#anyway. i started playing dragon age inquisition
idyllic-affections · 11 months
so. burnout! it's very real. i can't guarantee when i'll be writing again or even regularly posting again, but hopefully it will be soon! in the meantime maybe i'll put more effort into just posting & responding to non-request asks and whatnot..... a hiatus but not really a hiatus! a writing hiatus, because i genuinely have no motivation.
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skellagirl · 3 months
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played DA2 for the first time and romanced the possessed bisexual poor little meow meow who's totally down for firebombing a walmart
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greghatecrimes · 1 month
Season 6 of House was in 2009... Dragon Age: Origins was also released in 2009... I just think that if Thirteen played it, she would have had her Warden romance Leliana...
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dragonagepolls · 2 months
From @nikkikan: I had fun messing around with some friends and getting the most out of the combat mechanics but never see anyone else talk about it on here.
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ettadunham · 2 months
i have so many games that i'm only sporadically playing through. i just opened dragon age: origins and got panicked that my save files weren't there... only to realize that it's still on my old laptop that i haven't used in a year, lol.
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fereldanwench · 2 years
i forgot what a pain in the ass modding dragon age inquisition is dfjgjdfkghdfg
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sole-inquisitor · 1 year
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my main DA protagonists ♡
Feyrith Tabris | Kara Hawke | Kivessin 'Kiv' Lavellan
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danielnelsen · 1 year
current dilemma with my dai solo nightmare run:
im taking advantage of the golden nug so, since im still near the start of the game, i have strong enough armour to block pretty much any physical damage. mages (and demons) are still extremely dangerous and can kill me very quickly.
so...do i do in hushed whispers or champions of the just? i feel like in hushed whispers would be unbelievably difficult because of the mages, but if i do champions of the just then i'll be fighting a lot more mages for the rest of the game.
however, i'll be able to get better gear and abilities later, so i'll probably be better able to deal with mages later than i am now. plus, physical enemies will get stronger and my armour won't be as over-leveled so they'll be hurting me too.
im leaning towards doing champions of the just, but im genuinely asking for any thoughts anyone might have here.
#realising that i could just make armour that makes me take NO DAMAGE was very funny#it's the first time ive played on nightmare and im playing solo and im having the easiest early-game ive ever had in dai#bears can do a tiny amount of damage but nobody else can. other than mages who can kill me VERY QUICKLY#dragon age inquisition#dai#da#dragon age#ngl typing this out made me even more in favour of cotj but im still interested in opinions#(im also making this my cullen romance playthrough because im ignoring companions and have already romanced josie)#(so cotj might work better narratively i guess? but it doesnt matter enough to be the basis of my decision)#anyway. current progress is that im level 9 and have enough power to do cotj/ihw but i want to be as high level as i can#ive also only unlocked the hinterlands lmao (and val royeaux but that doesnt really count) and im only..idk half-done with it?#did the whole south-east the other day and today im doing the south-west#and maybe the rest if that doesnt take too long. but everything takes a lot longer#but ive gotta say....im having a LOT of fun. i have to pay a lot more attention to my surroundings and the specific enemies#AND i dont have to juggle party weapons and armour. and not even my own staves and armour because crafting is better#despite always exploring every area as much as possible i feel like im exploring in a completely new way and it's really fun#hopefully i dont run out of steam when fights start getting hard again. rifts are a nightmare rn unless they're just shades#ive died to rage demons but the worst are probably wisps because they have very long range#ooohh maybe im not doing the south-west today. this is a level 12 rift eek. i guess i'll avoid rifts and try to just do the fortress?#same with that rift in the river near the farm. that's level 12 too. despair demons are HORRIBLE to deal with#oh wait turns out im only level 7 (but nearly 8)?? idk why i thought i was level 9. but that changes nothing
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arrowhawkart · 24 days
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Alright what's up everyone! If you do not follow my personal blog fair warning: I have become very suddenly obsessed with Dragon Age and have been playing thru the games for the first time ever- so expect the next chunk of art from me to be very Dragon Age-centric
So Anyways here's Cedric Hawke, the fun little guy I made for my DA2 playthrough and became incredibly attached to much faster than I expected.
