#anyway it was a lot of fun i fucking love amusement parks
newvegascowboy · 3 months
Went to an amusement park yesterday. Spent all day getting flung around at high speeds. Had 2 drinks with dinner and spent the whole evening getting random bouts of vertigo
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natjennie · 2 months
I wish amusement parks were more accessible. and also less expensive. and also it wasn't eight million degrees outside.
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letika · 1 year
"Timber is absolutely unreasonable ship. They never weren't supposed to be canon"
Yeah. I'm ship them. I'm well aware that they only became canon because the writers wanted it that way, not because the majority of fans wanted it.
But I think we all know what it forced ship. Who were never supposed to be a couple anyway, but the writers decided otherwise, so now they're canon. And usually looking at these ships, you can feel how uncomfortable they are with each other. You can see how closed off and awkward they are with each other. How ill-matched they are and how out of place they are in that relationship. Despite some supposed efforts by the writers, but they just look very artificial when they're trying to squeeze out their deepest love for each other and pretend that's the way it's meant to be. And just literally everyone realizes that couple these characters is just impossible as canon.
But Timber don't fall into that category. Surprisingly their dynamic is very genuine and real. I don't sense any unnaturalness or falseness in their love. They are insanely comfortable with each other. The fact that Tim feels safe in Bernard's arms, and basically with him. And Tim considers going to an amusement park or a movie as something exciting and fun, even though that these are quite ordinary places to go on dates, but Tim life in general is a living hell, so the relationship with Ber is like some kind of island of normalcy and safety for him. Like, with him he can just enjoy life and the ordinary pleasures of youth. And writers could easily have gone the way of irritating clichés, like, Bernard might not have known that Tim was Robin and end up resenting him for withholding that information. Or he could have been jealous of Tim's superhero life and demand attention. But in the end, Bernard the most understanding boyfriend ever. It's such a thrill to see such an adequate and accepting person for whom the only thing that matters is that Tim okay and happy. But it's also very noticeable that they are an important part of each other's lives. This is especially evident in Tim. Like, my boy a hero with a lot of problems that go way beyond the problems of normal people, but he'll always make time for his boyfriend. Yah, by and large all of their dates are planned, but that's also what it means that they're an important part of each other's lives that they make special time for. And looking at them you really see that they are fucking love and appreciative of each other.
I don't love Timber for HOW their relationship turned out, I love them for WHAT their relationship turned out to be.
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libraryofgage · 11 months
PJO Steddie Part Three
Part One | Part Two
I hope y'all are ready for some backstory in this bitch hfdjsk
Anyway, we learn some more godly parents, but one remains a mystery for now.
Also, if you like my writing, maybe consider commissioning me! I have, like, student loans hitting harder than I'd like, so I've opened commissions on ko-fi. You can read more about prices and such in this post.
Anyway, hope you have fun reading! And, as always, if you see any typos no you didn't ;)
Getting to Athens, Tennessee, had required a mix of bus rides, a single divine taxi ride, and a pair of knock-off winged shoes that Eddie should probably put out of their misery before they get him killed. Getting back to camp, thankfully, only requires the van Steve and the kids use to get around.
Said van, at first glance, looks like a hunk of junk. It seems to have stepped right out of the 80s, its paint is faded and scratched with dents in more than a few spots, and the wheels look about two tiny potholes from popping. As they get closer, Steve pulls a key ring from his pocket, and Eddie notices that it's a physical key and not one of the wireless fobs.
When they get inside, though, the whole van is transformed. The seats are made of the softest leather Eddie has ever felt, there are seven in the back for all the kids to be comfortable without arguing about space, and the sheer number of cup holders is enough to bring Eddie near tears. "This is fucking metal," Eddie says, practically melting into the passenger seat as the kids buckle up in the back and Steve starts the van.
"I got it after we outgrew my BMW," Steve says, shrugging as he checks on the kids and Eddie before pulling out of the parking lot.
"Steve says it's a surprise gift from our father," El pipes up from the back.
"Yeah," Dustin says, his voice excited as he leans forward and pokes his head between Steve and Eddie, "Cuz he doesn't know he bought it!"
Steve snorts and pushes down the bill of Dustin's cap as he heads towards the highway.
"So, is Zeus your dad, too?" Eddie asks, twisting around to look at El.
"No. Steve and I share a human father," El explains.
Even without looking, Steve can feel Eddie's confusion. "I try not to think about how I came into being," he says. "Just know our father seems to be a bit of a slut for Greek mythological figures."
"Wait," Eddie says, waving his hand, "does that mean Zeus was, like, a woman? Is Zeus your mother?"
"No clue. Like I said, I prefer not to think about it," Steve says again, shooting Eddie a look.
And Eddie drops it despite his growing questions. When a gorgeous boy tells you to stop asking about the impossibility of his birth, you shut up and listen.
A while later, as Steve is about to drive over the Tennessee state line and the kids doze off in the back, Eddie glances at Steve and shifts in his seat. His leg starts to bounce, his fingers drumming against his knee, as he tries to figure out which question to ask first. Eventually, he ends up blurting out, "So how did you manage to not die?"
Steve blinks and snorts, stifling the rest of his laughter so he doesn't wake the kids. He glances at Eddie, an amused smile tugging at his lips. "Well, how much of the story do you want to hear?" he asks.
"All of it." Eddie wants to know everything about Steve. How has he kept all these kids alive and for how long? When did they start traveling the country like this? When did he learn about his heritage? What does he like? What does he hate? Does he believe in fated love and love at first sight?
Okay, that last one can probably wait a little longer. Like, two more days, at least.
Steve hums softly, tapping his thumb against the steering wheel as though he's trying to decide where to start. "I didn't know about Zeus until I was eleven," he finally says. "I only learned then because my dad couldn't figure out any other explanation for how lightning struck on clear days whenever I was angry at other kids."
"Didn't you have to deal with monsters?" Eddie asks.
"Yes. And no." Steve frowns, rubbing the back of his neck. "You know how in all those stories Zeus will change his form to get with all those women? Like, he'll become whatever he needs to get what he wants."
"I'm familiar, yeah."
"It's a little like that, but I don't change my form. I guess I change my vibe? I can make monsters think I'm the son of a lesser deity. It got even easier when El came along because monsters don't target her."
"Why not?" Eddie asks, perking up some. If El has somehow figured out how to make herself invisible to monsters, maybe other campers can learn, too.
Steve grimaces, and Eddie immediately pushes back the urge to push for more information when he says, "It's...complicated. Let's not get into it right now."
"Okay," Eddie says, flashing Steve what he hopes is a reassuring smile when Steve glances at him. "When did you meet El, then?"
"Five years ago now, when I was fifteen. El's mother showed up, dropped her off with me, threatened me with death if she ever got hurt, and then left. El was, like, just eleven at the time, and our dad was no help. He just shrugged it off and gave me a bigger allowance to care for her."
"Was he not around?"
"No. He...travels. We haven't spoken to him in four years. He hasn't tried speaking to us, either. Despite me literally being Zeus's kid, he can't exactly show me off or anything. And El...well, he can't take her to any functions, either."
Eddie nods, pushing down the urge to ask why. But Steve said he doesn't want to talk about it, so Eddie instead asks, "And what about the rest?"
Steve hums, merging into another lane. "Well, El and I stayed in place for about a year. Then we saw some weird snake monster dragging Will around like a road snack. We saved him, but I almost died. It was my first fight, you know? But I lived, obviously, and El and I agreed to take Will back to his hometown. School was one break anyway, so we just did a road trip in my BMW. We ran into Dustin and Mike along the way. Dustin had made these, like, mechanical wings, and Mike was goading him on to give them a try. We got to the cliff right as Dustin jumped off."
"Wait," Eddie says, holding his hand up to pause Steve's story. "Are you telling me the kid just...decided to recreate Icarus?" he asks.
"Yeah, pretty much. He thought he could actually succeed since he's so much smarter," Steve explains, getting an amused grin as he thinks of it. "Anyway, didn't work, obviously. Dustin fell but managed to catch himself on the cliffside, Mike was yelling his head off but not actually doing anything, and El just took off running toward them. Which meant I had to run toward them, too. So, Will is trying to calm Mike down, El is practically dangling herself over the cliff, and Dustin is lamenting the loss of his wings."
"How'd you rescue him?"
"I just climbed down myself," Steve says, shrugging like it's no big deal. "I had him get on my back and climbed up, chewed both kids out for doing something so dangerous, and then asked if they needed a ride home, which is how I found out they'd run away and were just wandering."
"Half-bloods running away is pretty common," Eddie says, sinking down in his seat as he watches the trees rush by in the darkness. "A lot of us don't feel understood by our human families, or we don't want to endanger them when monsters track us down."
Steve nods, gripping the steering wheel a little harder. "Yeah, that's what Dustin and Mike said, too. I couldn't just leave them alone, so I invited them to come with us. Mike and Will get along really well, and Dustin is a little shit, and it's good for El to have friends her own age, so it all worked out."
"That still leaves out three whole kiddos," Eddie says.
"Well, Lucas and Erica we met in Will's hometown. Their dad and Will's mom had found each other and, like, bonded over having demigod kids. When we brought Will back, we met Lucas and Erica at this, like, barbeque thing to celebrate him being safe. And their parents ended up suggesting that we continue the road trip so the kids could be around others like them before school started again."
"Usually," Eddie says, fiddling with one of his rings, "parents go two ways. They either get really obsessed with keeping their kids safe to the point they're never let out of the house, or they completely ignore and reject the godly influence. But it sounds like their parents weren't doing either of those."
"Having each other helped. There was someone they could turn to when they felt doubt or just wanted to complain. When you're isolated, though, you just do whatever you think will keep you going, even if it might hurt the people you care about."
"You put that...really well."
"I've had a lotta time to think about it," Steve admits, frowning slightly before sighing and continuing with the story. "Anyway, we met Max and her brother a few towns over. It's...not a great story, actually. Her brother was a dick, like, massively horrible. He had a lot of problems and took way too much after his godly father in terms of anger. We ended up fighting because of how he treated Max and it didn't end great, but Max joined us and that's when I realized we needed a new car because the kids were piled on top of each other in the back. We got this conversion van in the next town with my dad's credit card, and we've been traveling ever since."
It's a lot to take in, and Eddie can tell there's a lot that Steve is leaving unsaid, but he doesn't call him out for it. "Okay, so, the whole not dying thing?" he asks.
Steve snorts. "Well, when you're chaperoning a gaggle of demigods, you get good at fighting off monsters. We've also had some...help along the way from a few goddesses, though."
Eddie perks up, looking at Steve like he's an alien. "You got help from goddesses? Which ones?"
"Sometimes, I'll pray to Hestia and she'll direct us to a motel with vacancies that'll be safe for the night. Or, uh, Demeter. I'll pray to her and fruit will grow on some trees or something. Hecate treated us to lunch once, said she found us amusing, and thanked me for the entertainment. Nike, Lucas, Max, and I have all played basketball together. I mean, she smoked us, no question, but she's part of the reason this van can run a few more miles without any gas. Hera helped once, sorta."
"Hera helped you? Hera? The goddess notoriously known for hating children of Zeus? That Hera?"
"Yeah, kinda surprised me, too. But, I mean, she's also the goddess of motherhood or something, right? And all she really ever wants is Zeus to be faithful. I don't think it's too much to ask, and I can't imagine the bullshit she goes through because of him. Anyway, we were getting attacked by this hydra, and I was really struggling to protect the kids. I mean, those heads were practically tearing me apart. And then she just, like, walks up and flicks her hand and the thing is gone. She told me to do better and then, like, disappeared. Not the weirdest thing that's happened, but it's up there."
And Eddie is starting to understand how they're not dead. It's just Steve. Like the prophecy was just Steve. Somehow, he's managed to get himself into the good graces of several goddesses and get their help. It's not entirely unheard of to get a god's favor, but having so many just be genuinely interested in you is unthinkable.
Eddie gets it, though. Steve fascinates him. He's like a magnet that Eddie doesn't want to fight. "So, uh, the kids," Eddie says, trying to keep his mind from lingering on Steve and just how incredible he is, "Who are their parents?"
"Lucas and Erica are kids of Aphrodite."
"Oh, does she like you, too?" Eddie asks.
Steve frowns, looking like he's just been reminded of something sour and gross. "No, we're not on good terms," he says, his voice a little frosty, and Eddie's mouth is suddenly dry.
"Good to know," he manages, his voice a little strained.
"Anyway, Dustin is a child of Athena. Max's mom is Nemesis. Will's dad is Morpheus, and Mike's dad is Plutus. Which has worked out well for us, actually. He keeps finding money on the street whenever we really need it."
"What about El?"
"El's mother...is complicated. We don't really talk about her," Steve says, his words soft and pleading, and Eddie immediately zips his mouth shut, winking conspiratorially at Steve when he glances over.
Then he unzips his mouth and says, "You know, you're pretty metal, Stevie."
Steve laughs, quickly slapping a hand over his mouth and glancing in the rearview mirror to make sure the kids are still sleeping. When he sees that they are, he relaxes a little. "I've never been called metal before," he says, glancing at Eddie.
