#anyway gfs who judge people together stay together
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fanfic-gremlin-ft-trauma · 1 year ago
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hiiii lovelies i didn’t die i swear so here’s a yuetara wip as proof <3
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alarrytale · 3 months ago
Confessions Sunday. One thing that being a larrie taught me is to learn about PR relationships and how to spot them - like before becoming a larrie I genuinely thought all H’s gfs were real and I even had some kind of admiration for TS because “she was dating H and he was gone for her” (please don’t judge me, I was really stupid and ate her songs about him 🙈). Anyway this week another PR relationship ended - S*brin* C. and B*rry K. - and because I was bored and literally couldn’t care less about these two, I got myself into the discussion on fb because I found everything about their fauxmance so obviously fake like it was literally out of PR relationships 101 book. Including the lenght of their business deal - exactly one year, what a suprise! - and the reason of the breakup - B cheated on her with some tiktoker. And so I just stated my opinion how fake it was and how I can’t believe people really ate it up and now are into the fake cheating drama. And while around 400 people have eyes and brain as well so they see it too and so they liked my comment, so many people started attacking me how do I know it was fake, wanted proofs and source of my claimings and how them two didn’t need PR and he attended her shows and became friendly with her friends and she wrote songs about him etc etc etc. As I said, I have no feelings for these two and I was bored, so I patiently replied everyone but I am shocked how people need proofs and source eventho I tried to explain them everything. Some even called me a clown and to get some professional help. Oh my oh my. I know it’s healthy to stay in my larrie lane and bubble when it comes to HL because gaslighted antis and solos exist but didn’t know people will attack me for exposing random PR relationship of two celebrities when no closeting, bearding and fake kids are involved. Sorry to vent to you not 1D/Larry topic but I know you’re into blinds and see other PR relationships and just have some basic knowledge about other celebries withour any deeper feelings.
Hi, anon!
It's such an eye opener to become a larrie and to learn the workings of the industry, and particularly how widespread the use of PR relationships for promo, engagement and attention is. But explaining it to outsiders who still got their rose-coloured glasses on, that all this is fake, is really difficult.
You can explain all you want, but if you're telling someone that their favourite couple is fake, they'll refuse to listen to you. They'll get defensive. I've said this before, but i sometimes feel like i'm telling little kids that Santa isn't real when i say that this or that relationship is fake. Because their fantasy is ruined, their idol is lying to them, and Hollywood isn't this magical place. Being famous and a celebrity isn't only glitz and glamour.
Sometimes i wish i didn't know all that i know, and that i don't know how to spot a fake relationship by simple tells. It's much easier to live in bliss and believe that these two celebrities, who make a perfect couple on paper and would make the cutest kids, are really together, love each other and are happy together. Alas, i know too much.
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skinni-girls-eat-books · 11 months ago
Sunday, April 14th, 2024! Pt 2 (one day NC 🥳)
10:03am: I went back and reread some posts from earlier in the week and remembered that I was doing really good! I think last night was a one off and a little step backwards, but nothing that can't be overcome again. Things happen. People disappoint us and let us down, doesn't mean we have to become hard and cold to the world.
I'm gonna stay positive and know that
1) fake positivity does turn into real positivity after a while 2) positivity attracts people, friends and that's what I would like.
Stay positive! Definitely still process your trauma, but there's so much good in life! Like that awesome feeling when you have a good day with someone new ❤️ I guess I understand wanting to start fresh with someone because it's exciting! Plus be confident knowing that you were never the problem and omg there's so many guys out there that want a chance with you, honestly things will probably get better with age.
Don't be like the boss, a whole ass pharmacist going back n forth with someone beneath him, petty drama, stress and emotional turmoil. I don't want that life, it's bad for your physical body. When I think about the positive feelings I've been having for about the past two weeks, the tension lifts from my body. I have so much to look forward to. And I can't control anyone else's actions, I can only control my actions and my emotions and how I react to things.
This door closing is just opening up a bunch new ones :) and what one man won't do, another man will ❤️ let's work on me so I can find my forever guy ❤️
I love you
6:53pm: Got home from work and I'm bleeding like crazy. Longest month of my life. New homie sounded like he was gonna come over but I think he chickened out? Lmao that's crazy 😂 Had a nice day at work, ranted to the boss and it helped me a lot. He told me to make a pros and cons list and I said that con side would look crazy 🤣 he said he does the same thing and it helps him, also he said the no contact thing is helping him a lot PLUS this man is wildin OUT like every night is a bachelor party or something and I want to be like him haha. So crazy tho he's just like yeah and then I might get back with his gf after a few months like ???? Guys are insane lmao.
Weirdest thing I have thought about today is how prude he* is. 🤔 I really don't have to explain myself but like, he has the two biggest ho friends I've ever seen and acts like I'm just supposed to be some untouchable angel is WACK. Tbh I wouldn't get back together with him for that alone, it's a major rift in our morals. He thinks he/ his friends can just do whatever but then judges girls for doing the same? Icky, double standard ass mf 🤢 this man belongs in the looney bin after last night. Weird ass said he hopes the guy I end up with has wack dick and he hopes nobody is better than him 🤣 who tf says that
I literally had to lie to this man on facetime so he wouldn't have a meltdown if I told him what I really did, getting piped in our bed by a great guy 😂 crazyyyyy flex bro, but yeah keep doing it in y'all's parents house 🥴 literally just gave me icky goosebumps thinking about that.
Who cares lol I'm glad that part of my life is over. I'm tired of looking stupid tbh. Hesitant to do a # days no contact tracker on here because ik it can be counterintuitive to think about him technically, but shit I already think about him anyway, so I think it'll be a good idea to *try* and if it sucks I'll stop.
1:10am: Going to sleep now, didn't do anything after work today but that's ok :) had yogurt and cereal for dinner and both cats are on my bed ❤️ Spent too much time on my phone but it's ok, too. I think I'm gonna do a beginning of the day and end of the day, then I can kinda track triggers that make me want to reach out to him. Ik it's stress but also ik this will help. Distractions are great, but I want better distractions than just being on my phone lol.
Goals for tomorrow: Last OSCE! Study for exam! Study MOA! I know you hate it but that doesn't matter right now, you gotta grind before you party 🎉 Study for Jesse McCartney ❤️ He doesn't want you to fail your exam 😂
Goodnight, I love you so much I hope you had a good Sunday. I'm listening to crime podcasts while I fall asleep, something I couldn't do with you here lol. Perks of being a bachelorette 🤪 Hella peaceful and everything is easy going.
Day 1 NC complete! ❤️🥳
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hospitalterrorizer · 1 year ago
wednesday - thursday
missed my friend's birthday today.
cuz i was sick. my gf went though (i hope i didn't spread through her (but probably)). i think he had a good time, my friend, and my gf had a good time with them all. it means a lot to me that she can go hang out with them and not be like, uncomfortable, there's people there who talk to her and value her thoughts and company and treat her like a human. this shouldn't be special, but it is. obviously, there's also guys there who aren't awful but are mostly among dudes. they treat me like an in-between thing i guess, when i'm around. something about that is gratifying to see written out, in-between thing, but idk, i feel more allied with the side that isn't those guys, than them. those guys also treat our transmasc friend weird as well. they treat me less weird than him because i'm older to the friendgroup, and our friend whose birthday it was, he's the one who brings us all together, i'm very vvery close with him. they don't treat our transmasc friend horribly weird, but still. i'm really only talking about like...4 of a group of over 10. these ones are the super weedbro contingent. idk though, i really like everyone basically. only one guy bothers me and he just treats everyone weird.
having fun waiting for ableton to open after it just crashed after opening.
i feel like i can at fix some of a problem with the one song i got to today, the mix for this one just seems very hard to get to the bottom of, something seems very wrong with it but i don't know what. it's, in my mind, right now, the vocals, they're muddy and dark, and idk what i am doing wrong, so i'm gonna try and use a vocal group from another song and slot the takes into that, using that fx chain. maybe that will help clear it up, but i'm worried the issue is these takes themselves.
i hope this works. what else did i do,
i did get that drum idea down, i think, or something like it, an evolution of that, really happy about that. i hope this song comes out right on export, it's such a weird pain.
another weird pain today, but i won't go into it, because it's basically pathetic. there's just certain things that i'll end up seeing if i go on twitter and it makes me go kind of crazy. i don't know why that kind of thing is like basically a trigger for me. why is that a potential trigger, seeing people going crazy on something meaningless because they are miserable, it should be able to pass through me and be nothing, but i can't deal, it makes me feel bad and like i need to escape, it's also a place where i see people with such vehement opinions about bodies basically, or that's what i saw today, that it makes me question what i am/if i even belong to any kind of community or whatever. being so online really only increased my alienation towards larger groups. some people are so joyful in spreading what is basically a kind of super negative method of self appraisal and seeing oneself in the world, they hide behind it being some kind of hard truth, it's so ugly though. i wish people stopped spreading stuff from /lgbt/ basically, the whole worldview it basically has developed/allowed to fester. it's seriously so awful and people kind of bandy it/its language about like it makes you cool in some kind of edgy way.
it's always profound how lame everyone ends up being, on the other end of the sludge-spew.
anyways, the thing exported, i'll listen tomorrow, maybe i'll be a better judge then. currently i'm just thinking about how this funny is now:
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every tiime i clicked on one of these because it seemed utterly psychotic, it reminded me of being in a hospital waiting room, seeing people there for reasons i could not imagine, doing insane things, fluorescent nausea. why was every one of them so sexualized too, did any regular blogger ever do those things.
anyway i am super tired and i stayed up way tooooo late.
