#anyway. I'm gonna go play some minecraft
neverendingford · 5 months
#tag talk#the whole “egg prime directive” thing is so dumb. like.. yeah sure if you go “hey you're trans” then yeah you're dumb#but like. you can encourage people to explore and interrogate gendered life experience without being an idiot and assuming gender experience#the prime directive shit gets read as “protect questioning eggs” or whatever when imo it should get read as#read as “don't assume someone's gender journey is the same as your own (you dumb idiot)”#anyway I think this is why I've really avoided explicitly queer spaces online. tangentially? sure I love that shit#but the amount of blind shortsighted people making assumptions. ughhhhh#I always have to remind myself to keep it specifically hating what people do not what they are because it's easy to just drop into#drop into being like “ugh those dumb trans people” when I'm literally one of those dumb trans people. but like. idk.#every time I go on trans reddit I regret it because I just leave five minutes later like “wow everyone is stupid and I hate them”#genderqueer struggle when everyone is like “being trans is about these five things” but you don't match because you're a separate individual#and it's like ahh cool thanks for defining the transgender experience in such a way that it marginalizes trans people.#this will have no negative consequences whatsoever#sorry I'm really mad I just finished an argument with someone and made the mistake about caring about an online argument#sometimes people need encouragement to break out of their gender restrictions. sometimes you can be the one to validate someone's questions#done just stand back and watch someone struggle and say “oh it's for the best if we don't interfere”#anyway. I'm gonna go play some minecraft
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Anybody know how to request updates on wikipedia pages? Like, the real-life pages, not the fandom ones.
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judasgot-it · 10 months
Hellooooooo! I would like to request, how do you think hunting dogs would be when they play Minecraft with their s/o🤭
I have so many asks in my inbox so I'm now getting to them. Also, minecraft time babyyyyyyyyyyy
Headcanons: playing minecraft with the hunting dogs
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He can't really play along with you since it's point-and-click, so sometimes he'll partake in listening in on your Minecraft sessions that you play with everyone else
He gives unnecessary advice and will insist on killing any mob you spot. Even the sheep :(
Jouno also named all of your dogs. He was heartbroken when Teruko killed one on accident and demanded retribution
You give him a play-by-play of the shenanigans that go on in the community server. He tries to get you to kill Tecchou and if you're playing during work hours he'll mess with Tecchou or Tachihara occasionally.
You built a house for the two of you in game. There's a homemade torture chamber inside just so he can enjoy the sounds of pistons and villagers being pushed into lava.
It's constantly being repaired due to Teruko's griefing
For the most part he does his own thing and adds commentary. Does cuddle with you when it's a more chill game.
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You are the classic "builder vs. Miner" couple
He collects flowers for the two of you and gets distracted a lot
Insists on building iron golems for villages and fighting pillagers
You will get distracted EASILY with this guy
He won't play easy mode with him he has to do it hard mode. He needs the challenge
Tames every dog he sees and is sad when he loses one
Treats them like they're your kids
Your house is overrun with them. Stop him please.
They're all named after foods.
His builds aren't aesthetic, definitely a dirt hut kind of man. He'll mine diamonds for you though
If you're a miner then good luck
You'll have a beautiful dirt hut. Or a pretty cave ♡
Probably beat the game in like 3 minutes and is now just fucking around
Has no idea how potions and enchantment work tho. You need to build that shit for him, since he probably has more levels than you and can enchant all your stuff.
Dude is just gonna use some random iron sword he found in a villager's chest anyway. He cares about providing for you more than himself.
Rip to whoever he robs. Probably local villages. He lives like he's homeless. Probably is.
Most likely he would just live in an old desert temple or village if it weren't for you
Also insists on riding a horse everywhere. Doesn't matter if there's a faster method. He wants to be a cowboy ○]:)
Loves the Minecraft farmer life
The one building he does have is a stable. His horses deserve the best life. He doesn't even have a bed most of the time.
Will gift you all of his goods tho. Anything you want? He'll get it. Only the best. Man will go to the ends of the blocked earth to get you a mushroom cow if you want. He's that guy.
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Redstone god
Literally will automate the whole game
Find him a dungeon and BAM automated
Don't try and test him, he's just good
But he's hopeless in the beginning, he runs away screaming and crying from creepers
Protect him
After you beat the game and go to the ender he is PROVIDING
Literally, don't let him go mining he will die 30 different ways
If you do at least protect him. Seriously.
He will most likely die from a creeper. they are his mortal enemy. Creepers? Awwwwwww man.
But do let him build. He's just a natural genius
Probably builds like the notre dame in a day
you guys have the cutest house. builds you whatever you want, wherever you want.
Puts your beds next to each other and is like :3
Cries over creepers tho. They destroy his builds all the time. He loves his Minecraft cats and names them after his friends ♡
Has a dog named after you. He's sentimental like that
He built half of the buildings everyone uses. Is at war with everyone else since they keep letting mobs destroy them
And then has the audacity to cry about phantoms attacking him even when he has OP armor.
When he's building you need to be there other wise he'll 100% die from fall damage probs. He just always does.
Getting materials with him is great, you find the best spots for your Minecraft dates
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She's the worst
Literally has nothing
She will just keep getting flint and steel and burning shit
or finding TNT and blowing up random shit
With nothing she will keep fighting whatever she can
Lives off of raw meat and villager farms
Please keep her alive
If it's a community server she is a serial griefer
Seriously someone stop her
She relies on everyone's leftover stuff from their mining trips
Will follow you when you go down and demand a 50/50 split
Does protect you from mobs tho
Best person to take to the nether for some reason. She's just immune to fall damage and lava.
Will always luck out and find exactly what you're looking for.
She will never destroy Tachiharas Redstone farms. But will destroy his house. They are at war rn
She declared war on everyone and took over several villages. She's trying to establish a tax system
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Played for like 3 days
Has a house that's abandoned
Teruko lives there sometimes
Tachihara put up a poster of two guys kissing right by his house and no one has taken it down
Fukuchi doesn't even know the chaos his Minecraft home causes on the daily
There's now a giant dick-building contest right next to it and no one wants to admit a loss.
It builds morale
everyone plays when he's gone on some special meeting. It's unspoken.
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theminecraftbee · 5 months
On the subject of modpack recommendations, I made a custom one for myself a little while ago and i've been playing it nonstop since.
It's very chill, and lighter on the mods so my silly little laptop can run it without crashing. I put it together cause most modpacks are so complex and overwelming to my lil brain. I've found it a good mix of still feeling like minecraft, but having the benefits of the 'more' from the mods.
The lineup is: Create, Farmer's Delight, Sophisticated Backpacks, Waystones, Comforts (the sleeping bag mod), an animals mod called Naturalist, Xaero's Minimap/Worldmap, Decorative Blocks, Macaw's Doors/Trapdoors/Lights & Lamps/Bridges/Paintings for some more decor options, and Simple Hats (I wanted to wear a fox hat on my head. sue me). There's a few basic quality of life mods too, like AppleSkin and JEI, and some compatability add on mods for Create and the waystones to the maps, but that's it.
