#anyway this is quick and a little messy but! it's also mainly a warm up while i work on some of my fics
milf-harrington · 2 years
“close your eyes and hold out your hands” for the prompt thing!! (-patheticgirlsteve)
@patheticgirlsteve i went with steddie for the ship <3
okay this is a little bit silly but it's the idea that came to me so lets go!!
robin and steve work at a craft store after getting fired from family video for 1. leaving in the middle of their shift, and 2. not showing up for the rest of the week
With the door left open to entice wandering customers to come inside, the summer heat easily crept in and left the store stuffy and warm. The overhead fans were mostly useless, moving the air around instead of cooling anything down, and briefly Steve longed for the skin-chilling air conditioning at Scoops.
"I kind of miss Scoops right now." Robin decided, standing underneath one of the fans and further cementing Steve's belief that they were mind-melded. Apparently a warm breeze was better than no breeze.
The claw-clip she'd used to hold her hair back was Eddie's, but she'd shrugged and said he shouldn't have left it in Steve's car if he didn't want it stolen, and. Well.
Steve hummed his agreement, too lazy to put his mind-meld theory into words, and tried to count how many different shades of red fabric they had. It was hard to concentrate enough to separate them though, with the way the heat was melting his brain.
And then: Salvation.
The scuff of shoes and a faint metallic jingle, brought the coworkers attention to the door as Eddie Munson strolled in, their first customer in hours.
Steve took a second to delight in his boyfriends summer wardrobe- cut off shorts he'd stolen from Steve (who'd stolen them from Robin) and a tank top that used to be Wayne's, with his hair knotted back into some semblance of a bun.
Overall there was a lot of skin on display. Steve wanted to bite him.
"Hi Eddie." They chorused, not bothering to move from their respective positions.
Eddie grinned and nodded at Robin, who had her head tilted back like that would cool her down faster. "Buckley."
Then, he turned to Steve, leaning on the opposite side of the counter so they were face to face, smile softer. "Baby."
Steve rolled his eyes, biting back his own smile. "What do you want Munson?"
"Well," Eddie started tilting his head theatrically. "I do need fabric paint, but I also have something for you, so I figured-" He waved a hand, rings a blur of sliver "-two birds, one stone and all that shit."
"You have something for me? What is it?"
"Close your eyes, and hold out your hands."
Steve eyed him suspiciously, and Eddie rolled his eyes.
"Cmon sweetheart, just trust me."
The thing was, Steve did trust Eddie. With his life and his heart and the well being of the kids - but he didn't trust Eddie not to give him a handful of beetles because he thought they looked pretty.
Still, it was hot and Steve didn't want to argue, so he held out his free hand and shut his eyes with a huff.
Eddie leaned in and kissed his forehead, apparently uncaring of the sweat there, right as something cool and leather dropped into his hand. It was the case for his glasses.
Well that explained why the wall of fabrics were blurring together.
"Saw these on your desk when I got up and figured you'd need them."
And then, before Steve could actually move to do anything, Eddie flipped open the case and unfolded the glasses inside, gently sliding them onto Steve's face. The tip of his tongue was pressed to his top lip as he adjusted them until they were balanced properly, the bridge pushed up to where it was most comfortable. Then he nodded, snapping the case closed and leaning across the counter to tuck it in the cubby where Robin kept her bag.
Steve couldn't move, following Eddie with his eyes. He still wasn't used to it, the way that Eddie cared, the way he loved. He just... did things like it cost him nothing, like Steve wasn't just a burden to carry until his arms grew tired.
He treated Steve like he was something worth having, pushed and prodded and teased, always seeking out his reaction, keeping him involved and included. He laughed when Steve was mean and laid with him when he was sad, was always going on about how smart Steve was like didn't constantly feel like the slowest in the party.
He put his glasses on for him.
Tilted his chin up with one knuckle and gave an approving nod. "Now you're not all squinty."
Steve unfroze, melting into a warm smile and quickly glancing around the store before leaning in to peck him on the lips. "Thank you."
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eternalwritess · 29 days
hello!! hope you are doing well! i’d like to request a romantic match up for The Owl House if that’s ok!
so, to start i am afab genderfluid,pansexual and polyamorous (my matchup doesn’t have to be polyamorus btw just to let you know) and i use all pronouns. my mbti type is ENTP.
i’m a rather chaotic and unpredictable individual, i can act a bit rowdy or unhinged at times, but i know when to be serious. i am pretty tall at 6 feet and one inch. my style of clothing is almost exclusively comfy clothes/ sleep clothes. i love wearing pajama pants, especially ones with cartoon characters on them. i usually look very disheveled at all times. i don’t care much for beauty standards or fashion.
i have episodes where i’m very sensitive and emotional, some would say it’s hard to talk to me sometimes because of my unpredictability. i am high functioning autistic and early onset schizophrenic, meaning i have a disconnect from reality and sometimes hallucinations or delusions, i’ve learned to handle it pretty well though.
i really like things other people consider creepy, like spiders or clowns, i find both to be delightful. i sleep a ton throughout the day, on average 11-12 hours a night. i like staying up late a lot. i care a lot about my friends and those close to me but to other people i may seem dismissive or disconnected. i may show appreciation or affection by a giving a gift or engaging in a lot of conversation or compliments. my room is extremely messy, i have a hard time staying organized and keeping my things clean. i either have tons of energy or i’m utterly exhausted, no in-between. i really like watching cartoons and playing games. i also enjoy drawing, mainly my favorite characters or just some characters of mine. i’m not very picky with who i surround myself with, i just don’t tolerate people that try to use me or put me down for their gain. i have a strong sense of justice, and i’m quick to defend myself or others. sometimes it hard for me to understand others and their actions,but i try the best i can to emphasize.
thank you! have a good day :3!
i match you with... 𝓗𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻! ██ 20% _ ████ 60% _ █████ 80% _ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100% ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ!
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♟ You two likely met after Hunter turned good and started defeating Belos with everyone, you were a little skeptical of him personally but fuck it, you trust Luz and decided that she wouldn't make a decision to actively harm you in anyway possible so you rolled with it still skeptical to some degree of him
♟ It wasn't until you two arrived to the human world when you really began to connect, Hunter was beginning to share Gus's interest in humans and you slowly began developing it too (well you just wanted out of the house)
♟ This caused the three of you to go on adventures all of the time, going anywhere and everywhere with each other and slowly warming up to each other. Every time you'd get unhinged Hunter would be slightly afraid of you but learned to look past it and see something beyond just that
♟ It wasn't long before you two became friends and he realized that he was falling hard for you. He tried hiding it but Luz and Willow are just too good at snuffing out his crushes, they ended up locking you two in the basement until he confessed which took a while to say the least.
♟ When he learned that you felt the same at first he didn't believe it, constantly shaking his head and saying how impossible it was that you'd like him out of everyone you could possibly have. But once he realized that you were serious about it returned into a living tomato and finally got out of the basement and ran away.
♟ It took you a while to get him back and calm him down
^ ̳. . . ̳^
♟ He gets really surprised and shocked when you give him a gift, he never really got gifts back at the emperors coven that weren't for practical use, so when you'd do that for him he'd start blushing and try and give you something back in return
♟ Flapjack wingmans him, don't question it
♟ He's an early riser, but when you sleep in he decides to do stuff for you like try and clean up your room a little or do your chores around the house, he'll also make you breakfast (or try to, as he ends up having to accept help from Willow and Amity to make something even remotely edible)
♟ He matches your energy and likes to go absolute batshit with you, he could never really do that in the emperors coven, he couldn't do most things that he does with you in the coven so he loves it a lot when he can and absolutely adores every side that you bring out of him
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frost-eyed-autumn · 6 months
(Because I was enabled)
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The novelty of it still hadn't quite worn off yet. Like the clouds adults blew from their nose and mouth after taking drags from their cigarettes on the daily, his breath was visible on the air, but there was no little on-fire stick in his lips to account for it. It just happened by pure magic.
Or at least, that was what it felt like sometimes.
Less magical was the ache in his bones, all of his limbs drawn tight to his body, the kind of stiff posture that one half-assed push could send him crashing onto his side against concrete and rubble. An entirely unpleasant thought.
No one cleaned up the alleyway streets in Suribachi City - everyone was too busy with survival - so every hop and skip was littered with sharp gravel, pieces of broken glass or scraps of metal, old papers and cardboard long ago melted into recently but poorly-laid patches of pavement by the rain with ink that had run into nothing more than a messy blur. In other places, it was still dirt, compacted by the travel of many feet. Used needles and other unnamed trash, either thrown there carelessly or ripped from lonely, forgotten trash bags, were also sprinkled about.
Right now, the ground held a different hazard than usual. Small puddles frozen as solid as asphalt, and white powder from the sky that crunched underfoot, covering every surface in a thin sheet. Ice and snow, the other kids had called it.
Little by little, he was learning. He was learning quickly, all things considered. There was no room for slow learners in this place, not when survival was on the line, but even with the quick rate at which he picked things up - at least for a kid of his slight age, slighter still even than all the other kids around him, with his earlier memories being of nothing but a black void and constantly trying to play catch-up with those around him - it seemed like there was never an end to the novelties of the world.
And his world was still so incredibly small.
Suribachi City was still growing. He'd watched it with his own eyes as the crater had started to fill with only a handful of tents that the greater city of Yokohama couldn't be bothered to remove. And then there were more, and more-- and eventually more permanent shacks, made of stolen lumber and sheet metal.
He'd seen it evolve from a hole of nothing but dirt into something vaguely resembling a tiny village perched into the corners where no one would notice, and then slowly spread outward as more and more people found some kind of refuge here that normal society would never allow. Already, Suribachi had spread itself out into a sizeable crescent around one half of the crater, like a sliver of the waxing moon.
In the spring, all of Suribachi's residents had been hard at work, building a society where the destitute and outcast could live unbothered. Staking up structures that could vaguely be referred to as 'buildings', flattening out pathways between them that could maybe be called walkways or roads, hauling in materials and generators and mainly stolen supplies to get by.
In the summer, people had taken refuge in the shade, lazing about and complaining the whole way to fall, when things finally cooled off enough to justify hard labor.
Now again, everyone was conserving their strength with the bare minimum as the frigid cold crept in. Old oil barrels and makeshift fire pits were the primary concern of labor. Everything else, save for the acquisition of food and warm clothing, was a task best set aside for spring.
Even the larger gangs and organizations didn't care for this cold. The streets were mainly peaceful, but the large gangs like the Port Mafia didn't have to do much weight-throwing anyway. If the big gangs didn't get to people here first, then the cold would surely claim enough lives to keep them satisfied for a while.
Maybe he would be one of them.
His knees trembled together violently, and if he was any more of a skeleton, he's sure they would make for great musical maracas. No one in the Sheep had any weight to them that would help insulate them from the cold, though he was notably even smaller and slimmer than most that were his same age.
He didn't even feel the cold anymore, but that didn't stop his body from trembling in a desperate effort to keep his blood from freezing. The sun was only now cresting the horizon, finally managing to reach the fingers of its sun beams down into the crater, but to call it warmth just yet would be laughable.
Only pure stubbornness, and poking and prodding from the other Sheep when he started to drift, had kept him on his feet this long. In winter, the nights were long and deadly cold. Exhaustion greedily clawed into him and whispered in his ear just five minutes.
Just five minutes, to close his eyes, but no one with any brains sleeps during a winter's night in Suribachi City. That's what Shirase told him. On a snowy, below-freezing day like today, you sleep by night, you die by night, and so they'd spent most of their time in the dark moving; working; waiting vigil until the few hours of the day when the sun was up and winter's bite would be just a little less sharp.
Its pure torture, but it only makes the reward at the end of it all the sweeter. When that low, pale light finally brings the rest of the world awake, its time for the Sheep to curl up and sleep.
At long last, he hears the call, Shirase and some of the older kids beckoning everyone in to a shared little hut that they've all worked hard to fortify against the wind and snow outside, pooling everything they can find into one place.
Its not a large hut, but in this cold, its better that its not anyway. Easier to insulate. Easier to heat. It only just has enough space for them to have dragged a sizeable, abandoned mattress into it, propped up off the ground by stolen wooden boards cobbled together into an acceptable frame, with a shoddy table in the corner and an oil barrel to keep a contained fire going.
There's barely enough room for them all to fit comfortably, but they make it work, piling onto the bed with the largest and heaviest kids on the bottom, and the smaller kids on top. Chuuya just happens to fall somewhere in the middle, but only because there are kids even younger than he is in the Sheep, and only slightly smaller.
There's no real pre-determined organization to how anyone finds a spot. All of it comes down to who gets where first, staking their claim by first-come, only to shimmy and shift around as someone else climbs into the pile, everyone fitting themselves together like a game of human Tetris.
Chuuya's head ends up rested on someone's knee as a pillow, and in turn someone else's head manages to nestle comfortably into his side against his ribs. Another unknown butt clad in tattered jeans presses into his chest, and elsewhere, someone's stomach is draped across his legs.
Its impossible to find where one person ends and another begins in the tangle of strays, but for him in the moment, right now it was a heaven he wouldn't trade for anything short of the exact same thing with the same people, in a warmer, safer room with good food and hot drinks.
Family. That's what Shirase and the rest called this, and them, and this feeling. Belonging. Limbs and warmth and hearts all tangled up as one softly breathing entity, even if they had nothing else in the world.
Even as someone bitched at someone else move your damn elbow, and another kid whined about how they didn't want to be on the outside edge and tried to negotiate a change of places, and another barks at them to shut up and go to sleep, its the closest thing to perfection that he knows.
Chuuya, for his part, was content, entirely still in surrender as the others shifted and squirmed around and alongside him to figure out the best spots, and inevitably fall into a chorus of soft snores or half-awake silence to listen and watch for trouble for the rest of them.
At some point, someone would nudge him awake and tell him your turn to sit vigil, but for now, he let himself drift in the puddle of warm bodies as their collective shivering finally subsided into something acceptably echoing comfort.
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zukuist · 4 years
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞
200 followers special
includes: multiple characters (would add more tags but.. i reached 30 ;;)
your name is shortened to y/n, they/them pronouns
notes: thank you for 200 followers! this isn’t really going to be that long, but im just doing the characters i really like so ;; ALSO I MIGHT’VE GOTTEN KIRI’S ENTRY A LITTLE WRONG so ugh sorry ;;
shouto todoroki
from the start, he’s quite oblivious to certain things, (social ques, signs of romantic interest, etc.)
but when he’s observant with someone, then that totally means you’re special to him. does he realize how much he pays attention to you? hmm.. maybe?
he’s going to be the first one that notices you’re hungry, even if you don’t realize it yourself. he’s quick to grab a snack and break it open to you
same thing with being thirsty— if he notices that your water bottle is empty, he’ll quickly find the nearest vending machine and buy a bottle.
temperature is also no problem. he can immediately tell whenever someone’s cold; but he usually helps you first
too hot? he’s slowly putting down the room’s temperature
too cold? his left palm starts emitting some sort of heat in your direction, hoping it creates some sort of aid
if your shoelaces are undone, and/or he notices that there’s a button undone on your shirt— he’ll fix it for you
will ask to take your pictures on dates, and he’ll also help you pick out the best photo (not that any photo of you is short of any beauty)
in short— people will notice that he’s actually a big simp for you; because of how observant he is with you specifically.
katsuki bakugou
just because he’s simping for you doesn’t mean he’ll treat you any differently. bakugou will be bakugou, and you eventually learn how to adapt to that.
but even so, his simp habits slip out sometimes.
when he’s cooking, he’ll accidentally make too much to eat, and he’ll coincidentally put the extras in another box and hand it to you
he’s a good student, even with studies. but would he say he’s a good teacher? hm. probably not
but if he notices you need help, he’ll sigh, feining annoyance as he decides to tutor y’all, because those ‘idiots’ are hopeless
rolls his eyes when he sees food on your cheek, but he’ll grab a tissue and wipe it off for you— claiming how you’re so messy.
he’ll act like he hates hearing your ‘annoying ass singing’ but he’ll lean against the doorway and listen to you rock out to whatever song you’re singing to.
denki will call him a simp for looking after you, and bakugou will just yell at him to “SHUT UP” >:T
he secretly likes taking care of you. his words aren’t the softest thing in the world, but his actions make up to it.
izuku midoriya
as katsuki bakugou would call him; he is a nerd
he definitely meant that as an insult, but his input on detail makes it very useful in things like relationships
he remembers every detail of your quirk, your limits, potential secret moves.
it would’ve been stalker-ish, if it weren’t for the fact that deku does this out of admiration for his s/o
so if you so happen to collapse due to overusing your quirk— deku has a detailed plan on what to do. it’s almost scary.
he puts detail in a lot of things, anniversary gifts, birthday gifts, and so on.
deku’s also the type to plan things weeks before it actually happens. like.. planning out the perfect birthday gift
and with this, his memory is really good. so it’s very unlikely that he’ll just suddenly forget anniversaries and birthdays.
i hc deku as a bad cook, so he eats takeout food more than his homemade food
but he’s takes note of your allergies, your dislikes with food— and he finds himself mumbling small details to recall what you like
when you walk out in pretty/good outfits for dates
his face will break out into shades of red— suddenly rambling all the good details of your outfit, complimenting you while he’s at it
“y/n’s looks fantastic as always. i might die from their beauty”
if anyone calls him a simp, he’ll be really embarrassed about it. “me? a s-simp? is that a bad thing?”
just tell him it’s fine.
denki kaminari
a big simp
like.. really big
he worships the ground you step on, and hypes up everything you do
y’all know when irene from red velvet literally breathed in north korea, and the crowd just
yeah, that’s denki to you
it’s so blantly obvious that he’s simping over someone, and everyone’s just kinda used to it at this point
he’s just a big fanboy sometimes
whenever you’re sparring with someone, he’s always in the background like
“go s/o!!” 🤩
and he has tendencies to go a little easy on you like.. what’s he gonna do when you get electricuted??
but that doesn’t mean he’s never serious— nah.
there are times where he’s just a little bashful just being in your presence
sneaking glances your way, as he silently fanboys about you in general.
“s/o looks really good today. they always look good but !!”
when y’all weren’t together, the bakusquad was just tired of the constant romantic pining
it was really obvious that he was simping back then, and they’re not so sure as to how you didn’t say anything about it
mina always called him a simp
so yeah!! it was a big relief when you got together with him. he never makes you feel terrible, because he’s always your #1 hypeman.
eijirou kirishima
— THE HELPING SIMP (rip idk what to call this)
i didn’t really know what kinda name i went for this one but let me carry on
kiri upfront is very confident, and friendly. he never shows a mean side to anyone,
and there are rare cases of him being bashful
he’s kinda almost like a golden retriever? since he’s always nice and friendly to everyone
but then when you enter the room; he suddenly goes quiet, and he’s left alone with his rather loud thoughts about you
he didn’t really know how to properly approach you at first
but him being kiri, he’s still rather friendly to you (for now)
when he’s messing around, practically sharing one braincell with kami and sero
and then you suddenly walk in— he snaps out of his foolishness, and greet you with his very warm smile
“hey y/n!” he waves at you, and he hopes you don’t mention the teasing look on both kami and sero’s face
sometimes when he’s doing his close combat training, and he notices that he’s getting too close to you
he’ll be like “woah man, maybe we should move locations.” bc he doesn’t wanna hit you by accident ;;
kirishima prefers to not stand near you when his hair is all spiky. like he’s never conscious about it, until he’s around you
man poked sero with his hair before, and he doesn’t want to do that to you
kiri always looks at your hand, just to see if it’s occupied with something. his thoughts linger to what your hand might feel like
“their hand looks really.. soft. argh! i shouldn’t be thinking about these kind of things in public! im sorry y/n”
bakugou really only notices kirishima’s simping ways
bakugou always mentions the fact that kirishima goes really silent whenever you’re around—
and he’s secretly contemplating on having you around more so he can just shut up 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
moving aside all of that, kiri always carries your things.
you’ll beg him to give you at least one thing, and he’ll say no because it’s “not manly to let someone carry all of this.”
if you’re sad, he’s the first one to cheer you up— reassuring you that everything will be okay.
kiri’s just wants to be at your service at all times! it’s manly to help people, right?
hitoshi shinsou
no one would be able to tell that he’s simping for someone
because unlike kaminari; he’s not like IM HITOSHI SHINSO AND IM ACTUALLY A SIMP
he’s a lot more discreet, and no one has really caught on, besides you and kaminari of course
he’s a lot less sarcastic with you, asking you about anything that’s happened instead of just being there
he prefers it to hear you talk. the way each word and syllable rolls off your tongue smoothly, and the way you use your hands to emphasize things
he’s amused.
oh and the way he looks at you? almost any normal person can sense the simp in him pop out (he’s so contained though)
he’s definitely the person that’ll get rid of any bug that’s terrifying you— even though he’d normally just leave it to them
he’ll do it, regardless if it’s the biggest fucking spider he’s ever seen, or the smallest spider
he’ll do it to make you feel safe.
he has these random spurs of compliments during the day
the source mainly comes from his staring habit
and they’re just so unexpected and out of the blue. hitoshi’s amused whenever he sees your reaction to his compliments
like.. you could be really frustrated about something, and he’ll just go “your eyes are pretty.” that’s his discreet method tO MAKE YOU TEMPORARILY DISTRACTED FROM THE ISSUE—
call him a simp, whatever. it’s true anyway so he doesn’t why should he be ashamed of it?
he’s discreet about it, since it’s your business and his business. but you can definitely feel his feelings loud and clear
neito monoma
— THE 180 SIMP
“i’m not a simp!”
[you enter the room]
*nervous laughter*
he had his last laugh, and he never thought he’d be this soft around someone.
especially if you’re from class 1-A like.. i became the thing i hated, ugh.
relentless teasing is amped but this is his way of making sure you remember him loud and clear
but he’ll never tease you in a condescending way— like how he torments the rest of class 1-A
that’s reserved for them 💅
always compliments you, that’s the first thing he does when he sees you—
and they’re never generic compliments either
“it’s nice to see you here, y/n! you make the world better day by day!”
“i’m still wondering what you’re doing in class 1-A, you’re much better than them!”
everyone secretly wonders how you got monoma to like you
monoma canonically likes pastels. spread the word
so sometimes, you’ll walk over to your desk— and you’ll just see this random pastel ornament sitting on your desk
you know who it’s from
whenever monoma starts becoming annoying, kendo will definitely use you as a weapon to make him shut up
he’ll be laughing at the expression on his face, thinking he’s absolutely winning at this
but the smile is wiped off his face when he hears “ok go on, i’ll tell y/n about your antics.”
