#anyway this video hurt my feelings because why did they make me watch them drink boba when i don’t have any
danandfuckingjonlmao · 7 months
“you get the weirdest choice so you’d probably get taro milk” who’s gonna tell phil that taro is one of the most common, popular, safe, and classic teas to use for boba
anyway, drop your go to boba orders in the tags/replies.
my go to is jasmine green but i also get taro a lot. always happy with thai milk and oolong. and matcha.
and in a mango smoothie.
ok i like so many i’m the wrong person to ask (no one asked me) but tell me yours lmao
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castaway-achlys · 10 days
the slushie situation.
well... pollux. i think this is your biggest blunder yet.
what do you mean?
caffeine is technically a drug, and a very addictive one at that... combined with the fact castor already doesn't sleep well, he very well may be up all night with the amount of sugar and caffeine you put in him.
nah, his body filters it out fast!
*castor is currently vibrating and can't sit still*
*gesturing to castor, who is still drinking a red bull slushie*
how many of those did you make him drink for him to be vibrating?
*he begins counting on his fingers. admin stops him once the number passes ten. they both turn as they hear castor make a noise of discomfort. castor then releases a monstrous burp, such a huge sound from his small body. both pollux and admin's jaws drop in shock. castor gives a sheepish smile.*
i feel a bit better...
i'd fuckin' hope so after that.
why does my tummy hurt so bad?
*pollux looks like he feels a little guilty*
because you just drank a shitload of sugar and caffeine? you've probably got a lot of gas.
should i call vern?
nah... he'll feel better on his own. the most vern can really do is give him nausea or pain meds, but castor doesn't really... respond to normal medicine, so it probably wouldn't help and it would just cause more problems than it solves.
*pollux sighs and gets castor to lay down on archie's bed, rubbing his stomach for him*
maybe you like slushies a little too much, bro.
*castor gives a little happy smile*
mm... maybe we should ask archie and umbrance to take us on a date for real slushies and not just ice we made and crushed with magic and a bunch of energy drinks. the ones the guy made in that video seem better anyway. i'd appreciate it if you didn't give me caffeine in those amounts again... i like tea and coffee but i feel my heart pounding.
*castor laughs, though pollux looks worried. castor pulls pollux into the bed and hugs him*
it's okay! i'll be fine, my tummy's hurt much worse before...
if you say so...
stop being a grump! it was good! i regret nothing!
*castor giggles mischievously, to which pollux gives an impish smile*
okay, okay... take a nap or something, okay? or watch a movie, maybe?
*castor nods and turns on a movie on his tablet for them both to watch. surprisingly enough, he's out and asleep within a few minutes.*
well... at least he's sleeping...
*pollux grins, and settles in a little closer as the movie plays*
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essence-inked · 2 months
Based on recent events, apparently my stupid hyperactive gremlin exercise takes are helpful, so I figured I may as well cobble them together and make a post about it.
Disclaimer here that not every example I give is going to apply to everyone and all that jazz, but hopefully the broad ideas are useful.
You don’t actually need to do a certain number of reps or miles or whatever - it can be helpful if you want to measure your progress, but if it’s not fun, you can just… not do it. Instead, you can do the thing until it stops being fun, and if your goal is to do the thing better or faster or more, if you keep doing it until it stops being fun, you’ll improve a tiny bit every time, and eventually, you’ll tire out a lot less quickly.
"I should exercise” feels kinda like a non-sequitur to me; there’s a ton of ways you can do that, and a lot of different things it can accomplish. Instead, ask yourself what it is you actually WANT to do (i.e., “I want to have less back pain,” “I want to be outside,” “I want to get better stamina so I can climb this mountain”). And when that’s hard because there are a lot of things you want to do at once and you’re not sure where to start, pick the easiest first, and go from there.
Sometimes you don’t want to stop the thing you’re doing to go move around and junk, and I did not realize that people actually put all their other stuff on hold to go do that? And that's why a lot of people think exercise is boring? Anyways yeah you can watch videos or listen to podcasts or audiobooks or hang out with friends while moving around. I can’t listen to or watch anything without doing something else, so this just sorta Happens for me, but yeah if the idea of exercise sounds boring to you, you can totally spice it up a bit.
Exercise doesn’t need to be rigorous daily routines. It can be (and occasionally, that's helpful if you’re trying to do a specific thing), but it can also just be doing things that involve moving around on a day-by-day basis. Like, it can be “today I want to go find cool rocks in the woods” or “today I feel sore, so I’m going to do some stretches,” or “today I’m going to go swimming because it’s hot as hell.”
Also! Walking around museums is exercise! Helping a friend move is exercise! Splashing around in the ocean is exercise! Moving your body can be the secondary goal of the activity rather than the main one!
If you’re sitting there thinking “man, I need to get out and move around, but I have no clue where to go,” may I suggest a quest? Pull up google maps or apple maps or whatever, and go looking for weird new stuff to explore. And like. You are allowed to walk three miles to an antique shop. You are allowed to bike way out on some backroads and walk into a general store all sweaty and bedraggled. You are allowed to schlep ten blocks through the snow to get to a coffee shop and spend two hours there with a hot drink and a good book.
It’s neat when exercise is the sort of good uncomfortable where it’s challenging and fun, but be aware of when it gets to the bad-uncomfortable point before it actually hurts you (I am prone to not doing this, so reminding myself to not get too wrapped up in stuff is a whole thing). Anyways yeah, make sure you’re not pushing yourself too hard, and remember that limit is different depending on the person.
But yeah basically the crux of this is that making your body feel good should go in tandem with taking care of your mental health, and that exercise is a lot more fun when you’re doing things that you actually want to do, not things that feel like obligations.
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idontplaytrack · 6 months
An Angel
College!Amber Appleton x fem!reader(platonic)
warnings: fluff, coarse language, mentions/description of depression & anxiety, mentions of losing a parent
In which, Amber Appleton calls reader an angel and causes her to get flustered
Amber was your roommate at Carnegie Mellon, she was shy, but when you needed help with anything, she’d never say no to you. She was now a good friend of yours- one of your closest friends in college. Not to mention, she was practically the perfect roommate: always cleans up after herself, helps keep the place clean even when it was supposedly your turn (your classes seem to be more hectic than hers). And she understood it. You thought it was fair to make it up to her if she took your turn doing chores- usually you’d get her a drink or dessert of some sort, on your way back to campus after visiting family.
When you left the dorm on Friday afternoon, she’d just gotten back from her last class of the day. And she did not look good- she seemed so pale, you were terrified that she’d pass out without anyone around. And despite your protests, she insisted you went home for the weekend to see your family, knowing how much it meant to you. That was Amber for you- always putting others first. You knew about her losing her father to an undiagnosed heart condition, then her mother to a car accident, maybe that was why she was so insistent of you going to see your own family every chance you got. Amber’a told you that to her, family was everything. Until it wasn’t, because she didn’t have anyone anymore. Well, she said she had her friends in high school, but now, everyone lost contact with the exception of two friends. But even then, they barely ever talked.
Anyway, you were now in your car, driving back to the campus- well, the dorm. Your Mom made you some extra soup for Amber after hearing you mention that she was ill. Also, you’d made Amber text you periodically. Because…let’s face it. You were deathly worried about that girl. She doesn’t like asking for help. She fears it, almost. And that absolutely ticks you off. Why was she like that? I mean, you knew why. But still, ugh.
Oh, and her last text?
Tumblr media
“Amber?” You called out.
“My gosh, why are you back early?”
“Told you I’d see for myself, didn’t I? My family sees enough of me.” You laugh, “My little siblings are asking why I’m always home. I dunno what to tell them.”
She cracked a smile.
“Did you eat?” You asked.
“What? Of course I have been eating.” She sat up.
“Good.” You nodded, “Okay, my Mom gave us extra food and soup - so you’d better eat up later.”
“Alright.” She sighs softly, a chuckle escapes her lips, “Tell your Mom I said thank you.”
“I will.” You assured, putting down the plastic bag containing the Tupperwares. “Did the fever break?”
“Came back this morning.” She mumbled.
“Are you sure this is just a cold?”
“Yes. I’m not throwing up, so it’s not the flu or a stomach bug. Nothing else hurts other than my head.” She listed.
“Okay, okay.” You laughed lightly, throwing her hands up in mock defeat, “I’m gonna take a shower real quick, you…don’t try and do anything to make yourself pass out.”
She laughs heartily, “I’m just gonna be sitting here or walking to the kitchen to refill my water bottle. Promise.”
“Okay, Amber.” You let out another laugh before disappearing into the bathroom with a fresh change of clothes and your towel.
Okay, at least she was fine when you were done with your shower- she’d dozed off while watching some random movie on her laptop. You paused the video, put her laptop on her desk then draped the blanket over her properly. Last thing you did, was to feel her forehead with the back of your hand: she was a little warm, but you figured you could probably let her sweat it out with this nap first instead of waking her up to take a dose of fever reducer. It was really quiet, so you thought she’d actually passed out. Meanwhile, you located your own laptop and resumed working on a paper you’d pressed pause on- you were fresh out of the shower, your mug filled with your favourite coffee, your headphones were on as your favourite songs played through them. It was the perfect scenario for productivity.
After a little over an hour, you decided you were done. Saving the document, you yawned, a little tired. But, you were satisfied you completed the work- though, you still needed to proofread it and make edits after this. Your gaze lands on Amber who was beginning to stir in her sleep. Removing your headphones, you hear the girl let out a groan as she moved around in her slumber. Your ears perked up in concern as you approached her sleeping figure - watching her like a hawk to decide your next move. Within seconds, though, she was awake. You ask if she was okay. “I’m uh, gonna need that fever medicine.”
“As you wish.” You shrugged, walking back to the cabinet above the bathroom sink to retrieve the bottle. You hand it to her as she took a sip of water to hydrate, making her dry throat feel better. “Your head really hurts, doesn’t it?” You questioned knowingly. She admitted it with a nod of her head as she tilted it up to aid the swallowing of the pill. “I was supposed to take another dose anyway - so, right on time. Thanks.”
“I think you’d better eat a little bit, y’know. It’s not good to take that on an empty stomach.” You took out the Tupperwares from its bag, then going to grab a bowl and set of cutlery.
“Okay.” She doesn’t protest, “You should eat some too if you haven’t. It’s been awhile since you first got back.”
“I will,” You flashed her a smile as you filled the bowl with the sopita your Mom cooked.
“Thank you.” She says while stirring the food with her spoon, she watches the pieces float around in the bowl.
“What? What for?”
“For taking care of me. For caring.” Amber purses her lips together, “It’s been pretty hard for me to make friends that even make it out of the lecture halls. Barely anyone ever reaches out to me again, and it’s just something that I’ve gotten used to, I guess. Why are you so nice to me?”
“Of course I am. You’ve been a great friend- always nice to me, happy to help. If you’re nice to me, you’ll know. However of course, if you aren’t, you’ll also know because I’ll tell you like it is.”
“You’re an angel.” She remarked, you nearly choked on your mouthful of noodles and veggies. She watched you, alarmed, then quickly patted your back.
“I’m fine.” You chuckled awkwardly.
“I mean it, though. This is really nice of you. You didn’t have to do that for me.”
“Amber, listen to me. You’re my friend and I care about you, just like you do for me.” You inevitably let a sigh escape.
“I’m just…not used to it, accepting help.” She finally admitted.
“I know, I have been going to therapy but I still have a lot of work to do.”
“All progress is progress.” You smiled.
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zhongster · 2 years
hi friend! you should write some eddie stuff he deserves to be talked about more on your blog 🫶🏽😎
The behemoth is here! My friends and I have affectionately been calling this post “the novel™”. So what it actually is is a disorganized heap of 7.9k words of my friend and I rambling about Eddie burping headcanons/scenarios/imagines/etc. Also we did a bit of RP so if y’all are interested in seeing that let me know. But please enjoy because compiling this took me absolutely forever.
He burps super loud in public on the regular
He’d giggle like a little kid after letting out really big burps
He’s generally a very gassy person
Like to the point where he has gerd or ibs or something
He tends to eat a lottttttt when he’s high
He’s definitely the type to slap his chest to force a burp out
And if steve were to make like a “gross dude” comment he’d laugh and burp again
His soda burps are loud and airy and his beer burps are gassy and deep
He often gets painful burps and burps that get stuck
Sometimes when his burps get stuck he needs someone else to help him get them out
He’ll beg Steve to pat his back to help him bring up a burp that’s stuck or rub his belly to push the gas out
At some point steve gets used to how gassy Eddie is so when Eddie asks him to help him dislodge a burp he’ll pat his back and/or rub his tummy and when the burp does come up (loud and long of course) Steve’ll go “god you’re fucking disgusting” and Eddie teases back going “but you love it, be honest”
Steve doesn’t exactly have a burp kink but sometimes he feels something when Eddie burps simply because it’s eddie
Eddie is very prone to indigestion
Eddie knows damn well what gives him indigestion but he eats it anyway
Specifically hot wings
If he and steve go to a bar together he’ll order them and steve’ll go “you always get those knowing it’s gonna make you gassy later.”
And later that night he makes it Steve’s problem when he can’t stop burping during the movie they’re trying to watch
His burps hurt sometimes so he’ll just lay his head on Steve’s shoulder and whine while steve rubs his tummy
As for steve he’s definitely a shy burper
He’s pretty embarrassed burping in front of anyone
Except for Robin
He burps in front of Robin all the time
Sometimes if Steve and Robin are the only ones in family video steve’ll just let his burps out as he works
And Eddie’ll walk into the store and go “i KNOW that wasn’t Buckley”
Eddie doesn’t understand why steve gets so embarrassed
Steve freaks out and apologizes over and over again if he accidentally burps in front of Eddie
And Eddie’s like “dude relax”
When Eddie gets stuffed he always either takes his belt off or unbuttons his pants
He hates feeling bloated
Sometimes eddie and steve’ll be sitting on the couch while steve rubs Eddie’s tummy and Eddie’s burping like back to back
Some of Eddie’s burping fits hurt his chest and throat
SO HE’S BURPING ONTO HIS RINGS (this one fucked me up real good)
Eddie’s definitely one to go “fuck that felt good” after a particularly relieving burp
ST doesn’t have a pandemic but the idea of him burping in a mask HHHHHHH
And then he goes “eww omg” while steve and robin laugh at him
He’d definitely get into burping contests with the kids
He always wins but sometimes Dustin gets close
And Eddie’s like “damn you almost beat me that time”
He’d be proud
The image of Eddie, zooted out of his mind, eating an entire box of pizza by himself and then he’s breathing heavily and bloated
And he’s in pain until steve starts rubbing his back wherein the burps start rolling out
The idea of Eddie pausing to burp during a dnd campaign
Also touching on the fact that he’s canonically the lead singer for corroded coffin
What if he has to turn away from the mic to full on BELCH because he was drinking something fizzy before the show
Singing makes him gassy
Like he’s always swallowing air while he sings
He’d turn and let out a massive burp into his fist (and rings hehe) on stage before he continues singing
He’d laugh and half-heartedly apologize to the audience
And his burps are so loud that he doesn’t even need to be up against the mic for the entire house to hear it
He takes the pause between songs to let his burps out
It’s just known that the lead singer of corroded coffin will burp during their shows
“Did you really see corroded coffin live if you didn’t get an eddie Munson burp”
Fans would count the amount of times he burps during a show or they’d say “excuse you”
On occasion he’ll accidentally burp against the mic and it’ll be SO loud
If they excuse him he’ll just laugh into the mic and thank them
Imagine a show where Gareth accidentally burps into the mic and eddie goes “IT WASN’T ME THIS TIME GUYS!”
Imagine a show where Eddie’s feeling really cheeky and after the audience says “excuse you” in response to him burping into the mic he goes “aww c’mon you know you like it”
In an AU where the band is like VERY popular to the point where they have signings and photos and such he’d burp before taking pics with his fans and he’d be letting out closed mouth burps while talking to them and then he just goes “sorry s’cuse me” then he’d laugh
He’d let them out closed-mouth just to try to be sorta polite but they’re just so LOUD and DEEP
People can definitely still hear them but at least he’s trying
Sometimes he gets off stage and goes to meet steve and as soon as he gets there he lets out this absurdly long burp and Steve’s like “feel better? 😐” and Eddie goes “Very much so 😁”
If the fans count his burps and went like “you burped 11 times” he’d respond by going “oh word next time i’ll make it 12”
Lol fans would make an “Eddie Munson burping on stage” compilation
Steve would get very very used to Eddie burping so much
Like Eddie would burp and steve would go “good job eddie” and move on
Eddie’s totally the “oh fuck i needed that” type
When he burps in the trailer with Uncle Wayne it’d be so loud that Wayne would go “damn boy you’re gonna bring the whole house down”
Uncle Wayne would try to tell Eddie to excuse himself but it never worked
He’s given up trying to teach Eddie manners lmao
Wayne doesn’t understand how eddie can possibly have that much air inside his body
Eddie definitely burps a lot during smoke sessions
Sometimes he has to burp before he’s exhaled the smoke so he’ll literally belch out weed smoke
He uses it as a party trick and calls them “dragon burps” lol
Steve and eddie smoking weed together and BOTH of them getting burpy
Steve tries to hide it
Eddie absolutely does not
Eddie having a hard time getting a burp out so he leans forward with his hands on his knees and essentially forces it out
Steve rubs up and down Eddie’s back to help him get the gas up
Eddie would definitely never kinkshame
Drunk eddie and robin getting into a burping contest and Steve’s just 🧍
They’d definitely try to goad steve into joining
Eddie’s a clingy drunk
And he’d probably start whining when his stomach started hurting
The image of Eddie saying “fuck i can’t stop burping”
He’s the type to let out smaller burps back to back when he’s drunk until a HUGE one just sorta explodes out of him and then he’s like “oh wow”
Sometimes when the HUUUUUUGE ones come out he and steve just sit there shocked for a good few seconds until steve goes “I bet that felt good”
Going back to steve: imagine steve, eddie, and robin hanging out in Steve’s house and steve and eddie go to get something out of the other room leaving robin in the living room. And then she hears a HUGE burp come from their direction and she yells “GROSS EDDIE!” And eddie starts cackling and goes “IT WASN’T ME THIS TIME!” And poor steve is absolutely MORTIFIED
I know damn well Steve’s capable of some big ones sometimes, sometimes it even catches Eddie off guard
Steve can definitely hear Eddie burp from absolutely anywhere in his house
Very specific image: Steve’s sitting in the living room watching eddie make eggs in the kitchen and eddie has his hair tied back into a bun with a muscle tank top and jeans on and he raises his fist to his mouth and lets out a super deep closed mouth burp into it and just keeps cooking
He sits up in bed next to steve and lets this long, lazy burp crawl out of his mouth and then he lays back down
Steve and Eddie getting ready to leave in the morning, like they’re both walking around getting dressed and doing their own thing but Eddie’s just burping the entire time
He burps when he’s putting his shoes on, burps while brushing his teeth, burps while he helps steve make the bed
Steve’ll just hear these HUGE burps come from the shower when Eddie’s in there and he’s not even surprised
The warm water hitting his back makes him burp
If eddie doesn’t let his burps out he feels sick
As much as steve gives Eddie shit for being gross he’d be even more upset if he held them in
Eddie 100% flips that logic back onto steve and steve does not like it
Coming back to steve burping in front of robin, she’s actually pretty surprised to learn that nobody else has ever heard steve burp because she hears it ALL THE TIME
Eddie comes up with creative ways of forcing steve to let his burps out
He’ll walk up behind him and slap him on the back with absolutely no warning
And when steve lets out a huge burp Eddie’s like “now doesn’t that feel better? 😁”
Steve gets soooooo embarrassed
Coming back to Eddie’s morning gas: steve going in for a kiss in the morning and eddie diverts his face at the last second to belch into Steve’s shoulder. Then eddie kisses steve lol
His tummy tends to fill up with air overnight because of how he breathes
At this point steve knows Eddie’s gonna be gassy in the morning
If he DOESN’T burp in the morning steve would actually be worried
His morning burps are airy and quieter because there’s nothing in his stomach, so it’s just straight air coming up
Eddie waking up and stretching and the stretch forcing a burp from his stomach
The image of Eddie all disheveled in his pajamas with messy hair standing up and scratching his stomach which makes him burp
His morning burps would be quieter and long and steve would just groggily pat his back in a silent “good job”
Imagine steve falling asleep on Eddie’s shoulder and then eddie burps super loud and it startles steve awake
Eddie was probably a bit insecure about his tummy issues when he first met/started dating steve
Because he’d never really had someone he was interested in reciprocate his feelings and he didn’t wanna gross steve out
Steve wouldn’t care he’d just want eddie to feel better
The idea of Eddie burping in public: eddie burping during lunch, class or when he’s out to dinner with steve
When he’s at dinner with steve he lets out closed mouth burps so he doesn’t embarrass steve
Hellfire club and corroded coffin are pretty used to it
When he first befriended Chrissy he was worried about grossing her out
But she gets a kick out of his burps and often rates them
Corroded coffin rehearsal is one of the times where Eddie’s at his burpiest since singing tends to get him bloated
He always has to pause between songs to let out a series of belches
Or he takes the opportunity to belch during guitar solos so he doesn’t mess up the lyrics
He has to take time in between songs to belch like five times in a row, each one longer and louder than the last
The band is used to it
He’ll be fully shredding a guitar solo and he just lets out a huge belch right in the middle of it before going back to singing
He’d definitely have to hold onto the mic for support when he burps like that in between songs
So he’ll be partially bent over, burping into his fist, and holding onto the mic
The band’ll just be sitting there tuning their instruments and shit while he burps
When he’s done he stands up and goes “whew okay onto the next one”
Sometimes if it’s really bad they’ll continue onto the next song and partway through he’ll realize he wasn’t done and burp in the middle of singing
He’d go “fuck wait guys stop there’s more”
And his bandmates are like “alr i’m gonna go pee rq then”
Eddie burping on a bus with corroded coffin who are all very used to it
The kids were probably concerned when they first met him like “it cannot be healthy to burp this much”
And he just shrugs and goes “yeah probably not lol”
He keeps cursing under his breath when he realizes he needs to burp again
He’ll go “ahh fuck” before a string of belches comes out
If the kids were to tag along to a corroded coffin rehearsal they’d be concerned because he tends to burp more there than at hellfire so they’d be a bit worried
And he’s like “yeah I’m fine this is pretty normal”
His burps make him feel like he’s deflating
Imagine eddie has a burp stuck and its making his chest hurt so steve starts rubbing his chest and then he can actually FEEL the air come up from Eddie’s stomach before it comes out
Eddie definitely pats his chest to help himself burp sometimes
Sometimes steve does it for him (its also probably an excuse to touch Eddie’s tits)
When Eddie burps while Steve’s rubbing his chest he can actually feel Eddie’s chest rumbling under his hand with the force of the burp
Eddie’s burps tend to be longer than usual when Steve’s rubbing his back/stomach/chest because steve pushes more air out than would have organically come out
Imagine eddie at corroded coffin rehearsal burping in between songs and he goes “fuck there’s more” and slaps his chest to get another one out
The image of Eddie holding his chest as he burps
Imagine Steve and Eddie sitting chest to chest while Eddie has his chin resting on Steve’s shoulder and Steve’s rubbing Eddie’s back. and of course Eddie’s releasing super long belches over Steve’s shoulder.
