#anyway. welcome back king<3 i missed you<33
musicallisto · 1 year
sorry channie you know i love you but i have another australian boyfriend and he's been away too long
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poltergeist-coffee · 10 months
I am officially dead
But here I am again:D
Not much to say because my mind is kinda fried
I mean, I'm not really surprised, it's Roier, this is exactly the type of random thing you should expect from him, but how did it happen???
Roier is one of the funniest people ever, I can't with that voice changer
My cubito/streamer is back:D
Look, I'm not saying Pac is my favorite character/streamer but... I mean, if he was, Mike would be too because it's Pac and Mike
I would draw him if it wasn't almost midnight and I was less dead and I didn't have to wake up early in the morning and hadn't I started at lesst 4 four drawings I didn't finish, but yeah, I will do it eventually:D
Cellbit and Baguera went full kill mode a few days ago, apparently
Good for them:D
We almost got a hideduo date, but of course, Pac had to be kidnapped:D
I love how those cyclopes workers kidnapped Tubbo and Pac, and then there was Etoiles. Who was bullying them
Etoiles is simply amazing
And then they went to Forever, saying, " we got you in an ultimatum" and he put one of them in jail
That's my president:D
Also, I want to say that Pepito is my child now, Pepito is literally a baby, and I love Pepito very much
And I've seen some posts of Chayanne and Forever interacting recently and... I love them, Chayanne beloved
We don't have guapoduo, nor hideduo, or pacmanduo, or frubbo, or teaduo
But apparently, we got sugarduo, so I guess it is the price to pay
Anyway, I hope everything is okay with you and that you have a happy holiday:D
If have anything to say about your aus or any other thoughts, please tell me, I'll be happy to hear
Hope you have a good day/night!
- 🍽
roier gave us the most liek 5 minutes heartbreaking acting and serious lore and then turned into a fucking rat so he could be silly and crazy asdkjnvsajnakj
me too king TT i keep starting drawings and then forget to finish them TT the amount of unfinished drawings i have is unreal but i want to do them all TT currently im drawing a lot of qpac and qetoiles hehe :3c its for a racing/formula 1 au ^-^
im worried about qforever ;-;; he tweeted something not too long ago about his cubito and a stream tomorrow like im so worried ;-;
YAA IM SO HAPPY RMAON AND SUMMY ARE FRIENDS :')) sunny has had such a hard time making friends and feels like none of the otehr islanders or eggs (besides pepito and empanada) like them so im so glad ramon likes her TT its so cute seeing her hang out with ramon and fit like aaah theyre so cute
yaaa i hope everything is going well for you too king :")) its lovely to see a little message from you ^-^ happy holidays!!! i hope you get some rest and everything <33
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starcloud-nova · 2 years
omg bestie u read trc!!? tell me ur thoughts!! or not <33 i hope ure well <33
MOON HI omg i missed u how are you
YEAH yeah i finished call down the hawk like two days ago it was so ugh like UGH. im gonna have to find mi somewhere bc idk how i'll be able to wait until school starts back up. it's been like sooo hard for me to read books lately so it took me like a month to get through all of them minus blue lily which was my favorite and took a week but i still loved these shits so much.
favorite characters were like. gansey because he's gansey but also NOAH 💖💖💖💖💖 noah was soooo fucking. i love that kid so much and i'm so sad we'll never get to see what he was like before he died :(. noah also continually reminded me of @ aries so much and that's part of why i loved his character so much. he was so much like aries. ily aries.
my fave book was blue lily, lily blue. god blue lily was so good i loved every bit of it but the raven king !!! fuck shit that was some goooood horror like damn i wish there was more horror in novels like that i absolutely died at That One Scene with adam. henry was also a welcome change in pace from the chaos of the rest of the characters. i didn’t like him in bllb but he’s better now <3
let me tell you the books were naaaaawt at all what i expected because mostly i knew them as Those Gay Books that tumblr liked or maybe it was just this one blogger who liked them so anyways i was surprised at the plot. like. psychics :0 magic :00 not what i thought it would be. also the person i followed really liked gansey and adam and ronan and so when i read the summary of the raven boys i was like surprised that there was this random chick named blue. shocked, even. who was she.
they were incredible books tho i'll admit like genuinely would have me hooked if i could stand reading for longer than an hour at a time. like the plot was so well written and worldbuilding was so amazing and the characters were all so mwah mwah blorbo. it's only been like 6 months since i started book 1 (im pretty sure it was late december) i feel so nostalgic for the early days :). stupid fucking gansey with his stupid fucking notebook, ronan who had chronic “im obnoxious" disease. adam and his whole thing:(.
i find it so kind of funny sad how ronan and adam and like. and he. and. him punching adams dad like that was whew. also spent the entire book in distress that adam was sticking around so that he could ask glendower for the favor. :(((like that broke my heart ADAM YOURE STRONGER THAN THIS I SWEAR YOU CAN DO IT you are capable of great things babey:((((((.
as for book two. hmmmm. hmmmmm. im forced to admit i didn’t like the dream thieves as much. not that it was a bad book it was a great book but adam was like having a mental breakdown and so he was being mean to everyone and then ronan was taking drugs like candy under kavinsky’s supervision and that also made me sad. to quote myself “i always want more complex characters and storylines with realistic trauma and reactions until my favorite character is mean” snsjdjdnd. mr gray was like 🔫🔫🔫 i didn’t like him but then he was redeemed i suppose. he’s aight, esp with how he protected the kids in later books.
when i was reading i liveblogged in kestrel's server because @littlebluejane had read the books before me and provided excellent reactions to my reactions. was reading out of a paper book so i have like several pictures of pages of the best lines and ouch it hurts so bad. like the dynamic between blue and ronan was so good :(((asshole who cares and asshole who doesn't. the “wrong demon" line from when adam and ronan were driving around town haunts me to this day, and then blue and noah <333 they were in love but platonically.
[SPEAKING OF NOAH when i finally connected the dots in book four and got to the scene where NOAH is the one telling gansey that glendower saved him i lost my god damn mother fucking mind. like holy shit. HUHH. i will never recover. ever ever.]
i would mention shit from like cdth but i just finished it and the series isn’t done yet so we can’t find all the fun easter eggs and. mostly i’m just sort of reeling. so much happened in this book but mostly the summary on the inside was misleading because it implies hennessy and farooq-lane and ronan are all going to coincide but i don’t think farooq-lane even gets to look at the two of them. very misleading smh. parsifal was on my shitlist at first but after he died he’s off the hook ig. matthew and his whole THING killed me absolutely slaughtered me. also the implication that aurora was based off someone else. yeah. a Lot of stuff happened in this book. yeah.
ne ways this got so so long i’m sorry i had to relocate to my notes app bc i was like wait this doesn’t make any sense this is all jumbled up so then i regrouped i rearranged i rescouted and now we are here. at the end of this post. sorry moon sorry followers have fun reading all of this. read the raven cycle. four books all roughly 400 pages by maggie steifvater. good yes yes good.
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everlarkficexchange · 5 years
Everlark Fic Exchange. PROMPTS
Springtime Edition 2020.
These are the prompts we’ve received so far.
Crossed out prompts have already been selected and are being turned into fics!
A huge ‘Thank you’ to everyone who’s taken the time to come up with an idea and send it our way. Your prompts are the heart of the Exchange. Without them, our authors wouldn’t get to write all those beautiful fics. So, please, keep them coming!
You haven’t sent anything yet? Don’t worry, there’s still time. We’ll be receiving prompts until March 8.  Don’t be afraid to inspire us!
Prompt 1: Middle Mellark brother never wanted a baby bro. Spends half his life defending or admiring or manipulating Peeta, but the other half hating him for being so perfect (the favorite sweet talker and best baker wrestler). Whether to help or torment him, Rye asks reserved Katniss on a date to get a reaction. Maybe told as a wedding toast? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 2: Katniss is a high end house painter who works with expensive decorators, hired to paint an up and coming artists home. Turns out it’s Peeta, the boy her mother saved from an abusive home, who then disappeared. [submitted by @niceworksherlock]
Prompt 3: Imaginative only child Prim loves acting out all sorts of adventures with her favorite action figures Katniss and Peeta. (Toy Story-ish talking toys?) [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 4: Gale attempts to shoot Peeta during a hijacking episode on the Star Squad. Leaving Peeta wounded but not fatally. Katniss thinks Gale killed him. [submitted by Anonymous]
Prompt 5: Prompt has been removed.
Prompt 6: Medieval Au: Queen Katniss is in love. Too bad the person, Peeta is a renounced rebellion leader now turned into the personal sexslave of King Cato Snow, the son of Coriolanus Snow. With each passing day its becoming more and more dangerous for this star-crossed lovers to survive. Will she risk her family (sister Prim and mom) for love or will she be able to utilise the secrets of the castle Capitol in her favour to usurp the evil King and his father? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 7: Katniss Everdeen the daughter of a billionaire tries to antagonise her father. So she decides to date poor, uneducated simple boy Peeta. Her whole family (even Prim) hates him. Too bad his father has already arranged her marriage with his business partner's son Gale, a smart, handsome and successful man. Will she really fall for Peeta or will she bow to her father's will? Does Peeta feel himself worthy of Katniss? [submitted by @white-dandelion-seeds]
Prompt 8: Peeta is a rich ceo and in love with another who disappeared before their marriage. So he withdraw within himself. But then he meets katniss( her background is up to you ) and falls in love for the second time. [submitted by @mysteriouslycraftyreview]
Prompt 9: Katniss is a commoner and peeta is a cruel king. He wants katniss to be his mistress. How will they fall in love is up to you. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 10: katniss and peeta are best friends who were in a friends w benefits arrangement in the past. now the hunger for each other is coming back. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 11: in panem au where everlark isn't reaped and peeta knocks up katniss. [submitted by @sunflowerslyf]
Prompt 12: katniss walks out of the fitting room wearing only a bikini to ask her friend if it suits her but it isnt her friend at the other side of the door but peeta. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 13: Katniss and Peeta work things out after the first Games and become closer and closer, and their love grows deeper. One day though, they are caught by Mrs. Everdeen and a fight ensues...(outcome is up to you, as long as it is Everlark!) [submitted by @albinokittens300]
Prompt 14: THG The Witcher AU with Katniss = Geralt, Peeta = Yenn, Prim = Ciri [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 15: A Below Deck inspired Everlark. Bonus points for including Odesta. [submitted by @historywriter2007]
Prompt 16: Hades!Katniss/Persephone!Peeta Katniss has stolen herself a husband. As Peeta becomes acclimated to being co ruler of the underworld Katniss finds herself bewitched by him beyond any measure she believed possible. But someone is not too happy with Katniss and has vowed vengeance. Vengeance in the form of the husband Katniss has come to revere. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 17: Everlark enemies to lovers, a long standing grudge (could be anything, even simple) but somehow it is discovered that Katniss is a bone marrow match for Peeta. If she doesn't donate he will die. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone​]
Prompt 18: A Wrinkle in Time AU - Meg!Katniss, Charles Wallace!Prim, Calvin!Peeta. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone​]
Prompt 19: Everlark inspired by Netflix show Love is blind. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 20: Peeta is the CEO and katniss is his secretary. They have an affair and katniss gets pregnant but when she tells peeta he doesn't believe her and accuse her of trying to trap him. What will he do when he realize his mistake and how will he win katniss back. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 21: High school romance based on the movie Wild Child. [submitted by @mysteriouslycraftyreview]
Prompt 22: Set in early 20th century. Katniss and Peeta are from two rival families who have been enemies since forever. They have a chance meeting which led to them falling in love. They are completely unaware of their identity. Will their love survive or will their relationship crumble. [submitted by @mysteriouslycraftyreview]
Prompt 23: Rumor: MrEverdeen crossed fence dividing Town and Seam, kidnapped Mrs Everdeen making her his commonlaw wife. Years later, Mellark sons plan to avenge their father by raiding Seam and kidnapping one of Everdeens daughters for one of them to take as a wife! Does Katniss “volunteer,” does she escape, how do the 3 brothers decide what to do with her since they didn’t plan it all out well? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 24: After Prim survives her first reaping, Katniss realizes she must have better plan for Prim’s future; fights to reclaim rights to the apothecary; wins it back after drawn out legal battle; installs her mom and Prim as owners. But Katniss not welcome in town for her Seam looks and distasteful takeover of a town business, and she’s not welcome in Seam as she refuses to marry Gale. So now 18 and past reaping, what will she do, where will she go, does anyone need her, can she let herself need anyone? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 25: Panem’s Mellark bakers are practically royalty, but with power comes responsibility. Peeta struck deal long ago to someday take reigns of Corp and settle down once dad retires if he can sow wild oats until then fucking everything that moves. Time’s up! Must propose! Publicity stunt for Mardi Gras - will bake engagement ring into cupcakes, makes sure his choice of wife will get that one, but mixup! Some girl in D12 gets it by mistake! Can’t admit his error! Katniss feels miracle, $ woes over! [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 26: the night before the Quarter Quell, in the sleepless dark, Katniss and Peeta allow themselves to indulge in the bittersweet dream of a future they’ll never have together (“if it wasn’t us, what would you do?” “I’d want to marry you” “tell me”) [submitted by @rosegardeninwinter]
Prompt 27: Pick a “what if” - what if Katniss was at Peeta’s bedside when he woke after losing his leg? - what if Katniss hadn’t been locked inside her room after wandering at night when she decides to seek out Peeta? - what if Haymitch hadn’t left the train when it stopped and upset Peeta with his comment? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 28: The truth finally comes out years later: Lily broke off the engagement only after the baker had knocked up her best friend, and for the baby’s sake she had left to run a free clinic in the seam where she does find true love. Her family invites her back to the apothecary now that they know and they forgive her for marrying a mine worker now that he’s deceased anyway. How does young Katniss adjust to life in town; Peeta, Delly, Madge as neighbors; not needing to go over the fence but wanting to? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 29: Post-MJ, Growing Together. Peeta is finally showing his affection and love for Katniss as they heal and reconnect. Katniss, being Katniss, seems to act like she doesn't appreciate this, and is less than enthused. Peeta, taking this like an adult, stops showing her with the affection and tries to show her his love in other ways. Katniss, however, does not appreciate him stopping those things and set out to try and get him to continue it again because she misses it. [submitted by @albinokittens300]
Prompt 30: When Prim needs a bone marrow reconstitution that can only be accomplished via genetic matched umbilical stem cell transplantation, Mrs E confesses that the baker is Prim’s father. Prim’s best chance of survival depends on Katniss having a Mellark’s child for the donor cells. How does she get one of the Mellarks to agree? And what are negotiations like regarding conception and what to do with the baby once it’s born? What if it’s more than one baby because of the medication Katniss is given? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 31: “We never see you two so much as kiss in public but last night we all heard you have sex.” Who says it (Johanna, Haymitch, Finnick or ?) and under what circumstances (vacation rental, baby monitor mishap or ?) is up to you. From BBA [submitted by Buttercupbadass]
Prompt 32: Pre-books fic about a young Peeta crushing on Katniss. His friends tease him about his crush constantly, and it irritates him because everyone seems to know except Katniss herself. But he just rolls his eyes good-naturedly whenever his friends say something about it. [submitted by @madetofly]
Prompt 33: Roommates+Friends-with-Benefits: It’s finally March and Katniss is hankering for a Shamrock Shake because “Damned it, Peeta! I can taste the mint!” So he drives her to every McDonald's in a 40 mile radius without luck. She cries, surprising both of them ‘cause she never cries… Peeta takes matters into his hands, buys ingredients for a homemade 🍀 shake plus a pregnancy test just in case. You decide what’s the result and what Everlark does with the knowledge/scare. Extra points for humor. [submitted by @alliswell21]
Prompt 34: Peeta Mellark is the owner of a popular bakery chain and has no time for romance. Katniss Everdeen is struggling, about to be evicted, in deep debt and desperate, she jokingly tells her friend Madge over a cheese bun, she needs a Sugar Daddy to put her trough college and Peeta happens to overhear it. She’s a regular at his main shop, and is cute if a few years his junior. He offers her a deal she can’t refuse. Age gap. Extra cookies for accidental toastbaby and falling in love. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 35: No reaping AU. At 19, Katniss considers marrying Gale for practical reasons; the fact she just heard the baker’s son toasted and was assigned a house at the edge of town has nothing to do with it... maybe. What happens next? (was Peeta really married or was it his brother? Does she marry Gale? Does Everlark ever talk? Will Peeta cheat if he’s actually married? Can Katniss admit she loves the Boy with the Bread? Is this forbidden love?) is up to you. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 36: Frustrated and stressed out Single dad!Peeta needs a fuck desperately. His best friend, Katniss, unwittingly offers to help him out. Things get murky with repressed feelings, but one thing’s certain, Peeta can’t keep his hands to himself anymore and Katniss is all too willing to oblige at the drop of a hat, regardless of place, time and her own emotions, as long as he keeps whispering all his sexy, filthy thoughts into her ear. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 37: Not-Reaped, In-Panem AU where Peeta and Katniss have begun quietly seeing one another. It is very early on and they are really only just getting a bearing on how deep their feelings are when one day Katniss sees Peeta beat by his mother and no amount of will power will stop her from going and confronting the witch. She goes in there on a war path but stops when she sees just how hurt Peeta is this time, with open gash on his leg from when he had fallen to the ground... [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 38: Everlark inspired by Netflix's Spinning Out (But honestly I believe it was the other way around!) [submitted by @justhereforthefanfiction]
Prompt 39: Taylor Swift - Mary’s Song (aka childhood best friends to lovers to husband and wife) [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 40: No choice - friends Katniss and Gale must wed to become legal guardians of siblings. Still not enough to avoid financial ruin. Convinced only way to get desperately needed fast cash is for Katniss to first offer virginity to highest bidder. But how to find him or her, how to negotiate terms, does she confide in anyone, how should she prepare, will it all be quick and forgotten as she hopes, what could go wrong, can she keep this secret, can she use a fake name, can she hire a service? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 41: Inspired by the dancing kid meme. A video clip of either Katniss/Peeta as a child becomes a huge meme. How do they handle it? Maybe it gets them together? Maybe it’s creation tears them apart? [submitted by Buttercupbadass]
Prompt 42: Every time there’s a really bad storm, a bolt of lightning precedes Katniss getting transported to another life. She’s always Katniss with all her memories, but everything around her is different. Peeta is always there, she just needs to figure out if he’s friend, foe, stranger. And, damn it, the storms this spring with global warming sometimes has her in and out of situations before she can figure anything out. Gale complicate things further. It’s enough to drive her crazy... [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 43: Katniss post-war becomes crazy cat lady, dedicates herself to caring for every stray, calls them all Buttercup, don’t get along with Haymitch’s geese. Now does Dr Aurelius make a house call? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 44: Believing that taking a new young bride every 5 years will keep him youthful, Snow arranges to marry wife #12 from D12. In the hours between the ceremony and the wedding night, he drops dead. 16-yr-old Katniss returns to 12 but now she’s “Widow Snow.” Can she ever be Katniss, district huntress again? With all that $, wedding gifts, etc that were sent on the train with her? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 45: Prompt has been removed.