It's worked really well so far, and i haven't crashed at all-- though i have fallen victim to the massive sinkhole in the neighboring savannah I've been using as my strip mine and tree farm. I put keep inventory on, it's fiiiinnnneeeee-- I never like having stakes for death anyway, makes it too stressful. Let me throw myself from build height to bedrock without having to do the walk of shame for my stuff--
My game chugs a touch with Create, but all I had to do was turn down my graphics and be VERY careful to not dump out thousands of entities at once But that's just Create, really
oh, this can be a really great approach to playing modded too, especially if you personally know what mods you like and don't care about stuff like recipe compatibility! the main advantage of a 'true' modpack is normally that the good ones balance the recipes of the different mods to each other, and also i really prefer modpacks personally that have quest systems. but if your goal is to "play with mods" mostly, or, say, like you, you have a computer that can't handle heavier modpacks, or you just wanat a few things you like, this is a path that is DEFINITELY an option for a chill modpack!
i will say for those new to modded, here are some mods i recommend everyone include of the QOL variety, even if they're otherwise not doing many mods:
some variety of mimimap; xaero's is the one i'm most familiar with but choose your favorite.
if that minimap doesn't come with waypoints for some reason, get yourself a mod that adds waypoints.
quark. i never play modded minecraft without quark, if only for the rotation lock feature alone (never worry about which direction you're facing while placing a block again). you can go through quark's website to decide which features you'll enable and disable, and this is possible to do through an in-game gui, so even people who don't want to touch .json files can easily configure what quark features they do and don't use! it just adds... so many little qol things.
appleskin. this just makes the food bar more useful and shows you saturation. i don't know why vanilla doesn't do this.
jei (just enough items). you will ALWAYS WANT JEI WHILE PLAYING MODDED I CANNOT EXPRESS ENOUGH HOW HANDY THIS IS. a searchable list of every item in the game, which you can click on in order to see their recipes, and even automatically transfer items from your inventory to a crafting grid for that recipe! it's in every modpack ever for a reason! the larger the modpack, the more you're gonna want this!
a performance mod. personally i'd recommend not using optifine, as optifine is a mod a lot of other mods note break them, but if your particular pack is optifine compatible, go for it! most packs i've seen go with either sodium on fabric or rubidium on forge, but there are also other options! i'd just include at least one.
any other convenience you've ever had in another modpack that you want! personally, i need something like tom's simple storage network, drawers, or both to want to play a given modpack, because i get sad without storage, but maybe you only want to play packs with a variety of crops! maybe you think sophisticated backpacks or sophisticated storage are a requirement in your mind! maybe supplementaries or other decorative mods are a requirement to you! the world is your oyster! add whatever of those!
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bivwifeybunny · 5 months
I here by request Foolish fluff that can allude to smut!
Maybe reader has a headache and Foolish ends stream early to comfort her and she starts feeling better and then things lead into the bedroom..
(Also may I have permission to write the smut part? Like you put out the fluff and then I give the part 2 that’s smut 👀)
My Special Girl
Pairing(s): Foolish x reader
Warning(s): Cursing, alluded smut (actual smut in the part 2 hehehe 🤭), mostly just fluff tho
A/N: RAHHH I'm finally posting a fic after.... uhhh idk but a LONG time. haha... yeah sorry about that. but HEY it's a foolish fic and that's something new. shrimpy here convinced me to start writing for him (it wasn't hard since i cant say no to shrimpy lmao) but yeah, this is a little collab I did with her. so as said in the ask, she wrote part 2 with the actual smut. I loved writing this and working with her honestly. she helped with a couple questions I had and was really patient with me (i took 11 days to finish this lol rip) so would def do again. also my first collab? im so excited for y'all to read this. anyways this is getting long, enjoy and the link for part two is at the end.
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You already felt it coming on. The tension building behind your eyes and the strain forming at your temples. But you’d be cruel to deny him when he looked at you with that cute pout. So you walked off, popped an ibuprofen and came back, sitting next to him as you watched him play some Minecraft.
However, the ibuprofen was definitely not enough. Thanks to his bright ass lights, the less than cozy screaming and yelling, and the eye strain from staring at the monitors, your headache began to worsen.
“I thought Minecraft was supposed to be a relaxing game.” You groaned, eyes squinted as you struggled to keep up with the pvp he was doing.
“Maybe it could be, if Richarlyson wasn’t being such a little bITCH!” Foolish screamed, resulting in another wince from you. His fingers darted around, clicking away as he chased after the little pixelated egg.
And then came the barking.
The back and forth, screaming, barking, with the added touch of his way too bright lights and the blue light from the monitors made you groan again. You leaned your head down, your hand covering your eyes, trying to find some relief. He was so excited to show you his progress on the titan, and you promised you’d at least stay long enough to see it, but you weren’t sure how much longer you could take this.
Luckily though, most of the screaming and barking stopped when Richas made a strategic retreat and teleported away. So you were able to look back at the monitor when he called your name.
“Okay, finally. Alright, alright, look.” Foolish grinned as he warped over to his titan build and began to glide over to it. “Now, I’m obviously not completely done but I’m so close, and I only really have- No, no, nO, NO!” He whined as a creeper dropped down next to him and exploded, ruining a part of the hand.
And unfortunately for you, that note struck the wrong cord and the pounding in your head grew past your limit. “Foolish, I’m gonna go lay down, okay?” You whispered, not only because of the throbbing in your head but also so his chat wouldn’t hear. You hurried off screen, heading back into his bedroom and crawling into bed after ensuring all the lights were off. You tossed the blankets over your head and buried your face into the cool pillow, hoping it’d ease the pain.
Meanwhile, as soon as you left, the doozers were all spamming things like “what happened to ___?”, “i dont think they were feeling well”, “they had their head down earlier”, “are they okay?” and so on.
Foolish, however, didn’t even glance at chat as he hurried off of Minecraft. “I think I’m gonna call it a day, guys. Sorry this was a shorter stream than usual.” He apologized for his 3 hour stream before quickly ending.
As soon as he was sure he ended, he rushed over to his room. He frowned at the dark room and the faint outline of your body curled up under the blankets. “Baby?” He called out quietly, climbing onto the bed next to you. He leaned over, propped up on his elbow and gently drew back the blankets. “What’s wrong?”
“Head hurts.” You muttered, eyes still shut tightly, jaw clenched.
“Aw, I’m sorry, honey.” He whispered softly, turning you to face him before rubbing his thumbs over your eyebrows, a silent instruction to relax from your tense position. “Should’ve told me. I wouldn’t have asked you to come on stream if I’d known you weren’t feeling good. Did you take anything to help it?”
“Just ibuprofen but’s not working.” You answered, leaning into his touch with a soft sigh, making him smile.
“Well, here. Why don't we try a bit of this?” Foolish mumbled, pulling you on top of him. “Where does it hurt?” He asked, to which you muttered, “My temples ‘nd behind my eyes,” snuggling into his warmth. He nodded, moving his hands to your head and beginning to massage your temples gently, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You sighed in relief, relaxing your stiff position even more as he rubbed away all the tension, humming in a soothing, soft tone. You stayed like that for a while, letting Foolish work his magic while you cuddled him close.
