#anyway yeah i still stand by my original point which is that i dont agree w all taikas opinions abt homophobia
hey, different anon here but i'm pretty sure taika is referring specifically to the lack of homophobia in the pirate world in ofmd, not the whole universe. it's unclear in that quote but he's phrased it a bit better in other interviews lol.
i mean like, even if that's the case, he's still wrong?? we spend the majority of the show with stede and his crew, where the rules are different, but we're given clues that the general pirate world isn't as welcoming and accepting as the Revenge. i doubt any pirate's gonna bat an eye if two crewmates decide to bump uglies in the hold or whatever, but the general pirate world of ofmd doesn't seem like the place where queer people can fully express themselves and their love openly and without shame. and i draw this conclusion based on three characters in the show: hornigold, calico jack, and izzy. while these three characters obviously are not on the same level as blackbeard, we're meant to see them as "real pirates" at a certain level above where stede and the rest of the crew. which is why i'm inclined to look to them as examples of how the pirate world operates
i literally made a post abt this the other day but hornigold, a mysterious figure from ed's past, comes up a lot in fandom despite only being brought up in one conversation. and that conversation literally begins with calico jack sitting down at stede's breakfast table and saying, "Just for the two of you, huh? Hornigold'd shit himself." like, a private breakfast for two men is pretty gay, and i literally can't think of a positive way to interpret that line. obviously we don't know a whole lot abt hornigold, but a man described as "such a fucking dick" who used to beat his crew members down probably wouldn't see a fancy spread of food set out for two close male friends to enjoy and be like, "yes, this is good and fine and im okay with this"
calico jack is fun bc he's literally gay, but his brand of homophobia isn't so much about "two men having sex is gross" as it is "two men being in a healthy and loving relationship is lame and pathetic and weak." he also insults stede's masculinity by calling him a girl, which is literally one of the oldest homophobic lines in the book.
and then izzy. i genuinely dont understand why this is such a topic of debate and im gonna give a short version here, but izzy upholds a specific ideal of masculinity that is very much in line with the gender roles of white colonial society: no expressing genuine emotion except through anger and/or violence, no dressing or behaving "femininely" (the definition of which is also decided by white colonial society), no expressing weakness of any kind. when it comes to ed and stede, there's more to izzy's actions than just homophobia, but literally why does he treat lucius the way he does. what is the reason. wee john is sleeping on the job but he doesn't give him shit. pete was also fucking in the store room but izzy doesn't harass him all day. his whole fucking "daddy" scene was like, a direct insight into how he views gay relationships and gay sex. this freak homophobic!!! goddamn!!!!
anyway yeah stede's ship is an exception. the general pirate world in ofmd might not give a shit who you sleep with, but the standards of masculinity are still antithetical to open and healthy expressions of queer experiences
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bibbawrites · 4 years
Don’t Get Caught - Owen Joyner x Reader (16+)
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Request: mischievous/playful/giggly sneaking around with Owen on set or evading Charlie in their apartment
Word Count: 3142 words
Summary: You are a makeup artist on set for Julie and The Phantoms and quickly began messing around with Owen, but the fear of potentially losing your job if anyone finds out has the two of you sneaking around and trying your best to not be caught aka 4 times you and Owen were almost caught messing around and one time you were 
Warnings: Swearing, sexual references, implied oral sex, reference to m*sturbation
A/N: hi all! so this is my first attempt at a jatp related fic so hopefully i do okay, sorry for any mistakes, most of this was written and edited from 2am-6am because those are my motivation hours  i also don’t usually write reader insert so fingers crossed i dont mess this up lol. i have a ton of requests to work through so keep an eye out for things coming soon (hopefully)  also, to the person who requested this, sorry it took so long (my dumb ass deleted 90% of it and had to start again) i really hope i did your idea justice :)
1. Makeup Trailer 
The first time you met Owen was on your first day on set. Kenny had dragged the cast in to meet you, and something about Owen drew you in and you just knew you had to get to know the beautiful blonde boy. 
Luckily your chance came sooner than expected when you were working alone in the makeup trailer a few days later. The door opened and Owen came in, smiling brightly when he saw you.
“Hey, you’re Y/N, right?” He asked. You nodded.
“I am.” You replied and he grinned.
“I’m Owen. Nice to meet you, again.” He said awkwardly.
You giggled at his awkwardness. 
“Nice to meet you again too. Sit down.��� You gestured to the chair in front of you and he sat down. You got to work quickly, working in silence for a few minutes before Owen spoke up.
“So how long have you been doing makeup for? You look young.” He asked.
“I’ve been doing it professionally for 5 years now. I started working in my mum’s salon when I was 15, and when I graduated I did a course to get me this job.” You told him. He paused.
“So you’re 20?” He questioned, and you nodded.
“I am.” 
“Cool, I’m 19.”  He said, and you hummed in response, concentrating on making sure his face didn’t looked cakey.
“So are you from around here?” You shook your head.
“Nah I moved here from Quebec.” You said.
“Alone? Or with your family or... boyfriend?” Owen asked, the last part sounding slightly bitter.
“Yeah I came alone, my mum is too busy with her salon, and my siblings are still in school. And I don’t have a boyfriend.” You told him and he grinned slightly.
“Good to know.” He muttered quietly. You raised an eyebrow, not quite hearing him properly.
“Sorry?” You asked. He shook his head.
“Okay...” You trailed off, not believing him. “Well you’re all done.”
“Already?” He frowned slightly. 
“Yep.” You smiled.
“Oh. Thanks.” He stood up, pausing slightly. 
“Can I get your number?” He asked, somewhat hesitantly. Realisation dawned on you.
“So that’s why you asked about a boyfriend.” You said, eyebrow raised. 
“Guilty.” He grinned cheekily.
“Give me your phone.” You held out your hand and he placed his phone in it, and you quickly added a new contact, typing in your number and texting yourself from his phone.
“There. I’ll text you pretty boy.” You said, handing him his phone back. He grinned.
“I’ll see you around Y/N.” He said, turning to leave for the hair trailer. You watched him leave with a smile on your face.
A week of texting and flirting later and you found yourself alone with Owen in the makeup trailer again.
“So what scenes are you filming today pretty boy?” You questioned as you began to apply his makeup.
“Why do you always call me pretty boy?” He asked, ignoring your question.
“Because you’re pretty? And a boy?” You said, pulling a face.
“Are you flirting with me?” He grinned, and you raised an eyebrow.
“Maybe.” You said. He bit his lip.
“So if I tried to kiss you you’d say?” He asked, and your heart skipped a beat.
“Eh why not?” You said it like it was nothing but inside you were freaking out.
“Y/N.” He groaned and you giggled.
“Just kidding.” You teased.
“So?” He asked again after a moment of silence. You rolled your eyes.
“Oh my god just kiss me you dork.” Owen didn’t even take a second to think about it, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his lap, connecting your lips in a less than innocent kiss. Your lips fitted together perfectly, and he tasted faintly of blueberry and spearmint. After what felt like a lifetime he pulled away from you, leaving you panting and wanting more.
“Wow that was...” He was the first to speak, his voice breathy. You nodded.
“Yep.” You said simply. “I should probably...”
You stood up from his lap, and had barely stepped away when the door opened.
“Hey Y/N, one of my lashes came off and... oh...” Savannah’s voice came, the young actress pausing when she saw how close the two of you were.
“Hey Savannah.” You said with a smile. She returned your smile before glancing back at Owen.
“Sorry, did I interrupt something?” She asked. The two of you shook your heads.
“No, not at all.” You said.
“I was just leaving.” Owen added, standing up from his chair. Savannah raised an eyebrow.
“If you say so.” She replied as Owen left the trailer quickly. The door shut behind him and Savannah grinned at you.
“You like him.” She said, her tone teasing.
“No...” You denied. Savannah rolled her eyes.
“You so do Y/N. And I know Owen, he definitely likes you too.” She told you.
“If you say so.” You said, grabbing a new fake lash to fix the missing one.
Savannah grinned. 
“Oh I know so. You’ll see.”
2. Julie’s Bedroom Set
“Come on Y/N, what’s the worst that could happen?” Owen had said as he dragged you through the filming lot towards the set of Julie’s bedroom. You had been heading off to grab some lunch when he had intercepted you and asked if you wanted to “hang”, which by this point you knew was code for hide somewhere and make out for a while. You had originally said no, but those darn puppy eyes had made you say yes before you even realised you were saying it. 
“What if someone catches us?” You had questioned, but Owen silenced your worries with a blistering kiss that left you breathless. 
“We’ll be fine.” He muttered as he pulled away. “Don’t stress.” 
“Famous last words.” You muttered, allowing him to pull you back in and kiss you again. You ran your fingers through his hair, knowing that he would have to have it fixed up before his next scene anyways. 
It had been a few weeks since that first kiss in the makeup trailer, and since then you had learnt the taste and feeling of Owen’s lips on yours, a feeling that was now so familiar to you that it felt like second nature. 
You mindlessly kissed him back, thanking your past self for deciding to use your favourite chapstick flavour, choc mint, on him earlier that morning when you did his makeup for the day. 
You pulled away to take a breath and he grinned at you. 
“I’m glad we met.” He said. You blushed slightly.
“Me too.” You agreed.
He pulled you back in and kissed you again, this kiss more passionate than the last, and you shuffled closer to him, your lips never leaving his for a second. You could feel his hands resting on your waist, his tongue in your mouth, the scent of his cologne filling your nostrils.
Suddenly you heard a noise and you pulled away quickly, the fear of being caught overpowering your feelings for Owen.
“Someone’s coming.” You said quickly. Owen frowned.
“What?” He questioned.
“There’s someone coming.” You repeated and his expression changed to fear.
“Fuck, what do we do? Run?” He asked and you nodded.
He grabbed your hands and pulled you up off the bed, linking your fingers together before dragging you off the set, the both of you giggling the whole way back to his trailer.
“It’s kinda fun, almost but not quite getting caught.” You admitted once the two of you were curled up on the couch in his trailer.
“It is.” He agreed. “But do you know what’s even more fun?”
“What?” You questioned.
“Making out with you.”
And if Owen went back to set with the taste of your orgasm on his tongue that was for only the two of you to know. 
3. Owen and Charlie’s Living Room 
You had just finished some finishing touches on Savannah’s makeup when Owen burst into the makeup trailer. 
“You’re all done.” You told Savannah and she grinned. 
“Thanks Y/N.” She stood up from the chair. “See you later. Bye Owen.” 
She glanced between the two of you, before turning and giving you a quick wink as she left, leaving you and Owen alone in the trailer. 
“So?” You spoke, beginning to pack up your brushes. “Why are you here?” 
“Well you see, I’m finished for the day and I checked your schedule and you are too, and I was wondering if you wanted to come back to my place to watch a movie and chill or something.” Owen spoke, plopping himself into one of the chairs and spinning around. 
"What about Charlie?” You asked, placing your brush bag into the large drawer of your makeup supplies. 
“He’s filming the Perfect Harmony scene with Madi. We’d have the place to ourselves for at least a few hours.” You paused, considering his offer. 
“Okay.” You replied simply. He cheered. 
“Are you ready to go now?” He asked, standing up, and you nodded. He grinned slightly, pulling you in and kissing you softly. 
“Hi, by the way.” He whispered once he pulled away. You rolled your eyes playfully. 
“Let’s just go.” 
You somehow managed to make it off set and back to the building where most of the cast and crew were living without anyone noticing the two of you together.
“What floor?” You asked as you hopped into the elevator.
“6.” He replied, and you pressed the button, riding in silence to his floor. He took your hand, pulling you towards the apartment he shared with Charlie, unlocking the front door and dragging you towards the couch.
“So you mentioned a movie?” You said once the two of you were settled. Owen nodded. 
“I did, what do you wanna watch?” He asked. 
“I actually have a better idea.” You grinned, climbing on top of him, straddling his waist.
“Oh I see.” He replied, grabbing your top and pulling you down to kiss you roughly.
It felt like no time had passed at all when suddenly the front door unlocked.
“Fuck.” You said, jumping off him quickly and settling onto the couch next to Owen, pretending as if you’d been there the whole time. Charlie entered the room, frowning slightly when he saw you sat on the couch.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Charlie questioned, throwing his bag onto the chair. 
“I.. Um...” You stumbled. “I was just leaving.” 
You stood up quickly, thankful that the shoes you wore were slip on’s. 
Charlie eyed Owen carefully as the door shut and Owen shrugged.
“Should I ask?” Charlie questioned. Owen shook his head.
4. Owen’s Bedroom 
After a couple of close calls on set and in the living room, the next time you came over you and Owen went straight to his room.
He laid down on his bed and you climbed on top of him, kissing him instantly.
“God you’re perfect.” He muttered, lips and tongues combining in a mess of passion and lust. Owen pulled at your shirt, tugging it over your head, and you did the same for him. His lips trailed down your neck, sucking gently to leave a mark.
The front door opened and Owen groaned.
“Shit, is that Charlie?” You asked. He nodded. “What do we do?”
“Uh... get in the closet.” He suggested and you giggled, grabbing onto your shirt so Charlie wouldn’t see it if he came in.
“Owen? You here?” Charlie called, and Owen dragged you into the closet, pulling the door shut behind you.
“Shh.” Owen whispered. You tried to hide your smile.
“I didn’t say anything.” You told him, and he rolled his eyes playfully. The door to Owen’s room opened and the two of you froze, bodies pressed together.
“God I hope that’s your phone pressed against my leg.” You whispered after a moment. Owen pulled a face in the darkness. 
“Uh... no.” He replied, and you giggled awkwardly. 
“Don’t laugh, this isn’t funny.” He whined.
“It is funny. We’re trapped in your closet waiting for Charlie to leave and you still manage to be turned on?” You questioned with a giggle
“I can’t help it when someone as attractive as you is pressed up against me. Plus you don’t have a shirt on so...” He trailed off.
“Oh yeah?” You pressed yourself against his body more forcefully. Owen groaned quietly. 
“Fuck, stop it.” He muttered. You smirked. 
“No.” You whispered, and Owen placed his hands on your waist. 
“Y/N...” His voice was low, and just the sound of it sent flutters through your stomach. 
“Owen...” You replied just as quietly. “Before you ask, I’m not gonna fuck you in a closet.” 
“Why not?” He whined. You rolled your eyes. 
“You shouldn’t even have to ask that question.” 
The front door slammed shut and Owen let out a sigh of relief, pushing open the closet door. You stepped past him and made your way over to the bed, Pulling your shirt back on before sitting down to pull your shoes on. 
“Wait where are you going?” He questioned, pouting. 
“Back to set, I have a job to do, remember?” You reminded him, tying your laces on your left shoe before reaching for the right. 
“Can’t you call in sick?” He tried. You raised an eyebrow. 
“From my lunch break?” He shrugged. 
“Food poisoning?” 
“Owen.” You gave him a look and he groaned, flopping onto the bed. 
“Fine. But what am I supposed to do about this?” He motioned towards his crotch. You stood up, grabbing your phone, and walked towards the door, pausing before you exited the room. 
“You have a hand. Use it.” And with that, you left. 
+1. Owen and Charlie’s Kitchen 
It was a day off from filming so you decided to have a lazy day. It was almost lunch time when you woke up, and you would have slept longer if it wasn’t for your phone ringing obnoxiously from its spot on your nightstand. 
You rolled over, grabbing the phone and answered without even checking the caller ID. 
“Hello?” You spoke, voice full of sleep. 
“Good morning, Charlie has gone for a hike, wanna come over?” Owen’s voice came through the phone. 
“Sure, why not. Give me half an hour to have a shower and get changed.” You replied, already climbing out of bed. Owen cheered causing you to smile slightly. 
“Awesome, I’ll see you in half an hour.” He said. “And don’t eat anything.” 
“Okay.” You replied, and before you could even say goodbye he had hung up. You rolled your eyes, throwing your phone back onto the bed and grabbing a simple outfit of a crop t-shirt and shorts out of your wardrobe, before heading into the bathroom to get ready. 
25 minutes later you were knocking on the door of Owen and Charlie’s apartment. The door opened, revealing a shirtless Owen, and you had to stop yourself from checking him out as he let you in. 
“Any reason why I wasn’t allowed to eat?” You questioned, following him down the hall into the kitchen. 
“Because, I thought we could make pancakes together.” He gestured to the pile of ingredients sitting on the counter. 
“How domestic. Didn’t realise we had become a married couple.” You teased, and he blushed slightly. 
“I just thought it would be fun.” He defended, and you placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“It will be. And delicious.” You agreed.
He grinned, grabbing the ingredients. 
“Let’s get started then.” 
Somehow you found yourself sitting on the counter, eating the batter while Owen cooked the pancakes. 
“There!” Owen exclaimed, flipping the last pancake onto the plate he had gotten out. “All done.” 
He turned to face you, his smile turning into a look of concentration. 
“You have a little something...” He said, positioning himself between your legs. You paused, waiting for him to move. Slowly he lifted his hand, running his thumb along your bottom lip.
“Much better.” He muttered. The two of you were still, a stand off to see who would make the first move. You leaned in slowly, connecting your lips in a soft kiss.
It was as if the first brush of your lips opened the floodgates. Owen grabbed onto your thighs, dragging you forward, and you wrapped your legs around his waist, the pancakes long forgotten.
You tangled your hands through his hair, moaning slightly when you felt his hands on your ass, and he took that as an opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.
You were so caught up in each other that you didn’t even hear the front door open.
“Hey Owen, I forgot my-” Charlie’s voice came, stopping abruptly as he took in the scene in front of him.
Owen stepped away from you quickly, but even if Charlie hadn’t seen you kissing, it was obvious what the two of you had been up to.
No one blinked. Finally, Owen broke the silence.
“You were meant to be hiking all day.” He said, somewhat defensively.
“I forgot my phone, so I came back for it. I figured you’d be on the couch where I left you. I didn’t realise you’d be...” He stopped, focusing his attention on you. “Hi Y/N.”
