#anyway lux my beloved
celestite-caroline · 7 months
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hey guess who decided to remake her OC to kinda suit the source series better
additional info: I have no idea if it would work well, but I'm tempted to have her work on Edward's Branch Line :3 it depends on if a passenger railcar would be needed there tbh
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zoekrystall · 1 year
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SPLATOWEEN!! I am SO glad we get one this year <3
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I'll either pick ghost or skeleton. Kinda wanna pick skeleton immediately for frye but except the obv last one do I want to stay non idol biased in picking. I love ghosts I do w some skepticism believe in ghosts and I adore haunted stuff and whatnot but skeletons are funky lil dudes and would be funny friends.. Maybe the broadcast will win me over for one or the other.
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Whoever made the plague mask I would die for you. I miss the horns from 2 but plague doc let's go. Pirate isn't bad either,,
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kellerybird · 8 months
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tfw when all you wanted to do was kill the guy who made your life hell and you fall in love with one druid who’s way too into his wild shape and another who is way too trigger happy with her lightning spells 🪄 (image base is an old ‘draw the squad’ meme)
(Reblogs ok!!)
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xi-xi-chen · 2 months
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Lightcannon Week // Day 05 - Isekai
I am balling my eyes out. This took so long to finish, and just because of that, I started to really dive into and understand just the amount of tragedy is really happening in this.
But anyways, this is inspired from the film Pan's Labyrinth! Lux has been living a terrible life, that eventually all terrible things happened and so she makes a run for the Labyrinth in hopes to at least right a wrong in her life, and that was when she left Jinx behind when she was little.
Jinx had never been mad for her decision back then, she'd only hoped that when Lux's spirit was satisfied with this wanderment, that eventually she'd be able to bring her beloved back home to their own world that is full of magic and many other great wonders.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 8 months
I haven’t been on lately, I have some other questions too but genuinely I just want to get this out of the way because I genuinely want him so bad😭😭
So, it was my birthday yesterday and I’m just gonna be honest man, it was not good. I’m twenty now but it just feels weird?? Like I don’t know what’s happening?? I barely even celebrated, I wasn’t given the chance.
So how would Dominic be on his beloved’s birthday?? Would he do anything special?? Throw them a party with gifts?? Just genuinely anything his strange ass would do??
It can be taken as SFW, NSFW, or both!! It doesn’t matter to me🫶🫶
I hope you are doing good and all is well!! :]]
Oh also, would you ever consider writing anything for Hotch from criminal minds?? I’ve had the most INSANE crush on that man for years now, i’m just genuinely curious.
Hello there, my Sweet 🦝 Anon ! Happy (late) birthday <3 ! I understand how difficult life can feel when you're thrown from one life stage into another, but I would like you to know this: everyone develops at their own pace. Everybody takes different amounts of time to acclimatise to new situations, so don't feel the need to rush into adulthood and its many daunting expectations ^^.
As for your birthday celebrations, I do hope you'll get the chance to fully indulge in them on your next birthday. But don't feel like you need to wait until then, my Sweet ! Celebrate whenever you want to because every day is a blessing; you don't need an excuse to pull out the festivities to mark the passing of another year, my Dear <3 !
Also, yes, I absolutely WOULD consider writing for Hotch - I have a monster crush on him, too ^^
As for Dominic:
TW: Manipulation, Vague Implication of Suggestive Material, No Pronouns Used For Reader Except 'You'.
♡ You just KNOW Dominic's going to use this special occasion to: a.) make it all about him (and his crippling saviour complex), and b.) spoil you silly.
♡ He organises a surprise party for you. Has a failsafe in case you hate it - to pin the whole affair on Marilyn, accrediting her for this wonderful party - despite inviting an optimal number of guests to keep you within the zone of relative comfort; not too many to lose yourself in, but enough where you can retreat with ease.
♡ At the first sign of discomfort, he's absolutely going to swoop in like the self-perceived hero he is and take you somewhere quiet, somewhere where you can open up to him, thank him for rescuing you from the stuffy atmosphere of the party, etc.
♡ Just stroke his ego, basically.
♡ He knows he needs to buy something inconspicuous enough that you, your family and Marilyn won't feel uncomfortable with him giving such a luxe gift. but it also needs to be extravagant and personal enough that you'll appreciate it.
♡ He'll settle on something the two of you discussed in private - something borderline utilitarian so it doesn't end up a decorative paperweight.
♡ An article of clothing, an ornate lighter, a novel so rare its publication is believed to be a myth; those sorts of things. Items that carry weight - both physical and emotional. But things you could never afford yourself.
♡ Objects that will indebt you to Dominic. Even if your birthday is supposed to be one of the few times of the year where you can receive gifts without feeling the need to repay those who give you them.
