#anyway happy maid day to the best maid ever
bihastuff · 4 months
Mey Rin : I don't think I will be a good maid I'm an assassin who used to work in the mafia
Sebastian : Nah you will be fine , killing and cleaning are the same thing
* 2 years later *
Sebastian : I fucked up so bad
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Being His Sibling– Jamil ft. Namja Viper
This is based off the headcanon/au that Jamil may have been taught to kill in order to protect Kalim.
Content Stuff: Gn Yuu. Platonic. Older Sib Yuu. Angst with a happy ending (for now). Edgyness that comes with assassins, 6k words
You were the eldest child of the Viper family, renowned by many as the elite servants of the Al-Asim family. It was a title to be held with pride is what you have been told your entire life. This is where you were meant to be. You will be happy serving your master and he will take care of you so there's no need to look outside of your cage. 
A mop was thrusted into your chubby hands when you first started walking. Your fine motor skills were honed on cooking. Your boredom alleviated with chores.
This was the honor of a Viper. Serving one of the most powerful families in the world with their head bowed. Vipers were not just servants— they were butlers, housekeepers, advisers. It was the highest rank a servant can have. Commanding other maids, being directly in charge of orders and standing right alongside the Asims themselves.
Viper was a powerful name in its own right. Yet it was as strong as it was confining. The name was akin to wearing weights in a deep pool, and though you had more privilege than the other maids, a taller birdcage was still a birdcage.
You learned to cook, learned to clean, learn how to act, learned how to fight. That was your way of life.
You cooked. You cleaned. You acted. You trained. You cooked. You cleaned. You acted. You trained. You cooked. You cleaned. You acted. You trained. And you never yearned for anything outside of the bars in front of you.
You knew your place.
One day, a new addition to the family was announced: Jamil Viper. Your little brother.
Deep in your heart you knew he would be an amazing servant in the future.
As you looked into the newborn's eyes you also knew he would be your best friend. You remembered the feeling of him in your little arms. The pudge of his face, the softness of the skin, the comfortable weight. 
You faintly remember asking why Jamil was so pale before you felt a little hand grip around your finger. Soft and firm. You looked down at the newborn. You swore there was a smile on his face. 
All of your family duties were put on hold to care for the newborn and you were at his side for every moment of it. Mother would often remark on how she would find you asleep by his cradle, having passed out from standing and staring at him all the time.
Kalim was born not long after. You remember being told that you were to help look over him as well. From the moment he took his first breath your fates were decided. You and Jamil will bow to the young heir and obey him, for he is your master. 
The eldest bore many responsibilities. You cooked. You cleaned. You served. You watched over Kalim and Jamil. You cooked. You cleaned. You learned. You watched as they'd play tag. You cooked. You cleaned. You studied all the skills you could so you could be useful. You'd listen to their laughter.
It made sense mom and dad weren't as hard on Jamil since you do your tasks flawlessly. They didn't need as many hands with your capabilities. So you cooked. You cleaned. You—
“Hey! Hey Yuu!” You perked up from your thoughts as you turned to the boy that clung to your clothes and bounced on his feet. “Do you know what this is?” Jamil held up a box of some sort and you took a step back to look at it.
As your eyes scanned the box you could see Kalim and Jamil look up at you expectantly. “Shatranj– it's just like chess, there's just a few optional rules to it.” You look at all of the pieces inside. The dusty pawns and chipped elephants look to you with the hope of salvation. It's clear they haven't been used in a while. 
“Can you teach us? Please please please please!” Kalim tugged at your sleeve and you chuckle. It was your break time anyways. You suppose your personal studies can wait this time, besides it's not like you to ever reject an order from your master.
You guide Jamil's hand over the board, showing him the pawn’s available movements. You sat between the boys and refereed, letting them experiment with the pieces and pointing out a few strategies. The game came to a close and the children clearly wanted something else to do.
“... I hear one of the perfume parlors in the marketplace is having a live performance today.” Both of them light up and Kalim is pulling on your sleeve again jumping off the wall in excitement. “Can you take us? Please please please Yuu?”
“Yeah yeah! Come on Yuu!” Jamil was pulling on your shirt too, looking up at you with puppy dog eyes and a bright, pleading smile. He always adored music of all kinds, it would be a crime to rob him of it.
“Okay, okay! Fine. But you both stick beside me, got it?”
As you walked out the playroom Jamil slid something into your hand. You hummed as he closed your hand around it and you lifted it to your face. Opening your hand you saw the small elephant piece, cracked and chipped. “It's broken so maybe you could fix it?” You examined it, then put it into your pocket.
You had fond memories of teaching them what you knew. Safe back alleys as shortcuts. The best vendors along the markets. You had Jamil at your side as you haggle the price of an old stereo for his room. How to disguise yourselves. The two would giggle as you wrapped them up and used a spell to make them look like two different kids entirely. You played tag, hide and seek, and so much more. 
You balanced helping Kalim and Jamil among your work as the duo became good friends. And they helped to balance your own schedule, giving you a break from your usual clockwork life. It was fun while it lasted but you all had to grow up eventually.
Jamil got older alongside you and he fell into the same routine as you did. He cooked. He cleaned. He served. But unlike you, his ambitions grew. 
He wanted to be recognized. To be something great. You showed him worlds beyond the life of servants. You showed him the salesmen, the merchants, the travelers that would tell their tales of a life beyond the sands.
And like you, he worked hard. He put his all into everything. His talent shined through over and over again. Eventually, however, it became too bright.
That time he beat Kalim in a race as a kid was when his reality became clear to him. A minor victory had him scolded and his eyes were opened. He was to be an accessory to his master. To hide his true self. That should be his true ambition. 
There was a pang of empathy as Jamil's face fell. Another part of you however, didn't fully understand his sadness. This was expected of you both. Why was he so surprised? This was an honor. You were told it's an honor. Why didn't he see it that way?
He was trained like you. Poison testing. Bodyguarding. You were expected to put your life on the line. He hated all of these tasks and he hated how you didn't seem to care. The first seed of his anger was sewn.
A new baby girl was born to the Viper family. Najma Viper. You held the newborn in your arms and dipped her low so Jamil could see. Like with Jamil, you all had time off to celebrate your new addition. Just like before you'd watch over the girl from the cradle as she slept. This time however, Jamil was at your side. 
A comfortable silence danced between in the air occasionally interrupted by an occasional coo or sigh from the little one swaddled in her softest garments.
Jamil broke the silence. “She kinda looks like an alien.”
You snickered a bit at the comment. “Funny. That's what you looked like too, you just had a bigger head.” You snicker even more as Jamil glared at you with a pout.
“Haah? No I didn't!” Jamil huffs at your amusement. “Stop laughing at me!”
“If it makes you feel better, Kalim was a very fat baby. You'd be able to roll him down a hill easily.” At that Jamil pauses to imagine it, and lets out a small laugh of his own.
“He was always hungry too. He'd suck on everything looking for milk. I'd often have to pry him off my clothes and fingers.” You patted Jamil's head and a soft smile formed on his lips as he stared more at Najma.
A small frown then overtakes his features as he thinks. “What's wrong?” Your brother looks up at you with a troubled expression. “She's gonna be like us too…”
You paused for a moment, trying to discern his thoughts. “What do you mean?”
“She's gonna be a servant too.” Jamil sounded dejected, quiet. Why?
“Well, yeah— It's what we're supposed to be.” Your face contorts into confusion. What was the issue?
“But I don't wanna be a servant!” he huffed, resting his head against the crib. “I wanna be a dancer… or an alchemist! Or a really strong mage! I wanna see the world!” The boy then looked up to you, a spark of hope in his eyes. “Don't you?”
“I never thought about it.” Jamil's face falls further at the admission. It was true. Why would you think about it if you were told that this was all there was? “I've never even played with anyone before you and Kalim were born.” 
You turned to Jamil. You understood why Jamil was upset logically, but you also didn't why he didn't just accept it. You already did at a much younger age than him. Why can't he?
Jamil scowled before resigning with a sigh. “But Najma isn't gonna get to choose either… doesn't that bother you…?” Your brows are knit together as you think. Another silence follows. Jamil keeps his gaze on you.
“What would you like to be when you grow up? Like if you could choose anything?” 
Silence. “I don't know.”
Jamil groans. “Just pick something!”
“I just never saw the point of thinking about it,” You shrug and scratch at your eye. “I'm still a servant at the end of the day. Maybe I can become a butler when I'm older?”
Jamil just looks even more frustrated. “Never mind.” The boy starts to storm off with a pout before you speak again.
“I like cooking and baking. Maybe something with that?” You test the idea in your head. “Or maybe somewhere where I can be with you and Najma?” Your voice is a quiet murmur as the idea of a life outside of this mansion is a new thought to you.
“A baker?” Jamil tilts his head at the idea, surprised at the fact you actually answered. You shrug a bit, “I don't really know. You're the first person that ever asked me that.” 
Jamil frowned as leaned on you and you wrapped an arm around him in a side hug. “I'd think you'd be good at it. Your cakes are always the best.” You smile at the praise. Memories of the young boy with frosting all over his cheeks and hands as he shoved as much cake into his mouth he could play in your mind.
You watched over Najma again. Will she feel the same?
Life went on. You cooked. You cleaned. You poison tested. You studied. You entertained Kalim. You checked the treasury. You were praised for being such a good kid. You looked after Najma despite how busy you were.
You also made sure to support Jamil in all the ways you could, taking hours out of your day to do so. He wanted to be a scholar? You used your break to teach him what you knew. He wanted to be a great mage? You would show him some spells to practice. He wanted to be a dancer? Let's go watch a few performances
Najma was no exception either. You got her books. Taught her the ways of an artisan should she want to be one. You played with her. You put on magic shows. 
You made sure to spoil them both rotten. On grocery runs you snagged records from magic shops and jewelry to surprise them on the way back. Extra pastries from the bakery were handed off for Najma to gum on and Jamil to savor. You listened to them and their frustrations. You'd hug them and wipe away tears. You'd take them to the best place to watch the stars.
As they stared in wonder at the night sky you would remind them that they would shine just as bright. They would be more than just servants. They would talk about their dreams and you swore you would make them come true.
You would give up your dreams if it means they could pursue theirs.
“I found another chess set.” Jamil shook the box at you and you looked over at it. “It's not as old. Want to play?”
“You don't want to study?” You tilt your head at him, looking at the notes in your book of the spell you wanted to teach him.
“Not today… I want to play with you.” You were weak to his eyes and couldn't help but concede.
You both now sat at the table, setting up the pieces one by one. As you did so, you removed one of the knights, replacing it with the old elephant piece you pocketed. It was still cracked, you never had the time to fix it.
“Oh? You still have that?”
You nod. “Yeah, I like the elephants more.”
Jamil smiled. “I think it suits you.” He admired your side of the board and the broken elephant before leaning back and crossing his arms confidently. He then gestures to you. “White goes first.”
Today, Jamil went out to play with Kalim again. You watched the two from the higher floors of the mansion where you swept. The duo sneaked off into the market, using all of the shortcuts you taught them. A smile graces your features and you look down, sweeping again. You glanced up again to watch them 
The broom in your hands clattered to the ground as you dashed through the hall. Your heart pounded in your chest. Adrenaline pumped into your veins. Your feet hit the ground harshly as you covered the distance in no time.
“Jamil?! Jamil are you out there?!” Running through the alley you jumped and ducked and slid under any obstacle in your path. You navigated the alleyways with precision, having memorized every path.
You then saw it. The shadowy stalker from before. They slunk into some shady building, a van of some kind backing into the side of it. There was no license plate and the windows were tinted a deep black. The camouflaging magic around the van gave you an idea.
You concentrated your magic hard, then vanished into thin air. The spell worked. Swallowing thickly, you took your steps carefully as you navigated the building. A familiar shriek reawakens the panic in your veins and you follow it.
“Let us go! Let us go please!” It was Jamil's voice, raspy and desperate between sobs. You slid to the door with a running start, crouching beside it. Looking in you saw Kalim was tied up and sobbing against the duct tape that covered more than half his face. He was wailing and kicking in the chair he was in as the man screamed at him to shut up.
Jamil was dangling off the floor. The man held him by the shirt and shook him slightly as he did everything he could to struggle against him. The Viper managed to lean down and bite the man, making the bastard yelp and throw him against the wall. Jamil let out a cry of pain and shook, looking up at his kidnappers.
“Tch… Intel says that this brat ain't important…” The man says to another lady across the room who merely watched with a cruel gaze.
“Then get rid of him.” The woman sneered with a dismissive wave of her hand. The man then yanked Jamil up by his hair, retrieving a knife from his pocket. The knife was then pressed against the boy's throat and left a shallow cut as it dragged across his neck. Jamil sobbed, magic on his fingers fizzling due to fear. The man was taunting him.
You remember the next moments in brief flashes. The magic from your fingertips was the most concentrated you had ever casted. The smell of blood. Yelling at Jamil and Kalim to run. Cloaking them in an invisibility spell. Their looks of horror. A fierce struggle. 
You awoke to the sounds of sirens as you bring the knife in your hands down on a ribcage that is no longer breathing. Your hands are warm, soaked in a deep maroon. The knife clattered on the floor next to you. Your breathing was ragged as reality settles in.
A heavy hand on your shoulder shakes you. None of the words the officer spoke registered in your head as you were pulled into the back of a car. Your eyes are glazed over and dilated.
You were now in a room that was empty aside for the chair you sat on and the table between you and the officer. Your voice was shaky as you looked up at the interrogator. “Are they ok?”
“Yes, they are. You aren't in trouble kid. Tell us what happened.”
You did as you were told. Obedience bred into your veins. No you didn't know the kidnappers. Yes you followed. No you don't remember fighting back.
“I'm sure it was very scary, kid.” You nod. There's tears in your eyes despite the numbness. “Do you feel bad about it?”
The head of the house himself, Kalim's father, commended your bravery. He held your hand in both of his and thanked you for saving his son. You truly were a Viper at heart and just as deadly. Your family must be proud. 
“A feast will be held in your honor tonight. I will see you there.”
You just nodded.
Chatter and uncomfortable questions of all kinds assaulted you at the dinner table. You shyly nibbled on your baklava as Kalim bounced next to you. He thanked you for saving him and sang your praises out for everyone to hear. 
You hear the people around you making up their own stories on how it happened. Part of you cringes. Was this just a funny story to them?
You look at Jamil who slithered off. Anxiety plastered on his features. You followed.
“Jamil? What's wrong?”
“Nothing I just…” Your brother turned to you. “I'm still processing it all. I've never seen you that angry before.” He looked you in the eyes and warily crossed his arms. “It was scary. You…” 
‘Killed them’ went unsaid but the implication filled the hallway. You frown and take a step forward. Jamil steps back. “I want to be alone right now.” 
You walk back to the party. The loudness simmered down. You pick at your food. You weren't hungry
“Yuu.” A voice snaps you out of it. You look to see him. The head of the house. He has only spoken to you a handful of times. Twice in one day is an honor anyone would die for.
“Come take a walk with me.” The man turned and stepped down the hallway. The servant in you obeys.
“You have shown great strength over the years.” The man rubs his beard as he speaks, deep in his thoughts. “I have never seen a youth with such physical prowess.” His words were punctuated with each click of his heels.
His words were true. Apprehending burglars and distinguishing assassins was part of your job as a Viper. Your self-defense training was one of your strongest suits. You have chased people without a sweat. Your magic has paralyzed animals that would manage to break into the house. 
And you have just now killed two people.
The authority figure in front of you stops at a window. You look out with him. “I want to offer you a job. Something different than a servant.” You looked up with widened eyes. You have always been a servant, it's what you always would be. He wants to change it? You can be something other than this?
“That brother of yours is a wonderful retainer for my boy. You have taught him well.” You beam at him for a moment, then frown, understanding the implication. Jamil would still be a servant to his master...
“But you?” The man starts, “you have protected us well in other ways. That talent can be put to good use.”
He now looked at you, expectant look in his eyes.. “I have a job for you.”
You are Yuu Viper. The eldest child of the Viper family. It was a title to hold with pride. That is what you have been told. 
You were now an elite servant of the Asim family. One that watched from the shadows. An Assassin, born to protect and serve. You were obedient to your master.
How could you say no to such an offer? It was the ultimate honor. To serve this family with your life. It is what you have been told.
You got what you wanted. To be a very high ranking butler. One that could command the other servants. Why did you ever consider anything different?
Though you did have another motive. A plan. If you eliminate every threat, attend to every need, clean every hall, cook every meal— this family will have no need for this many servants. No need for 10 poison testers. No need for 20 bodyguards for each person. No need for artisans to be chained.
You could free your siblings. Swear you will serve them better than they ever could. Swear they can be free for their loyalty. Even if they weren't, maybe you could pay for their freedom with blood. Prove that you would go to any length.
You could fold laundry. Bathe them. Dress them. Feed them. Entertain them. Kill for them. Protect them. Serve them. Die for them.
This is the reason you are fighting so hard. Why you are working yourself to the bone. This is the reason you will excel in your training. The reason why you will learn the curve of every blade. The reason your list of skills is becoming endless. The reason your magic has been focused on stealth and utility. Your unique magic was indicative of your bloody path.
You are the strongest this family has ever seen and you will be the strongest the world has seen. No one would dare mess with this family when they have you in their arsenal. And this family will no doubt listen to your requests. Value them.
Najma and Jamil don't know. They will never know. You swear it. You will give up your freedom so they have theirs. You meant it.
With each mission you complete you are one step closer to achieving your goal.
“My liege. A word?” You stood with perfect posture behind the head of the house. Your missions have been most successful. The favor you have garnered with your master was immense.
“What is it, Yuu?” Ruby eyes look into yours from where he sat at his desk. Papers in his hand detailed your most recent report.
“I would like to make a request.”
The man's eyes widened, intrigued smile on his face. “In all these years you have never requested time off.” The man then chuckled. “Very well then, how long?”
You shake your head. “I'm not requesting time off sir.”
“Oh?” He tilts his head with intrigue. “I should have figured as much. Well then, what is your request?”
“My brother Jamil Viper will be selected by Night Raven College. This I know.” You nod to him. “I want to request that he takes time off to pursue higher education, this way he can be a better asset to your family. I will take up all of his duties in his absence.”
The man tapped a pen on the desk as he listened. “Of course.”
You aren't the same anymore. Caring smile and warm eyes now jaded and cold. Soft hands now rough and calloused. Calming voice now curt and sharp. Your affections and conversations dwindled into non-existence.
Resentment grew in Jamil's heart. Sadness budded in Najmas. They both miss you. You are gone in recent years and only the memories remain. Even when you are home, there is nothing left but the ghost they once knew. 
They don't have an older sibling to bail them out of the trouble. No one to get advice from. No one to cover their shifts. No one to cry into. No one to spend time with when the other is busy. No more freshly baked sweets just for them. No more gifts. No one to cheer them on. No one to believe in them. 
They miss their older sibling. They miss your lessons. Your magic shows. Your encouragement. Your affections. Your laughter.  The way your arms held them. It was gone. They don't recognize you anymore.
Your eyes have gotten so dull there is no light in the world that could brighten them. You're stiffer. Quieter. Blunt and unfeeling. Tired. Stories you once conjured, a stark contrast from your minimal words.
You never took breaks. You'll scout. You'll scan. You'll shadow. You observe. The closest either of them has gotten to spending time with you was when you'd shadow them or help with a chore just to dismiss yourself right after.
You were always on the job and they began to wonder if the person you were before even existed.
You aren't Yuu. You haven't been Yuu for a long time. They are mourning a person that is still alive and they don't know what to do. They just want you back. They want Yuu back.
As far as Jamil is concerned, the bond between you two is broken.
Najma walks up to you one day as you look out the window. You scanned the perimeter, watching over the children playing in the garden. She put her hands on her hips as she approached.
“Hey you! Still moping around?” She tries to laugh at her own joke but it's shaky. “Watching over the place again? Don't you ever get bored?” You shake your head and she frowns.
“Did you pass by my room last night? I could have sworn I felt the angst resonating off of you. Heh heh…” Tears started welling up in her eyes as she fiddled with the old necklace you have given to her years ago. “It's funny cause I'll look up and you're not there anymore, you know?”
She sniffles and wipes away tears with her sleeve, mouth wobbling. “I remember when we were kids and you'd always be there to tell me a story, you know? And now… now…”
The girl froze as she felt firm arms wrap around her. Najma was stunned, looking up at your stony face as you held her. Yet it wasn't the same. It wasn't warm and soothing, rather frigid and detached. An automated response. But that's fine she will take it for now. 
“See? I knew you were in there somewhere…”
Jamil was at a loss. How does he cope? His sibling and support system, gone in an instant that fateful night.
He wasn't dumb. He has gotten wise over the years with the nature of your work. He was observant. You taught him that. It also wasn't exactly a tight lipped secret either. The Asims have had secret agents for years.
He can't fully blame you for the person you have become. He cannot imagine all you have seen. But resentment and hatred he had sowed years ago is finally budding.
If it wasn't for this job, for this damn family, if it wasn't for his master— He would have an older sibling. If Kalim didn't need to be coddled every waking moment of his life then there would have been no need for so many people to be at his beck and call.
It was their fault. His fault. That is how he justified it. They took away his freedom, his dreams, his life. And now you. Kalim took you away from him.
He hoped at some point the ice in your veins would melt. It didn't. It froze over and sees it in every facet of you. You were frozen solid. Why else would you be so stiff?
He now looked over a letter in his hand, pristine and elegant. One Najma delivered to him.
Is this…?
Jamil swallowed, heart pounding in his chest as he opened it. He has been selected for the black carriage to attend one of the most prestigious magical academies in Twisted Wonderland.
His hands shook. One of the biggest honors he could have and he won't be able to accept it. He has to stay here. How will he be able to convince everyone that he should go? 
If you were here right now, there's no doubt you would have said something like ‘see? now you can really shine!’ Or something to that effect. And he would laugh and smile and call you corny but cherish your words.
You're not though.
A knock on the door made him jump. Jamil swallowed bitterly and held the letter to the side, opening the door. It was probably Kalim again with another request.
Instead he saw Yuu. Jamil blinked, then looked up at them. “A message. For you.”
Jamil looked at the note in your hand and his brow furrowed. He tentatively took it and opened it, examining the note. 
… Huh…?
He was already approved to attend? To get out of here? He has a chance to be in the spotlight?
“I got approval.. for you.” Your voice is quiet. You did this for him? After all these years you're still looking out for him? Even when you're like this?
Jamil looked up at you again. “Thank you. “ His voice was curt, bitterness on his tongue. 
“I told you you'd make it some day. And I promised I would support you.” Frustration dares to bubble in his heart.
“I didn't know you still remembered.” Jamil tries to play it off, but he cannot deny the sadness within him. “Of course I do. I'm always looking out for you.”
There's a pause in the air. “I'm sorry…” a strained murmur escapes you. “I know I haven't been around as much but…” There's a sadness in his eyes he hasn't seen in a long time. “I still want you to be happy.” 
There was so much bubbling under Jamil's skin. “Then why weren't you here when I needed you?” His voice cracked. Yuu's concern struck a rusted chord in him. For a moment he was 11 and talking to his older sibling again as they held him.
“I did what I had to do. It's my job.” Jamil's face fell.
“You… you…” he clenched his fist, invitation in his hand crinkling. “That's all you care about isn't it?! Your mission! Your servitude! Your loyalty has no limits huh? You'd kill yourself if you were told you to!” Jamil began to laugh in the middle of his outburst, chest heaving and tears falling as he continued. “I… I don't even recognize you anymore! I’ve been having to do this all on my own!”
He was sobbing, there's so much he wants to yell at you for but there's a part of him that loves you so much he can’t. “I know that I can't expect you to be the same after that day. And your job…” Jamil pauses to catch his breath, his fingers gently tracing the nearly faded scar on his neck from that day.
“But I just… Wish you were here…” Jamil looked down at the floor, defeated. Tears running down his face. Kalim. If it wasn't for him. He took them away from him.
“Jamil.” His head snapped up and he looked at Yuu, then at their outstretched hand. The elephant piece rested in your palm. The ivory white was yellowed from its age, the cracks that once covered it, filled and repaired by some sort of gold clay. 
“Do you remember this?” Jamil sniffed and nodded. “Yeah… We'd play with it all the time as kids. You always had it on your side.” They nodded.
“... It reminds me of you…” Yuu turned Jamil's arm and placed it into his hand, making sure to close his fist around it. “Everytime I went out on a mission, I kept this on me to remind me who I was doing it for. You and Najma.”
Jamil examined the piece in his hand then looked up at your brooding expression. “I thought that if I accepted this position, if I did all of this... That you would both get more freedoms. That maybe, no other Viper would be needed except for me.”
Yuu swallowed, their eyes welling with tears. “But I was wrong. I see that now. This is who I became.” Yuu looks down at themself. Unaware to Jamil were the ugly scars that covered them. Painful and deep. A reminder for their eyes only of their place. Their clothing hid it well, but they could still feel them.
“I at least managed to convince the Asims to let you attend Night Raven College.”
Jamil froze, looking up at the chess piece then to Yuu. His heart pounded. What? That's what you meant earlier? You did this? For him? His mind swirled with emotions, he's happy, he’s angry, he’s sad, but most of all there's a warmth that grows in his chest.
“I cannot be saved. I already sealed my fate. It doesn't have to be the same for you and Najma. You go out there. Study hard. Enjoy your freedom. I'll keep looking for a way for you to escape, both of you…” Their voice sounded almost desperate, like these words would be the last they ever speak. “I'll look after her while you're away, so don't worry.” 
Yuu looked down. “I know his isn't enough. I'm sor—” Jamil wrapped his arms around them before they could finish. “You… idiot! You…” Jamil wiped his tears on their shirt, basking in their warmth for the first time in a long time.
It's unknown just how much time has passed when Jamil stops crying and pulls away, face flushed and eyes puffy. Yuus face is still solid, but he could see hints of the warm, charismatic person he once knew. The two stared at each other, before Jamil looked at the piece again.
“I have a board here… want to play?” His voice was hoarse amidst the silence that ensued. A nod from Yuu and they were now setting up the board.
This was far from mending their relationship. There were still plenty of unresolved issues and sore spots between the two. He was still mourning the Yuu he knew and Yuu was still trying to recover who they once were. But this was a start.
“Here.” Jamil tried to hand Yuu the elephant just for them to push it away. “No, not this time.” Yuu says as they rotate the board so the white side faces him. There was a missing knight right where Yuu would usually put it.
Jamil places it down on the board, admiring it as he overlooked the pieces. The elephant stood out amongst them all—A diamond in the rough Yuu would say. Yuu then spoke.
“This time, you go first"
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hwaightme · 5 months
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🥂pairing: jongho x gn!reader 🥂genre: fluff, acquaintances to lovers 🥂summary: normally, you are not one to enjoy clichés, but what can you do when the best man at your best friend's wedding is choi jongho? 🥂wordcount: 1.6k 🥂warnings/tags: unedited, reader is 'maid of honour', puns, jjong-rizz, dancing, much pining, it's giving 80s/90s romcom, flirting, lmk if anything else 🥂author's note: 'chella jjong. that's the post. thank you so much <3 any reblogs/comments appreciated!
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It might be cliché. Something you had seen in films and shows many times over. You had scoffed at the pairing and labelled it as a trope tied by tradition and the general public desire for happy endings to everything - despite it rarely ever being the case. But here you were, catching yourself staring a little too long at the best man, and discovering that your heart was beating just that little bit faster, fluttering whenever he whispered one thing or another to you so as to not attract attention from other people who shared the table.
It wasn’t that you did not know Jongho, hell, you knew him very well - or at least the on-stage Jongho, the ace performer Jongho, the legendary vocalist Jongho. Having seen his achievements on the news and having heard stories about him travelling across your social circle, you were well aware of his professional capabilities. You, however, could not say much beyond that. Past common courtesies and the occasional nod in recognition, you had never shared as much as a couple of sentences with the man. Even though he was the groom’s closest friend and your best friend’s, the bride’s, recent but trustworthy acquaintance, he was a mystery to you. A mystery with an infinitely precious smile and a sense of humour that was too similar to yours to be able to hold a poker face.
It all started with a pun on an item in the set course menu for dinner. And then another. And then another, completed by yourself much to his delight. Soon enough, both of you were dissolving into a fit of giggles, sharing the jokes that others either had not quite understood or heard. It did not matter. They were not addressed to them anyways. At least not when Jongho was fully turned towards you, a glimmer in his eyes and a softness so indescribable painted across his features that you struggled to regain your composure.
You were quick to connect over the many things you had in common, and spent some time simmering in each other’s passions, enjoying the stars in one another’s eyes as you delved deeper into details. He was kind, attentive. A listener. But at the same time, no matter what topic you ventured into, even if just tentatively and temporarily, he remained just as transfixed by you as you were by him. Whenever you were worried that you had over-talked your welcome, he would encourage you to continue with a gentle question. In a rapidly descending spiral, you got addicted to his melodic laughter and how his nose would scrunch up occasionally, far too adorable to resist. 
Jongho reminded you of old classics, golden autumn sunshine and the sensation of when you get to rest after a long day in your favourite cafe, with a warming cup of the finest brew; perhaps this was because you found out you shared an appreciation for coffee with him. Be it ‘Roman Holiday’ or ‘Singing in the Rain’, Jongho retained a certain something that could not be defined by simply taking in a snippet of the present day. While you referenced recent trends and popular videos spreading online at each other, nonetheless there was something timeless about him. You wondered if this was exactly why his voice was so enchanting. The aura spread from the way he carried himself, to the way he made you feel, to the way he made you wish you did not have to look at anyone else. Dark locks that were elegantly styled to highlight him as every bit a gentleman, pretty espresso-coloured eyes that you had memorised by now, a tailor-made suit and infinite charisma that made you forget you were at somebody else’s wedding.