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twinge-of-cosmicangst · 3 years ago
Bruh I’ve been thinking about toxic tomgreg for season 4. So like at first it’s not even toxic they work well together as a team and they’re being rlly cute, acting like a couple without even realising it, the Roy sibs have approached Greg to get dirt on Tom or something but he’s like “Thanks but no thanks”
Then Greg gets a girlfriend but he’s says to Tom that he thinks that “This one is the one” and Tom’s like “You said that about the last one” referring to either the countessa or comfrey or a fling he has eariler in season 4, but Greg actually wants to make Tom jealous because that’s the only way he knows how to deal with his feelings for him so he’s like “But no I mean it this time, I might even propose” and Tom’s like “Greg! You’ve only known her two weeks” and Greg’s like “Yeah but when you know you know” even though he has really no intention of proposing, but Tom doesn’t know that and he makes the a similar face to the one he makes when he tells Greg “you’ve ruined it” in too much birthday, but he somehow looks even more heartbroken.
At this point I’m thinking Tom and Shiv are either getting a divorce or things are going so badly for them that Tom is now prepared to actually open up his side of their open marriage. And his heartbroken closeted mind, is like I know who the best person to sleep with is, Greg’s girlfriend! So anyways Tom seduces Greg’s gf, god knows how, she’s into Greg so maybe she’d be into Tom too, maybe pathetic capitalists are her type, we suck session tumblr hoes can’t judge to be fair, and they’re both prolly a bit drunk so they sleep together, anyways during the act Tom mumbles “Greg” and the gf is like 😳 but Tom just says he said it because he feels guilty and she’s like ok...
Even though the real reason he mumbled Greg was because he was thinking about him during sex and the only reason he was sleeping with Greg’s gf is cause she’s Greg adjacent, and saying he felt guilty was just an excuse for mumbling Greg’s name. But afterwards he does feel really guilty obviously, and starts withdrawing from Greg, probably starts drinking more heavily. Greg is missing getting attention from Tom and in his fucked up head he’s like, maybe I should propose to my gf, maybe that’ll make Tom pay attention to me again, maybe he’ll even do something really dramatic like crash the wedding.
He is spending a lot more time with his gf as Tom is giving him the cold shoulder and one night he prepares a really nice romanitic dinner for the both of them. Then she just breaks down in tears “Greg, you’re so nice, I don’t deserve you, I’ve felt so guilty ever since it’s happened” and she tells him she slept with someone, someone in his family, Greg’s like “Was it Roman that peice of shit. Kendall??, not Shiv? but it couldn’t be Connor surely? Oh my god, did you sleep with uncle Logan!?!” and then just before Greg starts to list people in his family that don’t live in the city she bursts out with “It was Tom!!!” And Greg is shocked, he looks like he’s about to be sick “Tom Wambsgans, my Tom?” The gf is like “I’m really sorry, are you ok? Is there anyway, I can make this up to you, we were both drunk” Greg shouts at her to get out, and Greg hardly ever shouts, especially at people he’s in a relationship with because he doesn’t want to appear intimidating because of his height, so he says “Sorry for shouting but can you please go, it’s over between us” and then his jealous ass adds “Just do me the curtesy of staying away from Tom” and that’s how we know it’s his gf he’s jealous of, and mad at Tom for sleeping with her and not with him.
Greg goes to the Roy sibs and fucks Tom over, perhaps telling them damning things about Tom or agreeing to spy on him in exchange for a higher position then he already has, when they have there little coo and all the cocaine Kendall can get hold of for him, Greg gets a lot more into cocaine after finding out that Tom slept with is gf. Kendall uses premium coke on Greg like the Scooby snacks for everytime he gets more dirt on Tom. Shiv probably asks him why he suddenly turned on Tom when he had been so loyal to him when they first asked for Greg’s help, Greg tells her about Tom sleeping with his gf, Shiv scoffs “You should be doing this for a better position for yourself in the company, not for personal vendettas against Tom, emotions can cloud judgement” and Greg shoots back “Oh yeah and I suppose you trying to completely destroy your husband’s career has nothing to do with you having a personal vendetta against him, despite the fact that you and your brothers were inches away from having control over the whole company but then Tom betrayed you faster then you could say supermajority” Shiv laughs “You’ve turned out to be quite a bitch, Greg” Greg replies “I guess your brothers, your husband and yourself have rubbed off on me. You still owe me $20 by the way”
The siblings scheming pays off somehow and Tom loses his job. Shiv is the one that tells Tom that Greg betrayed him, Tom is gobsmacked and looks like he’s about to cry, he knew he and Greg had been drifting apart recently, but why would he do something like this, after everything they’ve been through, after everything Tom’s done for him. Shiv who by now has caught on that Tom has feelings for Greg and can see how upset he is sticks the knife in “Hurts, doesn’t it? Being betrayed by the one you love” a single tear drops down his eye “Yeah” is all he can manage to say.
Greg has blocked Tom’s number at this point but Tom tracks him down and confronts him about the betrayal “How could you? everything I did, I did for us, you’d still be stuck as some saddo down in cruises assistant if it wasn’t for me” Greg gives him the silent treatment for a while and then he tells him he knows Tom slept with his girlfriend. At first Tom apologies and says how he has felt bad about it since it happened, but then he backtracks and insists that what Greg did is worse “You barely knew her, what we have is stronger then that, you should’ve confronted me about it, you should’ve fucking hit me or something not run to my conniving wife and her piece of shit brothers to help them ruin my career! Not to mention your precious girlfriend was willing to jump into bed with your best friend after just a few drinks, I was doing you a favour, she didn’t deserve you” Greg shouts “What? And you do?” Tom blinks “What do you mean” Greg sneers “You’re fucking obsessed with me, you always have been, seeing me happy with anyone else drives you insane, fucking my girlfriend, it’s the closest you can get to me, going where I’ve gone, it’s fucking pathetic” Tom manages to stutter out “What are you talking about, I’m not into you in that way, I’m not fucking gay” Greg steps closer “Oh please, If you were any further back in the closet you’d be humping Mr Tumnus” Greg then does a impression of Tom “Would you kiss me Greg??I’ll look after you Greg, are you attempting to break up with me Greg? I would marry you Greg, come on Greg, see if you can wrestle me to the ground, let me kiss your forehead Greg, you want to come with me sporus?” Tom manages to spit out “Shut up” Then suddenly Greg kisses Tom, it’s so quick it looks like a head bump, but Tom kisses back passionately, Greg is the one break off the kiss he says “See you fucking enjoyed it, you sick fuck” as if the whole reason Greg kissed Tom was to prove a point so Tom pushes Greg to the wall “How can you do this to me! Take everything from me! Encourage my affections then throw them back in my face and sneer at my feelings for you” and Greg who is probably slightly coked up and who has a very low opinion of himself at the moment replies “Because I’m exactly what you deserve” Tom pushes Greg harder against the wall “I’ll kill you” Greg apparently unfazed says “Maybe you could, but we both know that’s not what you really want to do” then Tom kisses Greg and they very angrily and intensely make out and then it fades to the next scene, and that was Tom and Greg’s last scene of the season.
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abbysfrenchbraid · 4 years ago
Because of personal experiences, can I get some headcanons or a scenario of Abby with a gf that gets tired really easily? Also I just wanna get this out there, I am really glad your blog exists
Thank you so much for your kind words, they really mean a lot. I hope this is similar to what you imagined 💌 (I hope you like poetry!)
about 2k words of fluff and a little angst at the beginning. content warnings for language, ableism.
“This is it, Y/N. I’ve let this behavior slide too many times.”
Your heart dropped and your breath caught in your throat. Trying to fight back tears, you forced yourself to answer.
“I’m so sorry James, I can’t help it. My body just can’t work for hours without break, I’ve tried everything.”
You threw a soapy towel back into the washtub and took a step towards your supervisor.
“Please don’t throw me out, I don’t know where else I could do my part!”
“Well, you certainly aren’t doing your part here.”
He was speaking the truth; he had caught you way too often, crouching in the corner with your head between your knees or sitting on the floor against the wall half asleep. You couldn’t help it; this was your third job at the stadium and every time you had managed to get yourself fired. It had nothing to do with the laziness your previous bosses had accused you of or with simply not wanting to work. Your body just seemed to work against you.
After more than an hour of standing, there was no way for you to stay standing up and working at the washing station now, the hard bodily labor was just too much for you. You constantly felt like you were going to faint, no matter how much you ate, drank and slept. As soon as you were unsupervised, you’d have to sit down or take a break because you couldn’t hold yourself upright anymore. It was becoming harder and harder to find acceptance from others and a place where you could work and contribute to the WLF while also taking care of yourself.
James rubbed the back of his shaved head and sighed.
“I’m sorry, I seriously don’t see how this is doing any of us any good. You should report in with task management tomorrow and see if they can give you a less physically straining job. I’m not sure how I feel about your little dizzy spells or whatever, but if you’re actually not fit enough for work, you should find something else.”
The rage that started boiling in your stomach sent hot tears down your cheeks. This wasn’t fair. You loosened the ties on your apron and tossed it on a table, then you left without another word.
The only person who didn’t constantly batter and scold you was Abby. She had met you in a stairway, sitting on the steps and leaning your head against the cold railing to stay conscious. The blonde had practically sprinted up the stairs toward you and asked if everything was okay; after you had explained, she had nodded and offered you her arm on your way back to your room. From that day on, she had checked in almost every day, bringing you snacks at work or dinner from the cafeteria when you were too exhausted to go yourself. She had believed you without hesitation and made it her purpose to help you out wherever she could.
Ignoring the surprised faces of the people you walked past, you stormed to your room. You were lucky to live alone, even though it was just a shoebox of a room. You had a bed, a locker, and a tiny window that you ripped open before throwing yourself on your bed.
You hated having to rely on others for support and you had spent the last year mostly on your own, hiding your condition and isolating yourself from others so they wouldn’t notice and judge you, even though the story of you falling asleep and taking too many unauthorized breaks at work had already made its rounds.
With Abby it was different. You knew she never wanted anything in return, she just liked to spend time with you and knew what it was like to be the odd one out, the one everyone had already heard about. In return, you liked to give her little drawings of her and her friends, short comic strips and poems you wrote when you had some time to yourself. She loved sitting on your couch and listening to you talk about poetry; although she was a big reader she had never really gotten into that genre.