“no, no! i’ll behave now, please don’t tell y/n.”
class 1-b literally use you as blackmail whenever monoma acts up, and it’s because of how different he is around you
like.. his personality takes a 180, (besides the obvious teasing) it’s alarming
©️zukuist 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei. do not repost my work❕
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beccascribbles · 4 years
hcs series detailing what it is like to be a manager for the various haikyuu teams
karasuno | seijoh |
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warnings - swearing, karasuno being their usual selves with the addition of a chaotic manager
word count - 1.7k
being their manager was chaotic enough without the addition of the new first years
you were a second year, joining as a manager in your first year at the insistence of ennoshita, who had not wanted to deal with the likes of tanaka and nishinoya by himself
however, while kiyoko was the calming presence that warmed the boys hearts, you were her more chaotic counterpart
often, you could be found playing pranks on the boys, filling the club room with volleyballs, hiding the bibs
kiyoko was the one to rope you in, stop you from messing around too much, especially when your pranks had increased after the broom incident. you had just wanted to cheer everyone up, but it had only annoyed them
daichi had become irritable and snappy, while sugawara, despite the smile, looked exasperated
tanaka was the only one who didn’t seem too annoyed, giving your hair an affection ruffle
anyway, with the arrival of the new first years, you were determined to turn over a new leaf, make a good first impression
that plan didn’t work out
expecting it to be tanaka, ennoshita, kinoshita and narita walking towards the gym, you had hidden yourself in preparation to scare them (how you managed to mistake the sound of two people for four was beyond you but you did)
you leapt out from your hiding place, letting out a loud roar only to be greeted by a blonde beanpole with glasses and a freckled boy cowering behind him
you then proceeded to let loose a torrent of swear swords
“shit. fuck. sorry. shit. i can’t believe i did that. can we start over?”
you stuck out your hand towards them, the blonde looking at it with disdain while the other moved forward and grasped your hand
“i’m l/n y/n, and i’m one of the managers of the volleyball club,” you said, giving his hand a firm shake, a grin on your face. “this wasn’t how i planned to introduce myself. i thought you were the second years and i wanted to scare them. i promise i’m not always like this.”
cue sugawara piping up from seemingly nowhere, the rest of the team trailing behind, “don’t be fooled. she’s always like this”
“kiyoko is the responsible, lovely manager,” sighed tanaka, causing you to shoot him a glare, “and y/n is the chaotic one but we love her anyway”
“speak for yourself,” scoffed daichi, the ruffling of your hair as he walked past enough to tell you he was only teasing
“rude,” you mumbled before turning back to the two first years with a grin. “anyway, what are your names?”
the freckled one gave you a grin in response, introducing himself as yamaguchi and saying he was pleased to be playing for the team. the blonde refused to reply, walking past with a haughty tilt to his chin, though yamaguchi was quick to introduce him as tsukishima
but you were quick to wear him down, his coldness towards you gradually thawing the more you talked (although he insisted you were just being annoying)
he clearly wasn’t that annoyed as he would often share his music playlist with you
yamaguchi was quick to warm to you after the little scare. you were one of the first he told about wanting to learn the jump floater serve and happily encouraged him
meeting the monster duo of kageyama and hinata went much smoother, considering you had bribed sugawara for information on the pair before you met
the key to kageyama’s heart was milk, so when you introduced yourself and gave him a cartoon, he already knew you would be a great manager
honestly the boy is probably going to become a bit attached to you, constantly asking you to toss the ball to him to practice
definitely asks you to help tutor him as well if he knows you are good at school. kageyama feels far more comfortable with you than tsukishima
hinata was just a literal ball of sunshine, enthusiastically greeting you
probably comes to look up to you a lot and will help you play pranks so long as it doesn’t interfere too much with volleyball practice (you teach him all he needs to know, and enlist his help in executing the great balloon fiasco at the end of your third year)
all the third years definitely see you as a little sister
daichi is fiercely protective over you, steering you away from any volleyball boys who show an interest. literally stares down kuroo when he speaks to you at the training camp
sugawara is definitely the more relaxed one, sitting with you as you gossip about boys. he knows about all your crushes before anyone else. has let it slip on occasion but only to tease you (and to see the way daichi will immediately list off everything wrong about the person and why they don’t deserve you)
asahi is so soft for you. if you’re thirsty, he will scramble for a water bottle. you’re feeling tired? he will give you a piggyback. you don’t even need to ask him directly as he will just do it on instinct at this point (although he was very hurt after you told him off for abandoning the team)
you and the second years are the ultimate friend group, equal parts bitchy and calm
your group chat is constantly pinging, whether you’re in class or not (this is mainly due to tanaka and nishinoya being very bored and deciding to play games together. you will occasionally join in if it’s bowling or pool)
kinoshita and narita know all the gossip. they are your gossip buddies. tanaka walked into a wall while staring at kiyoko? they’ve got photographic proof and a whole video
if you want to know who’s talking shit about who, go to them. honestly, it pays to be quiet sometimes. the stuff daichi lets slip when he thinks no one is listening…
ennoshita is the group mum. he’s responsible for getting you all to practice, though this mainly includes tanaka and nishinoya. the rest of you are very responsible
in ennoshita’s mind, however, you are clubbed in with the two idiots. he believes that without his constant reminders, you’d never be anywhere on time. this is true but you aren’t going to tell him that
the dynamic between you, tanaka and nishinoya is so chaotic. for one, you’re all simps. you indulge their kiyoko obsession and they will listen to you thirst over the people you find attractive. no judgement goes on in these simping sessions, though you do use it as ammunition when you annoy each other
also definitely overprotective of you as well, though constantly show you and the other managers off to other teams to demonstrate karasuno’s superiority
kind of pisses you off and, while kiyoko walks off with yachi, you will hit them on the backs of their heads and tell them to shut up
they would prefer it to be kiyoko but both ultimately agree that you are hot when you are angry so will find out ways to do it more often
yachi and you get on well. personally, you think she’s an adorable mess (the perfect compliment to your chaotic energy)
though she is mainly kiyoko’s responsibility (daichi agreed with kiyoko when she said it would be better that you didn’t show yachi the ropes), you are the one to make her feel more at ease with voicing her opinion. she’s seen you rant at the boys enough times to know they won’t be offended
team sleepovers are a mess (honestly, you wonder why you still host them. answer - team bonding and tradition)
after hinata and kageyama tried to play volleyball with a cushion in your living room, resulting in sending a coffee table and all the glasses it was holding clattering to the floor, you refused to hold them at your place
this is also the reason why daichi, along with kiyoko, requested permission to hold a sleepover at the gym every two months
truth or dare gets crazy, though daichi draws the line when you are dared to strip and run around the school
“tanaka,” he barks, shooting the boy a glare, “that is very dangerous. it is cold. do you want y/n to get hypothermia?”
he will look sheepish and amend the dare to something a bit more tame and school friendly
there is always arguments on who gets to sleep where. when nishinoya and tanaka tried to sleep either side of kiyoko, daichi declared, while ennoshita pulled them away, that boys and girls would slip on opposite sides
you poked your tongue out at a pouting nishinoya and tanaka. you got to sleep next to the love of their lives. you were oblivious to the pout hinata was sending your way. he’d wanted to sleep next to his senpai and was now sandwiched between tsukishima and kageyama
sometimes you will prepare snacks for the boys, much to their horror (while you like to pretend you can cook, rock hard rice is not edible)
surprisingly, the only one honest about it is kageyama, who will hold the food away with a frown. “what is this shit?”
he’ll be hit over the head by tanaka, who shoots you a scared look. he was too slow and kageyama is now at risk of your anger
you plaster a sickly sweet smile on your face. “i won’t be tossing to you for extra practice today”
the worst punishment you can give him. he has to secretly ask the others until yachi finally agrees, too soft for her own good
you and the team are like a family, a messy family that argues and fights, but a family none the less
when the third years left, you may have shed a tear while you were crushed in a group hug and made them promise to keep in touch (which they were obviously going to do)
and, when you and the second years left the year after, you promised that you would keep in touch, that you’d be waiting to see kageyama and hinata on the world stage, threatening tsukishima to ensure he would reply to your messages, crushing yamaguchi and yachi in a hug. ennoshita had to pull you away otherwise you probably wouldn’t have left
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dilexit · 3 years
To be Young and Dumb ~ Karl Jacobs Edition
Summary: In which (Y/N) and Karl forget their 22 for a minute
Pairing and Pronouns: CC!Karl x GN!Reader (preestablished relationship). Reader is mentioned to have a brother but that could be changed to sister or friend easily
Each edition to this series has a different plot just under the same name and same idea of safe spontaneous things
Hey so I’ve been a little bit MIA but so I’ve been having a wave of depression especially due to the school year ending and my fear of change and stuff like that so I’ll be writing a few imagines titled To be Young and Dumb just about doing so safe spontaneous things that I do during these episodes so I hope y’all enjoy and know that if you are struggling rn you are not alone in this and we believe in you
Warnings: Cars, Depression (not mentioned but implied), Self Doubt, Talk of growing up, Angst to Fluff, probably swearing, Not proof read
Requested: Yes No
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(Y/N) had a love hate relationship with adulthood. They loved the freedom it gave them, but also missed the ability to just be childish. (Y/N) had just got back from visiting the house they grew up in, and couldn't help the feeling of sadness grow in their stomach. Walking around and looking at all old memories and photos made them think back to all the things they could have been. These episodes of self doubt have happened before, and they always hurt. The easiest way to get rid of it was to distract themselves, but their favorite distraction was in the other room streaming. (Y/N) turned on the TV and wrapped up into their favorite blanket watching nostalgic movies to feel like a child again, waiting for their boyfriend to end stream and spend time with them. For (Y/N) nostalgia would present itself in less of a joyful way and more of a longing for it to be the present again way. Giving in to it always feels great in the short-lived moments, but (Y/N) just longed for Karl to help them take the pain away. As if the universe could hear their thoughts, the sound of Karl's door opening followed by footstep could be heard from above. When Karl made it down stairs, he immediately noticed the way (Y/N) was laying on the couch surrounded by their blankets and stuffed animals, and the land before time on the TV.
"Hey baby," he said sitting down on the end on couch near (Y/N)'s feet. "Are you ok?". Karl knew they weren't, and that and just sitting here would be much help. As Karl suspected (Y/N) shook their head no and leaned in to bury their face into Karl's shoulder. Karl look over their head to see the sun was still up and shining, thinking (Y/N) could benefit from the fresh air.
"Why don't we go for a walk, it's warm out," Karl offered, to which (Y/N) let out a groan, but got up anyway.
"Fine, but let me change first," they said stretching a little bit. They went upstairs finding their clothes and deciding on some black shorts and their favorite shirt to wear in the 77 degree heat. Walk back down the stairs, they saw no sign of Karl, but the front door open a little bit. Heading out the door into his driveway, they turned to see Karl standing in the open garage. (Y/N) started walking towards him, but as they got closer, they noticed something behind him. Walking past Karl much to his dismay (Y/N) landed at the green box on the shelf.
"Do we have to walk?" (Y/N) asked, pointing at the container of chalk.
"Oh, I guess we don't," Karl responded, and (Y/N) felt a wave of happiness rush over them.
"Can we use?" (Y/N) asked, still pointing towards the large container of sidewalk chalk.
"Yeah Jimmy used it for a video and left it with me I never thought I ever get rid of it." He said walking with his SO and taking a seat on the driveway. (Y/N) reached for the red chalk and started drawing. Karl watched over their shoulder ad they started drawing a rose. Karl went a grabbed a purple piece of chalk and started absent-mindedly drawing. When (Y/N) had quickly grown bored with their rose and turned to Karl. He didn't really know what he was doing, and it showed. (Y/N) let out a giggle and scooted closer to him.
"Whatcu drawing?" (Y/N) asked catching Karl off guard.
"Oh! I don't really know, to be honest." He said and (Y/N) leaned over and drew a big red heart in the middle of Karl's doodles. Karl looked up at them and giggled, leaning in to give them a quick peck. A small breeze rustled the leafs of nearby trees a blew around loose chalk particles. The couple went back to drawing together mainly hearts and smiley faces as they made some conversation.
"You know my brother and I would make obstacle courses around our drive way on days like these," (Y/N) laughed.
"Corry, Sean and I were much more boring we would just go on like bike rides together if we even wanted to spend time with each other." Karl retorted.
"Yeah (Y/B/N) and I really didn't hang out much, but sometimes we would have fun. It was mainly competitions and stuff like that. But every now and then we would just sit aa draw a bunch of random stuff," (Y/N) felt much better while they passed stories back and forth.
"My mom wouldn't let us have chalk because we were too messy with it." Karl joked back looking down at his chalk covered hands. (Y/N) also took not of the chalk covering their hands and quickly rubbed their hand in to a red heart.
"You know what our favorite thing to do with chalk was?" (Y/N) questioned
"No what was it," Karl asked leaning forward a bit.
"This," (Y/N) giggled lightly hitting Karl's chest leaving a red handprint on his shirt. Karl opened his mouth in slight defense while giggling at the gesture reaching out and leaving a green mark on (Y/N)'s shorts. Karl then reached for a few more hearts covering his hands, while (Y/N) grabbed a stray piece of chalk and running away. Karl quickly noticed their absents and chased after them. He caught up to them quickly and grabbed their waist pulling them close. His hands left blue marks on their waist, and their hands were covered in the green chalk they had picked up before. (Y/N) wriggled into Karl's arms, facing him again, taking their chalk covered fingers and running them on his face. After (Y/N), brought theirs onto Karl's arms, that were still on their waist. Karl looked at their face and brought his hands up to their cheek pulling them in. The minute their lips touch and chill went down (Y/N)'s spine, the bits of wonder they had shared in the hour of messing around was all (Y/N) needed to remember why they loved who they are now. As the kiss kept on going (Y/N), was sure both parties were covered in chalk. They didn't know how long it would take for them to pull apart. Instead of stopping by choice, they were pulled apart by a car horn and Chris yelling from the car window.
"We've been waiting for you two for 30 minutes. Now I see you were busy, but go change and hurry up."
"Crap! Let's go," Karl said pulling (Y/N)'s arm, leading them back instead to get ready for the video they forgot about.
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Hi! My names arthur and im working on improving my word and building my story, which currently has no name haha! I have a myriad of characters who ill try to list out and give brief descriptions of, aether is technically my main character and some of the characters who are up for question are dead in canon. But you can still ask them stuff, itll just be set before death.
When asking characters questions, rememeber to include the name, their age if theres diffrent ages, i dont mind repeated questions, but if you see the question try not to ask it again lol. If you cant find it with a quick scroll just ask it, although i dont know if this blog will even get that big.
He comes in three evolutions lol, technically, theres four but idk if i would count 7 year old aether.
Ages: 13 yo - colder, hasnt gotten used to emotions, there are two to this as well, pre-rev and then post-rev 13 yo aether, remember to specify lol.
16 yo- a bit more out there, still kinda disconnected and figuring things out, a bit more defensive
22 yo- lax, hes sorta figured shit out, hes not going to go grazy, hes just gonna be chill lol.
!The gaggle Ghosts!
Her personality is very, ehhh, becuase i havnt done work with her, and i havnt completly figured out who she is fully yet, shes 18 yo when aether is 22 yo
18 yo- pretty oblivious, somehow still a bit cynical, very nice and sometimes motherly
Few thousand- mean, likes to bully yurei as he huants her, lowkey a simp for yurei but he wont admit that. Kinda cynical and likes to bring others down, generally a bully
19- emotionless, has to be a really strong emotion to make her emote, tends to stray away from other people, likes to be alone, blunt
A few thousand- sweet, warm and welcoming, tries to be very fatherly and a trusted figure, is very busy most of the tiime unfortunatly though.
!The greek gang!
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Argus agapov
16- unstable, pretty baby, protective over friends and family
Mythos agapov
23- whore. He also loves his family, lowkey, hes a trad wife
15/16- timid, intrested in posiosn and acids, generally quiet, likes to eat leaves, scaredy cat
14- germ of phobe, kind of a brat, more just a bitch, will yell at you if he sees your hands were dirty from gardening or something while you’re walking to the sink, other than that hes fine, picky eater
15- disorginized, trys his best, likes to write stuff down, helps plato with his writing and grammar in general, gullible, likes record data, has a nice typewriter with tha good clicky clack
8- sweet baby boi, loves his older brother (socrates), idolizes him even, not a good idea though. He writes down everything socrates does, sometimes he imitates his brother as well.
17- dumb of ass, also just dumb, held back a grade, feral child, bites alot of people, soft aestechic but hed stab as a warning
30- also dumb of ass, loves cars in that ‘mah babeh’ kinda way. Hates motorcycles, he thinks they’re ugly. Chaotic but he utilizes it to be the weird and cool uncle/cousin thing
46- too tired for this shit, is a dad, went out to get milk, jk jk, dissapeared for a hot few years, probably got captured by some gang dunno, it happens. Very serious, would make the dumbest jokes with his brothers with a straight face
50- lowkey the neglected middle child, soft goth lookin ass, loves his kid, tries his best to raise his kid, sometimes gets help from esme
57- proud stay at home dad, buff but does the typically wifely duties, makes sure his children get enough love, nutrience and care
54- very active, the money maker, kinda soft, both her and her husband poseidon are so just in love with their kids, dote on them constantly, very extroverted, always makes time for her kids
51- tired of zeus’ shit, does her best to make sure no one dies, still treats mythos as her ‘little baby boy, tired mom vibes.
!the Eden gang!
Eden is a fictional country that i slapped onto the globe. It is where aether is from, technically aether is apart of the eden gang as well. Everyone here, if they have an age option, the first age option is the age they are when aether is 13, and the second will be when aether is 16 unless stated otherwise
General kyelli
49- fatherly, thinks of most of the gang as his children, calls everyone ‘son’, as a general rule. If you ask for another nickname, he will do his best. Has a bad knee, and is kinda of bad at existing physically
52+- fatherly still, loves almonds, always has a bag of almonds, dont test him. Enjoys travel, might adopt people he meets along the way, still has pains but now he sees doctors, wants to stay active
13- sweet, optimistic, always looks on the brightside and tries to see the good in others. Little heater, understands that sometimes fighting is the only option
16- lively, very loose and relax, can get serious when needed though, always making jokes and trying to lighten up the mood
19- a bit more, mellow. Still quite lively and childish, but with two signifigant-others you have to settle down sometimes
16- lively, more stern than akrano and kinda worried, but ultimatly also very loose and bright
16- serious, seemingly colder towards everyone, gets along great with psycho-lops, makes him new eye-patches to pass time, actually just very monotone and blank most of the time, although she does care
19- she doesnt change much, she got a bit more expressive, likes babysitting howl
16 1/2- always looks determined, actually kinda scared of conflict, likes to help out with healing though, very proficient in it as well, sounds intimidating while talking about how cute puppies and kittens are
19/20- still the same, is considering studying medicine and medical practices to become a doctor.
17- bright, incredibly lively, loves to joke around and tease and sometimes bully the others, targets aether primarily, hangs out with his brother most of the time, he can fight for himself but he likes the backup, especcially since he is kinda glass-jawed, being that hes a twig
17- quiet, intense eyes, always sounds vaugly confused when he speaks, deep voice lol, likes to train, doesnt understand barks need to tease others, likes to read to the children
20- quiet, intense eyes still, more so nervous sounding, slightly paranoid, cluastrophobic and cant stand dusty places, usually in his house or at the docks, doesnt really go anywhere else
17- loud, headstrong, adamant about her opinions, gets along well with bark, she tries alot to be intimidating, not a twig, but not very big, pretty friendly and sociable
!the band of pirates!
A few hundreds of years- kinda bored seeming, loves blood, technically cannibal, but not really since he isnt human, to an extent. Despite being fine on the ocean, he gets very car sick very easily. Actually quite nice, very easily triggerd into violence, especcially by something that could be used as a good murder weapon, blood makes him jittery and more lively
21- calm, too calm, deals with akleas bullshit wonerfully, he just stands there, blank smile on his face as aklea beats the shit outta someone, unintrested in most anything, likes to draw, but hes a much better pastry chef.
!the shakespears!
Midem(pink boi)
33- lively, loves to work with kids, very creative, likes to make things, mainly art, mainly carvings. Often make little minitures of scenes from midens writing, loves his twin, does anything it takes to fund midens intrests. Very loving to those hes close to
33- calmer by alot lmao, pretty introverted but he can hold a long conversation without becoming too drained, enjoys writing and making stories, also makes plays for fun, runs off little sleep cuase he stays up so late to write, and gets up early to write.
9 billion- confused boomer, loves his ‘children’, hates to be hated, always tries to help in anyway he can, despite making them, always curious into what mortals are doing, loves the universe he created and does anything he can to protect it
7 million- sore loser, does get a little salty, ultimatly bounces back and becomes a very good sport, always will adopt tactics, whatever it takes to win within the rules, keeps most all of his trophies from random feats hes done
5 billion - calm, straightforward, tends to disregard others and do things himself, likes to sit on cliffs and watch the ocean
Hes been around since 776 bc- very loud, lively, bright, tries his best to educate people on proper form, workout regime i intesne, doesnt allow others to take it, makes custom workout regimes for free, owns a gym, dude bro but hes nice, baby
Her age technicaly is not accurate, shes like, 2 billion? Since dima was made right after her death. But since her history still lives, ima count it
5 billion but older than ventus- bitter, violent, former god of justice, fucking dead haha, hates mortals, primarily humans
Also not super accurate, hed only be a few centuries of being an active god before being sealed, but since hes technically, concious and has cognitive function hes counted
3 billion- mean lol, likes blood and gets even more violent when it starts getting messy, ‘new’ god of justice, uh, pretty bad at it like the last one, but worse, will kill over slight misdeameanors, everythings a crime smh
24- softspoken, from imperial russia, died young, he no longer feels his face is his own, has a mask that he likes better, has the sickness, but since he was human it killed him, can control it post mortem, is strong enough to be seen, but weak enough he can go invisible and go through solid objects.