“I do wonder why we had never spoken before,” you mused out loud as Jongho led you to the dance floor to catch the pace slowing down to gentler, more loving tracks.
“Good things take time,” he took no time in answering, almost startling you as you caught his words.
“Ah I see, needed time for interest to build,” you teased, earning a shake of the head and a shy smile.
“Or perhaps,” he snaked his arm around your waist, and waited for you to position yourself comfortably to join in a slow dance, “to muster up the courage.”
“Hm? Pray tell,” you tilt your head, floating to the music and the sound of Jongho’s voice.
“Well I hardly think that gawking across the room is a good way to get to know someone,” you felt blush rising to your cheeks as you thought back to the times when you would study him or sneak glances at different gatherings where both of you just so happened to be - rare, but astonishingly memorable, at least the times when you could capture him in your vision and imprint him in your mind. When you looked away, just for a split second to regain your composure, you heard a soft exhale and were met with a cheeky grin, “I was referring to myself, but I am glad to know that the intrigue was mutual.”
“Hm- so, what made you want to change things up?” you swore that if he were to let go of you right this second, you would probably collapse on the floor. 
“A kind piece of advice from your friend in white. Told me that I should probably take my chances,” he tilted his head in the direction of the bride and groom before turning in time to the song.
“Wise words,” for what had to be the first time in your life, you decided to be grateful that your friend had a penchant for matchmaking.
You never quite let yourself drift in daydreams too deeply, be it out of a fear that they would turn into regular escapist paradise or out of despising the sensation of disappointment that often proceeded after entertaining even the simplest idea. But now, you could not bring yourself to avoid anything. If anything, you desperately wanted to dive in, see where the duet could take you.
One song replaced another, and you were still in his embrace, allowing yourself to enjoy the moments trickling by. Butterflies were replaced by a novel serenity, as though no matter what happened, Jongho would still be around. It made you remember something you had read about one time: the premonition of love, the feeling that in the future, you could love a person with your mind, body and soul. And, funnily enough, the realisation did not make you want to bolt in the opposite direction like it usually did. Instead, you leaned closer, and spotted the glints of that same new beginning in Jongho’s gaze.
Were you confident? No, far from it. If anything, you knew that the chances of things working out were rather disconcerting, but you did not mind trying. You could not deny the spark that was between you, nor could you ignore the realisation that this was not a spontaneous meeting of two strangers. If there was something you could choose to regret, it would be not attempting to get to know Jongho earlier; but then again, was it time lost, or a necessary pause that led you to where you were now? As the song blended into another and the two of you stepped away from the dance floor, you noticed you were still resting your hand in his. Shyly, you pulled away, your actions only to be mirrored by an equally flustered Jongho. His airy, melodic giggle made you beam; you struggled to hide it by studying the floor. It was easy to conclude that your efforts were in vain when he reached out to brush his hand over your upper arm, and carefully uttered your name. In the span of the evening, how he said it became your favourite sound.
“I’m not a fact, but I’d love it if you were to face me,” he joked, making you purse your lips in an effort to not crack so quickly.
“Jongho, come on-”
“You must be floored-” you looked up, met with a smug and mischievous grin that melted into relief and an unparalleled radiance. Oh this man and his silly puns. How you were fond of it all.
“Careful, you might just steal the show,” you gestured around you, reminding both him and yourself that you were, in fact, supposed to be celebrating somebody else. Not that you minded the attention and the way in which your heart twirled.
“Mmm, fair. Then, how about… this is our first meeting. First real meeting, I mean. We can be the main event elsewhere, if you agree to join me,” he was hopeful, gaze locked with yours. Music barely reached you, drowned out by his proposition and the steady beat of your growing feelings.
“Are you asking me out, Choi Jongho?”
“Mm, I do believe so. So, will you do me the honour and agree to go on a date with me?”
“How can I resist?”
You smiled as you felt Jongho guiding you into a spin before rejoining the dancing crowd, and happily followed. As you returned a hand to his shoulder and delicately repositioned the other to be palm to palm with his, you could not help but recollect your now archaic musings. Perhaps some clichés were more than welcome, and some things did make you wholeheartedly believe in and hope for your... and his... happy ending. 
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🥂perma-taglist: @justhere4kpop @starrysvn @byuntrash101 @frankenstein852 @charreddonuts @miriamxsworld @innsomniacshinestar @foxinnie8 @preciouswoozi @wooyoungjpg @wowie-hockey @hongjoongs-patience @jaehunnyy @maddkitt @ren-junwrld @pyeonghongrie-main @marsstarxhwa @pocketjoong-reads @yeooclock @yeonjunnie @asjkdk @lucky-cat-cafe @northerngalxy @my-loves-my-life @http-gyu
thank you <3 to join taglist, send an ask! any reblogs appreciated <3 much love!
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sarahisslytherin · 7 months
summary: you’ve been receiving love letters from a secret admirer and you’re desperate to reveal his identity. contains: benedict being fucking adorable, fluff n’ angst! a/n: first part of this multi-chapter fic.
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It was a day like any other. You woke to the humming of the maid, the hum-drum of life about the house. You rubbed sleep from your eyes as you reluctantly got out of bed. You selected your gown for the day after scouring through your wardrobe of various shades of pastel. You bid good morning to the servants as you made your way downstairs and joined your family for breakfast. There your mother urgently reminded you (as if you had forgotten from one day to the next) the importance that you find yourself a suitor, someone of good rank.
But you barely had any mind to pay her; for it was elsewhere, with another. You cut your breakfast short, unable to bear any more talk of suitors and marriage and a life without love. You were buttoning your coat when an angel descended the staircase. Well, it wasn’t truly an angel; only your lady’s maid, but the letter she held in her hand couldn’t have been any more sacred to you. She passed it to you and your eyes met hers, the looks you exchanged almost like those of two best friends trading gossip, or in this case, your own little secret.
You slipped the sealed envelope into your coat pocket before finally stepping out the door and down the front steps. Outside, London was alive and full of the colors of spring. Though you could’ve walked the streets for hours on end, you opted to head straight to the park and sat down on the nearest bench. You sifted through your pocket, pulling the envelope out. You couldn’t help noting that it smelled of lavender and cinnamon as you gently broke the seal. There, the words you had been waiting anxiously to read.
I dreamt of you last night. I dreamt of those eyes so deep I was tempted to swim in them. Of that laugh so melodious I was tempted to turn it into a symphony. Of the lips so sweet I was tempted to kiss them. Alas, I know not if I shall ever reveal myself to you. I know you must be dying to figure me out. But you must understand I couldn’t bear to be rejected by you. You drive me mad! When I am awake, you occupy my every thought, and when I sleep you visit me in dreams! I am a tormented man, but oh, how smitten I am with my torment! I clutch it to my chest and carry it with me wherever I go. How could I not? When it was you who gave it to me. Such a state of delirium is the one you have driven me to, simply by existing. Anyway, all this to say that I love you and always will. Write to me, my love. I’ll be waiting.
You pressed the piece of paper to your heart, beating faster than ever. You folded the letter back and let it fall into your pocket once more before starting for the Bridgerton house. It took every fiber in you to go on with this written affair for months on end without uttering a word to your good friend Daphne. But you felt it was something too precious, too fragile to speak of; like a creature as easily spooked as it is beautiful. 
This was what you repeated to yourself in your mind when you arrived at the Bridgertons’, and Daphne swore you had a glow about you only people in love wear. 
“Come now, who is it?” she teased as she delicately sipped her tea. “You must tell me!” 
You shook your head with a playful roll of your eyes. “There truly is nothing to tell, Daph. You must believe me.”
“Nonsense!” she poked on. “I wish to know the lucky gentleman who has you so obviously smitten.” It was then that the others entered the parlor. Anthony, with Kate on his arm, and Colin and Benedict following suit. “Fill us in on today’s gossip, sister.” jested Benedict as he lounged on the nearest chaise with his usual happy-go-lucky air. How handsome he looked today, his jet black hair shiny as ever, his grey eyes twinkling with mischief. 
“There’s nothing to share, you busybody.” Daphne scolded him lightly. “Mind your own affairs.” At this, Benedict shot you a cheeky look, one you couldn’t help but return. You wondered if your secret admirer was as handsome as he was, as sweet and boyish.
“Oh!” Daphne exclaimed suddenly. “I forgot to tell you! We are holding a ball this weekend! Isn’t that exciting?” You felt yourself light up at the news. Exciting indeed. Many things can happen at a ball, dances shared and souls intertwined, and perhaps a certain identity revealed.
tagging: @velvetcloxds @oweninadaydream @holdthegirrrl
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maggotzombie · 1 year
the day/night we met ; henry cavill
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PAIRING — Henry Cavill x Reader (fem) SUMMARY — On your wedding day, your Maid of Honor prepares a special gift to which you and Henry have distinct responses. WORDS — 1,8k TW — nothing really just a lot of fluff, emotions (I cried a bit writing it), Henry in a suit 😈. A/N — Hi! I'm not dead, just quit the most toxic job ever so I'm getting back here lol Here's a short but very dear fic to me that I wrote last year but never posted. I'm so happy to finally post this! This story has been in my head for two years now and it came out better than I thought.
Song insp.: Eu Me Lembro by Clarice Falcão feat. Silva
— 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
“ALRIGHT,” YOUR MAID OF HONOR smiles, carefully wiping her tears with a napkin. “After making you cry and potentially ruining some makeup,” The room laughs. “I’ve prepared something different to end this on a high note.”
This is one of the dearest moments of your life: your wedding. You’re marrying your soulmate. Your heart could burst with love and happiness whenever.
Everything’s perfect, from your dress to the lights of the venue. Henry – your newly proclaimed spouse – has an arm around you as you listen to your family and friends' speeches about you and your love.
You found it strange when your Maid of Honor wasn’t the first to speak, but it seems she has a reason for it. Immediately, you feel anxious, but in a good way.
“When these two told me they were getting married, I knew I wanted to do something special for them,” Your best friend starts. “I just didn’t know what, but I knew it had to be something remarkable, something for them to look back and have a good laugh,” She looks at the both of you with tears in her eyes, chuckling.
You also wipe tears off your eyes, smiling back at her, and Henry tightens his embrace around you.
“So I sat down with these two, separately, and started to ask a few questions,” She smiles and wiggles her eyebrows, which is an expression you know very well.
‘Oh my,’ You think. ‘What is she up to?’
“Things started to get really interesting from the start, and I decided to make a video out of it,” Your best friend winks at you. “Without further ado, enjoy it.”
With a pleasant smile, she sits down. The attention turns to the screens set around the venue.
You remember sitting with your Maid of Honor to chat about your relationship. You didn’t really understand why she wanted to do that. However, it always has been effortless talking about Henry, and you brushed it off as having something to do with the wedding.
You recall having a great time answering her questions – drinks might have been involved beforehand, but the whole process was surprisingly professional.
Your friend’s face pops up on the screen as she introduces herself. “In this little video, I wanted to talk about our lovely couple’s amazing and fun story, especially the day they met,” She explains. “Newlyweds, I love you very much, and I hope you like this little something I put together for you.”
She blows a kiss and waves. Then in fancy lettering, “A love story” is scribbled on the top-left corner of the screen, and “A story of love” on the bottom right corner. You wonder why both phrases – which convey the same thing – are on the video, but the thought quickly slips your mind when your smiling face appears on the screen.
“State your name and occupation, please,” Your friend prompts on the video, but she’s out of the shot.
You roll your eyes amusedly. “What’s this, a trial? I’m innocent, your honor!” You giggle, making everybody at the venue laugh.
You answer the question anyway, and your name also appears written on the video.
“For the purpose of… this, I’m the bride?” It sounds like a question, and you make a face, unsure of yourself.
She never explained what the video was for, in your defense.
Right after you, Henry appears. “I’m Henry, and I am the lucky groom,” He smiles brightly, looking as handsome as always.
“So, tell me, how did you meet Henry?” Your friend asks, and your smile is instant as you remember that exact day as if it was yesterday. “How did you meet Y/N?” She asks him in the next scene, and his reaction is the same.
“I was hosting a brunch,” You start, your eyes unfocused as the vivid memory plays in your mind. “And it was morning when Henry arrived.”
When he reapers, you can tell it’ll cut back and forth between you. “I was throwing a party, and she was the one that came around. I think it was three in the afternoon,” Henry replies, quite differently from you.
You scoff mockingly, looking at him by your side. He chuckles, brushing it off with a shoulder tic before you turn back to the screen.
“And I said: ‘Hi, come on in, make yourself at home,’ You know, something of the sorts,” You shrug off.
Your betrothed chuckles in the video, scratching his chin in thought. “I was the one that said hello, but she didn’t hear.”
His comment makes the venue erupt in laughter. You meet Henry’s loving gaze again and squeeze his hand, making him bring yours up to press a kiss on your knuckles.
If your shared story had different and entertaining versions until now, it’d just get better!
After being asked about first impressions of one another, he replies: “She thought I was hilarious,” He says with such confidence that is endearing.
In your turn, you laugh and cover your mouth as if what you are about to say it’s an embarrassing secret.
“Oh my god, he wouldn’t stop talking! Like a lot!” You emphasize. “And I pretended to laugh the entire time,” You say very sheepishly before throwing your head back in laughter again. “That’s terrible. I feel like I need to apologize,” You add after your fit.
“Oh, I just remembered something,” He suddenly announces, and his smile is wide as the memory toy around in his head. “Her blouse was inside out,” He chuckles, eyes focused on a spot. “She’s so adorable and such a goof, isn’t she?” He looks back at the camera.
“He loved the way I was dressed,” You giggle, visibly shivering as you physically remember the feeling of him truly looking at you for the first time.
Your friend asks another question, changing the subject slightly, but Henry shakes his head.
“Yeah, the party was great! Everybody was having a good time, but I only remember searching for her when she wasn’t near me. Trying to get another look, you know?” He says.
In turn, you scoff. “No one was dancing! I don’t remember who was taking care of the music, but it was terrible!” Your genuine response makes the room fills with laughter another time. “At least everyone had a drink in hand and ate something.”
“Oh, yes. The food was wonderful. Everything homemade,” Your partner assures with a proud nod naively.
“I bought everything off Tesco,” You rushedly confess, throwing your head back in laughter again.
Back to the present moment, you’re wiping the new tears from the corners of your eyes due to laughter. You love the good energy around the room as your guests and yourself enjoy the video your Maid of Honor made.
Now you understand both phases in the beginning, and although you and Henry have very distinct versions of the day you met, you love both of them and the feelings they bring you.
However, something changes in the next second of the video. For the first time, on a split-screen, you two appear together.
“When I saw him, I knew it (When I saw her, I knew it),” You both say simultaneously. “She (He) was the person I’d spend the rest of my life with,” You continue.
Glancing at him, you’re surprised to see he’s already looking at you. Then you exchange a knowing look. It seems like you got on the same page in this part of the video.
“And that’s how I realized that life put him (her) in my life,” You say in unison. “On that Tuesday (Thursday) of September (December),” Your responses overlap with each other, drawing amused reactions from people.
“That’s why I remember everything, of every second,” Both of you state, which is downright ironic at this point. “Ask me anything that I remember.”
“I remember,” You proudly declare with a grin but, this time, by yourself.
And so does Henry. “I remember,” He nods with a beam.
The video ends there, and the room erupts in applause, whistles, and hollered praises.
Words couldn’t describe the dazzling feelings you’re experiencing if you wanted to. You can’t be more grateful to your friend for this treat either. And, of course, the man you now get to call your husband.
The spotlight of attention returns to you as you’re exchanging the most enamored gaze ever. Henry leans in and presses his lips to your forehead, making you close your eyes. Slowly, you allow all those remarkable sensations to wash over you.
When you reopen your eyes, you smile at him before looking at your Maid of Honor. “Thank you so much for this extremely thoughtful gift. We both loved it a lot.”
Henry confirms with a head gesture.
“Words won’t do justice to how much you’re special to me. I’m just so grateful I get to share such a special and meaningful moment of my life, like this one, with you,” Your voice cracks at the end, and you smile, trying to hold your tears at bay as you can see she’s doing the same. “So I can’t thank you enough.”
As the room gets loud with another round of applause and cheers, she smiles, mouthing an “I love you too” to you. Wiping your tears carefully one more time, you chuckle.
“Although, I only have one question,” You announce, making the room pipe down. “Was my blouse really inside out?” You giggle as you look back at Henry.
Your husband starts to laugh. “Yeah,” He confirms bashfully. “Yeah, it was,” He nods as your guests join you in laughter.
“Oh, God. I can’t believe it,” You shake your head in embarrassment. “I also would like to point out that my husband clearly has a lot of experience with interviews,” You remark, addressing the room. “I feel kinda bad after saying I was pretending to laugh at his jokes when he’s all loving and caring,” You rejoin your friends and family in fun.
“I do tell bad jokes,” Henry concedes in your defense. “I love how genuine you are, and you’re loving and caring to me, too,” You nearly melt at his famous Hollywood-star smile.
The sound of ‘aww’s’ fills the room. “You see what I’m dealing with?” You joke, making everybody chuckle.
You give him a chaste but affectionate peck on the lips. Your wedding coordinator decides it’s time for the first dance to open the floor to make your guests burn some energy after the buffet.
And so, feeling the most secure and happy while pressed against your husband’s chest with his arms around you, you swing slowly. By sharing the same air, the same space, and the same feelings, you can’t think of anything better.
It all started on a Tuesday morning in September for you. But for him, it was a Thursday afternoon in December. Now, it is a Saturday evening in November that you’ll never forget.
You will remember. Everything. Of every second.
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luvyeni · 10 months
❛1-800-SERVICE ME❜ ( z. chenle )
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p. ceo!chenle x toplessmaid!reader w. 2.6k+
— 𖦹 warnings. small age gap ( reader is 23 and chenle is 26 ), fem!reader, oral ( m. receiving ), unprotected sex
— 𖦹 ( instead of giving chenle his normal maid cleaning services his assistant gives him a surprise for his birthday ) !
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Chenle was a busy man —being the CEO of the top electronic company in Seoul, he didn’t have time to do things, like clean his condo himself, which is why he got his assistant and friend jaemin to schedule maids' services to come do it for him.
“Happy birthday boss man.” Jaemin met him at the elevator, his coffee in his hand. “How are you feeling this morning, the big 26.” He took the cup from the boy, taking a sip. “it’s a regular day for me, meetings, answering calls, meeting with investors.” He said as they walked through the office.
“Yeah, but now you’re a year older.” Jaemin followed behind him into the office. “So i’m closer to thirty, big whoop.” He sat in his chair. “Such a downer, anyways what are you doing later, for your birthday?”
“I’m going home jaemin, that’s all I want to do.” He said, it wasn’t that he didn’t like to party, but he was always so busy, and the only thing he wanted was to get off early and go home and rest. “I want to order some food, drink a cup a whiskey and then crash in my bed.”
“No fun.” Jaemin said, “You’re gonna die alone at this rate.” Chenle shrugged. “Jaemin go prepare for the meeting and leave me alone.” He spoke. “Just trying to help.” The boy said. “That is helping, go.”
“Fine, fine, i’m going.” He said making his way out the door, only to turn around. “What now?” Chenle sighed. “I just wanted to tell you that the maid service you like was closed down, so I chose a new one, they’ll be over later today.” He nodded looking at his computer. “Good, now go.”
Chenle finished his day early, most of his meetings were canceled or rescheduled — so why not get out of here. “Going home early boss?” jaemin asked. “Yup, i’ll see you tomorrow.” He said, jaemin yelled before he got on the elevator. “don’t forget, the maids' services will be there later on today!” Chenle didn’t notice the mischievous smirk that was evident on his assistant's face.
Chenle got home, sitting his briefcase down on the kitchen table — making his way into his bedroom to change his clothes, exchanging his black Prada suit, into some comfortable sweats and a white tee short.
He found a nice Chinese restaurant, picking up his phone, ordering his favorites, it would be an hour and a half wait but he was willing to wait, it would give him enough time to pour himself a drink and wind down some.
He set off the the kitchen, pouring himself his most favorite expensive whiskey in a glass with a huge ice cube, taking a sip, humming in delight — this was looking like his best birthday in a while, just peace and quiet.
His peace and quiet was soon disrupted by his buzzer going off. “That was fast.” He said, “I thought it would be an hour and a half wait.” He pressed the intercom button. “Hello?” He spoke through the microphone. “Oh hello.” A soft voice came through the intercom. “You can leave it there, someone will be down to pick it up.”
You were confused, “Are you not Zhong Chenle?” you were sure this was the address, had you gotten it wrong? “T-the maids services.” Chenle forgotten about that. “Oh yeah, i’m sorry about that.” He hit the button. “You may come up.”
This was a nice apartment, you’ve only been in this line of work for a few months, but most of your clients were rich so you’ve seen a lot of nice houses and apartments — but this was the nicest you’ve ever seen, this guy must’ve been really important.
You made your way to the apartment, sitting all your supplies down, knocking on the door. “Coming.” You heard his voice, then the door unlocking, swinging open revealing a tall guy, he was cute, dressed in the sinful, grey sweats, white tee shirt combo. “Hello.” He spoke.
“Oh h-hi.” You waved, “Mr.Zhong?” you asked, he smiled. “Call me chenle, come in.” You whispered his first name, picking up all your supplies, following him into the apartment. “You can start in here.” He pointed to the kitchen. “Okay.” You said, sitting the supplies down, reaching for your black trench coat, untyping the belt, revealing your baby pink lingerie.
“The bedroom isn’t that bad, i mean I only use it for sle- whoa!” His eyes widened as you reached for the back of your bra. You stopped, looking at him. “Would you prefer of I kept it on?” You questioned, but that was the furthest thing on his mind. “Why are you wearing that?”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “The email said that’s what you requested, is this not the shade of pink you like?”
“N-no it’s very pretty- I mean- never mind that, i’m talking about why are you wearing lingerie?” He said, trying not to look at you, fear of a law suit. “And why are you trying to take it off.”
“It’s just the bra.” You said, he couldn’t understand why you were so calm, he was freaking the fuck out, who did jaemin call. “Plus, it’s part of the services.” You explained. “Service?” He questioned. “Yes, the topless maid services— topless, maid sorta the whole thing.”
That cheeky fucking bastard, he was gonna kill jaemin tomorrow. “I’m sorry, this is all new to me, my soon to be ex assistant hired you, it’s my birthday today, and he has to be over the top.” You nodded. “It’s okay, we can cancel the services if you’d like.” You were sweet, you stared at him with wide innocent eyes, you’ve must’ve been new to this.
“No.” He said, “No it’s okay, just shocked me a bit, you can continue.” He spoke. “You sure sir, I would hate to ruin your birthday with such an inconvenience.” He ignored the way his cock twitched when you said sir. “Who am I to stop you from doing your job, you may continue.”
You nodded, “okay.” You said. “Would you like for me to keep the bra on?” he shrugged. “Whatever you feel comfortable with.” You hummed, his eyes widened as you reached behind, unlatching the hooks, letting your bra fall into your hands, your boobs perky the air from the condo had your nipples pebbling — fuck he was getting hard.
“May I start sir?” He coughed; he loved the way sir just fell from your lips. “Um sure.” He said, you began your job, starting with the kitchen like he told you, he watched from the other room, he gulped watching as you washed the dishes, you weren’t even doing it sexy, he was just being a pervert, wishing the water would spray on you, or a little bit of soap would get caught on your boobs — he felt like a virgin seeing a pair of tits for the first times.
You made your way into the living-room where he was sitting. “You need me to leave.” He still didn’t understand how this worked. “No, the whole point is for you to watch me.” You said, chuckling. “And you clean my house naked?” He said, you nodded. “Topless, not naked.” You corrected, he nodded. “Right topless, and you get paid a lot for it – i’m sorry i don’t mean to pry.”
“It depends – if you have a lot of clients, you get paid a lot of money, and your tips, if you’re asking if I get paid a lot personally.” You reached up dusting his fireplace, giving him a peak of your ass, he palmed himself, stopping when you turned around. “I am able to live way more comfortably than someone my age normally does sir.”
He was gonna burst if you kept calling him that. “A-and how old are you?” You smiled, you could tell you were effecting him. “I’m 23 sir.” You bent down, you heard him sigh.
“What about you sir, how old are you?” He coughed again. “Me? Oh, i’m 26.” He wasn’t that older than you, you hummed. “And what do you do?”
The sudden turn of questions stumped him, especially since it was hard not to stare at your boobs. “I-i’m the CEO of sm tech company.” So, he was a huge deal, that explained the nice house.”
You nodded, getting back to work. “That’s so cool, i’ve never worked with a CEO before.” He smiled, you were cute, had this freshness to you, it was quite the scene change from all the corporate girls he met. “I guess.” He spoke.
You eventually moved to the other rooms, cleaning and tidying up everything until you were done. “You did such a good job.” You smiled. “You did better than any maid i’ve had come here.” He spoke. “Are you saying that because i’m topless?” You were a tease. “Well, i’m mean that is a plus, but you’re also a good cleaner.” He spoke. “Good job.”
Fuck he was really turning you on, your tried to ignore the feeling in between your legs, trying to remain professional like normal, but you were only human, and you could literally see his thick cock stiff in his sweats, begging to fill your mouth. “How much do I owe you?” He asked. “Oh no, I was paid already.” He nodded. “Well then a tip.”
He reached for his wallet, pulling out 5 hundred dollar bills. “Here.” He handed it to you. “This is such a generous amount.” You said. “Well I said you did a good job.” He smiled. “Take it.” He said, pulling at your waist band, putting it inside snapping it, normally that was a breech of contract, and you should’ve called him out for it, but he was fucking hot, and you were horny, you couldn’t help but whimper.
“You liked that princess?” He smirked as you nodded. “Y-yes sir.” He could feel a groan bubbling in his throat. “Fuck princess, you keep calling me sir, it’s getting really hard for me.” He spoke, his voice low. “I’m sorry sir.” You smiled. “Oh, you’re a tease, princess I could do so many things to you.”
Fuck you wanted to drop to your knees so fast. “Sir you know there’s no touching in these services.” You teased. “Yeah, but I don’t see you stopping me, you must want me to touch you.” His hands crept up your waist, you sighed. “See princess, you want this just as much as I do.” He pulled your body flush against his, pulling you into a deep kiss, pulling away. “Fu-fuck my cock is so fucking hard right now.”
You guided him to the couch, pushing him down. “Let me help you.” You sunk to your knees, right in front of his cock, biting your lip, looking up at him. “It’s your birthday after all.” He nodded, you grabbed his waistband, he lifted his hips up allowing you to pull his sweats down to his ankles.
You freed his cock from his underwear, his thick cock springing up, hitting his abdomen. “You’re so big.” You grabbed the base, kissing his tip, he hissed. “So heavy.” He groaned as you sucked on his tip. “Fuck princess, take it into your mouth.”
You engulfed his cock, he moaned out, throwing his head back against the couch. It had been a while since he’d been giving a blowjob, and the the way you were sucking him, hollowing your cheeks, deepthroating him like your life depended on it — he was gonna blow his load.
You worked your magic on his, looking at him through your lashes. “Sh-shit princess of you keep sucking me like that, i’m gonna cum in your mouth.” You released his cock with a pop, stroking it. “That’s what I want.” You kept stroke. “Cum in my mouth sir.”
You took him back into your mouth, deepthroating him. “Fu-fuck, fuck.” He moaned. “Im gonna cum, gonna fucking cum down your throat, ngh fuck!” you felt his cum hit the back of your throat. “That’s it, take my cum down that pretty throat.”
You took him out your mouth, giving his tip a few kisses. “You taste so good.” He groaned; your panties were soaked through, desperate to feel his cock in your cunt.
“Wanna ride your cock.” You climbed into his lap, your pantie clad cunt, sitting directly on his cock. “Fu-fuck, gonna take my cock?” He brought his hand down to your ass, slapping it. “Fuck yes.” You moaned. “Wanna ride it so bad.”
“Fuck.” You were killing him, all he wanted for his birthday was to have a peaceful night in and a clean house — now he has all that and a pretty girl ready to ride his cock.
“Take your panties off, leave those pretty thigh garners on.” You stood up, pulling your panties down your legs, giving him a nice look at your ass. “Fuck, sit down.” You straddled his lap, hovering over his cock. “Mmh, fuck!” you moaned, sitting down on his cock. “Your cock is so big.”
You bounced up and down, his cock stretching you out. “Fuck princess, keep bouncing, fucking taking my dick like a good girl.” He moaned, you grabbed his shoulders to steady yourself, “S-sir.” You moaned, he slapped your ass. “Fu-fuck!” You screamed. “That sir word is gonna get you fucked dumb baby.” He growled. “I want it.”
He planted his feet, fucking up into your, your moans became high pitched, chenle’s neighbors probably heard you, but you didn’t care, not when you were about to reach your high. “S-sir.” You spoke. “Sir i’m gonna cum.” He grunted, grabbing your boobs. “Fuck me too, cum for me princess, cum all over my cock, so I can cum all over those perfect tits.”You screamed, thighs shaking as you coated his cock in your cum. “That’s it -fuck- cum all over my dick.”
“Fuck.” He cursed, he was about to cum, he could feel it. “Fuck get back on your knees, i’m about to blow my load.” You got up, sinking back down on your knees. “Stroke it for me.”
You took his cock into your hand, stroking it, he moaned out. “Fuck!” he groaned. “Fuck I’m cumming, I’m gonna cum.” He moaned, cum spurting from his cock, landing on your boobs and on your lower chin. “Sh-shit.” He breathed, watching his cum drip down your chest, coating your nipples. “So pretty.”
He scooped up some of his cum from your nipples, pressing it on your lips — you took his fingers into your mouth. “Fuck good girl.” You sucked his fingers cleaned.
