#anyway. you guys took one look at him and said beloved you are GOING in the narrative.
tyrannuspitch · 2 years
oh i heard they scapegoated your poor little meow meow. yeah they like made him a symbol of everything they hate about society and punished him for it in a futile attempt to purge it from themselves. yeah because he's just a pawn in the story society tells itself about itself. so um he's kind of been cast out of the very place that created him and now they're like rejoicing over his defeat... sorry
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lass-us-slay · 3 months
So I read a prompt about how Wonder Woman found Danny in a trash can (don’t remember which one) and I was bored.
So I took that lil info and made it into an AU.
So basically, Danny get yeeted into this unknown universe and has no where to live. And no where to live means no money. No money means no food. No food means Danny can’t keep his human half sustained.
So what does he do?
Decides to not change into a human and live in a trash can.
Yes you heard that right, live in a trash can.
Because he’s a ghost, he doesn’t have to worry about the germs and stuff. But that doesn’t mean he lives in just any trash can! He lives in a clean one ☝️
AND he also decorated it with his name so other people know it’s his!
And so Danny has been here for a while now and realizes
Holy shit there’s hero’s here- you know what, why doesn’t he have hero’s back home?!
And being minorly annoyed jealous (but he’s never admitting that)he thought:
Well since there’s hero’s here already, guess I’m not needed.
Good. I’m tired af
And so Danny caries on his life, being content with his trash can and scaring whoever comes into his alley. It’s fun. Sure he sometimes needs to ugh overshadow people to feed his human side, but other than that.
It’s going great.
But Danny doesn’t realize that with Amity gone (or smth, you choose) which was his haunt, he slowly makes the trash can into his new haunt.
And slowly but surely, Danny’s beloved haunt trash can starts to become other worldly kinda.
Yk because of the ectoplasm.
So now Danny’s lovely trash can haunt has more space inside and- Hey Danny can actually sleep in it better!! And he got some company too!
In the form of blob ghosts.
Two actually.
They keep his trash can clean and help purifying some corrupted ectoplasm that he finds. Because for some reason this universe’s ectoplasm seems half way artificial and tastes a bit weird. Which is where the blob ghosts help out in.
Everything was great.
Danny was loving the trash can life style.
He has two blob ghosts friends. Which he named Sam and Tucker, and yea they couldn’t talk but that was fine.
He wasn’t lonely, he wasn’t. He had two very much talking friends like Sam and Tucker.
However one day two weirdly dressed people- oh they were hero’s.
Well anyway they found him, one woman stripper and one furry guy.
But it was on accident! He was just peaking out of his beloved haunt trash can, and they spotted him.
He stared, they stared back.
Then the woman stripper asked him questions, even when he said:
“Don’t mind me, have a nice day!”
But they just kept bother him and giving him weird looks and glances.
Which- rude.
Didn’t they see his mark on his haunt trash can? Obviously it means it’s his home, so they shouldn’t be bothering him still. He’s safe as can be.
It’s not like he’s looking at them in suspicion and weirdness, I mean look at them! What kinda cheep knock off vampire fury mix and American stripper style clothing are those!
They should mind their own business!
Just a silly lil drawing of this lmao, don’t mind me.
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talesofesther · 1 year
make it taste like love
Loki x Reader
Summary: You felt him before you even met him. And despite the pain he carried around, his soul was one of the most beautiful you'd ever seen.
A/N: A spur-of-the-moment idea that I simply couldn't ignore. I really hope you guys enjoy it, and yes I'm working on part two of my series with Loki as well. <3
Word count: 6k
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The battle had left its mark on everyone, both physically and mentally. All the lives that were lost wouldn't be brought back. But everyone took solace in the fact that Thanos and his army were no longer a threat. And now, it was a time for rebuilding.
Wakanda's grassland was a battlefield. Bodies of both friend and foe lay scattered on the ground. The mourning loomed heavy in the air, you could feel it weighing down on your chest, your throat, and lungs. It was suffocating, prickling into your skin like needles. Yet you still walked, your boots crushing the grass underneath while you avoided stepping on stretched arms and legs, you needed to make sure no one else remained left behind.
A few feet away, the mad titan who once threatened the entire universe lay lifeless on the ground, his head disconnected from his body. For him, you felt no pity.
King T'Challa was both happy and sad to see you and the others leave. Happy, because it meant the end of a war; sad, because of having to say farewell to dear friends. But you, Steve, Natasha, and Banner were needed back in town, back at the Avengers compound; to welcome Tony back on earth, and because Thanos' attack had reverberated in many other places. It seemed like the Avengers were back in the game.
─── ·❆· ───
This morning was a gloomy one. Grey skies peeked behind your curtains in the early hours of the day, maybe it would rain soon. It's been two weeks since the battle, and you were glad to see that most people were recovering; each in their own way, but recovering nonetheless.
You were already up when the clock hit 7:30 AM, holding a warm cup of coffee between your hands, and staring out into the compound's driveway and past the treeline through the big windows of the kitchen. Today would be the day that Thor came back, he'd been helping with the settling of his people in New Asgard until now, but you've heard about him not wanting to be king anymore. You were happy for him, you never did think that a ruler's life suited him anyway—and you missed your friend.
"He gets one chance, Rogers. One chance and that's it." Tony's voice suddenly caught your attention as he stepped into the kitchen, you turned your back to the window so you could watch as your resident Iron Man poured himself a cup of coffee without looking at his mug. Steve was right beside him, his hands on his hips as he sighed quietly, already all too used to Tony's moods.
"Yes, one chance, he proved himself enough by helping us fight against Thanos, I suppose we owe him the benefit of the doubt," Steve agreed, still holding his voice calm.
With a smirk on your lips, you approached your teammates. "What's going on, guys?" You leaned on the kitchen island, taking a sip of your coffee.
Tony ran his tongue over his bottom lip, his expression less than pleased as he took a sip of his own coffee before saying; "point break is bringing his beloved brother to our home." He shrugged, and said in a quieter tone, "Says he changed or something."
"Loki will be staying with us?" You raised an eyebrow. The attack on New York happened before you joined the team, but you were familiar enough with it to be wary of Thor's brother, even if Thor did speak more nicely of him recently. Still, you had never actually met Loki to form your own opinion.
"That's… to be decided," Tony grumbled, shooting a glance toward Steve. "But yes, pretty much. And, by the way, Strange wasn't happy about having reindeer games back in the city either."
"Wow, you guys finally agree on something," you snickered.
Tony mouthed a 'don't' to you, before Steve said; "Strange knows we'll handle it if anything happens, but Thor vouches for him, so…"
You gave Steve a soft smile, and as much as you understood Tony's wariness, you agreed with the Captain. Loki didn't have the best of pasts with the City, but his help in the recent battle was one of many game-changers. He deserved a second chance.
Strangely enough, you found yourself excited to meet the God of Mischief. It was in your nature to analyze people, watch them from afar, and learn about the things they'd rather not say out loud. And someone like Loki, who had both once tried to take over your planet and now helped in saving it, was bound to raise some curiosity.
No more than an hour passed before you heard Thor's strong voice all the way from the living room. A small smile instantly came to your lips as you discarded your book, got up from the couch, and put on your slippers, rushing to the main doors to greet him.
Before you could turn the last corner, however, you came to an abrupt halt. Your breath got caught up in your throat and you had to lean back on the wall for support. Clutching the fabric of your shirt right above your heart, you were glad that this particular hallway was currently empty.
You could hear Thor's voice just around the corner, Tony was there too, but their words were faint and far away. Your vision was suddenly a little blurry, and underneath your palm you could feel your heart beating frantically.
See, this was nothing that hadn't happened before, after all, you are an empath. But a feeling this heavy rarely comes unannounced, unwanted. It briefly reminded you of when you first discovered your power, when you had no control and could pick up on pain, anger, joy, and pleasure that were not your own even if you didn't want to. Yet now, after years of living with it, you had learned to dose your perception of the feelings around you; now, when you weren't willingly focusing, other people's emotions felt more like a gentle whisper, a gush of chilly wind on your skin—something you were able to ignore if you wanted to.
But this overwhelming sadness; this emptiness, and loss, and pain; it came to you with such force that you were not able to block out. Seconds felt like hours, until the surprise of the new feeling passed and you took back control. Whispers of it remained, lurking in your stomach and in the back of your throat, but with a bit of extra focus, you were able to handle it.
And once your mind was finally clear again, it hit you. Who did you catch these feelings from?
You took a step around the corner cautiously, hands buried in your pockets as your eyes roamed your surroundings. There was no one around besides Tony, Thor, and Loki.
You knew it right away. You were familiar with the emotions radiating from Tony and Thor; but him, the raven-haired trickster, he was new, and if you didn't feel empathy for him before, you did now.
Loki held himself immaculately, a straight posture and a serene expression on his face. You had no idea how he did it, how he was able to hold all of those feelings in and still look so well put together; because one glance into his soul and you already felt like crying.
There was a light drizzle falling outside, maybe that's why Loki's black blazer seemed to be shining under the bright lights of the entrance hall. His eyes—bright and ocean-green—were settled on you; the realization got you feeling hyperaware of each movement you made. Even his gaze was heavy.
Thor's booming voice calling your name captured your attention then, he had a big smile on his face and before you knew it he already had your feet off the floor as he held you in a hug.
You laughed against his shoulder, hugging him back just as tight and telling him all about how much you missed him. Still, when you let go, your eyes found Loki's again, he hadn't stopped looking at you once.
─── ·❆· ───
The opinions about Loki's presence in the compound were mixed, but most of your teammates seemed fine with it; truth be told, no one paid much attention to him. As you'd expected, Loki's room was on your floor, because that's where Thor stayed too; as well as Tony, Natasha, and Yelena.
It's been a few days since his arrival, yet you haven't had the opportunity to properly speak with him, alone. But you've been feeling him a lot. Whether it was you subconsciously focusing on him more, or something else, it seemed like your body was more in tune and connected with his than you've ever been with anyone else. You picked up on a few of his emotions even if you weren't actively trying to; you felt his bouts of uneasiness when someone would stare at him for too long, you felt his gentle serenity whenever he'd sit near the windows to read a book, you felt his sparks of joy when people greeted him with a good morning or asked if he'd want coffee; but most of all, you still felt that lingering sadness that followed him everywhere he went, a weight he seemed to be all too used to having around.
In some ways, you felt as if you were invading his privacy, and that bothered you. During the day you tried to keep your mind as busy as you could to keep yourself from feeling him; in the late hours of the night though, when you were trying to sleep, there wasn't much you could do.
You have been tossing and turning in bed for probably about two hours now, drifting in and out of sleep. The crescent moon just outside your window seemed to be taunting you, amused with your misfortune. You scoffed as you glared at the natural satellite—great, now you were arguing with the cosmos.
Loki was having a nightmare. You could tell by the rapid beating of his heart and the cold sweat running down his forehead—your abilities went way beyond simply feeling other people's emotions, but sometimes you wished they wouldn't. It's not the first time that you've felt Loki's restless sleep in the short time he's been here. Your heart ached for him; it got you wanting to alleviate his pain.
But you couldn't do that, so you got up from your bed, put on your fluffy slippers, and made a beeline for the kitchen. The air outside was chilly, biting at your warm skin and making you shiver. At this hour of the night, the compound was completely dark and quiet, a big contrast to how it was when the sun was up. You asked Friday to turn on one of the lights in the kitchen, giving the space a dim-lit look as the single light bled into the adjacent living room.
You rubbed the sleep from your eyes, humming the lyrics of the song stuck in your head as you reached for the upper cabinet to grab a mug so you could make yourself some tea. When you turned around again though, a gasp escaped your mouth and you nearly dropped the mug you were holding. You cursed quietly under your breath, placing a hand over your heart; if you weren't fully awake before, you sure were now. "You scared me," you muttered, trying a small smile.
The reason for your lack of sleep stood before you, with dark green slippers that matched his button-up pajama shirt, and his hair the messier you've ever seen it be. "Sorry, it was not my intention," Loki smirked back at you.
It hit you that this was finally the first time you were alone with him, and you'd been caught off guard. You tapped your mug, opening your lips but no words came out. Loki's eyes remained on you, unwavering, yet his gaze was so… soft, gentle even; his eyebrows weren't creased and he patiently waited for you with his hands in the pockets of his checkered pajama pants. He didn't look like the god you usually saw roaming the halls during the day.
"It's alright. I was just making tea," you said finally, gesturing to your mug, "would you like me to make one for you too?"
Loki's surprise at your offer was so great that you felt it in your bones. What was he expecting you to do?
His lips parted only slightly and he straightened his posture before saying; "I would- yes, I would like that."
You couldn't help the full smile that came to your lips and crinkled the side of your eyes, "great, sit down, it'll be ready in just a moment."
The warm mug between your hands warmed up your skin. It felt nice, sitting like this with Loki; in a quiet kitchen with only you and him, and just the lonely light to your left softly highlighting his features in front of you. It was a peaceful silence, and you couldn't help but check if he felt it too.
The rhythm of his heart was calm, his soul felt light and at ease; not completely, but the most you've ever felt from him.
"Why are you here?" His sultry voice snapped you back to reality.
"Uh- I'm sorry?" You frowned.
"Why are you here, if I may ask?" Loki tilted his head amusedly, his fingers tracing the brim of his mug. "Thor mentioned you had… abilities, but he never specified what they are."
Now it was your turn to be surprised by his curiosity for you. "Well, to put it simply, I'm an empath," you told him.
Loki blinked, once, twice, at your response. He looked at you for a moment before inquiring further; "and to put it completely?"
You smirked then, folding your arms over the table. "I can feel people's emotions, if I want to; their anger, happiness, hesitation, fear. But I can also feel their heartbeats, the blood cursing through their bodies. I can tell when they're lying or telling the truth, if they're tired or hurt. And sometimes, I can influence those emotions," you paused, hesitating for a beat, "bring fear, or… take away pain."
Loki grew tense after learning of what you could do. To be fair, most people did at first, you were used to it. Be he felt different, his heartbeat sped up and stayed that way. He'd put his guard up, and it brought a pang of hurt to your chest.
"Are you always feeling everything then?" He narrowed his eyes.
"Gods, no," you breathed, "at first I did, and it was awful. But with time, I learned to control it." You tried smiling at him, but his eyes were downcast, focused on his mug.
You bit your lower lip in nervousness. Looking past Loki and out the window, you could see the first signs of the sunrise peeking over the horizon, dark skies turning a soft lilac and blue; you'd been here longer than you realized.
When Loki glanced up at you again, his bright eyes still held sparks of that same softness from earlier. He pursed his lips in a smile; "thank you for the tea." And with that, he got up and left, leaving you in the company of the first birds who always sang in the mornings.
─── ·❆· ───
You made Loki nervous. It wasn't a bad kind of nervous, it was the kind that sped up his heart and made his cold hands feel clammy.
Out of everyone in the compound, you were the kindest. You'd always shoot him a smile whenever you'd pass by each other in the hallways; you'd always save a seat for him at the table; you always respected his silence whenever you came into the library and caught him reading his book, saying a quiet hello and nothing more, just sitting on one of the armchairs with your own book and allowing him to enjoy his moment, and more recently, your presence too.
When he'd finally learned of your abilities, he got apprehensive, worried even; that you'd pick up on whatever it was that he felt when he was near you, and it would drive you away.
So far, it hasn't happened yet.
The sun was out today, and with it, so was everyone else. In the spacious backyard of the compound, Steve was in charge of the barbecue, and Tony was in charge of the drinks. Natasha had sunglasses covering her eyes while she and Clint bickered over a game of cards; Yelena was sitting beside her sister at the lunch table, however, she seemed to be on Clint's side of the argument. Thor and Banner were laughing together as they made fun of Steve's cooking skills, who tried to defend himself by saying he wasn't actually done yet. Tony looked like he was trying to convince Bucky to drink a dubious-looking beverage, the latter didn't seem too keen on it.
And Loki watched them from afar, from the living room window of his floor. Thor had asked that he join them downstairs, saying something about how he should start trying to fit in and mingle, instead of just existing in the others' presence. Making friends wasn't Loki's forte; as much as he'd fight not to admit it, he was still working up the courage.
With a long sigh, Loki turned around and made his way to the place where he'd been spending most of his free time.
The compound's library was quite huge. One of the few rooms in the whole facility that had warm colors painting the walls and lacked the modern look; tall wooden shelves held thousands of books, a soft beige carpet covered the floor, and there were armchairs and sofas scattered in corners and in-between shelves creating comfortable, isolated nooks for reading. Loki's favorite spot was a worn armchair that stood near one of the big windows, it was surrounded by books that most people didn't read anymore, and the window itself overlooked the treeline in which the sun hid behind at the end of every day; sometimes as he sat there to read, it reminded him of his room back in Asgard.
Loki walked brushing his fingers over the spine of the old books, watching as dust particles danced in the sunlight. But as he rounded the shelf that led to his spot, he abruptly stopped in his tracks, feet glued to the carpet.
You sat cross-legged on the worn armchair, with a thick book lying in your lap that held all of your attention; the sun was shining right behind you, creating a halo above your head and bathing the strands of your hair in golden. You looked like something out of his favorite tale, more enchanting than all of the Midgard poetry books he's ever read.
