#anyway you can see me getting warmed up on lana (left)
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amara-laz · 2 years ago
I did a thing
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I haven't drawn in ages and also this is not my usual style so. Props to me :>
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thedivinetarot · 1 month ago
I'm your man, I'm your man, if you're feeling lonely, I'll be the one
The personality of your next lover
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☆ How to chose the perfect pile for you?
Close your eyes, take a deep breathe, clear your mind and ask the question in your head "who is my next lover?". And open your eyes, and the image that your eye is drawn to the most is your pile.
☆ Don't miss this month's offer read here ♧♧♧ for more information DM me💕.
☆ Who is this reading for?
Obviously single people but if you are in a place where you broke up I advice you to heal instead of wasting your time on this reading.
☆ Note:
I felt very called to do this reading. And for the spicy one it turned out to be so long that I had to do each pile in a different day. Anyways, also; this reading can be applied on your future spouse or just a future lover.
Enjoy Angels💕
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Pile 1 - Aphrodite
Current energy:
Hello pile 1, how are you? I hope you are fine (you can skip the energy check if it didn't resonate with you, I just made it to make sure that the reading will be as accurate as possible).
Okay let's start. First I felt sick all of sudden, some people here are sick and have tonsillitis or cold (take what resonates). I see that the past few days you were trying to find balance in practical matters which led you to abandon your health and you fell ill. I felt suffocated all of sudden you either have a respiratory problem or you are carrying too much emotional burdens on your shoulders which is making you feel weighted down. I see disappointment, and recovery. This pile’s energy is straight forward, like even the Lenormand affirmed your energy that is been told by tarot. I see that some people here are waiting for communication, perhaps a job offer and now you are waiting but something here feels vague. Maybe you don't know if you'll be accepted or not. I see hesitation from your part. Like you are not 100% sure what you want. You are just slowing down and going about your day nothing much. I see that others in this pile have gone through a lot of things, someone here had to stand out in the face of a fire sign female in your family. I see that you put boundaries with her because she just annoyed you. Others here are being manipulated by someone, I see that this person is not saying the whole truth. Or maybe you are the one who is fooling yourself to avoid the transformation. I see that you want to move on and embrace the shift but something is holding you back. It feels like the lyric from Lana's song "I want to leave, probably I'll stay another year" you want the shift but some things here are being hidden from you. Or tbh being ignored by you. I see that if you are waiting for communication you'll likely receive a very positive response but the thing that you aimed for won't come easily. Let's see your placements:
Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini, Cancer. Saturn, Venus, moon dominant. Your sun or moon in the 9th, 6th, 3rd, 4th house in your chart.
☆ Who?
This person is working in a field that requires collaboration, perhaps working within a community. I don't see that they are super independent in their job; I see that they are a part of something, a project or collaboration. I see also that this person is overthinker, they thinks a lot and tend to be indecisive about their path. I see that they might got into their work as something that one day will be left by them but they got stuck and now this person doesn't want to leave because they are indecisive. This person at first seems very cold, structured and emotionally distant but once they warm up to you they are literally the sweetest baby ever. I see someone that is balanced emotionally. Have you talked to them online? Because what I'm getting is that this person either knows you online OR you'll get to know them online. But I'm getting someone familiar, like you may have came across their account, liked a post or something and they replied to you or the opposite thing happened. I see that this person tend to manipulate others but not for negative or ill intentions, they might do this unintentionally which make others run away from them. This person have a very strong moral code, their morals are as strong as rocks. Also, I see that they are quite fair and balanced. They give off libra energy. This person is very balanced in the way they talk and take action. They'll be very loyal to you and won't cheat on you. I'm getting IXFJ vibe so they might be an INFJ or ISFJ. This relationship might start out as friendship or something platonic and it'll progress into something very peaceful. What really shocking me is how much this person had faced difficulties and all of them are related to their work. So maybe their work environment is hard or they are very uncomfortable in their work? Maybe. Now let's see their placements:
Capricorn, Gemini, Scorpio, Libra. And for a very little group here this person is Aquarius. They might have venus or sun in Scorpio, Gemini placements or dominant in their chart. They might have sun or moon in the 10th, 3rd, 8th, 7th and 11th house.
☆ Appearance?
Okay, I see that this person look very tired or defeated. I see that their posture look droppy. A little hunch in their back but nothing too serious. Their posture just doesn't look very straight. Also, This person is literally or metaphorically have larger-than-life appearance. They might have prominent forehead and sharp eyes or jawline. I see also that they look very childish or younger than their actual age. I see that their smile is very beautiful and they look charming. This person is literally so graceful especially in the way they dress. I see also that they look like a book lover or a nerd. I see that this person is very confident in their physical appearance and is not really into trendy stuff, but I see a hint of showing off their style. They like to show off and brag about what they have which make people very envious of them. This person's hair is weavy or curly. I'm not seeing anything straight to be honest. Their hair is brown with blonde hues to it. This person look stable especially in the way they walk. I see that people just fall for the way they carry themselves. Elegantly; what I'm seeing. This person is very polite, they don't like to raise their voice. Round or soft features with sharp eyes or almond eyes. Their height is average not too tall or short. This person is known by a lot of people, I started smelling onion omg (no its not their scent it may be that they love eating green fresh onion) this is strange lol. Also, they are very fit but not sporty. Someone who work out to stay fit but not overly mascular or yk not typical gym bro/ girl vibe. They may have deep voice? In the case of a male they have a deep satisfying voice. Also, you'll meet this person very soon, they might reach out or communicate with you. That's all I have for you pile 1, I hope you meet them one day💕.
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Pile 2 - Venus
Your current energy:
(This is a general energy check; take what resonates and leave what doesn't and if you feel like my energy check doesn't resonates with you then skip to the reading directly. Thank you for reading this note🤍 let's get into it). So, I'm picking up on a couple of energies here. First I see that there's someone here who might have been trying to have a child or have infertility issues, someone here is young and infertile I see that you might indeed succeed to have a baby but you need to stay resilient. Other's here are being so hard on themselves, someone here is trying to be more healthy but they do not know how to start and where. I see also that for the rest of you there's a settle down with a lover or a partner. If you are looking for a sign to settle down with your current partner then that's your sign. I see also that for my single people that love is within reach. I got the cards of love and luck. Someone will be in your life soon and you'll settle with them in a house together. I see also that there's someone here who is being indecisive about a project and you might want to see if the people you are working with are worthy of trust or not. Now, for others there's someone who has a crush on you and you are not even aware of lol. Now let's see your placements: (take it as extra confirmation)
Leo, Taurus, sagittarius, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. Also we have saturn, Jupiter, Venus, moon dominant in your chart. Sun or moon in the 5th, 2nd, 9th, 4th, 7th, 10th house in your chart. Also, I feel a strong moon in sagittarius, Venus in taurus, Saturn in libra and sun in taurus.
Okay, first thing I'm picking up on is that this person look demanding and confident. Someone with a strong masculine energy; even if this is a girl here; she doesn't fuck around, girl boss vibe and if this is a man, this person is very strong and assertive. I got 3 pages for you so I guess this person is not that old they might be in high school or college. And even if they are not in those then they have a strong young vibe. This person is very curious about you, I see that they might be looking for you. This person's energy is very familiar like you know them. And no this is not an Ex so please get it out of your head. Anyways; you know this person and if you know no one then keep reading about the personality. They are looking for you, If you are not attending classes then they are realizing that you are not there anymore. Idk why I typed the previous paragraph but let's get to their personality. I see that this person may have everything you dream of in a person. This person have a sharp mind and an optimistic personality. They are very smart and rich btw. I see that they have their own business or they are working on their own life right now. Someone who is still young, doesn't have resources and they still take money from their family lol. And if they are not then they just have inherited the money from the family which make them wealthy. Anyways, this person is curious about where did you disappear and want to communicate with you. I see a written letter or text from them, but they are very conflicted whether to send it or not. I see that this person has been very loyal to you and want to work with you and spoil you. I'm not sure about thir intentions but this person is thinking of you sensually. They crave you? Yes they do. Let's get back to their personality (mf each time I try to talk about their personality they bring me back to what they want from you aghhh). Anyways; this person is very demure lol, I keep laughing they are a jester, they like to make fun or things and make people laugh. I felt the urge to laugh about their silliness. This person is silly too and have the best inner jokes. Also, they are quite adventurous and come from a very respected and high class family. Let's get to their placements:
Aries, Aquarius, sagittarius, virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Pisces. Mars, Saturn, mercury dominant in their chart. 1st, 11th, 9th, 6th, 10th, 2nd, 12th house placements in their chart or their moon and sun is these houses.
☆ Appearance:
We got a lot of cups so, this person has a fair almost pale skin, bluish green eyes, and light brown hair. This person's look might not be what you usually go for in a guy. Also for others here this person has a black weavy hair with tan kissed skin. This person(the first one) is a little overweight but they are in a good health. They might be working out and they have a strong biceps. For the second one their physique is tall and strong, good health but they look so HOT omg. For the first one (the pale guy or girl) they are quite attractive and beautiful. Someone here is hot (the tall, tan person) and the other (pale guy or girl) is attractive and beautiful. There's a note here; you might be feeling disappointed because you haven't met your person yet but the universe want you to know that no matter how far or ambiguous it looks right now it is within reach for you. A soulmate connection, that is within the reach. Thank you for reading and sorry because this one kind of short. Lots of love and peace💕🙏🏼.
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Pile 3 - Kiss marks
Your current energy:
Hey pile 3, how are you? I hope you are doing well. Okay let's get into the energy check but first I'll leave a note here *** This is a general energy check so if you feel like none of it resonated with you then skip to the next portion of the reading. And if it did resonate then take it asa confirmation***. I do a tailored readings so feel free to check my Masterlist for this month's offer.
Okay, wow this is a mixed bag here. I see many energies in this pile. People here are trying to work on their self-esteem. Other's are trying to get over a friendship fallout. And someone people here actually dating someone that you meet through friends. I see other's here are thinking about money and how to maximize their earrings which is quite good because it'll happen to you. Also, some people here are doing charity or social work. I see that for thus group within this pile you'll get a gift or a certificate because of your hard work and dedication. Some people here are attached to a long-term relationship that they invested in emotionally while other's are trying to fix that relationship. I see someone here who is attached to someone else and the relationship in a courtship state with a lover I see that people in your family are not approving your relationship with your person. Someone here are trying to heal from a past ex who caused them a lot of pain and confusion. Maybe they were a narcissist that's what the cards are showing me. Okay, another thing I see is that someone here was in a long-term relationship that was so serious but something here was off so you had to break the engagement because the groom or the person who was with you was in fact an abusive person. This person might have afforded material things to you or was financially very comfortable or have money but you broke it with them because their actions was so abusive towards you. Now you are trying to heal and move on with your life. That's what I'm seeing. I hope I didn't trigger anyone with this. I'm so sorry for whoever going through this, you are strong and worthy of good things dear💕.
Placements for you:
Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius. Dominant planets in Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Mars. Sun or moon in the 1st, 5th, 8th, 3rd, 6th, 11th house in your chart.
☆ Who?
Okay, I see that this person is very chill and fair. They don't like to see injustice or other people bullying or hating on one another. They are very much calm and collected. A little bit extroverted, they have lots of friends but they don't really reveal themselves to other's quickly. They take their time to get to know people. They might had a very difficult period with insomnia but they have healed from it rn. I see that their mental health got better and they went to psychiatrist or healed by themselves. I see that this person tend to ignore their own self to help other people. They are slow and steady, they talk slowly, calmly and they enjoy finer things. They might have father issues, because I see that they had a very difficult father. Their father was strict and sharp. Their father had a tendency to compete with them or compared them constantly to someone else. I see also that you manifested this person lol. I asked how will you meet them, the answer was all of sudden and you'll be the one who manifested them into your life. I see also that you might meet them through a male friend or someone with masculine energy or they will be the one who talk to you. This person is someone you dreamed, prayed and hoped that you meet. I see that this person is someone who had gone through a lot of transformation, especially their social circle. They might used to talk or befriend anyone which affected their mental health and self-esteem terribly. Now their placements:
Libra, Pisces, Gemini, Taurus, virgo, Cancer, Dominant planets in Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, moon. Sun or moon in the 7th, 12th, 3rd, 2nd, 6th, 4th house in their chart.
☆ Physical appearance:
This person might have a calm and reflective nature, with a soft or ethereal appearance, perhaps with pale skin. They could give off a dreamy, mysterious vibe, and there's likely an intellectual edge to their look, maybe wearing glasses or dressing in a more thoughtful, reserved style. Physically, they could be athletic and toned, with a sharp or defined build. They likely have radiant skin, maybe tanned or glowing, and carry an energetic, positive charisma that draws people in. Their presence would be youthful, with a playful and charming demeanor, possibly accentuated by an engaging smile and an easy, carefree attitude. Based on the overall vibe, this person is likely of average to above-average height, as they carry a balanced presence, radiant yet grounded. Their physique would likely be toned and athletic, with a strong build that shows energy and movement. While they might not be overly muscular, they would have a defined, active appearance that reflects both physical and intellectual vitality. Their energy is noticeable, and they might carry themselves with a sense of confidence and vitality that complements their more reflective and intellectual sides.
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Pile 4 - Aphrodite smile
Your current energy:
Hello pile 4, I hope you are doing well🤍. I'll put a note here before starting your reading *** This is a general energy check, so please take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Also, if you feel like the energy check doesn't resonate with you skip to the next portion you don't have to continue***.
Okay, I felt like I'm on a cruise, I feel the waves up and down, like this feeling you get when you are on the board of a ship or cruise. But anyways; also this pile is definitely not for singles most of the energies I'm getting are for people who are already in a relationship or at least dating and want to know if the person you are with is serious or not. I got it hon, you want that person but since this is a general reading I have more tailored one for you, check this month's offer and I'll be more than glade to guide you. Okay, I see that you have a strong emotional connection to a romantic partner. This person make your heart beat so fast. I see that this relationship is a harmonious one which is so nice and peaceful but don't let possessiveness and self doubt to destroy the relationship. People within this pile have self destructive tendencies, like you don't believe that something good is going to happen for you which unfortunately sabotage possible romantic connection that might develop with time. I see that you are thinking here of two things 1) to develop and take things seriously + further; to commitment. 2) end things that might be potential for your growth. Please chose wisely, because the person you are with is definitely a soulmate. I don't see any unhealthy patterns here at all (pls use your own discernment this is a general reading). Even the person you are with appears to be confident, have a very high self-esteem and generous. I see that this relationship have endured many challenges but it kept on because you guys are with each other and love one another. Placements for you:
Sagittarius, Gemini, Capricorn, Leo, Cancer, dominant planets in your chart: moon, Mercury, Saturn, jupiter. Your sun or moon in the 9th, 3rd, 10th, 5th, 4th house.
(Note that this reading for my single people and if you are reading it for someone you are already with it might not resonate with you so use your own discernment okay?).
Well, this is someone you don't really want to know. Their energy is not so good actually. I'll guide you to know how you'll prevent this from happening so take this reading as guidance on how to ignore and not take them seriously. Anyways, this person is lazy, have no ambition and doesn't know how to invest long-term. They lack foresight and imagination. They are someone who is chronically lier. They show personality that is not them. There's a car started to peep under my window so take it as a warning, I screamed okay I got it and the peeping stopped so ig those are your spirit guides warning you from them. Let's continue, this person knows how to manipulate others emotionally, they know how to flip tables and probably they'll put you as an option and won't really give you what you hope for. This person has a very poor attitude towards women or females, they like to treat other's as objects. They look at someone but instead of seeing long-term future they see what they can get from you. Don't try to chase them, if they show you poor attitude or manipulation you can turn around and leave. Don't try to prove they are wrong, don't try to prove to them that you are worthy because their brain is not designed to see worthiness. They only see what they can get. Can be harsh and aggressive sometimes, they might even curse or not use safe words at all. How will meet them? I see that you'll be the one who meet them first or a significant female in your life will set you up with them. I see that if the first scenario doesn't happen; you might know them while you are dealing or communicating with someone about stolen things and this person will get in to attempt and help you. That's what I'm seeing. Now for their placements:
Virgo, Taurus, Pisces, Gemini, Cancer, dominant planets in moon, Saturn and Mars. Sun or moon in the 6th, 2nd, 12th, 3rd, 4th house in their chart.
☆ Physical appearance:
Okay I see that this person have soft, striking eyes that draw attention, with a gentle and calm gaze. Their eye color might be light, such as hazel, green, blue, or gray. Their hair is dark, possibly black or deep brown, and smooth in texture sleek, straight, or neatly styled. They are of average to tall height, with a solid and well-proportioned build, perhaps broad-shouldered or sturdy in appearance. Their features are refined, with a sharp, defined jawline or cheekbones, giving them an air of elegance and grace. Overall, they have a balanced combination of strength and refinement, exuding a calm yet engaging presence. That's all I have for you pile 4, take care and be gentle with yourself 💕 and sorry if I triggered you or anything and remember that this is only a possibility in the near future and not something that might definitely happen for you🤍.