Prompt 46: Pacific Rim inspired AU with drift compatible Everlark (or not if you’re inspired by angst). I really just want to see more of that aspect of Pacific Rim explored than what they did in the movie and what better way to do it than with Everlark! [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 47: katniss and peeta have a one night stand after meeting at a bar. when katniss visits her gyno turns out peeta is her new doctor. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 48: best friends!everlark who take each other's virginity. [submitted by @sunflowerslyf]
Prompt 49: "I'm your boss, give me your pants. Now." [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 50: everlark discovering on their date that they've missed each other their whole lives (living in the same city, went to the same high school, going to the same halloween and nye parties, were set up before by different friends but stood each other up, shopping at the same store, etc.) [submitted by @sunflowerslyf]
Prompt 51: Katniss E, the Valedictorian of Panem High school, is perfect in all fields of life. And that is the crush of awkward, average in studies, not so popular, never had a girlfriend, often bullied Peeta M. Not only does she have a very popular friend circle but also a handsome, popular boyfriend Gale H. Will she even want to be his friend? Is his crush doomed to fail? Eventual Everlark. [submitted by @white-dandelion-seeds]
Prompt 52: “The Tao of Peeta” - maybe setting is as (small, remote, surrounded by wild creatures) D12 is being used as a penal colony for dangerous (political?) prisoners? Bring in other victors? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 53: Katniss’s parents finally convinces her to attend the military ball because they are honoring her dad after some time of trying to distance herself from the military world. At the ball, she meets a handsome, charming man that might bring her back into the world she was trying to leave. [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 54: Heart wrenching angst Everlark based on the song “Me Dedique A Perderte” by Alejandro Fernandez. [submitted by @animekpopxx​]
Prompt 55: The Prophecy states: “A powerful witch that’s born from the two worlds,will reunite them and will bring peace. “ Everyone thought that the prophecy was talking about her. And she did bring change and hope to everyone but who ultimately brought the peace was her unborn child. [submitted by @animekpopxx​]
Prompt 56: Who dun it? Shortly after Katniss goes to one of those paint and kiln your own porcelain places, (owner artist Peeta), people start disappearing. The only connection seems to be that they were people she bitched about while sipping too much wine and painting her piece. She becomes prime suspect. No bodies can be found, how are they vanishing? Can she offer an alibi for each disappearance? That guy Peeta keeps popping up, is he following her? She’s sure she caught him looking at her... [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 57: In a place where the world prospers with a female dominated world, Coriolanus Snow successfully does a coup over the reigning Everdeen family with ruthless bunches of man to create a world where men dominate.But the people’s hope is in the form of a Katniss Everdeen and Snow did not know that she was right under his nose the whole time before it was too late. [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 58: Historical au where princess katniss and duke peeta are secretly sleeping together, are caught, and now have to marry each other. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 59: Growing up Peeta started loving her. It was a gradual thing that happened throughout his childhood and into his teens. But something changes when he hits puberty. Her scent has heightened, he can spot her from miles away. He gets a bit possessive. But the biggest thing is when his body starts to heat up and even just the thought of you gets him hard for days. He finds out the family secret of his werewolf genes, something his parents thought passed him. How can he go by with his day and be with her without scaring her away by humping her because of his heat. [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 60: After severe flooding(?) community urged to open homes to disaster victims. Mrs. E offers to take in children only. Peeta and bro assigned there temporarily. Peeta quiet, polite? Bro constant source of embarrassment? Prim doesn’t want them to ever leave? Does Gale have anything to say about this? How does Katniss deal with it? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 61: Peeta knew better, but he did stupid things when he got drunk. Now he’s caged at the animal shelter in his wolf form. And, omg, Katniss Everdeen let her little sister drag her in to see the dogs?! He knows he shouldn’t, but teen hormones. He just wants to lick her hand. Get a tummy rub. Hump her leg. Sleep on her bed. Omg, they take him home!!!! He needs to let his dad know where he is. Omg. He needs to figure out his bakery shift. “God, don’t let Katniss catch me licking my balls.” [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 62: one night stand!everlark sleeping together the same night a terrible snowstorm hits the city and everything gets shut down with no way to get home. perhaps a two night stand? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 63: katniss and peeta who are exes wake up together naked, hungover, and married. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 64: She’s a good girl, goes to confession weekly. He’s a bad boy, on the run, slips into the confessional booth just in time. Now he’s stuck hiding in here for a bit hearing the some dull some crazy confessions of the elderly - and of one young girl with the sexiest voice. May go to hell for this, but he’s a guy and can’t help himself with what he says/does next. One of them ends up saying, “Oh, God! Yes!” [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 65: Everlark fluff based on the song Sugar by Maren Morris. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 66: Everlark post apocalypse, katniss and peeta are neighbors and the only two that make it to katniss's father's bunker in time. Over the course of several years the two have grown quite close having no one else, but now provisions are running low. Do they face the unknown outside or stay put, knowing they only have food to last another week? [sent by anonymous]
Prompt 67: Her parents said that it was just a childhood crush and that she will outgrow it. But why does her heart flutters. When she’s finally old enough to get a job, she immediately gets a part time job to be close to him. Will is pursue her love against people’s negative views because he’s so much older than her. Or go for it and make him fall in love with her. Age Gap Older!Peeta. [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 68: Dark Coffee Shop AU - Capitol Peeta runs a Coffee/Pastry shop in the poshest part of the Capitol. Near by President Snow’s Mansion. Capitol!Katniss is a frequent customer. Things in the Capitol begin to deteriorate as the rebellion drags on. Are they sympathetic to the rebel cause? [submitted by @oakfarmer12]
Prompt 69: College boy Peeta helps incoming students move into the dorms. Katniss is his next assignment. Age Gap? Maybe Katniss is an older student going to college later? Grad student? Maybe Peeta is a senior, Katniss a Freshman? The possibilities are endless! [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 70: Peeta picks up a hitchhiker in the mountains one night, only to find it's his childhood best friend and now escaped convict Katniss Everdeen. In a panic he calls police but after hearing her side of the story comes to believe she didn't actually murder anyone. Everlark on the run. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 71: King Snow forces the daughter of dead rebel leader Katniss to marry is adpoted son Peeta M and kills her father. P coming to know the truth on their wedding night vows to avenge Mr E's death. K hates him and carries on her own rebellion supplying her next clan leader Gale information from the Castle. When Snow is killed and rebels overtake Capitol chaos ensures. Ally of rebel, a neighbouring kingdom's queen Coin tries to use the situation in her favour. Whose side will K take? Eventual Everlark. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 72: Peeta is off a very abusive, poor home. His school friend Katniss has the exact opposite home: well loved and well off family. What happens when opposite worlds clash? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 73: I am a simple woman: I just want Katniss Everdeen content and loved and washed in moonlight I don’t care how you do it. [submitted by @rosegardeninwinter]
Prompt 74: Katniss Everdeen is horny. It has been three months since she left asshole Gale to enjoy her life. She just needs a good fuck. She goes man-hunting to a local bar with Jo. The even ends up with her being naked on her bed, with the head of a very handsome blonde, stocky stranger between her thighs. But after her first orgasm of the night when he says: I’ve never done this before, will it be the last? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 75: An in-Panem arranged marriage a/u where Katniss is slightly older than Peeta. [submitted by @endlessnightlock]
Prompt 76: Modern a/u Katniss is getting over the loss of her sister (you decide how) when she meets Peeta. She’s closed off but he finds a way in. Maybe she works for him? Him for her? Maybe she cries herself to sleep on his bread scented shoulder? (Please yes I need that) [submitted by @endlessnightlock]
Prompt 77: Katniss Everdeen has a handsome neighbour. It dosen't help that she just came out of a shitty relationship with her ex Gale Hawthorne. Too bad he is a 19 years old virgin boy and she is a woman of the world at 31. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 78: Post MJ, the new government of Panem has finally decided to lift the exile to Twelve order off of Katniss. Where are Katniss and Peeta in their lives? What is the first thing they do? Do they just have a quiet celebration or do they go somewhere? [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 79: Peeta has been planning this marriage proposal for months. It goes horribly wrong. Tell me all about it and what happens next?[submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 80: Katniss helps undo the lies Peeta’s mother (and the Capitol) told him about himself (namely that awful “stupid creature” comment) and reminds him that he is worthy and precious to her and really, that’s all that matters [submitted by @rosegardeninwinter]
Prompt 81: Katniss finds her soulmate at her bachelorette party (aka Peeta)(Happy ending please) [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 82: Post MJ, when Peeta touches Katniss’ neck wrong, she has a flashback of him almost strangling her and has to be heavily consoled. This leads to a conversation about his attacking her when he came back from the capitol. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 83: Katniss is whipped instead of Gale in Catching Fire, Peeta’s the one who’s there to take care of her after. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 84: [Historical AU: 1930s Hollywood] Silver screen star Peeta Mellark has captured millions of hearts, and housekeeper Katniss isn't immune. She's stunned when Peeta comes to court her eccentric heiress employer, Madge. Katniss' shock only grows when Peeta offers to pay for her help in winning him Madge's hand in marriage - and access to her fortune, with which he intends to fund his directorial debut. [submitted by @gamesmakers]
Prompt 85: During an episode of Peetas, he locks Katniss outside in the snow for an entire night. Haymitch is passed out drunk and doesn’t let her in, she can’t find anywhere else to go all night so she ends up catching a really bad cold. When Peeta comes to his senses he feels horrible and nurses her back to health. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 86: After MJ Peeta has a hijack relapse for a few minutes where he insults Katniss’ appearance and body (more extreme version of when he said she wasn’t very pretty in Mockingjay) which hits a nerve, especially since her body was damaged in the explosion that killed Prim. After he’s back to himself, he feels terrible, but Katniss brushes it off. It’s only when she refuses to have sex with him now that he realizes how insecure she might be. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 87: On the train a few days before the Quarter Quell, in another effort to break her before the second games, Snow orders Katniss to have sex with someone in the capitol who paid for her company. When she tries to refuse, Snow threatens her family. She agrees but partway through panics and tries to stop it, only to have the buyer turn on her and get physically violent. She comes to Peeta afterwards and he comforts her, holds her, takes care of her and promises he’ll never let someone hurt her again. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 88: Not reaped. Peeta and Katniss fake date. [submitted by @anxiouslyintroverted]
Prompt 89: Amish!world. Katniss and Peeta are courting each other and are just waiting for Katniss to be of age to get married cause Peeta’s 2 years older. But things gets tough when a Snow comes to their county and spots Katniss. He ask her father if she can be his wife. [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 90: anyone for an Everlark Alcott or Austen-esque period drama? because I sure am so just gonna speak that into existence. [submitted by @rosegardeninwinter]
Prompt 91: ​High school. Peeta is the perfect golden boy. Katniss is a rebellious, infamous girl who always skips class and who everyone fears. She is every boys wet dream and every girls nightmare. How will they both fall in love? [submitted by @mysteriouslycraftyreview]
Prompt 92: High school musical au: katniss and peeta as troy and Gabriella. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 93: Katniss is preparing for first Toastbaby and going through some hardcore nesting urges. Peeta, of course, thinks this is perfect and willing to help her anyway he can even if that means repainting the nursery for a third time. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 94: Toastbaby gets into a bit of a scrape, nothing too serious, and Everlark struggles with finding the balance between being there for toastbaby but not being too overly protective. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 95: Everlark meet cute, “Oh wait... you’re NOT my blind date?” We’re they set up with each other or with someone else? How do they figure out the mix up? What happens after? Disgustingly fluffy welcome. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 96: Everlark in the verge of breaking up. Why? Are they married or dating? Do they fix it or go their separate ways? [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 97: Katniss makes three game changing shots, one in each of the books. What if... she missed? Pick one for her to miss and how does it change the story? Cato’s hand in THG, the forcefield in CF, or Coin in MJ. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 98: I would love some good rated E Everlark smut. Post mockingjay, Everlark growing back together and when I say smut I don't mean porn. I mean they need each other. Can't live without each other. Pour their hearts out and heal each other with their love from all the trauma they went through and make up time that they wasted holding their feelings back and pining after each other. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 99: Peeta has been spending too much time around his brothers (lol), Katniss makes a remark about wanting a snack, he replys “I have something you can snack on” Peeta is instantly mortified by his stupid comment because he is a gentleman. What happens next? It’s up to you. Could be sexy, could be a different kind of tongue lashing? [submitted by @endlessnightlock]
Prompt 100: Peeta's thoughts/what really happened to him at the end of the war and his thoughts regarding Prim's death. [submitted by @acpoe82]
Prompt 101: The night of the interviews in Catching Fire, Snow delays the games by a few days after Peetas announcement that Katniss is pregnant and demands Katniss gets a forced abortion in the capitol. Peeta and Katniss try to tell the truth, that she’s not pregnant but Snow isn’t listening and she’s forced into the procedure. Peeta is allowed to stay with her during and after, lots of hurt/comfort, etc. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 102: Katniss is uncomfortable with relying on Peeta even post MJ(pre epilogue). She only accepts his affection after nightmares, she doesn’t think she deserves it otherwise. She feels like he’s still too good for her & that she’ll never deserve him, on top of how she lacks trust in anyone bc of her childhood & having to be strong for Prim and her mom. One night after a severely bad nightmare she blacks out and come to, to Peeta bathing her in the tub, being gentle & loving & affectionate & soothing. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 103: best friends!everlark where katniss sets peeta up on a date with her friend, when peeta and date hit it off she realizes that she's actually in love with him but does nothing about it, few years later, peeta and girl are engaged and after a night of drinking, peeta and katniss accidentally hook up. how they get together is up to you (hea pls) [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 104: Katniss is captured instead of Peeta but instead of being injected with tracker jacker serum she’s beaten, starved, lashed and throttled. When her spirit is weak enough the capitol returns her to D13 where Peeta (and Haymitch/Effie) help her recover. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 105: what if one of them was a librarian and the other a (struggling? or drawing away patrons and stealing employees) bookstore owner (maybe who was more interested in things other than books) - Enemies to lovers? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 106: Everlark based on the movie Groundhog Day, where one (or both?) relive the same day over and over until they get it right. [submitted by @xerxia31]
Prompt 107: Katniss gets jealous of Peeta paying attention to other girls during their “growing back together” period. Super jealous. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 108: A story based on the lyrics to Lady Antebellum's "Need You Now" [submitted by @xerxia31]
Prompt 109: Dialogue prompt: "I deserve better than this!" [submitted by @xerxia31]
Prompt 110: AU. Everlark live across from each other in fancy New York (or the like) penthouses. With all those large windows, they see each other daily and know the other's routine and all he/she does, but they've never met. A chance meeting occurs. What will happen? The circumstances of their living arrangements/any backstory and what happens between them is up to you. [submitted by @acpoe82]
Prompt 111: Hand Porn - looking, breathlessly touching, reading the story told by the calluses, the scars, the strength, while admiring all they’ve done, appreciating all they do, anticipating everything they will do for love - sensitive, expressive, powerful, creative, protective, sensuous hand porn. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 112: 40-year-old virgin Peeta. Based as loosely as you want on the movie. Everlark, of course. [submitted by @acpoe82]
Prompt 113: Katniss saw Peeta naked in the arena after he got hurt but he hadn’t seen her. During CF while Peeta is training Katniss and Haymitch hard, Katniss falls out of exhaustion and being overworked and hurts her back slightly. Feeling guilty, Peeta gives strips her naked, gives her a bath and rubs healing lotions from her mom all over her. How does he react to the first time seeing her naked?[submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 114: Katniss trips and falls in the quarter quell and breaks her ankle, resulting in Peeta carrying her everywhere. She doesn’t like looking weak in front of the other victors but since she doesn’t plan on living through the games this time it’s good to be taken care of one last time. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 115: During the victory tour, for whatever reason, author can decide, Peeta has to help Katniss undress at the end of the day, only to discover/for her to remember too late, that she didn’t put any underwear on underneath her clothes. His shock/her humiliation ensues. (But he tries to make her feel better ofc) [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 116: Peeta braids Katniss’ hair to soothe her. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 117: AU where Peeta wasn’t hijacked when he returned from the capitol, just shaken up, during Star Squad, Katniss has a bad flashback and Gale witnesses Peeta be the only person who could comfort her. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 118: the nutcracker au! katniss as clara and peeta as the nutcracker. and if there could be a scene with snow, that would be really nice! [submitted by @omercilessmoon]
Prompt 119: “If you were taken by the capitol and hijacked, and then tried to kill Peeta, is this how he would be treating you” a fic where it’s Katniss the capitol hijacked and the second part of mockingjay from their reunion on is reversed. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 120: “I know that everyone on the planet is born with heterochromia, but I’m blind, so literally anyone could lie to me and say that they’re my soulmate. Why should I believe you?” Blind!peeta soulmate AU. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 121: Peeta has returned to D13 along with Katniss. But she is being forced to be the Mockingjay and portray a new angle, that Gale is her actual lover, Peeta was being forced on her by Capitol and Snow. How does Katniss manage the peer pressure? [submitted by @white-dandelion-seeds]
Prompt 122: The soldiers bring back to district 13 Peeta but he is not hijacked. He has been beaten badly, starved and sexually abused. All this led him to become an emotional avox. Will Katniss be able to help him recover from the trauma? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 123: Katniss never volunteers instead she is picked. While peeta volunteers for his brother(what’s wrong with his brother is up to you) and promises him that he will try to win. Peeta turns into the mockingjay ( or whatever variation he will have). [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 124: In MJ I noticed Peeta became more of himself when Katniss was affectionate to him and it helped him fight the venom. So my prompt is when Peeta comes back from being hijacked Katniss realizes this sooner and it starts off slow at first but then they get to the point of having sex and it pretty much heals him completely. HEA for Everlark please. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 125: EFE Prompt: Everlark + Faith. Be it in people, spiritual, or otherwise. Explore the loss of it, regaining of it, or finding it for the first time. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 126: Anything AU based on the song “Talk” by Hozier. Simple enough I think. [submitted by @theliferuiner]
Prompt 127: The earth is in perilous danger from a great evil and only Katniss can stop it. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 128: Peeta saves Katniss from being raped by someone in the capitol. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 129: Katniss & Peeta had a baby. But then miscommunication caused them to split. Peeta is still heavily involved in his baby's life. Katniss is seeing someone else & quickly rising in socioeconomic status with her talent as singer. Peeta on the other hand is facing more & more troubles with his family life. He isn’t being able to spare time their child. Its also becoming difficult for him to keep up with Katniss. Will their rift grow? Or will Katniss finally acknowledge her true feelings for him? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 130: What if Haymitch hadn’t said thise words to Katniss when Peeta joined Star-squad in Mockingjay? Would Katniss have come to her senses or would she be still angry at Peeta. A Mockingjay AU. [submitted by @white-dandelion-seeds]
Prompt 131: “Do you love me? Do you really? Because I go through every day of my life, thinking that nobody loves me.” [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 132: Both Mellark brothers, eldest and youngest love Katniss Everdeen. She is engaged to the eldest but her heart belongs to the youngest. Jealous!Peeta. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 133: Birth of their first child. Peeta helping and supporting Katniss. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 134: Visual Prompt. To see it go HERE [submitted by @javistg]
Prompt 135: Non specific prompt. Peeta called Katniss baby as a pet name. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 136: Katniss gets stung pretty bad by tracker jackers post mockingjay. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 137: Friends to lovers road trip au! Katniss wants to take a summer off to explore the country, Peeta volunteers to go with her. Bonus points if one of them is an absolutely oblivious idiot. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 138: Everlark loosely based off 90 day fiance. Could be AgeGap, one could have ulterior motives(until they end up catching real feelings), or it's a genuine connection. Author decides. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 139: There are fics where Peeta's mom tries to set him up with town girls. What if Peeta's mom tries to set him up with Katniss for once. Maybe both moms team up together? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 140: In Panem AU where Peeta is a Mail Order Husband. As the youngest son of a merchant class Capitol family, he has accepted he will never inherit the family bakery. But when his family contract him to an arranged marriage to further the business he will never own, he escapes by signing up to a programme to relocate and marry a district woman. Why Katniss needs a husband, is up to the author. Everlark endgame :) [submitted by @louezem]
Prompt 141: Katniss is the lone victor of 74th Annual Hunger Games. Peeta is a Capitaloit. Snow forces Katniss to be like other victor. How will they meet? How will they fall in love? What will happen when the revolution starts? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 142: Gale comes to district 12 again years after mockingjay and runs into a little girl shooting an arrow, only to find out it’s Katniss and Peetas daughter. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 143: The girl of my dreams asked me if I needed a ride home from campus so I obviously let her drive me home then walked back to campus a couple of hours later to get my car. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 144: Peeta's perspective. A more in-depth look at how he joined and tricked the Careers and led them away from Katniss in the Hunger Games. [submitted by @acpoe82]
Prompt 145: Not reaped; Snow overthrown; D12 unscathed; miners unionize; postwar prosperity; Seam transformation; Hob center of commerce. Teens Katniss and Peeta have new options and new pressures. How do they navigate this new reality? How do they handle graduating? How do they find their way to each other without reaping and with seam now middle class and restrictions lifted? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 146: Powerful Matchmaker arranges marriage between Everdeen girl (to whom she owes a big favor) and the young cinnamon scented baker boy the girl has loved ever since he first slipped her a sugar cookie with her namesake flower beautifully decorated in frosting, the yellow primrose. What will Katniss do when she only learns of it in church as the first of the 3 Sunday banns are read? Has she ever spoken to Peeta? Will she search her feelings for him? Will he object to the match? Does he have any say? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 147: The movie "Me Before You" Everlark style. [submitted by @acpoe82]
Prompt 148: Gale dosen't design the bomb but someone else does. Prim lives, but Katniss still kills snow. Gale cones back to district 12 along with Katniss. But problems arise when Peeta cones back too. Eventual Everlark. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 149: Peeta is whipped in catching fire instead of gale. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 150: Everlark based on the movie Blast from the Past starring Brendan Frasier and Alicia Silverstone. Peeta’s family lives in a bomb shelter for an extended period of time and he has to leave and venture out by himself with no knowledge of the current world. He hires Katniss to help him out and they fall in love. (Rough summary!) Rated M/E would be spectacular! [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 151: Everlark based on the song ocean avenue. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 152: King Peeta Mellark of Panem is looking for a wife, and he isn't getting any younger. None of the potential suitors does it for him - until he runs across local dragon slayer Katniss Everdeen after his kingdom comes under attack. She's exactly what he wants. The only problem? She absolutely hates him and it's up to him to convince her to marry him. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 153: Katniss opens up to Peeta about her insecurities about herself and about how he’s too good for her. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 154: One where Katniss is humiliated and Peeta makes her feel better. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 155: Post Mockingjay but before epilogue, Katniss has a good dream about her dad still being alive and how much he’d like Peeta and how wonderful everything would be. When she wakes up at first she doesn’t realize it was a dream, but when she does she’s absolutely inconsolable. Peeta comforts her the best he can. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 156: Just any or maybe multiple times Katniss got her period around Peeta. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 157: Unfocused while hunting from a nightmare the night before an animal sneaks up on Katniss and injured her, not deathly but enough that she can’t make it home on her own. Peeta gets worried when she’s not back after dark and goes after to find her freezing cold and bleeding and shivering. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 158: Toastbabies make breakfast in bed for their parents anniversary, only to walk in on them doing the do. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 159: Katniss tries to make herself up to look pretty for Peeta but doesn’t know how to do it well and it’s a disaster but he thought she was beautiful just as she was. [submitted by anonymous]
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obeyme-and-you · 4 years
So... Why is Luke Ten?
Mod Gabriel is in PURPLE
Mod Kimimela is in BLUE
Verses are in Green
So every character in the game is named after somebody. And in the entire NASB and KJV Bibles there is only 1 Luke, so we can assume that they used that name for a reason.
 Also why does an Angel, who’s been alive for (presumably) thousands of years look and act like a ten year old child? Why is it that he’s the only character that is aged so young, while everyone else is an adult?(and i believe the devs have said that is what his age he looks like is) 
In the search for info about Simeon he is first mentioned in Luke 2:25, and in a fit of inspiration we decided to look at Luke 10. And OHHHH Boy
(Bible spoilers >.<)
We will put the verse first and then try to explain how they may relate to inspiration for the game.
NASB Luke 10
“1) Now after the Lord appointed seventy others, and sent them in pairs ahead of Him to every city and place where He Himself was going to come.”
For the exchange program that Diavolo had created, everyone was sent in pairs to study abroad in the different worlds. (Two humans and two Angels to the Devildom,and we can assume that this happened for all the realms) 
“2) And He was saying to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.
3) Go; behold, I sent you out as lambs in the midst of wolves.”
The MC is sent to a place that is home to demons, with two angels who greatly out power them, and the only other human is a powerful warlock. The MC’s icon at the start of the game is also a lamb. The MC is a lamb, who was thrown into a pack of wolves. 
Tumblr media
“4) Carry no money belt, no bag, no shoes; and greet no one on the way.”
When the MC is teleported to the Devildom, they weren’t given a warning before getting there, so they were unprepared, unaware of where they were and why they were there, and therefore, wouldn’t have been able to properly pack for this trip.(All the Dialogue options when you arrive show confusion or disbelief on how you even got there)
“5) Whatever house you enter, first say ‘Peace be to this house.’
6) If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you.”
When MC first arrives at the Devildom Diavolo and Lucifer welcomes them to the Devildom. All the brothers (including Lucifer), seem to not particularly care about MC when they first meet them and are not necessarily welcoming either.
When MC comes back to the Devildom with Solomon, (OB chapter 21)all of the brothers are happy to see them and admit that they all missed MC when they left.
“7) Stay in that house, eating and drinking what they give you; for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not keep moving from house to house.”
The MC stays at the House of Lamentations, eating breakfast and dinner with the brothers that reside there, and the MC doesn’t leave to live in a different dorm room.(Even when MC’s room gets destroyed 0w0)
“8) Whatever city you enter and they receive you, eat what is set before you;”
MC is welcomed into the Devildom, and is fed food from the Devildom while they live there.(MC gets fed some weird stuff)
“9) and heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near you’”
Even though the demon brothers aren’t physically sick, the MC does help heal the brothers' relationships with each other.
Verses 10-16 explain that the destruction of the cities that turned them away will be worse off than the cities of Sodom, Tyre, and Sidon.
(No real connection just a summary)
(Something important to keep in mind because it does explain what would happen if MC and the other exchange students were not accepted there, but doesn’t have any proper connections to the story itself at this point)
“17) The seventy returned with joy, saying, ‘Lord, even the demons are subject in your name’
Right as the first year ends, MC makes a pact with all seven brothers, which allows them some control over them.
“18) And He said to them, ‘I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.
19) Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you.
20) Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven.”
When MC gets trapped in the maze under Diavolo’s castle, Henry(the first), Levi’s giant serpent, is unable to injure MC because they summon Asmo (who’s symbol happens to be the scorpion) and he stops it from hurting MC. MC has power over all the demon brothers because of the pacts that have been made, which not only means that they can’t hurt MC because MC can stop them, but because the brothers care about MC, they wouldn’t let anything happen to them to begin with. Verse 20 could be argued that because MC is the descendant of Lilith, therefore part angel turned human, if and when MC’s powers awaken, MC would have a place in the celestial realm.
“21) At that very time He rejoiced greatly in the Holy Spirit, and said, ‘I praise You, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants. Yes, Father, for this way was well-pleasing in Your sight.
22) All things have been handed over to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal to Him.”
Diavolo, knowing that Lilith 1) was reincarnated as a human and 2) had descendants, decided to keep this hidden from the brothers. He hid this information from the brothers, who are all wise and intelligent to an extent, but in time had it so that it would be revealed to MC, who, in comparison to a bunch of demons that are thousands of years old, an infant. This was a good call on his side considering the brothers' relationships with each other (especially with Lucifer who knew about Lilith becoming a human) , and the fact that they had no reason to care about MC until that point.
No one knew who MC was except Diavolo and Lilith (not including Barabatos), and then later MC, and then after that the brothers were only told because MC decided to tell them (to help resolve the conflict with Belphie). Who the “Father” is in reference to Obey Me, could be argued for and against both Diavolo and Lilith.
“23) Turning to the disciples, He said privately, ‘Blessed are the eyes which see things you see,
24) for I say to you, that many prophets and kings wished to see the things which you see, and did not see them, and to hear the things which you hear, and did not hear them”
MC was able to see visions of Lilith when she fell, and was able to witness what exactly went down between her, Diavolo, and Lucifer, after they grabbed the grimoire. Later, after the attic scene, MC was able to talk with Lilith and find out they’re the descendant of her. Considering the fact there has yet to be a mention of Henry in TSL being the descendant of an angel, we can assume that Simeon, a prophet, was unable to witness that.(Cause there is no way that's all a coincidence ,But we’ll get to that ;) ) The fact that Diavolo, the prince of the Devildom, takes such an interest in MC and is using them for some unspecified goal enough to change timelines in his favor, hints that he wants them for something only they can do.
It should also be noted that Solomon takes an interest in MC throughout the game, and later calls himself King Solomon the Wise.
Verses 25-29 is a discussion about a lawyer asking Jesus how to inherit eternal life. Jesus asks him what he thinks the answer is and he responds with “You shall love the Lord with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all our mind, and your neighbor as yourself” (v27) he then asks jesus what he means by your neighbor. (More summary not really anything to relate for now)
“30) Jesus replied and said, ‘A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among robbers, and they stripped him and beat him, and went away leaving him half dead.
31) And by chance a priest was going down on that road, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
32) Likewise a Levite also, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.
33) But a Samaritan, who was on a journey, came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion,
34) and came to him and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them; and he put him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn and took care of him.
35) On the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper and said, ‘Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I return I will repay you.’
36) Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers’ hands?’
37) And he said, ‘The one who showed mercy toward him.’ Then Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do the same.’”
While this parable doesn’t have strong ties to the game as of yet, it’s important to keep in mind for future updates. 
Some connections can be made though, when talking about how much the MC has helped the brothers with their relationships. The MC can be compared to the Samaritan because the MC never had to necessarily help them in anyway. The MC was on their own journey, having to navigate the devildom, school, and the House of Lamentations. The MC came upon Belphie in the attic, and even though there was nothing for MC to gain by helping, they did so anyway. MC also helped the other brothers throughout the story, E.g. helped Levi get back at Mammon, protected Beel and Luke from Lucifer, helped Lucifer and Satan when they switched bodies, helped Mammon prove he didn’t kill anyone on the train, to list a few. 
With the information given so far in the game in comparison to this passage, we can infer that MC is the neighbor that the brothers should love as much as they love themselves. (MC really was fixing one problem after another)
Verses 38-42 talk about Jesus being welcomed into the home of Martha and Mary of Bethany, and while Martha prepares for them Mary listens to him teach. Martha asks him why he doesn’t care that Mary isn’t helping, and he tells her that Mary is doing right by listening to his teachings.
These verses don’t seem to have a significance in terms of Obey Me as of yet.
In short there are a lot of details in Luke Chapter Ten that seem to have provided inspiration for the game.(is it really that deep? >.<) This could be all coincidence? But who knows not us!
*insert some slutty, slutty details about how brilliant i am in every way for figuring this out, jk plz dont uwu. Blah, blah, blah, luke is 10 because luke chapter 10, and holy shit is there a lot of connections between luke 10 and obey me like when i first read it i was like ooo like at these few deets who woulda thought, and jesus christ who put this much work into this game cause damn i wanna meet this guy. MC is somehow [REDACTED],[REDACTED], and [REDACTED] all rolled up into one nosy babe. Something about mc is a lamb amongst wolves, something about diavolo prob, diavolo or lilith is mc’s daddio and they [REDACTED], demons, symbolism, idk how a summary works bu like, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯* (professionalism at its finest)
We will next be taking a look at our lovely angel Simeon!
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worldcakecakecake · 4 years
Feliciano and the King of Hearts
Chosen by the gods as the Queen of Hearts from the moment of birth, we follow Feliciano’s story as he grows into royal life, learns to rule, go against age old customs, and his relationship with his husband to be, the King of Hearts.
Chapter 1 I  Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 IChapter 9I Chapter 10I Chapter 11I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14 I Chapter 15 I Chapter 16 I Chapter 17 I Chapter 18 I Chapter 19I Chapter 20 I Chapter 21 I Chapter 22 I Chapter 23 I Chapter 24 I Chapter 25 I Chapter 26 I Chapter 27 I Chapter 28I Chapter 29 I Chapter 30 I Chapter 31 I Chapter 32 I Chapter 33 I Chapter 34 I Chapter 35 I Chapter 36 I Chapter 37I chapter 38 I Chapter 39 I Chapter 40 I Chapter 41 I Chapter 42 I Chapter 43 I Chapter 44 I Chapter 45 I Chapter 46I Chapter 47 I Chapter 48 I Chapter 49 I Chapter 50 I Chapter 51 I Chapter 52 I Chapter 53 I Chapter 54 I Chapter 55 I Chapter 56 I Chapter 57 I Chapter 58 I Chapter 59 I Chapter 60I Chapter 61 I Chapter 62 I Chapter 63 I Chapter 64  I Chapter 65 I Chapter 66 I Chapter 67 I Chapter 68  I Chapter 69 I Chapter 70
I am personally glad that I updated this sooner than I expected.
 Anyways, with all this quarantining and lockdowns, somehow you will expect that I would have infinite of time to write…but welp, I live with children and it actually means I have less time since they’re not in the kindergarten. So pretty much my writing pace is either the same or less.
 I apologize. If this was not the situation, then you could easily expect an update weekly. Ah, how I wish! But patience as always! Enjoy!
                                                   Chapter 71
Many weeks passed, with each passing day a new stroke of grey. A storm seemed ready to brew, stationed in the Hearts capital, only adding to an ever-present gloom that was evident through all these vacant streets. Louis had counted twenty-six people exact from what she could see in the heights of this balcony that morning. Surely they had gone picking for groceries or heading to scheduled appointments, trying hard to live their normal day to day lives in the wake of this new war. So many had gone to fight…and only a few days before had a messenger arrived, worn and desperate, dirty and ruined, calling for more soldiers to come, in his hurry not saying more, Louis only able to notice how he wouldn’t stop shaking, how he was terrified to speak other words than the ones he was meant to say. No one else came after him, no letter showed, no difference was made. The alignment had long passed, whatever power, was granted. If they had been successful…everyone…everyone would have been here by now. Flowers, sparks and celebrations would have decorated the streets…the sky would be blue and Ludwig and Feliciano would give each other the tightest embrace they had ever shared. Yet the past Queen was here, gazing to the entrance gates, lost well between the mountains, expecting that fanfare…but only the occasional carriage came, as melancholy as the city. She sighed, turning back to the halls of the castle…darker than she had ever remembered them, colder, no rushing of life and no sound. She hurriedly paced wanting to find some sort of presence, and gratefully it came with a loud laugh, a clap of hands…and even little stomps.
 “I still can’t believe it,” one maid graciously laughed, bringing light once again.
 “Oh, Antonio and Lovino would be so happy to see this,” another said.
 Louis followed that heat of life and met a wonderful corner.