"Well, that's a shame. I'll be sure to tell you whenever you're being particularly metal, big boy."
"Big boy?" Steve asks, amusement clear in his voice, and Eddie suddenly worries that Steve doesn't actually like the nickname but it trying to play it off.
Unfortunately, the problem is that Eddie has never been one to filter himself. So when Steve calls him out for the nickname and he panics, Eddie's knee-jerk reaction is to say, "Oh, would you prefer something else? How about pretty boy? Sweetheart? Gorgeous? Handsome?"
Even though it's dark out, Eddie can still see the blush that spreads across Steve's cheeks, the way his fingers tighten on the wheel until his knuckles turn white. He's getting flustered, and Eddie feels himself getting flustered, too, at the idea that it's because of him. He suddenly wants to see what else he can say or do to make that blush spread, and he wants to know just how far it spreads beneath the collar of Steve's shirt.
"Just, uh, whatever you prefer, I guess," Steve mumbles, keeping his eyes resolutely focused on the road and missing Eddie's surprised expression. He does, however, sneak a glance just in time to see the surprise morph into an unbridled grin.
"Sure thing, sweetheart," Eddie says, leaning back in his seat and looking forward to spending the rest of this road trip discovering what makes his Stevie tick.
Tag List! There is still room, I think lol
@mugloversonly, @mentallyundone, @hairdryerducks-blog, @carriethesaint, @lunabyrd, @weekend-dreamer7, @farfaras, @littlelady03, @my-tears-are-becoming-a-sea20, @mogami13, @a-little-unsteddie, @itsall-taken, @queenie-ofthe-void, @tinyplanet95, @littlebluejane, @hangoversandhandgrenades, @rabbitwhoeatsstars, @bisexualdisastersworld, @steddieinthesun,
@paintgonewrong, @sadcanadianwinter, @deehellcat, @blanketlicker, @angrydonutdestiny, @booksareportal, @fallingchemicaldiscos
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renecdote · 2 years
18. walking home and/or "holding their hands in general" from the prompts if they inspire something!
this got soo sappy and I am not sorry about it lmao
[Read on AO3]
Buck doesn’t think he’ll ever get tired of kissing Eddie. He’s only been doing it for three weeks, but it’s already his new favourite activity, and every time he starts, he never wants to stop.
“We should stop,” Eddie tries, but it’s not very convincing when he sucks on Buck’s bottom lip less than a second later, his hand rucking up Buck’s shirt to find a home against his skin.
It’s been a while since Buck made out with anyone in a car in a darkened parking garage. At least four years. Maybe more. How long ago did Ali break up with him anyway? It all feels so blurry now. He thinks that has less to do with the passage of time, though, and more to do with the way that a lot of things feel blurry when Eddie is kissing him like this. Like Buck isn’t the only one who never wants to stop.
He thinks he makes a sound of agreement—they really should stop, if only because the front of the car is the least ideal part of a car to make out with someone in. It’s not like either of them meant for one goodnight kiss to turn into too many to count. Buck’s body is probably going to hate him in the morning for the way he’s twisted in his seat, but that is tomorrow Buck’s problem. Tonight Buck doesn’t care about anything except now, Eddie, the slide of their lips together, the heat coiling in his stomach.
The sudden honk of the truck’s horn makes him jump, startling so badly he bangs his head on the roof.
“Fuck,” Eddie gasps beside him. “Shit, sorry, my elbow—”
They stare at each other for a beat, two beats, and then they’re both laughing.
“Okay,” Buck says, trying futilely to straighten the mess that Eddie has made of his clothes. “Okay, I think that’s the universe telling us we’re not teenagers anymore.”
Eddie rolls his eyes, but it’s a distinctly amused kind of eye rolling. “Still with the universe and it’s signs, huh?”
“It’s the universe, Eds, it’s not like it’s goes anywhere.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Eddie says, but he says it like he really means I love you. It makes an altogether different kind of heat coil in Buck’s stomach, an almost-butterflies feeling that seems ridiculous considering they’re already dating. And maybe they haven’t said those three little words yet, but. It’s not like he doesn’t know. Not like he hasn’t known for a while, even if it all still feels too fragile to say aloud.
Eddie tips his chin up and leans over, more carefully this time, to give him one last quick kiss.
“Thank you,” he says, smiling the same soft smile he’s been gazing at Buck with all night. “Tonight was fun.”
Dinner, he probably means.  The rest of it too.
“You’re not gonna walk me to my door?” Buck asks, and it’s meant to be a joke, it really is, but there’s a little part of him that thinks please. Please love me the way I’ve always wanted to be loved.
“I’m not coming in,” Eddie warns him, tone almost stern. He said the same thing last time, and the time before that, and still ended up on the other side of Buck’s apartment door. “I mean it, Buck, I told Pepa she’d only have to look after Chris until ten.”
“I know,” Buck assures him. “I was kidding, Eds.”
“I know.”
But he’s opening his door and getting out, slamming it shut behind him. Buck grins and hurries to follow.
When the elevator doors slide closed on them, Eddie reaches out and tangles their fingers together, squeezing gently for no apparent reason other than that he can. It makes Buck’s heart stutter, warmth wriggling in his chest, giddy in a way he hasn’t been since Abby. Maybe even with Abby. She was so rarely the first one to reach out, unless she was reaching for his belt. It didn’t bother him at the time; he figured she just wasn’t a physically affectionate person. Then he saw her with her fiancé and realised she just didn’t want to be affection with him.
Eddie wants to be affectionate with him. Is affectionate with him. He plays with Buck’s hair while they watch TV, and comes up behind him in the kitchen to wrap sleepy arms around him in the morning, and holds his hand just because. Kisses him just because. It’s only been three weeks, but Buck already finds himself turning his head at the door and trusting that Eddie’s lips are there to say goodbye, or hello, or I missed you.
The elevator dings, spitting them out onto the fourth floor, but Eddie doesn’t let go of his hand. It makes Buck wish that the walk to his apartment was longer. A thousand feet instead of the two dozen it is down the hallway and around the corner. He finds himself taking slower steps, but can’t be sure whether he’s setting the pace or just following Eddie’s lead.
The hallway around them is empty. Will probably stay empty at this hour. If Buck was a stronger man, he might be able to resist a temptation like that, but Eddie Diaz has always been his greatest weakness. They reach his door, but he doesn’t open it. Doesn’t even take out his keys. He just tugs Eddie closer and kisses him, unhurried. Eddie makes a sound in the back of his throat, not quite a protest, and his hands slide over Buck’s hips, his ass, holding them together even as he’s mumbling, “I really should—I can’t stay—,” between kisses. Buck hums, not quite agreement, and nips at his jaw. Eddie groans, a broken kind of sound, and finally breaks away long enough to say, “Pack a bag.”
Buck leans back, confused. “What?”
“A bag,” Eddie repeats, and he’s pulling Buck’s keys out of his pocket to reach around and unlock the door himself. “Pyjamas, toothbrush—what else do you need? You’ve still got clothes at my place.”
The door swings open behind him and Buck stumbles backwards, unbalanced, caught only by the arm his partner still has around his waist.
“Are you kidnapping me?” he asks, mostly on autopilot. Moving on autopilot too—stairs, closet, bathroom, where the fuck did he leave his work bag?—since the larger part of his brain is still caught up in Eddie’s lips, Eddie’s hands, the delicious burn of Eddie’s stubble against his skin.
“Yes,” Eddie answers, no hesitation. “Don’t forget to grab your iPad for therapy in the morning.”
The iPad goes into the bag.
“Maddie won’t pay the random,” Buck tells him, picking through the basket of clean laundry on the table for an LAFD shirt to toss in as well.
Eddie shrugs. “Bobby might.”
“What if he doesn’t?”
“Well,” slinging the bag over his shoulder with one hand, reaching out with the other for Buck’s hand, “I guess I’ll just have to keep you.”
Buck can feel his cheeks flushing pink, a smile making them ache. It’s a joke, he knows it’s a joke, but.
“You’re gonna keep me, huh?”
Eddie uses their joined hands to tug him close enough to kiss, short and sweet but somehow more dizzying than anything else tonight.
“I’m gonna do a lot of things with you,” he promises, and it’s so soft that Buck’s mind skips right over the dozen innuendos he could find in that sentence and goes straight to forever. Marriage, kids, a house with a nice yard and a dog, waking up every morning with his best friend in his arms.
“Yeah?” he somehow says, only a little breathless, forever still unfolding behind his eyes.
“Yeah,” Eddie echoes, smiling that same soft smile he’s been wearing all night. The kind of smile Buck always thought he would see looking across the altar at his wedding. “I think I’ll start by taking you home.”
Buck’s heart stumbles a little, losing its rhythm and jumping ahead to get it back. His mouth feels crowded with all the things it feels too early to say. They’ve only been together for three weeks, he has to keep reminding himself, even if it does already feel like a lifetime.
“Well then,” he finally manages, “what are you waiting for?”
Eddie grins, and holds them there a moment longer for another bone-melting kiss, Buck’s fingers curling in his jacket, touching at every point they can. And then he leads Buck out of the apartment, back down to the truck waiting in the parking garage, and, hand in hand the whole drive, takes him home.
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quartztwst · 11 months
spoilers for the new event
(There might be grammatical errors and they are taken from Google translate. I do NOT speak Japanese.)
So far Jamil was explaining stranger danger to Kalim while Cater and Lilia was there and Leona was like "bro ruggie would steal ur ticket and sell it on ebay" which shocked Jack or smth but HES STILL GONNA GOO???? Jack 🥺
And here's Octavinelle I love them (not jade)
They're inviting azul rn but like um.. he's like "bro that's suspicious.. FOR FREE?? AN AMUSEMENT PARK?? that's illegal wtf"
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Jade: "Mr. Ferro was a very kind and gentlemanly man. Hey, Floyd."
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Floyd: "Hmm. All I remember about Kinnebera-kun and Nekozame-chan is that they both seemed weak and boring."
Sure, sweetie. Sure. Whatever you say. SUREEEE 🥺🥺🥺
(Summarization here)
Azul: "Everything's too suspicious. I decline your guys' offer.."
Floyd: "Oh? But isn't it fun when it's so suspicious?"
Jade: "Yes. It's a great opportunity to go to a fantastic amusement park. Also, the person inviting them is a mysterious and suspicious administrator."
Azul: "I- Huh??? Didn't you say he was a gentleman earlier?"
"Anyways, I still decline your guys' offer." [Walks awayyyy]
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They're literally sneaking out istg...
They gonna be all fun and games until they're forced into being puppets 🥺🥺🥺 okay sweeties!!! Have fun!!!
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Idia reacting as always
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Ortho: "I've never been to an amusement park before! Let's go together, big brother!!"
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Idia: "Besides, aren't amusement parks places that only positive people go to!?"
And ortho told the whole thing to Vil
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Ortho: "If we stand on the Playful Land stage, there is no doubt that we will become stars!"
Vil: "That man says a lot of stupid things. Hey, it's not that easy on stage."
Ortho: "The way Mr. Fellow's pupils dilated, his movements, and even his pulse rate weren't lying."
Vil: "Normally, I would have doubts, but I don't think Ortho would make a mistake in his measurements."
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Vil: "So, does such a wonderful stage really exist in Playful Land?"
Ortho: "idk lmao looks like fun"
Vil: 😮‍💨
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bloogers-boogers · 9 months
What do you think of the au concept of kyle having been raised in jersey? And maybe eric meeting him as kyle-b while running away or on one of his escapades
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I have so many versions for Kyle b that it’s hard to go on a full rant about him hahaha. BUT, it this scenery jesus aaaaa im glad someone asked me about kyle being born and raised in jersey! It’s an interesting concept.
I genuinely could see Kyle being resentful about the jersey inside him (like his mother) however being stuck in jersey makes him have to maintain a facade by being around his peers and friends. I would like to hc that in this au it’s cousin kyle who lives in sp and Kyle’s the cousin that goes visits him when Sheila and Gerald have to be out somewhere for like a week. This is how kyle gets the opportunity to get out from jersey, a glimpse of “heaven” or “normality” for once.
Kyle is this hardcore, fighting, troublemaker on the outside. He keeps his image impeccable to prevent being seen as weak or being made fun of in any possible way. So unfortunately for him embracing his jersey is always his go to. However internally he’s genuinely sweet, caring and very opened minded. Of course duo to this he’s not the best in expressing himself truly, it comes natural in being a pretentious dick.
When he finally gets out from jersey he couldn’t bare get tired of breathing such clean air. It felt new, it felt fresh. A good change.
He studied his surroundings as if he had never once gotten out from jersey. Arriving to south park he immediately thought it was cabbage but it was better than to having to deal with all those other assholes at home. He arrived, greeted his aunt and told his cousin to fuck off before putting his suitcase in the guest room he was staying in.
He immediately goes outside and examine the whole neighborhood, deciding to walk around and see what else he could find.
And lord and behold! Guess who he sees outside in the front yard of a green house. A chubby guy with brown hair and one of the most flamboyant ass poses he ever seen.
He smirked and approaches him.
“This your neighborhood boy toy?”