You chuckled taking in everything that just happened. “I’ve never did that with a client before.” You said, chenle chuckled. “Guess i’m special.” You excused yourself to use his bathroom to clean up, putting your panties back on, and your bra, ready to leave. “Here.” He gave you an extra 200 dollars. “Think of it as a birthday present.” You said.
He nodded, “well then hand me your phone number, so can schedule another appointment.” You smiled, “You’re supposed to book me on the sight.” He rolled his eyes. “Stop being such a tease, i’ll book you on the stupid site, but your number is if I want a personal type of service.” Your smirked, writing down your number. “Here.”
You put your jacket back on, grabbing your cleaning supplies, he walked you to the door. “Happy birthday sir.” You said kissing his cheek, before walking away down the hall. “Shit.” He closed the door, sitting back down on the couch.
His phone rang, he answered it, jaemins voice rang through the phone. “So, did you enjoy it?” he rolled his eyes. “Next time, give me a heads up.” he said. “Did you like it?” He bit his lip. “I should fire you.” The boy laughed. “I see you had a good time; I hear the happiness in your voice, I won’t ask questions.” jaemin teased.
“I know you’ll be booking again though.”
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vcill · 1 year
❥His Desires
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He is the future king of devildom, as you are the future prince/princess consort.
He will watch as you talk with nobels and charm them with your smile as you try not to let the vibrator in you distract the guests.
He will make you cum in anyway possible as you attempt to finish remaining paperwork.
He will spoil you with riches and gold, the finest fabrics and silks one could only dream of having, as you are being bent over the table, trying to finish your dinner as you are being pounded into.
You will take care of him, getting on your knees and sucking to release the stress from his dick as he sits on the throne, head thrown back in complete pleasure.
You will be at his mercy whenever he is in heat, allowing him to breed you, to use you, to fill you up as if you're leaving tomorrow.
You will sit on his lap, reminding him of what a good king he will be and how he makes you so happy everyday and night. He will beg for you to praise him more, acting as mere servant than a prince for your praise.
You are the most important person to him in the universe as he is to you. You're body and soul belongs to him as his to you. You both are at each other's mercy and hands when night and day arises, neither complaining about the treatment each receives.
You are going be fucked in front of everyone who tries anything with you, to show them all that only he can please and fuck you a proper future queen/king should be.
He is going to be a whiny, moaning mess in front of all nobels, maids and nights to remind them all that if they dare try to take your prince, this is what he gets every night, this what he deserves. And none of them will ever compare.
The future king and queen, inseparable by body and mind.
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Diavolo, the future ruler of devildom, needs the absolute best and flawless service.
With you being new and all, you wouldn't know what to do or how to do it, so of course Barbatos took it up on himself to train you properly.
Diavolo like his paperwork separated by date. Barbatos likes your legs spread open nice and wide so he can see that pretty little hole of yours.
Diavolo likes his coffee scorching hot in the morning and icy cold at night. Barbatos likes you screaming his name while everyone is awake, and quiet as a mouse when everyone is sleeping.
Diavolo must have his meals served to him at 7am, 1pm, and 7pm. You must be able to make him cum before 7am, 1pm, and 7pm.
Diavolo expects all rooms in the palace to be in top shape whenever court officials come to discuss business plans. Barbatos expects you to not cum until every single one of the meetings are over.
Towels, blankets, and sheets must be folded eight times diagonally. You must be able to be fucked 8 times, and cum twice as much daily.
Hourly, you must check in with the diavolo and see if he has any requests. If he does, you must complete them immediately. If wants you to drop to your hands and knees, you must do so wherever you are at and start sucking.
Whenever the demon brothers come to visit, you should treat them as if they were Diavolo himself but never more. Whenever Barbatos is around, you shall remember he has complete control over you and you will do what he commands.
And this, newly recruited maid/butler, is the start of you training.
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Solomon has been around for quite a long time. So of course he's experienced quite a few interesting things in his time.
But it's always so cute when you find out something that he knew about decades ago.
He wonders... What else don't you know?
Did you know, you make a really lewd face whenever you're sucking him off? With drool dripping down your chin and the gagging noses you make as he's fucking your face?
Did you know, whenever he puts his dick inside of you, you always let out a little sigh/moan of his name? Even more on this fun fact, you squeeze around him when he does?
Did you know there's a special potion that makes you 10x more horny than before? And the only way to fix it is him fucking you with his nice hefty cock?
Did you know, you moan like a bitch in when he pounds into you? Jerking you off/rubbing your clit while he does so. Seeing how you struggle to take all of the pleasure but still beg more?
Did you know he probably keeps a book hidden away with all these facts and may randomly read them to you one day, with you having no room to say it's untrue?
Solomon loves it whenever you're curious ♡, you're curiosity and Innocence about the world and universe is just so appealing to him. And to watch you break whenever he ruins you're body in a way you've never imagined...
He's a commander of 72 demons for reason you know.
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He knows more than angel probably should.
He knows he shouldn't be staring at your uniform whenever you bent over to pick something up, or when you're shirt rised up a little and he could see your cute stomach.
He knows that as an angel of the celestial realm, he should completely be at your mercy as you fuck him like there's no tomorrow.
He's always been used to being bossed around, commanded to do a task, watch over luke. It became the normal for him.
So why did it feel so different, so good, whenever you asked him to do such a simple task as to grab you a soda? To help you do your homework? Run an errand for you at the store?
Why did it feel so good as he asked for your permission to do certain task and the pleasure of you saying yes or no filled him so greatly?
Why did he want you to completely ruin him?
He wants to be corrupted, to see what the demon brothers have been experiencing all these years. He wants to forget about Michael and the celestial realm as you prevent his orgasm the 5th time that night.
He wants to be on his hands and knees as you sit there watching him he pathetic all for your pleasure, all for you to praise and degrade him.
So won't you give him that? Won't you see how he acts and feels whenever you ask him to do something for you?
Don't you want him to be at your mercy? Then do it. Ask him, tell him, demand him to do whatever you please and like while defiling his name.
Let him be the disgrace of angel he truly is.
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reshinless · 2 months
──── love you to the moon & saturn..
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𝜗𝜚 synopsis. his kid's teacher, who decided to stay with them 'till he came back from a late shift at his job, and to his surprise, the teacher was kind of cute. a kindergarten teacher, actually no, his kid's favorite teacher, man what would his kid think if you suddenly became their parent, but getting to know you a bit is.. well, it doesn't sound too bad.
𝜗𝜚 pairings. multiple genshin men as dads x gn!reader (seperately)
𝜗𝜚 director's notice. i'm replying to like 3 other requests, have this for now!
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a busy dad who got to see their kid after a small break, and finds you. — ayato, al haitham, gorou, diluc, childe/tartaglia, kaveh
he just happened to be given a few days off, other than weekends, he could see his kid. even so by ordering the person who usually picks the kid up for them to not for a few days, because he would instead. as he arrived at the kindergarten, the dismissal area was definitely filled with kids of all kinds, running to their parents, he searched the room for his bundle of joy, just to see them with a special someone; you. he knows his kid was in good hands, as soon as he sees you helping them with an activity that was being done earlier, waiting for their parent to arrive, you look behind to see a well-dressed man, looking down to you and his kid. while you stand up to introduce yourself to him, all the kid could do was cling to their father's leg, finally getting to see him on any day but a weekend, and with their favorite teacher? they were more than happy! watching their 2 most favorite people get along was the best! not to mention the subtle blush on both your cheeks as you both talked, gives his number through "maybe my kid might need help later :)". as soon as he gets home and has dinner with his kid, you won't go away from his mind, the still picture of your smile after he made a joke the first meeting you both had, how could he concentrate on any work this week if that's what's really stuck on his mind.
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dedicated dad to his kid: while picking up his giddy kid from kindergarten, he wonders why, and he sees a newly-hired teacher. a really cute one that is. — zhongli, kaeya, diluc, aether, gorou, thoma, childe/tartaglia, arataki itto, tighnari
as his kid ran up to their father, almost attaching themselves onto him, he looked up to see the most jaw-dropping, ethereal, elegant, graceful, charming, beauty he's ever laid his eyes on trying to talk to him about his kid's amazing performance in class. honestly he's never seen his kid happier when you told them so, a perfect score in their quiz?! oh you're so proud of them!! even handing them their favorite chocolate/candy bar!! you were so breathtaking to him, and almost like another parent to his child, it made his heart bloom, what if you became his actual other parent, hey he's just thinking out loud... anyways, stroke a conversation with you, probably used a cheesy pickup line to get your number, plus points if you love funny guys (every1 does), experienced love at first sight immediately, thinks you are an amazing person for choosing your job as teaching too, must be quite hard too, his kid can be hard to discipline sometimes too, and multiply that by 20? damn, you must have a lot of patience. getting to talk to you and getting your number, on the same day? man this day must be a blessing from the archons! because it feels like he met the love of his life, and he truly did.
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as his kid begged for him to go pick him up at school instead, he meets his kid's 2nd favorite person, you just might become his 2nd favorite too. — albedo, xiao, wanderer/scaramouche, cyno, al haitham
not that he didn't wanna pick up his kid, but he was definitely busy, and that early morning that they had to go to school was when they wanted him to pick them up instead of the maids around the house. their reasoning was that other kids were making fun how their real dad doesn't wanna pick them up because 'he left', but they knew otherwise, a work-at-home dad yet somehow piled with paperwork and goes to work on weekends, it's like he isn't even trying to care for them, so to prove those bullies they were wrong, they wanted their dad to come, just even that one time. as he approached the kindergarten classroom, he peeked inside to see his child holding another adult's hand and telling them about what happened about their day while waiting for to come get them, he was by far the most fascinated with you, it's like you had bond almost stronger than he and his kid had, when he went to talk to you while picking up the kid, almost just sleeping in his arms, and decided to introduce himself to you, since the little chaos ensuer in his hands seemed to love you so much, and honestly you two had more in common than he thought, so much so he got your number, handing a coffee to you, saying "coffee date sometime if you're free, call me XXXX-XXX-XXX." on the sticky note, you ended calling him, and he was more than excited for your date, but he obviously wants to take it slow, and doesn't wanna rush anything between you two at all. is more than grateful that his little angel asked him to pick him up even just once.
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responsibly affectionate dad — zhongli, diluc, childe/tartaglia, thoma, dainsleif, wriothesley
chaotic good & super thoughtful dad — arataki itto, venti, childe/tartaglia
lowkey motherlike (overly nurturing & affectionate) — mika, aether, kazuha, childe/tartaglia, diluc, neuvillette
can't cook so him and his kid have been living on eggs, hotdog, rice, and instant noodles for 2 weeks obviously not forever.. — arataki itto, kazuha, venti, heizou
24/7 teasing, but when you tease him back he gets a lil shy (the kid thinks its cheesy and will say ew) — heizou, childe/tartaglia, kaeya, scaramouche/wanderer, cyno
you guys kiss when he goes to pick you both up from the school bc afterwards you have nothing to do cuz ur a kindergarten teacher (whipee!!), kid will cover their eyes, goodnight thanks 4 listening to my ted talk
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nicxl333 · 11 months
you ask and you shall receive (•̀ᴗ•́)و
i do feel like rin and barou deserve some form of justice so here’s a continued ending to part two. i swear to you there’s a good ending this time.
also this took me time to write cause i’m hella busy with school since it’s my last year…exams and the like yadayadayada. anyways enough about me, happy reading!
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characters: barou shoei, itoshi rin
content: angst, fluff, swearing
please note: if you haven’t read pt.1 or pt.2 please read both for context
taglist (cause ik i pissed y’all off 💀): @faeroow @samisamaza @dookiemeshibear @91ed0 @v1v1arish
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it was bound to happen. you both had mutual connections to each other, but you were hoping and praying you wouldn’t have to have direct contact with him at this event.
however, you can’t get everything you want in life.
this event was one of major importance: the wedding of chigiri and his long time partner. you were close enough to be made the maid of honour by chigiri’s soon to be wife, and therefore already stressed with the meticulous planning of the wedding. even worse once you learned barou was on the guest list. it was stupid of you to think he wouldn’t be, given that the entirety of former blue lock players were there.
and so, you dreadfully counted down the days to the wedding, growing more and more anxious that you would have to see him.
ever since you ended things with him, you hadn’t been the best simply put. you still had feelings for him. regardless of how he treated you, there’s was something about him that put him apart from the rest.
and that scared you. mostly because you thought you were exiting your relationship for your own good, but you were fighting with yourself just as hard to avoid taking him back.
and you hoped those feelings wouldn’t overload during this wedding.
you sat in the room where chigiri’s fiancé was getting ready. the room was bustling, the makeup artist and hairstylist working simultaneously to get her finished in time, while you and the bridesmaids, already dolled up in your tailor made dresses, were giving her words of encouragement to ease her nerves, ignoring your own for the sake of the couple. once she was done and the dress was on everyone stared in awe, you included at how beautiful she looked. however you couldn’t help but think if that’s what you and barou could’ve been, what you could’ve had. who knows.
you pushed it all away though, for the ceremony was about to begin. all the bridesmaids lined up with their groomsmen, you at the front with chigiri’s best man, kunigami rensuke. when the music started, the venue coordinators opened the ceiling high doors and out your pair walked first, arm in kunigami’s.
“congrats on your win rensuke, i saw your match. looks like you’ve gotten sloppy though, your kicks have lost power.” you teased.
you and kunigami were friends, meeting each other through chigiri, immediately getting along.
“oh please, i’d like to see you do better in my exact position.”
“i wouldn’t need to, a five year old could’ve done better.”
“stay bitter y/n.”
you lightly chuckled to yourself as you reached halfway down the aisle. you could see your best friend at the alter, smiling proudly at you. you smiled back, looking around to see how beautiful the hall was. everyone involved with the planning had really outdone themselves.
your eyes had happened to wander too far however, immediately locking with a familiar pair of red eyes conveniently standing in front of a seat closest to the aisle. in that moment your heart had skipped a beat, seeing the man you still once loved looking at you as hard as you were looking at him. his hair was down for once, donned in a black sheen suit, with a navy blue tie. he looked so handsome, and you had fallen right into his trap. you couldn’t pinpoint it, but he was also looking at kunigami with a face of…discontent?
you forced yourself to tear your eyes away, focusing on what you were supposed to be doing, which was completing your walk.
as you neared closer to him, your anxiety grew with each step, until you were parallel to him. you passed him completely with two more steps, proud at yourself for not acknowledging him. that work was undone though once a wave of your favourite cologne on him hit your nostrils, melting at the familiarity.
you immediately collected yourself, completing the walk up to the altar and disconnecting from rensuke with a small pinch to his arm, to which he lightly swatted at you with a smile. your hand reached out to briefly hold chigiri’s with an encouraging smile before making your way to stand to the left of the altar, facing the crowd.
as the other bridesmaids were walking down the aisle you couldn’t help but sneak a few glances towards barou every now and then, only to find he was already looking at you each and every time.
after an exchange of vows, a few tears shed here and there, and rings given, the spotlight couple were announced husband and wife and exchanged a long kiss. the crowd erupted into cheers and applause, and the reception was about to commence.
once the food was eaten and speeches had been given, most of the attendees had either made their way to the dance floor or broke into conversation with others.
you did neither the former or the latter however, instead opting to sit at your table alone, watching others have their moment.
you froze, head whipping to your right just in time to see barou himself sinking into the seat beside you.
“good turnout huh, heard you had a hand in the planning. you did well.”
“what is it? cause we both know you didn’t come to talk about the decor shouei.”
he paused for a moment, not expecting you to be so sharp about it.
“i wanted to see how you were doing. i miss you y/n, badly. and i know you established your boundaries the last time we saw each other, but when i saw you enter it just reminded me of us, especially when i saw him next to you. dunno, call it jealousy or some shit.” you looked down, studying your maid of honour dress, while contemplating what to do.
this weren’t heading in a good direction, you could tell. specifically because you missed him too. and your composure was slowly unraveling. and you cursed yourself for having a few flute-fulls of champagne, because you knew your tongue had loosened up enough to speak your truth.
“i…miss you too. but i don’t know, shouei, why does it have to take losing me just for you to realised what you had? why let it get to this point? we could’ve been in so much of a better place right now.”
“i know y/n, shit, i know. but i wanna make it up to you. wanna show you how much i appreciate you for what you do. i know i should’ve done better by you, but that’s why i’m here now. to make up for my actions. i wanna start over with you.”
he looked at you still avoiding looking at him, taking his index finger and thumb to lift up your chin towards him, slowly rubbing your lip. he knew you liked it. it made you realise maybe he did pay attention to you here and there.
“we’ll go slow y/n, i’m gonna take my time to do this properly with you.”
you gave him a nod, and with that, he neared closer to you for a kiss, you meeting him halfway until you connected, sharing a sweet moment. your hands threaded through his hair, feeling his soft locks in your grasp. after a while you parted, his eyes full of adoration, something you didn’t know he could show.
“c’mon, let’s get out of here.”
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life went on. for six more months rin carried on climbing his way to the top, attempting day by day to erase you out of his mind. he went on dates, brought numerous girls home. it just posed one slight problem though;
none of them were you.
he ultimately gave up on love, believing that you were as good as it gets. he screwed up, and now someone that wasn’t him was able to enjoy the undeniable luxury that was you.
he really fucked up.
it was his own fault, any idiot could see that.
and paired with his stresses concerning you, the pressure of being a football player was getting to him. he needed an escape. and so, in the late hours of a simple thursday night he ventured to a discreet bar downtown japan, considering he was out of season currently. mind you, rin never drank, but if exiting sobriety would ease the devastation coursing through his body, then so be it. he’d deal with the consequences later.
what he didn’t anticipate however, upon entering the bar, that he would chance upon the very centre of his agony once again. seemed like life just continually kept kicking him in the balls.
what he should’ve done, was exit immediately, come to term with the fact that you had a new life, new lover, and therefore not open that door of angst once more. but…that selfish element inside him wanted to indulge in you, give him that temporary relief to bask in your presence, know where you are in that moment, what you’re doing.
and so, he walked into the bar, taking a seat on a barstool, opposite ends of the room from you where he could see you in between the few people in the bar.
he ordered a drink, letting his black card give a payment from the hundreds of thousands that resided in his account.
he took discreet glances of you here and there as he slowly sipped on his drink, the burning in his throat soon to be gnawing away at pieces of his rationality.
however, the more he looked at you over time swirling a finger around in your drink, the more he noticed something was off. he blinked harder, looked more attentively- were you crying?
he immediately entered a state of protective mode, feeling a panging state of yearning to brush away your tears.
the drink didn’t help either, for he felt himself rising off his seat, something he wouldn’t never done had he been sober, and took quick paces towards your table.
the tears were more evident now he was closer. bags weighed underneath your eyes, but he still found you to be as beautiful as ever. even in your state of disarray.
you caught him in your peripheral, slowly coming into full view the nearer he got to you. at this point you couldn’t give a shit, simply over it and everything life had to offer at this moment.
you barely acknowledged him as he slid into the seat opposite you, a heavy silence setting into place. you both had more than enough things to say, but no words escaped.
eventually however someone had to face the music.
“you’re finally ready to talk huh? only took you 10 months itoshi-san.”
itoshi-san. he hated it. hated how it symbolised the distance between you two. how in less than a year, two individuals who were so close with each other, so damn comfortable could end up this way.
“i- yes. yeah i am.”
you waved a waiter over, ordering drinks for the both of you, rin looking at you in confusion once the waiter walked away.
“we both know damn well this conversation ain’t gonna go easy. and i’m already suffering from a breakup. might as well loosen up before you lay it all out on the table.”
within record time your drinks arrived, downed immediately by both parties.
“so, what is it rin?”
he stayed silent for a moment, unsure of what to say. he knew what he wanted, but to voice it to you was a different story.
“i…i fucked up. badly y/n. i took my anger out on you where it wasn’t needed-”
“badly is an understatement rin. you degraded me, hurt and damaged me- made me feel some type of way because you— you felt threatened because someone acknowledged your state of distress? has it ever occurred to you that i was trying to help you? because i love— loved you rin.”
he flinched at your slip up, the word ‘love’ shattering him into pieces. you weren’t done though.
“have you ever seen it from my perspective for once? i never felt like you loved me, god knows you didn’t tell me enough. i went above and beyond for you, given the fact we didn’t see each other enough, what the hell did i know?” your voice cracked mid sentence, emotions you’ve kept in for the past year coming to surface. tears came up once again and cascaded down your cheeks right in front of him.
although the boundaries were there, he couldn’t just let you suffer alone, especially because he was the source of your bottled up pain.
he rose once more, dashing to your side and engulfing you in the biggest hug. your sobs grew in intensity, the unexpected comfort from rin sending you into overdrive. he shushed you, slowly rubbing the back of your neck with his thumb as he held you close, scared you’d escape his grasp once more.
after awhile your sobs subsided, taking deep breaths into his chest. you basked in the familiar warmth coming from him.
“i still love you rin, i really do…but i can’t live like this. if you can’t change your ways, there’ll never be a way out for us.”
“y/n, i swear to you, this last year has been pure hell for me. being without you by my side, living without you has made me realise just how much i should’ve valued you more. i need you, i can’t live without you, not in peace i can’t. and i am so fucking sorry for everything i put you through. if you’d have me, i’ll do everything in my power for the rest of my life to make sure this doesn’t happen again. there is no one who compares to you, i can be absolutely certain of that.”
it was silent once more, you could feel his heart pulsating in anxiety from what your answer would be. you both knew that you still loved each other, but your fear held you back. fear that things would end up the same way it ended. alas, you missed him so much. even while you were with your partner, he wasn’t rin. the fact that he cheated on you spoke volumes to you loud enough. your selfish nature yearned for rin. so maybe…just maybe, things would be different this time around? time to find out.
“alright…we’ll try this once more. but rin,” you pulled away from him so he could see your expression. “i’m being serious. if you fuck this up, i can guarantee you, you’ll never have me again. and i promise you that.”
“i won’t screw this up y/n. not again, i won’t lose you again.”
he lowered himself to you, gently clutching your chin and sealed his words with a passion filled kiss.
“i love you y/n.”
“i love you too rin.”
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sashaisready · 9 months
Chapter Twenty-Five - Epilogue
Bucky Barnes Mob AU x Femme Reader
You're hard at work in Pepper's Bakery when notorious mob boss James 'Bucky' Barnes darkens your doorway one typical afternoon, and life is never the same again.
18+ - see Masterlist for full list of warnings
Series Masterlist
(gif does not represent how reader looks!)
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It had been nearly a year now since you'd met Bucky.
You're still living in your apartment despite his protests, he's been vocal since early on in your relationship that he wants you to move in with him. You're in his house most of the time anyway, and he doesn't like waking up with you not there. The men like having you around, really like it when you bake for them or bring leftovers back from the bakery. But you enjoy your little sanctuary, a break from the busy house and the swarms of mobsters – who are perfectly pleasant, but everywhere. Your apartment has a silence you can't find anywhere else. A relic from your old life. Still, he's wearing you down and it won't be long until you give in to him. You know that, he knows that, but you've never been one to back down from a fight. He knows that too.
You're still at the bakery. The newest Assistant, Carol, has taken to the job like a duck to water and has settled in nicely between you and Wanda. She's feisty and keeps Bucky's men on their toes too, which is a bonus.
Bucky surprised you by buying a large stake in the bakery and putting it in your name, meaning you now technically own it with Pepper. He was nonchalant despite your shock and gratitude, telling you that you practically run the place anyway so you should do so legally too. Pepper is delighted with the choice of new business partner and business is booming, although it's all still quite new to you – you've always been about the cake rather than the numbers. Still, you're learning all about running a business – with Bucky's help and experience.
Wanda and Vis are getting married and you're maid of honour, of course. You're busy looking at centrepieces and honeymoon Pinterest boards when you're together but still find time to sometimes grab a beer with Peter to laugh and catch up. He's back with his ex, Mora, and seems very happy. Neither of you can believe you were ever romantically involved now, even fleetingly, it just feels so wrong.
Bucky's business is doing well too. He's made a conscious effort to shift into more legitimate activities in your honour so he's doing his best to go by the book. You'd bet a large sum of money that he dabbles more under the table than he lets on, but you don't ask. He's started to share more about his past and you hold his hand and kiss his scars as he talks. Some of it is shocking, upsetting – but you don't judge him. He punishes himself enough. To you, a lot of it sounds like a lost young man groomed to be a pawn by older and stronger personalities. But Bucky never shies away from the wrongs he's committed, he believes in accountability.
HYDRA had been wiped out completely after that night, but Bucky keeps an eye on any former members or allegiances who may start up again. He managed to weed out the mole, Klaue, after some rigorous investigation. He was feeding Pierce location information and any titbits he could get his hands on for a pay-out.
One day Klaue was there and the next he wasn't. You hadn't really gotten to know him. You guessed it didn't end well for him but again, didn't ask. The newspapers simply reported that he was missing and you have a feeling he won't ever be found. But it's hard to feel sympathy as what he did nearly killed you, a fact Bucky was painfully aware of when he uncovered the double-crossing.
He doesn't have you followed anymore but he likes you to check in when you're apart, and he gets irritable if he hasn't heard from you in a while. Sometimes if you lose track of time and forget then he'll call you, anxious something has happened and scolding you. It's something of a bone of contention in your relationship but you try to remind yourself he's always on high alert after the night you got taken, and that this all comes from a place of fear. You can see he's doing his best.
The panic attacks from that night still catch you off guard occasionally. You know you won't ever be fully free, but it's gotten easier, it's gotten better. You know how to handle them. Same with the nightmares, they're uncommon now but never fully gone. Bucky holds you tight when you cry out in your sleep, his warm touch on your skin bringing you back to him as he reassures you that he's there. He's always there. He hates thinking about you waking up alone when you're staying at your place without him.
You still don't care for all aspects of his work. You still aren't fully comfortable taking money from him and prefer the cosy neighbourhood restaurants over the high end establishments in Manhattan. You're more at home with a burger than foie gras. Still, you accompany him when his business requires it – galas and meetings, fancy dinners and charity events. You never feel fully comfortable but you know he appreciates having you there. You have a few dresses to look the part now which helps with your insecurity. He teases that at least he knows you're not with him for his money.
You have no patience for the paparazzi or red carpets but funnily enough they have lots of time for you. The press seem to like the idea of the notorious Bucky Barnes falling for the 'baker next door', reforming his gangster ways and helping him settle down. It makes you roll your eyes when occasional articles pop up about you online, but Bucky finds it all very amusing.
Your insecurities rear their ugly head when occasionally women try and flirt with Bucky, not even particularly put off if you're there. Some of them seem to see it as a challenge, tempting the notorious mob boss away now he's settled and happy with a girlfriend. Bucky is quick to shut them down, he only has eyes for you after all – but part of him revels in your jealousy. You'll glue yourself to his side when it happens, scowling at the offending interloper and making it clear he's yours. You stake your claim with a firm kiss and protectively run your arm across his back. This is the role Bucky normally plays, and he'd never admit it to you but he likes when you turn the tables, reminding him that you can be just as territorial as he can.
You once both attended a black tie gala and somehow got separated as the evening went on. You were cornered by a society type trying to pitch you some sort of charitable cause...donkeys maybe? No, zebras. Maybe. Or was it a toy museum? He seemed to think you could convince Bucky to make a generous donation, that you were the wheel he needed to grease to get the cash. Despite the fact you knew the requestor could fund the charity for a year from his own bank balance and not even notice. You saw through it of course, you got this sort of impassioned spiel from one person or another at all of these events as they pretended to be interested in the bakery. You'd nod half-heartedly and tell them you would keep it in mind.
As the man continued to wax lyrical on the plight of the donkeys, or zebras, or toys, you caught a glimpse of Bucky across the grand hall. You felt a momentary pang of love as you watched him in his tux, he looked so handsome. You could scarcely believe you got to wake up to him every day.
But that affection quickly dissipated as you saw him in close conversation with a gorgeous woman, looking practically like a celebrity in a tight fitting red dress. Bucky was laughing and the woman kept touching his arm as she spoke. You seethed quietly as you glared at him over your conversation partner's shoulder.
Fine. Two can play that game.
You turned your attention back to the man in front of you. Mr. Drake you thought his name was, or was it Mr. Dickinson? Mr D would suffice. You began to smile warmly as Mr D continued his monologue, absent-mindedly running a finger across the top of your breast as you nodded along. You caught his breath hitch slightly and you took your cue to move closer to him. He cracked a terrible joke and you laughed uproariously as you angled your hips to accentuate your dress.
Your laughter caught Bucky's attention, in the corner of your eye you saw his head snap over in your direction, his companion suddenly forgotten. His gaze stayed on you as you began to press your hand onto Mr D's chest and told him how funny he was. Mr D began to stutter, clearly nervous to be in this position but not wholly against it either.
You caught Bucky's eye and stared back at him defiantly as you continued the show. He was stoic to everyone else but you knew he was raging, you recognised his poker face well enough by now. Your performance continued until Bucky finally broke away and stormed over to you, leaving his new lady friend gawking as he disappeared halfway through her sentence.
1-0 to you.
"Can I steal her for a moment?" Bucky asked Mr D, voice sweet as pie as a firm arm snaked around your waist.
Mr D nodded and stammered in agreement, clearly unnerved and nervous about what Bucky might think. Poor guy.
He marched you a suitable distance to the corner of the room and then he was hissing in your ear.
"What game are you playing here, Doll?" he warned, his face locked into a smile. To any observers you looked like a loving couple having a moment of quiet.
"Same one you're playing, apparently" you shot back through your own carefully painted grin. "Leaving me to be shaken down for money while you make new friends".
Bucky chuckled. "She's on the board of a company we're trying to make a deal with, Doll. I need to keep her sweet..."
"Mmm. Well she certainly thinks you're funny".
He glared at you, silently daring you to push him further. You merely smirked.
