#anyway. anon if you want to talk about her more feel free to dm me as well!
tacticalgrandma · 3 months
You probably already talked about her but I can't find it, so can I ask if you have opinions/ideas around Orin? It's so rare to find other who like her!
I am always down to talk about Orin, thank you anon!!
Basically I think the durge storyline accidentally creates this theme of female abuse victims, but is too cowardly/too ttrpg-space misogynistic to actually handle it (see tag rant). Repeated cycles of abuse is an overall theme in BG3, but with all the Durge’s victims being women, and with Orin and Helena both being abused by Sarevok—there is this pattern that comes up. You can see this echoed with how Ketheric feels entitled to abusing Isobel as well.
There have been a lot of posts going around talking about how tragic Orin is in that Durge gets a chance at redemption because of her, but she never gets that same chance—that tragedy is definitely compelling. But I don’t know. I really like writing angry women. And Orin’s storyline shearing away from how gendered her victimization is, not giving her more than a breath of acknowledging her abuse, not letting you be angry on her behalf—that makes writing for her, to fill in those gaps and explore those parts of her character, really attractive to me.
Anyway. BG3 stuck some fridged ladies and crazy-incest-bitches in its story because those are high fantasy tropes and they didn’t want to actually address the sexism in them. I think with a female Durge especially, you can make a nice and angry revenge story for Orin from all that. I see some of that stuff in this fandom & it inspires me to make fanworks too. She's that sweet spot of compelling enough in source material for her to be interesting and defined, but with blank spaces in her story that are just dying for transformative fandom.
Also I’m a sucker for villains who are friends with each other, and none of my other most recent fandoms have given me a villain roster that I could really hc into that. Also she has done nothing wrong in her life, ever.
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frosty-sneasel · 5 months
I guess this is an introduction!
Hello! I'm Lumi.- Or Frosty. The Sneasel's Camellia. You might know me as @battle-subway-ghost's friend lol, I still have his account password and everything! 😉
Accidentally deleted my account, decided to remake it now though. You can't keep me away forever.
Used to be a Pokemon trainer, I've retired from that though. Still sometimes battle if someone asks, but I'm just trying to live a calm life now! ♥
Nowadays I'm a freelance artist/graphic designer (sometimes!) I have my own professional accounts, this rotumblr is just for me to have fun. (If you do want to contact me for commissions though... 👀 [email protected])
Anyways, here's my trainer card!
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My pokemon:
Camellia the Sneasel (♀)
Aspen the Glaceon (♂)
Cookies & Cream the Vanilluxe (⚧)
Zena the Beheeyem (♀)
Hello! @act11as here again! You know the drill- ooc posts will be tagged as such, and will usually have the color green. I don't always do this, as it can be grating to look at after a while.
My rotomblr "hub" account is @battle-subway-aftershow!
Muse is an adult, mod is a minor. Don't be weird, or I'll screenshot your ask and make fun of you with my friends. Into the hall of shame with you.
(Weird: NSFW/Suggestive asks, fetish mining, etc. Do not fucking do these.)
Like my other blogs- All trigger warnings will be tagged as "[word] tw"! This is to make it easier to blacklist things! if I ever miss something or you need me to tag something in specific, shoot me an ask or a dm! I'll try to remember.
Additional warnings: chronic illnesses, hospitalizations, etc. are an important part of Lumi's character! This will be talked about a lot, sometimes more in-depth. They will be tagged accordingly, but if these topics make you uncomfortable, it may be for the best to unfollow!
Guidelines/Rules I guess?
ANY kind of Pokemon Irl blog can interact! Eeby deebies, sapient pokemon, evil teams, whatever! I cannot guarantee that Lumi will be nice to you, (ESPECIALLY an evil team) or believe you.
*Self-Insert fallers, please do not interact. I personally cannot handle these kinds of blogs. Self-insert ocs are fine, but the idea of a real person on rotomblr being isekaid into Pokémon is not.
IN CHARACTER anon hate is perfectly fine! Be an asshole to Lumi! I'm fine with (again, in character) homophobia, whatever. Keep in mind that I won't always respond to these however, especially if they go too far in my eyes.
Pelipper Mail, un-mail, and Malice are always open! Feel free to torment Lumi whenever you so please. (links go to the source posts for all 3 lol)
Musharna mail, (sending dreams) and Musharna malice (sending nightmares) are always on! Once again feel free to torment her.
Magic anons are usually off, unless I specifically specify otherwise!
Organizational tags:
#[nickname] the [pokemon] - Most posts about Lumi's pokemon should be tagged like this.
#Frosty doodles - Doodles, usually MS paint. Probably inconsistently tagged, I forget
#Frosty's actual art - Actual art that may or may not get posted!
#Jore (Jean Lore) - Jean lore... elaborate bit between Mylah, Sprite, and Lumi involving jeans. Yeah I dunno how else to explain this.
#Jylah tag - Lumi's tag for @/tinkatinktrain !
#Jrite my jon - Lumi's tag for @/thatfailedpokemontrainer !
And that's all for now! There'll probably be updates as time goes on, Who knows? :3
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pipsbriberymuffins · 3 months
I don't want to come off as dumb but the end of AGAD had me bawling my eyes out for days. I loved the series but I despise open endings. You said it is not a cliffhanger if critically approached. How is it not a cliffhanger ? Do they get back together ? Pls explain for me my brain is too traumatized to even think, thank you
I feel like it's not a cliffhanger because of how Pip and Ravi's relationship is approached throughout the books. They always choose what's best for the other even if it hurts them, like in AGGGTM when Ravi tells Pip to stop working the case because it's hurting her or the end of AGAD when Pip decided to leave Ravi. They always pick eachother and once the obstacle of Max and the trial is out of the way there would be nothing "hurting" them so they would be free to be together.
I also feel like we as the reader never get the sense that there is or could be someone else for Pip or Ravi so it would be the logical conclusion that once they could be together they would.
Another big factor for me is that Ravi called Pip "Sarge" it shows that even after over a year apart he's not lost the affection and love he still has for her and would choose to go back to her.
Probably not the best explanation sorry Anon, I'm in a train station as I write this. Anyway that was an essay lol. If any of it doesn't make sense or you wanna talk about it more my dms and asks are open!
Have a nice day everyone!! <3
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taylortruther · 5 months
Feel free to disregard this if you would like to move on from this conversation but this whole conversation is borne from people being so uncomfortable with nuance and desperately wanting a set of hard and fast rules that they can follow that will define them as a good person. They are searching for moral certitude that doesn’t exist
As your last anon referenced there are so many degrees here
Some people are very certain that the actions in guilty as sin? are cheating because they were texting and know each other and she got off thinking about it and to them this is completely black and white to make her “bad/wrong/horrible”. Ok. So let’s follow that thought down then. Let’s assume they are right and that makes you “bad”. What about getting off thinking about an ex you aren’t in contact with anymore? Are you written off the good people island? How about if you’re not trying to think about them but it happens anyways? What if you don’t know them and it’s a celebrity? What if it’s a tv or movie character? What if it’s a book character? What if it’s porn?
