of the scariest student on campus due to his mysterious nature and Unnerving habits and conversations. “gah!” They gasped as they were now eye level with the eel-mer. He grinned at the shrunken prefect with his half lidded smirk
“well, well, what a fascinating turn of events~” the vice house warden hummed. “What brings a little morsel like you here?” He chuckled as he eyed the unfortunate prefect.
“I ran into some bad Savanaclaw student who used some potion. To cause this…” they explained.
“how fortunate for me to find you then.” He said smiling a bit wider, revealing his large sharp teeth. “I must say though, it’s quite cold out. Are you alright” he looked down at them knowing the answer from how they shook despite his hands around their frame. They glared at him.
“just put me in your pocket, being small sucks…” they grumbled knowing that they couldn’t stop the leech, whatever he was plotting.
“hmmm, it seems that all my pockets will be insufficient in this weather,” he said showing his thin lab coat for his mad scientist costume. “And I believe that my monster floyd would smell you out easily, you know how… excited he can be when he finds something small and cute.” Jade added squeezing them a bit in his hand to accentuate the word excited. They shuddered and wheezed as they were squeezed a bit. They opened their mouth to speak but jade beat them to it.
“Seems I have nowhere on my person to put you dear prefect,” he sighed sadly. The shrunken students eyes widened and they paled a bit at his next words. “But, I do have one pocket inside my person I can put you.” He added staring at them with obvious hunger in his eyes. They started to squirm in his hold.
"Jade put me down! please!” They begged, “I was just lost!”
“And now you’re found” Jade purred. “I’ll put you somewhere safe until the potion wears off. No need to worry.” He added licking his lips. They shuddered at the thought of where that somewhere safe would be with the eel-mer looking at them with a mischievous hunger in his dichromatic eyes. Just as they started to scream they were flung forward into the dark maw of the leech twin.
He hummed happily around them as their taste blossomed on his tongue, he moved them around drenching every part of them in sticky saliva and exhausting them. At one point they held themselves firmly in place by laying on their back with their legs pushing against the hard pallet above them. "Let me out of here! get me out of your mouth Jade!" They screamed up at him from their strained position.
He chuckled around them at how poorly they worded their request, he hummed what sounded like 'as you wish' before tilting his head back. they let out a screech but didn't move despite the tongue trying to push them down along with gravity. They let out a 'hah!' of victory before something hard and bony hit the back of their knees, causing their legs to colapase and the tonge to pin them to his pallet. They felt their legs get siezed by that same bony somthing that had alot of sharp bits now. They stopped struggleing when the sharp pricks threatened to pierce their skin. They gasped as they were dragged down into the throat by this strange alien-like thing.
Jade swallowed hard and smirked as he felt the poor shrunken soul start their trip down his throat, wiggling all the way down. He traced their journey with his right hand as his left fell to his middle patting the eagerly grumbling organ beneath his skin.
He shuttered and let out a muffled moan into his mouth as his wiggling guest slid into his stomach, stretching it out nicely, but not making any difference to his outward appearance. They imediatly started kicking and punching the soft spongey walls around them, screaming at jade to let them out.
He said nothing as he quickly made his way to a secret spot where he would await maze goers to spook and chase. He sat down on a bale of hay and reclined a bit onto his right hand. his left hand happily rubbing circles into his middle. He stiffled a small burp before speaking.
"rrp, pardon me" he hummed as the pleasent fighting in his core started to settle down. "I don't understand why you are so upset with me, I did as you asked. I removed you from my mouth, and I'm keeping you safe and warm."
"This isn't safe! how in the 7 could it possibly be safe! im in your stomach! I'll be digested, jade! Let me out! please!" they yelled feeling a bit of despair in the darkness around them.
Jade chuckled. "yes you may be in my stomach but you will be safe, Unlike you land folk, stomachs are hard to keep constantly full. So we are able to control our digestion however we please. I don't plan on taking a life today. So relax and enjoy your stay, unless you want to keep wiggling, it does feel oh so wonderful." he explained prodding a bit at the exhausted prefect in his gut.
"i- I'll be safe? you promise?" they asked shifting to get more comfortable.
"I don't make promises, but I'll give you my word that you will receive no harm from any acids while you are inside of me tonight." he reclined to lay on his back. happily humming as his prey squirmed to get comfortable against the walls pressing in on them more due to jade's reclined position.