 Augustino had turned one recently, a very lonely birthday made for him, only Aldrich, Louis and a handful of servants in charge of his care. Not even Feliciano had asked for his presence…he had been silent for days. A maid had mentioned that the shield was gone, but even as so, Feliciano remained in bed, not a turn, not a breath… many servants wondered if he was even alive. Many times they came to find the plates of food as full as they had brought them, items untouched and not a word uttered, no call, not even a reaction for his nephew’s birthday. He missed his first steps, testing yet brave on these castle hall floors, wondered by the glows of the few lights on, suddenly rushed at the entrance of the old Queen. Louis couldn’t help taking him in her arms, raising him and giving the brightest smile she could give him. It was unfair to leave him in the glooms of these dark days, they had to show him that there were still things to smile about. She didn’t want to think about why the shield was down, why Feliciano couldn’t stand up, how her city seemed empty, how she heard nothing of how her loved ones were doing and what it could mean for them later. The servants there were just as unsettled and so she gave them reassurance with whatever timid smile she could give them, enough for them to breathe again, to instead focus on this bountiful child that kept laughing, reaching and playing no matter.
 Echoed steps interrupted, one of the front guards tripping at his reach to them, breathless and stalling his words.
 “Quick, what is the matter?” Louis demanded still with her own command, coming forward to help the man to even stand properly.
 “They’re coming, many, a great amount of many!”
 “Who’s coming?”
 “Some Heartians that were fighting with Khaos, I couldn’t see who exactly, but they’re bringing with them thousands of Clubians. They told me they are refugees seeking to stay in the city.”
 “Refugees?” One maid perked.
 “What on Earth has happened?”
 “I only saw and I am relying a message. I do not understand what’s going on either.”
 Louis didn’t wait, she hurried off, to the very front of the castle to welcome the crowds that were coming, slow and easy, not at all the energy she herself had, begging for any to be there already. For Augustino’s sake, she hoped for either Antonio or Lovino, but she also wanted her daughter, or her husband, Gilbert or…Ludwig…she desperately wished Ludwig would be the first to enter those gates.
 They came like a mist, undistinguished, it wasn’t until they were walking down the main castle road, now greyed, empty, without its usual gold and life, Louis noticed the colors. Spadian blue, Diamond yellow, Heartian red and many, many, many Clubian green. The first, the current lead to the castle, was Antonio, a flag in his hands as a lead to all who came behind him. He limped, his clothing was poor, he had bandages on his face and surely more under the layers, for he came with constant cringes upon his face. No matter, Augustino was unbeknown to all, he smiled, a shout to showcase it, hands open and dancing at his father’s welcome. It brought Antonio a much-needed grin, forcing a quicker pace if even the pain. He let the flag fall without a care at now the frontal castle courtyard, instead wanting to hold his son, completely enveloping him in his chest, nuzzling, kissing, taking in the scents he missed from him and his laughter.
 “I have missed you so much,” he told him, with every word a stronger grip.
 Renata then came, with her own flag leading the people that began to come in and continue to the entrance. Kandake then flew by at Pookie’s back, specifying where in the castle they could go. Emil walked by and Renata passed over her flag to him, so she could better focus on offering a hand and kiss to her grandson. Louis joined the hurdled, clearly shocked and questioning, only utters, trying to ask some sort of question they could give her.
 It seemed like whatever they would say, it would crumble them. Her breaths were already creating cracks ready to burst.
 “Whe-where-where…where’s everybody else?” They were too many to worry about.
 Where were her three kids? Where were her five grandkids? Where was anybody from her family? All through the crowds she could see but battered soldiers, some even being carried in beds, some covered completely as a form of respect. There were Clubians, citizens like any other as defeated, carrying carriages of items, some with crying children and elders who coughed on.
 “Roderich, Elizabeta and Lili are back in the city helping refugees locate. Alfred is still at the gates making sure everyone comes in,” Antonio at least told, turning with no other mentions, surely wanting the shade of the castle.
 “But, but-but…where’s my sons, my daughter? Where’s Gilbert, and where’s Vash? Whe-where’s, where’s Ludwig?”
 It was the only name that caused a startlement that stopped Renata and Antonio’s movements, shadowed more in this misery, not daring to look at the past Queen.
 “Your sons and Vash are stationed in Spades ready to act. Monika and Gilbert are still at the front lines fighting.”
 “Fighting? They’re still fighting?” Louis was desperate, standing in their way, not daring to let them pass until she knew everything. “I thought Ludwig was going to take care of everything, I thought he would have Khaos defeated by now, I thought-”
 “Ludwig is dead!” Antonio couldn’t take more…he just wanted to rest, he just wanted to be with his son…he didn’t want her to find out this way…but he wanted his sanity…he couldn’t continue to stand being in this sorrow. “…he’s gone…” Antonio was shivering now, keeping to Augustino as some sort of fire to keep him warm. “…he left us the very day of the alignment…he tried so hard…we saw him with unbelievable power face a monster…” he trembled more at the memories, his eyes reddening and watering. “…but nothing worked…nothing is still working…” sobs…and now not even Augustino was laughing, trying to understand what his father was showing, puzzled by these tears. “Cities are crumbling…people only continue to die…and no matter what we do…it’s not enough…nothing is enough…not against those two, not-”
 “…two? What do you mean two?” Louis raised her head, despite the sorrow, the tears that shed from her own eyes, she was determined to know exactly what was going on.
 Antonio was not going to tell her…he moved passed her without a word…it left Renata and Kandake with the straining tale to tell.
  Louis rushed the halls, leaving behind those that were meant to come with her. She took the shaft down, the circling hall, into the room, long free of magical shields. She huffed, her dress was in taters, her face marred in tears, breakage ready to combust. “Feliciano, Ludwig is-”
 “Dead…yes, I know…” Feliciano uttered in a quiet murmur, in his heap, yet refusing to face.
 “You knew…you knew…” she was too breathless to show if she was angered or saddened.
 “From the very moment…” Feliciano opened and closed his hands, perhaps their first movements in days, as if trying to come back to the room from whatever memories he placed himself in. “I felt it…I felt him leave as if he was dying right before me…as if I shared in his final pains…and it is awful…it’s awful to feel like this…he was ripped apart from my very being…and now all I feel is empty…I don’t feel him…I can’t really feel anything…I just…Aces, I can’t deal with this, I feel like nothing.” He released sobs yet again, the same of these weeks, daily, rocking his body in a compulsion. Louis ran forward, worried he was losing his breathing, far worse than whatever current fatigue she held.
 “He was everything…and he has been taken away… and I can’t-I can’t…I can’t even stand…I don’t want to face the world any longer without him.” Louis knew that there were no words, no comforting touch that could ail this crack fit to break the earth. How could she even comfort if she felt the same? She lost a dear grandson, cruelly and leaving behind so much disarray that was tearing apart their world. For once, she said nothing, she only stood and shared with him tears and shedding. They didn’t care for the new steps, for the new joins, to Feliciano nothing meant, he said what this inner void wanted, spreading to his speak and energy.
 “I want to die! I want to die if it means I can join him wherever he is. I can’t deal with this…I can’t with this pain!”
 The words shocked all the new who came, whatever news, plans or perseverance, washed away in the flood of tears that hanged. They knew then that now was not the time for their begs and insistence. There could only be but mourning, a powerful one, unbreakable. And so the group was defeated once again, bowing to this sorrow and letting it reign.
  Still, they could not leave him.
 The group took to refuge in the furthest they could get in this circular room. They prepared their own mats for rest if they felt like it, servants brought them all the meals of the day, they light up their area, dim to Feliciano and they circled themselves in their own conversations.
 “What cities have fallen?” Alfred asked, keeping a map with notes.
 “All of Yakutia is practically gone,” Lili announced, grave that she had to say it.
 “Khaos has made do with Noril’sk and Igarka.”
 “The other one has taken Ust’-Nera and Yagodnoye. Lukas and his men have offered to stay at Magadar and Sokol in order to keep that area. If the second one goes any further from there, it will start to enter Hungary,” Elizabeta trembled, her words yet managing a survive to tell.
 “They’ve only remained in the Club Kingdom?” Louis asked to be sure, the only one wrapped in a blanket, trying to hold down these continuous shivers, hoping desperately it was from the cold of being this bottom in the castle.
 “For now, yes,” Roderich answered.
 “How much longer?” She asked with such brokenness, ready to face a sure death only fated to come to them.
 They all hesitated. Some were confident in their armies, others thought the future bleak, and then they turned to Feliciano…still cradled, sleeping, no expectance.
 “Weeks, months?” Emil estimated.
 “We can’t really be sure.” Kandake kept statured gazes on Feliciano.
 “No matter, we must prepare Berlin for if either approach,” Renata had to insist, already concocting, ready to take from the papers and pens placed on the table.
 So much to do, so much catastrophe to expect, to continue to fight, to make last a barrier that they didn’t know could work fully.
 “How long are we permitted to stay?” Antonio asked with not a bit of his usual life, the only thing moving being the cradle he kept on Augustino’s back, sound asleep.
 “A messenger will come to tell us,” Alfred still kept his attention on the map, trying to figure something out.
 “And what do we do until then?” Emil asked, slightly frustrated and how he wasn’t doing his own aid, mostly not permitted because of his young age.
 “I believe calm and relax…this might be one of the only chances we get,” Elizabeta dreaded to think.
 “How can we do so with our people dying out there?” Antonio was indignant.
 “We still need it…we need to recuperate energy, think of new strategies and magic,” Roderich stood and began a pace.
 “…and talk to Feliciano,” Renata reminded, nothing of her usual charm on her.
 Chatter was dropped, the reminder a menace, a bomb ticking, sitting right behind them, comfortable at rest despite surely all the hidden turmoil.
 “…he is not well…and he won’t be for a while,” Lili wanted to make them realize, worried for the Queen’s wellbeing as the rest. “We can’t keep him in mind for whatever plans we have next.”
 “He’s exactly what we need to kill these things,” Emil pointed, trying to contain the anger, not wanting to awaken him.
 “He won’t this way,” Lili continued the discussion.
 “So we are to leave our world slowly get destroyed while he just lays in bed and does nothing.”
 “Emil, even if he were to awaken and decide to go fight, it won’t be enough,” Antonio came in.
 “He lost the alignment,” Lili managed her speech still.
 “Not just the power he was supposed to be granted, but he lost Ludwig, his husband and king. They were united in a tight bond with magic and spirit that is far from what you can understand,” Elizabeta spoke, from knowledge as Queen herself. She spared a glance to Roderich, dreading if something was to happen to either…and they had to suffer that abyss as well. “His current mental state is a sickness that is debilitating everything in his body, including his magic, no matter how powerful.”
 They all gazed together to the sleeping figure, only moving in breaths.
 “…it could be deadly to himself if we are not to watch,” Roderich reminded, trembling, fearful for Feliciano.
 Those words made all kept a heavier eye on the sleeping Queen, afraid that any miss would get him to slip away from their grasp.
 “As Lili said…we cannot depend on him for whatever happens next,” Elizabeta had to decree no matter how harsh.
 “But the prophecy,” Renata tried to defend, begging.
 “It’s useless,” Alfred joined.
 “We do everything ourselves then…” Emil dreaded.
 Silence settled, hoping for a new idea, hoping for a new chance to alight to them, but the room continued to be dark, continued to haunt. As a distraction…anything but to not look at her son’s sure crippling, even if he was asleep, Renata gazed about all the items in the room. The old candelabras, the weathered curtains, broken pillars, dented walls, the old paintings of past Queens who had birthed in this room. Her gaze settled the longest on one that was claimed to be Augusta with her own two sons, her own great grandparents. She looked so different here from what Feliciano had described when he saw her mural, nothing like a Valenti, nothing like family. She had to remind herself that this was but one of many depictions...long after the last war.
 “Augusta…when she lost Romulus was in the same misery…” Elizabeta told once again, seeing where Renata’s eyes lay.
 Alfred scoffed, “and it took her decades to get over it, all the while the war worsening around them.”
 They shivered if that were to be the repeat.
 “…but she did eventually go to fight,” Roderich reminded, “she did eventually defeat Khaos.”
 “I prefer we didn’t have to wait decades though,” Antonio said.
 “What was it that even pushed Augusta to fight in the end?” Alfred asked.
 “One of her sons decided to go and join the war himself. She wouldn’t stand losing another loved one,” Elizabeta said.
 The jewels of bearing were clearly visible from their sitting, a few vines growing more into his arms, but not a covering yet, the frontal jewel that was supposed to be on his forehead not present.
 They all sighed, it was fruitless.
  The days went on as this, the same pace, frustrations, topics, planning…and they could only come out with more defensive strategies and attacks that would be small and useless, they knew. Reports came in of the battle… Russia was crumbling, a specific message from Tulio mentioned that they had to send dispatches to the Amazonian region of Clubs as Khaos was making fast approach. They panicked to know that if the Amazon fell…it meant it could start going into the Spades Kingdom. They did not want to look at the death numbers, they trembled and cried at the insistence for new supplies, new weapons, new ideas. Abasi called for more Whiteans to come from hiding and join the battle, Tino wrote on the dwindling amount of flight boats they had, how he was losing men and plans to return to Hearts Kingdom to defend it…in the very likely case that Khaos or the other reached. Lovino was the only one who wrote still at the very front, his letters hurried and almost unintelligible at the sure speed or shake he kept. He begged for Feliciano. there was blood and tears on this parchment. He wrote on how they were sending back Vincenzo, as he had suffered an awful incineration that needed instant attention and away from the burnings of war.
 ‘He has marks that disfigure him all throughout, and I know no magic will never heal it’
 These words broke Renata, she succumbed to screams and kneeling, hitting the ground, cursing loud and deep for surely the whole castle to hear. She called for vengeance, that no matter her stature, they will find a way to make Khaos and the other pay.
 Destro, some wrote they were beginning to call him, and to have a name they took it, a mention in those rooms that brought darkness, desperation and acceptive defeat.
 Those in the Heartian castle went to-and-fro trying to find all kinds of answers for all these messages, yet no clear answer ever came, it was only a continuous block that kept them stuck in this repetition of actions that were already useless. Another message came calling most of them back to battle, others to come in their place. Only Kandake, Renata, Elizabeta and Lili were told to stay. They heavily disagreed, but they thought it best for Feliciano to be surrounded by people close to him, perhaps other Queens, to fight this very curse he found himself in. They held still to that piece of hope, one they thought could burn more brightly if they kindled it.
 That morning, while the others packed and did what they could to prepare, Kandake stayed with Feliciano, the both of them alone, of the rare moments Feliciano had gotten to be in silence. No other voices, no steps, no new stresses and turmoil of the world above. He could be numb, he could think of nothing and feel blank…only but the strokes Kandake gave on his arm, calming, soothing…but checking. She traced the new vines that grew, now some edge with a pure gold, never seen to her as bearing marks. She stayed longer on them admiring their beautiful shine. The jewels on his hands were perfectly formed, more protruding this time, but there was nothing else, a slow process, enough to say that perhaps these twins could be born much later than the expected. She suddenly moved his bangs to stare into his forehead. No jewel yet, only some hazed red vines at the very edges of the crown of his hair.
 “Your children are fine,” she told him, now beginning a caress between his soft curls. “It’s slow compared to most. You’ll probably be bearing for twelve months, but it’s nothing to worry about. Still can’t get a gender if you’re curious.”
 Feliciano responded in the nothing she had been used to the last days, only a late nod, slow, quickly back to the stillness of a painting.
 “You probably already heard, but, Antonio, Emil, Roderich and Alfred are heading back to battle…Aldrich is thinking of joining…Louis might follow right behind him.”
 Feliciano only showed a grip and a loosening of his hands. Kandake continued…trying…something…
 “They might go and join Gilbert and Monika. I know Antonio will replace Lovino at the front in the Amazon, Roderich will go with him. Emil will join my people…he figured if we combined our flight tactics, things could become sufficient. Alfred will go back to his own kingdom and prepare a defense…as well as for plans if they must evacuate…”
 Feliciano blinked, each flicker more saddened.
 “…Arthur will come here to Berlin…your brother, Kiku and Herakles too.” Kandake let the silence elongate, knowing no other words would bring a spell of life to him.
 “Why?” He suddenly pierced, his first word in days.
 “To be with you…”
 “…it won’t do anyone good…”
 “They are still coming…”
 Silence continued once again, Feliciano slowly accepting and responding more to her caresses, settling in her hands, a color slowly enveloping him.
 “…I know they’re coming to try and get me out of this…”
 “Feliciano, we understand that what you’re going through is hard, unimaginable and we have no right to demand anything from you right now. The rest of us are in our own mourning, weakened ourselves, but we want to believe in being together, in being there for one another.”
 He eased, there was a far echo of excitement, not strong enough to shine in its place on Feliciano, but Kandake felt like she could see it on a distance.
 “…we should all be out there…including myself.”
 “Then why not? Why not go out there?” Kandake was threading thin ice, but she was determined to test it.
 “…my power is not what it could be anymore…and I still feel so…empty and weak…it hurts to even breathe right now…” Internally he tried that constant reach again, nothing yet, Ludwig was gone, as he had been accustomed to discovering each time. “Even with all of you in the castle…even with all of you right here in this very room, I still feel so alone, so distant, unreachable to any of you…even right now you seem so far away…”
 Kandake halted, like coming to a realization that she had been caressing a ghost, transparent and disappearing. Yet, as she reached again, her fingers for sure met those curls, they scratched on his skull, she noticed every blink, every breath, every rise…he was there.
 “But I am here…I can assure you that, and I will be for as long as I can remain by your side…we all are.” She gazed up, as if with it she could call them all here to prove it. “Feliciano…we would never dare leave you alone, especially now. I would like for you to at least fight with that part of you that dare suggests such a thing. If you can’t see it, if you can’t feel it, we will do what we can to show it. That’s what were here for, to assure you of our loyalties, hopes and chances.” She almost wept at that desperation in the fragility of all. “Feliciano, we still wat to believe in the future, we want to believe in you, and no matter what it takes or how long, we will be here to help when it’s time to stand.”
 There were constant grips in his hands, reaching the ever closer to her, to truly feeling her there.
 “We have all grown vengeful…I also wish to be out there and do what I can in the honor of Pisa…and so many now want to on Ludwig’s name.”
 More breaths, more color came to him.
 “I want to be out there to regain the Kingdoms once again, to stop this time from an entire kingdom falling as mine had done…but my loyalty to you, my dreams of seeing a Valenti finish the menace as another had done, weights before all else. I want my own vengeance fulfill in your glory as it was promised…and I’m sure I’m not the only one.”
 The duty, the expectation… the fears of it all that had haunted, that had plagued…
 In the last instants before the battles started, he grew that courage to be in his place, to face and fight. He was giddy, confident, there was a time he was already celebrating…but now it was like meeting the challenge all over again, trembling and falling at its door. Once again, he doubted, he denied…he was never to be what any of the kingdoms ever expected from him.
 There was a time he would do it all for Ludwig, and only for him, but as his eyes caught the glimmer of red from his hand...
 “You have your children now,” Kandake reminded. “You still have the chance to give them a life without war. I know it’s what you want now above all…and it’s what Ludwig would have wanted as well.”
 And for once…it was almost like he could see him clearly, leaning beside him on the bed, joining Kandake’s caresses, smiling and telling him to be brave, that they could do this. Feliciano’s lips trembled in a slight grin, reaching and hoping he could touch him…but after all, it was just a memory, an image from his mind that could never come alive.
 “There has to be an answer…there has to be something…and I’m sure we can find it together. Despite everything, you are still the prophesied one that has to end it all.”
 Feliciano reverted back to his silence, like Kandake had not uttered such words…back to the beginning.
 “Miss…” a young servant came, bowing before both. Kandake answered with her own, but Feliciano continued ignoring any new presence. “They are about to leave and would like your presence for their farewell.”
 She nodded, “right away.”
 He hurriedly left, while Kandake sighed and prepared words to tell them.
 “I’ll be back,” she stood and although Feliciano shivered at her miss, he did nothing else, only Pookie, who had been nuzzling on his back, raised and gave a curious flight as to where she was going. He still returned, he still knew he had to stay with his master at this time. He cuddled back to the usual it had become.
 Prophecies, prophecies, prophecies…if they could have written everything…every step, every direction the outcomes will pave. A clear way that any chosen could follow, and everything could be fulfilled as it was wished by the heavens. Feliciano didn’t have this booklet, this book, this divine mapping in the sky…only but a little St. Mark currently cuddling into his back and whatever will he held. He sighed, wishing to know what to do, how to start…how to even stand from this bed. And when he did…what then? What strategy? What plan? What magic? They had used every new thing they learned from the books they brought, their most powerful weapons, spells…the other that could have done something to stop this…was killed.
 The harsh reminder that always had Feliciano turning back to the pillow or the blankets to shed his tears, grip and shake in the thunder of this pain again. But the thunder this time, refused to engulf the jewels, for they called louder, they made a proclamation that alighted Feliciano in a new sense.
 His children…the little ones…they would be all, they would be this world, this kingdom, Feliciano… and Ludwig.…Ludwig…he suddenly sat…as if he alighted that moment for him to run and embrace.
 The room was as empty as always, Pookie startled and looking about, wondering what could have caused Feliciano’s first raise in weeks.
 No…he was not there…but as he soothed his fingers on the jewels…he could finally feel…almost even see, these specks of magic…of life, of creation. Some were of his…with the potent of gods and a power that was Queen in the universe, and then the others…Ludwig. A line showed powerful even if not at the wealth of gods. It was of Kings, of ruling and leadership to bring forward all the kingdoms in one. Ludwig was there…Ludwig was involved in that growing magic that would one day bring their children. He will live through them, he would be alive in their magic, forever then in a new line that would be their own together.
 “Ludwig…” he whispered, as if meeting him again that instant.
 “Your children will be their own life, their own paths and power…” something rung, deep within him, yet releasing and surrounding him. “…but Ludwig is there…” She seemed to whisper. “He will always be with you…as will I.” Feliciano hummed in delight at his great grandmother’s embrace and kiss. “They will all be here…you are here. You have the ability to stand and act.” With whatever magic or even wind, she caressed his face. “Do not as I did, where I waited decades before I knew I could defeat Khaos. It is still the beginning, you still have a great chance to save many and be the hero I knew my lineage would bring. Avenge your beloved. For him, your family and your kingdom, bring glory…” her breaths were slowly dispersing, she was disintegrating, leaving away to his inner depths, but he reached out, refusing her farewell yet.
 “But how…how can I do this now?” He begged, yet so fragile and small.
 Augusta smiled, knowing that beneath it, there was a winged lion with a menacing roar. His very own, Pookie, seemed to stare right at her, curious, wondering, reaching ever closer to see if he could earn friendship from this vision.
 “I believe Pookie can help you.” Like a playful child, she chuckled, gone in that last grin.
 Silence reigned in the room again…nothing at all coming back as Feliciano desperately hoped, looking at every corner as if she could materialize through these places again.
 No…he was alone…with Pookie…who according to her word…could help.
 He stared with great suspicion at him, as if expecting him to speak and defend himself from his crime.
 “Have we…shared absolutely everything to one another?” He asked the little creature, with big question and innocence in his big eyes.
 Feliciano sighed, finding himself in hopelessness yet again.
 Something about that exchange brought a sudden reminder to the lion, a jump, a spin, a casting of magic that alighted his frontal jewel. Feliciano had payed no mind to it…until a sudden weight befell on his lap. He was surprised to see a book, adorned in the shine and silvers that were known from those of Khaos’s library.
 “Wha-what…what?” He kept repeating, taking it and rounding it in his hands, exploring every new crevice, every new corner, mend and art…new…and not of the first pile that they had introduced to the castle from when they had returned from the spheres of validity journey.
 “Pookie, did you…have you kept this ever since we were in Khaos’s castle?” He was incredulous, lost in what reaction he should show.
 There was a shake of his head, bashful and blamed, but Feliciano knew it was his admittance to what he asked.
 “Did you…forget to give this to us?"
 Another shake that meant that it was in fact.
 Feliciano groaned, angered with strong menace, but yet…he was merciful, for he knew Pookie, despite a gift from the Aces, was still an animal, with faults as…forgetting that he had one extra book that he had kept in the storage of his magic. He would have been angrier if the book’s tittle was clearly: ‘How to defeat Khaos, a step by step guide.’, but it wasn’t the case. In fact, the book’s title was: ‘The Soul and Spirit Interludes.’ What good will a book about the afterlife and the core of their spirits have? It was the kind of book that Feliciano knew, even if they had it in the first pile, they would have ignored and considered useless, but now, he could recall Augusta’s words… and perhaps…
 He stood, cringing at the sudden force he gave his legs. He had been in bed for weeks and so they cracked and threatened to tumble him to the ground again. He took his time to whale and grimace, forcing them to take their usual rhythm of steps, practiced as he kept a desperate hold to the bed. Once he saw the door, it looked distant, making him dread that he had to push forward, had to take his usual lineage of breaths, run, command, be Queen and face the war.
 He rolled his eyes, cursing whatever new desires for naps, pushing himself past the thresholds, free, controlling. His life was his again.
 He smiled, grandiose and beautiful, Pookie spinning and cuddling in flight with his elation.
 “Come…we have to find everybody.” And for what seemed for the first time in decades, he walked those halls once again, raising his arms and eyes to point at hope and chances.
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Thursday, September 17, 2020
Hi Taylor,
So as my last ever ranking, I put together all of the rankings I did for your eight masterpiece studio albums, as well as songs you wrote for other artists, songs you were featured on, and songs that you released that were not on your studio albums. I omitted covers for the purpose of these rankings, even though your covers are always top-notch.
Some people are bound to disagree with my ranking, but it is based on my own preference during my current mood. In fact, some of the tracks are listed in different order here than they are in the studio album rankings simply because my rank changes depending on the moment. Anyway, this was definitely the hardest one so far and thankfully, the last. So here we go…
157. Half of My Heart - John Mayer **I'll be honest...I really like this song with your vocals, but since I can no longer listen to it without thinking about how the relationship behind it ended up, I put it last***
156. Christmas Must Be Something More
155. Girl at Home
154. How You Get the Girl
153. Untouchable
152. Sweeter Than Fiction
151. So It Goes...
150. Don’t Blame Me
149. You Are in Love
148. I Think He Knows
147. Highway Don't Care - Tim McGraw ***Love your vocals on this one***
146. ME!
145. SuperStar
144. Wonderland
143. It's Nice To Have A Friend
142. Only The Young
141. Beautiful Ghosts
140. Eyes Open
139. I’m Only Me When I’m With You
138. The Moment I Knew
137. Long Live
136. This Is We Can’t Have Nice Things
135. The Outside
134. Both of Us
133. London Boy
132. Innocent
131. Shake It Off
130. I Know Places
129. Ours
128. Come In With the Rain
127. The Other Side of the Door
126. Jump Then Fall
125. King of My Heart
124. ...Ready For It?