“Excuse me?” In immense offensive Cartman turned around and look at the weirdly hot ginger, “you aren’t from here, I can immediately tell by that dumb southern accent you have.”
“Southern?” Kyle spat baffled, offended and annoyed by the obvious taunt. He’s not use to anyone talking to him like that, “have you heard yourself? Or do you have cabage in yor muff?”
“Your.” He corrected to Kyle’s added annoyance.
“You want to get beaten down huh? That’s what you want plump.”
“What did you just call me?”
Before anything more a mortified brunette with rounded glasses gets in between them and lifts his hands to block Kyle from getting anymore closer to Cartman.
“I see you met my cousin Kyle, Eric!”
“Thats your cousin?” Cartman made a face gesture of disgust analyzing him from head to toes, “he’s ginger.”
“Yeah, my aunt Sheila is ginger. Anyways he’s from jersey his kind is a little out of the radar,” the other Kyle tried explaining calmly.
“Ew. Of course he’s from fucking jersey. Not even surprised your family-“
Before he could even finish that sentence Kyle lounged at Cartman and drops him to the ground.
“Oh jesus!” He heard his cousin shout nervously.
And I don’t know, I picture from there Cartman starts finding it amusing to bother Kyle and he of course likes to tease him a lot. And Kyle can’t help but admit he thinks Cartman is kinda “cool” to hang out with. They share their experience, opinions and views on things. Kyle genuinely starts loving south park and sometimes wishes to be able to move there.
Also, he’s very possessive. I need to add this because he’s very possessive over Cartman. Like the few times he visits his cousin he has to fight nails and fists with his aunt and cousin over not trying to kidnap Eric. He wants to take him with him to jersey and own him like some puppy but theres that other side that feels jealousy over just the single thought of any of his friends or people there giving him the eye or dare try to mock him which gives him this angrily feeling of murder. So he tried his best to hold in his impulses.
He also finds it endearing when Eric tries teaching him some of his slangs and also way of speaking to blend more in with the folks in town. Tips on how to dress or to use lesser tan because he thought he looked more like an orange with some added red curls on top.
He also still fights Cartman and tries his best to at-least punch him on the face less than 10 times a day. He does it five for Cartman’s misfortune c:
Cartman is the only one genuinely not afraid of him the rest of the people in town including Cartman’s friends are unsettled or afraid of him.
I guess we could say this isn’t entirely an escape but Kyle does like to go out from jersey and disappears for like three days cause he can’t help himself going back to south park and crashing at his place. His parents kinda fear that would happen the moment they let him out ONCE from jersey because that’s how Sheila would get too. So they wouldn’t say a word to him every time he got back home.
And that’s all I could think of for the moment, hopefully u like this! And sorry for the late reply been busy days lately 🙏🙏 love you!❤️
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newestq · 2 years
i love your p1harmony writing! could you do first dates with the members?
┊ ˚➶ 。˚ ☁️ p1harmony | more here!
synopsis — first dates with p1harmony.
author's note — n/a.
wc > 1.070k , genre : fluff , gn!reader – fem!reader for theo
⊹ keeho
doesn't act like it, but he's really nervous
he hasn't been on many dates and he just wants to make a good impression
his leader mode is an instinct and he ends up ordering for you
"i could've ordered myself," you smile towards him, handing the waitress your menu
"oh–right. sorry, i'm so used to ordering for the guys," he laughs awkwardly
you both talk a lot about your hometowns. since both of you are foreigners, you connect with the feeling of being away from home
shopping was the next thing y'all did after y'all finished eating, and he spoiled you to the max
anything you wanted, he bought it for you—even if you could afford it, he was buying it
by the end of the date, you and keeho had matching outfits and matching earrings 😛
the two of you have been talking for a few weeks now, and are yet to make it official, but keeho can confidently say he'll be taking the next step after this date
⊹ taeyang : theo — gender specific
sets up a cute picnic date for the two of you
is really nervous, and ends up going to keeho for help
"what do girls eat? like is there something specific or..?"
"taeyang, be so for real right now."
yeah... he's a mess.
him and keeho end up buying an assortment of foods since he couldn't just decide on one or two things to base everything off of
poor baby tried so hard on everything, just for it to be ruined by the bees and the weather
he was really sulky when the two of you had to cancel the picnic date, but you didn't mind
brings you to the dorms to watch a movie, which was a bad idea because everyone was at the dorms and were interrogating you two
"do you know he doesn't wear chapstick?"
"intak, shut the fuck up"
"she needs to know!"
⊹ jiung
you had been on a few dates with people before you'd gotten with jiung
he had asked what the dates were like, and you had told them that they were all pretty much the same: movies, dinner, golf...
he had made it his goal to make your first date together something you'd never done before
so hiking was the plan.
you'd expressed how much you wanted to go hiking to him before, and he never found a good enough opportunity to bring you. but with his schedule clear for a few days, and your vacation from school, it was perfect.
ends up enjoying it more than you do-even though he fell a few (lot) times
"jiung, baby. can we please take a break?"
"a break? right now? but this is way to fun."
he eventually listens to your whines, and y'all sit in a spot that gives y'all the best view
"thank you for this. best first date ever."
"it better be. i busted my ass for you."
⊹ intak
definitely will take you to the beach
buys cute matching swimsuits, and brags about it to his members non-stop
"okay you're better than me at smash bros, but do you and your partner have matching swimsuits? that's what i thought"
"intak, i'm single."
"cry about it."
jongseob: T-T
anyway, he also stays up the night before creating a playlist for the ride
titles it something cheesy, like "pov: beach trip with yr baby" or something
takes SO MANY cute pictures together
like he cant post them but he will show everyone he can
shows up to rehearsal talking bout
"hey pd nim wanna see what me and y/n did this weekend?"
he's actually infatuated
y'all are so that couple everyone sees in the water at the beach and gets jealous of fr
snowballs on the beach <3
probably rents a golf cart and drives around while listening to the playlist he made with you
he just loves you sm
⊹ shota : soul
shota actually didn't plan y'all date, taeyang did
they had time off and decided to go to an amusement park
you and shota hadn't seen each other in some time, and taeyang suggested shota bring you along for some quality time
you happily agreed
one thing about shota, however: he loves the extreme rides
haha you're definitely not pissing yourself while waiting in line for a rollercoaster! that's childish! haha..
laughs at you while you're literally crying your eyes out
he feels bad afterwards though and buys you a lot of food to make up for it (well he uses keeho's money)
goes on the rides you want to go on, and he secretly takes pictures of you and sets them as his lockscreen <3
poor jongseob is third wheeling
once y'all left the park, y'all go eat out and jiung makes you and shota sit at a separate table to talk (much to keeho's protests)
"what if they do something they aren't supposed to??"
"like what?"
"like something adults do."
"keeho, he just turned 18."
⊹ jongseob
you plan the date, since he's in your hometown, and decide to go kayaking
he's never done it before and it makes you really excited that his first time kayaking his with you
he gets a little scared when trying to get in the kayak and it takes him a while before he finally sits in it
while laughing at him trying to get in, you fall out of your kayak. he's so shocked and he starts laughing too-which causes him to fall out
screams like a girl while falling
eventually y'all are just laughing so hard while drifting in the water
y'all get yelled at for being in the way of other kayaks, so y'all take a break from something y'all didn't even start and eat ice cream
there's a lot of other things to do at the place you brought him, so y'all venture out and go on water slides, play with water guns, feed alligators, (which he's never seen before and almost shits himself), and end it with eating seafood
when you're both dry, he takes pictures of you with his camera and posts one on weverse, even though he isn't supposed to
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edhellfire · 5 months
Headcanon dump:
I have new followers so I figured I'd do a headcanon dump. Just some random facts about Eddie as I write him.
He's gonna be a tattoo artist when he grows up. He loves to draw and doodle (especially in class) so it feels like a natural progression.
I also will write him a rockstar verse where Corroded Coffin makes it.
In some verses, upon request, he is a single dad. His daughter's name is Halen. Halen Munson. His reasoning? When someone talks about them it's "Eddie and Valen" and he finds that amusing.
He will get more tattoos. I love the idea of him having a spider web tattoo on his neck.
In the rockstar verse, he def has his peepe pierced. In other verses, we'll see.
He's straight. Mostly. I've always wanted to experiment writing him liking boys but it's never happened. He's apparently very straight. Or, we haven't come across the right muse/chemistry to make him sway.
He is super respectful of women and tries his very hardest to not be scary when approaching women. A bit of mommy issues here but not in a bad way. Sidenote: don't ever speak ill of his mama.
He has a thing for cheerleaders. He can't explain it and neither can I.
He is not a virgin. Eddie, the freak, has had a surprisingly amount of action. He's got the bad boy thing going for him. However, he is every girl's "dirty little secret" because who wants the world to know they fooled around with the freak from the trailer park? He respects it and isn't one to kiss and tell anyway.
Guitar is his instrument of choice but Eddie has an ear for music and can pick up an instrument very quickly. He thinks the drums are very fun.
Eddie sings! But he's shy about it. Metal is fine because there's a lot of shouting involved but when he plays the acoustic and sings he wants to die of embarrassment. He has a good voice though. He's just a dumbass.
He's not dumb. I don't want to diagnose him (and I don't think that was common in the 1980s) but he definitely has something. Eddie just can't focus on things that don't interest him. He can be very good as physics, for example, because velocity and speed and he can see it in his head but give him algebra or calculus and he is extra fucked. His favorite subject in school is History. It's storytelling and he's a fan. His favorite time periods are Medieval and Renaiassance and shit like that.
Eddie was the kind of kid growing up that loved dinosaurs. Makes sense because dragons are like a natural progresion.
He can cook. Not saying he's a chef by any means but he has a handful of recipes down to an art. He taught himself as a kid when he got tired of eating canned soup and box mac and cheese when Uncle Wayne was working. He can't bake for shit though (and he would love to learn to bake cinnamon rolls and special brownies).
He doesn't usually do hard drugs anymore. He has to be in a dark dark place to go down that road. He had bad experiences. He also won't sell hard drugs to someone that is inexperienced.
He started smokig cigarettes at a scarily young age. I'm thinking around 12 when he started to steal them from his uncle Wayne. He used to smoke whatever but now he prefers menthols.
He feeds the strays that stroll into the trailer park. Cats, dogs, but his favorites are the raccoons that basically live in the dumpster.
He doesn't have any pets. Not because he doesn't want one but because he's scared he won't be a good pet-dad.
Speaking of dads, he has daddy issues. Daddy trauma really. The idea of being a dad terrifies him because he's scared he will turn out like his.
Eddie doesn't usually start fights. He will stand up for people but he will never start shit with someone else. That said, you say anything about his uncle and you're getting punched - even if you're bigger than him, even if he's outnumbered. He might not be the best son/nephew but he worships that man and is so damn grateful for him. He won't stand for Uncle Wayne slander.
Given the way he looks and his interests you would think his type is a rocker chick or a goth girl. You're wrong. Eddie loves femine girls or casual girls. A girl in a dress or a girl in a messy bun and a big tshirt. That sorta thing.
Eddie has always loved to read, ever since he was a kid. Because of this he's full of useless information.
He loved cryptids. He doesn't fuck with fairies though - they scare him.
He has a stuffed dragon that's missing an eye and lives under his bed. He got it from his mom when he was little and he's kept it since. It lives under his bed because Eddie logic says it's dark like a cave. It's named Draco after the constellation because when Eddie was a baby and couldn't sleep his mom would take him outside and they'd stargaze. One of the few memories he has of his mom.
Eddie logic is something that will come in threads. It's the way Eddie thinks. His brain just doesn't process things like a normal person but it makes sense to him and it's the hill he'll die on.
He's not a sports guy. Not because it doesn't fit the persona but because he's always sucked at them. Uncle Wayne would try to play catch with him as a kid and he would either miss or duck. He can run though and he likes to pretend he knows parkour. Doofus.
His favorite color is gray. Eddie logic says black is too basic. Again, doofus.
He doesn't have a favorite food but he's a sucker for anything homecooked. Uncle Wayne worked a lot growing up so anything that feels homecooked feels special to him.
Big cuddler. If you sleep with him, and it's more than just sex, expect aftercare.
He's not opposed to doing "girly" things. If you're a girl and his friend, besties level, he will totally be down for sleepovers that include face masks and manicures and all that. No fragile masculinity here. Just don't tell anyone.
Should be obvious but he loves horror movies. He's not big on gore though. He'll watch them but he's more into spooky shit like monsters, ghosts, demon possession and stuff like that. He does enjoy Children of the Corn, he finds creepy children amusing and terrifying.
He can fix pretty much anything. Both his dad and Uncle Wayne are handy with tools and Eddie learned from watching. He fixes his own van and basically built it from the ground up.
That's all I got right now. Feel free to ask questions.
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Glad to have you back, and happy belated birthday! 💖💖💖 As a belated Valentines prompt, what would be the ideal date for your top 3-5 blorbos?
(Thank you!!!!! I'm glad I was able to make it to this before bed. I've been slacking a teeny bit but I still feel motivated after my hiatus so it's okay! Anyway, let's do top 3 at the moment!)