It seemed like you two were making a habit of bumping into each other unexpectedly.
Loki gulped, squaring his shoulders. A beat passed, and then two, until you finally noticed him from the corner of your eyes. You looked up at him with your eyebrows softly raised in surprise, a gentle smile lifted the sides of your mouth; "Loki, hi."
"Hello," Loki greeted you slowly, his eyes shifting from the book in your lap to your eyes, "shouldn't you be out with the others, enjoying the sun?"
"Should I?" You narrowed your eyes, lazily closing your book and getting up from the armchair. "Shouldn't you?" You asked then, smirking as you raised an eyebrow and took a step towards him.
Loki's heart stumbled inside his chest, he breathed out a laugh. "I'm not big on hangouts."
You hummed, burying your hands in the pockets of your jeans. "Why is that?"
For a moment, Loki dwelled on whether to be honest or come up with an easy lie. But you were looking up at him with such delicacy, such attention, not a trace of hatred or judgment in your warm eyes. It almost looked as if you cared... about him.
Loki breathed in sharply through his nose, the words rolled off his tongue on their own; "I doubt many of your friends would enjoy my presence there."
You blinked up at him, lips parting before you told him quietly; "I would."
There was a distant burning behind Loki's eyes, his mouth felt dry. No one had ever rendered him completely speechless before, yet now, you had done just that. With his silence, you avoided his eyes and ran your tongue over your bottom lip in a motion that he couldn't help but follow.
"And..." You continued, voice sweet as honey, traveling between the bookshelves in the secluded library, "We'll never know if we don't try, right?"
The way you referred to you and him as 'we' got a foreign feeling blossoming inside Loki's chest, all warm and tingly. When you offered him your hand, so you could guide him downstairs to meet the others, he took it.
─── ·❆· ───
After a full week of taking care of the whole city, Saturday nights were a time for having fun and relaxing; aka movie nights with the team. Everyone sat together in the main living room of the compound, Tony had labeled it 'mandatory bonding day'. The room itself was pretty spacious, dimly lit, with two big comfortable couches and a TV that almost covered the whole wall, and a small kitchen right beside it for easy snacks and drinks.
"Right, I'm thinking... Terminator." Tony suggested as he came from the kitchen with an extra large bowl of popcorn in his arms.
"We saw that one already," Steve complained as he fumbled with the remote.
"There are multiple ones," Tony said, smugly, as he plopped himself on the couch and threw popcorn in his mouth.
Thor, who sat beside you, suddenly perked up with a giddy smile on his face; "oh I've always enjoyed that one who has the girl with the long, magic hair." The god gestured to his own hair.
Tony gaped at him, his fingers holding the popcorn were frozen midair. "Tangled?" He exclaimed then, eyebrows raised, "You wanna watch Tangled? in my house?"
You fought to hide a smile. "Technically it's our house," you quipped, after all, you were to blame for Thor's love for the Disney movie.
"Why don't we just watch both? The night is still young," Yelena finally suggested from her spot by the corner of the couch.
As they continued bickering, your eyes finally caught sight of the one you'd been waiting for.
Loki walked into the living room quietly, his socked feet barely making any noise on the expensive flooring. His gaze found yours before he saw anything else in the room, and a gentle, shy smile appeared on his lips.
You'd grown very close, very fast. Loki had started seeking your presence more and more each passing day; during the mornings he'd wait for you with an extra cup of coffee in hand, during the missions it was already routine that you two were a pair, and during the night you never parted ways without him planting a kiss on your forehead first.
Never in your life had you met someone quite like him, who carried such a bruised heart and still managed to be so loving. It made you wonder if anyone had ever bothered to see how beautiful his soul was, for you had fallen in love with it before you even touched his skin.
You gently patted the vacant seat on your left side, lifting the thin blanket covering your legs so Loki could sit down, and once he did you draped part of it over his legs as well.
"What's today's punishment?" Loki smirked, making himself comfortable beside you. His shoulder flush with yours.
"Stop it, movie nights are nice. I know you secretly enjoy them too," you chuckled, bumping his knee with yours. His proximity raised goosebumps all over your skin, and if you weren't so focused on your own feelings, you would've felt how much Loki's heart was racing as well.
"I only come to these because you do too," Loki mumbled, his eyes focused on the TV and a frown appearing on his eyebrows as the first scenes from Tangled played on the screen.
Your breath caught on your throat. He had said it so casually, so easily. You wondered if he had even realized the weight of his own words. "Right," you whispered, a little breathless.
It didn't take long for the only light in the room to be the one coming from the TV. When Tangled hit the 45-minute mark, Tony was already snoring and Thor had finished two bowls of popcorn. You, however, were wide awake and fully aware of Loki's arm resting on the back of the couch. What a cliche move, you thought to yourself, your cheeks burning hot and biting back a smile.
Loki's face as he watched the movie was nothing short of comical, one would think he was watching a period drama; his lips hovering ever so slightly before he'd scoff at a musical scene, his eyes softening as the romance between Rapunzel and Flynn blossomed, the way he mindlessly played with the ends of your hair. You watched him more than you watched the movie, and you didn't miss the way he froze and gulped when you finally rested your head on his shoulder.
─── ·❆· ───
The day had started out fine; a cold yet sunny morning, your fingers brushing Loki's when he handed you your cup of coffee, no eminent trouble in the city, everything was normal and fine; until it took a turn for the worse.
You didn't hear the fight, you didn't know exactly what caused it, but you felt it immediately. Anger, hurt, and pain were suddenly heavy in the air even through the closed door of your bedroom. As soon as a shiver ran up and down your spine you got up and all but ran outside to chase the somber feeling.
The elevator doors of your floor weren't even fully open yet when Loki busted his way through them, Thor hot on his heels.
"I knew it was a mistake coming here," Loki snapped, his steps fast as he put as much distance between himself and Thor as he could, nearly running straight into you in the process.
"You know what, brother," Thor began, he had stopped walking, standing in the middle of the living room, "Maybe it really was a mistake to bring you here, you don't care about anyone but yourself, it's almost as if you enjoy hurting people, you can't help it. It'll always be like this, that's why you're better off on your own." Thor wasn't shouting, but his words rang loudly in the room; his chest heaving when he stopped speaking.
You had held your breath the entire time, gripping the back of a kitchen stool until your knuckles turned white. Thor was angry, you could feel it even without being near him, but he didn't mean what he had said, not entirely. Thor's emotions were a passing wind on your skin though, for who you really felt, stood just a few feet behind you.
Loki had his back turned to his brother when he spoke, and he didn't turn around after. Even without looking at him, you could feel the way he trembled, unsteady hands closed into tight fists to mask his hurt; he gulped back a sob, and kept on walking to his bedroom without a word.
You could choke with the amount of pain radiating off of Loki; heavy, sickening, all-encompassing pain that you felt so vividly in your skin and bones. You only shot Thor an angry glance and muttered; "Damnit Thor," before turning around hastily. You thought you heard Thor calling after you, but you decided to ignore him, your priorities already set.
You ran after Loki, catching up just before his door slammed shut. Taking a deep breath, you walked into his bedroom and softly closed the door behind you with a click.
You'd never actually been in Loki's room before, so you took a single moment to glance around. The room itself was a little bare, with only the necessities such as a double bed, a dresser, a desk, a small bookshelf, and the door that led to his bathroom. You made a mental note to gift him something to liven up his space; maybe a plant.
Loki had his back turned to you still, both his hands resting on his waist as his head hung low. But you knew he knew it was you there with him, by the simple fact that he was allowing you to stay.
The silence was a heavy one, packed with the electricity of two souls tightly holding onto each other. Loki was trying so hard to keep all his pain in control, his shoulders shaking with each breath he took; but you could feel it as if it was your own.
"Loki," you said his name in nothing but breath, testing the waters. You took half a step toward him as you fidgeted with your hands.
He didn't answer. You weren't expecting him to.
You pursed your lips before saying; "he didn't mean it," your voice was choked and took effort to come out, the back of your eyes already burning, "what Thor said. He- he didn't mean it."
A few beats passed, and then; "doesn't matter if he did." Loki's words cracked in the middle, it was the most broken you'd ever heard him sound. "He's right."
"He's not," you told him in the same heartbeat, not a tint of hesitation in your tone.
Loki turned around, his gaze finally finding yours and there were tears pooling at the bottom lid of his bright eyes. "Yes, he is," he took a single big step toward you, nearly closing the distance between you and him. Loki's lips trembled as he struggled to keep talking; "and why is it that you care? What's in it for you?"
He was hurt, and he was frustrated, and he was angry; you knew that. Still, you couldn't help but be taken aback by his question. What could he even mean by that? Did he really believe that all this time that you'd been dancing around each other's feelings, it wasn't real?
"Loki, I-" you stuttered, not knowing how to say it without baring your heart in the process. Your hesitation got Loki avoiding his eyes from yours, and you forced yourself to go on. "There's nothing 'in it for me' I just... care about you."
Still waiting for the other shoe to drop, Loki softly shook his head, scoffing. His tears were a blink away from spilling, he felt as if barbed wire was wrapped around his throat, and his heart threatened to jump from his chest and straight into your hands.
It scared him. How easily you could make his walls crumble like paper in the rain. He flinched slightly when he felt the ghost of your touch on his cheek, blinking multiple times when your thumb brushed away a single tear rolling down his cheek. You touched him as if he were porcelain, and yet it still broke him.
"Is it that hard to believe that you're important to me?" You asked then, voice nothing but a whisper in the short space separating your bodies. With your hand still holding his cheek, you forced his eyes back on yours. "You have a good heart, Loki. I just wish you could see it the way I do. I wish everyone could see it."
The crooked smile he gave you nearly made your own tears fall. "You don't know what you're talking about, you don't know what I've done," he told you quietly, more than anything, he sounded utterly defeated.
"But I do know," your free hand found one of his then, and you tangled your fingers together loosely, "I might not have been with the Avengers when you attacked New York, but I was still in New York. And I still mean it, you could tell me every single bad thing you've ever done and I'd still tell you how good you are, because I see it. Every single day, Loki. I feel you every single day, and I can feel all this-" Your words caught in your throat and you tasted your tears on your lips. "-All this pain that you carry around and you still choose to be good."
Too many emotions swam behind his eyes for you to put a finger in any of them. But tears were running freely down Loki's cheeks now, pooling against your hand resting on his cheek.
"What did you-" he tried, gasping for air as if he was underwater. This was foreign territory. You had a place in his heart no one else could ever have, he realized, and his heart was beating faster than his mind knew what to do with. "You've been prying into my emotions without me knowing?" He sounded more desperate than annoyed.
"I didn't want to," You explained quickly, "I- I never meant to, but for some reason, I can't block you out." Shrugging weakly, you slowly dropped the hand resting on his cheek, missing the way he glanced down in search of your warmth. "I tried. I really tried."
There was a vulnerability in Loki's eyes you'd never seen before. He looked at you as if he'd just realized what love is. You wondered if you mimicked the same gaze—you sure felt it.
Loki shuffled in his stance. His hand, still holding onto yours, tightened its grip. "I'm-" He avoided your eyes, looking somewhere past your shoulder, "I'm sorry you had to feel all that."
You softened at his words, shaking your head and taking another step forward until your sneakers bumped his shoes. "Wasn't your fault," you whispered.
Loki gulped back a sob after you spoke, and that was the last straw for you to let go of his hand and pull his body to yours in an embrace.
He melted into you.
Loki's fingers dug into the fabric of your shirt and he buried his head against your shoulder—you soon felt it becoming damp, yet you only hugged him tighter. With the desperation he was holding you with, you wondered when was the last time someone had held him.
The soft sobs escaping him were muffled against you. And you couldn't help but stroke his back, the tips of your fingers burying into his very soul. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of this alone." You spoke near his ear, feeling the goosebumps that raised on his skin. "You never deserved it," you promised.
You weren't sure how much time passed, you stayed there for as long as Loki needed you to. When he eventually pulled away, he didn't go far, his hands kept holding your body close to him as if he was afraid you'd leave if he let go.
His bright eyes didn't hold a storm anymore, they were more like a calm sea. A soft frown etched itself into his eyebrows, "did you… take away my pain?"
You chuckled quietly, "No, I can't take away people's emotions." You lifted a hand until your fingertips could brush the skin on his forehead, "But I can make them lighter." You traced an invisible line over his eyebrow and until you reached his cheekbone, "Make the weight just a little bit easier to carry."
Loki leaned into your touch, almost closing his eyes. His hands that rested on your back traced your spine and pulled you closer. "Darling, you've been making it easier ever since the first day I met you."
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keeps me motivated to continue posting here, so I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment. <3
You do not have permission to repost, copy, or translate my works on any platforms (even with credit), please respect.
Loki’s taglist:@milkiane @v1ci0us @chronicallybubbly @chaoticqueen33 @7minutes-tomidnight @uncle-eggy @oliviaewl @dd122004dd @tani725 @lokihaha34 @levanneisdumb @innebulae @mochminnie @mayemperess @alyeskathewave @buginktsworld @cremebruleequeen @wyvernthekriger @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @avengersfan25 @justaproudslytherpuff @mischief2sarawr @yokolesbianism
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crestapex · 6 months
Everyone’s getting booped by kitty paws on tumblr right now so in honor of that here’s big boy Simon with the cat he didn’t want 🐾 I also didn’t give a description for the cat aside from being a kitten in case you wanted to imagine this kitten as your own LOL
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Oh, that cat. That damned cat. That’s what Simon thinks, anyways. At first.
He was never too much of a pet person. He loves animals, for sure, but given his choice of career and the way he grew up, pets were just never really in the question. So, when you came home one day with a tiny, soaking wet kitten in your arms, he wasn’t exactly too pleased about it. Not because you were being kind and treating the small critter—that you found huddled up on the side of the road—to some proper care and a warm meal. It wasn’t even because it was a cat, he liked cats a lot, actually. He just never planned on owning one.
And that was exactly why it all had to deal with the fact that he knew the tiny little thing wasn’t going anywhere. A permanent resident of the Riley household. He’d have to pry it from your cold, dead hands. It was no longer just you and him—it was now you, him, and this kitten you now referred to as your child. Not even your child, our child.
So, here he was, staring down at his laptop in complete disbelief. He only left it there for a minute, just to grab a quick snack and return right back. Are you serious right now? He internally questioned, his eyes scanning the trail that lead to the ‘child’ clawing at the armrest on the opposite end of the couch.
Big, wet paw prints decorated the new laptop he had just bought. A trail of them leading from the wet-food bowl in the kitchen, across the wooden floor, and over the couch cushions. He looked over at the culprit, rubbing its furry body all over the armrest, dragging its tiny claws in and out of the fabric. The kitten seemed to have paid no mind to Simon, who found himself sighing and groaning in frustration, crossing his arms and bringing his fingers up to rub the croaked bridge of his nose. He grumbled something to himself, something unintelligible, maybe a few curses here and there.
“Sweetheart!” He called out to you, his voice gruff, laced with clear annoyance.
You quickly came into view, rounding the entrance of the crammed hallway in your cozy little flat. You looked up and over at him, having yet to notice the mighty mess that the small kitten had made. “What’s up?” You asked, brows raised as you began to leisurely walk over to your beloved.
Simon, on the hand, didn’t respond for a half-second, instead staring at you with his permanent R.B.F. that had only slightly softened up since you came into his life. “The cat,” he plainly said, gesturing to the kitten that resided on the couch.
“What about ‘the cat’?” You said, crossing your arms and furrowing your brows. Well, he was still getting used to the new addition to your guys’ little family, that much was obvious.
“Love, am I the only one seein’ this?” He quickly responded, his deep British accent thickening. He now gestured a hand to the paw-print stained couch, and his laptop.
Your eyes followed suit, your arms quickly dropping to your sides and your eyes widening at the sight of a path of little bean-prints decorating the sofa, which you had just cleaned hours ago. You followed the path, and Simon watched as you took in the trail of destruction your new furry friend had caused. How are you just now noticing this? Perhaps you were blinded by the pure love and affection for your kitten that, in your eyes, no evil wrong-doings could be done, not by your precious angel baby.
“Oh… shit,” you turned back to look at Simon, his own gaze set firmly on your kitten. “I, uh, I’ll clean this up,” you nodded, giving him an awkward smile. “Watch our baby, please,” you pleaded, turning on your heel and practically speed-walking into the kitchen.
He watched as you gathered all the kitchen towels you could find, as you pulled open the cabinets under the sink and grabbed a bottle of blue liquid. Sigh. He turned away, watching the kitten intently. He couldn’t be mad at you, it wasn’t your fault, technically. No, it was the god of destruction over here’s fault, the progenitor of chaos. The…
Simon silently walked over to the opposite end of the couch, staring down at the small beast. Its tail swaying wildly, quickly catching its attention, and Simon watched a sort of glint in his eyes. Watching as the kitten jumped around, stretching its paws out as far as it could to try and catch and eliminate the weird, furry snake that seemed to follow it around everywhere. The fur around its little pink beans still stained with the remnants of mushy cat food, though no longer wet and painting everything in sight, at least.