She had gained your trust in no time and was the first person you really told everything that went on in your head. Well, almost. You hadn’t dared to tell her about how her presence made you feel like you were flying, how your heart sometimes started racing when she looked at you and how all you wanted sometimes was to fall asleep in her arms after a long day.
Your pillow was wet with tears and your head was pounding from crying for too long. Great. You reached under your bed and felt around for the water bottle you had accidentally kicked under there earlier. As you gulped down the lukewarm water, you finally felt the knot in your throat release its grasp from your airways.
Exhausted, you turned over your pillow and pulled your blanket up. This day was fucked anyway, you might as well declare it complete and hope to wake up in a better mood tomorrow.
It was dark when you awoke, disturbed by a quiet squeaking noise and the beam of light shining through a crack in the door. A big figure was squeezing through the gap and softly closing the door again. The light from under the door was just enough to see Abby tiptoeing toward you.
You couldn’t help but smile and pushed yourself up onto your elbows. She immediately froze in her tracks.
“Fuck, did I wake you? I just wanted to check on you and bring you some dinner.”
You switched on the lamp next to your bed and soft light illuminated the room. Abby had a burrito in one hand and an apple in the other. She looked genuinely sorry.
“It’s okay, I’ve been sleeping for hours. I just had a terrible day, that’s all.”
She immediately sat down next to you, putting the food down on the bedside table and brushing a strand of hair out of your face with a worried smile.
“What happened? Are you hurt?”
Her sweet concern brought back those stupid tears and you were too distraught to fight them. You shook your head and cleared your throat.
“No, I just got kicked out of work. Again. I honestly don’t know what to do. Maybe admin will just throw me out completely tomorrow.”
Abby squeezed your hand.
“Bullshit. I’ll talk to them. Why are they making you work these stupid hard labor jobs anyway? They could put you somewhere you can use your head instead, you’re the smartest person I know!”
She gently brushed her calloused thumb over your cheek.
“These assholes are not worth a single one of your tears, Y/N. James can honestly go fuck himself.”
You snorted and Abby beamed at you, happy to have gotten through to you.
“Hey, how much have you eaten today?”
You thought for a second, then you answered: “Some oatmeal for breakfast? I left work before lunch and came straight here.”
The wolf sighed and shook her head. “You’re terrible at taking care of yourself, you know that?” She handed you the burrito. “Here, it’s still warm.”
The first bite was delightful and you let out a moan without thinking. Blood shot into your face immediately as both of you stared at each other for a second, then Abby broke out in laughter.
“See? You’re practically starved. I should have gotten you two of those.”
She suddenly straightened up.
“Oh, I completely forgot!” She pulled out a small paperback from her back pocket. “Manny gave me this. Some fling of his gave it to him and he doesn’t know shit about poetry and never will. He remembered you liked poems so he said to give this to you.”
“You told him about me?” you asked in astonishment.
“Of course I did, we’ve been hanging out every day for the past few weeks! Do you have any idea how amazing you are? How much you’ve taught me?”
With your mouth full, all you could do was smack her shoulder and give her a doubtful look.
She looked down at her hands, twisting her fingers into each other.
“I mean it, Y/N. I know you don’t think of yourself as very interesting or fun to be around, but you’ve made my life so much better just by spending time with me. Even if you’re always falling asleep on me,” she added and grinned.
You didn’t bother trying to be witty and grabbed the book instead. The title surprised you.
“Selected Poems by Sappho. Why the hell would that woman give this to Manny?”
Abby shot you a questioning look. “Why not?”
“Abby, Sappho is the OG lesbian. All her poems are just about yearning for the touch of a lady lover.”
“Oh.” Now it was the wolf’s turn to blush. “I had no idea.”
Sitting up, you turned so you could lean your back against the wall. You tapped on the bed right next to you.
“Come on, Abs. Let me tell you about Sappho, then.”
Hesitating only for a brief moment, Abby took off her boots and scooted closer to you.
You spent the next hour reading her poems and telling her stories about women and romance in Ancient Greece. The blonde listened attentively, asking a few questions here and there. After a while, you felt your eyelids growing heavier and your concentration dwindling, as much as you tried to keep it together.
Abby gently laid a hand on your knee.
“You tired, babe?”
Your head flew around and you stared at her; had you heard that right? Abby gave you a shy smile.
“I can try to read some of these to you until you fall asleep. Only if you want me to, of course.” She shook her head as if trying to get rid of a thought. “I should just go. You need to get some rest.”
Before she could get up, you had already placed your hand on her underarm.
“I’d like that. I’m sorry for just drifting off like that all the time, it’s got nothing to do with you.”
She cocked her head. “Don’t apologize for that. No one can just change the way they feel.”
You slid underneath the blanket and, following an impulse, rested your head on Abby’s thigh. You could feel the heat underneath the fabric and her muscles twitched involuntarily as the wolf took a deep breath and opened up the book again.
deathless aphrodite of the many colored throne,
daughter of zeus, weaver of spells, I entreat you.
do not with grief and anguish
tame my heart.
Drifting away into that wonderful state between waking and dreaming, you let the words of Sappho, spoken by the soft voice of your most trusted friend, the woman who took care of you and listened to you, the wolf that was tame only for you, sink in.
Do not with grief and anguish / tame my heart.
There were so many things in this world that made life harder and turned people bitter. You would not be one of them. You would not tame your heart. You would let it speak freely, you would let it burn for the woman cradling your head and protecting you from anything the world could throw at you. Tomorrow you would tell her. Tomorrow.
stars around the beautiful moon
hide back their luminous form
whenever all full she shines
on the earth
All your life, you had felt connected to the moon. Its unwavering beauty, its consistent waning away and returning in full shine, it had always assured you that no matter how bad things got, they would turn around for the better. It would be okay. You would be okay, more than okay with Abby by your side.
let me know what you thought (especially if you requested this!)
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 years ago
Batboys with Ambitious S/O HC:
Dick Grayson:
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·      He met you one day while you were on the phone rushing to a meeting
·      Neither of you were paying attention
·      You bumped into each other and after apologizing and exchanging names cause both of you were both immediately like “hot damn” lol
·      Once you were finally out of your meeting, you saw that he had given you his number
·      It was dropped in his bag
·      Like Jesus you needed that trick with business cards or something
·      You texted him a few days later and he asked you out for a coffee
·      That was when he realized who he was dating
·      Your schedule was FULL and he understood that but like wow girl
·      Once you guys started dating he realized how dedicated you were with work
·      Was lo-key worried that you’d replace him with more work
·      You promised him, and yourself that you couldn’t do that
·      He’s really supportive
·      He is also always telling you to go tf to sleep
·      Doesn’t want you to end up like Bruce or Tim in that sense
·      Always there for moral support
·      Basically, like your personal cheerleader
·      The best person to go to when you get good news or even bad news but like
·      He goes nuts when you finally get where you’re going
·      Over all, a very supportive mother hen type, 10/10
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·      You guys had known each other before he died and were taken in together by Bruce
·      Needless to say, when Bruce found you and Jason, he had one wheel and you had the other
·      You guys had a great bond and he always knew you as the dreamer kind that always wanted more
·      You were so exciting to start school actually
·      You saw it as a step forward
·      Bruce knew about what you wanted to do because Jason would always talk about it
·      “Yeah Y/N wants to do *rambles for an hour*.”
·      Bruce wants the best for you and so he lets you do some more schooling first and then BOOM business is booming baby
·      Well sort of
·      I mean it obviously took a bit and then Jason died and that slowed things a TON
·      When Jay came back though, you were at the top
·      You hadn’t totally moved on from him at all and when he came back you were a mess for a few reasons
·      Took a vacation with him when schedule permitted
·      He doesn’t technically make you go to sleep
·      He just greatly encourages it
·      He is aggressively supportive
·      “Hell yeah Y/N, that’s my Gf/bf kicking the competition’s ass!”
·      “Jason, this is a formal event, don’t say that!”
·      “Sorry babe.”
·      You two are moved in together pretty much the moment he’s back
·      You two were best friends and always will be so yeah that was simple
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·      You wanted to make it big in the music industry
·      You’d come from a terrible position too
·      Grew up in Chicago with a very powerful family who was killed and went into an orphanage due to the mob
·      The moment you got out, you were making music
·      Good music too
·      You sky rocketed to the top of the charts
·      That’s when you started dating someone, got your heart broken and made a sad album and then after that a very independent kind of marching to the beat of your own drum album
·      He met you on the tour of that
·      You were his favorite singer and he related to you a lot
·      Met him as Red Robin when your hotel room got robbed in Gotham
·      He went to the next show to make sure you didn’t die or whatever and caught the bad guy sneaking on stage before taking him out
·      He got your number for that
·      After that you guys started dating and quickly you knew who Tim was
·      That’s when socials went W I L D when you posted a picture kissing his cheek
·      You dropped an album called “Lovely Little Mess” about catching feelings and whether or not it was a good thing or not
·      He goes to the studio with you and you have an apartment together
·      You’re both up late working whether it be you writing or planning out things
·      He helps pick album covers sometimes if you’re really stuck
·      Listening to new songs
·      He isn’t good with tour outfits or putting songs onto albums because he loves them all
·      Doing interviews together or always waiting for the other to get out of interviews
·      omg the pap LOSES it when you two go to events together
·      Actually, everyone loses it so yeah 🤷‍♀️
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·      You were class president of the grade you two were in at the time
·      You were the first student he met at Gotham Academy that he didn’t hate up front even if you didn’t catch that
·      You had to show him around the school
·      Came with curly, half up, half down hair, uniform pressed, and basically stood like a president or queen
·      He really expected you to be a pretentious snob but you were everything but
·      He noticed that even if you hated someone, you were still nice if they could give you a step up or anything really
·      “So, what else do you do L/N?” He asked as you two walked down one of the hallways when you were showing him around
·      “I’m not really a sports person, I have my own business about to start right now though.”