"rest easy prefect, and happy Halloween week," Jade said closing his eyes to bask in a meal he hoped to have again in the near future.
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quercussp · 1 year
this is my yearly rant and one of my truly unpopular opinions is that i hate halloween with my entire heart and i cannot wait for the "spooky season" to be over
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shvdowsdrowned · 1 year
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ginaporterr · 1 year
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blindedguilt · 2 years
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The hermit does what a hermit does best and hermits himself up, back turned and his gaze off elsewhere. What could this terrible threat be that he hides himself from?
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Thanks to everyone too for wishing the stone a speedy eviction out of my body!! <3 <3 <3 i think it may have worked?? i hope!
it still feels kinda sore in that spot so maybe that’s just an after effect. going to try not to convince myself that it’s still in there and now it’s just stuck and shit’s about to get real dogshit terrible again so we’ll go with it’s passed and i just wasn’t able to see it!!
anyway, hope everyone has a spooptacular halloween weekend!!
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chosolala · 4 months
⋆˚ʚɞ jjk halloween headcannon
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here are just some of my silly headcannons on what i think the jujutsu kaisen guys would wear on halloween because i love halloween so much, some matching costumes too :) also fem!reader.
characters: gojo, geto, choso, toji, nanami, megumi, yuji, inumaki, yuta, maki
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satoru gojo
he would probably want to match with you
definitely a nerdy costume like anakin and padme (star wars) or fred and daphne (scooby doo)
he definitely acts like the character he’s dressed as all night
drags you out or to a halloweeen party definitely
suguru geto
i don’t think he’d go all out with a costume but if you wanted to match with him he’d definitely try his best
he just doesn’t want to look stupid
he’d probably put on animal ears or vampire teeth
he’s definitely your biggest admirer when he sees your costume and take a bunch of pictures for you
choso kamo
he would definitely wear whatever you want him to wear with him
i would say edward and kim thought (from edward scissorhands) or chucky and tiffany
he doesn’t really like dressing up but he wouldn’t say anything and he’d wear it anyway for you, especially when he sees how happy it makes you :)
you guys go to a halloween festival together
toji fushiguro
he DEFINITELY would NOT dress up with you 😭
he might let you do sfx makeup on him though
he’d probably encourage you to get a revealing and tight costume and give him like a fashion show when you guys get home
let’s just say you won’t be leaving the house on halloween night…..
kento nanami
he probably wouldn’t want to dress up but if you really want him to he would
maybe something like christine and erik from the phantom of the opera
he would also take you wherever you want to go, halloween party, park, festival, bar, anywhere.
he would probably suprise you with a cute halloween basket too with like candy and stuffed animals and stuff
megumi fushiguro
he would suggest costume ideas but whatever you want to wear he’ll agree to
he’d definitely let you sit in his lap and do his makeup
maybe something like grim and malaria or batman and catwoman (from billy and mandy)
he really doesn’t like parties but he’d go out to a festival with you
yuji itadori
he has the cutest costume ideas, he’s been waiting for this moment
these are literally my FAVS!! i can only imagine him as spider man so maybe miles morales and gwen (from into the spider verse) or like kiki and tombo (from kiki’s delivery service)
you guys take the cutest couple pictures before leaving to meet up with everyone else
he somehow gets double the amount of candy you get
toge inumaki
he probably wouldn’t take dressing up very seriously
he’d probably do something like the chef and the rat from ratatouille (he’s the rat) or beast boy and raven
he uses his cursed speech to get a bunch of candy then ends up leaving early with a stomach ache (karma for stealing from little kids 😭)
he also sneaks some of your candy when you aren’t looking
yuta okkotsu
cutest couple costumes ever without even trying
probably something like coraline and wybie or finn and princess bubblegum (or maybe flame princess idk) from adventure time
gojo takes a bunch of pictures like a proud dad because you guys look so cute
you guys go out to eat then go to a festival
maki zenin
she probably wouldn’t want to dress up but if it makes you happy she’d do it :)
maybe poison ivy and harley quinn or princess bubblegum and marceline costumes
she’ll take you to a festival with the others and wins you a bunch of candy
carries you home if your feet hurt from your heels
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