How could such a small critter do so much? Have so much… spunk? The brute of a man hadn’t even noticed the way his brows relaxed at the sight of the little fiend.
He bent down, scooping up the kitten in the palm of his hands, then placing it in the crook of his arm. He was just making sure it didn’t go anywhere, that it couldn’t do anymore damage than had already been done, he reasoned with himself… So small and fragile, he could swear that a single pinch from him would break its bones. That if he were a cat tower this little kitten would never get bored, there would always be a new part to explore.
He watched intently, watched as the kitten laid on its back, quickly finding the drawstrings of his jacket. Watched as it extended its little arms and swung its paws wildly, whacking the dangling drawstrings as it fell entranced by such a simple object. Occasionally, the kitten would miss, tiny claws and beans accidentally digging into the fabric of his jacket, an almost unnoticeable smack at his chest.
He hummed, contently, surprisingly. It was stupidly adorable, but he would never admit that, not after the events that had just taken place. Yet, he couldn’t even stop himself from wrapping a hand around the kitten, bringing the creature up to his eye level, because all it took was one hand, two hands would be too much. He was about ready to scold it, to finally let loose his inner cat-dad.
God, he hoped that you weren’t secretly watching. That you were too busy picking up the big mess that such a tiny kitten had made. Besides, you would never again let him live peacefully without teasing him if you saw the way a stained paw reached out and placed itself gently on his nose. A just barely audible chirp and subtle purring emanating from the creature.
That damned cat, he scowled. It was too good at this, even better than you at working its way into his frozen heart. A heart that was beginning to melt.
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kelppsstuff · 7 months
HI MOOTIEE anyways I got smth for ya
Of course it's Adam cause YEA.
what if Adam and his goth girlfriend who is an angel of course can be fluff can be smut anything you want
Thanks mootie have a wonderful dayyy
HIIII MY BELOVED!!!! Ahhhh I hope you like thissss I enjoyed working on it! Have a fantastic day for everyone reading! Also I low-key think I’m turning into a slut with all the smut I’ve been writing recently 😭
“Looking Pretty!”
Adam x Goth gf reader
Warnings: blow job
Taglist: @adamsfavoritesinner @sashaphantomhive @leathesimp @ladyninggs @michelleszn @sirenetgeblogger
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Adam had first met you when he was on stage performing at a concert. You saw you next to Lute singing all the lyrics on the top of your lungs. He threw two guitar picks y’all’s way, one for each of you and moved on to the other side of the stage.
After the concert had ending Lute introduced you two. You were her sister, and he was her boss.
“Sir?” Lute called out to her boss. She was behind stage and wanted to introduce her best friend to her sister. “Yeah danger tits?” Adam asked looking over his shoulder for a spilt second. He was signing autographs for girl and guys, and even little kids.
“I’d like you too meet someone if you’d have the time.” Adam brain flashed to you and Lute together in the audience. Shirley his lieutenant. wanted to introduce him to you. “Sure thing. I’ll be back ladies.”
He and lute walked over to where you were, talking to the drummer. Adam felt his eye twitch. Said drummer always pissed him off — copied Adam 24/7.
“Y/N. This is Adam.” Lute said, taking your attention away from the drummer. You looked to the first man and felt a whole bundle of nerves and excitement gather in your stomach.
“Hi! I’m Y/N!” You stuck your hand out and Adam took it. “Never expected to see a big toy goth girl in heaven.” Leave Adam to be… Adam.
Lute was screaming in her head at Adam. That was her SISTER. And what if you said something slick back?! That’s her BOSS!
“Guess I’m special.”
“Sure babe, but you ain’t better than me.”
The thing that made Adam really start to notice you was your outfits. He loved all the necklaces you would wear, loved the make up you did most days. He also loves your fishnets.
He couldn’t count how many times he gotten hard when you would walk around in them. It gotten that porn wouldn’t even help him anymore, but the thoughts of you did.
Adam had invited you to every one of his concerts, and even if Lute didn’t show, you still did. You were his biggest fan, his biggest supporter.
Adam had to be on stage in thirty minutes and every thing had started to go wrong. First his guitar wasn’t in tune. Next his singer called out last minute, something about forgetting an date. So he would have to sing, and his throat had been hurting all day. Then he couldn’t find his mask. And finally while he was trying to calm himself down, there was knock at his dressing room door. He couldn’t get a fucking minute alone.
“Fuck off!” He shouted, trying to tune his guitar. But the person didn’t fuck off. You opened the door and poked your head through the door. “Need help?” Your eyes widened. You hadn’t ever seen him with out his mask.
He was handsome safe to say. Rich brown hair, golden shimmering eyes, and a stubble that suited him. He wore black ripped jeans and a white tank top, typical rockstar outfit.
Adam glared at you but the ultimately decided you could be useful. “Come here.” His voice had a certain chill, it sent shocks of excitement down your spine. You walked over to him, and stood waiting for what he needed.
Adam looked you up and down and silently cursed. You wore a short ass skirt, with a crop maroon tank top — that did a poor job in hood your tits from spilling in Adams opinion. The platforms you wore, made you a bit taller but Adam still towered over you. And you wore those fucking fish nets.
Adam sat you down on the couch and put his guitar in your hands. He got behind you and put his hands over your own. You noticed he wasn’t wearing his gloves, you had also noticed how vain-y his hands really were along with his fore arms. “Do you know how to tune a guitar?” His breath fanned over your ear and blowing you hair the faintest bit.
“No,” you went to turn your head around to him but he grabbed your chin with his hand and pushed your head to look back at the guitar. “You see these nobs? The make the strings tighter and loser.” Adam reached into his back pocket, pulling out his phone.
Once he had his tuning app pulled he placed said phone your thigh. He didn’t move his hand away from it, at least not before gripping your fishnets, wishing to tear them.
“Adjust the nobs accordingly and the app will tell you if it’s in tune or not, and if it needs to be looser or tighter. Understand?” You nodded your head, and he reluctantly pulled away from you.
He started to look around for his mask. He couldn’t preform without it. He was surprised that he was comfortable with you seeing his face. Despite that, he knew he wouldn’t be comfortable performing without it.
You started to tune his guitar, slightly confused at first, but slowly got the hang of it.
Adam had trouble finding his mask. He would look at you and think thoughts that would, we’ll send him to hell probably. When he would look away — after telling himself to stop being creepy — it wouldn’t be long till his eyes were back on you. So yeah, he couldn’t find his mask.
You looked up over to him and saw him staring directly at you. Placing the guitar on the couch you got up and walked over to him. Normally you would be wearing necklaces that would move with your steps but he took notice in your bare neck.
“It’s tuned.” He hummed and acted on his intrusive thoughts. He pulled you closer to him by your neck. “You know what would compliment this outfit? A collar.” His hand wrapped around your neck, and squeezed the tiniest bit, his veins bulging.
Your breath got caught in your throat as you tired to find your next words. “What kind?” Adam took another step, you chest now pushing against each other. “One with my name on it.”
Cocky bastard.
"20 MINUTES TILL SHOW TIME!” Someone called out from the hallways. Adam clenched his jaw in annoyance. “Ya wanna suck me off before I go on?” He said in a joking tone, but holy fuck that would take away about 85% of his problems. He was pent up. He wasn’t expecting you to do anything. You’d always brush away his sexual comments, which unsurprisingly was more often than not.
You raised a brow and started to unbutton his pants. “You have twenty minutes.” His hand on your throat tightened and you started to get on your knees.
You brought the zipper and started to pulled down with your teeth. Most girls he fucked tried to act innocent. Always looking at the package he had to offer as if it was the first dick they seen. But you — you looked up at him through your lashes, eyes begging. Like a fucking slut. You pulled his pants down a little — along with his boxers and started to pump him. Getting him hard but you did need to do it for long — seeing as he was already leaning precum.
Fuck if he had twenty minutes he was gonna make it worth it.
“I’ve gotten a hand job before babe, I prefer a blowjob.” He really couldn’t shut his mouth.
You brought your lips to his shaft and started to kiss him gentle, and so soft he shuttered. You continued to move you hand as you slowly took him in your mouth.
Your mouth was warm and you started to suck him off. You couldn’t fit him all the way in your mouth — fulling his ego more — so you made up with the inches you couldn’t fit with your hand.
Your hand twisted around him and you sucked harder, making him throw his head back in a groan. His Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed the moan wanting to escape.
It was like a switch in Adam. He started to thrust into your mouth, desperately trying to release his frustration. Spit started to fall past your bottom lips — fuck, I need to be neat, you thought, insanely hot, Adam thought. You rest reached up and started to play with your nipples with your now free hands.
You could feel your gag reflex kicking, tightening your throat up. That had done it for Adam. “Fuck!” He poured himself into your mouth. Some dripped onto you lips and chin.
You looked up at licking you lips and wiping your chin with your pointer finger, before sucking that as well.
You throat had started to become sore. “THREE MINUTES! ANYONE SEEN ADAM?!” You looked to the door, but something caught your eye. Adams mask was under a desk. You crawled to it, seeing as it wasn’t far.
“If you don’t get up right now, I’m fucking you.”
You rolled your eyes and got up, handing Adam his mask.
Adam was wrong, it didn’t fix 85% of his problems. It fixed 100% of his issues. “TWO MINUTES!” That send Adam into over drive, but before he could put his mask on you grabbed his chin and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Your lipstick was ruined, but a kiss mark still showed on him face. “See you out there.” You grabbed tissues and walked out. Adam not far behind you.
Once the concert was over, Like normal you went to find Adam backstage. You stood behind him as he signed autographs. Your feet started to hurt from wearing play forms all day. Adam seemed to take notice.
“Take your shoes off.”
“And walk bare foot on this ground?” You raised you brow to him as if he was insane. Adam rolled his eyes and bent down on one knee in front of you.
He started to take your shoes off, you did little protest, happy to get them off. He then took off his own shoes and put your feet in them. Tying them tightly so they wouldn’t fall off.
Fans started to look in shock, people started to take photos while other glared in envy.
You kind of half expected Adam to wear your shoes — you didn’t know why — but he didn’t. He carried them for you and when you two left the building he slung an arm around you. “So this means we’re dating.” Even though it didn’t sound like a question, it was.
“If you can get Lutes blessing, sure.”
Fuck. Adam hadn’t tried to ever convince someone of something so much before. He spent a total of 5 months proving himself to Lute. Proving himself to you. He could see why Lute wouldn’t trust him. He was a huge playboy but in those five months he gave that up. Only wanting one.
So when Lute gave him his blessing to date you, another five months later he was asking for your hand in marriage. To which you both called him deranged.
Ahhhh I hope that was good? I feel like the ending was rushed so I may edit this sometime in the future
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julihlaufey · 2 months
Mrs. "Let Me Sleep"
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She was exhausted. He was exhausted. But she also knew that a little conversation with Pool, would always result in a night of pizza and movies.
English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes.
In an active building, some lights were still on. But one in the morning was just too much for the girl in apartment 45. Her lights were already off, and the window was closed. Bedtime was the best part of the day for a hero. There was nothing better than letting the mind rest after an unexpected mission.
The cozy pillow kept the unwanted cold at bay. The bed was just the right amount of soft. The fabric felt comfortable against her skin.
(S/N) had nothing to complain about that night. It was a normal day, just like any other. Coming home after college and casually saving the world as if it were a regular routine. Her eyes were closing, finally drifting off after a long day of work. The day was finally over, and she was finally enjoying some peace and quiet.
— Man, today was tough. - The voice behind her said, almost at a normal volume. No whispering or lowering his voice to avoid waking her. Just speaking in his usual tone.
The bed shifted, causing her to open her eyes. Wade was sitting on the bed, taking off the shoes of his suit.Glancing back, he noticed her open eye.
— Oh, sunshine. Did I wake you? I thought you were already asleep.
— I was almost there, Wade. - (S/N) replied in a humorless tone, giving him a less-than-friendly look.
Deadpool chuckled, snuggling closer as she turned her back to him again. — Sorry, love. You know I can be pretty loud sometimes. - He said in a playful tone. She was almost certain there was a smile behind her.
— Wade. It’s one in the morning. My day was packed. Can we please sleep?
—So was mine. But I really wanted to end it with my girlfriend... - Wade said, nuzzling her neck as his hand roamed over her waist, pulling her closer.
— If you see her, could you let her know?
— Go take a shower, Wilson. You're lying on my sheets in a suit covered in blood. - She complained, though her body stayed in place.
— I swear there's no blood this time. I mean, not mine, anyway. But that jerk deserved it. Can you believe he shot me with my gun?! The golden one?!
— Mm-hmm... - She murmured, starting to close her eyes again. The dirty suit in her bed, compared to how sleepy she was, wasn’t a big deal anymore.
— And he used up all my bullets because I left my bag in the taxi for the tenth time. The guy used my bullets on me! - Deadpool rambled on, like he was being interviewed on Jimmy Fallon, not lying in bed with his partner who was on the verge of passing out.
Not that (S/N) didn’t enjoy it. On the contrary, Wade's stories were often the highlight of her day. Too good to waste sometimes. But it was already late.
— ... And I still shot him in the head!... And that’s when Captain America showed up and said I couldn’t join the Avengers unless I brought a goat with me, because apparently, Thanos’s weakness is warm goat milk?
No response.
— Oh, damn. I’ll go take a shower already. - He said, starting to get up, which made his beloved pull his arm closer. He was covered in blood and needed to clean up. But losing the warmth of his body while (S/N) tried to fall asleep was the worst-case scenario on a cold day.
— No... Keep going... - She murmured, her voice barely audible.
— Keep going? - Wade laughed under his mask. — Sweetheart, I’m being ignored like a bald guy watching a shampoo commercial.
This made her laugh, finally starting to wake up. — Sorry, love. It’s been a long day, and I didn’t think you’d be back tonight.
— You know that when I’m not coming back, I call, cupcake. - He responded more affectionately, cuddling up with (S/N) again.
— You left your phone at home.
— ... No, I didn’t. I’m sure I took it with me. - He tried to recall, a bit confused.
— Love, you took the Hello Kitty work phone.
— ...Damn.
— I didn’t want to call. You might get shot in the head because of me or lose an arm.
— Then we’d have a lovely baby hand ready to be reborn.
She laughed, giving him a light slap on the arm. — But I promise next time I’ll leave it in the taxi. Did you eat anything?
— I ordered tacos.
— You ordered tacos without me?! - Wade said indignantly, immediately sitting up, forcing her to turn around.
— How could you?! What about our taco and dumb movie Saturdays?!
(S/N) laughed, looking at him. — I’m kidding, Pool. I ordered a pizza. It's on the table. There are still five slices left.
He took a deep breath, calming down. — Damn, (S/N). That was worse than thinking the mother of my seven kids was cheating on me with some Italian mobster who’s a thousand times hotter and richer.
— You know that would never happen. - She confirmed, as if it were necessary, rubbing her foot against her boyfriend’s suit. — I would never have seven kids.
Come on, you didn’t deny the mobster part. Holy crap, his name’s Giuseppe, isn’t it? - He asked, like a husband who just discovered an affair.
— Who the hell is Giuseppe?! - (S/N) laughed, now fully awake.
— The mobster you made up in your head?! - Pool looked at her, laughing in exhaustion. The conversation was good, light, and relaxing. But the day had been exhausting.
— Should I go take that shower or not?
— Go on. You’re still staining the bed. - She answered in the same mix of laughter and weariness. — Then maybe we can watch something.
—Watch something? - He asked, heading to the bathroom. — Where’s the ‘Let Me Sleep’ lady who was just talking to me? Weren’t you about to pass out?
— I was. - She said, looking at Wade seriously. He quickly understood. Of course, he’d wiped out all the sleep from her body after talking like a radio host. — But you took it all away.
— You know I could do that in other ways, right? - Wilson said in the most suggestive tone he could find, leaning down towards her with his fists on the bed.
— Go take that shower, Wilson! - She laughed, hitting his shoulder with a pillow as he laughed, heading to the bathroom. — I know you love this side of me, cupcake!
(S/N) smiled shyly, relaxing her body on the bed. — In your dreams, Wade Wilson!
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belovedwhore · 2 years
pretty boy pt 4
ethan landry x reader
warnings: smut, little bit of plot, slight nipple play, oral (f!receiving), overstimulation
notes: sorry i’ve been gone for a while but i’m back and i come bearing gifts. i hope you enjoy this cuz i grinded this shit outttt. anyways enough chit chat please enjoy and indulge you ethan obsession below
also he was at econ
pt 1 , pt 2 , pt 3 , pt 4 , pt 5 , pt 6
it’d been almost a week since the party and the morning after where you and ethan had hooked up. you guys haven’t done anything since, not really having time between your opposing classes or any opportunities to sneak away from your friend group when you all hung out. but you’d see him tonight at yet another frat party chad was dragging your friend group to.
“chad what are you a frat boy now,” you asked while your friend group walked campus, making your way back to your apartments to get ready for the party.
it was already 7:30pm and you guys wanted to meet up again around 9pm to walk to the party together.
“fits the role, i mean look at him he’s a curly headed himbo,” tara teased.
“hey i’m not a frat boy,” chad argued, “but… if i were that wouldn’t be a bad thing ya know not all of them are douchey assholes.”
“yea, only ones named chad,” mindy chimed.