-Mun's Top 3 Villains and Ideal Dates~
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(With my top husband returning momentarily, you're about to see a lot more of him on the side again)
-Feel like he may struggle with the whole dating thing. Maybe he wants to take you out somewhere nicer but he's worried about your reaction to being wined and dined somewhere 5 stars. Then he stops to think about simple at home dates but he worried again about whether or not he's going to simple with it. I feel like after having some time to prep things that he eventually settles on something in the middle like taking you all around town. Part of it can be short stops in various stores you like that way you're in control of how spoiled you want to feel for the day. Other parts of the date can be him taking you to places he personally enjoys like a museum with the most minimal crowd you can think of ( it's Sunday and there are only 5 people tops in there). Either way, he'll count it as success if you let him.
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-Believe it or not but assholes get nervous too. I take him as someone not really sure about the whole dating thing. Unfortunately he can't back out of it like he wants to because he can't seem to get you out of his head. The only solution (after he's already tried avoiding you) is for him to run toward you now. This leaves the difficult and annoying task of trying to figure out how to properly be affectionate. His actions are so choppy and questionable sometimes. He read online once that playfully initiating some light tussling can bring fun into the relationship so he walked into the room and smacked you hard as fuck in the face with a pillow. He had to apologize later that night. I doubt (when the time comes in the future) that he'll even properly propose to you. He'd probably just toss the ring at you and mention something about how compatible you are together and then start listing off the benefits of matrimony lol. Anyway, this is what likely lead o him taking you to a cafe a preferred date. Somewhere quite with the smell of coffee and pastries. The soothing sound of other people typing on their devices and minding their damn business? Perfect place for a date according to him!
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-I'm sure it's to be expected with him but I really do think he prefers dates where the two of you stay inside and play games together or watch horror movies (although he won't admit how freaked out he gets by the gore in some of them). The only reason he feels you two should leave is so that you guys can either pick up some food to eat or go out for a quick walk to get some fresh air. Maybe if you catch him on a day where he feels too cooped up then he'd suggest something off the wall like an amusement park or even something like a bathhouse! Aside from this, he adores the intimacy and comfort of just being bundled up next to the person in the world youb love the most.
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gayemeralds · 2 years
what are ur thoughts on the ‘almost no parents alive/around’ lore? is it just convenient to have them out of the way to let teenagers and kids save the world… or is there deeper lore? or a happy medium of both? 👀
i don't think sega honestly intended for it to be involved in lore or whatever. there was not worldbuilding in mind with that. since the sonic games are aimed at tween audiences, who want to see themselves portrayed as confident and able to take on grand adventures, because they're just mini adults and want to be treated as such, it of course makes sense not to have a bunch of boring adults bogging down their adventure.
however lore wise they drive me bonkers
there's two ways i like to interpret it and that either the mobian society operates like pokemon or sonic and his friends are the insane outliers. like either its super common for kids to just wander around unsupervised, going on fun adventures, like in pokemon, or its NOT the norm but sonic and his alien/dimensional counterpart/future/god friends are just. exceptions. like okay technically amy should not be renting her own apartment however she has been involved in numerous plots to stop eggman from basically turning the world into a giant pollutated wasteland and/or amusement park. so sure. also who's going to be the bastard that tries to take the kid who fights gods and robots for fun to like, an orphanage. nope.
i am VERY interested in the parents they do mention. like vanilla. i want her lore so badly and DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON JET"S FATHER. literally everything about the babylons drives me insane but thinking about the generation right before jet *shakes*. also the fact that they gave rouge a mom is so fucking funny even if she's only mentioned. i love it so much.
i think a lot of them not having parents makes sense, anyway. what parent in their right mind is letting their kids go kill god for fun.
anyway i don't have like super cohesive thoughts on this concept but the few parents we've seen in the sonic universe do interest me greatly.... especially the ones that are still obviously in the picture.
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gothicemoowl · 4 months
Push Chapter 4, Loo Loo Land.
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TW for abuse and violence. Not too severe but it's there. Scene will be started with this emoji ⚠️
When I wake up
I can't even stay up
I slept through the day, fuck
I'm not getting younger
But when I'm older
I'll be so much stronger
I'll stay up for longer
Meet me at our spot.
~Meet Me At Our SpotSong by THE ANXIETY, Tyler Cole, and Willow Smith
{Present, Stolas:}
“Octavia! Did you sleep well, my owlet?” Stolas asks, walking into the kitchen on a fine Thursday morning. 
“You and mom were shouting a lot last night, is everything alright?” Octavia asks, completely ignoring her father’s question. 
“Everything is fine, my owlet.” Stolas says, grabbing a steak from the fridge to feed to his beloved plant reggie. “Your mother and I were just discussing… a mutual friend.” He says, voice overenthusiastic and perky as normal. 
“Dad, I'm seventeen now. You don't have to keep-”
“Via, we're fine. I promise. Say, why don't we go out today? We could spend some time together, just the two of us?” He says. 
Via sighs. “Um, okay. But-”
“You know what we haven't done in a long looong time? I haven't taken you to Loo Loo land!”
“You always loved when I took you to Loo Loo land! Why don't we make it a day, just the two of us?” He suggests.
“Dad, I'm not five anymore.” Via mumbles. 
“I will call for some security.” Stolas says, grabbing the phone. 
“Security for a theme park?” Via asks.
“We're rich and we're hot.” He says, walking over to the phone. “People want our money and our bodies.”
“Our money maybe.” Via mumbles.
“Speak for yourself, princess.” He says, making the call.
“Alright, I'm off to get that stuff for mom. Sure you don't want to come with?” Barbie asks her brother. 
“I'm good.” Blitzø says. “Someone has to stick around in case we get a client.”
“It's been kinda a slow day.” Barbie says. “I doubt we'll miss anything. Come on.” 
“Business is still new and the day is young.” Blitzø says.
“If you say so.” Barbie shrugs before leaving. 
Blitzø sighs. The truth is, he'd rather do anything but think about his mother. It seems him being around just made everything worse. 
Blitzø's cell phone goes off a few minutes later. 
Shit… it's Stolas. 
He answers: “What do you want, Stolas?” 
“Blitzo- I mean Blitzø. How…are you doing?” Stolas asks. 
“What do you want, Stolas?” Blitzø repeats.
“I'm taking my daughter to Loo loo land today, and I was hoping you would accompany us for some extra protection for my daughter.” 
“You and Stella’s daughter? How adorable.” Blitzø rolls his eyes. “Sounds like it's a little too late for protection if you ask me.” 
"I did you a favor, Blitzø, and I'd appreciate it if you could do something for me." Stolas says, rolling his eyes. “You know how most royal security is, we'd like to have some actual fun.” He says. 
“Yeah, they are a buzzkill. But why the hell would I help you?” Blitzø asks.
“Because I'm your friend?” Stolas asks.
“Seriously?” Blitzø asks. “Try again.”
“Because I let you use my book?” Stolas suggests.
Blitzø shrugs. “Well, you're currently taking time away from my job, so…”
“Fine, I'll pay you for your time.” Stolas says. “Will that help?”
"That’s better.” He says. “Fine, I'll do it.” 
“Do what?” Loona asks, suddenly appearing next to him. 
Blitzø holds up a finger to Loona, telling her to wait. 
“Excellent! Thank you, Blitzø. I appreciate it.” Stolas says.
“Yeah, we'll meet you at the palace.” He hangs up. “Royal bitchiness.” He mumbles now that Stolas can't hear him. 
“What was that about?” Loona asks. 
“Stolas wants us to play bodyguards at Loo Loo land for his daughter.”
“Loo Loo land? I love that place!” Millie says. 
Loona crosses her arms. “Stolas you say? I'll come with you.” She says.
“I mean, sure. If you want.” Blitzø says, not sure why Loona would be interested in an amusement park, but if that's how she wanted to spend the day it was fine with him.
What's the harm anyway?
{At Loo Loo Land:}
“Why don't you two go enjoy yourselves, I can handle Stolas and Via for a bit.” Blitzø says once they exit the van. 
Loo Loo land, he and Stolas practically grew up here, and it hasn't changed a bit.
“You sure?” Millie asks.
“Yeah, I was his body guard for years, I know the drill.” he says.
“Bodyguard? I thought you said you two dated?” Loona says. 
“It's a long fucking story, okay? Trust me you don't want to hear it. Just stick with Millie, alright?” He asks.
Loona doesn't say anything, so Blitzø just follows Stolas.
“We gotta go on my favorite ride!” Millie says to Loona. “I haven't been here since I was a kid! This is gonna be so fun!”
“You know what, you go ahead, I kinda want to see this.” Loona says.
“Suit yourself.” Millie shrugs. “But you're missing out.”
“I really don't think I am.” Loona says, leaving to catch up with Blitzø who doesn't seem to mind her disregarding what he just told her. 
“This place hasn't changed a bit.” Stolas says. “Remember when we used to come here, Blitzø?”
Blitzø rolls his eyes. “How could I possibly forget?” He asks.
{Past: age 14:} 
Stolas was less than thrilled about marrying Stella…
In fact, he was downright depressed about it. 
So whenever his father would remind him of the awful situation he was in…he would be sulking about it for days. 
And well…it was Blitzo's job to keep Stolas happy…according to Lays at least.
So, he did what he could to bring a smile to the bird's face. 
“Stolas?” Blitzo asks, entering his room.
“My life is a series of dark prophecies and unhappy endings.” He says, laying on his bed pathetically. 
Blitzo rolls his eyes. “Okay drama queen.” Blitzo scoffs. “Come on, let's do something fun.”
“Like what?” Stolas asks. 
“We could go to Loo loo land.” Blitzo suggests. “Get your mind off stuff.” 
Stolas smiles. “But what if Lays finds out?”
“I'm willing to make that sacrifice.” Blitzo says. 
“What if my father sees we're gone?” Stolas asks. 
The two young men start laughing hysterically. 
“Good one.” Blitzo says. “I'll make sure Lays isn't expecting me for anything, you get in disguise.”
Stolas smiles. “Okay! Thanks, Blitzo!” He says excitedly. 
…what a garbage place it was. 
“Oh, Via! I remember how you used to cry tears of joy at this show.”
“Oh no…” Blitzø heard Via mumble. 
“I hate that fucking clown.” Both Via and Blitzø say. 
Via and Stolas take their seats near the front while Blitzø and Loona watch a few rows behind them. 
“Why won't you tell me what happened between you and birdbrain?” Loona asks. 
“Not now, Loona.” Blitzø says.
“If not now, when?” She asks harshly. 
“Hey, I don't ask about your sob stories, I don't owe you mine.” Blitzø says.
“Why not? It affects me too.” Loona says.
“No, it really doesn't.” Blitzø says.
“It does! I'm the one who has to live with you.” Loona says.
“You can't keep using that excuse, young lady.” Blitzø scolds.
“Young lady? I'm 21!”
“Then act like it! I've taken care of you for three years and asked for nothing. I've never asked for your respect, any reciprocation, when will my integrity stop being questioned?” He asks. 
“I don't know, maybe when you start being honest with me?” Loona suggests, standing up and stomping out of there.
Blitzø sighs, “Loona-!”
“Octavia!” Stolas stood up too as Via ran out of the tent.
Blitzø and Stolas both ran out of the tent after their daughters. 
“Via!” Stolas called. 
“Loona?” Blitzø calls at the same time. He rolls his eyes. “That's just great. What happened?” Blitzø asks Stolas.
“I don't know, she said she couldn't take this anymore and stormed off. Blitzø, what if something happens to her?” Stolas asks.
“Relax, Via is seventeen, she'll be fine.” Blitzø says. “It's not like she's never been by herself.”
“She's never been by herself.” Stolas says. 
“She's NEVER BEEN BY HERSELF?!” Blitzø asks. “She's seventeen!”
“Now is not the time to comment on my parenting, Blitzø.” Stolas says. “What if she gets hurt!?” He panics. 
“Relax, Stolas. We'll find her. Let's just split up, we'll cover more ground that way.” Blitzø says.
“Fine.” Stolas says, walking one way so Blitzø can walk the opposite way. 
{Octavia and Blitzø:}
“Loony? Via?” Blitzø calls. “Via!”
Blitzø thought about where Via might go…
He doesn't really know Via…but she's dumb teen girl so…
Where would Stolas go? 
He looks behind the old abandoned funhouse they never cleaned up and immediately spots her.
“There you are, Princess.” Blitzø says. 
Via groans. “Don't call me that! Just leave me alone.” Via tells him. 
Blitzø rolls his eyes. “Look, your dad hired me to keep an eye on you and that's what I'm going to do. So why don't you just make this easy for me and we can go find him together?”
“Why don't you just fuck off? I didn't even want to come here in the first place! At least let me have some fun!” She says, throwing a rock through one of the old windows. 
“Christ on a stick you are just like your father.” Blitzø sighs. “Look, if you're going to be rebellious and cause trouble. At least do it properly.” He says. 
A strange demon jumps out of nowhere to grab Via but Blitzø instantly shoots and kills him.
“Woah.” Via says, taking a step back. “Nice shot.” 
