cawmellian · 11 months
BSD Anthology Rei ch.10 ENG Fan Translation
Previous fan translations can be found here or in our master post!
interpreter: @samsa19​
cleaner + typesetter: @caffeinatedseri​
disclaimer: all of our posts are only intended to share our interpretations of the work. they are incomplete and for private purposes. they are not official translations. to get the complete content in the official English volumes please purchase Yen Press’s published volumes on Amazon by Kafka Asagiri and Harukawa Sango.
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cawmellian · 1 year
on a very random note (and hope you don't mind me talking about it ^^;), I do think Studio Bones is doing a great job at adapting Season 4 and I'm really enjoying it!
Though sometimes, I wish that they didn't omit some manga panels because it makes me a little sad that the weight of certain moments is taken away:
Exhibit A: Dazai laughing at Chuuya's impression
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Exhibit B: Chuuya talking about Dazai leaving the mafia
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Exhibit C: Dazai getting arrested
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Exhibit D: Ango visiting Odasaku's grave
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and the last one because this moment destroyed me when I read the manga and cause he's my personal favorite:
Exhibit E: Rampo facing Mushitarou on his own
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genuinely, I'm really enjoying the adaptation right now and it's not that I don't appreciate the effort put into this <33
And it's true, these are minor manga panels so it wouldn't be too much to change or discard it and yet in taking away such minor panels, it also takes away the grand depth and complexity of what the characters are thinking and feeling in those moments.
It takes away the weight of the scene.
And that's the thing, bsd is a series that has so many complex characters with intricate dynamics, thoughts and moralities that it's a little bittersweet to know that the anime falls short sometimes when capturing certain moments and deprives us of the struggles, humanity and genuineness that these characters have and are going through.
again, nothing against Studio Bones but I often think of the things that could have been :<<
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Hey you two! First off, I want to apologize for the huge delay. I was trying to think of what to say in response and I think I always make responding to asks way more work than they ought to be...
But anyways. Here are my general thoughts on the BSD anime, which I'm probably only going to elaborate on here once, and then drop it.
I enjoy the anime, really I do. But it's strange to think how drastic the difference is in the way the characters are interpreted between those who have only seen the anime and those who have also read the manga (and perhaps also the light novels).
First off, let's go over what the anime does well, since I want to ensure we're appreciating what is still a lot of effort from everyone in that studio. Animation, and all the things that need to happen to get a show off the ground, is not easy. Here are some things that stand out to me:
Those backgrounds: you know what I'm talking about. The stained glass, the sunsets, the city shots, the imagery. Beautiful, stunning work honestly.
Use of imagery and clever animation choices: there are some things that are going to change by necessity when adapting from page to screen. The clever animation teams will use this to their advantage - I don't think Bones always does this effectively, but when they do... oh man, is it ever good. I, for one, really liked the kind of projector effect over Dazai's farewell to Chuuya in s5.
Use of colour and light: go back through any scene and pay attention to who has what colours and the way the lighting is positioned. Again, these are those smart animation choices I was talking about.
The music: Score's really good. I wish the music was used a little more consistently (there's some weird choices made... why Wake Up Call for the Tachihara fight???) but the music itself is catchy and sets a good tone.
The voice acting: It's so good. See, even when I wasn't convinced about how the scenes were going to be framed, I never doubted the voice actors would carry it. (I'm talking about the Japanese actors here specifically, but the English dub is pretty good too... sorry I can't speak on any other dubs though...) I really love Kyouka's seiyuu (Morohoshi Sumire) and the way her voice takes on more inflection through the series as Kyouka comes into her own especially.
The abilities and the use of writing: Love the way the abilities are animated. And the use of text to emphasize character intros and key scenes was always good, but I legitimately freaked out when they used it for the Page's narration over Nikolai's speech in Season 4 - good! artistic! choices!
And we're lucky enough to have an adaptation that follows the major plot beats pretty much to the letter! ...so. Why does it tend to disappoint fans of the manga so often?