“oh fuck off,” he scoffed as the rest of us laughed.
after like twenty more minutes you arrived at tara’s apartment building. you held the door as mindy, tara, and anika headed inside. chad was going to head to his dorm to get ready and come back later.
“see you later,” he spoke as he started to leave.
“oh wait,” you stopped him, “is ethan coming tonight?”
he smirked at your question, making kissy faces teasingly as you inquired about your “friend”.
“oh fuck off is he or not?”
“yea he’ll be there but later than us, he has a late econ class tonight so he’s coming on his own,” chad finally answered.
“ok, good,” you replied nodding to yourself.
“well i’ll be back,” he said heading for the door, “see you soon sex demon.”
this goddamn nickname, fucking tara.
as promised chad returned about an hour later and you guys all left for the party. it wasn’t too far a walk, just fifteen from tara’s apartment. the theme for the party was neon so you opted for a white crop top with a neon pink skirt. the other girls pretty much went for the same thing just a different variety of colors. and of course our beloved himbo went for the sleeveless route with a pair of neon blue shorts. the five of you arrived at the house and were let into the party. it was a house party, nothing too crazy but there were a lot more people than usual, the lighting dim in the living room with blue leds around. anika and mindy left to go find a spot on a couch somewhere, they enjoyed people watching at these things. you, tara, and chad spotted a table of jell-o shots, each taking down three. you guys talked as the alcohol started to affect you, dancing and singing to the music. after a while you guys headed to kitchen to get some more to drink. the lighting was better in the kitchen as the three of you took three shots of vodka together. as you slightly zoned out you felt the shots start to warm your skin as you had just downed your sixth of the night, giggling with tara fumbling for a drink to carry around. snapping you out of your daze was a yell that came from chad.
“ethan,” he screamed across the island over the loud music, “you made it.”
ethan made his way to over to the them on the other side of the island, slightly stumbling.
he drunkenly laughed, “hey guysss, look it’s my friends!”
he wrapped his arms around the three of you, well as best as he could. you weren’t exactly sure how he was already drunk and better yet a little drunker than you.
“ethan buddy,” chad laughed, “when’d you get here and how are you so fucked up?”
“i’m not ‘fucked up’ chad,” he playfully punched him, “just slightly buzzed, and some guys from my class said they were coming here too and invited me to pregame.”
“pregaming wow,” tara gasped patting him on the shoulder, “who are you.”
you laughed at her exaggeration, tara was quite outspoken well more than usual and touchy when she drank, very similar to you.
she chirped, “chad come with me we’re gonna go kick ass at pong,” grabbing his hand leading him into the crowd.
“you mean i’m gonna kick ass at pong while you stand there looking hot,” he scoffed, allowing himself to be dragged away leaving you and ethan alone in the busy kitchen.
his hand began to dance along your waist tracing the exposed skin, sending chills up your body.
“i haven’t seen you in a while,” he told you, moving closer so you could hear him clearly.
“i know,” you swiftly answered.
“i’ve missed you, you know, in more ways than one,” he trailed off, his hand reaching up your back.
“oh really,” you inquired, “you’re cute like this.”
“like what.”
“drunk and talkative and touching me.”
“oh i-i could do more of that, hmm” he whispered moving closer to your face.
“mhmm i’d really like that-,” you rushed out kissing him quickly.
you both melted into the kiss, having not seen each other for days, longing for each others touch. ethan took control for the first time in this kiss. you felt him bite your bottom lip slightly, pulling it and using this as an opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. his tongue explored the depths of your mouth, eager to know you better. you moaned into the kiss, pulling him closer to you by his waist when suddenly you felt him pull away. you were both breathing heavily, his lips were red and plump from your kiss and you only wanted to do it again.
“upstairs,” he spoke, taking your hand and leading you to any empty room.
took about four tries but finally you found an unlocked and unoccupied room, rushing inside. as you entered the room ethan quickly resumed your kiss walking you back until the back of your legs hit the bed and you both fell atop of it. he hovered above you kissing you strongly and massaging your thigh. he brought your leg to his waist, grinding onto your center as he moved his lips to your neck. he kissed your earlobe, sucking marks into your skin that were sure to be seen tomorrow. you whimpered as he nipped at your neck, licking stripes after irritating the area.
“e-ethan,” you moaned, gripping his hair tightly.
moving your hand down his body you reached his clothed cock, hidden under his joggers. you began to palm him through the material, massaging his hardening member as he trembled above you. then you felt him grab your wandering hand and move it above your head, now straddling your hips.
breathing heavily he removed his own hand, moving his lips down your chest, pressing quick, wet kisses to your collarbone and down the valley of your chest. he rubbed your tits through your shirt and bra, peeling back the layers to reveal your plump tits and hardened nipples to the air. he immediately attached his lips to one nipple while playing with the other, rolling it between his fingers, pinching it. you squirmed under his body, yearning for any type of friction to help relieve pressure on the knot forming inside of you as he tended to you nipples. he switched to the other, swirling his tongue around the bud sucking on it. you jolted under him as he pinched and pulled at your chest, the fleeting pain soothed by the lick of his tongue.
“you are so fucking hot,” ethan groaned into your abdomen, kissing farther and farther down.
he reached your skirt, looking up to you for permission to take it off which you granted by helping him take them off. he now knelt on the ground in front of you on the bed, legs spread in front of him bearing your clothed cunt. he placed your legs over his shoulders, resting his head between your thighs, breathing directly on your cunt.
“ethan p-please,” you whined, moving your hips, pushing your mound closer to him begging him to do something, anything.
he pressed his thumb on your slit, running it through your clothed folds. you could feel his breath on your cunt, laughing to himself as he teased you. he found your clit, massaging it under his finger feeling it enlarge. taking a deep breath you quickly lightly kicked ethan onto the floor before removing your panties yourself since he clearly had no plan to anytime soon.
“stop fucking around,” you cursed breathlessly now sitting up on the bed with your legs spread.
you took off your shirt and bra, tossing them somewhere onto the floor. ethan still lay on the floor looking up at your now fully naked body. he was basically salivating at the lips, moving closer to you as you started moving your hands towards your bundle of nerves. you reached your cunt, dipping your fingers in one swipe making you moan loudly at the sensitivity of your nerves. ethan approached again, kneeling between your legs heading straight for your cunt. he licked between your folds as you lay back on your arms watching him.
“oh my god,” you moaned.
“y-you’re so wet,” he whispered between your legs, delving back into your pussy.
he placed his entire mouth on your heat, flicking his tongue between your folds, collecting your fluids. he sucked on your clit strongly, gripping your hips, keeping you close to his face. you dropped on the bed unable to hold yourself up any longer. whining under his touch, you grinded your pussy on his face eager for more.
“ethan fuck i-i,” you stuttered as he attacked your clit, “so good.”
he groaned at your praise, sending vibrations through your body as his mouth was attached to your heat. you could feel the bundle of nerves become tighter in tighter in your core, close to unraveling.
“m’ so close pretty boy,” you moaned out with a string of profanities.
suddenly you felt his tongue enter inside of you, licking the inside of your walls and you nearly came right there. you gasped, the feeling shocking you as you moaned with pleasure.
“don’t- don’t stop,” you pleaded although it was clear ethan had no intention of doing that.
he gripped your hips tighter, pushing his tongue deeper into your cunt, fucking you with it. you squirmed in his hold, struggling to keep yourself composed as you rapidly approached your high. your legs trembled on his shoulders as you started to lose strength in your limbs. fucking you harder and faster with his tongue you lost all composure and came hard. you released all over his tongue and mouth as he rode you through your high, still attached to your sensitive heat. your legs trembled, falling limp as your body shook with your orgasm, ripping through every part of you.
“ethan,” you groaned weakly, “fucking hell.”
you pulled him off of your cunt by slightly tugging on his hair, the overstimulation getting to be too much. he crawled up to your position on the bed, kissing your forehead and all around your face with your juices lathered across his face.
“good?” he asked as if you weren’t violently cumming in that very mouth sixty seconds ago.
“really fucking good,” you answered quietly.
“can you do it again?” he whispered, reaching his fingers down to toy with your pussy.
“you-” you gasped as he ran his fingers through your overly sensitive folds, “m’not gonna be able to walk.”
“i’m strong, i’ll carry you.”
“you’re not gonna fucking ca-,” you spoke interrupt by two of his fingers stretching your cunt.
“cmon for me,” he whispered, “for your pretty boy.”
you couldn’t deny the pleasure, as you nodded for him to continue fucking you with his fingers. he started slow, curling them inside you while observing your face contort at the stimulation. he kissed you softly as he began to fuck into you faster, curling deeper and harder into your already sensitive cunt. you moaned into the kiss, now opened mouthed looking at his fingers move in and out of you. as your head rolled back from the familiar building pressure in your cunt ethan placed kisses along your neck, sucking marks into the skin and whispering sweet nothings into your ear,
“gonna cum in my pants,” he breathed into your ear, “y-you’re too much.”
his words spurred you on as you rolled your hips against his fingers chasing your second release of the night. for the final time ethan increased his pace, now ramming his finger deeply into your cunt. the sound was obscene as his fingers rapidly entered your cunt still filled with your previous release along with your new arousal. you whimpered under his touch,
“oh my, fuck fuck,” you yelled, approaching your high.
ethan kissed you as your second orgasm ripped through you. you pushed his hand out of you, unable to take the overstimulation again. he rubbed your legs as they twitched while you came. your breath was heavy, unable to take the orgasms you’d reached in the span of five minutes. you turned your head towards him, kissing him weakly with all the strength you had.
“only you, pretty boy,” you spoke breathlessly, “only fucking you.”
he helped you sit up as you needed to get dressed.
“i was nervous,” he told you as he fetched your clothes from all over the room, “never done that before.”
“be nervous more then cause you nearly fucking killed me.”
he looked worried before you clarified, “in a good way.”
“ohhh, kay good,” he smiled kissing all over your face before helping you dressed.
you put on your bra and top okay. but you let ethan put on your skirt and panties because of the current state of your legs. he kneeled on one knee, letting you hold his shoulders as you stepped into your panties and he pulled them up your legs, same with the skirt.
“ok, let’s go everyone is probably looking for us,” you said as you stepped forward but faltered.
he caught you by your hips, laughing at your inability to really walk on your own.
you lightly punched him in the shoulder, “this isn’t funny, you did this to me. what are we supposed to tell everyone?”
“i don’t know,” he shrugged still smiling.
“oh fuck you,” you scoffed turning around, “now help me out of here.”
ethan hurried to your side, opening the door and guiding the two of you out of the room.
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summer-nights19 · 1 year
Hii! Can you make a Murasakibara x reader . Murasakibara calls his s/o by a cute nickname after his basketball practice is over and his s/o came to see if his practice is over so they both can go home together after school + the reaction of GOM when they get to know murasakibara is dating someone.? Bye, have a great day /night!
Hi anon ! Thank you so much, and this is really cute, thanks for the mental picture <33
Reading you guys' KnB imagines always makes my day, so please continue to send em in !
When his friends find out you're dating
Murasakibara x gn reader
(AU in which the GOM remain teammates after middle school)
@neoo you might like this one
You took your phone out of your bag to check the time as you walked towards the school gym. If you remembered correctly, Atsushi's basketball practice should have ended around five minutes ago. It was the last practice session of a very busy season, so he'd promised to take you out as soon as it was finished. When you asked where, he said it was a surprise and that he'd take you there after practice. The more you thought about spending the evening with your beloved boyfriend after a few weeks of barely seeing him outside of school, the giddier you felt. When you finally reached the gym and pushed the door open, you saw Atsushi talking with the other members of the generation of miracles as they walked out of the changing room. Even though most members of the generation of miracles were pretty tall, Murasakibara still managed to tower over them. He'd changed out of his basketball kit and into a loose fitting black shirt with short sleeves and grey sweatpants. His hair was also up- he knew that was a weakness of yours. You didn't mind that he dressed more casually- in fact, as you checked out his long, toned arms, you realised how much you liked it. As soon as Murasakibara saw you standing and starin at the door, he smiled slightly and walked over to you.
"Hey baby, you ready to leave after this ?" You opened your mouth to answer but Kuroko beat you to it.
"What ? Murasakibara and Y/N ? Why didn't anybody tell me ?" You tried not to laugh at the look of utter shock on his face as his eyes darted between you and Atsushi. Aomine cut in, frowning
"Yeah ! And why does he get to date someone that hot ? Y/N, if you ever grow bored of this dry ass man then you know where to find-" This time, it was Atsushi who cut Aomine off by shoving him in the opposite direction to you.
"Over my dead body," he said, glaring at Aomine. The latter simply smirked and raised his eyebrows
"Control yourself, Aomine. Anyway, you're all just idiots. This has been rather obvious for a few weeks now. Whenever Murasakibara has free time, he spends it with Y/N, and he always takes every opportunity to text them during practice. Akashi has noticed it too. While I normally wouldn't condone dating within a friendship group, their signs are perfectly matched," Midorima explained, a triumphant look on his face, while Akashi stood there silently. You hadn't expected much of a reaction from him, because you realised on some level he'd always known, and had given you and Atsushi small windows of time in which you could meet and talk all throughout the last basketball season. When you'd thanked him for all his help, he'd just nodded and smiled slightly.
You listened and tried to hold in your laughter as Aomine and Midorima began to squabble over his remark. These guys were idiots, but they were your idiots. They'd been your best friends since middle school and you were glad that you finally had the opportunity to share this with them. Kise finally broke the spat, smiling in your direction as he spoke.
"Yeah, you guys really weren't as discreet as you thought. I mean, Murasakibaracchi literally has a picture of you in his basketball jersey as his phone lockscreen. Anyway, though I agree with Aominecchi that this is slightly unfair, I wish you two all the best. You look really cute together, as well as being well matched,"
"Yeah," Kuroko agreed, smiling at you as you blushed.
"Aww guys... thank you so much ! We would have told you earlier, but we were afraid it would change things between the group,"
"Nah. No matter what happens, we'll stick together. We've made it this far, right ?" Aomine replied, and the others nodded in agreement. Atsushi put an arm around your waist and looked at the guys.
"Now that you know, I'd appreciate it if you stopped wasting our time. I'm taking Y/N on a date tonight. Also, keep your hands to yourselves. Y/N is mine," he said, glaring at Aomine and Kise. You smiled up at him, your heart beating faster as he revealed this new possessive side to his nature. He squeezed you a little before hoisting you over his shoulder as if you weighed nothing.
"Wha- Atsushi ! What do you think you're doing ?" you asked, squirming in his grasp playfully.
"We'll get there faster like this,". He tightened his grip around you and you let yourself relax, breathing in his warm scent as he carried you out of the gym.
"Bye guys !" you said, smiling as Atsushi carried you out. The others smiled back at you, waving as they watched you and Atsushi leave the gym.
As soon as you'd left, Kuroko opened his mouth again
"So that's why Murasakibara was asking about where the rose garden was,"
Kise facepalmed and laughed a little
"Yes, it was. He wanted to surpris them with a truly romantic spot. God, you really are dense at times, Kurokocchi,"
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Happy holidays! I hope you had a wonderful time during this time of year ♥️ if you are not busy, could you to either a 2003 or bayverse tmnt x reader (crush stage, not together / hasn’t confessed yet) with a reader who really put in all their cards into giving the best gift ever? Maybe something they always wanted, something they didn’t even knew it would be possible due to living in the sewers (e.g: giving a huge bonsai to Leo with a hand painted vase of him and his brothers training, or donnie a huge solar system that follows the current planet positions and the planets light up during night time, as a cute and fascinating lamp for his lab/room) anyways, a reader who’s love language is gift giving, and that’s they way of showing how much they appreciate them ? Please and thank you ♥️
Christmas Crush Stories: Gifts for Him
Bayverse!Turtles x reader
A/N: I have decided to go with the Bayverse boys, as I feel like I’ve been doing a lot of 03 for these past few days. I’ve also changed up the gift ideas, as I had some other ones I thought would be neat💖
Warnings: Spelling, Christmas crush stuff, turtle boys getting presents and being happy💚🎄🐢
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What do you get a guy that doesn’t have any wishes for Christmas? A guy who specifically told you not to get him anything for Christmas, because his noble nature just wouldn’t allow that. A guy who also happens to be the one you had had a crush on for years. Well, it wasn’t easy to figure out.
Leonardo had always been a guarded person. He didn’t easily let people in, citing possible betrayal and a general need for comfort. He did not like new things, as new things often got in the way of routine. And to Leo, routine meant comfort. So when you first entered Leo and his brothers’ lives, he took him quite some time to let you in. He watched you from afar, judging whether or not you were a threat. And slowly, over a long period of time, Leo let his guard down, letting you get to know him on a deeper, personal level. You got to know his routines, and the small things that brought him comfort. Meditation brought him clarity, training helped him get out frustrations, the bonsai made him patient, and his tea, his beloved tea, made him relax. All of this together brought him joy and comfort.