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Post date:27th of Jan - 2025 Mon
* Feedback is appreciated*
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erwinsvow · 10 months ago
when rafe lets reader go on aux and she plays lana. him humming to beat omgggg. i need him in my bones
omg !! im imagining this with that one part of west coast.. but left it vague so you can imagine your fave lana song ♡
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rafe was in a good mood. it wasn't anything new—he was always in a good mood around you anyways—but today it seemed even better. you were sat in the passenger seat of his truck, waiting patiently for rafe to drive the two of you to dinner, when he glances over at you with a smile.
the windows rolled down, a breeze coming in and rustling your hair with the warm glow of the sunset filling the car. when he hands you his phone, you look back at him confused.
"y'can pick the music today."
"really?" your entire face lights up with a smile. you start looking through your options immediately while he backs out of your driveway, his arm stretched across the headrest of your seat.
the familiar sound of one of your favorite lana songs fills the car, even seeping out into streets through the open windows. you set down his phone and smile at rafe, pleased that he's happy.
you stare out the window, watching the sun dip further and further away through the trees, wondering how close you are to the restaurant and if rafe will get you dessert after—though you already know the answer.
you're snapped out of your thoughts at another sound—rafe humming along to the end of the song, fingers tapping on the wheel and maybe not even aware of what he's doing. your gaze turns to your boyfriend, eyes staring and taking in the scene, smile a little dozy.
a couple things run through your mind, how rafe's memorized the melody of your favorite song, how he must have liked it enough to remember, how silly yet memorable everything about it feels. warmth blooms in your chest, running up to your face and make your palms clammy.
the song shifts to the next and rafe pulls into the parking lot, stopping the car. he glances up to see you staring back at him.
"nothing," you reply, though you feel giddy inside, and over something as small as rafe letting you pick the music and liking what you selected. "i'm... excited for dinner." the lie comes out automatically, not wanting to bring it up just in case. you think you should keep the moment for yourself.
"yeah, me too. c'mon, kid."
"coming, rafe."
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milfjuulpod · 1 year ago
Guidance, Ch II
lunch, coffee, perfume, emails
read chapter one here
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A/N: heyyyy sorry for my absence my writers block is insane rn….anyways i hope y’all enjoy the second chapter, lmk how u feel abt it and what u wanna see! also- i have posted both of these chapters on my ao3, same username. ok here u go bye
The office you resided in was dark, a soft light illuminating from the computer screen, gentle music playing from its speakers. The desk was littered with papers, folders, notes, pens—it was quite the mess. Ava had dropped off a stack of reports on students, those who were falling a bit behind and needed a bit of help. So naturally, you quickly got to work. You knew when you arrived at Abbott that you wanted to help as much as possible, and there was no point in waiting to get started. Sure, it was only the first couple of weeks, but you figured it was best to get a head start on things.
Thus, you launched yourself into work. Most of these students had struggled all last year, and you decided to take some preventative measures to help both the students and teachers. Organizing the files into different piles, you heard a knock at the door. You invited whoever it was inside, and were met with a delightful surprise. “Hi Melissa, how can I help you?” You asked, taking your eyes off of the mess sprawled in front of you. “I think you might be the one who needs help, kid, what's all of this?” She asked, almost laughing at how disheveled your workspace was.
You sighed and leaned back in your chair, as Melissa took place in the seat across from you. “Ava dropped off some files on students, so I’m trying to make plans for them for this year.” She looked at you with such care at that moment, before returning to her usual demeanor. “Well don’t run yourself into the ground before we get halfway into the school year, I have a feeling your desk is gonna look like this a lot,” she teased. You replied with a quiet yes, and went to turn the music down before Melissa stopped you.
“Hold on, is that Italian?” She asked, trying to hide the smile on her face. Glancing at the screen, you realized what was playing. “Yeah, it's called Salvatore, by Lana Del Rey, I listen to this song a lot.” Her smile grew at your statement, and took mental note of it. At this point, you wondered why Melissa came in here, she still has yet to say. As if she read your mind, she spoke again. “I came to bring this to you, I had some extra and wasn’t sure if you’d eaten already, and I’m gonna guess you haven’t,” She gestured to the desk once again before setting down a tupperware in front of you. As she stood up to take her leave, she said, “I hope you like this Italian food as much as you like listening to the language,” and walked out of your office. You felt nearly as warm as the food sitting in front of you. 
When five p.m. rolled around, you figured it was about time to call it. Many plans were made for students, the rest would have to wait until tomorrow. You packed up your things to leave, when you remembered the tupperware sitting on the edge of your desk. Melissa’s tupperware. Hoping she didn’t leave, you grabbed it and rushed to her door. Unfortunately, her lights were off and the door was locked. Looks like that will have to wait until tomorrow too. 
      On the way out, you were stopped by Janine. “Hey! how’s the first week going?” She asked, excited as ever. You told her about the work you had done, and what was still left to do. “I just gotta take this home and wash it now, it’s Melissa’s.” Janine’s eyes widened at that statement, making you feel like maybe you said something you shouldn’t have. “Oh, Melissa gave you that? It took weeks before she even remembered my name, let alone give me something,” She shuffled on her feet nervously. “I hope she’s not trying to butter you up for anything,” Janine’s rambling was cut off by Gregory pulling up to the two of you. “I’ll see you tomorrow!” 
      Walking to your own car, you wondered what Janine could’ve meant by that. Melissa had been nothing but kind to you, what could possibly make her say that? Sure, the older teacher had a bit of a tough exterior, but she already took a liking to you. Janine’s words echoed in your head, and the anxiety grew as you thought about what Melissa really wanted from you. 
The following morning, you walked to Melissa’s classroom with her clean tupperware and coffees in hand. One for you, one for her. You were just going to return her dish, give her the coffee, and leave. Nothing more, nothing less. The crush on her was a bit ridiculous at this point, you barely knew the redhead, and yet you wanted nothing more but to learn everything. Knocking lightly on the door, you let yourself in. “Good morning, you left yesterday before I could give this back to you. Oh, and here’s a coffee as a thank you.” You greeted Melissa with excitement. Except she didn’t match the energy, at all. She didn’t even look up from her computer as she quietly said “thank you.” 
        Okay, maybe you were planning on staying a bit longer and chatting with her before getting to your own work, and you felt a bit defeated. Silently, you left the classroom and walked to your own office, wondering if Janine was right about Melissa. It was hard to focus on work feeling this way, and slowly, but surely, it was lunch time. Opting to work through it, you didn’t visit the break room with everyone else. You missed Melissa anxiously looking for you in the break room. But her best friend didn’t. 
“Why do you keep looking at the door? Are you waiting for someone?” Barbara asked the woman next to her. Melissa glanced at the cameras, before deciding to lie. “Uh, no. Just…paying attention. You can never be too careful.” Barbara knew what that tone meant, but decided to let it go. Playing the events from this morning back in her mind, Melissa felt a little bad for ignoring you, and this made her upset. Why did she care? 
      “You’re shaking the whole table bouncing your leg, Melissa. What’s going on?” Barbara questioned. Melissa just sighed in response and leaned back in her chair. With a stern look from her friend, she started talking. “I don’t know. That new guidance counselor came by this morning to return my tupperware and I was busy so I didn’t really say much. And then she just left, but what was I supposed to do? She got me coffee too, I didn’t even realize until she was gone. It was good though, I haven’t been to the place she got it from. Maybe I should ask her where it is? Or…I don’t know…” The redhead trailed off. Across from her, Barbara tried her best to hide the shock from hearing her friend’s words. 
       “Why are you overthinking this? I’m sure she’s fine and wouldn’t mind you inquiring about the coffee. Go, before the break is over and I have to hear about this all over again tomorrow morning.” Barbara laughed as Melissa rolled her eyes, but she stood up to go searching. 
  You, on the other hand, decided to pick up a sandwich from the corner store across the street for lunch. Upon returning, you nearly jumped out of your skin when you opened the office door. “Melissa! Oh good god you scared me, what are you doing in here?” You whisper-screamed, adrenaline still rushing for a moment. “I had a question for ya,” she replied, so casually. As if it was normal for her to sneak into your office while you were out. Come to think of it, you remember locking the door, how exactly did she get in?
       “A question that couldn’t wait for me to get back from the store? And that’s my chair, scooch it,” You set the sandwich on the desk and leaned against it as well waiting for Melissa to move out of your seat. She didn’t. “Sorry for being so short with you this morning, kid. I was a little overwhelmed with making plans for both of my classes, but thank you for the coffee, that was sweet.” She smiled at you sincerely, and if this is what you get for buying her a coffee, it might become a daily thing. “Where did you get it by the way?”
        “Oh! It’s this new place that just opened up by my apartment, Opus. I’ve been a few times already, might become a regular there,” you told her. “Yeah, that makes two of us.” Melissa stood up to leave, and without thinking, you grabbed her hand to stop her. “Wait! Did you say both of your classes? You have two?” 
        Melissa was visibly surprised at your physical touch, but she didn’t pull back either. “Yeah, a combined second and third grade class. Gonna be a great year,” She informed you, rolling her eyes in the process. You let go of her hand finally and took in what she said. “If you need any help, with lesson plans or grading, you know where to find me.” 
        The teacher took your hand again and gently squeezed it before letting go, “Thanks hon, I’ll keep that in mind. And next time you need lunch, you know where to find me,” She said with a smirk before walking out the door. Sitting down, you took in the smell of her perfume that coated the area for a few moments more. The sweet scent was quickly forgotten when you looked at your computer screen. Many emails, forgotten assignments, but what caught your eye immediately, was a new email, from Melissa of all people. 
       Forgot to ask while I was still with you, but would you want to meet this afternoon or later this week to help me with some planning? Maybe we can enjoy a coffee inside the shop this time. Let me know. 
-Melissa Schemmenti
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year ago
'cold turkey' but i rewrote it - part two!
summary: the festivities have begun! but you forgot the drinks. whoops. wc: 2k+ a/n: I almost cut this short at like a thousand words but I knew in my SPIRIIITT that I wanted to add more twists and turns to this thing. It's a bit rushed but let's just say I'm very glad I did! if you feel like it: comment your favorite holiday-related dishes :) part one part two
“Traffic was nuts today,” your older sister Alanna sighed as she hauled a carton full of cans of soda over to the kitchen. She looked up and saw Miles, who smiled and gave her a quick wave. “Oh my god, Miles?”
“One and only,” he replied. “Been a minute, ain’t it?”
The woman set the carton down on the floor. “When did you get so big? You're taller than me!”
Miles shrugged. “Growth spurt.”
“Alright then, nice seeing you,” Alanna turned and joined you on the couch with that glint in her eye and smirk that appeared only when she was scheming. “He’s mad cute now, right?”
You rolled your eyes and sighed, “ ‘Lana, no. Not happening.”
“Come on, I’ve seen the niggas you been with and he’s literally your type–”
“Can you lower your voice? He’s right there!” you yell-whispered. 
You craned your neck to see if Miles was listening. His head was down, all focus seemingly directed towards cooking beans. 
You turned back towards Alanna. “Anyway, he’s Jeff’s kid. I don’t want beef with Jeff or his mama if we break up. They literally live around the corner, do you know how awkward that’s gonna be?”
“So pessimistic,” Alanna’s lips were upturned into a pout. “How you just met him and you already imagining the breakup?”
“I’m being realisti–”
“The beans are done!” Miles’ voice interrupted. 
You called out, “That’s great, thank you so much! I’ll see you later this evening?”
He emerged from the kitchen and began to put on his sneakers. “Yup, lookin’ forward to it,” he stood up and made direct eye contact with you as he smiled. “Good luck with med school.”
With that, Miles grabbed his jacket off of the hook by the entrance, and left.
Your sister watched the door shut behind him with a satisfied grin. “He likes you.”
“No he don’t,” you retorted, keeping your eyes glued to your socks. “You want him to like me.”
The image of fluttering lashes and the scar on his cheek returned to you. How Alanna could tell even without her knowing about that little encounter was a mystery.
“Well, either way, do what you want,” she rose from the couch with a sigh of resignation. “I’m just saying he seems sweet. Now, help me decorate, and I’ll let you make the playlist after.”
You perked up at the thought of having DJ privileges and hopped to your feet. “You got it!”
Only half an hour had passed since relatives and family friends began trickling in, but you were already exhausted. One more inescapable hug and barrage of questioning, and you swore you’d have a breakdown. 
Ding dong!
“I’ll get it!” you announced, narrowly escaping being accosted by one of your aunts as you made a beeline for the door.
It was Miles again, this time with company.
“Welcome back,” you greeted Miles and stepped back to open the door wider. “Hey Mr. and Mrs. Morales!”
“Y/N! It’s been so long, tú eres tan guapa!” Rio Morales briefly took both of your hands in hers before entering, tugging Miles along with her.
Jefferson Morales was the last to go inside. His warm smile was a stark contrast to his wide, imposing frame. “I see Miles didn’t burn your kitchen down,” he laughed heartily. “He wasn’t too much trouble?”
Not in the way you were expecting.
You shook her head politely, “No, not at all! He even helped me finish dinner.”
Jefferson’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Well, that’s good to hear. We really appreciate the invite.”
“No problem,” you nodded as you shut the door.
“Y/N!” Alanna rushed up to you not a moment later, looking mildly panicked. “Do you remember where you put the drinks? The alcoholic ones, I mean.”
Your eyes widened. “Fuck, I think I forgot to buy them.”
“...Now, your mother was going to nursing school at the time, so she had to…”
Jefferson’s deep voice carried over the music, catching Alanna’s attention. He stood near the tin of mac and cheese telling a story that–judging by the look on Miles’ face–he had told several times before.
That same smirk from before spread across her lips. ‘Do what you want’, sure, but a little helpful push wouldn’t hurt.
“Miles, do you wanna help out Y/N again? She forgot to go out and buy drinks.”
He perked up, relief written all over his face. “Yeah, it’s no problem! I’ll drive her.”
You narrowed your eyes at your sister, but didn’t push back. “That’s cool with me. I’ll go get my sweater.”
You squeezed your fingers nervously as Miles turned the key and brought the car roaring to life. 
What could you possibly say to him? ‘Hey, so we almost kissed earlier. Thoughts on that?’ 
“What kinda drinks y’all need?” his voice ripped you away from your thoughts as he pulled onto the road. 
You didn’t answer, your eyes fixated on the motion of his hands spinning the wheel.
You blinked.
“What kind of drinks are we looking for?”
“Oh, um, wine and cider and shit,” you waved a hand in the air, “Stuff that goes with turkey.”
The ride was quiet, largely because you were busy racking your brain trying to think of something–anything–to fill the silence with. You’d already asked about school, and you knew Miles’ parents. But what about him?
He stopped at a red light, drumming his fingers on the wheel.
“So what do you do, like, outside of school?”
You winced. Small talk was not your forte.
Miles didn’t seem to mind though, appearing deep in thought before he answered, “I draw, when I got the time. Sing a little on the side.”
“I believe you. You look like you have a nice voice.”
An impish smile played on his lips. “Is that your way of saying I’m cute?”
“I…” the words were trapped in your throat. Part of you didn’t want to tell him the truth outright, but he was smiling at you and the sparkle in his eyes made you feel funny. 
“Maybe. Don’t get your hopes up, though.”
He raised an eyebrow. “So there’s a low, but non-zero chance.”
You snorted, “Alright, physics major. The light’s green.”
“Oh, shit. Thanks.” Miles focused his attention back onto the road and continued driving.
You didn’t say anything more for the remainder of the ride, but he caught you staring at him every now and then through the rear view mirror, curiosity written on your face.
Soon enough, he pulled over in front of the supermarket.
“Think you’ll find ‘stuff that goes with turkey’ in here?”
“I hope so,” you laughed, unbuckling your seat belt, “My sister’s gonna put me in the dirt if I don’t.”
“Well, good luck!”
Miles unlocked the door, and you set out on your mission.
Luckily, it only took you about twenty minutes to locate a bottle of moscato and some hard apple cider. Just as he saw you emerge from the double doors, though, a familiar buzzing in the back of his head tipped him off.
Really? On Thanksgiving?
A man wearing an inconspicuous black ski mask and hoodie stood waiting by the entrance, ready to strike. 
“Yo, empty your pocke–”
Miles swung into action the moment he spotted the gleam of a firearm.