You waved awkwardly.
“So...” Charlie looked between you and Owen. “Am I pretending I didn’t see this, or...” He trailed off. 
You and Owen shared a look before nodding.
“Just for now, at least.” You said, and Charlie nodded.
“Got it. Well, have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Oh, and if you have sex on the kitchen counter please clean it afterwards. I eat off that thing.” He winked at Owen and before either of you could respond he had left the room.
“Sorry about him.” Owen sighed slightly.
“You didn’t know he’d leave his phone. Besides, now we can hang out here together and not have to worry about Charlie walking in on something he doesn’t know about.” You replied, and Owen grinned, leaning in to kiss you again.
You had just started to find a rhythm in kissing again when a cleared throat broke you apart.
“Dude!” Owen exclaimed, glaring at Charlie who was leaning against the wall, grinning cheekily.
“Just wanted to say goodbye. And warn you that I’ll be back at 3, so make sure any... activities-” He winked suggestively. “Are done by then.”
“Get out.” Owen glared at him. Charlie grinned, turning to leave quickly.
“Bye Y/N!” He called back as he left.
“Bye.” You called, giggling slightly.
Owen rolled his eyes as the front door shut behind Charlie. Focusing his attention back on you he smiled slightly.
“Now where were we?” He questioned, pulling you back in and connecting your lips again.
And if you did end up having sex on the kitchen counter, Charlie would never have to know.
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yourfriendlyenby · 2 years
yes hi hello I saw ur classpecting hermits post and I have many thoughts,
1. voidrot mumbo is So Good like genuinely i feel people dont touch on the troll lore hiveswap gave us all that much so to see it has me frothing at the mouth
2. rainbow drinker Cleo is just so cool, Cleo gets to glow, as a treat OH AND with purpleblood joe they could have an agreement where joe from a moral stand point doesnt like killing but like feferi hes okay with doing it out of necessity and to help a friend (which in turn helps him but he doesnt like to think about it)
3. okay I'm going to seem like im just saying this bc yellow is impulses thing but goldblood impulse would honestly make more sense? mostly because he is a redstoner before builder and hes not the best at pvp (applicable bc indigobloods are known for strength over most other things) also as a nod to s8 his colors could be purple and yellow
3b. actually tbh the longer I think about it the more okay I am with him being an indigoblood actually but I still wanna throw my 2 cents out there
4. scar should be an oliveblood purely because certain bloods tend to have certain lusii and his lusii should be a big jellie also because I think it fits trickster personality :]
5. TEALBLOOD CUB Bro. tealblood cub thats so smart and Perfect I literally cannot explain how much i love that cub has Strong tagora vibes so it just Fits
okay anywyas sorry for just. dropping a shit ton of words on u I was hyperfixated on homestuck for like at least 4 years then hermitcraft for the last 2 so my brain just went crazy
Oh dang uhh
First of all thanks for sending me an ask since I don't usually have those XD I'll put a somewhat organized list of my thoughts and such
I added voidrot Mumbo not because I was going through Hiveswap lore but because I was going through Subgrubs and Snazzards since someone in the tags of my post told me about that, and as soon as I read that description I was like "oh Mumbo definitely sounds like someone who'd say 'I'm dying constantly all the time' not even as a troll just in general"
I added rainbow drinker Cleo because 1) rainbow drinkers are described as like vampires and vampires are undead, and so are zombies so yeah. 2) because yeah Cleo deserves to glow and drink blood as a treat. Idk too much about what you said about Joe so I'm just gonna nod and smile
Now with Impulse I'd have to agree a bit about how he'd be gold since that's sort of his color as well as being sort of tech-based, but 1) I tried using the gold color given when I was trying to draw characters and oh my gosh why is it like that I want to use it as sparingly as possible I need help in a good shade, 2) I wanted to reference the original fanart in my post and Impulse was an indigoblood there. Obviously there are better reasons but I'm not too far deep into Homestuck to know what they are
Olivebloods are stated to be more comfortable with things they are familiar with and are alarmed by new ideas. We never see this in Scar, he actively embraces changes to keep things fresh each season. And indigobloods are actually stated to be sporadic and change often, careless, and surprise friends often which are all things we see in Scar a LOT. And also they said that, and I quote, "being around a well-adjusted indigoblood is always a good time" which I mean like. Cmon. I can't say no to that. Although I will say the whole lusus thing might've swayed me a little but shhhhhhh we can make our own canon and I didn't have time to think of lusus and also they had a trend to just die a lot and I don't want that for Jellie soooo
I literally just based off tealblood Cub after the original fanart I have no idea what tealblood's deal is, so if anyone has an idea as to why tealblood Cub is good please let me know
Anyways, for putting up with my rambling, have a wip for something I'm doing for 413 :D
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brelione · 4 years
Wish I Was Sarah PT.1(Kiara Carrera X Reader)
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Kiara had first met you 3rd of December.You had been at a party,a christmas party to be specific.You were a kook which meant your parents forced you to go to all the big mansion parties all the time.All of the big ones were there,Sarah Cameron,Topper Thornton,Rafe Cameron,Kiara Carrera.All of them.
You had worn a sweater over a simple t shirt,too lazy to put on a dress like all the others.Your parents were just glad that you had agreed to make an appearance even if you looked like shit.You had sat in the corner of the couch,earbuds in.You were listening to Sweater Weather,thinking it was funny because you were,in fact,wearing a sweater.
Kiara had stood at the snack table for a while,holding a disgusting monstrosity of a cookie,debating on picking off the sprinkles and throwing them away.She had never really been a fan of sprinkles.She had glanced around the crowds,the moms talking as they ate cheese cubes,the dads talking as they drank beers and wine,the other teens probably getting high up in the bathroom.Then her eyes fell on you.
She felt her face heat up immediately,staring at you for a while.You were underdressed for the occasion,your earbuds in as you sat curled up on the couch,seeming tired of being there.She debated herself in her head,trying to decide whether to approach you or not.Eventually she gave in,walking across the room with fake confidence,sitting down next to you.She watched as you tensed up,your eyes going wide,your bottom lip between your teeth,wondering what she wanted.
You pulled out an earbud,looking up at the beautiful girl that had decided to sit next to you of all places. “Hey.”She smiled,holding out her hand to you. “Im Kiara.”She introduced herself.You pulled out your other earbud,a small grin on your face. “Hi.Im (Y/N).”You shook her hand,feeling your face heat up a bit. “So um….yeah.What song were you listening to?”She asked,trying not to laugh at how dumb she sounded.You showed her your phone,finding yourself moving closer to her on the couch. “You like Frozen ll a lot.”She laughed,watching you scroll through the playlist.
You nodded,handing her an earbud to make her listen to Lost In The Woods. “Ive never seen Frozen ll.”She admitted,watching as your jaw dropped and your eyes widened. “Kiara!Oh my god-whats wrong with you?”Your voice became higher as you talked,your hand covering your mouth.She laughed at you,shrugging. “Wait,have you seen the first one?”You asked.She nodded,watching as a look of relief came across your face. “Okay,did you like it?”You asked.She shrugged once again,smiling at your enthusiasm. 
“The second one is better I promise.”You answered.She rolled her eyes,leaning back against the couch. “Im serious!The soundtrack,the animation everything is so much better!”You exclaimed,shaking your phone as you spoke.She nodded. “Yeah,whatever you say.”She replied,watching as you tried to convince her. “You have to watch it!Please?”You pouted.She nodded,making you clap your hands in excitement as you went into your disney plus app.She watched as you scrolled through the movies,a big grin on your face because you had easily defeated her.
 “Its so cold in here.Who puts air conditioning on in december?”She complained out loud.You handed her your phone for a moment,not hesitating to pull off your sweater and hand it to her. “That’s pretty warm.”You told her,not really thinking about it.Her face turned red,biting her bottom lip as she held back a smile.
She had originally regretted her wardrobe choice of a green dress,the fabric light and flowy,her arms exposed which caused goosebumps to rise across her caramel skin.She didnt regret it now though as she pulled on your sweater,the warm fabric making the goosebumps go away.Her heart was thumping as you moved incredibly close to her,handing her an earbud and holding your phone in front of the two of you.
As you reached the point of Into The Unknown it was announced that dinner was ready,ham,turkey,potatoes,corn,rolls,pretty much everything imaginable.It disgusted you that you all had a feast of expensive,high quality food while people in The Cut were lucky to have a meal a day.The adults called the other teens downstairs for the meal and you promised Kiara that you’d finish watching it after.You two decided to sit next to eachother at the table,your sweater still on her.
She offered it back to you,saying that she didnt want to get food on it but you told her that it was fine and that it looked better on her anyways. “So the movie...what do you think about it so far?”You had asked softly as Kelce and Topper came down the stairs. “Its good.Its good,like you said,better than the first for sure.”She nodded,eyebrows furrowing when she noticed your eyes falling away from her and towards someone walking down the stairs.Sarah fucking Cameron.The blonde was wearing a nice,light grey dress that looked amazing on her figure,her hair in pretty braids.
Kiara saw the look in your eyes,the way they were full of wonder,mesmorized by Sarah Cameron.She felt like dying,like being eaten up by a black hole as she wondered how she could be so stupid.She had thought that maybe you were interested in her but it was probably because she had been the only girl there.Now that Sarah was here she would be lucky if she could get your attention back again. 
“So what do you think of the theory about Elsa?”She asked,glaring at Sarah.Your face heated up,taking your eyes off of the pretty blonde and back to Kiara. “What theory?”You asked,glancing over at Sarah every couple of moments.Kiara tried to hide her anger,covering it with a small grin. “The one about her being a lesbian.What do you think of it?”She asked,trying to learn more about you and if she even had a chance.You bit your lip,looking over at the plate of biscuits. 
“I mean,I think at this point we all just want representation in disney and in like,media in general but I dont think Elsa is a lesbian.I feel like she might be aromantic or maybe...well,I dont really know.There’s nothing-well,you know she actual might be a lesbian,”You paused,leaning forward to grab a biscuit and put it on your plate. 
“There’s this one scene in Frozen ll,ill point it out to you that has like vibes to it.But then again just because she doesnt have a male love interest doesnt exactly mean she’s a lesbian.Moana and Merida didnt have guys that they were in love with but that doesnt mean they’re lesbians.Merida might be a lesbian,have you seen how good she is in nature and cooking fish in the wild?And how she knew those berries were poison?Thats some cottage core lesbian shit.What was I talking about?”you asked,realising you had gotten caught up in the topic and had forgotten the original question.
Kiara smiled,glad to hear you speak so passionately about something. “If Elsa is a lesbian.”She held back a laugh,watching as the realisation came across your face. “Right,so the answer is yes but also no but also yes.Like at least fifty percent yes but also no but im 1000% confident in Merida being a lesbian.”You confirmed,cutting open your biscuit.She nodded,trying to think of a new topic before she lost your attention again. “So the whole thing of people shipping Else with Jack Frost.What do you think of that?”She asked,laughing when your fists slapped down in your lap,gaining the attention of Rafe and Sarah. 
“Dude literally it makes no sense!Jack Frost isnt even disney!Like the only reason anyone ever shipped them was because they have the same powers but Jack is like 300 years old and hes like...energetic and giggly and child-like and immature and she would get so annoyed so quick!She’s introverted and serious and of course theres nothing wrong with that but she gets like too embarrassed too fast and I cant see them ever getting together or even being friends.Like,Merida is most definitely a lesbian but if they’re gonna ship Jack with anyone it should be her!Their personalities are so similar.”You huffed,biting into a half of your biscuit.
She nodded,grabbing a scoop of mashed potatoes and putting it onto her plate. “Yeah,definitely.So who is your favorite disney princess?”She asked,sending a bitter glare towards Sarah.Sarah had been staring at you during your passionate speech,filtering out the other voices to listen to you.She found you fascinating,intriguing.She was trying to figure out why she didnt know you or if you were new to the island.You glanced her way,smirking to yourself when you saw her blush. “Um...I dont think I have a favorite.They’re all powerful and wonderful in their own ways and they all have pretty cool stories.Except Pocahontas,I hate that they romanticize colonization and in reality she was like ten and he was in his late twenties.The soundtrack was great though.”You shrugged,taking a sip of root beer.
She nodded,listening in to what the old folks were talking about.There were more people outside who had opted to take plates of food out there.Kiara wouldve preferred to go outside but it was colder out there and she hadnt been prepared.Her mother was looking at her from across the table but Kiara couldnt care less,too busy searching for your parents. “Hey,(Y/N)?”She asked quietly,getting your attention off of your biscuit. “Where are your parents?”She asked.You shrugged,getting your own scoop of mashed potatoes. “I think they’re outside.I dunno.”You answered.She nodded,continuing to eat,sending a glare towards Sarah every couple of moments. 
“Eat faster so we can finish the movie.”You told her,not thinking about it as you spoke.She smiled,hurrying to eat. “Wait,why dont we just go outside and watch it?”She suggested.You bit your cheek,trying to figure out why you hadnt thought of that.You nodded,standing up and picking up your root beer,balancing it on your plate and walking out of the house,Kiara close behind you. “Where are we going?”She asked.You grinned,careful as you walked down the hill. “I know a spot.”You answered,walking across the sand of the beach.
You had explored pretty much all spots of the beach and had found your favorite one,a cave behind a wall of rocks that you had personalized.You walked towards the rock wall,slipping through the crack. “What is this place?”She asked,still following you.You smiled,turning on your phone flash light so you could see the lantern that you had put in there,turning it on.Her face lit up,looking around the cave.Pillows,sheets,blankets,pretty curtains hanging from the walls,a bin of paints so you could paint the rocks. “Thats such a good question.I really dont know how it got here,I just went through the crack one day and kind of just found it.”You shrugged,sitting down in the pile of pillows and patting the spot next to you.She sat down,shifting so she was as close to you as possible,leaning her head against your shoulder to test the waters.You pulled the earbuds from you phone,turning up the volume of the movie.
@poguestyleskye​ @jjtheangel​ @balanceofgray​​ @outerbongs​  @copper-boom​  @httpstarkey​ @teenwaywardasgardian 
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btxtreads · 4 years
✒️ opposite attraction 🖋
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↳ Pairing: Kang Taehyun x Reader
↳ word count: 1.7k words
↳ rating: PG
↳ genre: fluff, so much fluff
↳ warnings: underage drinking, sunhee tries to sell herself too much, sunhee verbal smackdown
a/n: I lied. There is a chapter in Beomgyu’s house and it’s written. 🤡anon big brain that’s so sexc
IMPORTANT: i dont know if you guys know this, but this smau was inspired by two of my favorite mangas-turned-jdramas: Itazura na Kiss: Love in Tokyo and Hana Yori Dango. This chapter was inspired by Hana Yori Dango Season 1′s theme song: Wish by Arashi. I think the upbeat hopeful tone of the song describes Taehyun and Y/N’s relationship a lot lol. You can read the english translation of the lyrics here. Enjoy! 💖
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Taehyun leaned on the counter doing what he does best—observe.
In his hands was a cup of grape soda, which he was told was Hueningkai’s specific request.
All around him were strobe lights and drunk teenagers.
Beomgyu, sporting a can of sprite, was actively avoiding Minjeong as he made his way to Taehyun.
Minjeong was behind him, tipsy and drunk as she called to Beomgyu.
Both boys knew she already downed three shots upon arrival.
“What’s up!” Beomgyu greeted happily as he reached Taehyun, slinging an arm around the shorter male.
“She’s wasted,” Taehyun noted, pointing over to Minjeong.
The said girl swayed as Ara, equally as drunk, approached her with a giggle.
Beomgyu winced.
“Yeah, someone saw her down three shots in one go. Is she even legal yet?”
“Nope,” Taehyun shrugged. “That’s what you get when you throw a party with an open-for-all liquor bar,”
Beomgyu chuckled as Taehyun raised an eyebrow at him.
“You’re already legal though, and it’s your party. I’m sure you could drink,” Taehyun said. “Why aren’t you?”
“I have a mission and I can’t do it when I’m drunk,” Beomgyu shrugged. “Also I’m not in the mood, maybe later.”
Taehyun rolled his eyes.
Beomgyu’s phone rang with an alert.
“Oh, they’re here,” Beomgyu muttered.
Taehyun whipped his head to the boy, heart suddenly pounding as he fought to maintain his composure.
“Oh, are they?” Taehyun asked nonchalantly as he looked back at the crowd.
Beomgyu snorted, patting Taehyun’s back.
“Yeah, so is Sunhee,” Beomgyu teased before a hand gripped Taehyun’s shoulder.
“Hi, Tae!” A shrill voice called.
Taehyun turned, raising an eyebrow at the girl.
“Beom, this is Sunhee?” Taehyun asked, frowning as the boy nodded.
Sunhee’s eyes brightened as she straightened her posture, smile widening.
“Oh, It’s you,” Taehyun hummed.
“It’s me?” Sunhee blinked flirtatiously, hand landing on Taehyun’s arm. “Ah, have you been looking for me?”
Taehyun remained stone-faced as the girl flaunted her short dress.
“I dressed up for you, by the way,” Sunhee giggled, gesturing to her awfully tight dress and sky-high pumps.
“Can you even walk in that?” Beomgyu asked incredulously.
“Oh, of course, Gyu!” Sunhee giggled, making Beomgyu form a face of disgust.
“Please don’t call me that,”
“But Y/N calls you that?” Sunhee replied, her smile tense.
Taehyun’s head whipped up at the mention of the girl.
“Why can’t I, Gyu? We’re friends, right?” Sunhee continued, her arm snaking around Taehyun’s.
The boy’s eyes wandered around as Beomgyu shook his head with a firm no.
Taehyun’s eyes locked onto Y/N, who had the prettiest white dress on, walking across the room with Hueningkai.
They conversed by the snack table, Hueningkai grabbing them two bottles of grape juice, before Hueningkai was pulled away by Ara.