♡ Dominic can't extinguish the prickle of his ego swelling as you approach him after everyone's splintered off into their groups, thanking him profusely for your gift before asking him with a soft smile when his birthday is, what he'd like, and...how did he know it was your birthday, anyway?
♡ He smiles.
♡ "I know everything that happens in this neighbourhood," he tells you. A lock of hair slips before your eyes. He tucks it behind your ear. Can't have your saintly view of him obscured now, can he?
♡ "It'd hardly do if I didn't know when my favourite neighbour's birthday was, would it?"
♡ You figured he could've gotten that information from absolutely anyone.
♡ And he'll let you keep believing that fantasy for as long as he needs. Especially since seeing you with your beloved birthday gift fills him with a makeshift warmth that he believes is love.
♡ Dominic has never truly cared for birthdays - both his own and those of others - but for the first time in his life, he can't wait to see what you get for him. What little surprise or favour he can pull from you when it's just the two of you alone.
♡ And trust, he'll do everything in his power to make sure you're more than willing to bend over backwards for his thanks by his next birthday.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
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sorn-orlith · 11 months
Heyyyy so I might or might not have just been obsessing over your page (I totally was I ain’t gonna lie). But I was wondering (if your requests are still open) if you could do a M!Tav x Shadowheart where Shadowheart has a nightmare in camp and he comforts her. Mainly fluff but if you want to add smut, well I won’t complain lmao. Anyway hope you’re having a great day!
There had been a time when Tav would ignore Shadowheart's quiet gasps of pain -- not because he wanted to, mind, but because any attempt at soothing had been met with swift and harsh rebuke. Pain is Shar's gift, and Tav learned quickly not to come between his beloved and her goddess.
But tonight is different. Not a tenday prior Shadowheart had cast decades of Shar worship into the ether along with her spear. To say she was taking it poorly would be an inadequate read of the situation; she was withdrawn, but not to the point of harm. She needed to think. She needed time.
The Sharran had long since kept her pain silent; but as Tav lies, ears pricked to the slightest sound, he picks up her voice -- "No."
It's as much of an invitation he's going to get. He keeps his blankets around his shoulders -- the early-autumn air nips at his skin -- and makes his way into Shadowheart's tent.
He calls to her in the darkness, a whisper unheard. Her teeth chatter, her breathing comes in short gasps.
"Viam lux!"
Tav is more forceful as he summons dancing lights, illuminating their sanctum in a bluish glow. Shadowheart, curled in on herself and doused in her own sweat, lay shivering at his feet. In an instant he's on his knees. From his new vantage point he's able to see the muscles in her face clenched, eyes shut so tightly it's as though they're sealed closed.
Tentative as though reaching for a frightened kitten, he touches her shoulder. "Shadowheart, wake up; it's Tav. You're having a nightmare." Gentle fingers wipe the sweat-soaked bangs from her brow. "Come back to me. Please."
In a flash her eyes are open and locked on Tav's, a deer staring down the length of a hunter's arrow.
He brings the light in closer, that she might see an ally above her.
"Tav," she chokes.
"You're awake now; she can't touch you." He knows better than to tell her her dreams were not real. In all her wickedness, the Goddess of loss raking jagged claws down Shadowheart's brain is every bit as true as the man currently crouched beside her.
A steadying hand on her shoulder, the tortured creature's panting slowly evens out into a pained but steady rhythm. Her shaking ebbs.
"There you are," he says.
"She has me," whispers the half-elf. "I can live in the moonlight all I want to; as soon as I'm asleep, I'm hers again."
It's the first she's spoken of Shar since the night they promised themselves to one another. Tav won't ruin this. If she needs to talk, let her talk. If she needs warmth, let Tav be an inferno.
"I'm so cold."
He's ambling onto his side before the words are even out, wrapping her up in his own blanket.
She rests her slick forehead against his.
"Do you want to be touched?" He ventures, cautious.
Shadowheart's eyes study the sproutings of hair on Tav's chin with fervid intent, fearing his eyes as she had when she had first awoken. "I don't know. Can you... here, take my hand."
She was right. She's frigid. Fingers like ice meet Tav's warm hand between them. Silence fills the seconds that come next, stretching out into quiet minutes spent in contemplation.
"I don't think I'm getting back to sleep," sighs Shadowheart at last. "But -- will you come to my tent tomorrow? If you'll have me, I mean. I could use someone to banish Shar when I'm in the worst of it."
He brings her now-warm fingers to his lips. "Think nothing of it. As long as you have need of me, I'll be here."