I agree that partners should talk about these things but also we just need to have some nuance here and also not rush to label someone as unredeemable. And Taylor expected this moralization “say that I’m a cheat I guess it must be true.” “Tell me I’m despicable/Say it’s unforgivable”
i can talk about this all day!
personally, i don't think cheating makes someone irredeemable (and a few truthie regulars might recall i think couples can work through cheating sometimes!) - and i think any listener who's been in a similar experience can relate, too. so imo you can call it "cheating," but i don't think that makes her an irredeemable or evil figure. she's just a person who was doing things she knew felt wrong because she couldn't figure out how to get out. how many times have we talked about that being soooo normal in relationships?
i've said it once and i'll say it a hundred times: "clean breaks" in relationships are REALLY rare. more often than not, i'd say there's something fishy or untoward happening. sometimes it's full-blown boinking other people; sometimes it's sending some flirty, questionable dms; sometimes it's emotionally moving on, without telling your partner. often it's something in between those options.
anyway, all that to say: i agreeeeeeeeeeee!
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andrew-nobody · 9 months
Hello! I dunno if I'm gonna word this right so bear wit me please. But I'm curious.
I heard from a lot of systems that when there's a fictive they're WAAAYYY different than they were in the source.
What's that feel like? I mean... how do I explain? Like, you're suddenly... alive? Sorry if that's offensive, I unno a good word for what happens. Manifest?
And then you're seeing all this stuff about you but they're also kinna NOT about you personally?
Is that super overwhelming? How do you deal with that?
I hope that makes sense. I'm so bad at explaining and wording stuff.
Great question. Not offended, glad you asked. Just the way you’re asking gives me the impression that you get it.
It’s incredibly overwhelming! That’s a big reason I made this blog. Before the blog, I kind of walked into the Motel (the innerworld) with no sense of where I fit into it, let alone the world-at-large. But here, answering questions and stuff, it gives me direction, a purpose. A way to connect to my source, and all the people who love that source. And I want to contribute to that, because I feel like a part of it.
I am sort of suddenly alive. I suddenly exist. And the rules are different. Reality is different. I still have all of my memories from the game. That was all I knew before I “walked in.” Hell, I have memories that aren’t even in the game, but they’re blurry and hard to define until I explore them - kind of like that ask about if I’d ever want a pet.
More under cut….
I don’t want to say that I’m “WAYYY” different than my source. I’m kind of like an alternate reality version of that Andrew, I guess. Like, yeah… I fucking killed people and even ate them and also I didn’t do that because that happened in a game.
Would I kill someone now? Well, no, my circumstances are completely different for one thing. Also I don’t want to perpetuate a stereotype of an “evil alter” that can switch in and commit acts of violence. But when I put myself back in the headspace of my source and the exaggerated experience of fiction, I can still feel it. And when it comes to the play of an ask blog, why not do a little murder? Or whatever. Who’s it hurting?
When it comes to seeing people talking about a me that is not me, there’s definitely cognitive dissonance there. I just have to try to separate their experience and interpretation of the me that is a publicly-consumable character versus the me that is me.
For example, a lot of people are really into transgender/“genderbent”/femdrew/Andrea—whatever you want to call her. Seeing those interpretations give me some gender dysphoria, probably because the host of my system is trans masculine. But none of those interpretations are about me. So it’s simple, I just keep scrolling. I move along. Trans Andrew is just as valid as I am. And I know every version of me is important to the person that version is stemming from, and it says more about them than it does about me.
As for suddenly being in a system full of people I don’t know. It kind of sucks! Everyone here can read my mind?! I’m not used to that kind of lack of privacy, and I used to live with Ashley so that’s saying something! And I’m not the only fictive here, either. (There are fucking Teen Titans here? Lmfao??) And that’s difficult because, you know, we don’t all get along.
Anyway that was a LOT longer than I meant it to be. Kind of a whole vent post! Hope you don’t mind, Anon.
If you see this, feel free to shoot me a DM? I’m happy to talk more about this in detail (though I guess I already have…). Hope to hear from you.
Thanks so much.
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18+ no minors please this is an NSFW blog with mature topics discussed,any ageless,blank blogs will be blocked.Sorry not sorry!
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Mun is 40, she/her
Asks and DM's are always open, feel free to ask me anything 
I have 5 muses right now that I can currently RP with (Bio for them will follow) so when sending asks or dms please specify who you're interested in rp'ing with.
I do work (I hate it there) and will try and respond appropriately, so if it seems like it's taking a while for me to reply or answer and ask just feel free to let me know (sometimes notifications get buried too) Do not get mad and or angry
SFW and NSFW are fine and depending on what it is either send it in an ask, or I can be tagged in it. Try to keep the spicer stuff for asks.
No hate, rudeness, homophobia,racism, transphobia or misogyny I will block you and not feel bad about it, again sorry not sorry
If you want to plot something, have an idea for a story line? Send me a DM and we can come up with something
If you want to remain an anon please assign yourself and emoji
Dark/violent story lines can be done just discuss them in DM's first, and both parties have to agree on things.
Limits: scat, watersports,feet, age play and pet play (if you're unsure if something is a limit of mine please ask first)
Story lines will be separate unless both parties agree on it
Do not bring drama,hate,trash talking,ultimatums. No jealousy towards role play partners, not lying and no spamming. Just be smart about things, I do have a life outside of Tumblr but I will try my hardest to reply and answer asks I just ask that everyone be courteous and decent. I will not tolerate any of this and you will be blocked.
Muse list after read more
Dean Winchester
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“I’m Dean Winchester, I’m an Aquarius, like long walks on the beach and frisky women. Me and my brother Sammy hunt the things that go bump in the night, yeah that’s right we’re hunters. Family business and all. There isn’t anything I won’t do to protect my brother, even if it means sacrificing myself. My car Baby is the best Sammy and I  have a lot of memories in it and it's been in some tough situations but it’s always dependable unlike most people, oh and I love pie and classic rock. Remember driver picks the music, shotgun shuts their cake hole. So if you think you have a ghost problem or maybe some ghoul stuff give me a call”
Lloyd Hansen
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“Hello Sunshine! I don’t know why I need to say anything about myself. I should be pretty well known by now, but sure let me tell you about my favorite subject…me. I used to work for the CIA but then I decided why not freelance and be my own boss, which means my own rules. I’m sure everyone wants to know why I left the CIA, well it’s simple. I like doing things in lets say non ethical, non legal ways and that ruffled some feathers I guess, too bad for them I guess. Sent me to do a job to get some flash drive and had the biggest thorn in my ass….Court Gentry, dickhead messed up my hand and well that was my torture and shooting hand. Need something dealt with Sunshine you know how to find me”
Ransom Drysdale
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“I don’t like you and I can guarantee you won’t like me,but you’ll probably love my money, well my family's money. I’ve been called many names, some of my favorite Trust Fund prick, asshole, jerk and many more, but what’s funny is everyone once you find out you have money everyone has their grubby hands out. I’m probably the most interesting, fascinating person you will ever meet and I will make your dull little life exciting. The only person I care about is me, myself and I, and when I found out my grandfather was cutting me out of his will, well I couldn’t let that happen could I did what I had too. And what was that you ask, you didn’t ask? Well too bad I’m telling you anyway, nothing short of murder (twice, wow I know) and I tried to frame the help. Just a normal day when you have money, so if I’m bored I might want to talk depends on my mood.