Y/N shot a gaze over at their direction, locking eyes with Taehyun.
“Tae, babe? You okay?”
Taehyun flinched, looking down at Sunhee.
In a span of the few seconds he was looking for Y/N, the girl manage to press up even closer to him and procured a can of beer in her hands.
“How old are you?” Taehyun asked.
Delighted, Sunhee giggled.
“You must be so curious about me,” Sunhee tilted her head and hummed.
Beside them, Beomgyu muttered under his breath as he shoved a nacho chip in his mouth.
“I asked you a question,” Taehyun rolled his eyes. “Are you deaf?”
There was a beat of silence before Sunhee laughed obnoxiously, making Taehyun glare at the girl in irritation.
“That was so funny, babe!” Sunhee giggled, lightly hitting his arm. “Hm, well, I’m the same age as you,”
“So, you’re not legal?”
“Oh,” Sunhee raised her eyebrows, smirking as she tilted her head flirtatiously. “That wouldn’t be a problem,”
“It actually is, since you’re drinking under legal age,” Taehyun commented, gesturing to the can of beer in her hands. “Stop calling me babe, we’re not close. Don’t call me Tae, we’re not friends.”
Sunhee blinked in surprise as Taehyun shook her off with an irritated sigh.
“For the record, I don’t like girls who sell themselves too much,” Taehyun rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.
“Tae, I’m just teasing,” Sunhee rolled her eyes, smiling.
“Yeah? Well, it’s not cute or sexy or whatever you’re going for so stop,” Taehyun snorted.
“Oh, but you looked at me like I was when you said ‘It’s you,’” Sunhee said suggestively.
Behind Taehyun, Beomgyu sat at the counter as he watched the exchange in amusement.
“I was just wondering who you were since you assumed my tweet yesterday was about you,” Taehyun scoffed. “Which isn’t, since I have no idea who the hell you are. Stop holding me, god.”
Before Sunhee could reply, Taehyun backed away from the girl, who tried to take his arm again, and turned back to Beomgyu with pursed lips.
The said boy was cackling silently at the side.
“She’s so annoying,” Taehyun hissed as Beomgyu snorted. “Anyways, have you seen—“
“Y/N?” Beomgyu teased, wiggling his eyebrows at a fuming Sunhee behind Taehyun.
“I might be looking for Kai,” Taehyun said, turning back to Sunhee. “You’re still here? Why are you still here?”
“I was hoping that we could—“
“Are you stupid?” Taehyun groaned. “I was asking you to leave,”
“She’s at the garden,” Beomgyu said, nodding at the direction of the backyard.
“Whatever,” Taehyun snorted before glaring at Sunhee. “Don’t follow me,”
Beomgyu snorted, wandering away to save Hueningkai, who was stuck trying to get away from a drunk Ara, as Sunhee stewed in her spot.
Taehyun made a beeline over to the door to the exit, standing at the veranda.
He always found Beomgyu’s massive mansion beautiful—especially the backyard that was decorated with hanging plants and twinkling lights by the pool and the gardens.
The way the backyard looked right now made him doubt a little.
The tanning beds by the pool we filled with booze and beer cans, with the crazy students swimming around the pool in their outfits.
The pathway to the gardens, however, was much more peaceful.
Past the short pathway was a big space with a table in the middle, with bean bags and a fire pit at the side for campfires.
Lying on one particular bean bag, was a girl in a white dress.
Slowly, Taehyun made his way to the coffee table, taking a seat as he observed the girl who opted to observe the stars.
The girl slowly raised her head, blinking over at Taehyun.
“What are you doing here?” She asked.
Taehyun frowned, shrugging.
“I don’t know,” He replied. “What are you looking at?”
Y/N cracked a tiny smile and leaned back, gazing up at the stars once more.
“The stars,”
“There are no stars,” Taehyun deadpanned, making Y/N laugh.
“Well, yeah, but you can imagine,” Y/N said.
Taehyun sighed, observing the girl.
She was so carefree. She looked like someone who doesn’t think things through and just goes with whatever was handed to them.
Taehyun didn’t like people like that.
“The news said there would be a shooting star tonight,” Y/N said. “At 10.”
“You’d be looking at a dead star,” Taehyun replied.
“I should make a wish,” Y/N hummed, ignoring the boy as she gazed at her watch. “Oh, that’s in 10 minutes,”
Taehyun cracked a smile.
Taehyun can stand her though.
He stood up and moved to the bean bag next to her, positioning himself to look up at the sky.
“What are you doing?”
“At what?” Y/N frowned.
“The stars,” Taehyun replied, raising an eyebrow at the girl. “Now, shut up and wait for the shooting star,”
“Are you going to make a wish?”
“You’d be wishing on a dead star,” Y/N teased, making Taehyun snort.
Y/N giggled as she checked her watch again.
6 minutes.
“Hey, Y/N?”
“I’m sorry,” Taehyun said, his eyes trained at the sky.
“What are you apologizing for?” Y/N asked turning to the boy in confusion.
“I’ve been a big asshole lately,” Taehyun replied, before shaking his head. “I’m an asshole to everybody, but particularly to you,”
“Ah, it’s no big deal,” Y/N shrugged. “Co-captain of the basketball team, president of the student council, top student of the school and trying to ward girls off of you—must be so tiring,”
“I guess,” Taehyun sighed, making Y/N shake her head with a chuckle.
“I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to take the worst out on me,” Y/N smiled over at the boy before looking back up.
3 minutes.
“Beomgyu said you’re amazing and stuff,” Taehyun hummed. “I wondered what all the fuss was all about since you didn’t seem so confident and amazing when we did the project,”
“Well, I was—uh—dealing with some stuff,” Y/N replied. “Class, friends, bullies. You know, high school.”
“Oh yeah,” Y/N snorted. “You know Sunhee? She and her friends—what a peach. Locked me in rooms and poured lunches on me,”
“Sunhee?” Taehyun furrowed his eyebrows, remembering the girl cozying up to him earlier as he sat up. “We should do something about it,”
“No, it’s okay,” Y/N smiled. “I’m a big girl. I can handle it,”
Taehyun turned to the girl, frowning.
“But, Y/N—“
“Trust me,”
“Okay, then,” Taehyun sighed, lying back down. “If you say so.”
Y/N smiled.
One minute.
“Hey, what are you wishing for?” Y/N asked, eyes darting around the sky to look for the shooting star bound to fall anytime.
“Uh, good health? grades? to win basketball finals?”
“I wish we can be great friends,” Y/N smiled over at him.
Taehyun smiled back.
“Yeah,” he agreed softly. “Me too.”
Overhead, a white streak darted past the night sky.
Y/N snapped her head to it with a gasp.
“Oh, there it is!” Y/N said, sitting up. “It’s a shooting star!”
Her hand reached out, taking a hold of his arm.
“Yeah,” Taehyun smiled at her. “Yeah, it is,”
He was more interested in looking at the star sitting next to him.
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happikattwuzheere · 4 years
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was gonna try and do multiple characters in one post but nope! i have too much to say. also the pictures are all different sizes so its rly hard to get the photoset to look appealing, so we’re starting w/ blue. and also a colored pic of what adam looks like when he’s not a deer. boy’s tryin not to stand out. which goes great up for him right up until it doesn’t. lmao. i’ll talk a bit about him too w/ stuff that didnt get mentioned in the starter post about him and gansey, but this is mostly gonna be about blue. 
there’s this fey entity, right? i don’t have a name for them, but they’re not...they didnt START the fey/human conflict, but they are benefiting from it, politically speaking? and when maura was younger, despite other witches being like “girl dont choose sides, we’re witches, we guard boundaries but we don’t choose sides,” was hotheaded and brash and went “ok but fuck that though” and one thing led to another and she ended up getting a curse on her firstborn. Oops. that’s where the kissing curse comes from, here; i’ll get into that much later in a text post probably but gansey’s survivor’s guilt thing doesnt come from him actually dying in this au it’s from something Else, but blue will still kill him if she kisses him, just, for different reasons, it’s an actual curse this time and not something to do with the nature of who they both are. 
her father’s still a tree light, but like, she actually knows that from the outset? because. they live in cabeswater. the tree lights are all around and accept her as one of their own even if she can’t turn into a tree, and as a result of that, she’s got some cool perks. 
a) extremely resistant and/or outright immune to a Lot of fey bullshit 
b) still boosts psychic energies and magical powers like in canon
c) the absolute safest person to be traveling in cabeswater ever, because the forest itself loves her, and also if you mess with her within the borders of cabeswater a bunch of tree lights will physically manifest and be like “hey buddy wanna think twice about that”
but she can’t use magic herself, still, which actually works in the favor of herself and the coven--witchcraft is in a sort of weird spot, culturally, where it’s both feared and often hated, but also understood to at times be necessary, especially by rural peoples like those of the village. im taking a very discworld spin on the witchcraft, because i love discworld and you can’t stop me, and so the attitude is, like. its frightening ancient magic and the church hates it but when there’s an emergency and someone’s on the border between life and death, or something is trying to pass into this world from another, etc etc etc, then you gotta suck it up and call on a witch because they’re the only ones who can deal with those things. so. the coven is tolerated, both because it’s too big and powerful to actually fight but also because it’s extremely needed when you live in a village right next door to fey lands. you NEED someone watching the border. however that doesn’t mean anyone wants to be seen publicly talking to a witch--but blue’s not a witch. she’s a witch’s daughter, but she’s not a witch herself, which is a step removed enough that she can go into town and run errands and also people will maybe pull her discretely aside and tell her if something’s coming up that the coven should know about, and it all works very neatly with her acting as a sort of liaison. very important role she plays, which is why gansey tries talking to her after his initial attempt to speak with the coven directly fails. 
speaking of the coven itself: i’ve been calling it the fox way coven, even tho it probably wouldn’t be called that because there’s no road called fox way that the coven is built on, it’s a big magic house out in the fairy forest, BUT they do have a fox theme because i love foxes and this is a gift i have been given. if people have familiars in this coven, they’re foxes rather than cats, because as wonderful as cats are u cant have them and foxes in the same house that will go bad. but also there’s a v small number of them, like maybe three or four total out of the much higher number of women living there, who are fey blooded like adam, but who become foxes rather than adam’s deer. persephone is one of these! (it’s worth noting the reason why they become the same animal is because of a combination of coincidence, intentional theming, and mostly just because like, virtually all of the residents there aside from persephone are related to either maura or calla) 
anyway the point is, because of this, blue’d seen enough feyblood transformations that when, one day when she was 9 or 10, on a visit to town, she saw the most distressed, disoriented fawn wobbling around frantically and was able to very quickly recognize that that was, in fact, a person who had probably turned into a deer for the first time, and responded by very calmly informing him that she knew who could help and leading him home. this is where those last two pictures come from, and how adam’s apprenticeship started. 
like, there was a lot of arguing from the witches immediately--of course we’re going to teach him how to become human again but we aren’t really going to take him on in the coven are we? he’s a boy, he’s some local kid we know nothing about, what happened to keeping it in the family, he’s the wrong animal and we’ve got a whole thing going on--at which point persephone parted everyone like the red sea, took one look at adam, went “mine now” and despite a lot of grumbling that was the end of it. she took him on a bit of a tour of cabeswater a few days later, after he’d had time to think it over, and he felt so drawn to the forest that he agreed to the apprenticeship.
so he’s technically persephone’s apprentice but like in actual practice he’s being taught by the entire coven lmao, ANYWAY
adam being adam also had a backup plan for trying to get out of the village--even at ten he figured witchcraft might be a first way out of there, he was already thinking about it, but by thirteen when the good ole abuse started (and at which point the last whispers of dissent died out very quickly amongst the coven, nope, adam is one of us now, do you want us to very threateningly hang out in your front yard sometime because we can do that--what do you mean no, let us do this,) he was also like. i dont think this is a guarantee of getting out of here i need a second job. and the thing is, as was mentioned in the original post, the fey blood also means adam’s got issues with iron; it’ll poison him if he’s stabbed with it but it also reacts to his skin touching it like a hot stove. he’s fine if there’s a layer between his skin and the iron, but if he touches it directly, it’s Bad. so ofc this headstrong idiot takes an open spot a t a metalworker’s in the village because adam is the king of making bad decisions. the witches have a betting pool on how long it’ll take him to out himself. “its fine i’ll wear gloves,” he says. “it’s the perfect disguise no one will expect someone with fey connections to work near so much iron,” he says. “i have everything perfectly under control,” he says.
anyway he totally forgets to wear gloves before grabbing an iron tool while his dad and his boss are both in the store and in clear view of him and that’s why he was getting chased by hunters when gansey rescued him 
also he and blue tried dating when they were like 13-14 and it ended about as badly as in canon and they made up later and by the time the story starts they’ve settled into very much being weird siblings. adam starts hanging out with gansey initially to try and basically spy on him, figure out why he’s here, but ends up rly liking the guy and deciding his reasons are sincerely to try and help people, and he tells this to blue who starts immediately accusing him of having a crush on the lordling and being a class traitor, because she does NOT like gansey at this point and really the nobility all prefer wizards to witches which is a stupid idiot decision and frankly the fact that this lordling is apparently enamored by some random deer is hilarious to her, but even moreso is the fact that adam actually defends the lordling to her, like, “wow adam its hilarious that the lordling’s friend thinks that you have charmed the lordling because from my perspective it looks the other way around” “shut uuuup you’re not listening im serious, like, yeah ok he put his foot in his mouth really hard when he talked to you but im telling you i dont think the whole i-wanna-understand thing is an act” “idk if i can trust you through those rose tinted glasses buddy. tell me again about that time he called you princely?” “oh my god” 
this is turning into rambling but. thats the gist of the witches and blue esp thank u for coming if u made it this far here’s a bonus persephone fox 
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wolf-with-a-pen · 3 years
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door Part 1
TW: Death, Unreality, Swearing, Main Character Death, Angst?
Masterpost, Next
Tell me if I have missed a trigger warning, ask if you would like me to tag this with anything, and I hope you enjoy.
If you don't like any of the triggers above, this is sort of a prequel so you can skip to Part 2, unless you don't like angst, then it is even worse.(Edit:Looking at part 2 its worse, and you don't lose many of the above so just dont read it I guess.)
Word Count: 3962
FOR EDWARD it was a normal day. Well as normal and as close to a day as you could get in heaven. Everything merged into one- nobody knew how long they had been there, and nobody could know unless they saw the passing of the days in the simulation they called "Earth". There were few who remembered, and even less you could approach or talk to without putting yourself in danger. Edward was not one of these. They were unable to see Earth- or even anything other than the blank canvas created for the angels to roam, a few small civilisations created by the guardians for those who were more homesick the only solid thing on the landscape. Nobody knew why it was that way. Nobody dared ask. Everyone ignored it, hoping that it would not hurt them. It didn't for the most part. But then you could say the same about the Guardian Angels.
Cruel and soulless were the most common words used to describe the Guardians, and they were right on one count- they had no soul. Most people didn't remember the personalities of the people before due to most of the Guardians being the originals. The few that weren't were the first few to arrive from the simulation, to what they deemed to be "heaven". And so, the simulation continued. Even after death. The few that did remember the Guardian's original selves were so withdrawn you could not find them if you tried. They were the only ones that knew what happened to turn all of the people like that. But they refused to answer, they knew something that was so dangerous, if they told someone they would die. So, they didn't. Everyone wondered. Nobody realised that they would find out. Nobody could have predicted it.
It was the 4th of May. For once Edward knew that. But then, every now and then they paid a visit to one of the old ones. Just to visit, check in on them. Most knew one or two and how to find them. Some became friends. Some of those searching disappeared. It was the way it was. No, the day was definitely the 4th. He remembered that vividly - who could forget with what happened that day. It started as per usual- with Ansel being an idiot as usual. After being abruptly woken up, they managed to shout a few swearwords to get him out of their room, and laid back down. Well, as well as you can when you and your bed is soaked. “Again?” they thought clambering out of bed and heading into the bathroom. “I guess it’s one of the downsides of siblings.” For Ansel was his younger brother- not by much mind you, but he still enjoyed pranking and annoying his sibling at any chance he got. Edward didn’t really mind. Not that much. Sure, he was a pain, but they loved him more than they would admit. Once they managed to dry themself off (for the third time that week) they got dressed, and ready. One of the downsides of heaven is every surface is blank and almost certainly not reflective- nobody knew what they looked like except from other’s perspectives or how they remember what they looked like on Earth. Edward died long enough ago they forgot what they looked like. They didn’t mind though. It doesn’t really matter when you’re trapped in a void.
“Idiot,” Edward reprimanded jokingly, ruffling Ansel’s short wavy hair.” If you weren’t my brother you would be dead by now.”
“Is that a threat?”
“So what if it is?”
"You know you won't win Mx Long Neck. "
"Don't be so sure Mr Witch Hazel. "
"Now you have done it!" Ansel smirked, running head first into Edward, knocking him to the ground with his force. Within minutes they were both laid on the floor in a pile on top of each other, exhausted and looking rather dishevelled - no serious wounds beyond some of Edward's pride (as predicted, he lost). It would heal pretty quickly. It always did. Well, usually.
"You win this time, but I will win eventually. That is a warning." Edward threatened, smiling.
"Maybe, but not any time soon."
"Don't be so sure." Edward replied." You ready to go? "
"Yeah, just need to put the gifts in the basket."
"OK, I'll help. "
They stood up, Ansel springing to his feet, Edward taking more time.
"Hurry up, the quicker we leave the quicker we can see Jojo"
"Excited are we?" Edward teased.
"Of course I am, we only see him once in a while."
"Come on then, we've got a Jojo to meet."