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allthingsfern · 11 months
Why I have not been taking many new photos
So, in about a couple of weeks, I will be getting my cataract surgery for my right eye. As it is now, my right eye is kinda clouded over. I can still bike ride and drive, for example, but when I was at the ophthalmologist's office the last two times, the young man who takes images of the inside of my eye could not capture the back of my right eye because the cataract is so thick, so he had to use some kind of ultrasound thing they do? Anyway, it is very difficult for me to take photographs through the viewfinder because the camera, like all cameras, is pretty much set up for right-handed use. I can look through my left eye, but it is uncomfortable for taking pictures, so I stopped a while back, unless I could take my time and take the pictures at home. And yes, I could take pictures using the screen on the back of the camera, but it is not very bright, and for most light conditions it's just not something I'm comfortable with.
I have not, however, stopped working on photography, since I have been going back through my files and reworking some photographs, as well as going through Tumblr and liking and sharing photos on Lux Lit. Plus, I never stop watching YouTube videos and/or reading online articles and I started reading Margaret Bourke-White's autobiography, so yeah, I am doing photography, just not taking pictures.
My second surgery, BTW, will be a few days before Christmas.
I am not very nervous about my upcoming surgeries, because, in great part, I trust my ophthalmologist. He takes the time to explain everything, and he has a sense of humor about the whole thing, which helps me immensely. Also, my sisters, well, my oldest sister (she is the second born, after me) and her best friend are coming to stay with me to help me through my first surgery. They will be here for five days. Then for my surgery on my left eye, a very close friend (coincidentally, the guy who sold me the used Nikon D50 that started me back on photography and a great photographer himself) and his wife volunteered to take me in at their place to make certain everything goes smoothly.
Why am I sharing this? Well, I remember several years ago, when my kit lens for my D50 broke (BTW, the only lens I owned for that camera), that someone who followed me back then mentioned they could not think of themselves not taking pictures often, if not daily. Back then I actually went about 2 months without taking pictures before I wound up buying a used lens that worked beautifully. Since then, I have learned to very calmly accept periods of not making pictures, in great part, because as I mentioned above, I still keep doing photography, which means reworking old images, looking at all y'alls photos on Tumblr and sharing some of them on Lux Lit, and learning about photography via articles and YouTube videos and such. Oh yeah, and every so often talking to photographers I know about our beloved art form. For me, not taking pictures, not making pictures is still a part of the creative process, if one where I don't necessarily "create stuff." I've learned to have a very Zen attitude towards it all.
Kinda like life.
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darlin-djarin · 1 year
dude, I'm so with you on the whole Barriss thing because honestly, it felt like with her and Luminara we were getting representation!! And when Luminara first appeared on screen I was like, "Oh??" but then I thought that maybe it was just specific to her, I didn't wanna raise my hopes too high because come on, this is star wars-- anyway but then I saw Barriss and I was like, well it's official they're both Muslim-coded. And Barriss was genuinely one of my favourite characters. And she still is because I'm choosing to ignore canon. (And at the time she looked around my age which was so !!!) But honestly, it's just- not okay. Having her be a murderer, a liar, a backstabber--all things that are clearly prohibited in Islam? You're so right, it hurt. And it feels like they did it on purpose. I know that writers rarely ever do anything accidentally, there were SO MANY other characters to choose from, and they went with Barriss. It sucks bro
yes yes yes exactly. it's just so frustrating. i thought we were genuinely getting representation on screen, even if it wasn't said directly, but what did we get instead?? one of our most beloved characters turning out to be a terrorist and a liar and a betrayer. all to further the plotline. and you're right, there WERE so many other characters and so many other story ideas that could've all led ahsoka to leave the order. what the hell happened to lux? why not bring him back? or bo-katan or like. literally anyone else?? another jedi even?? and why did it have to be the jedi temple? why did it have to be barriss offee? we barely even got to see her in the other episodes but all of a sudden she's a terrorist?? literally. bullshit. luminara and barriss were so cool to see as master and padawan and it's just so frustrating honestly to see that barriss ended up being the bad guy. it felt so targeted and i will forever and always be upset over it.
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abysskeeper · 1 month
✨🌤️☔️🌪️💫 for the bg3 writer asks!
Ooh, a good list. Thank you!
✨Which is your favourite platonic BG3 dynamic and why?
Gale and Karlach stole my heart on my first play-through. It's such a weird and unique (and heartbreaking) form of understanding and empathy the two of them share given their circumstances and the fact they have to face down death even without the tadpoles. Especially since it's two characters who you wouldn't think have a lot in common at first, but they still develop into pretty great friends and you can see that in their party banter throughout the acts.
🌤️How do you interpret the game mechanics in your fic?
This made me realize...I don't, really? I think just because it's so DnD based already, which feels so naturally like storytelling to me that I just don't think about it? I write more resting than I definitely do in game, that's for sure. I'll make notes of certain crit successes/fails if I think they're interesting (or like, Wyll getting charmed and turning on my Wyllmancer in the House of Hope and decimating her lol), and I think I give character death a little more gravity than the game allows for, but otherwise I just go with it. So much of the mechanics are related to story beats or character beats, it just feels natural to include anyways.