After a little while he kissed your head again and moved his hands away, hugging you instead. “Feel any better?”
“Good.” He smiled softly. “And I hope you know I’m going to absolutely clowned on by chat tomorrow and it’s all your fault.” He teased with a playful smirk.
“I say it’s worth it. They already get to spend way too much time with you as is. It’s about time I stole you away from them for a little while.” You laughed, lifting your head to look up at him before smirking. “But if you really want me to make it up to you, I have an idea in mind I’m sure you’d like.”
“Oh ho ho ho.” Foolish giggled excitedly, meeting you halfway when you leaned up to kiss him. “Don’t mind if I do…” He smirked into the kiss, flipping you over. “But since my baby was hurting, why don’t you let me take care of you?”
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Part 2 :D by @mentallyillcrustacean
Taglist: @jordyncandy @foxilia @lacunaanonymoused @remiwastaken
Foolish taglist: none yet :)
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mynameisnotsoda · 5 months
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I'm probably gonna be yelling into the void but here's my refs of my favorite burs !!!! I would say bursonas but one of them is literally just my au,,,, can you tell which one it is,,
Anyway here's some hcs and stuff it's gonna be a long post LMAO I'm just copying all this stuff from Instagram cause I practically live on that shit ass app
He LOVES Hatsune Miku.. like LOVE LOVES HER. He owns so much fuckin merch it's actually insane. But he has never once in his life listened to vocaloid and probably never will. Hes just in love with Miku LMAO
He's aromantic bc I said so !!!!! But he doesn't know that, he hasn't really figured it out and he confuses his obsession with love.
Him and Jared actually used to be friends back when they were like middle schoolers. But then Jared got "hot and cool" and he kinda drifted away from Simp. Mostly cause Simp was SO FUCKING JEALOUS!!!!! and it was obvious too. Imagine how devastated he was when egirl started dating his old friend lmaooo what a loser
Him and e-girl started dating when they were 17, both of them were in pretty bad places in their lives so they just,,, clung onto each other. Both of them were codependent but Simp was significantly worse with his codependency. Adrianne (my name for e-girl) was the one who broke it off when they were both in their early 20s
His stupid little cat beanie is his comfort item !!!! He wears it ALL THE TIME and hates having to take it off, although he would never go out in public with it. He's got some issues with presenting the way he wants to in public so he literally just goes out in his work uniform regardless if he's working or not
Grabs him and aggressively shakes him around !!! Hes autistic (I'm autistic I can give him the tism) his special interests are anime and video games :33
He's definitely not cishet but he tries SOOO hard to present as such (shout-out to @starrixle for that hc ive adopted it for my version of simp)
He's bi but heavily in denial like DEEP DEEP in denial
He HATES being tall !!! He wishes he was shorter because his height makes him stand out a lot and that's the LAST thing he wants
He prays literally every night before bed. Mostly asking for forgiveness (which he shouldnt have to ask for) because he thinks he's a horrible person just for being himself
He CLINGS onto Charlie, they're not like super close friends or anything but he LOVES Charlie. He looks up to Charlie a lot and WISHES he had his confidence and sense of self :')
He doesn't like Tommy, he thinks Tommy's too loud and disrespectful and hates how much attention he attracts. So he tends to just avoid him even if they're in the same classes
He absolutely regrets smoking with Bill and Ranboo but he also feels INCREDIBLY GUILTY for wanting to do it again (because he actually had fun and was able to relax for a moment)
He LOVES emo rock, indie, modern rock and other similar genres. His parents are really strict so he has to listen to his music in secret and ALWAYS has his earbuds on him, its a comfort item too. His three favorite bands are MCR, Ghost and Radiohead :]
The only game he was ever allowed to play was and still is Minecraft. He LOVES Minecraft but at the same time he desperately wishes to be able to play other games
He fucking LOVES GOING TO PUBLIC SCHOOL !!!!! he used to be in a Christian school but it gave him so much anxiety he was physically ill every single day and he just couldn't take it anymore!!!! To his surprise his parents actually agreed to let him go to public school during his sophomore year and he's been there ever since (now hes a senior)
Charlie is really his only friend, he's tried talking to other kids but he's horribly awkward and socially inept. Charlie basically adopted him and takes care of him like a brother !!!! Even if they're not super close Charlie's always looking out for him and tries to include him with his friends even tho Stu declines most the time :((
Keith Smith
HIS WIFE LEFT HIM AND TOOK THE KIDS TOO 😭😭😭 he's still trying to find her but he's slowly losing hope and he's really considering just giving up
He's basically the "king" of the end, even though he's not actually the ruler, it was his wife. But since she's GONE he basically had to take her place, until he finds a new wife or convinces her to come back if he ever found her (the end is a matriarchy)
He's kind of insufferable why do you think his wife left him
He has two kids, Lune (pronounced like loon) and Sunny. He LOVES his kids and is actually a really great dad despite being kind of an ass and fucking annoying. He misses them a lot and it breaks his heart that he might not be able to see them ever again
Dr. Malpractice
He's a geneticist specifically experimenting with mob/human hybrids.
His experiments are NOT ETHICAL AT ALL!!! He does whatever tf he wants whenever he wants. His only healthy, surviving test subjects are Phil (enderman), Tommy (spider), Charlie (creeper) and Quackity (duck). (He also experiments on my sona,, that I added for funsies,, but they weren't created by him he just happened to find them one day more on that later)
He's actually trying to make humans more powerful in a way, because they're the weakest humanoid species of them all. He wants to "save" humanity from their own biological inferiority and doesn't care how long it takes or how much damage he causes to others so long as he reaches his goal. Because he's fucking delusional and thinks he's doing something good
He even experimented on his kid, Fundy, and he didn't make it. He has a,,, complicated relationship with what happened to Fundy. On one hand the guilt eats away at him constantly, on the other he brushes it off as just another failed experiment since in the long run,, the ends justify the means in his mind
So far his deceased test subjects include Fundy, Niki, George, and Toby (Tubbo). His only escaped subject was Randy (Ranboo) and he's so fucking paranoid that somehow he'd be able to get the authorities to stop his experiments. But it's been months since Ran escaped and nothing's happened so he isn't AS paranoid anymore, but he still worries about it
He names all the test subjects himself, it's easier for him to remember than numbers because he has dyscalculia funnily enough
All the test subjects were made in his lab with stolen DNA so he didn't have to use his own. He basically grew them in tubes and used a rapid growth serum in the tanks to make everyone adult sized since it was easier to run tests that way. He accidentally left Phil cookin for too long so he's the oldest out of everyone LMAO (except for Dr mal himself, he's 37)
Ok so onto the cringe part !!!! cSoda is a shapeshifter, shapeshifters are VERY rare and often hide themselves because they're very sought after to hunt for sport or used for various reasons. They're basically "born" from the planet itself, they grow in pockets underground for many years and kinda just pop up when they're ready. (Think of like. Steven Universe gems but organic) cSoda is erm undercooked let's say LMAO because they popped up early in their development they're basically defective. They age (albeit slowly), their body scars, they can't regrow limbs properly, their shapeshifting is limited to only animals/people they've SEEN before and they are incredibly naive and have a harder time understanding/learning about the world.