Steve can feel the rumble against his chest
Eddie’s super cute about burping too like he’ll release the longest, nastiest, most guttural belch Steve’s ever heard and two seconds later he’s like :3
Imagine Steve resting his hand on Eddie’s bare stomach, like not rubbing his stomach just resting his hand atop it, and he feels Eddie’s stomach muscles flex as he pushes a burp up
Steve can definitely feel the gas bubbles in Eddie’s stomach before he helps him get them out
Steve’ll press on the spot right where Eddie’s chest meets his tummy, or on his underbelly, or right inside his belly button
Eddie pulling away from kissing steve to burp
Eddie’s gas usually sits in his underbelly
Eddie trying to let out a closed mouth burp but it’s so fucking long he ends up opening his mouth halfway through
Eddie and Steve in bed together sleeping and Steve wakes up because he hears Eddie’s tummy making noise so he starts rubbing it while Eddie sleeps eventually leading to Eddie waking up only to sit up, let out a huge belch, and then laying back down and going back to sleep
Imagine Eddie gripping his bathroom sink just to hold himself up while he lets out HUUUUGE burps
Or the kitchen counter wherein steve’ll come up behind him and start massaging his shoulders and asking if he’s okay
Steve tries to help but there really isn’t anything he can do
The only thing that helps is to just let the air out until he feels empty and deflated, otherwise Eddie’ll start to feel sick
During the early days of their relationship Steve would get kinda worried that something was really wrong but Eddie had to assure him this was pretty normal
Sometimes Eddie’s more painful burping fits are so aggressive they actually start hurting his chest and throat
Eddie tends to bend over the counter pretty far when this is happening
And occasionally throws his back out because of it
After these fits Eddie’s usually pretty worn out so he just wants to cuddle on the couch and probably ends up falling asleep
Eddie definitely gets stress burps
So he was probably burping a lot during the whole Vecna ordeal
Since he wasn’t used to Steve, Robin, and Nancy he’d probably try to hide them
So a lot of closed mouth burps and turning his head to the side
He 100% expected Nancy to be grossed out but she actually doesn’t give a fuck
She’s like “you forget Mike is my little brother”
Robin also does not gaf because she’s Robin (and she’s already used to Steve burping around her)
She’ll usually just reply with a “Nice one Harrington”
Burping is pretty firmly out of Eddie’s control, he really can’t control it very well once it starts
Eddie just has to accept that if he needs to burp it’s gonna happen and if he tries to hold them back he’ll feel worse
Imagine Steve rubbing Eddie’s shoulders and Eddie keeps burping
Omg Steve pressing Eddie’s lower back to help him burp
Imagine Eddie belching into his pillow in the middle of the night when Wayne is home so he doesn’t wake him up
Eddie’s definitely had his tummy issues since he was young
So there’ve probably been nights where a 12 year old Eddie and Uncle Wayne were sitting on the couch while Uncle Wayne rubbed his back trying to make him feel better as he just Could. Not. Stop. Burping.
Wayne’s well aware of Eddie’s issues but Eddie still tries to keep his burps quiet so as not to disturb his uncle
Wayne definitely saved up to take Eddie to see a doctor about this issue
Baby Eddie definitely used to cry and hug his uncle because he just wanted to go to sleep but the huge painful burps wouldn’t let him
His burps don’t always hurt but when they do they really hurt
Nowadays Wayne gives Eddie shit for burping super loud but he can usually tell when it’s one of his uncontrollable and painful fits
He never makes Eddie feel bad about those
The element of not knowing why he felt like that really messed with little Eddie
And seeing Eddie in pain like that made Wayne really sad
As an adult sometimes Eddie’ll toss and turn in bed, trying to get comfortable but he can’t because he has air in his tummy
That’s when he’d sit up and either try to coax it up himself or have Steve help him
After he manages to burp steve would go “Do you feel better babe?”
And Eddie would either nod or go “I think there’s more”
Eddie drinking a bottle of beer and pausing in the middle of drinking it, burping into the bottle, and then continuing to drink
Eddie’s chugging game is definitely on point
Eddie burping super loud in the library 💀
And he’s like “sorry 🫢”
He’d probably try to keep it closed mouth but even those are pretty loud
I can totally see Steve laying his head on Eddie’s chest and Eddie lets out a super loud closed mouth burps then intentionally blows the gas away from Steve
Steve can literally hear the burp INSIDE Eddie’s chest when he does that
Eddie can definitely burp on command, the hellfire club thinks that’s pretty impressive because he can literally suck in air and then push out a huge belch
When he does that he’ll put a fist to his mouth, inhale slightly, and then release a long rolling burp
Then he’ll chuckle and go “s’cuse me”
He’s aware that sometimes his burps are nasty so he’ll go “that was disgusting I’m so sorry”
Sometimes he’ll let out a particularly grisly one and then he’ll put a hand to his chest and go “okay wow”
Or on a first date with someone (steve) he tries to hide it but ofc it doesn’t work so he just goes “fuck excuse me that was nasty I’m so sorry”
Imagine Steve accidentally burping and getting embarrassed about it so Eddie proceeds to let out a burp even nastier to make him feel better
Eddie burping into the crook of his arm
Like how people muffle a sneeze except instead it’s a burp
He does that and Steve’s like “interesting sneeze???”
And Eddie’s like “that was far from a sneeze Harrington.”
And Steve goes “yeah it was a fucking explosion”
Imagine Eddie raising both arms above his head to stretch and the bottom of his shirt rides up exposing a little but of his tummy before the action ends up pushing a burp out of him
Also imagine Eddie burping onto a forkful of food he’s about to eat or burping into his napkin
Just the idea of him eating so fast that he burps ONTO his food right before he shoves another bite into his mouth
Eddie burping while chewing, like he has to stop chewing for a sec to let out a closed mouth before continuing
Steve patting his shoulder going “please don’t choke 😅”
Just Eddie sitting on the couch chugging beer barely lifting the bottle from his lips to burp into the neck of the bottle and continuing to drink
And Wayne’s like “Damn kid maybe BREATHE!?”
Afterwards Eddie’s like panting and burping at the same time
He has a high alcohol tolerance so his friends dare him to chug at parties for shits and giggles
Imagine steve and robin gassing him up as he shotguns beer cans. Then he pauses and Nancy’s like “you alright there 🤨” only for him to rip a massive belch before continuing
Afterwards he goes into the bathroom to press into his tummy and force the gas out
And when he comes out Steve’s like “you went in there to burp didn’t you?”
And Eddie’s like “yes I did 😁” before patting Steve’s shoulder
And steve just huffs a laugh and follows after him
Imagine Eddie and Steve laying in bed, both shirtless, after Eddie ate something that really fucked his stomach up. It’s like 12-1 am and Eddie just keeps letting out belch after belch while steve pushes into his tummy to help him get them out
And Eddie’s so over it and sleepy and he just wants to go to bed
Eddie and Steve both bloated at the same time >>>
It would take Steve forever to get even remotely comfortable burping in front of Eddie
He’d finally get comfortable when he realizes neither one of ‘em can hold them in
But Steve definitely still covers his mouth every time
Eddie thinks its cute
We actually have a video we’ve been using to visualize this one:
In some of those clips the guy behind the camera burps and then he and his friend laugh… steve and eddie 😏
Steve laughs when he can hear Eddie burping at stoplights
That vid is honestly what I picture Eddie’s everyday burps sounding like
He and steve park their motorcycles and Eddie rips his helmet off to belch so he doesn’t suffocate himself
And he’s wearing his leather jacket, and his studs, and rigs, and has his hair tied back
And imagine he laughs and goes “I’ve been savin’ that one for you Harrington”
Also imagine: steve on the back of Eddie’s motorcycle with his arms around Eddie’s middle and the pressure’s making him burp
Eddie has to take his mask off to air it out because he kept burping in it
Also imagine Eddie driving his van, blasting metal music, and belching openly AS HE DRIVES
He’s driving Dustin home or something and just ripping belches at turns and shit
Imagine Eddie at least tries to hold back during corroded coffin shows so as soon as he gets backstage after the show he starts ripping HUGE belches that he’d been holding back the entire time
So Steve gets to witness THAT after the shows 💀
Eddie burping while multitasking is a really good thought too like he just does it so casually
Like burping while he unlocks the trailer door
And Wayne hearing the burp because as soon as he steps in the door he goes “I guess Eddie’s home” from another room
Eddie burping while doing homework, burping while starting his car, burping while tuning his guitar, pulling his hand out of Steve’s to burp into it, burping while washing his hair, burping while washing his hands, burping while looking for something to eat
Summertime heat making Eddie super groggy and gross so eats a bunch of popsicles and shit which ends up making him really bloated
Imagine Eddie and Steve making out and Eddie goes “stop for a second i gotta burp”
Imagine Steve and Eddie grocery shopping together and Eddie keeps letting out super deep closed mouth burps
People keep giving them dirty looks but he can’t really hold them in very efficiently
Eddie’s wearing a baggy sweater and he’s like… hiding his face in it to burp
He thinks the burp is gonna be relatively small and it ends up being super loud even when he stifles it in his mouth
And he’s surprised by it
And Steve turns to him with big eyes all surprised like “woah I didn’t expect that” and Eddie’s like “yeah me neither 😭”
The idea of Steve being surprised by just how loud Eddie can burp >>>
It’s always shocking bc Eddie burps SO loudly out of nowhere
Imagine Eddie burps super loud behind his fist AND in his mouth (and its still SO loud) and Steve looks over at him and Eddie just mouths “sorry”
Eddie has a gas bubble stuck and Steve isn’t there to help him get it out so he bends over to try and push it out
It usually comes out super explosive when he does that
Eddie bending over the counter or a table to help himself burp
And Steve sees him and he’s like “😃???”
Eddie tries so many things to get it out and when it finally does come up it’s super sudden and huge
The idea of Eddie being surprised by the volume of his own burps
Like “whoa I didn’t know i could do that”
His forced burps are loud and he knows it but the natural ones usually aren’t quite as big
But sometimes something super massive will come out naturally
And he and Steve just sit there gaping at each other
They’d probably have the same reaction if Steve managed to let out a burp that was on Eddie’s level
As I’ve already touched on, Steve tends to be more of a shy burper so if he did manage to burp that loud both Steve and Eddie would be shocked
Eddie would reply either “I didn’t know you could do that Harrington, impressive” or “i know you had it in you big boy” LMAO
And Steve’s just standing there with both hands over his mouth, cheeks completely red
Imagine Eddie and Steve cuddling in bed together and Eddie goes “I need to sit up” and then starts belching as soon as he sits up
And Steve rubs his back of course
Imagine Eddie burping while tying his hair back in a bun
Imagine Steve and Eddie getting ready to leave the house and Eddie goes “hold on” and hits his chest before letting out a string of burps
Then he goes “okay now I’m ready”
Imagine Eddie slapping Steve on the back and then immediately burping and Steve’s like “how did you manage to make YOURSELF burp doing that?”
Eddie is totally the type to let out a super loud burp in public and then go “omg Steeeeeeeeve you aren’t even gonna say excuse me? 🫢”
Steve would make that face that says “bro we all know it was you”
Eddie going “oh thank FUCK that was so hard to get out” after a stuck burp finally comes out
The idea of Eddie really PRESSING into his tummy is so FHHJDSHFKDSHFKJDS
Eddie would absolutely laugh after he burps and Steve would be like “omg eddie eww”
Back to the motorcycle thing
Imagine Steve on the back of Eddie’s bike holding onto his middle and he presses into Eddie’s stomach which makes him burp and Steve goes “whoops did I do that?”
A burp gets stuck while he’s driving and as soon as he stops at a stoplight he thumps his chest with his fist and lets out a super long one
Eddie practically suffocating himself by burping with his helmet on
He’s like “damn i can taste the nachos we ate last night”
And Steve’s like “okay eww”
Imagine Eddie on his motorcycle belching for 14 seconds in his helmet and being able to taste/smell what he ate before and he’s like “okay yeah even I’m grossed out”
Imagine Eddie burping while getting a tattoo on his stomach
And Steve’s like “of course that makes you burp”
Imagine he’s serenading Steve and he has to pause to burp in the middle
Eddie burping during P.E.
Eddie in elementary school grossing the girl out with his burps
He definitely hyper focuses on whatever he’s doing (planning a new campaign, writing a new song, etc.) and forgets to eat
So when he does eat he scarfs his food down and it makes him gassy
We created a sort of OC named Marianne, she’ll get her own post bc she deserves it
She’s the Hawkins High librarian
She eventually marries Wayne bc he needs someone
Imagine Eddie hiding behind his DM screen to burp
Or his hair
Imagine Eddie burping during the woods scene with Chrissy
And he hides it behind his hair like “sorry s’cuse me 😬”
Chrissy would be really cute about it like “that’s okay 😊”
But as they get closer she’d start making fun of him like “you can do way better than that Eddie”
She definitely encourages it I can feel it in my bones
She’s really funny about it and sometimes she thinks she can out-burp him
Sometimes she can lol
Sometimes she burps really loudly and unexpectedly and Eddie’s like “WHOA Cunningham?!” And she’s super bashful about it
Eddie was super surprised because Chrissy’s the “pretty cheerleader”
Eddie thinks the reason she can burp like that is because she hangs out with him
Imagine Chrissy and Eddie drinking + smoking together and Eddie’s burping of course but eventually Chrissy can’t hold ‘em back anymore
And they come out just as loud as Eddie’s and he’s actually SHOCKED that this small petite girl can burp as loud as him
He tells her that hanging around him rubbed off on her because she wasn’t burping like that before
Then he’d show her his “dragon burps” and she’d definitely be impressed
Wayne doesn’t understand how Eddie can possibly have so much air in his stomach
Imagine Eddie letting out some relieving belches with his hand on his stomach and fist against his mouth as he closes his eyes and lets them out
And they’re the ones that feel sooooooo good to let out and sometimes he fucking MOANS afterwards
Eddie’s definitely used to how much he burps at this point
His painful ones are the only ones that really bother him anymore
Eddie’s burps are definitely 14 second monster belches
And the only thing that helps is to just let them out till he’s empty
His friends know the drill at this point
If they’re in the middle of a campaign and he disappears for 45 mins they know something probably messed his tummy up
If it gets really bad when he’s with a group he’ll excuse himself to the bathroom but if he’s just with Chrissy or Steve or the kids he just lets them go
Imagine Eddie burping and making comments about how he can feel it in his chest
Or how loud/gross it was
Imagine Eddie lets out a huge closed mouth burp in class and someone turns to look at him and he whispers “sorry”
Imagine rubbing Eddie’s back while he eats and he starts burping WHILE eating
Imagine Eddie complaining bc he usually doesn’t burp THAT much while he eats but you rubbing his back is making them all come up
Imagine Eddie getting back rubs while he’s eating pizza and it makes him burp onto the pizza slice
And then keeps eating it
Like he burps, goes “ooh” and puts a hand to his chest, and then he keeps eating
Joseph Quinn said Eddie’s choice of drink is Dr. Pepper
he’d burp into the bottle hehe
And then lets out an obscenely long belch when he finishes the bottle
Imagine rubbing his back and you can FEEL it come up
Even he’s surprised by how long it is like “that one came up on its own”
Eddie gripping his pants to brace himself when a particularly aggressive burps tears out of him
Just Eddie having to brace himself because the burp was THAT big
Eddie letting out an UNGODLY belch into the crook of his arm
Imagine Steve trying to do Eddie’s makeup for Halloween and Eddie keeps having to turn away to burp
And Steve’s like “Sit still dude!”
And Eddie doesn’t wanna burp in Steve’s face so he tries to stay still and just let out closed mouth burps
Omg imagine he pulls a Clay Guida and pushes Steve’s face out of the way so he doesn’t burp on him
There’s a video of it:
Imagine a pro boxer Eddie AU
He definitely swallows a lot of air during the fights
Imagine Steve talking to him and cleaning him up between fights and he keeps ripping these MASSIVE belches
And Steve just kisses his cheek and gives him a “well done”
And everyone watching is like “😃???”