·      *shook*
·      “And are you class president because you want to be or is this also a step up?”
·      “You ask a lot of questions Wayne.” You laughed, “Actually I do like this position but it also helps me get more opportunities at GA. Even when other colleges come around, they like to look at the class officers.”
·      He started making sure he was outside when you would go on morning bike rides since you live in the same neighborhood that he does
·      Or close enough to bike at least
·      I mean, you saw that every successful business person has a good schedule so now you hold yourself to that especially during summer
·      Bike ride before 9 am, cold shower, breakfast, some reading for school, any summer school work if you get any, and basically just having a good day (This applies except for weekends)
·      He got to know you more and more and fell hard
·      You were the dreamer type and it was beautiful
·      You had this look in your eyes every time you’d talk about something you wanted
·      Genuine rare person and he loved that
·      You guys stay up late together but he does eventually make you go to sleep
·      Gets worried when you don’t
·      He thinks it’s incredible, the things you do on top of a busy as hell high school life
·      He likes to show that off about you a lot
·      “My beloved is class president, president of 4 different clubs, runs her own businesses, and she is an over -all genius and will probably take over the world.”
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·      Is very proud of you and tells you often
·      Basically, that very supportive best friend
·      He’s someone that you can just go to whenever you’re stressed or just need a quick break
·      Will always make sure that you’re okay even if it’s just ranting about work
·      Goes to everything with you
·      He also lets you network at galas and stuff and is there for moral support cause that crap gets annoying
·      Talks about you 24/7
·      If you two are working late, I stand by this that he’s either playing Lofi, Khalid, or just chill vibey music
·      He is overall the perfect breath of fresh air from everything that goes on in work life and just life in general
·      Whenever something works out you guys go to a cool coffee shop and celebrate
·      Or a date somewhere
·      He’s also always putting notes or music recommendations in your bag so you find them when you go to work
·      “I noticed you seemed nervous so listen to *song* today when you can.”
·      It’s always the perfect song btw
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·      Both of you are very smart and ambitious
·      You two are probably running something together
·      Both working late
·      Very competent people
·      Put together lives
·      Best planners
·      Everything
·      It’s couple goals whenever you’re around each other
·      Even when you’re not tbh
·      He loves that you’re a hard worker and are always aiming for the top like he is
·      Very supportive
·      You have a very mature but youthful relationship
·      I don’t think he could be with someone that was really lazy and didn’t do anything at all
·      You’re perfect
·      Probably planning to propose already
·      He just knows you’re the one
·      He introduces you to the Batfam after a while and his father approves of the relationship which is amazing
·      Tag team couple
·      If one of you is down the other automatically goes into pick up mode
·      It’s really nice just to have someone to help you bounce out if you burn out
·      He totally won’t judge you when it happens or you just want a break from running full speed
·      He totally gets it
I hope you guys are having a great day and have had a great week! I stayed up wayyyy to late last night but I was watching a Yale lecture, doing my wall stuff, and then I got an entrepreneur toolbox from Dave Ramsay and I was really excited to get into it so that happened. I’m also so ready to be off my woman issue time so that I can go on a bike riddeee. I miss being outside but I’ll probably go tomorrow, we’ll see. Anyways, I hope you’re all doing great
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mayraki · 5 years ago
“You are my secret”
Emily Prentiss x reader
the lovely @itsarayofsunshine requested: i have to tell u you’re writing is so good! i have an interesting (at least i think it is) emily x reader request. since we know, emily’s character was supposed to be lesbian, i would love a fic where she has a secret gf, who is an agent, but like maybe she works in a different unit than them (?), but shes afraid to tell the team, bc she fears that they would judge her. but one day reid finds them making out in her office or something.
note: I hope you like it! ✨
“Why can’t I say that I’m in love? I wanna shout it from the rooftops.”
You opened your eyes when the alarm you had on your side table started to make that terrible noise you always hated. You turned it off and felt an arm wrapped around your waist. You gently turned your body to the other side and the beautiful face of your girlfriend Emily was in front of you.
“Good morning.” She said almost in a whisper.
“Good morning.” You got closer and kissed her forehead. “Do you want breakfast?”
“Mhm.” She said complaining “You know I don’t have time, I have to be there earlier.”
You sighed and nodded “Sorry, I forgot.” She smiled and gave you a little kiss before getting up. You watched her go to the bathroom of your room and gave her a wink before she closed the door.
You got up and grabbed the shirt that was on the floor next to your bed, and you smiled remembering the night before.
“C’mon, at least tell me you have time for a cup of coffee.” You said when you watched her get into the kitchen while you were making your breakfast.
She looked down to her watch on her wrist and slowly moved her head telling you ‘no’ almost in a whisper.
“Ok, I’ll see you in the office then.” She stopped and looked at you with a serious face. “Right, you don’t like it when I visit you. Noted. See you tonight.” You took a sip of your coffee and Emily noticed in your tone that you weren’t alright with the situation.
“Y/n...” she said but when she was about to get close to you, you stopped her.
“Don’t profile me, Em.” You gave her a little smile “It’s alright, I understand. Now go, you’re going to be late.” You took a sip of you coffee and turned on your computer to finish a report you had.
You heard the door closed and sighed. No, you weren’t alright. You wanted to be able to go and hug your girlfriend when you two were free, you wanted to wait for her when the shift was over and go to dinner together. You wanted to wait for her at the airport when she came back from doing a case. You didn’t want to hide it anymore.
You walked inside your office and the noise of phones ringing came into your ears.
“Hey, y/ln, I need the file of the last case. Can you go to the third floor and get it for me?” Your boss asked and you nodded.
You went to the lift and pressed the bottom of the third floor. As it started to move, the lift stopped immediately on the floor ‘2’. The doors opened and the face of your girlfriend and her coworker appeared in front of you.
You smiled at them and Spencer gave it back, but you noticed that Emily was a little bit tense. They entered the lift and they continued talking about a case they were working on.
The number ‘3’ appeared on the lift’s screen and as soon as the door opened you started walking towards the file room.
The memory of her telling you to stop visiting her at her office appeared on your mind. You felt kinda hurt, like she was embarrassed to be your girlfriend.
You opened the door and a million of boxes with files inside of them were in front of you. You sighed and prepared yourself for the long search.
Twenty minutes passed but it felt like hours. Looking for files were not your favourite thing about your job, and it wasn’t what you did, but the fact that your boss was lazy enough to not go and look for the thing he needed.
You heard the door open making you jump from the scare and dropped the file you had on your hand.
“Sorry!” Emily said and helped your pick up the thousands of papers now on the floor. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s ok, I was very focused on the file and didn’t expect it.” You said with a smile putting the file back into the box “What are you doing here anyway?”
“I wanted to see you.” She said getting closer to you and gently touching your arm but you moved it slowly away from her.
“I can’t do this.” You said.
“Do what?”
“This. Hide it. Hide the relationship. It doesn’t feel right. It makes me feel like you’re embarrassed of being with me.”
“What? No! I’m not embarrassed.”
“Then why do you wanna hide it?” You said and felt a little bit on anger inside of you.
“I don’t know.” She said trying to look for a answer.
“You do, Emily, you do. And unless you want to work it out I can’t...” you started to walk towards the door forgeting completely about the file you needed to find.
“Wait!” Emily stopped you by grabbing your arm gently and pulling you closer to her. “You’re right. I do know. I’m not as accepting as you are, this... is new for me. I’ve never been in a relationship so serious. And never with a woman. And... I don’t know, my family is not very ‘modern’ as you already noticed. And I’ve never talked about this with my coworkers.”
You sighed “I know. And I know how that feels, but if they can’t see that this makes you happy, they are not the right people to be around anymore.”
“I’m scared. I’m scared that they are going to judge me. They are like my family, what if they treat me differently?”
“C’mon, that’s not the Emily that I know, the one who doesn’t give a damn about what people think of her.” You said with a smile and she give you a little one.
“I’m sorry.”
“No... I’m sorry. I should be the one who understands you. I have to put my feelings aside and help you.”
“But you shouldn’t put your feelings aside, it’s not making you happy.”
“If I can spend the rest of my days with you, I’m happy.” She smiled and you gave her a hug. “You should say it when you’re ready.”
“I am” she said after a couple of seconds. “You’re right, what if they think is wrong? It doesn’t matter, I am in love. And I want to shout it.” You smiled at her words.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
She got closer so your lips would meet and felt the desire you had of her since this morning, you wanted to be with her. You needed to. The rest didn’t matter.
She touched your waist and felt the kiss get more heated. Your tongue want to joined hers and you grabbed her cheek with your left hand.
“Sorry!” Emily’s coworker, Spencer, said quickly once he opened the door. You two separated like your life’s depended on it and heard the door close.
You stayed there in silent keeping you from going into laughter because you noticed that Emily was still shook about what just happened.
“I think the conversation about our relationship is going to be more soon that you thought.” You let out a little smile and she laughed.
“I think so.” She nodded going after Spencer.
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tackyink · 3 years ago
So, uh. It's 3 am and I have come after reading the rest of Anomaly in one sitting. So ideas are not ordered at all
I am tearing uppp ;-; idk where to begin,, just everything was so right aaaa
I really liked Mako's character development and the relationships with other characters :)) Kurama was obvious, but it didn't make it worse in any way, I am very soft for the two. Yusuke is another obvious, but by far my favourite platonic dynamic, more so at the last chapters (I will get onto those in another paragraph) they tease the hell of each other, share hardships and are there for each other in happy moments too,, I really really loved their interactions! As for Hiei, not too much of mushy things (obviously, but I really liked how low-key was their friendship(? acquaintance (?? they are in the middle of the two words, enough to have Hiei on character). The one I didn't expect was the Kuwabara-Makoto friendship? Like, I read how they were awkward in Shiori's wedding (queen) but I feel it was really natural, like when you are at the beginning of a friendship and still don't know how to make conversation,, and the next chapters only enforced that :)) it made me very happy somehow!