So what is a good gift for a guy that had a strict daily schedule, and doesn’t like sudden new things in his home space? Well, Leo had told you that your presence was enough, but that just didn’t sit well with you. You had to give him something that showed him that you cared. Especially after all these past years where Leo had made you promise not to give him anything, and to focus on his brothers’ gifts instead. You didn’t like that one bit. So therefore, this year you had found a gift for Leo, and you were sure he would like it. It was nothing big, as you had come to the realization that Leo did not need any big grand presents. What he needed was something that aligned with his daily routine. Something that let Leo know that you really did care, and you really did understand him.
So that day, as everyone was opening the presents, you quickly made your way over to Leo in the corner, who was watching his family, April, Casey and Vern, as they opened their presents in the living area. But when he noticed you coming over, he frowned in confusion. Especially when he noticed the unopened gift in your hands.
“Is that yours”, he asked. “Why haven’t you opened it yet?”
“Because it’s not mine”, you smiled, handing the gift over to the now very confused terrapin. “Merry Christmas, Leo”.
“(Y/N)”, he said sternly, looking from the gift to you. “I told you not to get me anything”.
“I know”, you said, almost forcing the gift into his hands with a smile. “But I just had to do it. Please, it means a lot to me”.
Leo looked at you for a moment, his blue eyes almost piercing into your soul. You prayed that he didn’t see the way his gaze caused you to shiver. His gaze moved back down to the gift in his hands. You could almost see the thoughts as they moved around in his head, as he tried to think of what he should make of the situation. And then, finally, he started to unpack the gift. It didn’t surprise you to see how neatly he unpacked it, unknotting the ribbon before following the lines of the wrapping paper, peeling back the tape. Once the gift was unwrapped, he started at the brown box in his hands, unsure of what to make of the artwork of Japanese women making tea on the front.
“What is this?”, he asked, slightly confused, looking for the opening in the brown box so he could take a look inside.
“It is a traditional Japanese matcha tea set”, you said, just as he opened the box. “With a whisk, a holder for the whisk, traditional scoop, matcha tea and bowl. All in blue of course”.
Leo stayed quiet as he stared at the matcha set in his hands. Then, without a word, he closed the box and placed it on the ground. You grew slightly nervous at this, not sure what to make of his silence. But then he turned to you, before wrapping his arms around you and pulled you into a tight hug.
“Thank you, (Y/N)”, he said, a smile appearing on his face, his arms staying around you, even as he moved his head to look at your face. “I love it! Really, I do. I had never thought of getting that”.
“No problem, Leo”, you said, feeling the butterflies erupt in your stomach and your face getting red. “I’m just happy that you like it”.
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Raphael, the big and hot tempered member of the ninja turtles, and your ever growing crush. Ever since you met him and his brothers a little under a year ago, you couldn’t ignore your growing affection for the big red clad brute. His big build, strong physic and brown yellow eyes had you in awe from the very start. Although he was a little on the offensive during his first meeting with you, it didn’t take long before he warmed up to you, soon becoming a close friend of yours. It was no longer uncommon for him to check up on you every once in a while. Sudden late night texts, telling you he would do a quick stop by your apartment before continuing with his patrol. Or early morning texts asking if you wanted to come hang out with him in the lair. Okay, maybe the two of you were becoming more like best friends…
But there was one problem you hadn’t foreseen when you started getting closer with Raph: What do you get him for Christmas? Well, according to his brothers the best thing to get him was something for his workout. New weights. That new protein powder they had caught him looking at on his phone once. Or a new boxing bag, because his old one was living on its last days. But there was one thing wrong with that - Raph already had that, or his brothers were doing to get that for him. Leo had gotten him a new boxing bag, and Mikey had gotten him a new bench press, however that was possible. Donnie had made him a watch that could read the speed of his punches and his weight lifting. April had gotten the protein powder, and Casey had gotten him weights. Heck, even Vern had gotten him weights. Whatever Splinter had gotten him was still a mystery to you, but that didn’t change the fact that you had to find him a gift. A gift that showed him how much you cared and appreciated him, and hopefully how strong your feelings were for him.
You sat down and had a long think, remembering everything you knew about Raphael. Everything he had told you, and all the things you had done together. Even the things he hadn’t told you, and you just kind of had guessed along the way. And then suddenly, you had an idea. You knew what to get Raphael. It was different from any of the gifts his friends and family had gotten him, and you were sure it was going to stand out. And then, excitedly, you ran out the door, hurrying out to buy his gift.
Christmas in the lair came in a rush, and before you knew it you sat on the couch with Raphael, watching as he opened his second last gift, with yours being the last, waiting patiently in your lap.
“Yo! That’s so cool!”, Raph said as he opened Donnie’s gift. He took the oversized watch out of the box before wrapping it around his arm, reading the numbers on it as he punched the air. “That’s wild!”
“I thought you would like it”, Donnie smiled, not taking his eyes from whatever gift he was fiddling with.
You bite your lip nervously. Your gift wasn’t anything high tech, nor did it have anything to do with the many other things Raph had gotten that day. Nothing to do with weights or working out. For a moment you were wondering if your gift actually was such a good idea.
“Did ya have something for me, (Y/N)?”, Raph asked, bringing you out of your worries and back to reality. A half smile on his lip as he played with the watch on his wrist, yet his eyes were on you.
“Y- yes”, you stammered, before nervously handing the gift over to him. “Though it might be different from what the others have gotten you”.
“That’s okay”, Raph smiled as he opened the wrappings on his gift. “As long as it’s from ya, I’ll be happy”. A blush spread across your face at Raph’s words. Damn him and his words for having such an affect on you.
Once Raph had wrapped open the gift, he turned the book in his hand, slight confusion on his face as he read the title; “Knitting and Stitches from Around the World”. He was quiet for a moment, making you slightly anxious. You were just about to ask him if something was wrong, he threw his head back in laughter, before wrapping an arm around you to pull you into a hug.
“That’s amazing, (Y/N)”, he said, before opening the book onto the first page. “How did you know?”
“Well”, you started, smiling brightly as you felt the anxiety disappear away. “I’ve been to your room, and I have seen your knitting stuff. You’re not really that good at hiding it if that’s what you’ve been trying to do”.
“I haven’t thought of that”, Raph said, with his one arm still wrapped around you. “But thanks, (Y/N). I love it”.
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You had been thinking for days - no! Weeks. What the hell do you get a mutant turtle genius for Christmas? This man could make himself anything. Did he need something, no bother. He’ll just make something in his lab and the problem was gone. Easy peasy. Well, could he make an invention that made it easy to tell someone about their big crush on them? You hadn’t gotten around to asking him that, nor did it seem like he had any plans for making that in the near future.
Donatello, the tall dork of tech genius, had captured your heart for longer than you dared to admit. You weren’t sure when it exactly started, but one thing you were sure of; you had developed the biggest crush on the purple clad terrapin, and with Christmas coming up, you had every intention of giving him something meaningful.
It had not been an easy idea to come up with. Like said before; when Donnie needed something, he would just make it or get it done. That was just what he did, and normally there wouldn’t be a problem with that. But when you sat in the back of his lab for hours, watching him work while doing small talk, you couldn’t help but get a little frustrated.
You knew you weren’t the only person in the turtle household, who had had problems with finding a fitting Christmas gift for Donnie. You knew his brothers had started to go for options that Donnie had not asked for, but that they felt like he needed. A new extra soft comforter, new pillows, caffeine free coffee and a white noise machine. All stuff to help him sleep. But you knew Donnie better than that, having become one of his best friends over a very short time. You knew that his strange sleeping schedule was bothering no one but his brothers, and they had the idea that it was bothering him too. But it wasn’t. Donnie enjoyed spending time alone in his lab at night, with no interruptions from his brothers. And it was during one of these late nights in his lab, that you noticed him grimacing towards his now cold coffee, before asking with a sigh if you wanted to go with him to the kitchen, so you could keep him company. You finally knew what to give him.
You sat in his lab, and watched as the clock passed midnight. It was finally Christmas. Donnie noticed it too, a small smile appearing on his face.
“How time flies”, he mumbled, sitting up in his chair so he could stretch his arms. “Merry Christmas, (Y/N)”.
“Merry Christmas, Donnie”, you smiled, fiddling a little with your hands. “Uhm… Don?”
“Yes, (Y/N)?”
“You know, since it’s officially Christmas now, how would you feel about getting your gift a little early on the day?”
“That sounds like a great idea”, Donnie answered, bringing his cup of coffee to his lips, only to grimace at it. “But can we do it after I’ve made a new cup? It’s cold again”.
“Actually”, you said, stopping him before he could get up. “I think my gift can help you with that”.
“Oh?” Donnie watched as you turned to your backpack, and pulled out a present for him. He chuckled at the purple wrapping, before bringing it to his lap so it could be opened. Once it was unwrapped, he sat staring at a box with a picture of a black cup with light up writing.
“I know I shouldn’t encourage you to continue your self destructive sleep schedule, or your lack of one”, you said, as it didn’t seem like he was catching on, on his own. “But I know coffee tends to get cold when you bring it with you into the lab, so I thought a self heating cup would be nice”.
Donnie sat up straight in his chair and stared at you. “(Y/N)! You’re a genius!”, he yelled, before standing to hug you. “How didn’t I think of this myself?!”
“I’ve been wondering the same thing”, you said, feeling a blush spread over your cheeks.
“Time to test this bad boy!”, Donnie said as he opened the box, before running into the kitchen. The sudden sounds of celebration afterwards, told you that the cups was in fact working like intended.
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“Merry early Christmas, (Y/N)!”, Mikey said as he tumbled through your living room window, wearing a red Christmas hat, a fake Santa beard, and carrying a small sack over his shoulder.
“What on earth are you doing, Mikey?”, you asked in a laugh, watching as he closed the window behind him, shivering slightly at the cold New York winter air.
Michelangelo, that cute weirdo. He was one of the sweetest and most innocent guys you’ve ever met. With big blue eyes and a fun loving personality, he had you from day one. There was nothing you could do when he first introduced himself and his brothers to you. The moment he spoke you fell for him, and developed the biggest fattest crush you had ever had for anyone. There was nothing you could do, especially not when he quickly became your best friend.
You and Mikey would hang out, all night and all day. He would often drop by your apartment unannounced, or text and call you in order to beg you to come to the lair and hang out. It was almost daily at this point. You couldn’t remember a day in the past few months where you and Mikey hadn’t been either watching movies, playing video games or eating pizza together. You clearly remembered the time a few weeks ago, during a round of video games at your apartment, where Mikey discreetly tried to ask you what you wanted for Christmas, hoping you wouldn’t notice. But of course you did notice, trying your hardest not to laugh at his adorable expression as he listened to your answer. But that question made you wonder; what would Mikey want for Christmas? Would he like a new drum set? No, the one he had was still perfectly fine. A new skateboard? The one he already had could fly. There was no beating that. A new bluetooth speaker? No good either. He just used his brothers’...
That was when Mikey won the game and started jumping around your living room, all with a bright smile on his face, celebrating with loud yells and fist pumps into the air. You laughed at the scene in front of you, feeling your stomach tingle with butterflies at Mikey’s happiness. These were the kind of moments you wish you could keep and hang up on your wall… That’s it! You knew what to get Mikey for Christmas!
“Christmas isn’t until tomorrow, you know”, you laughed, pulling down at his fake white beard, just to tease.
“Nothing wrong with being a little ahead of time”, Mikey said, poking his tongue out at you. “Besides, I thought I would come over with your gift a little early”. Mikey took the small sack down from his shoulder, opening it to reveal one single present. “You know, because my gift to you is so good that it will make my brothers jealous or sad. I would rather not undermine all their hard work”, he finished with a small wink.
You couldn’t help but laugh. Why did he have to be so adorable? “Okay, but then it would only be fair if I also got you your gift”, you said, turning to leave for your room. “I hope it’s okay that it isn’t wrapped. I thought I still had plenty of time to get that done”.
“That’s fine by me”, Mikey said, fishing your gift out of the sack, before taking a seat on the couch. “I tend to get very impatient with wrapping paper”.
“I had a feeling”, you chuckled, as you found Mikey’s gift inside of your closet. “Close your eyes and hold your hands out, Mikester!”
“If you say so, Angelcakes”, Mikey said, before pulling his red Christmas hat down over his eyes, and holding his hands out in front of him. You chuckled at the sight, and placed the brand new polaroid camera into his hands. Mikey felt the object in confusion, before pushing his hat back from his eyes. “What’s that?”, Mikey asked, turning the camera in his hands.
“A polaroid camera”, you said. “I thought that was the best kind of gift for you, so you can capture fun memories, you know, with either me or your brothers”.
Mikey looked from you to the camera in his hands, a mischievous smile spreading across his face. “You mean, like this?” Mikey sprung from the couch, bringing the Christmas hate over your head, before pulling you in for a hug and a quick selfie. “Say cheese!”
You laughed, bringing your arms around Mikey’s neck, smiling at the camera with a big smile. “Cheese!”
Mikey watched as the picture came out of the machine in his hand. “I love it, (Y/N)! Now, open your gift so I have something to hang by my bed!”
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floofeh-purpi · 3 months
Getting isekai'd?! (Part 6)
Sagau! Genshin Fatui x Gn! Reader (ft. Your bsf)
『Beloved fluffball/s mentioned below! 💜』
@justmare @mc-cos-charm @keirennyx
A/n: Almost at 50 fluffballs guys! 🥹
Warnings: Swearing, grammatical/spelling issues, bbg if you srsly forgot you have vitiligo, I couldn't find the image that I always use in the header thingy part so I had to improvise, y/b/f/n and you being silly.
【Part 5】
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The 5 signs that Our Holiness has descended upon Teyvat:
1. Golden blood.
2. The sound of Their Majesty's 'Kalimba' playing in the air.
3. Shooting stars.
4. Their Holiness' lovely voice.
5. Their dog that Their Majesty calls "Siberian Husky" yes aka your big baby sitting on your lap.
The Cryo Archon letted out a a quiet gasp. "How could I have forgotten the melodies My Grace used to play..." she thought as she closed the book and putted it back to its shelf, her shoes clicking against the floor of her icy-cold palace.
You hummed a song to yourself as you helped your friend build a wooden house in Minecraft. "Yo should we just do milk chocolate or dark chocolate planks?" You asked with a stupid grin on yoir face.
"Bitch you could've just said oak or dark oak planks... 😭" Your best friend said affectionately. And yet you deadass expect them to take you seriously when your like this. "But now im hungry wtf?" You both said in unison.
"Bitch? Anygays wanna go to the kitchen together?"
"Sure~!" Y/b/f/n said in the gayest fucking way possible.
You both turn off your computers and went to the kitchen.
You guys were eating (f/f) Y/b/f/n was eating it because you were eating it too :3 until a knock on the door rudely interrupted you guys' snacking session. "Stupid fucking door..." Y/b/f/n thought. How dare the person interrupt their precious time with you? But anyways, they go to the door open it, only to see a certain gingerhead whose alias is the literal opposite of what he is *EHEM* Child...
"Hello comarde! May I come in?"
"Yah, sure. 😐" Your bsf made some space for him to go through the door. "HOY (N/N), WE HAVE A VISITOR! PISTE KA" Y/b/f/n yelled at you.
"PISTE I HAVENT FINISHED MY FOOD" Tartaglia sweatdropped slightly as you cursed back before you took the last bite of your (f/f). You started to make you way into the living room. "Hah?"
"Oh? Is this your roomate, comrade?"
"Yas, this beautiful person over here is (Y/n), aka the other person you saw in that photo near the fireplace. 😍" Childe's smile faltered abit as he remembered how your bsf nearly made his skeleton jump by by saying that behind him. "Right..." But the moment he looked at you, his first thought was: "HOLY SHIT THEY LOOK MORE PRETTIER THAN THE PHOTO" He thought, not realizing he blushing like a fucking strawberry.
"Is bro ok...?" You almost had a hand on your mouth as you practically called one of the villians in the game one of the most casual terms you know.
"Nah. He'll be fineeee..."
Eeeeeeee finally done!
【Part 7】
Published: July 2 2024. 3:21pm.
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hami-gua · 6 months
永别了,亲爱的 Farewell, My Beloved
Long overdue since Qingming has long since pass (oops).
Blade x gn! Reader
Takes place in game — not canon though
Warning: Chinese is used (English translation provided), angst hurt no comfort (first time writing this angsty)
Please read to the end for credits and reference.
━━━━━━ ⊙ ❖ ⊙ ━━━━━━
Shoes echoes through the barren halls. The figure moves through the doorway, his steps slow. And then he stops. Right in front of the wall of name plaques. His red eyes scanned the whole wall, searching for a particular name and walking to it right as he spots it. He carefully pulls out a clean cloth — and with care, wiped down the plaque. It didn’t need to be cleaned, as workers everyday made sure all plaques are cleaned out of respect. Once he was done, he placed the bouquet of white chrysanthemums in front of it then sits down.
The figure couldn’t help but think of their death. Of the three that had to pay a price, he alone had to pay the biggest. He made a promise to them and he broke it. The what ifs began to speed through his head. He’s died once, and he wants to die again. He wishes he can be with them in the afterlife. That is, if Mengpo doesn’t make him drink her soup. Not that he could see them anyway. Not after what he’s done.
He places two cups and pulls out a jar of wine. After filling both cups, he took his and raised it — drinking it all after.