More incoherent rambles and thoughts on my Hawke under the cut- it's very stream of consciousness under there and also very very long you've been warned
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Just like.... wow.... okay so I've now played through Inquisition and finished Trespasser and I've gotta say DA2 really took the cake for me, like by far my favorite of the 3. (Like please don't get me wrong it absolutely had it's issues I'm not saying it was a perfect game or that all the writing choices were amazing) But I just really enjoyed the smaller more personal scale of the conflicts in DA2, I liked that Hawke was even more Just Some Guy, and like yeah the Warden and the Inquisitor aren't like special chosen ones or anything, but they are both tasked with these gigantic world-saving country-spanning quests, and Hawke? Hawke is just a guy trying to do right by his family. Like he doesn't have any world saving mission. He is just trying to Get By and that really made this game hit home more for me than the other two.
I said I was gonna ramble about my Hawke and I just ended up rambling about DA2 itself... whoops. ANYWAYS- Cedric- My Boy Cedric- I recognize that a purple mage Hawke is the most common route people go and I am by no means unique or original, but this game series is very new to me, personally, and I'm having fun anyways. (From here on out I will be talking about my Custom Hawke and not like, Hawke the player character in general)
And gosh I'm such a sucker for complicated and messy family dynamics, and DA2 does that so well. Like the Hawke family is Fucked Up. Bethany gets killed by that ogre while they're fleeing Lothering when she tries to save their mom from said ogre, and Leandra immediately turns and blames Cedric for Bethany's death- and then later in Act 1, Carver, best baby brother Carver, also throws Bethany's death in his face while they're having their own stupid argument which started because Cedric was trying to cheer Carver up and boy did that fail dramatically.
Like Cedric is witty and charming and sarcastic and kind of an asshole sometimes, and comes of as incredibly over confident and cocksure and that's because he's very much been shoved into the role of 'okay you've gotta take care of everything and if you don't everything bad is Your Fault, and since you're in charge of taking care of everything, everything bad is automatically Your Fault No Matter What Anyways.' So he's gotta playact like he has everything all together and under control, because what the fuck is his family gonna do if he doesn't? And underneath all of that he's an incredibly stressed out guy, who does not feel like he can ever let on that he's stressed and making everything up as he goes and just hoping that things work out well.
And like he tries to do the right thing- by god does this man try. He brings Carver with him on the deep roads mission because he and Carver work well together! Carver wants to go! He loves his little brother, there is no one he would rather have by his side than his little brother! There is no one he trusts more than Carver to have his back! Carver and Cedric are incredibly close, (yes in the game's friendship/rivalry system Carver was locked in at full rivalry but that absolutely does not mean they weren't still very close and also friends). Like Carver is the one person who actually recognizes that the way Leandra projects all of her own issues onto them, but like mostly Cedric, is really shitty! He acknowledges that after apologizing for his part in the argument I mentioned above. And then of course Carver ends up getting the Blight during the deep roads mission, because nothing can every go right for them. Thankfully Cedric brought Anders along, so Carver is able to become a Grey Warden instead of DYING, but he has to leave, and Cedric doesn't even find out whether or not Carver survived his joining for months. And of course Leandra blames Cedric for this, she begged him not to bring Carver along with him, and he did anyways and now she's never going to see her youngest son again and it's all Cedric's fault. And that's how Act 1 ends and I just.... Auaghghghghhhh-
And then we've got Act 2, and like mid-way through Act 2 is probably the high point for Cedric. Things peak for him here and then it's all one big snowball downhill from there. So like, Cedric romanced Fenris, because this man is addicted to difficulty, and of course was going to immediately be infatuated with the guy that makes hating mages half his personality. (I mean it wasn't immediate, it was more of a slow build, mutual-trust, to friendship(and yes once again Fenris was at full rivalry but I stand by what I said about the friendship rivalry system earlier), to lovers thing, especially considering three years pass between Acts 1 and 2) And yeah, Cedric doesn't hide the fact that he's very into Fenris, and Fenris definitely hasn't seemed opposed to this. So after Fenris kills Hadriana and then they have that fun little argument that ends with Fenris pinning Cedric to the wall and kissing him 😳- Cedric is like, riding the high of what was probably the first positive physical affection he's gotten since Carver let for the Grey Wardens three years ago. And then of course the following morning Fenris immediately breaks things off with Cedric, so what Cedric thought was going to be the start to a romantic relationship, just ends up being an ill-fated one night stand. And like! Cedric does not begrudge Fenris this! He completely understands Fenris's reasons, he is not upset with Fenris at all! He is still just completely crushed though. So yeah, things peaked for Cedric for like one very short night and then start speeding downhill. Because not long after that is when his mom is killed by a fucking serial killer. As if things weren't already fucked enough for Cedric, already having lost his twin younger siblings.