As for the girls, I have a lot of things to say! They were so funny in the DT arc and you captured their character so well during and after it, I felt it was impossible for Makoto to stay away completely. I feel that if they were real they would be the type of people who just suck others into their orbit without being overbearing, and they made such a nice mix! Of course with their differences and not too close (like Fumi and Mako, for example!) but just enough to feel good while reading their interactions ♡
About Fumi's decision to swore off men, you go girl it's best choice lmao and for Chizuru, damn jealous
The last two chapters were too much for my poor heart, it was beating like crazy while I was laughing. Chapter 25 is such a Mess™ (plot-like I mean, poor Mako can't have a rest) and it was in tune with the anime/manga Mess™ also accidental marriage proposal + accidental confession? Sign me up. The chapter I enjoyed the most by far and that is saying a lot because there isn't a single chapter I haven't enjoyed. But that sweet scene between Mako and Kurama when he appears in chapter 26 and the proposal to go to Makai together? That made me mush and melt in my bed. Repeatedly. I have not simped so hard for a pairing like them.
Honorable mentions: 1. Mako being petty as hell is my new religion and I shall follow through. The fox plushy. I will never forget. Also, reminding your half-boyfriend he stood you up/making puns about stolen things AND nagging him because he cannot end a fight without needing a hospital? True gf material/j
2. The part when mako went to Kyoto again & the encounter with the fox demon and the will-o-wisp is one of my favorite scenes too. I don't know why, it just is.
3. I live for Doraemon crumbs. I love the cat.
I don't think I have anymore to say for now JAJAJA if I remember anything I will come back, but for now I will go cry into my bed because there isn't more Mako&Kurama-- /hj
Once again, best wishes (>︿<。)♡
I woke up in the middle of the night, saw this at 4 AM and proceeded to fall unconscious again.
Writing Kurama’s relationship with Mako was fun because there’s this person in a very similar situation to him but with a ridiculous age gap and a totally different outlook on life, and I like that what sparked the whole thing was that both thought that the other was really fucking weird and they wanted to know more. I seriously didn’t know how the thing was going to pan out. I feel like Anomaly wrote itself and the characters held the wheel the whole time. As I said, same applies to Yusuke. I thought Mako would dismiss him as an idiot and he’d avoid her because of her personality, but Yusuke’s such an open person and Mako’s so unused to not being judged that they just. Clicked. (This is canon btw: after Anomaly, Yusuke’s roping Mako into helping with his Spirit Detective-lite cases in exchange for ramen. He did it at first when he was stumped and Kurama wasn’t available, but now he does it whenever he feels like it because he relishes in knowing he has the power to summon her from the mountains. She complains all the time but goes anyway.) I was a little sad that in the end Hiei didn’t show up much in the fic because he didn’t cross paths with Mako many times. I think they have this sort of distant respect for one another and they’re like, this is not the first nor second person I would go to for help, but if shit hits the fan the other’s going to be there and that’s what matters. Hiei’s opinion of Makoto hinged on Kurama’s (“I respect this guy and he seems to respect her”) and Yukina’s (“they get along”) own impression of her. Yes to the observation about her and Kuwabara! They’re still learning how to talk to each other. But they’re trying! Look at them fumbling their way through a social situation!
Makoto was a fool for even thinking she could escape the grasp of the other girls. She’s one of them now, whether she likes it or not, and I like how clear that was when she was all worried about Yusuke possibly dying again and asked Atsuko for a hug, and Atsuko just jumped at the opportunity. This is her kid too. She didn’t know what to do with the first kid, much less a second, but she’s going to take her anyway.
Fumi/Shizuru is the true power couple of the fic and it happens in the background because otherwise they’d take over the story.
I was so unsure about those extra chapters. I’m always afraid to touch Anomaly because I think I finished it the best way possible and I’m terrified of messing it up by adding more to it. I wish I had the drive right now to work on the sequel(s) and other extra chapters I had in mind, but for now and as long I’m lost in the Grand Line, I’m satisfied that you find it satisfying. <3
1. Hey, Kurama’s a little shit, so if he can dish it, he can take it. This is a balanced relationship.
2. I loved writing that part! Everything is told from Makoto’s perspective, but this was purely her part of the story, not Yusuke’s, and it shows in the general feel of the chapter. I don’t know how to say it, but it’s very Mako? She has a way to look at creepy and make it feel natural instead of scary.
3. Look. Mako picks up on other people’s thoughts and feelings, not hers. This cat loves her so much that little Mako got a vision from him before they met, that's why she knew where to find him. He trips her all the time but that's because he's a tsundere. Can’t let her go soft.
Thank you so much for your messages, you’ve made my day again. (*’∀’人)♥ Take care!!
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nyanzaya · 4 years ago
Ok so I had a REALLY weird dream recently so I’ll send this first ask as like the set up because it’s rlly long. 1/2?
(This involves Neko!Izaya so I thought you’d like to hear about it first) So background information first; for some reason I’m like “piloting” Izayas body. I’m making his decisions sort of??? I only found out when I walked past a mirror and everyone kept referring to me as Izaya (Prolly because I lined him back in middle school lol) and the fact that the other characters CLEARLY did not like the fact that I was still breathing. There’s a lot to unpack so I’m gonna be formatting this in a bulletin point way that’s in chronological order.
- So Izaya and a BUNCH of other DRRR!!characters are staying in this weird group of cabins in the shape of an upside down U, with a road heading into town. Starts off as a dirt/gravel road that goes into pavement. You know the ones.
- So Izaya/I am staying in this cabin building at the very end of the U on the left side. (Since this U kinda warps around the road into town) Across the road is one of the main “Bathrooms”. It’s got the showers while each cabin has like one of its own bathrooms. (This has meaning I promise)
- Within the cabin Izaya/I am staying in there’s at least three rooms. Shinra was in the next door over, while Shingen was in the room at the end of the hall. I saw him go back there once and never saw him a again for the duration of the dream. (So we’ll just call this the Kishitani cabin)
- The bathrooms across the road from The Kishitani cabin is shared with the neighboring cabin. The neighboring cabin was MUCH bigger but also had more people in it. So there was two to a room there, while in The Kishitani cabin we each got our own room. (Which when I first found this out the first thing that came to mind was “what a bunch of losers” lol)
- Shizuo Heiwajima was a resident in the neighboring cabin. Which means we have to share a bathroom w/ him :) (this is actually very unfortunate later on) His cabin contains the Van Gang (didn’t see a lot of them only glimpses), as well as Namie, her brother, and his gf Mika. I had a feeling that Namie was supposed to be staying in the Kishitani cabin, but left because,,,,, brother,,, ig)
- Nobody knows about Neko!Izaya yet, only Shinra and Shingen. And Izaya is hiding as a human VERY well (for now). We get kinda Fucked Up™️ later on too.
A finishing side note for now is that the weather outside is fucking FREEZING. There’s snow and ice slush everywhere, and the air is that really dry cold that burns your nose and lungs when you breathe. There would also be these gusts of really cold wind that would freeze the sides of the pine trees, so there wasn’t snow on TOP of them bist there was snow plastered to the SIDE of them. So right now we’re stuck in cold winter hellscape. Also I don’t know where Celty is, but Shinra had left to “go handle something” or whatever so he was gone for a good portion of time too.
Part 2/4? (This is way longer than expected.)
Mornings sucked because if you left the cabin you would almost definitely start freezing to death. Considering that, We just poked around our room for a bit and found nothing of interest. So it’s around midday now which means that the sun is out in full force and the outside is somewhat bearable, so why not go exploring right?? It can’t possibly lead to something catastrophic that would eventually put us at the brink of death.
- First place we go is to the “Bathrooms” across the little dirt road. As soon as we step through the door you just KNOW that Shizuo had been there previously and he was Mad™️. There was glass all over the floor from one of the broken shower doors, and it looked like someone did a very half asses job at cleaning up said glass.
- Enter: Namie. She apparently had the same idea and was wandering through the showers section of the Bathrooms as well, she had at least one other girl with her but I don’t remember who it was. Namie was also “talking” to me but it was more of just her trying to bicker. Clearly not liking that we had the same idea. So I eventually leave and go back to my cabin. I just remember wanting to avoid the other characters, because avoiding them meant avoiding unwanted conflict.
- I want to say this is the first night in this cabin, but at the same time it was like this had been playing out long before my weird dream had even started. So this is probably like the third or fourth night, and we were clearly avoiding a conflict that I was not present for.
- Middle of the night We hear thumping from down the hallway that works it’s way to my bedroom door. I initially think it’s Shinra walking around but that thought is quickly snuffed out.
- The man who opened the bedroom door was tall as hell and was clearly here for us. The man is having a hard time holding himself together, literally. Eventually his human persona wears off and we’re left having a showdown between us and this man made of GLASS. And this glass is SHARP. While trying to fight off the faceless glass demon/general asshole we “die”, he got the better of us and stabs us through the hand and a few other places. I just remember the hand being the most memorable. Close quarters combat with him is not the way to play this.
- We come to about a kilometer out from the U of cabins, at night, in the freezing cold, buried in the snow like a shallow grave, and still bleeding. Between the gusts of wind you could hear something moving around, and so we knew we had to get back inside STAT.
- Now at this point in time there was no need to keep up the human disguise, so we just didn’t. Enter: Neko!Izaya
Part ¾
We get back to the cabin and the room is a disaster. The bed is skewed and the suitcase of stuff I had is nowhere to be seen. The floorboards are cracked too, and we can see something shining under them.