You had ended up in a broom closet, going at it against the door as Bucky covered your moans with his metal hand and rutted deep inside of you.
"My jealous Doll" he whispered into your ear between thrusts as you teetered over the edge. "Acting out at my work events...flirting with rich old men to piss me off...all because you want my attention...what am I going to do with you?"
You'd come hard, whimpering against his chest as he held you tightly. You slowly raised your eyes to meet his as a satisfied grin spread over your blissed out face.
"Worked though, didn't it?"
You both like retire to bed early and quickly became intimate with every inch of each other's bodies. The sex is like nothing you've ever experienced, a combination of raw lust and attentive lovemaking. You may not always be on the same page in conversation, but your bodies have always understood one other perfectly.
You can almost see Bucky's persona soften in real time once the bedroom door is closed. He'll strip off his suit and settle into bed with you, Bucky the mob boss and ruthless businessman disappearing before your very eyes as your Bucky emerges in his place. Your Bucky who whispers sweet nothings in your ear, who holds you tenderly and watches you with awe. He's still wracked with guilt about what happened with HYDRA, and generally how your relationship started, and so he apologises and tells you he loves you and holds you close – repeating the same gentle phrases to you like he's reciting a prayer. And no matter how much you tell him it was alright, that you love him and forgive him, you understand a small part of him will always carry it with him – much like you and your trauma from that night. So you allow him to confess his sins as he takes you in his arms and kisses your skin as he makes it up to you, his ministrations both vocal and physical.
It's a normal Wednesday evening and Bucky is due in any minute. You're in his ensuite bathroom staring blankly at the tiles in a bit of a daze when he storms into the bedroom.
"Doll...I'm home" he calls as he walks in, slipping his jacket off. "What do you want for dinner? Sushi could be good..."
His face creases in puzzlement when he can't see you. He notices the ajar bathroom door and heads over.
You're sitting on the closed lid of the toilet but don't answer him or meet his eye, you just sigh heavily.
"Baby...you alright?" he moves to you, suddenly anxious that you're having a panic attack or PTSD flashback.
"I'm fine..." you mumble quietly, moving your eyes to meet his. "Looks like I'll be moving in after all".
His face lights up. "Finally! Don't worry, I'll fix everything, the truck...movers...Wait, what changed your mind?"
You smile brightly at him then slowly reveal a positive pregnancy test.
"Hope you've got room for two of us?" you grin.
Bucky's jaw drops open as he looks between you and the test. He moves quickly, smattering your face in kisses as he glares at the two bold lines. He face spreads into a disbelieving smile.
"Oh my god..." he whispers.
"I know..."
"Oh...my god"
"I know..."
"So...maybe we need to rethink sushi for dinner".
You laugh, wrapping your legs around his waist as he picks you up and swings you around. He kisses you deeply before his eyes fly open and widen at a sudden realisation.
"Wait...does this mean you've got a bun-"
"I swear to God, don't say it" you warn.
"Please..." he pleads.
"Ugh, fine. But just once".
"You've got a bun in the oven" he grins.
"Oh Doll, extremely".
The End
Aaand that’s a wrap! Thank you to everyone who has read, liked, commented and reblogged this fic! It means so much to me and makes me so happy that people have enjoyed it. I am moving some of my other fics over from Wattpad/Ao3 after the holidays and am also cooking up some ideas for a Biker!Bucky fic for 2024 which I’m excited about.
Check out my Masterlist for my other stories and I’m also on Ko-Fi too. Thanks again ❤️
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Meet Me At The Altar
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AN: for those that don't know angst is my specialty so be prepared 🤭🤭🤭
Synopsis: Your dream wedding to the love of you life is quickly approaching and you couldn't be happier. Little did you know, Joe hasn't been completely honest with you and you get a lot more than you bargained for when it finally gets revealed
Pairing; Joe Burrow x Reader
Joe Burrow Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You twirled around to show your mom, older sister, and best friend your wedding dress as final alterations would be made to make sure that it fit you perfectly. You were due to become Mrs. Joseph Lee Burrow in about another month or so and the closer you got to the wedding date, the more that reality was setting in. You had planned out your wedding with your big sister Marlene ever since you were eight years old while she was ten but swore up and down that she would never get married. 
She claimed that boys were too much trouble and maybe she was right.
She had been married before.
And divorced before.
Twice by the age of twenty five.
But you always had hope, and sure enough your dreams came true when you had met Joe and he had swept you off your feet. No one could compare to him and you had even confessed to Marlene that you knew for a fact that he was going to propose to you.
Within three weeks of you telling her that, he did while on a trip for the two of you to the Bahamas.
The engagement would only last a total of eight months with the two of you wanting to walk down the aisle as soon as possible.
You looked over at all three of them to see them handing the box of kleenex to each other as tears brushed the corner of their eyes as they peered up at you.
“So, what do we think?” You asked them as your best friend and maid of honor Camille simply let out a sob.
“Umm, okay, so obviously Camille likes it. Just… girl…. Get yourself together. We have a month to go still. Now mom, Mar?”
“You look absolutely stunning and his jaw will hit the floor once he sees you.” Your mom said as she came over to you and grabbed your hand. She was proud that she raised two daughters who were successful and only wanted the best for the two of you.
“Gorgeous as ever, baby sister. He’s going to really love it. I’m so happy for you. Hopefully this is your first and last marriage. The last thing you want is to be like me and mess up not only once, but twice.”
“Mar, you simply learned a lesson from it. It’s not the fact that you messed up. You truly thought that the both of them were your forever, but it’s their loss anyway. I know how amazing my big sister is even if they don’t.” You said while smiling at her as she came to squeeze your other hand that wasn’t occupied by your mom.
“All they have to do is take in the back a little more and it’ll be a perfect fit.”
You had turned the key into your front door and was met with hearing the sound of the television from the living room. You figured that was where Joe was and you followed the sound to find him knocked out with your puppy Jonah that was a gift for you from Valentine’s Day earlier this year laying at his feet. You took the opportunity to hop into his lap while kissing his cheek. He woke up startled, but immediately relaxed as he saw that it was you and wrapped his arms around you.
“Mmm, when’d you get back, baby?”
“Just now, but you were too busy sleeping to hear me come in.”
“Did everything go okay with your fitting?” Joe asked as he was now massaging small circles along your back and kissed your forehead.
“Yes, and I’m so excited for you to see it. She has to take the back in a little bit at the top and it should be fine.”
“And it’s loose enough so….?”
“I’m not even showing yet so when we want to let everyone know we can, but for now it can stay between us.”
“But we have another month to go.”
“I promise that the design of the dress will make it very hard to tell if anyone is in there.” You said as Joe placed his left hand on your somewhat flat stomach before smiling at you.
“Can’t believe we’re going to be parents too. I couldn’t see myself doing this with anyone else.”
“Me either. Ever since that first date, I couldn't get away from you since.”
“Well, damn. You make it sound like I’m sort of a stalker.” Joe said and you simply laughed.
“You were very persistent I should say.”
“And being persistent led to me finding my wife.”
“And also led to you getting me pregnant.”
“Well it’s not like you exactly said no and you weren’t complaining when I had your legs on my shoulders.”
“Touche, Burrow.” 
“Calling it like I see it, baby.”
As the wedding date got closer, you noticed how Joe seemed like he was distancing himself from you. You just assumed it was because he had a lot going on and wanted to get finished before the two of you walked down the aisle so that all of his focus would be on you and the little life growing inside you. 
But maybe you were overreacting. 
Then again, he would be waking up early and coming home later more frequently. He would always tell you the night before if that would be the case for the following day, however, he hadn’t been doing that either which left you confused.
You knew your fiance inside and out and knew that there was something off about him so you took it upon yourself to send him a text around 3 pm asking him what time you would expect him back home. 
You- Joeyyyyy
He replied about seven minutes later.
Future Hubby- Yes, baby? You okay?
You- I’m fine, when should I expect you? I’m making food for us
Future Hubby- I’ll try to be back around 8 but no promises
You- I’ll expect you at 8 because your future wife hasn’t seen you all day and I miss you so make it happen
Future Hubby- Yes ma’am. You know you’re my priority. I’ll be there as soon as I can
You- Can’t wait 
“Is that her again?” Marlene asked Joe as the two of them were tangled up in her white bedsheets with her laying her head on his chest.
“Yeah, it is. I promised her that I would be back by eight so I need to leave soon.”
“When are you going to leave her? You said that we would be together and you keep putting it off.”
“First of all Mar, I’m cheating on my soon to be wife with her older sister. It’s a little more complicated than that. And when the hell did I ever say that? I never planned on leaving her for you. Let’s be real.”
“How so? And you have said it..”
“Do you not care about your little sister’s feelings at all?” Joe questioned her and she immediately rolled her eyes.
“Well, do you? I see that you’re here in my bed and not at home with her so what does that tell you exactly?”
All Joe did was sigh.
“She’s pregnant Marlene. I’m not about to do that to her.”
“Just pay child support, she’ll be okay. And besides, I’ve been meaning to tell you something.”
“I’m pregnant too.”
Joe realized that he had only one month to go before he walked down the aisle to you, he wanted to spend as much time as he could with Marlene. The two of them had been sneaking behind your back for a while and as much as Joe was trying to cut it off, he didn’t have enough strength in him to do it. Something about her kept him wanting more and pulled him back in every single time.
The first encounter happened when she came over to the house, still distraught about her latest divorce being finalized. The two of them had been legally separated and Marlene wanted to see if they would be able to work things out, but it didn’t go like she wanted it to. She was looking for you, but Joe, seeing her so upset, invited her to come in and said that if he could help her in any way to tell him.
He helped her alright.
Making her cum over and over again in the bed that you two shared.
And you had no idea. 
But why would you suspect anything?
She was your older sister, your ride or die, one of your best friends that you trusted with your life so why did she feel the need to go behind your back like this?
Truth be told, she didn’t know why.
You were her baby sister and she would murder anyone who caused or brought any harm towards you, yet she was the main one doing it.
When she thought about it, keeping it a secret from you was the best thing that they could possibly do, but secrets eventually get revealed and she knew that she wasn’t ready to face you. There was no excuse in the world that she could give to you that would make you forgive her and she knew that.
Joe was everything to you and oftentimes you would confide in her about him and about your relationship.
She had never seen you so happy and even though she was happy for you, she couldn’t help but to feel jealous also.
She had already been married and divorced twice.
When was it going to be her turn to feel an ounce of happiness?
Joe was silent for a few minutes while trying to get his thoughts together.
“When did you find out?” Joe asked as he hung his head in disbelief. He could hide a lot of things from you, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to hide an entire human.
“About two weeks ago.”
“How far along are you and are you keeping it?”
Marlene got a confused look on her face and couldn’t believe that he had just asked her that.
“Are you serious? Of course I’m keeping it. And I’m about a month and some change in.”
“And we’re going to explain this to your sister how? Especially if they look like me! And that means you’ll be due before her. Fuck!”
“So I’ll actually get to have your first born and not her. I thought that you would be a little more excited than this.”
“Move so I can get dressed.”
Joe was now sitting across from you eating his dinner in silence and you couldn’t take it anymore. He had been quiet since he had gotten back home, only barely kissing you on the cheek and nothing else. You could tell that something was bothering him and you were going to try your hardest to get it out of him.
“Babe?” You said, but was met with silence.
“HUH?! What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong is that I’ve been calling you for the last two minutes and all you’re doing over there is staring into space. Baby, what is wrong with you? You’ve been off for these last couple of weeks.”
“I’m sorry, I just…. I’m tired, that's all. Wedding planning is a lot but I wanted to make sure that everything was the way that you wanted.”
“But it’s your wedding too, not just mine.”
“I know, but you know I’ll always do anything that I can to see you smile. I just love you a whole lot and I don’t want you to ever forget that.”
“Why would I ever forget that? And I love you too, more than anything.”
“We never know what tomorrow might bring and you know I’m always going to tell you how much I love you every chance that I get.”
“Are you sure that there’s nothing else bothering you?” You asked, looking across the table at him concerned.
“No, I promise.”
“Okay, well I promised to call Mar before I went to sleep so I’m about to go and do that while you finish.”
“I got it, baby. Just go ahead, I’ll be right behind you.”
“Okay.” You got up from the table while putting your plate and glass in the sink before going over to Joe and leaning down to kiss him. He eagerly kissed you back and it almost seemed as if it was desperate.
Like you were going to disappear into thin air once he broke away from you.
“I love you and I’ll never get tired of saying that, you mean everything to me and I can’t wait to marry you.” You said while smiling at him and running a hand through his hair.
“I love you too and you know that no one else compares to you. Can’t wait to change your last name.”
All you did was smile in return before leaving the kitchen and making your way to your shared bedroom as Joe was trying to come to terms with the mess that he had now made. How could he go into your marriage with this hanging over his head? It was only a matter of time before Marlene said something and he felt as if he had to do it first.
But knowing this, you probably wouldn’t forgive him so the wedding would be off the table. But he knew that you were the one for him and that he didn’t want to marry anyone else. No one else compared to you and he was beside himself thinking about how he had been hurting you these last few months going behind your back with someone who is that close to you. 
He didn’t know what to do and he obviously couldn’t tell anyone about it, so he had to come to a decision by himself.
And time was running out.
It was now two days before the wedding and Camille was trying to whisk you out the door since you would be staying with her until it was time to say ‘I do’. But you were too busy lip locking with Joe.
“Girl, will you come on?! You can have all the kisses you want from your man in two days because I promise you that he’s not going anywhere. JOSEPH! UNHAND HER NOW!”
“Camille, you have always been such a hater.” Joe responded before kissing the side of your mouth and finally letting you go.
“And I’ll be that because you are cutting into our quality girl time.”
All you did was laugh as Joe rolled his eyes.
“I guess I can let you go then. Less than 48 hours until we’re married.”
“I know and it just seems so surreal.”
“Can’t wait for you to meet me at the altar.” Joe whispered to you before placing a kiss on your forehead.
“And I’ll be the one in white.”
“Off-white, baby. Ain’t nothing virgin about your ass.”
“What? What did I say?”
Camille was now treating you to lunch at one of your favorite restaurants and she could tell that something was off and that you were deep in thought.
“I’ve known you since we were ten and I know you like the back of my hand. Spill it.”
“I…. Joe has been distant this past month and I don’t understand why.”
“Joe? Distant? Are we talking about the same person because? The one who was just all over you literally sucking your face off? That Joe?”
“Yeah, it’s weird. I kept asking him about it and all he said was that he was tired from all the things that we had to do for the wedding but it was weird. I could tell that he was hiding something because then he said something along the lines of for me to never forget how much he loves me and he’s always going to show that he does.”
“Hmm cold feet, you think?”
“No, that’s not it. But something is definitely off with him.”
“You’re probably thinking into this too much, babe. That man loves you and absolutely worships the ground that you walk on. Anytime you walk into a room, I swear his face lights up. He probably has wedding jitters. Everything is going to be fine.”
“You’re probably right, I just don’t want to lose him.”
“And you’re not going to. If he ever hurts you, you know me and Marlene will kick his ass. Now let’s go and get you married.”
“You look absolutely amazing.” You hear your mother say from behind you as she caught your eye in the mirror.
“Thank you, mom. Can’t wait for the rest of our lives together.” You said as you felt the tears coming on, but immediately heard Camille screech.
“Damn, who are you? The crying police?”
“I will stab you with my makeup brush, but I don’t think that your husband will appreciate that, but don’t push me Y/N!”
“Just for that I’m crying right when the music starts.”
“Make sure you don’t ugly cry. That won’t be cute for the wedding photos.”
Next thing you knew, it was time to walk down the aisle to your forever love.
With your arm locked with your fathers, you heard the wedding march and slowly began to make your ways towards Joe. When he looked up and saw you, his jaw immediately hit the floor. Once you finally reached him, your dad placed a kiss on your cheek before placing your hand in Joe’s who then brought it up to his lips to place a light kiss on it. 
Even now with him standing in front of you, you could tell that something was off. You figured that it would have gone away by now, but something was wrong and today was going to be the day that you got it out of him and wouldn’t be taking no for an answer. The last thing that you wanted was for your marriage to start out with the two of you keeping secrets from each other. 
But little did you know that he was about to tell you and that he was going to do it when you least expected it. 
When it was time to say his vows, Joe looked at you and saw how you were looking up at him with so much admiration and he knew. He knew at that moment that he had to come clean and would deal with the consequences later. 
As the preacher looked towards Joe for him to say ‘I do.’ he said something else instead.
“I… I can’t say that until I tell you something.”
Your cheeks started to get hot and your heart rate had increased. You looked up at him in a state of panic and rightfully so.
But then you heard Marlene’s voice behind you. 
“He’s been sleeping with me for the last four months and got me pregnant.”
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healmydesires · 2 years
enchanted (s.h) - teaser
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❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: prince!steve harrington x fem!servant reader
❥ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: “You’ve been in love with the prince for god knows how long. For the longest time you were content with admiring him from afar, knowing your adoration for your favourite prince could never be revealed. Until one day, everything changed.” royal!au. childhood best friends to lovers. fools/idiots to lovers. forbidden romance.
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: fluff + angst + smut (18+ mdni)
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 3,5k so far (it’s gonna be a big BOI)
⟶ A/N: I know for a fact that this will be a big fic. I have so many ideas that it’s driving me insane and I have to have this finished!!! NOW!!! anyways pls anticipate this fic with me 🫶
let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list or if you wanna ramble in my inbox about this with me! <3
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You had worked at the palace of the kingdom Pagrarus for as long as you could remember. You knew every nook and cranny—every secret passage and hidden room in that palace. It was practically your home. You took care of it, making sure that it was clean and pretty every day. Your childhood wish was to work for the royal family, just like your parents did. Your family had served the royal family as maids and whatnot for generations, so it only made sense that you grew up around them, and subsequently, their child.
Steve Harrington.
You don’t regret it. Working for royalty.
In fact, if anything, you’re grateful. Because if not for your position now, how could have you crossed paths with a soul like him?
You still remember the day you met him. Clear as day.
Such a sweet sweet day it was. The memory is still fresh in your mind, like the scent of your childhood room. A scent you never quite forgot. It faded over time, sure. But if you strained your memory even now, you can still smell it. The scent of comfort.
Decidedly, there have been many days in your life. Some happy, some sad. Some you remember better than others while others fade away into the back of your mind. Some are ingrained so deep in your mind that when you close your eyes, you can see every detail as if it’s currently happening. None, however, do you remember more clearly than the day you met Steve. It had been almost two decades ago; when you were five, and he was six.
You remember being nervous - your parents had brought you along to the castle, to introduce you to the royal family - you used to be a very lonely child, not being able to make friends easily. You were in awe as you walked through the luxurious castle with wide eyes, seeing it for the first time, it was truly a beautiful place.
As a reward for your family’s many generations of loyalty, they got the honour of working directly for the royal family. Your parents were close to the royal family despite that they were working for them. When you were very young, your mother was a personal attendant to the young prince.
It had all been incredibly overwhelming back then, and you’d only hidden further behind your mother’s legs. Until - you’d spotted a boy, looking just as lonely and nervous as you, also behind his mothers legs. The prince.
A fond smile curls on your face as you remember Steve’s little frame. With cute round cheeks, curious brown eyes, long brown hair, dressed in fine fabrics that were only made for royal people. He had sparked your curiosity, his intriguing eyes looking at you as if he longed for your friendship already.
Your parents pushed you into his direction, you’d approached him hesitantly. Immediately, he’d give you the brightest smile once you were in front of him. And that one action - that one smile - had sealed it between the two of you. Ever since then, Steve has been your best friend. He’d stick out his hand for you to take and would tug you along with him down the hall, showing you around the palace as you both giggled.
Nostalgia cascades through you as you continue mulling over your relationship with prince Steve. You’ve lived twenty-five years, and throughout the vast majority of it - he has been your only constant.
And for as long as you could remember, you’ve had an intense and hopeless crush on the prince, Steve Harrington.
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willalove75 · 1 year
Hey, I hope this isn't too complicated but can I request a fic where Y/N is going through heartbreak and Alcina is comforting her, angry someone could hurt the person she secretly cares about and loves the most?
Not complicated at all! Thank you so much for the request!💕
Tags: Fluff
A/n: My period is being an asshole again this month so here's something fluffy. I feel like shit so apologies if it's not my best but I hope you guys like it anyway💕💕
18+ Only Minors DNI (everrr)
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Alcina is making her way down the staircase when the front doors open and a large group of maidens walk in. Earlier in the day the group went out for the weekly trip to the village and are just returning home. She pauses as they make their way inside, hoping to catch a glimpse of you coming in. For whatever reason your smile is always it's biggest and brightest when you come back from the village and the happiness that radiates off of you is infectious. Not only are you secretly Alcina's favorite maid, she's been admiring you from afar. When she sees you so inexplicably happy she can't help but feel happy herself.
"Good afternoon Mistress." "Good afternoon my Lady."
The girls say as they walk past her with their eyes glued to the floor. Very few of them dare to look up. Those that do can't seem to make eye contact with her. The maids inabilities to look at her make Alcina feel powerful, but that was also one of the reasons why you were so different. Not only did you look at her and were able to hold her eye contact longer than any other maid, you never looked at her with fear. It certainly threw Alcina off at first but eventually she came to cherish the small smile you would send her way when you crossed each others paths in the halls.
As the last of the girls file in her brows knit together when she doesn't see you.
"Antonia." Alcina says, calling to the maid that chaperoned the trip.
"Yes my Lady?"
"Is there a maiden missing? It seems like there are less of you returning than there are when you left." Alcina says.
She doesn't want to make it obvious that she's looking for you, but there is a hint of concern in her voice.
Antonia thinks for a moment and turns to Alcina.
"Ah, I believe you're talking about y/n?" She asks.
Trying to keep up her façade, Alcina gives her shoulders a light shrug but Antonia sees right through it. Antonia has been one of the Lady's head maids for nearly ten years now and knows Alcina better than the Lady herself would ever admit to. She smirks at Alcina who narrows her eyes at her a bit.
"She was the first one out of the carriage when we arrived although she seemed to be in an unusually unhappy mood. I believe I saw her run off towards the gardens."
Alcina lips form a thin line and she nods at Antonia.
"Thank you Antonia. That will be all."
Antonia gives the Lady a slight bow and isn't surprised when she sees Alcina changing directions to head off towards the gardens. With a small smile on her face, Antonia heads off to complete the rest of the work she has for the day.
Fall has officially hit the village and Alcina's daughters have been locked inside the castle once again until spring. The wind blows through the courtyard as Alcina enters it, the ends of her dress whipping in the cool air. She looks around for a few moments before finally finding you. Your back is turned and you're looking out over the vineyard and the vast landscape before you.
Alcina can hear your sniffles and your heart beating irregularly inside of your chest. Concern and anger begin to wash over her when she realizes you're upset. She decides to stride over to you in silence but since she doesn't want to completely startle you, she makes sure you can hear her footsteps before she approaches.
Tears stream down your cheeks as you look over the vineyard. The snowcapped mountains in the distance are so peaceful, so beautiful, you wonder if your heart would still be in pain if you got far enough away from this god-forsaken village. The sound of heels clicking across the brick pavement pulls you from your thoughts. You know right away who the footsteps belong to and you try to wipe your tears from your cheeks and pull yourself together before she sees you like this.
Alcina takes her place next to you, looking out over the vineyard, admiring the beautiful scenery before her. The two of you stand next to each other in silence for a few moments before she breaks it.
"This is one of my favorite views in the entire castle." She says.
"It's beautiful." You say, trying to keep your voice from shaking.
Silence envelopes you both once more. Another tear escapes down your cheek and you try to wipe it away without her noticing. But she does, of course she does. Alcina has been focused on you out of the corner of her eye since she walked up.
Things between you and you Lady have been weird to say the least. There's been gossip that she's taken a liking to you but every time a maid brings it up you brush her off. Telling them that she's just being friendly - which in turn many of the maids look at you like you're nuts. "Friendly" is definitely not a word any of them would use to describe the Lady. But deep down you've grown to care for her. The way she smiles only at you and the way her eyes light up when you randomly - or not so randomly sometimes - see each other throughout the day doesn't go unnoticed by you. But your heart had already been taken by another, by your girlfriend in the village. The love of your life.
Without saying a word Alcina places her large hand on your shoulder and leans you into her. The small act of kindness and comfort was enough to break through the hold you had on your emotions and your tears begin to fall once more. Her grip around you tightens. When a small sob escapes from your lips, Alcina bends down to your height and pulls you into her.
You bury your hands in your face and lean into her shoulder as you cry harder. Alcina cradles the back of your head with one hand and rubs your back with the other.
If someone were to see the two of you right now she'd probably kill them on sight. Never has she comforted a maiden like this before. In all honesty she's never cared for a maiden like this before either. Although the fear of someone seeing Alcina be kind and gentle to a maid - something that could take away the power she holds over her staff since she usually rules with an iron fist - is present in the back of her mind, she's more concerned about you than that at the moment.
"Oh draga," Alcina whispers. "who did this to you my sweet girl?"
A strong breeze whips around you both and the chill goes straight to your bones. The jacket you were wearing was not thick enough for standing around in the cold.
"Come, lets go inside before you get sick." Alcina says as she strokes your hair.
You nod and Alcina releases her hold on you and stands up. The tips of her fingers just reach the back of your shoulders when she stands at her full height and she guides you inside. Alcina leads you to one of her personal sitting rooms. It's one of the few rooms in the house that is off-limits to everyone except the Lady, her daughters and a few hand-picked maids. You've never stepped foot in here before.
It's a beautiful room with a large floor-to-ceiling bookshelf lining one of the walls. It has a large, ornate fireplace, a table with a few chairs, one chair bigger than the rest to accommodate the Lady's size and a gigantic armchair, also suited for the Lady.
Alcina closes the door behind her and walks over to the armchair. It's facing the fireplace and like every fireplace in the castle in the fall and winter, has a warm fire burning inside of it.
She sits in her chair and you stand in front of her with your eyes trained on the ground. Usually looking up at her is never an issue, but since you're so upset you can't bring yourself to do so. Alcina leans forward and places one of her large knuckles under your chin and lifts your gaze to meet hers. When you look up you see her gorgeous yellow eyes, they almost take your breath away. You've never been this close to her before. Every detail of her face is on clear display; the crows feet in the corners of her eyes, her delicate laugh lines that decorate her beautiful smile. The way her mascara is clumped in a few of her long eyelashes, the faint strokes her makeup brush left behind in her foundation. You can also make out the fine details of her eyes; you never realized she has hints of slate grey and blue mixed into the bight yellow in her irises. She truly is beautiful, absolutely breathtaking.
"Tell me draga mea, what has made you so upset?" She asks.
Tears begin to fill your eyes once more and you can feel your heart breaking inside of your chest. You go to open your mouth to speak but all you hear is your voice crack.
Your words fail you and you begin to cry once more.
Lady Dimitrescu scoops you into her arms and sits you in her lap.
"Did someone harm you in the village?"
You can feel her grip tighten around you as she asks the question. She relaxes a little when you shake your head "no."
"But something did happen when you went into the village today, yes?"
When you shake your head "yes" you start to cry harder. Lady Dimitrescu cradles the back of your head once more and rubs your back.
"Oh fetița mea dulce, what on earth happened? You are usually so happy when you return from these trips."
She pulls you away from her a bit and cups your face with the hand she was using to cradle your head. Her large thumb wipes away your tears and she looks into your eyes.
"What happened?"
"My heart is broken."
Her eyes widen just a bit before she regains her composure.
"You had a lover in the village?"
"Who is he?" She growls.
"She was my girlfriend." You say, avoiding eye contact with the Lady. No one you work with knows you had a girlfriend. Honestly, not many people you know even in the village knew.
A faint blush crosses Alcina's cheeks. She had no idea you were interested in women and is a little embarrassed she assumed you were talking about a man.
"My apologies, who is she?"
"Her name is Bianca. She- I loved her more than anything. We've been, well, we were together for six years."
More tears run down your cheeks as Lady Dimitrescu wipes them away. When you look up into her eyes you see compassion and a hint of anger, but you can tell that the anger isn't directed at you. It's directed at whoever hurt you - at Bianca.
"I am so sorry draga. Sometimes these things just don't work out-" She says, trying to comfort you. You close your eyes and knit your eyebrows together and Alcina realizes that something more went on. "what happened?"
"Usually I tell her when I'm going to visit, but today I wanted to surprise her. She's been having a tough time lately and I thought if I surprised her it would make her feel better. So I went to her house and let myself in, she gave me a key a few years ago. It was still early so I figured she was still asleep so I went into her bedroom and found her in bed with someone else." You start to cry again and Lady Dimitrescu pulls you into her.
She holds you tight and rests her cheek against your head. As you cry into her she rocks you and whispers "shh draga, it's okay. It's okay."
"I loved her so much." You cry. "And she was mad at me for getting upset. She told me it was selfish of me to stop her from seeing other people while I lived and worked here at the castle. That it was my fault."
You hear a low growl rumble deep inside Lady Dimitrescu's chest.
"That is absolutely ridiculous. The nerve of that girl. Blaming you for her infidelity. You did nothing wrong draga mea, nothing." She comforts you more as you sob into her. "You deserve so much more than that, so much better."
"I loved her so much. She told me she loved me, that she wanted to be with me for the rest of her life." You say through tears. "And now I'm all alone, I don't have anyone."
"You're not alone draga, as long as you are here you will never be alone."
Alcina begins to rock you and starts humming. She closes her eyes and rests her cheek on your head as you start to calm down.
You've only ever heard Lady Dimitrescu sing once before and it was only an echo from down the hall. Now you can hear her voice perfectly as she hums above you. You can feel the vibration against your face with your cheek laying against her chest. Her voice is beautiful and soothing. Even though your heart still feels like its in pieces in your chest, your tears begin to dry and you start to relax in her arms.