Also side note- I love the fact that DA2 is portrayed as Varric telling the story of Hawke's life to Cassandra, and that we know Varric is an unreliable narrator. Because like Leandra's last words to Hawke being that she's so proud of her strong boy- at least with how Cedric's relationship was with Leandra up to this point- felt so so out of character for Leandra, and I love the headcanon that that's Varric giving his bestie some closure narratively that he never actually got in reality. So like that's canon for Cedric. Because that was Leandra's decapitated head frankensteined onto another woman's body- and magicked into a reanimated corpse that absolutely did not seem like it had any conscious thought- like she was already dead before Cedric showed up. There were no final words. There was no nice narratively satisfying ending to that one. And I like it better that way tbh........
We're just gonna like skip over the whole qunari invasion subplot because I am. Not a fan of how that was handled. Writing wise. Like what the fuck was that. Like I have THOUGHTS about it but they're not gonna go on tumblr. Anyways. Moving on.
Champion of Kirkwall! Yay! Meredith knows he's an apostate mage and is just Waiting for any half-decent excuse to either bring him to the circle, make him tranquil, or kill him? Not yay! Cedric is absolutely good friends with Anders, and has been helping with the mage underground every chance he has. People in the city have been whispering about making him of all people Viscount and he has no idea how to feel about that, like he'd rather not, but who else is gonna do it? And who else would do it and actually give a shit about mages and elves and just like lower class people in general? Like this incredibly stressed out guy does not need more added to his plate, he really doesn't. But he's definitely thinking about it. I mean hey! It's not like he's got any family around to take care of at this point right? Why not just take that eldest daughter syndrome thing he's got going on and use it to fix the city?
The one bright spot for him here is that hey, at least he and Fenris get back together. That one's nice. They both deserve something positive and comforting after all the shit they've been through.
And then Meredith is trying to invoke the right of annulment and Anders blows up the fucking Chantry. And Cedric can't even blame him for it. After 6 or 7 years of painstakingly working to try to find peaceful ways to improve the lives of mages and getting blocked at every turn, with the knowledge that Meredith has been getting worse and worse and worse, and has been actively looking for any excuse to invoke the right of annulment and just kill every single mage in Kirkwall? And Grand Cleric Elthina has been absolutely no help, and has absolutely been subtly on Meredith's side the entire time. Like at a certain point, violence really does feel like the only option left. When you've been backed this far into a corner.
So obviously Cedric takes the side of the mages, doesn't kill Anders, is honestly like 'my dude, my buddy, my guy, my best pal(aside from Varric, and my boyfriend Fenris) why didn't you tell me? I would've helped you on purpose.' He's elated when Carver shows up during that final push to the Gallows, like the whole situation is absolutely shit, and it'd definitely be better if his beloved brother was no where near danger, but he's a Grey Warden now so that's not even an option anyways. So it's just nice to have him around even during such an intensely stressful moment. Honestly everything is so unbelievably fucked at this point that Cedric isn't even stressed anymore. Like things literally cannot get worse. He's kind of riding the high of things not being able to get worse. Or maybe that's just adrenaline. Who knows. Aveline and Sebastian both leave, Cedric is unbothered. Doesn't even try to convince Aveline to side with him later either, like he's never really gotten along with her, and he did not like how she treated Carver. Fenris and everyone else stick around, and that's what matters to Cedric, like all the people he was actually close friends with stick with him in this moment (Fenris, Varric, Isabella, Merrill, Anders, & Carver)
And then yeah, they save the mages, defeat Meredith, leave Kirkwall with the renegade mages. Everyone goes their separate ways due to one reason or another, except Fenris. At least Cedric does get to keep one positive close relationship around.
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honeycombstrudel · 7 days
Interested in getting into Dragon Age, where to start + advice? c:
Might be a long shot to ask here, but wanted to try anyway! I'm considering getting into Dragon Age and I'm not sure where to start. Ideally, I'd like to get into Inquisition first, (cause I'm curious about Cullen lol). Would I need to have played the previous games to understand everything that goes on? Any advice from anyone, would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much ;w;; !!