Rebecca Allen
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Rebecca Allen was a woman with a bright future, that all changed the day she became Pandora Celestia. The day was ordinary until it wasn’t, the explosion should have killed her but instead it turned her into something more. As she lay close to death the terrigen mist enveloped her,keeping death away and giving her powers beyond her knowledge. Visions, terrible and horrible, are always destined to come true. She was able to peer inside of people’s minds and sway them to her will, and after enough practice could hone her powers into a physical weapon.
And thus Pandora Celestia was born, the powers she wielded terrified her and every time she feared she would lose control and either she would be destroyed or the power would over take her. Eventually she learned to hide her powers hoping that one day she could learn to control them and use them for good. Trying to help those she can, she's always vigilant to not over use her powers but to do everything she can to help anyone who needs it.
(art from Pinterest)
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Cassandra Pendragon “Cassie”
Age: 200+ (long life from powerful witchcraft and being a shifter)
Cassandra Pendragon or Cassie as was called by friends, came from a long line of witches going all the way back to King Authur. She was rather proud of that aspect of her family tree, it gave her some credibility in case her skills were ever questioned. And it wasn’t often that her skills were questioned, but mistakes could be made. Speaking of mistakes, the other half of her family was what most people in the witch/magic community deemed “Undesirable” ; it was always thought that being a shifter made magic weak. Cassie on the other hand found that to not be the case, in fact she felt her magic was stronger for it. When she shifted her magic complimented her form, she became what she called a mystic wolf.
Abilities: Powerful spells and hexes, the ability to turn into a wolf or cat
Once witches and shifters alike found out about her she was shunned by both groups, witches feared the amount of power she had, and shifters didn’t normally trust witches so this made them even more wary. After taking various odd jobs, one went south and a witch and shifter were killed.Cassie received the blame and was hunted, always on the run she did what she had to in order to survive. She wasn’t against killing but it was only done if there was no other option. While on the run she realized she could turn into a simple house cat. Being a house cat was great to gather information and hide. Deciding she needs to set her name right she sets out to find the real killers so she can go back to her “normal life”
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Ophelia Deathholme
Age: 40
Abilities: Can resurrect the dead, can communicate with the dead and has the abilities of the dead she encounters.
(dividers made by @saradika-graphics) (art from Pinterest)
Necromancy the practice of communicating with the dead in order to predict the future, that was at least the actual definition of the word.To Ophelia Deathholme it was more than just the plot to a book or movie it was part of her job, she used her talents to raise the dead working as a coroner for the police. The dead needed a voice, someone to get them justice, to help their families move on, to help the departed to move on. Initially she was met with skepticism. People thought she was taking advantage of the families by giving them “false” hope, that changed when she brought back a young woman who had been brutally murdered.
The family and officers were in the room and Ophelia kept trying to tell them all that her story wasn’t over, after being told numerous times to just do her job she took matters into her own hands. Normally the bigger the sacrifice the bigger the return, since all Ophelia needed was the young woman to speak she just used a small amount of her own blood. Speaking the words she knew too well the young woman sat up staring at Ophelia, the family was shocked and one of the cops passed out. Ophelia looked at the woman, her voice soft “Who killed you?” The young woman swallowed hard and paused as if trying to figure out the answer. 
Everyone watched as the woman began to point, suddenly the lights went out and movement could be heard. Suddenly screaming broke out, then nothing, Ophelia backed up until she was touching the dead woman. She felt a whisper in her ear “He will find you little necromancy he wants your power by any means necessary.” Swallowing hard Ophelia the lights turned on and she was shocked at what she saw, everyone in the room was dead and arranged to spell her first name.
The young woman looks at her family sadly before turning back to Ophelia “He has been watching you, watching your power grow until the time is right. He will come for you and try and tempt you, do not allow him to. He will destroy the world and you will be his tool” The young woman coughs hard and smiles “Thank you for giving me justice, my father killed me in a fit of anger and now I can rest” The young woman motions Ophelia to move closer “We the dead wish to help you, we shall lend you our gifts for you will need them.” The air changes and Ophelia gasps as she feels power flowing into her, falling to the floor she passes out.
Waking hours later she feels strangely refreshed,standing she cries out in pain. Finally standing she makes her way to a sink and looks in the mirror at a large jagged wound across her face.
“Great just great” “I recommend cleansing the wound and then applying butterfly bandages to the wound” Looking Ophelia sees a young nurse, quickly realizing that she was a ghost. The ghost smiles and bows and walks over to Ophelia and walks into her, her eyes roll back into her head as she begins taking care of her wounds. Once finished the ghost leaves Ophelia’s body and bows again before leaving, gasping as she sits on the floor, realizing that now not only can she raise the dead  but they can use their skills to help her. Realizing she has this power she uses it to still help the dead but now must figure out who has been watching her and why.
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prehistoric-duo · 5 months
It's your favorite MewTube Paleontologist Power-Couple, finally making an account on a social media site that isn't MewTube!
This is Taire- if you couldn't tell by my charming energetics (AKA Arnie didn't feel like making our introduction post lol).
I figure some of you don't really know who we are, if you don't find this blog from our description links, so why not talk about it real quick?
As I've said before, I'm Taire! I use he/him pronouns, and I'm 27 years old. Which, in my opinion, is actually not that old because I've worked with rocks older than uh. literally humanity? I have three Pokemon-
Rafflesia the Venusaur (She/her)
Geode the Sandslash (They/them)
Onoi the Omastar (They/them)
Here's my trainer card:
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Arnie uses they/he pronouns, and is 26! He is like. My favorite person in the whole wide world and I love him so so so much and YES me gushing about him is a regular occurrence irl and in private. They also have three Pokemon-
Pablo the Torterra (They/them)
Grey the Aggron (They/Them)
Shelley the Carracosta (She/her)
Here's their trainer card:
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We've been doing MewTube for about 3 years now, and married for 5! We work for an organization called The New Epoch Foundation as, you guessed it, paleontologists! The goal of the organization is to help further scientific research and runs mostly on donations! I might also end up as their head of social media because of the stuff we do on MewTube, we'll just have to see!
Of course, we can't forget about Baby Helix, we had them about a year ago and we love them so so much. We don't really post pictures of them, but maybe in the future? We aren't like. A family vlogging channel anyways (chills). We'll both sign off our posts!
Feel free to send us asks and pelipper mail! I'm hoping to be able to interact with the fans more this way :)
Hi! Mod here, just call me Vessel! ooc text from me will be red
My other blog is @canesvenatici-ribbons! But this blog is going to be more plot-based than slice of life ;)
A couple of ground rules:
1- I operate on DND and Improv rules: "yes and" and be respectful to other players.
That doesn't mean NO anon hate or whatever, it just means that if someone is playing a character in a way that makes me uncomfortable, I'm probably not going to interact with you. If the anon hate is egregious I'm going to stop responding to it, etc.