Dr. Mal found cSoda (no idea how yet) and he normally wouldn't have cared but he saw their shapeshifting and immediately decided to "take them in". He takes advantage of their naivety and basically brainwashed them into thinking he cares for them. cSoda presents as a dog (more lore I don't feel like getting into rn) so they have the personality traits of one as well, very loyal and loving and INCREDIBLY affectionate. Which Dr Mal HATES.
If it weren't for the fact that cSoda is more useful to him while alive he probably would've just killed them because he's CONSTANTLY annoyed and irritated by them LMAO he wants to be able to replicate their shapeshifting and hopes that it might be able to help him achieve his goal
He fucking LOVES working the burger van with Ranboo, it gives him something to do and he actually enjoys spending time with them even after initially not really liking them. He thinks Ranboo is SO interesting and loves to analyze everything he says and does pFF
He fucking REEKS no matter how much he showers or uses deodorant. It'll help with the intensity of the smell but he just reeks of death bc he was rotting !!!! he also smells like cigarettes and alcohol which does mask the rot and is actually preferable by most people (especially Quackity, who's VERY vocal about how much Wilbur stinks)
He's REALLY clingy, like he NEEDS someone to be holding him at all times. Normally it's Tommy (who's so obviously his favorite even tho he denies it)
It doesn't remember being human for the most part but he does miss it, especially being a normal height
He HATES when people baby him, he's a grown man who just happens to be child sized. If you talk down to him he WILL be an asshole
It was surprised when people started referring to him as an "it" but he kinda liked it !! It doesn't have the same feelings about its gender since becoming a doll and he thinks it's kinda weird but cool at the same time. It really is just vibin
It's voice is high pitched and he kinda hates it, its gotten used to it but it doesnt really like how its voice changed
He's so fucking annoying and is always flirting with parents for whatever reason. He fucking LOVES if they get flustered too it boosts his ego
He's SOO jealous of Ranboo its kind of embarrassing. He thinks he should be the lead singer and mascot but doesn't vocalize it, although he does make it painfully obvious
He's the lead guitarist and back up vocalist in the band (Tommy plays keytar, Ranboo is lead singer and James is the bassist)
He's actually really fucking insecure despite being a fan favorite. One time someone left their phone and it didn't have a password so he was able to use the internet which was. A mistake. He's seen the horrors of the Beloved Ent. Fandom and he thinks people only like him because he was made to be the "attractive one" and not because he actually has anything of substance.
He fucking HATES Schlatt with a passion, so he avoids the bowling alley entirely now. Jimmy (solidarity) used to be the bowling mascot but he was too fragile and a push over with guests so they replaced him with Schlatt. Who's nice enough to guests but does have a bit of a temper and doesn't take ANYONES bullshit. Wilbur was actually really close with Jimmy and he misses him terribly :(
Can you tell who I have more brainrot for LMAO
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alittlebirb · 2 years
Some silly swears from the MCC 23 Purple Pandas!
Phil dressing up as a cat boy in Minecraft and real life
FOR SOME REASON, Joel keeping the alerts where his character is doing unholy things onscreen every time something happens
Philza finding the dogs before the event starts in an attempt to beat Wilbur's record on dog pets
Joel being baffled at the floaty and snorkel on his skin and Gee assuring him it's fine if he can't swim, this is a judgement free zone!
Joel putting Jimmy on blast before his team for not using a mouse pad while playing
Philza then recounting how he used to use a cardboard folder for a mouse pad
"SG is either really good, or just terrible." -Joel, explaining the duality of life
Sapnap threatening them that if they go middle in SG, he will kill them, and Gumi telling them to say hi to their wife
"Which wife? Because I'm married as well..." -Joel, fellow wife haver
Lizzie putting in Joel's chat she's upset Gumi doesn't talk to her
"Say hi to your wives, that would be more polite." -Joel
Lizzie also showing up in the call in order to clarify she is not sad, she loves Gumi, and Joel apologizing for implying she was sad
"Keep 40 MCC participants in a cage without music and see what happens." -Pete, beginning to lose it
Gee and Joel discussing their deep knowledge of the Monsters Inc. universe
Joel naming his duck floaty 'Jeremy'
Phil agonizing over whether to send the meme <YOU ARE LIKE PAPA> in the chat for a solid minute
Gee talking about how she just starts shaking when the games start and Pete telling her "yeah that doesn't change"
Gee ghosting for her team after dying and saying "there's a little party if you wanna join!"
Gee calling her death "a tactic" you see, tactical
Joel skin swapping with Scar and Pete becoming Foolish
Phil analyzing the the angle of the blocks before AR starts and concluding it is possible to fly through a small gap in the map
Pete having an absolute blast playing this map with the new mechanics
Conversely, Pete having an absolute time of it with the moving walls
"Each lap that I did, I got caught on a moving wall." -Pete
Gee saying in the softest voice, "aww I love the turtle heads!"
Philza finding skips after they finish AR and everybody saying they'll have to watch his vod now
Pete throwing his chicken within the glass tube and then just staring at Phil
"Could you please move your head next time?" -Pete
The dome choosing GR anyway and Phil telling Pete it was intentional, it was to keep him on his toes!
"All in middle, nice and cozy!" -Gee
Joel trying to get the chest on top of the stone pyramid room and Pete just yelling "YO, RIGHT CLICK!"
Pete doing an amazing job of directing Gee in the sewer room
Gee having a breakdown about how the last room was "the worst thing in my entire life, this was meant to be my comeback!"
Gee agonizing over GR and Joel telling her "good vibes only!", and Pete reassuring "there's plenty of time to fall into the void in Sky Battle."
"We were doing so good at the start, and then we pooed the bed, so to speak." -Joel
Phil chugging a series of slushies for good luck, "specifically blue and red to make purple in my tummy."
"I like Big BuildMart." -Joel
Two people hitting their chickens inside the glass this time, and Phil getting subsequently ragged on for having a huge head
"I've only played Sky Battle once, and last time I made a shovel." -Gee
Pete and Joel popping off in SB, winning a round and getting to first place!
Pete falling into the void 5 seconds into the next round
"I'm gonna fill my sippy cup up during the break." -Joel
"This is what they mean when they say drink responsibly." -Pete
Philza being unable to pronounce Rocket Spleef Rush when telling the chat to vote for it, and Pete telling him "God, you're so good at convincing people."
Joel complaining he's tied with Dream on the leaderboard, but Dream is shown to be ahead because of "subscriber bias"
Pete taking them to one of his favorite PKT spots
Philza noticing all the CCTV cameras on the map for the first time
"I think Dream just set the record for the fastest hunt." -Joel, after Dream insta-kills their team
Phil trying to big brain predict the runner's path while hunting, preemptively jumping down, and realizing that the runner did NOT jump down and he is now far out of reach
Pete watching SB and Sneeg on the opposite team and just saying "Fellas, this one is a little tough!"