You yelped as a string of white web shot out from seemingly nowhere and yanked the gun from your assailant’s hands. 
“It’s the holidays! C’mon, man!” 
“Spider-Man?” Your jaw dropped at the sight of the masked hero. 
He was perched on top of a low building right next to the supermarket, only his white eyes and the bright red streaks lining his suit visible in the pitch-black of night.
“At your service, ma’am!” 
With a quick salute, he was gone as suddenly as he’d appeared. Like, literally gone. You didn’t see him leave.
You let out a deep exhale and made your way back to Miles’ car, but you couldn’t see him in the window. A pit began to form in your stomach, until a voice made you jump.
“Hey, you alright?”
It was Miles, who had somehow appeared at your side without a sound. He was out of breath, leaning his elbow on the side of the vehicle for support.
Your eyes narrowed. “I’m…fine. Are you okay? Where’d you go?”
“Bathroom,” he lied. He pointed towards the bags you were holding. “Need help with those?”
You handed them over without a second thought. “Definitely. You know this nigga almost robbed me outside the store just now? Then, right as he’s about to pull a gun on me, guess who shows up?”
Miles grinned knowingly. “Spider-Man?”
“Showed up quick as hell! Even on Thanksgiving, can you imagine?”
He opened the door to the passenger’s side for you to get in. 
Miles did a slight bow, allowing you to catch a flash of red and black peeking out from beneath his jacket. You had assumed that he was wearing a turtleneck at first, but upon closer inspection–
“At your service,” he said with a grin before making his way over to the driver’s seat.
As you shut the door, Spider-Man’s voice returned to you.
At your service, ma’am.
The rest of the way home, you replayed both sentences in your head, alternating between the two and replaying the night’s events.
Miles had just so happened to reappear mere seconds after Spider-Man had said the words. They even shared an accent. You considered the absurd possibility for a moment; the police chief’s son being the masked vigilante would make quite the headline, almost poetic in its irony. 
Too poetic.
But just as you were about to let it go, Miles went over a speedbump, causing a jolt that made something begin to slip out from his jacket’s right pocket.
Black, red and white.
You pondered how to broach the subject once he pulled up in front of your house, when a lightbulb went off in your head.
Reaching over to the red button that released your seatbelt, you pressed it halfway, over and over again.
“Miles, I think my seatbelt’s stuck. Help me out?”
Miles removed his own with a click. “Sure, lemme see.”
He leaned over and reached the passenger’s seat with ease. His breath hit the side of your neck as he moved closer, making your heart rate quicken, but you maintained focus.
What mattered was that he was in close quarters. You had to see the suit.
“Got it,” Miles said once he released your not-actually-stuck seatbelt. “You’re free–”
Before he could move any further, you grabbed the collar of his jacket and unzipped it halfway.
“I knew it!”
The look of sheer terror on Miles’ face sealed the deal. Here was Spider-Man, in all of his glory.
“Are you…gonna…tell anyone?” 
His voice was hushed as he spoke. Almost small. You looked into those round, glassy eyes and felt a wave of guilt. 
“I–no, of course not,” you shook your head. “I just…I needed to be sure.”
He relaxed, some of the humor returning to his face. “And now that you’re sure?”
A cheeky grin spread across your lips.
“I guess I should thank you.”
You tugged at his collar one more time and brought his lips crashing against yours.
After getting over the initial surprise, Miles brought a hand up to caress one side of your face and deepen the kiss. Your other hand reached up and brushed the cold metal of one of his stud earrings before you snaked your arm around his neck.
Miles was the first to pull away, zipping his jacket back up.
“I don’t think I can stay in this position for that long,” he smiled. “We gotta get back inside with these drinks.”
You sighed, head still pounding with adrenaline. “You’re right, let’s get outta here.”
By the time you made it up the steps, Alanna was already holding the door open. She gave your face a good once-over and stifled a laugh.
“Did you two have fun on your little adventure?”
You took one of the bags from Miles and held it up like a trophy. “Yup, mission accomplished.”
“That’s not what I meant, baby,” she gestured towards her lips and mouthed “your lip gloss.”
Your eyes widened as she snickered, and let the two of you in. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll fix it in the bathroom. Hurry up!”
A few makeup wipes and a liner touch-up later, you emerged from the bathroom just in time for dinner.
Out of all the chairs strewn about the living room, you ended up seated between Miles and Jefferson. The former kept quiet, save for the occasional joke or wink thrown in your direction. Jefferson kept inquiring about your studies, which would then bounce back to Miles’ studies, which Miles then would somehow deflect back to you. Any and all conversation with Jeff became awkward, considering you had just made out with his son.
The party ending felt like a weight lifted off of your shoulders.
You stood at the entrance, waving goodbye to the steady stream of guests as their conversations stretched on, even from their cars. The Morales family were the last to leave.
After his parents went down the steps, Miles stopped in front of the door.
“Hey,” he smiled and tilted his head.
“Hey. You ready to go? I’m not letting you stay the night,” you teased.
“Wasn’t planning to, I promise. I just wanted to ask…” 
He shoved his hands into his pockets. “When are you goin’ back to campus?”
Miles winced, “Damn.”
“I know, I literally gotta start packing to-night! It’s a nightmare!”
“In that case,” he took out his phone, and held it out to you gingerly. “Can we keep in touch?”
You accepted the offer, rapidly entering your digits and saving them under your name. “Worried about me spilling your secret identity?”
“Absolutely. I gotta keep an eye on you from now on. Like witness protection, but backwards–”
“Miles, vamos!” Rio called out from a distance.
“I’m coming, mami!” he replied before turning back to you. “See you winter break?”
You planted a kiss on his cheek. “Maybe. Non-zero chance.”
"I'll take it."
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cookies-and-music · 9 months ago
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Ghost. - part 20: Directions
My suggestion for this chapter is Born to Die by Lana del Ray, cause I just had to.
Part 1 here - Last part to be published on Tuesday
TAG LIST: @kats72 ; @mischief2sarawr ; @m3ntally-unstable ; @star-maker-rain-dancer
SUMMARY: Loki meets sombody at the TVA he once knew. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to remember him.
Lydia crouched down, covering her head with her arms, but she didn't feel any impact. She didn't feel anything. Slowly, she opened one eye, and the strong light that hit her was annoying. She straightened up, blinking to adjust to the neon lights, and looked around, recognizing one of the corridors at the TVA.
TVA? Loki!
She still felt the stone she had taken from the tree in her hand. She loosened her grip to check that it was still there. And it was. And so was the TVA. She started running towards O.B.'s office, and the closer she got, the more she heard her colleagues talking.
"She will never give up, you saw what she's become, B-15."
"It's precisely because I've seen her like that that I don't trust her, Mobius. Under different circumstances, I might have gone with her into the unknown, but I won't accompany her to die and I won't let her drag us along."
"No need" Lydia said, opening the door "I did it."
"Did what?" Mobius tilted his head.
Lydia looked at everyone present before smiling.
"I took the heart from the donor" Lydia showed the stone to everyone, holding it between her index finger and thumb. B-15's jaw would have hit the floor if it weren't attached to her, and Victor Timely took a few steps back as if frightened.
"What the hell…" Mobius began but was interrupted.
"Oh, I wouldn't worry too much, the donor was dying anyway" Lydia slid the stone onto the desk towards O.B., who took it in his hands, adjusting his glasses.
"You really did it" Mobius leaned in to get a better look at the object.
"And it went well" Lydia shrugged, while O.B. began murmuring with Timely and analyzing the stone with various instruments.
"You've completely lost your mind" B-15 shook her head.
"Maybe, but at least I solved the problem."
"Actually, I'd wait to say that" O.B. interrupted, drawing attention. "This thing… has no energy."
"What do you mean?" Lydia tilted her head.
"Well, the heart is supposed to power the tree, like some sort of battery, right?" Lydia exchanged a glance with Mobius, nodding.
"So it should have a charge, a form of energy."
"Faster, O.B." Lydia crossed her arms.
"At first glance, this stone has nothing energetic or magical or anything. It's just a stone" O.B. looked at her almost apologetically for having to give her the news. Lydia laughed bitterly and dug her fingers into her own flesh as much as she could while rolling her eyes from the floor to the ceiling.
"Just a stone." She repeated bitterly. When she had put her hand in the tree, she had felt the energy coming from that thing, but there was only one person in the world who could have created such a deception.
"I can analyze it further to see if there's anything else but…"
"Screw it" she turned, opening the door and leaving "Screw everything" She ran down the corridors, knocking over anyone in her way, reaching the main hall and hurling herself against the glass behind which Yggdrasil hid the Asgardian, punching with all the strength she had in her body.
"Screw you, Loki" she threw another punch. "Do you hear me? Screw you!" She threw a third punch. "Do you want to spend eternity alone? Fine!" Mobius, who had run after her, finally reached her and grabbed her arm, pulling her back and out of the room while Lydia struggled.
"Sorry about that" Mobius smiled at the shocked colleagues. "She's a bit stressed, it'll pass soon."
Lydia continued struggling until she was out of the hall.
"Feeling better?"
Mobius had made her sit in the infirmary and left her there to cool down while he went to get her something warm.
Lydia didn't answer, remaining curled up with her chin resting on her knees and her gaze lost.
"I'll take that as a no," Mobius sighed, approaching. He sat on the cot next to her, holding the cup he had brought between his hands.
"I'm really sorry, Lydia, truly. And not just because Loki is my closest friend, but also because I saw your disappointment."
Lydia still didn't respond.
"You tried. You risked your life for him, and that's admirable, but sometimes we have to know when to stop, take the time to mourn and move on."
"I saw him," was all she managed to say.
"Loki" Lydia lifted her head slightly "In Asgard. I talked to him."
Mobius took a moment to process.
"And what did he say?"
"That he loves me and that he wants me to move on."
Mobius inhaled.
"You should."
"I can't," Lydia finally turned to look at him "I know he made a choice. I know we should be grateful and do our best to live out the opportunity he gave us. I know all of that."
"But you can't."
"He asked me if I loved him. I said yes, and he left. He chose to live without me. But I never chose to live without him."
"You two are so selfish," Mobius smiled, taking a sip from the cup, forgetting he had brought it for her "and yet you both have no sense of self-preservation."
"How can I move on, knowing he loves me too, that we could have had everything? I can't live in this purgatory where he's alive but we all have to pretend he's dead."
"I understand," Mobius nodded "But if you do love him, the only thing you can do is preserve his legacy. This," he gestured around them "is what we have left of him."
A shrill beep from Mobius's pager interrupted the conversation. Mobius glanced at it quickly.
"It's O.B., want to go see what he says?"
Lydia nodded slightly.
"Let's go," he got off the cot, "and then enough. Starting tomorrow, you'll focus on something else, agreed?"
She smiled slightly and followed him.
The last person she expected to find in O.B.'s office was her.
"Sylvie" Lydia said through gritted teeth.
"Princhett" Sylvie replied with equal enthusiasm.
"This isn't your place, what are you doing here?" Lydia crossed her arms.
"I invited her" O.B. interjected "for an Asgardian's perspective."
"Trust me, as soon as this little meeting is over, I'll be as far away from your ugly face as possible."
"Calm down," Mobius intervened. "Both of you. O.B., what have you found out?"
"Well," he adjusted his glasses "as I said before, this stone should work like a battery, but right now it's drained. Upon further investigation, we found small traces of energy inside, of various kinds, or rather, coming from different sources."
"Which, for those without an engineering degree, means?"
O.B. looked at Lydia's blank expression, which somehow made him feel more uncomfortable than when she was angry. He gulped.
"Well, thinking of it as a battery, this is currently drained, but it's possible that it has been recharged multiple times in the past."
"I'm still not following," Mobius put a hand on his hip.
"The heart fills with the power of whoever creates the tree, i.e., it recharges, and then it diffuses it, powering Yggdrasil little by little" Sylvie interjected.
"And how does that help us?" Lydia massaged a temple, too tired to think and her plans never seemed to work.
"Loki could use it this way" Sylvie grabbed the stone and waved it in front of Lydia, "he could inject his power into it and then leave, letting the tree power itself until the battery runs out."
"And when the battery runs out?" Mobius asked.
"We end up like Asgard in 2017" Sylvie turned to him "But that would happen anyway at some point, because nothing is infinite, not even Loki's power."
"Sounds easy" Lydia looked at her skeptically.
"Oh, it's anything but easy. The moment Loki recharges the heart with all his power, he ends up with nothing."
"What do you mean?"
"That he would no longer be a god, neither of mischief nor of time. Goodbye powers, goodbye longevity, goodbye everything. He would just be Loki… and—"
"And he would never agree to that," Lydia sighed, running her hands over her face. Sylvie nodded, and a silent moment passed.
"Well, we'll have to convince him," Mobius clasped his hands in front of him.
"You know it's impossible" Lydia shook her head.
"No, I don't know that, and neither do you."
The group just looked at him as if he were rambling.
"Come on, you can't say Loki has never surprised you" he continued "When he arrived, he was an egotistical megalomaniac, and in the end, he made the greatest sacrifice one could ask of someone."
"So what are you suggesting?" Sylvie crossed her arms.
"To go on. To try. Whatever happens, it will be his choice and it will be free, and whatever it is, we'll have to accept it" he looked at Lydia.
"I don't think he wants to listen to me right now," Lydia sighed.
Mobius smiled, "In fact, I don't think it should be you talking to him."
Swimming in space in a heavy suit attached by a cable to the TVA base was probably the most difficult and complicated thing to do. Besides, it was risky, given that the tree emitted a considerable amount of radiation.
Mobius cursed with every step.
After passing the branches that, like brambles, blocked the passage, Mobius found not Loki, but the god of time. Seated on his golden throne, rigid and with a face that seemed to have aged years. He looked at him, and Mobius had the sensation of facing someone else, someone unknown.
"Mobius," the god pronounced his name.
"Should I bow?" Mobius tried to lighten the atmosphere, and the only response he got was a softening of Loki's expression.
"I know why you're here and my answer is no."
"Oh good, since the longer I stay, the more I risk my skin, I'm glad it was quick," Mobius shrugged "Enjoy the rest of eternity" he waved, turning to leave, taking only two steps before stopping, as if a thought had just occurred to him.
"Just one question before I go" he turned back to the god "why?"
"Why, what?"
"Why don't you want to come home?"
"I have no home to return to" Loki clenched his jaw.
"Oh, come on! Why are you always so dramatic?" Mobius laughed "You know that's not true. We are your home, and I know you know it" he shook his head "why don't you give me an honest answer?"
Loki didn't respond.
"Nothing? Then I'll guess," Mobius touched the helmet with one hand, as if he wanted to massage his temple. "Maybe you think you deserve punishment for all the deaths you've caused over time, or maybe you think the only way not to do more damage is to abstain from the world, or maybe you believe that solitude is the only answer because you've been too disappointed by the people you trusted."
"Mobius…" he spoke as if to warn him.
"Maybe all of these things together, or simply, you couldn't face life without being a great god but a mere mortal."
"You know I'm not that shallow."
"So, what is it? What's the reason? Give me a sensible answer and I promise I'll leave." Loki clenched a fist and looked away. Mobius sighed.
"I know you believe there's nothing out here for you, right now. That the god of mischief or time is the only thing you can ever be, but it's not true. You are a skilled analyst, you've proven to be a brilliant scientist, and most importantly, you are a great friend, and that's why I'm here."
Loki looked at him with a softer expression.
"We love you, Loki. We want you in our lives, and knowing that you're just an observer isn't enough for us. We want you to be a part of them."
"And what if it doesn't work?" Loki sighed.
"Know that there's someone at the TVA who doesn't understand the meaning of the verb 'to give up.'"
Loki ran a hand over his eyes, "She'll end up getting herself killed."
"That's why you need to come back, the girl has no sense of self-preservation, she's impulsive like no other, and I can't keep up with her anymore" Mobius took a few steps, placing himself in front of Loki "But know that she's not the only one at the TVA ready to risk everything for you." He placed a hand on Loki's shoulder. Loki gave a faint smile, covering Mobius's hand with his own, and Mobius felt terribly relieved at the idea of seeing his friend again and not the self-proclaimed king of timelines.
"So…" Mobius reached into the pocket of his suit and pulled out the stone. "Shall we give it a try?"
so... stay tuned for the epilogue, I guess. Don't think many users are reading this fic anymore... anyway, I'm writing and pubilishing for the few who do read it, and myself. As, usual Cheers.
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prostopaket · 17 days ago
This piece of work is a little valentines gift for me, you can ignore or indulge ! What it is you want. This is Canon x oc (toby x sam ) so yeah...that the warning.
Oh and there's curse words !:)
Drums and guitars.
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Being a drummer In some shity garage band was not how sam expected to spend all his life, he didn't expect to even last one week ! But here he is on a summer break drumming like his life depends on it.