He’s bragging about Eddie and someone’s like “the one who just shook the entire stadium with his burps???” And Steve’s like “yep that’s him 🥰”
In the video there was a clip where Clay Guida went “I need to burp” and everyone around him went “burp please, get it out”
That but Eddie and Steve
There’s a clip of people rubbing Clay Guida’s back with ice and he keeps belching, also Eddie
I love the idea of Steve helping him and he’s not phased AT ALL by how loud Eddie’s burps are
Imagine Steve rubbing Eddie’s back with ice and brushing Eddie’s sweaty hair out of his face as he releases belch after belch
Eddie during the break going “fuck I need to belch” and Steve’s already patting his back trying to help him and he goes “okay let it out”
Eddie’s tummy is so turbulent all the time, he pretty much always has to burp
Eddie does that back to back belching thing to empty his tummy during the breaks
If Eddie stopped burping Steve goes “i know you got more in there babe let me help you”
And when he stops again Steve’s like “do you think you’re done?” And Eddie either nods or hits his chest and lets out another one
In universe there’d be compilations of Eddie burping on stage (corroded coffin making it big AU) or in the ring (boxer AU)
Imagine Eddie burping during the actual fight
Eddie talking and having to pause to let out giant belches
Vampire Eddie getting burpy and bloated from drinking blood
Imagine Eddie’s late night gas sounding like this:
He tries to do some closed mouth burps but it doesn’t really work for him
Imagine Steve wakes up to find Eddie belching like that video and he automatically begins rubbing Eddie’s tummy to help him get the air out and kisses him good morning
I found this video:
And 100% picture it as a compilation of Eddie burping on stage with Corroded Coffin
This one too:
The way he would definitely burp in the middle of songs and just keep singing
Imagine Steve bringing Eddie to meet his parents and Eddie’s super nervous so he gets a nervous tummy and has to stifle his burps
Eddie’s trying but utterly failing to be polite
Imagine Eddie using a bunch of excuses for why he’s burping so much like: “i drank too much”, “i have to let them out”, “I had too much to eat” or “I’m super gassy right now”
Imagine Wayne gets off work and he talks to Eddie about his day and Eddie just lets out this monster burp and Wayne’s like “oh my god Eddie Jesus Christ enough!” And Eddie goes “sorry I’m just super gassy right now”
Eddie would also contort his body to make the air come out easier
Imagine Eddie at a concert in a crowd of people and he just belches super loud and long
And everyone can hear it over the music and they’re like 👁👁
And he’s like “SHIT excuse me”
Imagine Eddie and Steve sitting on the couch and Eddie chugging beer and he keeps letting up these long loud closed mouth burps that sound like a car engine and Steve’s like “babe just let those out”
Steve would rub Eddie’s back and tell him not to hold them in
And of course when Eddie does let them out they’re absolutely deafening
Eddie describing how his burps feel>>>
Like “ooh that one kinda hurt” or “that felt so good”
Imagine Eddie and Robin getting high and getting the munchies and having a burping contest
Robin would definitely lose but she’d claim she won
Meanwhile Steve, the sober DD: 😐
Steve’s over it till Eddie sneaks up behind him and jabs him in the stomach and he lets out a huge belch bc of the soda he’d been drinking all night
Imagine they get Steve so high he actually joins in on the contest and while they’re doing it Steve lets out a huge burp, like bigger than he’s ever done before, and Eddie’s like “Whoa Harrington?!” And even Robin’s shocked
Steve’s super bashful about it and Eddie laughs it off saying “Damn we have a winner just because I’ve never heard Steve belch like that before”
Steve’s totally the type to accidentally win burping contests
Like he doesn’t wanna participate but he really needs to burp
Sometimes Eddie gives up his crown to Steve
And Steve’s like “KEEP IT 😭”
Eddie verbally acknowledging his burps is so HHHHHHHHH
Like “I think i have a burp stuck” or “i feel like i need to burp”
Imagine Eddie out with Robin and Steve and he goes “ooh I kinda don’t feel good” so he puts a hand on his stomach which makes it gurgle and then he lets out this super long burp behind his fist and then he’s like “okay nevermind I feel better”
And then he moans because his stomach feels soooooo much better
And it would be an absolutely grotesque monster of a belch too
and Steve and Robin are like: 🧍🧍
Because there’s no way that WASN’T Satan himself escaping from Eddie’s body
Imagine Eddie having a bubble in his tummy and Steve trying to rub it out but he can’t seem to get it to come up so Eddie’s super uncomfortable and he’s whining and moaning and Steve’s like “I’m trying my best baby but it’s not coming up” and Steve keeps trying until Eddie finally manages to get it up
And poor Eddie’s miserable the whole time while he waits for it to come up
Steve feels so bad because he just wants to help his boyfriend to feel better
Eddie being miserable and saying stuff like “it wont come up” or “I need to burp so bad”
Also the way you can hear it in someone’s voice when they’re about to burp
Eddie definitely does that
Like whoever he’s with can HEAR that he’s about to burp before he actually does
You can hear the gurgle in his throat and when he’s talking his voice starts getting higher and higher till he inhales slightly and then the belch comes out
Imagine Eddie hugging Uncle Wayne but having to pull away really quickly because the pressure on his stomach made him burp
Eddie letting this aggressive belch roll out of his mouth and then he goes “ohhhh that felt good”
Imagine Thanksgiving, Eddie’s eating with your family and he’s rubbing his belly under the table and he’s like “i really need to burp but not in front of your family”
He’s like “i need to burp so bad fuck” before putting a fist to his mouth and swallowing it back down
And he ends up burping during the drive home
As soon as he gets in the car they start rolling out and he’s like “fuck i needed to get that out” or “I’ve been wanting to belch like that all night”
The seatbelt is pressing against his bloated tummy but he has his pants and belt undone
The car windows are up so it starts to smell and Eddie’s like “sorry babe I don’t mean to be gross but my stomach feels really tight”
He’s periodically belching and moaning in relief and it starts to get gross so he’s like “okay eww” and rolls the window down
After some gross ones he’s like “excuse me” or “that felt so good” or “ugh the relief” until another burp comes up and he belches again
Eddie isn’t the type to say excuse me often
But if he knows he’s being super gross he will
Imagine while he’s driving he’s asks you to pat his back so he leans forward while holding the steering wheel
Eddie driving a stick shift and burping as he switches gears
Imagine going to a bar with Eddie and he gets drunk and lays your head on his shoulder and he starts hiccuping until he turns and muffles a belch into your shoulder
And he’s like “sorry :(”
And you’d reassure him and tell him it’s okay because his drunk burps are pretty gross sounding
Sometimes he burps when he’s been drinking and he’ll go “whoa that was nasty”
I love Eddie being aware of how gross his burps are 💀
His drunk burps are super gurgly, long, and deep and they go on foreeeeeever
Imagine the burp finally ends and he gives a small sigh and settles back in
Eddie expressing contentment when a burp feels good >>>>
Eddie’s totally the type to share how good it feels
And he has his hand on his tummy and/or pats his tummy in satisfaction
Imagine Eddie with a flat tummy still letting out monster belches
The contradictory nature of it is so good
Imagine rubbing Eddie’s flat tummy just because it feels good and he burps and you’re surprised cause you can FEEL that he’s not even the least bit bloated
That’s how you know he’s just naturally gassy
He can rip super good burps without even being the least bit bloated
He can force a pretty good burp at literally any time
If you point at him and tell him to burp he absolutely can
In a modern AU, Eddie would definitely burp on call with his friends
They’d come to expect it
They’d be like “oh my god eddie!!! 💀” and he’d be like “sorry *burps again* s’cuse me sorry *burps yet again* oh my god they won’t fucking stop”
And Dustin goes “ohhh my god Eddie shut the fuck up”
Eddie would also definitely burp on FaceTime with Steve in this modern AU
Imagine Steve and Robin are together and Robin hears Steve on FT with someone and she just hears a burp come outta the phone and she’s like “ahh must be Eddie then”
Or Eddie’s mic mutes out of nowhere and Steve’s like “???” And Eddie goes “sorry I had to burp”
He goes “hold on I need to burp” then Steve hears his mic mute and it turns back on a few seconds later and Steve’s like “why’d you bother muting” and Eddie’s like “didn’t wanna blow your eardrums out Stevie”
And Steve’s like “how did you know it was going to be loud” and Eddie’s either like “I just knew” or “they’re always loud Steve”
Imagine Steve and Eddie are on FT and Eddie leaves the room and Steve can hear a loud burp come from the other room through the phone
And he comes back in the room and Steve’s like “nice earthquake impression Munson” and Eddie’s like “HAHA SHUT UP 💀”
Also imagine Eddie doesn’t mute his mic but instead puts his hand over it and turns his head away so Steve can still hear the muffled belch
If Steve’s annoying him he’ll just belch directly into the mic as loud as he can
Imagine Eddie holding his stomach before inhaling and saying he needs to burp
Imagine he puts a hand to his chest and goes “I think I need to burp” and then he tries but it doesn’t come up but ten mins later it comes out and he’s like “oh there it is”
Imagine Eddie on FT with Steve idly playing his guitar and he burps while leaning over it trying to tune it and he just goes “s’cuse” and continues with what he was doing
Eddie nonchalantly excusing himself without really being apologetic is so HJHFKDSHFJKDH
As we’ve already touched on, Eddie’s burps are super loud
And the trailer walls are really thin so people can probably hear his belches from outside the trailer if they’re close enough
I feel like max has probably walked by Eddie’s trailer and just heard a huge belch come from inside and of course she knows damn well who’s responsible
Imagine Wayne burps (certainly not as loud as Eddie) and Eddie’s like “HAH OLD MAN ITS NOT JUST ME”
Wayne can definitely burp pretty loud but not as loud as Eddie
Eddie probably couldn’t out-burp Wayne when he was younger but right around the end of middle school is when he started beating him
And Wayne’s like “Jesus Christ kid 👁👁”
And that’s when he realized Eddie’s burps were absolutely massive
Sometimes the neighbors can hear Eddie playing his loud ass music then they’ll hear a huge belch sound with the music
And they’re like “i guess the Munson boy’s at it again”
Imagine Eddie putting a hand to his chest and going “ooh that one hurt”
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zante-selachi · 2 months
unveiling my Shadow Company OC
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pushes him to the front this is how he looks for now, dont remember if i made any additional changes after drawing this hshsh (Leopard was his old callsign) also im not the best w/ writing on tumblr cus i dont really post here so...
anyway if anyone wanna use him for any SC prompts/drabbles/writings, feel free to do so or ask me/dm me about him :3
will insert some sketches of him i did which also have his old design at the bottom
CW: mention of torture, unhealthy coping mechanisms
Callsign: Belantik / Orion (based on the constellation) he doesnt mind whichever bc both mean the same thing, just in Malay and English
He/him, pansexual, 5'10 and Malaysian. He has tanned skin with hazel eyes (i suck at colouring so if he looks off, im sorry 💀)
He likes to paint his nails black or any other dark colours and wear rings when not on mission
He has a scar on his neck from when he was tortured really badly bc his captors wanted to silence his screams
Sucks to be them, he can still talk but not for too long/too much bc it hurts so most of the time he doesnt talk unless he needs to and this made him looks like that one scary higher-up that will stare you down--and he will--but the point is that he. Will. Get. His. Point. Across. No. Matter. What.
Orion who was only working with SC temporarily for quick cash but they somehow wormed their way into his heart and he eventually signed his life away to the devil (Graves, that smug man) and found himself being in a whole ass PMC after years of working alone/being vigilant
He took some time to adjust being in a team again and trusting them with his back because ✨trauma✨ but once he got the hang of it, he is fiercely protective of the men and will stop at nothing for them
Orion who wakes up every morning very dazed and just smiles at whatever the men are doing, no matter how chaotic they are while he sips at his tea (he rarely drinks coffee bc it makes him sleepier) has a sketch of this below‼️
Orion (a Captain) who would make sure his men come back from their mission alive. Banged up to the hell and back but alive and able to get back on their feet while he hovers over them whenever possible to make sure they rest properly
Las Almas absolutely devastated him and he isolated himself for some time bc it reminded him of bad times, felt like he didnt do good enough for his men and Graves
Orion who grumbles with a scowl on his face at how stupid the men are while he just stands and watches them, not even trying to stop their antics (because he likes seeing how happy they are, missions are hard enough and hes not stopping them from having fun)
Anytime he grumbles or shit talks someone, he would revert back to his native language which is Malay. Examples of what he would say below :>
"Ni lah dia budak2 zaman sekarang..." (Kids nowadays I swear...) [exasperated & fond]
"Orang dah kata jangan buat, dia buat jugak. Kan dah kena." (I said to not do it and they still did it. Serve you right.) [amused]
"Susah lah aku kerja ngan orang2 bodoh cam si botak ni, beruban aku sial." (It's so damn hard working with dumbasses like this bald fucker, im gonna grow white hair atp) [angry]
"Pale hotak kau." (Are you fucking dumb.) [deadpan]
"Commander tersayang aku ni... bongok gak." (My beloved Commander... just as idiotic) [fond]
"Aku benci mat saleh, babi pahal sedap sangat suara ngan accent??" (I hate white ppl [slang, but in this he actually just meant non-Malaysians] why the hell are their voices and accents so damn nice??) [frustrated & flustered]
Silly facts when i was first making him
- I wasnt sure if i wanted him in tf141, kortac, or sc but chose sc bc ehem graves... hello...
- i forgot about giving him his number in sc oops but maybe 2-15?
1&2 are based on a tt video (old design)
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3 is self-explanatory (old design)
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4 is eepy and smiley Orion (current design)
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5 is his first ever design‼️‼️
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Thats all for now, thank u goodnight runs away
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rflmtzzz · 8 months
I'm lost.
I woke up Monday morning, feeling like life was a dream. Feeling like everything was going to work, feeling like everything was slowly falling into place. 
I woke up Monday morning, counting the days until Friday. I thought I was finally ready, I trusted you, I thought that would never hurt me. I thought that you were going to start telling me stuff, telling the truth. 
In my head, I knew there was a few things that you hadn’t been truthful about, but I knew there was also things I hadn’t been truthful about. Mine weren’t as critical as your, but they were there.
That Monday morning, I was willing to forgive it all.
That Monday morning, I went to the gym--all I wanted to do was to look good for you. The reason I worked out was so that I could be the best person that I could be for you. Monday was off to a great start, I posted my outfit video in hopes that you would see it. Maybe you’d tell me I look “cute,” maybe you’d say that I looked “handsome,” shit maybe you’d like it, which was enough for me. I can’t remember if you did anymore, because what happened later that day drove me into a frenzy.
My first class finished, I was feeling great--the sun was shining and everything felt amazing. I bought my favorite croissant, it was delicious. As I ate my croissant, I see that someone followed both of my TikTok accounts. I look at their profile and I see that they follow you. But … out of everyone in this world, why would they follow you. My head went to two places. One, maybe it’s their friend. Maybe it’s a life-long friend, a person that is in their life. I thought maybe this person shouldn’t know who I am … maybe I should block them because you aren’t ready for that. The second thought, maybe it’s an ex. Maybe they’re a bot. Maybe they don’t exist and they are following everyone that you do. I sent you a screenshot, I asked you, “Who is this person?” I waited for you to respond, for you to tell me anything. The hour passed, and I heard nothing.
They started sending me messages … they were weird. They didn’t make sense. I didn’t want to reply but something inside told me to reply. Told me to find out who is this person. Anyway, the messages start to end, I sent you the screenshots and you gave me an explanation. I believed you--even though it didn’t make sense. 
Shortly thereafter, my world crashed down. 
I started to get messages saying that you’re this and you’re that … saying that this person is someone special to you. That you’re not in a relationship with this person, but saying that essentially you are in a relationship. At that moment, I felt my stomach turn, my eyes water, and my head feels foggy. I pack up my stuff because my class is starting soon and I run to the bathroom. 
The croissant I just had, before my world was crushed, I threw it up. The coffee I was drinking, I threw it up as well. My eyes are red, and I can’t stop crying. I look at my watch and my class is starting soon.
I try to put myself together, but I know everyone can tell that I just cried. I sit in the back of class and I’m still crying. I try to pull myself together and I manage to stop crying, but as soon as my professor asks me something, my voice starts trembling. I just respond to her that I don’t have any opinions.
During the break, she asks me if I’m okay and I look at her and say no. She tells me I can leave class if I’m not feeling okay, but I decide to stay because I don’t know what to do.
Class keeps going and I start writing you a message, a message that I hope will receive a response from you. I hope that you’ll tell me that it’s a misunderstandings, that this person is lying … that this person was an old fling. Did I say too much in the message I sent you … probably, but compared to what I felt … it was nothing. I wanted to say even more, I felt even more in my heart.
I sent you the message, hoping inside to hear back from you. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, now almost a week and nothing.
In those initial hours, I would’ve believed anything you told me. Even now, I would try to believe what you tell me. 
But now … after this person has told me all these things about you, I don’t know whats the truth. Should I believe them? Are they telling me all this because they’re hurt? Are they scorned and making everything worse, exaggerating? I’m not sure. I hope they’re lying, I hope that everything they’ve told me is a lie … but I don’t know.
I really hope they lied to be about some things … I hope that they told me things that weren’t true, I hope that you aren’t the way they painted you out to be. Maybe they just wanted me to be as far away as possible from you. It would make a little sense … they did ask me if I was hanging out with you a few days later. I really hope this person exaggerated everything they told me, because the person they described wasn’t you--or at least not the person I thought you were. But then that makes me think, did I know you? It makes me think, if you had reached out to me would I have believed you. I just don’t know who I would trust … you, this stranger, myself? I already led myself astray once … so i don’t think I’m credible.
Some of the things this person told me ... they make sense. I know that they didn’t lie about everything, but I don’t know if there is an explanation. I want to believe that there is but the reality is that I don’t know. 
Regardless, now I’m here. Each time I close my eyes I think of you, I remember parts of you that made me smile. Except … now instead of smiles, the thought of you brings me tears. It makes me think, how could I have fallen for you, when you gave me nothing. You gave me false hopes.
You make me think, would I ever have been enough? The truth is … probably not. I have nothing to offer you. There’s absolutely no reason why you would have actually thought of me the same way that I thought of you. I keep thinking of your eyes, your smile, you in general. The way I felt when I saw you, it was great. I know that I never did the same for you.
Now I lay here in my bed, feeling an empty spot in my heart. Feeling like I don’t matter. I didn’t matter to you, why would that be different for anyone else. I know I matter to my family and my friends, but I just want to matter to someone else. I want someone to think of my fondly and think of me the way I thought about you.
I guess that’s just the way life is, you think one thing and in reality it’s something entirely different. 
I wonder if I’ll ever see or hear from you again. I wish I would, but I know that I won’t, I know that I shouldn’t.
I want to tell you how I’m feeling, I want to send you this but … I don’t know what the point is. Would you even read it? Would you even care? You would probably just laugh if I’m being honest, but I guess if you’re reading this … that means I sent it to you. It means that I was open with you again--even though you won’t care.
It means that I’m delusional enough to think that you’d be able to say anything at this moment that made me think it would all be okay.
I don’t know what I feel, but I don’t feel hatred towards you. I just hope that you’re okay, and I hope that one day I’ll also be okay.
If I did send this to you and you are reading this, I must look like a total idiot. I will say, I regret sending you that message. I regret not calling you and hearing what you had to say, but I can’t go back and change that now. I just have to keep trying to move forward, probably need to go to therapy if I’m being honest. All I want is to know where I went wrong, what should I have done … what could I have done.
Even now, after all these days I check my phone, I check my snapchat hoping that I'll have a notification from you, hoping that you sent me a message like you would before ... Even if it was a simple hi. But then I remember everything and it hits me again.
I wish you the best and I’m sorry for sending you this.
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
Hello Hello!
I just wanted to say I love your fics!
Could I request a CC!SBI X Gn! Insomniac Reader! Where the reader is an insomniac (Obviously-) but is somehow a pro at MC!
Like they are basically god at the game! They also REALLY enjoy horror games! They don’t get scared easily and LOVE horror movies! They basically love anything horror/creepy-
The reader lives off of ramen and Monster energy drinks (For fun-)! They have a Twitch (Which has about 18 mil followers and 14 mil subs!) and a YouTube channel (Which has 20 mil followers!)