123. A Perfectly Good Heart
122. Cold as You
121. The Man
120. Welcome to New York
119. Mean
118. Stay Beautiful  
117. The Lucky One
116. Look What You Made Me Do
115. The Best Day
114. Mary’s Song (Oh My My My)
113. Out of The Woods
112. New Romantics
111. Breathe
110. Tell Me Why
109. You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home - Miley Cyrus ***I would love to hear you perform this to see what your take on it was when you wrote it***
108. Change
107. Come Back...Be Here
106. If This Was a Movie
105. This Is What You Came For- Rihanna ***I love Rihanna, but I also really love the videos of you performing this live and am so happy that you are finally getting the writing credit you deserve***
104. Holy Ground
103. Stay Stay Stay
102. Superman
101. Christmas Tree Farm
100. Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince
99. Treacherous
98. Sparks Fly
97. Never Grow Up
96. I Almost Do
95. All You Had To Do Was Stay
94. Haunted
93. False God
92. Better than Revenge
91. Fearless
90. I Forgot That You Existed
89. End Game
88. Our Song
87. Starlight
86. Tied Together with a Smile
85. Babe – Sugarland ***I LIVE for the concert videos of you performing it***
84. I Heart ? ***This song NEEDS to be on Spotify***
83. peace
82. the lakes
81. Safe & Sound
80. Sad Beautiful Tragic
79. State of Grace
78. The Last Time
77. I Don't Wanna Live Forever
76. A Place in the World
75. Red
74. Gorgeous
73. seven
72. epiphany
71. mirrorball
70. Paper Rings
69. I Wish You Would
68. Christmases When You Were Mine
67. You Need To Calm Down
66. The Story of Us
65. You’re Not Sorry
64. Invisible
63. Clean
62. illicit affairs
61. Style
60. Bad Blood
59. Call It What You Want
58. mad woman
57. the 1
56. Dress
55. Two Is Better Than One
54. Everything Has Changed
53. Dancing With Our Hands Tied
52. Beautiful Eyes
51. Enchanted
50. Daylight
49. Speak Now
48. Better Man - Little Big Town ***I usually listen to the version of you performing this at the Bluebird Cafe because I can hear how you envisioned it when you wrote it, but I still love LBT's version too***
47. the last great american dynasty
46. Hey Stephen
45. I Did Something Bad
44. hoax
43. The Way I Loved You
42. Best Days of Your Life - Kellie Pickler ***Love your vocals on this one***
41. Picture to Burn
40. I Knew You Were Trouble
39. Afterglow
38. Lover
37. august
36. cardigan
35. 22
34. Forever & Always
33. Mine
32. invisible string
31. Should’ve Said No
30. Today Was A Fairytale
29. Cruel Summer
28. Love Story
27. Cornelia Street
26. You Belong With Me
25. Dear John
24. this is me trying
23. Crazier
22. White Horse
21. Tim McGraw
20. Death By A Thousand Cuts
19. Wildest Dreams
18. The Archer
17. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
16. my tears ricochet
15. Delicate
14. Last Kiss
13. New Years Day
12. Begin Again
11. exile
10. Blank Space
9. betty
8. This Love
7. Getaway Car
6. Back To December
5. Teardrops on My Guitar
4. Fifteen
3. Ronan
2. Soon You’ll Get Better
1. All Too Well
Alright. Now that the rankings are done, I can start doing way less stressful posts haha As always I hope that you and your family are safe and healthy.
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quicksilversquared · 6 years
How to Fake a Marriage: Ch. 34
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21 22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  
(AO3) (FF.net)
--(quick note: there was a time skip between ch. 33 and 34 of several months)--
"Shoot, I'm gonna be late!"
Abbey laughed as Marinette frantically shuffled papers around, trying to get everything into some semblance of order before she left. An embroidery sample tumbled off of the desk and onto the floor, and she scooped it up to hand back to Marinette. "You could just watch the vlog later, you know. Like the rest of us non-Frenchy people."
"Alya would know, and Alya would end me." Marinette found the last of the papers she needed and shoved them into her bag. "And she was hinting something about doing something special since Adrien's birthday is coming up, either during the vlog itself or later in the week."
Abbey grinned at her. "Are you doing anything special for your boy's birthday?"
"Of course. You saw what I was making for him." Abbey had been kind enough to let Marinette use her apartment- well, the balcony on her apartment- when she was screenprinting Adrien's gift, so that Adrien wouldn't suspect anything. "And I'll be baking a cake tonight, and then his birthday dinner on Saturday. He didn't want anything too crazy, since he's got schoolwork to focus on." Marinette glanced at the clock again and eeped. "I gotta go! See you later!"
Marinette raced out of the building, waving to her other coworkers as she passed. She slung the strap of her bag over her head as she headed down the road, just barely on the edge of running. There were probably a few people staring, but that didn't matter.
Alya's fifth travel vlog was going to start in seven minutes, and Marinette was not going to miss it.
There was a minute left before the start by the time Marinette had raced up the last of the stairs and burst into her and Adrien's apartment. At the table, Adrien glanced up from the computer and lit up when he saw her.
"I was starting to think that you wouldn't make it!"
"I got in a designing groove and lost track of time," Marinette apologized. She plopped down in the chair next to Adrien. "Tikki was the one to remind me that it was time to go."
"Good job, Tikki," Adrien said with a laugh. He grinned at the small god as she popped out of Marinette's purse. "Otherwise, I bet Marinette wouldn't have remembered until Alya texted her wondering what she thought of the vlog."
Marinette spluttered. "You could have reminded me too, you know!"
Adrien shrugged. "Sure, I could have. But I figured that you were probably on a design kick, and I didn't want to interrupt you. Besides, the vlog will get posted later on. You could have watched it then, and Alya would have just had to wait for your reply."
Marinette just shrugged. She knew that Alya always posted the vlogs once the livestream had ended (and then she would give them English subtitles once she had the time, which usually meant while she was traveling). "I know. But I wanted- oh! Here she goes!"
"Welcome, everyone!" Alya exclaimed as the screen came to life and showed her sitting in a small room. She was wearing a new outfit- a light, loose top with wide sleeves and gorgeous designs on it, probably something that she had just bought. For once, her long hair was tied up, presumably because of the heat. "And hello from Egypt! I've been here for the past week, learning more about the Egyptian Ladybug. And the first thing to know- she was known as the Goddess Ladybug! Like our current-day Ladybug, she had a yo-yo as a weapon. And as you might know from one of my earliest Ladyblog videos, she kept the king at the time from sacrificing an innocent person in order to try to bring back his dead love. She also kept her community safe from wildlife and any attackers. Very cool!"
"She also kept the community safe from evil spirits that looked like animals to normal people," Tikki piped up. "Most of the time, wildlife didn't come particularly close to where the people were! There was too much activity for them."
"She was the sworn enemy of the king after she kept him from completing his attempt to bring back Nefertiti, but guards were very reluctant to go after someone who was seen as a goddess!" Alya continued. "I've got some photos of some of the papers describing her and what she did. I'll post those later. But first, let me catch everyone up on what I've been doing!"
"I'm glad she's enjoying herself," Adrien said as Alya chattered on about the tours she had gone on and the experts she had talked to (through her translator, of course). "And I'm glad the newspaper is letting her post these on the Ladyblog instead of limiting her. I suppose it reaches a slightly different audience than her newspaper blurbs?"
Marinette shrugged. "Maybe? Actually- yeah, I think you're right. The pieces she does for the newspaper tend to be more cultural pieces, instead of strictly focused on her research. And not everyone looks at the Ladyblog, so it won't conflict with her piece at the end."
Marinette had to admit that it was a great way to keep the Ladyblog active and relevant now that she and Adrien- and by extension, Ladybug and Chat Noir- were out of the country. It was fresh content with new holders, and as a bonus the renewed traffic meant that Alya could get a decent amount of money from advertising on the Ladyblog. That could either go towards her savings, or be earmarked for helping with the cost of any future Miraculous research.
"Can you say hi from us?" Marinette asked as Alya started flipping through the comments for questions to answer. "And tell her not to get kidnapped by anyone wanting to use her for a sacrifice this time."
Adrien laughed as he typed exactly that. "She's going to complain and say that that's not her fault, you know."
"It was entirely her fault. She should have stayed hidden instead of running out and then getting distracted when we arrived."
"Okay, it was not my fault that I got kidnapped, Adrien and Marinette," Alya said only seconds later, and they both snickered. "Okay, maybe I could have paid a little more attention to my surroundings and- okay, okay, yeah, maybe I could have left a little more space between myself and the fight, but how else was I supposed to get good footage? And I was fourteen, so stop bugging me about it. Anyway, on to the next question, from Lindsay-"
"It's always about the good footage with her," Marinette sighed. "I'm just glad that Lucky Charm always fixed things. Otherwise, she would have been in serious trouble."
Adrien nodded in agreement.
Five minutes later, Alya signed off. "I have a meeting and dinner with a local historian that's going to tell me even more about what other kinds of things the Goddess Ladybug did," she told the audience. "Feel free to leave any more burning questions, and I'll see if I can find the time to make and post a short video answering as many of them as I can! No promises, though, since I have a lot on my schedule, and I also need to get some cool stuff posted, in honor of my friend Adrien's birthday coming up. Stay Miraculous, everyone! Bye!"
"That was nice," Tikki said. She swallowed the rest of the cookie that she had grabbed from the kitchen halfway through the webcast and wiped the crumbs from her mouth. "Some of the details aren't exactly correct, but it was a long time ago and my holder didn't exactly share everything with her people. In fact, she never even corrected the idea that she was a goddess. She just said that she was needed elsewhere and then retired once the last of the demons were driven from the area and the king had died."
Adrien grinned. "That's clever. I think everyone figured out that we're not immortal gods, though."
Plagg, who had been napping in the sun, squinted over at Adrien. "Speak for yourself, kid."
"He was," Tikki said in exasperation. "Really, Plagg, if you listened-"
Adrien put the computer away as Marinette headed into their kitchen to start dinner, both of them ignoring the bickering kwamis. She stepped out of Adrien's way automatically as he joined her, reaching past her to grab a knife to cut up an onion.
It made her smile to think about how comfortable they were together. Even out of the suits and in a non-fighting environment, they were truly a team. Part of her had been a little worried when they first officially moved in together that somehow they would run into problems that they hadn't had when they had her apartment as a backup, but so far, those fears seemed unfounded.
Subleasing her apartment to Abbey and then turning it over completely once the end of her lease hit at the start of the fall had been a great decision.
"Should I get this browning?" Adrien asked. He shook the cutting board filled with sliced onion at her. "Or is the meat not ready yet?"
"It's ready!" Marinette grabbed her own cutting board and made a few more quick cuts. "Or close enough, at least. But it'll need garlic, too."
"Got it!"
  "Adrien, fingers away from the frosting."
Caught, Adrien's hand retracted from the bowl. He pouted at her.
"Not even a little taste?"
"Not until I'm done frosting the cake, you can't!"
"But Tikki has!"
Marinette spun around to see a pouting Tikki flying after Adrien. "You told! I told you not to tell on me!"
"That was only valid if I got some frosting, too!"
"Both of you, out of the kitchen," Marinette ordered. "Plagg is the only one allowed, since he isn't stealing anything."
Adrien snorted, even as he stepped out of the kitchen area and Plagg smugly zipped in, carrying his rice heating bag. "Princess, Plagg steals from us whenever we're making anything with cheese in it."
"But I'm not making anything with cheese in it right now, am I?" Marinette took the bag from Plagg and popped it in the microwave to heat it up for him before he could start to whine. "So he's allowed. You two will get any leftovers, but you have to wait. And Adrien, don't you have stuff to work on anyway?"
"Yeah, I guess. But the siren call of sugar summoned me to the kitchen when I started working on it."
Marinette hastily muffled a laugh before Adrien could interpret it as an invitation to return to the kitchen. She returned to trimming her cakes and cutting them in half to fill with frosting and chunks of chocolate. The microwave dinged and she removed Plagg's heat pack, setting it where he would be out of the way. Plagg let out a delighted little trill and settled down, smirking at a pouting Adrien and Tikki.
Adrien's birthday cake was a two-tiered chocolate cake with vanilla buttercream, with chunks of chocolate between the layers. He had insisted that she didn't have to go all-out decorating it, but, well...
It was something Marinette enjoyed doing, and besides, she wasn't exactly running short on time now that she only had one commission to work on. She could spare the entire evening to make and decorate a cake for Adrien.
"I'm so glad that I don't have quite as many papers and other writing things to do this semester," Adrien said as Marinette finished trimming and crumb coating the bottom layer, which promptly went into the fridge. She had to push a few things out of the way, but it would work. "And Ben said that next semester should be similar."
"I still don't fully understand why they couldn't have balanced the writing-heavy classes out more." Adrien had explained it before, about how some classes were prerequisites for others and how they got more into the research-y classes later in the program. But she still thought that something could have been done to keep Adrien from practically drowning under papers for two semesters. "Or at least have the professors talk to each other and adjust assignments accordingly."
Adrien just shrugged. "I learned a lot, though. It's all important stuff to know and I don't know if I can really think of much anything that could have been dropped or scaled back at all without affecting how much I learned. I'm just glad that year is over." He grinned. "And more electives this year! I like getting a little more freedom to choose my classes."
"Yeah, that was my favorite part of uni, too." Marinette started stacking the second layer of cakes, slightly smaller than the first. She had chocolate chunks left over, which she dumped in the bowl with all of the cake trimmings. With the layers stacked, she started trimming the edges to make them more even. "I took some costume-making courses just for fun, since I had space in my schedule thanks to the summer courses I took. Those were absolutely great, and I learned some techniques that I've been using on my commissions."
"Ooh! Did you have outfits that you actually made during those, then?"
Marinette glanced over. Adrien had apparently forgotten his homework in favor of watching her. Either that, or he was deliberately procrastinating. She was rather suspecting the latter. "Yeah, of course. I'll show you next time we're back in Paris. Most were tailored to my size, since I didn't really know anyone going to any costume parties or anything." She was surprised that she hadn't shown Adrien her costumes already, but maybe he had been busy when she modeled them for Nino and Alya. "It's too bad we didn't talk about this before we went back to Paris in September. I think the next time we'll both be in Paris will be- what? Christmas, probably?"
Marinette made a face as she started to crumb-coat the second layer. They had gone back to Paris several times over the summer- twice before Alya left, once shortly after, and once right before Adrien had to start his next semester. The first two had, of course, been to visit Alya before she took off for six months. The third visit had been to visit Nino, to distract him from Alya's absence, and the forth had been for Adrien's now-annual end-of-summer photoshoot for his father. Marinette had tagged along for part of the time, and they both visited with Nino and their other friends while they were there. Adrien had gone over to her family's house several times, and it would have been the perfect time to show him all of the costume pieces she had made while in university.
Ah, well. It would have to wait until Christmas, then.
They both worked in silence for a few minutes. The second layer of the cake went in the fridge while Marinette colored some of the frosting for piping. The layers came out for a final coat of buttercream, then they got stacked. Marinette felt Adrien's presence come up behind her again as she considered the cake, trying to decide where to start with the decorations.
"I'm not done yet, kitty," she chided playfully. "No trying to steal anything. Plagg, keep an eye on him."
"Turning my own kwami against me!" Adrien exclaimed in mock offence. "And no trust, to boot. I just wanted to watch you work your magic."
"Uh-huh. So why are your fingers creeping towards my frosting bowl again?"
"I thought it was the scraps!"
Marinette just shook her head and grinned as she turned back to work, starting to frost the first flower on the lower tier. She would have to use the short step stool she had bought to be able to decorate the top of the cake properly, but that could come later. She kept the corner of one eye on Adrien, making sure he didn't try to sneak any of the frosting.
She would have some left over, she already knew that. But she had been planning on mixing it together with the cake scraps for another treat that they could have before Adrien's birthday dinner. Adrien just had to be patient first.
Adrien was yawning by the time Marinette had piped the last flower onto the top of the cake. His arms snaked around her waist as she stepped back from the cake. "That looks incredible, Bug. Need any help putting it away?"
"No, I just have to cover it and then it'll be fine." Marinette picked up the large cake box she had grabbed earlier in the week and opened it, carefully lowering it over her work until it reached the table. "We'd be in trouble if I had to keep it in the fridge. We have no space."
"Haven't you kept other cakes in the fridge before?"
Marinette had to think about it for a second. "Maybe, yeah? I think I've put fruit in between the layers before and then it has to go in or the fruit will spoil. But this just has the buttercream and chocolate."
"Ah." Adrien yawned again. "I think I'm going to go get ready for bed." He shot a hopeful look at the frosting bags on the counter. "Unless I could have some frosting first?"
Marinette giggled. "How about you go get ready and then come back out here before brushing your teeth? Then the frosting will be ready for your tasting."
Adrien grinned. He pressed a quick kiss to her cheek, then obediently dashed off towards their bedroom. Marinette tried to smother her grin as she started to clean up, fondness for her boyfriend welling up as she giggled over his childlike eagerness.
As soon as Adrien was gone, Tikki popped over. "Ooh! Leftovers!"
Marinette snatched the bowl of scraps away before Tikki could dive in. "Patience! Let me finish mixing this up first, and then you and Adrien can have some."
Tikki let out a little squeal of excitement and went to perch on the fridge, watching Marinette as she carefully squeezed and scraped all of the extra frosting into the scraps bowl. The rest of the dishes got washed up, and then Marinette turned her attention back to the leftovers. The bits of cake got broken up as she stirred, working until it was only a little bit chunky. She pulled out an ice-cream scoop and made up a bowl for herself and Adrien, and a smaller bowl for Tikki. Plagg got a chunk of Camembert.
"Oh, I love you," Adrien said happily as soon as he returned to the kitchen and was handed his bowl of cake and frosting mix. "This is amazing, Marinette. Never mind the actual cake, this is great."
Marinette laughed at Adrien's contented expression. "Ah-hah! So that's the real reason that you're dating me, for the sweets!"
"Mm-hmm." Adrien leaned over to kiss her. "And you're the sweetest of them all. The treats are just a bonus."
Her cheeks turned red at that and she ducked her head. Adrien just grinned.
  Adrien was having a very, very good day. He had had a lie-in that morning- Saturdays were the best- his favorite dish for lunch, and now his friends from school (plus a few of Marinette's co-workers that he knew well) were coming over for dinner. The weather had been lovely, and he had spent part of the afternoon reading out on the balcony.
In short, it was the perfect way to spend his birthday, and it wasn't even over yet.
Adrien set the table as Marinette worked on adding the finishing touches to dinner and a few appetizers. It would be a tight fit with six of them at a table meant for four, but they would make it work. He and Marinette were used to being up in each other's space all the time anyway, so they would be together on one of the cramped sides.
"Oh, there were two packages for you in the mail today," Marinette called over. "One from Nino, and one from Alya."
Adrien perked up. "Birthday presents?"
"I assume so."
It wasn't long before Ben arrived, followed by Paul. Sarah and Abbey, the two of Marinette's coworkers that Adrien knew best and was friends with, arrived five minutes later. They were grinning and giggling over something.
"I'm not even going to ask," Adrien said dryly as he greeted them. He knew both of the women knew about his relationship with Marinette, and they were likely giggling over some sort of joke about it. "I'm glad you could make it."
Sarah grinned. "We heard that Marinette would be baking and we didn't want to miss it," she told him. "And I suppose we wanted to wish you a happy birthday, too."
Adrien just grinned. He couldn't lie- he wouldn't turn down an opportunity to have Marinette's baking, either, even if he had to sit through something boring in order to eat.
Not that his birthday dinner would be boring, per say. Just that he wouldn't blame them for coming just for the cake. Adrien could definitely confirm that the cake would make pretty much anything fully worth it. They had sampled the leftovers mix again after lunch, and it was every bit as delicious as Adrien remembered.
He was going to have to hit up the gym at the university after this if he wanted to stay in modelling shape, but again- so worth it.
"I'll have snacks out in a minute," Marinette called from the kitchen. "I just have a few more things to get ready."
Adrien promptly trotted over to check on Marinette. She had only just pulled a few cheeses out of the fridge. She was sliding a round of Brie into the oven and rolling a chunk of goat cheese in a mix of dried cranberries and nuts. Adrien could see where the cheeses would go- there were crackers and apples on a platter, with a shallow dish for the Brie to go on once it came out.
It was also obvious why she hadn't gotten it started earlier. With their guests there, Plagg couldn't venture out to steal the cheese. If Marinette had pulled the cheese out before, there would be chunks missing before it ever reached the table. With the goat cheese, it probably wouldn't ever reach the table.
"Anything I can do to help?" Adrien asked. "Or is it a matter of just waiting for the Brie at this point?"
"It's just the waiting, mostly." Marinette placed the goat cheese log on the platter. "I have a few things to cut up yet, but I can get it done in under ten minutes."
"I can help, and then you can come out and socialize." Adrien stepped around Marinette to reach for some pita bread. She had made it earlier in the day, and Adrien had been itching to get his hands on it ever since. "How many pieces to a round?"
"I was thinking six."
Adrien nodded and started cutting as Marinette put the finishing touches on the other trays. Soon enough, only the Brie was left, with six minutes left before it could come out. Adrien and Marinette stepped out of the kitchen, Adrien heading over to where Paul and Ben were standing and Marinette going to join her coworkers.
"-so I'll have to go back for a Masters to get much higher in the lab, but for now it's a great way to put everything I learned to use and really see it in action properly. I also get to see what kinds of research are going on and what new ideas are being thought up- y'know, what kind of questions are being asked. It's interesting to hear about, and it really gets me thinking about what kind of things I might want to look into, if there are any questions I want to answer." Ben shrugged. "Right now, it seems most everything I come up with is already answered or being looked into, but that's fine. I'm still learning the ropes."
"I wish I could have gotten an internship at one of the Physics research labs over the summer. It sounds like a great experience." Paul looked envious. "But I guess there's next year. I'll just fix up my resume in the meantime."
"There's people in the Tutoring Center that can help you with that, you know."
Paul looked interested. "Really?"
"Is that where you picked up all of those formatting tips?" Adrien asked, joining their conversation. Ben had helped him with his resume the previous year, polishing it up and making it look properly professional instead of, well, a beginning uni student's resume. "They really helped make mine look a whole lot better. Before, it was just kind of meh."
"Same with mine," Ben told him. "But yeah, it was something I learned there. It's funny how a few changes can make something like that go from boring to crisp and professional, huh? They're not even big changes."
"Oh, my god. Are they seriously talking resumes right now?"
All three of them glanced up to see Marinette, Sarah, and Abbey giving them an exasperated look. Adrien just grinned.
"What, and you three weren't talking fashion two minutes ago?" he teased. He raised an eyebrow when all three shook their heads. "Really?"
"We talk about other stuff, too," Abbey informed him, still grinning. "Sarah was telling us about how her father decided to dig up a stump in front of their house. Apparently it's a little more work than he was anticipating."
Paul looked puzzled. "Wait, why are they digging it up?"
"They want to plant another tree, and there's not enough space to plant it elsewhere." Sarah shrugged, looking amused. "And my dad wanted to make sure that the old roots wouldn't get in the way, so he dug out this giant pit to try to get all of the roots that he could from the top meter or so. And it was a big tree when it died, so it had pretty large roots, too. My uncle decided to turn a couple of them into cutting boards, since the wood was still good."
"Why did the tree come down in the first place?"
Sarah made a face. "It died. Or it was on the way out, at least. There was one really large branch that was dead and the rest was really skimpy on the leaves, so my parents had it cut down before it could come down in a storm and damage the house or something. And now they can plant a new tree sooner and get it growing."
"And they couldn't hire someone to dig it out...why?"
Sarah laughed. "My dad figured he could do it himself," she told them as the timer went off in the kitchen and Marinette let out a yelp and dashed off. "And he did, to be fair. It was just more work than he was expecting."
Paul looked incredulous. "How could he not expect digging up a bunch of tree roots to be a lot of work?"
Conversation petered off a bit as snacks were brought out ant everybody moved over to fill up a plate. Adrien helped himself to several crackers heaped with melted Brie, relishing in the flavor. It was a simple snack he rarely got to have, since Plagg refused to share his baked cheeses at all and any attempts to make it for himself resulted in Plagg claiming the cheese within seconds of it coming out of the oven and eating half of it before Adrien could open the bag of crackers to go with it.
Maybe they would just have to have snacks like this every time they had people over. Plagg would sulk later on about it, but he would manage.
"So you've gotten assigned a new tutor, right?" Ben asked after everyone had been eating for a few minutes. "I think I remember you telling me something about that."
Adrien nodded. He had gotten a new tutor, since it had worked out so well the previous year. "Yeah. I've only had a few meetings with him so far, but it seems to be working out all right. Except he's a grad student, and he already said that he can't edit my papers since he TAs for a couple of the courses and it would be a conflict of interest or something."
"I can look at your papers if you want," Ben assured him. "It's no problem, as usual. And I think he might just be misunderstanding what you want. It's not the content that you need a second set of eyes for, it's the writing."
"I think he's just trying to dodge out of the work," Paul chimed in. "I know the guy Adrien's talking about, and he hates teaching others. He'd rather just spend the time on his own project."
"He does a decent job with the teaching, though," Adrien objected. Sure, he was no Ben and Adrien didn't think they would ever develop the same rapport that he and Ben had, but his grad student tutor did do a good job of tutoring.
With him, at least. Ben had mentioned before that it was easy to tutor Adrien, so perhaps it was a matter of Adrien's learning style just working well with the way his tutor taught.
"Again, I'm guessing that he thinks there would be some fairly heavy edits needed," Ben told them. "Like step-by-step walking through, even if you are in your final year and should be past that. If he knew it was just grammar and checking the bibliography-"
"He's never going to let me forget that," Adrien complained half-heartedly. "Once I messed that up. Once."
"-then he probably wouldn't mind doing it, but I really don't mind reading stuff over," Ben finished. "It's a good excuse to see you, at any rate. It's strange not seeing you at work."
"It's quieter now with the summer interns gone, I bet," Adrien commented. He and Ben had somehow ended up at the same place over the summer- Ben in a permanent entry-level position, and Adrien as a summer student intern- without realizing it beforehand. They hadn't worked together, really, but they ran into each other a lot. "Fewer people bumbling around being lost."
Ben grinned at the memory. Adrien had gotten lost on his second day, getting completely turned around on the wrong floor and having to be escorted back down to the right lab by an amused senior physicist. Ben had been nearby to see the whole thing. "Hey, at least when I started there were other people being lost. If I had started during the school year, then I would be the one weirdo new guy that couldn't find my way around."
"Like I was, since I started a week after everyone else." Even with an actual job in his field, Adrien hadn't been able to get out of this start-of-summer photoshoot. His job had been understanding and accommodating of his other work, enough that Adrien wondered if Nathalie had perhaps reached out to them.
He hoped not. He didn't want Nathalie and his father trying to interfere with his other jobs in the future, especially considering that he wanted to quit modeling once he had gotten a permanent Physics job back in Paris.
"We were trying to get Adrien over at Madam Rosalie's place last summer, but no luck," Sarah told the others. She was grinning. "We had to go with some other blond model for the latest ad campaign, but they weren't half as fun as Adrien. Absolutely no sense of humor, that guy."