Well I know a lot of people have their opinions on it. owlyflufff I agree with you - the exclusion of certain panels make for very odd characterization choices - as in, it totally changes the context of the scene and what the character might be thinking. See Exhibits A through C for the best examples. For Exhibits D and E, I personally feel that we got enough in the scene to draw the same conclusions about motive and intent, but that Ango panel... oof it hurts so much. I'm ok with the Dark Era flashbacks personally though: same character motive, just with different artistic interpretation.
langdahling, you're also right though. Pivotal emotional moments aside, I feel a lot of shows (not just BSD) don't know how to let their characters breathe. Pacing is a huge issue in a lot of things I find. You have to let us know who these characters are. Let the characters breathe, and give us, the audience, time to breathe with the characters. It's important. It's really important. It's something the manga does well - it's endearing. Every character gets a little endearing, silly moment. This is necessary for a series that is fundamentally about humanizing its cast.
As for my own opinion on what the adaptation lacks... well, I have a bit of an interesting view because both my mom and I actually watch this show. I, as you all know, am a deranged little weirdo about it who has literally gone through everything BSD I could find and inserted it directly into my brain cells. My mom, on the other hand, has only seen the anime, but is privy to other information about the series um. Because I talk about it non-stop (sorry mom). I happened to be visiting her when season 4 started airing and we watched the first little bit together - the Untold Origins adaptation. To be clear - this adaptation was good. I think it was probably the best after Dark Era. But. My mom turns and looks at me at the scene where Ranpo breaks down shortly before Fukuzawa lies about him having an ability (because I've told her the rough summary of it before) and says "I don't think Ranpo's desperation came across". She said it felt like a breakdown, sure, but it's not the same as the pent-up frustration and fear that was made so incredibly clear in the novel. She said if I hadn't explained that Fukuzawa realized it was kind of his last chance to reach Ranpo, that he had to do something to save this kid, that she would've been left completely bewildered as to why Fukuzawa would tell him such a massive lie. (Never mind the exclusion of his parents, which was why nothing but a lie would work but I digress...) This happened later in the series too. Kunikida was given a prolonged fish-eye closeup through Jouno's entire speech about his ideals instead of the balloon symbolism used in the manga (literally one of the most baffling changes to me - I don't really feel any which way about the fish eyes in general, but imo doing any kind of prolonged like 20 second close up of one character's face during what is a pivotal moment for them is uh... a weird, if not outright poor, animation choice). Poor Akutagawa's death scene being... like that. He dies with grace! He DIES WITH GRACE! That's important!!! He made a choice and was satisfied!!! For all of the Bones and Asagiri Dazai favouritism, he's probably one of the worst examples of watered down emotion - it's no wonder so many people mischaracterize him. Why is he smiling when Jouno arrests him? Why does he look unbothered when he realizes Chuuya's been vampirized? Where is the scene after Q attacks where he conflictedly realizes he'll have to resort to underhanded tactics to win??? Thank god for Miyano Mamoru and his voice acting because otherwise. Geez. And then Sigma. Oh my god. You need that scene where he helps the casino guest. That's his first scene. They condensed his backstory. Sigma's entire character was watered down. And I knew it was going to be before I even watched Sky Casino arc, because this is the core problem I have with the anime in general -
There is a lack of desperation. And it comes, primarily, from the watering down of intense, pivotal moments, and then, the removal of some of the more lighthearted or kind scenes in favour of getting quickly to the action.
I feel that contrast is what's necessary to give these emotional beats weight. And often... it just doesn't hit. It's odd to me, as imo one of the core themes of BSD is desperation. Every character has this desperation at their core - a desperation to succeed, a desperation to live, not having a reason to live and being desperate to find it. It's all desperation - and this really, really does not come across well in the anime. Not consistently. I think the most egregious example is the Sky Casino arc. Both Sigma and Teruko are just as desperate as each other. Teruko stopping the plane was not a guarantee but a play on her part that could very well have resulted in her death. There's heavy implication the bones in her arms shattered in the manga. Her and Tachihara had to take a quick breather after it. That's not in the anime. Sigma's backstory being condensed does a great disservice to explaining why he is so desperate to save the casino - I felt we were primarily told rather than shown. And so the Sky Casino arc, with desperation at its core... was underwhelming. As I figured it would be before it even came out, as the anime already had a history of cutting details out, rushing through the build up, and making odd artistic choices that dampen the emotion of said pivotal scenes. It sucks, really.