☔️Do you care about wider DnD lore in your fics?
Unfortunately, too much. I've had a fascination with the death god lineage in Faerun way before the game came out (my beloved baby girl OC is a Kelemvor cleric and I try not to think about it too much because she will overtake everything if I do).
And now, writing for a set of ~200 year old elves, I've had to get into a lot of major events (the Time of Troubles, the Spellplague, the Second Sundering, all of the multiple rounds of nonsense surrounding Mystra) and deal with the Descent into Avernus module (and the vampire incursion that happened 50 years prior to set off said module) since the twins are originally from Elturel.
Suffice to say, I do my research. Some may even say I do too much research.
🌪️Is there a nugget of game lore that fascinates you, but you haven’t written about yet?
Uh...see above with the death god fascination lol. Withers' presence (and Kelemvor's silence) in regards to the Dead Three is everything to me.
If I have to pick something specifically from the game, the Thorm family and everything going on there. Isobel's resurrection, the rest of the Thorms corrupted by the Shadow Curse (why the Shadow Curse looks like the Spellplague), the implication that Ketheric was just a pawn for Shar and he fell for it hook, line, sinker...the possibilities are endless.
💫If you’ve written multiple stories, do any of them take place in the same “playthrough”?
I tend towards shorter one-shot or two-shots than long fic, so everything that has the same character in it happens during the same play-through (so all of Nox's fic are from the same play-through, all of Fiona's fic are the same, etc). Additionally, when I start writing for Lux, those fics and Nox's fics will be considered the same play-through, since I write both of the twins filling the role of Tav together.
Fiona's are a separate timeline for now. I have a canon Tav and Durge (drow"sisters") play-through I want to do and write for one day that'll have both of them together, but separate from the rest. Other, various siblings and friends I want to smoosh together or not as I please. I'm a roleplayer at heart, the more characters I can include (my own or other people's; I'm liable to steal Tavs/Durges even though I've been too shy to really ask much of anyone yet) the better, in my eyes.
BG3 asks
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jtl-fics · 1 year
omg this whole FF's name situation made me think about this book, idk if you ever read (or know) about the Lux series of JLA (great books, those aliens are awesome, daemon my beloved), but anyway there is this character there that his name is Blake but Daemon never called him that it was always some random name (like Ben, Brad, Bo, Bryon, Flake, Hank, Bilbo Baggins, Bartholomew even Butter-face) and I can totally see the foxes trying to guess FF name and even give him a nickname to Smith that isn't even his real name lol
Lol yeah FF has no idea that his name is a topic of conversation. He wants to be called Smith, everyone calls him some variation of Smith he thinks it is all good.
That being said he would absolutely be greatly disheartened if:
He finds out that his brand new friends don't even know his name.
They started calling him random other names because he does have a very strong attachment to his last name.
Maybe this is the beginning of the B-plot of Fluent Freshman where the Monsters + Matt are all trying really hard to figure out FF's first name without ever letting FF know that they have no idea what his first name is.
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janeway-lover · 4 months
Can you tell me a nice story about idk pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows or smth? I‘m currently reading pet sematary AND I‘LL FINISH IT SOON AND IT‘S DSRK AND I THINK IT WILL GET REALLY SCARY AHHAHAHAHAA
So I need a nice story to calm me down before I go to sleep (it‘s 11pm…)
okay, let me think.
i don't have a story off the top of my head right now...but, what I could do is show you what I have written for my Lucifer fic.
The Lux is a glittering palace of indulgences, hung carefully as the crown jewel in the sparkling city of Los Angeles. (And wasn’t that just so ironic, that the City of Angels had become the Devil’s beloved home? Amenadiel liked to say that, at least.) Music and liquor flowed freely, with beautiful men and women everywhere you looked. 
Lucifer sat in the midst of it like a king atop his throne, surveying his kingdom with pride. When he saw Mazikeen stalking his way, he raised his empty glass, knowing it was unlikely she’d get him another drink but willing to try anyway. And then he saw what - or more accurately, who - she was dragging over to him, and he rather reluctantly put his glass down.
“Maze, why have you brought me a child? I seem to recall that children aren’t allowed in nightclubs.”
“I’m not a child!” the young girl says, trying to get Maze to let go of her. But a demon’s grip is not so easily broken, and her hold on the girl’s forearm remained.
“I found her sneaking around in the back. She must’ve managed to get past the bouncers somehow.” 
“I see.”
“She said she needed to talk to the owner.” And with that, Maze lets go of the girl, who straightens up to her full height of five foot one and looks Lucifer dead in the eye.
“Well, you’re in luck then.” He spreads his arms dramatically and smiles. “Lucifer Morningstar, owner of Lux, at your service, child. What can I do for you?”
“Why are you encouraging this, Lucifer?” 
“Because, Maze, I am very interested in why this child requires my services as the owner of this nightclub.”