They mainly play horror games (Obviously-) and MC!
You can do headcanons or scenarios/images with the SBI! Maybe like playing a horror game together or MC? OR! Maybe some things they do together? Or when they meet up? Or-to many ideas Nightmare-
I don’t really care! And don’t worry about taking too long on it!
Maybe we could be friends? Only if you want too!
Remember to eat, drink, and get enough sleep!
Yes. I lovesthese ideas and I'm gonna choose headcannons due to they are a bit easierfor me to write.
And yes I'm perfectly fine with being your friend! I'm actually happy to make friends on this app so yeah!
Tw: cussing. Insomia, mentions of horror movies. Mention of horror games. Fluff.
SBI with a horror streamer friend head cannons.
*Ahem* tommy wanted to paly a game with you so you choose a game that didn't look like horror until the middle. He screamed at the jump scare and it made both of your chats so happy.
When phil decides to play with you there is literally a silence after a jump scare. Everyone thought he had a heart attack and honestly so did you until he spoke up about accidently hitting his mute button when he jumped.
Wilbur. He's a bit better then tommy but more scared then phil would be. Any little noise won't get him but when it starts to get noticeable the noiseless to him. The jump scare, he'd fall out of his seat and stay on the ground for a bit. You ask if he's good and he literally doesn't answer. He's dead. You killed him. Congrats.
Techno. He'd handle them a bit better then everyone else. Not as good as you but heisnt very paranoid. He literally runs at the noises trying to get jumpscared. While you run after him telling him to stop because if he doesn't then you'd lose and die. And technoblade never dies.
If you all play together both tommy and wilbur pussy out. Techno last the longest and phil the second longest. While you remain the ruler of horror games.
Now how you all met was dream invited you to the dream smp to add to the chaos. Needless to say it got extremely chaotic due to you being on almost 24 hours. You first ran into techno. He seemed confused and skeptical.
You both found eachothers love for potatoes. You set up camp quote close to techno but not too close.
Phil popped in when he needed something for a build and noticed a new name. Talked to you in chat and asked to join your VC. You both found each other talking for a bit.
Wilbur was next. Wilbur got curious over the new person and just hoppedinto the same VC as you techno and phil. He was quick to realize that you were a famous youtuber. Mainly for your horror videos and your extreme Parkcore skills.
In minecraft that is.
Tommy noticing that all of you were in the same VC joined in with shouting. He was low key jealous that everyone was obsessed with you. Then he saw why.
You literally cracked jokes at his shouting.
"Is that an angry pomeranian? Nah nah. It's an angry child. Even better an angry blonde!" - you.
He was shocked and immediately started joking and laughing with you. He wasn't fully angry for long.
Now about your diet. When they heard that you had only eaten ramen and drank angry drinks they were concerned. You lived quite close to techno so when you guys met up he was shocked that you looked as healthy as you did.
He hated the fact that you literally didn't eat anything else.
You told him occasionally you have something other then ramen but you were just too lazy to really cook anything and that you didn't feel like burning the house down.
One month phil, tommy, wilbur, and techno decided to organize a month long sleep over so that they could celebrate your birthday. Phil being quote the father figure cooked different, but easy dinners every night just so you didn't eat only ramen that day.
When they actually arrived though you got a text from Phil asking about your address in your dms. Not think much of it you just sent him your location.
You were going to take a small nap. Just to bost your energy before you went and streamed later that night.
As you were sleeping there was a car heading to your house.
Phil, wilbur, tommy, and techno were all just existing in the car. And when they arrived to your house they didn't expect to actually see a clean house.
You woke to a loud knock.
When you opened the door in your half dazed state you expected a package. But to see four people standing on your porch.
You nearly jumped out of your skin.
You were stuck there blinking at them.
Finally snapping out of it you let them in. Confused on why in the ever loving fuck they were here.
Phil explained they were here to celebrate your 21st birthday and they were here for a month.
You stared at them for a while. Confused on what to do since you haven't had people over in almost 2 years.
But you got use to it.
So when you got done streaming and smelled something other then ramen you were thrown off guard. Like what was that. I haven't smelled that in years.
But after the second day you got use to it too.
For your birthday phil literally made a feast.
Like he found your favorite food other then ramen and cooked it. With that he prepared everything you could dream of.
Your sleeping habits. Let's dig into those.
I'm in no place to talk as right now it's 3:05 in the morning. And here I am.
But when they are over they don't let you stay up till no 3-4 in the morning. They all know the importance of sleep.
But there are those nights where no once can sleep and it results in a late night stream. And streaming for hours none the less.
The amount of accidental all nighters everyone has pulled was immense. But that's what happens with jet lag, adhd, and insomnia.
Literally you get tired randomly. Sleep for only 3 hours. Wake up. Drink coffee, energy drinks, highly caffeinated tea. And don't sleep till late at night.
Pillow forts.
It's a must and it happens. Horror movies, pillow forts, and snacks. Like you all are in this massive fort, watching horror movies, one by one you all are falling asleep. You and techno were the last up due to technos active mind and your body not letting you sleep.
You two literally just vide there, changing the movies from horror to some silly animated movies, like how to train your dragon, frozen, Luca, and many others.
You two pull an all nighter and it's actually a bet to see how long anyone else takes to notice.
You bet an hour. Techno says all day.
You won. Philza notices the worse eye bags under both you and technos eyes and immediately starts scolding.
He is papa bird and he won't let anyone of his children neglect their needs.
"Did you even drink water at all? You guys should of been sleeping not binge watching horror movies all night!" -philza
You could only offer a smirk, along with a laugh.
"I think we did I just can't fully remember. Also we were watching animated films. Not horror. Surprised you didn't wake up to let it go." - you.
You turn to techno.
"You owe me 15 bucks pig boy!"-you again.
Handing you the money he rolls his eyes. "Yeha yeah. Rub it in." -techno.
Ah yeah they found a horror game that you were scared of surprisingly. It was actually surprisingly you hadn't played it yet.
You had been holding off that game until you finished your other one but here you were. Bored out of your mind.
So you decided fuck it.
That game teriffed the shit out of you. It was so good though.
When you screamed they all came rushing up due to the fact that you never scream.
They say you out of your chair, on the floor, blinking. They thought you were hurt.
But you sat up and looked at your computer.
"Damn. That was actually really good." When you looked behind you and found the boys all staring you smiled and waved.
"You need something?"-you
"You screamed. We heard a thud. We thought you fuckin died!" -tommy.
"No I'm alive. My soul almost divorced my body but it's still quite here."-you
That day made highlights.
The popular y/n actually got jump scared. The one person who never screamed at horror games screamed.
When they left you were sad yes but they were still your best friends. Ready to talk when ever you want.
Sometimes I think that you guys talk all through out the night. Them forgetting that you were actually in a different time zone.
Sometimes they pop into your streams, be it MC, horror, you just talking to your fans, or even the once in the blue moon, cheerful games.
They just pop in and start talking to you. And you talk back like they were there since the beginning.
Phil is now one of your moderators too. Along with tommy, wilbur, and techno. When they pop in they make sure no one picks on you.
And since you are now close to the SBI. You are now part of it.
You didn't choose the fans did. But they are your new family. No matter what.
Even if they disagree with your eating habit.
Or energy drink addiction.
Or insomnia.
Or you mainly playing horror games.
Or you basically living in your streaming room.
Or even the nearly 24 hour streams.
I could go on but I'm not gonna.
I'm tired. But I can sleep. 2 days and I get to have a tour of my new school.
And it took so long to finally get into it.
We have been going through a huge hassle even before school started to get me enrolled.
And then we had to get me into this program.
But now on Monday I get to go in. Get a tour. Then start either Tuesday or Wednesday.
Anyway hope you liked. It's now 3:50 and it's no proof read I'm sorry
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yaomomvs · 4 years
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seijoh x manager!reader
in which aoba johsai vbc just wants you to take their hand, just as the many times they have reached for yours when they needed it
pls i’m sorry i just wrote this for comfort, in having a terrible week and so, i just really need my seijoh boys to comfort me even if it’s just in my head and just so you know, and as i’ve been trying to convince myself, things always get better
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tuesday, [15:56 pm]
“nice kill yahaba senpai!” kindaichi congratulates his upperclassman.
his voice makes you react, it scared you. still holding your pen and the notebook you always carry around even on normal practice days, your hand threatens you in the most scary way possible.
fuck no, just... breathe.
you are quick to leave aside the notes, and so, you look around to the boys, who just after the coach’s whistle sounds they are quick to approach your spot.
you take the water bottles as quickly as you can.
“oh y/n-san, i know we are irresistible but you can’t just slack off admiring us!” makki teases you laughing.
“if our dear manager is admiring someone is obviously me” oikawa says, before taking a sip of his bottle, slightly making you blush even more.
“i don’t think she likes idiots who still watch youtube conspiracy videos at 3am”
“weren’t you the one with a secret obsession for romance manga, iwaizumi?” it’s mattsun time to expose his friend. iwai mi doesn’t hesitate and he runs directly to matsukawa, while kunimi brings out his phone to start recording the chaos in the gym.
you don’t listen.
your head hurts, and then, you once again feel this weird thing in you stomach. you have been feeling like this for the past week, and you try to ignore it . but sometimes, you just want the world to stop.
you can’-
“y/n senpai?” watari calls your name, and you notice his furrowed brows looking at you, worried. you blink and correct your posture. you had just zooned out. “is everything ok?”
“ah yes watari kun!” you force your self to sound relaxed because you feel the sudden gaze of the entire team “i was just thinking in a smart way to insult oikawa, but i’m worried he won’t understand tho”
“hey! you said i was your favorite”
you fake laugh once again assuring everyone that you were just fine. the day goes on, and somehow is becomes more difficult to just stay down not worrying about anything.
and they notice.
you don’t walk home with the guys today. instead you run to the bus not before excusing yourself with an ‘urgent family thing’
“just please don’t let makki eat so much ramen today!” you giggle as you run to the bus “i’m not in the mood to dealing with diarrea!”
“that was a secret between us darling!” the pink haired guy screams cheeks blushing.
and maybe you were just too distracted, but before you face them away some of them notice how quick your smile fades.
“you know guys” yahaba is quick to say “call me crazy but, why did she lie?”
wednesday, [10:22 am]
when was the last time you actually enjoyed school? not practice, but school itself. seeing numbers everyday in the board that you don’t understand is frustrating. your throat hurts, there’s has been a not there since the begging of the day.
swallow it, y/n, dammit
you decided to take this class, don’t blame the world, blame yourself. isn’t it supposed to be simple? why isn’t it being simple? is that... 
"Square root of 57 is equal to Xo, miss" 
it is not like it’s a race, you want to say. why was the teacher obsessed with speed?, it’s unfair. your time is not the same as that of others. 
you drop the pencil and you recline in your chair, why couldn’t you do operations and analysis as fast as they could? you take a look around and the eyes of others look frightening. you see ambition, you see security, you see admiration.
the bell rings and you just want to run, and well in a way you end up doing it. leaving your homeroom, you tell your friends that for today you want to be alone, the halls of aoba johsai are big, for your fortune or misfortune. you go to the vending machine and when your drink falls, the minimum noise makes you startle, lately it’s like that, small noises or actions affect you way too much.
and iwaizumi notices it.
you don’t make a single move, it’s just the cold drink resting on your hands. and before iwaizumi could stop mattsun, he was already putting his hand on your shoulder.
the orange juice spills and once again fear takes hold of you.
you see them both, you’re not stupid and you know hajime stares at you weirdly, and now mattsun, you hide your fear it a bit worse than yesterday, but you do anyways.
"someday, Matsukawa-san, YOU’RE GOING TO KILL ME! and what will you do without me?" you try to say cheerful, wanting to take away the suspicion, for a moment it works.
"flunk history, that leads me to..." 
"no, sweeheart, i won’t give you my homework" 
you walk and both guys follow you, one faster than another, very naive of the situation. "I begin to believe you hate me," says Mattsun, as the three sit on a bench near the school cafeteria casually encountering kunimi who quickly joins you, patting the folds of your skirt as you sit down, you rest on the table and admire his needy expression and as the tantrum of mattsun grows.
minutes go by, your chest pain grows, but somehow you know how to let it go.
 with your hands supporting your face, lunch passes between you and kunimi, you try to talk, you really try. 
but still, your eyes just glow, and kunimi notices how it’s not the glow you always have.
thursday [12:03]
your head is spinning, you can feel the cold sweat. will this be the time? why do you feel so small? why can’t you say it?
it’s familiar, you recognize this feeling, an ocean, you’re floating, you know you can swim, but, you’re in the middle of nowhere, you look down. Out of nowhere the intimidating depth of the ocean is beneath you. And then, you sink. You feel like you’re drowning, you feel like you’re fighting the tide, but you just can’t do it.
i just need...
no, it’s not time yet, it’s still training. the boys... you’re the one who should take care of them, you’re the one who has to be be fine. they had no time to lose, they had a goal and for the moment that was the most important thing.
On that bench, your gaze is absent, you know it is so.
and through the window that overlooks your classroom, oikawa notices it too
“y/n...” he mumbled.
of course he’d noticed. at first it was not so clear, but now he remembers.
when kindaichi pinned your dark circles to him, while admiring you by fitting volleyballs in a way not of your own.
makki watches oikawa from your side, you don’t even know the pink-haired guy is there, unaware that he’s sitting next to you. but he notices. he’s been noticing for days that your eyes are threatening to close in the middle of class.
hanamaki catches your attention and instantly that mask you’ve been wearing for weeks appears again.
"hanamaki, i’m fine"
it doesn’t convince them. they both look out the window and nod.
oikawa notices, and god, he wished he had no reason to.
friday [14:00 pm]
please just... breathe.
you’re fed up. the feeling of guilt and discomfort is still there, can’t you be calm? people don’t need to know, but why do you want to shout it?
the dressing room is alone, the girls from the soccer team are out and it’s your only chance.
the team needs you, hold on a little.
your footsteps are heard in the hallway once again, a symphony you’re tired of listening to.
your chest hurts, your heart is aching, but you just need a little more. hands are shaking, the cold in your body, you need to stop.
you have to make them stop.
but when you walk into the gym, even with your eyes down, all you feel is warm. and it’s because, the boys were standing, aligned begging for you.
no, they beg for your sake.
and everything stops.
one hand from him on your neck, and one hand around your shoulders.
because oikawa, without warning, now has you in his arms.
and then, only then, you break.
tears don’t take long to come out, along with desperate sobs. your legs fail and out of nowhere, you and oikawa are on your knees.
with an alarmed look, the whole club runs towards both, surrounding you as sensibly as possible.
"i’m sorry, i’m sorry I’M SORRY" is heard from you, between hiccups.
“love, listen...” iwaizumi approaches you,somehow he managed to catch up with you, somehow he managed to hold your hand.
"i promise i didn’t want to, but i can’t, i can’t anymore, why can’t i? i try and i try and i keep trying but it’s never enough! IM TIRED OF SEEING SOMETHING AND NOT BEING ABLE TO PROCESS IT LIKE THE OTHERS. I’M TIREDD OF NEVER FULFILLING WHAT I SHOULD”
yahaba’s heart aches, and just as most of the team, is shocked.
your hands, oh your adorable hands, those hands that bandage his in the middle of an important game, he sees them shaking horribly between iwaizumi’s.
watari is quick to place your hair gently behind your ear, a kunimi covers you with his jacket.
“I LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND I DONT RECOGNIZE MYSELF” you lower your voice, its cracked now “oikawa I don’t recognize myself, I want to be me again" you whisper, and a knot appears in the captain’s throat, and he puts a hand on your cheek "please... just let me be me again" your throat burns, your eyes get redder.
the gym goes silent, your words still echoing in everyone’s head.
“why didn’t you-“
“i just couldn’t” you blame yourself cutting oikawa off “look at us! we are waisting time on me when we should be- i’m the one who has to- im you support not-“
“hey hey, love...” iwaizumi whispers his voice is filled with sweetness, letting you sit correctly and softly rubbing his thumb in your hands “how many times have you been there for us? y/n your hand is always there”
“that’s true” kyotani says, finally saying something, emotions overwhelmed him a lot, but he genuinely wanted to help you.
“there’s something about you, there’s light” kindaichi follows up.
“no matter where, or how bad we are, somehow you always are helping us stand up” mattsun also tries to carefully approach you, he wants nothing more for you to feel safe.
and oikawa’s arms were still around you. he never stopped.
“we have reached your hand so many times, so now it’s time for you to please take ours” oikawa holds you face, and you see the sincerity and kindness behind his brown eyes, it feels like home.
mattsun does a sign asking the coach for a day off, both of them smile tenderly at you and give the green flag. iwa and makki are next to hold you carefully helping you stand up. they help you stop shaking but it’s mad dog the one who wipes your tears away with a tissue watari handled him. still not knowing if he did it the right way. you still feel kunimi’s scent. you still see kindaichi holding your school bag making sure nothing is missing. yahaba is the one bringing you water. and oikawa still refuses to let you go.
all of them feel like home.
“thank you”
and that’s how you know everything is going to feel fine.
because this club was yours and you were theirs.
this was home.
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emperor-palpaminty · 3 years
Ok so for your emergency:
Kiss prompt 6, 11, 30??? Idk none of the prompts match the quote but the quote is:
“After all this time?” “Always.” From Harry Potter,, if you don’t get context, you can watch a yt video 😍😍
I'll take this as reuniting with Rex after hanging with the Bad Batch for a while and reuniting with him in episode like... what episode was Rex in? Anyways, look at the gif below, why my man so WIDE???
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You leaned against the outside of Cid's joint, sipping on your canteen. Fresh water replenished your thirst, and you sighed. The Force was stronger in you now than it ever had been. You were just lucky you were with clones that couldn't execute Order 66, to the extent of your knowledge.
You sucked in another breath of the damp air. The door to Cid's cracked open, and a little blonde head peered out. "Hey," Omega lilted, lips twisting into a grin. "You should... come in."
"I like it out here."
Omega gave a noise of protest, and you sighed, unable to fight back, closing the flask and walking inside. You'd grown close to the girl in your time on the run, relating to her because she, in her own way, was on the run and outcast, too.
You entered, passing two fussing aliens, speaking in a tongue you didn't recognize, but you knew they were arguing or complaining. You did catch the word "clones" and laughed softly, deciding Wrecker or Hunter had made them lose a bet.
You rounded the corner of the doorway. "Hunter, Omega told me-" your eyes landed on five, not four, clones.
Hunter shifted, turning to you, his arm resting on the counter. Tech rotated in his barstool, glancing at Wrecker, who was in joyous tears. Echo glanced between you and Captain Rex, who was staring with a tenderness you never thought you would see again.
"Rex-" you croaked. You took a step back.
Rex started forward, brow creased, lips in a soft smile. "Hi." When you moved away another step, and you heaved a sob, he frowned. "I know you don't-" his eyes flicked down to your hand, which was reaching for your lightsaber. His face lit in recognition, the realization hitting him. "Darling, I'm not going to hurt you." He raised his hands up where you could see them, above his poncho, pressing them towards you in a friendly motion. "Hunter, take my guns."
You stared at his hands, eyes flickering to his face. You took a cautious step forward, reading him, feeling for him, another sob making your voice hoarse. Hunter pulled the guns from Rex's belt, laying them on a table, and he glanced at the rest of the batch. "Hey, let's... go meet in the back."
Wrecker grumbled about abandoning his drink, but he picked up Omega and followed the group. Hunter glanced back and smiled, reaching for the door to the back room. "Let us know if you need anything."
When the door shut, you stayed where you were, eyes still skimming the Captain. "You're dead," You moved towards him and he followed, the poncho swaying easily with his movements.
"No. I'm here." He croaked.
You reached up, gently laying a hand on his face. The skin was warm, but his eyes were warmer, filled with love and tenderness. "My Captain."