And while it's fun to get two seasons in one year, I find myself very, very worried on behalf of the animators and the workers in that studio. I would've been happy to have two in one year... if I thought they were at all prepared for it. But I don't think they were. Season 5 feels very rushed and I know I'm not the only one who's said this. Makes me worried for the pressure everyone's under to churn this out so quickly.
In the end, I rationalize most adaptations of anything as having two (or multiple!) cakes. The BSD anime is enjoyable! And fun! I love seeing my little guys walk and talk and use their cool powers. It's a completely different experience to the manga. Unfortunately, for anyone who's read the manga, it's... a bit of an underwhelming experience, but still. It's a fun watch - even if it's not really what I was hoping for.
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cawmellian · 1 year
I wonder how much pressure the people in charge of oshi no ko's anime adaptation felt thanks to the meta commentary from the manga about lowering your expectations for disappointing anime adaptations. That's one way to ensure high quality adaptations of your work. i have to say it worked
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cawmellian · 1 year
I was rewatching episode 4 and i noticed something that I definitely should have noticed the first time- the brief cut to the line in the script, 'the face of a maiden (otome) who has fallen in love with the protagonist' - is talking about the show's protagonist AQUA HOSHINO. This was the defining moment where Kana had her realisation, with the wide-eyed-blushing-shot-with-wind-coming-from-nowhere moment and everything. That's why aqua was standing directly opposite her just before that too. AND I MISSED IT THE FIRST TIME AROUND
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cawmellian · 2 years
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cawmellian · 2 years
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recent genshin impact paintings from my instagram / twitter
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cawmellian · 2 years
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hbd to the defender of childhood dreams
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cawmellian · 2 years
mumza :((( sad-ist :((((((
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Web Celebs
Yr welcome fellas. XOXO, Coppy
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B. Dylan Hollis
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The number in italics indicates how many spots a name moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded names weren’t on the list last year.
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cawmellian · 2 years
Noxy posted photos of the book of condolences on twitter!
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[Image ID:
A cropped screenshot of a tweet by Noxy at Hypixel Studios @/Noxywoxy. It reads “With permission from his family here are the Technoblade book(s) of condolences in full. Players on the Hypixel server were able to leave a message to be printed into the book. The oil painting is from @/snifferish and the cosplay headpiece was created by their partner.”
Attached are 2 photos of 2 stacks of black hardcover books with “Book of Condolences” and the volume number of the 22 different volumes on the spine, with the exception of one smaller book reading “Fan Art”. Poodwattle’s Techno cosplay mask sits atop the piles. Behind the stacks is a large gold framed painting of Technoblade’s character wearing Poodwattle’s cosplay mask and holding a sword while sitting down. There are a few people standing behind the painting, one of which is wearing Techno merch.
End ID]
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cawmellian · 2 years
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a las nevadas au where there are new members and they are alive and well
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cawmellian · 2 years
australia and assassination classroom
That post about death note being "everyone's first anime" (untrue statement) made me curious and now I want to gather data for science
Can you reblog this and tell me where are you from and what was your starter anime?
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cawmellian · 2 years
his eyes really resemble the 3d model in the mask mv in this one
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cawmellian · 2 years
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sbi 2006 edition ?!?!!
fun fact wilbur used to have blonde hair when he was a toddler which means two thing: 1) 4/4 sbi were blond, and 2) twins duo real bc techno also was blond when younger and later his hair turned brown like wilbur's
chart with sbi's age difference under cut!
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cawmellian · 2 years
frick man. i could feel my stomach physically sink when i read the last slide
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where do we go from here
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cawmellian · 2 years
Today is the 2 year anniversary of Techno joining the Dream SMP!
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cawmellian · 2 years
Someone: Oh, that’s nice of y–
Cyberknife: Which is why I turn kids into orphans all the time!
Someone: …..Wha—???
Cyberknife: So I have more orphans to help!
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cawmellian · 2 years
friendly reminder that meiko's badonkers are canonically.... impressive, and honami knows it
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meiko, your breasts are looking PHENOMENAL. 💯 wahoo you get a thumbs up from me 👍🏾 milfed the f- *a giant hawk swoops down and grabs me and carries me off and i am never seen again*
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