“Thanks.” Blitzø says. “Are you convinced yet? Can we go?” He asks. 
Octavia smirks. “Would you teach me how to shoot that?” 
“Would your dad be okay with it?” Blitzø asks, Arms crossed. 
“Probably not.” Via deflates. 
Blitzø thinks about it…
He knows technically he's under Stolas's thumb again, that he has to do what Stolas asks of him if he wants to continue his business and make enough money to help his mom…
But…you know. 
What Stolas doesn't know won't kill him. 
“Alright sure.” Blitzø says. 
“Really?” Via asks, surprised. 
“Sure, but afterwards we're finding your dad, deal?” He asks her. 
“Deal.” She agrees. 
{Stolas and Loona:}
Stolas anxiously makes his way through the park. “Via! Octavia!” Stolas calls.
He doesn't find her… but he does see Loona, sitting on a bench by the gate to the park.
“Loona! Your father is looking everywhere for you!” Stolas says. 
“Great, so I can go find him so he can lie to me some more.” Via sighs, lighting a cigarette.
“What happened between you and him anyway?” Loona asks. 
“It's…complicated.” Stolas says.
“It is not! You two just don't want to acknowledge what you did!”
“I don't even know what I did!” Stolas says loudly. “I know I hurt him…but I had no choice…”
“How did you hurt him?!” Loona asks.
Stolas sighs. “I…I don't know.” He says.
“Bullshit!” Loona says.
“No, really, I- I know he keeps saying that he's upset because I married Stella. But. I had no choice.” He explains. “We were betrothed as children. We couldn't get out of it. Trust me, I pleaded to my father many times over it, trying to get out of it…but it was either marry her…or die.”
Loona frowns. “That's…rough.”
“I didn't mean to hurt him, I swear. I didn't want to…then he just left one day.” Stolas explains. “He didn't even say goodbye.”
Loona looks at him. “That must have been really hard for you.” She says. 
Stolas nods. “It was.” He rubbed his eye. “But, it's okay, it was years ago. I'm obviously over him…it! I mean it!”
“Wow.” Loona says. “You really liked him, huh?”
Stolas sighs. Of course he did…it's Blitzo 
{Past: Stolas and Blitzo}
They had spent the day in Loo loo land. They went on the simpler rides, ate junk food…and especially watched the fireworks behind the abandoned funhouse. 
“I love this place!” Stolas says as the fireworks reflecting beautifully in his eyes. 
“Why though? This place is shit.” Blitzo laughs, refusing to act on how he was feeling right now. “Especially here.” 
Stolas shrugs. “I don't know. Maybe that's why I like it…it's not fake.” He says, looking at Blitzo now. 
He loved being in his imp disguise…it made him feel like…
Like maybe he and Blitzo could…
He turns away. 
No…It can't happen…
But he's only happy when he imagines it happening…
Maybe for a second, he could imagine it possible. 
Blitzo scoffs. “It's all fake.” He says. 
“Blitzo?” Stolas asks, changing the tone of the conversation entirely. 
“Thank you for taking me here.” He says, moving his hand and placing it on top of Blitzo's. 
Blitzo smiles, taking his hand. “Yeah. Of course.”
“I…I love you.” He says. 
Blitzo blushes, looking ahead of them.
Stolas deflates. “Was that too-”
“I love you too.” Blitzo says, still not looking at him. 
Now it was Stolas's turn to blush and turn away. 
The feelings were out there, and the atmosphere was uncomfortable in the best possible way possible…
“So…what now?” Stolas asks him.
“We should get you home.” Blitzo says.
And Stolas agrees.
{Loona and Stolas:}
“Well, he was my only friend at the time so…of course I did.” 
Loona's ears drop, looking at Stolas's face. 
Stolas sighs. “Maybe this was a mistake, I just wanted to give Octavia a nice day.” He says. 
“And why exactly did you bring us?” Loona asks.
“Well…it may sound rather silly but…life has been awful since Blitzø left, I just wanted to revisit a time when life wasn't horrible…I wanted to give Via that.”
“Life's been pretty bad for her?” Loona asks. 
Stolas shrugs. “It hasn't been easy…I try to protect her, keep her from all the hate…I just want her to be okay.” 
“She's old enough to understand these things, lying and hiding stuff from her is only going to build resentment, trust me.” Loona says, looking away.
“I gather you speak from experience?” Stolas asks. 
“We're not bonding over this!” Loona shouts.
Stolas smiles. “Okay, alright. I'm sorry.” He says. 
They're quiet for a moment. 
“We should go find your daughter.” Loona says. 
Stolas stands up. “Loona?”
He turns to him. “What?”
“Thank you.”
{Via and Blitzø:}
Via shoots a soda can. “He's always doing this! Ignoring me, trying to distract me from what's happening, why doesn't he just talk to me?” She asks. 
“Well, sometimes it's hard to talk about family stuff.” Blitzø says. 
“But, I am part of this! It affects my life just as much as his! I would love to talk to him but- I just…I don't know if he'll listen or shut me down!”
Blitø nods. “I’m sure he doesn't know you feel that way, Via.”
“How can he? He never listens.” She says.
Damn, it truly was like talking to a teenage Stolas again.
He rolls his eyes. “Via,” he minds his tone. “Your dad is around, just say what you want to, don't worry about disappointing him so much.” Blitzø says. 
“He cares about you.” Blitzø says. “Just say it, if he's upset, he'll just have to get over it. And he will.”
“How can you know that for sure?” Octavia asks. 
“He's your dad, you're his whole fucking world right now.” He says. “Trust me, I know…I am one. And it looks like you got a pretty great one.”
Via nods. “I do… but. What if he doesn't want anything to do with me? Like my mum? What if I'm not good enough for him?” 
Blitzø frowns…remembering his own father and how easily he was given up on…
“Stolas wouldn't do that.” Blitzø says he's pretty sure he's only talking to Via, but…
“And if he hypothetically  gave up on you, you'd be better off.” He says. “But you don't have to worry about that, he's in that phase where he just really wants you to think he's cool.” 
Via chuckles.
“I'm serious, I know because I'm in the same place with my daughter Loona.” He says. 
“Surely she thinks you're cool.” Via says.
“She's my daughter, Via. Let's be honest, she's never going to think that.”
Via chuckles. 
Blitzø takes his gun back and places it back in his holster. “Alright, we should go back and find your dad, he's probably definitely worried about you.
Via nods. “Yeah, alright.”
“I'd also appreciate it if you didn't mention me letting you shoot stuff to your dad.” Blitzø says. 
“I am not a nark.” Via says.
“Atta girl.” Blitzø winks at her. 
“Via, there you are!” Stolas says with relief, hugging his daughter tightly the moment Blitzø and her found them. “What happened? Are you okay?”
“I'm fine, dad. I promise. I was just…” She looks at Blitzø, then back at Stolas. “Dad I know you really liked taking me here when I was younger and I use to love it myself…but I'm just- I'm not-”
Stolas nods. “You're too old for it, I know dear.” He says. “Loona actually helped me realize that. I understand.”
“But dad, I'll never be too old to spend time with you. Maybe we could just find something new?” Via suggests. “Maybe go somewhere to talk?” 
“I like that idea very much, Via. I know you're not a little girl anymore, and I don't have to, but I still feel this need to protect you. But I will do better. Just, please be patient with me.” He says.
Via hugs Stolas. “I love you, dad.” 
“I love you too. I'm sorry it took Loona telling me off to get me here. I should have been listening sooner.” 
“That's okay, dad. Actually, I sorta had the same experience with Blitzø, he's is a pretty good listener.” She says. 
Stolas looks at Blitzø who says nothing. “Well, I guess I chose the right escort then.” 
“Try not to make it a habit.” Blitzø says, arms crossed. 
Stolas smiles. “We'll see.” He hums.
Millie suddenly stumbles over to Blitzø and Loona. “Ohhh dere’ ya aaaarree!” She squeaks. “I'm sooo drunk right naow!” She hiccups and falls into Blitzø's arms. “I looove it heeeerree!!” 
Blitzø tries to steady Millie and keep her on her feet. “Yeah, okay. Let's get Millie home, Loonie. Your aunt is probably wondering where we are.” He says. 
“Thank you, Blitzø.” Stolas says, before they have the chance to leave. 
“Uh yeah. Sure, no-no problem.” He says awkwardly before walking to the van. 
Stolas summons a portal to take him and Via home. “Perhaps we shall do something next weekend?” Stolas asks Via. 
“Oooh, maybe we could go to stylist occult? They sell weird taxidermy there.” Via suggests. 
Stolas tilts his head. “Ummm okay?” He answers with hesitancy. 
Via chuckles. “Thanks dad, you're okay sometimes.”
“Thank you, Via. Thank you.”
{Loona and Blitzø:}
Loona adjusts Millie by the window in case she needs to puke. “So, you think Aunt Barb is gonna be upset about where we were today?” She asks.
“First of all, your aunt doesn't scare me, and second she's not gonna know about it because nobody here is going to tell her a goddamn thing!” Blitzø says. 
Millie only responds by throwing up out the window. 
Loona smiles. “Hey, dad? Can we talk about…something?” She asks.
“Sure, Loonie. What's up?” He asks. 
“I, uh. I would like to start coming with you on assignments.” 
Blitzø sighs. “Loona-”
“I know! But just hear me out, I think I'm ready, I don't have to go every time. But, maybe once in a while?” She asks. “Please?”
Blitzø looks at her, then back at the road. “Yeah…alright. I guess. If that's what you really want.” He says.
“Thanks….dad.” She says.
He smiles at her, but doesn't say anything else…not wanting to think about the possibility of her being in danger.
He knows she's capable of so much… but he doesn't want her to think he only has her the same reason his father had him. 
“Stolas was…pretty nice.” Loona says. 
“I wouldn't get too attached, Loony.” He says.
“Why not?” Loona asks him.
“Why do you hate him? Because he was forced to marry Stella? That's not fair!” She says.
Blitzø doesn't answer, just looks forward.
“You abandoned him! For what!? What has he ever done to you?” Loona asks. 
“Loona! This is none of your business! And I'm not the one who abandoned him! He abandoned me.” He says. 
“Drop it!” Blitzø shouts. 
“Fine, just lie to me more! That's fine!” Loona huffs. 
Blitzø sighs, still not giving a response.
What can he say? 
{Blitzo, past:} ⚠️
“You took prince Stolas, where?!” King Paimon asks harshly. 
“He took him to an amusement park, Sire.” Stolas's tutor, Augestine explains. 
“Sir, I was only-” 
“Blitzo.” Lays interrupts, looking at him with stern glare. 
“How exactly are you going to handle this, Lays?” Augestine asks. “I want this boy horsewhipped! What if Stolas got hurt?” 
“He is only a child.” Lays says to him. 
“That's correct, he is.” Paimon says. “So you will teach him what happens when children don't do as they are told, is that clear?”
Lays looks at Blitzø and sighs. “Yes, Sir. I will take care of it.” 
“I trust you will.” Paimon says. “Don't make me regret keeping him alive this whole time.” 
“Blitzo, come with me.” Lays tells him. 
Blitzo sighs, he knew that tone…
He was fucked. 
He lead Blitzo downstairs to the servants area.
To his quarters.
Yeah, Blitzo has a room… not that he slept in it that much. 
“Remove your trousers, hands on the desk. You know the routine by now.” He says. 
Blitzo sighs, doing as asked with no question. 
“Yes?” He asks.
“Why are you being disciplined?” Lays asks. 
“Because I convinced Prince Stolas to sneak out of the palace.” He answers. 
“For your transgression, I will be giving you twenty. Is that understood?”
“Yes sir.” Blitzo says.
“Any resistance or backtalk will earn you five more. Is that understood?” He asks.
“Yes sir.” Blitzo says. 
“Good, we will begin.” Lays takes a step back, paddle in hand. 
He swings the paddle and hits Blitzo's ads hard. 
Blitzo bites back a sound, trying to just take it as best as possible.
He knew this would happen-
Another hit,
And another. 
But he wanted to help Stolas. 
“Y-yes sir?” Blitzo asks, shuddering. 
“We talked about this before, haven't we?” Lays asks, delivering number eight. “You can't let yourself get into trouble for Stolas.” 
Nine hurts like a bitch! Blitzo bit down on his lip so hard it bled. 
“He was upset! What was I supposed to do?” Blitzo asks him. 
“How many times do I have to explain this?” He asks him. “They don't see us as equals, no matter what they say…they simply don't care about people like us.” 
“I know.” Blitzo says. “But that doesn't mean I can't care about him.” He says. 
“I know you think Stolas is your friend, but he's not. He's your master. Any other attitude will only land you in more trouble. Better to learn now than get more hurt later.” He says, giving him his last ten lashes.
Caught a vibe,
Baby, are you coming for the ride?
I just wanna look into your eyes,
I just wanna stay for the night, night
,When we take a drive
Maybe we can hit the 405,
Hypnotized by the lights.
Man, this must be the life...
~Meet Me At Our Spot
Song by THE ANXIETY, Tyler Cole, and Willow Smith
Yay an update!!I hope you guys liked this chapter. It took me forever to get this good enough to where I was okay with posting.Hopefully you all liked it.If not, harvest moon festival is next!A certain someone will be making an appearance! 👀 guess who!