Never in a million years did you think you would ever be here - laying in your Mistresses arms as she consoled you. Of course you've seen her at her worst, lashing out at other maids, hurting them, disfiguring them, you even saw her kill someone once. But for the most part, every time she did something like that it was more or less justifiable. At least what constitutes as justifiable here in the castle - in terms of the outside world, well, that was a different story. But she was always kind to you and you always obeyed, did your work, stayed out of trouble and did your best to help the other maids when you could.
It was those traits that made Alcina notice you from the start. She is very attentive, even when her staff doesn't think so. With her supersonic hearing she can hear nearly everything that goes on within the castle. The maids would be amazed at what she hears and doesn't act on. Usually when a punishment for a certain maid seems out of the blue, to Alcina it isn't because she knew what that maid had been doing or saying for weeks before she found an excuse to properly punish them. But she never heard anything bad about anyone, including herself or her children, leave your lips. You were always the first to help another maid when needed and you always did your job - and did it damn well too. When she realized you weren't afraid of her like the other maids were, that was just the cherry on top.
As your tears stop falling and your cries soften you feel exhaustion begin to take over.
"Feeling better?" She asks.
"Yes my Lady, thank you very much."
"When we are in private you may call me by my given name, Alcina."
"That's a beautiful name."
"Thank you, I am quite fond of it myself."
"Thank you, Alcina. For everything." You say.
"Of course draga mea."
You feel yourself start to doze off and Alcina notices. She adjusts you in her arms and you think she's going to put you down and send you on your way. To your surprise she cradles you in her arm so you're more comfortable.
Her eyes meet yours and she flashes you a warm smile.
"Rest, draga."
"Are you sure?"
A rogue tear rolls down your cheek and she wipes it away. She continues to rock you and hum and your eyelids grow heavier and heavier.
You don't know when it happened but at some point you lost your battle to sleep and drifted off in her arms.
Alcina watches you as your blinks become longer and longer before you finally fall asleep. She smiles down at you as you sleep in her arms and continues to hum. Her humming stops when she hears a soft snore escape.
"My sweet girl. No one hurts you and gets away with it. That dreadful woman will learn her lesson. You will never be alone, draga mea. That I promise."
Alcina brushes a stray lock of hair out of your face and caresses your cheek with the back of her finger. She rests her head against the back of the armchair and closes her eyes. She drifts off to sleep with a smile on her face as thoughts of what she plans on doing to the one that broke your heart dance in her head.
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buckysmischief · 7 months
old foes, new flames (no one knows me like you do)
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druig x f!reader
wc: 11.4k
summary: You and Druig were childhood friends, never one without the other, but that all ended when he got a girlfriend and things changed. Eventually it was too much to be hear him and at the first opportunity you had, you left town. Years later, an invitation to Wanda's wedding brought you back and nothing was the same.
warnings: while this story doesn't have any outright explicit content there are mentions of drinking, smoking, and sexual innuendos. minors please do not interact. angsty, stubborn idiots, fluffy ending.
an: I went a little out of my comfort zone with this one, I really hope you enjoy it. feedback is much appreciated :)
m a s t e r l i s t
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Going back to the place you grew up wasn't something you ever wanted to do again. But when Wanda, one of your childhood best friends called and asked you to be the maid of honor in her wedding. How could you say ‘no’?
It was a super last minute thing. She hasn't been with the guy very long at all. But when Pietro said he didn't have any concerns you decided against calling in a welfare check.
"So she didn't tell you who he is?" Yelena asked.
"No, She did. I just forgot his name and I'm too stubborn to ask." You laughed out, "All I remember is that she met him a few months ago at her college graduation party and that he's super hot."
You and Yelena were roommates freshman year and the rest was history. It was a rare occasion you were apart. So when Wanda said you could bring a plus one, well, Yelena was the obvious choice. It’s not like you were dating anyone and could bring them, not that you would want to bring anyone you were dating back to that place anyways. She wasn't excited about the four hour train ride but you were. Not having to drive and having the opportunity to move around, even just to stretch, was preferable.
“So,” She asked you, with an hour of the ride left, "do you think he's going to be there? I remember you said he was her friend growing up too."
"I didn't ask. She only told me that it's in a few days and that she already has my dress picked out." The neighborhood you grew up in didn't have a lot of kids your age, just you and three others. Wanda, her twin brother Pietro, and a quiet boy named Druig. You and him had a different connection than you did with the twins, for a long time you thought the two of you were inseparable. But as you got older he became more independent of the group, you tried to be happy for him and not take it personally but it was hard.
You even took it well when he announced he had a girlfriend. That was until she made a joke about you following Druig around like a lost puppy. Looking back on it it was naive of you to hope he’d defend you somehow, but it felt like a punch to the gut when he not only laughed but agreed with her.
After that the only time you spoke was when you were insulting each other. For a short while Wanda and Pietro felt like they had to pick a side but that was the last thing you wanted, Druig too. Thankfully there were only a few occasions where all of your paths crossed, but when they did you made sure to avoid him completely. There was no way you were going to be the reason things got too weird.
“Well if he is and he says anything out of line,” she cracked her knuckles, “I’ll handle it.”
You laughed under your breath, knowing how truthful her threat was, “Let’s just hope he’s forgotten I exist.”
The scenery started to get all too familiar and all your mind could focus on was the last time you were here. You left a few days after graduation with no thoughts of returning, if it was anyone else but Wanda asking you to come back the idea wouldn’t have even been entertained. 
Her and Pietro were the ones to drive you to the train station and it was obvious they were very against the whole thing, but thankfully they let you go without a fuss. Pietro had let it slip that he had invited Druig, in hopes of reconciliation or something, but you knew he wouldn’t. Not after what you had said to him the night before.
“Who’s there?” You woke up to the sound of rocks being thrown at your bedroom window.
There wasn’t an answer but you heard the leaves from the tree being rustled. Whoever it was had definitely done this before.
“Wanda? Pietro? Please tell me it’s one of you just trying to scare me.”
“Afraid not.”
You’d recognize that voice anywhere. “What are you doing Druig? Shouldn’t you be climbing out of someone else’s window and not into mine?”
He had finally made his way up the tree and onto the branch that had grown perfectly level with the window. The last time he did that felt like a lifetime ago, there was no reason for him to be doing that now. You didn’t want him there. Unfortunately for you he was climbing in before the words “you need to leave” could finish coming out of your mouth.
Druig looked around, “Everything still looks the same.”
“Not everyone changes their whole personalities overnight.” 
He picked up a picture frame you had hanging on the wall. It was from your thirteenth birthday, in it you were with Wanda, Pietro and Druig at the top of a ferris wheel. You weren’t angry enough at him to rip him out of the photo though, but you were upset enough to put a sticky note over his face. “My mom still has this photo on the mantel, I’ve begged her for years to take it down.”
“How a saint like Ajak could raise a devil like you is something I’ll never understand.” Did he practically break into your bedroom just to be a dick? “Why are you here, Druig?”
“I heard from a little bird that you were flying the nest, never to return.” He put the photo back where he found it and walked over to your bed, sitting on the edge of it. “I wanted to say goodbye.”
Out of habit, you followed him across the room and sat beside him. You told yourself it was so you didn’t have to talk as loud, not wanting your parents to wake up, but deep down you knew it was muscle memory. “Usually that obligation is to the people who actually like the person that’s leaving.”
You noticed his eyes were glossed over, and you were close enough to him that you could smell the beer on his breath. Did he really have the nerve to show up in your room after all that had happened, while intoxicated, to talk about you leaving?
“Yeah, well..” Druig was usually so quick witted, you couldn’t put your finger on it (nor did you care to) but something was off about him, “it just took me by surprise. I never thought any of us would leave this place.”
He didn’t say it in a rude way, but something about him saying it at all made part of your brain short circuit. “You don’t know me Druig, not anymore. You treat me like shit for three years and show up here in the middle of the night for what? To make a pointless comment about a photograph and act sad that I’m leaving? You’re the reason I’m leaving! I can’t stand to be in this zip code wondering if I’m going to run into you, who you’ll be with, and what taunts you and your friends will throw my way. 
“I have a long list of reasons why I want to leave and never come back, and since I’m too tired to tell you the rest of them just know that they all begin with you.” Somehow you had managed to get that all out without raising your voice or shedding a single tear and yet it didn’t make you feel better. You were so in your feelings that you missed the switch flip in Druig’s mind.
“I just came by to tell you that you’ll be back, you’re not special enough to leave this place for good. And when you do, I’ll be waiting to tell you ‘I told you so’.” His tone was cold and unforgiving, more than ever before.
He stood up and walked back to your window, but just before he climbed out he called your name. “Hey Yn..”
You snapped back, “What, Druig?”
“I’ll see you soon.”
It was midafternoon when you arrived at your parents house and it was already too much. Your mom wanted to show you all of the renovations before your bags ever touched the ground. Your dad wanted to show you the new pattern he mowed into the lawn, like you didn’t see it walking up to the front door.
“Mom, dad, I love you both so much and I can’t wait to see everything but give us like an hour to put our bags down and I don’t know, breathe?” You pleaded, hoping your parents would take into consideration the eight hour train ride you and Yelena just endured. 
“Oh of course,” your dad agreed. 
The two of you took that as the perfect time to walk up the stairs to your old bedroom, you had almost got to the top when your mom called for you. “Yn, I forgot to tell you. There’s a surprise waiting for you in your room.”
“Okay?” You replied, and then whispered to Yelena, “I’m scared, either she threw everything away and it’s unrecognizable or it’s a new pillow or something.”
“ME first!” Yelena barged past you, throwing the door nearly off its hinges before letting out a sound somewhere between a cat being murdered and a burglar alarm. You watched in slow motion as she flung her bag towards the window where a human shaped object fell out of it.
“What the fuck was that!?” You shouted at her as you both ran to the open window. There was a man laying on the lawn sprawled on his side.
“Oh look,” Yelena nudged your elbow with hers, “your dad’s lawn looks great!”
“I knew I liked you!” You could hear your dad yell from the front porch. “Druig, son? Is that you? Why are you laying on the lawn? You’re going to mess up the pattern.”
“Druig?” You asked in a panic to no one in particular. “Oh my god, Yelena! You killed Druig!”
The look on her face was blank, like she was wondering if she should care. “No, it was self defense. He deserved it.”
“Murder is murder Yelena!”
“Honey, we don't have the right insurance to cover up a murder.” Your mom chimed in from the doorway.
“Nope,” you heard a groan, “Still alive. A little less high than I was five minutes ago, but alive.”
“What are you doing down there?” You yelled to him, grateful he was alive but suddenly pissed off that he was there to begin with.
“So you’re like this because of your parents, not in spite of them.” Yelena said, the puzzle pieces finally clicking into place.
You ignored her and ran down the stairs and out the front door. As much as you wanted to make sure he was okay, you also wanted him gone as soon as he could stand. There was no way you were giving your parents yet, apparently, another chance of letting him in the house.
He started to sit up as you made your way out of the front door, so you asked him again, “What are you doing here, Druig?”
He took another minute to get up and wipe himself free of a few leaves and branches he took down with him. You couldn’t help but notice how his hair was longer, something you always told him he could pull off. How dare he take your advice when you weren’t around to gloat about it? And were those… Did he get tattoos?
Yelena nudged you again to get your attention, dragging you away from thoughts you shouldn’t have been having, just in time for Druig to walk up to you both. “I wanted to be the first to welcome you home…to be the one to remind you that I told you so.” He smirked, “Look who’s back.”
“Leave.” You demanded. “Leave now and leave me alone. I’m here until Wanda says ‘I do’ and then I’m going back home where I don’t have to see you ever again.”
Durig’s eyes never left yours and the smirk had grown to a full on grin. “Oh this is perfect. She didn’t tell you?” Then he looked at Yelena and laughed, “She didn’t tell her!”
You crossed your arms in annoyance, “Who didn’t tell me what?” 
“Wanda. She didn’t tell you who she’s marrying?” You shook your head in confusion, waiting for him to say he was the groom even though you knew that wasn’t the case. “She’s getting married to my best friend, Bucky. So can you guess what that makes me?”
You tried your best to hold it in but a slew of “fucks” fell out of your mouth. You heard your mother shouting from inside that you could put a sailor to shame but you didn’t care. Of course Wanda was so vague with the details, she knew you’d politely decline the maid of honor (and maybe the invitation all together) position if you knew the truth. “The best man.”
“The BEST best man, actually. I beat Pietro in a race for it.”
“You’re mistaking me for someone who cares.” All the years of therapy didn’t do a damn thing. Well, you didn’t punch him so maybe it helped a little. “I’m going to call Wanda and talk to her about this. You’re welcome to walk in traffic, or don’t, I don’t really care. Just.. leave, please.”
You didn’t walk far, Druig didn’t show any sign of leaving and as much as you wanted her to, you couldn’t let Yelena hurt him again. Or threaten to hurt him again, because she would and the next time wouldn’t be an accident.
Wanda sent you to voicemail three times, so either she was super busy or she knew that you knew, so you texted her instead.
Yn: Hey! I’m back. When are we meeting up? I want to meet your future husband and hear all about how you met and how grossly in love you are! We can talk about all you need me to do, who is all in the wedding party. More specifically the best man. Do I know him?
She responded almost instantly.
Wanda: Oh good, I’m so glad you made it safe! I can swing by in an hour if that works for you?
Yn: That works. Are you going to avoid my questions then too?
Wanda: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Yn: When did Druig get tattoos?
Wanda: I’ll be there in 5
You put your phone back in your pocket and walked back down the walkway where Yelena was obviously running out of patience. There was a part of you that wanted to ask her to go inside so you could talk to him in private, he was always less of a dick head when others weren’t around, while the other part of you wasn’t in a hurry to be alone with him at all. “Wanda said she’s going to be here in five minutes, is there a reason you’re still here or do you get off on being somewhere you’re not wanted?”
He glanced back in your direction, his eyes locked with yours. “She might not want me here,” he pointed at Yelena and then to you, “but you do. You can tell yourself whatever lie you want, Yn, but you’ve never been able to lie to me.”
Before you got a chance to tell him where he could shove the finger he was pointing at you, Wanda had pulled into the driveway. She walked up to Yelena before ever meeting your eyes, she made sure she positioned herself perfectly when she gave Yelena a hug and asked her how the trip was, her back facing you.
“Yeah, yeah. You two missed each other, I love that for you both.” You were getting slightly impatient. Between waking up early, traveling, not getting a chance to relax, Druig and Wanda stalling, you felt like you were going to explode. “Can someone who isn’t Druig please fill in the gaps for me?”
Wanda turned to give you a look of sympathy, then spoke to Druig. “Bucky’s home, he’s waiting for you.”
“He’ll be fine,” he began to walk away, but turned to give you one last look, “I had a promise to fulfill.”
Thankfully Wanda had jumped right in and explained everything, from how she met Bucky to the Druig of it all. Apparently Druig introduced them and it was love at first sight, you ignored the voice in your head telling you that this was his plan all along. That he knew short of a funeral, the only way you’d come back was Wanda getting married. You would be giving him way too much credit if you actually entertained that thought.
“I’m sorry,” Wanda said, pulling you out of your thoughts, “you said once that he was tolerable now and I just kind of assumed it wouldn’t be an issue.”
“Yeah, because I live in a different time zone, not because he’s a tolerable person!” You pouted. “Look, I’m sorry. I’m here for your big day not to make you feel bad. The wedding is in what, three days? I can handle being around him for three days, but only because it’s you.”
“I’m glad you feel that way because,” she hesitated for a moment and then braced for impact, “he’s going to be helping you set everything up in the backyard, Bucky put Druig’s name down to accept everything as it gets dropped off just in case you got delayed arriving.”
“That’s, that’s fair.” You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “So what can I do for you now that I’m here?”
Wanda smiled and hugged you, excited that you weren’t upset with her. Not like you ever could be. “I just need you to come over at some point tomorrow to try on the dress and I’ll give you the itinerary for Friday and Saturday then. Friday is pretty much just you and Druig setting everything up and then Saturday I basically just need you at my side.”
It could have been worse, all you really had to get through was Friday, and Yelena being there would give you a distraction. You would only have to be around him for a minimal amount of time the day of the wedding if you played your cards right. At least that’s what you thought.
“Yelena,” Wanda said in a hopeful tone, “you can help Yn on Friday if you want but if you don’t feel like being a human buffer, my brother is driving to the city to pick up a few cases of wine and I’m sure he would enjoy your company.”
She knew what she was doing. She knew Pietro and Yelena had some weird unspoken thing. You were on Facetime with Wanda one night and she was with her brother, Yelena had gotten home and popped in to say hi to Wanda and then gave her full focus to Pietro. You ended up giving her his number before they completely hijacked the call.
They texted all the time but never talked about meeting in person. To your knowledge she didn’t tell him she was coming to the wedding, and you suspected Wanda had kept it a secret too. Yelena was never the serious relationship type, but you had a feeling if anyone could change that it was Pietro.
She looked at you, silently asking if you’d mind. Of course you did, but you weren’t going to hold her (or anyone) back because of your personal issues with someone. “Go and hang out with Pietro, I’ll be fine.”
“You sure? Because,” she paused, “I texted him when we got here and we already have potential plans. I was waiting to see what your schedule looked like before we made anything official.”
“Tomorrow too?”
“He wanted to show me around but since you’re free most of the day I was just going to push that to Friday.”
You thought about it for a moment, going over your options. The selfish part of you wanted to see if you could just be the third wheel for the day, but since you didn’t really make plans outside of helping with the wedding you decided it wasn’t fair to do that. You got to see Yelena everyday, if she was comfortable going off gallivanting with Pietro then you weren’t going to get in the middle of it. Maybe they’d be the next ones to have a last minute wedding. “No, you go and have fun! It’ll probably take my mom half the day to show me all the changes to the house, I can entertain myself after that.”
“Well that sounds depressing.” Wanda chimed in.
You laughed and rolled your eyes at her, “Do you really think I have the attention span for that? No, I’m going to walk around and be nostalgic. See where I end up. Nothing super dramatic.”
“Oh good, we wouldn’t want that.” It was her turn to roll her eyes at you. “If you want, you’re more than welcome to run errands with me.”
“No offense, but I’d rather spend the day with Druig. I don’t even like running my own errands.” You all couldn’t help but laugh at that.
After that Wanda had gotten a call from Bucky, something about the cake. She excused herself, reminding you that her offer still stood, and you and Yelena went back in the house. 
The next morning Yelena woke you up, letting you know that she was leaving. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”
You sat up to check the time, 8:07, there was no point trying to go back to sleep. “Yeah I don’t care, I”m going to get ready and head out soon too. Text me if Pietro gets weird, I’ll call you and fake an emergency or something.”
She knew you meant it, and you knew you wouldn’t have to do it. 
Over the next hour you ate breakfast with your parents and indulged them when they asked if they could show you everything finally. Again. When the tour was over you quickly got ready and rushed out the door before they found a way to keep you inside all day.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to spend time with them, you did. It was just that you knew they wanted you to move back home and you didn’t want to give them the chance to bring it up. It was easy for them to let you go the first time, they were under the impression you’d come back when you decided you weren’t going for your bachelor’s degree. That was three years ago and their “subtlety” of convincing you to come back was getting more and more obvious.
But of course when you dodge one bullet another one comes flying, or however that saying goes. Druig was in your parents driveway. Scratch that, Druig and his motorcycle were in your parents driveway. “Finally, I’ve been waiting for you for 20 minutes.” 
“Did I wake up in a reality where I asked?” 
He swung one leg over the bike and put on his helmet, offering you an extra one. “I heard you don’t have any plans today.” 
Damn Wanda. She told him on purpose.
Your curiosity got the better of you, “And you made some for us?”
“No, but you can accompany me to mine.” Was a smirk permanently plastered on his face? It infuriated you to no end. Unfortunately, for no one but you, it also made him super attractive.
“Fuck you.”
“You weren’t on my to do list today but I can add you to it if you want.” Did he really just say that?
“Excus-” The sound of his bike roaring to life cut you off. You couldn’t make out what he said after that, but he extended his arm and offered you the helmet again.
Both of you were a bit surprised when you took it. You had never been on a motorcycle before so when Druig grabbed your hands and put them around his waist you flinched away from him. “Do you want to fall off?”
Obviously not. “Fine. But just know-”
“That what? Being this close to me drives you crazy?” He grabbed your hands and put him around his waist again, holding them a little tighter than he did before. “You’ll get over it.”
He revved his bike, probably so he didn’t have to hear yet another response to another one of his slick comments, and began to drive through the neighborhood. You had no idea where he was taking you and was slightly too afraid to open your eyes to guess. 
For the first time since you found out it was him who fell out of your window you started to wonder why you were entertaining Druig and his antics. Was it for Wanda’s sake? Could therapy be working more than you thought? Maybe the distance had allowed you to outgrow him enough for it to not hurt anymore. Two things you decided that you knew for sure was that time and distance made you forget the feelings you had for him, and having to hold onto him for dear life solidified that they were back.
After what felt like an eternity, you felt the bike turn right and slow down. Only when it was no longer moving and had gone silent did you feel safe enough to open your eyes.
“You don’t gotta stop holding me,” he put a hand on your thigh and gently squeezed it a couple of times, “but you gotta let go of me long enough for us both to get off.”
Feelings be damned, his cocky attitude brought you back to reality. You let go of him and got your feet on the ground as quickly as you could. “You wish. So, where are we?”
If you took a moment to look around before you asked, it would have been obvious. “When did they close it down?”
“Last year.” The movie theater was your favorite place to be growing up. Not just because of the movies you saw there, but because of the easily accessible roof that you and everyone your age would hang out on after your respectable movies were over. Before things got weird between you two, you and Druig were attached at the hip and the roof was your favorite spot to hang out. After things got weird, you stopped going as much and eventually not at all. You never knew if he continued to go or not. “But they never took down the ladder.”
He gestured for you to go first but you stood there frozen. “Why are we doing this? Why did you bring me here?” 
“Can we both just cut the act for a bit? I’m not used to it anymore.” His tone was laced with exhaustion. 
As much as you related to his words, old habits do die hard. “Then take me home, wouldn’t want you getting used to being around me.”
He pointed from you to the ladder again, “Climb the damn ladder, Yn.”
You complied, convincing yourself you were only doing so out of pure curiosity. 
When you got to the top you realized why Druig wanted you up there so badly. There was a huge blanket spread out with nice outdoor furniture set up around a cooler and a picnic basket. A lot of thought seemed to go into what was obviously a last minute thing, but you wondered why it was a thing at all. Why would he want to spend more time together than necessary?
“Take a seat,” he put his hand on the small of your back, encouraging you to once again take the lead, “it took Pietro way too long to get these up here.”
You took a seat on one of the chairs while Druig took the one across from you, but not before almost taking the one beside you. “You would make him do all the work.”
“That’s not what I said.” He began to take out food from the picnic basket, attentively placing what looked to be sandwiches, chips, and sweets out on the table. Your favorites. “You have a habit of taking everything I say the wrong way.”
“I do not.”
He grabbed two drinks out of the cooler, handing you one and keeping the other for himself. “Okay, not always. But to be fair he offered to do most of the heavy lifting, something about getting a workout in before meeting up with that scary friend of yours. And I made the food.”
“I can’t wait to tell Yelena you think she’s scary. “ You said before you took a bite of your sandwich. 
“Oh I’m sure she knows, someone doesn’t get to be that terrifying by accident.”
Conversation stayed light for the rest of the time you ate, from what you majored in to the auto repair shop he opened a few years ago. It felt nice to just talk to him again without any hostility, like it used to when things were normal. Being in a secluded environment was the key, you doubted it would be that easy at the wedding while being around so many people who were secretly waiting to see which one of you take things too far first.
Then Druig had to go and ruin it. “So can we talk about it now?”
“Talk about what?”
His eyes came close but they wouldn’t quite meet yours. “About how we went from being inseparable to me having to beg Wanda for updates on your life.”
If Druig was right about anything, it was you taking what he had to say the wrong way. “Are you fucking serious? You don’t remember?”
“What? No I meant-”
You stood up and walked towards the ladder, “I don’t care, I really don’t. I’m leaving. Unfortunately I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Stop.” He grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you in closer by your hips. “I remember exactly what happened. I was about to apologize for it.”
The way the light hit his blue eyes had you hypnotized. “I'm listening.”
“If either of us was a lost puppy it was me. I didn’t realize it at first, not until I found out you were leaving. I showed up at the twins house to tell them my revelation, begging them to tell me what I could do to make things right.” His train of thought was all over the place but so was your concentration. His left hand was still on your hip while his right had traveled its way up to your cheek. “Wanda told me your plans, Pietro said I should show up and tell you everything. It felt selfish to tell you something so heavy after finding out how excited you were to leave, I always thought things would just somehow go back to normal in college or something..
“So I drank my feelings and showed up at your house. I said something that hurt your feelings, again, and you snapped and I said some fucked up shit. I went to tell you that I loved you and ended up doing the exact opposite.” 
If he said anything after that your brain didn’t register it. You only had water but it felt like you drank a whole bottle of wine. Before you knew it your hands were pulling his face closer to yours, closing the small amount of distance there was between you. 
His lips on yours felt foreign, yet welcoming. More than. 
The way one of his hands comfortably held your jaw while the other was tangled in your hair sent a fire through you that you had never felt before. When his tongue swiped over your lips you knew you were a goner, he swallowed the soft moan that escaped your lips. Druig had made you feel a lot of things over the years but in that moment he made you feel at home.
“Stop,” you put your hand on his chest and pushed away, forcing space between you. “This can’t happen.”
You didn’t stay to hear him out, but that didn’t stop him from following you down the ladder and begging to understand what just happened.
“Yn, talk to me! What the fuck happened up there?” You both walked past his bike and down the sidewalk. There wasn’t anywhere you were walking to exactly, you just wanted to get as far away from the moment as you could. “Did I do something you didn’t want me to?”
There was something in his voice that made you stop. “No, really no. But this,” you gestured between the two of you, “can’t happen. I’m only here for two more days and-”
“Then stay.” 
“It’s not that simple, Druig.”
“Why not?” He pleaded with you, asking a question you didn’t even know the answer to.
“Look, I promise to act normal tomorrow and for the wedding, I won’t tell anyone, Wanda will have the wedding she deserves and me and Yelena will go back home and you’ll never hear from me again!”
He scoffed and you swore you could feel him roll his eyes, “Can you stop being so dramatic?”
You ignored him the rest of the way back to your parents house. Eventually he stopped trying to get your attention, the only indication of his being behind you was the sound of gravel crunching beneath his boots.
Instead of paying him any mind you brainstormed of non life threatening illnesses you could quickly expose yourself to so you had a perfectly reasonable excuse to be a horrible friend to Wanda and miss her and Bucky’s wedding. The answer was none.
After what felt like hours and many blisters later, you and Druig eventually made it back to your childhood home. Much to your surprise though, a familiar car was in the driveway. “Pietro?”
Before you got halfway up the driveway a blur of silver hair came out of nowhere and picked you up into a tight bear hug, almost tackling you to the ground. “Yn, I’ve missed you so much! How did your date with Druig go? I didn’t think I’d get to see you until later.”
“My what?” You pulled yourself out of his grasp. “Is that what he told you it was?”
“No?” He admitted, obviously confused. “I just figured you both decided to stop being stubborn and were ready to admit your feelings for eachother.”
“I did.” Druig said proudly, “I think it’s physically impossible for her to stop being stubborn though, probably would combust or something.”
“That sounds more thrilling than being here right now.”
“Told you.”
Before you could get another smart ass word in, Yelena had finally come outside. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” you lied, “I was too afraid to get back on Druig’s bike so we walked back. He was just saying goodbye.” You walked into the house and went straight to your room, ignoring the worried questions of your parents. You got to your window in time to see the guys back out of your driveway, probably on their way to Druig’s bike.
You were worried Yelena would have a hundred questions about what had happened, but that was silly. She knew how to work through your issues when you couldn’t. When Yelena found you in your room she came with the only thing that could stand a chance at putting you in a better mood (no matter the season), hot chocolate.
“You don’t have to talk about it,” she reminded you, handing you one of the mugs she held, “but Pietro filled me in on some things that have happened since you left. He said he’ll come back later if you want.”
“Yes,” you grumbled, “but not if he wants to talk about him.”
“I’ll let him know.”
While you waited for Pietro, and dinner, you listened to Yelena as she told you about her day. As she spoke about all that Pietro had shown her, you noticed how much she really liked him. You had never heard someone talk so highly of Pietro. Hell, you have never heard Yelena talk highly of anyone, ever. She didn’t outright say it, and you didn’t dare bring it up, but you could tell it was going to be really hard for her to leave. 
As much as you hated to admit it, so obviously you planned to take it to the grave, you were going to too.
It was that one thought that you let slip through the cracks that caused a mental avalanche. Flashes of you afternoon with Druig, all of the hurtful things he said and did when you were younger, him following you home, remembering you still have two more days with him, thoughts of what things could be like if you stayed…
Yelena never noticed how zoned out you got, but Pietro did.
He stood in the doorway, taking both of you off guard. “You’ve both been so lost in your own worlds, neither of you noticed me standing here for five minutes.”
“You’re an adult,” you stood up to take the boxes of pizza out of his hands, “you could have said something.”
“I figured one of you would have noticed the smell of pizza.”
Yelena opened the first box and looked disgusted, “Because this isn’t pizza. It’s buffalo chicken on pizza dough.”
“Ah but you said pizza dough, so you admit by default it's a pizza.” He replied to her in the flirtiest manner you had ever seen. He was absolutely smitten with her as well.
“You better have gotten something we like too.” You added for no other reason than to remind them you were still there.