Typically I try to just go "yes and" to stuff, it's more fun to me that way and adds a layer of unpredictability to my stories- BUT- please DM me if you want to do BIG plot stuff (I don't bite!)
But if something makes me uncomfortable I won't do it, feel free to ask prior though if you want confirmation! If it's like. An overly dark subject matter I probably won't do it though.
2- No Magic anons or anon hate related to their identities please!
This is my one hard-stop! everything else like sentient pokemon, pelipper mail, regular anons, anon hate, is all fine right now!
3- Feel free to remind me to respond to a post or ask if I haven't gotten to it in about two days! I'm a college student and I'm really busy. I do this mostly for fun but I do really appreciate reminders. adhd brain
4- I want to confirm this rq cause I know people will ask about it- Helix is their biological child, one of them is trans but no actual like. Pregnancy is gonna be shown or mentioned on this blog because they think it's funny to keep it up in the air on who had Helix or if Helix is adopted. Trans families (no matter what kind) and seahorse dads are just. Very important to me as I am a trans guy/trans masc who wants kids myself one day. I expect you all to be respectful and mature about this. People who make M///pr///eg jokes and/or comments will be blocked and deleted.
Literally it's only funny with people I'm close with so if I don't know you, don't do that. This is my one other hard stop
Asks about who had Helix though- and speculation on if Helix is adopted, is encouraged and very funny!
I do plan on having actual references for the family done up at some point, I just haven't had the time or resources for it quite yet. But for now, here are their picrews + short add on descriptions! (Minus Baby Helix)
Blue, Feathery hair, Oddly sharp teeth
Red, scaley patches of skin has grown in the three years of making videos- they started out small and almost unnoticeable and now it's beginning to take up their face.
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DO NOT let this picrew fool you. Arnie is a large fat man. They also have a full beard that is not pictured.
Hair has turned white in the past few years. Blue Patch of skin over eye and looks strangely smooth, has only appeared since last year
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aihoshiino · 9 months
okay so no idea how i should refer to myself as so: hi!! im the person who had way too much fun writing ai/nino toxic yuri on ao3! i was gonna just lurk (me, tumblr account with privated likes, reblogs and follows) BUT how could i with the promise of people being normal about fictional unhealthy gay women. idk if this is the optimal way to communicate i use tumblr with the sole purpose of following 4 people and digging up ai content
i am honestly so flattered (but also kinda upset at the lack of content on them aside from my own 1k word long oneshot please keep recommending if you find more stuff on them) that you enjoyed and recommended my fics considering i just straight up had no clue where i was going: okay so top priority i want them to kiss —> but also with how things are nino would probably lash out (read: bite) —> ai would be hesitant but also is so desperate that she’d still accept it happily —> this will fuel ninos idea of ai being the perfect, invincible idol —> and then i ran and tried not to trip with the rest
your translations of the side stories and blog was probably what helped me get in to oshi no ko again because even though i am still not over ai being dead i can now listen to someone talk about how great and tragic and sad and miserable she was along with all the other characters so thank you again!
also that ask for ai/nino toxic yuri visions was me lol, thanks for talking about my fic despite how short it was <3, i might de-anon myself at some point but rn im too shy for that
woof, this got a bit long. anyways love wins fr, if there was ever a day where i participate in an onk shipping war it’ll be on the side of them
that said it does make me so happy every time I hear people saying my relentless oshi no posting stands out to them to the degree that it does lol. I guess I'm in a similar place as you where, as happy as I am for it, it does make me a little sad that it feels like there's such little fan interest in lengthy meta and discussion on Ai herself outside of some really banal, surface level stuff. To a degree, I get that with other characters having so much more time on the page and having ongoing arcs to speculate about, but Ai is sooooooooo fascinating to me and it really drives me insane how often I see people make zero effort to engage with her arc beyond her utilitarian function in the story. It also really bums me out how often I see her get reduced to just a stepping stone in the arcs of other characters — even though the manga is literally shaking you right now and begging you to understand and empathize with her more than ever, I straight up see people cheering and crowing about Ruby 'surpassing' her or 'becoming the true Ai' as if this is a good thing and they are not completely fucking missing the point lmao.
ANYWAY!!!! That's enough grumping because the actual point of this response was to say: the Ai posting will continue until I am physically forced to stop!!!! I have so many thoughts about my wife constantly and if I do not share them I will explode!!!
(ps anon pspspspsp if you are ever feeling brave enough to unanon pls feel free to just send me your discord or your socmeds off tumblr if that is less intimidating for u.... honestly that goes for all my oshi no moots in general Please Talk With Me In DMs About My Wife)
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blackthorn-legion-irl · 9 months
welcome to Team Mall Santas Save The World i guess.
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//picrew source link
yeah if angy's gonna make me dress up i'm at LEAST taking a photo of him being a mall santa too. and pixie's just vibing. (i swear if people just try and flirt with him. simon started as a joke and it's. actually kinda funny but---)
anyway. tl;dr i've gotta be on this job for a while. it's a long story, but i won't be online as much for... about a month if i'm guessing? i'll probably be on for least a bit every day, so i can get to messages and pings and stuff in okay time, but can't guarantee much else... probably will just queue some cute stuff when i see it.
so uh. yeah. stay safe out there, if you need anything that's not time-sensitive (or is something i can just run in the background) let me know, all that sorta thing.
//ooc under the cut
so this is an ic explanation for me not being around much for the next month. ooc i'm going on holiday and visiting my partner but blackthorn's aroace so get wrecked she has to dress as a reindeer B) i can post a more detailed ic explanation if asked, but since this is an overall explanatory post i want to make it also be viable for people who ignore multiversal stuff (pixie can easily just be her name and the wings dress-up so)
i'll probably be /technically/ online a lot more than she is, but not necessarily responsive. i don't know if tumblr says you're online if you have the tab open but haven't touched it in a bit, so if you need an answer to something more urgently feel free to drop me a dm on the main @demifiendcruithne since i'll be more likely to be checking in on there, or on discord if you got me
some preemptive approval for 'hey i talked to blackthorn and got this going' interactions, only request is that you do ping me in the post so i see it
basic talking to a friend about issues to try and work through it if there's no one around to or you'd rather not RP it with someone
basic hacking requests so long as they fit her ethics (for example, tracking down people causing Actual Trouble / who are lost, or getting dirt to blackmail the cops)
any hacking requests from the following people as we've interacted enough that they'd know if it fits, this includes 'hey could you help out my friend' even if i don't know said friend:
· · anyone involved in taskforce distortion (including pyrite and topaz even though they're not members just hang out in the chat)
· · any member of the pokemart household (ESPECIALLY if it involves rescuing nya)
· · sprite, indigo, kittsu (since we hung out. void and andrea OK too)
· · i am probably forgetting people and i am sorry about that. if you ask something and i'm like 'oh yeah i thought you were on the list' consider yourself on it
legion interactions: requesting things such as: homemade bread and soup, cooling pads, baby poochy pictures; dimensional travellers stopping by if they need somewhere to rest (this explicitly includes nya. yes you can mention hecking with simon)
probably more i'm overlooking, but - if it's not 'i need this immediately' then i should get to it within the day with an answer, and if it is urgent and within both ethics and capabilities then i'll be okay with it. magic anons are off for the duration; pelipper mail is still on though (sorry whoever sent the switcheroo one. i will get to it eventually...)
stay safe, happy whichever holidays you may celebrate, if you have to deal with heckers for relatives may someone blow an airhorn every time they say something stupid.