But there was one problem, a big fucking hiccup. The ticking time bomb named Tobias Erin Rogers. He was his groups guitarist, the main fangirls course.
Sam was annoyed by him. He always looked like a kicked puppy, just maybe a bit ragged and scrawny. He had turrets syndrome, so he always ticked (literally) and he seemed to be trying to get on Sam's  good side. But sam was better then that, atleast he thought so.
"Hey man, maybe we should play not only on breaks but also at school time ?" Toby asked sam and the other two members of the group Jeff and Ben.
"Tobias, we got like classes to attend to. We are not homeschooled like you " sam answered roughly. Toby's eyes sadden at his words. Totally a puppy.
"Oh...right " rogers rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
After some time Jeff and Ben have left leaving them both alone, Sam  thought he  could safely leave too but toby stopped him from even standing up, he was right behind sam. putting his arms on Sam's  shoulders and his head on top of his .
"What the fuck are you doing?" Sam asked putting his drum sticks on the drum set.
It's not like Sam necessarily disliked touch, he was a actually quite touch starved. But he didn't like sudden touch, it was...well unnecessarily frightening.
"What does it look like I'm doing ? " toby said sarcastically and gave sam a small hug from behind.
"Youre warm" he said bluntly.
Blunt. That's how you could call toby.
He is honest, maybe that was what scared sam the most. Toby wouldn't lie.
"Well your freezing cold " sam said annoyed looking anywhere but not at Toby's hands.
"Aw. You care " he smiled while he squeezed sam tighter. He knew damn well how much sam hated it.
"I do not !" Sam says but doesn't move away, he just crosses his hands on his chest.
"Sure you do " he smirked and leaned more on sam,  his chin on your shoulder.
"See ? Your letting me do it. Means you care, you big softie." Toby said.
"You wouldn't let me go anyway " sam says looking at the drums.
Right drums. He could just focus on his drums.
It's all his life, it's all his passion, it's...
A way to be around toby.
"True. But still, if you really hated it you would've pushed me off already"
He said bluntly and hugged the poor guy even tighter. "I should hug you more often, your a good heater. " toby smirked and chuckled lightly.
"You do it atleast once more and I'm not going to our band practice " sam says and looks at Toby's hands for a second.
Oh god, oh God, oh no.
"Ouch. that's harsh " he said with a fake offended tone. He then let's go of sam and put his hands up in surrender.
"Fine I won't hug you more then once, atleast not until you are less of a dick to me ".
Sam signed with a bit of relief. Yeah that is all he can do, be a dick. Nothing more.
He cannot be vulnerable.
"Thank you. " sam says sarcastically and stretcha with a tired groan. He always forgets how tiring it is to play drums.
"Your very welcome " toby said sarcastically too.
He was quiet for a second, he was studying sams every move and then a smirk appeared on his face. "So... you got any plans for tonight ? " Toby asked with innocent eyes.
"What....?" Sam asks  confused stopping his stretching mid way.
"Plans, tonight, are you doing anything ?" He repeated and stepped closer to sam till he was only a few inches away. "Nothing important right ? " He tilted his head to one side innocently.
Sam was in fact not doing anything tonight.
But why would toby want to know ? .
"Why the question?" Sam asks suspicious.
"Oh no reason. Just that I, a homeschooled teen who has all free time in the world, wanted to hang out with his friends " he gave off a fake sad pout.
Right. Sam almost forgot about that.
Sam drummed  his fingers on the the drum set thinking and suddenly stopped  "I guess I Don't have any plans " he  said looking back at toby.
He's smirk became bigger, even a bit evil. A little 'oh' leaving his lips. "Oh really ? " He said in a mocking tone, he slowly got closer to sam.
"Then I guess you and I are hanging out today. " He said.
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justoneofthoseghosts · 1 year ago
“You flinched.” + Brettsey
This one is AU featuring firefighter Brett and doctor Casey!
Sylvie winces as she massages her shoulder. Based on her basic EMT training, she didn't think it was dislocated. She could still move it anyway without much discomfort or pain.
She sighs, leaning back against the cold, metal chair in the Med waiting room. All of 51 was there waiting for news on Otis. Poor guy had been shot in that call where Sylvie had ducked haphazardly to avoid the bullets flying around, landing on her left shoulder.
"You flinched."
She glances at Stella next to her, raising an eyebrow at her fellow firefighter.
"You flinched - just now. You should really get that shoulder checked out," she advises.
"Later - I want to know how Otis is doing first," Sylvie mumbles.
It had been an hour since he went in for surgery. She tries not to relive the whole thing. She knew growing up in Chicago was dangerous but she never expected something like that ever to happen during a call. She sends a prayer upward, hoping her friend would be okay. She and Otis had known each other since their days in the Academy. By some sheer luck, she got transferred onto truck 81 two years ago, almost the same time as Stella, and the three of them together with Joe had been thick as thieves ever since. She couldn't imagine a life without Otis.
The sliding doors open up, drawing everyone's attention. They glance as Connor Rhodes walks into view. They all stand up, walking towards the trauma surgeon.
"Otis is going to be fine," he announces, "it's going to be a long road to recovery but with rigorous physical therapy, he should be able to get back to work in a few months."
Sylvie breathes a sigh of relief as everyone around he rejoice at the good news. They were going to have to deal with a floater for a few months but Otis would be back in no time.
Stella pokes her in the shoulder.
"Ouch," she lets out unintentionally, shooting daggers at Stella.
"Time to see a doctor, Brett," Stella reminds her, "luckily we are in a hospital."
"I'll be fine," she tells Stella, brushing it off. She thinks it might just be a bruise forming. She'll ask one of the paramedics to check on it when they get back to the firehouse. Foster did still owe her for introducing her Lana, the lady that ran the mobile rig command center.
"Nope - you are coming with me."
Stella grabs her by her suspenders, walking purposefully towards the ED entrance.
Stella doesn't relent. She asks Maggie, the charge nurse, if any doctors were available to check on Sylvie quickly. She explains the situation and the nurse nods, calling over a doctor Sylvie didn't recognize. He was tall, had broad shoulders, sandy blonde hair and warm, blue eyes.
Honestly, he was very handsome.
Objectively speaking of course.
"Dr. Casey, Brett here needs her shoulder checked," Maggie informs him, handing him an iPad.
He smiles at her, "sure - bay 3 free?"
"All yours."
As Stella bids Sylvie a quick goodbye, she nudges the blonde firefighter, "bet you're thanking me now, huh?"
She blushes, pushing Stella away, rolling her eyes when the other firefighter snickers in response.
Her cheeks redden even more when she realizes Dr. Casey observe the whole interaction.
"Sorry," she says, twisting her watch band absentmindedly.
He shakes his head, "nothing to be sorry about."
He leads her to a bay, asking her to take a seat on the bed as he closes the curtains.
"Can you tell me what happened?" He asks, glancing down at his iPad, pushing a few buttons before looking up once more, sending her a soft, encouraging smile.
She doesn't know what makes her spill her guts to the doctor. Somehow, he males her feel at ease immediately, a certain calmness washing over her at being in his presence. Maybe it was how he was looking at her, like he genuinely cared about what she was going to say.
Yeah, maybe it was the solemn yet attentive expression on his face.
Did she mention he was handsome? That look made him 10 times even more handsome.
Gosh. She really didn't need to thirst over the new doctor. He was just doing his job.
She recounts the whole ordeal, realizing it as the first time she was speaking it out loud since this morning. She tells him about how it was just a routine call - they were firefighters and were used to putting out fires only this time, there was a room that had guns in it that apparently were semi automatic and rigged to fire at random. She and Otis were in the room searching for victims. She managed to call a warning and duck behind the bed, causing the trouble with her shoulder, but Otis wasn't so lucky.
Unintentionally, she lets it slip how terrified she was for Otis, of potentially losing another person she loved in the line of duty, how she tried to remember what was taught at the Fire Academy about applying pressure to wounds while waiting for what felt like forever for the paramedics to show up, how she was glad that Otis would be alright.
"I'm really sorry," she tells him sheepishly, "you don't need to hear all this."
He shakes his head once more, eyes full of understanding, "don't apologize. You do need to talk about things like that. It can be heavy dealing with it alone. I get it."
She smiles softly at him. It was like she was talking to someone she had known for years. He was right too. Firefighters were often tough but Sylvie knew mental health and emotional well being should be their priorities too, especially with how hard their line of work could be - not all calls resulted in rescues. There were grim days when they became recoveries.
"Thank you, Dr. Casey," she says earnestly.
"Nah - no need to thank me."
He asks if it was okay for her to pull up her top so he could check on her shoulder more closely. She nods, thinking nothing of it until it dawns on her. She tries not to blush again because today she chose to wear the one lacy bra she had in her underwear drawer.
Hey, it was the only one left because laundry day isn't scheduled until tomorrow.
She pulls up her grey shirt carefully as the doctor slips on a pair of surgical gloves. She tries hard not to look at him. She's sure he's seen a lot of women in their undergarments.
Darn it. She didn't mean that.
She meant at the hospital, of course, while examining them - for medical purposes only.
He begins to slowly knead the portion of Sylvie's shoulder that she pointed was the place she thinks she landed on. He does it carefully, clinically like any good doctor would. Curiosity getting the better of her, she chances a glance at him, noticing how his own cheeks seem to have reddened. When their eyes meet, he averts his gaze, clearing his throat.
"Doesn't feel dislocated," he tells her lowly, "but there may be some bruising or swelling so I suggest icing it whenever you can so it'll heal faster."
"Got it," she says as she lowers her top, smoothing it out, "thanks doc."
He smiles at her, "in case you feel any pain after a week, feel free to swing by. I can check on you shoulder or write your script for some pain meds."
She nods, swinging her legs back and forth, "thank you again - not just for checking me out but for listening too."
Few people were good listeners in her option and Dr. Casey was definitely a good one, especially since she unloaded so much about the day to him.
"No worries," he states, one hand going to the back of his neck, awkwardly massaging it, like he was debating something internally.
She wonders briefly if the tiny hint of a connection she felt wasn't all in her head.
When doesn't speak, she swallows down a bit of her own disappointment.
They stare at each other for a few seconds. She's unsure of what to do and he doesn't seem to know too.
She clears her throat, jumping off the bed, pointing towards the door, "I, uh, I should get back to everyone. Thank you again, Dr. Casey."
"Call me Matt," he blurts out before his eyes go wide, like he couldn't believe he just sad that.
She lets out a laugh, "call me Sylvie then."
He grins.
"I'll see you around, Matt," she states before turning around to leave.
She pulls back the curtain, taking a step out of the room when she hears him call out to her.
She turns back around, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Here's my card," he says, handing her a calling card, "feel free to call me if you want to schedule an appointment."
She takes the card from him, glancing at it before tucking it into her turnout pants pocket. She nods at him.
He seems to be debating something internally again.
"Or feel free to call if you need anyone to talk to - anytime."
She furrows her eyebrows at him, not quite sure what to make of it. Was he offering to be her therapist or something? It was sweet of him to offer but she already had a therapist she loved.
"Thanks," she says, "I'll keep that in mind."
He frowns, signaling for her to not walk away just yet.
"Jesus, this is coming out all wrong," he grumbles.
"What is?"
"I, uh, I was hoping to ask you out for a drink," he states before smiling shyly at her.
Her heart leaps to her throat at his words. Guess he felt it too.
She smiles, "there's a bar called Molly's. It's owned by a few firefighters from 51. I'm usually there off shift. I'll text you the address."
She sees his shoulder visibly relax, "great. I'll see you there."
He claps his hands awkwardly but it makes Sylvie laugh. She thinks about how adorable and completely dorky he was being, endearing himself further to Sylvie.
"I'll see you there," she confirms.
As she's walking back towards the rest of her house, she thinks that maybe she'll buy Stella a drink for pushing her to get checked out. Something tells her getting a date out of it with someone who seemed sweet and genuine was just the tip of the iceberg.
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roryculkinsgf · 1 year ago
cinnamon girl // Coriolanus Snow
Ngl this might be a bit cringe but it´s written late, after crying for hours so what else do you want. English isn´t my first language, so don´t expect much lol
Summary: Coriolanus Snow comforts his F tribute
TW: fluff, comforting, awkwardness
WC: 770
Your life never seemed too extraordinary, much interesting. At times you felt like you could be doing such great things if you weren´t poor. If you friends, or your loves and flings lasted. If you had enough clothes, or spare place to show your mind. If you had a simple chance. 
You lost any you the day you got picked. They yelled out your name, all the eyes turned to you. Cold breeze swell your skin in goosebumps. Heart made it´s way out of your system. All ideas to run, to find a life, were gone. Leaving your family behind, they brought you to the podium. It was all over there. 
Few strangers looked up in guilt, some in fury. Most in joke, anyway. You were the butt of it. 
"Sorry, your name is Y/n, right?" A handsome young man - your mentor-  smiled at you. You nodded, tempting to look anywhere but to his god-to light orbs. Something was so distracting about him. "You okay, darling?" He asked tilting his head left. As you tried to offer a nice smile back, all of the fantasy crashed.
"How can you even ask that?" You cried out loudly, making the boy shake. Every other mentor turned your way. Yours though, didn´t even bother to shush you. All that remained on his face now, was empathy."You tore me out of my life. From my family, to a complete mess and even dare to ask if I´m okay? What could be possibly wrong with you, blonde?!" Hissing voice introduced tears. 
Warm - to you burning even - water ruined the pretty mascara you had been wearring. It was the only thing you had time to take, The only reminder of your loving mother, who had to see the ugly parts of it. All her beauty carried in you seemed to scream out as you came weeping. 
"N-no, I´m not from those who did that to you. I swear to my own life, if it had been my choice I´d never pick out your name, Y/n." Words howeve sweet, coming from a stranger it meant nothing. "Your promise won´t help me, blonde. Not even a whit." A long sob teared from your mouth. 
"Blonde?" "Yeah.." you wiped some salty liquid off with your sleeves. "How else am I supposted to call you? I canno´t guess your name if you won´t tell me.." With shiny eyes you looked up into his. He took a breath. You didn´t know, but deep in his heart there´s been some mercy left. Right now it all for you. If only he could, he´d give all of it to your small figure looking so gorgeous and fragile to him. He´d rather send you to his house then to the arena. Of course, he knew he couln´t actually do any of it, but thinking of maybe being your flame. That was good enough.
"My name´s Coriolanus. Coriolanus Snow." He said with a half-smile. Somehow that´s all it took for you to stop blubbering finally. "N-nice to meet you," your shaky voice provided. People around stared weirdly, not at you anymore. At the tall blonde who seemed fancy, trying his best to give hope to a mess. in front of him.
"I´m so sorry, Y/n, that my country has forced you to be here. It isn´t in my hands, but something is. I promise here, to you, to anyone who hears me... Even if it takes me sleepless nights and names me a fool, this fight won´t be win-less. I ´ll do my absolute best and get you out and to take care of you, dove." 
Those words however unsual they sounded to you, came with such comfort. It was all horrible to be here but maybe there was chance for a start of something new. You couln´t figure out what to respond and so he stepped closer. Really close. And wrapped his arms around you. Not tight. Soft and cozy, smiling into your hair and smelling like vanilla candles and bath bubbles. For a moment you got lost in something your mind couldn´t quite explain. Like a foreign language written on a board, those words simply said "love". (or did they?)
He then held you tighter but you didn´t mind a bit, as you were holding him back, just as firm. "Thank you," you whispered into his clothed chest. 
"I promise to make you a survivor. And then we´ll escape. I don´t know much about you, but you seem to need a new start. That alright?" He said quietly, playing with a strand of your hair. 
And so he led you in. 
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a-fantastic-time · 8 months ago
Alola weather was usually so warm and nice, and yet, a tropical storm was coming, and for Laura, the mother of Lana the Trial Captain, she was now rushing outside in nothing but a tightly-tied bathrobe to bring in laundry that had been drying on the lines all day, but the sound of wind and thunder got her rushing out now as she had been sleeping for the last few hours and it was a reminder.
As for why just a bathrobe, well, she had a tendency to sleep naked, and needed something quick to throw on just so people couldn't catch her naked, she already had quite the few who looked her way normally, but with laundry thrown into a basket hastily, Laura would turn back to see a Machoke in the trees leading to the forest, and felt bad for him to where she went over to him.
"Are you looking for somewhere to go while this storm passes? You can come inside and stay with me, it's just me now anyway" She explained innocently, making sure her bathrobe was being held securely so she didn't flash him her breasts or pussy because of the wind that was picking up.