"My Jedi." Rex whispered. His free hand caught yours, and the other pressed against yours over his face. His voice tremored, threatening tears. "My beloved, wonderful, beautiful-"
"I'm not really a Jedi anymore, Rex." You swallowed. "I lost the order, and then Crosshair-" You stopped, swallowing, allowing the wave of grief to wash over you again. The sob that caught in your throat earlier rose a little, thickening your voice. "And you."
Rex caught you. You weren't sure how to explain it, you were not falling, but he wrapped his arms around you and everything became stable, fine, whole again. You clutched him, feeling his armor under the poncho, heaving a sob as he held up steady, his own breath shaky with sobs. "I love you," He mumbled. "I still love you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry about Order 66, it's wasn't-"
"I love you too, Rex." You mumbled. He pulled his face away from your neck, turning his head towards you, his nose bumping yours. "I love you for everything you are, and Order 66 is not one. I was just so worried earlier."
He smiled, a huff of air leaving as he looked down at you, eyes unable to leave your face. "After all this time?"
"Always," You sobbed, holding his cheeks, your own shoulders shaking. "Always, and forever, Rex."
He smiled- the crows feet and laugh lines he only showed to you, it stirred your heart, and you wanted to cry and smile and hold him all at the same time. Rex leaned down, pressing his lips softly against yours, letting you clutch the rough material of his poncho as you smiled against him, returning the embrace. The apologies, the confessions, the love, was all written on his lips, and you had a yearning ti taste every last word.
You hugged around him, tighter, sighing, for once perfectly content with how everything was. At least,, until the back room door cracked, and Cid yelled, "Yeesh, get a room!"
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honeypiehotchner · 3 years
My Deep Blue Love (Tom Hiddleston x Fem!Reader) -- Soulmate AU one shot
This was 100% born out of boredom and loneliness and those damn Soulmate AU POV Tiktoks that I have seen practically 24/7 for the past WEEK on my fyp
(I’m not sure if I’ll do a part 2, rn I have no plans for it)
quick note on the technicality of this one: you lose all ability to see colors when you turn 12 and you don’t regain the ability until you meet your soulmate. but! you have to meet them in person and it has to be a mutual eye contact. pictures/videos of them don’t work, and if you just saw the back of their head or something in person, that doesn’t work either. it’s all about the shared eye contact babeyyy
small disclaimer: Brie Larson is mentioned in here and she has a wife, but that is very much only in this fic, and as far as i know Brie doesn’t have a wife irl lol (i also don’t know if she’s spoken about her sexuality at all so what i’m saying is take it with a grain of salt ok)
Summary: Everyone around you is meeting their soulmate, but you still see in black and white. You’re ready to give up, and basically have, when you lock eyes with your soulmate.
Warnings: None! Just a bit of angst, lots of fluff toward the end 
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You knock on your mom’s bedroom door at 4:58am. She’s already awake, sitting up in bed, ushering you over.
With tears in your eyes, you crawl onto her bed, snuggling close to her chest.
“I don’t want to lose my colors,” you whimper.
“I know, baby,” she whispers, kissing the top of your head. “It’s okay.”
You were born 12 years ago on this day at 5:08am, so in a few short minutes, when you officially turn 12 years old, all color will drain from your life.
Or the colors could stay, but that’s only if you’ve somehow already met your soulmate. And that’s rare, nearly impossible.
You squeeze your eyes shut at 5:07 and you don’t open them again until 5:10.
The colors are gone.
twenty years later
You sigh heavily as you receive yet another wedding invite. You are invited to witness the official beginning of Olivia and Jeffrey’s lives together as husband and wife, soulmates for all of time.
The glitter sticks to your fingertips, tiny black dots against your skin. Your friend told you it’s gold. You barely remember what that looks like.
Lately it seems like everyone has been meeting their soulmate. Just yesterday, you were having coffee with a friend when she looked up at the girl sitting behind you, and boom.
“It’s like the world just exploded,” she had said. Colors were everywhere. She immediately left you to go talk to the girl.
You don’t blame her for that. If you had met your soulmate, you probably would’ve done the same thing. But you can’t say for sure because you don’t know.
You wouldn’t be so cynical of it all if your boyfriend of five years didn’t meet his soulmate while the two of you were out at dinner. You wish you could say that he was faking it. But it was clear from his face (and the girl’s) that he wasn’t kidding. It was real. He had met his soulmate, and it wasn’t you.
It’s never you.
You’ve had guys cut off dates before they even start, all because they didn’t see colors when they laid their eyes on you. They refuse to even be friends with you.
All anyone is doing anymore is searching for a soulmate and it’s exhausting when none of them are yours. When all of your friends see color now. When everyone assures you that it’ll happen soon. What does soon even mean?
You grab your ice cream from the freezer and fall onto the couch, flicking to whatever channel has late night shows that aren’t complete garbage.
As usual, you find yourself watching a talk show, and tonight Tom Hiddleston is one of the guests.
You’re sort of familiar with him from a few movies, but other than that, you hardly know anything about him.
“So, Tom, we’ve all been wondering what’s going on with you and Brie Larson?”
“Brie?” Tom asks, clearly shocked to hear this question. “We’re just good friends, that’s all.”
“Oh, she doesn’t make you see any colors?”
“Ah, no, actually, she does not,” Tom chuckles, but doesn’t sound sad at all, surprisingly. “Her wife does that for her, not me, I’m afraid.”
“Oh really?” The host brushes past the mention of Brie’s wife and keeps the focus on Tom, of course. “So is that true, you still don’t see color?”
Your ears perk up at the mention of someone else not seeing in color. It’s rare for anyone to talk about this on television. Most celebrities don’t talk about whether or not they’ve found their soulmate, but more often than not, those that have are quite loud about it.
“Yes, that’s true,” Tom answers. “I still see the world in a lovely black and white.”
You snort, harshly jabbing your spoon into your ice cream. Lovely. Yeah, right.
“Do you really think it’s nice? Do you not miss the colors?” The host asks.
“No, no, I do. I do,” Tom admits. “But I like to think I’ll see them when the time is right.”
You groan, going to Google to look up his age. And when you see he’s 40, you groan even louder. He’s older than you and he still hasn’t met his soulmate. That’s just depressing. How can he sound so optimistic?
“Alright, well, if there’s one thing you wish you could tell your soulmate, what would it be? Maybe they’re watching right now, you never know.”
Tom smiles wide. “Maybe, maybe, um… Oh, so many things,” Tom exhales deeply. “I guess I could be cliché and say I can’t wait to meet them and wait for me, but I think I want to say… I think I want to say I understand. It is frustrating, still seeing in black and white, but our paths will cross soon, I’m sure of it. Until then, my eyes are blue.”
Blue. Blue.
You roll your eyes. You don’t even remember what the color looks like.
seven months later
“I am not going to a movie premiere. You’re insane!”
“Please!” Your friend, Catherine, cries. “You’ll love it, I swear.”
You glare at her over your coffee. “That just makes it sound like you have a trick up your sleeve.”
“I don’t,” she says. “I just want you to take advantage of this and come with us! When will you ever have the chance to go to a movie premiere again?”
She has a point. Dammit. “Touché. How did you get tickets, anyway? Please tell me you didn’t spend thousands for this.” You wouldn’t put it past her, even though you tell her not to every time before she does something like this.
“God, no, Joe surprised me with them earlier. He said he went to school with the lead.”
“Oh. Cool. Who?”
“Tom Hiddleston, I think. Have you heard of him? He’s British, but that’s about all I know. Joe just said they ran into each other the other day and reconnected.”
You stop halfway through a sip of coffee, careful to not choke on it. Slowly, you nod. “Yeah. I...I’ve seen him in a couple things.”
“Apparently, he hasn’t met his soulmate either…” Catherine trails away, raising her eyebrows at you.
You roll your eyes. “I heard,” you set your cup down. “He’s probably met them by now though since he blasted it on television like that.”
“Or he’s still searching and you’re still being too cynical.”
“You’re probably right,” you chuckle.
“Sooo, you’ll come?”
You sigh heavily. “As long as you help me pick something to wear.”
“I’m regretting letting you talk me into this already,” you mutter when you nearly trip in your heels.
“Oh, hush,” Catherine swats your arm. “It’s an excuse to get dressed up and look hot for no reason. Take it.”
Catherine’s soulmate, Joe, was whisked away almost as soon as the three of you stepped inside the venue by some director (you think), but he promised to return in a few minutes. Catherine told him not to worry. She’s used to him being dragged away for conversation. You can see from her face that she’s more proud of him than anything, and not at all annoyed.
Currently, you and Catherine are standing near the small bar, waiting for them to announce that it’s time to take your seats. You desperately want a drink, but part of you knows it would be a bad idea.
One glass of wine can’t hurt, though. Maybe it’ll take your mind off the pain in your feet.
You peel away from Catherine when you see Joe coming back, and you flag the bartender down quickly.
After ordering a glass of white wine, you wait patiently, wishing you had chosen a dress with sleeves. It’s fucking cold in here.
“Darling, you’re shivering, are you alright?”
Your head turns toward the smooth voice, face set and mind trying to decipher whether or not it was a sincere or creepy comment when the world quite literally explodes.
There, standing beside you, concern written all over his face, is Tom Hiddleston. Only now the concern has washed away into awe when your eyes lock with his.
“Oh my god,” he whispers, stumbling even though he’s standing in place.
“Blue,” you murmur. “Your eyes are blue.” Without even thinking or asking, your hand lifts to cup his cheek, and then you pull back, “Shit, sorry—”
But he grabs your wrist gently, placing your palm on his cheek. “It’s alright.” His thumb strokes the back of your hand. “I have been looking everywhere for you.”
“I thought you didn’t exist,” you whisper in reply. But here he is. His eyes are blue, his lips are pink, he has tiny brown freckles all over his rosy cheeks. You look back to his eyes, narrowing your own. “You liar. Your eyes have green in them, too.”
“Do they really?” Tom chuckles. “I never would’ve known.”
“That’s why you have me,” you tease, and you don’t know where any of this is coming from, yet it doesn’t feel like you’re pretending. It feels like you’re finally yourself.
His other hand tangles with yours as he nods. “That’s why I have you, indeed.”
At this time, the lights in the theatre begin lightly flashing, signaling that it’s time for everyone to begin making their way to their seats.
But neither you or Tom move one inch.
The only issue is people are beginning to stare.
You notice it first, so you slowly pull your hand from his cheek. This movement shocks him back to reality, too, and he blinks a few times, yet he doesn’t let go of your hand.
“I, um, I have to make a speech,” he says. “But then I can come back to you. Will you save me a seat?”
“Don’t you have to sit up front?”
He nods. “I do, but—”
“Then I’ll come with you.” You aren’t sure if it’s the fact that he hasn’t let go of your hand yet, or if it’s because you’ve been waiting so long that now you don’t want him to be further than an arms length away from you, but you mean what you say.
“Are you sure?” He asks, but you both need to make a decision quickly because you can see someone waving from the wings, most likely trying to get Tom’s attention.
“I’m sure.”
He doesn’t question it, in fact, he grins, and brings your hand up to his lips, kissing your knuckles. “Let’s go, then.”
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bastillewolf · 4 years
Hello idk if the requests are still going but if not then its okay ignore this and if they are please don't over work yourself and you don't need to do my request if you don't want to just stay healthy and eat well and drink lots of water we all live your work (and are simps for corpse-)
The ask : could I ask for a corpse husband x reader where they used to get shipped together before they even meet each other and when they meet each other corpse goes soft for reader and they play two rounds In among us together where they are imposters together and corpse is an imposter alone in the other round
Reader info : reader has a very soft voice and is a softie and the pronounce is she/her or they/them ( as you wish)
Again you don't gotta do it if you don't want to
Thanks so much for the ask, An. I was feeling like shit and this was a lot of fun to write. I’m sorry though, I completely read over the part where the reader was supposed to have a soft voice. I’ll see if I can make another one with this specification sometime. Also, I wrote this rather quickly because I’m watching Twilight for the first time and now my feelings are hurt.
#CorpseBride - Oneshot
Pairings: Corpse / Reader
Twitter wasn’t really your forte, but you knew how to get around. It’s just that you never really had the time to check it, let alone to see what’s on the trending page every single day. At the very least, you were capable of replying to your friends’ stuff and letting your viewers know when you were streaming or when a new video would be up. Again, you weren’t a pro, but you got by.
Until you didn’t.
“Hey, everyone,” you greeted, and immediately went to change your Among Us figure to its usual colour and outfit before someone else took it.
Everyone welcomed you, while it seemed Toast was still busy trying to get a last person to join.
“Whaddup, baby,” Corpse’s shot out from the rest of them. It was pure teasing, something he’d grown quite comfortable with ever since people had blatantly started simping for his voice. “Nothing much, honey. How’ve you been?” You cheekily replied. “Pretty good. Streaming still makes me nervous, though.” “You greeted me with ‘Whaddup, baby’ and then proceed to tell me you’re nervous? Don’t get upset when I say that I don’t believe you.” He chuckled at that.
5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
“Ha!” you called out, “I doubt this will soothe your nerves, Corpse. You’re teamed up with me now.” You sneaked in a glance at chat. “We are not an old married couple! If anything, he can be my bitch for this round. I’m just not gonna murder anyone.”
And that’s basically how it went. He managed to kill three people and still wasn’t being sussed. “Alright, I think I’ve tortured him enough,” you laughed, “I’ll even spare Sykkuno for the man.”
You managed to corner Toast and killed him in a corner where the water wheels were, before heading out into admin. You vented until you found Corpse in Labs and jumped out. It was right when Sykkuno walked in.
“Oh, god no. Please, Sykkuno.”
Your kill count still wasn’t down yet and he was obviously planning to run straight out the door to hit the emergency button, but he was stopped. Corpse had murdered him in an instant.
Your mouth was hanging open. “Did… Did he just kill Sykkuno for me?” Chat was going absolutely wild. “What the fuck just happened?” You decided to report the body anyway.
“I can’t fucking believe it,” Corpse growled, “Not my best friend, Sykkuno.”
You had to mute yourself to keep the laughter at bay. Corpse evidently vouched for you, saying you’d walked in on the body together. Felix was sussed and voted out.
“Corpse, you killed me!” Sykkuno cried out.
“I’m so sorry, Sykkuno! I wanted to spare you but you walked in at the wrong time!” You pleaded.
“Sacrifices had to be made,” Corpse merely responded.
“Wait, what happened?” Sean asked.
“I walked in on one of them venting and then Corpse killed me!”
“Collateral damage. You watched me get killed one time, too.”
“Blame me, Sykkuno. It was my fault,” but you were laughing as you said it.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard such regret coming from an imposter,” Sean laughed along, “Also, why the fuck were you two being so slow? Three meetings in and you’d only killed three people.”
“Corpse was simping for me,” you replied.
“I was not.”
“Yes, you were. Otherwise you would’ve asked me what the hell I’d been doing that entire time.”
“Fuck off,” he laughed.
“Corpse is an UWU-boy!”
“Oh my god, you guys are already trending.”
“Wait, what?”
Your phone was being blasted off to space, getting tons of messages with the hashtag #CorpseBride. It was number 1 trending on Twitter.
“So… whaddup, baby?”
“Oh no, you better buy me a drink first.”
 You hadn’t thought he’d been serious in that moment, until he’d asked you to meet up after the game had ended. You hesitantly agreed, but reminded him that he absolutely did not have to participate in this just for the meme. “I’m not doing this for the meme,” he’d said, “I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a while, I just never knew how. It seemed like the perfect timing.”
You met him at his apartment, knowing how he was about going out in public, and feeling extremely nervous. You’d brought takeout, and because you hadn’t been sure what he wanted you’d ordered way too much. Upon opening the door, he looked at you, down at the bag, and said, “Shit, you got food?” Not really knowing what else to say, you simply replied, “Uh, yeah.”
“Well, I guess we’ll have lots of leftovers, then.”
He smiled, gave you a hug that ended way too fast and left you paralyzed for a minute, and then invited you in. It turned out he’d already ordered food, too. “Plenty to choose from,” he laughed awkwardly. “Uh… You got any neighbours who might want some?” you asked.
“I-I don’t really talk to anyone outside of my friend group.”
“Oh, of course. I could go around, if you’d like.”
“You’d do that for me?”
You furrowed your brows. “Of course I would. Why not?”
“Alright, but let me at least come with you. You just do the talking.”
Three knocks at three different doors later, and someone accepted the offer and took over some of the food. “Hang on a minute,” the elderly man said, clad in only his pyjamas and a bathrobe, managing to make the situation even more uncomfortable, “Aren’t you my neighbour? You always scurry off before I get the chance to talk to you!”
You looked at Corpse, and he back at you, and you turned back to the elderly man. “He, uh… He’s very people shy. He has anxiety. I’m trying to help him cope. Also, his vocal chords are damaged.” Nothing you’d said so far had been a lie, technically, but the man still remained sceptical. “Then why didn’t you just leave a note or something?”
“Uh…” you jumped at the small voice appearing from behind you. It’s just that his ‘small voice’ is still nothing close to small. “I know, I’m terribly sorry, sir. I also just wanted to let you know that if you ever need anything, I’m just a few doors away.”
This seemed to please the man enough.
“I can’t believe you made me do that.”
“I made you?!” You gasped, “I didn’t make you do anything, you filthy liar! You’re just as bad in real life as in Among Us, when you’re the impostor and I’m the innocent crewmate.”
“No comment.”
“I didn’t even ask you a question.”
“No comment.”
You both laughed. Corpse hesitated for just a moment, but decided to ask anyway, “Were you nervous when I opened the door?”
You chuckled awkwardly, admitting, “Yeah, I was. I always get anxious meeting people. Well, we’d met before, of course. But just, you know, in real life.”
“I get it.”
You stood there in silence for a moment, until you noticed the rest of the takeout in your hands was getting cold. “Come on, wife,” he joked, linking his pinkie finger with yours, “Let me get you that drink.”
If he hadn’t dragged you along then and there, you could’ve sworn your knees would’ve given out.