Tag: @susstardust
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astrowaffles · 1 year
Answer all of them :]
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Do you listen to music when you write?
no. my little animal brain must have complete silence in order to function. i'm very easily overstimulated and even if i have it on and manage to ignore it, the moment i leave the Writing Zone for even a second, i'm extremely irritated and frustrated. DOWN WITH BACKGROUND MUSIC
Do you have a trusted beta?
NO BETA WE DIE LIKE MEN!! honestly i'm too egoistic to have a beta, i tend to just assume i got it right the first time anyway. most of my fics are unbeta'd, although a few were done by hayla (@cauxtion)
First person or third person?
Third person. Personally I hate reading fics in first person so I don't write them either, but it has been known to happen.
Past tense or present tense?
Usually if I want something to have an emotional tone, I'll use present tense, whereas cracky or otherwise shallower fics are past tense.
How long do your fics tend to be? Multi-chapter or one-shots?
Short! Mostly one-shots, mostly about 1.5k or thereabouts. Plot is not my strong point.
Rarepairs? Yea or nay?
I don't tend to write them and usually don't actively ship them, but i'm not against them or anything. i just prefer the ships that make sense to *me*.
In character or out of character?
I try SO HARD to make everything in character, but the problem is, I write UA's (universe alterations) so the characters are in situations they have never canonically been in. it's a lot of guesswork, and i'm sure it turns out ooc regularly!
Favourite trope?
Well, obviously, i'm a SUCKER for a good old single father figure ... reluctant father figure ... doting father figure ... found family, y'all. found family.
Do you like reading/writing Omegaverse?
Have read it, will probably read it in the future. Would 100% never write it. Not my thing, really, but lots of love to the people who do!
It's endless, dear god. Just in haikyuu, there's iwaoi, ushiten, kghn, daisuga, skts, kyouhaba, matsuhana, kuroken, bokuaka ....... there is literally no end
y'all are gonna hate me for this, i can feel it, but I have two: ushioi, and kiyoyachi. detest them, tbh
Fluff or smut?
Fluff!!!! i literally do not give a flying flamingo whether the characters fucked or not, tell me what they did on their date to the amusement park fr
Does angst get you excited?
I literally hate it so much throw it away bury it put it in a nuclear reactor i hate it so much. i will only read it for the Greater Good of a fic i'm very invested in
How do you come up with fic ideas?
Usually i'll sit there and think, i want to write a fic. what shall i write it about? and then i get an idea and then i write it. simples.
Are you a planner?
Nope. there's a reason my fics usually peter out at about 2k words, and it's because i've run out of ideas since i didn't plan anything :D
Do you title your chapters?
Not usually, but it depends on the context. sometimes i'm trying to copy the style of a book (like percy jackson) or the chapters are essentially standalone stories, in which case there'd be titles.
Overused words or phrases that just make your eye twitch?
i don't have any! the only thing that annoys me is when native english speakers try to use common english-speaker phrases but get them wrong. how do you even manage that??
What's something you struggle with as a writer?
character/story depth. my writing it just ' they bantered and then they went home'. WHERE ARE THE FEELINGS??
Any writing advice?
Write what you want to write! there's no point forcing yourself to continue things or start things that you're not interested in. you're here to have fun, so let yourself have fun and don't feel obligation to do anything. and if you end up not writing for months on end, so what? you have to do what works for you.
thanks for the ask!
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sansxfuckyou · 1 year
You smile and I get sunburn
Summary: Imagine heading out to the Great White North for your one year anniversary in the middle of summer, for some reason Sapnaps partner decided it would be a wonderful place to spend two weeks.
Warnings: Sapnap gets chased by a goose, minor blood, hockey fight
Authors Note: *yuris your yaoi* behold, lesbians in Canada, because there was a free day for snf week and I wanted to use the 'Alternate Universe - Canada' tag before I die. Title taken from Sunburn by The Living Tombstone because it truly is the song of ever. I looked to like, all of Marceline the Vampire Queens outfit and hair styles for inspiration if I'm being honest. @sobredunia I need you to look at the lesbians right now, anyways, if any of ya'll enjoyed it, feel free to reblog or drop by the Ao3 port to comment or kudos.
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"I think this is your worst idea yet," Sapnap said as Georgia tugged her through the air port, suitcase trailing behind them.
Georgia gave a small sigh, "Don't be an idiot, Canadas fun."
"It's cold, everyones a push over, and the wildlife is violent," Sapnap said, raising a finger for each point she listed off, "I already miss America."
"We're staying here for two weeks Sapnap, try not to be sour for the entire time," Georgia said, "We can just go to the hotel and pass out if you want."
"That'd be nice," Sapnap answered with, already clinging to her girlfriends side.
Georgia gave a hum of amusement as she made her way across the parking lot, their hotel merely across the street. The sun beat down on them without abandon in mere seconds, the air was crisp, neither of them are sure if it's better than having it be humid. Sapnap reluctantly let go of Georgia's side with the heat, opting to hold her hand instead.
Sapnap gave a whine of annoyance as they crossed the road, the heat of the ground seeped into the soles of their shoes. She kept her eyes trained on the white stripes painted onto the black below, "Fuck it's hot."
"It's like, August, summer is hot no matter where you are," Georgia said calmly, leading them into the brief reprieve of shade before they would have to dart through a blazing hot parking lot.
"That is not fair in the slightest," Sapnap whined, a brief tug on her wrist and they were weaving between cars, moving and still, too the hotel lobby.
Air conditioning hit them in an instant, chills engulfing them as they walked through the lobby. Their paces slowed just a bit, try and cool down before heading off to sleep despite it merely being four in the afternoon. Sapnap found herself lounging comfortably on a couch as her girlfriend got the key card. She roused from her psuedo-slumber with hands running through her hair, she found Georgia standing atop her, black hair tied into a loose ponytail far too low hanging in front of Sapnaps face.
"C'mon love, we have a pool side room," Georgeia said softly, mismatched hues glancing down at Sapnap carefully, she pulled herself off the couch and grabbed the suitcases once more.
"And you're sure I can't sleep out here?" Sapnap asked, following Georgia down carpeted hallways dilligently.
Georgia nodded, "I don't exactly want to get kicked out, have to withstand the summer heat."
Sapnap gave a hum, "Fair point."
The door swung open and light shone into the small hotel room, Sapnap easily dived in first, flicking on the light switches before anything else. She was rooting around the bathroom next, searching for those stupid extra small soaps and shampoos that barely last a night if you have long hair. The bounty was minimal, and with Georgia perched atop the counter, watching Sapnaps actions with intent, she had a hard time focusing.
"For someone who said she was sleepy you sure are amped up to loot the place," Georgia teased, Sapnap only looked up from where she sat, back pressed against the porcelain of the tub.
"Always loot hotels," Sapnap answered with, pushing herself up with a hand pressed to the edge of the basin. She brushed down the pleats of her skirt, snow white and somehow she'd managed to leave it unstained despite owning it for years at this rate. In part she knew the pristine condition was partially because of how little she wore it, even in private.
Georgia gave a hum of agreement, "Always, do you want the futon?"
"What? We aren't sharing a bed?" Sapnap asked, twirling past the door frame and kicking off her sneakers and placing them down next to their suitcases.
"I mean, we could," Georgia answered with, following Sapnap to the bed, "Can you behave yourself on the first night?"
Sapnap rolled onto her side a little bit to face Georgia who was sitting at the edge of the bed, "Maybe, maybe not."
"Well if you can't then you're getting the futon," Georgia said, flopping back to rest beside Sapnap.
"Yeah, I guess I could behave," Sapnap said, leaning over to a press a kiss to Georgias cheek.
"Get some sleep, I might stay up a bit longer," Georgia said softly.
Sapnap rolled over to rest her head on Georgias abdomen, wrapping her hands around her girlfriends thighs. She rested her chin at the base of the Brits rib cage and looked up at Georgia, "Don't stay up too long."
Georgia rested a hand on Sapnaps head, sliding past the bill of the baseball cap and ruffling through shaggy hair. It was long now, long for Sapnap at least, almost long enough to do stuff with it, "I'll be asleep before light don't worry."
"Tell me again why we're heading out to the lake?" Sapnap asked.
"Cause it's fun," Georgia said, "Besides, if we're getting a rental car we should probably drive it around."
"Yeah, but did we really have to drive out to the middle of butt-fuck nowhere?" Sapnap asked as she raised her sneakers to press against the dashboard, ripped jeans barely covered her socks, white with pink stripes.
Georgia nodded, "Absolutely, get your feet off the dash," She reached over and pressed down on Sapnaps shins.
Sapnap lowered her feet down, "Fine, are we almost there?"
"You'll have to wait," Georgia chided as she took a broad turn, hitting a rock that made the car jump.
"We're seriously off-roading?" Sapnap asked, returning her gaze to the windshield, finding a broad lake come into view, more than enough space to park.
Georgia shrugged, "A bit, it's fun, we're driving a Subaru, these things were made for off-roading," She curved to the edge of the road where it went from sandy gravel to rocks and sticks, the car vibrated.
Sapnap had to refrain from giving an exclamation, "Park the car already, if you keep hitting rocks I'm gonna hurl."
Georgia easily shifted into park and shoved open the door, a freshwater breeze hit her. Sapnap joined her on the drivers side, sliding over the hood of the car a bit. She wrapped an arm around Georgias waist before being led closer to the lakes edge, fingers interlacing with her own.
There was a spring to her step as she led Sapnap onto the dock, wooden planks sinking a little bit under their conjoined weight. Then they took another step, it swayed once more despite how firmly it was locked into the ground. Sapnap clutched Georgias hand a little tighter until they were at the edge of the dock, she sat down and crossed her legs while Georgia tugged of her socks and shoes to drop them into the water.
It was cold, really cold, the contrast to the sun shining down on them unfair. She was quick to retract her feet and cross her legs. She ran her hand through the water and pressed it to the back of Sapnaps neck, she recoiled instantly.
"What the heck?" She almost sounded mad as the icy liquid rolled down the back of her shirt, button up, Hawaii style print.
"Cold water, hot sun, I think they go nice together," Georgia said, doing it again, this time Sapnap didn't recoil.
She leaned into Georgias touch a little bit, "I guess," She glanced to the water, watching the faint silhouettes of fish move around, "It's nice out here, quiet."
"Now do you see why I wanted to go on a drive?" Georgia asked, Sapnap nodded.
"Yeah," Her voice is quiet as she speaks.
Georgia leans her head on Sapnaps shoulder, nudging aside a swath of hair that dropped to the small of her back to the other shoulder.
Then there's a loud honk, an obnoxiously loud squawking sound. They both glance over to its origins to find a few geese, large, gray, Canadian. Sapnap stands up first as the waterborne birds glide ever closer, Georgia follows as her girlfriend takes a few steps back.
"It's just some geese," She said, almost tauntingly, Sapnap shakes her head.
"Wrong, it's just some Canadian geese," Sapnap corrected with, then one of them hopped onto the dock, "They have teeth."
Georgia scoffs, "Birds don't have teeth."
It honks at them again and Georgia can't help but stare at it's beak, there are definitely teeth in there.
"It won't do you any harm," Georgia said, "Just hold out your hand, I'm sure it'll be docile."
"It'll bite my fingers off," Sapnap said, she still crouched down as Georgia kept stepping back.
When it got close enough for it to be a threat, that initial fear had her locked in place. At first it didn't do anything really, but Sapnap hasn't stopped holding her breath either. She tries to take a step back and for someone reason the bird takes insane amounts of offense at the actions. It attacks, it flaps it's wings and runs as fast as a goose can run. Sapnaps panicked backing away turned running doesn't do much to put any distance between her and the bird which has decided to take flight and start lunging at her.
She doesn't want to hurt it, she could get charged with misdemeanor if she did. So instead she just tried to cover her face, wishing she wore a t-shirt instead of a tank top to protect her shoulders from thrashing feathers and webbed feet. The honking, it was loud, really loud, and from more than one goose, she didn't dare look back to confirm what she already knew. She opened and slammed the door shut again, Georgia was already revving the engine and shifting into reverse.
Once they're far enough into the road the silence of panicked breathing became unbearable.
"They didn't bite off your finger," Georgia said sheepishly.
Sapnap raised a hand to her aching shoulder, when she pulled it back there was blood on her hands, "They tore open my fucking shoulder."
Georgia gives a hiss, "Yikes."
"How close is the closest coffee shop?" Sapnap asked, pressing her hand against the wound. It wasn't large per se, but it was definitely deeper than ideal, looked like uncut rubies whenever she shifted her arm.
"Five, ten minutes," Georgia said, "Not super far, but it's gonna be a Tim Hortons."
"Yay, Canadas one and only," Sapnap said, rolling her eyes as she did so.
"I'll cancel our tickets to the hockey game," Georgia threatened.
"I take it back," Sapnap said, raising her hands in faux defense, one of them was covered in blood.
"When we get back we'll clean out the wound," Georgia said, her eyes focused on Sapnap more than the road.