There had been many pokemon working along the beaches of Alola, most were taken away from the shore line, but the larger and brawnier ones were left to continue their jobs. Machoke being one of the main ones to continue cleaning the beach, and making sure things did not fly away as soon as the storm hit the island. "Ma-Machoke!" He had chased after one of the many beach umbrellas, and ended up in the woods near by.
He looked around, until he ended up in someone's backyard. Only to turn and see the blue haired older woman seemingly trying to get his attention. The sound of wind growing louder, and the occasional thunder clap causing them both to flinch. He nodded softly and slowly made his way over to the curvy older woman. He stood before her, ready to follow her inside, when a gust of wind blew past them both.
Causing the large male to get a peek at something Laura had been trying to keep hidden. A flash of her nipples, and her shaven pussy could be spotted for a quick moment. Immediately making the male grin as he grabbed her and pulled her inside, making it seem like he was simply helping her to get some where safe.
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nerdycrusadecomputer · 2 years ago
Your favorite boy <3 | TOH Hunter
Hillow it is i the (not so great) Lana! Muahahaha
So yeah this is a hunter x reader fic just wanted some fluff ad angst? If you can even call it that, so yeah, I'll be checking any misspelled words or grammatical errors tomorrow :) now let's get on with da fict!
Key words: y/n - your name; h/l - hair length; h/c - hair colour; e/c - eye colour
Hunter x gn!witch!reader
Warnings: hunter not knowing what a crush is, tooth rotting fluff, angst?
Tumblr media
---Hunter's pov---
"hunter over here!" Someone yelled, i turned around to see that that someone was y/n, a warm mile appeared on my face as they flailed their arms around
"coming!" I yelled running towards them as i giggled in excitement, i was soon right next to them as they jumped up and down, i looked at them confused, not knowing what they were exited about
"what's up?" I asked
"today's the opening of the carnival dummy! I'm so exited that you actually gave up your free day to go to the carnival with me!" They yelled excitedly as they ran around in circles
"well anything for a friend!" I said as i took their hand, i could have swore i saw them frown but when i turned around to look at them they had a huge smile on their face so i thought nothing of it
---time skip---
"never thought kids would be that dangerous." Y/n said as i chuckled
"you sould haw listened to my warnings" i said biting down on my pretzel
"well you know i don't listen to you." They mumbled sitting next to me
"that's concerning considering that i am THE golden guard." I proclaimed as i flipped my hair 'worm' as y/n called it, they giggled as they looked at the sunset i just couldn't help but admire their beautiful face how their beautiful h/l h/c hair matched their perfect face and beautiful e/c coloured eyes, wait what am i thinking?!?! Their my best friend!
"what're you staring at Goldie?" They asked as they turned towards me
"do i have left over mud on my face from wrestling that pig?" They asked as i chuckled
"yes actually, right... there." I said as i reached out to their cheek and started to rub off the mud, but i just couldn't stop myself from focusing on their face again, 'my Titan- they looked so beautiful from this angle' i thought as i put y hand under their chin
They were quite surprised by this action as their blush quickly caught on their cheeks and ears, i slowly started to lean in as i closed my eyes and right as our lips were about to touch they screamed out
"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD ITS THE MORNING!" they yelled as their face morphed in to Luz's face?!?!
I jumped up from my matrice as i screamed in fear
"oh my Titan Luz! You scared me half to death!" I screamed at the girl
"yeah yeah whatever, you must have been having a great dream because you didn't reply when we called you for breakfast, you even didn't wake up when Vee tried to wake you up, which is pretty rare." She said as she got up, "anyway breakfast is ready and everyone is waiting for you so hurry up and get dressed!" She added as she walked out of the room and slammed the door shut, i let out a long sigh and flopped down on the bed as i repeated the last scenes of my dream, excluding when Luz tried to wake me up of course, and it was like a memory i had when me and my friend y/n went to the carnival, but I'm guessing my mind just switched on what actually happened, but why did it do that? Why do i blush every time i think about them? Why-
"HUNTER!" Mrs Noceda yelled
"COMING!" I yelled back as i jumped from my matrice and flew out of the door to the dining room, as flapjack quickly followed me
---time skip---
Throughout the whole week that dream kept repeating over and over in my dreams, as well as some of the other memory's i had with her that were also flipped and changed around, and every time i think about them i feel weak in the knee's, and the only logical way, at least for me, was to ask for help, so i went to Gus, probably not my best option but everyone else was out grocery shopping so he was my only hope
"hey Gus?" I said as i entered the bedroom that all of us were sharing
"hey hunter!" He said enthusiasticly as he paused whatever he was watching and turned to me
"what do you need?" He asked, i sighed and sat down next to him
"I'm having confusing feelings." I said, looking down at the floor
"well, umm, if you want me to help you can explain those feelings?" He said, well more like questioned, i nodded
"well umm, there's this friend that i had back at the Boiling Isles, before even we caught the owl lady for the first time and their name was y/n, and recently I've been thinking more and more about them, like having these strange dreams with us almost kissing at the end of them or something like that, and every time they cross my mind my knees feel weak, heat rises to my cheeks and i feel like i want to throw up butterfly's, and when the thought of them getting hurt from the collector, or anyone for that matter, i feel sad and weak, the thought of anything happening to them makes me want to murder the person or thing that did anything to them, even if the witch, monster or thing is ten times stronger than me, i-i just want to give them everything i have, but i feel like that still won't be enough, like if i could give them the whole world i would, and yeah that's pretty much it." I said as i finally looked at Gus, to see him in complete shock, i mean eyes wide mouth open kind of shock
"what?" I said, i then heard multiple screeches from the door, oh no
"THIS MOMENT NEEDS TO BE SAVED!" Luz screeched as she ran in the room and took her phone that was previously playing whatever Gus was watching
"No, nonononononono, it's not like that! I don't have a crush!" I said nervously laughing as i scratched the back of my head
"well it doesn't sound like it!" Luz said as she played a recording... OF MY RANT?!?!
"You, RECORDED THIS!" i yelled at her ad i jumped up from the floor
"of course i record everything." She said shaking her phone left and right a bit before stopping
"whatever I'll just go and get some fresh air." I said as i pushed past the girls, that were swarming at the door
"don't run away from the truth!" Luz screamed as i rolled my eyes and scoffed, i got a beanie that was on the coat hanger and put it on covering my half of my ears as i went outside towards the worn down cabin, and how we all got to the human realm in the first place, i sighed and frowned as i looked back at the sad memory but quickly shook my head as kind of a sign for my head to shut up, i soon felt something light stand on my shoulder as i looked to my right to see flapjack standing there, he chirped happily as i smiled and petted him
"you always manage to cheer me up, just like y/n."
I soon saw the cabin behind the trees and i let out a sad sigh, when i arrived at the front door of the cabin i looked at it for a good minute, my mind re-imagining what happened almost a month ago, i reached for the doorknob and took a deep breath, i closed my eyes and opened the door, i waited a few seconds, already hearing flapjack chirping but i brushed it off and thought he saw a pigeon or something like that, i opened my left eye a little bit before both of my eyes opened widely in shock, it looked beautiful, all kinds of colours were splotched all around and it looked like there were some stars
"woah." I said underneath my breath, but that amazement slowly turned in to fear as i saw a figure coming in to sight, i took a step back but i forgot that it was an old cabin so i tripped on a loose peace of wood and fell just before the stairs, the figure got closer and closer and it got more familiar
"Hun€r?" A corrupted voice asked as i froze in fear, it knew my name
"Hunter?" A more clear voice called out, and my eyes went wide, not from fear, but from shock and happiness, that voice sounded like
"Y/n?" I asked as i stood up, soon the shadow started sprinting towards me and as it went through the portal the shadow quickly became a figure i could remember
"Y/N!" i screamed out of happiness as i wrapped my hands around their waist and spined them in circles, we both let out laughs and giggles of happiness, as we fell on the soft grass, laughing lightly, as soon as my laughter died down, i hugged them tightly and buried my face in to their neck
"I'm so glad you're here." I said
"me too Goldie." Y/n said as she returned the hug with equal strength, my eyes started to tear up as i started to sob, i could also hear y/n sobbing, but between the sobbing slowly started to form laughing
"god why are we so sensitive." Y/n said as they laughed, tears streaming down their face, probably from the intense happiness that they were experiencing, i mean i couldn't blame them, i was also crying, but i was as well getting snot all over their what looks to be dirty shirt
"i don't know!" I laughed along as i finally got my face out of their neck wiping the snot off of my nose
"I'm sorry that i got snot on your shirt." I said as i continued wiping my nose with my hand
"not a problem, I've been through worse for the past month or so, but don't worry tho, it wasn't that bad." they said as they brushed off the snot of themselves
We stared in to each other's eyes for a while, i couldn't take it anymore! I grabbed their chin
"consent?" I asked laughing a little, they just groaned
"c'mere you!" They said as they grabbed the back of my head and connected sour lips
It felt like fireworks were erupting everywhere as we were kissing, and i couldn't be more happier, as we pulled away i opened my eyes and looked deeply in to theirs
"wait- you cut your worm!" They yelled as they got up
"oh c'mon it was about time i cut it off!" I yelled
"but i liked the worm, i even gave it a name!" They yelled as they crossed their arms, suddenly chirps were heard next to me, and what seemed to be a sound of someone familiar talking
"y/n, i re-eat do y- copy?" A glitched out voice was heard, y/n quickly grabbed a walkie talkie "Yes i copy!" They yelled at the walkie talkie "can you hear me?" They questioned, "y-s we can, bu-t it's a bi- glitchy." The voice said, "h-ow is it there?" The voice, "it's fine but it is far to risky to sent another person through the portal, i barely ended up finding the portal to the human realm." They said, "ok-y the portal i-s closing stay in the human realm and find Lu-" before the person on the other end could finish their sentence the door to the cabin slammed shut
"who was that?" I asked
"Eda, we were on a mission to get all of you back and find a way to create a new key for the portal we have created but it took me way to long to find the human realm and now we're stuck here again, and it's all my fault." Y/n said as they started to tear up
"nonononononono, wait- don't cry, were gonna find a way to get to the other realm, i mean you already found a way! It's just gonna get faster from here." I said as i hugged them from behind, we stayed like that for a few minutes until a question popped up in my head
"say... How'd you get the titans blood anyway?" "I'd rather not go in to detail." Y/n said as she shivered
"okay? Wanna go to your new temporary home darling?" I said as i stood up and extended my hand
"oh of course my love." They said as they took my hand and we started walking towards Luz's house
"i love you Hunter." They said as they rested their head on my shoulder, still holding my hand
"I love you too y/n." I said as i interlocked our fingers and by doing that resting our hands in a more comfortable position
Well everyone is gonna freak out
Hillow :) finished this! Anyway i don't know what to write in this a/n solo yeah hope you're having a great day/ afternoon/ night
Oh and sent request's/asks!
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triplexdoublex · 4 years ago
Daddy’s Girl
Pairing: Colson x Reader
Warnings/tags: anal play, ice cube insertion, mild daddy kink
A/N: inspired by the unleased song with Lana, a request for Colson filling both holes, a request for a reader who only looks sweet an innocent and some late night fun.
You may have looked like a sweet and innocent daddy’s girl but the truth was you were far from it. If you were as innocent as you looked you wouldn’t have gotten on the tour bus in the first place. It wasn’t your first rodeo; you knew the type of things that took place when a musician invited someone back to the tour bus, and you were more than willing to take part in whatever kinky craziness Machine Gun Kelly had in store for you. You’d seen all his interviews, heard talk of his wild fetishes; you’d let the man do absolutely anything he wanted to you and you weren’t afraid to let him know it. 
“Tell me what you want me to do to you?” He nipped over the fresh plum markings he just left on your neck. The two of you had never even made it to the bunks; instead landing on the couches up front with mouths clashing and clothes flying. It wasn’t long before you were both naked. 
“Anything you want to do to me, Daddy. I swear I’ll let you do whatever you want. Use me, I’m yours!” 
“Look, this’s gonna end bad for you, cuz I’m gonna go mad for you,” he let out a small laugh as he smirked. I know you wanna be bad for me but I don’t wanna move too fast for you,” he stated, assuming his kinks and desires far outweighed your limits based on your naïve looks. 
“There’s no such thing — I mean it, whatever you want, I’ve probably done it before anyways . I’m down for whatever.”
While the shock of what you just said sunk in, and Colson was still deciding what exactly he wanted to do with you and which one of your orifices he wanted to stuff with his cock, something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. 
“Oh shit, this ice is fuckin dope!” He exclaimed, noticing and taking hold of one of the fancy round ice cubes that surrounded various bottles of liquor chilling in the tour bus bar. 
You could see his eyes illuminate with a filthy idea as he popped a small, cherry tomato sized, frozen orb into his mouth, holding it in place with his teeth so it extended out just past his lips. 
The glacial sphere began to slowly thaw the second he kissed it against the desire fueled warmth of your flesh— down your neck and over your collar bone— leaving a cool trickle in its wake. It slowly cascaded down your chest like a quaint waterfall, and plunged over the brink of your nipple.  
Colson dragged the frigid ball lower and lower down your body — over your navel to your eager heat — the cool slickness exciting your clit. 
“Uhh, Kells, Fuck!” You moaned , bucking your hips. You had expected him to keep teasing your clit with it but he opted to continue moving lower; past your entrance to the tight pink pucker between your ass cheeks. With his tongue he pushed the remainder of the ice out of his mouth and into your body. “Ohhh , fuck, fuck, fuck, cold,” you whined at the numbing chill inside you. “More! "You cried out at the intense, unique feeling.
“Damn, girl, you are a freak huh?” He chuckled at your needy outburst, grabbing another ball of ice and bringing it to your hole “How many, you think we can fit?” He asked, popping it in. “Well that makes two now” he smirked sinfully, before adding another “three!”
“Oh FUCK!!”  You gasped in ecstasy . You’d never felt anything quite like it; how it could numb you yet heighten the intensity of your pleasure at the same time. “Don’t Stop!” 
“Four… Five …Six…Seven” He could sense you getting fuller; each one inserted met with a little more resistance than the last. “Eight… Nine…Ten,” he counted out loud. You were coming completely undone — a babbling, dripping mess — completely lost in the euphoric frigid fullness of it all . “And one for good luck….opp, guess not,” he laughed as it popped back out. “Ten it is.” 
“Oh God, just fuck me pleaseee!” You begged, with a whine so needy, it almost sounded as if you were in pain.
“Shit, I guess you ain’t as innocent as you look—-my favorite,” he smirked, teasing his tip through your wet folds before pushing in, causing another cube to pop out of your ass. “Nine” he chuckled against your neck, licking and sucking at your flesh as he began to pivot his hips. “Ahhh, fuck this feels so sick!” He exclaimed enjoying the cold, ribbed, feeling the balls of ice bulging through your walls was proving; it added a whole new element of pleasure for both of you. 
With every chilled, in and out thrust against your G-spot, the thawing ice shifted inside of you creating the most intense waves of bliss; the force causing small gushes of melted water to be expelled from you, adding to the puddle of wetness that had already formed under you. 
When Colson added rubbing your clit into the mix, you couldn’t keep still or quiet ; every single one of your erogenous zones now engaged: his mouth on your neck, fingers on your clit, cock in pussy and ass filled with ice. You’re pretty sure your cries of “Kells!” and “Daddy!” could be heard for miles as you came hard and fast on his dick, with him finishing moments later. 
“Aye, why’s the bar only like half filled with ice? I don’t want warm tequila.” Rook complained later when all the boys were back on the bus. 
“You see that pretty little thing that was getting off the bus when you guys got on—,” Colson started nonchalantly. “— filled her ass with them.”
“Nah, for real? That daddy’s girl looking chick!?” Rook exclaimed. 
“Oh, she was a daddy’s girl, alright!” Colson smirked. “Let daddy do whatever he wanted.” 
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angelkurenai · 4 years ago
Oh baby dear - Chris Evans x Reader
Title: Oh baby dear
Pairing: Chris Evans x Surrogate!Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: After a trip that gives the chance to Chris to take a long-overdue break from his job, he comes back home with his mind made up to change his life. And even if it weren’t for the trip itself or meeting you, even though he had no idea if he’d ever see you again, he was determined to not wait any longer. Feeling ready to become a father he starts looking for a surrogate mother, only to end up finding you of all people.
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“Son of a guy. You meant it.” brown eyes were wide, and for the first couple seconds no other sound could be heard in the room. It almost felt like the words could echo in the room.
“You're really doing this.” the man's voice was filled with just as much shock as was painted all over his face. At least the woman behind him was more calm, sipping on her drink with an ease that would have been troubling, especially in such a case, if it wasn't known that she had long ago heard the news.