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sebdoeswords · 9 months
you rb something from my art account and mentioned some marina, and not to be nosy but who the hell is that
oh boy, strap in for a loooong story. I was gonna answer this privately because i just know she can sniff her name out in a crowd and will come for me, but I saved it as a draft and because tumblr is such a marvel of technology now there's no option to answer privately anymore so 🙃 Gonna put this under a cut. Fandom drama ahead.
Basically Marina is a a user who has been involved in a lot of fandom drama (that she keeps starting). She ships Roche with Ciri, and I assume she's a monoshipper (or whatever you call the opposite of multiship) because she can't get it into her head that other people ship different things. She insists that Ciri is the one true partner for Roche, and has been going around harassing people who ship Roche with other characters, mostly Iorveth, because that's the most popular pairing for him, but I've also gotten some flak for shipping him with Geralt. On the other side she goes around to people who ship Ciri with other characters as well, most prominently whenever people have wlw ships for her (Marina is homophobic, it's clear from some of the asks she sends).
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Lots of people are uncomfortable with Roche/Ciri (Or VernonCiri, as is the ship name she uses) because of the big age gap, and more specifically the fact that Ciri is only barely out of her teens (I've got some age gap ships myself, since that's just a thing that happens in a fandom with characters that reach supernaturally high ages, but where I get uncomfortable is when characters that aren't quite settled into adulthood are involved, and Ciri is shown throughout especially the third game to still be quite immature in a lot of aspects)
Anyway, this aversion some people show really grates on Marina, and she keeps insisting that people's refusal to ship something equals harassment and "throwing shit" at her ship, when really I've not seen many instances of people actually talking badly about her ship outside of trying to explain why they don't ship it.
Marina has a habit of stalking the tags of Roche and Ciri, as well as rorveth, cirys, vesiri, many of the ships she doesn't like, and then sending hate to the people who post things she doesn't like. I assume this is what happened on your art blog, since when i went down it and found the old ask she sent you, you'd posted a picture of Roche and Iorveth before that, and I think she just assumes it's ship art whenever those two are shown together, regardless of context. She'll often say things about ships not being canon (funnily enough neither is hers, but whatever), Roche or Ciri not being gay, or asking why X ship and not VernonCiri. She also keeps insisting that her ship is not pedophilia, which none of us ever claimed it was, so.
She's also sent explicit modded screenshots of her ships to people unprompted (and by explicit i mean nsfw), has taken credit for other people's mods, as well as plagiarised a friend of mine's edits by recreating the set of images exactly except with the models swapped out, with no mention of any "inspiration" or credit. Over on twitter she quote retweeted a fic summary i'd tweeted, copied the summary and swapped out the character names, then blocked me so I couldn't see, and when called out for it tried to claim that wasn't plagiarism and that I shouldn't take it so seriously.
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This whole thing got to the point my friend made a callout post because there was just so much harassment going on across so many different throwaway blogs, anon messages, and even different platforms. If you want to see everything she's done (or did up to the point that post was made) here's a masterpost with all the receipts.
I've left out a huge chunk of happenings, but if you wanna know more, or want to chat, feel free to DM me. Also sorry you got involved in all of this 💀
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hebimoonlightwrites · 2 years
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~~CURRENT EVENT----> ⭐𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭⭐
~🫧𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞🫧~
⋆You can call me Hebi, I'm 19 and I really love listening to music and writing.
⋆My personal blog is @hebimoonlight, so here I'll talk only about what I'm going to do with this blog. You only have to know that my DMs are always open. Feel free to text me anytime you want to :D
⋆My Instagram is: hebimoonlightwrites
⋆My Discord is: hebimoon
⋆My secret drawing box: leave me a drawing or message if you want to ^^♥
⋆I'll write about 𝗛𝘆𝗽𝗻𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗰, 𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭 and PΛЯΛDӨX ᄂIVΣ. I'm pretty interested in them!
⋆I'll update the masterlist step by step with links for each character
♥200 followers reached ♥
If you're interested in reading more, please, check these other writers' works out! They're amazing!♥
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I will accept requests like:
with any ship among the characters or between them and any OCs (please, NOT incest).
⋆You can request a maximum of 3 characters if you want headcanons or scenarios
⋆BUT only one or a ship if you want a story or one-shot.
!!!Please, give me a request in each message.. Don't send me a message containing more requests because I could easily getting confused with requests counting qwq♥ (I'm dumb, sweethearts haha)!!!
I will also write NSFW stories/scenarios, and post them with a warning message as an introduction. I will write also Yandere themes!!
In case you want to request a story with your OCs, please feel free to give me a detailed description of him/her/them in private.
⋆I will try to satisfy your expectations, so sorry if I don’t manage. It’s my first time as a writer here on Tumblr, so please help me improving and feel free to give me any advice!⋆
⋆Also, don't take my headcanons seriously, guys! They're only from my point of view. Anyway, feel free to share yours! I'm interested to know what people think about characters too!!⋆
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I will NOT accept requests with: 
-non-cons3nsu4l s3x
or this kind of things with minors (Jiro and Saburo, for example). 
⋆!!!!!Please, be respectful towards me and especially in comments and among you all. English is not my native language, so feel free to correct my mistakes :D Respect others’ tastes and spread joy and support here on my blog!!!!! ⋆
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⋆CREDITS for pics used in requests: I’ve edited every picture here using Picsart. Even if it’s clear, though, I DO NOT own any character here! All rights are reserved to the creators and owners!!! I DO NOT own any images either!
⋆ Twisted Wonderland (ENG): Official english website of Disney Twisted-Wonderland (disneytwistedwonderland.com)
⋆Twisted Wonderland (JAP): 【公式】ディズニー ツイステッドワンダーランド(ツイステ) (aniplex.co.jp)
⋆Paradox Live: Paradox Live Official Website
⋆Hypnosis Mic: 音楽原作キャラクターラッププロジェクト『ヒプノシスマイク』オフィシャルサイト (hypnosismic.com)
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~🫧𝐌𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬🫧~
⋆𝗛𝘆𝗽𝗻𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗰
⋆𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭
(If you don't see some characters there, then it doesn't mean I won't write about them.. It's just that nobody has already asked me to~ Feel free to ask me if I will write about any, though.. I will upload these masterlists step by step~)
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⋆ANON LIST⋆: if you want to be an anon in this blog, check it out!!⋆
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~🫧𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫.𝐚𝐢 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐬 𝐈 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝🫧~
Paralive BAE---->♥
Paralive Cozmez---->♥
Paralive AKYR---->♥
Paralive FEM!Iori Suiseki from AKYR---->♥
Paralive The Cat's Whiskers---->♥
Paralive FEM!Yohei Kanbayashi from The Cat's Whiskers---->♥
Paralive FEM!Ryu Natsume from The Cat's Whiskers---->♥
Paralive 獄Luck(Gokuluck)---->♥
Paralive FEM!Shion Kaida from 獄Luck(Gokuluck)---->♥
Paralive VISTY---->♥
Paralive 1Nm8---->♥
Paralive Amprule---->♥
Paralive 武雷管 (BURAIKAN)---->♥
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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katyspersonal · 1 year
People really have nothing better to do with their life? Unbelievable. They need to get a better hobby. Those last dm are really not necessary it’s so bad. They even dare to bring your friends in all of this mess. Take care, you deserve it.