Phil admitting that the literal only reason he'd be sad to miss TGTTOS is because of Terra Swoop Force
Joel talking about how last time he played RSR, a block exploded under him and he got 40th place, and Pete stealing that and saying that's what happened to him in SB
"Man, these blocks just explode by themselves these days..." -Phil
Phil winning the second RSR round by just flying off into the distance while Jojo tries to shoot him
"My planet needs me." -Phil
Everyone's jaws dropping at False just ending Dream's whole career in the last round of RSR
"MCC really does humble me, you know." -Gee
Gee saying Sylvee is still Top 10 in her heart <3
Phil poorly acting disappointed at TGTTOS being played instead of BM, and then giving up and just clapping his hands excitedly
"We go zoomies with the block placement, we go *a series of littol sounds*" -Phil
Pete going on a rant through gritted teeth about how annoying it is for someone to place a block inside his block
Joel and Phil dying at the same time in shallow lava and and screaming "NO!" at the same time
"Sorry Kara." -Joel
"Are you really sorry, though?" -Gee
"No, not really." -Joel
Phil, for some reason, doing a mini scene on the toilet of a catboy going to the bathroom while waiting for the decision dome
Phil looking at all of the melted ice on the floor in MD and asking who's gonna clean that
"C'mon Scar, hawkeye him!" -Joel
Everyone rioting at the Captain getting 3rd
Joel calling Martyn "the longest loser since Captain Sparklez."
Gee saying she'll have nightmares over the orange block in GR, and Phil saying it's FINE, inflation means it's worth pennies now!
Pete bringing them to his special perspective spot for DB
Wilbur and Phil warring over which team they're supporting
Phil telling Wilbur <You are such a big brother it's painful>
Zeuz winning a 1v3 and Pete just saying because it had to be said, "that was- kinda hot when he did that- just saying-"
Joel agreeing to give a massive "FUCK YES!" if Orange wins
"FUCK YES!" -Joel
Marty becoming the Covid King
Purple Pandas finished MCC 23 in 4th place!
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echotunes · 1 year
@royalarchivist your dms seem to be turned off but I took some timestamp notes for Quackity's very late night stream! in case you can use these for your timestamp archive
6:33 "I need to go really far away before I explain what I'm doing here. Okay?" (teleports to his Richarlyson area)
7:45 "all admins, now that the eggstatistics have been posted, are gone" he also says he thinks Forever is using an autoclicker which is illegal; Q wants to break rules to see what'll happen, so he reads them all out:
do not abuse glitches or game mechanics
do not utilise unintended minecraft features such as iron golem farms, dupe glitches, villager breeding, gold farms, tnt machines - "I don't know how to do any of that"
do not travel to the end dimension, it's currently locked - "I don't know how to find that either"
"I'm gonna save rule 4"
no hacking
use common sense and try not to ruin other content creators' content "I could go into badboyhalo's room and mess up his content but he's not streaming right now so that doesn't count"
if you find a bug or a game-breaking mechanic please communicate it to staff - "I know none as of now"
you are allowed to play off-stream, but try not to make significant progress - "I could grind all night. actually that wouldn't be offstream that doesn't make any sense"
you cannot get more than two rows of hearts - "anyone know where [the hearts-providing statue] might be? metagaming is against the rules so I'm already breaking a rule here" -> he decides to go to Tallulah's garden to use her statue
12:20 he breaks into Wilbur & Tallulah's house to look for the statue
13:00 he gets himself six more hearts "this is fucking fun, what the hell, no admins are on, this is fun"
13:36 4. do not travel to the nether, it's currently locked "well to hell with that" - he goes back to the Richarlyson place and wants to make a Nether portal because "I just wanna see what happens"; he doesn't want to use the favela Nether portal because he "doesn't want to be near there"
14:50 BBH notices in chat that q is online - q responds "ignore me" and starts building a nether portal
18:11 (after yelling at chat for making fun of him about his limited nether portal knowledge) "tiktok's gonna have a field day with that one. they're gonna say like… quackity explodes on stream"
19:28 (after misplacing obsidian) "I misclicked. It can happen with JuanaFlippa, it can happen with me."
23:34 he tries to enter the Nether portal and is teleported back to spawn instead, which gives him the advancements We Need To Go Deeper and Subspace Bubble since he's so far away from spawn. he immediately starts wondering if there's a way to glitch it and make it send him to the Nether anyway
26:40 while he's breaking his portal to rebuild it somewhere else, one of the faceless Cucurucho construction workers shows up and starts punching him, then gives him a book & quill saying "stop breaking the rules!" he asks where the "normal" Cucurucho is and says "can I just try?"
28:10 "what are you? what the fuck are you?" he tries to start breaking the portal again but they keep punching him
28:40 he attacks and kills the Cucurucho construction worker (BBH in chat: o_O what the fudge, quackity what are you doing) and loots their corpse, notably finding 113 Netherrack, 7 ancient debris and 11 quartz in their inventory. He logs off because he killed an admin, saying he'll go back tomorrow and sell the Nether blocks they were carrying to Foolish; he says he'll be playing with Vegetta at 12pm PST, and ends stream
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sillygoofyqueer · 2 months
The Untamed review: episode two!!
Yes, Wei Wuxian, Little Apple IS a picky eater, because he deserves only the best and KNOWS IT
Bro's complaining about a donkey to a donkey, what a guy
"You're like MY master"
"Yo, there's a well!" Wei Wuxian immediately moves out of the way, what a gentleman
Wei Wuxian helplessly listening to them argue over his inventions is so funny to me
The way that Wei Wuxian just gives up and peaces out
Fighting with a donkey now
Take the fucking apple, you dumbass
How old is this woman? She looks about twenty five
Push her off, it'd be so funny and no one would know
Yo, what is Yan doing?? She's busting some moves
Does he just flick any random person?
Ohhhh, I see
Got killed by the mist, that's an embarrassing way to go
Bro is dead, goddamn. Poor lass has no soul
This woman has been through so much, she doesn't deserve it
Someone's catching humans, cannibals in every universe
JIN LING!!! <3
Laughing at the richness of people
"Naur, stay up there. See you later xoxo"
How is this woman here????
It's fine, he's wearing a mask that covers his eyes
"It's you?" Aw shit, the guy who was a baby when you were around is onto you
Joking, he knows Mo Xuanyu
Mock him and see how it ends up
Stop trying to get up, jesusss
Nice throw
He looks so done with people's shit
Oh, hey Jiang Cheng, you're baby girling quite hard today
No need to crush it
"break his legs? No, feed him to your dog, kiddo"
His boyfriend has come to rescue him
"I'm so unlucky today", on the contrary, I think you're very lucky, these characters are key to the plot and you didn't even have to go looking for them!!
I like the music that plays when the Lan Clan is around
Lan Jingyi stepping up for his father- teacher
Lan Sizhui, how do you know so much
He says it like a slur hahahaha
Lan Wangji is too busy mewing, don't break his streak!!