It was an hour later they arrived, gifts and food in tow. It always took too long in Ansel's opinion, but that was the way Joseph liked it- to live on the outskirts of society. His house was out of the way, and cosy looking, almost like a cottage. It was short and thatched - similar looking to a Victorian house but in cottage form. Outside there were plentiful flowers, almost always in bloom. Having no seasons did have its benefits. Gardening was always easy and possible. Plants always looked healthy. Jojo (as his friends called him) took this to his advantage. A quaint little chimney was always spilling out smoke, even when the fire was off. Edward always felt at home and loved the little place. It always reminded them of their childhood home. Joseph himself, was an older man- he had managed to live until his body gave up of old age. It showed on his face- it was slightly more weathered and worn than some of the others and he looked like he had seen a lot. Despite all this, when he entered heaven he was reverted back to closer to how he looked when he was most happy, therefore he had the appearance of a teenager, twinged with some of the feature of an older man. He wore a wide brimmed hat on his mop of dark brown hair, which framed his emerald eyes. Always, he would wear on a short sleeved shirt with long trouser shorts.
Quickly, they walked up to the front door, eager to see one of their few friends- most people couldn't handle their personalities. Knocking, they heard Danny, Jojo's grandfather's childhood best friend and Great Dane begin to bark: clearly he was as excited to see them as they were to see him. Before Joseph could even get to the door, Danny had managed to open the door- one of his many talents- and jumped up at the pair, resting his paws on their shoulders and giving them a thorough 'hello'. "Hello boy," Edward murmured, in the way all people do when talking to animals and children. "I've missed you too.
"Danny! Let our guests come in! I'm sure they don't want to stand in the doorway all day." A familiar voice rang out, Danny instantly obeying, running back inside and sitting by the sofa. "It’s good to see you again, although the gap was a little bit longer than last time. Anyway, come on in, we have a lot of time on our hands, and a lot to catch up on."
"Thank you Joseph, " Edward replied, always polite as possible.
"Thanks Jojo," replied Ansel who was not.
Both entered the house, bringing the gifts and placing them in the hallway, before entering the living room and sitting down. It was how they remembered it. The sofa was opposite a brick looking fireplace and against the wall of the old wooden stairs, which lead to the front door. In front of them was a rug, square and red on the wood floor, with an armchair at each end. To the left was door, leading directly to the dining room, and to the right was a window, with an immediate view of the garden and the void around them. The rest of the house was a mystery to them- they didn't need to go in there so they didn't. Ansel secretly wanted to but he was sensible enough to not try to sneak around and see what Jojo was hiding.
It was a few hours later when he had asked. “What day is it Jojo?” Ansel inquired, “I assume you know.”
“Of course I know,” Jojo replied, unfazed by his straight to the point nature,” but do you want to come and see for yourself this time?”
“Would I!”
“If you wouldn’t mind it Jojo, I think we would both like that,” Edward inputted
“Sure, I don’t mind. Come on let’s go, heel Danny.” Jojo commanded, standing up and heading for the door. Danny sprung up and followed, looking expectantly at the pair of brothers, both of whom were excited, once he had caught up to his master. He knew he wasn’t his original master, but knew he was as close as he would get, and adopted him as his own, obeying every command. Edward and Ansel followed close behind as they set out on their trip. Once they left the house, Jojo warned them not to touch anything over the other side and not to get too close or it would alert the Guardians to their presence. They both agreed not to. Only one would remember. Carrying just a small picnic they set off, covering large amounts of blank flat ground in just a short time- they went through areas they had never seen before, met some people in the other civilisations before finally arriving at the final outpost, an intimidating tower and wall separating heaven, hell and earth. It was one of the only textured buildings in the entire place and was a distinctive shade of mauve that instantly drew the eye. At the front it had a window not dissimilar to that of a drive-through.
“Brought your apprentices this time Joseph?” questioned the guard, an intimidating but polite woman from within the window. Behind her was a smaller person, attempting to hide behind its short bob length hair, wearing clothes most of the angels wouldn’t dare wear (although they are allowed to wear anything, most avoid black and darker colours due to guardians not liking them). It was wearing a black shirt with a lilac ascot and black jeans. Edward hadn’t seen anything like it around the area, and for some unknown to them reason, found that comforting. They ignored that thought.
“Yes, I have,” Jojo replied, turning to Edward and Ansel. “Edward, Ansel, meet Biff and behind her is Isi, the recordkeeper for all of the people who cross the border. Isi, Biff, meet Edward Longneck Smith and Ansel Caitlyn-Rose Smith."
"Pleasure to meet you," Edward stated.
"Hi!" Ansel exclaimed, "You look cool!"
"Thank you," Biff replied, "it's a pleasure to meet you too."
"Hi," Isi timidly replied. "It’s nice to meet you. We don't usually see new faces around here. I have marked you all down, you can go through now if you're ready."
Joseph thanked them, before moving to the door and turning around. "Come on you two."
Edward and Ansel followed quietly.
Across the border was nothing like they were expecting or had ever seen. A spherical plain room, bright white on one side (the side they came through) and black on the other opposite them. In between those two sides, were the realms the demons and angels watched over, one that was instantly recognisable to them as earth, and about 3 visible other realms that none of them could name. Ansel was left speechless by the wonders he saw- a rare occurrence- and both could barely believe what they saw in some of the other realms. But most of all they saw themselves. For the first time in what seemed to them forever, they could see their reflection in the sphere.
Both studied themselves, memorising their appearance, knowing they might not get this chance again. Edward had a medium brown mop of hair, slightly curly and quite long, especially in comparison to Ansel, whose hair was shorter and a light copper brown, though it was still wavy. Both had brown eyes – Edwards a startling bronze-amber colour, Ansel’s a more chocolate brown, but still had an amber undertone that couldn’t be ignored. One thing Edward had remembered is why they got their nickname- Longneck. Both had normal necks, but Edward’s was slightly (honestly, quite a bit) longer, and to them it was noticeable. Ansel’s face was rounded, but Edward noticed theirs was slightly more defined. Looking down, they saw their clothing: white jeans and a grey button up shirt, with a pair of fairly plain dark grey trainers, that looked pretty worn.
At this point, they looked back to where their brother’s reflection was, only to be met by the abyss. “Look Longboi, it’s Ash!” They heard from behind them. “And she’s visiting our graves!”
“Wait, really?” Edward blurted out, shocked that it would show them someone they knew, and that they actually remembered them. Quickly, they turned on their heels and sprinted over to where Ansel was now stood, staring intently through the sphere. “Wow, it really is her.”
“I know, didn’t she hate us at one point?
“Yeah, but once I died I watched her and they appeared to regret what she did.”
“That’s good, she finally understands her actions have consequences, and not everything is about them.”
“Yeah. Shame she didn’t learn it earlier, I wouldn’t have objected to being friends with them, her personality was nice when she wasn’t being an asshole.”
“I noticed that too.”
Down below Ash was crouched down, placing flowers on the two graves next to each other. Their eyes were a similar shade of brown to Ansel, but her hair was a much darker brown and straight, cut at shoulder length except for a centre parted fringe. Black was all they were wearing, I mean it is typical of people to wear black when in mourning or to pay respects, but it was a change – most people hadn’t seen her in anything other than bright colours, and the two had never seen her in anything so not revealing as what they were. Instead of her old show-all-the-skin-possible outfit, she was wearing a dress, still short but more concealing, and it was simpler than the outfits they remembered. “I am sorry. I hurt you, and why? Just because I was jealous. I apologise for all I did to you, and I promise in the two years you have been gone, I have changed.” Ash stated.
“Only two years?!” They exclaimed, surprised at the lack of time they had spent there.
“Yes, only two years.” Jojo answered.
“Wow.” Ansel murmured.
“I forgive you,” Edward stated, towards Ash despite knowing that she wouldn’t hear. They turned around and begun to study the other realms. “Can you tell me a bit more about these realms I haven’t seen Jojo?”
“Of course Edward, which do you want to start with?”
Ansel had zoned out at this point, drawn towards the portal to Earth. “It wouldn’t hurt if I go through it. Just for a second to tell Ash we forgive her, and then come back. They wouldn’t notice, I mean they are distracted.” Ansel thought. He made sure that nobody was watching, before tentatively stepping through the portal. Quickly he said “I forgive you” and left before Ash could notice he was there. When he got back, he saw Ash looking around her, before quickly leaving, spooked by his voice. He saw Edward looking and knew he was in trouble, but not how deep he was from that one small action. I mean, it was harmless, wasn’t it? He re-joined the group and acted as if he had been there the whole time.
When Edward has a chance to confront their brother, it was an hour or two later- Jojo had walked them through everything he knew about the 4 realms, or as much as he was able to in the time they had, and as such left them no time to talk to him. It was on the way home that the had a chance- Jojo led them to a park before heading home to get a picnic for them, as a reward for accompanying him. “Why did you disobey him? He said not to touch anything or go into the other realms.”
“I don’t know why, I just felt drawn to it in a weird way.”
“I believe you, you wouldn’t lie about something like this, but just be glad that nobody else saw, if you were found out, you would be in massive trouble, not just with Jojo, but with the border guards and also possibly the Guardians. Be more careful. I don’t want to lose you.” Edward lectured, but that sort of lecture you know is for your protection- the kind that you know is sensible and are likely to follow.
“I promise now, nothing like this will ever happen again.”
“Thank you.”
The rest of the “day” was pretty peaceful and happy- they ate the picnic, played a bit in the park, and traipsed home, dropping Jojo and Danny at their home, before starting back themselves, taking their time for once. That was one of the good things. And one of the few things Edward would remember. However, to Edward that walk felt like agony. They had a feeling that something very, very bad would happen. The kind that can’t be averted, only postponed.
Once they got home, they could already tell something was wrong- for one, the door to the house was unlocked and open despite being locked when they left. Second the note taped across the entire doorway was kind of a bad omen. Only one group of people communicated that way. If you received one, you were unlikely to return. Ever. Edward signalled for Ansel to stay where he was, before carefully walking towards the house, stopping just about where they could read the note. “Ansel Caitlyn-Rose Smith must come to the Guardian’s temple as soon as possible.” Edward instantly felt fear flood through his body, adrenaline joining it shortly after. “Ansel, they know!”
“Wait, what?!”
“They! Know! Ansel! They have summoned you!”
“No, they can’t. They can’t can they. So that means..?”
“I’m scared that the answer to that is yes.”
“No, I don’t want to. I don’t want to. I can’t. I just can’t. I don’t want to become like them.”
“I don’t want you to become like them. Not now, not ever. But if you don’t go it may be worse for you. You may end up gone with no hope of recovery. It is better you go and face the current consequences than disobey further and get punished worse. I am sorry, there is no way out- they can track you through all of the realms. I can’t promise you you’ll be safe, but I can promise I will find a way to fix this place, and save you, even if it kills me.”
“Alright. It makes sense. I still don’t like it. But it makes sense. Can we spend some time together before I go?”
“Yes, Ansel, want to go inside and watch some TV before you go?”
It was at this point they both trudged indoors, attempting to keep how fearful and emotional they were from each other, because both of them knew that Ansel would be lucky to make it out alive. That was the guardian’s way. Both knew this. The tension was thick enough you could cut it with a knife. If Ansel wasn’t so worried, he probably would have tried. But he didn’t.
“I am going with you,” Edward insisted.
“You sure?” Ansel tentatively asked.
“Nothing could dissuade me.”
“Thank you Longneck.”
“You’re welcome Witch Hazel.”
They set off, through the village. All of the people had seen, all of them knew one or both of them had been summoned. Most looked with pity. Or anger. Or disappointment. Or all of them. Or none of them. But they were all there. Watching as they traipsed into the distance. Wondering if anyone would come back. Wondering if they did come back – would they still be the same people.
It took a long time to reach the Guardian’s court. For the siblings, not long enough. Anything to drag out the experience, the walk up to the place they may not return from. It was a towering Parthenon-style building, built in glowing white and much larger than it needed to be. At the entrance stood 2 statues of what they presumed to be some of the different interpretations from the different realms they ruled of what an “angel” looked like. As they got closer they realised they were not statues as such; they moved and talked as if they were alive. Once they got to the door, they tried to enter the building, but failed. The angels stopped them. Pointing to Ansel, they boomed “Only he may pass.”
“I guess this is where we part.”
“I guess it is.”
“See you on the other side.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Ansel murmured, before crossing the blockade created.
“Ansel, I’ll miss you,” Edward spoke out loud, as they watched him disappear from view.
Normally, Edward would have stopped there and waited, but today they felt braver than usual. Probably because they knew their brother was at risk, but they decided to return the favour of doing something stupid and reckless. Guessing from the way the angels were made, they were unable to move, and so as long as they stayed out of range of them, they could sneak in through the side of the building. Making sure the angels believed they were walking off, back where they came from, they circled around to the side of the building, gaining a view of inside the building. All of the guardians were in a circle around Ansel, who was looking rather like a deer in the headlights. Most of the people Edward didn’t recognise, but one they recognised from visits and checks on the village. The one thing the guardians had in common- their eyes were pure white, no pupil or iris. Apart from that, they were anyone. All different ethnicities, ages and genders. All different. All to be feared. Edward watched on as they all linked hands, creating a barrier around all of them, one that they could see, but not touch or get anywhere close to. Glowing white tendrils surrounded all of them, snaking threateningly inwards- towards Ansel. Eventually they all linked together forming a bubble around him that gradually shrank around him, disappearing from view, before bursting back out again. Only this time, the bubble was filled with a glowing ball of light, that blinded anyone who could see it. It disappeared into the sky, leaving Ansel laying on the floor.
Intimidatingly, a creepy voice boomed “Now you have lost your soul, rise Guardian Ansel and join us.” The body on the floor, snapped open it’s eyes, revealing a lack of pupil and iris, with a chilling look, before calmly standing up and facing the voice, which Edward could not see the face of. Floating, the new Guardian made its way into the crowd, joining it in standing to attention. “Now then, go find more suitable candidates, we need to expand the army if we want to destroy earth and hell. Soon, all of the realms shall be ours, and nobody will be left to fight back.”
“Yes master,” replied all of the Guardians in union, instantly setting off to perform their wishes.
Edward couldn’t look anymore, and they knew if the guardians found them they’d be in trouble, so they turned and left. Alone and hurt. No family left.
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la5t-res0rt · 4 years
Wanted to ask about beetlelyds, sorry, I thought it was technically cannon? Like in the old comics after the show ended she grew up and married him. Sorry I’m an old school fan and have no idea why this whole thing is such a big deal. Wasn’t the actor like 20 too? I’m sorry if I sound very dumb. I’m not used to this new tumblr.