“I wouldn't have brought it up in the first place if I wasn't seriously considering it.” the other man in the room couldn't take his eyes off his friend, trying to gauge his reaction the second it came through. It was bound to be the most honest one, no second thoughts, and he only needed his friends' honest thoughts. Not that, and he was sure of it, the other man would intentionally tell him anything but the truth.
“You- wow.” the shocked expression was still there but there was no mistaking the smile that was slowly but surely appearing on his face “Seems like Evans is finally joining the club, who'd have thought? That's what I call one heck of a year, quickly Scarlett note the date down! It's going to go down in the history books, I tell you. Oh you're in for one hell of a ride, buddy! Wait you knew about this, didn't you?” he turned to the woman but shook his head soon enough “Never mind. You're gonna have to look for a godmother but I do get to be the godfather, right? I really need to start making preparations, nine months are not even remotely enough. I gotta-”
“Take a deep breath and calm down, Robert. That's what you gotta do. Otherwise this kid won't get to meet its one-of-a-kind godfather. And we would never want that to happen, would we?” the woman interrupted his rambling, a teasing smile on her own lips as she noticed Chris himself chuckle.
“Oh goodness forbid that could ever happen.” Chris laughed some more, his chest feeling lighter than it had in the past couple days “And besides that, there has not been a surrogate found just yet. Papers got approved only a day ago, it will take more time than that.”
“You say that as if the second every woman finds out you're on that kind of market, won't volunteer to have your baby. Heck, I know most of them would gladly volunteer to do it the old-fashioned way! You'll see, you will be getting news very soon.” Robert brushed his friend off and got up from his seat, making his way to the mini bar to grab a drink for himself “Which means, I really gotta start preparing everything because a) this is Evans' kid and b) I'm the godfather and it'll get only the best!”
Scarlett couldn't help but laugh, while Chris shook his head with a chuckle, before she added “As you can see, he is going to be more trouble than the kid.” she ignored the look that was shot at her from Robert and kept going “But, speaking of it, I never asked: Did you never really consider adoption?”
“For most of the time that's what I had in mind, yes, but-” he sighed, easing back in his seat “I asked about it and my chances were sadly very low, given my job and everything, not to mention how lengthy of a process it all was. Sebastian was actually the one to suggest it and you know I haven't been able to stop thinking about it ever since. Granted, it is just as hard to find a surrogate who is also willing to be the biological mother but I feel like I have more to hope for this way.”
“You have every reason to be hopeful, I'm sure this will work out just fine. Besides-” she offered her friend a warm smile “There is no other man that I can think of that could be a better father than you. This child will be very lucky.”
“...The part of Robert being the godfather excluded?” Chris added with a smirk, eyeing his friend who narrowed his eyes at him, before both Chris and Scarlett burst into laughter.
“Life isn't perfect, what can you do?” she grinned as she took a sip of her drink.
“I'll try to be the better man, as always, and not comment on any spiteful comments against me. You're just jealous I am going to be the world's best godfather. Anyway, that wasn't what I was going to comment on.” he plopped back on his seat and gave the blue-eyed man a sly smile “Sebastian you say but I'm wondering: was it him or that summer trip to Italy that really prompted you to become a dad? Maybe a certain someone you met there? What was her name...”
“Don't-” it was all he had time to get out, his eyes wide and voice very warning; but there was never any stopping the man when he wanted to speak his mind.
“Ah yes.” Robert grinned widely “(Y/n).”
“What- Who?” Scarlett frowned, tilting her head to the side “How come I haven't heard of her before? I thought you told me everything about Italy.”
“She's nobod-”
“Probably the love of his life. Something like his soulmate. One he talks about a lot in his sleep, hence why I should hold more parties and have you guys over. The info I get is golden. Anyway, think of it as the star-crossed lovers but one where he isn't the Lana Del Rey young and beautiful, you know? Heard she's something like a med or psych graduate or something. So come to think of it all, Italy, soulmates and age difference, this is like another version of Call me by your-”
“And that's it for you. Enough words spoken for one day.” Scarlett said, not hesitating a second to place a hand over the man's mouth who admittedly didn't give up even if his words were only an incoherent mumble after that.
Chris' eyes were wide and there was no mistaking the way he wanted to not talk about it, as if there was some unparalleled sadness that came with the mention of your name, a deep ache and at the same time yearning perhaps because he missed you, just like there was no mistaking the tint of pink that was on his cheeks.
“That's-” he cleared his throat, avoiding looking at his friends in the eyes because he knew how easy it would be to tell that even so many months later the feelings were fresh as much as the day he had to leave, the day he left a part of himself on the airport with you – a part he knew real well he wouldn't get back again, certainly not from any other woman he got to meet. That missing part of him, even if the rest held all the beautiful memories dearly to itself and felt truly blessed, he knew was obvious. It was all on his face that he was missing something, even if he'd gotten so much. And he knew she would see it, it all became so obvious when he thought of you.
He shook his head when he realized he had taken longer than needed to reply “It was way too long ago, I can hardly remember it now. Hell, as if barely anything happened to begin with. She was just-” a lump in his throat, too painful “I made a good friend, a really good friend yes, who helped me see my life in a different way. Helped me make my choice and see the things that really matter. Couldn't keep in contact and yes that's a bit sad but- That's all there is to it, nothing more nothing less.”
Scarlett regarded him for a couple seconds, even as he tried to keep himself busy with getting another drink, before she finally spoke “If you say so.” she nodded her head “At least we now know who we owe this to and who to thank for our family growing, don't we?”
“Then-” Robert's smile was softer, yet also sad, as he raised his glass a bit “Let's drink to that, if not your baby just yet. To (Y/n)?”
“To (Y/n).” Scarlett nodded her head “For helping you make the best decision of your life, wherever she may be now.”
Chris hesitated, the unspoken truth of you not only being the one to help him make the decision but also be part of that decision, part of the family he wanted to build, was ready to break free from his lips but he held it back “Wherever she may be.” he said in a low hoarse voice, raising his glass as well “To (Y/n).”
He had not allowed himself to say your name in a long time and thinking back to it, the effect had been evident not only in his chest, in his heartbeat, but also in his lips, how painfully strange it felt when all he had been doing was think about it for months to no end, down to his throat that closed up with emotion. And he had allowed himself to say it not only so that he would make sure his friends would drop the subject but also because it had been a long time, he felt the need to and he knew that he wouldn't get the chance to do so, not anytime soon for sure.
And yet, only seconds ago, the name had left his lips for the second time in barely a couple days.
His brain could barely keep up with the fact, all the information he had to currently process seemed to make things even harder. Saying your name this time certainly had the same effect, his throat closed up and his heart leaped to his throat, but it felt like it was for an entirely different reason. He blinked several times, trying to make sure that what he was seeing was also true, to make sure that it wasn't wishful thinking and that him holding his breath had not reduced the levels of oxygen to a point where he couldn't even see straight. Truth be told, he felt pretty lightheaded.
“(Y/n) (Y/l/n).” he repeated your name for the third time, the third time in only a couple days his mind nearly screamed at him, but it didn't feel the same this time.
“Yes, I would say she seems like one of the most, if not the most, suitable candidate for you case.” the woman behind the desk gave him a warm smile but his brain was still currently stuck on the word 'candidate'.
“I'm sorry. There seems to be some misunderstanding here and I- I don't know whose part it is on, but-” he licked his lips, trying to swallow over the lump in his throat “When you say- What you're trying to say- I'm sorry.” he shook his head and let a couple seconds to pass in silence; he knew she wouldn't ask before him.
Taking a deep breath he decided to speak, even if his voice was hoarse he hoped she could make out the words “Candidate for what?”
The woman frowned a bit but it was gone faster than it could register, as she spoke in a calm voice “Your case. To be not only the surrogate you are looking for. See, her current, and according to her permanent from now on, residence is in New York City and very close to the residence you have listed as your permanent one. It is important, you understand, if we take into consideration that she will be the biological mother of the child. You might want the child to be able to stay in touch with her, and vice versa, so the close proximity does help. Of course that is always up to you, but in most cases we've seen it hap-”
“When did she sign up for this?” he asked, barely able to keep himself to wait for her to finish her sentence.
“Pardon?” she blinked and only then he realized how he might have sounded.
“You're right. I apologize, that came out as wrong.” he cleared his throat again “What I mean is... does she know who I am? That she- she's signing up to be a surrogate for my child.”
“Every surrogate must be informed, of course, of you as you are informed of her. She too must know whose child she will carry, don't you think it's fitting? But if you are uhm-” she hesitated “Concerned about other children, then, you need not worry. It's not my place to say this but it seems like-” she smiled a bit, almost knowingly “That you have already chosen, so I believe it wouldn't really be against any rule to say this. Consider it an extra bit of information.”
'Seems like you have already chosen.' would be a vast understatement. It was like every cell in his body was screaming 'Yes', chanting it over and over again that he was seriously worried he might have projected it somehow. He could barely control the words that came out of his lips anyway. If anything, the second he had come across the file with your name he had been glued to it, his eyes and all of his attention orbiting around the single file as if he was Earth and you were his Sun. Not far from the truth either.
But it also must have shown- No scratch that. He was sure it had shown because he had done no effort to hide it, too stunned and happy and eager and giddy and blessed and so many other things, to try to hide it. And she had clearly noticed.
“So, no, she has not mothered another child. As a matter of fact, Miss (Y/l/n) is doing this for the first time.” the woman leaned back in her chair “She came to us with the belief that there was too much sadness out there and, amongst other things, she decided to do this little one thing to help someone out. To make someone happy. I believe she didn't really have any further expectations out of this, no further plans, other than wanting to do some good. We only informed her of your case and she said she'd like to help, nothing else.” she shrugged softly “For any further reasons behind her choice you could ask her, I suppose. If you do think she could be the right choice to be the mother of your child, then-”
“She is.” he said, maybe a little too fast, but he didn't care. He didn't find a single part of him that cared for how eager he looked at the prospect of you being the mother of his child. Granted, it wasn't exactly how he'd imagined it but it was so much more than he ever thought he'd get, of what he thought he deserved, when he had told you goodbye that summer.
He cleared his throat again, trying to straighten his back and look as formal as he should in the suit he was wearing. He offered her a small smile “She is the right one. I think I've decided. I-” he paused, glancing at the pile of files and therefore other candidates which he had absolutely not even taken a glimpse at and he hoped she wouldn't comment on it “I've thought things through, yes.” because no man could make such a decision so hastily, he knew, and yet he looked like he just had “I'm glad for all the candidates it means a lot but uhm Miss (Y/l/n) seems to be indeed the right one. I think she will do just fine yes.”
“Wonderful.” she smiled more, nodding her head “If it means anything, she seemed happy when she was presented with your case.” oh if only she knew just how much it really meant to him, ask his wildly-beating heart and everyone would know just how much “Now, you understand that while you seem pretty sure and confident with your choice, you will have to give it some more time, more than anything to get in touch with the surrogate herself and discuss through any specific terms you might have. We will be the ones to set a meeting. Of course there are legal issues that need to be taken care of, but you're a lawyer yourself so you probably know that better than anybody else already.”
“Y-yes uh of course, yes, legal terms. Mr Wilson will represent me on the matter of course. But you said-” he folded his hands over his lap and threaded his fingers and it was either that or let his nerves show “Meeting her? Will I get to meet her in person soon or...?”
“That, Mr Evans, is completely up to you, how ready and sure you are, how much time you need and how fast you want things to progress.” she said as if she'd had this conversation many times over and she probably had “It could be within a week, a month, or, if you have no doubts, within three days the soonest possible. So, do you need time to think over-”
“The soonest possible. I'd like-” he nodded his head, straightening his suit's jacket “I think it would be best if I could meet with her the soonest possible. She's just what I was looking for.”
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allegra-writes · 4 years ago
"Bright blue ripples"
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Mob!Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: Smut, rough sex, overstimulation, dirty talk, master/sir kink
Just a little blurb cuz I can't get this scene out of my head 💦
"Light of my life, fire of my loins
Be a good baby, do what I want"
Off to the Races - Lana del Rey
"Say it, baby girl" Tom cooed softly against your ear, voice calm and sweet, like he hadn't been torturing you, pushing you to the brink of insanity, blurring the line between pleasure and pain, for almost two hours now. 
As if he wasn't buried balls deep into your tight heat, fucking you raw. 
But no, the bastard wasn't even winded. He was completely under control, as always.
It was unfair.
"Say it, come on" He insisted, "Just three little words, and it'll be over. Just three little words… and master will let you come" 
You dug your fingertips on the sun warmed skin of his shoulders, his back, holding on for dear life as he kept on slamming his hips against yours, railing you into the pool wall. 
You opened your eyes in an effort to clear your mind, to focus on something other than his big cock, thrusting inside you so deep and so hard, that you were sure he was bruising your womb. The bright blue ripples, glistening under the afternoon sun, that he was creating around the both of you with every move, caught your eye. That was exactly the way he was making you feel: wave after wave of pleasure, crashing, growing, amplifying inside you, until you were swept away in the riptide. Until it was hard to breath, useless to fight. You were just too exhausted for that, the only option left was surrendering. 
"I'm sorry, sir" You sobbed, "I'm so sorry"
Tom leaned back, fingers tilting your chin up to look into your hooded eyes and you realized he was only using one arm around your waist to hold you up. It shouldn't amaze you anymore, how strong he was, but it did.
"See, I don't think you are" He tsked, slowing down his movements again, making you whine in complaint, "sorry that you're being punished, maybe. But not sorry for what you did…" 
"No, please, I'm sorry" you begged, "please, sir, let me come"
He chuckled. He loved seeing you like that, his little hellcat, his cold, proud ice queen, reduced to a docile, pleading little kitten. And he was the one to do that to you. No one else but him could tame you, could satiate the hunger within you. 
"I'm not being cruel because I want to, baby girl" Tom explained, thumb brushing away the tears you hadn't realized were falling. "I have to make sure to ingrain the lesson inside that pretty head of yours: Fire is messy, dangerous. I don't want you playing with matches anymore…"
You pouted, petulantly,
"But fire is fun!"
Your boyfriend's face fell, as you realized too late exactly what you had done.
"Did you just "but" me?"
Horrified, you opened your mouth to deny it, to defend yourself, to say anything, but a single stern look from his deep brown eyes was enough to shut you up. His grip around you tightened, as he carried you to the shallow part of the mosaic studded pool. A whine left your mouth as Tom slid out of you and placed you on your feet, the water reaching up to your waist.
"Strip" he ordered, pointing at your white bikini, askew and covering nothing at all already, but you guessed whatever plan he had, he didn't want anything in the way. 
"Lay back, I want you to float on your back" he continued, once your bathing suit was off. You obeyed once again, eyes never leaving his face as he walked around you, disturbing the waters. He seemed to consider for a moment, before grabbing hold of your hip, guiding you closer to the edge of the pool. 
"Hold on" 
Once again, you submissively did as you were told without questioning it, reaching back and grabbing onto the sand colored tile. 
Tom let your hips go, but kept his hands on you, trailing soft caresses from your collarbone, down to your breasts, tearing a moan from your lips when his blunt fingernails catched on your over sensitized nipples. 
"My pretty little girl," he hummed, approvingly, "like it when I play with your pretty tits?"
"Yes, sir"
He cupped his hand under the water, only to later bring it to your chest, watching the droplets fall from his palm to your soft mounds, to the valley between them, catching the sun, glimmering on your skin. 
"My precious girl…" Tom praised, circling you to step back between your legs. He never stopped touching you, massaging your calves, your thighs, stopping a breath away from where you needed him the most.
Your weak sigh made him chuckle,
"Want something, princess? Want me to touch you here?" His index finger finally traced your slit, gathering your wetness, different from the water surrounding you, playing with you, breaching your entrance just a falange, only to withdraw and flick your clit instead. 
"Like it when I play with your pussy too?" He didn't really expect a reply. Luckily, because you didn't think you could have formed words, as he used his index and middle finger to penetrate you at last, wasting no time in searching for that perfect spot inside you that made you see stars. 
"God, look at you… you're so wet, don't even need lube for this. Juicy little cunt" 
He stroke his big, fat cock once, twice, before using the same hand to help guide himself inside you. Without removing the fingers from his other hand. 
You cried out at the feeling, the fullness. He was stretching you to your limit, tearing you in half.
And you fucking loved it.
"You can take it, can't you princess?" It wasn't hard for Tom to realize your cries and sobs were of bliss, "My perfect girl can take everything I give her… Fuck! Taking it so well"
You couldn't have replied even if you had wanted to, you were in ecstasy, weightless, floating, soring. Helpless to the tsunami of sensation as Tom started thrusting again, slow and measured, careful of not hurting you. He was close to bursting himself, but you were his priority, fingertips never stopping rubbing against your g-spot, as your screams grew higher and louder. 