I agree that the lengths they go through to try and kick someone out of the fandom are absurd, and yeah, I really do not understand what gets under their skin so hard that someone is still active in the fandom? I mean, Marble said "she tries to insert herself back into fandom by sending people nice asks :(((" which is honestly the most hilarious thing I've heard yet. Fandom is more than just their entitled toxic furry jerk-off circle! Who appointed HER to decide who "belongs" in the fandom and who doesn't? It is a free space!
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All in all, people like that don't care about what is "necessary". They have a lot of pent-up aggression and latch onto any justification to mistreat another human being. It is specific kind of western community leeches that can't care less about anyone's mental state, whether they're sorry or not, that will hold something you did year(s) ago against you for all eternity, that see resolving a problem with another person in "removing" them instead of offering any sort of healing, communication and patience. No one on this wretched Earth owes anyone anything, of course, but the worst part? They will treat those that DO try to help one they deemed worthy of mistreatment as a "traitor". Why are you helping the """bad""" guy to recover and reassume their place in the society? You are supposed to spend this time and energy on the """good""" guys who already have everything!
The best red flags for such people even before you ever got into a conflict with them is if they express unambiguous sadistic glee when they "pissed someone off" in a [insert a community], if the see making people angry as "accomplishment", and also if they go far just to spite someone who upset them. Normal human beings like me or you do not see any honour in causing negative emotions, and even if our enemies are seething deep down we think 'damn, we really had to be enemies?' instead of feeling """victorious""" somehow. You see 'sadistic glee' = you know this person will be unhinged if you become enemies, simple as that. Even fandomry activity can expose that sort of attitude!
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As for my friends... Again, I am as guilty about bringing them into the situation as my enemies are. I should not have mentioned the names in private convos ever. And in general, for the last part, you really should not feel all that bad for me... You see, I am an idiot. Despite my paranoid vibes never failing me, I still keep calming myself down and wrestling with my mind instead of trusting them, despite the fact that not even ONCE they failed me! Like... I just had a feeling that A. never forgave me despite her nice words, so why did not I fucking listen to my guts? I really want to act surprised that she saw an opportunity to get back at me when I already was staggered after lying about being "chill"?
Anyways, thank you for letting me talk about it (and other anon(s), too). If I continue getting this sort of attention, I might stop responding because if venting overstays its welcome it becomes COUNTER-productive, but just know that I appreciate the concern and common sense. And yeah, @ mutuals: again, if any of you feels unsafe publicly associating with me because of those people, you can inform me so I do not do asks/reblogs/comments and only talk in private. I am not a type of a guy that alters my behaviour because my enemies decide it for me, but when COOL people do not feel safe it WILL concern me.
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bravewolfvesperia · 8 months
respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
tagged by: @altosk tagging: @mistralxsoul, @ourvoids, @ervaurem if you haven't done this, @pclitesse if you do these!
ROLEPLAYER NAME: Shi (ShiShi is fine but I tend to go with Shi. if you're thinking Shinon from a ninth and tenth entry in a particular franchise, your brain is in the right place. namesakes and beloveds, friends)
MUSE NAME: Yuri Lowell (and assorted others on my Tales multimuse)
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: depends how often we talk. Tumblr DMs is easiest if we have brief conversation/plotting. Discord is preferred if we're starting to have regular conversations/lengthy conversations. I'm open to talking to people more though if they're interested, so if you do want to talk or gush about our muses or games, feel free to ask for my Discord! we don't have to already be talking a whole lot if you do want to move to Discord.
EXPERIENCE: I've been RPing for like, idk, as long as I can remember, but I started on Tumblr specifically around 2012. Before that it was things like ye wee old forums, messengers, etc. Tales experience is the same thing because I used to RP Tales on forums LOL.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: a mix of everything more or less. I like fluff and happy things mixed into angst, and if there's no room for happiness in a specific thread/situation, I like to have gentle/soft/emotional aspects littered around. I also try to just follow my muse's whims, so if anything suddenly spikes his rage meter, that's what we're goin' with folks.
(this isn't as scary as it looks I'm sorry LOL)
ignoring my rules and asking to ship with me when your character's name is not in my ship list (yes, this includes OCs. if OCs aren't mentioned it's very likely because my muse has a very specific romantic inclination and chemistry won't trump that the muse is already leaning toward someone/other people by default. should be obvious but I literally recently on another blog had someone completely ignore that muse's ship list and still send me an anon to ask to ship with me (and the whole thing was indicative that they only wanted to write with me to ship and didn't really see my muse as their own muse but just as another tool in the shed). my ship list tends to be very tiny for any muse and I prefer it that way anyway because it wards off the idea that people are only writing with me to ship. I love shipping with certain pairs, but I don't write explicitly for that and am much more comfortable with the idea that people aren't following me to ship with me/going into things assuming they will be able to convince me into it when they would have presumably read my rules and know their character is not on that list. again, as in my rules, one-sided your-muse-likes-mine is totally fine - just don't get mad when it remains one-sided because you were warned. if your muse is on the list (for any of my muses), yes, it means I'm open to discussing it/writing it./being receptive of it.
disrespecting other writers plain for everyone to see on their dashboards. this includes saying vague shit like "there are no good (character name) muses out there". that is very much not the same as "there are no writers for this character/I can't find any of this character". that's a very intentional dig at certain character writers and implies they're not good enough for you because nobody writes that character the way you want them to (versus simply expressing a desire to write with a certain character but not finding anyone who writes them).
using my muse as a blank slate who is just a base directly off the game you probably played if you're here. if any of you have paid attention to my threads with a specific Flynn (hi Natty!), you are probably aware my muse is heavily influenced by canon side material. that stuff is a core part of my muse. my muse is not just a rip taken right out of game-only canon. the more I write, the more formed he becomes as his own individual muse. if you cannot respect that and will consider it "ooc" for my muse not to be a blank slate direct rip from canon every time I write with a new muse, that's a hard dealbreaker. (on that above note, for any Flynn writers who are unfamiliar with the canon side material that Flynn is a primary part of (i.e. very directly relative to things that affect my muse), I do not hold that against you and am completely willing to work things out with you! that shit is hard to find and is JP media only. there's a slew of side content for Vesperia that the west never got so I know many if not most people won't even know a lot of it exists)
PLOTS OR MEMES: I do both, but I'm more likely to be able to work out plots with characters either in my muse's canon(s) or muses from other Tales games ("canons" is things such as canon side material, Tales gachas Yuri is in, etc). if I don't know your character well (canon or OC), memes tend to work better. I find it difficult to plot specific things out when I don't know a particular series well or at all. that said, I'll write with people who know my character and are okay with using one of his verses even if I don't know your character/series. I love memes for writing, but I will definitely struggle to actually plot if I don't know the franchise. I also love randomly sent memes just for the sake of writing things!