“I’m sorry,” was the first thing he said to them, “I’m sorry for dragging you into this mess.”
He wants to apologize but no matter what he says, he knows no explanation could cut it. It was his error in action. In emotion. There was no way words can express his regrets.
“我与你的记忆损乱了,“ a tear slips from his eye, “你长得什么样,我也记不了了。我也记不住你的声音了。我只能记得你的名字,但也记不了多久了。“ [Memories of me and you have been messed up… The way that you looked, I cannot remember. I also cannot remember your voice. I only remember your name, but I cannot remember that for long either.]
The figure sat in silence for a bit before starting once more, “当年,如果不是我,也不是丹枫的话,你今日该会是什么样了?你还会像以前一样跟景元玩象棋吗?跟丹枫看书?跟镜流和白珩逛街?或者跟我练功?” he drank another cup full of wine, “可惜,三个付出代价去了,一个早已离去,最后一个孤独的留在了罗浮。不知你和白珩有没有相遇。我想是。我们当时挣扎了好久,现在平安多了。你若在的话,肯定会喜欢现在罗浮的环境。“ [That year, if it wasn’t for me, and Dan Feng, what would you have been like today? Would it be like it was then, with you playing xiangqi with Jing Yuan? Reading with Dan Heng? Shopping with Jing Liu and Baiheng? Or would you have been sparring with me? …. Sadly, three paid a price, one has departed, and the last one is left lonely on Luofu. I don’t know if you and Baiheng have caught up. I’d like to think you guys did. Our time was so messy, but Luofu today is much peaceful. If you were here, you’d definitely like Luofu today.]
Amidst his rambling, another figure approached. She stood right behind him, gazing up on the plaque.
“It’s time you wrap it up, Bladie.”
Blade hummed in acknowledgment, “Just a little more time.”
The lady stared at him a bit longer before sighing and heading out, saying she’ll be waiting for him at the entrance. After he was sure he was alone again, he spoke softly.
“是时候该走了。如果我没有捅你一刀,你今天应该还会在吧。对不起,这是我最后一次能看你了。仙舟没有我的地方了。在这个人生里,可能再也不会有人像你一样叫我的名字了。我永远也不可能是应星了。” [It’s time I should get going. If I didn’t stab you that day, you would probably still be here. I’m sorry, this is my last time seeing you. There’s no longer a place for me on Xianzhou. In this life, there will be no one to say my name the way you do. And I will never be able to be Yingxing anymore.]
Blade gets up and places the jar of wine next to the filled cup. After, he bows to the name plaque three times. Then, he turns and walks out of the room — leaving Luofu till his death arrives.
亲爱的。[My beloved.]
─── ∙ ↤THE END↦ ∙ ─---
I've been thinking, should I make banners specifically for the characters I write? Or would that be too much? Cuz right now, I can't decide on a banner for each story.
Qingming 清明: Called Tomb-Sweeping day in the west. People visit the graves of their deceased love ones. Even going as far as cleaning and retouching graves. It’s customary to offer food and wine (or other beverages they loved).
White Chrysanthemums: White flowers, mainly white chrysanthemums are placed during funeral and the dead. Don’t gift these to people please (unless you desperately wish for that person to perish).
Mengpo 孟婆: A deity in the underworld that gives passing souls her specialty called 孟婆汤 (mengpo soup) that would wipe their memories for their journey in their next life.
Bowing three times: I was taught this at a young age, but when bowing to gods and ancestors, you bow three times. Usually it’s very quick, but I like to take it slow (cuz I think it shows deeper respect).
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invis-o-william · 4 months
Day 6: Immortal AU
Danny leaned back in the grass, the wind brushing his white gravity defying hair back away from his forehead, and sighed. Amity Park had changed a lot over the years. What had once been a fair sized growing metropolis was now a sprawling city blending urban technological feats of science with older infrastructure that had been in place for over a hundred years.
One thing that hadn’t changed too much though, was its main cemetery. Others had cropped up on the outskirts of the booming city, but this one, the original burial ground, stayed intact even though no new burials had occurred there in decades.
“Sorry for not visiting sooner,” Danny said, “the Realms have kept me on my toes lately. Clocky has had it with the Observants and is trying to get rid of them as a whole. Good riddance I say.”
He chuckled at the last sentence. “I know you were never a fan of how much they interfered when I first took the throne, so I figured you’d be happy to hear that at least.”
Danny’s eyes followed a pair of children nearby happily playing on the sidewalk with gliders that seemed so similar to the Red Huntress’. Danny frowned. So much had changed over the years, and he was starting to feel like he couldn’t keep up anymore.
“I had something I wanted to tell you about too..” He trailed off and turned to look at the headstone next to him. While it was old, as was every grave in this section, this one had been well cared for. Cleared of creeping plant life and with any and all dirt meticulously brushed off. The inscription read:
Dr. Jasmine “Jazz” Fenton
B. March 31, 1988 D. May 6, 2070
Beloved Mother, Sister, and Professor
“I decided to stay in the Infinite Realms full time now. With my duties as King, and the whole new zone developing there I just don’t have the time to patrol Amity Park anymore. Not that there’s a need to anymore.” He sighed the last words. It was true, after a few decades of kingship, Danny had figured out how to balance the limits that ghosts could venture to the mortal plane and the damage they could cause there.
His role on Earth as Phantom had long been redundant now, and there was no one here for him anymore. All his friends had long since died, as were even Jazz’s grandchildren. On Earth, Danny felt truly and utterly alone.
“Of course I’m going to still come and visit you guys,” Danny said, “other than that though, I think that’s it. People around here are starting to think I’m a fairy tale anyway.” He didn’t think he would ever stop visiting the resting places of his family, his friends. They had meant too much to him not to, and he never wanted to forget them, never wanted to forget who he was.
Danny stood from the grave he had been sitting in front of, glancing at its inscription. It was worn and harder to make out than Jazz’s, but it still clearly read;
Daniel “Danny” Fenton
B. February 12, 1989 D. July 17, 2031
Gone too Soon
Danny still smirked at the irony of it. A grave for a halfa that would never truly die. He had stayed physically stuck in his thirties for centuries now, and wasn’t sure that would ever change. Looking back to his sister’s headstone, he knelt down and placed a rose encapsulated in ghostly blue ice at its base.
“Happy death-day Jazz.” he said with a smile, “I’ll come visit you soon.” With that he turned and with a wave of his hand opened a portal to the Infinite Realms. A familiar woman with a mop of long white hair peeked out of it.
“Thanks for the privacy Dani. Do you want to go see Sam and Tucker now?” he asked his clone. She grinned with enthusiasm before jumping out of the portal to join her “older brother”. Once the portal was closed, they both changed from ghost to human and set off down the rows of graves to visit their departed friends.
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angel-of-the-moons · 5 months
A Most Familiar Color
Charon x Fem!Lone Wanderer
TW/CW: NSFW, Periods/Menstrual Cycle, Period talk, blood, period sex, cramps, blood, violence, mentions of slavery and brainwashing
A/N: This is entirely self-indulgent. I am suffering from unusually horrible cramps and boom! This came to me. You guys can't tell me Charon will shy away from this sort of thing. Enjoy this... Word vomit lmao.
(caps divider by @/saradika-graphics. Check out their work, I recommend it!)
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You really missed your dad right about now.
With each stabbing pain, you remembered your time in Vault 101. You remember when Amata sat you down as preteens and helped you through your panic when you first found traces of blood in your underwear.
Amata herself had hit puberty a little young, and seeing as how you were best friends (and neither of you had your mothers) you confided in one another with everything either of you could fathom; best friends til the end. So, when the pains started and you bled more, Amata told you that you should probably go get your dad, seeing as how he was the resident doctor, and all.
The very thought had mortified you, embarrassed beyond all get-out at the thought of talking to your dad about something like this.
Amata had shrugged, "I had to talk to him about mine. He even gave me tips on how to lessen the cramping. Trust me, your dad is not going to think you're weird or gross."
You rolled in your sleeping bag, the faint memory of more pleasant times overshadowed by the pain you were feeling stabbing low in your abdomen.
You focused on the rest of your memory. As it played out behind closed eyelids.
"This is perfectly natural, sweetie." James had told you as you laid in the sterile-smelling clinic. His eyes, the same color as yours, smiled gently and with infinite patience as he explained what was exactly happening to you.
"It means you're going to be a woman now. And, when you're ready, you could have a baby, if you wanted to."
Your nose had crinkled, the worst of your cramps having died down thanks to the pain pills he'd given you. "I don't want to have a baby."
"I should hope not!" James had laughed. "Not yet, anyway. I'm not old enough to be a granddad yet."
You rolled your eyes and turned onto your side, pulling the blanket up to your chin as you peered at him while he continued to explain what would happen, what to expect, and how to take care of it.
He'd given you these weird things... pads, "sanitary napkins"... and these other cotton contraptions you didn't very much like--tampons. They looked uncomfortable, and when he explained how to use them, you did not like it. Apparently the Vault, when built, took into consideration the female residents and had mandatory cotton growing and harvesting alongside their usual crops for this very reason.
Since this was all new to you, your father suggested the pads and napkins first, and did a short demonstration on a piece of spare cloth how to apply it and wear it comfortably.
All this however, was drowned out when a horrible cramp bled past the barrier the painkillers had built up for you. James had frowned mid-way through his explanation and demonstration, his heart squeezing at seeing you--his only and beloved child--in so much pain. He reached out and gently squeezed your shoulder, "I'll get you some muscle-relaxers, sweetie. I'll have Jonah tell Mr Birch that your schoolwork will have to be done back in our suite until your cycle ends."
"Can you not say that part?" You moan, feeling shame bubble up in your chest. You weren't sure why, but you felt horrified that so many people might be aware of what was going on with you. "Just say I'm sick."
"Okay, if it makes you more comfortable." James said softly. "But I want you to know, that I've seen several of your other classmates about this very situation, honey. It's not gross, it's not strange; and it most certainly is nothing to feel ashamed of."
Your silence stretched in the room, the sound of the air system and rattling of air vents the only thing that filled the void of speech.
"You know... your mother had rather painful periods, herself." James finally spoke up.
Your eyes widened and you lifted your gaze, intrigued. Oftentimes, the only thing that he would mention about your mother was her favorite Bible verse, and her love for you, spoken in her last few moments of life.
"Yes, yes, she did." He continued, seeing your awe and curiosity. "Sometimes they would get so bad, the pains, that she would snap at anyone. She was also prone to mood swings." James chuckled fondly at a distant memory, one he did not voice aloud.
"So, I just want you to know, that I definitely understand how much this can hurt you, sweetheart. Especially when I would have to help massage her belly to ease the cramping."
"...I wish Mom was here." You mutter softly, barely audible. But James picked up on it, smiling bitterly and fixing you with a gaze of love.
"I do, too, sweetheart... God, I do, too."
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Yeah, you definitely missed your dad right about now... You missed his gentle words, you missed when his hands would help ease the hot water bottle into your grasp; you missed his ever-patient and comforting presence.
"You're tossing and turning a lot." A gruff and grating voice rumbled from nearby, stoking the fire he had lit hours ago in the tiny, decrepit house the two of you had taken shelter in.
Charon. The ghoul who said few words, the man who had been a slave to the cruel man in Underworld: Ahzrukhal. Charon had been brainwashed ages ago, forced into servitude and to obey the orders of whomever held his contract.
Which, after a difficult bartering session... was now you. Mere moments after buying said contract, Charon had gunned down his malicious former-"employer" with two taps of his hefty shotgun. The second shot completely unnecessary, as the first pull of the trigger completely obliterated the man's head; brain matter and blood and bits of skull painting the dingy walls a deep red.
During your travels, you had even gone so far as to hand Charon his contract to him, telling him he was free, now. He could go where he wanted, when he wanted. You'd even tried to give him a few caps and tried ordering him to buy his own contract from you. But, he explained that, infuriatingly, it "didn't work like that".
And in the stressful months you'd traveled together, things changed. The dynamic between you two. Eventually... that changed, too. Became something personal--intimate.
Before, you would merely knock back some painkillers here and there to offset the pain, exercise to mask the cramps, and hastily wash any blood from your clothes to conceal what exactly was happening to you every four weeks; that shame your father insisted wasn't necessary, ever present in the back of your mind.
"Sorry." You mumble.
"It does not bother me." Charon mumbled, his hazy eyes slowly gliding from the glow of the fire and towards you as you rolled to your other side so your back was too him. You just couldn't take his intense gaze. Not right now.
"Were you hurt in the fight earlier?"
And yeah, the two of you got into a rather violent melee when you were ambushed by a few raiders hyped up on psycho. You'd taken a bat to your gut, which, you swore, is what made your cramps worse, today; aside from the bruise that was likely there, now.
The wind rattled the boarded up windows, whistling angrily through cracks unseen as the first heavy winter storm swept over the Capital Wasteland.
"Yeah. I'm just--just sore." You mumble, tucking deeper into your bedroll.
That's when Charon said the words you had really hoped he would utter: "Let me see. We still have the ointment from the coots back in Oasis. It'll help with the bruise."
"No--Charon, I'm fine." You blabber out nervously, fingers gripping the thin fabric wrapping around you as you wished you could sink deeper into the ruined cushions of the rather questionable old couch you laid on.
You should have known better. Aside from your budding and confusing relationship, Charon still had his driven mentality to ensure the safety of his employer. You. Even if you didn't like it at the moment.
"No. Let me see." Charon insisted.
The shuffled of dirt and trash on the old wooden floors, coupled with the soft squeak of his old leather jacket and patchwork armor soon followed.
"Charon, I'm--" Your voice is cut short when his large hands are placed on your diminutive body. Or, well. You were average. Charon was... large. He was nearly as tall as someone in a suit of power armor.
You couldn't fight him as he gently manhandled you, unzipping your warm trappings to free you from your cocoon of privacy. His hands stayed at your sides, resting softly on your hips as he looked at you expectantly, his poker face, as usual, was absolutely impossible to decipher.
But you knew. He was waiting for your consent, or for you to start.
You sighed and began unzipping your vault suit. A bit flashy in the wasteland, for sure... but in the winter it served very well to keep you warm. You felt a flush rise in your cheeks as the chilly air in the house covered your bare skin as you shimmied the top half of your suit off, revealing the threadbare tank top you wore beneath.
Charon gently guided you back down, so you were laying flat on your back as his calloused and scarred fingers gently hiked your shirt up to your ribs, to peer at the injury he suspected you had.
You had turned your head, chewing the inside of your cheek as his absurdly hot hands smoothed over your belly. Yeah, you definitely had a bruise.
"It doesn't look that bad. The ointment from Oasis might help with the soreness." He grunted, turning to rifle through his duffel bag. After a few moments, he pulled back a brown jar from the depths of his things. He unscrewed the tin lid and the acrid smell greets your nose; the pungent ointment smelled awful. But you couldn't deny that it worked great in terms of pain relief.
He scooped out a glob of the murky-white slop and gently began to smooth it down, rubbing and pressing in soothing circles to cover the blossoming purple that covered your midsection.
And, honestly... it helped. Not the bruise, but your cramps. The weight and pressure from his heavy hand massaging your abdomen eased the throb your reproductive organs wrought within you. You sighed in relief at the touch, welcoming his easing of the tightness in your belly.
But, almost as soon as the relief began to seep into your weary body, Charon slipped his hand away. Your smaller hand gripped his thick wrist, "Wait."
He tilted his head, a ruined brow quirking up ever so slightly as scraps of rusty red hair flopped over his scarred and pitted scalp.
"I... can you... keep doing that? It helps. A lot." You say vaguely, looking away from him and biting your lip.
Charon eyes you for a few more seconds, before his hand began to press and soothe once more. As you relaxed into the cushions, Charon's cloudy gaze studied you intently, the gears within his mind grinding and turning.
"You're bleeding, aren't you?" He finally said, bringing your bliss to a screeching halt.
You move to sit up, cringing, "No, no that's not it. I'm just sore, and..."
His hand slid a bit lower, pressing down over the spot that hurt the most, right between your bones poking delicately through your skin. He grunted softly, "You should have said something. Especially if it's hurting you this badly."
"I--It's nothing, Charon." You say, trying to shove his hand away; but his strength did not waver. He continued to press his fingertips down into your smooth skin, rubbing short, tight circles as if he could feel every contraction and throb through your skin.
You groan deeply in relief, unable to contain it as the pain begins to slowly bleed away. "We're out of painkillers."
Charon grumbled in acknowledgment, nodding as his eyes focus on the task his hand was undertaking, the give and slight stretch of your skin as he pulled and pushed; fighting the waves of pain that swept up your body, engaging in a sort of combat with your cramps.
"We will stay here for a few days." Charon continues as his hand smooths flat briefly, before massaging the last echoes of your aches away. "The storm will likely hang over us, and it isn't smart to go out in a blizzard, if this turns into one. We have plenty of provisions to last us until the storm passes."
You nod, your eyes slipping closed as, even though the cramps had lessened to almost nothing, Charon continued to massage your abdomen with his massive hand; the pain blooming into something... else. A fire, not unlike the one that burned in the rusted fireplace, glowed hot and low inside of you, making your body go slick with something other than the blood you knew soaked into the cotton strip in your underwear.