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@annshit @simonsbluee @majolittlemixgurl18 @redosmo @mythicalreader @gracehaileym @leikarinn @its-bootz @ollwinchester @thehatredofshiprrick @curlyhairedbrock @thatbandchick39 @reddeserths @mitseuul @potenzel @tanchosanke @tooturntashbash @stephn-prkr @missingpuzzlepiece @dreaalol @goldiefox1 @imrisaluk @chimchimsugakookies @helena-way07 @danny-devitowo @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @richkookie @cherry-piee @artist-bby @bluewneptune @bratttyaphrodite @eccedxntesiaast @faithneko @thebootythrasher @bethpiercwhy @theeerealpunkin @heartbroken-writer @chisaikuki @realnicoleworld @candystoregirl @derpygiraffe43110 @rintomoj @phantomamethyst @helloitsmeamie203 @falcon-arrows @nvthvlyy @ellomellows @loraleiix @ladolcedea @lunaruss @princess00wifi @pennnyroyalty @cultofandom @easygoingtheatre @crpseclt @thatonefangirlbornonfriday @myherotrashbin @hufflepuff-always-and-forever @martinimom @gummybear123 @sparklingblacktea @lovelynervouskingdom @kingsuals @weeblyheaux @flightsandfantasy @chanelle-jackson @actual-spawn-of-satan @dixielumsden  @consumegods @mirandabarry @ikearandl @narwhalsaremagicalbroski @armycandy10 @chillininahottub-withaghost @mitchiesdungeon @yeolliedokai @alyofmusic @qatiee @dzzizzi @johnjacobjingleheimerschmidt @leilanixx @thefuckthesaurus @hughugh20 @thanossexual @moneybagmara @squintyangel @motheroffae @arossebyanyothername @vacaprincess @jinxedanxrchist @peterparkerspjsuit @chrysanthykios @wildflowerwhore @punkrainbows  @justalilsimpsometimes @bunniwritesx @sunnsettee @justxanotherxshipper @alilshit @dekahg @laugh-like-the-moon @sadness-babee @corpsie-bby @corpsesgirl @dead-boys-stuff @roses-and-grasses @sakusawife @byunniebaekhyunnie @lazy-little-me @phantomamethyst @letsloveimagines @polahorvat @sokkas-paintings @possiblyanxioushuman @a-dot-dev @aniyahsucks @choicesstan1 @error-loading-sorry @bi-andready-tocry @agustdpeach @punkrainbows @xibrokensunriseix @genjicats @forest-rav3n @devilishducky97 @namjoons-crabssss
People I wasn’t able to tag (please check your settings lovelies):
@holosexualunicorn7000 @theroyalsaikou @timotheessoleil @devilish-ducky @000-22-000 @matcha-chaii @corbins-kinda-smart @milybones @theinbookss @mintchip17 @arghm8ty @alyss01 @ry-winter @sbfandom @anacrcarvalho @petitebitvh @corbins-kinda-smart @marmeladebreadwithhoney @solielfhuz6942 @xsarcasm101x @siriuslystupid @bakugonua @n0t-a-simp @emmapotato88 @notmewrongb1tch @c00ln3rdz  @rolls-and-rolex
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
The Obey Me Brothers Reaction to MC Breaking Down Over Schoolwork
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(Initial ask contains an ableist slur and so cannot be posted. Please, in future, refrain from using slurs in any asks sent in!! It has since been added to my rules and I will straight up delete asks with slurs in them. Thank you <3)
AN: Apologies for taking so long to get to this one, its been in my inbox for a while. I’m sorry you were feeling that way, its really difficult getting adjusted to everything again, I work in a school and a lot of the students and teachers alike are definitely really struggling. Best wishes <3
I think I’m usually okay at not letting slip that Levi is my favourite boy, but you can tell here ;u; Sorry
He realises all too late that things are probably tough. Initially Lucifer is distant, and whilst he notices how tired you look sometimes at RAD, he decides to ignore it - you were probably distressed because you had been pulled into the Devildom out of nowhere, you’d just have to adapt because nothing else could be done. In his mind it was pointless worrying about it.
However, as he begins to pay more and more attention to you, he realises its more than that. You frown in class, your grades jump around and you don’t leave your room regularly, probably too busy focusing on studying. The few times you’ve accepted his offer of help, you seem to be on edge.
He decides one night to check in on you, and he hears a harsh thud from a few paces down the hall. He throws the door open without knocking, convincing himself that he was just worried you might be hurt because they needed you for the exchange programme and it would be a pain replacing you now, months into the whole endeavour.
You whirl around, arm still raised, your grip tight on your textbook. He looks about and sees other books scattered about, the room a mess.
Lucifer makes a low growling noise in the back of his throat, raising a hand to press against his temples before he freezes, finally taking in the look on your face. Your eyes are wide, having been essentially caught by the one person you really, really wouldn’t want to see you right now. You lower your arm slowly as he approaches, taking your face in his hands before you can duck away from him.
His tone and expression are impossible to place as he silently examines you, gloved hands wiping across your cheeks to get rid of any traces of your tears. You don’t have the time to process any of it before he pulls you against his chest, wrapping his arms carefully around your shoulders.
Lucifer is silent, almost eerily so, and he holds you there without moving until you either push him away or until you stop sniffling and drop the book. Even when he does speak again, he’s quiet, deep in thought as he looks around the room and tells you simply to head over to his - he’ll bring you something to eat shortly, get some rest in the meantime. You mumble something about a test, and he waves a hand. He’ll bring the textbook, its fine, go rest.
It takes him a half hour to get to his room, carrying a tray with some tea and snacks. Your textbook is tucked under one arm, and he gently invites you to eat before he starts talking things out. He asks if classes are too difficult, asks if there’s anything in particular you’re struggling with. He makes a lot of offers - Luci is a busy guy, but he can free up a time slot if you want to study with him, or he can get you a tutor, or you can simply text him your concerns and he’ll respond as soon as he’s available. His advice is simple and realistic.
Once you’re done eating and drinking, he opens the textbook and goes over the things that are most likely to be on the test. He gives tips, explains the things that confuse you in a clear and concise manner. He’s a good teacher, and he’s a lot more patient than you’ve seen him before.
Overall, Lucifer is a quiet comfort, but a determined one. He works to make things easier for you in the background, marking out important parts of the textbook so you know what to focus on, and offering a hand whenever you need it. Also, when you get back to your room later, your books are neatly organised on your desk.
[Other brothers under the read more]
Mammon randomly pops into your room quite often, making excuses about how he’s absolutely entitled to because he’s in charge of taking care of you. On this particular evening, you have absolutely no warning as per usual and he doesn’t bother knocking, because this boy only has good manners when it benefits him.
He freezes instantly, and he’s over to you in a second before you can throw whatever’s in your hand. His grip is careful but tight on your wrist and he squeezes until you let it go, tossing whatever it was onto your bed without looking and wrapping you up in his arms. You might feel trapped for a second, but he has this fear that you’re Going To Get Hurt and so he just holds onto you until you settle and start sobbing against his chest. (Mammon is panicking too much to think about it, and he’ll definitely apologise after and try not to do it again if he scared you.)
He pulls you over to the bed and sits you down, a hand smoothing through your hair. His grip remains on you at all times, and you can feel his hands shaking when he asks what’s wrong, MC? Did something happen?
Mammon listens carefully, swallowing and smoothing a hand over your hair when you tell him its because the work here is just too damn hard and you can’t do it, you can’t, you can’t remember all the dates for the history or recall the right Latin to say for this one course and its not like it matters anyway because you’re human, why would you need this?
He mumbles back “I know, I know,” and runs his hands down your arms, back, along your hair. Wherever he can to comfort you, wherever makes your breathing slow back to a normal pace and takes away the hiccups left from sobbing. He doesn’t force you to look at him, almost doesn’t want you to as he bites back sniffles and sobs and wipes his face against his sleeve because crying right now won’t fix anything for you.
When you’re both calmer again, he starts rambling about something or other to take your mind off it. Mammon isn’t one to offer any immediate solutions, and rather tries to distract you with stories until you fall asleep and he can lay you down and march straight to Lucifer and demand he talk to Diavolo about this, as fearless as if he were defending Belphie or Levi for accidentally breaking something.
You’re assigned a tutor, and have tutoring sessions with each of the brothers for things they’re good at, with Lucifer and Satan covering any areas the others don’t particularly excel in. Mammon himself helps you with maths, and although he isn’t always the best at explaining it, his presence along is comforting and helps makes working through a little easier, and he’s good for taking your mind away from any stress so that you can focus without worry holding you back.
He had just wanted to get something back that he loaned you, a book or DVD. He can’t remember what it was the second he hears a crash and throws open your door, and finds you in a ball on the floor, the room a mess around you. You don’t even look up as the door opens, and the two of you stay in place for a few moments.
Levi doesn’t know what to do, doesn’t know where to start, but he can do one thing. Quietly and carefully, he tiptoes around your room and starts putting things back where they belong. He tidies your desk, faintly organises whatever notes he finds by subject and piles them up together. He doesn’t touch you, because he’s worried you wouldn’t want him to right now, that he might scare you, and so he just tidies until the room looks a little more normal again.
When you finally look up, he’s sitting a few feet in front of you, headphones on as he stares at his D.D.D., either playing a game or watching a video or scrolling through Wikis as he waits patiently for you to start the conversation or ask for whatever comforts you need. You move over to sit beside him, and he blushes but takes off his headphones and holds an arm out so you can rest against his shoulder.
He lets you watch whatever is on his phone for a beat before asking in a hushed voice if you need anything, if something was wrong, or if someone (maybe him?) upset you. When you tell him it’s about schoolwork, he sighs and pulls you closer without thinking about it. He hands you his D.D.D. and puts his headphones on you, tells you to stay there for a bit and keep watching until he gets back.
Levi returns a few minutes later with Satan in tow, each of them carrying a bag with their own textbooks in them. Levi kneels down to take back his D.D.D. and headphones and to help you up, and tells you you’re all going to start studying together in the library. If you’d be okay with it, he means... he could use the help too, and maybe it wouldn’t feel so bad if you were there. Not for any reason in particular!
Study sessions are added to your schedule after that. Even on days where Satan is off doing something else, Levi will tutor you on whatever he finds easiest - usually history, and oftentimes its history involving the navy. His shyness melts away into confidence as he talks about all the things he’s done, about how he was appointed head thousands of years ago and he thinks he’s yet to let Diavolo down.
After study sessions you go and get a drink together, something like bubble tea or smoothies or whatever, and then play games together to relax and let the info sink in instead of obsessing over it. If you ever start to get stressed out again, Levi gently puts his headphones on you and the two of you wait it out together, and he smiles at you every time you take the headphones off and take a deep breath, ready to keep working. He’s proud.
Satan is observant enough to notice ahead of time that something is about to happen. You seem horribly stressed and unfocused in your classes one day in particular, and he decides to stop by your room the second he gets home to find out what was wrong.
He knocks and waits for a while, but you don’t answer, and he was sure he heard noise before but now your room is deathly silent. He carefully creaks the door open a bit to call in and see if you’re there, and hears paper crumpling against the door. Deciding to investigate, he opens it a little more and slides in through the gap.
The room is a mess of books and paper and pillows, and you’re at your desk, hands clamped hard over your ears. You’re making some kind of whimpering noise every now and then, and Satan starts to piece things together as he gathers up books in one arm and smooths out paper. He taps you on the back before moving back a pace or two, just in case.
You freeze before turning around to look at him, seeming almost guilty, and he doesn’t really get why you’d feel that way but he holds up your books and clears his throat. “Do you want some help?”
Satan is more practical than emotional and, whilst he isn’t sure what kind of comfort he can offer you right now, he knows he can help with the work, help make it easier. He pulls a chair over beside you, motioning for you to scoot over, and leans against you as he opens the first book and asks where you were struggling. He keeps a constant connection between the two of you, either has his leg against yours or his entire side against you so that you know he’s there, so that you’re permanently aware of his presence.
He doesn’t look at you too often, not when you can see him do it. Even then, there’s no judgement in his gaze, just his brows furrowing slightly out of concern until your breathing in alright and you start to smile in little bursts again. He smiles then as well, scribbling down some notes for you.
After that, Satan regularly pulls you aside after class and asks if you want to come out with him to a cafe or to the library, or he’ll call you to his room in the house and ask if you’ll let him teach you this set of notes so that he can remember it better. He’s subtle, never really brings up what happened and never asks you about it because he’s already got it all figured out in his mind. Instead, he just works on moving on from it and making sure it doesn’t happen again, and if it does, he’ll be ready to be there for you again.
Asmo had decided to visit your room because you weren’t responding to his messages asking if you wanted to go out shopping with him. Majolish had new season wear and he absolutely needed to go get first pickings at it, and he wanted you there by his side.
He knocks but opens your door immediately after anyway, not giving you time to do much more than turn to face the door, bringing the pillow you were about to throw up over your face instead so he can’t read too much of your expression. He sees the tears, anyway, and without thinking walks over to you and holds your face in his hands.
His voice is laced with concern as he asks what’s wrong, and he immediately looks like he’s going to cry as well, but he just did his makeup and he’s not going to risk ruining it right now. Instead he moves over to the bed and pulls you down onto his lap, holding you tight against his chest. He keeps asking, every few moments, if something was wrong and if there’s anything he can do, and his eyes dart around the room to try to piece it all together. Your books were still out on your desk, pillows a mess around the room, and you... You were curled up against him, shaking and choking down sobs.
Asmo pouts and holds you in silence until you calm down and start talking to him, start telling him what was wrong, what subject you’d been struggling with over the past hour and you were still stuck on the same damn page and not making any progress and the test was only a few days away and everyone was expecting so much from you, you who never even asked to be here. Obviously you weren’t good enough for this, obviously they should’ve chosen someone better-
Asmo cuts you off there, pushes against your shoulders until he can see your expression and cup your face in his hands. He’s not having you put yourself down because you’re struggling with work that the centuries-old demons also had a hard time with, not on his watch, and he tells you just as much. When he’s done half-scolding you, his expression softens and he offers whatever help he can. He’s sure he can rope Satan or Lucifer into helping out, and if not he can charm the examiners into giving you a better score... he keeps going until some of his silly advice gets you to snort out a little laugh, and then he relaxes.
He lays back and pulls you down with him, sighing as he instructs you to take a nap, and then after you two can go out shopping and you’ll figure everything out as you strip Majolish bare of its new wonderful outfits. And Asmo keeps to his word. As you’re trying things on he talks through the stall walls, proposing different ideas to you whilst simultaneously boosting your confidence as he compliments you and finds the perfect outfits for you.
Asmo makes it clear that if ever you should need a distraction, just give him a call - there’s always something better to do than reading over textbooks, and he’ll throw in study sessions so long as you’re there to spend time with him. Anything to make you feel better.
Beel was in the kitchen, clearing out the fridge as usual when he heard a muffled thud against the wall. He pauses, turning to look in that direction, and realises that its the wall attached to your room.
He’s outside your door in no time, and taps nervously against it with his fingertips before opening the door slightly and calling in to ask if you were okay, and could he come in please? He hesitates when you don’t respond, but decides to head in anyway, because you might be hurt and any embarrassments he’s sure the two of you could live with, but with an injury there was no guarantee, not for a human.
There are books everywhere, the room as messy as he’s ever seen it, and you’re... nowhere to be seen. Not until he hears a sniffle and rounds the corner into the dining room section, and finds you curled up in a ball against the wall, face against your knees. He’s quick to back away, worried that he’ll upset you more, but then Beel kneels down a few paces in front of you and leans forward to tap your arm.
You flinch and look up immediately, pulling your knees closer to your chest until you realise its him, and then you just look guilty. Beel’s chest hurts, he feels horrible - what happened to make you feel like this? Could he help, or should he go get someone else? He asks just as much, voice somewhat broken over the questions as he hesitates. He doesn’t get this anxious often, but right now you remind him of Belphie a few thousand years ago, and he doesn’t know what to do with that.
He pushes the thought away and slides closer, sitting against the wall beside you. His presence might not help, and he waits for you to tell him to leave, but after a while you press against his side and he opens his arms to you and holds you as tight as he can until you feel a little bit okay again. And then he asks, again, what’s wrong, and he waits for you to tell him, shaking but as patient as can be. You open up to him slowly, and he listens.
Beel doesn’t know how to help, doesn’t think he’d be a good tutor for you, doesn’t know how to relieve the stress really. But, he promises his arms are always there if you want a warm hug, and... he is sure that there is some resolution to be found, but for now you should just do your best and that’s all anyone could expect from you, and if anyone doesn’t like that then... he’ll be your bodyguard, ready to defend you at any moment. He was good at that, sometimes.
Beel smiles at you and gives you the warmest smile he can manage before tucking your head back against his shoulder or chest. He tells you to rest for a little while, and then you can try working again later. Whilst you’re asleep, he pulls out his D.D.D. and messages Belphie asking for advice, and then Lucifer. By the time you wake up, he’s got a few tips from the brothers and a tutoring timetable is being organised by Lucifer for the two of you, so that you wouldn’t be alone.
Belphie doesn’t know why he was on his way to your room, and he stops thinking about it the second he throws the door open and sees you crying. He’s too tired to put the pieces together as he looks around, too tired to really take in the room, but he’s on high alert when he runs over and wraps you in his arms, looking around properly to see if anyone was there, if anyone had hurt you.
You can hear him growling in the back of his throat until he slowly relaxes, shoulders lowering as he takes in how messy your room is. It must’ve been you, he decides, holding you closer to him. A demon would’ve left this place in a horrible state. But nothing was torn, just scattered around.
He’s more awake when he pulls you over to the bed and immediately lays down with you on his chest. He doesn’t get what’s wrong yet, but he’ll figure it out. He wills his powers, his sin’s influence, over you until you’re drowsy and fall asleep, still sniffling occasionally, and then he starts to work things out.
By the time you wake up, Belphie apologises for how disorientated you might feel. He probably should’ve talked to you first before making you fall asleep. He smiles sheepishly at you, but the concern in his eyes is only thinly veiled, and you can see through to it.
“So, school, huh?” he asks, lopsided smile almost teasing. He wants to make you smile, or laugh if he’s lucky. Instead you make a frustrated noise and press your face into his chest again, and he pats your head to comfort you. You hear him swallow before he pushes against your shoulders to get you to look at him again.
He’s not hiding so much when he asks what’s wrong, and he listens as you stumble through an explanation before sighing and asking if you want to take another nap. He grins when you glare at him, before adjusting you both so you’re sitting up again. “Let’s get to work, then. What subject is first?”
Belphie isn’t the best at a lot of the work, and he’s missed a lot of classes, but he’s a decent help and he keeps your stress down by cracking jokes and patting your head when you do well. He’s a comforting presence, and if you get overwhelmed again he leans his elbows against the desk, head in hands, and suggests you take another nap with him because he could really use one right now. He laughs when you swat at him and tell him to focus, and then looks at you and tells you that you can come to him if you need help, anytime. Don’t wake him up if he’s deep asleep, though - get Mammon or someone stupid to do that, he jokes, just in case he lashes out.
In future, Belphie will tap on your door when he knows you’re studying and, although he often falls asleep at your desk or just immediately heads over to your bed to nap, he gives off a comforting aura that makes the work a bit bearable for longer.
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andvys · 3 years
Longing (part 5)
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Warnings: little bit of angst, mentions of a shitty father, mentions of mental abuse, alcohol consumption, fluff
Pairing: Ellie Williams x reader
The following days you and Ellie were a little awkward around each other and your friends definitely picked up on that.
Ellie hurt you and you hurt her but that wasn’t the reason for your weird behavior towards each other. You would forgive each other everything, no matter how much you both would act like you hated one another.
You were currently sitting with Joel on his porch, enjoying a hot cup of coffee he made you. He always invited you to come over to just talk and you loved it, you loved spending time with him in general. Just sitting and talking to him behind the safe walls of Jackson or going out on patrols, killing infected and having each other’s backs, you knew you could always count on him no matter what and you hoped you gave him the same feeling. He truly was like a father to you.
You still haven’t talked about what happened after leaving Ellie’s place the other day, when you ran into him, with tears streaming down your face. After he managed to calm you down he asked what happened and you just told him about how you almost died that day because of the man that attacked you and that you were scared of dying and that’s why you broke down. That was obviously a lie you weren’t afraid to die and Joel knew that but he wasn’t going to pressure you into talking about it when you weren’t ready to talk. He always gave you as much time as you needed and waited for you to speak up about it yourself.
Taking a sip of your coffee you looked at Joel only to find him watching you already. He knew you wanted to talk about something.
“Can I tell you something?” You asked.
“Of course.” He gave you a smile, holding his own cup of coffee.
“My- my father was a horrible person and I’m afraid that I’m the same.” You said, looking down into your cup.
“Why would you think that, sweetheart.” He asked. He knew a few stories about your dad.
“He always made it clear how much he hated me and he always hurt me with his words and I swore to myself that I would never hurt someone like that but I did and now I can’t forgive myself for it.” Joel watched you, feeling bad that the person who was supposed to love you the most hurt you this way.
“People make mistakes (y/n), we say things we don’t mean and accidentally hurt people that we care about. If you were anything like your father you wouldn’t feel bad for having hurt someone.” He said, putting a hand on your shoulder.
“I hurt Ellie.” You said looking down you were ashamed, fearing that he would hate you now. Feeling tears build up in your eyes.
“I figured it had something to do with her.” He said. Looking up at him, he gave you a sympathetic smile.
“I- did she say something?”
“No she just talks to me when she absolutely has to but Jesse mentioned something about you and Ellie fighting.” He said.
“We got into a fight and she hurt me but she apologized the next day but I wasn’t ready and I said something hurtful.” You said, letting a tear fall.
“Did you mean it?” He asked.
Looking back at him “No! Not at all.”