The rest of the night flew by too quickly. After dinner the three of you went to the backyard, it was too nice not to enjoy it. The apartment you shared with Yelena didn’t have a yard of any kind, but at least it had a decent sized patio balcony. But even then your neighbors got really weird if you and, or Yelena were out there too late. Not weird like leaving passive aggressive notes on your front door or anything, you almost wished they did, but instead they would lean over the wall that separated you and would insert themselves in the middle of whatever you were doing.
That wasn’t something you weren’t used to though. Even though the distance between your childhood home and the neighbors was pretty spacious, that didn’t stop your friends from just showing up in your backyard. It didn’t matter if you were home or not, it never bothered you. 
It only bothered you when it stopped.
“I miss this place.” You whispered. You didn’t even realize you said it outloud until Pietro asked you to repeat yourself.
“I said there’s too much space.”
“That’s not what you said.” He accused, the gears clearly turning in his head. “What would it take to get you back here?”
You didn’t quite know what the right answer was, so you just said the only thing you knew for sure. “If Yelena isn’t a stone’s throw away from me then I might die. Do you want me to die, Pietro?”
“If that’s the case,” Yelena quickly added, “our lease is up soon. I wouldn’t mind moving here with you, I like it here.”
“You like a guy here, that’s not the same thing.”
“Don’t pretend that that’s not the same reason why you do and don’t want to move back.”
“No,” she cut you off, “someone had to say it to you. Pietro said you liked him and I didn’t believe him until yesterday and again today. The way you talked about him I truly believed you hated him, but the way you look at him.. The way he looks at you! The way you talk to each other, even. Your parents even see it! He took you on a date, he quite literally told you he loves you! What’s holding you back?”
“It just feels like another set up!” You blurted out. “I feel like the second I admit how I feel, Druig and his friends are going to all come out of nowhere like we’re on an episode of Punk’d or something.”
“You couldn’t,” Pietro laughed out so hard he had to fight to catch his breath, “ahh, you’re hilarious.”
That didn’t do anything but annoy you. “Can you stop laughing at me and find your words?”
“I’m sorry,” he took a deep breath and wiped the tears from his eyes, “it’s just that you couldn’t be more wrong. Druig hasn’t hung out with that crown since we graduated, he only hangs out with me, Wanda, Bucky, and the guys at the shop. And your parents sometimes.”
“My parents?” They never mentioned him.
“We all do, we basically grew up in your backyard. They’ve always been like second parents to us. One more thing,” he moved from his seat to sit directly in front of you, “if he ever sets you up to look or feel stupid again, I’ll knock his teeth out.”
“Only if you beat me to it.” Yelena stood up, ready to defend your honor then and there.
Pietro stood again from his seat, sizing her up. “Is that a challenge?”
“Ew stop flirting in front of me,” you stood up too and told them you’d be leaving, “I got to go to Wanda’s to try on my dress. I’ll think about what you said on the way there, you two have fun and if I don’t see either of you before your mini road trip, please be safe!”
When you got to Wanda’s house it was slightly after 9pm and thankfully it was just her and Bucky. He seemed really nice, you understood almost immediately how Wanda had fallen in love so quickly. There was something about the way they were just so genuine with each other, you had never seen Wanda so happy with someone. You were so distracted by them that you almost forgot why you were there, the dress.
It was a floor length lavender dress with a short flutter sleeve, thankfully it wasn’t anything crazy. Somehow Wanda did indeed get the perfect fit. You hung it back in her closet for Saturday and went back into the living room so spend more time with the happy couple.
Throughout the night Bucky kept mentioning how he wished there was more time to get to know you better and how Wanda was so excited you were there. Neither one of them mentioned Druig. There was no way they didn’t know what happened earlier, and you’d be surprised if Pietro didn’t call Wanda the moment you left. Whatever they wanted to talk about, they weren’t going to initiate it. At least, not out right.
“You’ve never been so quiet.” Wanda stated. “Do you want to talk about something?”
“I can step out if you need some privacy.” Bucky added.
“No,” you told the both of them, “when I’m done processing I’ll let you know.”
“I promise.”
When you got to Wanda’s the next day neither her or Bucky were there like you hoped they’d be. It was just going to be you and Druig, who was already in the backyard, and you desperately wished Yelena would have taken pity on you and not go with Pietro. But you swore to her at least ten times the night before that she was fine and you could handle it.
You were wrong.
The tension could have been cut with a knife. You both tried to stay away from each other if you could, but when you couldn’t things were tense. It was obvious that he wanted to say something, he only spoke to you when it was necessary though.
After he would put a table in its designated spot you would go behind him and place the chairs. Since it was a small backyard wedding, the couple decided against the traditional seating for the ceremony and just have everyone sit at their designated table instead. Their backyard was big enough so no matter what it wouldn’t be too crowded.
When he was done you expected him to start the next project, but when you went to grab more chairs he was already bringing more your way. “You don’t have to help me.”
“But I want to.” You wanted to tell him that he can’t always get what he wants but you opted to just let him do what he wanted. 
When that was done two men started to bring back the pieces to the arch and put it together. The flowers were going to be delivered the next morning, so once you knew it was correctly assembled you snuck inside for a moment to yourself before the next project. 
All of the silence gave you time to actually think and process all that had come to light, and the longer you thought about it and really thought about what Pietro had said you knew you had to make a decision. 
There was no real point in going back home other than to get your things, the lease would be up in just over a month. You and Yelena were going to renew it when you got back but you had no obligation to do that. There was no doubt that your parents would let the both of you stay with them until you found a house close by. That was if Yelena didn’t move in with Pietro, which you would absolutely love and support. 
You and Yelena had talked about it some when you got back the night before, she told you that she didn’t expect to want to stay but she did. Admitting that you felt the same way was like admitting defeat at the end of the night you both agreed to think about it and talk about it again after the wedding.
If someone were to have told you the week before that you’d be back in your hometown, hanging out with Druig, thinking about moving back - you would have suggested they seek professional help. You never would have guessed that you’d be standing in the middle of Wanda and her future husband’s kitchen thinking about what to do about the Druig of it all.
“Hey,” he walked into the kitchen as if your thoughts of him summoned him there, “we just have to hang the lights around the trees and the arch. Did you want to take a break and order lunch?”
“Yeah that’s fine, get me whatever you’re getting. I’ve got cash.”
“Pizza good? And don’t worry about it, it’s a ‘thank you’ from the happy couple for all our hard work.” He pulled out his phone and put in the order. The two of you weren’t standing too close, but it felt like he was the center of gravity and was trying to pull you in. When he was done and walked out of the kitchen to the living room you followed, your younger self would have been disgusted.
Everything became too much at once, so many decisions were unofficially made at once and the only one you didn’t have a solution to was less than five feet away from you. Even though you knew how he felt and what he wanted, you didn’t know how to say out loud that you felt the same. It wasn’t even something you admitted out loud to your therapist.
“I’ve decided I’m moving back.” You tried to stop yourself, you really did, but the awkward silence was getting out of hand.
He looked at you like you had three heads, “What? When?”
You knew what he really wanted to ask. “Probably in a month. I haven’t told anyone yet, I just decided about 15 minutes ago honestly.” 
“Is Yelena moving too? Aren’t you two a packaged deal?” He leaned back in his seat, probably didn’t want to seem too eager or show how excited he was about your decision.
“Yes, well, kind of. She wants to move here too but I think her plans include Pietro more than they do me, which I’m totally fine with.” And you were, you wouldn’t have ever entertained the thought of moving anywhere if your best friend wasn’t going with you. Her having someone that makes her happy was more than worth it.
He smirked at your answer. “So Wanda and Bucky are getting married, Yelena and Pietro are going to be in a honeymoon phase of their own.. Where does that leave us?”
You knew he was going to bring it up eventually, you just hoped he would have waited until you unpacked your belongings first. “Why would there be an ‘us’?”
“We could be friends, we could be more, or we can just go back to ignoring each other. I just want to know so I can respect your boundaries.” He almost sounded sad, it surprised you how much it made your heart ache. 
That made you want to talk out everything then and there, but fate had other plans. The doorbell rang and Druig stood up to go get the food. After he got back and you were done eating you had no idea how to bring up the subject again. You convinced yourself that it was fine, that talking it over with Wanda and Yelena first would help you sort your thoughts.
The rest of the decorating went pretty quickly, some of the things had to be done the next day so you volunteered to get up early and do those since you’d be spending the night at Wanda’s anyway.
Since the guest list was so small, Wanda and Bucky decided to pick one friend each to be their maid of honor and best man. Neither of them wanted to do anything crazy for their bachelor/ bachelorette parties either. Bucky and Druig were going to spend the night at Pietro’s doing whatever Bucky decided he wanted to do, and you and Yelena were staying with Wanda to have a spa/ movie night. 
It was there, while the three of you were applying your mud masks, that you told them your decision. “So unless Druig opened his mouth and told you before I got to, I’m-”
“Finally dating Druig?!” Wanda interrupted, a little too excited.
“Ugh you too?” You threw yourself backwards on her living room floor. “No, I wanted to be the first to tell you and Yelena and I are moving back here next month.”
“WHAT?” She jumped from her stop on the couch and onto you. “This is the best wedding present ever! I can’t believe you’re coming back.”
“You’re crushing me, get off.” You laughed half seriously. 
She got off of you and went to hug Yelena, “I’m so excited for us to spend more time together.”
“Me too.” Yelena smiled. You once worried about the possibility of them not getting along, so you were overjoyed that they had a bond separate from you.
The later it got and the more wine you drank, you felt more comfortable talking about the subject everyone (even your parents) wanted you to talk about: Druig.
“Are you going to date him?”
“Are you going to take it slow?”
“Is he a good kisser?”
“Does this mean we can do couples vacations now?”
“I bet you two are going to be the couple that is just obsessed with each other, but in a cute way.”
“Can you two let me decide my feelings first before you plan my wedding?” You didn’t even blame them for their questions and comments, there was a part of you that wanted to fully let loose and talk about how you’ve had a crush on him for as long as you could remember, but there was also a part of you that didn’t want to celebrate too soon.
“Decide??” Wanda emphasized dramatically, “Are you going to look at me in my face and pretend you’re not in love with him?”
Yelena was right behind her. “And he’s even told me he’s in love with you, too. So why aren’t you two together yet?”
“OH! I have an idea!” Wanda yelled and ran to her bedroom. When she came back she had your phone in her hand with Druig’s contact information open. “Call him and tell him how you feel.”
“No, this night is supposed to be about you. You call Bucky and gush to him about how much you love him.” She rolled her eyes at your comment and looked for Yelena to back her up.
To your surprise she actually backed you up. Well, technically. “No, Pietro sent a voice memo earlier and they’re all very drunk. A text might work though.” 
“Or, and really hear me when I say this,” you suggested after finishing off another bottle, “I could just wait until after the wedding. That way you and Bucky can have your day and I can procrastinate this a little longer.”
“Ugh, fine. I’ve just been waiting for this since high school, seeing two of my best friends happy. Not pretending they hate each other anymore. I’m just so happy for you.” Wanda was drunk but you knew she meant every word she said.
For years she was in the middle of you and his hostility, even though you did everything you could so that she didn’t have to. You never badmouthed him to her, or even Pietro, but you knew they weren’t unaware it was happening. They knew it was something they couldn’t fix, but at the end of the day you were their friend and seeing you hurt, hurt them. 
“No Wands, I’m happy for you.” With that, the three of you called it a night. The morning would be there before you knew it.
You woke up before anyone else and decided it was your job as maid of honor to make sure Wanda was taken care of until it was officially Bucky’s duty. There was no way you would be able to do that without caffeine so you pulled out your phone and ordered coffee and breakfast for the three of you before the flowers were scheduled to be delivered. 
Yelena was the next to wake up. The two of you sat on the porch and talked about your plans for the move before Wanda woke up.
“So were you thinking about moving in with Pietro?” You got straight to the point, just like she had with you.
She looked at you in disbelief. “We just made things official, I need at least a year to get used to being so close to him before I think about that. You know how I am. Besides, I’m not ready for us to not be roommates yet. That’s too much change at once.”
You jokingly threw your head back and laughed, “Oh thank god, I feel the same way! About wanting to still be roommates and too much change. I feel like I’m going to make a mistake somehow.”
“Me too. But this feels like a step in a positive direction.” She put her hand in yours. “We’ve outgrown our apartment.”
“Yes, so naturally the next move is my parents house. I love that for us.” You said sarcastically.
That snapped her back to reality. “We’re looking for a place the minute we get on the train. I love your parents but I can’t be a recluse there, I need that time to myself or I’ll go insane.”
“Oh you don’t have to tell me twice, I fell asleep looking at places last night.”
The front door opened and a sleepy Wanda walked out, “Did anyone make coffee?”
“No,” you laughed at how well you knew her, “but in one minute a delivery driver will be here with some.”
She sat on the other side of you and rested her head on your shoulder, “You’re the best.”
Just like you predicted, a car had pulled up and a delivery boy stepped out with your breakfast. You nudged Wanda’s head with the shoulder she was leaning on so you could get up, “I know.”
From there the morning got unexpectedly chaotic. The flowers got delivered thirty minutes late and the person who was supposed to help you arrange them had apparently called out, so you spent longer than planned getting them all in their proper arrangements on each table and around the arch.
Time wise everything seemed to work itself out in the end. Wanda and Yelena were showered by the time you were done, but only just, meaning you would have been waiting for your turn anyways. To your surprise there was just enough hot water left for you to get through the shower, it only got cold at the very end.
When you stepped out of the bathroom you were faced with a new set of problems. Wanda’s blow dryer broke when she was almost done, leaving you and Yelena with wet hair and the risk of frizz.
“Let me make a call, y’all just start on make up.” You excused yourself and called the first person you thought of. “Druig?”
“Good afternoon, sunshine. I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon.”
You got so distracted with his flirting you almost forgot why you called. “I need a favor, are you busy?”
“I could never be too busy for you.”
You knew he could tell you were smiling by the sound of your voice. “Can you go over to my house and get my hair dryer? Wanda’s broke?”
“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”
You thanked him and walked back to the guest bedroom to find more appropriate clothes. The last thing you needed was for him to see you in a towel, he would have found a way to bring it up the rest of the day.
When you went to check on Wanda and Yelena things finally seemed to be going smoothly. Yelena had never worn much makeup so she finished up pretty quickly. Wanda’s makeup style always depended on the occasion, and for her wedding she went for more of a non-makeup look. Her foundation was light and dewy while her eyes had a natural look to them. You had just got done helping her apply a set of very subtle eyelashes when you heard a knock at the door. “Be right back, y’all figure out what you’re doing with your hair.”
The walk to Wanda’s front door felt like it took ages to get to and once you got there you had to work up the courage to open it, but eventually you found it. “Hey, thank you again. I owe you one.”
“It’s no big deal.” He handed you the blow dryer and you ran it to the girls before joining him back on the porch. “Shouldn’t you be joining them?”
“They can wait.” You purposely stood a little too close to him, but not close enough for his gravity to pull you in again. Not fully at least. “I need to tell you something.”
It took all of his restraint not to close the gap between you. “You can tell me anything.”
“I’m sorry about the other day, I was feeling a lot of things at once and I reacted badly.”
That wasn’t what he was expecting you to say but he appreciated it all the same. “No, that was my bad, I threw too much at you at once.”
“No, it was beautiful, really.” You reassured him, “I’ve got to go, but meet me here after the ceremony, okay? There’s something else we need to talk about.”
He agreed, but before he left you both took a half step forward. You leaned your head in quicker than he did and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled his signature half smile and walked back to his bike, “That just told me all I needed to know, darling. I’ll see you soon.”
You smiled and went back inside before Wanda and Yelena got curious, the last thing you needed was to get thrown off schedule right as you had caught up.
When you walked back in, Wanda was curling her hair while Yelena was almost done blow drying hers. They were so caught up in the excitement that they never questioned who had dropped the blow dryer off and why you took a few minutes to come back in, not that you had a problem with that at all.
You had just finished your hair and make up when the caterers arrived, thankfully all you had to do was unlock the door. There was still an hour before the ceremony was scheduled to begin and even though Wanda’s dress wasn’t anything super extravagant, it had probably about one hundred buttons in the back and it took you a little longer than you anticipated. Yelena had taken pity on you and helped you out, giving you just enough time to get dressed before guests and the guys arrived.
“Alright, Pietro texted they should be here in two minutes. I’m going to make sure Bucky stays out back. You,” you pointed to Wanda, “stay away from the kitchen windows, I won’t have him sneaking a peek.”
“Aye, aye captain.” Her smile was so wide, she was barely able to contain her excitement. 
Everything after that was a blur.
The guys ended up arriving before the guests. You supervised Druig and Bucky while they showed everyone to their seats and Pietro joined Yelena in making sure Wanda didn’t get impatient. At least that’s the reason he gave, you were sure he selfishly (yet understandably) wanted to be close to Yelena. Druig tried doing the same with you a few times but you kept finding opportunities to slip away before he got too close, not for any reason other than to watch him get worked up.
When it was time for Wanda to walk down the aisle everyone was in their designated seats, leaving you, Druig, Bucky and his other best friend Steve at the altar. You didn’t get a chance to talk to Steve much but according to Bucky they were basically brothers and he couldn’t imagine anyone else officiating his and Wanda’s wedding. 
The vows were short and sweet but they still managed to leave everyone in tears, they had nothing but love and fondness for each other and everyone felt it. When Wanda talked about falling in love with Bucky, you felt a pair of eyes on you. You tried to keep your attention on her, but Druig’s orbit had pulled you in again. In what felt like no time at all, Steve had declared them Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and instructed them to kiss.
You and Druig followed their lead as they walked back up the aisle and into the house. The plan was for the wedding party to get their food and drinks and join everyone else back outside, Wanda wanted to wait to take pictures during the golden hour before sunset. It had always been her favorite time of day so you weren’t surprised.
“Hey,” you pulled her to the living room, “is it okay if me and Druig step out front for a few minutes?”
She practically shoved you out of the door. “Finally! I don’t care, as long as you're back for pictures.”
When it was just you and him again you felt nervous, like you weren’t in the same situation with him just hours before.
“So,” he started, “what did you want to talk about?”
He stood so close you almost forgot what you wanted to say.
 “Us.” It came out as a whisper.
“Oh so there is an ‘us’?” He brought his face closer to yours, his voice lower than it was before, “Do tell me sweetheart, does this mean you won’t run away after I kiss you?”
“I guess there’s only one way to find out.”
He didn’t take the bait, which you were secretly thankful for. If he did, you two probably would have missed the rest of the party, and even if Wanda and Bucky would have understood you would have never forgiven yourself. “We can save that for later, we only have about ten minutes before we need to get back.”
You tried to suppress a laugh and failed, “You’re such an ass, you just want to hear me talk.”
“I do love hearing your voice.” He admitted.
“Stop flirting!” You gently pushed him back so you could focus better, “I know this is technically new, we haven’t even had a proper conversation about us yet but I’ve known how I’ve felt about you for my whole life. I hate that we spent so many years at each other’s necks and I’m sorry the only way for me to cope was leaving. I know moving back won’t make up for the years I was gone, but I’m hoping we can make up for lost time now.”
He took a moment to let your words sink in. You didn’t know it then, but he had half expected you to tell him you just wanted to be friends (which he would have been more than okay with). So when you all but told him you love him, he wasn’t sure if he was dreaming or not.
“When do you move back?”
You weren’t expecting him to ask that, but answered him anyway. “We have about a month to get all of our things out, so I guess it depends on how fast we pack. Why?”
He grabbed your hands and pulled you into his chest, “Me and Pietro were talking about flying out to help you and Yelena pack, wanted to see if that would be okay with you first.”
“What?” You smiled at him, “Can’t go a few weeks without me?”
“I just got you back, I’ll go mad missing you.” You wanted to kick yourself for thinking his feelings weren’t genuine.
“Would you judge me for feeling the same?”
“Never.” He leaned in to seal the deal with a kiss, and you would have let him if Pietro hadn’t barreled through the door.
“I know you two are having a moment and I hate to be the one to kill it, I really do, but we can’t wait anymore.”
“Right behind you.” You and Druig walked behind him, hand in hand, to the back yard.
The rest of the night was perfect. You got to witness one of your best friends marry the love of her life, and as an added bonus you got to watch the beginning of Yelena and Pietro’s love story.
Your parents were over the moon when you told them about you moving back, but that was nothing compared to the news about you and Druig. As it so happened, they had been planning your wedding with him since you were kids. Yelena took one for the team and asked them about temporary living arrangements.
Druig took the opportunity to talk to you alone one last time before the night had to end. “You’re not going to get on that train and never talk to me again are you?”
He was mostly kidding but you could tell a part of him meant it. “Not this time, you can get up early and take the journey with me just to make sure if you want.”
“Don’t tempt me.” He held you close, anyone who paid attention would have thought you were swaying with the music. “I’m really glad this weekend turned out the way it did.”
“I am too.” You knew then that you were finally whole again. Everyone you had ever loved were going to be in the same place. The same place that broke your heart and it was put back together again. It felt like the universe gave you a second chance to have the life you always wanted and nothing, not even yourself, was going to get in the way of it happening. 
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@stuckonjbbarnes @buckyssoldat
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lilspooky-doll · 1 year
True Happiness — pt. 2
pairing — Aegon II Targaryen x Handmaid! Reader
summary — All Prince Aegon wanted growing up with the parents he had was to experience true happiness; not happiness from drinking, not happiness from inflicting insults against others but real happiness you can only experience with someone you feel deeply for. Even at a very early age, he believed he was going to end up drunk and worse than his absentee father until she came along to clean up the pieces.
themes — canon targcest, fluff, aegon is a soft boi, language, blood descriptions, eventual smut (p in v, slight choking, breeding kink, oral (f receiving), not the best descriptions of smut), possessive! aegon, alicent using others to fix her problems, brief child abuse, brat! aegon, au! aegon (he's not a shithead), au! house of the dragon, female! reader, happy ending (for aegon at least), mentions of pregnancy, children (warning enough for that), aemond x heleana,
author’s note — here’s pt. 2 for you all! i will warn you that this is my first time writing any kind of spicy scene/smut so please be gentle with me on any criticisms. this is the end but i have some small imagines & headcanons planned out for this universe. i have a bunch of wholesome shit for this universe to make up for the fact that i have plans for a dark!fic for aegon. anyways, enjoy!
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Ever since the incident in the Godswood, it seemed that the Targaryen prince and his handmaid were closer than ever. Before, there were times when one would see the maid going about her chores or see her chatting with Heleana when Aegon would drag her to the courtyard to relax between lessons with them. Now, everyone could see the prince following his maid everywhere. Whenever she was in the room, one could see his eyes drift away from his task at hand to watch her figure move away from him.
Every free moment he had, they were always together and some have seen him give delicate kisses on her maid when they parted ways or she would give a peck on the Targaryen’s blushing cheek. To the gossiping few — those few consisted of virtually everyone within the castle walls — there were talks that the young prince was in love with his handmaiden and that he was stopping the Queen from betrothing him to his dear sister in the odd way Targaryens tend to do. They were rumors but it appeared that all rumors pertaining to the eldest prince rang true.
Yes, the young couple were in love in a way where it was pure and not tainted by the impurities that lived around them. Yes, the prince has fought tooth and nail with the Queen over the betrothal to the point that Alicent saw an ugly side of her son making her immediately change the betrothal from him to her second son, Aemond. It frightened the Queen how determined Aegon was to remain free from that particular duty of his and how fervent he was in making sure Aemond and Heleana were the ones to be betrothed to each other.
Somehow, during their arguments, he was even able to negotiate for his maid to be removed from the servant quarters and be moved into the room adjoined to his chambers. In all of their scuffling, Alicent didn’t even realize she had agreed to his terms until she witnessed that victorious smirk on his pale face. It terrified her as that smirk resembled her father’s when the plan he worked out was going the way he desired for it. She felt a terrible ache in his stomach like it was a deep foreboding sense that something was going to go wrong whether that was in the present or in the distant future. But, she only hoped that everything would go the way her father planned and that Aegon’s obsession with his maid would die out as an innate curiosity.
Within a day of the Queen’s agreement, the prince had — politely — asked the servants to help his dear maid bring her things out of the quarters and into the room beside his. It all worked out spectacularly seeing as his room wasn’t like the apartment that Rhaenyra used to have when she lived in the castle but it still had an attached room that gave both of them easy access to see one another.
The days were lonely for the young couple as the royal family departed to Driftmark for the funeral services of Laena Velaryon. Aegon, of course, had to follow his family as part of their duties to wish the dragonrider a safe return to the sea while she had to stay at the Red Keep on the orders of the Queen to attend to more than just Aegon’s chambers. She had been ordered to maintain all three of the Targaryen children’s chambers whilst they were away and to remain occupied if her tasks were completed.
When the order was given, the prince was agitated — more of anger than anything else — as his mother wanted them to be apart. Aegon wouldn’t admit it but he was scared to be away from his love. This would be the first time they would be apart for days and he was worried something would happen while he was gone. Indeed, he was angered and worried but she became the levelheaded one as she reassured him that all will not disappear while he was away from their chambers. It was simply a short trip to pay his respects not long before having to go on a journey back to King’s Landing.
For the teen of three and ten, this trip was turning out to be a disaster. Just a mere hour ago, he witnessed his mother and his elder sister fight over their children. The Velaryon children attacked the second Targaryen son of Viserys and he paid the price of losing an eye in exchange for claiming Vhagar for himself. Of course, during the war of words between the women, Aemond accused Aegon of being the one to tell him of his nephews being bastards. This had stunned him as he had stopped picking on his brother for not having a dragon and quietly tried to support him without him noticing the little things Aegon did for him. So being accused of this and being smacked for it angered something deep inside of him feeling the burning flames flicker within.
It was a petty thing for his dear brother to do but for his mother to just take his word and punish him for it, that was the simmering coals that Aemond’s flames fluttered upon. Aegon hadn’t felt this kind of anger since that fateful day his lovely maid had been assigned to him and he wasn’t going to allow this to be brushed aside. No, he was going to make things go his way for once and remove himself from the equation in this game.
An abrupt knock disturbed him from his sulking in his guest chambers. Taking a second, he called for the person to enter and in came his mother, still flustered from going after Rhaenyra and their ongoing battle that seems to have been around since before he was born. Making her way into his chambers, Alicent smooths out the front part of the skirt of her green dress before locking her sights onto the hunched teen on his bed whose hands were occupied by a chalice.
“What brings you here, mother?” Aegon snarked out unwillingly to look in her direction, his cheek blazen red with a bold handprint.
A soft huff escaped the Queen at the hostility her eldest son was openly displaying. “There is no reason for you to spread such rumors about your nephews. Your brother has lost his eye because he has spilled the lies you have fed him.” Alicent paused, taking a calming breath before continuing on, “Why must you do things like this, Aegon? Why must you instigate already very fragile situations?”
A bark of laughter exuded from the prince after he sipped from his chalice. “Instigate? You believe me to have instigated this all? It’s a mere rumor that doesn’t hold much merit considering there are many people in our line with dark hair much like Rhaenyra’s children. It’s a stupid thing to believe and Aemond was the one to weaponize this, not me! Is it so hard to believe that your precious son could have some faults?”
His vision grew red with pent up rage at the accusations laid against him and obviously, the bit of ale he decided to indulge himself this one time wasn’t helping him in keeping a clear head. If anything, it worsened the loathsome feeling that made the flames burn brighter in his chest. Distracted by the rage deep within, Aegon didn’t notice that his mother had been making her way closer until he could see the edge of the dark skirts shimmering green in the low light fall in front of his booted feet.
Looking up from the stone floors and towards Hightower's face, Aegon could see the boiling anger in her eyes and the pink of her face took over the usual tone it held. Seeing such a quiet reaction from his mother shouldn’t have warranted the sick feeling of victory in him but, oh did it feel good to see her composure fall in such a tense situation. It was a bit scary to see the always calm Queen attack his half-sister but in a setting like this moment, it was a good feeling seeing as she always had everyone else lose themselves first.
“Do you understand how delicate this all is? Your grandsire believes you should be the one to inherit the throne and you’re doing what?” Alicent snatches the chalice from the loose grip Aegon had on it and sniffed the contents of it. “Drinking? In a time like this?! Every time a situation arises and it all goes wrong, you can’t help yourself to the nearest barrel of ale. You are a drunk and I would not be shocked if you turned into your father — absent from everything!”
Red seeped further into his vision as he bolted up glaring at her intensely. “I am NOTHING like him! I have done my duties and I have no desire to rip the throne from Rhaenyra. I am the furthest thing from a drunk but of course, when I decide to indulge myself once in a while, it makes me a drunkard! I will not be badgered by you when I have done more in these past three years than the last ten I had been alive before her!”
Enraged by him standing up to her, Alicent did what she knows best when it comes to her son; smacking him in hopes of rattling him enough to bring him back to sense. The hit decorated the same cheek as before marking it further. Two smacks in the span of a few hours was enough to cause bruising later on and make it known to everyone how Alicent felt about the incident on Driftmark.
“You will correct yourself,” ordered Alicent, making her way out of the chambers. “We leave in the morning and shall be back to King’s Landing within the day.”
A click of the door closing snapped him out of his trance allowing himself to fall back onto his bed. He curled himself up into a ball clutching onto the extra pillow desperately wishing for some comfort from her — a hug, a hand playing with his hair, just something comforting. Tears began to escape from their keep running down his nose and splashing onto the plush downy of the pillow.
All he wanted was to be home with her.
It has been a long day preparing for the royal family to return from Lady Laena’s funeral. Every maid and servant has been rushing to make sure everything was where it needed to be and that every detail was perfect. She had been busy attending to the chambers of the King and Queen’s children, cleaning every surface, tidying up and making sure all of their clothes were clean in their respective places.