But Sapnap was distinctively aware of the moose deciding to meander out into the middle of the highway- Georgia, was not.
Sapnap reached over and swerved the car, nearly hitting the moose in the process.
"What the hell?!" Georgia asked, shoving back Sapnap.
"We nearly hit a moose!" Sapnap snapped, she returned a hand to press at her shoulder. It was wetter than before, and it hurt more with the sudden movement.
"And?" Georgia asked, voice smoothing over just a bit as she returned her gaze to the road.
Sanap clasped her hands in front of her chest, "Those things walk off getting hit by trucks Georgia, they go cliff diving for fun- we would die, it would live."
Georgia rolled her eyes, "Maybe I should've done a little bit more research on the wildlife."
"You should've done a lot more research on the wildlife," Sapnap said, tone almost aggressive.
"Wanna stay in town for the next couple days?" Georgia offered
Sapnap nodded, "I don't think I'll be doing much with how bad those geese fucked me over."
"I'd say let's go to a hospital, but we don't have the Canadian citizen perks," Georgia said sheepishly, "I'll pick up some gauze on the way back to the hotel."
Sapnap brings her hand to rest at her gauze covered shoulder, the fabric strip held only a faint tint of white compared to how it was the previous days. She took a seat on the edge of the tub and Georgia sat down beside her, hands came to undo the gauze. The air on the wound made her hiss, it was still tender and somewhat raw.
A damp cloth raised to press at the edges of it, where the pus of infection still oozed. It was worse the previous days, a lot worse, a total mess, and Sapnap was whimpering in pain as Georgia tended to it. Now she grits her teeth as soap comes into contact with flesh that refuses to scab with how consistently it's bandaged up. Her grip on the edge of the bath tightens until her knuckles shift hue, she clenches her eyes shut.
"I think we should leave it open," Georgia said quietly as she ran the cloth under cold water, watching the red diffuse under the flow of clear.
Sapnap nodded, "Maybe it'll scab up and start to heal."
Georgia stood up and held out a hand that Sapnap gladly took, she leaned into her girlfriend when she stood up. Georgia wrapped an arm around Sapnap, "Wanna watch some shitty cooking show and order room service?"
Sapnap nodded, "Yeah," Her voice was muffled in Georgias shoulder before she dropped down on the edge of the bed.
"I'll call up some room service, you put on a show," Georgia said as she started to dial the number.
Sapnap breezed through the channels with ease, a multitude of reality shows, some animated stuff, South Park and Family Guy. All sorts of things, even home renovation shows, she didn't stop until she came upon the cluster of cooking channels. She flipped through them a bit slower, Guy Fieri, Gordon Ramsay- The Great British Bake Off? She didn't hesitate to click on it, leaning back against a pillow that was wrapped in her shirt so blood wouldn't get on it.
"I got poutine," Georgia said, she gave a sigh of disappointment at her actions, "And a Hawaiian pizza, I had too."
Sapnap shrugged, "It's fine, you ever watch The Great British Bake Off?"
Georgia nodded, "Sometimes, yeah."
"Cool, cause that's what we're watching for the next two weeks," Sapnap said, "Every night, nonstop, I'm not taking criticism either."
Georgia rolled her eyes, "Trust me, you'll get sick of it fast if you try and marathon it."
"It'll be worth it, just to drive you up the walls," Sapnap said lovingly as she threw a grin to Georgia.
Sapnaps grip on Georgias hand tightened as they placed down their tickets, granted admission into the ice rink. The temperature dropped a couple degrees the second they entered the arena. Georgia, who had decided that wearing a t-shirt and jogging pants to a hockey game would be a good idea, instantly felt the chill. They took a seat at the top row of chairs, climbing over the back and watching as the game started.
"Fuck it's cold in here," Georgia managed bitterly, Sapnap placed a toque on her head, "Thanks."
"I told you to grab a jacket, didn't I?" Sapnap teased, she slung an arm around her girlfriends shoulders.
Georgia rolled her eyes, "I didn't think it would be this cold, or night time," She reached around to undo the bun in her hair.
"They have to keep the ice, ice, Georgia," Sapnap said, raising a hand to run through Georgias hair is it fell past her arm.
Georgia watched the game intently, eyes locked onto the game, "Still, it's summer, they don't do hockey games in summer."
"It's a home game," Sapnap said, she propped one leg over the other as she spoke, "They always do home games."
Georgia rolled her eyes a bit, "I guess, shame it's so boring."
"Hockey is not boring, there might be bloodshed," Sapnap said, Georgia quirked a brow at the notions.
"Bloodshed? In a hockey game? You jest," She said, leaning against Sapnap a little bit.
Sapnap nodded, "I don't know the statistics, but yeah, blood and broken bones happen every now and then."
"That's insane," Was all Georgia could muster at the notion.
She lifted her gaze up a bit to look at the crowd that was standing behind the rows of chairs. She was shocked so many people would pay to watch two groups of guys skate, with sticks. She squinted a bit at some she presumed she knew, orange fur, black outfit, definitely Fundy.
"Is that, is that Fundy?" Georgia asked, pointing at Fundys form as she spoke.
Sapnap looked over to where Georgia was pointing, the fox glancing over a bit, "What the hell is he doing in Canada?" She still waved him over, they could barely catch the recognition on his face before he started on his way over.
He weaved between the crowd skillfully, head low and tail swishing back and forth. He placed a hand on the back rest of either chair his friends sat at, he leaned in between them. He kept his eyes trained on the game as he he spoke, "How come you two are in Canada?"
"Anniversary," Georgia answered without skipping a beat.
"Since when did you two get married?" Fundy questioned, shock clear on his voice.
"Not yet, but like, one year of dating anniversary," Sapnap helpfully supplied, Fundy gave an 'ah' with a nod of his head, "Since when do you come to Canada?"
"Hockey town is every town, and sometimes I wanna watch hockey in person," Fundy said, "Can't censor the blood if I'm watching it happen in person."
"Told you there was blood in hockey," Sapnap said, sticking out her tongue playfully as she did so.
"Well, let's hope there's blood today," Georgia said.
Fundy was quick to point down at the rink, "Check it!"
Georgia glanced to where he was pointing, the sharp edge of someone's skate made it's way up to underneath someone's eye. In an instant red was on the ice and staining their snow white jersey.
"Oh that's cool," Georgia said as the ref rolled out and ferried them away.
Sapnap nudged her with her elbow, "Told you."
Fundy nodded, "Hecka cool, sadly they'll be super careful now."
"No more blood?" Georgia asked.
"No more blood," Sapnap said, "Besides, it gets kind of boring after a couple goals."
Georgia stood up, "So, can we head home?"
"You don't wanna watch the entire bout of carnage? There's still gonna be loads of cross-checking and slashing," Fundy asked, hopping over the back of the seat next to Georgia.
"Not really, I kind of wanna go chill out," Georgia said, stretching her arms over her head as she spoke, "There's a pool."
"Epic, can I drop by and go swimming then?" Fundy asked, teasingly for the most part.
"I don't think they want fur clogging up their business," Sapnap said as she helped Georgia over the back of the chair.
Fundy leaned back on his chair, giving a Cheshire smirk, "You think so?"
Sapnap reached down and ran a hand through the fur on the top of his head, "Totally bro."
"Alright, have fun on your anniversary," Fundy said, looking at the game once more, he waved them off as they left.
"Hurry up and get on your swim shorts already!" Georgia whined impatiently, knocking on the door to the hotel bathroom.
"You take your sweet time putting on a one piece!" Sapnap shouted back before clicking open the door, holding the straps of the top she wore, "I need help," She turned around.
Georgia held a strap in each hand, "You gotta figure out how to do this yourself, or just buy a one piece."
Sapnap rolled her eyes, "Well maybe I just want your help and I can do it myself."
"If you could you would totally do it yourself," Georgia chided as she tied a bow into the straps.
"You have zero proof to back up that statement," Sapnap said, spinning around once more to face Georgia, "I forgot how pretty you look in a swim suit."
"I always look good," Georgia countered with, dragging along Sapnap to the pool side door.
"Totally," Sapnap said, "Like, super good."
"Sapnap," Georgia said sternly, "We are not having sex in the hot tub."
"They have a hot tub?" Sapnap asked giddily, instantly shattering the mood she was oblivious to setting.
Georgia gave a small sigh, a smile on her face, "Yes Sapnap, they have a hot tub."
"Forget swimming then," Sapnap said, refraining from dashing across the deck, "Straight to the hot tub."
Georgia glanced to the hot tub, "There's a lot of other people in there already."
"Fine then, to the regular pool," Sapnap stated, pivoting on her heel before stepping down into the water.
Cold shock washed over her instantly, she was eager to goad Georgia into stepping down despite the fact she was clearly freezing.
"It's the perfect temperature in here!" Sapnap said as Georgia crouched down and slipped in.
"It is not the perfect temperature in here at all!" Georgia snapped, hands raising to rub her arms, "It's fricking cold."
Sapnap grinned a bit as she splashed some water on her girlfriend who gave an offended 'Hey!' before returning the favor. It didn't take long for it to devolve into a water fight, lunging standing on tippy toes to drop a handful of water atop heads. There was shouting and laughing, a couple other people had left, most likely discouraged by the noise.
"Okay, now I'm thoroughly soaked," Georgia said, still grinning with euphoric adrenaline running through her veins. Sapnap swears her grin is the sun in that moment, shining bright in the relaxed lighting of pool corridor. She could go blind if she stared too long but she doesn't mind it much.
Sapnap nodded, "Same, but I'd say it's worth it, plus, the hot tubs empty!" She gestured vaguely to the now deserted hot tub.
"That's because we were getting too rowdy idiot," Georgia said, raising a hand to flick Sapnaps forehead. She hissed a bit, batting away the hand in a fashion all to familiar to that of a cat.
"They don't know the half of rowdy, your hair tie didn't even fall out," Sapnap said, reaching over to tug gently at the bright red bands in Georgias hair. Then rested her hand at bright red earrings resting in Georgias ears, small hoops with a stud of red.
Georgia batted away the hand but still mirrored the motions, resting her hands on the blue studs in Sapnaps ears, "Let's be thankful for that."
Sapnap nodded in response before gliding over to the edge of the pool, Georgia followed.
The water was practically boiling when it hit them, but they descended anyways. Sapnap sat down first, splaying her arms atop the back of edge of the pool. Georgia sat down on her lap, resting her arms atop Sapnaps shoulders as she grinned.
"I thought we weren't having sex in the hot tub," Sapnap said, sliding down her hands to rest on Georgias waist.
"We aren't," She pressed a kiss to Sapnaps lips, "We're just kissing, there is a difference."
Sapnap leaned forward to meet Georgia in another kiss, "Yeah, I guess so."
Georgia gave a laugh, it was prompt and melodic to Sapnap, "Definitely a difference," They met in another kiss and it was nothing more than teeth and tongue as a hand raised to tug out her hair tie, black framing her body and face like she was a prized painting.
She pressed in a little deeper at Georgias waist, her smile was hazy when they pulled away again, "Totally a difference."
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damonjuicyscock · 2 years
Pictures of You - Chapter 16 (90's Liam Gallagher X Reader)
Pairing: 2000's Liam Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: Language, Angst (Mention of blood bc Liam and Noel fighting... AGAIN), fluff, smutty (Oral female receiving, P in V sex, protected sex, listen to Liam and ALWAYS WEAR A CONDOM).
Words: 2429
Summary: Back on tour with Oasis in 2000 as their official photographer as you've always been, you find it hard to have a moment alone with your husband. Also, Barcelona in May 2000 doesn't go as expected.
A/N: Hello ! I am back only today, but college is really being a pain in the arse so I'm sorry if the chapter only comes now. I beg you all please to be indulgent and not to leave me comments when I'm late, I know it, but sadly I can't do otherwise, I'm doing everything that I can to work on both college homework and my writings here. ;)
Anyway, here's chapter 16 (Anyway here's Wonderwall), I hope you'll enjoy it as per usual, next chapter will be the epilogue (yes Liam is leaving us for now, but he will come back of course !) and I don't know when it'll be published, (probably this weekend, because this time, no homework to do, at least at the moment.)
Enjoy !
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(Damn this man...)
Back on tour with Oasis, with a baby.
It wasn’t simple, you can tell, so for each gig, Maggie was looking after baby Lennon while I was taking pictures.
Meg had also brought Noel’s and her’s new-born baby girl Anais.
Having a sexual life was also complicated.
Lennon was sleeping well and generally slept through the night, but as if by chance, everytime Liam and I were trying to go at it, Lennon started crying, which always caused Liam and I to argue. The thing being none’s fault. Draw.
It wasn’t until the end of the first part of the European tour that Liam and I got to be alone.
Peggy came a few days in London and was staying at Paul’s. With his agreement, she asked us if we agreed on letting her take Lennon with her for us to be just us two.
And oh, thank you Peggy.
March 28th 2000- a train from London Victoria:
Liam, where are we going?
Not gonna tell ye, it’s a surprise.
Can you at least give me a clue?
Nope, it would ruin everything. He answered
It was 11 am and we were on a train, going nowhere, or at least, somewhere I didn’t know where.