The evening continued, dinner coming out after people stopped refilling their plate with appetizers as much. Once they had stuffed themselves, Adrien opened the presents he had received. Paul and Ben had both gotten him a book- Ben on a Physics study, Paul a book of puns in English- while Sarah and Abbey had brought him a gift card for a flower shop in the neighborhood. Nino had sent a CD with new music mixes, and Alya had sent several fun key chains that she had bought during her travels. His father (well, Nathalie, probably) had sent a pen.
That left Marinette's present.
"I honestly don't know what it might be," Adrien said with a laugh as he held the box by his ear, shaking it slightly. "You would think I might have at least a clue, but..."
"Okay, stop trying to guess and just open the present already," Sarah said with a laugh. "I know what it is, but then again Marinette wasn't trying to keep it a secret from me."
Adrien grinned and pulled the paper off, revealing a plain box. He opened the box and saw a t-shirt sitting on top, light green with printing across the front, reading:
√(-1) 2^3 Σ π
and it was delicious!
Adrien laughed. "Oh, I like this one," He said happily, pulling the shirt out. It was clearly screenprinted, something Marinette had designed and made. Under it was a second shirt, this one light blue. It read Where does bad light go? and then under it in a and a picture of a prism.
"Oh, that must have been hard to print," Sarah said, leaning forward. "With that many colors? Wow. I wouldn't even touch a design like that."
"It was fun to watch her do that one," Abbey told Sarah. "Lots of painter's tape was involved. That and a hairdryer."
Adrien pulled out three more shirts, all adorned with different math and science jokes. His grin got wider with each one. The last shirt had a cat pun, and he laughed and pressed an impulsive kiss to the top of Marinette's head. "Thanks, Mari. I love them!"
He was going to wear them every day. They were the best shirts he had ever owned. They weren't meant to be the height of fashion, which made them even better. They were meant to be fun.
Adrien was still grinning over his shirts when Marinette went to get the cake. The oohs and ahhs pulled Adrien's attention back to the table. Marinette was bringing the cake out slowly, candles lit and shining. She didn't seem to be struggling under the weight at all, which was impressive considering just how much cake there was. Paul and Ben dove out of the way so she could set the cake down on the table.
"Man, I normally just get a plain round cake for my birthdays," Paul said, entirely impressed. "If my parents are feeling fancy, then maybe there's sprinkles or something on top."
"My parents taught me how to decorate cakes," Marinette told him. She got the cake settled and stepped back. "They run a bakery-patisserie. My mom is even better at the delicate decorations than I am. You should see some of her creations, when she has a good amount of time to work on it."
Their guests looked suitably impressed.
Adrien blew out the candles, plucking a couple of them out and licking the frosting and cake crumbs off of them. Marinette started cutting generous slices, serving them up onto plates and passing them around the table until everyone had a piece.
"Oh, this is heaven," Sarah said happily after she had taken her first bite. "I don't know how you two stay as skinny as you are if Marinette can make stuff like this. It's so good."
"Genetic lottery," Adrien suggested. He licked a generous dollop of frosting off of his fork. "And running in the gym at school."
"Or running late, probably," Abbey joked. She grinned at Marinette. "How many days have we seen Marinette dashing in minutes before a meeting? She can move impressively fast. She just flies up the stairs."
It didn't take long for them to finish up their cake. Adrien brought plates into the kitchen while Marinette cut pieces for their guests to take home, so that they wouldn't be completely drowning under the amount of cake left. Ben helped gather up the wrapping paper for them, piling it neatly on his chair so they could throw it away later.
"Thank you all for coming," Marinette told them, handing everyone a Tupperware of cake. "We enjoyed having you over!"
"We enjoyed eating your food," Sarah told her with a laugh. "And thank you for having us."
The others nodded. One by one they left, with Abbey leaving last. She waved a cheery good-night and headed across the hall, carrying her cake. As soon as the door was closed, the kwamis materialized out of nowhere.
"I smelled cheese," Plagg complained, sniffing dramatically and floating towards the kitchen. "And no one offered any to me. Is there any left?"
"Some. I think there's a bit of Brie and a lot of the rind left-" Marinette started. Plagg let out a cheer and zipped off before she could finish.
"So much for leftovers from that," Adrien said dryly. He hadn't been expecting the leftover cheese to last, of course- cheese rarely did with Plagg in the house- but he hadn't expected Plagg to finish it up tonight.
Oh, well. At least that would mean that they wouldn't have to get any containers dirty from storing the cheese overnight. And Plagg would probably lick the plates clean, which would make them easier to wash.
Tikki blinked up at them more politely than her counterpart. "May I have some cake?"
Marinette laughed. "You didn't have enough earlier?" Still, she led the way back into the kitchen. "I'll cut you a small slice."
"If any slice could be considered small with that cake," Adrien commented with a laugh. The tiers were tall enough that even a thin slice contained a good deal of cake, which was the best way for cake to be, in Adrien's opinion. "I'll start loading the dishwasher."
Plagg was noisily slurping up the remaining bits of Brie and rind when they got to the kitchen. Adrien opened the dishwasher and started loading in their used plates while Marinette cut a bit of cake for Tikki, moved the rest of the cake back to its place in the kitchen, and covered it. Between the two of them, they got the kitchen back in shape and everything put away before long.
"Well, that went well," Adrien said around a yawn. He stretched, grinning when Marinette's eyes slid down to the exposed skin of his stomach. "Bedtime?"
"Sounds good." Marinette flicked off the lights in the kitchen and dining area, ignoring their kwamis passed out on their respective cheese and cake plates. Adrien scooped up his gifts as he passed the pile. Unsurprisingly, the t-shirts from Marinette were on top. Adrien grinned down at them again, snickering to himself a little as he noticed the little cat paws ambling around the words on the cat-pun shirt.
It was so. cute.
"I can't decide if I want to wear one of these to bed just so I can put it on right away, or if I want to save them and wear them out all week."
Marinette laughed as she followed him back to their bedroom. "I'm glad you like them."
"I love them. I'm not going to wear anything else, ever." Adrien grinned down at his shirts. Even when he got clothes from his father, they weren't unique, just one piece that was pulled before it went to stores and given to Adrien. But these were unique pieces, made just for him, handmade by his amazing, fabulous girlfriend.
Seriously. Best. Birthday. Ever.
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greypatrick-blog · 6 years
{ CHARLIE COX, 33, cismale, he/him, muse f } welcome friend! you know, i just saw PATRICK GREY in town. it’s good to see them. they’ve been staying in town for ONE YEAR and making a living as a WAR VETERAN. not too bad. i hear they can be a bit STUBBORN, but KIND. so, really who blames them? i hear they’ve been thinking about STARTING A NEW LIFE IN AMERICA. good for them. { Jude, 28, GTM-3, she/her }
Hello everyone. This is Jude. I’ll be joining the group as Patrick. Down below you can find his bio. I’ll soon be posting some plots I’d be interested in. However, if you want to start plotting right now feel free to hit my inbox.  Please, mind the trigger warnings before reading.
Patrick is the youngest of three brothers. He was born and raised in the Ipswich, England. Their family fairly healthy, and they lived a comfortable life. As a kid he was fairly interested in music, he even took some piano lessons, but was never particularly good at it. Nevertheless, he grew up to be a talented man. Like his brother, when Patrick was old enough he was sent to London in order to attend King’s College. 
Going to London opened up his horizons, and he started to explore new possibilities, he took his degree in the art department. He was following his heart, even though this wasn’t what his Parent’s expected of him, they hoped Patrick would find a job and get married and have children, like his older brothers. Instead, he met a young man named Roger Gillian, passioned by life like he was, who could play the guitar like an angel and ended up stealing Patrick's heart.
Of course, coming out as gay would be too shocking to his family. So they always kept things quiet. The lovebirds moved to a house in the suburbs. Patrick worked on the fine art department of King’s college while Roger had a part-time job at a local pub and would play around town at night. On the weekends they hosted parties and Roger would teach Patrick to play. They didn’t have much, but they loved each other. Nevertheless, when the war broke, Patrick saw himself called by duty. All his brother were signed up and were ready to fight. He couldn't be any different. He needed to protect the people he loved. He believed he was making his country a service, but little did he know this was the beginning of the end.
Roger tried to go back to his hometown in America, stay safe far from the madness Europe was. However, Roger died during a German attack on the island. Patrick was just devastated. He lost most of the joy he had in life. Honestly, he hoped he never ever did it make it out alive. Even when the war was over, he would never see another happy day without Roger to bright up his life. He thought he finally would meet his beloved one again in when one of the bays was taken, enemy’s aircraft threw bombs over the English troops. He remembers well his body being carried away by the blast, his head hitting against something hard and when it was all dark he whispered his lover’s name.
Maybe by divine intervention, maybe by chance, Patrick didn’t die that day. He was rescued in time to survive but was heavily injured. He was in a coma for several months. When he woke up, he found out that the war was over, and he didn’t have to worry about not being able to see Roger’s smile anyway. His injuries were too severe, and he lost his sight completely. People said he was lucky. That he should be dead. Patrick wasn’t so sure, though.
He was sent back his home in Ipswich where his mother told him he was the only man in the family who had made it through the war alive. And this made him feel even worse. Patrick saw himself deeply depressed. He felt useless, lacking the motivation to live another day. But he had to try it a little more, for his mother. They only had each other now. Unable to work and with so little income from the retirement, Patrick and his mother had to grow accustomed to little. The little food and lack of wood to warm up the home were probably the reason for a serious pneumony to grow into Patrick’s mother’s lungs.
Mrs Grey joined her other children some years later. And Patrick was the only one left behind. He lost Roger, his father, his brothers... and now his mother. Patrick missed them. That was what triggered him to go to a pub, and drink as much as he could. And instead of going home, he would jump out of the River Orwell bridge. However, a song started playing, "We Will Meet Again”, sang by a beautiful lady voice. The lyrics made Patrick cry and he changed his plans for the night.
Patrick decided to move to Redwater, where Roger was from had spoken so much on how great it was. He wasn’t really sure what he would do there. But he was finally done with his grief, and want to try to live again.
TL;TR version
Patrick was born in Ipswich, England.
He went to London for college.
He met a boy there, an American musician named Roger, who he fell in love with and they decided to live together.
Patrick was sent to fight in the war.
Meanwhile, Roger was killed during a German attack.
Patrick was in bombing incident and lost his sight.
He came back to Ipswich to stay with his mother.
She died some years after of pneumony.
Patrick then was planning a suicide when he heard a beautiful song that made him change his plans.
He decided to move to Redwater, Roger’s hometown, and try a new life.
Hunting Past: Patrick’s late lover, Roger, was from Redriver, and although he didn’t keep much in touch with his family, there might have been someone who misses him. Someone from his family, friends, ex-boyfriends, this is totally up to you. Their relationship can be either a supportive one (sharing good memoried and going together through their grief) or a destructive one (maybe this relative/friend even blames Patrick’s for Roger’s death).
Camarades: People who Patrick had fought alongside during the war. People who have to know his worse side, and might be surprised to learn that he his actually someone sweet.
A new love interesses: Patrick is still very wounded by the things that happened to him lately. But slowly he is learning how to move forward, and it’s time for him to meet someone to love. However, this won’t be an easy task, since Patrick might be still hunted by some ghosts. (Note: this connection must be a male).
Friends: People who are kind enough to keep Patrick company. He is rather a lonely man.
A volunteer reader: someone who could stop by his place every now and then to read him the newspaper, or even a book. They would be paid on tea and biscuits, and maybe some nice conversations.
Students: Patrick knows a lot about music, and would be willing to teach people how to play the piano, the bass, accordion, and even the guitar (his personal favourite).
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Week 7: Monday, June 25th to Sunday, July 1st 2018 
bonjour y´all and welcome back to a new week of my reading list. it´s tuesday when i´m typing this and i already have like 18(!) up until now, so prepare for an ass long list hahah. 
as usual, i picked out my fav stories i read over the week. please don´t be sad if you didn´t make it on the list. it´s just a little sneek of what i read in a week, this is far from everything i read during one week, these are just the fics i loved the most. every writer is unique and awesome in their own way, so shoutout to all of us writers!!! 
i really hope you´ll enjoy the list & don´t forget to leave some love and feedback to the authors! 
- aileen 
1.) Secrets Don´t Deserve Funerals II JJ by @alittlelessthanfandomimagines 
cute perfect ugh. i don´t have any words bc i´m speechless. thank you for adding a new part, i´m in heaven. i love emma´s and jj´s relationship a lot & i really hope spencer gets his sh*** together! great work :) 
2.) Survivor - Chapter 6 & 7 by @docspencerreid 
ugh okay part 6 hurt me so so good and i just love penelope with my whole heart. it´s so so heartbreaking, but so so good. spencer broke my heart as well. and then, part 7...holy shit. why are you doing this to me? like they finally “confessed” their feelings for eachother and then BOOM. i´m crying. can´t wait for the second part :) great job :) 
3.) It Should´ve Been Me by @tenaciousarcadeexpert 
this was a fabulous fic for my challenge :) and wow wow wow my poor heart, i mean who needs a heart anyway? the angst oooooooo god, i was at the edge of my seat. SO.GOOD. i´m beyond speechless. great work & well done! i loved evrey second of it :) 
4.) Petrichor by @dontshootmespence 
cute as fuck. i love when he talks facts and statistics. beautiful, just perfect. my ice cold heart is happy. also RELATIONSHIPGOALS. 
5.) Nightmares by @doctor-daddy-spencer-reid 
this was so beautiful oh my gossshhhh. the emotions, the angst, hurt/comfort = perfectly combined. spencer is such a good boyfriend ugh and you´re so talented, i´m gonna brb crying. 
6.) When We Were Young - Spencer Reid by @playlist-reid 
aw aw are you all trying to kill me with your fics? it´s only tuesday and i already died multiple times (i wrote this part of the list on tuesday hahah). perfect, golden, a must read. 
7.) Later // Spencer Reid by @spencerthepipecleaner  
ANGST OH YES!!!!! but death ugggghhhhh....it´s still so so so good and i loved reading it so so  much! you are all so talented! 
8.) Losing Faith and Family by @alittlelessthanfandomimagines 
this is another fic for my challenge thihi. god this was so good, like you really had me. the angst was def there and i was so sad but then i read the end and ugh awww my heart. great work! 
9.) What are You Doing? (Luke Alvez x Reader) by @dedeimagines 
cute cute cute. adoreable. i love me some good Luke fics and this was a really good one. also Garcia was pretty amazing in it :) well done! 
10.) Drowning by @moonlit-martyr 
masterpiece. i mean it. masterpiece. you are so so talented, this fic was so well written & so good! every emotion was covered. god, so good! 
11.) A Secret Rival by @abcreid 
the end = savage. also i loved how spencer always interrupted her = jealous????? the team was hilarious. great job! 
12.) Sleepless Nights // Spencer Reid by @itsmeedee 
DAD!REID!!!!! *runs around screaming in 20 different languages* this was everything & more. cutenesss overload. though the flashbacks make me sad, please tell me you didn´t kill off the baby´s mom ugh. 
13.) Article of Faith - Chapter 16 & 17 by @dontshootmespence 
aw it´s still so underrated, GO READ THIS SERIES I BEG YOU. okay so part 16: this moment between PG and Pretty Boy was everything. also the relationship between Billiw and Reid makes me happy; they are so cute fml. part 17: he goes to visit the team ugggh. and also the reference to the donuts and when emily came back omg. i like how he continues to support her and how he nevertheless shows interest in what she is doing although he might not like it. such a good bf. i love it so much! great work! 
14.) Chinese Takeout by @inkstainedfanfics 
i loved this fic. it was so so cute and so well written. the end tho :) great work! 
15.) Coffee by @therealtrashhere 
cute cute cute. also, the team was hilarious. can I have someone in my life who also brings me a cup of coffee everyday? maybe spencer himself? thank you! loved it a lot :) 
16.) Number One by @ionlyreadfivebookslastweek 
you had me at angsty. like i´m always there for angst. no matter what. this was so good, like for real. but please don´t fight babes :(((((
17.) Infiltrated: Part 7 by @stunudo 
i think it was beyond time that i add this series to my list. i just needed to do some catching up first, before adding it and let´s just say that this series deserves an award. it only gets better and better from part to part. it sometimes gets confusing but just bc i am so dumb, but it´s so good. go read it! 
18.) question for question by @uncomfie 
you are literally the queen/king of the derek morgan fics. you´re so so good and talented, it hurts. teach me please! i loved it so much ugh. i love a protective derek morgan and i miss him a lot. great work :) 
19.) I´m Sorry by @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo 
this was a fic for my challenge and i loved it so so much. the angst, omg. my heart ugh. aaron boi ugh what are you doing? but seriously, this boy is too precious for this world. he always wants to protect everyone from this cruel world. you can only love him. the end holy shit. i did not expect this. i hate scratch. well done! 
20.) target - part two, three & four by @uncomfie 
ok folks, if you´re looking for a really good series, this is it! recommend 10/10. this is giving me life istg. one of the best angst series i read so far. they are one hell of a couple, i´m in love. it breaks my heart to see derek so devasted and lost and helpless, my poor baby. but the end was making up for everything. the suspense, and angst, i´m in heaven. def gonna reread it soon. go check it out. it´s so good! well done! 
21.) Long Day? (Spencer x Reader) by @ourhappylies 
cute cute cute. i loved the relaxed reactions of the team & how they all already knew. profilers ahahahhaa. also spencer is so cute, it hurts. well done :) 
22.) Broken // Emily Prentiss by @itsmeedee 
this has been an entry for my challenge. i gave you my fav prompt i had on this list and you used it so well. omg you played the ian doyle card. when i read it, i swear my heart stopped for a minute. my heart broke for emily omg, how could you do this to my baby? preach you for an amazing fic. i loved reading it a lot. the end was soo goood! recommend 10/10!!!
23.) Happy Ending by @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo 
cramps are shit, worst part of these special weeks yk. but it was so cute and aww spencer, how are you a genius hahahahhaha. also this convo between emily & Y/N and the sarcasm, i´m loving it. the end was so cute, my heart melted. 
24.) Thalassophobia I Matt Simmons x Reader by @youvebeenwinchesterd 
yes, an amazing matt fic <333 there was a little bit of angst, a lot of suspense and some cute shit at the end. the perfect mix. my emotions were in overload. this was so good. i really liked it. matt is so cute. well done :) 
25.) Please be okay (Spencer Reid x Reader) by @dedeimagines 
angst & fluff = AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. my poor spencie. he´s so scared :(((( but the end turns out to be happy thank god! it was a shorty, but really good !:) 
26.) High School Rom-Com by @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo 
angsty stuff omg. i´ve been blessed this week. the team is so adoreable and caring and comforting omg. also, I loved Luke a lot in this fic. the end made me swoon :)))))
27.) Have It All by @ionlyreadfivebookslastweek 
relationship goals, for real. the reader is so understanding & supportive. caring. this was so freaking cute. i can´t cope. 
28.) Redamancy Pt. 3 by @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo 
i love this tension between Ella and Luke. and i also love penny in this story a lot. also protective luke is my religion. this is so good! 
29.) I Love You >> Spencer Reid by @eideticreid  
wtf this was so freaking cute???? i´m shook. like really. was this even real? i also cried happy tears while reading this. well done! very well written:) 
30.) A Reunion // Aaron Hotchner by @literallyreid 
another fic for my challenge, y´all are blessing me with your talent. okay, this was really good. like really really. i loved reading it a lot. it also made me miss Hotch an extra lot more, but that´s okay. great work :) 
31.) eleven blocks by @uncomfie 
she did it again. another awesome derek fic. why are you so good at this????? i loved reading this a lot. it was perfect ugh. the end was everything! well done :) 
32.) Alive or Not by @abcreid 
and another fic for my challenge yey :) this was so perfectly angst holy hell. the open end, omg really???? btw i think i swear too much but i can´t help myself. oh and btw your english is really good, so don´t worry!!! :) 
33.) Jealousy by @boywondxrreid 
this was so good. i love how blind reid is. the team was so cute and supportive, understanding and caring. also reid at the end, worrying about the reader. but i´m happy everything turned out well :) 
okay, this has been this weeks list! i really hope you liked it! leave some love to the authors and their stories. we´ll see each other again next sunday! have a good week!
- aileen 
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lester-s · 8 years
‘let this moment be the first chapter’ - phan
Summary: dan has a crisis about whether or not he will be a good father after they receive the confirmation letter that their adoption application has been accepted.
Word Count: 2.1k
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Trigger Warning: some swearing, a panic attack, talks of medical drug use, night terrors
Additional Tags: adoption, future, angst, anxiety
Author's Note: this is the first of three one-shots based on three songs from 'Hamilton: An American Musical', based on the song 'that would be enough'
Suddenly, he was awake. He knew he'd slept through till the late afternoon; the sun had set long ago, winter weather and all, and in it's absence was a hazy glow of the streetlights outside the window. Curled up on the living room sofa, he felt an abrupt loneliness in the room. He was sure that himself and Dan had fallen asleep on the sofa together, however the clear absence of a Dan shaped figure pointed otherwise.  
Yet, if he had fallen asleep on his own, Dan would have draped a blanket over him, and normally, would have left the TV on chrome-cast to save electricity. He looked for his phone and glasses, finding the latter first underneath a cushion, his phone not far away either. He looked through his notifications, a few messages from friends, a snapchat or two from his Mum, and a missed facetime call from Martyn. Life as a 33 year old really was as fun as that. He made sure to note the time, and jumped up when he realized just how long he had slept for.
He was more awake now, the harsh brightness of his phone providing enough of a reaction for him to stand up and look around. The room was dark still, and except for the lights from outside and the dim light of the tv, he was in total darkness. He reached for the table, feeling slowly but surely around the room until his hands met the cold door knob of the living room door. Slowly as to not wake up a possibly resting Dan, he pulled the door ajar and stepped into the corridor. The kitchen light had been left on and he could see much clearer now that his eyes were able to adjust to something rather than darkness.  
He had walked down the corridor for only a moment when he heard it.
Somebody was crying.
He dashed over to their bedroom. Being alone was definitely not one of Dan's best points, and to hear crying on a dark night when Phil had been asleep for so long? He was sure that Dan was in trouble. Slowly, he peered through the door, and his heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach.
Dan was sat at the side of their bed, his shoulder shaking as he cried. His hand was covering his mouth, and his eyes dashed from side to side as he read from a piece of paper in his hand. Tears spilled from his eyes and onto the letter below, but he didn't attempt to wipe them away – instead he continued to sit and read, and when he had finished he looked up and leaped into Phils arms.  
Now red, blotched eyes faced him, his face tear stained and a dull red shade. Salty tears were falling down his face in mismatched streaks and dropping onto his shirt. The boy pulled away after a moment and began to smile, so wide and so beautifully that Phil began to become worried about whether Dan was happy, or sad, or both.  
'Dan, what's going on?'
The younger took the letter from the bed and, with shaking hands, began to read:  
'D..Dear the Lester-Howell family,'
Phil's face lit up with realization. 'Oh my god, Dan...I-'
'It is with my great gratification to tell you that, after long deliberation with the biological parents of the child we matched you with some months ago, we, the board of Child Welfare and Management, have decided to accept your application to adopt Ms. Matthews' child upon birth. We may need to meet with you regarding the future prospects and some final required assessments of your property and health checks, however this is simply mandatory and is in no way targeted at a certain race, ethnicity, or sexuality.. Many Thanks.'  
The letter fell to the ground as Phil pulled Dan close to him again, and kissed him deeply. It was now Phil's time to cry, and as Dan held him close, as he wept tears of happiness and shock into Dan's jumper.  
'So long we've waited.' Phil whimpered, Dan holding his hair as tears fell down both of their faces.
The adoption process had been long and grueling, many times after they had joined adoption agencies they were told they had been rejected by potential parents and were told to seek an alternate agency. Phil had been adamant they should keep trying, though, even when Dan had announced that they should quit while they were ahead.  
- 'Nobody will want us Phil.'
-'You don't know that'
-'Yes I do. Let's just stop now, it's pointless trying any longer.'
-'Don't say that. Not now. Not after 2 years of waiting and being tested and having those stupid checks! We put everything on the line for this!'
They had fought many times over whether or not they would ever get chosen, however, those fights were far in the past now.
'P..parents.' Phil muttered, still enclosed in Dan's arms.  
They were sat in their bedroom, a few weeks after they received that letter;   Phil had been reading a new Stephen King book while Dan was watching some sort of documentary. They hadn't spoken since the programme began, Phil was shunned into silence by Dan as soon as the title screen appeared. If he was honest, Phil didn't think Dan was watching the documentary anymore. In the corner of his eye he could see that Dan was on his phone, not watching the show as he had thought originally. He pondered turning it off, however his thought was quickly put to the back of his mind when Dan broke the silence with a cough.
'That documentary is shit. I've been waiting weeks for that fucker, and it was shit!' Phil could do nothing but laugh at Dan's choice of words, and Dan smiled in response, pushing the book from Phil's lap and onto the floor. Phil lifted up his arm and welcomed the warmth that he didn't realize he missed. Dan tucked his head into his chest and watched the TV, while Phil wrapped his fingers around Dan's curls. There was a sense of content secretly shared between the two of them, and then Dan perked up and looked up at Phil.
'We won't be able to do this much in a few months. Well, with just the two of us anyway.'  
Dan huffed in response, lifting himself up from Phil's chest. 'We still haven't got anything for them. We need to start thinking about ordering furniture, and buying a pram.' Phil picked up the book from the floor and placed it on the table side beside the bed, before climbing out and throwing his clothes on the floor and changing into pajamas.  
‘Dan, we’ve got a whole two months yet, and the agency haven't sent us any letters with information about what we need for when they arrive.’
Dan rose from his spot laid on the bed and rested his head on the headboard. ‘I've already been looking. There's more than what you'd think. Apparently we need at least 8 of everything, and then we need sterilisers, baby first aid kits, a crib for when they get older, but a moses basket for the first few months so that we're with them in the room at night. And that's not even the start of it.’  
Phil sighed and pulled himself into bed next to Dan, placing a hand on his chest and laying beside him. ‘There's 63 tomorrows before the baby is due, and in those 63 tomorrows, we will get everything done. Don't worry. Now sleep, it's tiring you out I can tell.’ Dan tried to fight against what Phil said, but eventually finds himself lulled to sleep by Phil playing with his hair and humming peacefully.
He sees a figure, tall and holding a small bundle. His face is covered up by a dark hood, and the light shining on him shows nothing but a dark silhouette. The man stands at the foot of a spiral staircase and Dan wants to run towards him but his body is paralyzed, he can't stand up out of the chair no matter how he fights. The figure slowly approaches, the small bundle now fussing and crying, almost screaming for help. Dan feels tears burning in his eyes and as the figure draws closer, he finally sees who is stood in front of him. Phil.  
‘Phil please! Please listen! Help me! Please help me! He-‘
‘Dan! Dan wake up!’
Dans eyes shot open and he jumped to his feet in an instant.  
‘Get away from me!’ He batted Phils hand away from his shoulder and backs into the corner of the bedroom, gasping for air.  