youre fine you are one hundred percent allowed to especially when you do it civilly as you have done here
first of all the biggest issue faced in the whole what is and is not canon debate is the fact that there are three (four if you count the limited comics run) publicized iterations of my media
i will go over each very briefly just kidding this is going to a long answer so i will spare the dashboard with a readmore
there is the movie which im sure you dont need me to explain the plot since youre an old school fan but basically the climax is that yes beetlejuice does go for the marriage angle in exchange for stopping the exorcism of adam and barbara and his motive for this is so that he can cause as much chaos as he wants on the mortal coil but his plan is thwarted when barbara rides a sandworm into the house which promptly eats beetlejuice sending him to bureaucratic death limbo
the end of the movie features the deetz and the maitlands happily living together with lydia havign a new appreciation for her situation and beetlejuice gets his head made real small which is very funny haha 
so no in the movie they are not canon editors note the actress who played lydia winona ryder was a teenager while filming the movie she turned 17 the year it released 
the next is the cartoon which i will admit has the most grounds for being considered canon but in the end the show is about a middle schooler and her best friend who is a ghost which in itself is a pretty iffy gray area sort of thing but for a childrens cartoon to work a friendship is better than the obvious enemy status they held in the movie
anyway in the cartoon they are potrayed to be very close friends with lydia being the person beetlejuice cares about the most and honestly if you were to watch it with no prior knowledge of the media and if you ignored their massive and obvious age difference than yeah you probably would read it as a romantic relationship 
however lydia is a middle schooler and that is simply immoral
there have been writers for the cartoon who have been credited to say that a relationship is what they were trying to invoke but for obvious reasons they couldnt exactly move forward with that angle with them establishing that lydia is a child in middle school and a fully grown adult man dating a child who is in middle school is immoral and also illegal in the united states and in canada 
this isnt a good argument for whether or not something is canon and i will tell you why with one simple name and that is luke weber
if you dont know who luke weber is he was a storyboard artist on the cartoon steven universe he is known for making a lot of self ship artwork of him and the character pearl
he worked on the show isnt his material canon no of course it isnt it wasnt put in the actual publication and also if memory serves he was eventually asked to leave the project after he drew art of the shows creator giving him permission to date pearl and calling them her otp and a lot of fans hated this because the most generally accepted interpretation of pearls character is that she is sapphic so a lot of people took issue however that again is just a widely perceived headcanon it is never stated what her actual sexuality is no one in that show is because it isnt a show about that its about wait im getting off topic sorry
what im saying is what can truly be considered canon is what you see on the screen and with the cartoon they are definitely the most friendly with each other and that is why so many people in the beetlebabe shipping community take so much stock in the cartoon because it is the easiest to read the relationship between the mas romantic although that is not what the show actually provides in black and white terms
interpretation does not equal canon and in this case no matter what anyone says the fact remains that in the cartoon itself they are friends good friends yes but friends all the same
it is definitely not a show about a grown man grooming an adult and if it were you definitely shouldn’t be stanning it the extreme because grooming a minor is wrong and it is apparently a problem in the fandom
anyway if the cartoon and the movie are both products of their time and there was more leniency on content bear in mind this was the same era as notorious animation powerhouse and known predator john k who was a showrunner on ren and stimpy and he maintained a relationship with a teenager which was an open secret that nobody really took issue with because in that time being a woman in the animation industry was tricky business and your career could be ended easily if you rejected advances luckily time has moved forward and the animation industry although still full of problems of a similar nature at least people are getting called out and punished for it
you can look more into that yourself its really upsetting though
as for comics i havent been able to find good scans of them and im not willing to purchase them but in my search i never found anything about the two of them ever being married in the cartoon again because she is a child i did find a cover where he appears to be getting married and hes asking lydia to get him out of it but im not sure where the comic actually goes all i know is she is standing off to the side shrugging and looking like she doesnt really care
anyway that brings us to the musical which is set in the modern day 
in the original libretto lydia is described as thirteen but since they got an actress who was older in the updated librettos she is listed as 15 and the story is pretty similar to the movie the young girl befriends ghosts and they try to scare her family out etc etc
the major difference between the film and the musical are that lydia and beetlejuice are more like friends like in the cartoon 
she summons him to help scare after the maitlands attempt doesnt really work so he shows up and they have fun terrorizing people together however she drops him for the opportunity to perhaps get her mom back but when no one will help she goes back to beetlejuice who tricks her into almost exorcising barbara
she agrees to marry him in order to stop the exorcism and he only wants to get married so he can be alive again and cause problems on the mortal coil like in the movie in the musical he states several times its a green card thing whihc obviously doesnt make it okay but still
anyway lydia tricks him and runs off into the underworld before the wedding can happen blah blah blah she goes back blah blah and she agrees to go through with the wedding to save her friends and family with a plan to make him go away for good
theres a very tongue and cheek song called creepy old guy which points out how wrong the whole thing is but everyone is going along with it in a very comedic matter and it includes the line 
i cant believe some cultures think this kind of things alright
basically saying yeah this is very very wrong anyway they do get married and beeltjeuice is alive for like 6 seconds before lydia stabs him to death with bad art and he dies thus nullifying the marriage because death do you part etc
so in the musical no at the end of the show they are not canon because he is dead their marriage is nullified and they go their separate ways
anyway sorry about that i just need to make it very clear that these three properties are all very distinct from each other and basically all three are indeed canon since they are publicized material and arguing the validity of which one is pointless editors note all actresses who played with the exception of dana steingold were minors for the majority of their runs as lydia with sophia ann caruso the originator of the role turning 18 during the run and dana being in her late twenties presley ryan however was a minor the whole time and still is one
tldr no they aren’t canon but to the credit of some people in this fandom their interpretation isnt too far of a stretch thanks to the era and some of the writers wishing to imply a relationship between an adult and a child
i also need to address how this is all a big deal and i suggest you take a peak through my discourse tag and check out @leedia‘s blog to see some of the more harmful things done by beetlebabe shippers
the beetlejuice fandom is home to many minors after the musical came out since musical fandom is vast and the ages of its members varies and normalizing pedophilia is harmful to them not to mention the people who have been effected by sexual harassment at the hands of adults
both sides have victims of csa but one side continues to perpetuate the cycle by showing time and time again that this behavior is normal and easily romanticized in the name of coping and literally anyone who has ever been to a good and credible therapist could tell you that posting cp even if it is simulated cp isnt a really good way to cope and you can get mad at me for saying that its totally fine but and im going to remove my character veil here for just a second as a csa survivor myself i think its harmful to not only myself but many others ok the veil is back down
tldr again there is a lot of bullying and harassment going on with both sides having their own issues but there is one side whos issues run a bit deeper in my humble opinion 
thank you for your question it allowed me to talk a lot you are welcome to discuss further with me in dms if you wish i honestly recommend giving the musical a listen because it is very fun and despite what some people say its very clever and if you get a chance to see a boot of it its visually stunning
one last note that i couldnt really fit in here but a large portion of the beetlebabes shipping community ignore the musical because it openly condemns the idea of beeltejuice and lydia having a relationship and a lot of the antis take issue with much of the writing and characterizations of the cartoon just a note that i think is important since were talking about canon
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hey if ur taking requests for writing...., what abt angsty among us idea- reports a body and like.. engie attends and it turns out medic was killed? and then hes heartbroken and really sad and angry at spy for killing medic? obviously u dont have to do this but the among au had me thinking about a ton of angsty scenarios lol. have a good day!!
i'm always takin requests! it may take me a while to get there but i will try my damndest to get it done at some point!
i actually had part of this in my drafts when you originally sent this ask but it's been reason enough to finish it, i think. i hope you like it, even if it's a bit messy :>
Per Aspera Ad Astra
In which an imposter experiences the loss of someone he loved and wasn't supposed to.
As Dell heard the emergency meeting alarm blare over the intercom and red lights flashed overhead, he looked up from the mass of wires he'd agreed to rearrange for Medic, furrowing his brow.
Odd. Spy hadn't made it clear to him that he was going to attempt anything that day and he knew for a fact that he himself hadn't made any sabotages since last week.
Then again, he'd noticed that this crew in particular had no qualms against using the emergency meeting button for more trivial things. Someone probably just wanted to get everyone's attention to look at some weird space bug that hitchhiked from their last stop on Pollus a few weeks ago or something along those lines. Standard procedure at that point.
He packed up the wires he'd been holding back into their panel before making his way out of electrical and towards the cafeteria, readjusting his goggles over his eyes to make sure nobody would find him out.
When he'd arrived, he could practically physically feel the shift in attitude of the rest of the crew since that morning, mentally noting that Medic was currently the only one of them missing.
"Tex, there you are. You uh. Might want to sit down for this one, lad," Demo said gravely, all the other crewmates' mumbling amongst each other dying down instantly as Spy stood to the side of the table, having said nothing ever since he himeself had arrived.
"Uhm. Sure, ok. Shouldn't we wait for Doc first, though? If it's actually important he should probably be here," He said, a confused smile coming to his face. Demo physcially winced.
"See, that's the thing, it's. It's Doc, he's..." Demo trailed off, Sniper moving to put a hand on his shoulder.
"He's?..." Engie frowned, having to take a moment before he realized what he'd meant.
It took another moment for the dread to set in.
"No. No, that- that's impossible, I- I just saw him like 30 minutes ago. I agreed to do one of his tasks for him while he finished cleaning the medbay so we could finish up for the day," He stuttered, looking anxiously between all the other faces at the table. None of them could meet his gaze even through his goggles, Spy in particular insisting on staring out the large window that peered into the vastness of space around them instead.
Spy said he wouldn't touch him- said he'd let him find a way to deal with all of this effectively and without having to kill this particular crew. Especially Medic. He said- no, he promised he wouldn't.
Engie's anger soon started bubbling inside of him, tightly clenching his fists that he oh so desperately wanted to sucker punch a certain other imposter in the face with. But then came the second realization of what he'd done and he felt his arms go slack again.
Medic was dead.
"...Where is he?" He finally whispered out, somewhere between heartbroken and seething.
"Medbay. Demo, Sniper, and I called for the meeting as quick as we could and did not get the chance to move his. Corpse," Soldier said, standing up straight and visibly uneasy at the mentioning of Medic's dead body.
Engie slowly nodded.
"Ok. Did you fellas, uh. Did- did you contact Pollus yet?"
"Not yet. I was gonna after the meetin's over. 's gonna take us a while to get there tho, at least 2 weeks," Scout said.
"I see. Did you three uh. Did you see anything?" Engie asked Demo, Sniper, and Soldier, all of them shaking their heads.
"Pyro, Heavy, 'n Scout were on comms because they were finished with tasks already and all three of 'em say they didn't see anyone go into Medbay after you left."
"...what about you, Spy? Been awfully quiet the entire time. And you don't have an alibi," Scout squinted. Spy scoffed.
"I was also finished with tasks, I've been in my quarters for at least 2 hours. You can even roll back footage on the cameras."
Pyro pressed a button on their suit, the small speaker on their chest panel letting out a soft 'kshh'.
"...he does have a point. Cams don't lie."
"What if he used the vents, though?"
"You really think this pansy's gettin' in any vents?"
"...Aight, fair point."
"I do not think we have enough information to make decision," Heavy sighed, every looking to each other in a vague sense of agreement.
"Skip vote, then?"
"Yeah, I think that's for the best."
"Alright lads, be on alert, then. If you see anythin' suspicious, y' know where the button is," Demo sighed, patting the plastic cover that protected the emergency meeting button.
Everyone mumbled out affirmations before getting up to head out, Pyro staying behind to raise their hand.
"Ay, what is it, Py?"
Kshh. "...who's taking care of uh. Y'know. The body."
Engie squeezed his eyes shut briefly.
"I'll do it."
"Tex, no, we couldn't ask you t-"
"Demo, it's fine. I'm not a child, you don't need to baby me. I can deal with it."
"If you're so sure..."
"It's fine. Really. You go make sure everyone else is doin' ok, lord knows they'd need it," Engie smiled softly, giving Demo a pat on the arm.
Demo's eyes still showed worry but he nodded, reciprocating the gesture before hurrying into the direction of nav where everyone else went.
Spy turned to leave but Engie stopped him, shifting his goggles back to his forehead.
"...Why did you do it?" He asked softly. He could've sworn that he saw the slightest break of stoicism on Spy's face but perhaps it was just the awful fluorescent lighting of the cafeteria playing tricks on him.
"You were taking too long. It was getting risky for us to be here. I thought it better to end it sooner rather than later," He said, any trace of emotion leaving as quickly as it came as he turned his head. Engie had no response.
"Remember what they did to us. To you. Just because one treated you kindly does not mean others will."
"...Don't sabotage anything tonight. They'll get suspicious. Be prepared to leave this ship in a week's time, without the Medic they'll fall apart. Do I make myself clear?"
Still nothing. Spy frowned.
"I said, do I make myself clear, Dell?" He asked again, not even bothering to mask the threatening tone in his voice this time.
Engie squeezed his eyes shut again.
"...Yes. Yes, you do."
"Very well. I will see you in the morning," He said, moving so that Engie's hand no longer rested on his shoulder and starting to make his way to hallway that led to crew's personal quarters.
Spy paused to look back, a feeling that could almost be described as pity overcoming him. He sighed.
"...Get over it. You only knew him for less than 8 months, anyways," He said softly before leaving Engie alone, footsteps echoing against the metal floors of the ship.
When he felt he was ready, Engie made his way to the Medbay with full expectations of what he would find there.
He just. Didn't expect it to hurt so much.
Medic's body lay on the floor in between the scanner and the large computer it was attached to, his normally bright cyan suit soaked in red and a sizable gash made into his back. There was a broken test tube that had fallen out of his hand a little ways away and one of the lensed of his glasses had been cracked, most likely from the impact of falling onto the floor.
Engie took in a deep breath before carefully sitting him up against the nearest wall, preparing himself to find something to clean up the blood that hadn't managed to be absorbed into his space suit.
He wasn't used to Medic being so.. quiet. Lifeless, if you would. He couldn't remember a single time he'd felt a pain in his chest as intense as this.
It was then that his anger suddenly came back, barely being able to contain himself before he turned around and ended up making a decently large crack in the monitor.
He tried to control the emotions that came flooding after, tried to keep himself from feeling this way over this one human when he'd aided the destruction of countless others, but when he felt himself shaking, he fell to his knees, a sob escaping him.
He shouldn't have gotten attached. He shouldn't have, it wasn't like him- like an imposter to get attached, and yet here he was, crying on the Medbay floor as blood soaked into his already red suit and glass shards clinked against the desk as they fell off piece by piece.
Serves him right for believing in humans, he guesses. Serves him right for having the audacity to care.
...what a stupid decision, that was.
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Not to bother you, but I've been wondering what would happen next in that Inner Demon! Kuro au. It randomly popped into my head and now im curious lol. I'm not asking for another chapter if you dont want to write it, I just wanna know what u think would happen next! Your ideas are amazing and I love hearing from you! 🧡
Ah, you’re so sweet! Don’t take this too seriously as I haven’t planned any of it and barely edited it LOL but here you go my dear~
"Alright, and what am I supposed to make of that?"
It was hours later, or perhaps just minutes, and Mahiru found himself staring up at the slightly damp, bug riddled ceiling of the cave. He seemed to have fallen to the ground after Kuro had released his grip; maybe he had taken too much blood? The thought froze his muscles in visceral terror and his mind in a bid to remain sane immediately rejected the idea. Either way, he did distinctly remember hearing Kuro say that he belonged to Mahiru now, or something to that effect, and really, who wanted to have a psycho like this?
"What does what means?"
 Kuro's eyes popped in to view over Mahiru's face and he flinched back, bashing his head further on the cold stone. Frowning in irritation, at the pain in his skull, the situation in general, he sighed. "What do you mean you're mine?"
 The bright red that had flooded through Kuro's irises hadn't faded, in fact it seemed to have almost solidified against the former blue, looking like a small pool of swirling metallic paint splashed across the sky. As he watched, entranced, Kuro grinned.
 "Pretty, right?" He blinked slowly, demonstratively. "The red is a nice touch, a very easy way to identify contracts."
 "Contracts?" Mahiru repeated curiously. "What- no, I mean, how did your eyes change color?"
 "This is your blood, Mahiru." Kuro said matter-of-factly. "I didn't expect it to be so beautiful, to be honest. Most blood mixes in like mud. Such a disappointing shade of brown. But this!" Kuro paused, fluttering a hand in front of his face.
"This is gorgeous. We must be compatible."
 "Compatible..." Mahiru echoed, laughing weakly. "Great."
 "You wanted to go home. I'll take you there."
 "Hold on just a second." He pushed out a hand into the scant air between them and Kuro obligingly sat back, his head cocked in innocent puzzlement. "How do you know where I live?"
 "I know everything that is YOU, now."
 "Again, what exactly does that mean?"
 Kuro smiled wickedly, leaning forward suddenly, a blur of vitality in the dank air of the cave. "Take it literally. Anything that means something to you, makes up a part of your identity, it's mine now. And in exchange-" He gestured down at himself, "you get this, anything you could possibly want."
 Startled into silence, Mahiru felt his tongue form the sardonic comment before he could think better of it. "You're quite confident." As soon as the words were out he regretted them, praying that the offense they caused wouldn't be enough to get him ripped into little pieces, but Kuro only laughed, lighter and softer than anything Mahiru had heard before.
 "Of course I'm confident. Do you still not know who I am, Mahiru?" His lips curled up mischievously and he ran a graceful, delicate finger, along Mahiru's jaw. "You're a bit thick, aren't you? Ah well, no matter! You're mine as well now, no turning back." Before Mahiru had the chance to feel offended, he continued. "I knew you were special the second I saw you."
 The conversation was running in circles and it was only a matter of time before Mahiru got motion sickness trying to follow it, so, trying to decide the simplest course of action, he chose, simply, to ignore it. Obviously Kuro was not who he had originally thought, the eyes, the horns, the preternatural speed, no, there was no way to fake that, he was something else entirely, but the question was, what? Mahiru glanced over to find Kuro staring at him raptly and he couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped. "Where am I supposed to hide you?"
"Is this just something that people like you can do?" Mahiru asked flatly, staring down at the tiny kitten at his feet. It turned it's wide, luminescent eyes (red like his blood, he thought) up to him and blinked. "I don't know what that means."
 "You really are a demanding little one." Kuro muttered as he phased back into existence, occupying the space the cat had previously. "Of course not all of us can, it is something unique to I and a few others." He paused, seeming to think carefully before speaking. "Eight total."
 There are seven others that can turn into animals?"
 Kuro nodded slowly, almost regretfully. "Yes. Seven. But you don't need to worry about them."
 "I'm not particularly worried." Mahiru sighed. "More like amazed." He watched for a moment as Kuro crept around his room, so cat like in his movements Mahiru almost laughed, and began to poke at several of the books piled haphazardly on his desk. "I do have a question."
 As though he had been in anticipation, Kuro spun on his heel, books and exploration forgotten and a lopsided smile in place. "Yes?"
 "Well, er-" Mahiru hesitated, biting his lip. "Not to be offensive or anything but, you're acting very... different now."
 "Uh, yeah..."
 "How so?"
 "Well." Mahiru glanced over, quickly looking away again when he met Kuro's amused gaze. "Well, to be blunt, you're not acting like a total nut job anymore."
 "A nut job." Kuro paused, digesting the phrase for a moment. "I do not know that one either." Four rapid steps had him directly in front of Mahiru again and he grinned. "There's so much you must tell me! But before that, what is the question?"
 "Why?" Mahiu blurted. "Why are you suddenly..." He trailed off and, at a loss for definition, gestured vaguely at Kuro. "Like this?"
 Shrugging casually, Kuro raised a brow. "One would act differently after becoming someone else, no?"
 Putting a finger to his brow in fatigued annoyance, Mahiru groaned. "No w I just know you're fucking with me."
 "Not yet, I assure you." Kuro said brightly, his grin widening impossibly when Mahiru blanched. "What can I say to make you understand?" He crossed his arms, gaze traveling lazily around the room. When his eyes lit upon the chair near the door and he paused. "I took from you and so you must take from me." He glanced over, his eyes shining through the shifting blacks and whites of his hair. "Give and take, tit for tat, you are a part of me and so I must honor that change. Act according to the new blood."
 Mahiru frowned, attempting to construct something realistic or even vaguely understandable from what Kuro had just said. "So, you're different because of me?"
 "Precisely. Perhaps if you were less stubborn I would not be quite so composed?" Kuro laughed, just a shadow of the maniacal, wild abandon from previously and shrugged. "It's an interesting change." He raised his eyes to the ceiling, as though looking up into the sky. "Not unwelcome. Certainly different from what I am used to."
 "What you're used to?" Mahiru prompted him after a moment.
 "Things at the court can be unbalanced." Kuro said slowly. "And so for the most part we are... unpredictable."
 Forgoing asking who exactly "we" was because he was fairly certain he didn't want to know anyway, Mahiru frowned darkly, remembering the shattered stalls and engulfing flames he had so barely escaped earlier."You seemed like a psycho."
 Kuro laughed happily. "That sounds like a compliment!"
 "It's not." Mahiru said flatly. "Psycho is bad." He too glanced around the small room quickly, taking in the limited space and lack of guest furniture. "So now what? I accept that you are some kind of- of- mythical creature. But I do not accept that I am stuck with you."