"If you don't get that spirit, don't come back to me!!" Jin Ling was never seen again 😔
He's like a grumpy toddler, I love him so
"Don't worry, we'll pay for the nets we broke!" "Nuh uh!!" Lan Sizhui, you're an angel, don't listen to him
Nice voice though
"I thought I saw my boyfriend 😔"
There are spirits in the lake, I wouldn't suggest drinking from it
Jiang Yanli 😭😭😭
Stop smiling, you're hallucinating
Slander my boy and sees what happens
Slap yourself, go on, like the books
Don't put the blame all on him!!!
Nice, like the books
Feel the shame
That cannot be comfortable, those are literal rocks
He's like they're little leader
That's a fast old man
Lan Jingyi's first instinct is to point a sword at an old man, lmaaoooo
"anything strange here?" "Duh"
Leaving him alone while he's trying to give important plot information, rude
Glowing grass, what the fuck
I think you should eat some
He just wants to clean, leave him alone
WEN QING!!!!!!
Flashbacks lmao
Where'd the old man go
No way is that naturally formed
Lan Jingyi, you're surprisingly knowledgeable..I didn't know you could read
Jin Ling and his group of people
"what's up baby girls"
Ugh, it's been moving for a while now
Maybe you should, I don't know, LISTEN TO THE GUY WHO KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING??
Also, y'all ditched him, minus points
"We're out" "fuck, y'all are gonna soooo be punished"
The look he gave, as if this isn't like, a sixteen seventeen year old. No, wait, he's probably eighteen...how old was he before Wei Wuxian's death? ANYWAY
Criticising the Lan education system while you're at it
"wait, you can't be crazy, because that makes sense!!" Lan Jingyi my beloved
Shit, my cover as a crazy person has been blown
Are they having a mewing contest or what?
Well done, Lan Jingyi
I swear it wasn't that big before
Y'all are doing a shit job at running from something this slow
Nice attack, it's still stone though
Dude, listen to Lan Sizhui
"Hey, my sword 🥺😔"
Considering this flute playing is supposed to be shit, it's not too bad
"ugh, you're playing the flute this bad? You must be crazy" Lan Jingyi, make up your mind
Nice kick, it's still stone though
WEN NING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They both look mildly terrified
Dude killed it so easy, well done. Naur, it's just an illusion.
"y'all, no need to be scared, the Yiling Patriarch ain't here" he's standing over there, wearing a mask
Luring him over with shitty flute playing
His robes are even blowing, just for you
Me leading my next snack away from the bag
Walk faster, goddamn
"hey bbg, it's been a while"
Listen guys, I know you're in love but there's a corpse there
He flew away, like Jesus
So...how is everyone surprised when they do turn out to be gay???
Uhh uh oh. Mom and dad are fighting again
Lan Wangji already looks so bored
The fucking GLARE I CAN'T
"Take off the mask!!!" "Nuh uh, I'm too handsome"
Lan Jingyi needs to stop being smart, it's scaring me
Stoooop, he didn't kill his brother
Okay, so he did, but he didn't want to!!!
He passed out, okay man
Answer the stupid call
They're so happy 😔
Give him what he wants, it's SYMBOLISM
Lecturing him better than Lan Qiren
You lost him already, not very good at this, ey?
Of course he will, it's Wei Wuxian
They're so happy :(
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dnalt-d2 · 5 months
QSMP Prison Day 3: Finale
This was…An interesting day
I'm still not sure what to make of it, so this is mostly just gonna be a run-down on what happened, with a few less analyses than I usually do. Maybe I'll go more in-depth on stuff later if I manage to think of anything
We had WAY too much happen today, and I'm not sure I can get through it all, or if I even saw it all (I'm going through the event twitter to make sure I get anything relevant)
Like how upon waking up, the prison was almost completely overrun by mobs, nearly all of which were wearing prison jumpsuits for some reason. Even the spiders for some reason???
There were the interviews that all the guards started conducting, asking very strange questions. Like "Where would you like to go after you die? What would you like your last meal to be? Who will you miss the most/least?" Very strange questions indeed.
We had the resolution to the Ghostbit/Abueloier subplot, with Phil and Slime exorcising Ghostbit, though Phil wasn't sure that was the correct move
Then of course, we had the breakout
The first thing they needed to do was get the water-breathing turtle helmets required for the escape, and the guard that had them was VERY suspicious. In that he CLEARLY knew that the prisoners were planning on escaping, but gave them the helmets anyway, making them do strange tasks in return (Like killing someone, or stealing something) And not everyone got them anyway lol, so Quacki had to give them some normal turtle helmets. But regardless, it's strange that the guard was just letting them escape
This could mean that this guard was either disgruntled in some way, not caring if they escaped, or undercover, helping to facilitate the escape (And having fun the whole way lol) Either that, or even the Federation expected the Islanders to all escape, and let this happen. Which means they all played into the Fed's hands. (Obviously meta-wise it was meant to happen, but in this case, I mean canonically)
Speaking of Quacki, btw, she seems to have been adopted by Phil after he murdered her. So that's fun
There's also the matter of those weird vans that were there. We don't know what the deal with those were, or what they were really intended for. It seems strange that they'd be there to transport the prisoners, but only the Islanders and not the Eggs. And that they were basically hollow, with nothing inside. Almost like they were never meant to be used
Then they finally actually got out of the prison, activating a red button via a Create puzzle, then saw a video showing two faceless Fed Workers, one of which got sucked into a Nether Portal??? And Phil said that could've been the two Cucuruchos, with the one being sucked in having turned into the evil Cucurucho. Or as I call him, Cucurubro. And that actually makes a lot of sense to me. We saw what happened to other people who entered the Nether for extended periods of time, so it makes sense that this is the case. Though I can't help but wonder where Osito Bimbo fits into that. Maybe the wacky younger sibling?? Idk
Either way, something activated and caused some sort of Island reset, with the Server shutting down for 4 days. What does the reset mean? Who has the nine keys required for it? And who were the people shown being logged off before it all went down?? What happened to Arin/Luzu after being lassoed into the horizon by the Code Monster??
Also what was that Crucifixion gonna be if it actually happened? Would Saint Felps truly have died for our sins once again??
These are all great questions
Anyways, can't wait to go into hibernation until like Saturday. I imagine BBH and Tubbo will be doing the same, since we all know they have a debilitating addiction to this Minecraft server
It's kinda unfortunate that none of my theories were correct, but oh well. There's a reason I'm not a theorist after all lmao. It's better to put it out there and get it wrong than not try it at all, you know??? But like Quackity said, there's no use getting upset about something that was never confirmed
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teecupangel · 1 year
i was gonna come in here with a Really Cool crossover idea w/ another game i've been playing recently, but then i realized i've only been playing minecraft (other than ac), which then led me to the idea of all the assassin's creed charas on a server together, and then i realized that the Normal, Logical thing would be for it to be a modern au, but the Hilarious and Chaotic option would be if it was, instead, that the server just. magically exists in all time periods. there's been weirder Isu BS before, i'm sure.
Man, can you just imagine this though?
The Gray is a vast empty space. It’s boring.
So when Desmond and Clay got stuck in it because Juno has a sick sense of ‘reward’, that bitch, they’re about to go crazy when they see something pop into existence.