'Dan, you're okay. You're okay.'  
But he wasn't okay. He shook his head and felt his hand tremble against the wall. He wanted to breathe, but all that was coming out was raspy breaths. Phil watched as Dan darted around the room like a hurricane, his limbs shaking and his heart racing.  
He can't breathe.  
Suddenly the world goes in ultra speed, and Phil knew he would need to intervene quickly before anything escalated and he had to drive Dan to the hospital. He rushed to Dan's side, and grabbed his shoulders. He looked so hopeless, and before Dan knew it Phil had pulled him back to the side of the bed, and was drawing circles into his back.  
‘-Phil.’ He whimpered. His voices sounded drained and sickly, and if Phil hadn't been playing the 'grown-up adult' card, he would have begun to cry there and then.
'You are going to be okay. There is enough air for you to breathe. When I count upwards, I want you to inhale. When I count down, I want you to exhale. Can you do that for me, baby?' Dan nodded, and slowly he began to relax.
'1...2...3...4...5...6...7...You're doing so well, love. 7...6...5...4...3...2...1. Okay. Keep repeating the pattern in your head. There is nothing that can hurt you now. Can you tell me what you need?'
Dan began to shake his head, and then attempted to speak, still wheezing.
'At- At-'
'Do you want your Ativan?' Dan could do nothing but nod weakly.
‘It's in the medical box, can I go and get it? Are you able to walk?' Phil stands up first, and Dan carefully lifts himself up, and with small steps, they made their way to the kitchen, where Phil carefully lowers Dan to the ground.  
‘Here, take this. You remember what you need to do? Small sips.' Dan takes the glass of water and a small white pill and takes them slowly. 'We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. We can just forget this happened. If that’s what you need.'
‘Phil…No, I need to.’  
‘Tell me then. I can sit for as long as you need. When did they start again?’
‘A month or so.’  
‘Dan, you should have told me.’ Dan heard the pain in Phil’s voice, and looked down in shame.  
‘No...I’m not sorry. W-we’d just found out about the baby, I didn’t want to ruin it for us. Then I started worrying that I would be an awful father, and I couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen if and when I messed up, because I know I will.
I can't even look after your houseplants when you're away. Will you relish being a useless person's husband? I don't think so. I'm never going to be enough for you. Nothing I do is enough for what you deserve.’  
‘Dan look at me.’ Phil held his chin and turned his face, so that Dan and his eyes are level. ‘I know who I married. I relish being your husband- there's nothing that makes me happier- nothing. Look at where we are. We're two months away from meeting our son or daughter.
Now look at where we started. We thought that we'd never get to this stage. There has been so many people who have been against us for the past 10 years of our lives, that at most points I wondered if we were going to stay together at all. The fact we made it through all of that hate is a miracle, so just fight whatever this awful spell has become, that would be enough. We could be enough, together, for the baby, and any other children we adopt. This is the first chapter of our lives together, Dan, just think about that.'
They sat in silence, and as the medication took hold, Dan rested his head upon Phil's shoulder, and sighed.  
'Dan, as long as you're here, as long as you come home at the end of the day, we're enough.'
Author's note: im such hamilton trash lmao help me why do I make these things pls help me
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tara-firma-blog · 8 years
Torn // Chatzy Transcript
Tara is a cockblock, Eli makes it better, Damian and Daphne have Actual Moments, Hadeel uses that cubus charm on Toby, Bei is a Beiby Gayby for Leo(nardo), and Jonathan is king of everyone’s heart
Damian: "I would say it was one time, but well." He replied a little bitterly, looking away. It was easier to be with Daphne. To be all the good and all the bad without feeling like a villain for it. He tapped his fingers against the bar top. "One drink?" 19:33
Hcdeedee: "I'd really rather not be in the enclosed space where its dark and I'll have to waste money on many torches." 19:36
Toby: "Well, I'm sure there are plenty of low level enemies in there just waiting for us to kill them you know." He said pointed out, taking a sip of his drink. 19:37
FlynnRaider: Leo shrugged. It would make sense. "I've always been told I'm an intimidating figure. I wouldn't really be surprised. Still, getting /some/ sort of action would have been nice". Leo was vastly unprepared for the attention he got in the states as a result. Relationships were a mystery to him. "Yeah, I grew up on the coast. It was beautiful. Moved to the states for my studies though" 19:37
Hcdeedee: "Probably, but it's so much nicer in the woods." 19:39
Daphne: "It's cute how you act like I can stop you," Daphne grinned, reaching up to pinch Damian's cheek. She was comforted knowing that here, drinking gave you a debuff instead of sclerosis. 19:39
Damian: He wiggled his brow as he leaned in and pretended to bite at one of her ears. "Well you might be able to." He straightened and grinned. "I think I read that druids can whip my ass. Since I'm a wolf." 19:40
Bei: "I thought I heard some sort of vague accent..." Bei hummed while an amused smile flickered across his features. Slowly the stupor of the day, of the flashbacks, seemed to be slipping away. Not gone, but certainly no longer at the forefront of his mind. "I figured New England... Not Italy." He looked down at his beer. "I'm an immigrant myself. Chinese, parents moved to America when I was a child." 19:41
FlynnRaider: "Yeah, I never could quite kick it," Leo said with a grimace. His italian roots were always obvious. His supposed that it was okay though, his only ever fling had called it "sexy". "Lucky you. I made the big move myself." He sipped on his drink, aiming for casual. Social drinking wasn't something he was well versed in. 19:47
Daphne: Daphne pressed her face to his shoulder and inhaled "That explains why you smell like dog" Happy dog. She loved that smell. "I could whip your ass anyway. Remember when I ran into your shins with my chair?" That's what he got for taunting her. "Well, shin?" She corrected herself. 19:48
Bei: "For what it's worth..." Bei started tilting the beer in his hand. "I can't slip from Mandarin to English without a disgusting accent slip. I wasn't able to shake it until I was well into high school. The teasing was horrendous." 19:50
Damian: "What is your obsession with sniffing me?" He wrinkled his nose. "I'm the one with nose powers in the current time and place." Damain grimaced at the memory. "I only have half a lower shin on one side. Take pity." He grinned at her. "One drink each. Maybe two. Then strip joint or bed." 19:50
FlynnRaider: "Kids are awful," Leo agreed with a roll of his eyes. He didn't miss highschool, he'd been tall and gangly, if you could believe that. Hadn't grown int himself yet. "Thankfully I missed out on the welcoming/ american highschool experience. I didn't come to Pennsylvania till uni." 19:53
Bei: "Pennsylvania?" Bei asked, tipping his head a bit. "Where at in Pennsylvania?" 19:54
FlynnRaider: "Philadelphia, specifically. Studied History and Art History there. Double major." It was a bit embarrassing to admit, a tough guy like him. But it was his passion. The school boasted one of the best programs in the country. 19:55
Bei: "I could never imagine studying History myself... then again, I was never much the school type anyway. I was far more interested in doing than learning." He hummed before looked to Leo. "Though, I suppose that does go to show how small the world is. That's just under two hours away from where I live. Really, a day trip. My parents used to love going to Philadelphia... Thought the Liberty Bell was the greatest thing ever." 19:58
Toby: "Alright, alright. We'll go to the forest then." Toby wasn't put out either way. One way or another he was going to try and level up. "You know, we could also try going down to the water." 20:00
FlynnRaider: "Let me tell you, it's come in handy these days. Knowing all the names of the weapons, the clothing, that kind of thing," Leo joked. He'd never thought his degree would actually be applicable in his daily life. "I can't say I ever saw too much of the city though, which is a shame. Too focused on my studies. And I've moved now anyway." 20:00
Daphne: "You smell like a Good Boy. Like Brinkley. You know, that therapy dog." Daphne wrinkled her nose at the drink the barkeep pushed toward her. She had been diagnosed prior to her 21st birthday and had never had the opportunity to acquire a taste for booze. "They have a strip club here?" She asked, bewildered. 20:02
Bei: "I'll bet. If I ever have a question, I now know where to go to." He smiled before he took a sip from his beer. "Oh? Where did you move to? Somewhere warm and not prone to a foot of snow in one go?" 20:03
FlynnRaider: Leo snorted. "More like covered with people who walk too slow and sells shitty hot dogs. New York of all places. A tiny shitty apartment in the Bronx, if we're getting specific." 20:04
Damian: "Ew. He's a drooler." Damian wiped his hands against his thigh with a shiver. Taking his drink, he nodded before taking a long drink. Setting it down again, he smiled. "Yep. Girls. Boys. And in between. I figure you can admire naked beauty and I can try to get laid." 20:05
Bei: The answer seemed to catch Bei off guard and he sat up a bit straighter. "...New York?" 20:06
FlynnRaider: "Yeeeees?" Leo answered questioningly. "Not the classiest of places but I didn't think it was /that/ bad." 20:07
Bei: "...New York, New York?" 20:08
FlynnRaider: "New York, New York." He arched an eyebrow. 20:09
Bei: A slow smile spread across Bei's face, similar to the Grinch but far less menacing. "Huh." He hummed as he took another drink. 20:10
FlynnRaider: Leo grumbled into his drink. "Care to share?" 20:11
Bei: "Oh, nothing." He replied coyly with a shake of his head. 20:11
FlynnRaider: Flagging down Jonathan, Leo narrowed his eyes at Bei. "Seriously? This is how it's going to be?" He sighed and rested his chin on his hand in annoyance. 20:13
Daphne: Heat rose in Daphne's face. Naked bodies were... weird. They just made her feel awkward unless it belonged to somebody she knew. Then she didn't care. 20:16
Bei let the quiet linger just a moment longer before he leaned in a bit, not enough to breach personal space, but closer than he'd been before. "I'm from New York as well. That's all." 20:16
Toby joined the chat 20:16
Daphne: "I hope you're not expecting a wingman" 20:16
Damian: He chuckled and patted her back, "I'm fucking with you. I just need a drink." He held up his foot, the sole of his left boot flapping. "Look at this sad state of affairs. I deserve a drink, Daf." 20:17
FlynnRaider: As Bei leaned in, Leo leaned back in his chair in response, face heating slightly. "Oh, uh, small world." There was a beat of silence. "Whereabouts?" 20:19
Bei: Bei took the fact that Leo leaned back as a clear signal and straightened out, once giving the other the space he'd had before. "As cliche as this is going to be, Chinatown." 20:20
FlynnRaider: Leo tried his best to ignore the pang of disappointment he felt as the other leaned back. He supposed that was his own fault. But maybe he could fix it? Shaking it off, he smirked and leaned forward on his hand. "Wow, really doing your part to shake off the stereotypes." 20:25
Bei: Bei winced though his expression was open and playful and followed by a laugh. "Blame my parents. They set up there, opened a shop to support us... and it was an easy place to come back to after..." He trailed off, the smile faltering a bit as he tipped his nearly empty glass. "...after my injury." 20:27
Tara entered for the first time 20:28
Daphne: Daphne blushed. She should have known he was teasing. Daphne went to drink but... the flapping. The flapping was incessant. And Damian knew how annoying it was; he had to or he wouldn't be doing it! So, she reached out and tore the sole off. "There! I fixed it!" 20:29
FlynnRaider: Leo's playful look immediately dropped. This was clearly a more serious topic, it should be handled delicately. He couldn't help his eyes flicking over Bei's body, though logically he knew any injuries wouldn't have transferred over. "Injury? I hope you're alright..." 20:30
Bei: "I'm fine." Bei replied, just a beat too quickly as he shrugged it off. "I moved back to New York and took a job as a local cop. Let me tell you, the strange shit you see as a cop in New York." 20:30
Tara joined the chat 20:31
Damian: Damian looked wide eyed at here then wiggled his socked toes out the bottom of his shoe. "You punk ass kid, Daf." He grabbed the sole and tried to reattach it. "I wasn't gonna buy new ones dammit!" 20:32
FlynnRaider: Leo let him drop the subject without pressing Some things were best left alone. "A cop, how honorable." he flattered with a small laugh. "But I bet you I can top that. You see even stranger shit as a bouncer. All the crazies come out at about 3 am" 20:32
Tara: By this point, Tara was somewhat convinced that since this game had so many Americans, she was going to get carded before she could even get drunk truth or dare going. It was going to happen, dammit, even if she was the only one playing. So her first part of the plan? Sneak into the tavern (check), say nothing (so far, check), sit in the corner (creepily, check) and spring it on them when they were too confused to argue. Yeah. That was it. 20:33
Bei: "I can guarantee you I've been called out at 3am to half of the clubs at some point." Bei countered, his easy smile returning before he leaned back a bit, making sure to give Leo his space. "What club?" 20:33
Daphne: Daphne shrugged. "You could just go barefoot like me," she chirped, wiggling her toes at him. 20:37
FlynnRaider: "Those calls must be fun. I can't imagine the amount of times you've been hit on." Whoops. It just kind of slipped out. That was about as close to flirting as Leo could get. Regaining his composure, he shrugged. "Industry Bar. Not the prettiest scene but it pays the bills." 20:39
Bei: "No one wants to hit on a cop that's arresting them for a drunk and disorderly. Trust me." Bei replied, shaking his head. At the name of the bar, he felt his expression betray himself and give away his surprise. "Wait... You're a bouncer at Industry Bar?" 20:40
Damian: "I'm not a fucking heathen." He grabbed her foot and pulled, nearly dislodging her from her seat. "Heathen." 20:40
Tara: Raising her eyebrows sketchily, Tara leaned in to a conversation of which she had no idea of the topic. "So you know what goes really great at industry bars? Activities that really get the whole crowd involved." 20:41
FlynnRaider: If it was you I would, was all Leo could think. But he didn't voice those thoughts, obviously. He raised his eyebrows at Bei's surprised expression. "Yeah. You know it? I work most nights" 20:42
Bei: There was a long pause as Bei stared as Leo. Then, slowly, realization began to dawn and his eyes widened. "Oh, holly hell..." 20:44
Bei glanced sideways at the young woman, caught off guard. He'd focused so much on Leo, he'd hardly noticed the other people around. "...Oh?" 20:45
FlynnRaider: Leo's eyes widened as well, mirroring the man across from him. "Is.. there something wrong?" 20:46
FlynnRaider: He followed his gaze to the women next to him, staring at her blankly. 20:46
Tara nodded sagely. She had not seriously expected that they would get this far. "Yes. How interested are you... in games?" 20:46
Bei: It seemed as though Leo wouldn't get an answer. "It depends on the type of game, I suppose." 20:47
Daphne: Daphne poked Damian in the ribs with her stave. "Bad dog," she scolded, trying to keep from grinning. 20:48
Tara: thought that almost all games were good, but she had to cater to people that just were not used to actually enjoyed themselves. "Games typically played at parties... but with higher stakes." 20:48
FlynnRaider: This was becoming something he did /not/ want to get involved with. "Uhhhh.... is their an opt out option?" 20:48
Tara: Frowning, Tara supposed that she had come on a little strong. "My name is Tara, if that helps, and I consider myself an expert at games. Opting out is always an option, especially if you enjoy a heavy sense of regret." 20:50
Bei arched an eyebrow at the young woman, clearly amused. "Well, Tara, I might just think you were an NPC looking to get some people in trouble." 20:51
Toby joined the chat  20:51
Damian: "You are an asshole." Damian released her foot and grabbed his drink. "You are an ass and I'm telling on you to Jonathan. My new best friend." 20:51
Toby: Hummed in content as he sat off in the corner of the bar. Nursing his second tankered of mead. 20:52
FlynnRaider: Leo's eyes darted back and forth, watching the exchange. He was content to just observe from the sidelines. 20:53
Tara: That was probably supposed to be offensive. "If I were an NPC, I would probably be, like, totally more predictable. And less awesome. Talking to NPCs is really boring," she said, pouting. "It's just truth or dare. It's fun." 20:53
FlynnRaider: "I... can't say that I've played much truth or dare," Leo admitted. 20:54
Bei glanced up at Leon, an eyebrow arched. "You've never played truth or dare?" 20:55
Tara: Good! She had managed to rope in the one who had been reluctant to play. "I bet that guy over there would play with us," Tara said, pointing over at Toby. "It's a rite of passage to play." 20:55
Toby: Looking up when he heard a voice, Toby lifted a brow. "A rite of passage? To play a game most of us haven't played since elementary school?" 20:56
FlynnRaider: As much as he tried to stop it, Leo's cheeks flushed red. "Do I really seem like the wild partying type in uni to you? It's not like, a necessary human requirement" 20:56
Bei: The amused expression from earlier was back, and Bei had to stop himself from making some sort of flirtatious comment about the color in the other's cheeks. He'd made it clear he had boundaries, and Bei had seemingly already crossed them once. "I would go so far as to say it's a rite of passage as Tara seems to suggest... but it is a staple of most young, dumb experiences." 20:58
Tara: Oddly enough, Tara thought he did look a little like the wild partying type if she squinted hard enough. "Yes, thank you. Definitely something at least close to a rite of passage to play truth or dare... While drunk!" There. The gauntlet had been thrown down. 20:58
Daphne: "mhm, yeah, ok." She stood on tiptoe and kissed Damian's cheek. "I'm going to bed, you grump so you'll have to do the sex elsewhere." 20:58
FlynnRaider: "I was significantly lacking in young, dumb experiences," Leo grumbled. "Don't remind me." He was, of course, referring to his lack of relationships over the years. He never really got to be just a teen. 20:59
Bei: "Well, it seems this lovely young woman is offering you the perfect opportunity to rectify that." 21:00
FlynnRaider: "I'm not /nearly/ drunk or stupid enough for this" 21:01
Toby: Running a hand over the back of his neck, Toby shrugged. "Yeah, alright." Knocking back the rest of his drink, he got up and went to join the others at their table. 21:01
Bei: "Well, looks like you need to down a few beers then." He challenged with an arched eyebrow. 21:01
FlynnRaider: He glared at the other man. "I'm usually the one monitoring peoples drinking, not drinking myself." 21:02
Tara: Two of these strangers were talking about something that Tara still had no idea about, but the other one was definitely game. "Perfect!" she said brightly, going for the least gross-sounding beer that they had. "Should we find more peopld?" 21:02
Damian: "Nooooo. I'll go with you." He pouted and made grabby hands. 21:03
Toby: "Do we need more people?" He wondered out-loud. 21:03
FlynnRaider: "Do we need to play at all?" Leo countered. 21:03
Tara: "Well we don't need more people as long as we can hang on to the one who's too afraid to play," Tara said without thinking too hard about it. 21:04
FlynnRaider: "the one who's too afraid to play?" Leo yelped, insulted. "I'm right here you know!" 21:05
Bei: "Sounds like you've been challenged." 21:07
Damian: Loudly and in the background, Daphne and Damian stumbled out. Laughter following after them. 21:07
FlynnRaider: Grumbling, Leo glared at them while downing a beer. Staring them challengeingly, he slammed it onto the bar. 21:08
Tara sipped at her new drink, entirely pleased that she had found these enjoyable people that did not like her very much. "Yes, o frighted and soon-to-be-drunk one. I dare you to hold your friend's hand for... five minutes." 21:09
FlynnRaider: "I- what?" He blinked, shocked. "I don't have much truth or dare experience, I admit, but I'm /pretty/ sure that's not how you play." 21:10
Toby: Toby: "Oh you've got to be kidding me? That's the first dare that you're going with?" He teased looking at Tara. 21:11
Bei sat back in his chair, his glass held lightly in his hand utterly unaware that he was the friend to which Tara was referencing. 21:11
Tara raised her eyebrows at Toby. "Oh, but you see, this is actually the best idea I've ever had. And since you guys didn't give me your names, you don't get to choose truth or dare." 21:12
Toby: Leaning forward, he held out his hand to her. "Toby. Toby Ross." He said with a smirk. 21:13
FlynnRaider: Crossing his arms, Leo sent an unimpressed look her way. "You essentially walked up and demanded we play. Not sure where you think your so called authority is coming from" 21:13
Tara: Taking Toby's hand, she grinned. "Tara Grayson. Well met!" Scowling at Leo, she said. "Excuse you, but I'm a Paladin, so I probably have... marginal imaginary authority." 21:14
FlynnRaider: "Well I'm a pirate so I probably have marginal imaginary refusal of authority." 21:15
Toby: "Or you're just drunk and your imaginary authority complex has gone to your head." He pointed out. 21:15
Bei snorted softly and shook his head. 21:16
Tara: Raising her glass, Tara insisted, "I have had *one* drink. One! I am not drunk. I am a noble and sometimes chivalrous being." 21:16
FlynnRaider: Scowling, Leo sulked on his stool. And to think, the night had seemed to be looking up. He risked a quick glance over at Bei. 21:17
Toby: "What ever helps you sleep at night, sweetheart." He said before lifting a hand to try and order another drink for himself. 21:18
Damian changed name to Eli 21:18
Tara: Okay, so clearly she was having less success with the night than she expected. "Excuse you, I sleep great at night. And hey!" She glanced from Bei to Leo. "Why aren't you two holding hands? Too chicken?" 21:20
Bei blinked and sat up a bit straighter. "Huh? Me?" 21:20
FlynnRaider: Leo's scowl only deepened. He simply grunted in response. 21:21
Toby: "Really? Guess you'll have to prove it to me sometime." Was he shamelessly flirting? Yes. A common occarance when he got drunk. Looking over to Bei, Toby started to chuckle. "I think she meant you my friend." 21:21
Bei set his now empty glass on the bar. "I've been dared?" 21:24
Tara: "Yes, you two. I dared you guys, like, three minutes ago," Tara said, rolling her eyes. Why couldn't people keep up? Apparently Toby wanted to keep up in some other way, which she was lucky enough to catch the drift of. "No offense, but I'm kind of throwing up in my mouth a little. Can you give me a minute?" 21:24
Eli: Eli sauntered into the tavern with a grin. He'd had a successful day of questing and needed a drink. Going to sit up front, he flagged down the bartender, Jonathan, and ordered a drink. 21:26
FlynnRaider: Eyes darting around looking for a quick escape, Leo spotted Eli at the other end of the bar. "Oi! Eli!" He called over. 21:26
Hcdeedee joined the chat  21:27
Hcdeedee: Holy crap there were so many more people than before in the tavern. 21:27
Bei: "I was not aware I'd been dared." Bei countered before he ordered another drink. 21:28
Eli: Eli looked over and smiled as he raised a brow. "Leo? How are you?" 21:29
FlynnRaider: "Errrrr - could be better," he grimaced,looking pointedly at Tara. 21:30
Toby: "Take all the time you need." He said with a shrug. Turning his attention back over toward the bar he smiled seeing DeeDee. "Save me." He mouthed to his friend. 21:30
Eli: He raised a brow, grabbing his drink and walking over. "What's gong on?" 21:30
Hcdeedee: Hadeel caught sight of Toby at the bar and sighed in relief. "BeeBee!" She called out, pushing past people to stand at his side. 21:31
Tara: Grumbling, "I am much too gay for this," she swigged back at her drink. "And I can totally hear everything." 21:31
Bei pushed himself to his feet and gestured for the bartender to cancel his drink. "And I believe that is my cue to head out." 21:32
FlynnRaider: Leo quickly stood as well. "I'll ah - catch you later?" he said desperately. And just when they'd had a good conversation going. 21:32
Eli: "Yeah of course." He looked from him to Bei and raised a brow. 21:33
Toby: Grunting slightly at the nickname, Toby looked down at Hadeel. "Why does it feel like we're back in high school?" He questioned looking at the group of people. 21:33
Bei nodded to Eli politely before he glanced to Leo and smiled softly. "I'm sure we'll see each other around sometime. Small world and all." He managed, looked up through his eyelashes before he turned and left, hands tucked into his pockets. 21:34
FlynnRaider: "No- I mean - I'm staying. Bei is going. I think." He collapsed onto his stool. Lord this was confusing. 21:34
Hcdeedee: "Probably because we're all playing a video game?" She shrugged and looked around for a drink. 21:35
FlynnRaider: "Yeah, see you around," Leo offered half-heartedly as Bei left. 21:35
Eli: Eli rolled his eyes before nudging Leo, "I'm sure Bei wouldn't mind the company, Leo." He looked over to where Bei was walking off. "Go catch up to him idiot." He hissed quietly at Leo. 21:35
Tara: Under her breath, she said, "If they had just held hands everything would have been great, but nooooo, they just have to be children about it." 21:35
FlynnRaider: Looking back over, Leo lowered his voice as well. "Catch up with him? He clearly wants space! He just left!" He hissed back 21:36
Eli: "Because you were clearly ignoring him." He snarked in returned and shoved him off the seat onto his feet. "Go after him and say you want some private time." 21:39
FlynnRaider: Stumbling, Leo looked back in shock. "Ignoring him? I wasn't! Can't I just PM him??" He would never understand boys 21:40
Toby: "Yeah, this isn't just a video. This is real life there DeeDee." He said shaking his head. "I need more beer if I'm going to listen to this anymore. Come on." 21:41
Eli: Eli grabbed his face and held his eyes. "Listen to me very closer. GO and kiss the boy." 21:41
Toni entered for the first time 6 seconds ago 21:42
FlynnRaider: Leo threw up his hands defensively. "WOAH - woah. Kiss?! Who said anything about kissing!" Leo laughed awkwardly. 21:42
Tara: Tara hummed "Kiss the Girl" softly, knowing that the reasonable guy and the jittery one wouldn't hear. 21:43
Eli: He gave him a sharp look. "Go. Now." He nudged him over. "Go get him. Or I will." 21:43
FlynnRaider: He grabbed onto Eli's arm desperately. "No - NO. This is not happening. Nobody is getting /anybody/. Let's just. have a drink, yeah?" 21:44
Eli: He raised a brow at him and opened up his menu. "I'm sure if I message him, he'd be down to meet." He hummed to himself. 21:46
Toby: "You know Bei is a really great guy." He said wanting to just stir the pot a little. "He's really great with handcuffs." 21:47
FlynnRaider: "Wait - WOAH. Let's be reasonable here. It's late. He's gone home - or wherever. We have no reason to contact him." Leo paused. "Why do you even have his username? Ugh, doesn't matter. Just - don't." 21:47
FlynnRaider: At Toby's comment, Leo went BRIGHT red. "I - what - I don't - " he stuttered. 21:48
Toby: Toby couldn't help but chuckle, as he sipped more at the beer he'd finally acquired. "Oh calm down, I was kidding. Mostly." 21:49
Tara: "Was that the guy that just walked out? How do you spell Bei's username?" Tara asked curiously. 21:49
Eli: "I know his username. We're friends." Eli waved at his friend list. "Leo come on. Go after him. Now." He shoved him again, elbowing Toby to stay out of it. 21:49
FlynnRaider: Leo sunk down into his seat, burying his head in his hands. This was a disaster. He was surrounded by drunk idiots. 21:50
Toby: Toby looked over at Eli, rolling his eyes before taking an empty chair. Feb 1
Tara: "So do you spell it like B-A-E? Because if so, I bet that one was hard to get," Tara mused. 21:51
Eli: "Go," He nudged him again. "He clearly liked you." 21:51
Hcdeedee: Hadeel trailed after Toby, curious to see if she could get him to buy another drink for her. 21:52
FlynnRaider: Leo's head snapped up. "He did /not/. You just think that because you think /everybody/ is flirting with you." 21:52
Toby: Glancing up at Hadeel, Toby lifted a brow. "Can I help you dear?" 21:53
Toni had no idea what the hell was going on. Frankly, ne had better things on ner mind, like how the inner workings of the game worked, and how to break it all apart from the inside. But seeings as there seemed to be such a large crowd inside the Tavern, ne figured what would one drink hurt? Of course, one became two and two turned into somewhere between ten and too many. Leaving Toni, a frustrated, horny mess, as the tall drink of water passed her....a drink of water, encouraging ner to slow down, while also looking the hacker over. Toni was really appreciating the attention. But Toni didn't show anything on her face. Of course, the alcohol was sure to change that soon. 21:53
Hcdeedee: "Aren't we getting more drinks?" 21:55
Eli: Eli rolled his eyes and looked over to Tara. "B E I." Then looking back to Leo, he grunted. "Everyone does flirt with me. Haven't you heard? Good looks alone." 21:55
FlynnRaider: Leo rolled his eyes. "Then why don't /you/ go hit on him if you're so insistent on it." 21:56
Eli: "Because he seemed upset about you, not me." Eli replied with a look. 21:56
Tara: "Thank you!" she said to the nice stranger. She would vote for him for guild prime minister, probably. Swiping through her menu, she went to go add this Bei person to her friends list. 21:56
FlynnRaider: He had a look of innocent confusion on his face. "Upset? I didn't really get that vibe..." 21:57
Toby: "I mean, if you'd really like to get another drink, by all means go ahead. Can you get me one too while you're at it?" Giving Hadeel a wink, he turned his attention back to the room. "Thanks doll." 21:57
Eli: Eli rolled his eyes hard and looked to Tara. "Sweetheart, help me out here." 21:57
Tara: For some bizarre reason, Tara's new name in this bar was 'Sweetheart.' She did not really like it. "What? Are we talking about his bae Bei?" 21:59
Eli: "Yes. Apparently, Bei was not into Leo here." He gave her a look. 21:59
Hcdeedee: Hadeel pouted, stubbornly staying put by his side. She only had so much gold and she'd be damned if she'd spend it on drinks she could get for free. 22:00
Tara: Tara was not sure if the prime minster guy was being serious. "Well apparently that is incorrect because Bei totally probably was. But what do I know?" 22:01
FlynnRaider: Leo just grumbled. "I'll believe it when I see it. I've gotten my hopes up one too many times. Not that uh - I'm hoping for anything." 22:02
Toby: Nudging Hadeel's shoulder, Toby sighed. "What's with the pout?" 22:02
Eli: "Or you are greatly missing on the opportunity to make out with a frankly super hot man because of fear of rejection." Eli said dryly and breathed out. "Two people, unbiased, saw he was at least into you. Why not message him now and see?" 22:03
Hcdeedee: "I'm saving my gold and was hoping you would pay for the drinks." 22:03
FlynnRaider: Leo crossed his arms and frowned. "If I PM him, will you leave me alone?" 22:04
Tara: "Actually I'm totally biased, because you two would have been really sweet... If you had just held hands!" Tara said, waving her arms around excitedly. 22:04
Eli: "What the beautiful lady said," Eli grinned at Tara before finishing off his drink. "Only if you ask him out on a date." 22:05
Toby: Toby rolled his eyes, fishing in his pocket for another two pieces of gold. 'Here. Those are the last ones I'm buying you, alright?" 22:06
FlynnRaider: Leo just gave Eli a look. "I will /not/. A PM is the best you're going to get. Final offer." 22:06
Tara looked at her messages, vaguely distressed. "So Bae with an A just blocked me, but Bei without is imaginary. Pity." 22:07
Eli: "Then I'll ask him out." Eli threatened flatly. "Bei's username is Beiby. As in gayby beiby." 22:08
Tara: "Scoooooore," Tara said, fistpumping. "Thank you, Prime Minister." 22:09
Eli: Eli nodded then did a double take. "Did you just refer to me as Prime Minister?" 22:10
FlynnRaider: "I wish you luck in your relationship," Leo said dryly. "And don't enable her." 22:10
Tara: "I did. I voted for you. Well, I will," Tara said as thoughtfully as possible, ignoring Leo the grump. 22:11
Eli: "I'm an enabler." He grinned at him and then threw an arm around him. "He was into you." Looking over to Tara, "Do I want to know?" 22:11
FlynnRaider: "Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the attempts at an ego boost. Here's a thought, lets find /you/ sombody" 22:12
Tara: "You might want to know," Tara said cryptically. "Ooo, this is such a romantic evening. I'm so excited." 22:13
Eli: "Well," Eli scanned the tavern. "Slim pickings." He sipped his drink, "Too bad Jonathan is an NPC." 22:13
FlynnRaider: Leo threw his arms into the air. "Alright. I give up. Time to get drunk." 22:14
Eli: "Excellent. Jonathan!" He called, "Shots. Keep them coming." 22:15
Hcdeedee: Hadeel grinned and raced to the bar to get the drinks. A little flirting got her two drinks for the price of one and she quickly returned with their drinks. "Thanks BeeBee." She kissed his cheek in thanks and set down the mugs. 22:15
Tara: "NPC romance is probably worse than star-crossed love. There's probably someone who looks like this one somewhere. Possibly as obedient." 22:17
Eli: "I don't want obedience." He screwed up his face. "I wouldn't mind that face. Or arms." 22:18
FlynnRaider: Leo ignored all his surroundings and just downed a shot. If he could forget the events of tonight, it would be a miracle. 22:18
Tara: "Oh, so you want a better Jonathan. I will make it my mission to find you one, my leader," she said seriously. 22:19
Eli: Eli shoved another shot into Leo's hands taking the empty glass. "Please do. I will..." He looked her up and down, "girlfriend?" 22:20
FlynnRaider: He supposed he was making up for all of his missed drunk nights in uni all in one sitting. not that he was complaining. 22:22
Tara: "Girlfriend please," Tara said with a nod. "I've been seriously almost considering praying for a pretty vampire girlfriend, but I'm only kind of almost picky mostly sometimes." 22:23
FlynnRaider: "Guys... where are we staying tonight..?" 22:23
Eli: "I will attempt to fulfill your dreams." He held out his hand. "Eli." Looking over to Leo, he raised a brow. "I can probably find you a place to stay." 22:26
Toby: "No problem darling." Toby teased. "How about we get out of here once the drinks are done. I'm not quite in a bar lurking mood anymore." 22:26
Tara: "But I can be extra patient, so please prioritize the future guild needs," Tara said fairly. "But now? Now considering it is sleeping time, I must find a tree." 22:27
FlynnRaider: Leo laid his head on the counter, closing his eyes. Just a minute, he told himself. "I'll just... be here. Gimme a sec..." 22:29
Hcdeedee: "Sounds good, no cute guys here anyways... Wanna check out that strip joint?" 22:29
Eli: "Okay. Bed time for all." He patted Leo's back as he got to his feet. "Don't worry. I'll get you to a bed." Pointing to Tara, "And you. You're with me. As your prime minister. I will provide a bed. Free of birbs." 22:30
FlynnRaider: Leo just groaned in response. "Can I just like... not move?" 22:31
Eli: "Only for a bit," He said as he checked his messages again. 22:32
Toby: "And what am I? Chopped liver?" He asked "But yeah, if you want we can head there." 22:32
Tara: "You're so good, Prime Minister. I'm going to friend request you now, and it would be an honor to be even considered one of your list," Tara said gratefully. "Also, Leo, you look really sad. You should get on sleeping not here with Jonathan or the Prime Minister will be jealous."