“It’s okay kid, you were hurt because of whatever she said to you, your reaction was pretty normal. You can still make things right by apologizing and showing her that you care.” Joel said, looking at you.
“I apologized when we were on patrol together but I still feel like shit about it.” You said, wiping your tears away.
“It’s okay, kid. She knows she probably feels like that too because of your fight. Forgiving yourself is hard but when the other person forgave you than you can do it too.” He said. He was worried about you.
“Don’t beat yourself up (y/n).”
Nodding at his words, you gave him a small smile. “Thank you Joel, I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Smiling at your words he pulled you into a hug.
“I care about you kid, I don’t want you to feel bad.” He said.
You almost started crying again at his words. No one ever told you that they care about you, well Ellie did but that was after she hurt you.
“I care about you too Joel, thank you for everything.” Hugging him back.
“Can I ask you something now?” Pulling away you looked at the older man.
“Of course.” Curious about what he wanted to ask you.
“Do you like Ellie?”
Getting shy at that you looked away. “I- Ellie and I aren’t exactly best friends but I do like her, I tried not to but I like her.”
Joel smiled at your words. He has seen the way you and Ellie interacted with each other, to everyone else it seemed like you just liked to annoy each other but he saw the longing looks on your faces whenever the other would look away. He hoped that you two would figure it out someday.
What both of you didn’t know was that Ellie heard the whole conversation, she was leaving her place when she heard you and Joel talk, she wanted to keep walking but then she heard you mention her name and she decided to listen out of curiosity what you were saying about her.
She thought you’d tell Joel about what she said to you but she was surprised when you spared him the details on all the horrible things she said instead you were talking down on yourself, feeling bad about hurting Ellie and then you even confessed that you liked her. She was definitely more than surprised at your confession, she was happy to hear you say that you liked her. She couldn’t help but smile at the thought of you liking her back.
The next day you were all hanging out at Dina’s place, having a few drinks, you noticed Dina hasn’t even touched hers. Curiously looking at her you tried catching her attention without saying anything, not wanting to interrupt Ellie’s and Jesse’s conversation about video games but you noticed she was staring at Jesse. Smirking slightly you knew they’d probably gotten back to together already.
“I’m telling you Jesse my method is way better than yours.” Ellie stated.
“Alright, alright you’re right Ellie.” He put his hands up in surrender. “I’m always right.” Ellie said, smirking she took a sip of her drink.
Jesse groaned at her words, he sat down next to Dina throwing an arm around her shoulder, she leaned into him.
You and Ellie shared a look. “Whoa when did that happen again?” Ellie asked, laughing.
“A couple of days ago.” Dina said, smiling.
“Man you guys are so weird.” You said.
Ellie nodded at your words, winking at Jesse. She was right about them getting back together. Taking a sip of her drink.
“Enough about us how was patrol the other day guys?” Jesse asked.
Ellie immediately started coughing and you looked away, finding Dina’s living room pretty interesting all of the sudden.
Dina smirked at Jesse, both of them aware that something happened while you were on patrol. You and Ellie were always weird around each other but that was a different type of weird now.
“We found a gun store.” Ellie said awkwardly. Why did she have to mention the gun store, now you had to think about you both making out against the wall.
“Yeah... it was a nice gun store.” You said looking at Ellie, you noticed her cheeks were deep red.
“It was a nice gun store indeed.” Ellie agreed, staring at you.
Both Jesse and Dina watched your weird interaction, they both wanted to laugh at your embarrassed faces. Clearly something happened at the gun store.
The room suddenly felt too hot, taking off your hoodie you were left in a shirt, your hair was braided back that meant that everyone could see the marks on your neck that Ellie left when you were making out. You totally forgot about them.
Dina gasped making Jesse turned his head at his girlfriend to see what she’s looking at, noticing her eyes were on your neck his eyes widened at the obvious hickeys. Ellie looked at them weirdly, she looked back at you also seeing the marks now. She felt herself blush even more, remembering how she kissed down your neck.
“Umm wh- what are you guys staring at?” You asked nervously, rubbing your neck.
“What’s that on your neck (y/n)?” Dina asked, smirking at you. You looked over at Jesse to find him smirking as well and Ellie looking looking down at her drink with a blush on her face.
Realizing what she was referring to, you forgot that Ellie gave you hickeys. Feeling embarrassed now you avoided their eyes.
“Um- I- a bug bit me.” You said. Ellie laughed quietly at your ridiculous explanation. You sent a glare her way, making her shut up.
“A bug in the winter?” Jesse asked, smirking.
“Yeah, it was a special bug.” You said. Feeling so stupid right now.
Nodding his head at your words “does the special bug happen to go by the name of Ellie?” Jesse said, making Dina laugh.
Both you and Ellie sat there awkwardly not knowing how to react to their teasing. Ellie looked at you, you looked so embarrassed right now she felt bad for you. “Hey Dina, remember when I walked in on you sucki-“
“Whoa Ellie alright stop we got it.” Dina said, embarrassed. Jesse laughed beside her making her slap his chest.
You giggled, thankful that the attention was off you now, you send Ellie a small smile, her eyes lighting up at the smile that was directed at her.
“Anyone up for never have I ever?” Jesse asked.
“What are you 12?” Ellie asked.
“You’re never too old to play a drinking game Ellie.” Jesse said.
“I’m in, I wanna get drunk.” You said, Jesse happy about your answer he waited for Ellie’s answer.
Looking at Ellie, she agreed.
“What about you Dina?” You asked curiously, raising your eyebrows at her.
“Oh I’m still feeling a bit under the weather, I’ll pass.” She said.
“Alright anyways, never have I ever made out with a guy.” Jesse said
No one had to drink, well Dina but she wasn’t drinking. You all waited for someone to drink but everyone was just sitting there awkwardly. Ellie looked at you curiously, she knew you liked girls but she always wondered if you’ve ever made out with guys before.
“That was lame Jesse, Dina’s not drinking, you’re obviously straight and well we are gay.” You said. Ellie snapped her head towards you, nodding at your words.
“Yeah let me try again, never have I ever made out with a girl.” You and Ellie groaned at that making Jesse smirk, Dina laughed at you.
“What? You said you wanted to get drunk I’m just helping out.” Jesse said, smirking at you. Shaking your head, you took a sip of your drink.
“Alright never have I ever had a crush on the opposite sex.” You said laughing at Jesse, knowing he was the only one who has to drink.
He glared at you taking a sip.
“My turn never have I ever had sex in the woods.” Ellie said teasingly, making Dina and Jesse very uncomfortable. Jesse took another sip, giving Ellie a death glare.
You laughed, “how many times did you catch them doing the dirty?” You asked Ellie, grinning at her.
“Too many damn times.” Ellie said with a disgusted face.
Jesse chimed in “never have I ever made out at a gun store.” He said, smirking at you and Ellie. Dina laughed at the face you made.
You and Ellie both took a sip awkwardly.
“So Ellie was the bug?” Jesse asked teasingly
“No your mother was.” You said, making Ellie snort, she laughed at the face Jesse made.
Dina laughed at Jesse’s facial expression “I always knew your mother was gay Jesse.” You laughed at that.
“Ugh shut up guys.” Jesse groaned.
By the time you were done playing the stupid game all of you were drunk, well except for Dina and she was currently trying to get Jesse to go to bed.
“I’m gonna go home.” You slurred, getting up you tripped over your own feet making Ellie laugh she got up to catch you only for her to lose balance as well, you both fell backwards on the couch, landing on top of Ellie. You started giggling. She started laughing too. Looking down at her, you saw that she was already staring at you. “Hi.” You whispered.
“Hey.” Grinning at you.
“Whoah we leave you guys for five minutes and you already making babies.” Jesse slurred letting himself fall on the couch.
You quickly got off Ellie, sitting down next to her.
“We can’t make babies.” Ellie said.
“That’s what I said to Dina too and boom we got baby on the way.” Jesse said.
Both you and Ellie said at the same time, snapping your head towards Jesse.
“Jesse!” Dina came back into the room having heard what he said.
“You’re pregnant?” You asked, standing up walking towards her
“Yes, I wanted to tell you guys but I was waiting for the right moment but yeah.” She said, putting a hand on her belly she smiled at you.
“Oh my god I’m gonna be an auntie.” You started crying, it was probably because you were drunk, babies usually didn’t excite you.
Ellie and Jesse started laughing at you.
“Aww (y/n) don’t cry. Come here.” Dina said opening her arms, you hugged her.
“Guess what (y/n)? Jesse said.
Pulling away from Dina you turned around looking at Jesse.
“Ellie’s gonna be an auntie too.” Wiggling his eyebrows at you, “our child is gonna have two gay aunts.” Jesse smirked at you.
“You mean two hot gay aunts.” You said grinning at him making Ellie blush.
“I’m gonna be a daddy, I mean I am one already.” He winked at Dina making her roll her eyes “but yeah you know what I’m talking about.”
Ellie looked at Jesse disgusted.
“Yeah I don’t know about that Jesse. The only daddy I see here in this room is me.” You said grinning at him making Ellie and Dina snort at that.
“Ellie get your girl.” Jesse said trying to get up, he fell back again, too drunk to get up by himself Dina went over to help him.
Ellie got up, putting her jacket on she gave yours too. Putting it on. You said your goodbyes to Dina and Jesse. Hugging them both, congratulating them on Dina’s pregnancy, Ellie watched you, smiling. She congratulated them as well.
Ellie opened the door for you letting you out first, she was about to go out when Jesse grabbed her arm making her look at him “have fun Ellie! And don’t make babies.” He said, smirking at her. She looked at him confused “how are we sup- you know what go to sleep dumbass.” She said before leaving.
Stepping out, she looked at you standing there admiring the snow falling, you looked so adorable right at this moment, she’d have to make a drawing of you based on this moment. But she noticed you looked a little sad all of the sudden. Must be the alcohol Ellie thought to herself.
“Come on (y/n), I’m gonna bring you home.”
“I don’t have a home.” You said, looking down.
“What do you mean (y/n)? Of course you do.” She said, not understanding what you were saying.
“I have a house but I don’t have a home.” You said, sad about having to go home into an empty house. You suddenly looked so small to her, with your guard down. You usually looked so tough and fierce, always ready for any situation but right now you were just a sad girl.
Understanding it more clearly now, feeling bad that you’re feeling this way.
“Do- do you maybe wanna come back with me? Just for tonight?” Ellie asked you, shyly.
Looking at her you noticed she was anxiously waiting for your answer. Blinking a couple of times you nodded your head.
Ellie smiled at you, offering her hand to you, you took it intertwining your fingers with hers you walked back to her place.
Arriving back at her place, she opened the door for you letting you go inside, following you she closed and locked the door, taking her jacket off. You took yours off as well.
“Umm I’m gonna give you something to wear so you don’t have to sleep in your clothes.” She said, grabbing something from her drawer.
You looked around, looking at the video games she had laying around. Grabbing one of them, you noticed it was the one Ellie and Jesse were having a discussion about earlier.
“Here.” Ellie gave you one of her shirts. It was an old band tee, you wondered where she got it from.
“Joel gave it to me a long time ago.” Ellie said, you smiled at that.
“I’m gonna change.” You said.
“Yeah sure.”
You went into the bathroom, getting out of your clothes you put Ellie’s shirt on. It was big and comfy, you’ve never seen her wear it.
Splashing your face with some cold water you looked at yourself in the mirror, you had a permanent scar on your forehead now from the incident at the old police station, it kind of pissed you off but it also made you look kind of badass.
Leaving the bathroom you saw Ellie putting a pillow on her couch.
“I’m taking the couch you know.” You said to her.
“Umm yeah no.” Ellie argued, sitting down so you wouldn’t.
“I’m not gonna take your bed while you sleep on the couch that is probably super uncomfortable.” You said walking towards her.
She looked you up and down, loving the way her shirt looked on you, looking at your legs, she licked her lips, you looked so cute and sexy at the same time. Ellie could get used to seeing you like this.
“I’m taking the couch.” You said, standing in front of her, you put your hands on your hips.
“No you won’t.” Ellie said, already laying down so you can’t.
You really didn’t want to take her bed while she was sleeping on the couch. You wouldn’t mind sleeping on the bed with her either.
“Alrighty then, make some space.” You said.
Ellie looked at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“If we can’t agree on who gets to sleep on the couch, we just have to share it then.” You said.
“Oh.” Ellie started smirking at that. If Ellie knew you’d be okay with sleeping with her she wouldn’t have put her pillow on the couch.
“Or we just share the bed?” Ellie suggested.
“Even better.” You said. Grabbing her pillow you put it back on the bed, sitting down on her bed you looked over at Ellie. She was getting out of her clothes, you looked away quickly not wanting to stare.
After she put on a shirt she turned off the lights, the room illuminated by the moonlight now. She walked over to the bed, laying down she got under the blanket, holding it open for you she looked at you noticing how shy you’ve gotten. “Well come on.” Laying down beside her, she put the blanket over you. You faced each other, staring into each other’s eyes. Scooting closer to her, you smiled at her, she smiled back. She moved your hair out of your face, running her thumb over your scar. Watching her, you tried to read her emotions.
“Ellie?” You whispered.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked, shyly.
Smiling at you “you don’t have to ask”
You smiled at her words, moving closer to her you kissed her lips softly, moving her lips against yours. Staying like this for enjoying the kiss. Running her hand down your back, she squeezed your butt lightly making you moan, she smirked into the kiss, moving her tongue into your mouth, she gripped your hips tightly, pushing you back she moved on top of you, making out with you softly, she ran her hand up and down your thigh. Pulling away from the kiss she started planting kisses on your neck, making you moan again. “Ellie.” You sighed softly.
Grabbing her face you smashed your lips back against hers, she smirked at your neediness. Moving her hand under your shirt she touched the soft skin on your hips. Enjoying the touch of her hands on your skin.
Your hands started roaming her body, you loved having her on top of you. You wish you could stay like this forever.
Pulling away from her after a while of making out, you were both breathless, Ellie smiled down on you. Getting off you she pulled you into her, hugging you tightly, you put your arm around her waist hugging her.
Looking up at her you noticed she was already staring back at you, you smiled softly at each other. Kissing her chin softly, her smile widened. Brushing your hair behind your ear she plants a kiss on your forehead. You kissed her lips softly, one last time before going back to hugging her. Feeling yourself getting tired, you whispered a good night to Ellie.
“Good night, babe.” Ellie stayed up for a while longer while you were sleeping in her arms. She looked down at you lovingly. She never thought she’d ever have you in her arms, kissing her and sleeping cuddled up to her but she was so happy in this moment, enjoying every second of it she hoped this wasn’t the last time.
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youbloodymadgenius · 3 years
Ivarello (Modern!Ivar x reader) Chapter 1
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Moodboard by @quantumlocked310
Ivarello’s masterpost here
A/N: This is my entry for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie 500 Followers Fairy Tale Challenge. It's a retelling of Cinderella. Congrats again, darling 💖
A huge thank you to @mrsalwayswrite, who's a great beta reader and an even greater cheerleader 😂
A massive thank you to @quantumlocked310, @vikingstrash and @serasvictoria. Thank you for agreeing to collaborate and for sharing your talent with me. Your moodboards are beyond amazing 🤩
In this story, Sigurd is alive. Ragnar and Aslaug are dead, but Lagertha didn't kill her. I took a lot of liberties with the show, I hope you won't mind.
Unlike the tale, there will be no magic involved. Not everything will be realistic, however. It's a fayritale, after all!
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Summary: Orphaned five years ago, Ivar and his brothers have been living with Lagertha ever since. Now 16 years old, he wants to attend Harald's traditional Midsummer party, but obstacles stand in his way.
Warnings: description of car crash; orphaned kids; Sigurd being Sigurd; OOC characters.
Words: 1806
Additional note: I'm afraid I'll disappoint some of you. No more newspapers... The articles defined the setting of the story. From now on, it'll be a regular fic.
Hope you enjoy it nevertheless 🙂
June 2021
Ivar yawns, rubbing his eyes, when he suddenly hears the front door open. The next moment, Ubbe shouts, "Hey baby bro, we're home!"
Slightly confused, Ivar looks at the time on his computer. Stunned, he blinks repeatedly, shakes his head and checks the time again, now looking at his watch. "Guess I lost track of time," he mumbles as he realizes it's really 5:30 pm. He clears his throat. "I'm coming!"
Yawning once more, he wheels to the kitchen. Hvitserk waves at him with one hand as Ubbe greets him with a grin and Sigurd... Well, Sigurd ignores him, as usual.
"Hello boys!" Lagertha smiles as she also enters the kitchen. "Did you go to the beach this afternoon?" It's a rethorical question, since sand can be seen on the tanned skin of his brothers, shirtless and wearing only swimming shorts.
When she looks down at him, her smile becomes softer. "Ivar, you seem tired. Did you work all day long?"
He nods, glad that for once she called him by his first name and not by one of those stupid nicknames that she likes but that make his skin crawl.
"Yep," he shrugs without smiling back, "I made good progress. The new version of your website is almost done. It could probably be online by the end of the week."
His stepmom flashes him a beaming smile. "Great, thanks!"
The conversation then moves on to the subject that everyone in Kattegat has been talking about for the last few days: the midsummer party thrown by their neighbor Harald Hårfager. Every June, it is Kattegat's not-to-be-missed event, to which every resident hopes to be invited.
Lagertha is invited every year, yet rarely attends; his brothers wouldn't miss it, not in a million years; Ivar never went.
He listens with half an ear as his brothers prattle on about the upcoming party, while taking a seat at the large, wooden kitchen table on which Lagertha has just put cakes and drinks.
"What are you going to wear?"
"Do you think Marit will attend this year?"
"Hopefully the music will be better than last year."
"Can't be as bad! What was the name of that reggae band?"
For a fleeting moment, Ivar entertains the thought of attending as well. Not that he's dying to, but… Sometimes, he feels a little bit like Cinderella in this house.
Don't get him wrong, it's not that bad.
First, his stepmom is not–
Wait, wait, wait, is Lagertha technically his stepmom? He's not sure. After all, she wasn't when his parents were alive, she was just his father's first wife. Anyway, she may be his guardian now, but he sees her as his stepmom and he honestly doesn’t give a shit if it's a little weird.
Where was he? Oh yes, Cinderella.
So obviously, Lagertha is not a wicked, haughty and abusive stepmom like this Lady Tremaine of the fairytale.
Actually, even if it pisses him off to admit it, she's pretty nice, patient and composed. Does he love her? Let's not exaggerate – he doesn't. She may love him though, which is a little bit uncanny, if he's being honest. He was the favorite son of her nemesis. Shouldn't she hate him? He would, if the situation was reversed.
The truth is, when he was younger, he tried, he really tried to hate her, blaming her for everything and anything. When too much pain prevented him from sleeping, he let his imagination run wild. There, bound to his bed of suffering, he could see Lagertha cutting the brakes on his mother's car, causing her crash, causing her death.
Of course, even then, he knew deep down that Lagertha had not killed his mother; that the story he told himself was just the product of his endless nights of insomnia. But what can he say? He needed this. Because blaming Lagertha rather than admitting that his beloved mother was at fault – by being distracted, or by falling asleep, he'll never know – was easier for the heartbroken boy he was.
Anyway... So yes, Lagertha is definitely not an evil stepmother like Cinderella's.
Also, he doesn't sleep on a sorry garret, on a wretched straw bed either.
Actually, he has a very large room on the main floor, with a king-size memory foam bed, a walk-in – well, a wheel-in for his case – closet and his own, huge bathroom, fully equipped for his special needs.
Sure, the bathroom and the dressing room were already there when his parents were alive; however, the memory foam mattress had been Lagertha's idea.
Anyway... So yes, he can't exactly complain about his sleeping conditions, unlike Cinderella.
And obviously, he's not forced into servitude.