When we arrived in Chertsey, I immediately understood.
Don’t tell me that’s what I think! I exclaimed
And what d’ye think?
That we’re going to Thorpe Park.
And yer fucking right. He answered, smiling
Liam, I’m 30.
And I’m 30, that’s all, I may be too old for that shit.
Shut yer cake ‘ole love, there is no age to have fun. Remember?
Remember what? I answered, holding both his hands
We’re gonna live forever sweetheart. So let’s fucking have fun.
Liam would always stay young in a way, that’s a fact.
And he would always make us feel like it.
So ready to feel like a kid again?
Fuck yes. I answered, kissing him
We left the train station, walking to the amusement park.
And we wouldn’t only be kids again. We would feel intense thrills only adults like us can feel.
We had fun, you can say it.
Screaming on the top of our lungs and holding hands in rollercoasters, getting soaked on the loggers leap and laughing out loud, stopping to kiss passionately in the middle of a labyrinth, eating cotton candies and candy apples.
And without knowing it, I realized I needed this day more than ever.
We came back in London, where Liam took me on a date in a lovely restaurant on the docks. The restaurant was charming and after leaving it, we went for a little walk.
Liam had bought a bottle of rum for us to share at home, while watching a movie.
Without doing it on purpose, Liam put the adult channel and there was a porn.
We both inclined our heads looking at the actress’s position.
That’s… He started
Complicated to reproduce. I pursued
It requires…
A lot of flexibility and training. She’s definitely a gymnast. What.The. Fuck.
Yea, what the fuck.
Liam put another channel.
We’re definitely fucking not doing this.
No indeed, we’re not.
Liam looked at me.
No Liam, we’re not.
What? So I can’t fucking look at ye without ye thinking I’m a fucking perv? I was going to ask ye what ye want to watch! He laughed
Sorry my love. I have an idea.
Tell me.
The mirror on the ceiling of our bedroom.
Oh… Ye wanna cuddle and sleep?
You totally misunderstood me Li’. I said, a grin on my face
Oh, I see! Ye want me to be ye movie don’t ye?
Yes, that’s the idea.
But what kind of movie?
Oh, I’ll let you decide what kind.
Liam approached me, put his hand on my hips and started kissing me.
While he deepened the kiss, I laid down on the couch, with him on top of me.
I felt his hands wander a bit everywhere and tugged at the hem of my PJ tee.
I let him take it off me and I did the same with his.
He got the access to my breasts and started kissing them. I moved uncomfortably.
Don’t worry baby, you’re still beautiful. You’re even more.
I smiled, relieved.
His lips kept sliding down until he found the hem of my PJ shorts.
May I? He asked
You better. I answered, smiling
He tore it off me, not wanting to wait anymore, leaving me in my undies.
And now, we’re pursuing this in our bedroom. He said, looking at me with love and lust
He took me in a bridal style, transporting me in our bedroom and laid me on our bed, him on top of me.
Now look at the mirror on the ceiling and let me make ye feel good sweetheart.
He slid my undies off and started licking at my clit, causing me to throw my head back on the pillows, while looking at what Liam was doing to me in the mirror.
It was so arousing, and I was wet.
Soon, I flet my orgasm approach.
Are ye close baby? Ye wanna come?
Fuck… please Li’, make me…
He sped the movements of his tongue, and I became a moaning mess, my whole body trembling in pleasure, Liam holding my hips down on the bed, helping me riding over my climax.
When I came down from my high, I felt my husband move to take the rest of his clothes off.
He was about to enter me, but I stopped him.
Wot? Ye changed yer mind?
Hell no! But…
But what?
Huh… condom?
Oh yea, sure, soz, I forgot ‘bout that.
I wasn’t taking the pill anymore; I didn’t want to. But I didn’t want another child. At least, not yet.
Liam fumbled in the night table and took out a little blue package of it.
H ripped it open with his teeth and rolled the condom on his hard member.
This time we’re ready. He said
He kissed me and slowly entered me.
I hissed in pain. It had been quite some time that we didn’t do anything, and Lennon’s birth also probably acted on this.
Are ye okay? Liam asked, worried
Yes, just give me a few minutes please.
Of course love. He answered, smiling at me
Liam let me get adjusted to his size and left kisses everywhere while doing so.
I got to relax, and I finally nodded, indicating to Liam that he could move.
He started thrusting in me, slowly, making love to me.
My eyes were riveted to the mirror, looking at Liam’s hips rolling against mine, and looking at his exquisite ass.
Fuck… Yer so tight… I love ye Y/N… Do ye like to watch me make love to ye?
I answered with a loud moan.
I’ll take this as a yes. He added, also moaning
My nails dug in his back. Seeing both Liam’s body moving against mine and his face contorsionning with pleasure threw me over the edge.
Oh God… Liam…
Ye wanna come? Yer close baby?
He sped up his movements and my body started shaking in pleasure again and left me being only whimpers and cries.
My eyes shut themselves in the process, and I heard Liam grunt loudly a first time.
I love you Liam… I love you…
I love ye Y/N. So fucking much!
Liam grunted again and this time, he spilled himself in the condom.
He collapsed next to me, and we laughed, taking time to come down from our ecstasy.
Wow, what a day… I said
I know, right? He answered
We laughed again
Still so proud of himself. I added
I am proud, would ye like to talk to him? He pursued
I kissed him a few times, starting to tickle him.
And this morning, me missus was telling me that she was too old to have fun and now yer tickling me as if we were fucking teens.
Yes, I know. And you’re right Li’. I’m not too old. Fuck… I’m fucking thirsty. I’ll go have a drink.
Leave it to me. What d’ye want to drink?
Well I know someone who has bought a nice bottle of rum earlier…
Liam smiled at me.
I’m going.
He kissed me before leaving the bedroom.
When he entered the kitchen, I heard him yell like a little girl.
Li’ are you okay?
Y/N, Help me please!
I put on my nightgown and join him in the kitchen. Liam was sat on the table, his legs drawn up against him.
Hey, what is it? I asked, worried
The…the…the mouse, just here. He said panicked, showing me the little animal with his finger
Huh what?
Oh boy. The man never had feared his violent father and his big brother but was scared of mice. What a paradox.
Being married to the man Liam Gallagher is, had its good and bad moments as you all know.
And a bad moment came, again. This time it had nothing to do with me or cheating on me.
It was fare more worse than that. It was attacking his own family.
May 24th 2000- Barcelona-Spain:
On this day, Oasis were supposed to play in Barcelona.
But Whitey had tendinitis, so the show was cancelled but postponed to July.
So the guys spent the whole night drinking. Liam and Noel seemed to go along, as if Liam had grown up since our son was born.
I took this as an opportunity to take pictures of the band.
But oh, Liam can be a pain in the arse and be a total fucker when he’s drunk, he should never have ventured into such grave territory as that on which he has embarked.
Noel was showing pictures of Anais to the rest of the band, proud of the dad he became 5 months before.
Maybe was he joking as he always told me, or maybe was he serious, but Liam’s humor wasn’t to everyone’s taste. Especially Noel.
Oh I’m soz Noel… Liam started
Fer what?
Yer daughter.
Why? Ye think she’s ugly, don’t ye?
Oh no, she’s pretty!
Then what the fuck our kid?
I’m just soz fer ye that she’s not yers.
Fuck off! Noel answered, laughing at first
No really, I mean it. Ye really should take a paternity test, she doesn’t look like ye at all.
Liam! Shut the fuck up! I said, shocked, thinking he was being serious
Yo, what d’ye mean? Noel said, starting to get angry
What is it right, is that yer missus has most likely gone elsewhere during our studio sessions in France.
Liam, stop it! I shouted
Take this back right now William. Noel threatened
Well I’m soz but I’m just helping ye face the fucking truth man.
Oh shit, here we go again… I said, rolling my eyes but starting to panic
Noel threw himself on his brother and started hitting him and punching him. Liam tried to defend himself, but Noel was so enraged that the adrenaline of the moment made him stronger than he originally was.
He split his brother’s lip open, blood spilling out of it.
Gem and Alan tried to separate them and finally got to, Noel still wanting to take the life out of his younger brother.
I helped Liam to get up.
I’m fucking leaving, ye went too far this time! Noel yelled
Oi, I was joking! Can’t ye take a joke anymore?
It wasn’t fucking funny Li’! I answered
Noel opened and slammed the door; I ran after him in the hotel’s corridor.
Noel, wait, don’t go! I said, grabbing his arm
No Y/N, I’m soz but I’m leaving, ye won’t change me mind.
Listen, Noel, He’s drunk, he doesn’t mean…
Stop defending him Y/N! He has no excuse! None!
Yes, you’re right, he has no excuse, but alcohol…
Alcohol is not a reason, he can’t act like this because he drank too much, he has no right to! I’m leaving, I go back to me wife and daughter. Take care Y/N.
You too Noely.
I went back in the room we were in and saw Liam with a tissue in one of his nose holes so he wouldn’t bleed on the carpets.
He’s a crazy fucking bastard! I was only joking!
The fact Noel was leaving pissed me off even more.
I went towards Liam and slapped him.
You fucking idiot! I yelled
There is no Oi! For fuck’s sake Liam, don’t joke with this kind of things!
Not me fault if me humor’s not Mr Chief’s taste!
This isn’t fucking funny! Wouldn’t you feel insulted if it was about Lennon and I?
Liam knew he was wrong, but he hated it.
Ye know what, fuck off Y/N. Shut the fuck up, I don’t wanna hear yer fucking voice.
Nice, you won’t hear it then. But think about booking another bedroom because you’re not sleeping with me tonight!
Perfect, I’ll go to the bar!
The next morning, I woke up alone in the bed. Liam didn’t come back.
I called his name, but there was no answer.
Happily, as I wasn’t drinking alcohol anymore, I wasn’t shitfaced so I could go looking for him with my mind cleared.
I went into the bathroom and let out a little scream when seeing Liam asleep in the bathtub.
I shook him and he grumbled.
Come on Liam, wake up. I said dryly
Let me sleep.
Well if you want to sleep at least go to bed.
Yea yea, two minutes. I’m soz fer last night.
That’s not to me you should apologize Liam. Call Noel.
Yea yea. Tomorrow.
As you wish… I sighed
It was going to be complicated. Noel only came back two months after and their relationship would never be the same anymore.
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What's a fun fact about Jeff (or other character) that you never have an opportunity to share?
OH MAN I HAVE SO MANY RANDOM FACTS ABOUT JEFF. As you've begun to learn, he's... quite a character (pun intended). I'll stick mostly to things that aren't mentioned/elaborated on in the novel! I feel like you already know a couple of these...
1. First of all he's from Birmingham, Alabama. Whenever he's asked where he's from, he's like, "oh, it's just a tiny little hick town in Alabama. You probably haven't heard of it." It's literally fucking Birmingham. (Btw, yes, he has what's described as a "mild Southern drawl.")
2. His parents had him when his mother was 18 and his bio father was 19 respectively. Both of his biological parents were left-wing activists in their youth, so he attended a lot of protests as a baby/young toddler. He was raised atheist and according to a Marxist philosophy.
3. He can fool a polygraph examination.
4. His childhood was - overall - pretty good. For him, at least. He does have some trauma from his teenage years, mostly stemming from multiple stints in juvenile detention starting at the age of 10. It's unclear exactly how these events affected him.
5. He has an unusually high pain tolerance, especially when under the influence.
6. He went to school in Birmingham until his junior year, when he moved in with his biological father in Philadelphia. He did (most of) his junior year at a school in Philly, where he caused a fuckload of trouble and was expelled not even a year in.
7. Extremely high maintenance when it comes to his appearance. "Spends two hours in the bathroom getting ready for a trip to the fucking post office." - Gabriel
8. Extremely Bisexual, but he prefers to take women out on actual dates because they tend to be - in his words - "better conversation partners." If you're a guy who wants to go on a date with him, you're gonna plan it, and it better be something he finds enjoyable (hint: take him to an amusement park).
9. He owns a scarf collection. We're talking over a hundred scarves.
10. He perpetually functions on 5-6 hours of sleep a night.
11. Loves cheesecake.
12. His favorite band is Pink Floyd (somehow don't think they'd approve).
13. His name is not short for Jeffrey.
14. Nicknames absolutely everyone. It's rare that he refers to someone by their actual first name.
15. Has a Thing about cleanliness - like, he eats pretty much exclusively "clean" food (he's literally one of those juice cleanse people, I swear to god), showers often, has like a 1700-step skincare routine, his room is immaculate, etc. This is pretty hypocritical considering he does like every drug on the planet, but yeah.
16. This is more of a core characteristic than a fun fact lol but anyway: chronically bored out of his mind and a massive adrenaline junkie. He'll do anything for a cheap thrill or some entertainment, in whatever form he can get it.
17. One time he tried to convince all of his friends that he didn't know about Congress.
18. His drink of choice is either straight whiskey, a mimosa, or the fruitiest fucking cocktail you've ever seen.
19. He was born on February 19th, 1983 (almost exactly six months older than Gabriel).
20. No matter who you are, he's convinced he can win a fight against you.
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