- We pull back the floorboards, or at least what’s left of them, and pull up a giant steel box. In said box was a pair of thick leather gloves, with sharp nails on the end, a note, and a small map of the region we were in. On the small map was several other little squares which I assumed would be more boxes like the one we just found. (The gloves also helped keep our hands from freezing up which was nice)
- The front door and our bedroom door were broken and would no longer lock so there was no point in staying. No one else seemed to be around either so we just assumed that we were in this alone and needed to kill this thing before it killed us, and maybe someone else. (I also think Izayas sisters were there at the cabins, because I remember that being a pretty motivating factor.)
- After a lot of running we come across some buildings and fences, which looked like a Zoo. Zoos need caretakers, and caretakers were people, and people meant help. So we get onto one of the main roads of the “Zoo” and immediately something is wrong.
- Dawn is breaking and there is still no one in sight. On top of that none of the animals look right. Everything was very much uncanny valley. None of the animals looked like animals, and they were all hyper aggressive. Even the ones that seemed like they were supposed to be harmless.
- So far there seems to be no signs of people, but the farther back we get to the more restricted looking areas, the more signs of human life. There’s crates and Jeep’s, and we even found someone working on a computer in a big open tent. Although when we approached her, she didn’t really respond.
- So we leave again and follow a road into town. Once the town was in sight (think old European style town), the glass man was back chasing us in full force. And it seemed that as long as he was being touched by direct sunlight, he would appear as human.
- Getting to the town and there are people EVERYWHERE. Townspeople walking in and out of shops, driving down the road, and just going about their business in general. It was comforting but also concerning considering that we were still being chased but this glass man who for some reason is targeting us.
Part 4/4 (another long part)
I figured that if I could lose him within the town then I should be home free. Unfortunately wherever I managed to parkour to, he would already be waiting nearby. And If we stopped moving then we’d get attacked again.
- He would make snide comments every time he would cut us off within the town, although after the first few times I stopped listening to what he was saying, and I think this might have pissed him off.
- Eventually we had gotten into this other building which was definitely upper class or something, if you were to judge it by the decor and the sheer size of it. One of the hallway walls had a HUGE painting of this Neko mother surrounded by her little kids. The painting was clearly very old, and I wasn’t expecting to see anything like that.
- In this house we found three more of those Steel boxes. One with a black trench coat lined with wool, and there was a picture of another Neko in the box that was wearing the same coat. On the picture it said something along the lines of “to whoever receives this coat, let it warm and shield you from the night”, something weird like that. Each box that had something in it also had a picture too. Which was interesting, since each time it was always of a different Neko. Anyway I got like some sort of undercoat and I think a thicker pair of pants.
- Obviously we had been found again and were forced to flee to the edge of town. There was a old rickety building that we ran into, and were then cornered in.
- At this point we had to fight him, and as it turns out as long as he is taking human form (in direct sunlight via the giant skylight in the main room) you could do a lot of damage to him. I didn’t want to get too close to him do at one point I had taken an old coffee table and hit him w that, since it wasn’t that heavy.
- The gloves were helpful when we had to use the nails and dig under the guys false skin to tear some of the glass out. The less glass chunks he had in him, the less mass he had and the less damage he could do.
- Once we had whittled him down to almost a skeleton of what he was before, we reached into where his face used to be and pulled out the one piece of glass that wasn’t the same as the others. It was 100% clear and had this weird glittery purple and orange in the middle of it.
- While trying to leave the building we ran into this old man who I guess was working in a facility below the building, who was coming up to see what the commotion was about. He also took the weird glass/rock from us
- That’s how we found out that those weird looking rocks had come down in a meteor shower a few months ago, and that you’re not supposed to put them inside of your house. This is apparently because he cold of the outside keeps them sedated almost. So when you bring them inside they’ll latch on to any sort of free floating objects to create a body for themselves. Which is why when someone put it in the main bathroom where all of the broken glass was, it was able it create a much stronger body.
- Afterwards he, or someone else, had given me a ride to just outside of the cabins we were staying in. It was starting to get dark but it wasn’t getting colder yet, so everyone seemed to be out and about. I saw Kyohei walking back to his cabin so I ran up to him and grabbed him to tell him not to let anyone touch anything outside, and to especially not bring anything else inside. Which I probably sounded crazy but he just went with it.
- During that time I got to talk to the other characters, only for a little bit though. I tried talking to Shizuo but every time I did he would clam up and ignore me. Which fair enough I guess, since very few people got along with me and I had disappeared for the past 24 hours.
- Afterwards it had started to hail, and that was around the time I decided to leave the camp and try and go home. Just to get anywhere else but there. When it stopped I took one of the trucks and drove until I reached a highway, which was very far out. When I went to merge though, the on ramp wasn’t connected to the actual highway. It was like it was never completed and there was a drop off straight down into a canyon. I just sat there in the truck for a bit and watched the other cars driving back and forth across the bridge over the canyon.
- The ramp was only one lane so I and to reverse all the way back to the road, and then back to the 7/11 I had previously passed, so hopefully I could make a phone call to get out of there. Though the dream ended before we got the chance to do that.
I’m sure that there is a lot missing considering that it’s rare for me to remember dreams in the first place. I’m also sure that Shingen had something to do with us being in that location during that time of year. But I hope you found some entertainment in this weird dream that will probably haunt me for a while. Love your blog btw and I hope you keep posting!
I’m in the middle of traveling right now! But omf thank you for sharing this I cry,,, also sorry everyone I don’t know how to make a read more on mobile 😭
This is actually a super interesting dream I wonder what it means tbh LOL what has me is the Neko part I weep softly. This kind of explains why my muse for Iza(Neko!izaya) has been a little low, like it felt like he wasn’t “with me” if that makes sense!
The coat and the pictures I’m hhrhrh…. It’s super funny to me because it kind of falls in line for Iza’s mom and her kits with that picture of a mother Neko and her kids because that was all I could think of but still! This is such a sweet story in a exploratorive way and a interesting lore perspective because those pictures and items were left there by someone for a reason but we have no idea who 👀
Then how you/izaya is trapped there?? I need the part of the dream where we know why and who LOL but tbh maybe Shigen did have something to do with it 👀 damn nebula and their mysteriousness
Ty again for sharing this with me 😭 it really helped and I enjoyed! I have like,,,mild travel anxiety and this made me feel better💕 for the posting part,,,I will try jdhdjs i have to get back to the Iza/Zuo content but I been ensnared in Genshin Impact and FE: Heros and I’m stuck on Link Click LOL but, I hope to post more about drrr/hybrid verse/Iza+Zuo content!
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maybeebeee · 5 years ago
The Instance of the Curry Cup
Hi! I haven’t written and posted something in quite a while, but Pokemon SWSH has absolutely consumed my life so here’s a little thing while I’m writing a much bigger thing!
A group chat leads to a party that leads to a curry cooking competition. Piers relentlessly teases Gloria for having a crush on Hop. Hop has a crisis. Just another day in the life of some of Galar's most prominent figures.
As a note for the group chat section of this fic, here are the nicknames to note which characters are who!
Hippity Hop = Hop Eat Sand = Raihan Champion Time Snr = Leon Croon Toondra = Gloria Mermaid = Nessa Big Tiddy Goth GF = Piers Flame Dad(dy) = Kabu Wooloolooloo = Milo Kung Fu Fighting = Bea Rocky Horror = Gordie Baby Goth = Marnie
Rated G, some mild language use | Hop, Gloria, and the other rivals are around 15/16 | Read on AO3 or under the cut!
It had all started with a group chat.
Not long after becoming Champion, Gloria had been added to the gym leader group chat. Leon, Piers, and Opal were still in it and she had learned quickly that Piers, Gordie, and Raihan were the instigators of most of the chaos in that chat. Marnie seemed to encourage her brother a little too much on that front, but overall it was fairly controlled chaos.
Then the second group chat came about.
Raihan had started it, mainly to avoid Melony’s constant reminders to be aware of the language being used with Allister around on the other chat. Subsequently, neither Melony nor Allister were on the new chat.
Nearly everyone else was, though, besides Opal. Even Hop and Sonia had been added, given that it was more of an open chat than the “official” gym leader one. Given that combination, however, it was far more of an ordeal to try and deal with that group, and with Piers and Raihan apparently never sleeping at all, it felt like Gloria’s Rotomphone was constantly buzzing with notifications at even the most insane hours of the night.
It had been just over a year since she’d won the Champion Cup, and Gloria now found herself standing in the kitchen of Leon’s sizable flat in Wyndon, surrounded by the physical embodiment of the most ridiculous parts of that second group chat.
Raihan had suggested the party-but-not a few weeks back, and after a fair bit of negotiating schedules, it had been decided that tonight was the best night to do it, so here they all were. Gloria was glad for the reprieve from her neverending Champion duties, and she’d been absolutely over the moon to see Hop again after what seemed like forever.
And now here she was, knocking elbows with her rival-slash-best friend as they and a bunch of their partially tipsy adult friends battled it out in what had been dubbed the Curry Cup by whoever had suggested the stupid idea in the first place. Probably Raihan.
“Two minutes left!” Slurred Sonia from across the bench. She was just about completely relying on Nessa to stay on her feet at this point, yet somehow still had it in her to decide how much longer those of them competing could cook for. Coming to these gatherings had certainly been an eye-opening experience for Gloria, seeing so many of the most well-known figures in Galar coming together and getting completely sauced for the hell of it.
“You said ten minutes literally thirty seconds ago!” Hop whined, haphazardly throwing in some extra ingredients to finish off his curry when Sonia simply waved him off. Gloria wondered how much of Sonia’s hangover her friend would have to deal with at the lab in the morning, or if the young professor simply wouldn’t show up at all.
It certainly wasn’t two minutes before all of the participants were ushered away from their curries, but Hop still seemed quite confident with his final product. Gloria couldn’t say the same for her own, especially being so used to taking her time with cooking when she camped out with her Pokemon. Not that she had much time to do that anymore, really.
“Sorry to say, but I’m definitely crushing you in this competition, mate, I can just feel it!” Hop said as he slung a friendly arm around Gloria’s shoulders, watching intently as Sonia, Nessa, and Bea walked along the row of curries on the bench to judge them all. Gloria tried to ignore how warm her face was suddenly feeling, but the look she got from Piers told her she wasn’t doing a great job at hiding it.