Actually, one might think so, but no, he's not. Sure, sometimes he works for his stepmom, like today. But so do his brothers. When she had taken them in, she was a powerful businesswoman, working twelve to fourteen hours a day. Once she had become their guardian, she had rearranged her working time and learned to delegate; but even so, she had often run out of time. Therefore, it had seemed normal to them – yes, even to him – to help her out, each of them according to their skills and abilities.
So, while Hvitserk almost always does the grocery shopping, while Sigurd vacuums and does the laundry, while Ubbe mows the lawn and trim the bushes, he, Ivar, runs her company's website and sometimes even does the accounting. And since he loves computers and numbers, it's not exactly a problem.
Anyway... So yes, he's not a slave in this house. Unlike Cinderella.
So, yes, to sum it up, he can't really complain and he's by far not Cinderella. And he knows it.
But... Yes, there's a but...
Sometimes, he feels trapped, as poor Cinderella must have felt.
Sometimes he feels like a spectator of a life he doesn't belong to.
Sure, he doesn't have to be homeschooled – but gods, he's glad he is. The reasons for him to be continuously bullied by classmates are endless. The simplest ones being: he is a cripple, an orphan, the son of a dead mob boss, the smartest one in the whole damn school, let alone his class. Take your pick. It's no fun, no fun at all. Being home alone is preferable to that alternative.
Therefore, barely leaving the house except for medical appointments, he has no friends. He doesn't do sports either – obviously – and yeah, he lives a lonely life, filled with video games and Netflix series. And he's okay with that. Well, most of the time.
Sure, his brothers, or at least Ubbe and Hvitserk, always try to include him as much as possible. But the truth is that because of his legs, there are many, many things he just can't do.
And the other truth, the less pleasant one, is that he partially did that to himself. He cut himself off from a world that hurt him, yet he still misses this world sometimes. At times, he blames himself. Because his life, honestly, is hardly what you would call a life, is it? Not when you're sixteen.
That's why sometimes, like now, he feels this longing, almost a need, to live. To really, truly, fully live. And that's why, for a brief moment, lulled by the light chitchat of his brothers, he considers attending Harald's midsummer party.
But he knows better. This life is not for him, never has been, never will be.
And so, shaking his head, he chases the thought away and, placing his hands on his push rims, he's about to leave the kitchen while the incessant babbling of his brothers goes on.
"I can't wait."
"Don't tell me! As every year, the most beautiful girls of Kattegat will be there."
"Remember that burger food truck? Best burgers ever!"
"I've heard Y/N would be attending this year."
"There'll be booze and girls! Sounds like Valh–"
Wait. His mind goes blank.
What? Did he hear right?
As he replays his brother's words in his head, it's like there's an earthquake happening inside of him.
He stops breathing. Blinks, then clamps his eyes shut.
When he finally manages to draw air into his lungs, he swallows loudly before asking in a weird, high-pitched voice, his heart pounding in his chest, "What– What did you say, brother?"
Hvitserk turns his head toward him and shrugs. "I just said there'll be boo–"
"No, not you!" Ivar snaps at his brother, pointing his pointer finger at Ubbe. "You, what did you fucking say?" Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Lagertha frowning – 'no curse words in this house, boys'– and even if he barely contains an eye roll, he still mouths a quick 'sorry' at her before rewording his question, impatience coursing through him. "What did you say, dear brother? Who did you say would attend?"
Stunned, Ubbe looks at him with wide eyes. "Y/N? I said Y/N would come. That's what I heard anyway. She's Harald's niece. She was here once, right? Remember her, baby bro, huh?"
But Ivar is no longer listening, the blood draining from his face. Y/N... Y/N... Fuck. Finally. Fucking finally. After so long... He may see you again. Wow.
I'll go! I'll fucking go!
He barely contains the words, suddenly acutely aware of the deafening silence in the room, his brothers shamelessly staring at him.
With her brows furrowed and her lips turned downward in a slight frown, Lagertha takes two steps forwards before crouching down in front of him. "Are you all right, sweetie? You're a little pale."
He barely hears when Sigurd giggles, "A little pale? He's greener than an alien!"
Lagertha shoots Sigurd a dirty look and then gently cups Ivar's cheek. "Do you know her, Ivar? Do you know Y/N?"
Overwhelmed, self-conscious, freaked out, caught off-guard, he doesn't know how to respond. Should he tell the truth? Should he lie? His brothers will mock him, for sure. What is the point of telling the truth? What good would it do? On the other hand, he could really use some advice. Yeah. Sure. Advice from Sigurd. Just the thought of it is enough to make him sick. Fuck, what is he going to do?
Rushed words are out of his mouth before he can even gather his thoughts. "No. No. I don't. I mean, yes, I think I do but–" He's being pathetic and he hates it. So after a sharp intake of breath, he shakes his head and eventually replies in a flat, calm voice, the white lie rolling off his tongue. "I know her, but I thought Ubbe was talking about someone else. Sorry."
With these words, he hastily leaves the room, his eyes riveted on his knees, his heart still drumming in his chest.
Y/N. Fuck.
Ivar's taglist: @waiting4inspiration @honestsycrets @lisinfleur @saldelys @gearhead66 @inforapound @readsalot73 @milkkygirls @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @zuxiezendler @hecohansen31 @lonewolf471 @fuckindiva @tgrrose @didiintheblog @peachyboneless @pieces-by-me @funmadnessandbadassvikings @ethereallysimple @destynelseclipsa @cocovikings23 @xceafh @mrsalwayswrite @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @pomegranates-and-blood @jadelynlace @grimeundglow @quantumlocked310 @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom
Ivarello's taglist: @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog @hashimily @prepare4trouble @supernaturalvikingwhore @funmadnessandbadassvikings
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cherrycocaineee · 3 years
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13. Dean Winchester - Confession
    Bobby was sitting at his desk flipping through the millions of dusty, old, torn books he had collected over the years when I came down the stairs, carrying my purse along my shoulder. The sound of my small feet thumping against his creaky wooden floors caused him to look at me. He was already drinking scotch this early in the morning and the tired, purple bags under his eyes proved that he had a restless night just like usual. I smiled sympathetically at him as I approached, getting a large whiff of the liquor he was pouring down his throat. I could hardly count the number of times I’ve warned him and the boys about drinking so much, yet they never listened. Though I didn’t really expect them to, considering all of the things they’ve seen in their lifetime.
  “Where are you off to?” He asked, pouring himself another glass of scotch.
 “We’re low on groceries,” I hummed, “so I’m going down to the market to pick some stuff up. I’ll make breakfast when I come back, okay?”
   “I’ll hold ya to that. You need any money?”
 I shook my head and patted the side of my purse before leaving for the market. It wasn’t a long trip, it was literally a block from where Bobby lived. When I arrived at the small, yet vibrant place, I inhaled the sweet scent of freshly picked produce and other aromas. Inside I pushed the basket around and collected everything we needed for the house: fresh produce, meats, bread, eggs, and much more. Considering how much fast food I use while travelling with the boys, I was happy to find a place that sold freshly grown fruits and vegetables, and freshly cut chops of meat, and more. I spent an hour in total at the market before paying for my groceries and heading back to the house.
  While carrying all of the paper bags inside, I could hear talking going on inside. I shook it off as Bobby being on the phone and continued.
  “Bobby, I’m home,” I called, “I’m about to start breakfast, so why don’t you trade that scotch in for a cup of coffee.”
  The voices from the other room quieted down just as I placed the groceries on the kitchen table. I walked out of the kitchen and saw Bobby standing in the middle of the room with none other than Dean and Sam. My eyes widened at the sight of them. The last time I saw Sam was when he jumped into the cage, holding Lucifer in and knocking Michael inside too. And Dean, well, I hadn’t seen him since he went to live with Lisa and Ben. It had hurt a lot when he left too, not wanting to stay with Bobby. Not wanting to stay with me. But I didn’t make a big deal about it despite being madly in love with him. Though I’d never tell him that since he was in love with Lisa.
  “Hey, Persephone,” Sam and Dean said simultaneously, making my eyes water.
  “Hey,” I whispered, a smile forming on my face.
  I walked over to them and embraced them both, feeling their large, muscular arms wrap around my thin frame as they held me close. As I pulled away from the hug, Lisa popped her head around the corner. My chest was tightening as I saw Dean walk over to her. They went off to speak to one another, I cleared my throat and turned my attention to Sam.
  “When did you get back from hell?” I asked.
  From the look on his face and the way he was rubbing the back of his neck with his rough hands, I knew there was something he wasn’t sure he wanted to tell me. Or at least the truth anyway. But he decided that he’d tell me in the end.
 “A year, actually,” he muttered.
  My forest green eyes widened at his words. I spent the next fifteen minutes tearing a new one into both Sam and Bobby, who had been hiding this from me the entire year, then returned to the kitchen to cook breakfast. There was a mix of frustration, betrayal, and other emotions mixing up inside of me as I started scrambling the eggs and cooking the sausage and bacon. Quiet sizzling could be heard throughout the kitchen, masking the sound of my humming while I cooked. As I was moving on to the coffee, I heard footsteps coming from behind me so I swirled around to see Dean walking in. He didn’t look too happy either.
  “Did you just find out that Sam’s been back for a year too?” I questioned, throwing away the old coffee grounds into the trash.
 “Well yes,” he stated, “but that’s not while I’m upset.”
  I had started plating the food by then, starting off with Ben’s since he was here and was probably hungry.
  “What’s going on?”
  I set a cup of coffee down in front of him.
  “Sam needs my help hunting a Djinn,” he answered, “and I’m worried because the things might come after Lisa and Ben.”
  Honestly, I should have seen that coming. Sam, despite being back from hell, wouldn’t have asked Dean for help if it wasn’t life or death. It made me wonder if they’d only come to drop off Dean's family or to ask me to help. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t jealous of Lisa, in fact, I was happy for her and Dean. It just hurt every time I saw them together.
  “So that’s why you brought them to Bobby’s,” I whispered, buttering some fresh French bread, “so we could watch them while you guys hunted the Djinn?”
  “Well actually,” Dean said, placing his cup on the table, “just for Bobby to watch them. You’re coming with us right?”
  A small, sad smile appeared on my face as I lifted up Bobby’s plate while shaking my head.
 “I don’t hunt anymore, Dean. When Sam jumped into that cage and you left to go live with Lisa and Ben, the two of you left me behind. So I just stopped hunting. Now I just clean up and cook while studying.”
  “I started going back to school. Granted it’s online but I figured I might as well get an education.”
  It was silent between us, so I just walked away and headed towards Bobby with his breakfast. He was sitting at his desk once again when I arrived and graciously welcomed the warm food. I went back into the kitchen, where Dean was still sitting, and picked up the plate for Ben then headed upstairs to give it to him.
  Lisa was unpacking their overnight bags when I reached the room they were staying in. Ben was sitting on the bed, playing some video game on his gaming device. Tapping on the door, I caught their attention and smiled welcomingly.
  “Hey,” I said, “I’m Persephone, a friend of Sam and Dean’s. I made your son some breakfast if he’d like to eat.”
  A smile appeared on her face in return, “thank you, Persephone. I’m Lisa and this is Ben.”
  I didn’t tell her that I already knew her name, that would be rude. Instead, I shook her hand and placed Ben’s food down on one of the nightstands. He thanked me and started shoveling food inside his mouth fast. It reminded me of how Dean would eat when he was in a rush. Swallowing the forming lump inside my throat, I left the two of them to finish unpacking. Halfway down the stairs, I froze and gripped the railing tight. My heart felt like it was racing, tears were streaming down my cheek as I tried to collect myself. Wiping away the unwanted water leaks, I sighed softly and went downstairs. Sam and Dean were getting ready to leave when I made it to the main room. The two Winchester brother’s faced me when I entered.
  “You sure you don’t want to come, Perse?” Sam inquired.
 I held up my hands and giggled, “no thanks. You guys be safe.”
  I hugged them tightly, almost relaxing when I felt the safety of their embrace. They said a final goodbye to Bobby and I then left for wherever it was they were going to hunt this monster. Bobby returned to his breakfast and I went into the kitchen to pack up the leftovers and clean up. Once the kitchen was tidied up, I headed back upstairs to my room to get some reading done. I had some homework assignments that were in desperate need of doing before midnight tomorrow and I liked to stay ahead of the clock.
  Hours and hours passed before I finally passed out while reading my book. No dreams occupied my slumber while I napped, however, I was eventually awakened by the sound of someone knocking on my door. Stirring around in my covers, both eyes pried themselves open and stared at the dimly lit ceiling before looking to my right and seeing it was well past three o’clock in the morning. Another knock echoed throughout the room and I finally dragged myself out of the comforting quilt and onto the assaulting, cold floor. I rubbed my eyes to wipe the sleep away and pulled the door open. Lisa was standing on the other side, holding a plate in her hand.
  “Bobby said that you were up here studying, and you missed dinner,” she said, “did I wake you?”
 “Yeah,” I groggily whispered, “but it’s okay.”
  I took the plate from her and saw that she had cooked some chicken noodle soup. It smelled great, reminding me of my early years in life when I still lived with my mom. She followed me inside of the room as I sat criss crossed on my bed with the soup in hand, smelling the melted butter on the toast. My eyes met the clock once again and was astonished to see that I had slept and studied for such a long time. It felt like only seconds ago that it was morning and I had just finished cooking breakfast.
 “Persephone,” Lisa said while I slurped the soup up, “I’m sure you’re aware of the things Sam and Dean do, right?”
  “Of course,” I answered before scooping another spoonful of soup in my mouth.
 “How were you okay with it? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love Dean and I understand that he’s gotta do what he has to, but sometimes I worry that he’ll come home hurt or something will follow him home.”
   Though there was a ping in my chest when she said she loved Dean, I couldn’t help but smile at how worried she was for him. It was something that he definitely needed since he was always worrying about other people. I placed the plate onto the empty nightstand and scooted closer to the edge of the bed, patting the spot next to me. When Lisa sat down, I took her hands into my own.
  “It’s a lot to process,” I whispered, “when I met Sam and Dean, I was so unsure about leaving everything I knew to travel with them and fight all of those monsters. But I know deep down in my heart that they would never let people they love get hurt and they’ll die trying to protect those they consider family. Especially Dean. What you can do for him, is just be there, even if it’s hard. Because at the end of the day, he needs that most of all.”
   The two of us shared a hug before she agreed she would do her best to make Dean feel loved and secure. After saying goodnight to me, she retreated back to her room, closing the door behind her. When she was out of sight, I grabbed my soup again and slowly started slurping it up again. It was comforting knowing that she would be taking care of Dean. Once he came back, I’d persuade him to go back with Lisa, telling him that he deserved to be with someone that made him happy.
   The next day came quickly and I hadn’t fallen back asleep after my conversation with Lisa, so I spent the rest of the entire night reading. Soft, illuminating rays of sunshine burst through the clear, white curtains in my room as I finished throwing on a short-sleeve, white, shirt that only tied close. Running my fingers through my brushed hair, I fixed up any lumps that were visible.
  Bobby was asleep at his desk when I reached downstairs, so I went over to him and wrapped a blanket around his snoring body. Picking up his almost empty bottle of scotch, I carried it back to the kitchen to put it away and make a new pot of coffee. Wanting nothing more than to sit outside with a non-school book and my delicious morning nectar, reading as the sun played against my pale skin. There was no telling when Sam and Dean would be home, along with there being no way of knowing when they would wake up. So I wanted to get in as much peace and quiet as possible before the day began.
  With the coffee cup in my right hand and a good book in the other, I sat on the back of one of Bobby’s rundown cars and started reading. Four chapters in and I was already getting up to make myself a second cup of joe. Just as I slipped off the back of the rusted car, Dean and Sam pulled up. The sun was only just inching towards the middle of the sky when they arrived. Both climbing out of their seats, I noticed that they were not only tired but relieved.
  “How’d it go?” I inquired, “seemed pretty quick.”
 “It went fine,” Sam replied, “except Dean’s got a big slash on his arm. They came right at us.”
   I went over to Dean and saw that he had wrapped his cut in a cloth but the blood was still leaking through. Clicking my tongue, I shook my head while leading the two of them inside. Sam explained on the way that they had figured that the Djinn were targeting both of them, so they went back to Dean’s home and waited there. When Dean noticed that his friends and neighbors were being killed, he ran to help and ended up almost dying. But Sam helped him. The fight raged on but in the end, the Winchester boys came out on top. Sam went to wash up while I started taking care of Dean’s wound.
  With the First Aid Kit laying beside me on the kitchen table, I unwrapped his wound and gulped at the sight of it. Dean chuckled.
  “Makes you miss the old days, huh?” He laughed.
 “Not really,” I giggled, “a lot of it may have been great but watching the two people I cared the most about get injured was never easy.”
  “It was never easy watching you get hurt either.”
 I cleaned up the wound and sprayed some of the cleaning solution on it causing Dean to wince. It made me laugh because of how soft he had become in the last year. After rewrapping the wound in a proper bandage, I threw everything else away and put the first aid kit back in its rightful spot. When I looked back at him, I saw that he was staring at his hands.
  “Are you thinking about leaving Lisa and Ben?” I asked, returning to the table.
  “I’m not sure,” he stated, “if I leave them, more monsters could show up looking for me and hurt them, but if I stay then even more monsters will show up and hurt them to get to me.”
  “But at least you’d be there to protect them.”
 His perfect, bright green eyes met my own darker, emerald ones.
  “If you left Lisa and Ben today, then you would never be able to forgive yourself if they got hurt without you being there. However, I know, and Lisa knows, that you would do anything for the people you love. So maybe you being there is what’s best right now.”
   The words seemed to sink in before he nodded in agreement.
 “Then it’s settled. I’ll be going back with Lisa and Ben when they wake up.”
   I squeezed his shoulder and sat down at the table. Running a shaking hand through my hair as a soft sigh left my lips. I don’t know what came over me, all of a sudden I felt that maybe I should say something to him if this was the last time I’d see him. I had no intention of breaking him and Lisa up but I couldn’t keep it to myself anymore. It was practically tearing me up inside.
  “Dean, there’s something I need to tell you before you go,” I whispered.
 “What is it?” He asked, his eyes never wavering away from me.
  My palms felt sweaty and my throat felt drier than I had ever felt before. Taking a deep breath, I faced him and smiled. I chickened out.
  “I’m going to miss you.”
  I went to go back to my room, but Dean grabbed my wrist stopping me from leaving. I clenched my fist tight and turned around, not ready to face him because I knew he could read my face like a book. He stood there holding my arm, not tight but not lightly so I would stay there.
  “That’s definitely not what you were going to say,” he said, “tell me.”
  With a final deep breath, I nodded my head, “I love you.”
  His eyes widened and he dropped my hand, letting it drop to my side. I felt it sway before coming to a slow stop. Then I held it to defend myself.
  “I’m not saying this to break you and Lisa up,” I said, “I want you to go with her and be there for Ben. But I also wanted to let you know, in case we never saw each other again.”
  “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” He croaked, and I thought that I could see tears in his eyes.
 I could only shrug my shoulders, “with everything going on, it just didn’t feel right. And then you wanted to go live with Lisa after Sam was gone so I just never told you.”
   Our conversation was interrupted by Ben and Lisa running into the kitchen, Bobby walking behind them, and embracing Dean. They were happy that he had come home with hardly any injuries. Dean wrapped his arms around them both but he was staring at me. I smiled sweetly, holding my hands in front of me while watching them be reunited. Lisa and Ben were ready to go home with Dean, and even though I knew Dean wanted to stay and talk more about what I had just confessed, I helped push him out the door. If he stayed any longer, I was definitely going to want him to stay forever. But I couldn’t be selfish. Sam, Bobby, and I stood at the front door and waved as the three of them drove off. When they were out of sight, my hand dropped. I felt Bobby place his hand on my shoulder and look at me with understanding.
  I wasn’t sure when the next time I would see Dean again, but I knew that it wasn’t going to be any time soon. And if I was being honest, I didn’t want to see him again. He needed to be with Lisa.
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