“I need to make a deal with the Devil,” the girl says abruptly. 
“Oh?” His whole demeanor changes. Gone is the cheeky smile, replaced with a more serious look. “And what makes you think you can do that here?”
“I - I read about it online,” she says, pulling out her phone and flipping it around to show him her screen. 
“I have no idea what this is, but I am offended by the claim that Lux is a ‘dumb pun.’ It’s a very good pun.”
“That’s - that’s not the point!” She emphasizes this with a stomp of her foot. “I know who you are! You’re the Devil! And I need to make a deal!”
“You need to make a deal? Really? A child like you? Why? What use could you have for such things?”
“I’m not a child! I’m fourteen, I’m basically an adult and I can take care of myself!” 
Lucifer just raises an eyebrow.
“If you can take care of yourself, then why do you need to make a deal with me?”
“Well, I - I mean, um, it’s just that -” He stays silent as she tries to stammer out an answer. 
“If you need to take a moment to formulate your thoughts, I can wait.” If looks could kill, the Devil would’ve been slain by this young girl. (Well, to be fair, if looks could kill, Lucifer would’ve been killed LONG ago.) But looks do not kill, and he’s dealt with more than his fair share of nasty glances. Eventually, she must admit defeat.
“I was trying to be grown up,” she mutters. “But I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“That would be because you are not grown up.” His voice is softer, kinder. “What’s your name, my dear?”
“Maddie.” She won’t look at him, her eyes focused firmly on her shoes.
“Hello, Maddie. Can I ask you something?” She nods. “What is it that you desire?” This gets him a glare from Maze, but he keeps his focus on Maddie as she looks up at him.
“Somewhere - somewhere safe to live. So I can be me.”
“I see. And how were you hoping to accomplish this?”
“I ran away. I - I thought I knew what I was doing, but - but I only have fifty dollars, because I didn’t want to steal because that’s a crime but I don’t have anywhere to go and I just really need to make this deal and I - I -”
“Okay, okay, breathe. Maze?”
“Can you go get a water for the young dear?” She rolls her eyes at him, but goes over to the bar anyway for a water. Both of them are silent until she returns with a whiskey glass full of water. “Really, Maze?”
“Would you have preferred a wine glass?” She hands the glass to Maddie, her tone going to something softer. “Here you go, kid.”
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t mention it.”
“Now, back to the matter at hand,” Lucifer says. “Maddie, dear, I’m afraid I’m not going to make a deal with you.”
The glass slips from her hands at his words, the only reason it doesn’t shatter upon the dance floor being one very attentive demoness.
“Lucifer, what the fuck?”
“Let me finish, Maze.” She looks at him; he looks back. She raises an eyebrow; he nods.
“You stupid fucking sentimental idiot.” 
“What - what are you talking about?” 
“Oh, I’m sorry, my dear, I didn’t mean for you to get left out, but I wasn’t quite finished. I won’t make a deal with you because I’m going to give you a better offer. Everything you asked for - a roof over your head, safety, acceptance - and more, and you won’t owe me any favors for it.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yes, really.”
“What’s the catch?” She’s glaring at him in disbelief, but he can see how desperate she is for this to be true.
“No catch.”
“You won’t take my soul?”
“Souls are really not worth as much as people think they are,” he says, Maze rolling her eyes in response.
“Well, okay, I guess.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. It’s not like I’ve got anything to lose.”
“Wonderful!” He smiles, clapping his hands once as he stands up. “Maze, could you take our guest upstairs to get settled? One of the guest rooms should work, I think.”
“Wait, what?” Maddie freezes in place, her eyes wide. 
“Oh, should I have made it clearer? You’ll be staying here for now. I’ve got plenty of room.”
“You - you want me to stay here? I’m supposed to live with the Devil?” Her voice gets louder and higher, but no one in the club seems to notice. Call it a miracle if you’d like.
“Well, you were perfectly willing to sell me your soul earlier. This seems like a much safer compromise, doesn’t it?” But he can understand her hesitancy. “If you’d prefer, we can find you somewhere else to stay tomorrow. There are plenty of people who owe me favors that would be willing to take you in. But it is late, and you need rest.”
“I guess so.” Her voice seems so small now, and she looks up at Maze, her eyes desperate. 
“I promise, he’s safe. I’d have slit his throat a long time ago if he wasn’t.” Maddie nods, looking just a little braver. “C’mon, let’s go upstairs.” The two of them go hand-in-hand into the elevator, leaving Lucifer in the midst of the glittering indulgence of the Lux with a vaguely warm feeling in his chest. 
“Oh, that’s new,” he says to himself. (It isn’t, not really. But that darling urchin known as Trixie usually gets up to enough mischief to distract him from any warm and fuzzy feelings.) “I don’t know if I like that.” He motions for a bartender to get him another drink, drinking it slowly as he thinks.