The heat thrummed in your chest and you swallowed, your hand squeezing his wrist once. "I... Y-You can stop, now."
Charon immediately halted, something his palm once again as he looked at you.
This sudden shyness was completely unlike you. You were loud, boisterous, giddy and able to talk down even the most hard-headed individuals; not this... shy little radrabbit.
You groaned again in frustration, gripping his wrist tight as you rode out a fresh cramp.
"There is something," Charon said slowly. "That might help."
"What is it?" You sigh, looking at him with pinched brows.
The moment your eyes fell on him, you swallowed a new lump in your throat as Charon leaned in over you, dwarfing and caging you beneath his massive body on the couch.
"There are ways to help the pains. Basic ones." He said softly, resting his forehead against yours.
You shivered, the heat rolling off of his body triggering a nervous sweat on you. Or maybe it was your body as your temp Rose ad fell--just as your father warned you would happen from time to time. Either way, the smell of him, the lingering ghosts of his touching, and now his innate closeness to you had that heat pool once more lowly in your belly.
"I... Charon, I don't think--" You began to awkwardly bumble out.
It wasn't that you were afraid of the prospect, not at all. You had had sex with each other once or twice already. But sharing your body in such an intimate matter, especially with the... mess going on with your lower half right now... let alone with someone who was, up until recently, your "employee" as he put it, had your stomach flipping with angry butterflies.
His hand that was used to massage your belly braced him up so he could stare down at you. That ever-steely gaze fixed against yours, your lip quivering a little in some sort of shame you cursed yourself for feeling.
"I can help you. It's my job." He says, his voice softer than usual; the deep grating almost missing from him altogether. This was... gentler, as if he was talking to a scared animal.
"Charon, you don't have to... this is..." You struggle out, a deep sigh heaving from you as you tried to come up with an excuse, your fingers toying blindly with his leather belts looped around his torso in an effort to calm down. "It's... gross. Messy."
Shockingly, the ever-rare smile slowly curves his lips, twisting his marred features in a humorous glow as he looked down at you further, a dry chuckle tumbling from him as though you just said the funniest joke on the planet to him.
"Doll..." He whispered to you, leaning in to press his lips on your jaw, just beneath your ear. God, that pet name sent shivers down your spine...
"I have been marred with death and grime for dozens of years. A long fucking time. I'm not afraid of a little blood."
"I..." You hitch, feeling his free hand slide down your front, his thumb sweeping over your pebbled nipple, feeling it through the thin fabric of your tank top. The ache you felt there, too, eased somewhat as he gently rolled and groped at the fat, wrenching something between a grunt and a moan from you.
"Let me help you. And it will help." He growled deeply, sucking a bruise into your throat in such a way that had your back arching and your walls fluttering at his promise.
"...Okay." You finally consent.
The moment you gave your permission, Charon reached down to grab at the edges of your suit, tugging it down your thighs enough to give him space to work while his hand worked its way past the worn elastic of your underwear.
The moment his fingers touched your aching clit, you made a shuddered sound, your hands gripping his leather jacket tight, gritting your teeth as his mouth worked at your throat; the callouses and pitted texture of his hand providing the perfect friction to your throbbing little nub.
Charon groaned against your soft skin, his crooked teeth scraping at your pulse as he spread your lips, his fingers moving to trace your leaking hole.
"You're forgetting that I've had many employers. Women included. I've done this before for them; an orgasm will help." He murmurs, sliding a thick finger inside of you, his thumb circling your clit mercilessly as you walls squeezed down around him.
His tongue traced a bead of sweat that rolled over the knot in your throat, "...you're the only one I'll enjoy doing it for."
The throb in your cunt matched the one in your chest; feeling humbled and happy that he trusted you so entirely--accepted you so fully that anything he did, that could bring you joy or relief, was his own; as though you two were the same person in separate and anything that helped soothe you did the same for him.
"Charon." You moaned weakly, your hips rolling in time with his fingers as he pushed another one inside of you, pressing and curling in the delicious pattern he already knew made you weak in the knees. He was a fast learner, figuring out all your bells and whistles after that first fleeting and awkward sexual encounter the two of you had back in your house in Megaton.
You panted and wheezed, his hand moving wonderfully slow in the best way, massaging your contracting walls as you pressed your legs wider for him; brushing against the rather intimidating bulge in his jeans that he neglected in favor of you.
Almost as soon as his fingers pressed on that spongy spot inside of you that had you seeing stars... A throb of pain overwrote it and you whimpered, your thighs squeezing tight around his wrist as your belly flexed once more.
Charon pulled his mouth free of your neck, looking down at you, his brows furrowed hard as he studied your pained expression. "Another one? How bad?"
"Hurts..." Was all you could sniffle out. "I'm sorry."
"Don't." He growled, leaning down to kiss you deeply, his tongue gently brushing your lips before pulling away again, pushing up on the couch until he stood on his knees and looked down at you.
"Don't ever. Say sorry. To me."
You looked up at him, feeling guilty as you dared spare a glance down at his hand as it withdrew from your heat, smeared with your blood. Your cheeks burned and you tried to hide your face behind your arm.
Charon wiped his hand on his pants and sighed down at you. It didn't surprise him, not really, that you felt shame regarding your monthly cycle. A lot of women had grown up being shamed; especially if any blood was visible on their clothes. Shit, even before the War, women and young girls faced a stigma if they spoke openly about their menstrual cycles.
He despised the fact that somehow, that shit survived into the apocalypse. He hated the fact you apologized for feeling that pain your body was inflicting upon you naturally; that you felt bad for being "messy".
But what irked him most in the moment, was the fact that his touches weren't enough for you right now. Charon grunted, pressing the heel of his palm into the bulge in his pants, hissing out a sigh between his teeth.
He leaned down, gently pushing your hand to the side so he could look into your watery eyes. Mood swings were common, too. That he knew obviously. His chapped and rough lips grazed yours softly in a gentle and well-rehearsed dance.
"Relax for me. Getting upset won't help you right now, doll." He whispered sweetly to you, his eyes softening as your gazes locked.
"I--I don't know why, I..."
"Hush." He says, hastily undoing his armor and jacket, lazily draping them over the back of the couch; reaching behind him to pull off his thin gray shirt over his head, revealing the twisted, marred, and damaged tissue of his body to you.
Many people were disgusted by ghouls, finding their skin (or lack thereof, in some cases) gross and unappealing. While yes, there were the scant few who found them attractive; both sexually and in general... The vast majority were uncomfortable with the prospect of having sex with one.
Your eyelashes flutter as you blink, swallowing hard; your tongue felt like all moisture in your mouth was absorbed, the muscle swollen so much that you couldn't find anymore saliva to moisten it. He had an amazingly built body. Not an inch of fat on him (but then again, very few even had fat anymore, given how scarce food could be from time to time) Charon was a solid wall of muscle and scars from past battles; both physically and mentally.
And he knew you loved every bit of him. Maybe you were naive, maybe you had just been lonely at first... but he was well aware of how intensely your attraction and affection burned for him.
His fingers slipped his belt loose, the buckle tinkling as the worn leather slipped free; before unbuttoning his jeans.
Charon looked into your eyes, his cock throbbing at the way you bit your lip, your soft eyes staring with heated want at the bulge that was so prominent in his confining clothes. But, as before, the look of doubt flickered in that little flame within you; shame.
He couldn't help but feel a small sense of smug pride, smirking down at you. "I know you might not want to do this... But--" Charon sighed as he freed his cock, holding the fat length of it in a tight grip.
As scarred as the rest of him, the sheer size and texture promised a head-spinningly good time.
"Let me help you." His other hand pinched your chin between thick fingers, making you look up at him and match his eyes. "Please."
Your heart squeezed in your chest. He was asking you, making sure above all else that this was what you wanted.
And... you did. Nodding as another new cramp slipped through your abdomen, you cringed a little. "Please..." You repeat back to him.
Charon nodded, pulling the rest of your suit off and tossing it to the floor, his thumbs hooking your bloody underwear down your legs, the coppery scent hitting his lack-of nose as he carefully set them aside. He kicked off his boots and pants before caging you against the couch once again, looking briefly at the slick of crimson that shone on your smooth thighs, the short hairs on your sex sticky with it.
He gave you another kiss, this one more heated than the last, your tongues twining and dancing as he aggressively fought to seek dominance over yours. He won, of course, you were helpless against him.
"Take deep breaths." He muttered against your lips, reaching down between you to notch his gnarled tip at your entrance.
You let out a shaky puff of air, before sucking in a tight lungfull as he pushed in, the stretch of his cock absolutely filling and oh, so pleasant. Your heels dig in to the muscles of his glutes, your nails biting into his pitted skin as he slid inch by torturous inch into your tight, clenching walls.
Charon tossed his head back with a groan, "Fuck. You need to relax as much as you can, doll... You're fucking tight."
You nod frantically, whimpering as you try to force your muscles to ease up their vice-grip on his shaft, mouth hanging open in hungry pants of air as he slowly withdraws, his cock painted a macabre red before thrusting back in.
It hurt, not just from the cramps you were feeling, but from the fact that Charon was going so slow, so gentle with you. You understood his concerns, yes, but... fuck. Your body screamed, your ovaries practically beat against your womb to just have him fuck you relentless, to pump you full of seed that would never take root.
You wheezed as his hips arch and press down against yours, rubbing your walls in a painfully erotic way, "Harder."
He stilled, then, bracing himself on his elbows to look at you, his scruffy scraps of hair hanging down like tattered curtains as your eyes locked once again. "You're sure?"
"Yes." You sob softly. "Fuck--yes. I--I need you to... to just..."
He growled, his mouth twisting into a snarl as he pushed up on the couch, leaning back as his hands reached around you, hoisting you up by your ass so his cock could angle blissfully within your cunt, wordlessly following your plea before settling into a bruising pace, rutting into you like a man possessed.
Your soft breasts bounced as he grunted, his cock stretching and fucking you so utterly it almost knocked all rational thoughts free from your brain; almost knocking your brain loose as you sob, tears prickling your vision as your eyes crossed, a wanton moan wrenched free from within you in concert with the howling winds that swept the wasteland outside.
The fire crackled and popped, dying down to lame embers, darkening the room as Charon pounded your sore and twitching cunt, the lewd sound of skin slapping on skin a constant sound going off like a gunshot in your ears.
Hell, each punch of his hips felt like a gunshot to your cervix; the pain mixing in a wondrous cocktail of euphoria as you felt your orgasm flutter from deep within you.
Your walls crushed down on his cock, your blood and slick letting him slide in and out of you with no effort as you whimpered and cried with every arch and fuck of his hips.
"Ch-Charon," You hiccup, your blood rushing so loudly in your ears it nearly drowned out the lewd sounds your bodies made as Charon gripped your hips in such a way that you were sure to have bruises in your ass cheeks tomorrow. "Charon, 'm gonna--"
"Do it." He groaned, his head hanging back and his mouth open in wet, hot pants; eyes screwed shut. "Cum for me, doll."
You arch your back, your nails digging into the frail fabric of the couch cushions, tearing the seams almost audibly as your climax rippled through your, your womb clenching finally in a way that blacked out your mind with not pain, but pleasure.
Blinding, searing, burning pleasure as your body turned to jelly in Charon's hands, letting him manhandle you through your final ebbs of nirvana as your pussy clenched around him.
He slowed his thrusts languidly, slowly easing you down onto the couch once again. Your blood would surely stain your bedding... But right now you couldn't care less; finally, blissful oblivion was granted to your cramps. Pain completely dissolved, you sighed in content as you heavy lids drew open to look up at him.
Charon let out a heavy sigh, his hand gripping your thigh softly, squeezing the fat there affectionately. "Feel better?"
"Yeah..." You sigh again, happily, your hands sliding up his shoulders to rest on the back of his neck.
But... some part of you roared to life, awareness spreading through your sex almost instincively.
"I... You didn't--"
Charon smirks at you, once again, the promise on his lips making your pussy flutter around him.
"This can last up to a week." He jerked his head towards the door he barricaded shut against the storm raging outside.
He snapped his hips into yours, grinding his cock head against your deepest reaches.
"So can this. I have plenty of time to get off. Right now... we're focusing on you."
You whimper as his teeth nip at your ear; "...And I think I feel you cramping again."
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moonknixght · 11 months
Awkward conversations and.. Fishes? (Steven Grant x GN!Reader)
Summary: Curiosity to learn more about a gorgeous store clerk of a pet shop leads Steven to buying his first pet ever. Warnings: Fluff ?? and just embarrassingly long silences Word count: 1.1k A/N: Okay please imagine that Gus wasn't Steven's pet already 🙏 Might make a part 2 if I get ideas. Also first post woohoo!! Made this account solely so I could make my ideas a reality. I'm a little rusty at writing as of right now, so bare with me </3 Requests are open for stuff!! (please talk to me)
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"And this little guy here, He's a feisty one, but he means no harm." Lifting up a perched budgie on your finger, who seemed to have distrustful look on it's face, You smile widely at the latest client that had stumbled upon your small shop. You've always been a passionate soul when it came to animals; from the age 8 when you first wanted to be a veterinarian, which you quickly backed out from after slight consideration as you realized that you would have to constantly put down animals and see them in absolute pain. The next choice was arts, which you did took a degree in, before landing on the final prospect of being a caretaker to injured animals. From there, you found yourself reverting back into your obsession, eventually starting a small shelter/pet-shop where you took in abandoned and wounded animals, healed them and put them back to find new owners. It would be a lie if you said that you didn't miss any of the animals that were taken by other people, but it was also a joy to see them go to homes where they would be given full attention and loved. Therefore, you found yourself rambling about all your beloved pets to whoever stepped into your little abode with any interest— which is what was happening right now. A guy, with almost perfect curly black hair and tan-kissed skin had walked in and began to mindlessly wander, often catching your eyes while he did so. You eventually walked up to him and offered your help, to which he seemed ever so grateful for, even though it was odd that he didn't know what animal he wanted to adopt. This man was Steven Grant. and only if you knew the panic the poor guy was going through. With Jake relentlessly pushing Steven to interact with the employee he's been eyeing through the glass doors of the pet-shop, Steven found himself awkwardly cruising through the different animals, who looked up at him with expectant eyes. Clearly, He needed a plan before walking into the shop, especially when you approached him with a confused look on your face. "Uh.. I-I'm not particularly fond of birds, love." Steven gave you a weak smile, he seemed like he was scared of possibly disappointing you. "Maybe the fishes?" 'Or the cats.' Jake added from somewhere in the headspace, obviously enjoying the shit-show. "Ah." You say allowing the bird back onto the bird perch, your eyes shifting towards a small section of the shop where you tucked away a rectangular aquarium with exactly one fish inhabiting it. "Well, The options are very limited with fishes." Steven was digging himself a deeper hole each time he enquired about the animals like he was actually going to get one— but don't get him wrong, he was genuinely finding your rambles about every creature there interesting. So interesting in fact, that he couldn't possibly leave without getting something. So, the most laziest pet to have would be a fish, according to him at least. You eventually lead him to the front of the tank, where you lightly bend (which Steven also mimicked) to meet eye-to-eye with a goldfish. But this wasn't any goldfish, it was a goldfish with exactly one fin. "He's your only luck if you're looking for fishes." "Does.. Does he have a name?" Steven asked, trying to keep the conversation going. How exactly was he going to take care of a goldfish anyways? Especially a goldfish that only had one fin? What if it dies? It'll ruin his entire day. Maybe his entire week.
 You tilt your head to think about it, before giving a soft shrug in response— which Steven admittedly found quite endearing. "Not really, He just came in like this I guess, Never thought to give him a name." 'A fish, Seriously?' "What about Gus?" Steven asked, turning a deaf ear to Jake's mocking comment. The goldfish paused for a second looking at the two observing it for a moment, before it continued to pace around again. It was almost like the little aquatic creature had approved of the name, but he wasn't planning on sounding like a total nutjob by expressing that out loud. "Hm, It surprisingly fits him." You say after a moment of silence. Though a second later, With a chuckle, You pick up conversation again. "You're pretty good at naming fishes, huh?"
"No! I just.. It came to me, I guess. Lil' fella looks like a Gus." "I agree."
After another moment of uncomfortable silence, Steven desperately tried to revive the exchange. "D'you know that Gus means Majestic? It fits 'cause it's quite amazing that he can swim with just a fin." 'Way to make them swoon, Steven. Buen trabajo.' Steven was truly getting sick of the unnecessary commentary from Jake, but he couldn't quite tell the wanker to piss off just yet. You, on the other hand, seemed to be intrigued by this rather sudden splurge of knowledge. Honestly, You didn't mind this at all, actually finding some amusement in how he suddenly geeked out. "Huh, I didn't know that." You said with a pleasant smile. "That's interesting now that you put it that way." "Yeah..." Steven's voice was small; the fear that he might have come off as weird subsided with your smile, which he reciprocated almost immediately. "I'll take him then." Your eyes lit up. For some odd reason, you didn't exactly expect him to actually get anything— Let alone a damn fish. Actually, Even Steven didn't know that he would end up being the owner of a fish, it just happened. He's technically already named the fish, it's only right that he takes it.