More ocs will be added when i remember them, or create new ones, characters i dont really have built at all are not included
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aaetherius · 4 years
I wrote this all in the tags and then I realized how long it was and that tungle would probably cut me off so have an unintentional headcanon/ramble thing that was just supposed to be the little update in the tags on this post before I got carried away and I just do not know how to shut up, but, in my defense your honor I love him: 
But it sometimes comes up because for some reason Lucifer gets manhandled quite a bit in threads (which is totally fine - for the most part you’re free to touch him/pester him/toss him over your shoulder if you’re capable of doing so and he generally won’t do anything about it, so long as this is one of his default/post wmtsb verses). But post wmtsb/his revival verses, Lucifer can be very openly affectionate towards the crew. 
He’s a naturally very caring and warm person, but he never allowed himself to be physically or outwardly affectionate towards people when he was the Supreme Primarch (because people put him on a pedestal and thus shied away when he tried to reach out to them and by the time he created Sandalphon there was already this disconnect between himself and others so he was actually afraid to touch him. I imagine he did here and there when it was needed - he likely took care of Sandalphon’s wings/whatnot for a while, but even when doing so I also imagine he was very hesitant and his touch was very brief/hesitant/fleeting so despite the fact that he very much wanted to reach out to Sandalphon he felt as if he wasn’t allowed to, and thus kept his distance. Again, he was truly afraid to touch Sandalphon and uncertain of how he should interact with him, which likely made him come off as very distant despite not wishing to, but he also very much had this feeling of overwhelming loneliness about him. I can imagine there were countless times when he saw Sandalphon with his hair messy or maybe leaves tangled in it or his wings, and he would go to reach out to fix it and then stop himself because he felt like couldn’t/wasn’t allowed to touch him or that, if he did, Sandalphon would shy away from him as the others had, he was utterly terrified of losing him, which, obviously and ironically, resulted in his worst fear aka losing him to the rebellion where Sandalphon wasn’t aware of the terribly deep extent to which Lucifer loved/loves him because Lucifer himself wasn’t entirely aware of it either).
 I’ve mentioned this before, but he’s extremely touch-starved. So, he wanted to care for people. He wanted to express his feelings towards them openly, but couldn’t (or felt that he couldn’t. The exception likely being Lucilius, of whom I imagine he was a bit more openly affectionate towards because, though Lucilius very much put him on a pedestal, his relationship with him was still different from the Primarchs who more so viewed him as this perfect, very out of reach being that they had to respect and could not be close to because he was their leader so they always tip-toed around him or were so quick to bow their heads when he came near or they would excuse themselves out of fear/respect for him when he tried to have a conversation with them. But even with Lucilius he was still hesitant because Lucilius, obviously, isn’t a very touch-feely person, but he likely tolerated it when it came from Lucifer because it’s Lucifer. So, he would show physical affection towards Lucilius, but it would still be a bit muted/not as much as he wanted to show him because he’s well aware that while Lucilius allowed him into his personal space, he wasn’t likely to return the gesture to him, and might not have been too fond of Lucifer’s doting - if he was, Lucifer is awful at reading people and wasn’t aware he enjoyed it/was comfortable with it so he slowly become more hesitant with showing affection towards Lucilius over time and, eventually, he stopped doing so because he didn’t want to upset him. By the time the rebellion had started he had really withdrawn into himself and had become very hushed/seemingly far away from everything and everyone). 
So, upon being revived, and being a part of the crew, he’s still distant/hesitant for a bit, but as he begins to see more and more of the crew and how they interact with one another and how openly affectionate they allow themselves to be towards one another, he slowly begins to come out of his shell and allows himself to be affectionate towards others. This very much includes and is largely about purely platonic relationships (because let friends hug and kiss - though obviously this applies to romantic relationships as well where he is insufferably affectionate and terribly attached). So, he does tend to dote on others, especially once he’s comfortable around someone. And there are certain crew members he favors by default/is more comfortable around. For example, he utterly adores Lyria and will very much spoil her if allowed to do so (he’ll make her coffee-free lattes even though he knows Sandalphon would be appalled by the idea or brush/braid her hair, or help her with anything she asks for). He is incredibly grateful towards her for reaching out to, forgiving, and accepting Sandalphon, and for understanding him. So, he wants to repay her for all she’s done for Sandalphon in whatever way he can, so he’s naturally very friendly towards her (and he’s mildly protective of her, if someone upsets her in his presence or snaps at her/is cruel towards her, he will willingly defend and comfort her. He’s actually very paternal towards Lyria). This was mentioned in an old headcanon post, but Lucifer is very biased towards the people Sandalphon favors. Post wmtsb, he’s much more aware of Sandalphon’s feelings/emotions and is much better at picking up on them. He’s very in-tune to Sandalphon, and is very trusting of his judgement/him in general, therefore he tends to favor the same people Sandalphon does. This is all very unintentional on his part, he’s not actually aware of how heavily he allows himself to be influenced by Sandalphon, but because he has so little experience being around others, especially mortals, and actually being able to live his life independently (and thus doesn’t know how to), he’s fairly reliant on how Sandalphon reacts to people/things in order to form his own thoughts/opinions about them (again, in part because of just how deeply he values and trusts Sandalphon).       
But, anyway, even in purely platonic relationships (which this post is very much almost entirely about), once he’s comfortable around someone he will be openly affectionate towards them. He’s very okay/comfortable with giving someone a hug, or a kiss on the cheek, or just holding someone when they’re upset/want to be comforted. He’s very willing to brush his fingers through someone’s hair, wash or brush their hair, or care for someone in general regardless of what care they need, he typically won’t shy away from it (even if there’s no real reason or need for it - and he’s more than willing to do so when someone is sick or injured). He’s very willing to let people lay their head in his lap as he sings to them, or lean their head on his shoulder, or just cuddle with him/share a blanket with him or whatnot (in other words, you are very welcome to let your muse manhandle him a bit/reach out and touch him - platonically (otherwise, obviously, your muse is open to do so romantically if we’re actively shipping) - without permission or anything because odds are, so long as this is post wmtsb, he’ll likely be okay and open to it. Let friends be openly affectionate and caring and loving towards one another my goodness it’s such good content). That being said, when someone else initiates affection towards him (kisses/hugs him, pulls him against their chest, runs their fingers through his hair - whatnot), he does become a bit hesitant, and is very clearly surprised most of the time. He’s incredibly used to being in the caregiver role (or being the one to initiate affection), so when someone else flips that around on him he’s often uncertain of what to do or how to react. He might even tense up because he’s so unused to it, but he will relax if he trusts the person after a bit, and then will very much melt into their touch. He does enjoy having affection returned or shown to him, but because he’s so unused to it he tends to be a bit shy/more withdrawn about it (but, as mentioned, if he’s comfortable with the person who does so, he will relax into their hold/touch and turn to putty in their hands because he is so so very touch-starved and having someone dote on him is really enough to make him visibly deflate and relax). In other words let people dote on Lucifer, he deserves to be loved and deserves to have friends who are openly willing to give him physical affection.
The only thing he dislikes or is very selective about (and this was also mentioned in another headcanon post, and very much post wmtsb related), is people touching his neck or wings or his side where the blade went through his core because it’s uncomfortable to him. He may not have scars there because he’s in a new body, but he still gets phantom pains from having his head and wings cut off and his core stabbed. He can very much still feel those sensations, and they tend to flare up when those areas are touched (he’ll visibly shudder/shiver if they are and will likely pull away, or he’ll stop someone outright before they can touch those areas). There are exceptions to this/people who are allowed to openly touch those areas and he’s largely comfortable with it (obviously Sandalphon is one of them, but Lyria is as well, mainly his wings in her case, as is Cagliostro given that she made his body so he honestly just tolerates anything she feels like she needs to do in order to keep him up and running - he might still shiver even in their cases, when the area on his side or neck is touched, simply because he’s so guarded about those areas that he’s even less used to them being touched so the feeling of warmth against them is very foreign to him, even more so than the rest of his body). However, another exception is all of the children in the crew (again, relating to his wings)! He actually has a soft spot for children, and adores them so he tends to spoil the ones that live on the ship when he gets the chance. He’ll very much watch over them/play with them. He makes for both a terrible and wonderful babysitter because he’ll let them get away with anything and everything, but he’ll also make sure they’re taken care of/safe/enjoying themselves. If left with them, he’s more than willing to take them on little flights around the ship, but he’ll often be found just with kids crawling all over him, poking or pestering him. He’s more than willing to let them put him in silly outfits or hang things from his wings (and more than willing to also let them sleep on/in his wings as well - they’re warm and soft so it’s a win-win), or play nonsensical games with them that he doesn’t know the rules for/anything about. And he’ll always have the brightest, but softest of smiles on his face when he’s interacting with them because goodness does he adore children (he also adores animals, as well - he can very much be found pestering Dante’s cats and will just let them use him as a scratching post without any complaints). Children (and animals) can more or less get away with anything when it comes to him.   
Basically, what I’m saying is, let friends (or partners) love each other shamelessly and without hesitation. Let Lucifer openly dote on/show physical affection towards people, and let them do the same for him in return. Let him comfort and hold and touch others platonically/affectionately, and let others do so in return for him. Aka, feel free/don’t hesitate to let your muse be affectionate towards him and let them seek affection from him because he will happily give it in most cases. Also, let him babysit children and animals! Lucifer is kind and soft (so very soft) and very loving when he’s allowed to be, and he very much wants to be, but he sometimes just needs a little push/needs to know he’s allowed to be physically affectionate towards someone!  
Can you believe I wrote all of this in the tags before rewriting all of it in the post itself.
#| ☩ Out of Time (OOC) ☩ |#{ I need to update Luci's verses a bit mostly his two revival verses I realize }#{ Since I have like no info on them and I realize it's confusing ghrufhkd }#{ so I will most likely do that today }#{ You're not getting much for his modern verse though I have plans :p }#{ rubs my hands together I have his modern verse backstory/whatnot worked out but no one knows what it is }#{ so I sit here and wait for the angst to creep in/when I have an excuse to reveal things cackles }#{ I got Luci's drafts down to a reasonable number so maybe...I will allow myself to meme hmmmmm }#{ I have so much Luci muse I always have Luci muse but hugdfhguk }#{ but I will maybe do some multi stuff before I reblog a meme }#| ☩ A thousand thoughts yet not a word to express them all ☩ (headcanon) |#{ a lot of this is about platonic relationships (obviously where Sandy is mentioned it's romantic) but other than the times I mention#Sandy in this post it's almost entirely meant to be about platonic relationships even though it can apply to romantic ones }#{ please please let friends love each other }#{ not all relationships have to be romantic to involve hugs and kisses and cuddles and physically caring for one another#I love writing deep platonic friendships where they can just hold each other when they're side or greet one another with a kiss on the cheek#because they're so important I adore them }#{ I'm so so selective with romantic shipping with Luci however I am also open to platonic things }#{ so keep in mind that Luci being openly affectionate towards someone is often not him being romantically interested in someone#{ in fact it very often isn't it's just him being a naturally caring and affectionate person who wants to care for and love others deeply }#{ and in that context when I use the word love in that sentence I obviously mean platonic and even paternal forms of love }#{ he cares about people so much and he just never really had the chance to be so open about his love before#so he wants to be now that he can even though he's a little hesitant about it from time to time because he was so withdrawn before#and he sometimes feels like he's not allowed to be close to others/like he's not really permitted to be a true member of the crew#because he's only there because Sandalphon wanted to save him }#{ but obviously Sandy isn't the only one who wanted him around/wants him to be there with them! }#{ He just thinks he is but the more time he spends the crew the more he comes out of his shell and really allows himself to just be }#{ And it's very sweet and it makes me soft okay }#{ Where I wrote side in the tags it was meant to be when they're sad oops }#{ Also when I say when I mention Sandy in this and that that part is romantic I am specifically referring to Noir's Sandy! }
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catboymingi · 4 years
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prince charming - veninder chap. 9
story masterlist
pairing: mingi x reader
genre: fluff; soon best friends to lovers
word count: 7.2k
warnings: hints at abuse, some language
det ku’ være os to - it could be the two of us
mingi woke up around eleven, for a moment slightly confused about what had happened, but when he saw you fast asleep in his arms he knew where he was and, most importantly, with whom he was, smiling a little and trying not to move so he wouldn’t wake you up. you looked peaceful, even though you were drooling on his chest a little; he honestly thought it was adorable. you’d moved a little in your sleep so your head was now more in the middle of his chest, upper body half on top of his, being absolutely adorable as you clung to him as if he was a big teddy bear. it was sweet, it was how he wished it could always be, and he fell asleep smiling, peaceful as well until a very certain person’s phone caused him to wake up about six hours later.
“good morning, pretty”, he hummed as he slowly opened his eyes, for once not that angry at your alarm, and you puffed as you forced yourself to get off him even though he was so warm and so comfortable.
“really pretty, drooling all over your shirt. i should get a modelling contract.”
you turned off your alarm, now on the room side of the bed because your phone had been on his night table, with him scooting closer to the wall side so you wouldn’t fall down. as soon as the alarm was off, however, the distance he’d brought between you turned nonexistent as he pulled you against him, because while he wasn’t angry at your alarm he was still tired and in need of cuddles and you looked so cosy, hair messy and eyes all heavy and in his shirt.
“you’re so pretty i don’t even mind you drooling all over my shirt”, he informed you, stroking your hair gently with his other arm wrapped around your waist.
“be nice”, even though he was being nice and that was the problem - he was too nice, making you flustered because he just randomly called you pretty like this.
“mh”, he murmured, just leaving you be for now because he knew he was being nice, too, but he could also guess why you were reacting this way. so, instead of trying to argue, he just buried his face in your hair, which was very soft and smelled like hair dye, something he told you with a smile you weren’t able to see on his face.
“you’ll have to keep dyeing it for me whenever the colour fades”, you informed him, mainly just wanting him to wash your hair again because it had felt so nice and domestic and you’d liked his ministrations, the way he’d gently massaged your scalp to get all the dye out, how soft he’d been when he’d dried your hair after, all those cute things.
“will do”, happy you wanted him to be the one to dye it again. “sleep more or get up now?”
“hm…”, you hummed, thinking about it. “we can sleep some more, but i’ll have to get up at 6.30, for the alt girl revival.”
“i’m excited”, though he sounded more like he was about to fall back asleep any second, “but let’s sleep now.”
and because you wouldn’t be able to escape his hold anyway you just let him spoon you, turning off all alarms until 6.30 before you closed your eyes to nap until the next alarm would wake you up.
when that happened mingi groaned into your hair, not very pleased, but let go of you anyway. it was time to get up, he knew that, so he rubbed his eyes, almost elbowing your back because his movements weren’t the most coordinated in his tired state.
“sorry”, he grumbled, voice deeper than usual because for some reason he was more tired now than he’d been one and a half hours ago when your first alarm had rung.
“i’ll just go get ready, you can stay here”, you tried to compromise, but he was clingy and didn’t want you to be away for more than an hour, which was how long it’d take for your next alarm to ring.
“you do your makeup here”, he almost ordered, and you sighed, smiling.
“fine. but i’ll go get dressed now, so see you soon.” and before he could protest you slipped out of the bed, leaving him missing your warmth as he watched you gather your clothes and take off to the bathroom.
lucky for him he didn’t have to wait long, though, because you were back less than ten minutes later, now wearing everything but the garters which you’d chosen to neglect for now in case he wanted to cuddle some more, because they wouldn’t be the most comfortable and you’d run risk of genuinely hurting him if he held you too tight.
“how do i look?”
you really hoped he’d approve of the outfit he’d chosen, both because you wanted him to think you looked good and because it was either this or the clothes you’d worn last night, or maybe your pyjamas if you were desperate.
he let out a sound that was either a “wow” or an “oh”, you weren’t exactly sure, but by the way he’d sat up and by how big his eyes were you assumed it was more a wow; it was a sound of approval, at least.
“good?” and because unlike him you’d had time to wake up, time to clean your (slightly drool-covered) face with cold water, you were awake enough to be silly, turning around so he could see you from all sides and pretending his room was a catwalk, something that did not at all match the actual outfit.
“really good. stunning.”
he seemed about as flustered as you as he realised what he’d said - his mouth seemed to have moved without his help, just complimenting you in his half-asleep state without trying to maybe make it a little less embarrassing, a little less whipped. but you did look stunning, in his opinion, bright hair and tights and everything else being entirely black, a combination he knew from experience looked good, but he hadn’t expected it to look this good on you. when you genuinely looked comfortable in your skin, wearing what you liked, you seemed to be glowing, looking much better than usual, both in his professional and in his much more emotionally affected opinion.
“do you have a mirror here? otherwise i’ll have to do it in the bathroom.”
you wanted to give him the option to watch you, but without a mirror that wouldn’t work. he got up now, though, making his way to the chair and rummaging the mess on his desk that you’d respectfully ignored whenever you were there because the rest of his room wasn’t messy at all.
“there should be one here from when seonghwa…” the rest was quiet mumbles, making it obvious that he was just talking to himself, trying to remember where on earth this mirror was. then, a delighted “ah!” as he found it, a fairly small one, but he hoped it’d do.
“big enough?”
he held it out for you, and the excitement on his face (was he genuinely excited about watching you do makeup? incredible) made you nod even though you would have preferred a bigger one.
“you need to hold it so i can use both hands”, you let him know, and he nodded, sitting down on the bed cross-legged with the mirror resting against his legs because this would be more stable, he guessed, while you got out your little makeup bag.
“so, what’s the vibe for today?”, you asked him jokingly, but mingi seemed to genuinely be thinking.
“big and scary. i want to see what you would’ve looked like if i’d met you back then. please?”
“got it”, opening the little bag and getting out a bunch of stuff he’d seen in theory but never in use. then you started, and as he watched you do your makeup on the floor in front of him, concentrated though your face was expressionless, he couldn’t help but text his own group chat with the boys, the one you weren’t in.
[mingi]: i think i have a thing for alt girls actually
and a reply came almost immediately, from hongjoong, even though it was maybe seven in the morning.
[bad cop]: i think you just have a thing for y/n
while it was true, he didn’t have to say it like that, because even though you already knew he liked you so there was nothing to keep secret it was still embarrassing to be called out for it like this. because of that his phone ended up thrown to the chair after he locked it, causing you to lift your head and look at him questioningly.
“nothing, don’t worry”, the giant told you before you’d had a chance to ask, and you just accepted the reply, continuing to paint your face in a way that would have mingi fall in love with you even deeper because you just looked so pretty like that and he most definitely did have a thing for alt girls, he decided.
“scary enough?”, you asked once you considered yourself done, looking up at him with a smile on your now bright red lips - you’d ditched the black because of university, but that didn’t mean black wouldn’t have been your preferred choice.
“i don’t actually know if i can even go to uni like this”, something you hadn’t thought about earlier but that you now worried about just a little - you’d dressed like this the first few days, before your old friend group had adopted you, but you found yourself weirdly insecure now.
“absolutely, you can”, the redhead was quick to reassure, “it looks great.”
this time he was able to control himself from being embarrassing and spewing out the first compliments that came to his mind, even though it was hard when you looked… hot like that. you’d been really pretty before, but that was the vibe usually, pretty. the only other time that you’d been hot was at that damned party where he’d never gotten to enjoy the time with you, so this was a first, in a way. and that you used to just look like this on the daily had his thoughts race, a few wanting to go in directions they shouldn’t be going, but he caught himself and forced them back to how glad he was that he was the one who got to watch you do your makeup in the morning, how he’d gotten to pick your outfit or dye your hair.
“you sure? i haven’t done it like this in ages.”
now you were looking up at him curiously, scanning his face for any sign of lying, but he was sure. you looked great, and if he had the right to he’d show you off to anyone that cared and even those that didn’t.
“i can do yours too”, you teased, but then he was actually considering it, and a few minutes later you found yourself sitting across him on the floor, leaning in close trying to figure out how to decently apply eyeshadow to monolids.
“i’m sorry if it looks bad”, you apologised, though there was no need to, not for him - no matter what you’d do, he’d love it.
“eyeliner too?”, because you weren’t sure just how alt boy-adjacent he wanted to look, and since he couldn’t feel your hands on his face so he wasn’t running risk of ruining any makeup he nodded.
“okay, this is going to be weird. keep your eyes closed for now, i’ll tell you when to open”, mingi listening like a well-behaved puppy, keeping them close while you drew the line on his top lids, then opening and barely flinching when you pulled on the skin beneath his eyes to get to apply the eyeliner to the bottom lid, looking carefully to see whether or not you’d done a good job, and repeating the same with the other eye.
“now you look like a real bad boy”, you told him proudly once you were pleased, and handed him the mirror so he could check himself.
“you need to do this more often”, the giant sweetheart let you know, “i look really handsome like this.”
“as if you don’t usually”, you dismissed his hidden attempt at self-deprecation, “but i can do that, if you want me to.”
if you hadn’t been so close you might have missed the smile he tried to suppress because he felt a little ridiculous about it, but you noticed, and it made you smile, too.
“i can’t decide if i want to look like this daily or just on special occasions”, mingi mused, looking at himself in the mirror again. he didn’t know why exactly he felt so much more handsome because of a little eyeshadow and -liner, but he did. maybe because, despite your worries about being completely lost when you were trying to do his makeup, you actually knew what you were doing.
“you can’t rub your eyes now though, or you’ll look like a raccoon”, you warned him, because you had a feeling that he hadn’t actually thought about that yet.
“i probably need to bring some makeup wipes” - the one thing he knew existed and also the name of - “just in case.”
“got you”, handing him the entire package, seeing how you knew not to touch your face and they’d dry out if you handed him single ones. he smiled gratefully, pushing them next to his bag so he’d remember them later even if he was too lazy to get up right now. then, he pulled you against him as he leaned against the bed, and you stayed hugging like this until it was time to get breakfast, talking about everything and nothing.
the day was spent surprising everyone you saw with your makeover, the boys being first, seemingly more surprised by mingi than by you, even though you looked a lot more different than he did. but they liked the look, they assured, sending teasing messages to their private group chat as soon as you’d left for university, telling mingi that it did seem like he had a thing for alt girls when he even let you put makeup on him.
then, on the train, the tall, now very intimidating redhead held your hand, staring down everyone who dared to send you weird looks. not that that was needed - you’d dealt with judgmental glares before, when this was your daily attire, and you knew how to handle them, but the gesture was still appreciated.
at university you were much more grateful for him being there to stare people down, or more specifically, a certain group of people that seemed even less pleased now that you weren’t even trying to adhere to their rules for dressing anymore. you’d fully distanced yourself in the last three and a half weeks, and they weren’t happy about it. but mingi towered next to you, a protective and somewhat threatening presence, making it known that he’d be there to finish any shit that they’d start. and it was obvious, from the look of determination in his eyes, who would win.
you were sad to have to leave him for class, but that was made up for when you came to the lunch table and mingi had somehow managed to acquire liquorice - most likely through magic, because you’d found this impossibly hard yourself, so you’d given up on this childhood snack in right after you’d moved out from home after high school.