Across town, a cellphone rings. With a sigh, Chloe Decker picks up her phone, another sigh escaping when she sees who it is.
“Detective! I need your help with something.”
“Lucifer, it’s the middle of the night. What do you want?”
“Oh, come now, it’s hardly even midnight! The fun is just getting started.”
“If you’re trying to get me to go clubbing, you know full well what the answer is going to be.”
“That’s not at all what I’m trying to do here, Detective. Although I am asking you to come over. Like I said, I need your help.”
“Can it wait until the morning? Dan is working tonight and I don’t want to leave Trixie home alone.”
“Of course, of course. In fact, you can even bring the little urchin along with you.” 
Chloe’s eyes narrow.
“Tell me what’s going on, Lucifer.”
“Right, ah, of course. You’re good with children, correct?”
“Please tell me there is not a child in your nightclub.”
“There is not a child in my nightclub.”
“Oh thank goodness -”
“There’s a child in my penthouse.”
There’s silence for a moment. Lucifer wonders if she’s still on the phone.
“I will be there first thing in the morning. If you manage to lose this kid before I get there, I will send you back to Hell myself, got it?”
“Oh, cheeky.”
“Good night, Lucifer.” She ends the call with a sigh, rubbing her eyes. “Well, I guess we’ve got plans for tomorrow.”
Unseen by Chloe, Trixie closes the door of her room, slipping back into bed as quiet as she can. Something tells her that tomorrow is going to be an interesting day.
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auxiliarydetective · 7 months
now for the chaos corner ( or part seven ) of the ask extravaganza, let's talk about my beloved little fennec fox felicity !! could i please ask after questions one, four, five, seven, and eight from that list of questions ?
can't wait to see the answers, and i hope you're doing well !! <3
Yeeessss, Lily, my sweet little baby!
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1. What's an animatic about your OC / OTP that you've been spinning around your brain?
So, for Lily, I actually don't think I have a specific song animatic in mind for her, just general vibes. I feel like it would probably be an angsty one about childhood innocence and her relationship with Sanji, generally pretty happy and adorable and all, but occasionally you'll get scenes of her crying and throwing tantrums in fear... Delicious angst. Specifically, the main angst potential comes from the Whole Cake Island Arc. I know you know basically nothing about it, Dolly, but all of my OCs (except for Lux) have a deep and profound trauma from that arc, some more than others. That's because that arc is peak Sanji angst. Anyways, for some happy moments, I could see little montages of them training together, cooking together, Lily showing off her ballet skills, general crew shenanigans... It's about the contrast!
4. Give a full breakdown of one song on your OC or OTP's playlist!
*checks my Felicity playlist* Well, well, well...
I could cheat and do an instrumental one. I can’t do ones that are just there based on vibes because they're... well... just there for vibes. Most of them are just there for vibes, actually. So, we'll do this one:
"Have you heard from the news? / Clouds are falling from the sky / And everything that's pink is now blue."
... is about the scary things in Lily's life and how her world is coming apart, first because of Buggy, then because of Kuro.
"Have you heard from my mind? / We gotta find a way to cope / Or else things might not turn out so fine"
... is Lily's escapism, the way her brain cooked up the automatic response of age regression as a way to cope and make things fine again.
"And I start / To give in / To the sin / To the sin"
Lily puts up no resistance against this sort of escape but it's a "sin" because devil fruits are, well, devil fruits, and she's already a non-human freak without it, but even more so when it keeps changing her appearance in tune with her mind.
"And I start / To realize / Lullabies / La, la..."
... is Lily really falling into Little Space, the last two syllables being a sort of reference to baby speech - listen to how they sound in the song!
The chorus is filled with antitheses between childish, happy things and scary things you might encounter in life and that's also the world that Lily lives in. Sort of a childish bubble she has built for herself and the harsh pirate's life of death and fighting outside of it. There's one line that's special though and that's:
"Lollipops and cigarettes"
Lily, being half mink, has heightened senses, and she's also very emotional, so a lot of times, things just become too much for her. That's when she asks her dad Sanji for a "smoke break" which is code for "mom come pick me up i'm scared". Sanji is a smoker, so he has an excuse to just remove himself from a situation and go outside for a while and Lily copied that for herself. I think the first time she pulls this trick, it's and accident. She probably mumbles to herself "I think I need a smoke break" (copying Sanji, most likely) and everyone just looks at her as if their souls had left their bodies. But then Sanji smiles and says "You know, me too" and they leave and then this becomes actual code speak for them. There's only one thing that's an issue: Lily feels left out if Sanji is smoking and she isn't. She keeps bugging him about how it isn't fair until he gets her lollipops as a comprimise. Also fake cigarettes made of chewing gum or chocolate.