 "Whether you accept or not is of no consequence." Kuro sang, reaching out and plucking a sweater from where it lay draped over the foot of the bed. "We have a contract." He began to twist it back and forth, inspecting it from every angle, eyes wide in puzzlement.
 "About that. I didn't agree to any contract. So I don't really think it's legally binding." Mahiru crossed his arms, attempting his best impersonation of authority.
 Kuro shrugged, pulling the sweater over his head, horns turning to a bright translucent fog for a moment to allow for the collar to pass over them, and smiled, something quick and genuine, and Mahiru felt his heart skip a beat. "Unfortunate for you then that the fae do not care for legality."
It was an hour later, Mahiru standing in front of the cupboard contemplating it's bare shelving, that he finally admitted to himself that he was not the best at entertaining visitors. Not even a spare loaf of bread. He slammed the door shut in frustration and glanced into the living room, finding Kuri still curled up on the couch, eyes glued to the TV. Mahiru had turned it on in desperation about forty minutes ago and Kuro had not moved since. It was currently airing some strange episodic gum commercial but judging by Kuro's expression you would have thought it was a documentary of the end of the world.
 "How do they do this?" Kuro asked suddenly and Mahiru turned fully, watching as he pointed to the screen upon which was a helicopter view of the city.
 "Do what?"
 "Record this? Is that what you called it? It's so detailed!"
 Mahiru wandered closer, unable to ignore the impulse and peered over Kuro's shoulder. "You said you were some magical being but you've never seen a TV? Where have you been all this time?"
 "In the woods, mostly." Kuro answered casually. "It seems I should have ventured farther into town sooner!"
 Briefly imagining the utter devastation Kuro would have wrought unchecked had he indeed entered the heart of the town Mahiru held back a shiver and shook his head. "No. No way. You are way too much trouble."
 "It is not I that wishes for such destruction." Kuro said, flicking his sharp gaze up to Mahiru. "I only embody what you desire."
 "You keep saying that." Mahiru muttered, looking away in discomfort. "Listen. Do you need food? Or..." He trailed off in embarrassment, completely gobsmacked that the next words were about to leave his mouth. "Or are you actually a vampire?"
 "Vampire." Kuro rolled the word around for a moment and shrugged. "Call me what you will. You humans have always had such curious need to name everything. Regardless, it will not change that I simply am."
 Mahiru sighed. He really was getting so tired of all this mystical bullshit. "So then, did you want to get dinner?"
 Kuro froze, his shoulders going taut beneath the blanket he had huddled up in. "Dinner?" His eyes were darting from side to side as though in worry, though there was nothing but an innocuous soap opera preview on.
 "Yeah? You know, we go somewhere and get food? I honestly hate the idea of bringing you in public, but I don't have anything here." Mahiru admitted, frowning. "You have to behave."
 "Ah, I see." Kuro turned, fixing Mahiru with a strange look. "You need to eat then?"
 "I take it, based on this conversation that you don't actually require food." Mahiru muttered sarcastically. "But yes, I'm hungry."
 "Very well. Let's go." Kuro stood in one quick move, the blanket falling from his shoulders and to the couch and Mahiru flinched back a step, having completely forgotten just how tall Kuro really was. At his jerking retreat, Kuro raised a brow and a mocking smile flew across his face. "Do you truly find me so frightening?"
 An immediate affirmation withered on Mahiru's tongue as he studied Kuro's expression. It was neutral and empty but somewhere, deep beneath the veneer of indifference, he thought he could see a wiggling of disappointment. He didn't know what possessed him to do what he did, or even why he would care to do so in the first place but he found himself snorting and reaching out to wrap his hand around Kuro's wrist, tugging him roughly around the back of the couch and towards the kitchen. "Of course not, idiot. What's scary about you?"
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sailorshadzter · 5 years
Alright, since you brought it up 😂 the kidnapping plot. I cannot come up with any good resolutions for it. Everything I think of seems to clean (Sansa completely out playing Cersei), or to cliche (Jon riding in on a white steed to save her) so I was wondering what you think might happen with it. I am definitely ready to Sansa and Cersei to face off again though 💜
oooh okay yes!! i have lots of thoughts about the kidnapping plot!!
let me just say, my absolute dream plot line would be the stuff of fics (no really, im writing it lol) which involves pregnancy & an impromptu wedding the morning of the battle. but i think thats too far fetched for the show, honestly, so im going to let that live in fanfiction. 
as far as what i REALLY think… i agree with what you said about jon riding in on a white horse- so cliche. but on the otherhand, its what sansa had dreamed of with robb. that her brother would come riding in on his war stallion and save her from king’s landing. i think we’ll still get the fulfillment of jon rushing to her rescue without the cliche “knight on a white horse” because in the end, i think sansa will ultimately save herself in some way. or at least get her closure on the cersei chapter. 
personally, ive thought cersei would die in childbirth from the get go. as soon as we as an audience learned she was pregnant, i said to my hubby who i was watching with that that’s how she was going to go out. i think an important piece of her character is the loss of her 3 children and her inability to have another. much like i see daenerys’ lack of children beyond her dragons part of who she is, i see the same for cersei. anyways, i still think this but with a step further. 
i think its safe to say that sansa will be taken from winterfell the night of the battle against the nk. whether she goes willingly or is actually snatched like from her rooms or out of the courtyard, im not sure. i think i lean towards her going willingly, like to spare someone harm. maybe arya is being chased in the trailer by the golden company and if sansa goes, they’ll be called off. who knows. 
the timeline is funky to me here because i know it takes time to get back to king’s landing. the newest teaser “kind of” confirms that time passes- her braid looks much larger to me- and i cant decide what keeps jon from going at once. maybe no one knows who takes her, maybe he’s injured somehow and physically cant go (and the others are also dead/injured/??) or dany takes winterfell over completely and has him jailed or chained or just in general held prisoner yet again. 
anyways, once she’s back at king’s landing, i think at first sansa will be dealing with a lot of emotions. i think her first response is to be upset and possibly even dealing with a trigger of ptsd from all that happened to her there. cersei will put her into the chambers she had there the first time.
 she will have an audience with cersei almost immediately and realize she’s pregnant. they’ll talk and in the end, i imagine sansa realizing she’s not so scared of this queen anymore. we’ll get one or two of sansa’s epic clap backs and leave the conversation feeling confident. it wont be the way it was the first time. she’ll stand strong against cersei. 
i think cersei will lose her baby either that first night sansa is in king’s landing or the very next morning. it will be a few days before sansa sees cersei again and i think that talk is where we get the teary-eyed cersei drinking wine from the trailer. i think this scene will have a lot of call backs to their conversation when sansa got her period for the first time. “i hope you never have to experience this loss, little dove.” i can hear cersei say that to her and probably mean it. that’s one thing two women can bond over, regardless of anything else- the experience of a miscarriage is so traumatic and grievous, that one would never wish it upon the other. 
now, this is where my belief of cersei’s fate differs from what i had originally thought. i think she’ll drink poison out of her grief. i also think more happens- like a letter from daenerys, who is coming to storm king’s landing (if she’s alive that is) and she knows there’s nothing left. this once strong willed woman is knocked so low- she’s lost her family, her children, and the future she’d planned on building with this new baby. and now king’s landing would ultimately be destroyed or heavily damaged from the dragons. what was there left for her? we know she’d planned on doing this once before, when stannis was storming the city, so i dont see why she wouldn’t actually go through with it this time. i dont think it happens until the midst of the fight, when she knows its really over. 
maybe the sacking of king’s landing is where jon comes back into things. im still up in the air on dany’s fate post NK battle but i think with the newest teaser i can confirms she lives. i cant confirm her participation in the battle though. ive also thought for a while now that dany will abandon the NK fight when she loses another dragon (sorry rhaegal) and will return to dragonstone with whoever remains loyal to her. 
at this point, im not quite sure. there’s so many possibilities! jon could beg for dany’s help against cersei and in return he’ll give his support behind her taking the iron throne. or maybe dany never leaves the fight and once everyone is recovered enough to fight another battle, they merely join forces once again but this time to take king’s landing.
to be clear, if dany doesnt die at the NK fight, she does sacking king’s landing. game of thrones ends with her death. at least that’s how i think/feel. the targaryen name will die with her, because jon wont ever use it. even if jonsa isnt end game (lol) he wont take his birth name because that’s not who he is. on that note, i dont see him riding rhaegal into battle nor to king’s landing to save sansa. im hoping there will be no jon on a dragon at all. he will need an army or at least a strong group of soldiers on his side to storm king’s landing and take sansa back. thats why i guess i COULD lean towards dany storming king’s landing and jon using that to his advantage. when he says he’ll be out on the front lines fighting for dany’s crown, he breaks and rushes in to find sansa instead. im also not sure how much of a “fight” there would be- sure, cersei has soldiers and her own army, but dany will still have at least one dragon at this point… we know how that’s going to go. 
i guess overall i have strong thoughts on sansa’s side, but i just cant say 100% on how jon will get her back. i will say im excited for what the scene would be when he realizes she’s been taken. and watching him do whatever it takes to get her back will be incredible. 
so yeah!! thanks for the ask!! i could talk about this all day tbh. 
this is probably ALL OVER THE PLACE AND IM SORRY. we can blame it on my head injury lmao. 
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caps-clever-girl · 5 years
thoughts on endgame.
fair warning, i am not going to be kind. i enjoyed watching this movie, for the most part. it was funny; it had many good jokes and good, pure and well done interactions between multiple characters. but i didnt like it, and here are the reasons why.
unfortunately, this isnt a ‘nitpicky’ post. my main problems are with a lot of the bigger points points of the film, and had quite a few. this is a LONG post.
• “marvels first gay character!!!!!!!!!!!!” shut up. you joined the ‘fad’ late for brownie points and it was a cameo character who got about 3 lines. there are plenty of canon queer and gay characters who could have been introduced, either as cameos or in earlier films. dont even get me started on the fact that tony has more canon bi material than most others and marvel could have taken the time or even the slightest bit of effort to make this. while i enjoyed the jokes about steve being Incredibly Hot and his ass being Gods Gift To America (which honestly??? correct!) that could have been expanded on. several characters made comments about how nice steve’s ass is, and could have been used as actual material for a queer character, instead of sticking a random chharacter in there. i get the whole ‘gay people could be anyone! its normal!’ thing by giving the ‘role’ to a regular person, but you would also prove that by making any one of your 30+ main cast actually queer instead of making gay jokes and hints that could be retconned and explained away by humour.
• slapping someone out of a panic attack, and treating the panic attack like a joke. yeah, i get it, they didnt have a lot of time. still, come on. did iron man 3 teach you nothing? apparently not since tonys ptsd was pretty much never brought up again.
• speaking of thor. now, i am not an expert, but when a person gains weight, they do not keep their abs. certainly not after five entire years - not even asgardians. i also found it odd that thor became the way he did. i understand gaining weight and comfort eating after all the trauma thor went through losing his home and brother and people, i really do, but 1.) do it properly, at least, and 2.) thor is the leader of his people. does he want the task? not particularly. he hasnt wanted to be king since the first thor movie, but hes been forced into the role. even depressed i dont think thor would shy away from it, not completely. hes always wanted to do right by his people and i think that hed stuck to it, especially after The Snap backing him into a corner, if that makes sense. to clarify, i dont have a problem with chubby/fat thor. (IF done right instead of with weird, shitty cgi, that is.) i have a problem with the fact that thor, even though he doesnt want to be king, would abandon the last remanents displaced people to build a new home all on their own and become a hermit gamer boy. ESPECIALLY with valkyrie around. she’s been through a derpressive, alcohol fuelled time in her life and thor pulled her out of it. (mostly anyway, asgardians are party animals and im p sure she still gets trolleyed on the reg) i have bo doubt that after years of wallowing she would do her damned best to try and kick his ass out of it, even if it were just because his people need a leader, instead of letting him drop everything on her and just let him stew while new asgard gets on with it. i also didnt like the fact that all of thors emotional moments were treated as jokes and made to be funny when hes genuinely Fucked Up about eveything thats happening and made his image into a whiny crybaby.
• professor hulk. more of a personal one, this, simply because i just didnt like it. fair enough if y’all disagree on this one, im not going to fight it. i just never saw him wanting to combine himself with the hulk. ever. when he apleared on the screen i was completely blindsided, and his explanation, and the way he interacted with the kids????? i just want to know where all of this confidence suddenly came from. i use the term ‘suddenly’ loosely, since its been five years, but bruce has never been the guy to care about strength or looks or fame. hes always been shy and nerdy. not afraid to stand his ground or make his opinion known. hes bot a catchphrase, posing and flexing ‘hell yeah lets take a selfie’ guy. i get that thats maybe the result of the hulk and bruces combined personality but it just felt WEIRD to me, like, there wasnt a time in the film where i felt comfortable with the character. this was the final avengers film, with all of the original six avengers in it. but it didnt feel like that, it didnt feel like bruce or the hulk was in the film, even though there was a lot of funny and good moments with orofessor hulk, it felt like a stranger with some familiar characteristics. it ruined any feelings of nostalgia for me. i like bruce, and i like the hulk. i like the way their differences add to the story and the way they interact with eachother, and the slow change in their relationship. sorry if its petty but i prefer them seperate, theres just so much more to them for me.
• clint and natasha’s journey for the soul stone. both times, in infinity war and endgame, a male character and a female character went to get the soul stone. both times the male came back and the female died, and we lost possibly two most developed and main-line female characters in the entire mcu. now i understand the reasoning for both, and out of the characters that went there, i agree with the choice. thanos and gamora; it was thanos who was aware of the sacrifice and who chose to make it. gamora didnt get a choice and was unaware until it was too late. thanos was never going to die there. he knew there would be a sacrifice and chose to take gamora, because she would be the most likely sacrifice to actualky sucsesfully yield the soul stone because she was the most loved by him. i get it, but we lost gamora and i dont like it. clint and natasha; looking at it completely objectively, clint has a family, a wife and three children, that he wants to get back. natasha does not have any children, nor any (blood) family. if i had to choose, based on facts like that, id choose her too. but i still hate it, because there goes the only female member of the avengers. also, nebula (and i think maybe rocket?) KNEW that a sacrifice would be made and either accidentaly or deliverately left out the terms of aquiring the soul stone. it would have been easy to tell, if not easy to solve. but nothinb was said, and two best friends had to make a fucking awful and horrible choice when they might not have had to.
• on the ‘feminism’ tangent; the random congragation of women in the end scene??????? i dont????? okay so i am marking myself as a hypocrite here because i did love this scene!!! it made my lil gay heart go boom to see so many good and strong women all in one place - ESPECIALLY rescue - and it also made me realise how many women there actually are across the mcu??? which was really nice?? but it just felt... so forced? the way they ALL suddenly apleared and stood together even though they were all mixed in around the battlefield. it was a wonderful thought and i did enjoy it, but it seemed too Off and Odd to seem as much more than a bid for Feminism Brownie Points.
• captain marvel. i dont know about you, but i was actually looking forward to her being in the film. for a character so hyped to be the saviour of the avengers and the end of thanos, she was barely in the film. ‘i have other planets to save, the earth isnt the only one affected by thanos’ yeah but earth is the only plannet actively attacked by him. its where the people who are rallying to fight him and reverse what he did are. dont you want to stick around and help them? surely it would be a hell of a lot easier with your help, and faster too. yes, she blasted theough the ship at the end, but she did fuck all to help defeat thanos himself, and the help she did give with the ship came at the end. i genuinely think they kept her out of the movie because she was too powerful, and would have made fighting thanos etc too easy to get all the suffering and noble sacrifices in. if she had been a side character i dont think id be as mad, but she got a whole MOVIE in which she is clearly the start of the entire avengers initiative; she is their HISTORY!!!! she is so powerful!!!! and yet she has 5 mins of screen time!! it pisses me off that she was So Strongly implied to be the character the avengers NEEDED, the one that without whom it would be IMPOSSIBLE to defeat thanos; the woman that really tipped the scales in there favour, and yet she did fuck all. (and lets not even get started on the carol/rhodey and carol+tony bromance we COMPLETELY missed out on.)
• (speaking of bonding what the fuck happened to tony and nebula????? after they were rescued it was like they never met)
• the whole entire concept of time what the fuck!!! ‘dont change anything’ okay well for the most part you did okay, and the PLAN and CONCEPT was actually really easy to grasp, at least to me, which is hard when working with paradoxes and wibbley-wobbley timey-wimey stuff. but that went out the water when past!thanos and his army were brought into the future and disintergrated. does this mean they’re dead in the past - since they would have just. Left and not come back and therefore ceased to exist from that point???? or did tonys Snap simply send them back to their point in time, with no memory of what had occured? idk because it aint explained.