It’s Altaïr just the way he looked when he had gotten married to Maria.
Altaïr had sorta-kinda maybe been fiddling with this little coin-like thing to get away from the mountain of paperwork that needed his attention because he had just been hopping all around the nearby area with his then-sorta-girlfriend-sorta-we’re-not-labeling-it before finally returning to Masyaf. They found the coin in one of the hidden rooms in Alamut. The Assassins there just sent it to ask if maybe Altaïr could figure out if it’s related to the Apple or not.
And Desmond and Clay are like “Isu bullshit?” “(nods) Isu bullshit.”
They try different things out and figure out that Altaïr could create small blocks of white light if he rubs the coin.
And he disappears when he drops the coin.
He visits again a few minutes later and they realize that rubbing the coin in ‘the real world’ transfers him to the Gray and he returns to the real world if he drops it here in the Gray.
They experiment some more. They learn time does not pass if Altaïr stays in the Gray and he can’t take any item with him to the Gray nor can he drop anything he already has.
Altaïr: If that’s true then why am I still wearing my clothes?
Desmond: Isu bullshit.
Altaïr: Are we truly making that the excuse for everything we cannot explain?
Desmond: Clay…
Clay: We believe that your real body isn’t being transferred here, it’s your mind. And it’s your mind that’s telling this place that you need clothes so you get clothes.
Desmond: In other words: Isu Bullshit.
Altaïr: (stares at Desmond for a moment before turning to look at Clay) He’s going to say that every time he thinks it’s too much of a pain to explain things, isn’t he?
Clay/Desmond: Yeah/Yup.
By the time Ezio ‘visits’ the Gray, they’re halfway on their way into making their first ‘home’ because what else are they supposed to do with Altaïr’s block-making coin anyway?
Ezio has so many questions and Desmond just goes “help us with this and we’ll talk”.
By the time Ratonhnhaké:ton gets there, they’ve just finished creating the walls of Monteriggioni and he had to play third vote as to what their main home would look like: Villa Auditore or Masyaf Fortress.
Ratonhnhaké:ton (at this point used to the weirdness because of Juno’s whole ‘drink this drug so we can communicate’ thing with the crystal skull) just shrugs and went “why not just combine the two?”
Edward was pretty sure he was sooooo drunk he was dreaming the first time he got there. So when these weird men ask him what he wanted to build, he went “My ship!” and proceeded to give them a rough description of his ship before dropping his coin because he was SO drunk.
The next time he got there, he was definitely sober and absolutely confused why he needed to build the Jackdaw in what he assumed to be the afterlife or purgatory.
All he got was “We already started it so we’re finishing it. This was your idea, drunk or not. You’re helping!”
When Arno got there, he was greeted by a ‘oh my god my eyes!’ glowing walled town that he can walk into. At the edge of the walled town stood a large fortress.
… Arno is SO confused right now.
When he entered the fortress, there was a large training ring with a castle keep up ahead that leads… to a mansion… with a forest behind it???
… And there was a ship in the middle of it.
The glowing walled town had a forest AND a ship as well???
Arno is so confused and his confusion only grows when he is greeted by a heated debate by two Assassins he was sure were cosplaying as the two great mentors of the Brotherhood (just how drunk was he right now???) about what to build next.
A chill dude sees him and says, “Why don’t we just get the new guy to pick our next project?”
And that is how the Gray starts the development of the courtyard of Versailles on the empty space to the left of the glowing town of…
Desmond: Monteyafport.
Altaïr: We are not calling it that.
Ratonhnhaké:ton: This place doesn’t even have anything from the Davenport Homestead?
Clay: Well, you picked the forest near your village, not Davenport Homestead. That’s on you, buddy.
By the time Evie and Jacob find their way to the Gray, Jacob is pretty sure he’s going to be blind any time soon, and Evie…
Evie lets out a loud squeaking sound and grabbed her brother’s arm so tight he shouts, making everyone look at them.
In the end, they decided to add Big Ben next to the villa. (“And a pub!” “Yes, Jacob. You and Arno can renovate one of the houses in town to be a pub.”)
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neverendingford · 2 months
#tag talk#I feel good cause a new friend at work said something about how my boyfriend hasn't talked much to him since meeting me#And I was like uh oh I do not want to be that bitch#and I know he's been trying to organize some kind of game might and I was like rip you can't get him to play stardew valley with you#and I don't like stardew valley so I was like hey what about minecraft? because if I get them playing together on a realm then It's fixed#so anyway now I might have a new server and friend group to play with and hopefully I'll be less in the way of the preexisting friend group#because I'm really conscious of when I'm the reason stuff goes poorly so I don't wanna be a reason friends don't hang out anymore.#cause that shit sucks. jealous girlfriend type can go die I ain't about hogging people I don't feel good about it.#I just want everyone to get along and be friends#I'm putting in the work to learn bedrock mechanics. that's how committed I am to this. I hate variations on an established base.#it's the autistic in me for sure. I loathe multiple versions of songs. there can only be one true version. one right answer. all else is bad#so the slight discrepancies between bedrock and Java drive me absolutely nuts bonkers up the wall#I read a really good twilight fanfic and it rewired my brain and now I'm forever mixing up which is cannon and which is fanfic#because my brain immediately booted the version I preferred less and installed the new fanfic version as the correct right version#anyway. I'm hunting tutorials that actually explain the mechanics and taking notes so I know how to adjust the designs for aesthetics#because you need the minimum mechanical base to work before you can ad lib a building style and design onto the structural framework#I figured out the iron farm mechanics so tomorrow I think I'm gonna work on gold farm stuff. and redstone I just want to learn myself
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dragonairice · 4 months
LOWKEY BEEN INSPIRED BY @not-sure-what-im-feeling s AWESOME OCS AND LORE (Go check them out)
And it inspired me to talk about MY ocs :D
I mention in passing that I am in fact writing a novel, but I try to avoid saying too much to prevent spoilers buuuuut I think I can keep it vague enough while still rambling <3
The novel (technically a novella) is called 'The Shadow Walker' and here's a draft of a blurb:
With no friends, an absent mom, an abusive dad, and a shadow that inexplicably went missing; Nicholas Walker is convinced his life couldn’t possibly get any worse. But everything changes when he meets something (or someone) who may or may not want him dead.
(Not the best but again it;s a draft)
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He's 12 years old and a selective mute and my scrungliest little blorbo who experiences the horrors™. He doesn't have any friends, is neglected by his parents, and all in all has a bad time before the book starts :(
The only source of healthy food in the house (he borrows money from his dad and goes to the store alone) but is severely malnourished from eating nothing more than reheated takeout his dad left in the fridge. Nick doesn't talk verbally unless it's to his dad (out of necessity) and otherwise converses in ASL (which I'm learning for this book <3). Loves pretty buildings and stargazing, has a dream of visiting things like Notre Dame and the colloseum some day and is fascinated by architecture. I just realised that this kid would adore Minecraft but anyway after things get better for him he's given Lego models of like the eiffel tower and he loves them :)
Gonna stop before I spend the entire post talking about my boy and move onto
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You know that thing that's like, "Not a bad person, just a bad parent"? Yeah. That's her. She ran away from her abusive boyfriend and left Nick behind out of fear, since she didn't know if she could survive by herself, much less with a child in tow. She ends up leaving with her best friend and they travel around the world a lot for their job. They're a musician who plays back up for bands in different places and Rachel ends up learning to play some stuff too after watching them for so long. The two end up dating at some point and they've been together ever since. Rachel still sends Nicholas a postcard every time she travels to a new place, but she doesn't have the courage to actually see him in person yet. Also fun fact. She's descended from a woman who was killed for being a 'witch' during the salem trials. This is relevant to the story :3
Do I have to talk about his dad??? Ughhhhh fine
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This is Gregory Walker. I hate him. bye.