All of the insects, alive and preserved, were well kept in Princess Heleana’s room. Each living one was fed and the preserved ones were dusted making sure they did not leave their places. Books and writing utensils were organized and neatly put away in the desk occupying Prince Aemond’s chambers. All extra studying materials were stacked nicely on the polished wood surface. Nothing had to be done for Aegon’s room seeing as she was in his room everyday. Living in his apartment made it easier to keep it all tidy and it made it more exciting to finish her day off by seeing his smiling face.
Smiling to herself, she tidies her prince’s bed once more making sure her lovely little note sat neatly upon the pillow she knew he always placed his head on every night. Working diligently, she didn’t quite hear the opening of the chamber doors but she most definitely heard it slam, the sound rattling most of everything in the room. Shocked by the sound, she whipped her body around facing the creator of the sound who stood shakily against the closed door.
“Oh my, Aegon. How I’ve missed you,” she gushed making her way over to him.
Slowly, she realized something was amiss; his hair waterfalled over his face and he stood pressed up against the door shaking. She closed in on him gently wrapping her hands around his biceps and hoping to meet his eyes again.
“What’s happened? Please look at me, Aegon,” she fretted, worrying that something had happened to him and she couldn’t have been more right in that suspicion.
Taking a moment, he huffed out a breath before lifting his head and effectively moving his silvery white strands away from the disgusting mark tainting his face. A gasp left her lips as she agonizingly looked at the bruise in its dark state of purples and blues. Just the sound of her gasping made the barely held sobs break through their damaged dam unleashing a torrent of horrendously breathtaking cries and rivers of tears making their journey down his face.
“Oh Gods. Please talk to me. Tell me what has happened while you were away,” she pressed using her hands that were already on his arms to guide him to his bed.
She sat him gracefully atop of the blankets and quickly placed herself beside him on the bed. With her dress tucked under her knees, she kneeled, pulling his head into the crook of her neck. Using that as an invitation, Aegon tangled his arms around her body squeezing, relishing in the comfort he so desired since the night before.
Between hiccups, the broken teen muttered, “Aemond was attacked and lost an eye. Mother blames me for it since he partially provoked Rhaenyra’s children. She slapped me. Twice in the span of a few hours.” Taking a moment to catch his breath again, he started up once more, “She called me a drunk for having one cup of ale and said I was going to be like my father.”
Admitting out loud what had happened to him unleashed another torrent of sobs. He was unable to stop himself because after all, he was a broken boy made by the adults in his life. His father was never present in his life, always prioritizing his eldest child over the rest. His mother resented him for being the child first born out of an act that stole the rest of her girlhood. In some ways, he reminded her of herself being pressured by those around them to perform duties that they feel they are not fit for. His grandsire is the second son who’s more ambitious than most, lusting for his own flesh and blood to sit upon the Iron Throne even though the title will never be theirs rightfully. Broken and beaten, Aegon allowed for years of anguish to ripple down the neck of his dearest love soaking the shoulder and neckline of her plain dress.
Brushing his long strands away from his streaked face, she whispered to him, “You are nothing like your father. He may be the King but you will never be like him. You desire for more than what everyone expects of you and you want to be there for the loved ones in your life.” She chuckled to herself about her next statement. “I’m afraid if your mother thinks you're a drunk for having an ale every once in a while, I wonder what she thinks Prince Daemon is seeing, he's the most self indulgent out of your family.”
Laughing at her words, Aegon began to feel the tears lessen and the deep seated sadness lift into something much lighter.
“Obviously, it’s too scandalous for her to say. Mayhaps she believes if she just says what he is, she would be committing a sin on words alone,” Aegon laughed out, taking a second to remove the streaks of wetness off his cheeks being mindful of the swelling on the one side.
Relishing in the moment, the both of them started scooting up the bed making their way to lay down on his bed. Face to face, hand in hand, the young couple gazed into each other’s eyes with their heads resting upon the white downy pillows. This was another moment where they wanted the world to stop around them as they just lived in it never wanting it to stop.
Crinkling of paper sounded under the prince’s head, he lifted his head just enough to snatch the note and bring it into his view. Questioning, he raised a pale eyebrow at her smiling face and all she did in response was gesture for him to read it. Opening the note, Aegon recognized her distinctive handwriting and read the note to himself:
In lavender fields, I feel your touch. Every moment you’re gone, I lay in their softness and gaze to the sun. For the sun, I see your smile. I miss you as you miss I and I am as close to you as you are to me.
I’m in the night sky shining brightly as the moon with the stars around me. I’m the dragon’s breath you touch every time you enter Godswood.
Avy jorrāelan, ñuha vēzos.
Shocked to see the Valyrian at the end of the note, Aegon gripped her arm and dragged her into his embrace squeezing her tightly. She wrapped her arms around him again to the best of her ability and cherished the feeling of being in his arms.
For hours, they laid there in each other’s embrace slowly drifting into a deep sleep — one of the most peaceful sleeps they both have had in ages. Face to face, smile mirroring smile, an image of pure content and bliss.
Time had started to pass Westeros by. Everything was changing and no one knew whether that change was good or bad. All of the Targaryen children grew older and grew more into themselves; Heleana was a woman of ethereal proportions who desired for her insects even with her duties now as a mother to twins, Aemond was the perfect prince who excelled in his studies and with his swords just as much as he excelled at being a doting father and husband to his sister-wife and their children, Daeron was stuck in Oldtown but he never let it get to him that he was missing out on everything with his family and Aegon did his duties as possible heir to the throne with his hair now much shorter and his love stronger than ever before.
At eight and ten, he was now older than his half-sister, Rhaenyra was when she married Ser Laenor and out of all of his siblings — excluding Daeron who is the scholar of them all — he is the only one unwed making his so-called claim to the throne weaker than before. Of course, he was hoping to rectify that problem sooner than anyone was really expecting. He’s been planning this for a while after gaining inspiration from the marriage between Rhaenyra and his uncle Daemon.
The traditions of Old Valyria have always interested him considering that his mother has been pushing for them all to practice the Faith of the Seven. It felt like he couldn’t participate in those traditions and in the Old Gods even though he is of Targaryen blood so, hearing of the marriage between his sister and uncle, it burned the flame in his chest hotter than ever before. A tradition he desperately wanted to follow as a way of taking his love and making her his in every aspect and living the way a Targaryen should, not caged by the rules of others.
Everything has been planned and set in place for at least two moons and he couldn’t have been more thankful for those who were privy to it all on keeping hush-hush about his plans. Tonight was the night he had chosen for this special occasion and he timed it all perfectly so that by the time they came back from Dragonstone, no one would have noticed that they were gone for the entire night. Granted, Aegon wanted more time to appreciate his soon to be bride after their ceremony but timing was of the essence and he wasn’t having anyone stop him from doing what he wished.
He was marrying her tonight and he was determined to ravish her in every physical way possible as well.
It was nerve wracking seeing how he’s grown and changed over the years. Alicent could feel the nervous energy consume her as she gazed down at the training yard intently watching her sons do a light training session for the day. She was always so proud of her second son and she always doted on him as he grew up but seeing Aegon so changed from how he behaved as a child until now.
Before she assigned her as his handmaid, Alicent would envision how she thought her eldest would turn out and every time, those images reaped of horrible outcomes to how he would be as an adult. Now, she could visibly see the difference to how she thought he would be to how he actually is. He was longer a spoiled child who needed the attention of those around him, he was a man who she could see ladies of the court desiring for him to be theirs. A gentleman who was patient and reserved, lovely to those lesser than him and he even does what he can to make his siblings happy in their lives.
She knew that these changes were because of the handmaid but she didn’t want to admit that fact. Admitting it would mean that they were far closer than any prince and maid should be, far closer that rumors of an intimacy that should only be between a married couple seem true in some sense. Those rumors frightened her to her core as she had shredded through the skin around all of her nails in knowing that news. Those rumors are what sparked the urgency in her and her father to arrange for a betrothal and hopefully, quick marriage between Aegon and a lady of high standing.
Doing a quick betrothal and marriage aren’t ideal but seeing how lovely Aegon is even towards women not in his family made that worry — worry that he would have ended up rotten like most men in her life — fade away. She had run this by her son briefly a few days prior and shockingly, there was no fight in him unlike when he fought for Heleana and Aemond to be wed. The lack of a battle had a trickle of suspicion shiver down her spine as she hoped he was genuine in the idea of being betrothed to a noble woman. Being married to one of the many eligible women throughout Westeros would better help Aegon stake his claim as a real heir to the Iron Throne.
Hoping all of the work she is indulging her father in would be fruitful and she won’t have him breathing harder down her neck. The pressure could be placed on someone else for once. All they needed to do was get this done quickly and swiftly.
Painted in shades of orange and red, the sun had begun to hide behind the calming waves of the bay. The burning light of the setting sun lit up the chamber room in the same shades as the sky and dozens of candles accompanied the fading light. Soft whispers filled the cool air and a pattern of light footsteps danced around in the background. 
Bathing themselves in the setting sun, the couple embraced in a slow dance seeming to move to a rhythm only they know of. A glow radiated off of them as they smiled at one another enjoying the quiet moment together. Anyone who peaked in on the situation would think that they were a pair of gods painted in their ethereal gleam who have graced their presence amongst the land of mortals. It was a beautiful sight that not even the most skilled painters could replicate this moment of beauty and it was a moment that could only be lived in current time. 
Even though they were the only ones in the room, they never spoke over a soft whisper, keeping their conversation strictly to their ears only. 
“Jaelan ao naejot sagon ñuhon isse ābrar se isse morghon,” Aegon muttered, tightening his grip on her waist and bringing his lips closer to her ear. I want you to be mine in life and in death. 
A soft, quick laugh expelled from her lips at her lover’s statement. “Iā dīnilūks rȳ īlva would dōrī sagon approved, ñuha vēzos.” A marriage between us would never be approved, my sun. Lighthearted, her words were but there was an err of truth to it. “Kesan va moriot sagon aōhon sesīr skori iksā naejot gūrogon iā riña hae aōha ābrazȳrys .” I will always be yours even when you are to take a maiden as your wife. 
Taking the moment as she let it sink in for her prince, she further embraced him in a sweet kiss. Nothing more, nothing less. A delicate coupling in light of a very serious conversation that needed to be had between the couple. 
Snaking his hand out of hers, he wrapped it around the base of her skull pushing her petal lips harder against his. Deepening the kiss, they both began to feel their bodies warm under the intensity of their kissing and it lit a deep desire for more. Wanting more but also wanting to continue their conversation, Aegon tightened his grip on her neck and tugged her lips away from his. A slight string of saliva was all that connected them as it slowly fell away. 
A smirk etched itself into the lines of his face as he gazed down at the dazed, flushed look of hers. “Kesi dīnagon, ñuha hūra.  Nyke kȳvanon naejot mazverdagon ao ñuhon tonight va Zaldrīzesdōron,” We will marry, my moon. I plan to make you mine tonight on Dragonstone, he paused pulling her body even closer to his, relishing in the small gasp she breathed out. “Īlva dīnilūks kessa sagon gaomagon isse se ways hen uēpa Valyria se pār, eminna ao.” Our marriage will be done in the ways of Old Valyria and then, I will have you.
Shocked by his confession, she snapped herself out of her lust-fueled fog and stared him down with her head still tipped backwards. The realization that Aegon had organized for this all to happen on such short notice was startling. She, of course, wanted to be his wife in a way that it hurt from how much she wished for it but, it sounded absolutely ludicrous for them to be wed behind the backs of everyone on the Council and the monarchs. 
“Are you serious, Aegon? Tonight?” She sputtered out trying to catch her bearings. “How?”
Smiling down at her anxious form, Aegon placed a soft peck on her forehead before looking deep into her starry eyes. Those eyes that he’s gazed into for eight long years, the eyes of the woman he is determined to make his in every way possible; in mind, body and soul.
“A small bag has been packed and set upon Sunfyre who will be ready to fly an hour after the sun has set. Ser Arryk Cargyll has already been sworn to secrecy as I have prepared him to act as if we have taken an early night in our chambers.” He brushed a stray hair that had fallen out of its braid away from her flustered face. “Do not worry. Everything has been set up on Dragonstone as well. When we arrive, we dress in the marital robes, perform the ceremony and then I shall finally ravish you, my love.”
A moment passed as she processed the details that Aegon quietly muttered to her in secrecy. Knowing that very soon, they could be finally wed and be free to love one another caused a warmth to boil in her belly. It was exciting and so dangerous to do something as daring as this but she didn’t care considering that she could be with the man she has loved for all of these long years.
“Sȳrī, īlon kessa jiōragon jemēla hēnkirī se sagon va īlva ñuhoso.” Well, we shall get ourselves together and be on our way. A smirk that mirrored the one on the prince’s face stretched across her beautiful face as they plotted their way to a marriage that insulted the King and the Queen.
The cool night air felt chilly when one was soaring through the dusting of clouds that littered the sky but, on the small sandy beaches of Dragonstone, the air was the perfect temperature for such a momentous night. For her first long trip on Sunfyre, it was rather lovely and the landing at the freehold was a bit rougher than landing at the Dragon Pit in King’s Landing causing her to tighten her grip on Aegon’s waist when she was jostled. 
Seeing the castle here for the first time was breathtaking and knowing that they would be wed on such a beautiful island made it even more spectacular. The exhilaration of all this was beginning to make her jittery as Aegon helped her down from the saddle on Sunfyre after retrieving everything else they had brought with them.
Once on the ground, he clutched onto their small bag and intertwined their fingers before making their way up the unmarked path to the castle. Taking in the scenery made all of this so real to Aegon and he couldn’t have been more happy being here with her and finally putting his long awaited plans into place. He took his sweet time guiding her through the sand and rocks making their way to the entrance where he knew the help he employed would be waiting for them.
As she trekked with the help of Aegon’s hand, she huffed out, “I know you’ve planned all of this but, who did you get to help us with the ceremony? Find the priest to wed us?”
Pulling her up through the final layer of rocks before a smooth pathway, he chuckled at her exasperation and her worry that something would possibly fall through. He understood where she was coming from in the state of her worry but he just wanted her to enjoy this night to the fullest without nitpicking the details. 
“Well, I had the help from someone who was much more knowledgeable on the ways of Old Valyria and they were the ones to set up everything – the robes, the priest, the dragonglass and the goblet we are to use.”
Just as Aegon stated that to satiate her curiosity, the path revealed the entrance of the freehold where out of the faint glow coming from within came the heir to the throne, Princess Rhaenyra in a gown clothed in the infamous Targaryen red and black waiting with her hands clutched gently in front of her.
“It’s good to see you, Aegon after receiving your letters for so long,” Rhaenyra smiled at the embraced couple making their way closer to the princess. “Everything has been set up and I’ll have you both escorted to get ready separately before we do the ceremony.”
“I’m glad we are seeing each other under better circumstances this time, sister. I also appreciate all the help you have provided.” Bringing her closer, he gestured to her. “This is the one I have told you so much about.  Ñuha hūra se qēlossās.” My moon and stars.
Stunned by meeting Rhaenyra in such a setting, she dropped to a low curtsy before popping herself back up to meet the motherly smile of the woman across from her. “I’m pleased to meet you, Your Grace. I had no idea that Aegon had enlisted your help in our marriage,” she blurted out.
“Please, call me Rhaenyra. After all, by the time the sun breaks through the darkness, we will be family. Come along now. We should get this ceremony started as swiftly as we can.” Rhaenyra stepped aside for the couple to make their way into the castle and guided them to their chambers to ready themselves.
Rhaenyra followed behind the young couple as she allowed for the servants to escort them all to where they needed to be for the night. Being behind them, she noticed how delicately Aegon held his lover and how he seemed so soft towards her – the gentle kiss on her forehead, the arm wrapped around her waist to pull her close to his form, the faint whispers he would speak to her. It was a young love that has blossomed and has been deeply cared for all these years like Aegon has told her in his letters he sent her these past few moons. This was a love that would never rot away; it would grow bolder with time.
The princess was shocked to find how desperate her half-brother was to marry –and marry a handmaid at that – considering she was to believe he was growing up rotten and spoiled by the treasures of life. The last time they had seen each other was the night that Vhagar was claimed and Aemond lost his eye to Lucerys’ hand. Alicent made it out to be that Aegon was who planted such awful rumors in his brother’s head but she could see that he was the far opposite of those accusations. She could see he was kind and sweet; everything that a maiden wished for their future husband to be. He so dearly loved his handmaiden that he was willing to wed her without the approval of the King and Rhaenyra would see that wish through for him.
Amongst the thorny hedges and towering pine trees in Aegon’s Garden, a small gathering sat in the center of it all as they breathed in the sanctity of the ceremony. In robes of blood red faded into mute beige, the couple stood joined hand in hand as the priest spoke the vows in Valyrian. Around them, the witnesses to this marriage watched with varying expressions; Rhaenyra had a soft smile of familial affection, Daemon was woefully neutral and rightfully curious to this dramatic change in his nephew’s character, Jacaerys seemed uninterested but supportive considering how urgent his mother had dragged him and Lucerys was much of the same expression as his elder brother. 
Even with the small gathering of witnesses, all Aegon and his bride could focus on was one another seemingly able to communicate through subtle eye gestures and the occasional eyebrow movement. This was an all-consuming moment in time and they were doing all they could to soak it up for this was going to be a night they will always want to remember. 
For those not truly focused on the ceremony, time dragged on watching the couple stand there with the priest droning on behind them. But, it was anything but boring for those invested in what was transpiring. Even with Aegon and his bride more focused on what was happening between them than what the priest was saying, they were thrilled for such an opportunity and of course, appreciative of the efforts that Aegon’s elder sister went through to make this happen. They would obviously say their thanks when this all came to an end and Rhaenyra didn’t need their words to know how thankful they were. 
The heir knew their thanks and did not need it for she could see the true love and devotion the couple have for one another. Even with the differences in status, it was a love that many only heard of and very rarely seen in person; this was heartful and full of emotion. She would not need their thanks as she felt it was her duty to make this happen before the council went into uproar over a request for this union. All she would ask of them was to continue to grow into their love and have it continuously blossom — of course she would jokingly request for a future child be named after her. Everyone’s focus began to leak from their minds and were back onto the couple. 
Through the guidance of the priest, it was time for the finale of the ceremony; the binding of their souls. With a steady hand, Aegon was the first to retrieve the small blade of dragonglass from their officiant making his way to his bride. As the blade closed in on her bottom lip, he stopped, looking up at her for her consent which was given to him with a happy jolt of a nod. Carefully, he pressed and sliced a thin line through the center of her bottom lip where blood immediately began to dribble to the surface. Exchanging the blade into her empty, awaiting hand, she too repeated the same process of waiting for his consent and slicing through his plump, bottom lip. The little bit of crimson that pooled on his lip contrasted beautifully against his pale skin and made her eager for the end of this to come. 
Without hesitation, they each dip a single finger into the welling of blood upon their lips and take turns in marking their foreheads to signify the continuation of the Targaryen bloodline — even though the bride was not of the Targaryen line. One last time with the dragonglass, their left hands are cut, causing more blood to pool outside of their bodies; none of that was a concern in the grand scheme of this event for obvious reasons. With clasped hands mixing their blood, the vital fluid rapidly flowed due to the pressure of the two hands and as the witnesses watched as it flowed, a chalice was given to them, each taking their turn at sipping from it. 
Upon the final words, they join in a kiss riddled with the mixing of their blood and saliva as they bathe in the glory of being now newlyweds. They are as it is said, 'one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever.’ The beginning of forever for them.
They couldn’t get to their guest chambers fast enough with how desperate they were to consummate their marriage. Frantic hands gripping each other’s robes and lips in a vicious battle against one another. 
Distracted by the joining of their mouths, it was difficult trying to remove the marital robes and the simple underclothes that lay beneath. Hands continued to tangle with the fabric and get trapped by the desperation and need lit aflame in the couple. Without stopping their sloppy kissing, they figured out that one would start to work on the other’s clothes while the other didn’t try to multitask with them; it was a mess if they both did the same thing at the same time but oh were they ready to pounce. As effectively as they could, layers upon layers of fabric fell from their bodies creating a puddle of clothes to accumulate on the floor, each of them stepping out of their shoes and out of the pile as they made their way to the bed in the center of the chamber. 
Skin to skin flush against one another and as gentle as he could, he sprawled her out on top of the covers displaying her in all of her glowing beauty out of breath and flushed from their kissing. For a moment, Aegon kneeled a single leg between hers and gazed down taking in the feast of flesh that was waiting to be devoured. A solitary “breathtaking” broke through the sounds of heavy breathing and shifting fabric. Leaning himself over her, collectively trapping her between his arms, he gives a long peck on his swollen lips before he starts his journey down her body, sprinkling open-mouth kisses along the way. Each kiss burned hotter than the last the closer her prince became towards where she wanted him most. 
Soft breaths against the wet kisses sent shivers down her spine and decorated her skin in goosebumps leaving him feeling victorious in her reaction. More small kisses were placed down her inner thighs and back before Aegon blew a cold breath over the kisses again reaping the same reaction. A whine escaped her lips urging him to stop teasing her and to finally make his way where she was desperate for him to be. One last breath blew over her soaking slit causing her to jolt before he decided to finally end his torment and devour her.  
Shock was the expression written on her face and electricity flowed through her body at the attention her love was giving her body. It was an odd sensation but oh was it so deliciously satisfying. The feeling of his wet tongue stroking her and drawing her clit into his mouth was like nothing she’s ever felt before but, she wanted more and more. With a shaky hand, she threaded his silky, white hair in between her fingers and gripped tightly eliciting a moan that vibrated against her adding more stimulation onto the devouring Aegon was doing to her. Breathy moans and sloppy, wet sounds were all that could be heard and it was even more erotic listening to while being overwhelmed by the tongue slipping its way into her. 
More and more pleasurable shockwaves rode through her system as Aegon eagerly continued to feast upon the slick dripping from her. The slurping and the moans vibrated through him made the heat in her belly rise higher than the previous second. The heat and the waves began to burn closer together causing her to grip his hair tighter and arch her back to get her even closer to his face. At this point, she was riding his face with every swift thrust of her hips moving on the blanket top. 
The waves began to crash closer and closer with his grip on her thighs tight, almost bruising the soft flesh. She panted out her moans, struggling to catch her breath with the pleasure burning through her and the thin cord deep within threatening to snap under the sucking and licking. As she looked through her lashes down between her legs, her eyes locked with the dark, hooded eyes peering back up at her. His intense, lavender eyes made her even warmer and had her focused on the sloppy, wet sounds being made by him. 
All she needed was just something —anything— to push her over the edge and snap that cord deep within. As if he could read her mind, Aegon brought two of his fingers up to collect some of her slick before slowly and gently inserting them within. The slight intrusion was a bit strange but oh was the curling of his fingers and the gentle thrust of his hand just absolutely fucking perfect. Her moans went up a few octaves as she tried to desperately chase the high she could feel building more and more. 
It was all so electrifying and all it took was him sucking on her sensitive clit and the right amount of pressure from his curled fingers for the orgasm to hit full force where stars exploded within her vision. A tingling sensation exuded from her limbs and her belly’s flame was stoked to be hotter than ever making her want more from her new husband. 
Pushing himself up off the bed, the prince held a sly smirk on his face and from his lips, her arousal glistened in the lowlight of their chambers. Prowling his way up her shaky form, Aegon left feathery-light touches across her flesh reaping more chills to rake through her. 
“ You’re such a good girl for me, my love. Just riding my face as I devour you whole,” he whispered out looking down upon her flushed face like a predator about to pounce on its prey. “Why don’t you keep those pretty legs open for me and allow me to ravish you some more?”
Almost as if it was a command she couldn’t ignore, her legs spread a bit wider allowing for his body to be accommodated better between them. His words and his deep stare made her writhe with wanting more pleasure to be drawn out by him. 
“Aegon, please… Give me more. I want all of you.” A faint whimper followed her words making the smirk grow deeper into his face as he leaned in to feel her breath on his face.
Stealing her air, Aegon pressed their lips together in a deep, all-consuming kiss desiring for her to taste herself upon him. Hse found it even more arousing being able to taste herself on his lips and she was all the more determined to devour him as he is to devour her. Distracted by them making out, he slowly caressed his hands down her shaky body and took himself into one of his hands, stroking it against her, collecting her slick upon his head. 
With enough preparation, he slowly began to push himself into her. The sudden intrusion caused her to gasp against his mouth as he whispered small words of encouragement. It wasn’t an unpleasant sensation feeling him bare within her but the stretch was a tad bit uncomfortable. Aegon continued to slowly push his way further and further in as he whispered and placed tiny kisses upon her face. 
“Eman ao, ñuha hūra.  Bē konīr,” softly, he spoke as he controlled his desire to just fully push in and relish himself in the feeling of how she was squeezing him tightly.  I have you, my moon. Almost there. 
With one final press, their hips were flush against one another and deep moans exuding from the both of them. Aegon nuzzled his head into her neck taking deep breaths to control himself and she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck carding one of her hands deeply into his silky locks. Allowing only their deep breathing to fill the quiet air around them, they let themselves have a bit of time to adjust to this new, all-consuming sensation before Aegon started to slowly move his hips so as to not cause any discomfort from starting off too quickly.
Soft moans left her lips as he started to move his hips faster and faster. Her skin was lit aflame, the lust was overwhelming and needed to have more of him. She shifted her hips to meet his thrusts and she laid a small trail of open kisses onto his shoulder with his groaning filled her ears. Aegon pushed himself up from her soft neck taking one of hands to grip her hip tightly while the other took her hands from his hair and trapped them above her head pushing her chest out further. 
“Tolī, kostilus. Tepagon nyke tolī,” breathlessly, she moaned out urging Aegon on, causing him to grip her hip tighter almost to the point of bruising her supple flesh. The slight twinge of pain from the grip felt so delicious with the feeling of his cock filling her and rutting into her.  More, please. Give me more.
Smirking at her desperation, he moved the hand that captured her wrists making its way down to wrap his hand gently around her throat, not to squeeze but just to make it known to her that he could at any point tighten his grip there. The feeling of his hand on her throat made her smirk back up at him as more pleasure ripped through her form. He kept at a brutal pace rutting into her and they both began to feel their pleasure peak making them desperate to finish. Shifting their bodies slightly, Aegon started to rub her clit relishing in the sensation of her tightening around him.
“Oh, sweetling. I’m so close. Give me one more before I breed your tight little cunt,” he rasped out rubbing his fingers faster against her and keeping up with his furious pace.
With the smacking of their skin, it overpowered the sounds of their gasping breaths and pleasurable moans. She could feel the shockwaves coming back more viciously than before ripping its way through her body and her limbs tingling. Closer and closer to their peak, the louder their moans became. The hot air made their skin flush red and stick with sweat to one another. 
His pace grew inconsistent as he neared his finish and he could feel her squeeze him impossibly more. The shockwaves kept crashing over her faster with a knot growing tighter within her belly. Soon enough, the waves mellowed out as the knot snapped causing her to orgasm yet again under his attention. The squeezing of her cunt made his head spin making him come much sooner than he intended to. His warmth filled her, causing her to exude one last raspy moan into the ear of her new husband when he slumped his exasperated body on top of hers.
Large smiles stretching across the planes of their faces were filled with happiness and a great deal of breathlessness. They both were content with the events of the day and especially the events that had just happened a few moments prior. This was probably the happiest day of their lives and the feeling of having each other in every way possible – mind, body, and soul – was a feeling that could never be replicated the same way ever again. 
Breaking their moment of reprieve, Aegon removed his body weight off of her looking down at her as she was still trying to catch her breath. Grabbing one of her hands, he placed a soft kiss onto the palm of it before locking his eyes with her again.
“Iksan daor olvie gaomagon lēda ao, ñuha jorrāelagon.” He wrapped his arms around her, taking her by surprise as she let out a squeal. He was planning on having her as much as he possibly could that night before they had to leave back to the Red Keep. I am not quite done with you, my love.
“What do you mean, ‘You can not take a bride’? It is your duty to do so and there is nothing standing in your way to having your choice of the most eligible women in the Seven Kingdoms!” exclaimed Alicent who was moments away from utterly losing her shit — to put it nicely —with her smirking son. 
“I shall give you one guess, Mother as to why I can’t take a bride,” the eldest prince paused for effect before he continued on. “And I’m afraid there is no way for it to be stopped since it has already been done.”
Narrowing her eyes on his form, she thought over what he said and what it all meant. Picking at the skin of her thumbnail, she quickly pondered the ominous riddle she was told. Why did she need to guess on this matter? There’s absolutely no reason for him to keep refusing to court a noble lady unless… 
“You imbecile! You fucked your handmaid, didn’t you! And I would be wrong to assume she’s pregnant with your spawn? I can’t believe that you’ve done something like this, Aegon! You are to be placed on the throne  by the hand of your grandsire and you let some lowly whore seduce you into ruining your chance at having the throne, a noble wife and legitimate children. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!” Alicent ranted and raved as her face became red with the lack of air she was breathing in. 
Aegon was actually taking great joy in watching his mother absolutely lose every fragment of sanity that hasn’t been frayed by anxiety and the pressures of his grandsire whispering into her ear. It was almost comical how red she was becoming but what wasn’t amusing about what was happening was the complete slander she was talking about. Granted, yes, he did lovingly fuck his handmaid. Yes, there was a small inkling that he hoped she was impregnated by him even so soon after their marriage; if not, well, they’ll have plenty of time to ‘practice’. But, he will not have his mother or anyone for that matter, speak so horrendously about her whether it was behind his back or to his face. 
A deep chuckle broke Alicent’s tirade as her vision focused in on Aegon pushing himself off from the ledge he made himself comfortable on and made his way prowling towards her in her solar. The echoes of the steps and the dark look in his eyes made Alicent believe that she was not the apex here, she was the prey who has been ceaselessly baiting the predator into ripping her apart. 