"So fucking tight… my baby needs stretching"
You whimpered. His breathy voice as he talked filth to you was always your undoing.
"So tight… gonna milk me so good…"
He could see the muscles of your entire body starting to lock, "Gonna come for me, baby girl? That's it… you can let go… come for your master" 
You didn't even realize you were holding it until he gave you permission to let go, but when he did, you came immediately, hard, every cell of your body exploding into a million sparks. 
Oxygen deprivation at just the right time could do that to you. 
"Shhhh, you're safe. I got you" Tom's voice was the next thing you were aware of, as he held you close to him with both arms, all of his skin against yours sending you to overdrive as he kept on rocking inside you.
You locked your arms around his neck and legs around his waist, urging him on to go faster and harder. 
"More" You demanded, "Come inside me… please sir, I want your come"
He growled against your neck, but complied, moving you up and down his shaft, using you to get himself off. 
"Want you to come for me again" He gasped. You shook your head,
"I… I can't"
"You can and you will" His voice broke no arguments as he squeezed you against him tighter, pelvis grinding against your clit. 
"Tom… please, no"
"Oh yeah" he moaned against your ear, "my baby girl has to learn her lesson" 
Your head was too muddled, too confused to decide if you wanted to get closer to the pleasure or further from the pain, but in the end it didn't matter, you were too weak to push him away, anyway. 
"Good girl… isn't it better when you stop fighting? When you just obey?"
You nodded your head minutely, all the answer you could manage, but it seemed to be enough for him. A couple thrusts later, and he was bitting down on your shoulder, releasing deep inside of you, the pulsing of his cock against your overstimulated entrails sending you into climax again.
On shaky legs, he carried you to the steps of the stair of the pool before collapsing on them, with you on his lap.
"God… that was…"
"Amazing" You finished for him, placing a soft kiss on his sweaty forehead. His replying smile was nothing short of ethereal. 
"You were incredible, babe"
"Well, you weren't half bad yourself" Your chuckle died in your throat, as you saw his lips fall. You followed his eyes to the transparent film dressing covering half your right arm, where the gasoline had splashed your jacket and caught fire a few days before, when you had gone against his orders and burnt down the Collucci's place instead of waiting for the boys. 
"I'm sorry" You said, sincerely, "I'll wait for reinforcements next time. I won't act alone again, I promise"
"I know you won't" He deadpaned, "You are off the field for a month" 
"What?? No! Tommy, that's too long!" You complained. He only smirked,
"Don't worry, princess" The mischievous glint in his eyes foretold trouble. For you. "I can keep you entertained until your punishment is over…"
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dinsrose · 4 years ago
My Center of Happiness
Din Djarin X Female Reader One Shot
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Praise Kink, Soft Din, Swearing
Summary: Reader and Din stargaze together, and it basically just turns into pure porn. If soft smut, fluff, and praise kink are your thing, you have come to the right place. 
You can read the one shot here as well on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30192981
Here’s a song that reminds me of the fic
Here’s a song to listen to as you read the one-shot. It reminds me of Din and Rose in this particular scene.
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The stars are perfect tonight. They twinkle and dance throughout the sky while shining brighter than you have ever seen them. There must be a meteor shower tonight as well, because you occasionally catch a glimpse of a falling star soaring through the atmosphere. These are your favorite nights. The nights where the galaxy is so quiet and kind. The clear skies make for the most beautiful scenery. One of your favorite things to do, is find the constellations in the sky.
Many people do not care for the stars, but you always have. When you were little, you used to look up at the sky and make countless wishes for a better life. The sky held so many opportunities in your mind. Your mother always told you that when you wished upon a falling star, the wish would always come true. You just could not tell anyone about the wish. Ever since she told you that, you spent almost every night wishing and talking to the sky. Wishing for a better life, a life where you and your family could be free. A life where you could fly away with your mother and father, living on the most beautiful planet in the galaxy. You always wondered what was out there.
Tatooine had been your home planet for your whole life, but you knew there were greater places out there. It used to drive you crazy, knowing that you would never get to leave that damn planet. You come from a family of slaves. It was a given that you would always be a slave, and never get out of the lifestyle. Especially considering you were the only one left of your family. You had convinced yourself that your life would always be the same. That you would never leave that sandy planet and be doomed to work every waking minute until you died off from exhaustion. Until one day, a bounty hunter came barreling into your owner's cantina to take him in. You never would have imagined this bounty hunter would turn your whole world upside down. This bounty hunter, Din, has given you everything you could ever want and need in this life.
When he offered to let you be a crewmate on his ship, and help take care of his adorable little green sidekick, you didn't even hesitate before shaking his hand in agreement. The past few months with them have been nothing short of amazing. The kid has grown to be as one of your own. You love him more than anything, and you couldn't imagine life without him. His father has become a huge part of your life as well. You are now part of a small, happy family; a clan of three.
The memories of the past few months cause you to smile as you lay back in the grass. Din had parked the Crest here on Naboo in a secluded area for the next few days. A few days to take a short break from everything for just a moment. After catching a glimpse of the sky, you had decided tonight would be the perfect night to stargaze. Din was asleep in the ship, along with the baby. The hatch had been left open anyways, because you wanted to get some fresh air. You had tiptoed down the hatch to a small spot in the grass about 20 feet from the ship. A spot that was perfect enough to lay down in and have a good view of the sky.
The cool breeze whipped all around you, causing the long blades of grass to slowly dance in the wind. The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers. Everything here was just perfect. This was most definitely your favorite planet of them all. It had a special beauty about it, something just different from the others. The greenery here was unlike any other you had ever seen. The place was almost too perfect to be true. If Heaven was a place, you imagined this is what it would be like; on Naboo... in the flower fields... baby on your hip, and Din right beside you.
"What are you doing out here? And... why are you laying on the ground?" You hear his modulated voice ring out from behind you. Glancing up as far as you can, you see his figure come into view standing right above you. The moonlight reflects off his beskar as he towers above you. He just stands there in silence. There is just something about his silence that makes him so... sexy.
"Stargazing," you reply with a smile on your face. "I thought you were sleeping?"
"I was... and then I saw you were missing and got worried." He replies.
A grunt comes out from under his helmet as he starts to lower himself down towards you. He pushes his knees back and puts his palms on either side of your head, his helmet barely two inches away from your nose. He hovers there, the two of you facing opposite directions, and butterflies begin filling your stomach. You reach up slowly and place your hands on either side of his helmet. The beskar is cool to the touch as you pull his head down gently. You plant a gentle kiss right on the top of his helmet where his forehead would be. A smile spreads across your face as you pull back to look into the black visor.
"Join me, shiny." You say softly.
"How could I say no to that?" He says with a light chuckle.
He slowly rolls over to the side and onto his back. With your bodies facing opposite directions, he lines his head up right to the side of yours. If he did not have the helmet on, his ear would be the only part of him touching you; or maybe some soft, curly hair. You have never seen it, of course, but you have felt it a few times. He has removed it before while you were blindfolded, to gain access to your lips with his. And oh Maker, his lips were the softest lips you had ever kissed. His hair the fluffiest hair you had ever ran your fingers through. Thinking about it sent shivers through your core.
"What are we looking at here?" He asks. His voice sends vibrations through the helmet, and it tickles your ear.
"Well, for one, I am looking for constellations. I am also talking to my good friend Ada up there." You reply with a giggle. Ada was a name you and your mother had given to a star when you were younger. It was a silly joke to you now, but it still held very sentimental value to you.
"Ada?" He questions.
"Yes. My good friend Ada. My mother used to tell me that the stars were our very good friends, and that they would grant us wishes. So, naturally, as a child, I truly believed the stars could hear me." You giggled before continuing. "One night, I decided to name one of them, because if that star was going to grant me a wish, it had to be a special friend of mine. I shared my thoughts with my mother, and we both decided Ada was a good name." A small smile comes across your face as your voice begins to fade. "It's silly now, but something about it still holds sentimental value to me... so I talk to Ada to this day. Especially when I miss my mother." A frown replaces your smile as a wave of sadness washes over your body.
He goes quiet for a moment. All you can hear is the two of you breathing, and the wind whipping through the night air.
"So... the stars are special beings to us?" He finally asks.
"Yeah...something like that. My mother told me that they were their own individual being, just like us. That a specific star picked us to grant our wishes. That one star spent its whole existence, to make us happy. Basically, that star is a very special presence in our lives, and it is the sole center of our happiness. Everything good we receive in this life comes from that star. So, I think that makes them pretty special." You reply as you turn your head to the side to glance at him.
He lays there for another few minutes in silence. The moon reflects off his visor as he looks up into the sky. Looking over at him sends a warm feeling through you. Does he know that he is the center of your whole existence?
His finger suddenly points up to the sky. "You see that big star right there?" He says softly.
Following his finger, you can tell which one he is talking about almost immediately. It is much bigger than all the others. It has a pink tint to it as well. Somehow, it is much more beautiful than any other star up there. It dances in unison with the others as you watch it, waiting for him to continue.
"It shines brighter than the rest. It's prettier too... looks like a pink tint to it." He continues. "That's Rose... I am naming it Rose." His helmet turns to the side as he looks at your face. "If I have to name it something because it is the source of my happiness... it is going to be named appropriately."
Warmth floods throughout your entire body. "Rose" That is the nickname he had given to you about two weeks after the two of you had met. He had found out it was your middle name, and decided he really liked the sound of it, so that is the name he has called you ever since. Tears well up in your eyes at his sentiment. He just named a star after you, for the sole purpose of getting his point across that you are the source of his happiness. Nothing makes you happier than knowing that you make him as happy as he makes you. That has become your sole purpose in life, to make him happy.
"Din... " You whisper. Not really knowing what to say, you give him a small smile in hopes he understands the depth of your feelings for him.
His body shifts as he pulls himself around and lays down directly beside you. He props his elbow up on his neck so that he can face you on his side. He looks so perfect in the moonlight, even if you cannot see an inch of his skin.
"My sweet, Rose." He breathes out as he reaches up. His thumb starts grazing the side of your cheek as you close your eyes. His thumb trails every feature of your face as he lets it explore. Din has been really big on touch ever since the first time you let him touch you. After years of being deprived from the feeling himself, he can't get enough of it. You feel the leather graze gently across your eyelashes and down your nose before landing on your lips. He gently pushes his thumb inward as he trails it across your bottom lip.
"Keep your eyes closed." You hear him say.
A puzzled expression crosses your face, but you do as he says. His hand leaves the side of your face, leaving it feeling bare. He shuffles around a moment before you feel his soft hand reach back up, uncovered. He took his gloves off. His hand snakes around to the side of your head and holds it firmly at the base of your neck. Before you can ask what he is doing, a soft pair of lips lightly connect with yours. Maker, he had taken off his helmet.
The thought of it startles you slightly as you jolt back a little, careful not to open your eyes. He had never taken it off before without having you blindfolded in some way. Did he really trust you this much? Deciding that you do not care, you lean forward, wanting to taste him once again.
Electricity sparks throughout your entire body as your lips collide with his. A light moan escapes your lips as you taste the sweet flavor of his lips. His tongue sweeps across your bottom lip, and you open your mouth to grant him entry. His hands reach up and firmly grab both of your cheeks to steady your mouth right where he wants it. He can do anything he wants. You are in the palm of his hands and he doesn't even know it.
His body suddenly shifts, and he rolls on top of you. He straddles your hips with his legs, and places his elbows down on either side of your head. His lips never leave yours as he smoothly makes the transition. Your fingers reach up and tangle themselves in soft, wavy hair. The kiss suddenly becomes desperate, the both of you taking as much as you can from one another.
You let out a soft moan and pull back. "Din..." You whine.
"Tell me what you want." He replies.
His body freezes while waiting for your response. He hovers over you, keeping his eyes trained on you. Not that you can see it, you can just feel when his eyes are on you. It sends a shiver through your body. His weight shifts on top of you as he slowly drags one hand down your stomach. Warmth begins to flood your center as his hand reaches your thigh. He grips it firmly before asking again.
"Use your words, Rose. Tell me what you want." He repeats.
His demeanor makes you shudder, it drives you up a wall when he gets like this. Letting out a shaky breath, you try to speak.
"Yo- you," is all you manage to squeak out.
That is all it takes for him to act. His fingers start to slowly make their way up to your center, which is already soaking wet. His fingers come up to the top of your pants, and start to tug them down. He takes his other hand and wraps it around the base of your back, lifting you up to help ease off your pants. With one swift movement, he yanks them down to your ankles, taking your underwear with them.
His fingers instantly start making there way back up the inside of your leg. A gasp escapes your lips as the anticipation begins building in your stomach. Instead of landing his fingers right where you want them, he skips over your center and makes his way to the base of your shirt. You try not to whine out in disappointment.
He lifts your shirt up and over your head in one swift movement. His other hand is still holding your body off the ground. Your body is gently lowered back to the ground as he sits himself up. The only thing you can hear is the sound of the wind whistling through the air.
"You're so beautiful, Rose." You hear him breathe out. His breath hitches in his throat as he brings his hands down to rest on your chest. His finger starts to trace the outline of your breast until he reaches the peak of your nipple.
"My beautiful girl," he continues.
He leans down slowly, and presses his lips to the top of your breast. He begins kissing all over every inch of your chest as gently as he can. His lips leave an electrifying feeling on your skin everywhere they touch.
After a few seconds, he starts to trail his kisses upwards until he reaches the top of your neck. He starts sucking and biting the side of your neck as his hand slowly makes its way back down your stomach.
Your thighs are already soaked from what little he has already done. You can feel the wetness dripping down the back of your upper legs.
His fingers finally make light contact with your center, and it almost causes you to scream. Your back arches into his touch as he pushes down onto your clit. He begins to rub slow, small circles around with his thumb as he continues to suck on your neck. There will be bruises there. He loves to leave his mark on you.
"You know you always look so good when I mark you up." He growls into your ear.
Your moans begin to ring throughout the air as he speeds up the circular motion on your clit. The sensation is almost overwhelming. His lips come up to your ear as he lets out a grunt.
"Do you like it when I touch you like this, cyar'ika?" He growls.
A whimper escapes your lips in response. His thumb stops almost instantly when you don't answer his question. It almost makes you cry out.
"Din... please," you beg.
He slides his fingers through your folds and slowly pushes into your entrance. It almost makes your eyes pop open, so you squeeze them even tighter so as not to accidentally open them. His thick fingers fill you up and stretch you open. He curves them up slightly, an pushes them against that sweet spot deep in your center. As soon as he finds the right spot, he begins to glide his fingers slowly in and out, making sure to hit that spot each time he glides across.
A loud moan escapes your lips as you arch your back. The sensation is overwhelming. Instead of seeing the actual stars, you are now seeing stars from the back of your eyelids as the pressure begins building in your lower stomach. The sensations cause you to start writhing beneath him. His hand comes down hard on your stomach and pushes you into the ground; forcing you to stop moving.
"Relax, sweet thing, just relax." He says as he pushes you into the ground.
"Din, please... I need you closer." You whine out.
His fingers suddenly pull out of you, leaving you feeling empty. The pressure in your stomach is almost unbearable at this point. He begins to shuffle around, and you are about to ask what he is doing until you feel his hard cock rub up against your inner thigh.
Maker, he's hard as a rock. He wastes no time lining up and pushing into you. He's so fucking thick. A loud gasp escapes your lips, and your body shoots forward. As if he knows what it would do to you, his other hand clamps over your eyes as they begin to open.
"Fucking perfect," He growls out. He starts to move at a slow pace, stretching you out as he does. "Maker... you're so- so ti- tight." He grunts.
His chest comes down to meet with yours as he continues to fuck you at a slow pace. Hand still clamped over your eyes, he brings his lips down to yours and kisses you hard. You moan into his mouth as you open it to let his tongue gain entry. He pulls back and tugs on your bottom lip with his teeth as he lets go. His hand slides away from your eyes.
"Keep being good for me," He breathes out as he begins stroking your hair. His cock is ripping you open, but doing it so gently it almost makes you want to cry. His lips begin to leave small kisses all over every inch of your face.
"You feel incredible." He breathes out after he leaves a kiss on on the top of your eyelid.
He suddenly puts his hand under the arch of your back, and lifts you up into a sitting position. His cock is still inside of you when he settles you down onto his lap. The both of you are facing each other in a sitting position. You moan as you wrap your arms around his neck to gain some balance.
"Now be good, and start moving." He instructs.
You slowly start to move your hips and bounce on top of him. His cock hits you so much deeper at this angle, you have to squeeze your eyes really tight to keep from accidentally opening them. His hands are everywhere. Stroking your sides, cupping your breasts, scratching down your back... just everywhere.
"There you go sweet thing, just like that." He growls into your ear.