“where’d you get this?”, voice and expression clearly displaying your surprise, and he grinned proudly.
“i found out that it’s apparently really common in finland, and then i looked up foreign food stores, and then i sent the boys to look for this. i hope it’s the right kind.”
you grabbed the little box, trying to not be too touched because you’d need the makeup wipes you’d given him otherwise, and found that there was a little folded note attached to the lid that did not seem to belong there.
you carefully removed it, unfolding it, and it got really hard to not be too touched when you read what the sweetheart next to you had written.
i know you pretend you don’t mind, but i can tell you really miss finland sometimes, and while i can’t bring you there i can try to bring a little finland to you. hopefully this helps fill your heart with warmth the way you do for me. and if it does, i know where to get it now, so i can get you a monthly supply if it would make you happy! if you just smile that bright smile of yours again, it’s worth it.
you focused on the fact that he’d used the kind of ending phrase you’d use for business enquiries, because if you’d focus too much on his sweet message you’d be sobbing in no time.
“mingi?”, you tried to catch his attention, not knowing that his eyes hadn’t left your face for even a second while you’d read it, “terveisin isn’t how i’d end a letter to you.”
“is it rude?” panic in his eyes, and you quickly reassured him.
“no, no! it’s just kind of formal. but thank you, a lot.” the last words quiet and full of genuine gratitude, which made him squeeze your leg right above the knee to show you that he’d heard you, not wanting to make the situation awkward for either of you.
“anytime.” and he meant it, because your smile when you’d seen the liquorice and read the note and the raw emotion you were trying to hide right now showed him that the letter was both appreciated and very much worth it. so he’d write you more little notes, whenever he had something to say, wanting to see that smile again. as he said in the note, the bright smile of yours made whatever hassle he’d have to go through worth it.
despite the warmth and emotions coursing through the two of you’s veins right now you were glad when wooyoung spoke up, asking just what mingi had chased the boys through the entirety of seoul for just so he could get it for you.
“you want to try? it’s kind of salty”, you asked while holding the little box towards the others, offering each of them to try if they wanted to.
they all accepted, though the reactions were mixed - some seemed to have a very strong aversion, and their reactions made you giggle, a cute sound in stark contrast to your harsh exterior, a sound that only made the redhead fall for you more whenever he heard it.
“you make fun of me for not being able to eat spicy when this isn’t even real salmiakki!”, you teased, glad to finally have the grounds to do so.
the ones you called out grumbled but accepted their fate, choosing to eat their lunch instead.
the next two days continued similarly, except on friday your little note was a reservation for the cinema date that your teddy bear owed you, and you rolled your eyes at him, though smiling at him with your still red lips - you hadn’t yet dared to do what you most liked to do, something your old friends had called the kim possible lip when you’d first met them, a dark colour on the top lip and a brighter one painting the bottom one, even though a certain redhead had tried to convince you to do it, and he would try again for the date today.
“what time?”, and because the boys had gotten used to mingi trying to win your heart and because he might just use them to get everything to be perfect and figure out what would be most to your liking - something he didn’t see as cheating the “it has to be authentically you” request, because his ideas were still his, he just asked them whether or not he’d make a total fool of himself, something he’d do about any other girl, too - they didn’t even question it anymore, because the two of you had frequently agreed on the time for your study session at the lunch table, too, even before he had started openly trying to make you fall for him.
“depends on the movie”, an answer that should’ve been obvious to you because of course you’d have to decide on a movie before you’d go if you didn’t want to risk waiting for ages until a fitting movie started playing.
you chose the movie right there, with some of the boys being annoying and chiming in, giving their (obviously very professional) opinions, seonghwa texting mingi while the others were causing chaos, lucky that you weren’t using his but your phone to check the timetables because otherwise seonghwa would have mercilessly embarrassed his friend.
[good cop]: pick horror so you can comfort her
[mingi]: absolutely not.
technically, the idea wasn’t bad, if you weren’t so horribly, awfully, incredibly scared of horror movies and if the giant didn’t prioritise your feelings over a poor attempt at getting closer to you. so, instead, you picked something that, based on the reviews, was somewhat dramatic, but with some humorous scenes as well, and of course, romance, because there really wasn’t any movie without at least a hint of romance.
once that was done and lunch was eaten, you decided to go home, each to their own place, to get ready for the evening. while you were texting san, who had become your second-best friend, your date for the night had gathered everyone else in his room to help him decide what to wear, because he wanted something that was casual, but not too casual, something that showed that he’d put effort in, but not too much effort, and something that would match with you, at which point san was forcibly added to his group of fashion advisors because he knew what you would wear, even though he wouldn’t show anyone else because it was supposed to be a surprise, because that was how dates worked.
so, without his consent, san had become the line of indirect communication between his two red-haired friends, telling you that mingi would love whatever you’d wear and telling mingi just how much black he should add to his outfit and how much of a bad boy he should be, then telling you that your date wanted to wear makeup but had failed horribly when he’d tried to apply it himself so you’d have to plan some time for that, and telling mingi that you said that was fine, that you could do that, feeling like a poor excuse of a messenger pigeon when the two of you could technically just text each other yourselves.
the outfit decisions worked out well, probably largely owed to san’s efforts, with the two of you looking like you were there together but not too obviously trying to match. both of you were dressed in all black, with you wearing bright green fishnets and a bright green print on your shirt to contrast both the black of your clothes and the red hair because, while you didn’t care much about the colours you wore going well with each other since everything went well with black, you wanted to look good for mingi on your first real date.
it seemed to work, because despite obviously looking like a bad boy when you opened the door for him with black ripped jeans and a leather jacket you were pretty certain he’d borrowed from one of his friends his expression was that of a victorian schoolboy who saw a naked knee for the first time in his life, surprised, but not unpleasantly so.
“you’ll get some green, too, don’t worry”, you pretended to reassure him (it was teasing, actually, your tone was a teasing one), and soon after he was wearing bright green eyeshadow matching the one adorning your own eyes.
the trip to the cinema was weirder for him than for you, because you were used to being stared at and looking intimidatingly alternative, but he wasn’t used to looking like a bad boy if he wasn’t going to a party, the baddest thing about him being his red hair that, when it was fading to a pale-ish pink-orange shade, just made him look adorable. so while you were relaxed he was nervously playing with your fingers, something you didn’t mind in the slightest, but something he stopped once you got to the cinema and he bought the tickets and the snacks to go with the movie.
you’d chosen sweet churros and both sweet and cheese-flavoured popcorn, the cheese flavour mainly because you were curious about how it tasted and mingi assured that if you didn’t like it he would eat it. then, two large colas (he meant it when he said he’d get you all the snacks in the world), before you moved to your seats, completely packed because he was just like that.
he was shy to hold your hand during the movie, strangely, because this time it very much felt like a romantic thing when before that it had more been a friend thing, even though he did have feelings for you. he’d done it to pull you along with him, or just because he felt like it, but he felt like if he held your hand now, in the dark cinema, it would very obviously be a romantic gesture, and he wasn’t sure if you’d be comfortable with that. this was only your second date, and the first one had been dyeing your hair, something that maybe didn’t even really count, so he was incredibly uncertain.
but then, as the cliché went, your hands brushed against each other as you reached for the popcorn - you wanted to try the cheese flavour, and he wanted some sweet popcorn, and the respective flavour was on the end farther away from the one who wanted it -, and mingi took it as a sign to stop being a baby and just hold your hand, though he asked first in case he’d stop you from eating or just plain made you uncomfortable if he just held it.
“can i, uh…”, and then he went to grab it (though he didn’t yet, his fingers lightly brushing against yours) rather than finishing the question, because it was embarrassing to ask about holding your hand out loud, for some reason, “do this?”
he was adorable, his cute awkward behaviour causing you to smile in the darkness, and you did grab his hand that was still shy to hold yours. he smiled, too, a happy grin that was half illuminated by the screen, and it seemed like he was still grinning by the time the movie was over, the only moments where he hadn’t been grinning those when he put food in his mouth or drank a little.
the redhead brought you home, too, insisting that that was how one did after a date, even though you wouldn’t have complained about it either way. and he asked to stay the night, because he saw that something was a little off and he wanted to be there in case something was upsetting you that you’d like to talk about.
since it was already kind of late the two of you immediately got changed - after weeks of being your best friend he’d finally stored one of his pyjamas at your place so he wouldn’t have to be shirtless whenever he was spontaneously staying over -, cuddling up in bed together and you trying to pretend that there was nothing on your mind.
“what’s wrong?”
you’d been surprisingly quiet in his arms since you got to your place, been quiet ever since the cinema, and of course he’d notice, even though you’d tried your best not to show anything.
“i don’t know, it feels stupid.”
the giant sweetheart turned you around gently so he could look at you and saw the obvious frown on your face, trying to smooth the lines on your forehead with his thumb.
“doesn’t matter even if it is stupid. what’s wrong?”
you were still frowning, and he was still trying to smooth the lines, though mainly as a calming movement to maybe cheer you up.
“i just realised we just went on a date. so that’s my first date and, i don’t know, i’m scared you won’t want to go on any more and this is like… i don’t know, i told you it’s stupid.”
his movements were so gentle, you wanted to stay in his arms forever.
“it’s not stupid, y/n. and i do still want to go on more, if you’d want to, as well. i just don’t want you to regret it. do you regret it?”
a question mingi couldn’t stop himself from asking, though he tried to not show how nervous the potential answer made him.
“no. maybe, i don’t know.” and because you saw his face fall you elaborated, because you didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. “i don’t regret spending the time with you or anything, and i don’t regret going on a date with you. i guess it’s more, i’m scared that you’ll figure out you don’t like me, and then one of the firsts on my bucket list is already… gone sounds weird, but i don’t know how to say it better. i kind of want first date, first relationship, first kiss, first time, first house, first pet, first baby, all those things, i want to stay with the same person. when i’m with someone i don’t want it to just be a temporary thing.”
then, as if you’d realised what you just said: “that doesn’t mean you have to be with me if you don’t want to! i’m sorry, this sounds like so much pressure, i’m not saying don’t even try unless you want to marry me someday, except maybe i am. i don’t know. it’s all hard to figure out.”
moving closer to him so you could hide your face in his neck and he could rest his head on top of yours, because you didn’t want to look at him now, you still thought how you felt was stupid, but the redhead was thinking about your words.
he most definitely was not ready for marriage, or a house or a baby, but he knew marriage at least was something he wanted for his own future, and if it were with the person he loved, and if you were the person he loved, why not stay with you? the thought of having a future with you made him feel strange, but not in a bad way. it was scary to think about having as big of a future, with a wife and a house and kids, but it wasn’t scary to think about being with you. the only scary thing about that was thinking about not being good enough for you, but you being scared to dump him because you didn’t want to have ‘wasted’ a first if you were just going to leave him after.
“it’s okay”, he reassured, stroking your hair now, “i’m not going to talk about marriage, but i wouldn’t mind being with you for a while, as long as you can stand me”, a joke to hopefully make you feel a little better, but it was also how he felt, secretly, scared that you’d be the one to get tired of him.
“if it helps, we don’t have to go on dates?”, though he wanted to so bad, he wanted the time you spent with him to be special and have a special name, but he even more so wanted you to feel comfortable, “or, how do i explain… you know those package deals? so we’ll call it a date for now, but if you end up not liking me” - he didn’t even consider that he might not like you, because he knew he was in way too deep already - “we can just pretend it wasn’t dates. it’s only dates if you get the whole thing after. a free trial period?”
and while his explanation was a little silly you were really grateful, because this seemed like a good compromise, seemed like something that could work for you. you did want to be with him (though not yet, you were still worried), but you didn’t want either of you to feel weird about it no matter the outcome, so this was good.
“thank you, teddy bear”, using the nickname as you nuzzled even closer against him because you were so grateful for him and for how understanding he was and had always been of your struggles with this.
“of course. let’s sleep now, hm?”
so you did, with him hugging you tightly and his face pressed against your hair, refusing to let go of you until he had to.
the sweet red-haired giant continued being more adorable than good for you, planning two to three incredibly cute dates per week, the next one a picnic on sunday where he brought you some flowers he’d picked on the sidewalk because he thought they were pretty, then a library date at seoul metropolitan library on wednesday because he’d done some googling and apparently there was an international collection, and he wanted to see if there were books in your languages so you could read for him, on saturday he took you to the color pool museum you for some reason had never been to yet and loved, and on the monday after that he went thrift shopping with you, having done some googling again to find alternative thrift shops for all your alt girl dreams. he always asked if you were free and if his plans were fine with you, which was always the case, and you fell for him harder and harder with all his cute dates and the thought he obviously put into all of them. on tuesday, after your afternoon classes, he told you he had something planned for you at his place if you were free, and you joined him excitedly, curious to see what was waiting for you this time.
though the first thing he did was tell you to get changed, giving you the hair dye shirt and a pair of old sweatpants that you could tell no longer fit him, because they almost fit you, and when both of you were dressed he told you you were going to paint with your fingers now.
and you did, on the living room floor with cut-up trash bags covering the wood, laying on your stomachs and, in the end, being covered in paint from when you just couldn’t control yourselves and had to paint the other one’s face.
the date after that was on saturday, having ordered hongjoong to be your private teacher because mingi wanted to tie dye shirts with you but had no idea how to do it, unlike his smaller friend. so the second-oldest taught you how to do it, carefully giving instructions, and when it seemed like you’d figured it out he left the two of you alone to do lovebird things.
the tall boy found out a lot about you through these dates, like that you preferred speaking swedish over speaking finnish because swedish had never been a language of punishment, instead it had been some kind of refuge because your father didn’t speak it. through this he found out that your father had most definitely not treated you with the kindness you’d have deserved, something that made his heart ache and had him promising himself that from now on he’d be there to protect you, he’d be there and he’d do his best to keep anyone from ever hurting you again. he also found out that you struggled financially when you told him you preferred thrifting both for ethical reasons and because your wallet couldn’t afford much else, and he took a mental note of trying to pay for small things for you when he could because he could most definitely afford it, and any won you saved would help you in the long run. he found out that you’d claim your favourite colour to be rainbow because you couldn’t decide on just one and didn’t want to hurt the other colours’ feelings (which was how he’d come up with the tie dye idea), something he found adorable, and he found out that you were good at drawing but terrible at painting, and that you refused to draw with anything but grey pencils. he loved all the little details he found out about you, all of them only making you more perfect in his eyes, more deserving of his complete adoration.
“i want one of the shirts you made”, you interrupted his adoring thoughts, and he looked at you confused.
“why that?”
“your shirts are always really soft, and they’re so big. perfect to sleep in. am i wearing shorts underneath, am i not wearing shorts underneath, the world may never know.”
mingi smiled down at the shirt he was currently working on at your joke, deciding that he would work on this one with a lot of love and that you’d get this one, then, because if you wanted a shirt from him then you’d get a shirt from him, and he’d try to make sure it was a good one. life was a little unfair, though, because he’d never get to wear one of your shirts without stretching it out impossibly much.
“you’ll get this one”, he let you know his decision, “but one day i want one of yours.”
“you could get one right now if you weren’t so tall”, whining a little because his height made life a little difficult for you sometimes, mainly when you wanted to hug him or when he teased you by randomly lifting you up while your arms were around his neck, feet dangling in the air until you’d give in and wrap your legs around him so he could carry you wherever he wanted to go.
“maybe you just have to grow”, he whined back, and you scoffed, choosing not to reply to that and instead giving him the cold shoulder for maybe one minute, until he asked you if you liked the colours because you would just have to accept them either way.
“you really wouldn’t make another one if i don’t like this?”, you asked him with big round eyes, and he cursed internally for being so absolutely soft for you, because instead of teasing you back he told you that he’d make you as many as you wanted, until you’d be happy.
“you’re sweet” was your reply, smiling at him, which caused him to lower his head and pretend to focus on the shirt he was dyeing when he was really just trying to hide his embarrassment.
hongjoong had greatly approved of your tie dye projects, and a day after the initial dyeing you’d stolen the shirt that was meant for you, choosing it as your pyjama shirt now and near refusing to take it off as you spent another night at the boys’ place. while he’d never admit it, the tall redhead was happy to see that, because while he’d never actually owned or worn the shirt it was still in a way his clothing that you’d claimed for yourself, and he wanted to see you wear his clothes more, wear them casually, wear your boyfriend’s clothes. and, as weird as it might have been, you wearing this big shirt was what made him not want to wait any longer to ask you out, really ask you out. it had been three weeks since the awkward and, in all honesty, less than perfect confession, and though he didn’t want to rush you he just really wanted to be able to call you his. so, he decided, he’d ask you the next day, during lunch.
what he hadn’t anticipated, though, was how nervous he’d be, fiddling with the hem of his shirt the entire lunch break as he waited for the perfect moment to give you the note he’d written that morning, rewritten like seven times and with the help of some slight googling and trying to write it as prettily as possible, especially the latin letters. though he didn’t know that you kept all his notes in a little box and read them sometimes when you felt anxious he still wanted the notes to be perfect, because you deserved perfect. especially when he was quite literally asking to date you.
but then lunch was almost over and yunho kicked his leg because he was being a coward and he yelped out and now he most definitely had your attention, and now there was no going back.
“i have something for you”, voice quiet and shy and, much to his dismay, not only your but also the boys’ eyes were on the two of you now. still, he handed you the little paper, starting to ramble as soon as the paper had changed owner.
“i know this looks like you don’t have a choice, but i just didn’t want to be the one to put the no right there, so i just added a comments section, but you can say no, of course, it’s fine, don’t worry about it, i’ll still be your friend and all, but i just felt like asking. you can also press snooze and i’ll ask again somewhen else, or give it back later if you need to think a little, everything is fine, i-”
“mingi”, you interrupted his nervous rambling, “will you let me read what you wrote before you worry so much?”
your words seemed kind of harsh, but your voice held a softness to it that was reserved for the tall baby in front of you only, so he knew you weren’t annoyed at his barely coherent rambling. you just wanted to calm him down, because he was obviously nervous.
“oh, yeah, of course, sorry.” staring at his hands which were now playing with each other in his lap, though not because he was hurt but because he was embarrassed, not wanting to see your reaction, which was a shame, because he missed the absolutely adoring smile that made its way to your face when you unfolded the little note. he’d even looked up the word for ‘girlfriend’ in swedish for you, and though you couldn’t be sure if that was why you suspected he’d chosen swedish because he knew you’d always been closer to your swedish-speaking mother than your finnish-speaking father.
will you be my flickvän? - mingi
[0] ja
[0] extra ja
the note was adorable, with a few sweet very mingi drawings, and you didn’t have to think twice about your reply, telling him to turn around and lean over so you could use his back as a surface to write on. and write you did, obviously filling out the comment section, making him nervous. then, you handed him the note, smiling before heading off to class, leaving him to stare at you dumbfounded while he wondered just what you’d written, but needing to wait until class was over to talk to you about it.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up ~(˘▾˘~)
Hi I’d like an Ikevamp matchup! (This is my first time doing this but oof) i’m a shy(at first) brown(Filipino to be exact) girl that’s a lil on the chubby side, Virgo, messy short hair, 149 cm(short-), and an INFJ T and a Ravenclaw. I’ve also got really fat legs and as much as i like them some dont :”) i like to read books than listen to people read them aloud cuz I’m a visual learner. I like writing bc it helps me get all these ideas out of my head. But i’m really unorganized so i never really finished anything other than a few poems and one horror short story. I enjoy cracking a good joke for anyone to laugh at and am really affectionate with my loved ones. I draw sometimes too but they’re not that good :> so my hobbies are:writing(mainly), drawing. I love learning about new stuff that’s not really included in school bc it’s not one of my biggest priorities to me lmao. I also really like studying whilst listening to music. But unto my dislikes, i really dont like injustice for other people and have this belief in me(i belive everyone is equal). I hate loud noises (eg. rain, or a truck) it messes with me more than my hair lol. I don’t like people insulting me in a more meaningful sense, meaning im not hurt if anyone curses at me but if it’s a little more meaningful then that hits me hard. Most people think im insensitive but i get hurt too ya know. But i always welcome critique even if it doesnt seem so. I flirt sometimes with my friends cuz thats how much i love them ig. I can play the ukulele but im not too fond on playing instruments so i ight sing instead of both. Anyway, i hope that’s enough. Message me if it wasn’t and i’ll add more! Thanks!
 Hi hi, love! ❤🥰Thank you so much for the request! Ooooh your first match-up, how exciting! I hope I can live up to your expectations. 🦋🥰☀️Anyways sorry for the long wait and I truly hope you enjoy. Hope you have a super good day!❤🥰  @la-liar​
So I match you with…………… Mozart
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So the first time the two of you interact, it was basically silence. Both of you cuties were too shy and reserved to speak to each other. That is basically how it was for the first few weeks of your stay at the mansion. 
You were rather shy, so you kept mostly to yourself spending all your time in the library, reading and writing. But that all changed one day when you discovered the music room. 
You had decided on a whim to explore the mansion a bit and stumbled upon a pristine music room. You made your way inside and smiled as you spotted a ukulele in the corner of the room. You simply couldn’t help yourself, as you picked up the instrument and started to play. Closing your eyes as you played, you started to sing along to the familiar tune.
At that moment, Mozart had walked past his beloved music room. He had stepped out for a moment, only to get himself a freshly brewed cup of hot chocolate before continuing to compose his newest piece. The second he heard the sound of an instrument coming from his beloved music room he sighed internally. He slammed open the door and froze in his tracts when he spotted you sitting on the floor in the corner of the room absorbed by the music you were producing. He had every intention of scolding you, but all that dissipated as the soft, soothing tones of your voice wash over him like a gentle ocean wave. He found himself calm and at peace for once in his life. 