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cadaveerie · 30 days
the things i'm the most and least excited about for Dragon Age: The Veilguard!
includes DATV spoilers from the trailers and articles
i might continuously edit this post until the game actually launches as we receive new info!
all of these have been confirmed by the devs, except for those in which i clarify the opposite (ie: those that i write with a "possibly", which have probably been only suggested). if you want the source for any of these specifically let me know!
and a big shoutout to felassan for answering my question, because i started wondering if i just made up the 'pause during cutscene' thing, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out where I'd heard that lol
anyway, here it is!
no EA app or online mode/internet to play the game
pause during cutscenes
interruptible and resumable banter
no micro-transactions
the character creator!!! - more diverse bodies, better (and darker. and better dark) skin tones and afro-textured hair!
change of voice pitch for Rook!
trans Rook! they/them Rook! and the ability to express that in-game!
b-bulge slider.......? t-tittie slider?????
different lighting options in character creator :]
in-game name suggestions for rook :]
nudity :D:D:D SEXOOO
PURPLE ROOK!!!!! (sarcastic/charming, like hawke. im gonna be insufferable to solas specifically)
"not that skeleton, but we're not saying no skeletons" as an answer to whether we can romance manfred (..... the fuck. idk what that means but... im game)
bi/pan romanceable companions! - it makes me happy, especially as someone non-binary and genderfluid. i'll die on this hill
paraphrasing: “the most romantic game yet”..... mmmm… yes….
the companions overall... i rly like both the designs and what we know of them
"are there companions gifts again" John: "(...) you very well might find things in the world that certain companions would appreciate!"
John: "Not going to get into specifics on interactables, but there is more to do in the Lighthouse than conversations with companions. The Lighthouse does have a kitchen, and your companions acknowledge it/use it both narratively and ambiently. Some maybe better than others."
more focus and intentionality on the companions' stories and relationships! yay!
inquisitor presence :D
maybe solas and inky? - not confirmed that they'll interact, but pleaaaase let them. no matter if it's a romance, friendship or hateful relationship, i need to see a reunion
the relationship between solas and rook! - from what they'd said it looks like they're gonna have a fun dynamic!!! i hope that it's kind of a bad relationship but that at some points there can be some appreciation, or respect. i think they said that it could be change, depending on you
cameos!!! - we know there will be some. confirmed morrigan cameo! my bets for others are on dorian (and mae), fenris (copium), zevran (copiumx2). and maybe these are reaches but... perhaps cassandra? leliana? illario? alistair? sten? either way im looking forward to it!
700 characters (wtf)
140,000 lines of dialogue (wtf x2. almost double of Inquisition's (80,000))
visiting places we have never seen before like Tevinter, Antiva, Anderfels, Nevarra, Rivain, etc
more thedas deep lore!!! - elven gods! and this hasn't been confirmed, but since we'll go there... will there be tevinter lore? anderfels lore? rivain lore? antivan lore? titans lore (my theory is because of Harding)!?
possibly a camera mode
beautiful textures!
beautiful landscape!
very nice hair physics! (big improvement)
gear customization + transmog
enable/disable helmets for cutscenes
I rly like the subclasses… they feel so…. gothic
combat looks more dynamic overall!
combos with the companions!
finisher animations!
mages can move while attacking apparently?
and they^ can use staffs, daggers and orbs :0
parry + shield toss :0
and i'm just excited to see how it actually feels while playing and how everything progresses!
things I'm kinda sad/disappointed about. just a little
only can bring two companions along (probably a 3 party total?)
probably no trans, they/them or they/x companions? :( (im assuming there will be characters that are trans (mae) and go by them/them or multiple pronouns, but i mean companions specifically)
only 7 companions. i was a little disappointed at first but tbh im fine w it now haha
they haven't talked about rook as a character much so im a little worried about that, their personal journey, their dialogue etc :')
that rook doesn't seem to have different beginnings depending on his origin :( not a huge deal but tbh i loved that about origins
can't choose multiple pronouns :( perhaps it's possible? they've explicitly said that you can go by he, she or they, but i don't think that implies multiple at the same time. it can't be that hard to program it so that it randomly changes between two or more pronouns, right? idk about game development so i dont actually know, sorry if i'm ignorant
this is suuuper nitpicky but in relation to the graphics.. i kinda wish the skins looked slightly.. different? idk how to put it, but they look kind of smooth? maybe too much? i just wish they had a little bit more texture, it kinda looks like they have a beauty filter, imo, and i think it would look better if they look slightly differently
and i have mixed feelings about how the characters are stylized overall. like... y'know, the whole "cartoony" discourse. at first i didnt like it at all, but since we've seen more im way more on board. still... i kinda feel like some things could look a bit nicer
idk how i feel about how the darkspawn look. like it's not a huge deal to me either, but... i just wish they looked different. lol. they do look a little bit goofy
and idk if i like the... veiny/nervous system looking-thing in demons either? like, i like it in theory but tbh in practice im not too sure
the remake of the warden's logo :((
that's it!