"Losing innocence is easy / But growing up is hard to face. / Give me something to hold on to / Or I'll slip right into little space"
The "losing innocence is easy" part is a reference to Lily losing her parents, an event that she can barely remember and never understood. In her eyes, they just disappeared, and she doesn't know what really happened or never quite pieces it together - because she was young, still is young and her mind refuses to recall what happened. So she just unconsciously refuses to grow up. And she doesn't have to. She's still so young but also she'd rather be this little kid again when her parents were still by her side and she doesn't want to face things like losing her second set of parents - ie. Kaya's - or getting kidnapped by Buggy or the chaos caused by the Black Cat Pirates. She needs someone or something to hold on to or she gets scared and slips into little space, basically becoming a nonverbal ball of fear.
"Remember all the rounds / When we sneaked in just to have a kiss / But now we need to keep the noise down"
In the original interpretation of the song, this is more of an allusion to puppy love vs sexuality, but in Lily's version, the last line is more related to violence and screaming, maybe also her sensitivity to noise because of her gigantic ears that she maybe wasn't so accutely aware of when she was younger.
"Remember sleepy eyes / When we see each other every day / But now this is our final goodbye"
This part is about Kaya and Lily who grew up like siblings for a long time. Granted, they are quite a few years apart, but Lily has very fond memories of just napping with Kaya and seeing her every day because they lived together, but her going out with the Straw Hats means she might never see her again - or at least not for a very long time. The "final goodybe" is also a reference to Merry's death, who was another of Lily's father figures and who was also part mink.
Chorus time! The final lines function the same way, contrasting fun, childish things and scary, adult things.
So yeah, the whole song might as well be interpreted as a look into how Lily's mind works!
5. What would your OC's tumblr blog be like?
I haven't decided on whether I want Lily to be twelve or thirteen yet, but I'm currently gravitating towards twelve and... yeah, she's too young for Tumblr XD
But if she did have a blog, I imagine it would be very chaotic. Ballet stuff, Barbie movies, children's shows, aesthetics, slime videos, kidcore, pastel stuff, Disney...
7. What's your OC's ___-core aesthetic?
Probably a soft and childish balletcore, mixed in with some more pastel-y kidcore. Also fennec fox. You cannot do Lily without a cute little fennec fox.
8. What are some TV Tropes that apply to your OC or OTP?
Oh, a lot! Here's just a little list: The Cheerful Child, Curious as a Monkey, Parental Substitute on multiple occasions (first Kaya's parents, then Merry, then Sanji!) and her and Sanji get a "Like a Son Daughter to Me" moment. She's also somewhat of an Innocent Prodigy when it comes to fighting and ballet, and Cheer Them Up with Laughter is how to stop her tantrums and breakdowns. Finally, Cheery Pink. That's it.
Sorry that this took so long. I had very little free time since Christmas and I've just been working on this whenever I had the time and frame of mind. Thanks so much for your ask!
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄✼▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @supermarine-silvally - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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bizarrescribblez · 8 months
somebody should’ve held me back when i made my wakebun playlist cuz why did i put so many mitski songs on there 😭😭 I NEVER REALLY PUT MORE THAN 1 OF HER SONGS ON ANY OF MY OTHER SHIP PLAYLISTS .. ITS JUST WAKEBUN IT HITS DIFFERENT.. anyways this one in particular is wakebun to me..
AND THISONETOO.. davidbyrne my beloved..
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localsya · 2 years
Tag 9 People You Want To Get To Know Better
NOW I HAVE TIME GUHGHUGHUGHUHGHUGUHG ty for the tag beloveds @maranull @catcas22 @bimbomcgee @magnumdarkin25
Three Ships: Rennala and Marika, for OBVIOUS reasons ueueue, Nyx and Persephone from Hades, and uguguguhguhg ,,,,,,,,,,,,idk, Syndra and Lux(? HUGHUGUH
First Ever Ship: Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune, no explanation needed i think kekekeke
Last Song: Body Electric // Lana del Rey, SONG SLAPS IKR
Last Movie: Last Night in Soho, rewatched it with Mara (pray for her) and is lowkey my n1 fav movie, i dont believe in the glorification of murder, i do believe in the empowerment of women.
Currently Reading: nothing eueueueu, dont got time dont got energy
Currently Watching: nothing again, mess
Currently Consuming: ur mom (yikes im drinking my coffee)
Currently Craving: I would sincerely k word someone right now for dumplings or pizza with an unholy amount of pesto 👍
Tagging (im not as kind as my mutuals if u all dont do it im in your fucking walls): actually almost all the ppl i know already did it LMAO, anyways imma tag anyways cause i like being inssufferable 💕 @bimbomcgee @feartheoldblog @magnumdarkin25 @crepusculesque
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allthingsfern · 9 months
Happy 2024 to all y'all.