Hcdeedee: "No you're just old."22:32 
Eli: "Prime Minister will be very jealous." He agreed solemnly with Tara. "I'm SirenSong dear, if you can still spell." He steadied her as he grumbled at his inbox.22:34 
FlynnRaider: "I'm not sad," he mumbled. "I'm just drunk." Was this karma for all the smashed club goers he'd laughed at?22:34 
Tara: "I am the best drunk speller," Tara insisted, tapping that in. "There you so, sir. I'm TerraFirma. But also Tara. Duality, you know? You know. Can we go with the sad drunk now?"22:35 
Eli: "TerraFirma? Nice name." He smiled and handed her a water that Jonathan had pushed over. "Drink this so your body hates you less. And Leo of course you're not. Don't worry. We're just going to get you to a bed in just a second."22:36 
FlynnRaider: "I'm staying at the inn.... it's just down the road," he mumbled into the wood, gesturing randomly towards the door.22:37 
Eli: "Mhm, of course." He patted his head as he Tara nodded off against him."22:38 
FlynnRaider: Attempting to get up, Leo got approximately one step before he sagged into Eli. "Now I remember why I don't drink.."22:44 
Eli: "Yes. yes." He held both of them up, swaying a little himself.22:46
FlynnRaider: "I can probably make it myself. It's not far....." Leo offered and trailed off. Honestly, he just wanted a bed. Or a floor. Anywhere, really. He wasn't picky22:49 
Eli: He shifted, trying to continue messaging Bei for help. "Yes. Now sit."22:50 
FlynnRaider: Leo squinted. "Eli... you realize that didn't actually answer my question?"22:50 
Eli: "Sit." He repeated the order, as he sent a badly worded message.22:51 
FlynnRaider: Obediently Leo sagged to the floor. Stretching his legs out and letting his head fall against the bar, he closed his eyes. Just a short rest...22:52
 Eli: Eli tipped back his head and sighed loudly, "Fuck me."22:52 
FlynnRaider: Leo opened one eye. "No thanks. Friends is good for me."22:53 
Eli: "Not you," He nudged him with his foot.22:54 
FlynnRaider: "Who's the lucky lad then?" He inquired without opening his eyes. "And why are we still here anyway?"22:55 
Eli: "We're still here because Satan is outside." He murmured angry and picked Tara up in a fireman's hold.22:55 
FlynnRaider: "Lovely. We barely lasted a few days." He cracked open his eyes. "Where are you going?"22:57 
Eli: "Okay." He shifted Tara. "I am going to go drop her off, then I'll be back for you. Just... stay." He gestured, "Good boy." He walked off with Tara.22:58
FlynnRaider: "Right....." Leo mumbled. All he could do was watch as they disapeared into the night. Well, fuck.22:59 
FlynnRaider: He faded in and out of consciousness for the next little while. Occasionally falling asleep but something would always inevitably wake him and start the cycle over.23:00 
Bei exhaled as he closed his user interface and stared up at the sign for the bar. Eli owed him. He pushed his way inside and blinked, surprised to find no one in there... until he spotted someone on the floor. "...Leo?"23:02 
FlynnRaider: Leo barely cracked his eyes open, throwing up a hand to shield his eyes from the light. "...hmmmm?"23:03 
Bei: "Oh for heaven's sake..." He shook his head and bent forward. The height different proved to be difficult, but not impossible. He got Leo to his feet and glanced up. "Where are you staying?"23:05 
FlynnRaider: Leo tried to steady himself as he was pulled up but it was proving rather difficult. He sagged heavily into the figure of... Bei? "Didn't you... go home?"23:06 
Bei: "I did." Bei nodded and adjusted Leo so he was better supporting him. "And now I'm back." He made his way towards the door slowly. "Now, where are you staying?"23:07 
FlynnRaider: "There's an inn... down that way." He swirled his hand in a vague direction. Something was nagging him though. "This... is embarrassing. Wow, ok, let's never speak after this shit."23:08 
Bei: Bei smirked and let out a quiet laugh. "Oh, I have a feeling you'll never live this down. And it won't be because of me." He murmured, carefully directing them in the way of Leo's vague gesture.23:10 
FlynnRaider: He was far, /far/ to drunk too make out these kind of statements in his addled brain. "Not you? What? Who? Eli?" The questions spilled out before Bei could even answer.23:11 
Bei nodded. "Yupp. Eli is likely going to harass you endlessly."23:13 
FlynnRaider: "Eli has no ground to stand on anyway," Leo grumbled. "He fucking ditched me at the bar! Left me wasting away! Any random could have come for all this," he gestured towards his general body. Part of his mind was screaming at him to stop talking but he ignored it.23:15 
Bei: That earned an amused look from Bei as they made their way through the streets, leaving the tavern behind. "All this?"23:18 
FlynnRaider: Leo tried to shrug but just ended up stumbling. "Yeah. This brooding bad boys bod. Words direct from the mouths of my sisters friends. I'm "ripped" apparently. Girls are weird" He attempted to make little air quotes with his fingers.23:20 
Bei: It took only a minute or two for them to reach an inn, the one Bei hoped Leo was staying at. "Well, it sounds like your sisters friends certainly have a type."23:22 
FlynnRaider: "Jokes on them. I'm kind of a dork." He would never have admitted that if he wasn't drunk, but oh well. "A dork wrapped in pretty packaging." As Bei stopped, Leo sagged against the smaller man.23:24 
Bei glanced at Leo and licked his lips before he breathed out and shook his head. No comment. Like he'd said, you got used to it. "What room are you in, buddy?"23:26 
FlynnRaider: Leo squinted his eyes, wracking his brain. Oh, fuck. "...223. Wait no, 322....232? 332?....." He trailed off, looking are Bei with wide innocent eyes.23:29 
Bei: "...you realize that is absolutely no help, right?"23:30 
FlynnRaider: Leo pouted. He didn't even know he could pout. "I'm trying, alright? I narrowed it down to 4, that's something. I got this," he said with faux confidence. He started to stumble down the hallway.23:32
Bei: "Leo, Leo stop." Bei moved after him and grabbed his wrist lightly, tugging him back. "You can't just knock on random doors, dude."23:33 
FlynnRaider: "Technically it's Leonardo," he said idly, not paying attention. "It's not like you have any better options." He blinked at Bei, as if the other man somehow held all the answers.23:35 
Bei: "Alright then, Leonardo." Bei replied softly. "You really can't remember your room number?"23:35 
Eli: (give him the d)23:36 
 FlynnRaider: "I'm fairly confident that it's on the second floor? If me being confident right now counts for anything." Leo scratched the back of his head. "You can uh... go home now, I don't want to keep you." He flushed slightly.23:38 
Bei: "I can't just let you stumble around an Inn knocking on random doors." Bei huffed. He kept his grip on Leo's wrist and paused before breathing out. "Come on, you can crash in my room."23:40 
FlynnRaider: "It'll be like....one door," Leo tried to justify. He had no shame, even more so in this state. Bei's suggestion threw him into a mild confusion, though. "Your room? You're in this inn too?"23:42 
FlynnRaider: (poor bb is confused like what you have a room here?? what an idiot)23:43 
Bei: "I'm just down the street." Bei offered softly as he guided Leo back out of the Inn and onto the road. "Come on."23:44 
FlynnRaider: Leo didn't argue as Bei towed him along. He was just tired - /so/ tired. He didn't care about location anymore. When Bei looked at him he just blinked sleepily and smiled.23:47 
Bei: The walk was fairly brief, just a couple of minutes before the awkward duo was stumbling into the Dane's Inn. "Come on." He repeated, gently guiding Leo through the halls and back to his own room.23:49 
FlynnRaider: Yawning, he rubbed at his eyes. "Thanks," he mumbled. "Like, times 1000. I owe you. Like, anything you want. All my gold or somthin' He all but dragged his fete through the halls.23:51 
Bei: "It's not a problem, Leonardo." Bei murmured as he guided Leo back to his bed. He paused to make sure that the younger male was comfortable before he breathed out. "You okay?"23:53 
FlynnRaider: "Okay is a relative word. I feel like my heads been through a meat grinder." Leo sagged into the bed below him. It felt like heaven. "I can't take your bed though. Gimme the floor, you take this" He protested weakly, but his eyes were already fluttering closed on the pillow. He struggled to stay awake. "I've slept on the floor plenty of times. And you said you were injured...."23:56 
Bei blinked, caught off guard that Leo remember that particular tidbit of information out of everything. The concern was genuinely... touching. "I'm fine. Get some sleep, okay?"23:57 
FlynnRaider: "Not gonna take the bed...." he muttered as he slowly slipped into sleep. "Kick me off...."0:00 
Bei shook his head and waited until Leo was asleep before he turned and left the room, quietly shutting the door after himself.0:01
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witty-diagnosis · 5 years
Witty Review #33: Doctor Yeet
Hello guys it’s been a while, well I don’t know what you guys have been up to but I know that I’ve been to see quite a few new movies, all of which I plan to review. Anyway here’s a review of a movie I particularly enjoyed, Doctor Sleep.
So of course Doctor Sleep is a sequel to the classic 1980 film (which I’ve also reviewed) the shining, and although I can’t say I expected to ever see a sequel to that movie, it is welcome. Obviously written by Stephen King Doctor Sleep is directed, editied and written by Mike Flanagan and starring; Ewan Mcgregor, Rebecca ferguson and Kyliegh Curran in her feature film debut which honestly if this is how she starts she’s going to have a fucking phenomenal career. 
So being the sequel to the shining it follows on from those events and kind of summarises the events of Danny Torrence’s life, they move to Florida, Dick Hallorann’s spooky ghost pays him a visit to show him a box which plays a fairly big part in the movie and as he grows up he starts to try and cover his ‘shine’ which goes by a bunch of names in this movie, shine, steam or magic honestly take your pick. His life kind of keeps circling down until he meets a girl Abra (get it she’s magical) and goes to AA and get’s a job etcetra with a steam eating tribe of immortal crackheads murdering the people who can shine and eating their... like steam I guess. Anyway I won’t spoil any other parts of the plot for you.
So Acting is great on all parts, Ewan Mcgregor in particular is great as kind of a world weary Danny who is just tired of his shine constantly creating things that want to haunt him, probably his best role as an addict since Trainspotting, and honestly Ewan probably deserves a reward going from Crackhead to Space monk again, for the second time. It’s really good seeing him change from like a scared kid, to someone who knows he has a talent to like an eventual helper, although the cyclical nature of the shining plot comes into it again. Rebecca Ferguson is a convincing enough villian as Rose the Hat, an immortal shine addict who I wouldn’t say is scary but is more kind of relentless, I mean I’m not scared of her because she’s kind of hot but as a kid I can see why she would be scary. And Kyliegh Curran is great as Abra, considering this is her first feature film she really has a lot of range and comes across as a really likeable character, and she’s a very smart character regardless of gender or age. Just don’t pay too much attention to the lookalike they got for Jack Torrance, let’s just forget that.
The special effects are pretty good when it comes to Rose the Hat sequences as she’s like flying above the earth, seeing all the lights and stuff over the continent is really cool, and how the set occassionaly completely switches plane with the walls acting like a floor and stuff, it’s genuinely really cool. When the True knot members die is kind of cool, sort of like a mummy effect, you just have to see it.
The throwbacks are great with a lot of subtle nods, I mean a ton of sequences from the shining are recreated with a lot of the spirits coming backin a certain sequence but the music brings it all together, we get a great recreation of the first sequence as they travel back to the overlook borderline shot for shot and an excellent and I mean excellent recreation of the overlook hotel, it is almost completely recreated and it is truly a sight to be seen in a scene of disrepair. 
The possible only weakness to this film is subjective. it is an incredibly slow burn in some points with enough time for me to take about 3 toilets breaks and not miss anything, also don’t drink lucozade at the cinema. There is also one unneccesary shot which I get is to show how bad the villians are but sometimes shots such as this one just go too far, and in my opinion this one did. 
I give Doctor Sleep a 9/10 with the only weakness being that one shot, because it just went too far, if you don’t like violence against kids this film might not be for you, however the villians do justify why they are such a target. I recommend you watch the shining before seeing this because without that film it really does not make much sense. but as a sequel that I didn’t expect it is truly great. An underrapreciated box office gem that you guys should check out. Anyway hope you guys enjoyed, I have another new movie to review soon. So see you guys later. 
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mintyyprince · 7 years
all of them? owo
u. i appreciate u.
200: my crush’s name is: good. its a good name.199: I was born in: september!!198: I am really: gay197: My cellphone company is: so-so??196: My eye color is: grey195: My shoe size is: nine or ten usually194: My ring size is: no clue dude193: My height is: five ten!! 192: I am allergic to: geckos...??? its weird191: My 1st car was: no car im dying190: My 1st job was: kitchen aid189: Last book you read: enders game188: My bed is: soft warm and welcoming uwu187: My pet: the best white lab ever i love him185: My favorite shampoo is: s..starts with an s....i think184: Xbox or ps3: i have an xbox but all the games i want rn are on ps4 183: Piggy banks are: good and cute i love them182: In my pockets: my phone181: On my calendar: calendars are for chumps180: Marriage is: uhhhh179: Spongebob can: do anything178: My mom: never heard of her176: Last YouTube video watched: this...175: How many cousins do you have? three!!174: Do you have any siblings? two or three173: Are your parents divorced? yes172: Are you taller than your mom? no clue171: Do you play an instrument? i used to play viola!! hh..170: What did you do yesterday? hm. good question.[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: i believe in infatuation at first sight168: Luck: y..yes167: Fate: you make your own fate ultimately but yes166: Yourself: trying to165: Aliens: no clue164: Heaven: no clue163: Hell: not to be edgy or anything but were living in it arent we162: God: i believe there are many for different things!!161: Horoscopes: yes160: Soul mates: sorta159: Ghosts: yes158: Gay Marriage: i.. am gay...157: War: not really156: Orbs: yea155: Magic: yea[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: gimme smooches152: Phone or Online: phone if its someone close151: Red heads or Black haired: i mixed up the words and first read “black heads” and assumed this was a this-or-that acne question 150: Blondes or Brunettes: uh149: Hot or cold: youre yes and youre no youre in and youre out youre up and youre d148: Summer or winter: summer!!147: Autumn or Spring: oh.. tentative autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla is now cursed but id say chocolate anyways145: Night or Day: night144: Oranges or Apples: apples.. with peanut butter... nice143: Curly or Straight hair: hm.142: McDonalds or Burger King: ew140: Mac or PC: pc please i love myself139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops my dude138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: hm.137: Coke or Pepsi: coke136: Hillary or Obama: is this even a question135: Buried or cremated: havent decided134: Singing or Dancing: singinggg133: Coach or Chanel: uh132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: uh??131: Small town or Big city: big city.. maybe130: Wal-Mart or Target: i have Memories in target129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: ngh128: Manicure or Pedicure: pedicure it feels so awkward getting arm massages and not knowing where to look127: East Coast or West Coast: east coast beast coast126: Your Birthday or Christmas: birthday. christmas is cursed i hate it125: Chocolate or Flowers: oh.. oh no.... both124: Disney or Six Flags: six flags fuck yeah123: Yankees or Red Sox: yodels[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: whack121: George Bush: whack120: Gay Marriage: free me119: The presidential election: whack118: Abortion: its a choice117: MySpace: whack116: Reality TV:whack115: Parents:whack114: Back stabbers:whack113: Ebay:whack112: Facebook:whack111: Work:whack110: My Neighbors:  whack109: Gas Prices:whack108: Designer Clothes:whack107: College:whack106: Sports:whack105: My family:whack104: The future:whack[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: uhhh102: Last time you ate: just now101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: t..omorrow??100: Cried in front of someone: no99: Went to a movie theater: i saw spiderman i think its hard to remember98: Took a vacation: spring break i think97: Swam in a pool: no clue96: Changed a diaper: no clue95: Got my nails done: too long let me be a pretty boy94: Went to a wedding: Years93: Broke a bone: never actually92: Got a piercing: uhhh?? i think i was eleven91: Broke the law: never anything serious90: Texted: an hour i think[ MISC ]88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: nothing i will be Free87: The last movie I saw: gotg2.. i left early it was so boring86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: hm.85: The thing im not looking forward to: hm.84: People call me: they call me bell they call me stacy they call me her they call me jane thats not my n83: The most difficult thing to do is: oh worm just one?82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never im too nervous a driver81: My zodiac sign is: libraaa80: The first person i talked to today was: @/haj-ime and i love him79: First time you had a crush: this fucko noah in the first grade i think78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: myself........ was that edgy enough or77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: me?76: Right now I am talking to: no one im 2anxious4talk75: What are you going to do when you grow up: oh hey lmk when u figure this one out id love to know74: I have/will get a job: i stare into the camera like im on the office73: Tomorrow: yes?72: Today: what is the question here71: Next Summer: no really 70: Next Weekend: im so confused69: I have these pets: i have one single evil fish bc he ate all the others and also my puppy cooper i love him68: The worst sound in the world: anything to do with chalkboards i hate them67: The person that makes me cry the most is: oh hey trauma mention opportunity-66: People that make you happy: everyone on my friends page and my mutuals uwu65: Last time I cried: oh64: My friends are: Good i love them63: My computer is: a trooper even if it crashes at least twice a week62: My School: i am my school 61: My Car: NONEXISTENT 60: I lose all respect for people who: lose my respect59: The movie I cried at was: hm. its not a movie but does kiznaiver count?58: Your hair color is: uhhhh57: TV shows you watch: A Lot56: Favorite web site: the internet is a bottomless pit55: Your dream vacation: maybe a cabin in the mountains... good54: The worst pain I was ever in was: oh hey another trauma opport53: How do you like your steak cooked: c..ooked52: My room is: neat..ish51: My favorite celebrity is: none50: Where would you like to be: how many people do u think replied coffin49: Do you want children: yeah!!48: Ever been in love: hm.46: More guy friends or girl friends: boyfriends im gay45: One thing that makes you feel great is: making people happy44: One person that you wish you could see right now: my friends uwu43: Do you have a 5 year plan: it changes every week i42: Have you made a bucketlist: not really41: Have you pre-named your children: nah40: Last person I got mad at: uhhh39: I would like to move to: colorado.. maybe38: I wish I was a professional: something[ My Favorites ]36: Vehicle: none they all scare me35: President: obama maybe?34: State visited: coloradoooo33: Cellphone provider: hm.32: Athlete: hm.31: Actor:hm.30: Actress:hm.29: Singer:hm.28: Band:hm.27: Clothing store:hm.26: Grocery store:hm.25: TV show:too many that fluctuate 24: Movie: too many that fluctuate22: Animal: dogs!!!!!!!21: Theme park: all of them i think20: Holiday:hm.19: Sport to watch: no thanks18: Sport to play: double no thanks17: Magazine:hm.16: Book:hm.15: Day of the week: uhh14: Beach: all i think13: Concert attended: any symphony 12: Thing to cook: i like baking cakes.. 11: Food: either fettuccine alfredo or pizza bc im basic10: Restaurant:hm.9: Radio station:hm.8: Yankee candle scent: idk but i have this one really nice candle thats campfire smoke scented and mmmmmm i love it7: Perfume: i dont really wear perfume!!6: Flower: yes.5: Color: blue!!4: Talk show host:hm.3: Comedian:hm.2: Dog breed: this is such a trick question1: Did you answer all these truthfully? more or less
0 notes
carriestreep · 7 years
✨ 92 Statements ✨
I was tagged by @salt-throne luv ya sis
RULES: You must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
1. Drink: mate tea my main hoe
2. Phone call: my boyfriend called me and my battery ended when i was going to pick up lol
3. Text message: “mano do céu” i dont know how to translate this hahahaha brazilian part of tumblr pls show up (it’s an expression we use when we’re dumbfounded i guess)
4. Song you listened to: "Can’t Back Down - Camp Rock 2″ do not even judge me bitch
5. Time you cried: yesterday at the therapist
6. Dated someone twice: lol yas (4 times actually and still together)
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: GOD YES
8. Been cheated on: yup
9. Lost someone special: kinda yes because someone who was special to me lost its value (thankfully tho)
10. Been depressed: *welcome to my life by simple plan plays in the background*
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: never got drunk actually
12.-14. blue, green, purple (all shades of these colors)
15. Made new friends: uh idk maybe yes
16. Fallen out of love: uh maybe yes but i didnt know exactly what love was so i guess no
17. Laughed until you cried: honestly dont remember (disappointed but not surprised)
18. Found out someone was talking about you: people talk about people all the time even if they dont mean it so i dont know about every single human who have talked about me
19. Met someone who changed you: well everyone has an impact on things and people so yes everyone i’ve ever met has changed me, some for the good and some for the bad, and all of those changes are who i am
20. Found out who your friends are: oh god yes, thanks to high school ending
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: i dont think so
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: lol i have no idea, i’m too ashamed of unfriending people
24. Do you want to change your name: i wanted to, when i was little, but not anymore
25. What did you do for your last birthday: uh i dont remember (i have a horrible memory)
26. What time did you wake up: today? i woke up at 7am and got out of bed at noon
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping bc i was feeling bad and decided to call it a night
28. Name something you can’t wait for: emotional and financial stability
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: she’s sleeping on the couch in front of me
31. What are you listening to right now: "All We Do - Oh Wonder” i’m addicted to this band rn (where’s 30?)
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: does thomas fit?