Inspired by the tune you were singing, he sat down at the grand piano and started playing along. The second the first note of the piano echoed off the walls of the room you opened your eyes in shock, not realizing someone had come in midway through your song. You profusely apologized to the man and left before he could say anything.
For the rest of the day Mozart was stuck, he couldn’t get that song you were singing out of his head. He was starting to get frustrated as thoughts of you were plaguing his mind. That night he stormed up to your room, took you by the hand and guided you back to the music room where he handed you the ukulele, “Play.” His words were blunt and his violet eyes were sharp and determined. You stared up at the man in confusion as he sat down at the grand piano, waiting for you to start the song. You sighed sitting down next to him on the bench and softly started strumming the strings. Mozart couldn’t keep the faint smile from forming on his face at the sound of the perfect harmony and melody the two of you produced together. Since that night you were the only other person, other than Sebastian permitted to enter into the music room whenever you wanted.
Every day since, you would wander into the room as Mozart would play the soothing melodies. You loved to study while listening to music. So every day you would bring your books to the music room as Mozart played and just sit and read or write, as Mozart’s symphonies would echo in the background. Although the white-haired man would never admit it, he very much enjoyed your company. Unlike the rest of the residents, you were quiet and soft-spoken, and you didn’t irritate him like the rest of his housemates. 
Often during the afternoons, when Mozart would take a break from playing, he would walk over the corner of the room that you would occupy and just stare down at you. He would usually in his classical tsundere roundabout way, ask you if you wanted to grab lunch with him. You honestly had to smile at his clumsily blunt tone and the dust of pink that would grace his features.
The two of you would sit under the shade of a tree and chat for hours and hours about the most random of topics. You had quickly come to realize that the brutal way in which Mozart spoke, was just a front to cover up his true feelings. Thus you never minded the meaningless insults that he would occasionally throw your way. Cause they were just that meaningless. If anything, the way he would say them with that slight smile dancing across his lips, they were probably meant as his own type of endearments towards you.
Both of you cuties often get so absorbed in your daydreams that during your lunchtime picnic, that you can be found just staring into space. Mozart’s mind would be occupied with the latest songs that he would like to compose, and your mind would be drifting off, thinking about the latest topic that you have learned about or read. Its actually pretty hilarious, especially when the two of you are at the dinner table and Arthur is chatting away to the two of you, while both of you would be off in dreamland. It’s only when Arthur waves a hand in front of your eyes that both of you come back to reality. During these times, you and Mozart usually lock eyes and laugh, as it had become a somewhat, inside joke between the two of you.
You often flirted with the man, especially after the two of you had started to become friends. You loved the way his cheeks would get dusted in a light pink shade matching his eyes perfectly. And you can’t help but laugh whenever he stutters a little insult in response. Although don’t get me wrong, he is the only person who can give you small insult endearments. Anyone else who dare utter one bad thing about you, will face Mozart’s scorn. 
Like one time the two of you went to the bookshop to browse together, when some dodge man came up to you and started telling you that a woman shouldn’t be in a book shop and that the book you were holding was too advanced for you. Cue Mozart practically tearing apart the man with his sharp gaze. Mozart’s voice boomed in the bookshop like a crack of a whip, and by the time he was done giving the man a verbal smackdown, the dodgy fellow couldn’t leave the shop quick enough. 
Just then violet eyes met your dark brown ones, as Mozart gave you the most tender look and asked in a soft tone if you were okay. He could see the sadness in your eyes, and he knew even though you put up a tough front, you were also rather sensitive deep down. He gave you a tight hug and kissed your forehead as he told you not to ponder on the man’s hurtful words. “Mein Liebe, don’t let that man’s mindless babble bother you.” He then took you by the hand and lead you to a coffee shop where he bought the two of you some hot chocolate. And the two of you spent the rest of the afternoon chatting away.
It wasn’t clear exactly when you and Mozart transitioned from friendship into a relationship, but regardless you were the only person privileged enough to see this man’s soft side. And boy oh boy was his smile enough to make your heart melt. Mozart is actually a massive softie under his harsh words, and loves to shower you in affection. He knows you hate loud noises, so he is always sure to, take you the town route with the least amount of people and noises. And you best be sure he will be by your side to soothe you in a split second during any type of thunderstorms
He never knew just how much you hated loud noises like thunderstorms until one night. It was the dead of night, and the sky was littered with dark stormy clouds and flashes of lightning. You woke up abruptly to the loud rumble of thunder that followed a flash of light. You let out a loud squeak as you pulled your blanket over your head, in an attempt to block out the noise. By the second flash and roars of thunder, you were on your feet making your way to Mozart’s room. 
You gently pushed open the door, when yet another loud crack of thunder and lightning could be heard shaking the mansion’s walls. Mozart had no time to react, as all he heard was the patter of your bare feet on the wooden floor, and then the weight of a warm body diving onto his bed. He cracked open an eye and was shocked to see the expression of dread on your tear-stained face. He wasted no time at all in pulling you beneath the covers into his warm embrace and he pressed your face to his warm chest. He gently traced soothing circles on your back, while he tenderly sang you a soft lullaby to coax you into sleep. The noise of thunder and lightning faded into the background, as you focus on the feeling of Mozart’s fingertips dancing across your skin and his soft, soothing voice. 
Since then, at any sign of a storm, Mozart would be sure to drop everything and seek you out. He would usually wrap the two of you in a fluffy blankie, and he just holds you tight in his arms. Sometimes he would play the piano to soothe your anxiety, while other times he will just sing to you.
Mozart absolutely loves your sense of humour, and his stony features will always crack with a slither of a smile whenever you make a joke. Bonus points if you actually get him to laugh. He will legit huff out in laughter, while shyly hiding his face in the crook of your neck as you continue to crack hilarious jokes. Anyone privileged enough to see this rare scene unfolds is very lucky indeed, as Mozart’s smile and laughter is like the sun coming out after a very long stormy week. It is bright and filled with warmth, and reserved for your eyes only.
Even though you have a tendency to never really finish writing, Mozart will insist you show him any of the pieces that you do manage to complete. He loves the way your words flow on paper, and it down right inspires him to write a few songs to accompany your stories. He also beams with pride whenever you draw him a cute little scene on his sheet music. He will be sure to keep that page with your doodle safe for all eternity, cause he just loves them so much. 
The two of you cuties are the most affectionate couple around, behind closed doors of course as Mozart might just die from embarrassment if the two of you engage in any sort of PDA. He loves it when you sit beside him and rest your head on his shoulder as he plays you the newest ballad of his love. You are the love of his life, and he will spend every day of his existence loving you. He loves to give you cute little Eskimo and butterfly kisses whenever the two of you meet in the hallway.
You best be sure this man will spend every free moment he can get hugging and cuddling you. Often the two of you cuties will simply be spending a quiet afternoon in the music room together, nestled in each others arms while drinking a warm cup of hot chocolate, listening to the pitter patter of the rain outside. 
Other potential matches……………. Dazai
I hope you enjoyed this dear and I hope you have the best day. 🦋☀️❤
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voidcat · 4 years
– Gekka Bijin
Gekka Bijin, also known as the Beauty Under the Moon or the Queen of the Night, is a species of cactus and one of the most cultivated species in the genus. It blooms rarely and only at night.
Oikawa finds himself at a party he couldn't care less for, searching for someone he cares about a little too much.
word count: 1.8k
a/n: this is mainly inspired by the song Bodys, I suggest listening to it as you read. | ao3
The new song that takes over the place makes the party seem like something out of a mediocre America coming-of -age movie. Oikawa looks around, what was he even doing here?
The beat starts to change and what he assumes to be the main melody begins to take over the room. The chances of finding the one person he was looking for were low, very low. And he is sure he had spent all his luck in life already. Agreeing to attend chibi-chan’s party wasn’t the brightest idea he has had but he had to start somewhere, preferably night time; so the darkness and the dim lights surrounding him could hide his face in case his mask happens to slip. That’s not what I meant to say at all. I mean- I’m sick of meaning, I just want to hold you.
You and me both; he cannot help but think, sparing a glance at the unfamiliar faces and the clashing bodies around him. The whole place stinks of sweat, alcohol and a pinch of tobacco. He scrunch his nose at that. Is the chorus yet? No, it’s just the building of the verse…
“What type of idiot even comes up with such lame lyrics anyway? I don’t even want to think who listens to them...” he’s complaining to himself, again.
“Well I’d bet my money on that girl by the stereo who seems to be having too much fun.” Oikawa didn’t even realize he was complaining out loud until he heard the familiar voice reply to him. He looks up to the direction of the said girl. “Is she... holding an empty bottle of vodka as a mic?” He tilts his head as he tries to make sense of the scene before him, trying his best to ignore the owner of the voice deliberately.
“Holding onto the bottle, would be a more proper expression I think.” This time he looks back at the voice.
His time in California has done wonders on him, that’s for sure. His, now tanner, skin compliments his deep olive green eyes as always, his hair slightly ruffled and he can spot a little bit of a blush on his face. Could be from the alcohol, he assumes, if Iwai was drinking.
Everything around him is in a blur, his eyes do not see anything that’s not him.
“Long time no see Iwa-chan!” he says at last, one of his signature smiles decorating his face. “What brings you to chibi-chan’s party?” Iwa frowns at that, must’ve realized the smile is fake. “Dragged in by Mattsun and Makki the moment I said I was going to spend the night by myself.” Mattsun and Makki. It has been a while he last talked to them properly, and he hasn’t been messaging with Iwaizumi like he once did either, so that must say something. The distance between them put its toll on their life-long friendship. Reading, more like trying, his messages of “shittykawa” in his voice can never compare to hearing the awful nickname, even if it’s followed by a hit.
Interrupted from his train of thoughts, he watches Iwa’s gaze go down. “Nice tshirt.” Right, he forgot he was wearing that tonight. The writing ‘zacco platypus’ on his chest feels heavier than ever.
Another trademark smile. “What can I say, Iwa-chan. I missed ya!” He says in his typical singsong tone. The unsettling silence takes over as they stare at one another, both seem to be deep in thought.
The truth is Iwaizumi wasn’t the one avoiding Oikawa, at least not as obviously. Ever since high school ended and their lives got separated by an ocean, Oikawa was left with too much time to overthink the smallest things.
He realizes he hasn’t said anything nor made a gesture to show he heard Iwa yet. “So you’re here by yourself? No one new in your life?” He isn’t sure if he wants to hear his friend’s reply to the latter.
“Tried once or twice, didn’t stick long. I won’t ask you back the same question though, you’ve spammed me with all the gruesome details just as they happened.”
That wasn’t exactly true. Sure, talking excitedly about a date gone nice or the little things that attracted him further to his dates were something he let his friend know.
But he never told him how he tried dating men; how he was always searching for calloused hands, sharp green eyes, messy spiky hair; how he wished he could hear the mean nicknames instead of cute names of endearment or the silly pet names. How often he thought about what the two of them could have been, how he never acted towards this dream, the fear of ruining their friendship nagging his brain.
The drunk girl starts to sing along loudly: “Well, so what? We're young!” something he can’t put a finger on changes in her tone. “We’re thin, most of us.
We're alive-“ A pause. “Most of us.” She ends it in a rather sad tone.
“Well, they seem to be having fun.” Iwai spares a glance at the dancing figures around them, attempting to keep the conversation alive. “I’d be having fun too, if I consumed booze recklessly and lost myself completely I guess.” Oikawa says with a roll of eyes.
Then his body sets into motion before he can comprehend what his hands are doing. He puts his hands on Iwa’s shoulders, truly a sight out of a cheesy teen romcom. He wants to scoff at his cliché-ness.
 He can see the shock painted on Iwaizumi’s face.
“Those are you got some nice shoulders  I'd like to put my hands around them  I'd like to put my hands around them”
“Oi baka-kawa, what are you doing?”
“Following the instructions, and trying to have fun, assumed acting a bit more like them could help achieve that.” He points at the people around them with his head. They start to swing in an awkward manner, not exactly matching the song’s pace or rhythm. Iwa’s hands find his waist.
“So what’s with the sudden change of your messages lately?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Iwa-chan-“ Oikawa tries to brush it off, breaking eye contact but it seems Iwa won’t let go of this any time soon.
“You know damn well what I’m talking about, I’m not in the mood for your games or blatant acting so you better explain to me what’s been bothering you.” His demeanor is stern but he can hear the concern in his voice.
He wants to turn his gaze away, avoid the piercing looks Iwa is sending his way, but if he’s really going to do it tonight, there’s a chance this may be the last time he will get to see his face like this, up-close.
Meeting Iwa’s stare wasn’t the sanest thing to do for Oikawa because he cannot find it in himself to blink. He wishes for time to stop and to stay in this exact moment forever. With his hands on his shoulders, Iwa’s hands on his waist, gazing into each other’s eyes and getting lost in them; everything besides them is a mixture of noise and colors. No longer resisting the demanding look in Iwa’s eyes, Oikawa opens his mouth at last:
“I was afraid I’d say something wrong, ruin something between us or cause a mess I couldn’t fix because there’d be this entire ocean between the two of us.”
He stops to take a deep breathe. “I guess I was afraid I’d do something stupid… (like this)” The last bit remains unsaid but it’s heavy in the air and they both know it. He speaks in a whisper and leans in for a kiss.
All he can feel is how warm and soft being this close to Iwaizumi feels. It feels different than any other kiss he has ever had and he knows nothing will be the same after it. He’s too focused on his worrying, he doesn’t even realize whether Iwa responds back to his kiss or not. And so he pulls back to examine his face and get a good look at him in this shitty lightning one last time.
“Oi, if the idea of the two of us is stupid to you, maybe you shouldn’t have gone in for a kiss.”
At that moment Oikawa is at a loss of words. He stands with his jaw hanging open, trying to process his words. He was expecting a shove, maybe an angry yell, a hit in the head or Iwaizumi to leave immediately without sparing him a glance. But this?.. This was not on that list, not even an option at all.
Having read him through his various moods all his life, Iwa seems to know what is exactly going in Oikawa’s head. So he pulls the idiot back to him, his right hand on his jaw, for a second kiss.
No fireworks, no explosions; all those writers and painters must have been wrong all this time.
Because the kiss he shares with the person he loves more than anything else in this world feels like something he long searched for and finally found. And in a sense, it is exactly that.
Kissing Iwa in that very moment comes natural to him just like breathing, eating, doing a jump serve or setting for him. It feels like coming home to rest after a long day, to eat milk bread after craving it for so long, to watch the sun set after a well spent day.
Kissing Iwaizumi Hajime feels like home.
He is sure somewhere far away a queen of the night blooms just as they kiss.
They pull away slowly. Every action they take together, they’ve grown accustomed to it, in perfect sync and tonight is no exception. They can see each other smiling faintly. One of his genuine ones, Iwaizumi knows. Oikawa rests his forehead on Iwa’s and they stand like that for a little longer.
I got so fucking romantic, I apologize.
A new song starts to play through the speakers.
“Seriously, what’s up with those lyrics?” Oikawa starts shaking his head, still smiling.
His whiny statement goes ignored by Iwaizumi: “What do you say, we go out and… catch up?” 
He’s met with intense and light brown eyes suddenly directing their attention back to him, there must be supernovas hidden inside them, he cannot help but think, a lump forming in his throat.
“And we can… put a name on what we are, if you’d like that, I mean-“ He is cut off by a quick peck on the lips and next thing he knows, he’s being dragged away from the party by the only person he has always loved and cared for with his whole heart.
As the obnoxious music they left behind fades into the background, Oikawa makes a mental note to send that girl a bottle of her favorite drink; marching towards nowhere in particular, hand in hand with the one he loves.
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mci-writing · 5 years
NSFW Alphabet list: Bakuhoe Edition
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Aggressive cuddles. Like, they're really soft and warm. Probably drags s/o to a shower or bath and just chills for a moment.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Himself: His hands because he can just do so much with them
Theirs: Ass. He's an ass man
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Katsuki really likes cumming on his s/o. Just the sight of his cum on ssomeone feels like a reward to him, seeing them all dirty in his own undoing. Same with cumming inside. If he thinks about he long enough while they're getting down, cumming inside just feels so relieving to him, but he won't do it unless they're in a comfortable place for such in their relationship. May cum inside on accident just from getting too into it.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He loves to bottom occasionally. Very rarely will he let someone dom him, but when he does, woo!
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Has a little bit experience probably. He has a powerful quirk and was somewhat social in school, girls probably threw themselves at him if he just looked at them. Might not have much physical and intimate experience, but he's seen various parts and details and has probably watched porn in incognito just as much as the rest of us dirty children.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
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G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Katsuki takes many things seriously and this is one of them. He may laugh or chuckle with his s/o in the moment occasionally, but usually its degrading or meant to be sexy. Now, if s/o does something worth laughing about, he'll laugh, but not for long cause he feels he could ruin the moment if done wrong.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Oh boy, it sure does match the drapes. He feels that unruly pubic hair gets in the way and gets really uncomfortable in his hero suit, so he keeps it groomed, but just enough to not bother him.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
He can be intimate if his s/o wants. Sometimes, he may slow down to make the moment last longer. Just seeing them in such a state of ecstacy and knowing he's doing such a thing to them may dawn on him in the middle of wrecking them and he just slows down to stare at them. Maybe some light kisses and bites if he's feeling it. He feels marking as an intimate practice too, so he leaves lots of hickies in visible places as a form of having some part of him always close to them. He's trying, leave him alone
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He's not big on it, since he finds it a little embarrassing at times, but he does it a decent amount. It's hard to catch him in the act though and it's never obvious afterward
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Praise (receiving and giving) and degradation (giving and receiving to a small extent) are two big ones. I can also see him being a big fan of hearing s/o beg a lot and maybe some name calling/ddlg (or master/servant, etc.) but not too much to where it's a little weird
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
It changes every week. NEXT!
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Praise him just right and you're fucked. Quite literally. Call his name a couple times, compliment his skills, mention how much you enjoy it, call him the best for crying out loud. He'll just keep going on and on
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Don't mention someone else, like at all. It just upsets him.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
It really depends. He understands some people prefer foreplay and others don't really want to just jump into sex, but he also sees it as a waste of time sometimes. Don't get me wrong though, he loves receiving it! He'll take charge of that too though and just becomes a messy boomy boi. He does like giving too, but he won't admit it. He could get off to just knowing he's just that good at using his mouth and being able to cause his s/o to unravel in such a way. It flusters him a lot, but he gets over it quick enough for it to be unnoticeable, most of the time anyway.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He's hella fast and hella rough, but he tries not to hurt s/o unless they're into that kinda thing. If asked, he'll attempt keeping it slow and sensual, but then he might get into it and just Oof.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He's pretty open to them, probably even going the extra mile and edging s/o on. They turn him on and just get him really excited for later. Would especially enjoy them and do them more on duty.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
It's Katsuki Bakugou, of course he takes risks! He's very willingly to take risks and more than likely comes up with the idea.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Katsuki can go all night and he's going to make sure his s/o can too! Like they can only get a bit of rest and then he's all "Alright, get the fuck up"
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He has them, but really only uses them for teasing purposes. Like, why use a toy when he's got all they need and more in his pants? He's open to using them on himself, but really prefers his s/o.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Biggest tease there is. He loves teasing and edging. If he feels s/o isn't begging enough, he'll only get worse until they're absolutely writhing under him
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Mainly small grunts and groans. He'll swear under his breath a lot too. It's not loud, but it's not really quiet either.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Really enjoys seeing his s/o dressed up. When he's bored, he just imagines ripping their clothes off. He also really enjoys fondling them in public out of boredom. Sitting in class or on a bus beside each other for an hour? Better be prepared for them fingers
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He thicc but not too much in length. Long enough to get work done but thicc enough that you'd think he's got a long dong when it's in you
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Almost as high as his ego
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) 
Depends honestly. He always ensures he falls asleep after his s/o though (the competitive bastard). There are special occasions where he falls asleep right after s/o, but he's usually up an hour past them sleeping so eh.
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tvmoviechristmas · 5 years
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This Might As Well Happen: A Comprehensive Diary of Christmas Con
In early October, I was discussing the upcoming BravoCon, a celebration of Bravolebrities with my baby sister, Kerri, who was shocked nobody in my family wanted to go. I was trying to explain to her that it was both super popular and super expensive, when suddenly she interrupted with an idea.
“You know what would be crazy,” Kerri announces, “What if Hallmark had a convention? Hallmark Con! Would you go?”
"Kerri, they would hold Christmas Con in like Missouri, where Hallmark headquarters are,” I noted pretty quickly, “And I’m not paying to get a plane ticket to pay to see Lacey Chabert in passing. I’m not taking the time off work for that trip, that’s insane.”
“But it would match your brand!” she exclaimed, “You love Hallmark!”
“I don’t love Hallmark enough to get on a plane, but it probably won’t happen for years anyway.”
A week later Christmas Con was announced. It was taking place fifteen minutes away from where I live. For a second, I genuinely believed the universe had the ability to fuck with us personally.
The idea of buying a ticket for Christmas Con was a passing idea in my head, but it was not an item that was on the top of my to-do list because I had tons of other things to worry about. I was working full-time and taking certificate classes at night. I was in the middle of moving apartments and trying to sort through. organize and pack all the stuff. I was desperately trying to get my older sister to answer my texts about whether or not the facial stabbing that occurred in It: Chapter Two was handled realistically because she is a doctor and why become a doctor if not to answer my questions about injuries in pop culture? 
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Things were crazy, and Christmas Con was just not a priority. I figured I had time to decide if I really wanted to go anyway. Christmas Con would not have that much of a demand, right?
Wrong. Christmas Con sold out in minutes. I figured I could potentially shoot my shot on obtaining a press pass (I do have three fans and a write-up in the Chicago Tribune!), but once again, I was like “this can wait for a couple of days”. There were other things to do! 
It could not wait for my sister, Kerri, though. There was nothing she wanted more than for me to go to Christmas Con. So she went on Instagram and DMed them questions about how to get a press pass before sending me what felt like a billion texts on how she promised the Christmas Con organizers that I was going to send them an e-mail to get a press pass that day and that she was going to pray that I get one because it was my destiny because it was fifteen minutes away and I run a made-for-TV Christmas movie blog. Do you want to fight destiny, Kace? Do you?