Damn her own big mouth for blabbing to him about her crush on Hop, the one time she couldn’t sleep and happened to be awake at three in the morning, with Piers being the only one she could think to message at that hour. It had been a good conversation, actually, but still.
Every time she’d seen him since then, it seemed like he was teasing her about Hop. Even directly in front of Hop. It was constant, but Piers claimed it was because Marnie didn’t get crushes on people, so he was using her as a stand-in when it came to teasing about that kind of thing.
Ignoring the ex-gym leader’s very obvious silent mocking, Gloria turned her attention back to Hop and lightly elbowed him in the side before wrapping her own arm around him in return. “As if,” She laughed, “Who’s the undefeated champion in this room? I’ve got this in the bag.”
As it turned out, neither of them were destined to be crowned the Curry Cup Champion, and the competition ultimately went to Leon. Hop decided that it was all rigged because the judges weren’t sober, and had wandered back into the living room with a dramatic huff as most of the other guests went to congratulate his brother.
Piers seemed to take the opportunity to suddenly appear next to Gloria with a ridiculously smug look on his face. “Seems you’re ‘aving fun. Said anything to ‘im yet?”
She folded her arms and pouted crossly. “No. Cannae say anythin’ with you nearby anyway, you’re such a pest.”
Piers scoffed. “Please. I’m doing the both of you a favour, bruv, since ‘e won’t say it and neither will you. The two’ve you are gonna go crazy if this keeps up. I’m gonna go crazy if I ‘ave to watch you idiots keep dancin’ around each other for the rest of time!”
“Shut up, he’s obviously not got anythin’ to say on the topic. Do ye know how much he talks? Surely he’d have said something by now if there was somethin’ to say.”
“Do you ‘ave any idea how much he talks to me? ‘E always messages me at times kids your age shouldn’t be up, sayin’ how he doesn’t want to bother you but can’t sleep and keeps thinkin’ about you so ‘e decided to message me and blah blah blah. Please just tell ‘im so that he actually messages you when he’s thinkin’ about you, there’s only so much more of his sappy shit I can take.” Piers practically begged, seeming like he was mere seconds away from pulling out his phone to show her the evidence. Gloria didn’t doubt that Hop had messaged him plenty, but she still wasn’t convinced that he reciprocated her feelings, even though she knew she had no reason not to believe Piers.
Still, she pulled up the collar of her cardigan to try and hide the bright blush on her face at the thought of Hop being all sappy about her. The question still remained, though, “Why doesn’t he just tell me that himself? Not like he hasn’t messaged me at four AM before sayin’ he misses me or whatever. Gotta say I’ve done the same, prob’ly more sappy than him too.”
Piers gave a dramatic sigh and turned back towards the kitchen. “I need another drink. You’re ‘opeless, the both of you.”
Gloria let out a huff of her own, but decided now would be a good time to retreat after her rival, hoping that maybe now they could actually catch up a bit more now that she’d gotten Piers off her back and everyone else was still preoccupied in the kitchen. Only, she got to the living room and found Marnie and Bede, with no Hop in sight. The other two weren’t sure where he’d gone, only giving a vague direction to “outside.”
With that clue in mind, Gloria headed for the balcony, recalling how Hop had mentioned once that he liked to stand out there and see if he could spot Postwick in the distance, past all of Wyndon’s bright lights and vast expanse of the Wild Area even further past that. It seemed like a good place to start.
True to her assumption, Hop was leaning against the railing and squinting out into the night, so she casually sidled up next to him and prodded his shoulder. “Thinkin’ about something, Hopscotch?” She questioned, a gentle teasing note in her voice.
Hop shrugged. “Nothing to worry about, mate. Just the usual.” His tone was flatter than Gloria had been expecting, so she raised an unconvinced eyebrow at him despite the fact that he wasn’t looking at her yet.
“The good usual or the anxiety usual?” The teasing was gone now, replaced with concern as she let her hand rest on Hop’s shoulder. Many late-night phone calls over the past year had made Gloria well aware of the fact that her best friend still suffered greatly from the many untruths and insecurities that his mind threw at him, even though he seemed to be doing better than he ever had before on the outside, and it was always heartbreaking to watch when he got like this.
“Stop calling me out like that.” Hop joked halfheartedly, his weak smile quickly falling back into a frown, “But really, don’t worry. Just me getting all upset over something stupid again, which is the usual.”
Gloria squeezed his shoulder. “I’ll bet my hat it’s not stupid. Is it the competition?”
He nodded sheepishly following a moment of silence, as if he knew he wasn’t getting out of this now. “It is stupid. Who gets worked up about losing some stupid curry contest that Raihan came up with anyway? It was supposed to just be some fun thing and I ruined it for myself by...by doing what I always bloody do, you know? Losing, and then getting upset about losing, and then getting upset because I know I’m never going to be number one at anything, and then beating myself up for being so stupid, and--”
“Hey.” Gloria interjected, “You’re not stupid, you hear me? Losing doesn’t make ye stupid. Being upset about things doesn’t make you stupid, and your brain lying to you about your worth doesn’t make ye stupid. You are not stupid, alright? You’re strong.” She encouraged, shifting to settle her arm properly across Hop’s shoulders and pull him closer to her side. Their height difference was making it a little harder now that he’d suddenly sprouted almost half a head taller than her since the last time they’d seen each other, but Gloria didn’t care.
Hop didn’t say anything, but leaned into her a little more, so she continued. “You wanna know a secret? You’re my number one. Always have been. So don’t go sayin’ you’re not the best at anything, because you’re the best to me.”
There was nothing but the sound of Wyndon's bustling streets below for a long moment, but suddenly Gloria was being pulled into a tight hug, with Hop's head resting atop hers. "Thanks. Really." He breathed into her hair, "For the record, you're my number one, too. Undefeated champ or not." The soft laugh he let out that time was genuine, and Gloria couldn't help the smile that came to her face in response. Never would there be another sound as sweet as Hop's laughter, she thought. 
When she finally leaned back just enough to look at Hop properly, Gloria had to take a breath to compose herself, suddenly noticing the lack of space between their faces. She hadn't intended on that happening, so she tried to ignore it, like she always tried to ignore her feelings for him. "Say, I was thinkin' about going camping in the Wild Area tonight, wanna tag along? We could make some curry together with our Pokemon, no competition allowed." That wasn't exactly the usual way one went about ignoring their feelings, but at this point she figured it didn't matter. How many times had they camped out together anyway? No big deal.
Hop beamed. "Sounds brilliant! Shall we go now?"
Gloria laughed, but was already reaching into her bag to find Flygon’s pokeball. Since becoming Champion she’d realised she needed to be extra careful about keeping her Pokemon as close to her as possible, especially given that she now had Zamazenta as a trusted member of her team. She didn’t want anything to happen to any of her dear Pokemon friends, which was why these days she always kept her bag on her, or at least within arm’s reach no matter where she was. Just in case.
Flygon let out a happy trill as it burst from its pokeball, setting down expectantly on the balcony behind Hop and Gloria as if it already knew their plan. The two young trainers quickly climbed aboard the eager Pokemon's back, and Gloria's heart began to race when Hop settled in behind her and curled his arms around her waist. We're about to take off, you daft bastard, of course he's gotta hold onto something, she reminded herself. 
“Alright, Flygon, let’s get goin’. To the Wild Area!” Gloria announced. The Pokemon didn’t hesitate to take to the sky once again, both of its passengers whooping with delight once the initial jolts and jerks had passed. Maybe a Flying Taxi would’ve been a smoother ride, but there was something so much better about trusting your own Pokemon enough to transport you safely to where you wanted to go, and it was certainly cheaper than paying to get all the way to the Motostoke side of the Wild Area from Wyndon in a Flying Taxi.
It had already been reasonably dark when they’d left Wyndon, being a little while after dinner time by then, but by the time they made it to North Lake Miloch it was well and truly night time outside. Gloria had actually started to doze off at some point when there had been a pause in conversation, and she awoke with a start as Flygon landed back on the ground. Thank goodness for Hop being able to direct Flygon as effectively as she could herself.
Still, the heat rushed back to her cheeks when she realised that she’d been leaning almost entirely back into Hop’s chest as she’d fallen asleep, but by that point she could only hope that he hadn’t taken too much notice of it. They’d fallen asleep on each other plenty of times, anyway, why should it matter now? Catching feelings was annoying.
If Hop had thought anything of it, he didn’t mention it, and the two of them went about setting up camp with as much friendly banter as usual. Gloria had a handful of berries and half a bag of mushrooms in her supplies, while Hop had some other berries to contribute as well as a few potatoes. They figured it would all mix well enough together, so they let out all of their Pokemon and set to work.
“Maybe letting twelve Pokemon have free reign of the camp wasn’t the best idea.” Hop commented when Gloria’s Flareon came up for the third time to try and taste some of the curry before it was ready. 
“I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” The Champion said coyly, gently shooing away her meddlesome Pokemon, “They’re all such angels, they’re not doing anything wrong at all.”
Hop laughed. “You’re right, it’s just Flareon. And also our Dubwools chasing each other around everywhere. And Zacian and Zamazenta looking like they’re about to murder anyone that dares get too close to the camp.”
Gloria shrugged as she fished around for a few plates to get ready for serving up. “At least they’re looking out for us. I feel better having them ‘round, just in case.” 
“Fair call.”
Not long after that, the curry was served and most of the Pokemon had been settled down by the offer of some food. Hop and Gloria sat close together by the fire that Flareon and Hop’s Cinderace were keeping an eye on, and chatted idly about this and that, all sorts of things that they’d missed in each other’s lives since the last time they were able to meet up, or even have a long conversation on the phone. 