Your hips begin to stutter as you feel the pressure in your lower abdomen building. Desperate for the taste of him, you pull back and put your lips onto his. He moans into your mouth as he pulls you in close and locks his arms around your back. He pulls back from your mouth and moves his head down to your chest. His lips lock around around one of your nipples and he starts sucking. You throw your head back, letting out a loud moan. The pressure is building... building... building...
"Cum for me," He grunts into your ear.
That is all it takes. Stars begin to streak the back of your eyelids as you reach your peak. You let out a loud moan as you continue to bounce on his cock and ride out your high. Your fingers and toes begin to tingle, and you clamp down around his cock as you start to shudder.
Your pace starts to fade until you finally stop. You lean your head over onto his shoulder and sit on his lap for a moment, trying to regain your breath. His cock still inside you, he grabs your back and swings you back, pushing you into the dirt.
Without any warning he slams himself as deep into you as he can go. A strangled whimper escapes your lips as your nails dig into his back. He starts railing into you as hard as he possibly can. It feels like he is ripping you open, but in a good way.
"Feel so fucking good." He growls as he hammers into you. He continues giving you sweet praises as he chases his own high.
"My perfect girl... so fucking perfect." He starts to gasp and stutter as he praises you.
His hips begin to falter, as he gets close to his own orgasm. He leans over and bites down hard onto your shoulder as he begins to let out a soft moan. You can feel him emptying himself into you as he pants and gasps for air, filling you up to the brim.
He brings his lips to yours, and gives you a long kiss as you grab his cheeks with your hands to hold him steady. When he finally breaks away, the both of you just sit there for a moment, panting and gasping for air. His cock is starting to soften inside of you, but he is so thick, it doesn't fall out.
"Are you okay?" He says softly as he strokes your hair back from your eyes.
"I'm more than okay." You breathe out as a smile breaks out on your face. Your hands make their way to his face and begin to caress his cheeks. The both of you sit there for a moment, just feeling each other. He begins to say something, then stutters.
"Hmm? What did you say?" You ask as you stroke his hair.
"Ni... kar'tayl gar... darasuum." He finally says. Having no clue what he is saying, you let out a giggle.
"Din... what does that mean?"  
"You'll know one day, my Rose." He replies. His body starts to roll off of you, and you can feel his cock slide out of you. It  leaves an empty feeling in the pit of your core. A soft material covers your body as he wraps something around you. His cape. He fastens it at the neck, and continues with the task at hand. A few moments pass as you lay there, eyes still shut, waiting for him to give you the okay. A warmth has settled in over your body, and all you want to do is stay right here in this moment. A hand sweeps under you and you screech out as he lifts you into the air and into his chest.
"Okay, you can look" He says.
As you open your eyes, you can see that he has put his helmet back on, and has your clothes draped over his shoulder. He begins packing you back towards the Crest, when he stops so suddenly you think something is wrong.
"I know you, Rose." He says softly.
"And I know you" you say as you lift your hands and place them on either side of his helmet.
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years ago
Omg Kacey you should write about the dad witchers being reluctant about getting their child's first ever pet, since you know dad's usually don't want the pet but always end up falling in love with it 😅
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A/N: Sooo I did a thing and combined a few of these together for a dad!witchers fic...... I hope this turned out well cause I don’t normally combine asks like this...
“No. No way! Absolutely not!”
“No, Y/N! Don’t even use that tone with me! You know cats don’t like witchers! Do you know what I am? A witcher, Y/N!” Your husband threw his hands into the air rather dramatically. 
You faked a look of surprise, eyes widening and mouth falling open.
“Really? A witcher? After all these years, you never thought to tell me? I had absolutely no way of knowing.”
“That attitude is not necessary, Y/N.” Lambert muttered. He turned his head to look in the direction Eva was in. 
She sat in the grass beneath the tall oak in the front yard. The calico kitten that you brought back from your trip to town was bouncing around in the grass next to her. 
“Lambert, Eva is excited that she found it.” You lowered your voice as you followed his gaze to your daughter. “It’s young and needs a home.”
“It probably has fleas. And it stinks. I can smell it all the way over here.” The witcher grumbled. 
“Lambert, please.” Your eyes found him. “It would break her heart if we had to find another home for it.”
Yellow eyes searched yours for a few moments before he groaned loudly.
“Fine. She can keep the mangy thing. But I don’t want it anywhere near my bed or near me. Don’t want its fur making me itchy.”
“I didn’t think witchers were allergic to anything.”
“We aren’t…. I just don’t like cat hair.”
“Okay, Mr. Grumpy.” You gave him a smile, placing your hand on his arm. “Thank you.”
He muttered something incoherent under his breath, eyes flickering back to the cat. 
A few days had passed since the kitten came to live within your home. Lambert kept his distance from the cat promptly named Patches due to the patches of orange, black, brown, and white fur it had. 
The witcher was currently in the living room taking a nap on his favorite chair that sat nearest to the fireplace. 
A pressure on his lap began to pull him from his sleep. He shifted around a bit. The weight moved from his lap to his arm. 
Whatever it was, it was warm…. And it seemed to have four points of contact. 
As those thoughts went through Lambert’s head, he found himself suddenly awake and looking down at the cat. Patches looked back up at him and meowed rather loudly. 
“Ah! Fuck!”
Patches continued to walk along his arm, perfectly balanced on his forearm. Its tail flicked back and forth. 
“Mommy’s outside with the horses.” Eva spoke from the kitchen table.
“Eva! Eva! Come get the cat!”
“I’m coloring, daddy.”
“Eva Marie!” 
“Daddy, he’s just a little kitty. He’s not gonna hurt you.”
“Eva, come get this cat-,”
“You’re scared of kitty cats!” Eva giggled. “Wait until I tell Uncle Geralt and Uncle Esk!”
“I’ll give the kitty cat to Uncle Geralt and Uncle Esk and let him have it.” Lambert muttered under his breath, mimicking the way Eva has said Eskel’s name. She had yet to learn how to properly say Eskel’s name and was still calling him ‘Esk’ just as she had when she was learning to talk.
Patches meowed again then jumped up onto Lambert’s shoulder. He tensed up, eyes closing tightly as he prepared for something to happen. 
“What are you in here yelling for?” You closed the front door behind yourself. 
“Y/N, I swear. This damn cat is about to be coyote food if you don’t….” Lambert trailed off as Patches curled up on his shoulder. “What-What is it doing?”
“Looks like Patches is getting ready to suck your blood.” You giggled. You moved towards the table, admiring Eva’s drawings. 
Lambert’s glare on the cat softened as he realized it seemed to be falling asleep on his shoulder. Its heartbeat was slowing down and it made a low purring noise. 
“I think daddy’s scared of Patches.” Eva whispered to you. 
You looked over at your husband. He was no longer as tense as what he had been. He even had one hand up on the cat to pet it. 
“I think he’s getting used to him.” You leaned down to kiss her head. 
Rain trickled down from dark clouds above the house. Eskel guided his horse towards the barn. Both were eager to get out of the rain. But as Eskel neared the barn door, Scorpion began to pull against the lead and grunt.
“Easy, boy.”
Scorpion made noises of displeasure, backing away from the barn as if something lurked inside that posed a threat. His ears were pressed flat against his head and his nostrils flared. 
Eskel knew what he was trying to say and wouldn’t press him to go any further. Curious and concerned about what was in the barn, he tethered the horse to a post just outside of the barn before entering the structure. 
Though the barn was pitch black, the witcher had no trouble seeing in the dark. 
He could hear the goats before he saw them. They bleated from their enclosure to the right, wanting his attention immediately. He’d greet them after he found out what had Scorpion so upset. 
Venturing further into the barn, your horse stuck its head out of its stable. 
Eskel was confused. The animals in the barn didn’t seem concerned or distraught. Why was Scorpion so afraid?
As he was turned to leave, he caught an unfamiliar scent in the air. It was the distinct odor of wild canine. 
The hair on the back of his neck stood up as he began to follow the scent trial to the very last stall on the left. Peering over the stall door, Eskel spotted a pair of eyes peering up at him. 
“Y/N!” He shouted your name as he entered the house. The force at which he barged in spooked you, making you jump to your feet. He was never so loud and disruptive.
“Eskel! What is it?” You panicked, fearing something terrible had happened. 
“There’s a wolf in the barn. Have we lost any of the livestock since I’ve been gone?” He asked, moving towards the window at the back of the house that faced the woods. “Is Lil Bleater still in here?”
“Oh, Eskel.” You put your hand over your heart and laughed softly. 
He turned his head to look at you, eyes widening. Why were you laughing?
“It’s just a pup.”
“And a pup means the mother is nearby. I wanted to make sure you, Nadia, and Bleater were safe before I remove it and take it back to the woods-,”
“NO!” Nadia shouted from the hallway.
Both you and Eskel looked in her direction. 
“Daddy, you can’t take her back!” Nadia shook her head, brows furrowed together as she moved towards you. She tugged at the skirt of your nightgown. “Tell him, mommy! Tell him!”
“We found the pup in the woods a week ago.” You put your hand on her head as you looked at your husband. “It was crying out horribly. Its family had been killed by hunters. So we took it in. Everyone in the barn has adjusted to it.”
“Y/N, it’s…. It’s a wolf.” Eskel spoke quietly, not wanting to upset Nadia. “It won’t stay small forever. It’s dangerous.”
“I know, love. But right now…. Now it’s just a baby.” You offered him a little smile. “It’s just a helpless little thing. Think of when you found Bleater.”
“She’s a goat, Y/N.”
You fell silent. You knew Eskel wouldn’t be happy with the wolf pup being in the barn. It would be dangerous for Nadia and you knew this, but she never went outside without either of you with her anyways. You’d never let harm fall on her. 
You brushed your fingers through Nadia’s hair, looking down at her. 
“Come on, darling. We must go back to bed. I’m sure daddy will come tuck you in momentarily.”
“What about Luna, mommy?”
“Luna?” Eskel repeated. 
“The puppy.”
Eskel sighed, bringing his hand up to rub his eyes. 
“Nadia, love. It’s not a puppy–,”
“But she is, daddy! She’s a puppy and she gives me kisses and nibbles on my fingers when I give her leftovers from dinner!”
“You’ve been feeding it?” Eskel’s eyes shot up to you. 
“I wasn’t going to let it starve out there.”
“I won’t let you take her!” Nadia dashed towards the door but her father was quicker, stepping into her way and placing a hand on the door. 
“Nadia, I’m– I need you to calm down for a moment.” 
“Don’t take her, daddy!”
“I’m not, love. I just need you to calm down. Take a deep breath and calm down for me. Okay? Can you do that?”
Nadia took a deep breath, her brows still furrowed together as she looked at Eskel. 
“It’s late and you need to sleep.” He kissed her temple. “I’ve missed you.”
“Missed you too, daddy.”
“In the morning, we can talk about her. About Luna. For tonight, she can stay in the barn.”
Nadia threw her arms around Eskel’s neck, squeezing him tightly. 
“Thank you, daddy! Thank you! Thank you!”
Eskel looked at you as he rubbed her back. 
“We’ll introduce you to Luna in the morning.” You moved to kiss him. “Let’s get little Nadia to bed.”
Geralt placed his sword down against the wall next to the front door. He brushed his fingers through his hair, letting out a soft breath as he listened to what was going on throughout the house. 
The house was silent which was quite odd. Bram and Lana were quite a loud pair and always kept you and Geralt on your toes. 
The witcher furrowed his brows, listening carefully for the teenagers. They were out in the backyard. 
“Ew, Lana! Get that thing away from me!”
“Calm down, Bram.”
“Where are you going with that thing?”
“I’m taking it into the house.”
“Are you mad? Mom and dad will kill you!”
A hand on the small of Geralt’s back surprised him. You stood next to him, having just walked into the house. 
“Is everything alright, love?” You asked, brows furrowed together. “I scared you.”
“Just listening to the kids.” Geralt shook his head softly. He leaned down to kiss your forehead. “How was your trip to the market?”
“Bountiful. Found Bram new trousers. He’s as rough on clothes as you are.” You began to pull the items out from a basket and satchel you placed on the table. “I also found him a few books I thought he might like. They’re those old folk stories he likes.”
Geralt picked one of the books up, inspecting the cover page. He hummed. 
“He used to read these to Lana when she was little.” 
“He did.” You smiled. “And for Lana, our wild one, I found a few little trinkets and a lovely dagger I thought she’d like. It has a pretty ruby-,”
“Mom! Dad!” Bram came through the back door, unknowingly interrupting you. 
“Hello, Bram.” You greeted him.
“Lana’s going to be in- Ooh, what did you bring home?” He was quickly distracted by the knickknacks you placed on the table. 
“The trousers, the books, and the ring are yours.”
Bram picked up the ring to examine it. 
“It looks like one that Uncle Jaskier wears.”
“It’s very similar. I thought you might like it.”
“Mom! Dad! Come take a look at this!” Lana spoke excitedly as she moved towards the kitchen. 
Geralt lifted his head to look at his daughter. His stomach dropped at the sight of the creature she held in her hands. It was a long black and brown snake. 
“Lana! What are you doing with that thing in the house?” You sighed.
“I wanted to show you the little guy. He looks really cute, doesn’t he?”
“Lana, go put that thing back where you found it.” Geralt spoke rather quickly. 
“Are you afraid of him, daddy? He’s just a little snake.” Lana took a step towards Geralt, who became rigid as he watched the animal carefully. 
“Lana, you’re such a creep!”
“Bram!” You scolded your son. “Lana, we don’t bring wild animals into the house. You’re fourteen. You should know that.”
“But there was a hawk outside and I didn’t want him to get eaten.” Lana frowned, looking down at the snake. It began to slither up her arm towards her neck. “Do you think we could keep him?”
“Absolutely not.”
“But dad!”
“It could be venomous, Lana.”
“Dad, we were talking just last week about getting a pet!”
“A dog, not a snake. Take it out into the forest far enough away that it won’t attack the chickens.”
You could see the tears well up in her eyes as she looked down at the snake. She nodded her head obediently and turned to leave. 
“Bram, go with your sister. Make sure she’s safe.”
As your son left the house, your eyes found Geralt. 
“You’ve faced monsters as big as mountains and yet you’re afraid of a snake?” You moved to put away the items remaining in the basket.
“Y/N, you can’t honestly expect me to let her have one of those in the house, can you?” Geralt furrowed his brows at you.
“It’s a harmless garden snake, Geralt.”
“It could constrict around her.”
You said nothing, humming softly as you moved past your husband. His hand found your arm.
“Dove.” He murmured. “It’s a dangerous animal.”
“I like them.” You looked up at him, searching his golden eyes. “And I think it’s cute that you are fearful of them.”
“Fear is a good look in your eyes, dear husband.” You tried to walk away but Geralt slipped his arm around your waist, drawing your body to his. You giggled, allowing him to lean down and kiss your lips. 
“I don’t understand why you like those things.”
“Well I do. And so does your daughter apparently.” You placed your hands on his biceps. “I think…. Geralt, I think you should let her keep it.”
“I had a snake when I was young, you know. They are very intelligent and fascinating creatures. And I think she is mature enough for one.”
Geralt turned his head to look at the door. 
“Bram doesn’t like them. Snakes.”
“Then we get him a dog.” You grinned, slipping out of your husband’s arms. 
“But we agreed on one pet.”
“Well we can’t get one a pet that the other won’t like.” You reasoned. 
“You are nothing but trouble, dear wife.”
“Always have been.” You winked at him. 
A grin tugged at the corner of his lips.
Taglist:  @pressedinthepages (<<if you see this Erica, I’m pissed it won’t tag you I’ve always been able to tag you and I am going to write a fucking MLA format essay to tumblr for being a bitch) @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox @wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration @shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @genderfluid-ho @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher @badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an--actual--human--disaster @rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles @awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @maan24 @thefirelordm @monkeymo @krenee1drful @nympha-door-a @unadulteratedtreecrusade @Aquarius-pisces-rose @mentallyscreamingsincebirth @fl0ating @sometimesiwrite @you-fxcking-wish-bish @thanks-bruh-for-nothing @maan2442 @thegaydeath @creatingstuffinpeace @wellthisstinks @andyrazzledazzle @ameliasmistake @winterwolf @caraqas @bluscryn @y-napotat @henrycavillbesty @ta-ka-shi-ma @sulkyshengshou @spaced-out-state @thecollection @mayday1284 @babietrain @wandering-poetess @redneckstrash  @crazybutconfidentaf @runawayolives @she-wolfoftheinquisition @onlygeraltofrivia @henrythickcavill  @lharrietg @wellthisstinks @spaced-out-state @redneckstrash 
If your name is in italics, it wouldn’t let me tag you :(​
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