I guess I did not. So I e-mailed in my request, was somehow approved for a media pass, and subsequently lied to a billion people about what my plans for the weekend of November 8th were because nobody I worked with needed to know I was going to Christmas Con.
But that’s where I was going. As Kerri told me, “you’re a Christmas movie expert! That’s where you are supposed to be!”
4:08 PM - According to the last minute e-mail I received from the Christmas Con organizers, the convention is supposed to open to the media at 4:30 PM. However, one of my two talents is getting hopelessly lost going anywhere, so I leave my apartment at around 3:40 PM and arrive at the convention around 4:00 PM. The parking lot looks deserted when I arrive and I briefly wonder if I am  at the right location, but then I spot some ladies seemingly tailgating the event in winter wear. This spectacle gives me the inkling that I am probably close to where I am supposed to be.
I figure that I might as well enter the con sign-in area a little earlier because I have a vague worry that the media line might be messy; however, the process of checking in is generally quick and painless. It probably helps that there was absolutely no line whatsoever. Even though I am terrified that someone to tell me that they made a mistake and it is ludicrous that a tumblr blog is getting a press pass to anything, I am actually given a media badge and waved into the hall.
I check my phone. It is only 4:08 PM. Immediately, I am frightened at the prospect that some security guard is going to yell at me for being in the convention area early, but after taking a deep breath I just decided to roll with it. It’s Christmas Con! We are all supposed to love each other! That’s the Hallmark way!
As I walk into the convention center, “Sleigh Ride” begins to blast on the sound system. Since “Sleigh Ride” is my least favorite Christmas song, my guard is immediately raised. Hopefully, the music choice is not a harbinger of bad things to come at Christmas Con.
4:25 PM -  I decide to mill about in the empty autograph area to get an idea of what Hallmark “celebrities” are going to be signing at the event. While attempting to get a picture of an Erin Krakow banner, I hear a door burst open and someone shouting “Lace! Lace! Lace!” from behind me.
Immediately, I become paranoid, scared that some con organizer is yelling “Kace! Kace! Kace!” because they know I am not supposed to be in the autograph area before the place opens. Maybe they also read my blog, and realized that maybe they do not want someone who doesn’t fully buy into Hallmark’s conservative message roaming around their event.
After ten excruciating seconds, my brain clicks back into place and I turn around to realize that it is just Jonathan Bennett having a dramatic Mean Girls reunion with Lacey Chabert before the event starts. Sometimes sneaking into areas you shouldn’t be in is worth it, even if it does spike your anxiety. That’s how you get exclusive content.
4:31 PM - As the clock hits 4:30 PM and the VIP pass holders storm in, I become a little more comfortable at the notion of hanging around Christmas Con and start to roam around the hall. The vendor area is a lot smaller than I expected and I did not expect it to be all that big in the first place. In total, there are about  20 booths set up, and a solid chunk of them aren’t even selling anything. The items that are being sold in the hall are not exactly what I expected either. One vendor is selling what seems to be a bunch of top hats. Another is selling cooking sauces. Surprisingly, there are only a couple of vendors actually selling Christmas decorations. Earlier in the week I had withdrawn cash from the bank with the idea that I might be able to buy something while I was at Christmas Con, but *spoiler alert* my cash balance stays the same throughout the entire three days of the event.
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The centerpiece of the vendor area is a photobooth set up by Hallmark where you can take various kitschy pictures (in a snowglobe! by a fireplace!) while muted advertisements for their upcoming original movie slate and streaming service play in the background. It also is an area where you can look at a hilarious collection of framed screenshots and promotional photos of Hallmark’s crop of “celebrities”, which is my personal favorite part of the experience. Nothing says Christmas like a framed photo of Candace Cameron Bure peeking around a door!
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4:43 PM -  As the convention starts to warm up, a lot of the “celebrities” are just walking around the vendor area . Nikki DeLoach jumps into a snowglobe picture with some random fans. Holly Robinson Peete films the Hallmark booth on her phone, while Rachel Boston tries to take a picture of the giant Christmas Con banner hanging over the autograph area. I am sure that this is the part of the experience is supposed to make the VIP experience worth it. You pay a lot of money to come in a half hour early, and maybe a Hallmark “celebrity” will walk by you as you take a picture holding a “I Love Hallmark Movies!” pillow.
5:12 PM -  The crowd starts to pour into the vendor hall as Christmas Con officially opens to the public and I instantly become a little scared. The Christmas Con crowd is not my crowd. I watch made-for-TV Christmas movies for the snark. They watch made-for-TV Christmas movies for the sentiment. I was genuinely dismayed when my mom bought me a Hallmark movie sweatshirt. They were theirs with pride. I get hives at the idea of paying money to take a selfie with anyone. They are all here to wait in line to take pictures with Lacey Chabert. Their idea of Hallmark-based small talk is discussing with each other how glad they are that Alicia Witt is here because they loved A Very Merry Mix-Up. My idea of of Hallmark-based small talk is ranting about how It: Chapter 2 could air on Hallmark if you really wanted it to. The plotlines are similar!
No, seriously! A woman in her early 40s, successful in her career but with the Wrong Guy, returns to her hometown after a tragic event to settle unfinished business. There she meets a friend from her childhood (played by a blandly attractive CW actor) who has been in love with her all along, and whose entire character is based around this love. He works with his hands and can build things! There are some missteps but eventually they kiss once and live happily ever after. On the sidelines,t here is a black friend mainly there to provide exposition and a gay friend who the writers aren’t really explicit about being gay. You put in some snow in the background and you can air it on Hallmark on Christmas Eve! It is uncanny!
Nobody at Christmas Con would care though, so I figure that this would be the time to check out the empty panel area. Right in front of the panel stage are a bunch of entries for a gingerbread house decorating contest that was being held on Sunday.
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Yeah, the Christmas Con people are not my crowd.
5:30 PM - “Sleigh Ride” plays for the second time and I begin to think that maybe Christmas Con is against me.
5:51 PM - A lady sits down next to me in the panel area, which is still basically deserted. “Did you expect there to be more?” she asks me.
I flash my media badge at her. “Honestly, I didn’t pay for this so I can’t be disappointed.”
“I’m just happy I didn’t fly in from North Carolina for this because that would feel like a real waste.”
I just hum noncommittally in response.
5:57 PM - “There’s no bad Hallmark movie!” I overhear a woman telling a reporter. 
Well, that person isn’t reading my blog.
6:07 PM - Christmas Con is supposed to officially start with a tree lighting ceremony. The crowd gathers around in tree in the autograph area to see the event, but for the most part all you can see is people trying to take pictures.
Santa comes out with little fanfare and no announcement. It is a stark difference to Jonathan Bennett, who comes in with a huge announcement that includes a list of all of his credentials (there aren’t many, he’s only been in one Hallmark movie). According to the Christmas Con materials, he is hosting the event. I am not exactly sure what that means but apparently it involves him leading the crowd in a call-and-response version of “Deck the Halls”. 
“It’s what this is all about!” he tells the crowd after they oblige him. 
After that bit of hyping, Bennett decides to introduce the true star of the convention and so-called “Queen of Christmas”, Lacey Chabert. They do not waste any time after she is brought out and they light the tree. It’s hard to feel magical about all of this because it is impossible to see.
Bennett’s hosting tells me that we’re having a good time though. “Hey Santa,” he asks, “Did you know New Jersey could be so much fun??”
6:51 PM - After the tree lighting ceremony, I go back to the panel area to finish my soda before bouncing. My escape plans are dashed by a staff worker promises me that they are going to start the trivia game soon. I did not ask her if it was, but I feel obligated to stay now so to not disappoint her.
7:01 PM - Before the trivia game starts I glance at the stage and realize that one of the podcasters is livestreaming the room to their Instagram feeds.
“Oh fuck,” I mutter to myself, “Are they taking a picture of us?” 
“Yes, they want to see how bored we are,” the lady sitting next to me responds.
7:06 PM - The trivia game starts about fifteen minutes after the staffer promised me it would. It promises to be full of talent from “smash hit Hallmark podcasts”, a concept that sounds fake to me but is real enough to Christmas Con.
I make it about fifteen minutes in before I realize that watching other people answer “True or False” questions about Christmas isn’t incredibly fun when you don’t care all that much about the Christmas holiday itself. So I decide to duck out, hoping I don’t look like a complete jackass for doing so.
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7:30 PM - Before I leave for the night, I take a lap around the autograph area to see how its going. It is going incredibly well for Lacey Chabert who has a line so long that the convention organizers announce that she will be staying 45 minutes after the event closes for the night. Only Lacey Chabert is making that courtesy though, which seems fair because nobody else is commanding much of a line.
In terms of bang for your buck, meeting up with “celebrity” who is not Lacey Chabert seems like the smart choice. The other guests seem to be having somewhat long conversations with the one or two people waiting in line for them, and if conventions like these are feeling like you are close to celebrities, isn’t that the experience you want?
A part of me feels guilty that these “celebrities” are just sitting around not doing much of anything, and it almost made me want to spend money on meeting them just so they would have something to do. Then I think about it for three seconds, and remember that 1) I hate meeting “celebrities” and 2) I do not make enough to justify spending money on lifting the self-esteem of “celebrity” strangers. So I leave that idea behind and leave the building for the night.
11:30 AM - My Saturday morning class lets out early, so I make it to the convention center about an hour earlier than expected. It is much more crowded today. I’m assuming it’s because there is going to be more to do aside from watching a crowd watch a tree light up. My plan is to just park myself in the panel room all day.
I ask a staffer where media is supposed to line-up for panels. She tells me she has no idea, but she will ask and let me know shortly. She leaves and I watch her talk to people for a couple of minutes. She doesn’t turn around. I keep waiting and waiting before I realize that she is never coming back. I wasn’t getting answers, but I settle for buying a $6.00 cappuccino instead. I’ll figure it out.
11:42 AM - The first panel of the day is billed as a reunion of former All My Children stars Melissa Claire Egan and Cameron Mathison. I find myself sitting next to a family who are very excited at this prospect.
“We are going to be breathing the same air Cameron Mathison is,” the teen girl cries in excitement to a woman I would assume is her mother.
 “In a way, we already are,” the possible mother excitedly whispers back.
As they continue to vibrate in excitement, “Sleigh Ride” plays in the convention center for the third time and I groan to myself. At least someone’s happy.
11:56 AM - Cameron Mathison has been spotted by the family and excitement abounds, but not for his shirt. 
“Shouldn’t he be festive?” the possible mother asks about his all black ensemble.
“Well, he has to take a lot of pictures.” the teen notes back.
12:05 PM - All of the panels are hosted by the co-hosts of Bubbly Sesh, Hallmark’s official podcast. They bounce on to the stage before telling the crowd how excited they are to be there.
“We are with our tribe. Our team. A room full of Hallmark fans!” they say to a crowd of cheers.
I also cheer. Mainly, because I finally got the Wi-Fi to work on my laptop after a half hour of fruitless efforts to maintain a connection. But they don’t need to know that.
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12:07 PM - I learn a lot about Cameron Mathison during the first few minutes of his panel. Apparently, he is the new host of Hallmark’s Home & Family talk show. He also was diagnosed with cancer in the past year, but is now in remission. And he is the apparent “king” of Hallmark Christmas movies, according to the BubblySesh podcast hosts, but that last fact seems debatable to me.
Mathison also claims during the panel that starring in The Christmas Club, an upcoming Hallmark holiday movie, is what made him realize that he needed to push his doctor for a cancer diagnosis. So Hallmark can apparently save lives. 
12:14 PM - Before the Q&A starts, the BubblySesh podcast hosts tell the audience to keep the questions free of the “nitty gritty”. The want everyone to stick to Christmas and  careers! It’s a real bummer because it means I have to scrap my plans to ask everyone what would happen if you got stabbed in the cheek, as that would probably be too gritty.
The Q&A stays relatively tame throughout. The most exciting it gets is when an audience member brings up the idea of doing a Hallmark All-Stars movie. The lady sitting next to me is excited about that concept! I wonder if Hallmark would have the budget to pull off a Love, Actually. I doubt it.
Every panel wraps up with the BubblySesh announcing that “it’s time for the BubblySesh Pop Culture Quiz!!!”. This quiz is less of a quiz and more just general Christmas based questions with a grating announcement beforehand. This announcement would become more grating every time I heard it (and it was at nearly every panel). At the time though, I wasn’t aware how haunted I would be by this “game”. It was still early in the day.
1:07 PM - Next up on the day’s schedule is a scarcely attended panel about Christmas podcasts, a podcast genre that is apparently more bustling than I would have ever expected. All the panelists (of which there are way too many) are enthusiastic about how well their podcasts are doing and give the crowd advice on how to start their own because, as they say,  you can never have too many Christmas podcasts. 
I never expected to get a motivational speech about how I could start a Christmas podcast if only I believed in myself, but then again I never expected to be at Christmas Con.
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2:10 PM - The marquee panel of Christmas Con is up next, which is a Mean Girls reunion featuring Lacey Chabert and Jonathan Bennet. This panel is less of a Hallmark panel and more of a Mean Girls panel, and it takes all of five seconds for “so fetch” to be referenced.
The most Mean Girls detail of the panel though is how Jonathan Bennett latches on to Lacey Chabert. He spends the entire panel looking for every opportunity to compliment “Lacey Chabert”, and he always uses her full name. 
“Everyone on the Mean Girls set was constantly cracking up because Lacey Chabert was so funny.” 
“Lacey Chabert cooked everyone a Thanksgiving meal while we were shooting Mean Girls, and she is a great cook!”
“Lacey Chabert is the sweetest.”  
I half wait for him to announce how one time Lacey Chabert punched him in the face, and it was awesome. I have no idea why he thinks this hypeman routine is necessary, since Lacey Chabert has been commanding the longest autograph lines by a sizable margin and the hardest question she gets from the audience is “Why are you so nice?” I do wish I had a Jonathan Bennett in my life though. It must feel nice to be constantly complimented. I guess that’s why people aim to be the Queen Bee though, isn’t it?
2:32 PM - In what is clearly supposed to be Christmas Con’s buzziest moment, Daniel Franzese, who played Damian in Mean Girls comes up on stage to start delivering candygrams to surprise of the audience and the panel. Lacey Chabert starts to cry, while Jonathan Bennett screams.
After a couple more questions, Bennett tells everyone to take out their phones and begins to perform the opening of the “Jingle Bell Rock” dance to the room. Another potentially buzzy moment from a convention that desperately needs some. 
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3:08 PM - Up next is an odd assortment of a panel featuring Nikki DeLoach, Alicia Witt, Holly Robinson Peete and Chad Michael Murray’s southern drawl. The last one confused me because I was pretty sure Chad Michael Murray had not spoken with a pronounced southern drawl before. I text my younger sister, Tara, a noted One Tree Hill fan if he had a drawl on the show and she tells me he did not. So why is he suddenly Southern? He also seems to have a hatred for chairs, and spends a majority of the panel trying to desperately slide off his.
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3:23 PM - During the routine question about Christmas traditions, Nikki DeLoach gives an emotional answer about her young son requiring multiple heart surgeries and that her experience in the hospital taught her the importance of charity and giving back to the community during the holiday season.
Somewhat hilariously after that, everyone else on the panel announces that of course they are going to be doing more charity work this holiday season. Are they being genuine? Who can say. But you certainly can’t give a rote answer about how your favorite tradition is decorating the tree after a fellow panelist tears up about her experience giving toilet paper to the less fortunate and how it impacted her life. Nobody wants to look like a jerk.
4:07 PM - The last panel of the day features Jackee and Melissa Joan Hart, and the room is barely empty. As someone would inform me the following day, “it’s because they are more Lifetime than Hallmark Christmas movie stars”.
Lack of Hallmark “celebrities” aside, it is a great capper to the day. Hart provides a decent amount of insight on the made-for-TV movie making process, and Jackee is just a fun personality to watch.
The panel concludes with someone asking what’s a fun fact that someone wouldn’t know about them. Jackee answers that she is still having sex.
Good for her. It is a solid note to end the day on, as I decide to skip out on the upcoming Ugly Sweater Contest to go back home. Six hours of Christmas Con is enough Christmas Con for the day.
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8:31 AM - Early in the morning, there is a press line available for the media to attend if they have any questions for the Hallmark “celebrities”. I decide to skip that because the only question I need answers to is what happens when you get stabbed in the cheek (my older sister still has not gotten back to me on that), and I don’t think anyone who stars in a Christmas movie is going to have a satisfactory answer.
As I lay in bed, I briefly consider not going back to Christmas Con at all, but then I finally get a response from the super about the cockroach I found in my bedroom the night before. Turns out they are bugbombing the place, and I need to be out of the apartment for five hours. 
So back to Christmas Con I go.
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10:30 AM - Christmas Con Day 3 is a weird place. Lacey Chabert is no longer the celebrity commanding the longest line, because former General Hospital star Ryan Paevey is there and his line is an hour and a half long. I am informed it is because he is hot. 
Even stranger is the fact that there is a twenty minute line to get a picture with a snowman balloon. I know there’s not much to do at Christmas Con but that seemed to be pushing the bounds of reason to me. But I suppose these are the new rules of Christmas Con.
10:52 AM - The people in the VIP line for the Danica McKellar and Rachel Boston panel are give me a rundown of how the autograph queue works. 
“You have to have your priorities in order!” they tell me before explaining that they got to the con at 9 AM to make sure to get their photo with Ryan Paevey. “He’s so handsome!!!”
They also explain that they find their VIP passes useful in snagging all the autographs their hearts desire. I say that that’s good because the VIP access the media badge allows me to have just seems useless for panels, which have never reached capacity. 
“Yes, they have!” a lady tells me, “There are always people hanging out back past the barrier trying to look in!”
I don’t have the heart to inform her that those people are just in line waiting for food and that as someone who has attended every single panel, I have always noticed empty seats. 
Later on in the conversation, I try to express concern that some of the panels have been too random a selection of “celebrities” who have no chemistry with each other and make for an awkward time. The group disagrees with my assessment. 
“Actually, they are all great friends. Did you not hear Jonathan Bennett call it Christmas Camp earlier? Do you follow him on Instagram? He’s been playing pranks on Lacey Chabert! It’s hilarious!”
Have I said that Christmas Con is not my crowd?
11:02 AM - Before the panels for the day start, “Sleigh Ride” plays for the fourth time. Apparently, no Christmas Con day can start without it.
11:16 AM - The panel line-up for the day starts with a panel with Danica McKellar and Rachel Boston. Someone informs them that they always have chemistry with their leading men, a fact which is news to me, a person who watched both McKellar act through one of the worst on screen kisses of all time in one of her June Wedding movies and Boston *mwah* her way through Ice Sculpture Christmas. 
“We have kissed most of the men here,” Boston noted in response before listing the con guests she’s done movies with throughout her time on Hallmark. There’s one person she realizes that she and McKellar have yet to kiss though. “Not Ryan Paevey.” 
“He’s next!” McKellar decides. That gets a decent response from the crowd, because he’s good looking!
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11:48 AM -  “Sleigh Ride” starts up again as the panel closes. It has now played five times, which is five times too many in my opinion.
11:59 AM - The people sitting behind me at the writer’s panel are already preparing for next year’s Christmas Con. It goes to show you that not everyone hates being here. It’s a mixed response!
The writer’s panel is probably one of the more interesting ones because it’s one of the few about the process of creating made-for-TV Christmas movies. Of course, it means that barely anybody is there.
The few of us who manage to attend the panel have the chance to snag a “I Love Hallmark Christmas Movies” wristband from one of the writers. She gives me two. 
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1:49 PM - After the writer’s panel is supposed to be the gingerbread contest judging, which I figure is a good enough time to take one last lap around the vendor hall. 
Ryan Paevey is still commanding an hour and a half line for autographs, but thankfully people are no longer waiting to take a picture with a balloon snowman. The booth selling Christmas romance novels has gone out of stock, but they give me their last advertising card. The outside world has discovered that nobody is monitoring the screen that displays #ChristmasCon2019 tweets so I spend a few minutes watching the spam tweets they are sending it’s way. It’s beginning to look a lot like Jeffrey Epstein was murdered here on the Christmas Con big screen!
One booth is trying to sell one of the “I Love Hallmark Christmas Movies!” wristbands for two dollars each, which is a total scam because other booths are giving them away for free. So I step in and give one of the ones I got at the writer’s panel to the elderly woman who is about to buy one. Those vendors probably do not like me, but I did not come to Christmas Con to make friends. I came to escape my bugbombed apartment. 
Speaking of, I am desperate to go home but a phone call informs me that I can’t go home until 4:00 PM. Two more hours of Christmas Con for me it is.
2:06 PM - After the gingerbread contest, but before the start of the When Calls the Heart panel a bell choir, who is not on the schedule, randomly performs. As I sit there wishing my apartment was bugfree so I could sleep in it, I hear loud and raucous cheers start up. I turn to the person next to me and ask if they know where the noise is coming from, and they tell me that there is a wine glass convention happening next door.
As the party at the wine glass convention seems to rage on,  I wonder if that’s where I should be instead. It would certainly keep me awake, and well, I broke some of my wine glasses during my move. It could be helpful!
2:18 PM - The When Calls the Heart panel is incredibly confusing to sit through for many reasons. First of all, I don’t watch the show, so every plot point mentioned just leaves me nodding as I try to pretend I am an avid viewer who cares. Second of all, I keep zoning out and zoning back in to the panel and every time I do it, something weird seems to be happening. Sometimes Paul Greene is trying to lead a sing-a-long of “White Christmas”. Sometimes Jack Wagner is wondering what the plot of When Calls the Heart actually is.
The most confusing aspect of the panel though is Greene’s button situation. Apparently, he thought that Christmas Con was the place to forget to button up. Maybe he’s trying to keep up with Ryan Paevey. Did you hear that he’s hot?
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3:07 PM - The final panel of the event is the alleged “Hunks of Hallmark” panel. However, it is announced that Ryan Paevey is too hunky to be there, because he has a seemingly endless autograph queue and that’s where the real convention money is anyway. So we have to settle for Jesse Metcalfe and Andrew Walker, who has just arrived from JuiceCon. This fact delights the Q&Aers, and in what is supposed to be a hilarious bit we are all in on, everyone brings up the fact that Andrew Walker has a juice business when they come to the microphone.
At this juncture, I feel like a kid sitting in their final class of the day waiting for the bell to ring. Sure, we might be having fun bringing up juice all the time, but also it’s time to go home. And after one final joint scream of “It’s time for the BubblySesh Pop Culture Quiz!!!”, we are free to leave.