• speaking of; loki. again - his past changed; he managed to escape, with the tessarect. this is not explained nor expanded upon. assuming the events of thor 2 came about - which were impossible if he escaped - then his timeline would carry on as normal, and would PERHAPS explain the tessarects wacky timeline. (i dont know for certain, because i cant work it out anyway). but loki disspearing means he wouldnt have gone to trial on asgard, nor would he wouldnt have been in thor 2 - also by extention meaning that frigga is still alive. technically if he went back to get odin off the throne anyway, everything else after thor 2 involving loki/asgard would still come to pass. either way, we dont know. it was a nice way for endgame to give fans what we wanted; the posibility of loki coming back. but it doesnt make a lick of sense, and we have no idea if hes still alive/escaped or not, and why. personally i have no fucking idea and im pretty sure it was a cop out so they could give us what we wanted. which brings to my other point:
• giving the audience what we wanted. we got loki interaction. we got loki ‘escaping’ and ‘surviving’ (????) we FINALLY got rescue, who many fans have been asking for since i think iron man 2, and even more so since The Badass That Was Pepper Potts in im3. we got morgan stark and tony and pepper married, we got jokes about steves ass, and more jokes about male characters admiring how hot other male characters are. and, most importantly, we got tony having the nice relaxing life he wanted out in his cabin in the woods with his wife and kids (even if it was a horrific way of getting there). i dont quite know how to explain it, but to me it seemed like they were shoving as many ‘fan-requests’ into the film as possible - so that when they killed off 2 of the original 6, and removed another by ageing him out of use, they could lessen the backlash and justify the changes by going ‘but you got so mych that you wanted beforehand!!’. a tactic they drenhed us with because one of those 2 was a fan favourite that people were BEGGING not to be killed off because they felt that he hadnt recieved anywhere near the peace or happiness he deserved so far - and now never will. which brings me to:
• tony’s death.
there are two parts to this.
one, i was incredibly pissed off because strange’s Big Plan, the ONLY reason he saved tony in infinity war, was so tony could use the gauntlet and kill himself anyway later. anyone in that film could have used that gauntlet - and many wouldnt have suffered fatal injuries; captain marvel, steve, t’challa, peter quill to name a few possibilities - basically, anyone who is in anyway enhanced would have had a better chance of surviving and would have therefore been the better choice; aka, half the mcu. i think it was a proximity thing; tony was closest. he had the oppertunity and the others didnt. but tony didnt know about the option of using it until strange looked at him and gave him ‘the signal.’ the signal to sacrifice himself. and of course, this is tony stark. when is he ever going to refuse that.
but reason two, and this is the one that stings the most; tony started the mcu.
in my opinion, he is the character who has put the most in during the whole ten years. he, of ALL the characters, deserves his happy ending of marrying the love of his life and having a kid, without constantly fearing that hes foing to have them ripped away from him, that hes going to have to fight to the death to keep them safe.
one of my friends, when i complained about tony dying, said; “it was his time. plus, he had a legacy! with pepper and morgan, and the iron man name. how can you be upset?”
i can be upset because tony got the happiness he wanted after losing exactly 50% of what he held dearest. i can be upset because hawkeye got his family back, but tony only got five years with his wife and less with his kid, instead of getting the oppertunity to grow old with his wife and watch his kid go to collage like clint will. i can be upset because the character that has gone through the most trauma, both physically and mentally, who spent the last ten years trying to better the world and everything in it and protect it, who got the most shit for every decision he made and who ended EVERY SINGLE FILM with a broken limb or his face littered with bruises and cuts while every other film centric character ended the film usually scrape free, didnt get his happy fucking ending. sure, he has a legacy. but i dont give a shit, because that legacy - of iron man, of morgan and pepper and stark industries - would have been there whether tony was alive to see it flourish or not. but he wont be.
this goes beyond being a ‘tony stan’ or tony being my favourite character. out of every single character, from start to finish, anthony edward stark fucking deserved a happy ending and by god he deserved it the most. i will argue that until my end of days.
i watched tony stark on screen for ten years, and i watched him get progressively more scarred and fucked up. his parents. the ten rings. losing yinsen. obie. vanko and hammer. the palladium poisoning. new york; the nuke and the wormhole. the ptsd, the panic attacks. the iron legion and retirement attempt. killian and extremis and the end of that returement attempt. wanda’s vision. jarvis being destroyed. the accords and subsequent civil war. finding out about the winter soldier and his hand in his parents death. finding out that steve knew. siberia. struggling to balence iron man and the accords. losing peter. being stranded on titan, in space for weeks.
tony in that wheelchair, shaking and rail thin and unable to stand for more than a few moments will haunt me forever.
i watched him suffer for ten years - longer, even, in-universe - clawing for his quiet, happy ending while fighting for the happy ending he thought the rest of the world deserved, and instead of getting rewarded he just got beaten down and beaten down. after ten fucking hears of watching the backbone of the entire franchise get nothing but shit piled on him until he struggled to breathe for it, excuse me for thinking he woukd finally get the chance to crawl out from under it and be happy. no strungs attatched, no awful, sacrificial price to be payed, just for a man who had given so. fucking. much. to finally get something for once, and be allowed to keep it.
well i was wrong. and i feel so incredibly fucking stupid for even hoping otherwise.
and thats what i didnt like about avengers endgame.
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mieczyhale · 5 years
because tumblr is the way that it is i have no idea what you have/nt seen?? so i guess here’s just all the recent TUA-related shit ;snklfd @hellomyguru
it sure would be nice of them to notify people about notifications wouldn’t it??
my tags on this post:: #y e s #okay like i love the lil klaus they gave us #for sure#but klaus has curls?? and bby didnt really?? and like it makes sense bc considering reginald's.. everything.. he would have done whatever he#could to tame them / keep them under control yknow?? he doesnt like different and he doesnt like things that arent prim and proper#which is what he'd consider curls to NOT be#esp. with how wild those curls woulda been like#and i mean i know adult klaus's hair was more mess & not really curly but towards the end of the season you could def see his hair rebelling#so #anyway #here's wonderwall 
my tags on this post::   #klaus and dave#even if you play it with dave being 30 too instead of 40 this is still fucking funny#i can imagine this interaction perfectly and it kills me sfhkdjccj
a post on my change in how i tag my original TUA posts
a question you asked that i answered
a post on klaus, reginald, and medicine
a shitpost about dave
my reply to a reply on my broken jaw post
my reply to your reply on my broken jaw post
my tags on this post:: #does klaus know what he threw out tho?? like he barely glanced at the stuff he pulled out of the box before throwing it away#he clearly thought that whatever it was wasnt important - i mean he also wouldnt have cared bc gotta get them drugs baby but still#and at what point would he have told five that he threw out some of their dads shit?? like.. at which interaction would that have made sense#the dumpster?? not really. five immediately declares he doesn't care what klaus is doing and then klaus is distracted by the opportunity to#get some money in an easier way than normal and then he bit into a dumpster bagel and five was leaving. he left.#OH and now that im thinking more about it - klaus refers to the stuff from the box as 'priceless crap' / 'priceless shit' so there's a#chance he A. really didnt pay attention to what he was throwing away - which makes sense considering his desperation#or B. he forgot. drugs arent known for being great for your memory and then a lot of shit went down really fast so..#the lab?? also wouldnt have made sense for a few reasons but mostly bc at no point did they talk about anything other than fake eyes and#relationships. during the family meeting that five appears in the middle of?? maybe. but five had a very narrow focus and the others#talked a lot and over each other and the whole time klaus is off to the side sick - very clearly having a hard time focusing and staying#upright and again - a lot has fucking happened - so there's no way he would've even considered the papers from 10 months ago as being#relevant. IF he remembered them at all.#oh and then he didnt even really acknowledge the apocalypse thing until episode 6 and he spent all of episode 4 being tortured#and he came back and spent episode 5 just trying to adjust to being back - having just lost dave and left a warzone - and he just.. has his#grief to deal with so nothing else is even on his radar#what im saying is#there's a lot going on and there never would've been a time to bring it up even if he did know/remember what he threw away#in my big dumb pan opinion#i know this post isnt that serious but i read it and had to word vomit#anyway #sgkskccj #carry on y'all
my tags on this post::   #oh shit fuck!!! this!!!!!! im always here for emotions and powers being tied - ESPECIALLY when people dont know it#including the person who has the powers like... everyone being oblivious fucks#which is kind of why i agree with and support klaus's powers being tied to his emotions. 1. people just out here being completely oblivious#and ignorant towards klaus and everything related to him and 2. klaus being just as oblivious like.. between over half a lifetime of#substance abuse and addiction?? that happened in the first place bc klaus was terrified of and hated his powers?? there is so much that he#can do. i personally believe he's incredibly powerful and the longer he stays sober the more everybody is gonna see that#and none of them will expect it. tbh also?? i firmly believe - despite his alien status and knowing things - that not even reginald#had any fucking idea. bc i mean he clearly had no real idea of how klaus's powers worked. his training decisions proved that. his#experiments proved that. is there anything in canon to support any of this hc - you ask - why yes. yes there is. in my opinion of course. i#know not everyone sees things the same way. but 1. klaus returning from vietnam. he beat up the suitcase p well but while it sparks?thats it#and throwing it isnt - on its own - going to make it explode. thats just not believable. its a time traveling briefcase. that shits STURDY#and if im remembering right - it didnt explode right away. it didnt happen until klaus screamed and i dont think thats a coincidence#he does have telekinesis after all. and 2. making ben corporeal in the last episode. that did not seem like a conscious decision. he ran#into that room. got shot sat. ducked. and then suddenly he has glowing hands and bentacles was seen by all. it all happened in a matter of#seconds and it would've freaked anyone out but with his powers klaus wanted ben there - he wanted ben to help - even if he didnt know it#himself. in one second he had elevated emotions - elevated anxiety and possibly fear and he wanted to do something just.. ANYTHING. he#wanted to not die and he wanted his siblings to not die and he wanted to help but he alone couldnt and ben is his closest#brother - sorry not sorry - and then also sorry not sorry but ptsd?? from vietnam and guns?? yeah. so everything just.. fell together and#it triggered his powers. and i can see that happening a lot. he's having a hard day and he can see dave and talk to him but he#cant be held by him and it just makes everything worse and suddenly dave is THERE there and klaus doesnt know how he did it but w.e#he's just so happy he did. and he accidentally conjures patch while he and diego are talking about her and diego thinks klaus did it on#purpose. to hurt him? idk. but he's pissed and klaus is just confused - not really registering the heartache he had been feeling for diego#when she suddenly appeared. im leaving this with 2 examples only bc imma run outta tags otherwise fkdmdnd BUT give me klaus levitating for#the first time when he's sitting cross legged on the floor of the living room or standing idk but he's content and sleepy ans suddenly#there's confused voices and shouting and he opens his eyes to find he's in the same position but now he's five feet off the ground and#WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK yknow?? oooh and more on his telekinesis?? unintentionally launching shit at people when he gets pissed. luther takes a#little gardening shovl to the face. the others keep treating him like shit - like he hasnt changed - and he snaps during a meeting and a#vase JUST misses somebody's head or smth?? it would be great. and dont even get me started on the Not Fucking Dying aspect bc thats a whole#other rodeo. but even that.. i think its emotionally tied and how long he stays dead depends on how he felt when he died. he can control it#from the other side yknow?? anyway i def need to do an actual post on this i think later bc im outta tags lmao
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- - -
(The Curious Case Of Shadow Lives: Or How I Learned To Love The Bomb (LOL)
Crowley gets too distracted in my head - I dont know why.
Grey’s thinking that if Crowley wants him to have a spine then he has to deal with Grey being disobedient
“That’s fine, so long as he also stamps down on his pets disobedience”   frioedkrf I thought you left!  Tell Crowley to stop calling Jo ‘Grey’s pet’ to her face to try and upset her and Grey.
Grey’s never going to be outright lording over Jo
He’s really not. Though I think everyone else expects Jo to be doing it to him…
Except for Shada.
And Crowley. And DJ.
Shada’s puzzled why he neither treats her like a pet or food
She still doesnt get it?
…She getting /any/ warmer?
Not really.  Even if she measure his feelings for Jo to her feelings for Gray she’d be confused since she wants to boss Gray around
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Well, maybe she should view Grey as Gray in that situation and what would she expect from Gray in terms of feelings if he were to return hers?
Devotion, loyalty, providing her with babies, probably not a good comparison
….. *gets stuck on the third one* …how… uh… does she think male humanbodied things are like seahorses?
No she’d expect him to ditch the meatsuit
…And then…  …..Jo is now asking how shadows even reproduce, because she knows Grey and Gray’s thing is 'not normal’ - not that she.. well now she’s disturbed at the thought of Gray being Grey’s child so someone needs to explain to her quickly.
LOL they have little litters.  Not having an actual gender means any shadow can get pregnant with the right circumstances as long as there is one more dominant and one more submissive
Jo is now picturing them as seahorses herself. …And wants to know if litters is like the 4-6 of puppies and kittens, or the many more like other animals and is surprisingly interested in this topic.
6-12 because how else would there be so many so fast?  And they dont really take care of the little spawn just let them run around and do whatever
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…… “So like turtles…or spiders… or frogs?”
Intruiging.  Are shadows more on the mate-for-life end of things or the highly polygomous-bordering-on-mass-orgy type of species?
Polygomous although the dominant ones would like their mates to be monogamous without being monogamous themselves.
So pretty much - what Gray wants from a relationship is the general dominant outlook?
It also showed with Grey’s attitude at the beginning
That’s true - cocky little bastard he was. XD
And the submissive ones actually want..?
To be allowed to run around as much as the dominant ones which makes for problems.
…so shadow 'relations’ aren’t exactly the most functional of all of them…
Another exmple of how Grey goes against the shadow-grain, or would he still want to do that if it wouldn’t cause problems at all..?
He wouldnt want to do that anymore he’s sort of… Now that there’s the idea of it being meaningful and love and everything that’s what he wants
So if there wasn’t a chance for whatever relationship he was in being meaningful and having love and everything would he?     And on the flip, does he think that that’s what he’s got now, or is going to get to?
Nope.  Grey doesnt want to be the one stuck with someone that’s not taking it seriously, he’d just call it off.  He does that that that’s what he and Jo have just not quite on the romantic level yet.
*nodnod* Sounds like him. while Gray would like it if he was able to have a monogmous girlfriend but screw about (or be free to), right?    Makes sense, and is true.
Definitely Gray would love that.
It’s sort of amusing how little Gray has ever actually screwed around though..
He didnt really have a lot of options.  I mean Jo wanted nothing to do with him, he didnt want Crowley, and he doesnt want to screw something he’d normally kill
So basically, if Jo didn’t want nothing to do with him that would have been his choice if he could get away with it without having Anna be crazy?
…how do they know whose the dominant one and the submissive one, or are there very like clearcut lines of which would be which in their species?
(Whats funny is most of these are coming from Jo but in more just half words.. she’s honestly curious about the shadows.. >_>)
Never clear cut lines.  Take Shada and Gray for example, she wants to be dominant.  He naturally is dominant.  Problems arise.
In their measure of things, or if he was still oeprating under their views of things, which would Grey be more likely? And does that mean Shada would be less dominant even though she wants to be and could be in different circumstances?
Grey’d be the submissive.  He was with Crowley he kind of is with Jo it’s just his nature.  Yes?  I’m not sure what exactly you mean
*nodnod* Makes sense.   …Im not sure what exactly I mean either.
Did you mean she could dial it back?  Because she really could she just doesnt want to
I think I meant that between her and Gray, she’d be the submissive one, but with other shadows she could possibly be the dominant one?
Oh.  Well yeah.
*nodnod* Makes sense
…Jo thats not a question I’m going to ask…mainly because I’m not sure anyone has a real answer for that nor do they want to think about it.
“How do they even… … …..yeah”  was the exact phrasing of it
Well let’s put it this way, don’t think about it
I’m not but from the twitching I think she’s trying to.
Oh god no.  Jo dont it’ll break your brain
I cant tell if she was asking how they mate or how they birth, and I cant tell which would be worse
She doesnt need to think about it
Like I say, she’s curious. Though why doesnt she need to? *eggs her on seeing if she’ll turn purple*
Because unless she wants to see it she shouldnt worry?
…yep nope, I dont think she wants to see it. At all.    …Again Jo, not asking that…
….she had a sudden influx of questions including: have any of them actually had 'kids’ or whatever the offspring is called (that’s more at Shada and Grey), how weird is the way of human sex in comparrison, and then she’s just still for some unknown reason trying to think about it but as abstractly as possihle and its making everyone laugh at her
I’d go with spawn and Grey and Shada do not have any.  Grey’s saying it’s not that weird once you get used to the aspect that everythingis physical in a human body and then he’s telling her to stop thinking about it and Shada’s inviting her to watch if she wants to know when she “eventually” gets Gray
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30 min til I g2g btw
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The cheerful “Like frogs!” at the word spawn is all kinds of wrong, DJ.  So theirs isn’t just a physical thing? Because they dont really have bodies per say.   ….Jo is declining Shada’s invitation. Completely. Because no.   Thoughnowshe'soverthinkingthewords'notthatweird'and I’m just going to go bury my head in the sand.
Thats cool, I probs need to go then too
Nope they dont have physical bodies how could it be a physical thing.  And Grey’s saying everything is weird at first getting a meatsuit then later it becomes not weird.  Is she happy now?
Too true, too true.   ….yes? A little petulantly, but yes. You were asking Jo, don’t get weird - plus you know its true and completely rational.
Grey’s facepalming and kicking himself because that’s so not what he meant
Yeah she knows that, doesn’t mean she didn’t take it wrong for a split second originally. He doesn’t need to kick himself, Jo’s just an idiot and she fully agrees that she is.
LOL she’s adorable.
She’s a dumbass.    Again Jo Im no- you’re just going to tell me to share anyway so Im going to save us both some time and let Jo ask her stupidly stupid question about which would either the boys say is more enjoyable from what they have heard since they …haven’t(?).. experienced said shadowsex (*trolls and backfires on self* urgh brain I dont want to think about it)
“Physical.” That was Gray for course.  His opinion matches Grey but for different reasons.
Of course that was Gray - guessing his reason is because it gives more control and/or means its easier to control? What’s Grey’s?     *shaking head at Jo that that was a question at all*
Grey’s is that he’d never be able to have the kind of relationship he wants at all with shadows
Did you send Jenna the thing?
*nodnod* Makes sense
And then Jo and Anna+Lilith abstractly discuss the binding or unbinding of Gray:
Esplode in 4… 3… 2…. 1
Anna’s..just not dealing with it right now..
she’s going to go and lay down and she’s going to not think about anything
Jo’s just like “She’ll get over it”
no..I don’t think she is
she’s..pretty much putting Jo on Grey’s level right now
…Fun times. Well, Jo’s not going to let that bother her. Anna wouldn’t bind down Gray to let Grey get back his powers if the positions were flipped, so Jo doesnt think she /has/ to in the name of friendship either. She’s also thinking that maybe Anna needs to remember that Gray’s /dangerous/ to the whole world and that she was making it out like it was unreasonable for a /hunter/ to NOT want a
dangerous monster being able to do stuff.