Not but fr, he's a terrible father. Works at a convenience store and his co-workers fear him. Lives off of take-out and instant ramen, never checks on his son. Spends all his money gambling and buying alchohol. Literally would not notice if he missed an entire month of his life (*cough* foreshadowing *cough*)
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Lexi is a single mom who grew up kinda spoiled and is still figuring out how to raise a kid. Her parents are kinda helpful about it but also she doesn't want to raise Chelsea how she was raised so hgjhrj. Chelsea was orignally planned to be autistic since this entire book is a transparent cover for neurodivergent rep but the version of her in my head is so very ADHD instead. They only show up near the end of the book so I'm still experimenting with them a bit but Lexi is a huge book worm and Chelsea loves unicorns, like, I mean in the 'mythology is cool way' not the 'stereotypical girl behaviour' way. She does love pink things and sparkles though
(It's a sentient shadow, that's- do you get the pun in the name- there's three references in it-)
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purplekoop · 8 months
So I still don't have much to say about Hero 42 yet, but there is one, single detail I wanna mention, and that's based on the hero select screen.
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Now, if you somehow hadn't noticed by now, Overwatch generally sorts heroes alphabetically whenever needed. Note the Damage role starting with Ashe, Bastion, and Cassidy, then going down alphabetical order from there.
The two codenamed heroes, Venture and Space Ranger, also fit this sorting scheme. Venture is between Tracer and Widowmaker, and Space Ranger is between Moira and Zenyatta. We know that Space Ranger is just a temporary name used by developers, so don't expect her to stay there unless her final hero name still happens to fall between M and Z on the alphabet.
Applying this logic to Hero 42 though, we see them between Sigma and Winston. That make the range of first letters include S, T, U, V, and W. Now, this won't give us their final name either, but could give a hint to their codename, and thus some major part of their character. Some ideas include "Toxin" (noting their color scheme and resemblance to some old unused hero concept art), "Turtle" (hey I still stand by them basically being radioactive Bowser), or maybe even something as simple as "Spike".
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Also here's the best image I could find of this being. Saw someone also compare this design to an edgy version of the pokemon Chesnaught, which is funny considering that's what I'm using in my current playthrough of Pokemon X. Either way this is definitely my "big spiky shell dudes" era.
Maybe it's not surprising that this is the hero that captivated my attention so much out of the three early teasers, considering I am a Tank main and also just love this hero's design already from this little cartoony icon. My personal hope is that they are some sort of gnarly creature, since I feel like in a game with big cool robots and hyperintelligent moon animals, the lack of some kind of mutant monster dude has... I don't wanna say bothered me, but feels like a missed opportunity. Have this guy be some Oasis experiment gone rogue that's now going wild across the world or something. I don't wanna say outright to make them another Talon-aligned tank, since now we're swimming with those. I'm similarly not super keen on them being another Junker considering how many of those are also in that role, though it'd be an easy way to explain the "mutant" theory of mine. Consider that, if we count Ramattra as Talon-aligned, every single Tank added since OW1's initial release has either been part of Talon or a Junker, with the sole exception of Orisa. I won't deny they definitely fit the look of a Junker though, and there's definitely more to that style to explore, I just want a messed up bowser guy. or gal! we don't know yet! could even be another NB character! Diversity win: this giant mutant spike monster uses they/them pronouns too!
Anyways yeah this has been an exhausting weekend in the best possible way for being an Overwatch fan, so I'm gonna hold off on more posts unless someone asks for my thoughts on anything in particular. If you want a better recap of everything discussed at Blizzcon, I highly recommend the recent video on Master Ian Gamer's youtube channel, it's like 17 minutes long and covers almost everything of note for Overwatch 2's future from today's panel and from the opening ceremony.
I'm gonna go play more Minecraft now I think
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
it's funny how much vault hunters is... it IS minecraft. like fundamentally i can already tell my island is gonna be a big old birch pile of minecraft farms eventually, right, like, that's my end goal. and i'm doing things like building iron farms and managing my minecraft inventory and fighting mobs, right.
but at the same time. i'm only vault level five and this is also already so DIFFERENT from vanilla minecraft in so many ways, right. i'm going to have to adjust back if i start playing vanilla again and i've not played nearly as much as some people.
anyway the point i'm getting at is "iskall goes back to hermitcraft after spending the past like, several months in Vault Hunters Development Mode and then In Vault Hunters, the gods' blessed angel and paladin, fighting through vaults with the skills and perks he's used to in life, and proceeds to twerk at a potato, trip over his own feet because he over-balances because he's used to moving much faster than this, and then sobs when he actually takes damage on face-planting",
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belmarzi · 11 months
Same anon that was talking about Ren’s glasses. I could go on rambles about hermitcraft lore and headcannons about character details for hours. Like Ren’s sunglasses being on a chain, ideas of how item storage would work, communicators and what they could look like or their functionality, how different servers interact and the concept of the minecraft servers all existing within some extraplanar space people can travel between using portals. All the little world and character building details that no content creator is ever really gonna go in and lay out, so it’s open for interpretation
i'm about to expose myself as the biggest minecraft nerd on earth but i have Thoughts about how these things work.
item storage: i think of it as being more similar to our world than the minecraft world. ie: if someone is building something out of wood they're having to haul carts of wooden panels and intricate detailing bits. tools, food, and rockets are carried on belt loops and in bags. i think this is my preference because i like to draw things that arent overtly minecrafty so this makes it more fun for me lol.
communicators: in my mind they look like pagers with a more detailed screen. but also kinda mixed with flip phones because i imagine there to be a pull out keyboard that people to type with. people keep them clipped onto waist of pants for easy access. also they can be modded to include things like location services, private messaging, basic games (i like to think people can play virtual decked out or other mini games on them while they're doing afk farms lol).
servers/worlds: since i dont think of minecraft worlds as round, i dont see servers/worlds as planets which i've seen suggested before. i see them as parallel planes of existence that you can travel between with the right technology (ie: admin priveleges/permissions). once you're approved to go to a certain place, you're able to travel to and from there at will. people move, travel, go on day trips, whatever with relative ease. admins of servers are responsible for monitoring and maintaining the equilibrium of the servers on the DL.
i have lots of other ideas about this kind of stuff lol. i personally don't really see hermitcraft as any kind of lore based thing, but i think that's what makes it interesting in a narrative lense.
anyways sorry for the longest block of text i've ever posted online lol
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