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: lololololololol
34. Most visited website: i’m actually a bit away from the internet in general tbh
35.-37. “Lost Questions??? (I’m just talking this over exactly as I found it, I also noticed some numbers missing, for example number 30, but idk man lol)” a fitting direct quote from Lara (i have no idea what is happening anymore it’s already 1am here)
38. Hair colour: uh my aunt always said i’m “grey-blonde” but for me it’s more like grimy blonde
39. Long or short hair: my hair is currently mid-shoulder but i wanna cut it all off like this
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yes
41. What do you like about yourself: i find it hard to like something about me right now but i used to like my smile and my nose
42. Piercings: nope
43. Blood type: A+
44. Nickname: Dani, little lion
45. Relationship status: dating
46. Zodiac: sun sign: sagittarius / moon sign: cancer
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV show: grey’s anatomy (SADLY)
49. Tattoos: none, sadly (yet)
50. Right or left handed: right
51. Surgery: none
52. Piercing: bruh why are you repeating yourself?
53. Sport: lol
55. Vacation: last vacation was to Minas Gerais (a state in Brazil) (where’s 54?)
57. Eating: whatever that doesnt have a dead animal on it (where’s 56????)
58. Drinking: i love wine (sweet ones) and vodka and mate tea and passion fruit juice and probably any fruit but guava and peach
59. I’m about to: go to sleep i guess or watch footloose, dont know yet
61. Waiting for: will to live (lol sad but true) (where’s 60 wtf is this)
62. Want: a job
63. Get married: being married to me is a feeling; signing my name in a paper next to someone i love doesnt make me married, and i’m not religious so yeah i still dont feel married but i hope one day i do
64. Career: neuroscience bitchhhhhhhh
65. Hugs or kisses: oh god both
66. Lips or eyes: both
67. Shorter or taller: I don’t have a preference
68. Older or younger: do you mean mentally or chronologically? i guess older for both anyway
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: i dont feel attracted to any but i love the way my boyfriend hugs me so i guess arms (where’s 69 dude)
72. Hook up or relationship: relationships (71???????/ honestly)
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: oooooh i used to be a troublemaker but now i’m like whatever
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: yas bitch
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: once i thought i had lost it but i found it looking in the mirror (i was wearing it)
77. Turned someone down: i guess
78. Sex on the first date: nope
79. Broken someone’s heart: sadly yes
80. Had your heart broken: sadly yes
81. Been arrested: lol do you really think i have energy to do something worth of going to jail? i barely have breakfast dude
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: i thought so at the time but thankfully no
84. Yourself: deep inside yes
85. Miracles: i dont know, not sure
86. Love at first sight: no
87. Santa Claus: i dont think i ever truly believed in it
88. Kiss on the first date: i believe you do whatever you fucking want
89. Angels: [see 85]
90. Current best friend’s name: Josipa (@salt-throne​ luv u sis), Giulia and Giulia (yes they have the same name, yes it’s very confusing, yes my family mix them up all the time)
91. Eye colour: light brown, sometimes a bit green depending of the light
92. Favourite movie: oh god please dont ask me that (footloose; grease; anything meryl streep is on; anything carrie fisher is on; ferris bueller’s day off; dirty dancing; mary poppins; the king and i; doctor zivago; singing in the rain; back to the future; under the tuscan sun; star wars; angus, thongs and perfect snogging; indiana jones; donnie darko; Die Welle; bridget jones; camp rock, high school musical; i’m gonna stop bc i’ll probably forget a lot of movies and i’ll feel bad for forgetting them so yeah dont ask me which is my fav movie thanks kid)
we all know that it wasn’t exactly 92 questions but yeah thanks
Tagging: i never follow the rules of tagging lol so whoever wants to do this, go for it
0 notes
worldcakecakecake · 8 years
Feliciano and the King of Hearts
Chosen by the gods as the Queen of Hearts from the moment of birth, we follow Feliciano’s story as he grows into royal life, learns to rule, go against age old customs, and his relationship with his husband to be, the King of Hearts.
Chapter 1 I  Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 I Chapter 9I Chapter 10 I Chapter 11I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14 I Chapter 15 I Chapter 16 I Chapter 17 I Chapter 18 I Chapter 19 I Chapter 20 I Chapter 21 I Chapter 22 I Chapter 23 I Chapter 24 I Chapter 25 I Chapter 26 I Chapter 27 I Chapter 28 I Chapter 29 I Chapter 30 I Chapter 31 I Chapter 32 I Chapter 33
                                                    Chapter 34
It was an awkward ride, one in which neither Haris nor Ludwig spoke or even stood in Feliciano’s proximity. He rolled his eyes at this behavior, settling instead on speaking with Gupta, of Egypt, of ancient stories of the Arabic provinces and how it played into part with the rest of the other provinces. As Gupta told, Feliciano sketched in his notebook, becoming creative and adding details that wondered many who sat by him. Feliciano asked about the messaging tubes, which Gupta explained to detail their mechanisms so Feliciano could replicate in his notebook.
 “If I may ask, what are you doing this for?”
 “To show King Francis! If he knows of their importance and how amazing they are, he’ll surely fund it more and maybe you can use it in more provinces around the kingdom. Once I’m back, I’ll see if I can add it to all of Hearts as well.”
 Gupta was flattered, although a part of him still doubted, still wanted to get Feliciano to stop his generosity, but what could it hurt to try. He shrugged and let it all be. Either nothing will make a change, or things continued as they were, which he had no problem with anyways.
 It was another day of traveling, all ending with a night approach to Tehran. Being close to the border of the French province, Tehran had a mix of dessert and yellow fauna that was peculiar and quite a relief to both Ludwig and Feliciano, who were used to this kind of flourishing nature. It stood with a backdrop of hardened mountains, covered in white snow, their night arrival giving them a chance to see the tall buildings light up one by one like shimmering stones. It was the biggest of all the cities they had visited, its grandness rather intimidating, like any turn would give them something new, but new ways to lose themselves in. Luckily they had the Joker group, who now had to sail on with different insignias and flags to not be discovered. Sand rower boats were not uncommon in the city, the very streets were prepared for them, which is why they still continued their riding even through these dense populations, busier streets, a fast pace that reminded Ludwig and Feliciano of Berlin. They continued until they arrived to their final spot, the goal of this detour, and that was the train station.
 With no announcement of their arrivals, the locals walked on like any other night in the city, not paying mind to even these travelers who stood on their own with their dirty wears and singular uniforms. Ludwig and Feliciano admitted that it was more comfortable to take down their things, to walk down the station at ease, with new trunks, new clothes, new bags, and even the rest of the group behind as guardians and watchers. No one recognized them, Ludwig and Feliciano thinking it had to do with the missing of red and hearts symbols in their clothing, their covered heads, even their calm as they moved forward down the station. It was the same way as they got their tickets, as they reached the area they were to board. Other men gave the offer of picking their things, ushering into the wagon that was meant to be theirs, just about ready to take. Ludwig and Feliciano took out theirs scarfs and any of their covering, trusting the sudden emptiness in the area as everyone busied and got distracted with getting on their train.
 “You’ve all been so wonderful!” Feliciano complimented, with deep emotions, of sorrows of having to depart.
 “Promise you’ll write,” Dua answered with the same fault, offering her arms and herself for an embrace, which Feliciano gladly took, comfort in it of a dear friend.
 “We’ll offer reports back to Berlin,” Gupta assured.
 “But please, also write and let us know you arrived to Paris well.” Haris offered his own embrace and Feliciano let himself join along in one, and to his surprise, Ludwig didn’t do or say anything. It didn’t go to more than that, Feliciano moved away, bright promise in his eyes and even in his movements as he turned and made way for his boarding, Pookie taking rest in his curls now, confident and sure for a safe trip this time.
 It was Ludwig’s turn to wish his goodbyes, with handshakes, bows, and even simple thanks in his eyes. It was the same that he wanted to show Haris, as to not let any kind of resentments be alive between them. When he stood before him, ready, even with the still present anger in their eyes, Haris took a harsh grip of Ludwig’s shoulder. Everyone was expecting the worst, getting ready to depart whatever this could form into, but nothing of the sort awakened. Haris only pulled Ludwig near, enough for his mouth to lean into his ear, to whisper in menace.
 “I hope you take into consideration what I told you. Feliciano is a beautiful person, inside and out, the kind that any would fight and protect even against the wrath of all the kingdoms. I see you love him, there’s devotion, commitment…as he does for you. You two have a strong bond that Khaos would think twice before attacking. I sense he will be a Queen to be remembered for the ages, and you still have enough time to prove yourself to him, to be just as an amazing and remembered King.” His grip then strengthened, Ludwig fearing he would even claw against the fabric and break. “I hope the next time I see you, you’re getting married to him and you are both being crowned powerful leaders.” And just like that he pushed him, looking away uncaringly, giving all the space for him to leave.
 Ludwig was rather struck, hazed, suddenly forgetting where he was even standing. A bell reminded him, rushing quick to board once he noticed that the doors were soon to close. He waved to them all, taking his seat next to Feliciano, who joined along in goodbyes, continuing even as the train began its movements, until it dashed off the station, the joker group behind them. They were finally off surely to France.
 As soon as the train left the station, Ludwig and Feliciano used the night ride to sleep, only to be awakened the early morning to French welcomes, signs showing them their arrival to Besancon. Here they saw the surrounding and activity that they had missed throughout the Arabic provinces. Crowds already awaited them, waves and shouts, all to which Ludwig and Feliciano were hurried across by countless of guards until they arrived at a secluded area where their coach was awaiting them. The only words they shared with the guards were those of relief for their arrival, telling them on how the kingdom rushed once King Francis received the letters. All the kingdoms had been worried, all remaining a watchful eye to Besancon to make sure that they both arrived as safely as they started. It explained the big celebratory air and the amount of people there. They didn’t play much part in it though, they had Ludwig and Feliciano settling in the coach ride quick to their next stop, Paris.
 It took them an entire day of riding, their arrival to Paris late in the night, but what a chance it gave them as this hour. Shimmering, glowing, like a feast of stars and shine, as golden and yellow as the national colors, showcasing light, competing with the stars, large, beautiful, a class and richness that Feliciano admitted Berlin stood very differently from. He wished he could have stopped the coach to give him a better chance to sketch that first gleam into the city, but the rush was still evident, one that really didn’t give Ludwig or Feliciano the real chance to see and admire as it was meant to.
 The buildings didn’t tower here in crafted art, in fact, the only one that did was the metal and yellow diamond encrusted landmark of the Eifel tower, which like the castle in Berlin, could be noticeable from whatever point in the city you stood from. It was rather weird that their palace didn’t stand up as high as that, but grounded, squared, but indeed large, brightening high in gold and exaggerated extravagancies that even Ludwig and Feliciano thought was too much for the royals of the kingdom. The guards made sure that no crowd accumulated at its entrance, quickly working to get the royals down, even ushering them down the halls of the highest golden opulence and art that compared to the ones in the Berlin castle. Feliciano wished he could depart from the guards’ harsh grips and powerful eyes and really look at the art one by one as he usually did back in his own castle. To the guards it didn’t matter, they pushed, they pulled, all until they reached grandiose double doors, crafted with similar stories of the ones Ludwig and Feliciano had seen as they had gone through the Arabic provinces, only with characteristics and figures more similar to the citizens of the French and Swiss provinces. They opened, Ludwig and Feliciano momentarily blinded by the harsh light that illuminated.  The room extended in their welcome, shinning in gold, in whites, in marble, yellow, heavy flags and symbols hanging from every available spot, being careful not to hide the paintings and intricate designs carved into pillars, ceilings, corners, even the large three thrones at the bottom, just as excessively carved as the whole room, with large golden rays behind all three to make it seem like a new coming sun was arising right from these seats of power. Ludwig and Feliciano easily understood that this was supposed to be the throne room, much larger than their own in Hearts, more heavily decorated, more majestic, more riches. They had to admit that they were rather jealous. The guards closed the doors behind them, leaving them both alone, suddenly confused, but it didn’t last long when they heard rushing steps coming to replace the fault of presence.
 “You have finally arrived!” They recognized Francis’s cheering voice, coming with hurry, trying to make his entrance just as shinning as the very room.
 It would have been amazing and very Francis-like…if he didn’t come to them naked with only but a long silk robe trailing behind him like a golden river…actually this was very Francis-like now that Ludwig though about it.
 “Thank the Aces! You have no idea of the pleasure I feel at seeing you two arrive well! You must immediately speak to me about what happened! Feliciano, dear, are you-”
 “Could you cover yourself? For Aces’ sake, this is your throne room, you’re supposed to be receiving guests in a palace, not a brothel!” Ludwig suddenly shouted, brining Feliciano forward into his embrace, covering his arising Queen’s eyes from this high indecency.
 Francis looked deeply insulted about this, taking a high breath, a harsh grip of his hand on his chest. “I greet you like this, an image that any would beg to witness in their lifetime and yet you scorn and push it away! It is my castle and I decide to greet my guests however wish!”
 “That’s really cool, I want to do something like that in the Hearts castle, Ludwig”
 “We certainly will not! There is no need to constantly be showing yourself like this unless specific occasions, but this is none! Feliciano and I just returned from a train attack in our kingdom, saved by Joker Vikings, then having to confide on a group of Joker bandits across the desserts of the Arabic provinces, and you dare greet us with that thing!” Ludwig pointed directly to Francis’s free penis and hairy legs. Once again Francis looked insulted, but he still struck a pose hoping to change the arising King’s mind.
 “Oh for fucks sake, I can’t believe you actually did this.” Another voice joined, arming himself with a sword, preparing the pommel to hit his King to order if it was necessary.
 “Francis, I’m sure there are other chances for these kinds of moments, but right now, it was rather inappropriate.” A young girl joined as well, Ludwig and Feliciano spotting as Vash and Lili entered, wearing more appropriate yellow dresses and suits, children embarrassed about an adult’s doing, it looked rather comical to Feliciano as he tried to suppress a chuckle.
 “I just wanted them to know that they can get comfortable,” Francis pouted.
 “Scarred them you did,” Vash had no problem with harshly admitting.
 “I preferred that you didn’t show it this way, I’ll write it down for the next time we have guests,” Lili already organized and planned, with an ever refine air of queen grace.
 She moved forward, offering her bows and kinds eyes as greeting to these royals, and of course, her cousin Ludwig. “Welcome to Paris, welcome to our palace, we’re deeply sorry for the kind of journey you both had to suddenly take, we should have been more careful when we prepared our route of arrival. You dealt with what you could honorably, as King and Queen should. We will make your stay here for the next couple of days as comfortable as we can in tribute to it. Please, make yourself at homes, don’t be afraid to seek anything you want, whatever it is, we will do our best to attend.”
 What grand maturity for her age, a strong Queenly dealing despite being in her arising years, amazing tributes that already made her fitting for the job. Feliciano was eager for the day she would grow into a regal Queen, one he would be happy and proud to work alongside with and share in a tittle.
 “Thank you, you’re all so kind, we’ll make good use of it!” Feliciano appreciated it all, giving another bow of thanks. As he did so, Pookie took the position as a chance to fly off, draw himself near to the arising Diamond Queen, nuzzling her, purring and cuddling like any small kitten would do. Sure, it was surprising, but Lili found herself giving him the same amount of pets and cuddles, finding it incredibly adorable.
 “Who is this?” She asked, with glee that let one see the truth of her age.
 “This is Pookie, he decided to join us on the trip somehow,” Feliciano quickly explained.
 “Oh, I thought he was some sort of past pet,”
 “I rather not think it, we speculate it might have been sent by the Aces,” Ludwig told, hoping Lili could easily understand that she had to treat the creature with more respect.
 Her eyes had momentarily widened and she suddenly stilled, afraid suddenly that this little winged lion could grow and devour her into bits. But how could it? It was being so cute, begging for more cuddles and touches, wanting rest, food, and surely any kind of pampering. Lili took it into a welcoming and friendly embrace, creature of the Aces or not.
 “We will lead you to your room.” Vash ushered them away, wanting instant peace after all this, one Ludwig wanted as well.
  Their stay in Paris was meant for four days, a little too much Ludwig thought, who wanted the new Spheres of Validity made instantly the next morning so they could leave to the Spades Kingdom that very night. But no, Feliciano wanted a tour of the city and Francis happily obliged to give him one. Ludwig joined along if only to watch over Feliciano since Francis tended to be just as spaced as him…and as touchy. Scenic walks, artistic buildings, rivers with proud bridges of gold, all trees and flowers trimmed to hang by the walls in perfect harmony, one the movement of the streets went along with, one Francis and Feliciano did well to easily match as they ran, as they skipped, as they twirled, hanged, pointed, even sang. It was all annoying and hard for Ludwig to follow, but he still trailed behind, a scoff here and there that Francis and Feliciano did well to ignore. Sometimes, when Feliciano pointed to beautiful flowered balconies, had Ludwig try Crème brûlée, or pulled him so he could tell him some romantic tale to a wall, grove, or balcony, Ludwig would actually fall at ease to these pulls by Feliciano, smiling and forming if even a small part of it. It didn’t escape Francis’s sights, who would snicker, make notes and plot with evil grins. They would return exhausted, but with an exquisite dinner prepared by the high rated chefs of the palace awaiting them. Francis insisted that they should only be served by the best, proud of the moans and alighted eyes as they took their bites and tastes. Feliciano at one point grew very interested with the gardens of the palace, if the lateness, if they were tired, and Francis still stood up and lead him forward, glad to show him.
 They took their time, there were a variety of flowers, of trees, of statues, fountains, and even mazes that led to hidden beautiful groves, stories that had Feliciano’s eyes alight, hurriedly drawing on his sketchbook. This time, Ludwig watched on, from the heights of a large balcony, where he intended not to leave from until Feliciano returned back from his viewing. He didn’t care about all this excess, this flamboyancy and gold, his eyes were only on his arising Queen, watching, trying to tell himself that his smile was not shinning his being, that the way his curls bounced and how he alighted and rushed quickly down rocked roads wasn’t raising the beat of his heart, the gripping of his hands around a glass he was drinking, holding from letting this fountain of emotions pour, which will make him blush, make him accept, make him run down there and…
 “-Lovely night isn’t it?” Another figure joined, the delicate figure of the arising Queen of Diamonds, his young cousin, standing gorgeously beside him, gazing on to the proud beauty of the gardens, taking the fresh air and the beautiful stars of the sky, if even slightly hazed by the lights of the city.
 “Uh…yeah, yeah it is,” Ludwig quickly uttered, breaking his heavy gaze on Feliciano, settling on the horizons, nothing in particular.
 Lili still noticed, chuckling dimly, a playful smirk and look in her eyes that was rare for Ludwig to see in her, one that he didn’t even expect. “Feliciano is beautiful too,” Lili dared point out.
 Ludwig chocked on his drink, deciding on stopping, placing the glass elsewhere, trying to get his earlier strong composure, trying to seem unfazed, but Lili could see past it.
 “He’s going to be the Italian Queen your kingdom dreamed of having, and you’re the powerful German King the kingdom needs, I’m glad I’ll be able to see your reign, watch it grow, hope that you’re both an inspiration to a whole new line of rulers,” she dreamed, but Ludwig could only scoff.
 “If we are ever crowned,”
 “Oh but you will,”
 “Not until we find a way to cancel our engagement from the Aces…or until Feliciano decides to go through with the marriage, which is unlikely,”
 “Unlikely? You protected him well in your attack and capture, in your passage through the Sahara desert, you even joined them along in a tour around the city.” She pointed to them just as they headed out from a line of bushes, Feliciano interested in seeing a whole area of peonies closer to the entrance of the castle, where they could be seen more clearly to Lili and Ludwig.
 “It’s still not enough…I didn’t…” He was admitting this, he was being honest, he was coming in accord with it, surely from an air of trust that Lili emanated, that Ludwig could confide in. “I didn’t treat him as I should, especially with our tittles, especially after we were dear friends when we were children. I’ve done many wrongs, I proved well enough to him that it cannot return to that, that he cannot see me with the expected lights of the kingdom, which is why he refused the marriage,”
 “But didn’t you want it?”
 He was silent for a long while, the only sound between them being the air that blew, Ludwig hoping it could give him a good answer. “It’s what should be done for the good of the kingdom, I’m only compliant to do as should be expected of me.” With point, with finality, like there was nothing else that needed to be discussed, but Lili was determined to not leave it at that.
 “I’m not asking the kingdom, I’m asking you, did you want this?” She pushed on, with a sudden seriousness and intensity that Ludwig never knew she could utter. “If you can admit that you’ve done him wrong, that you can see it, why can’t you change it? Why can’t you really show him that things could be like they used to? I’m sure Feliciano would give you a chance if you really proved yourself once again, it can’t be that hard, you have all this time by yourselves now.” Lili still hoped on to change his mind.
 He remained just as strong to her pestering, only giving her a small scolding glare, enough in it to tell her that she shouldn’t thread on this, that she should turn back before it could get any worst.
 Wind blowing, trees rustling, shouts and laughs from Francis or Feliciano interrupting any calm nature uttered for them in their higher place. After the longing settled enough, petrified as a statue, Ludwig finally broke it with a tired sigh, a hanging in his eyes, depth and greyness that did well to take any shinning color away from him.
 This was the exact same thing his grandfather had asked some time ago, and he would only answer the same way as he had done.
 “Nothing you should concern about, nothing you should know, nothing you can understand, this is my situation to handle and I will deal with it as properly as I can, that’s all I’m going to say.”
 And indeed it was. Lili did not receive another word, not even a whisper.
  The next day, Francis and Feliciano decided to spend their day at the palace, in easy paces as they explored the halls, hidden or open ones, but all showcasing gold and art, shine and diamonds, perfect sunlight to go along with the bounce of their steps.
 “I’ve visited all four palaces of the four main capitals of each kingdom, and mine, there is nothing like it, more elegance than any other, beauty and refinery, don’t you think so?” Francis asked Feliciano as they entered one of his study rooms.
 “It is beautiful, but I simply cannot betray my own castle. It’s like you said, there’s nothing like your castle, just as my own stands special, it’s my own home and I wouldn’t choose any other.”
 Francis had to understand, so he didn’t say anything else, ushering Feliciano to explore the books in his study room instead, along with Pookie, who flew about the whole room inspecting everything just as Feliciano.
 “Everything you need to know about the kingdom is right here, I also have picture books that I’m sure you’ll be interested in,”
 “Which reminds me!” It was the perfect time to talk about this, Pookie settling back in Feliciano’s shoulder to give him some support. He took out his sketchbook, leafing through all kinds of drawings about his journey up till now, settling then in the pictures he had drawn about Gupta’s tube messaging system.
 “I really need you to see this! This could do wonders to your kingdom, and the others too! It was created by Gupta Muhammad Hassan of the Egyptian province of the Diamond Kingdom.”
 They both took sitting in one of the many desks, with Feliciano pointing, explaining, Francis truly interested and wondered, asking questions, even plotting ways it could be added to the castle, how they could make connection tubes to Hearts and Spades.
 “Gupta told me the monarchy never really showed interest in this,”
 “How could it be possible if I was never shown, my messengers never sent me anything like this,” Francis pointed, quite disappointed, this could have served well from long ago.
 “What about the Queen and Jack?”
 “No matter what Vash might say, they are in fact just teenagers and sometimes it’s best I do not drown them in so much work when they are still learning and accommodating to this lifestyle. For now, everything is sent to me unless I deem it fine for Lili and Vash to deal with.” He studied the drawings more, putting more of his mind into it, seeing if there was something he could even improve, but as they were was enough.
 “You think it was the messengers then?” Feliciano wondered.
 “To be honest, we just have an ancient system that really doesn’t like to accept anything well from the Arabic provinces, has to do with a civil war that was fought in the kingdom long ago.” As King, he should really begin work to eradicate it. “It is true that in the palace we tend to focus mostly on the smaller and closer provinces to the capital, those more to the east tend to deal with most things by themselves. Thanks to the civil war, even more after the war of the blackened decades, trust was just easily lost.” Silence settled as Francis felt like the fault was in his own hand, product of lines and centuries that caused this.
 “It’s never too late to try and fix it. You should reunite the main leaders of each of these provinces and start by creating this, quicker and closer communication can help and thus it can strengthen your kingdom. Who knows what might happen that you might need your combined efforts. I’m confident that you could do this well Francis,” Feliciano said rather wisely, with the maturity of a Queen.
 Francis couldn’t help but feel proud. Feliciano had grown, handsome and beautiful, standing tall and sure, yet he still rubbed his hair like the child he had met him as, that still shone in his cheeks, eyes, and smile. “You’re growing my little one,” Francis told him, finishing in writing his notes, making his own sketches in one of his empty notebooks. “I’ll take a better look at this and start the process to contact this Gupta, we will immediately start work on this and it would be amazing to have his presence here for it.” He really moved away, confident in its doing, preparing papers, planning which parts of the castle to go to start with these messages.
 “I’m glad I could bring this forward, and I’m so glad you’re giving it this chance.” Feliciano even bowed, the proudness bouncing in his aura.
 “Indeed, now-” He still had some other plans to work on, and after sending these messages, he could start to work with the little arising Queen of Hearts. “Feliciano, my dear, there’s something I would really like for you to try.” He caught Feliciano’s wide interest and curiosity, already moving forward, easing into whatever this could be.
 “What is it?”
 Francis only smirked and led him forward into new halls.
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