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3:52 PM -  The panel closes and immediately “Sleigh Ride” queues up for the sixth time of the convention. If ever there was a sign for me to go home, it is that.
3:59 PM - As I drive the fifteen minutes back to my apartment, I call my mother. She asks me if I had fun at Christmas Con, and I genuinely don’t know how to answer.
“It was a thing that I did,” I ramble. “It was an experience. I think I would have been mad if I paid for any part of it or if I had to travel further than fifteen minutes. But I didn’t. And even the parking was free, so all I lost is time, which doesn’t account for much really, I guess.. And well, it’s a story. Plus, it’s my brand.”
And who am I to deny a universe that wants me to live up to my brand in new weird, free-to-me ways? If Christmas Con was good for anything, I guess it was that.
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softyoongiionly · 6 years
Fear and Dumplings: Chapter Five
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Confronting your fears for a final grade sounds unappealing but, with Yoongi as your partner, things might not be so bad.
Summary: You’re in your final semester at University when your Abnormal Psychology professor assigns you a partnered project surrounding your greatest fears. Lucky for you, your partner just so happens to be a cute boy named Min Yoongi.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: College Au, Underground Rapper! Yoongi, Soft!!! Yoongi, Fluff!!!, some moderate angst (later), smut (later later), slow-ish? burn
Word Count: 5.7k
A/N: AHHHHH the overwhelming tension! I hope you guys like this one😊
Warnings for this Chapter: mentions of fear, anxiety, swearing (obviously), suggestive language, gut wrenching tension, slight angst.
Warnings for the Fic: mentions characters confronting their fears, characters in uncomfortable situations, emotional moments between characters, mentions of bad parenting, explicit language throughout the fic, moderate angst, and very explicit smut later in the story.
Chapter 5: Ferris Wheels and Friendship?
The next morning you woke up to an incessant buzzing that seemed to come from underneath your pillow. Squinting away the morning sun and cursing yourself for not shutting the window before you fell asleep; you take a look at your phone and, see that Jimin is calling you.
“Morning.” You croak, pulling your fuzzy throw blanket up over your figure.
“Morning Sleeping Beauty,” Jimin’s fairy voice twinkles through the speaker, a giggle on the tail end of his words “Did I wake you up?”
“Always.” There’s a bite to your tone but, Jimin’s knows better than to take it seriously. “What’s up?”
“It’s Friday.” He sing-songs and your eyes shoot open in alarm.
“Oh shit, Jimin! I’m sorry!” You flip the covers around, disturbing a sleeping Marzipan in the process, your feet meandering about on the floor as you try and look for some clean clothes. You and Jimin had a Friday tradition that involved crepes and the best iced coffee in the entire world. It was definitely something worth waking up for.
“Jagi, you’re good!” He calls through the phone, since you had to put him on speaker. “I’m at your door though, let me iiiin.” He whines and you rush to the door, not bothering to hang up his call. Swinging the door open, you are met with a giggling Jimin casually leaning against the doorframe. He looks amazing as usual, his pink hair effortlessly swept back, his rose colored cheeks dewy: his outfit is simple but jaw-dropping as usual. Tight grey skinny jeans, a pink oversized sweater, several gold earrings, and black leather boots adorn Jimin’s figure as he holds his arms out for you. Jimin always puts a smile on your face and, he is one of the few people you can confidently say that you never get tired of. You wrap your arms around him, pressing your cheek to his chest, a smile warming your features.
“I’m sorry I slept in.” You mumble against his sweater, and he lets out another giggle.
“It’s fine Y/N, I knew you’d never miss a date with me so, I showed up anyway.” His honeyed voice assures you as you pull away. It’s then that both you and Jimin realize that you don’t have pants on. “Yah! What are you doing answering the door in your panties, someone can walk by and see you!”
You giggle in response to his change in demeanor, pulling him inside as you shut the door.
“Calm down, I’m sure everyone on this floor has seen my underwear at some point.” You confess, still giggling lightly as you hand Jimin a water bottle and, his eyes narrow in your direction. Listen, sometimes I don’t feel like putting on pants just to run to the mailbox and back, I’ve actually gotten pretty good at making it back before anyone sees me.”
“I don’t want to hear about my best friend running around with her ass out, unless I’m there, also running around with my ass out. Someone could literally put you in their pocket.” Jimin admonishes with a pointed look, drinking from his water bottle but, his eyes reflect a bit of the normal playfulness that they always have.
“Look who’s talking.” You play back before running for your life and into your room. Jimin boils over as he picks up a pillow from your couch and throws it in your direction, the pillow nearly missing your head.
“Don’t be fucking rude!” He calls, attempting to sound angry but his giggle escapes his lips anyway.
“So that’s it? He just got up and left?” Jimin asks around a bite of strawberry crepe, his eyes wide after listening to you recount your night with Yoongi.
You nod, your lips pursed as you wipe your hands on the cloth napkin that lay over your lap.
“Yeah,” You replied casually, taking a sip of your iced coffee. “I don’t know, maybe I misread the situation. I get why he left I guess but, I was a little confused by him leaning away from me. I’m probably reading too much into it, I mean he was there for our project. He wasn’t there cause he wanted to hang out with me.”
“I mean, that’s true but, from what you are telling me, he doesn’t sound put off by you, he sounds like he might have been nervous. I mean odds are, you probably had your chest right in his face while you were fixing his hair.” Jimin smirks lightly, his eyes twinkling with suggestion.
You scoff, rolling your eyes as you toss your napkin his way and, forever the dancer, he dodges it swiftly, giggling.
“Shut up.” Your laugh eventually leaves your chest to bubble through your lips as Jimin holds his hands up.
“You’re hot; I’m just speaking the truth.” He defends a sweet smile on his lips.
“You flatter me kind sir” You conclude, patting his hand as you both giggle once again.
A few moments of comfortable silence passes before Jimin’s eyes light up in remembrance.
“Wait! Did you see Kookie’s tweet?”
Your eyes widen back at him as you brace your hands against the table, leaning forward slightly.
“Oh my god yes, what was that about? Do you think he’s seeing someone?”
Jungkook had posted a particularly out of character tweet this morning. The exact tweet read, “You’re the cause of my euphoria.” Jungkook was definitely a romantic little softy at heart but, it wasn’t like him to post cryptic things on social media: mainly because most of his posts were usually meme/sports related.
“Should we ask him about it? I’m sure he knows we saw it.” Jimin’s voice is hushed despite the fact that the man in question was 300 miles away.
You purse your lips in thought before shaking your head.
“No, I don’t think so; I think we should wait until he comes to us. Knowing him, he will probably downplay it anyway.” You conclude, smiling fondly at the thought of the secretly shy little bean that was your best friend.
“Ugh but, I want to know who my Kookie is seeing.” Jimin whines, slumping back into the chair, causing you to giggle.
“Trust me, so do I but, I think he’ll tell us when he’s ready. Besides, he might not even be seeing anyone yet; you know how he gets around pretty girls.” You try and reason with the man before you, who seems to be getting more and more flustered by the second.
“But I want to know now.” Jimin’s accent decorates his whine perfectly and, you curse him for being so adorable. “We’ve been best friends forever, he always tells me everything. I bet Taehyung knows.” He concludes bitterly and, you nudge his leg with your foot.
“If he did, he probably pried it out of him.” You assure him, fighting the laugh that’s brewing over Jimin’s tantrum.
“Fine, I won’t say anything.” Jimin surrenders, his features etched in a prominent frown. “I’ll just stalk his twitter.”
“You already stalk his twitter.” You point out, giggling, savoring the last sip of your iced coffee, the waiter coming over to collect the check.
“Well, I miss him!” He defends, his puffy lips pouted in frustration.
       The two of you leave the café and, Jimin heads off to his showcase rehearsal while you catch the subway back home. As your nearing your stop, your phone buzzes in your hand. Glancing down, you see it’s from Yoongi and, you unlock your phone to open it. Your heart stalls in your chest for a moment as you look at the picture before you. It’s Yoongi but, with bright blonde hair. He’s parted it off to the side, exposing part of his forehead and, although the color wasn’t a shimmering platinum, it was definitely blonde. He has a little bit of a smile on his lips and, he looked like he hadn’t been up for too long. The picture was sent with a text that read: Yoongi: I guess you should change majors?
Fuck. He looked really good. You tell yourself to chill and, instead of responding right away, you wait until your back at your apartment.
You: I’ll let my student advisor know on Monday lol. Do you like it?
A few seconds pass before he replies.
Yoongi: It’s different but, I don’t mind it, I’m just happy I still have all of my hair.
You: Trust me, so am I.
Yoongi: Do you like it?
Your brows furrow at the new message you receive, your fingers stalling on the keyboard. Why would he care if you liked it?
You:  I think it looks great, black to blonde is usually a rough way to go so, I’m happy it worked out.
Yoongi: Me too. Thanks again.
You: No worries.
A sigh leaves your lips as you lean back against your couch. You thumb presses into the power button on your phone, as you place it on the arm of the couch. Man, Tuesday could not come quick enough.
“Ok so, the next one is easy, you put roller coasters and, I put heights, we can definitely combine those two.” You begin; you’re desk to desk with Yoongi, in the middle of your Tuesday lecture, trying to figure out the next part of the project. Yoongi had been late to class that day but, boy was he worth the wait; blonde messy hair, camouflage hoodie, black torn jeans and, of course his many silver earrings.
His chewing his lip as he nods in your direction, a slightly drawn out breath leaving his nose as he looks at his paper.
“Yeah, that makes sense. We should probably go to an amusement park or something.” Yoongi suggests, his lips hovering over the straw to his Americano. He looked immaculate as always but, you couldn’t miss the puffiness under his eyes that alluded to a night of very little sleep.
“Do you actually want to go on one of the rides?”
Yoongi shakes his head immediately, his dark eyes lighting up slightly in alarm.
“No, I’m good. We can just walk around or something.” He replies, his hand coming up to scratch behind his neck.
“Is it the height for you too? Or the movement?” You inquire, curiously, your eyes meeting his.
“It’s all of it. I don’t like being jerked around…well, not jerked around…like moved around, I guess. I don’t like it.” He fumbles out the last part of his sentence and, you have to stifle the giggle that wants to pass your lips. You nod, putting your pen to your paper, writing down the plans so, that you can turn it in to Professor James.
“No, I get it; you don’t like being jerked around. I’ll keep that in mind.” You reply casually and you feel an eraser being thrown your way.
“Shut up. Don’t be gross.” Yoongi admonishes but, his cheeks are pink and the amused smile on his lips has already presented itself.
“I’m just trying to get to know my partner.” You defend, the flirtation in your voice subtle but, clearly suggestive. Your eyes meet Yoongi’s for a moment and, you can sense that he’s in some kind of discomfort. He shifts in his seat, his hand at the back of his neck once more before, he takes another sip of his coffee.
“I’m busy for most of this week but, I can probably do Thursday night again, I think the park closes at 10 so, we should have plenty of time to get what we need.” He changes the subject, his gaze growing slightly stern as he glances around the room. Yikes.
“Thursday works for me. I have review session from 2-4 for my final but, I’ll be free after that.” Your returns to its normal cadence and, you couldn’t help but feel a little bummed out by Yoongi going all business on you again. You figured it was time to stop hoping that he would see you as something other than his partner for an inconvenient project.
“Alright, cool, I can meet you there; I’ll try and leave a little bit earlier to avoid the traffic.” He notes, nodding.
“Ok, we should get there around the same time then.” You reply, your eyes not really meeting his gaze any longer, your notebook suddenly becoming very interesting.
“What final is it?” Yoongi asks suddenly, his voice slightly softer than before.
“Hm?” Your eyes flit up to his and you find him staring back at you curiously.
“Your final, that you’re reviewing for?” He clarifies, taking another sip of his coffee.
“Oh, yeah, it’s my International Relations final, it’s one of my final grad requirements so, I need to ace it.” You explain, Yoongi nodding along, his eyes holding a bit of interest for once.
“What do you plan to do with your degree?”
“I want to work as an international advocate of some sorts. I’m interested in improving international relationships and foreign affairs, stuff like that. I’d really like to work in human rights as well but, that’s something I’ll probably have to work up to.” You reply, passion lighting up your voice as you speak about your passions. Yoongi’s face lights up slightly, a small but, genuine smile gracing his features as he nods along.
“That’s cool; the world definitely needs the help.”
“Yeah, I think so too. What about you?” You inquire, your body leaning forward slightly. Yoongi’s expression lights up further as nods to his laptop.
“Well, if I actually get my final composition project done, I plan on staying in the city to work as a producer. I have a friend who owns a small studio in the west province who said I have a job when I graduate.” He explains, his tone one of pride and certainty.
You smile, your eyes lighting up intrigued.
“That’s really cool; it’s nice that you have something lined up already. Do you make your own stuff or are you just looking to make beats for other people?” At this question, Yoongi shifts his posture again, growing smaller in his seat.
“Uh I make my own stuff sometimes but, I usually just sell beats to aspiring SoundCloud rappers.” He smirks slightly as you giggle, stretching your limbs before nodding to your phone.
“Are they any good?”
“No, they’re trash.” He scoffs his eyes playful as his long fingers fiddle with the end of his paper. “But, I have rent so; I do what I have to do.”
“I get you. Do you sing or?” You’re attempting to milk as much of the conversation as possible, as this is probably the most genuine verbal encounter you’ve had with Yoongi. Yoongi cringes at your inquiry, his face wrinkled in distaste as he shakes his head.
“No.” He chuckles as he leans back in his chair, the soft column of his throat visible as continues. “I rap…sometimes, just for fun though.”
You smile playfully, tilting your head, as Professor James calls for your planning papers. “Let me know when your mixtape drops.”
At this, Yoongi rolls his eyes but, you can’t miss the blush that once again graces his cheeks.
“Not going to happen.” He bites back, as he slips his laptop into his bag.
The two of you drop your papers on Professor James’s desk before, weaving through the crowd of people towards the exit. Usually Yoongi leaves you behind to head back into the main part of the campus but, this time he lingers beside you, his thumbs tucking into the straps of his backpack.
“I’ll see you Thursday?” He asks, his voice soft, his doll-lips pouted as he tilts his head towards the direction he plans to walk.
“I’ll be there.” You smile in assurance as you begin to part ways. Your back is almost completely turned before you hear Yoongi’s voice again.
“Bring a jacket, it’s supposed to be cold.” He calls; hands pulling the sleeves of his hoodie back down over his wrists. You nod, biting back a smile at his request.
“I will, thanks.” You call back before turning back and going your separate ways.
“Y/N likes Yoongi, Y/N likes Yoongi!” An annoying course of voices echoes through your screen as you roll your eyes, flipping off your webcam.
“I don’t like Yoongi; I just think he’s cute!” You insist, through the choir from hell that’s currently berating you.
It’s Wednesday night and you’re in the middle of a skype session with Jimin, Taehyung and, Jungkook. Jimin and his big mouth had slowly started to bring up the idea that one of you was seeing someone. Jungkook had started to look visibly uncomfortable so, you decided to shift the focus onto you. You had mentioned Yoongi and, his new hair and, how literally everything he does was endearing and, this obviously opened you up to a barrage of teasing from your friends.
“You never talk about boys this way Y/N, you definitely have a thing for him.” Taehyung points out, his smirk prominent as the other two boys finally settle down.
“Seriously, she mentions him all the time; it’s starting to make me jealous.” Jimin pouts, causing Taehyung to chuckle. Jungkook, who would normally be memeing the hell out of you right now, decides to quiet down, not wanting to risk his own love life being questioned.
“You guys, even if I had a thing for Yoongi, it wouldn’t matter. He’s made it obvious that he isn’t feeling it, trust me.” You explain, playing with the ends of your hair, whilst Taehyung and Jimin roll their eyes.
“You don’t know that, have you tried flirting a little?” Taehyung asks, his expression doubtful as he deadpans the camera.
“Yeah, actually I have but, I think it makes him uncomfortable and, I don’t really want to do that.” You’re trying to keep your tone casual, not really wanting to reveal your disappointment to your friends. Yoongi wasn’t interested in you, that much was obvious but, so far, he seemed like a nice guy so, you really didn’t want to make things awkward for him.
“I don’t know Y/N, you don’t exactly have a good track record when it comes to knowing if guys like you or not.  There were at least half a dozen guys in high school that  had a thing for you and, you had no idea.” Jimin points out, shrugging as he throws back some of the pink wine in his glass. Taehyung nods in agreement, pointing towards you.
“Jiminie’s right, maybe you just make him nervous. You have that effect on men.” Taehyung smirks as he leans back in his seat. You roll your eyes and shake your head, your hand reaching over to pat Marzipan who has plopped down next to you.
“I think you should keep going the way you are. Hyung is right, he might just be nervous but, if you don’t know for sure, maybe it’s best to just keep going with the flow.” Jungkook finally pipes up, his demeanor much calmer than normal and, you really have to stifle your desire to ask him why he isn’t being the walking meme that he normally is.
“Thanks Kookie. I think you’re right.” You smile sweetly in his direction as he nods almost shyly in return. Taehyung and Jimin roll their eyes causing both you and Jungkook to laugh.
“I think you should say something to him. Take charge, let him know how you feel.” Taehyung encourages as Jimin nods along to his sentiment. “ He might surprise you.”
“He’s my partner guys, if he’s not into me, it’s going to make the whole thing a lot harder to get through. Look, I promise to say something if he gives me good reason to but, right now, I’m going to take Jungkook’s advice and, go with the flow.” You state and Jungkook smile’s proudly in return before, sticking his tongue out at the screen.
“Ha! I win, suckers.” He announces to the other boys, causing you to laugh at his antics. “Best advice goes to me, Jeon Jungkook, the love expert.”
Ah, there he is.
Thursday finally arrives and, you’re rifling through your closet, desperately trying to find your favorite hoodie. Its black and 4-5 sizes too big, which basically means it hangs below your knees. The inside is lined with thick fleece that is easily the softest material you have ever felt and, you could have sworn you hung it up the last time you did laundry. Your face lights up in victory as you spot a mass of black fabric hanging off of one of your shelves before, slipping it on over your bra and leggings. You opt for some comfortable shoes since, odds are,  you‘re going to be walking around the park for a while. Marzipan scurries into the kitchen as she hears you pouring food into her bowl, her chubby body almost sliding across the floor as she reaches her destination. You giggle fondly at her, patting her head before, grabbing your things and heading out the door.
The subway ride was longer than you’re used to but, eventually you’re dropped off near the main entrance of the amusement park. When you finally feel the frigid outside air, you thank your lucky stars that Yoongi had reminded you to bring a jacket. You honestly don’t know what you would have done if you had opted to wear anything else. Moving through the crowd of people, you eventually move off to the side to pull your phone out.
You: Hey, I’m here. Have you made it yet?
Yoongi’s reply takes a few minutes before a new message lights up your screen.
Yoongi: I just parked. Meet me at the ticket booth.
You: I bought our tickets already, do you want to just meet at the main entrance?
The chat bubble moves around for a long time and based on his short reply, you assume he was unsure of how to respond.
Yoongi: You didn’t have to do that.
You: You promised me I could get the next round so, I did just that.
Yoongi: I meant the next round of food…
You: Don’t worry about it.
A few moments pass before you spot Yoongi walking towards your direction. He’s wearing the same outfit he wore during your AM lecture: black Nike sweats with a dark gray utility jacket. He’s also sporting a disapproving expression, his hands tucked into his pockets as he approaches you. You push off of the wall you were leaning against, strolling over to meet him half way.
“I wish you wouldn’t have wasted your money on me.” He announces as the two of your paths finally meet. “I could have paid.”
“You’re welcome Yoongi.” You reply simply, nudging him towards the main entrance. He side eyes you, his posture stiff but, he allows you to push him towards your destination.
“Thank you.” His voice is soft and you almost miss the small smile that appears and then vanishes on his mouth.
The two of you approach the gate and, you reach out to hand your tickets to the clerk who is sporting a brilliant smile.
“Enjoy!” She chirps and both you and Yoongi thank her before you head inside.
The park is buzzing with activity, twinkling lights adorning nearly every structure, the air is scented with tantalizing flavors that resemble cinnamon and freshly baked bread, children are eagerly tugging their parents towards various shops and rides and, there’s probably around a half a dozen giant roller coasters that stand proudly towards the back of the park. You can’t help but smile at the scene before you and, this doesn’t go unnoticed by the man standing beside you.
“What?” His brows are raised, as he glances between you and whatever he assumes you’re smiling at.
“Nothing.” You reply, your smile fading slightly before jerking your head towards the back of the park. “I’m guessing we should head that way?”
Yoongi takes a deep breath, nodding in response as the two of you start to make your way to the metal fortresses that await you.
You observe the coasters from a distance and, you feel yourself getting slightly nervous at the thought of riding the tallest one that protrudes in the middle of the group, the top of it looking as if its about to touch the sky. Roller coasters themselves didn’t really bother you but, the idea of being up so high without any control over when you are able to get down, really freaked you out. Yoongi stayed silent for the most part as you meandered your way through the eager patrons. You felt some level of disappointment as the tricky part of your brain reminded you that you wished you were here with Yoongi for different reasons.
“Which one scares you the most?” You ask him after the two of you finally reach the cluster of coasters.
Yoongi’s eyes shift around for a moment, his lips pursed in thought before he nods toward a black coaster that looks it spins and flips about a thousand times.
“That one, I can’t understand why anyone would find that fun.” He replies, wrinkling his nose in distaste. You laugh lightly before you nod towards the giant colorful Ferris Wheel dominating the right side of the back lot.
“What about that one?” You inquire softly, your eyes lighting up with an idea. Yoongi ponders your question for a moment before shrugging.
“That one isn’t too bad, I’m not a huge fan of the height but, it’s probably the only one I would consider riding.”
“I’m going to ride it.” You say suddenly, nudging his shoulder with your own. Yoongi’s brow furrows as he looks over at you and then back at the ride.
“Wait why? I thought we were just walking around.” He reminds you but, you already start making your way towards the Ferris Wheel, your heart starting to pound in your chest as you do. Yoongi struggles to keep up with you as he looks at you with concern.
You shrug as you take your place in line, “You actually dyed your hair and it turned out alright, I think I should confront a fear or two directly too. You don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to though.”