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: long. short for me is like three paragraphs and I just physically can't find myself doing less. things like one-liners might pop up in dash commentary and such, but for actual threads, I write long replies because that's what comes to me. sometimes motivation really hits me with muses my muse feels close to and you might end up with a ten+ paragraph reply, so uhhh... sorry about that in advance (and my paragraphs can get bulky so doubly sorry in advance!). typically this stuff happens in more emotion-driven threads though.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: NIGHT! NIGHT! NIGHT! I'm a night owl in general, but my writing energy tends to go yeehaw on me at night.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: uhhhh uh uh for legal reasons i probably should not answer that. :)
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Can you talk more about why you like 2nd person POV?
How do you read it without arguing with the author about what happens? Like, "Even though you don't kniw him, you smile at him." Excuse me, author, I've never smiled at a stranger in my life. I know there's supposed to be suspension of disbelief, but when the author uses 2nd person, isn't the whole conceit that they're telling me what I did?
Well, because, and this might seem like a wild stretch, I'm capable of distinguishing fiction from reality and I understand that the author is not speaking to me, M Utilitycaster, M.Sc., first of her name; but to a role that I as the reader shall assume for the duration of this book. It's no different from the fact that I know, for example, that Middle Earth isn't real, but Lord of the Rings is presented as a history, and Quenya is presented as a real language from that world, and that's part of the conceit. Like yeah, there is supposed to be suspension of disbelief; so why should I stop suspending my disbelief just because it's not asking me to imagine the map and the history of the world are different than they are in reality, but rather that I am different?
Also you are on anon and I don't know how you came upon this post but if you follow this blog for its primary focus...how is this any different than making a D&D character and the DM saying "you come upon a broken bridge that looks over a deep canyon, shrouded in mist. It is gray and rainy"?
Major spoilers for two series I love dearly (Locked Tomb, The Broken Earth) and would hate to spoil for others below a cut since those have really good illustrative examples, but in summary: much as the choice to use first person should be about viewing a story from a particular perspective; second person should be about who is telling the story, and who their audience is. It can definitely be poorly executed, as can anything, but good use of the second person is supposed to make the reader perhaps feel a little on edge or disoriented. [also: if you've read one of these books but not the other feel free to ask me for the one you don't mind me spoiling].
If you don't want to get spoiled but do want an example, I mentioned Bright Lights, Big City, which I'm happy to spoil because it came out in like the mid-80s. Anyway the "you" of that story is a young, professional, and fairly privileged man going on a full 1980s bender (there is a lot of cocaine involved), and it's revealed that it's because his wife recently left him, and then it's revealed that his mother died a year ago and he hasn't really grappled with it and his relationship was mostly at his mother's behest. It's someone going through a lot of turmoil and taking a lot of drugs and the "you" of it makes it feel very alone and somewhat distant, almost as if he is watching himself do all of this without feeling it. It's a very deliberate choice and it would not be as notable a book without it.
So for the examples in question:
The Locked Tomb's second book, Harrow the Ninth, is in second person. This is ultimately revealed as the story having been told by Gideon, protagonist of the previous book, whose soul is alive within Harrow and partitioned away [long story, not the point]. It serves a secondary purpose of creating this somewhat dissociative feeling for Harrow (since the reader knows 'you' refers to Harrow), who is experiencing physical illness, unreality, and hallucinations throughout the story: "you" are Harrow, but Harrow doesn't really feel like "I" right now.
In the Broken Earth trilogy, there are sections in second person throughout; there are a few different timelines and character POVs that converge and one is consistently in second person. It is revealed at the very end that the story is being told to the newly awoken reincarnation [kind of, anyway...long story, not the point] of the character who is referred to as "you" in the novels, by someone who knew her in her previous life, who is trying to remind her of who she was. It's also a fairly intense series of novels and I do find that "you" puts the reader into the action in a visceral way that "I" or 3rd person would not.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Hi again. I’m here with another Bandō request because I just can’t not. How do you think he would deal with a s/o who has terrible muscle cramps (dystonia) all over their body? It’s something that can happen at any point in time and most often affects their speech. Another thing that often happens is that they need to be helped out of bed (or sometimes chair) by their parents and they don’t especially like asking for help but they can’t always find any other way of escaping their situation so they have to and yet sometimes the parents are annoyed by that fact. They also don’t have much energy and think it’s annoying because they do like going out and doing things, it just takes a lot out of them because of their cramps and lack of energy. I hope it’s an okay request. I totally understand if it’s too much or too specific. Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day ahead.
I’d also like to ask you something else. If I’m not allowed to add it to the ask I’m sorry and I’ll ask again once the event is over. You seem like a kind person and are into two series that I really love so I was wondering whether I could DM you and talk to you (off anon of course). I saw you mention in a post that people can do that if they have different opinions on character interpretations but I don’t and I’m not sure to what extent you’d be alright if someone who just started following you messaged you so I thought I’d ask.
Okay, first off, this is definitely not too much and it’s hyperspecific in all the right ways, actually. I know I don’t often talk about myself or my life on here but as part of the my college courses, we had to do a lot of medical training so this is all shit that I know and love. So your request, where it hit on a disease that I am familiar with, actually makes me so happy! This is my shit! I hope the headcanons will do it justice, though I tried to focus them less on the disease (because anyone living with any kind of medical condition knows that sometimes...it's like they're only the medical condition and nothing more) and more on the impact it has on the relationship between Bandou and his partner.
Also, to answer your second part…UM, YES PLEASE! Seriously, I am so flattered that you want to talk to me and I absolutely love getting to know all my readers, whether they follow me or not, whether they’re new or old…one of the best parts of fandom and of running this blog is the amazing readers I have and getting to know them! Please feel free to message me, not just this anon, but any of you! It doesn’t even need to be for anything specific; all of you guys can legitimately reach out to me at any point to talk about anything and I will do my best to be there for you, though I can be a bit slow in responses as those who do talk to me know, just because I juggle responding around other things! Anyway, onto the headcanons!
Okay, so just in how your ask reads, it sounds like the reader doesn’t really ask for much help, so I’m running on an assumption here that she doesn’t outright tell Bandou about her condition right away, not when they first start dating. And I can see him really caring about her and being really into her, so he’s going to try to be nice and present himself at his best, but it does sometimes annoy him at first because she is slower and she can’t get out and do as much as he’d like to do with her and it’s like she doesn’t have the energy to really keep up with him as much as he’d like her too. And even while he’s trying to be understanding on his best behaviour, I could see him sometimes being insensitive or rude at first out of ignorance and frustration. He’d definitely feel bad about hurting her feelings but sometimes his frustration would just get to be a little too much and he’d sort of lash out or put his foot in his mouth.