"Right, A moment." You nod, excusing yourself to go get the equipment needed to pack Gus away and off to settle in his new home. You come back a moment later as Steven stepped by the counter, Gus in a small plastic baggy as you balanced a small tank to put the little guy in as well as some food for the strangers convenience. Handing it off to him carefully, you nodded as you glanced at the only goldfish your store has seen be taken away. Who would've guessed. "I'll be off then, Thanks, love!" "You're welcome, Take care Gus!" You cheerfully wave them off, watching as your customer for the night took off. You sigh contently, feeling unnaturally happy about the whole interaction. Strange. — 'You bought a fish but you didn't ask for their name?' Gods, He totally forgot amidst everything. Steven had made it back home, his lip curling into a subtle frown as Marc bought forth a very valid point. The male couldn't help but sigh out loud, swiftly punishing himself with a face palm as he realized his error. Maybe Steven didn't manage to catch their name or learn more about them but as he laid in his bed, he found himself recalling how beautiful that store clerk looked when they smiled. And besides, he made a new friend— a companion he was starting to adore quite alot.
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mikobeautifulheart · 4 months
Well more like attempted kidnapper.
TW: Stalker/kidnapper and drug use (once)
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It all started when you and were sent on mission to an abandoned building, they suspected a special grade curse in there holding a few people hostage.
You managed to get all hostages out of the building but one, it was a risk but you had to make sure that if anyone died it was the curse or you. You fought and did kill the curse, helping the last hostage out of the building yourself.
You sighed and sat on a bench out side waiting to gather enough strength to walk home. It was then you felt a shadow Infront of you.
"Oh hey, are you okay? There is medical assistance over near that car there if your injured, maybe you should just get checked out instead."
"I-I'm okay. Look, I just wanted to thank you , I really thought I was going to die back there and if it weren't for you then I wouldn't be here right now."
Coming down from your adrenalin you took a closer look at the guy. He was slim and taller then you, but he looked weak like he hadn't eaten in days. That may as well have been the case; he could have been stuck there for days before they found the curses precense.
"Eh don't worry 'bout it, it's my job. And take this." You said tossing him a snack you had in your pocket.
He caught it and smiled at you.
With that you smiled back and began to walk back. As you walked you thought you felt an odd presence, not cursed energy but something else lingering on your skin.
It was probably nothing just you being tired...
As soon as you got back to the dorms you went straight to Megumi, your beloved boyfriend, who spent the rest of the night with you curled up next to him in his bed while playing with your hair.
You wake up to see Megumi getting dressed. That's right now it's Megumi's turn.
"Wait gumi, gimmie a sec and I'll go with you" you mumbled half asleep.
"No y/n today you should sleep in, not like Gojo is going to teach any classes anyway." He said sitting on the edge of the bed to tie his shoes.
"Just rest today okay? We'll talk when I get back." With that he walked out the door and you heard it lock behind him.
You had to admit it was nice to get some rest in.
After waking up late to class you were walking around the field yourself, waiting for everyone to show up for training. You felt you phone go off in your hand showing that you had a message.
Who was the guy this morning?
It was such a random message and when you inspected it further and saw that it was from an unknown number.
You nervously paced around in circles before you brought your thoughts together. Worst case sanario you get worked up and it was just a bad prank by Nobora and you'd have to beat her in your training session.
Is he your boyfriend?
No, you refuse to play along. For now you would just ignore the number.
Why won't you answer me?
"Y/N!" Nobora shouted getting your attention. You saw her and everyone else walk toward the field smiling.
So it was a joke.
Why were you so nervous, are those your friends?
But no one in the group was holding a phone...
You decided to forget about it, you were safe now that you were with people.
Teaning ended and you walked back to rhe dorms with everyone else before taking a shower and getting dressed.
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You opened the message to see a picture if you wrapped in your towel.
The blood drained from your face.
Is it okay if I come in?
You heard a knock at the door before the sound of the door knob being rattled filled the room.
You almost screamed before you heard Megumi on the other side.
"Y/n are you in there? I lost my keys on a mission."
You sighed in relife, finally you could be safe. You opened the door to see Megumi looking at you worriedly.
"Did something happen?" he questioned.
Was it really that obvious?
"Uh no? Anyway Megumi what about our mission this afternoon?"
"Yeah we'll leave for that soon, just give me 15 minutes."
You were glad you had Megumi on the mission kr it would ahem taken way longer. The vast part was probably the fact you got to go back to the dorms together.
"I'll go do a final check and then tell ichiji were done here." Megumi said gutting up from his spot next to you leaving you a water bottle that you were grateful for.
You were exhausted now, closing your eyes you listened to the breeze pushing the trees around. It was harmonic making you close your eyes and drift off for a moment.
A sting ran down your neck as you felt something poke it...hard. you sat up headooking side to side. You almost punched someone in the face when you realised there was a guy next to you.
"Hey y/n. Remember me? I was just wondering if you had anything going on with that other guy."
"What? Who are you?" Your thoughts become clearer and you did recognise the guy, it was the hostage you saved the other day.
"Oh you, you scared me." You went down to reach your water bottle before he handed it to you smiling.
"Yeah, so who is that guy your always with?"
"My boyfriend, Megumi? How do you know I'm always with him? I haven't seen you around since the abandoned building."
"I know. But I've seen you alot."
A shiver ran down your spine when you realised this guy is probably trouble.
"I think I need to leave now" you said standing up before falling to your knees.
What was going on. You looked at the bench before seeing two water bottles, you drank out of one that didn't have the same label as the one Megumi gave you.
Your body felt heavy and it became harder to move, the guy got on his knees infront of you.
He put his hand under your chin getting a better look at your face, eyes almost closed.
"You don't deserve all that's happening to you, or that rat your dating. He dosent appreciate you the way I do."
"N...no" you mumbled as he got behind you and tied your hands painful tight.
"Don't worry, you'll never have to see him again."
He threw you over his shoulder and walked toward the forest, your head was strong enough to hopelessly watch as the bench got further away.
You couldn't stay awake much longer, you were trapped panicking in your unresponsive body. All you could do was close your eyes as he carried you away.
A line of light slipped past he blinds as your eyes started to open. Your mind went straight back to the moment you were knocked out and immediately you sat up ready to fight. You took quick shallow breaths as you heard foot steps down the hall getting closer. Eventually the door creaked slowly before you shot up and kicked it closed hard sending g the person on the otherside into the wall.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" You yelled through the door.
"Y/n? Calm down okay, your safe now, it's me Megumi. Your in your dorm room see? Look around." The muffled voice said on the other side.
Not even hesitating you opened the door at the sound of his voice and wrapped your arms tightly around his chest.
"Megumi I was scared, I didn't want to leave. I didn't know how but I think he dugged me and-"
You started to sob into his chest as he embraced you back.
"It's okay now, I would never let you go. From now on if anything happens ir scares you I'll be here okay?" He whispered softly in your ear.
Just as you were being carried away Megumi came back, he summoned he demon dogs to track your scent before he found the guy a nearly beat him to death. He picked your unconscious body up, wiping a tear off your cheek before carrying you back to the car like you were as fragile as glass. He laid your head on his shoulder and pushed strands of hair out of your face.
He won't admit it to you but he nearly cried when you didn't respond to his words.
"I'll never let you go."
You nodded as he picked you up and carried you onto your bed, tracing circles on your back and pressing kisses to your head.
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Tagged: @hatake05 @pinkbunnysblog
AUTHOURS NOTE: got a little of track form the original idea soo..reblogs are welcomed and have a Good whatever time <3
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neteyamssyulang · 10 months
✶ The Masked Flame ✶
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✶ Pairing: Toxic ex boyfriend Lo’ak x Fem omaticaya reader ✶
✶ Based on my darlings @ lowryv request ✶
✶ Summary: Kiri had managed to drag you to this masked party at the human outpost, what you didn’t expect was for your ex to show up.
✶ Warnings: Toxic Lo’ak, slightly drunk (both), Obsessive Lo’ak, Dom Lo’ak, Sub reader, P in V, Choking, Ass smacking, Creampie, Marking.
✶ Total word count: 1956 ✶
✶ Translation(s): kelku -> home, skxawng -> moron/idiot, kalweyaveng -> Son of a bitch, Alu tsenga nga lu kemwiä yawntutsyìp -> That is where you are wrong darling, Nga lu otkn -> You are mine, klsr tsal -> Say it, Kehe, Oe rilnh kolan kä txal tsonta eywa -> No, I would rather go back to eywa. Yawne -> Beloved.
✶ A/N: I did not expect to write this much but I loved this idea so much! Also I know most masked parties aren’t probably like this but I couldn’t pass it up. Anyways enjoy! <3
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Why did you agree to this? Why were you so naive that you couldn’t even realize it was him at first?
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The day had started off with Kiri coming over to weave some costumes and masks for this party the humans were throwing at the outpost.
“Oh cmon y/n it’ll be fun! Trust me you’ll love it” Kiri said while giving you her best puppy dog eyes Jake had taught her.
She had to practically beg you to go since she didn’t want to go alone and you needed to get out and enjoy yourself again.
Chuckling softly you finally gave in “Alright alright I will go with you.” Your friend squealed and hugged you tightly till you felt like you were about to pass out.
You hadn’t really left your family’s kelku that much ever since you and her brother Lo’ak broke up a week ago, things just weren’t working out between you guys.
Unfortunately while you were starting to move on he couldn’t seem to get over you, he’s the reason why you didn’t want to go out. Whenever you tried he’d always be there, watching, waiting.
The motherfucker was crazy, even though you broke up he kept telling others that you were still together and that you were just being stubborn.
Kiri tried to help get her brother to leave you alone but Lo’ak doesn’t listen to anyone, he’s the clan rebel. Everyone knows how he is and why his relationships don’t last that long, he’s just- ugh.
He never obsessed this much over any of his ex’s so why was he so fucking obsessed with you? It made you angry in a way because now all the males steared clear of you not wanting to anger Lo’ak.
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It took a few hours but the costumes were finished, your costume was a gold beaded top with more bead’s attached to each side loosely, a gold loincloth with beads attached all around the top of it and then falling down the middle, and two gold beaded armbands. Your mask was also gold with small flowers on it and beads falling down the front of it, the humans were nice and let you use it.
For Kiri’s costume she made a red beaded top with feathers in it, a long red loincloth with beads decorated into it, and her mask was what the humans called sequin red with rhinestones covering it.
The party wasn’t going to start for another hour but Kiri had insisted you both get dressed so it won’t take too long and you won’t have to rush anything, unbeknownst to both of you though Lo’ak had also decided to go.
Spider was the one to suggest Lo’ak should go just so he could get his mind off of you and maybe even have a quick fuck, he only agreed so that his friend could shut up about it.
“Cmon bro! There’s plenty of other females who would gladly throw themselves at you, you need to forget about y/n.” Spider sighed looking at his bestfriend who still layed on his bed staring at the ceiling.
Lo’ak groaned annoyed before grabbing the pillow behind his head chucking it at Spider who yelped as it hit him in the face “If it’ll shut your skxawng ass up fine I’ll go.”
Lo’ak had opted to wear a black mask with gold swirls on the sides along with a black loincloth he had sewn himself.
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It was finally time to leave for the party, you and Kiri walked hand in hand dressed beautifully in your costumes towards the outpost.
Nearing it you heard the sounds of human music being played mixed with both human and na’vi shouting and laughing.
Kiri had separated from you sometime as you were trying to make your way through the sea of na’vi towards the refreshments table.
The only drinks were pongu pongu and water, normally you weren’t a big drinker but tonight you decided to eywa with it and downed a cup with the alcohol.
You had maybe 3 or 4 cups before you fell a bit drunk, unfortunately it was also around the time when Lo’ak and spider showed up aswell.
One of the male avatars who’s name was Rowan had come up from behind you startling you as he placed his hand on your shoulder,turning around your met with a very handsome face
“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help but say that I think you look very beautiful and I was wondering if you’d maybe like to dance?” The male smiled nervously as he removed his hand from you in order to hold it out for you to take.
You were drunk but could still think a bit so you nodded “Sure, I’d love to dance.” You retuned the smile as you took his hand letting him lead you to the dance floor the humans had installed, it had lights that flashed different colors.
Rowan placed your arms around his neck before placing his hands on your waist, the two of you held eye contact as you gently swayed to the music. It was a slow song after all, or atleast it was till you spotted Kiri talking to the DJ with a mischievous grin on her face.
Next thing you know 23 by mike will made it starts playing and everyone is hollering as now these two girls -one na’vi and one human- start dancing on the poles in the middle of the dance floor.
Your eyes widened at the foreign act but quickly you became intrigued, Rowan had now moved behind you placing his hands on your hips while leaving soft kisses along the side of your neck.
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Lo’ak was starting to enjoy this up until he looked over at the dance floor and immediately recognized you. His mouth fell open as he took in your costume but immediately scowled as he saw the other male touching you while leaving kisses on your neck.
He dropped the pongu pongu from his hand and pushed the small human who was giving him a lap dance off of him before walking over towards you.
Lo’ak practically ripped the guy off you punching him in the face then grabbed you by the arm dragging you away from the party and deep into the forest.
You didn’t know what was going on or who was taking you away, all you knew was that you were drunk, horny, and dying for some release.
Deciding you two were enough ways away from the party he shoved you against a tree wrapping one of his hands around your neck while the other held onto your hip.
“How dare you let another man touch what’s mine!” he hissed squeezing your neck a bit. Your ears pinned back against your skull as a soft whine escaped you.
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Who was this man? You didn’t know, you didn’t know what he was talking about. Your gaze went to the ground avoiding the male infront of you.
Lo’ak did not like that, the hand he had on your throat moved to your chin up forcing you to look at him, with his other hand he moved the beads of your mask to the side before smashing his lips against yours.
The kiss was anything but gentle, it was aggressive leaving you breathless trying to pull away much to Lo’aks distaste. You didn’t even notice that he had removed your top and loincloth discarding them off to the side as well as his own loincloth.
Eventually he broke the kiss trailing them to your neck sucking and nipping at it, your small moans filled his ears till he couldn’t stand it anymore. He needed you.
Not giving a shit letting the alcohol get to him Lo’ak picked you up positioning himself at your entrance then slammed you down onto his thick shaft.
A shriek left your lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck clinging onto him, Lo’ak wasted no time and began to pound into up you mercilessly making you scream.
He didn’t care if you were broken up you were still his, you belonged to him no one else. His jealousy and anger fueled his desire to keep taking you roughly hitting all the right spots.
Your orgasm was approaching rapidly, Lo’ak could tell from the way your walls fluttered around his cock with each thrust he delivered into you.
“That’s it..” he cooed pushing deeper inside your aching pussy “Cum for me princess.” Your eyes locked with his and immediately you shook your head no realizing who it was you were with.
Lo’ak chuckled darkly “Oh baby.. you don’t have a choice, your mine, you.will.listen.to.me” Each word was delivered with a particularly harsh thrust coaxing out small cries from you.
You tried to fight off your orgasm but fuck did he feel good inside you, mentally smacking yourself you pushed that thought aside and squirmed in his hold “L-let go of me Lo’ak!”
A growl rumbled through Lo’aks chest as he buried himself to the hilt stilling himself inside of you. “You do not make the rules darling” he hissed baring his fangs then with one of his hands he removed his mask aswell as yours tossing them somewhere.
Narrowing your eyes you brought one of your hands up slapping him across the face “I am not yours anymore you kalweyaveng!”
If Lo’ak wasn’t angry before he sure as hell was now, he pulled away from the tree taking only a few steps before pulling out and literally dropping you onto the mossy ground.
You yelped as your bottom hit the ground but quickly moved to get up, Lo’ak got on his knees pushing you back down onto the ground then flipped you over over onto your stomach.
One of his hands grabbed your wrists pinning them against your back while the other lined himself with your entrance plunging back inside.
He moved the free hand to the back of your neck holding you down as he rutted into you from behind “Alu tsenga nga lu kemwiä yawntutsyìp” he chuckled softly picking up his pace aiming for the spongey part inside of you.
Tears began falling from your eyes as your lost orgasm resurfaced hitting you will full force, your screams filled the area as you came squirting your juices on Lo’aks lower abdomen and thighs.
“Nga lu otkn” he growled “klsr tsal!” he removed the hand on your wrists bringing it down hard against your ass making you yelp.
“Kehe! Oe would kolan kä txal tsonta eywa!” You hissed earning yourself another harsh smack against your ass.
Lo’ak fumed stilling his hips so he could flip you over onto your back without pulling out of you, once that was finished he leaned down placing his head into the crook of your neck inhaling your scent.
Before you got a chance to shove him off of you his merciful pace started back up hitting your sweet spot every single time making you see stars.
You felt him graze his fangs over your neck making you shudder “D-don’t..” , marking was only meant for mates which you and Lo’ak would never be.
Well, again he doesn’t listen for shit. As he neared his climax he delivered one more harsh thrust into you before stilling his hips and sinking his fangs into your neck.
Your eyes rolled back as you came again digging your nails into his back groaning, you felt him spill his thick warm seed into you while he kept you close to him.
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A few moments pass then Lo’ak unlatches from your neck admiring his mark on you, his eyes lock with yours now “Now everyone will know your mine yawne.”
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