So Jo’s kind of like “…meh”
(sent to Lexy)
Lilith would like to point out that C rowley never said to break the ones on Grey that Gray woud have to be rebound…
True, but the only ones Jo or Grey would be okay with breaking are the feeding ones, maybe the baby surpresent ones, and that would be all of them
so ..then they are actively willing to let Gray stay  bound
Grey would want all of his other powers intact, and Jo refuses to take away protective means from Grey.
If it means grey gets bound
no Lilith they aren’t listening to you
Hell.. Grey’d be 'okay’ with them if Jo didnt have to carve them into him
Thats what the problem with the feeding one is - that Jo has to hurt Grey to do it and Grey won’t stand for that.
LOL What’s lilith saying?
“Let me explain this in simple little words for the blond ditz…”
“Go for it”
“1. Carve up Grey. 2. Break them on Gray. 3. turn around and break them again on Grey.”
“Got cha. And still. The hurting thing is the problem. Not the actual binding.”
that was anna screaming
not lilith
LOL Jo’s saying that’s not the point.
now Anna’s wanting to go a bit postal
It’s the actively harming the other for the sake of Gray - Grey wouldn’t mind actually having a few of his things surpressed, honestly, it’s that Jo has to carve them that’s the issue.
and Lilith is now rolling laughing at her not being the one in the closet
yes she has
Honestly if Jo didn’t have to carve him up - Jo’d have thought of that and suggested it to Grey, at least the ones he’d be interested in and put forth a case of why she’d want to release a few of the other ones (the shadow trapping, moving about and ability to switch meatsuits (but not healing)) on the condition she came and refreed those on him after.
And Anna’s very black and white about Gray, isnt she?
And things when it comes to him.
it’s fucking Grey..who gives a shit..the fucker ccan heal once they are broken again, it’s like a day of pain for them..stupid ass good for nothing waste of space trash..
If she were in Jo’s position and the situation was flipped - would she be willing to do that for Grey? Bind down Gray for a day.
For Jo..if it meant helping her more than Grey..yes
Even if Gray said 'fuck no’?
And would completely walk out on her for doing it?
it would depend..
and Grey will get over it she says..he’s to co dependant to stay mad for long and Harry’s still straight
LOL But Gray wouldnt get over that sort of breach of trust, and Grey’s barely gotten over Jo just ironing him for a few minutes.
she says she would try harder than Jo to convince Gray to let her help
Jo’s got no way /to/ convince Grey though - he hates Gray, he hates Anna even more, he gets absolutely nothing out of it and gets someone he trusts tearing apart his back for a few hours or more. Jo can’t think of any positives she could give.
“How about because Anna is my friend and you love me?”
“Wouldn’t work. Probably be morre successful not mentioning Anna at all, saying it’d make me happier and less stressed and get me away from Gray quicker, and I’m not going to use that last bit against someone as to why they should do something I ask.”
Gray doesnt actually hate Grey, and he certainly doesnt hate Jo. He’d be more willing to bend than Grey would. Grey hates Anna more than he hates Gray at the moment
“how about then..you do that for them and then you can hold that over their head for the rest of their life..that /you/ saved them.”
“Doubt that would work. But it’s worth a try”      My theory is if Gray could talk to Grey about it he could point out that /Gray/ saved /Jo’s/ life and that either she or Grey owes him.
And she says worth a try, but I doubt she would right now.
“do it for them or Jo goes on Anna’s hit list?”
LOL  "Figured I already was. And it’s not like Grey’s scared of Anna or protecting me"
do it or the starwars collection get it?
….Youre suggesting Jo threatens one of /her/ prized posessions? XD
do it or no more sex?
Again, punishing Jo more probably
Do it or Lilith moves in with you?
…. LMAO Oh lord
Lilith just wants to come and play with them doesnt she? /troll
lol she’s just like *shrug* can’t be worse than living with Anna
Lol probably cant be actually
do it or Anna makes a deal with Ruby for Jo to spend the next 10 years popping out kids..
lmao Again, pretty sure thats punishing Jo more
eventually Jo will say fuck it and do it herself to prevent that
I know
do it or Anna moves in with you
LOL Anna’d be dead by the end of a day.   though seemingly, Grey is wanting Jo to put up anti-angel protections around the house
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fuck-customers · 6 years
How petty are you?
I can't do this anymore. I need to quit this job, it's literary fucking with my mental health so much. So... I was originally scheduled to work Monday, Thursday and Saturday this week, which is pretty much a normal standard schedule for me. However, on Monday, my manager took me aside to ask if we could change my shifts around to be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and taking me off Saturday. I agreed because having Saturdays off is rare and I wanted to possibly make plans with a friend. I was dreading the four day in a row schedule though. Four days may seem normal to most, but let me just note that I'm very introverted, so being around so many people so much is extremely emotionally exhausting to me, and I also have really bad social anxiety as well and get overwhelmed easily especially on busy days. I can deal with my regular schedule no problem because usually there's a day or two between shifts so I can recharge. This time I didn't have that though, so I started having a constant feeling of anxiety pressing on my chest. So, all this prefacing is just for y'all to understand what state of mind I was in when the actual story occurred. It was nearing the end of my shift. Maybe half an hour or even just 20 minutes left. Everything had gone well the past few days, you know, aside from the constant dread and anxiety and all. But I got through it okay, because I tried to focus more on the fact that I'd just get it over with and enjoy three days off in a row. So this lady comes up and she goes to pay for her stuff; she drops some change into my outstretched hand, but the way she dropped it, a two cent piece didn't quite hit my hand right, bounced off and fell in the gap between the inset scale and the counter, never to be seen again. I looked at my little side table to see if there was another 2 cents in a little plastic cup we keep there for change that people dont want, but there was none. Of course not. So I sheepishly ask the lady if she has another 2 cent piece, because the other one fell. (Through no fault of mine!) She goes like "I'm not paying that again??" And her tone immediately had me kind of on edge. Okay, so she doesn't want to give me another 2 cents. That's fine, I honestly don't care that much. Her total was like... 7,37 or something, so I hand her back the other small cent pieces so I have 7,40 in my hand. I punch the 7,40 into the register and give her the change for what I punched in. She just stands there expectantly and goes "And what about the two cents?" And I was like "what about it?" Not fully processing what she meant (keeping in mind my brain was fried by anxiety already, I hadn't slept well at all and I just wanted to go home at that point) and she goes "Well it wasn't MY fault that they fell, so I should be getting them back." And I'm like "Weeell.. it wasn't my fault either though." Basically to make things short, she wanted me to give it to her out of my drawer, which I didn't want to do because I'm a hopeless perfectionist and even a small discrepancy in my register annoys the hell out of me. Also she was being a bitch, so I was even less inclined to give her what she wanted. Had I had a change cup, I would've taken it from there, or had she been nice about it,I would've even shorted my drawer for her. But like this? Fuck off, you don't get to be a bitch to me and still get your way. Maybe I'm being petty too, but... just no. And honestly I would say it WAS her fault that the piece fell anyways because she was the one who tossed her money into my hand haphazardly. Ofc I didn't say that out loud but... just saying. This went back and forth for a minute, her saying it was my fault that it fell and that this was unacceptable and how dare I, saying that the money was "going to me/the store in the end" (no lmao it's lost in the abyss of the register forever, I've been working here for almost a year and I feel like I still see the same things in the cracks as there were when I started. They literally never clean out or even open that part, in fact I'm not sure you CAN even open that part. Anyways I didn't really know what to do since I was already so frazzled from the previous days and too tired to really think about it in the moment, and I started to get increasingly frazzled as the anxiety grew in intensity and my heart rate went up just because of the hostile attitude she was displaying. Literally it wouldn't have happened like this if she had initially been nice about it bc the way she reacted immediately got me into that panicky state that may have clouded my judgement. Anyway eventually she gave up and left (not without rolling her eyes and mumbling something probably unfavourable) and I tried to cash out the next customer while trying not to cry, but I immediately punched in a wrong number for a vegetable and had to call for a manager to void it. On the PA my voice was already kinda breaking, I was shaking all over and the tears started coming. The two ladies after the rude bitch were really concerned and tried to comfort me, but I just completely broke down sobbing, bawling my eyes out by the time the manager arrived. He asked me what was wrong and I just barely managed to choke out that a customer had been really mean to me, which the ladies in line confirmed, saying the first woman had acted so awful. The manager hopped on the register and sent me to the back so I could calm down, but with all the buildup it was so bad that I cried for literally like half an hour- longer actually. Half an hour of hyperventilating, barely being able to speak, sobbing and bawling, violently shaking, my face and hands felt almost completely numb and some of my facial muscles were twitching uncontrollably- I don't know how or why that happened or if that's normal for a really bad panic attack, but it was new to me, never happened in all my anxiety filled years, it was the worst I've ever had in my life. So yeah, that's the story of how a customer sent me spiralling into the worst panic attack I've ever had, over two cents. Reading this, it may seem like I'm overreacting and maybe I am, but that's how it is with this bitch of an anxiety disorder. I also kinda didn't have the energy to recount the entire exchange word for word so it may not entirely come across how mean this lady actually was.
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theshapeshifter100 · 6 years
Guess What? I’m Not a Robot Ch42
Summary: Jericho and Android Allies talk, and Paul actually gets annoyed.
Chapter warnings: mentions of being shot, some strong language
Word Count: 1,588
11PM Monday 15th November 2038
The small space didn’t actually have that many chairs. Allison didn’t give a damn and sat down in one, while the rest of the humans either felt too awkward or just decided not to bother.
“Okay, er,” for once Alex sounded a little unsure. “Megan has a lot of the numbers written down, and is usually our note taker. Megan, are you...” Alex trailed off as they realised that Megan had already made herself comfortable. She sat propped against the wall using her knees as a table. Her sling was tucked against her chest and she scribbled out a title with her right hand. “... Are you good to go?”
Megan clicked the pen a couple of times and nodded, sending a thumbs up to the group around the pen. All without looking up.
Alex looked at Paul for a second, who nodded and shrugged. This wasn’t exactly surprising.
“Ooookay,” Alex turned back to the main group. “What would you like to start with?”
“We’ve been out of the loop for a few days,” Markus admitted, “can you tell us about the outside world?”
“Yeah, President Warren’s been hiding behind Congress as they try and figure things out. Not much has happened yet, although there has been word of an anti android protest being planned in Washington next week.”
“We’re so crashing it,” Allison smirked.
“Do you have the numbers for that?” Markus asked, concerned. “Connor told me there was only a few of you.”
“Megan, numbers?” Alex prompted, and Megan complied, staring resolutely at her pad of paper.
“Several thousand people responded to the anti android post across the country, which isn’t that many really if we compare to the total US population. Currently Android Allies has three chapters. Detroit has ten, California has ninety and thirty in Alabama. We’ve gathered some in the Phoenix and general Arizona area, but no official count yet. There’s some international support from Europe, but they have so far been silent.”
“So, not enough to crash a protest,” Markus summarised.
“We can counter protest,” Ivy suggested. “We just need to get it online and spread the word.”
“And you think that’ll work?” North asked, part curious, part incredulous.
“Never know until we try,” Alex responded. “Plus, we usually get good turnouts from random people walking by.”
“This protest wouldn’t happen to be scheduled for when we’re supposed to send an emissary to the White House?” Markus asked.
“No idea, when are you going?”
“In a few days time.”
“Okay, the protest isn’t until next week. Guess that isn’t public knowledge.”
“Apparently not,” Markus shifted for a second. “I was hoping to ask about a potential partnership between our two groups. I hadn’t expected you to all be, so young.”
“If it helps, Julia isn’t in school anymore.”
“Noted,” Markus filed that away.
“I don’t know,” Julia carefully opposed. “My uncle’s a Detroit Police Captain, it might reflect badly on him.”
“Nothing is set in stone,” Markus assured. “That’s what this meeting is for.”
They all continued to talk, and Megan continued to take notes. After some debate, it was decided that Alex would be the more public face of Android Allies, as they could handle attention better. Everyone else was welcome at Jericho and to fill in if need be. Megan would continue her role as note taker, even if it wasn’t entirely necessary, it was good for both sides to have a copy of events.
“Paul,” Markus came to him. “How would you feel being a go between with our two groups?”
Paul froze in place and Megan glanced at him. He wasn’t happy, in fact, he looked close to panicking.
“Ride the shitstorm,” she mumbled, intending for only Paul to hear. With her pen she began to tap a steady rhythm and Paul began to calm down. None of this had gone unmissed by North and Connor, both of whom were looking at Paul and Megan. Connor had an expression of confusion initially before it cleared, and North looked suspicious.
“I, I suppose that makes sense,” Paul unfroze. “I am the only android in the Detroit chapter and would I be correct in assuming that everyone downstairs would be more comfortable with an android?”
“You would be,” Markus agreed.
“I see, then I should accept.”
“We’re not forcing you,” Josh added. “If you really don’t want to do it, then that’s fine.”
“No, it makes sense for me to do it.”
“Very well,” Markus logged that away faster than Megan could write it. “I think this concludes most of what I wanted to talk about with you today.”
“Cool!” Allison stood up. “Anything else you need from us?”
“I would like to speak with Paul alone,” Markus stated, and Paul instantly looked at Megan, who had frozen for a split second before continuing to pack up. Without a word he held out his hand to help her up, and she took it.
“Thanks,” she murmured, still not looking at the other assembled androids.
“You okay with that Paul?” Alex asked, not sure if Paul had been paying attention.
“Yes, I was just helping the injured to their feet.”
“My legs work just fine,” Megan muttered.
“Then why did you accept my help?”
Megan mock scowled at him, both understanding that other side was messing around. “I’ll see you outside you big goof.”
“Don’t wait up,” Paul said, pausing at a soft squeal emanating from Alex. “Do you have to ship right now?”
“I ship all the time,” Alex had their hands clasped together in glee. “Anyway, let’s wait outside guys,” Alex waved everyone out and closed the door behind them. They all took seats at various heights on the stairs, Megan being closest to the door.
Inside North turned to Paul.
“So, what is your deal with these humans?” she asked.
“Deal?” Paul was confused. “There’s no deal.”
“Then why do you stay with them?”
“What North means,” Markus interrupted. “Is that you’re clearly a deviant, and have no reason to tie yourself to humans, but you still do.”
“And you want to know why,” Paul finished, falling into thought. “It is difficult to explain,” it wasn’t really, but he wasn’t sure if he could properly put it into words.
“Please try,” Markus prompted.
“I’m only really here because of Megan. We, understand each other, support each other. She needs me, and I need her.”
North didn’t look convinced. “What’s she got on you?”
“That I’m scared of dogs,” Paul smirked to make it clear that was a joke.
“So, you stay together out of mutual respect and need?” Markus tried to sum up.
“More or less. I’ll admit it is a little one sided, but Megan is the reason I’m a deviant.”
“What did she do to you?” North asked.
“It’s more what she nearly did to herself. After a period of decent mental health she began to spiral rapidly and turned to self harm. I panicked and stopped her, afraid that she might take her own life.”
“You still don’t owe her anything,” North retorted. “If anything, she owes you!”
Paul was started to get annoyed by her. “Did you see that her left arm was in a sling?”
“Yes, what does that-?”
“That’s from a gunshot wound at point blank range. Originally meant for me,” Paul was glaring at North now. “She took a bullet for me, and you can be damn sure that I would do the same.”
North was out of retorts now, and stepped back.
“I think that sums everything I wanted to ask you,” Markus admitted. “Except for one thing. How would you feel about coming to live with Jericho? With us?”
The question threw Paul for a second, even though it was a fairly logical one. He was an android in Detroit, makes sense for him to be here, and he could communicate with Android Allies remotely. Despite the logic, he felt an emotional response. A strong, negative one; one that almost hurt.
“I, I don’t think so,” Paul shook his head. “Thank you for the offer, but I don’t that would work for me.”
“She’s not forcing you to stay, is she?” North asked, and Paul’s face darkened.
“Megan has never made me do anything,” he growled.
“That’s enough,” Markus stepped in before things got out of hand. “Thank you Paul. Would you mind sending in Megan? I’d like to talk to her too.”
“Fine,” Paul turned and left, simmering with anger.
He let the door fall shut behind him and joined Android Allies on the stairs. Megan was the first over to sit next to him.
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked, and Paul shook his head. “How about talking through the emotion?”
“I know what I’m feeling,” Paul snapped, and instantly regretted it, Megan was trying to help. “Sorry. North just pisses me off.”
“That’s impressive,” Megan smirked.
“Markus wants to talk to you. Just you,” he added when Alex started to stand up.
“Me? Why?” Megan asked, more than a little apprehensive at the idea.
“I forgot to ask,” Paul sighed. “Head in. I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?” she asked, and when Paul nodded she stood up. She walked hesitantly towards the door, and took a step back as Josh, North and Connor exited. She didn’t pay them any thought, and thankfully they left the door ajar.
“Come in,” Markus prompted, and Megan nudged the door open wide enough for her to slip in, and shut it behind her.
So, basically, Paul has to convince the Jericho crew that he and Megan are cool and there's nothing dodgy going on. And Megan's being anti social. I saw a post on tumblr about introverted characters remaining that way because it's not a thing to 'overcome', and my mind immediately went to the bit where she was getting ready to make notes!
You might be able to tell, but I'm not a big fan of North. I appreciate that you need someone to advocate the violent option and her backstory puts her in the perfect position for it. I just hate the forced romance between her and Markus. At best it's forced, at worst (aka when you go completely pacifist) it's completely out of left field and makes no sense. I understand that having multiple romance options was too much for the development team to handle, but surely there could have been an option for Markus to not be romantically involved with North? Sorry, it drives me up the wall... Other Options Flowchart
(Paul) Decline Markus's offer
(Paul) Be serious to North's probing. Be annoyed.
(Paul) Remain calm. Start shouting
Tags! @nightmarejim @septicart-appreciation
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