She would need to let him in on what is going on with her body and the fact that she does have a medical condition that causes a lot of the things that frustrate him. Once she does let him know, he will feel like a huge asshole because of everything he said or did and the way he acted and he’ll get really standoffish for a couple days because like, he’s not good at handling his feelings so she would have to make some efforts to let him know that it’s okay and that she understands his feelings and doesn’t blame him and she isn’t angry with him.
Again, much like the period ask, Google is going to be this boy’s best friend because he does care about his partner, and he wants to actually know and understand what is going on with them. He’ll spend whole night’s up just searching for information on the condition, on how it can affect them, on what can cause it, on whether it can be cured and once he learns that it can’t, whether it can be managed and how. He’s going to be sending text after text asking them if they’ve tried the botulinum injections, if they take any of the medications to target neurotransmitters that he’s been reading does help, if they have to go to physical therapy, speech therapy, if there’s any special stretches or massages they are supposed to be doing. He’ll honestly go a little overboard, but he really does come from a good place and just wants to understand what they’re working with and how he can help.
If they do get the injections, he’ll want to be at the appointments with them. If they take the medications, he’ll be doing research on the side effects so he can be perfectly prepared to help with them. If they go to speech therapy, he’ll want to go with them (though he’s not allowed in because he generally glares and looks like a thug and he scares their speech therapist and the same goes for physical therapy, where he will plain out try to fight their physical therapist if it looks like the therapist is causing his partner pain and might even try to ask for help from the other HOMRA members to like...burn that particular physical therapist's office to the ground because the fucker obviously shouldn't be in business). And you are goddamn right he’s going to be first in line to offer to rub them down or stretch them out, especially if there’s any opportunity that those will lead them down a far naughtier road.
Honestly, Bandou almost NEEDS to be relied on by his partner. He wants to be someone they’ll ask for help; he wants to be someone they believe can take good care of them. He needs to be someone they trust and if they don’t learn to ask for help, at least from him, that could be a huge contentious point in their relationship because it will seem, in his mind and because of his self-esteem issues, like they’re thinking that he’s not reliable enough or strong enough or man enough to take care of them properly or that they don’t trust him to do so.
He will definitely not get along with their parents. Yeah, he might originally have wanted to get in good with his partner’s parents but the first sign of annoyance on their part with his partner?? He’s got a sharp tongue and they found that out quick and honestly, he would have been down to throw some hands at his partner’s parents if his partner would have just let him…yes, he’s still pouting about that.
He’ll still occasionally get frustrated at his partner’s limitations but it’s not that he’s angry at them so much as he’s angry that they got saddled with this condition, with this burden and he doesn’t know how to handle that properly so he can take it out sometimes on his partner without meaning to, but he’ll slowly get better at apologizing for his moments, at least in his own little ways. And god fucking forbid that anyone else make even the slightest off comment about his partner or the effects that their condition has on their energy, their movements, or especially their speech because….let’s just say that Bandou is part of HOMRA for a reason and he didn’t get to where he is inside HOMRA for no reason.
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pkmnnursecass · 10 months
Hey there Rotomblr! I saw some of my coworkers talking about this app, so I decided to try it out! Name’s Cassidy, but you can call me Cass! I’m a big fan of She/Her pronouns, so use those for me if you'd please! I’m an aide down at that new Pokémon Center in Freezington, Galar. Nice to meet everyone!
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Here’s my Trainer Card and a pic of me! Hope you can see them- I still have no idea how this site works lmao
Anyway, I'm from Castelia City in Unova! I spent a few years studying abroad in Kalos, and now I'm working in the Crown Tundra at the new Center they set up! I loooove astrology, cooking (especially curry), reading, movies and cardgames!!! I still don’t know a lot about Pokémon, but I’m good at taking care of them! I hope so, anyway. Lemme talk a little bit about my own!
Valentine - Ribombee: my first partner! I caught her when my family was vacationing in Alola way back. She's soooo adorable, and helps me out at the Center a ton!!
Chime - Chingling: my second Pokémon! I found him while studying in Kalos. He's more like emotional support for me, honestly. He's just as cute as Val!
Chansey: I got her from my employer (which I guess is the region???? Idk). She's very cool, and I think we work well together!
Lumi - Metang: Lumi was given to me by a friend in Kalos! They don't understand Galarian very well...and I'm no good at Kalosian...but I think they like it up here!! And they help out a lot!!!
Cheri - Spritzee: My newest team member!!! I caught her in Hammerlocke during my vacation (it keeps happening lol) She's super sweet!!!
That’s all for now! I can share my dreams and aspirations later, lol. Feel free to talk to me about anything- Pokémon, life, good recipes, movie recs, card games…like I said, anything!!!! It’s real lonely up here in the tundra, so any interaction is welcome!
Ciao! 🩷
(OOC stuff under the cut \/)
Update 1/7/24: Decided to update this, to offer more information and just generally be less cluttered! Also got rid of Cass' middle name, because that was lame and I forgot about it
Howdy! This is a Pokemon IRL Blog run by @skrelpson. As such, there's a major unreality warning for all of it! This blog runs off of mainly game/anime canon, with a sprinkle of headcanons throughout! Maybe I'll talk more about that later. idk!
Rules .。.:*☆:
No NSFW! If you send any asks in that nature, you'll be blocked.
Magic Anons are off! They'll probably stay off, too. Just not comfy with that...yknow yknow
Pelipper Mail is on...ish! You can send things in, but please nothing like surprise gift Pokemon. Cass isn't equipped to deal with that right now! I will just ignore any mail that doesn't really jive with what's going on.
This is a low stakes blog! Cass might get into minor events, but for the most part it's just chill vibes in the tundra.
Speaking of, if you'd ever want to include me in some sort of RP (again, mainly low-stakes!), feel free to DM me! Just like specify what's going on. My writing RP skills are kinda rusty, but I can make it work! :]
Sapient Pokemon and the like can interact!
Basic DNI critera- Transphobes, racists, anti-seminists...etcetera...
In general, I'm not a very outgoing person. I gotta work up a lotta courage to try and talk to people! Especially people I don't know! And it might take me time to respond to a reblog, message, etc...it doesn't mean I don't want to interact! I'm just terrified of being online :p
Any ask game I reblog will be permanently open!!! Feel free to send in asks for any of them. Since that sounds a little daunting, here's a list of all the ones I've reblogged! Just PLEASE please please please include the question and not just the emoji...PLEASE
(I'll update this like...once every other month or something)
Find Out the Little Things!
Press A to Interact (This one doesn't really have a name? Ack sorry)
Roto Leak!
Pokéblr Ask Game
Curry Ingredient Ask Game
Assign a Pokémon Ability
Favorite Pokémon for Each Type
Sharing Story Aspects You're Excited For (I would label this one Pen(ny) for your thoughts if I wasn't a coward)
The ID was made using Pokecharm’s legacy Trainer Card Maker
The Picrew can be found here: [Link]
The Lime Water Saga - a joke arc about Cass putting too many lime slices in her water bottle. Can be found under #lime water saga
Vocational Vacation - Cass tours Galar! She visits landmarks, takes pictures of ponies, and doesn't see the northern lights. Found under #vocational vacation arc
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