tbh im just happy about most things they've said and shown so far. i think a lot of these things are a good sign. also, things like the "not ea app necessary" make me inclined to believe that this is something they've had to fight for (cause you know, if ea could choose they'd do things their way) and that's something i appreciate a lot. that's why i think this and a lot of other choices and changes they've made in relation to the last game, are good signs that they've listened to our feedback in a lot of things! and i hope this reflects in the entirety of the game. i hope it's the case. idk i'm positive about this game! a little scared ofc, because i care and i want it to be as good as possible, but excited nonetheless!
are there things i didn't include but that you are excited about? what are you looking the most forward to, overall? i'd appreciate to see your excitement and know what you like the most!
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tevinterspy · 3 months
Okay- so, I’m hoping that I can find some more DA friends here, especially those older than 30, those that have children, and those that are super into the lore. 😍
My name is Jessica.
I’m 42, I live in the Midwest and I am married with three children. I have been active in the Dragon Age community for a long time, even on the original forums. I started playing Origins shortly after it came out, when I’d just come home from California and I was miserable and very lonely, so it was a hugely important thing in my life at the time. It was the only game that had ever made me laugh and cry- and I was instantly in -love-.
Anyway I love talking about the lore and the history and breaking down codex entries. My favorite game in Inquisition. My favorite character is f!Hawke, but only in purple. I’m a Solas romancer and game completionist, and l can’t explain how good it feels to be excited about Dragon Age again.
Also, Veilguard could be trash and I’d still love everything about it, because it’s been a real long time and I miss Thedas. Please say hi so I can follow good people!!
Ps: I need Emmrich. NEED.
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pinehutch · 3 months
Okay so my Thing about Dragon Age is this:
Ten years ago, I was in constant extreme pain as I worked my way towards a rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis. I had spent the previous year working 12-18 hour days most days, between an unsustainable volunteer job and my daytime career. Sometime that fall, I started noticing that my hands were locking into fists while I slept, and that the fatigue was never getting better, and that walking was really hard, more days than not.
I tried to work through it, that first awful year. I mostly did, too. I had weeks when I couldn't walk unassisted, and months where I was sick all the time because we were trying different meds. I called the rheumatologist in tears more than once, feeling hopeless and like a failure because I couldn't tolerate some of the easier drugs. And in between it all, I worked.
On the days that I couldn't work, and if my hands would let me, I played Dragon Age.
I'm stubborn, and I don't usually watch or read or play things that other people recommend until the time feels right. Spring 2014, I needed something that would be immersive enough that it could distract me from my body but that wouldn't require too much complex problem solving. I needed gaming, and some very trusted people had recommended Dragon Age to me before, so I started Origins in March and by July I had played through Origins and DA2 and all the DLC I could get. Inquisition came out that fall, and I was hooked.
(It also was one of the first ways that I learned to distinguish between healthy pain and warning sign pain: I learned to put the controller down before my hands would be so irritated I couldn't use them at all the next day.)
So there I was, having the worst year of my life (at that point), and I got to fill up my brain with lore and distractions and become a hobbyist expert in the historiography and folklore and religion and politics of something that was entirely made up. I could invest, mentally and emotionally, but I didn't have to fix anything real, including my own unfixable problem. I just had to learn, and to play.
Dragon Age brought me into video games for grown-ups, and it brought me back to fiction writing. The first short story I had written since high school was DA fic. I came back to writing poetry, the love of my life, a couple of years later.
My life doesn't look that different from the outside vs what it was 10 years ago. I'm working out whether or not I'm okay with that; making big changes in your life is hard when you're chronically ill and have adhd and you work a complicated job with a lot of responsibility, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try. I had expected that my general weariness would stretch over into a kind of Dragon Apathy - that there would be news and I'd say 'oh, nice,' and then go back to work and the other little agonies.