Yoongi looks at you for a moment, still alarmed as his eyes regard the behemoth wheel before the both of you. He shakes his head, his gaze once again disapproving as he sighs out through his nose.
“I’ll watch your stuff, I guess, just…” He pauses, his eyes scanning over your frame as you hand him your purse. “Be…safe…”
You giggle lightly at his demeanor, pushing down the anxiety and disappointment that’s brewing in your chest.
“I’ll be strapped in Yoongi, don’t worry.” You assure him, before, making your way to the entrance of the ride. What were you doing???? Were you crazy??? There was literally no reason to confront this fear directly but, honestly, why not? It was a Ferris Wheel. Yes, it was unnerving but, what’s the worst that can happen?
Right before you approach the front of the line, you hear a soft murmur, that sounded like your name, making its way through the group of people before you notice Yoongi shuffling over to you.
“What’s wrong?” You ask with a tilt to your head. Yoongi lets out a frustrated sigh, his face turned up in discomfort as you both approach the ride operator.
“You shouldn’t ride it alone.” Yoongi mumbles, regarding you with his cat eyes.
“Yoongi, I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do.” You assure him, your eyes soft with concern.
“Well I don’t even want to be here but, I can’t afford to fail this class so, let’s just get this over with, I guess.” For the first time, you sense actual irritation in Yoongi’s voice and the tone makes your face fall.
You nod robotically as the woman ushers the two of you into a massive structure that looks like a carriage. As the two of you step inside, you pull your seatbelt over your lap, keeping your attention on the material. Yoongi has his eyes on you and, you can feel it but, you have no intention at meeting his gaze. As the ride rumbles to life, you grip your seatbelt a little tighter in an attempt to calm your nerves while Yoongi scans over you warily. The two of you don’t speak for some time, your eyes trained on the window of the carriage as it slowly starts moving.
“Are you ok?” Yoongi’s soft voice finally breaks the thick layer of silence between the two of you, his cat eyes regarding you.
“Yeah. I’m good, you?” You jerk your head in his direction, your voice smaller than you want it to be. Yoongi isn’t convinced but, he answers your question anyway.
“Yeah, I’m ok.”
Silence fills the carriage again as you shift slightly on the cushioned seat. The view from the window is revealing more and more of the twinkling city lights and, you once again feel a twinge of sadness that you aren’t here with someone you wants to be there with you. Jimin would love this ride, you note, wishing he was here to make you laugh.
“I’m sorry that you’re here with me instead of some pretty girl or something, you got to admit though, this view is amazing.” You attempt to lighten the mood, smiling slightly as you look out the window. Yoongi’s brow furrows in confusion but, you miss this as you’ve purposefully chosen to avoid his gaze.
“What do you mean?” He mumbles, his voice smaller than normal. You look over at him to see him fiddling with the end of his hoodie, as he stares back at you.
“I just mean that this is actually kind of cool and, I’m sure you’d rather be here with your girlfriend or something.” You explain, keeping your tone as casual as possible.
“I don’t have a girlfriend.” He retorts, his eyes regarding you, a ghost of a smirk playing on his mouth. “and you are…pretty.” Yoongi seems to force the last part of his sentence out and, you can’t help but giggle in response.
“It’s ok Yoongi; you don’t have to say that. I know you aren’t into me like that.” You smile reassuringly, waving him off almost, trying to move the subject along.
“No, actually, you don’t know that.” He mutters, confusion and faint irritation flashing across his face.
“Well, maybe, I’m wrong for assuming but_”
“You are.” Yoongi cuts you off, his voice calm and annoyingly monotone but, his gaze holds something you can’t quite identify. “Why would you think I wasn’t attracted to you?”
“Your body language, the way you constantly avoid eye contact with me, just stuff like that. It’s no big deal Yoongi; I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, it’s just something I’ve noticed.”
“You’re wrong.” His cheeks are pink and you feel an unsettling flutter in your stomach as you lock eyes with him.
“Fine, I’m wrong. I’m sorry for assuming.” You concede, smirking lightly as you regard his flustered frame. “Would you kiss me? Hypothetically?”
You don’t know what’s come over you, you’re not normally so brazen but you really wanted to know what went on in that pretty blonde head of his.
“Yeah…”He swallows around a dry throat, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck, his eyes avoiding yours for the first time during this conversation. “I would…hypothetically.”
Your smirk is unwavering as your teeth nibble on the inside of your lip.
“Where?” The inquiry passes your lips as your voice drops to a low murmur, the flirtation that you’ve suppressed creeping back into your tone.
“Where?” Yoongi repeats, his shaky voice confused momentarily as you watch his gaze flicker between your chest to your throat and, then finally settling on your lips. “I…I don’t know…your lips…maybe…other places too…”
The fluttering in your chest doesn’t seize and, you really try to reason with yourself but, you can’t help but want him. Before you can reply, another confession tumbles passed his lips.
“I’d kiss you everywhere…if you’d let me.”
The ride jolts momentarily ripping you and Yoongi out of your moment, you look around, concerned that something was wrong before a voice crackles through the speakers.
“Attention Ladies and Gentleman, the ride is experiencing some minor technical difficulties and, will resume shortly, please continue to keep your hands, arms, feet and legs inside the ride at all times, we will have everything moving in no time.”
The two of you settle down and catch each other’s gaze once again; Yoongi’s cheeks still pink, his hand resuming its favorite spot behind his neck. He chuckles lightly and, you can’t help but follow suit, his eyes twinkling in amusement.
“You….uh” Yoongi begins his sentence but, he seems to lose his words for moment as he stares at you. He takes a breath, his head turning to the side slightly before continuing. “We can’t.”
Your brow furrows as you cock your head, your eyes holding his.
“We can’t what?”
“We can’t do anything.” He explains further, his voice decorated with hesitation, his deep chocolate eyes unsure. You fall silent for a moment, your eyes softer than they were before as you hold his gaze.
“Can I ask why?”
Yoongi’s lips are drawn up into a half smile and you think for a moment you detect a hint of fondness in his eyes before he answers.
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea.” He admits, your face falls for a moment as you look out the window. You nod as you chew on the inside of your lip before Yoongi pipes up again. “It’s not because I don’t want to. I just think it’s a bad idea… right now.”
You nod your head again, smiling warmly, aiming to conceal your disappointment.
“I get it, don’t worry, thanks for the ego boost. For the record though,” Your smile turns into a smirk, your eyes playful. “I’d kiss you too. Everywhere.”  The tone of your voice is dramatic and overly seductive causing Yoongi to roll his eyes and flip you off, despite your comment clearly flustering him. A giggle erupts over your lips as the ride resumes motion towards the ground.
Maybe Jungkook wasn’t a “love expert” after all.
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lovelyirony · 6 years
Can you do “I’m bulletproof…but please, don’t shoot me.” With WinterIron?
Tony Stark was usually notinvolved with SHIELD things. Natasha says it has something to do witha “complete lack of respect for the chain of command.” Well, Tony has toargue that if you respected Fury for the dramatic outfit he put on every day, thenwhat were you? A theater major? 
But, here’s the thing:Sharon Carter is not someone you piss off. You do what she wants you to, or shedoesn’t make you famous hot cocoa come Christmastime. 
So he’s helping in findingthe famed James Buchanan Barnes. Or Winter Soldier. Whichever nickname you’rereally feeling for him. (Or whichever one you can get away with aroundSteve.) 
Here’s the thing aboutSteve: he wants to lead this project. Says it’s important, and it is. Tony’snot gonna knock best friends or anything, god knows he’d want to hunt like amad man for his honey pop. Maybe take a couple more showers than Steve has, butwhatever. 
The problem is this: Steve is Utter Shit atundercover work. Tony’s not that much better, but at least he has the excuse ofbeing a famous billionaire who wasn’t trained by the army or by Communists oranything else that’s freaky. He’s just a man in a can, or whatever The Rolling Stone put out last month that had a play on who IronMan is. 
So, Tony kind of branchesout on his own. Tells Steve he has important SI work (he doesn’t–well, nothinghe can’t foist off to the interns and chief staff) and goes to his garage.Dum-E, who just got some smoothie down the right side and now thinks that everyday is someone’s birthday, greets him with champagne and a little party hat, nodoubt Rhodey’s work because he thinks Dum-E is hilarious. 
The Winter Soldier is a very tricky guy to find. Mainly becausehe’s had about fifty to seventy odd years of experience in disappearing. Tony has not, which is quite unfortunate. 
However, technology is forever adapting, and Hydra hasn’t seen half the stuff Tony’s come up with, and so he feels like they’re pretty evenly matched. 
Barnes starts out in Eastern Europe. Makes sense; Tony might have to visit to get some borscht soup or something. Besides, Pepper’s been bugging him to do a quick inspection of the stores over there, anyway. 
He arrives quickly, dressed for warmth and comfort, not much else. He looks like a damned marshmallow, and Tony kind of wishes that Barnes would hide somewhere like Trinidad or perhaps Jamaica, even Hawaii. Somewhere warm and nice and not cold. 
He’s gone within a day. Tony knows that he probably saw Tony and bolted, or maybe he’s just extra cautious. But there’s nothing there anymore, not a hint of metal or huge dents that Hydra agents make in walls when they get thrown. So Tony boards the plane and falls asleep. 
The next stop on this little expedition is Germany. Barnes has been up to no good, causing a little skirmish in bike lanes. Tony rolls his eyes. 
“Rogers, your buddy’s gonna be the death of me,” he mutters. 
Tony Stark shows up in a bespoke suit, sunglasses, and a need to see what Germany has to offer. He likes the place; the people are to the point, something Americans never are. Well, unless you’re causing slow traffic. Then they’re quite to the point in naming you curse words. 
He catches a glimpse of Barnes in a coffee shop, a little hole-in-the-wall place that is probably breaking at least eight rules in the food industry business. But hey, Tony’s liked worse restaurants. He doesn’t go in, just catches a glimpse and walks on. He’ll bolt if he knows that Tony’s after him. 
Barnes stays. Maybe he didn’t notice, or the guy knows that Tony’s following him. Probably the latter, since Tony’s shit at tailing. 
They do not meet in Germany. 
They meet stateside.
Of course they do.
Tony’s not even expecting it; he’s being fitted for a suit for a premiere of some student films. It’s supposed to be good, he’s already sneaking in the candies for him and Rhodey to share while they watch. 
He also doesn’t realize it’s Barnes until he feels a slightly colder arm and freezes. 
“Good afternoon, Barnes,” Tony says. “Didn’t know you knew anything about tailoring.” 
“Bits and pieces,” he answers. His voice is rough, low. “Wanna know why you’ve been chasing me.” 
“Because Steve’s shittier at it than I am,” Tony answers. 
“You didn’t have to. Why did you?” 
“Contrary to my usual, blinding personality, I was interested,” Tony says. “Also, your arm is starting to show some wear. I think Hydra knows that, though. That’s why you moved stateside, because it’s the riskiest move possible. And, I’m pretty sure you want to see everyone here. Want to see what Rogers is like now.” 
“I’m not Bucky anymore.” 
“Never said you were,” Tony answers. “Besides, that’s a bad nickname. Who gave you that, your grandmother? Ugh, mine nicknamed me Polpetto for a while. I think it means meatball in Italian, but haven’t thought about that. Be honest: do I look like a meatball to you?” 
The guy cracks a smile, which is a success. 
Ricardo, the original tailor, is a little bit worried that someone got into his shop without him knowing, but Tony assuages all worriment by promising that the tailoring job was gorgeous (god, it was, it’s like the damn La Pieta of tailor jobs) and they’re on their way. 
Tony picks a dive of a place for lunch. The owners know him, know that he likes burgers that are messy and divine and absolutely just like everyone else’s at the joint. 
There is a problem, halfway through lunch. Tony and James have been talking about the weather, new sports teams, science, and what to do now. 
Turns out, Mary’s Shack has a little infestation for the lunch shift, and there’s a waitress with the name tag “Becca” on. She’s cute, but she has a Glock in one hand. 
“I don’t believe we ordered that,” Tony says. He’s already thinking of a plan. He has the potential wrist watch protection, which could work, could also not work. (Both Jarvis and Friday told him not to take it out until it was at about ninety-five percent accuracy–shows how much he listens to the kiddos.) 
“I know I’m bullet-proof, but please…don’t shoot me,” James utters. His voice is low. Eyes are empty. 
Becca’s let go from the company. Tony gets some extra napkins and tells Mary people are on their way. Leaves an excellent tip. 
“What now?” Tony asks. “What, we ride off into the sunset or something?” James snorts. 
“Somethin’ like that, yeah.” 
They don’t end up riding into the sunset. But they do end up watching it together many times, even sharing some kisses during the sunset, which is much better than riding into it. 
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Can you write a fic where Patton and Logan had an after-sex bath but when Logan use the shower on Patton he got super sensitive and then they fuck again?
Warnings: the use of a safeword, but nothing major really, slight dom/sub dynamics, implied breath play. 
“Ah!RED! Please, stop. No more, Red Lo!”
Pattonwhined and pulled harshly on Logan’s black hair, effectively pullinghim off of his cock.
Loganpropped himself up on his elbows to look up from between his loverslegs, worry clouding his features.
“Areyou alright Patton? Did I… did I hurt you?”
Hereached over to where he had placed his glasses earlier, slippingthem on and sitting up, not quite sure what to do now. This was thefirst time Patton had actively safeworded out of one of their sexualencounters. His first instinct was to touch, to comfort, but that wasmaybe the exact problem and the last thing he wanted to do, wasenhance his partners discomfort.
“NoLolo don’t… don’t you worry about me. It’s just… it was too much,I couldn’t take it anymore. I’m sorry. How many was that?”
Logansmiled softly and gathered the smaller side into his arms, brushingthe messy curls out of his tired face.
“Noneed to apologies, love. I believe you reached your climax four timesin a row. That is impressive. I barely did anything.”
Well,while that wasn’t quite true, Logan had sucked Patton off expertly,while fingering him open, alternating between quick thrusts and lazycircles, they have not gone any further than this.
Pattoncuddled into the logical side, resting his head on his bony shoulderand barely resisting the urge to pester his beautiful neck with amillion kisses. He had to make sure, that Logan was feeling alright,first.
“What…what about you though?”
Loganshook his head and summoned a bottle of water for Patton to drink.
“Thisexperiment had the sole purpose of me learning more about your bodyand we achieved that. There is no ‘Payback’ of any sorts necessary.How would you feel about having a bath with me and then perhapstaking a nap?”
Patton smiled and cuddled further into theother sides chest, wrapping his arms around his neck and holding ontightly.
“Soundsamazing… but I need five more minutes of just this, okay?”
Thelogical side just chuckled and tightened his arms around the other.
“Patton,we can’t only use the hot water. You wont be able to enjoy the bathproperly, feel light-headed and dizzy afterwards, or even worse, burnyourself. We have to balance it out with a little bit of cold.”
Loganrefused to accept any of the others whining, knowing full well, itwould be better like this. He himself enjoyed cold showers way more,anyways. They were refreshing and gave him a clear mind. He resentedthe feeling of his head being all fuzzy after a steamy bath, butPatton loved it and for him, he would walk over hot coals ifnecessary.
Helet Patton hold onto his arm as he eased himself into the big,luxurious tub, before slipping in behind him. He let them enjoy thewater for a moment, before returning to the task at hand. Clean up. Avery vital step of the after care process.
Theshower-head gave him a little trouble, it was hard finding the righttemperature without flooding the bathroom with a sleepy Pattonclinging to him at all times.
Hedid most of the work, spreading the soap around his freckled skin,over his back, torso and up his legs. Of course you could not forgetthe hair. He made Patton hold a moist washcloth over his eyes toensure he would not accidentally get any soap into his, alreadysensitive eyes.
Pattonenjoyed this process thoroughly. Of course, he could do it allhimself, but where was the fun in that? He loved being taken care ofand it made him feel all fuzzy and warm inside. Roman wasn’t the onlyside that loved to be pampered like a Prince.
Theonly problem was, Patton was ridiculously sensitive. He alwayssquirmed and giggled under the stream. Logan only barely managed tonot let him squirm out of place. He had the patience of a saintsometimes. He made Patton position himself properly as well. A gentlehand between his shoulder blades, making him lean forward, a tapagainst his legs, to make them fall open and a gentle grip on hiswrist to keep them from covering himself.
“Patton,I know that this is somehow difficult for you, but it is necessary toclean you up properly, so unless you want to do it yourself, I wouldadvise you to keep still.”
Another whine from his boyfriendmade him smile gently. As he lowered the stream between his legs,Patton squirmed and bit his lip to keep the noises from spilling.
“I-Ittickles Lo!”
Maybe Logan was a bit of a sadist and maybe hekept the stream aimed at that particular spot longer than necessary,but he found himself somehow mesmerized by Patton’s noises, by theway he was squirming and whimpering and digging his nails into Logansarm to keep himself still.
Hedidn’t quite knew how long he was torturing poor Patton like this,getting lost in just watching him. But once the curly head fell backonto Logan’s shoulders and a loud moan escaped those perfect lips, heknew he had gone a little too far.
“O-oh…Patton are you… did that arouse you again?”
Awhimper and a hesitant nod was all he got as an answer, embarrassmentmaking the smaller sides cheeks flush.
Anawkward moment of silence stretched on for a while, as the thoughtsin Logans head raced into a million different directions, but couldbe boiled down to mainly the need to take care and how adorable thiswas.
“L-lo,please do something about it?”
Logan nodded but really hadno idea about the course of action he should take, until an ideacrossed his mind and a mischievous little smile stretched his lips.
“Iwould assume you are too sensitive to my touch right now, so there isreally just one option, Patton.”
Gentlefingers trailed over an exposed throat and down his chest until Loganrested his hand on round hips.
“Canyou climax just from me taking you?”
Patton swallowed hardbut nodded quickly. He had done it before, so it should be easy,right? …Right?
“Andyou don’t even have to use lube because we’re already in the bathtub,so no clean up later necessary.”
Logan had to, yet again,object heavily.
“No.absolutely not. Water is not an appropriate lubricant, dear. I wouldhurt you, my love. Here, can you get up on your knees and hold ontothe edge?”
Logan moved out of the bathtub to retrieve thelube from the other room, too tired to summon. Also, this allowed forPatton to manoeuvrer around in the small space, using the far end tosteady himself, grasping the rim of the tub tightly.
Beforethe other side could join him again, he asked him to spread his legsas wide as he could. Logan definitely enjoyed that sight immensely.
Pattonswayed his hips a little, trying to get a good grip on the slipperysurface. Thankfully the bathroom was warm enough for him to not gettoo cold outside the water. And yet, a soft layer of goose bumpsspread over his skin as gentle hands traced the line of his spinedown his back.
Thelogical side got to his knees himself behind the other, spreading hischeeks and carefully pressing his thumb into his hole, just to see iftheir actions from earlier had left his partner sufficientlystretched.
Atthe shaky moan he got, he hummed with content, lubing himself upafter giving his length a few tugs and lining up with Pattonsentrance. Teasing the tip over him for a bit, he smirked at theimpatient whine he managed to draw from the emotional side. They hadalready moved so far into the night, of course Patton had lost hispatience by now.
Slowly,oh so very slowly, Logan pushed in, watching how his length vanishedinto the other body. He had to bite his lip to stifle a groan,thinking about the others resting peacefully behind those walls.Patton seemed to be thinking about everything but that.
Hiships wiggled more and he pushed himself back, anything to get himdeeper. This teasing was just pure torture, especially because Pattonknew that Logan just did it to draw it all out. He could take so muchmore.
“Yes,my love?”
Asilent smirk obvious in his voice.
Pattonwanted to say more, wanted to complain further, but his voice got cutoff with a loud moan. Logan had practically buried himself inside hislover in one, harsh thrust. And he didn’t stop this brutal paceeither. He was now ramming himself into the other side, hips snappingforward and the sound of skin against skin filled the empty bathroom.
Withevery movement, the emotional side got pushed forward a bit, havingextreme difficulties to keep himself upright. Instead, he just fellforward, pressing his cheek against the cool rim of the tub betweenhis hands. He could do nothing but take this punishing pace anyways.
Hewould just moan and cry out his pleasure, with the occasional nameand plea.
Thelogical side could not suppress a groan himself, stilling for amoment, before slowly pulling out almost all the way to the tip,before slamming back into the tight heat. The cries and moans withwhich he was gifted were absolutely addicting.
“Youtold me… you would need it at a fast pace to make you finish fromjust that, correct?”
Pattonclenched his eyes shut, letting his jaw hang open, a string of moansconstantly tumbling out of his mouth.
Insteadof answering, he just arched his back and tried to keep up with thepace as much as possible.
Heloved the gentle hands on his hips, contrasting the harsh pace, lovedthe way Logan lost himself in the feeling of completely having Pattonat his mercy, all fucked out underneath him. But he especially lovedhow every thought slowly drained out of his mind, leaving nothing but 'Logan’ and 'oh god please, need to cum now!’  
Andhe was close, so so close, still just lingering on the edge. He bithis lip hard, his whole body tense with the effort of reaching hisorgasm. He clenched around Logan and, judging by his desperate,unrythmic thrusts, the other was close as well. If he could just geta little bit of friction on his aching cock, or something else thatgave him the necessary kick…
Loganknew he wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer, and Patton stillwasn’t quite there, so he grabbed for his last ace up his sleeve. Hetangled a hand into those lovely curls and tugged harshly, pullingthe emotional side up and against his chest, all while still ramminghimself inside him.
Hewrapped an arm around Patton’s middle and a hand around his throat,never really pressing down, only demonstrating the power he had overhim.
Hisvoice was raspy and breathless but still so fucking hot as hewhispered “Cum for me, pretty boy.”
Andwith that, Patton was gone. A choked moan all he could manage to getout as he came hard, all over the edge of the tub.
Hiswhole body trembled and if it weren’t for Logan’s steady hands, hewould have collapsed into the water face first.
Logancarefully managed to sit back down, resting Patton against his chestagain and just holding him quietly, while they both tried to catchtheir breath.
“It’s…very interesting how a subtle change in dynamics can make you reactlike that…”
Pattontried to act offended but really couldn’t hide his smile. Hos droopyeyes finally slipped shut and he slowly drifted off to sleep.Thankfully he was long gone as Logan started the clean up process allover again.
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