“Yes, I did fuck my handmaid but, only after I had made her mine in the ways of Old Valyria. It’s quite the insult to the monarchs of our family and it brings me great joy watching you all lose your shit over my marriage. No, I do not believe my bride to be with a babe and I so wish for her to be rather soon. So, I will not be taking some pompous bitch to be my wife in name only to satisfy your need to adhere to Grandsire’s desires and my handmaid will be my wife in every sense of the word and duty. She has been my closest companion and dearest love for eight long years and she will stay that way until we both lay to rest eternally. Have I made myself clear, Alicent?” 
With every step he took during his monologue, Alicent felt smaller and smaller inching closer to her chaise until the back of her legs hit it causing her to drop down. His eyes never left her face and his words were like flames licking her skin and the last words spoken were like ice burning away at the scorched flesh. 
Tears formed on her waterline but they lingered there, never falling from their place. In all of her years, she has never been made to feel so much like the small prey caught while on a hunting expedition. Seeing how well he’s grown over the years, the Queen never expected something so dark to come over her eldest child; it was something that terrified her more than her father and his deceptive ways. Exhaling a shaky breath, all she could do was nod up at her son who continued to glare down at her waiting for a response. 
With her nod, the dark look slowly faded into an expression of neutrality seemingly content with it. Aegon started to back away, turning himself around to head out of his mother’s solar. His steps rang victorious in the quiet air and his body language screamed the same tune yet his face revealed none of it. 
Making his last step to the door, he turned and faced her again with his hand on the doorknob. Rolling his shoulders and clearing his throat, he spoke once more, “I never meant to be truly hostile to you but, I will not have any slander upon her name. Once you truly see that she is nothing like you have perceived her to be, I would be more than happy for the three of us to spend more time together and have her welcomed into the family regardless of her status.”
Taking that as his cue, a small whisper of ‘I love you’ left his lips as he closed the door behind him leaving his mother to take in his words and the situation they had been put in. Those little words were, hopefully, enough for her to put things aside and be more open to her son being so in love with a maid from their castle even though it just about ruins everything her father has been working towards.
The days seemed to be numbered for the King as his ailing body continued to weaken beyond the ability to heal and it was becoming glaringly obvious that the Hand’s plans to usurp the throne were finally within view. The grand scheme of it all was coming together quite nicely and the pawns all seemed to be placed right where they needed to be. The only pieces in this game that had to be utterly compliant and in their perfect place was the eldest son of King Viserys, Aegon the Elder.
Otto Hightower was always a man reaching for what was far beyond his means and determined to get what he desired no matter the cost to others around him. He was set on the King dying very soon unexpectedly and his supposed heir to be left in the dark so he could crown his daughter’s son as the next era of Targaryens upon the Iron Throne. Sure, he would desire for him to be the one on the throne but a child of his child would work just as well; he just needed to rally his grandson and his filthy choices to be completely on board. 
He knew that if he was able to work the conversation the right way, he wouldn’t even need to talk to Aegon — she would just inform him and believe that it was all her idea. If it was her idea, it could be easy later on to blame any of the outcome of usurping the throne on her and all evidence of her and those things will be forever erased. Truthfully, Otto thinks that this is his best plan to date; it was almost like killing two birds with one stone and him being left unscathed as always. 
On such an eventful day, the first thing on his list of devious dues to accomplish was to find that filthy handmaid of his grandson and speak to her about ‘family’ matters. It was quite easy to find her on sunny days like this one; her and the prince had a pretty predictable schedule and have had a predictable one for quite some time. 
In the seclusion of the royal garden, his eldest grandson’s brood took their midday break and hid away from the prying eyes of the council and guards. Everyday, a small picnic was held by the handmaid after she finished her morning routine of chores considering that she still worked under the guise of being the personal handmaid to Prince Aegon even with the evidence of them being much more than employer and employee. 
It was the same image everyday; the maid sitting on the blanket watching as two small children either ate their fill or played with one another amongst the many flowers and greenery. In his eyes, Otto was sickened by the display of ignorance and the so-called “love” that was constantly masking the faces of these people. If Aegon had just set his sights on some easy noblewoman, he would be fine with bastards being born but this is a servant for Gods’ sake! It’s almost as bad as the earlier stories of the King’s brother being a repeat customer to the brothels in the Streets of Silk. 
Making his way through the gardens, the Hand found the small family’s hideaway with the children gone briefly and the maid just sitting upon the blanket laid on the grass. Absolutely perfect; right where he needed her to be. 
The sounds of his steps disturbed the soft peacefulness and the maid whipped her attention away from the rustling of flowers towards the intruder. Alarmed to find the King’s Hand, she bolted up off the ground and immediately curtsied for the man. 
With a small wave of his hand, he dismissed her out of her curtsy and began to speak in his usual arrogant way. “I have been in search of you for quite some time. A few of the other servants informed me that you would be here this afternoon.”
She was taken back briefly by Hightower’s statement at the fact he was looking for her of all people. 
“Well, I am happy to be of service to you, my Lord. What is it you will be needing to discuss?” Her voice was strong, unwavering in his presence unlike many of the other working maids. Overconfident for her status. 
“Well, the Queen and I know how close you are to the Prince and we were curious to know of how the Prince would react to being heir if the chance ever were to arise,” spoke Otto dignified, watching to see if any emotions ran across her face; none did. If anything, her face was wiped clean as a fresh slate and it was impossible for the man to find any insecurity to prey on to push forward his agenda. 
A moment passed during their staring match waiting for the other to break their mask and reveal everything. She knew a day like this would come; she wasn’t an idiot who allowed just anyone to prey upon her emotions. It was only a matter of time before she knew her husband’s grandsire would try to openly play his game; a game that she and Aegon have been planning to possibly ruin since their marriage four years ago. Now was the time to work this conversation into her favor. 
She forced a rather fake cough from her throat before she proceeded to respond to the Hand. “The possibility of the Prince becoming the Heir to the Iron Throne is not something that someone like I, would discuss as a topic with his Grace. One would think that since he is the King’s first son, that he would be optimistic about being King but, of course, I do believe that this is a matter that you should be personally discussing with him, my Lord, not with his maid. I’m sure he will greatly appreciate being approached by you about this.”
Otto heard her words as a challenge but her face and body language revealed a neutral playing field. He was hoping she was going to be much more vulnerable considering she would be in an intimate setting with those heathens that he is somehow related to. Overall, her reaction was proving to be a stark contrast to what he wanted but he could work with the fighting words that she had initiated; he had to make this work if he wanted to be successful. 
“You are very brave to speak that way to a man of status like I am. It makes you very lucky that I don’t find a reason to punish you for your tongue lashing –” 
“If you deem those words as a lashing, my Lord, then what I could say freely would be a massacre upon you,” she snarled, very quickly changing her neutrality into a look of thinly veiled anger.
“What makes you believe that you could just speak like that? There is only one thing I need you to do to make everything fall into place and you will agree to my terms, you whore!” Otto’s face grew red with his anger and he wore it very clearly on his aging face. “You will tell my grandson that he will be taking the throne when the King dies whether he wants to or not! I will not have you jeopardize everything I have done to make sure my family gets what they are owed!”
Every word was punctuated by the rough stomps encroaching on the safe space that the maid had made in the tranquil garden. Every step was like a knife slashing at delicate curtains to reveal the truth behind the fabric and it was revealing a woman determined to protect the sanctity of her family’s safety. Overall, this one sided argument was going to end disastrously for one of the two adults.
Toe to toe at each other’s neck, the opposing forces glared down the other showing the opposite ends of anger; the man had his wrath shown full force as there was no way for him to conceal it and the woman’s rage was under the tight grips of a mask with the only evidence being in the way the stars in her eyes burned like the sun. The silence was deafening between the two and all that played softly in the background was the gentle sway of the garden greenery as small bodies playfully explored through them.
Breaking the silence, she kept her eyes locked onto the Hand’s as she squared herself against his imposing form. “Only this one time will I be a brute in my words and only this once will I speak out of turn. I will not be telling Aegon to do anything that you wish for him to do. He will make that decision on his own without any outside influence and we both know of the little game you have been setting up. We are not pawns in the game for the Iron Throne. You have made yourself out to be this figure who knows the secrets of everyone you wish to manipulate and I’m sorry to tell you, my Lord, but I’m afraid you don’t know everything there is.”
Her words were like her snatching Otto’s attacking knife and burying it deep within his chest. There could be no possible way for this peasant to have secrets that he doesn’t know and this knowledge was going to bother him until he could find out what it was they were hiding from his eyes. The perturbed look on his face was enough for her to feel victorious in this small battle – a battle she felt she needed to fight considering he ruined her afternoon with her children. 
“A last few remarks before you scamper away with your tail tucked between your legs, my children will not be considered bastards by the likes of you and will forever be legally seen as the heirs of Aegon,” she spat at him as he slowly began to sulk his way back to his hermit hole. “And in your search into our secrets, you won’t know the answer until it’s far too late. Let that truth sink into your bones as it keeps you awake at night.”
The urgency of his leaving was met with the more calming presence of two young children – both with large smiles and matching appearances. Their white blonde hair glowed in the high sun illuminating small halos around their heads with eyes of shades of lavender and periwinkle. The eldest child was a boy of four name days and anyone who didn’t know better would think Aegon was turned back into a small child again. He was every bit identical to his father and such a sweet little boy to his younger sister. The youngest also has the traditional Targaryen features as does her brother but there were glimpses of her mother in her face. Aegon swore he could see the same stars in his little girl’s eyes; the same stars that burned in her mother’s. Each of these little ones resembled the very best parts of their parents regardless of the unsavory opinions other adults had about their existence.
“Muña! Muña!” the little voice from the boy burst out as the two ran towards their kneeling mother and jumped into her outstretched arms the second they were within reach. A bright smile replaced the burning glare she had earlier as she held tightly the giggling children. 
“Oh, my darlings! What have you brought for me today?” She looked down to see a small bushel of varying flowers where some still had their roots attached and dirt falling from them.
“Alysanne jiōraton rūkluni syt ao se Kepa!” exclaimed him as the little girl pushed the bundle into her mother’s hands after she released them from her comforting arms. Alysanne got flowers for you and Father. 
“Why, thank you! And thank you for helping her, Baelon,” she chuckled, giving kisses onto her children’s heads before she fully stood up and dusted herself off. “How about we pack up our picnic and go find Kepa to show him the beautiful flowers you both got. Does that sound good?”
Her words were answered in small cheers and hurrying footsteps rushing to shove the blanket and other belongings from their picnic back into the basket. Their rushing was adorable and warmed her heart as she could see how much her children loved their father and being with him. A few moments more and she joined in on their packing. 
Once they were done, she picked up the basket and shifted it to balance on her hip so she could grab the tiny, open hand of her daughter, Alysanne and have Baelon grab the other open hand placing the girl of two name days between them. The peaceful familial image glowed in the sunlight as they made their way through the garden and into the castle searching for where Aegon was at that day.
“I received a rather pleasant visit from your grandsire earlier today,” she remarked after she closed the doors that led to the small chambers of their young children connected to their main apartment.
It took a moment for the relaxed prince sitting at his desk to process what his lovely wife said filling the air and once it clicked, his head snapped towards her form almost giving himself whiplash at the words floating. 
“Grandsire? Otto of all people visited you this afternoon?” he questioned her, shaking his head and rubbing a hand down his face before he proceeded again. “I don’t mean to question your words, my love but everyone knows that the Hightower fuck doesn’t do ‘casual’ visits with anyone unless he has an ulterior motive.”
Moving his chair out from under the desk, she placed herself into her husband’s lap and laid her head upon his shoulder resting it into his neck. He wrapped one of his arms around her waist and the other softly began to brush against the exposed skin of her arms. In the comfort of each other, they let themselves brew on the situation before they decided to speak again on it.
“I’m going to be right to assume that the reason Otto sought you out today was to discuss the succession of the throne?” Aegon whispered making sure his voice wouldn’t be heard by anyone other than the two of them.
“And you are right to assume that. He threatened to have you take the throne regardless if you had any desire for it,” she breathed out for a moment. “I don’t take too kindly to him threatening our family and insinuating our children be bastards when they were born out of love. It lit a fire within me seeing him so furious with your choices but it’s up to you what we shall do, ñuha vēzos.”
Processing everything was cumbersome and was invoking an ache in his head that would take ages to be relieved. There was so much that needed to be done and so much to be decided on. Aegon knew the basis of Otto’s goals for him to usurp the throne the moment that the King had been greeted by the Stranger but after reconnecting with Rhaenyra years ago, he had no ambitions about taking her rightful throne from her. She was named heir long before he was born and she was more fitting of the throne than he ever would be. He would be content with his life if he just stayed as Prince Aegon, Second of his Name, husband to his gorgeous handmaid and father to his beautiful children, Baelon and Alysanne. There is no need for something more when he already has everything he could possibly need right at that moment.
He breathed a deep sigh and moved to rest his head upon hers. “I know that Otto won’t stop until he gets what he wants. I am not going to jeopardize the lives of our children to play into his foolish game.”
“Well, I believe now would be the time to implement our plan before Otto’s people dig their claws into us,” she said sadly before she moved herself to stand up in between Aegon’s spread legs. “Everything shall be ready by this time tomorrow evening and we find our way to the checkpoint.”
The deep secret that Otto had searched relentlessly about Aegon and his maid revealed itself the day of the King’s passing – three days after the literary battle in the castle garden. After the small chat that happened that night, Aegon proceeded the next day as if nothing was out of the ordinary while the maid and their children were busy packing the clothes and the few precious belongings they have obtained over the years. The basis of what they were planning consisted of themselves and very few bags strapped to the back of Sunfyre to escape from the reach of the Hightower bastard into the safety of the maid’s family who had been preparing for the day that they would possibly be homing with them.
By the very next night, Aegon had used the secret passageways throughout the day to deliver their belongings to the Dragon Pit where Sunfyre had been anxiously awaiting to spread his wings for a long journey. When the guards were changing out, the adults, each with a child in hand, made their way through the silent castle and as swiftly as they could, they made their way to Rhaenys’ Hill. In their infinite amount of time they used to plan this escape, they knew by the time anyone would come looking for them, the family would be out of King’s Landing and down by the Sea of Dorne hidden away. 
They had every little detail etched out and there was no way that anything could possibly go wrong. Once the family and its hatchlings had reached the maid’s family homestead near the Dornish marshes, Sunfyre was ordered to fly away to the Dragon Pit – not to arouse any suspicions – or head to Dragonstone with the dragons that reside there freely. The family would then live as if they had always been there and Aegon would assume himself under a nickname with his Targaryen hair hidden as a dark, muddy brown; the child’s hair would also be dyed the same color. After enough time hidden away, the few who had to dye their hair could either keep dying it or allow for the dye to fade away back to their beautiful silvery blonde.
Everything was in place and it was working out fantastically.
With Aegon missing and Otto having Aemond to assume his place on the Iron Throne, it caused a slight uproar by the people. Many would never want a woman to sit upon the throne and rule the Seven Kingdoms but the Greens lost many of their supporters when Prince Aemond was going to rule instead of Prince Aegon. Why would people support the second son as he has no real claim to the throne unlike the first born or the first son? 
Even with the few who didn’t support a woman ruling, Rhaenyra had more of a claim than her second half-brother. The small council gathering following the death had convinced the Queen that Rhaenyra would kill her siblings in cold blood as a way to assert herself in her rightful place after being named heir years prior. Of course, for a woman riddled with anxiety and paranoia, she agreed once again to her father’s nefarious plans even though there was an inkling of doubt deep within her chest. Prince Aemond then usurped the throne the days following the King’s passing thus starting the Dance of the Dragons. 
While civil war broke out, Aegon lived happily with his growing family in the marshes spending his days working tirelessly with the family he married into and it was everything he could dream of. He thought he was happy living within the Red Keep with their secret little family but freely being able to love his children and his wife made life so much more worth living. It was everything and more being who he wanted to be without the pressures of being a royal.
Though there was distance between him and his birth family, Aegon still loved them all and wished things would work out after hearing the news of what transpired since he left. Frequently, he wrote to Rhaenyra to quietly show his support as a way of paying her back for helping him years prior but he also wrote to Aemond, telling him in detail that Otto should not have played with Targaryen fire and that he should not listen to his ideas unless he is wishing to die by his hand. It hurt him seeing so much turmoil again after the night Aemond claimed Vhagar and his wife could see it deeply bothered him when they would break for the day.
Corresponding between the warring sides of the Greens and the Blacks, Aegon did the only thing he could think of without getting himself killed – offer refuge for his nephews and niece so they would be spared from the carnage that could outbreak. Without hesitation, Helaena sent her children to the safety of the marshes before the cruelty of war could take them from this plane of life. As if they were on the same wavelength, Rhaenyra sent her youngest children to stay until further notice with the oldest being sent periodically. As payment for acting as a refuge and caring for all the children, eggs of Syrax were sent as Rhaenyra believed every Targaryen child was deserving of an egg to hatch or a dragon to claim.
It all was painful to watch as that messed up family was being ripped apart but, how could he not be grateful for finally experiencing something so pure after so long?
His little family that he created, the relationships that he has made with his birth family and the one he married into and the dragons that he bonded to and raised. That all made this life meaningful and brought him true happiness.
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zeruby16 · 1 year
endless - sung hanbin
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18+ MDNI
genre: smut, angst, romance
summary: after realizing you two only had one night left together before your wedding to your jerk of a fiancé, hanbin decides to fight for you one last time.
word count: 2.7k
warnings: afab! reader, dom hanbin; usage of pet names (angel); cursing; oral sex (receiving); fingering; penetration; unprotected sex (please use protection); cream pie; multiple mentions of infidelity; orgasm denial; slight praise kink; please let me know if i missed any
notes: i did not grammar check this, so please have mercy. this is my first time ever publishing anything, so happy publish day to me ig?? anyways, hope you enjoy this piece of filth!
you sat on the bed of your hotel room in silence, allowing your thoughts to consume you.
you were going to get married tomorrow to a man you didn’t love anymore. you loved him, but he proceeded to break your heart multiple times. 
he broke it when he cheated on you with his secretary. he broke it when he publicly shamed you for being a successful business woman and called you greedy for money. he broke it when he flirted with your maid in front of your family. 
he wasn’t the man you fell in love with. he became this monster and you stayed with him. your parents needed this marriage for their company to survive. if you ran away and left him, your parents would be scrutinized and ridiculed. 
they told you multiple times, you didn’t have to go through with it, but you had to. you were forever indebted to your parents. they supported you through thick and thin, they raised you to the women you were today, and they loved you unconditionally. you weren’t going to ruin the one good thing they had even if your heart told you to.
the tears started to stream down your face as you accepted your fate. you had to go through with the marriage. you looked towards the beautiful white gown hanging in your closet. it was the perfect dress. you should feel eager to put it on and have the wedding of your dreams tomorrow, but all you wanted to do was cry your heart out.
you stayed in bed basking in your thoughts, letting your emotions out as much as you could before the ‘special day’. then, you heard a knock.
it wasn’t any knock, it was his knock.
sung hanbin.
your future husband’s best man. the most reliable friend he could ever ask for and the man you’ve been sleeping with to cure the pain you endure from your fiance. 
when he would cheat, hanbin was your shoulder to cry on. when he verbally attacked you, hanbin was your defender. if he ignored you, hanbin was the one who would give you his undivided attention. he was always there.
sung hanbin was the answer to all your problems, but you couldn’t marry him. he couldn’t be your knight and shining armor. 
you walked towards your door hesitantly as you acknowledged what could happen if you opened it. you placed your hand on the knob and twisted it open, finding the man of your dreams.
he was still dressed in the dress rehearsal attire. his hair was ruffled as if he had been agitated about something and his shirt sleeves were up to his elbows. 
you looked at him sincerely, wanting to convey how sorry you felt, yet how much you longed for him. 
for his touch, his presence, and his being.
you silently broke the promise you made to yourself and walked further into your room with the door open, welcoming hanbin inside. once you heard the door close, you turned around to see him visibly disheveled. 
“you’re actually going through with it?” 
“hanbin, i have to.”
he came closer towards your body and took your hands. his touch was soothing. he could heal any troubles you felt with it. 
“why can’t we run away? why can’t you leave him?” he caressed your fingers, specifically the one which showcased your engagement ring.
“you know why, it would ruin everything,” his eyebrows scrunched at your reasoning. you always knew what hanbin felt based on his eyes and he felt betrayed. why wouldn’t he?
“he’s going to ruin your life, y/n. he doesn’t deserve you,” you caressed his face gently.
“i know, but i need to do this for my family,” hanbin pulled away from your touch.
“no, you don’t even know the things he has said behind your back. he acts as if you’re a hassle when you’re not,” he ranted.
“h-he pretends as if he doesn’t have the most incredible woman in the world. he doesn’t realize how much you’re worth and if you marry him, it’ll be so much worse.”
the tears you had finished drying started to come out again, showing your vulnerability to hanbin. sometimes you wished you never fell for hanbin’s kindness because if you hadn’t you could avoid the heartbreak.
“i need to do this, hanbin. i have no other choice,” you pleaded, begging him to stop. the more he spoke, the more you actually wanted to give in. to his love, his touch, his everything.
“you have me,” he pulled your hands to his chest as you stared into his brown eyes deeply.
“we can’t, we’ve already--”
“we’ve what? loved each other? fucked each other? it doesn’t matter, you and i will never be satisfied unless we have each other completely,” he started to move the front pieces of your hair behind your ears.
you froze at the gesture. he knew the effect he had on you. he knew your body religiously. you were putty in his hands.
“hanbin, i get married tomorrow,” you nearly whimpered. you wanted him to ruin you. you wanted him to love you, hold you, comfort you, but you couldn’t give in.
“and?” he grabbed your face as he leaned in. you closed your eyes, trying to find a way to escape your desire for him. 
“look at me sweetheart,” he moved your chin up, allowing you to see the lust present in his eyes that stared directly at your lips.
“do you think he’ll fuck you like i do?” he started. 
you were going insane. you melted into his touch.
“does he know you scream my name every night?” he moved his hands from your face to your hips, starting to caress them lightly.
“does he think you touch yourself to the thought of him?” his fingers danced around the zipper of your dress. 
you couldn’t help but place your head against his as you started to breathe heavily. all you wanted to do was jump onto him and take him then and there.
“hanbin,” you breathed.
“yes, angel?” he acted as if he hadn’t been teasing you, finding the pressure points to have you under his control.
“please what?”
“please fuck me.”
“there’s my girl,” he smirked before pulling you into a passionate kiss.
his lips molded into yours perfectly conveying everything unspoken between you two. he poured his soul into the kiss as if it was your last. you let yourself fall into his hold because it’s all you’ve ever wanted. he furthered the kiss as his tongue met yours and he kissed you hungrily, like he would never have enough.
he pulled away and started to kiss your open neck, leaving small bruises.
“this is all mine. he’ll never have the pleasure of seeing you like this,” he growled. you slightly pulled on his hair wanting him to mark you further, you would cover it anyways.
he kissed you feverishly as his hands found the zipper of your dress and he let the fabric fall to your feet to see your breasts uncovered. 
“did you want him to see you? did you want him to touch you like i do?” he teased toying with your nipples.
“no,” you moaned lightly at his touch.
“i wanted you.”
his lips neared your nipple and he took it fully into his mouth, biting it slightly. his mouth was relentless as he attacked your chest leaving small hints of purple everywhere. he wanted to show the world how you were his.
wanting to touch him, you started to unbutton his dress shirt and he tore it off immediately. you could feel his cock harden while you caressed his body up and down. you lightly palmed him as you unzipped his pants and touched his tip over his boxers, earning a groan from him.
he pulled your body closer to his as he moved you towards the edge of the bed. you fell back onto the mattress and pulled him down with you wanting him to continue worshiping your body. your back started to arch towards him while his lips neared the hem of your underwear. 
he touched your clothed core feeling the effects of his words and chuckled. hanbin in public was the sweetest person you knew, him in bed with you on the other hand was a different story.
“you’re soaking wet and i’ve barely started,”
“hanbin,” you moaned and he came up to you as his hands separated your legs.
“yes, love?”
“i need you,”
“inside, please,”
“since you asked so kindly.”
he pulled down your underwear, allowing your core to feel the cool breeze of the room while he kissed your thighs. you whimpered continuously, begging him to touch you. your wish was granted when he placed his mouth onto your heat. 
you swallowed a moan, trying to conceal yourself from making any noise. his tongue brushed your clit relentlessly while he positioned your legs over his shoulders allowing him to kiss deeper. he was fucking you with his toungue and you were in bliss. 
“don’t hold your moans, i want to hear your sweet voice,” he teased. you still concealed your moans knowing the possibility of them being heard were high.
hanbin, wanting the opposite, pushed a finger into you and proceeded to take it out, repeating the action rapidly.
“atta girl, can you take another?”
“yes!��� you screamed out.
you were feeling so much, but you needed more. you wanted all of him.
“when did my girl become so needy?” he pushed another finger into you, building up a knot in your stomach.
he fingered you endlessly and kissed your core making you moan his name like a prayer. your body was shivering at the stimulation you felt and hanbin sensed your climax coming. he kept going and pushed you near the edge until he pulled his fingers out.
you whimpered at the emptiness and looked towards him. he had all your juices on his face and placed his fingers into your mouth so you could taste them for yourself.
“i’m sorry angel, but wouldn’t you rather come with my cock?” he suggested. 
you sat up expectantly seeing him pull his pants down followed by his boxers. his member was hard to the point of his tip being red dripping with pre cum and you reached out to touch him.
you rubbed his tip and stroked him while he groaned. you looked up to see his eyes closed in pleasure as he bit his lip to hide his little moans. he pulled your hands off of him, making you whimper again.
your eyes followed him making his way to the bed placing himself behind you. he kissed the nape of your neck and lightly massaged your back.
“as much as i want you to ride me, can you get on all four for me darling?” you quickly placed your hands and knees on the mattress, looking forward and meeting his eyes through the mirror placed right in front of the bed. he grabbed your waist with both of his hands.
“i want you to see how much of a mess you are just for me,” he said, dragging his tip along your folds.
he teased your cunt with his tip until he slowly inserted himself, bottoming out. you loudly moaned as you adjusted and hanbin peppered your back with kisses.
“you alright angel?” his tone changed.
“yes,” you nodded with your eyebrows scrunched giving yourself time to take in all his length. he always filled you perfectly. 
“please move,” you begged as you placed your head onto the mattress, allowing hanbin to go deeper.
he thrusted slowly at first until he realized you were squirming for more. he fastened his pace and lightly pulled your hair to show your face in the mirror.
“look at me sweetheart, look at who’s making you lose yourself,” you looked at his face in the mirror seeing the satisfaction he felt having you to himself. his eyes pierced yours while he rammed into your spot at a rapid rate. 
“more!” you moaned, your eyes closed from all the pleasure he was giving you. your body needed more of him. 
he took one of his hands off of your waist and reached for your breasts, hugging them closer to his body so he could get you at a different angle. his pounding never stopped and you moaned his name as if it was the only word you knew.
your hands held his arm and he showered your neck with kisses as he played with one of your nipples. his other hand rubbed your clit mercilessly and you lost yourself in him. 
“you look so pretty like this, all fucked out for me,” he taunted his eyes meeting your in the mirror. you looked like a mess.
your hair was disheveled. your tears of pain and pleasure ran down your face with your mascara. your chest showed small bruises of his marks. you were at hanbin’s glory and you wanted it.
you screamed louder as you neared your climax. while focused on releasing the knot in your stomach, he placed one of his hands on top of yours fiddling with your fingers.
“hanbin, i’m so close,”
“i want you to look at me while you cum. can you do that for me angel?,” you nodded, finding his eyes once again and gasping at his quickened pace.
“oh my fuck, hanbin-” he grunted as you tightened around him, fucking you through your orgasm. he came inside of you right after and slowed down, panting near your ear as your breaths stilled.
“you’re amazing,” he kissed your head while slowly pulling out, his cum leaking out of you. you fell onto his chest exhausted, sitting upright. he moved his fingers towards your core, making sure nothing was left behind.
afterward, he laid you down on your back and brought warm towels to clean yourselves.
he laid down facing you, looking at your peaceful state. there was nothing bothering you at that moment, it was only you and him. 
you brought your hand to caress his face softly and noticed your finger was empty. he took your ring, but you could care less. the man you wanted wasn’t the man who gave you the ring.
“i had to,” he sighed into your touch.
“i know, but let us have this one night. please,” his forehead met with yours. you kissed him softly, wanting him to feel the love you had for him.
“i love you sung hanbin,” his eyes lit up. they suddenly sparkled, looking at you with admiration.
“i don’t think i will ever stop loving you and tonight i want to sleep in your arms knowing i got the chance to tell you.”
he hugged you and you nuzzled your face into his bare chest welcoming his warmth and comfort.
“i love you too angel and my love for you is endless,” he whispered. his breaths fell into the rhythm of your and you both fell asleep in each other’s arms.
the sunlight woke you up.
it was your wedding day.
you found hanbin’s arm holding you while he slept peacefully. you looked at his face, remembering the outlines of it as if it was a map. tears started to form in your eyes as you pulled away from his hold and got out of bed. 
you found the pajamas you were meant to wear and put them on. your maid of honor, yunjin, had texted you about getting ready in her room. she had your shoes, makeup, and jewelry. the only thing you had to take was your wedding dress. 
hanbin placed your ring on the nightstand of your side. you grabbed it and placed it on your finger, acknowledging your fate. you unhooked your dress from the closest and held it gently in your arms.
you looked towards hanbin on the bed, tears streaming down your face as you placed a kiss on his forehead.
“thank you for loving me.”
walking away heartbroken, you quietly opened the door and closed it behind you, losing the love of your life as he cried knowing he lost you.
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a/n: thank you for reading, sorry for any grammar mistakes
@zeruby16 on tumblr | est. 2023
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