Instead, I'm delighted? Surprised? Fond? Something I loved and that I needed during a really difficult time is here, again, while I'm anticipating another sea change. The thing that brought me some happiness, some wonder, and some escape can do it still, maybe.
Anyway. I collect my favourite DA stuff at @free-smarcher. I always roll a rogue on my first playthrough. (In real life I'm a giant brain on a giant, clumsy body; my fantasy is being able to go undetected.) I love Varric Tethras because he's a highly-accomplished fuckup with too many responsibilities and because he's bad at his personal life.
When Veilguard comes out I will almost certainly, at least once, play it until my hands seize.
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theredhoodedcryptid · 9 months
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Featuring Babs and Tim!
Me: (Minding my own business playing Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Me: (Thinking I still have a couple of weeks before I start posting my fic again)
Me: (Checks date and realizes I said I'd start posting next week)
Me: (Slightly panics and grabs an assortment of the Christmas cookies and chocolates, pours a cup of coffee and grabs laptop)
Anyways I'll be updating "The Justice League’s Adventures With Their New Cryptid" on Tuesday as planned as well as "Cryptids of Gotham, and Where to Find Them (Though I Wouldn’t Advise It)" on Thursday.
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blarrghe · 3 months
I made my partner watch the dragon age gameplay yesterday. They're a fan but not nearly as dragon age pilled as the rest of us, and it's been a long time since they beat DA:I when it came out (on our shitty tube tv and a PS3). They couldn't read all the tiny lore text on our shitty tube tv and never played Trespasser. They have been replaying it lately but not in any concentrated way and they still haven't played trespasser.
And their first comment was: wait. so this is the same problem as in Inquisition? So we basically failed?
And I was like. Yeah. I mean. Basically. It's a new problem out of the old problem but...
and they were like. ok but basics like. there's a bunch of rifts in the sky and demons coming down. that was what we had to deal with before too, right?
So I was like well, yes, keep watching tho. But also good note, because this intro sequence parallels the Inquisition one in a lot of ways. (Cue pride demon fight).
And we started pointing out all the other similarities. Like. Ok, accidentally stopping Solas' ritual creates a new problem of giant sinister creatures coming out of the fade (which is also how we got saddled with Corypheus, now there's just two of them). The thing where in the opening fight you hear voices talking in the background, and even if you can make out the snippets of what's being said it wasn't until later in the game that you got your memories back and understood the significance. I think that's back. The conversation Varric is having with Solas while you run over to the pillar? "this is beyond your comprehension!" we'll get context on that in a mid-game mission mark my words.
And stopping the ritual didn't exactly fix the sky, either, by the looks of it. So is it just left like that? Does rook have to close rifts and fight demons on top of dealing with domination-hungry ancient gods? (can they close rifts? maybe they steal Solas' dagger as some people have theorized and use that?)
So the next comment from my partner was like: could Inquisition just have been a prologue to this?
And I was like. Well. It IS. But they meant like, could you truncate Inquisition and do it as a shorter actually-prologue-sized prologue to this game, and I think that's maybe the point. There were a lot of complaints about DA:I being too big for its plot. The first open-world in the series, and it was full of repetitive junk quests and decisions that felt ineffective. If you stripped it down to core elements and re-did it in the "tighter" fashion that DA:V claims to be taking, yeah, you could have a pretty tight prologue. Trespasser is this, and absolutely a prologue to Veilguard more than it even is an epilogue to Inquisition.
Anyway the way the intro runs so parallel with Inquisition is obviously on purpose. The way that all of the player feedback seems to have been taken so seriously and incorporated into Vielguard, like a direct response to "we see what you liked about Inquisition and what you didn't so we're trying again with that in mind" is super clear. It's Inquistion 2: You Get To Be Actually Effective This Time.
But the question remains: Could one thing in this fucking world just stay fixed?
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tench · 3 months
To see what's the fuss is about, I started Dragon Age series. (That's a lie, I tried every installment each several times, but... You see how I play BG3, I had the similar playstyle with them. I also tried to speedrun Inquisition in two days in the early days of its release (because I had it on a borrowed laptop). I honestly don't have any memory of it aside from the game refusing to play any animations for me at all and my seething hatred for Solas. Ah yes and adoribul being, well, adorable)
Anyway, I'm a mess, my life's a mess, I need to be distracted, "I have no recollection of this place" and it's three big games. Maybe with my new determination I can see it though. Maybe I will even share my escapades.
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