Here I am, at midnight, New Year's Eve, with some neighbors' fireworks and firecrackers going off, sitting at my computer, the Lux Lit queue filled with 47 posts for the "In Memory of Grey-Card 2023 Year End Top 5 Photo Extravaganza."
I am going over, editing photos of the last birthday we celebrated with our mom, in 2020, at her favorite local Cuban restaurant. Somehow this all feels serenely right, serenely comfortable. I am ending 2023 on a quietly joyful note that balances my memories and my creative possibilities with my present sense of peace and awe in the fact that I am an old fuck who is still enjoying life and still has dreams.
Who knew life would quietly lead me here?
Anyway, thank you to all the folks who like, reblog, and follow my Tumblr and for those of you who like, follow, and reblog and submit photos to @luxlit, which I have been a part of for about 11 years and been the admin for about 9 years.
Fuck, that's a long time, but I still enjoy being part of it and get so much inspiration from all y'all.
Oh, yeah, and also for all the Replies and comments on my Tumblr content, as well as on @luxlit and @letstalkphotography. I contribute to that Tumblr, too, all while learning buttloads of stuff about our beloved art form.
Bottom line? I am so fucking grateful to the still thriving, growing, changing Tumblr original photographer community and all of the folks who follow and, in their own way, support our work.
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randomvarious · 2 years
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Today’s compilation:
The Chill Pill 2000 Trip Hop / Downtempo / Pop / Breakbeat / Deep House / Dub
I seriously *cannot believe* that this double-disc comp isn't on Discogs, you guys. You'd think that they'd have nearly every electronic release in the world indexed on there by now since that's been their specialty as a music database since jump, but they somehow missed this one. And it's from a label that's a subsidiary of Sony, for fuck's sake!; not some random-ass, low-budget, barely existing label no one's ever heard of! Plus, it has Portishead, David Byrne, Suede, Primal Scream, Jamiroquai, Björk, Kylie Minogue, Leftfield, and the Happy Mondays on it! Those are all huge names! I mean, how do we still not have a full accounting of someone like Björk's discography of appearances on Discogs in 2022?!? Humanity has failed us.
Anyway. Throw this one on the rather large pile of excellent big label chillout collections that came out at around the turn of the millennium. Seems like every major record company put at least one of these things out every year while trying to cash in on the chillout CD craze and this is yet another shining example of all that relaxing, loungey bliss 😌.
But don't let the Eastern-looking statue on the cover fool you; there's nothing that's really Eastern about this thing at all. What a slight majority of this is though, is a showcase of trip hop music in many of its different forms, from the magically chunky and silly electro-funky kind, courtesy of frequent Beastie Boys collaborator Money Mark, to the dramatic and cinematic orchestrally dubby kind by Björk and David Arnold, to more varyingly poppy strains from Kylie Minogue's "Breathe" and Moodswings' early 90s new agey oasis, "Spiritual High," that features Chrissie Hynde on lead vocals and was partially co-written by Vangelis and Jon Anderson from Yes.
And we've also got plenty of non-trip hop stuff too, like a pair of deep house cuts from Dubtribe Sound System and The Beloved, the latter of which is a late 80s Ibiza-flavored remix by Danny Rampling; Primal Scream's "Higher Than the Sun," another Ibiza-sounding one that was produced by ambient house duo The Orb that's transcendently experimental and features on PS' 1991 landmark album, Screamadelica; back-to-back slices of acid breakbeat from Endorphin and Leftfield; and Brazil's Deodato delivering a nine-minute, early 70s jazz-funk take on Richard Strauss' late 1800s composition that was used as the theme music for 2001: A Space Odyssey, "Also sprach Zarathustra," whose abridged single version actually peaked at #2 on Billboard's Hot 100 😮.
Yet another fantastic turn-of-the-millennium chillout-type comp to sink your teeth into. A little more eclectic and retrospective than most. Check out other big label chillout-type comps I've dug into over the years here, here, and here. All of them are mostly on a similar type of vibe, but there's really not much overlap in selection between them. So if you've never really taken the plunge before, consider the totality of these posts to be your little chillout starter pack 😎.
Bob Marley vs. Funkstar De Luxe - "Sun Is Shining (Sand in My Shoe remix)" Morcheeba - "Blindfold" Moodswings - "Spiritual High" Portishead - "All Mine" Money Mark - "Push the Button" Dubtribe Sound System - "Loneliness in Dub" Eumir Deodato - "Also sprach Zarathustra"
Suede - "Asbestos" Primal Scream - "Higher Than the Sun" Jamiroquai - "Destitute Illusions" Alex Gopher - "The Child" Finley Quaye - "Even After All" Björk feat. David Arnold - "Play Dead" Kylie Minogue - "Breathe" Endorphin - "Solar Flare (Disaster Area remix)" Leftfield - "Storm 3000" The Beloved - "The Sun Rising (Danny's "Love Is..." mix)"
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