There were neverending topics to cover. Hop being able to do research on some of his own projects now, Gloria’s latest exhibition matches, silly things they’d caught their Pokemon doing...it always felt as though they’d never missed a beat when they saw each other, like no matter where they left off they could always pick it right back up again.
“You know,” Hop said after a while, once they’d both truly lost track of time and could only guess that it was some time in the middle of the night by now. Gloria was leaning against his shoulder, with his arm casually draped around her in return as they both lay up against their Dubwools. “I really wish we got to do this more. I mean I know we’re both really busy and all now, but…” He sheepishly glanced away, “I dunno. I just miss you, mate. A lot.”
Gloria gave a gentle smile and leaned into Hop a little more. “I know the feeling. Seems like we went from seeing each other every day when we were growin’ up, to once or twice a week during our Gym Challenge, to now...what, once a month if we’re lucky? It’s stupid, I just wanna see my best friend all the time.” She sighed.
How long would it be after this time that they’d be able to spend an extended period of time together like this again? Sure, Gloria had tomorrow as well, but after that she had to head to Kalos for Arceus knew how long for all manner of exhibition matches and photoshoots and advertising campaigns. It was unfair how little time she got to spend at home anymore, she still didn’t know how Leon managed to do it for ten years straight, and from an even younger age than her, for that matter! 
Hop’s next quiet comment cut her out of her spiralling thoughts. She could’ve sworn there was a slight blush tingeing his cheeks, but it could’ve just been the firelight. “Best friend, huh?”
She quirked up a brow in surprise and sat up slightly. “Aye? Always have been, always will be, you know that. Is...something wrong?” Surely this wasn’t going where her lovestruck teenage brain was hoping it would. There was no way Hop liked her like that as well. Piers could not be right about this whole thing.
The boy in question kept his gaze trained on his lap, but Gloria felt his fingers tapping a nervous pattern on her shoulder, where he still had his arm around her. “I, um.” Hop started, rather eloquently, “I...like you. As in, like like you. And I think I have for a really long time but I just never wanted to say anything because I figured you wouldn’t like me back since we were always just best friends, but...sorry. You don’t have to like me back, I just wanted to let you know. Just in case, I guess. I’m sorry. Shouldn’t have opened my big mouth.”
Gloria could’ve sworn her heart stopped in that moment. She felt like she was acting on autopilot when she reached over to grab Hop’s free hand, only hesitating for a fraction of a second before pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek as well. His skin was soft and warm under her lips, and she felt so giddy as she drew back to look at Hop’s adorably surprised expression, his wide golden eyes and slightly parted lips. An irrational part of her mind wanted to lean in and kiss him properly, but now certainly wasn’t the right time for that.
“Of course I like you back, Hopscotch. Honestly cannae believe you didn’t notice how unsubtle Piers was being about teasin’ me literally every single opportunity he got, he’s an idiot.” Gloria laughed, giving his hand a squeeze as he seemed to still be processing what had just happened.
Hop managed to sputter out a laugh of his own a second later, pulling Gloria closer to his side and planting a little kiss of his own to her head. “Are you kidding me? I thought Piers was teasing me about it constantly. I had a three AM crisis to him months ago about it, I can’t believe it.”
Gloria snorted in her laughter, causing a few of their nearby Pokemon to look at her with concern. “I did the exact same thing. Arceus above, I really thought he was havin’ a laff when he said you were messaging him about me!”
“Serious? With the way he said it I was sure he was kidding when he said you were doing the same thing as me! Maybe he was right, we really are dumb.”
Somehow they ended up in a bit of a tangle as they laughed, unapologetically clinging to each other now that they were both apparently on the same page with what it all meant. Maybe nothing had really changed that much with their admissions at all, maybe - much to both of their dismay - Piers had been right, and they’d just been subconsciously waiting for someone to say something this whole time. 
Either way, once they had finally composed themselves enough to focus, Gloria leaned in to press her cheek up against Hop’s. “So...Hop, my dearest best friend and favourite rival.” She teased, “You wanna...be my boyfriend as well?”
Hop grinned, his eyes crinkling up with glee. “Gloria, mate, my number one and favourite champ, obviously yes.”
Gloria beamed. “Great. Brilliant.” She whispered giddily.
The following morning, a photo of the two of them in close quarters surrounded by several of their Pokemon was sent to the group chat, accompanied by a short message.
Hippity Hop [7:48AM] :
sorry we disappeared last night lads, spontaneous camping trip! also we’re dating now. have a great day :)
Eat Sand [7:49AM] :
wait...you weren’t already dating???
bloody hell my life is a lie
leon why’ve you been lying to me
Champion Time Snr [7:53AM] :
this is news to me mate i thought they’d been dating since they started the gym challenge
Croon Toondra [7:54AM] :
....you’re havin a laff right
Eat Sand [7:54AM] :
no lee really said he thought hop was your boyf
Croon Toondra [7:55AM] :
canny believe ye lee
thought we were friends
Champion Time Snr [7:55AM] :
Mermaid [7:58AM] :
honestly i agree w/ the boys i thought you were bf + gf for ages
sonia said you were
she can’t defend herself rn she’s still passed out hungover so
Big Tiddy Goth GF [8:00AM] :
bout time innit
felt like reality tv at this point
congrats tho took you ages
Flame Dad(dy) [8:03AM] :
Congratulations, although I have to say I was also under the impression you had been together since the Gym Challenge.
Wooloolooloo [8:04AM] :
Same here! You two are right cute though so congrats :)
Kung Fu Fighting [8:07AM] :
yeah rai told most of us that lee told him ages ago so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ good job anyway you cute
Rocky Horror [8:10AM] :
think we can all just agree someone was wrong and we’ll leave it there
that someone was lee but we’ll ignore that
reckon he’s just tryin to get us off his back about him and rai ;)
Champion Time Snr [8:11AM] :
thanks everyone appreciate it
also gordie please shut up
Hippity Hop [8:12AM] :
I forgive you lee!
at least for the sake of this group chat >:)
Big Tiddy Goth GF [8:14AM] :
get him hop it’ll be funny
lee watch out bruv
also you’re literally as bad as the kids with your feelings it’s disgusting
Baby Goth [8:15AM] :
Ignoring piers i’m happy for you two :D
Also thought it was a thing but that’s coz it just seemed like you were
No one actual said anythin to me
Croon Toondra [8:17AM] :
love ye all but i’m also fookin over ye dkjafhf
lee just go sulk and cuddle your boyf
Eat Sand [8:18AM] :
who’s lee’s boyf???? >:(
oh wait i see
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inspired-by-the-music · 5 years ago
Missing the shinee universe guys. What kind of place do you think each couple would move into first? Who would wait until they were married or engaged first? Who would live in a condo, apartment, fixer upper home? -SLA
Ahhh, shinee universe! I had every intention of revisiting the shinee universe before I dedicated my whole life to the ever-expanding For You universe, so thank you for this question! feel free to send more!
Once Aimee and I sat down to talk about this, we pumped out our answers pretty quickly. A big chunk of the delay in answering was due to the fact that I re-read the shinee universe to get the answers canonically correct, so you should probably prepare for a novel, SLA! As always, pls feel free to tell me what you think! -Ash
It’s so weird to write these answers out of order, but I decided that it would be best to do this in the order in which the members get married!
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It’s already established that Minho is total husband material, so it’s probably not shocking that he’s the first in this bunch to get married
Minho and his significant other don’t move in together until wedding plans are underway
They move into a house that isn’t technically in the city, but everything is still accessible on the frequent occasion that Minho wants to take his lady out on a date 
Minho encourages his fiancee to make all of the fun decisions about decorations for the wedding and for the house while he deals with what he considers “boring adult stuff”
Although he tries his best not to show it, Minho gets so stressed from all the planning that he decides within himself that he’s NEVER moving again
So he picks a house that has every feature anyone could ever need. He even thinks ahead to make room for any future children. 
All in all, Minho wants to settle into comfortable domestic happiness with the person he loves. Obviously, he’ll still be fun and competitive and exciting, but he doesn’t try to prove that by moving into a new, bigger, fancier house every other year or by making constant home improvements
Plus, he’s a little too busy helping Jinki to start his own projects
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Canonically, Jonghyun and his girlfriend live together in an apartment before they’re married
Although he is the second to get married, he wasn’t in any particular rush to propose until a few years into the relationship when his gf marries off the main characters in her newest best-selling novel
She had never written about a wedding before! Knowing that writing is where she explores her dreams, Jonghyun immediately goes into town to buy a ring after finishing the book. 
(He left in such a hurry, in fact, that he left the book on the park bench. His heart dropped until he found it still sitting where he left it, guarded by a kind old lady who was feeding the birds)
He’s a pretty creative guy himself, so he doesn’t exactly copy the proposal from the novel or from any movies or dramas. 
Very little changes in their daily lives after marriage since they were practically living as a married couple soon after their first hello. 
The wedding rings aren’t the first matching rings Jonghyun and his girl wear to express their love, but there is something special about them that even Jonghyun can’t express in any song-- something that his wife can’t describe in any book
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Jinki is shook because his girlfriend brings up marriage first
His response id delayed not because he’s afraid of commitment but because, “Wow, I didn’t think I’d ever get this far in dating!”
Then, he laughs as he reminds her about their catastrophic iconic first date, and she laughs too, and somehow it’s decided that this is an adequate proposal. 
Jinki still buys her an engagement ring because “She deserves it!” It’s probably blue and beautiful. 
On one of his days off, Jinki gets lost in one of those home renovation marathons on tv, and decides, “I can do that!”
He realizes very quickly that he cannot do that, but he’s already bought a new house that’s in desperate need of renovations so he can’t turn back
Minho and Taemin are the only people who respond to his SOS texts. Place your bets on who steps up to build that house from the ground up!
Onew and Taemin aren’t entirely useless. Onew helps with some heavy lifting, and Taemin. . . well, he makes good playlists, and his awestruck stares fuel Minho’s superhuman strength
Onew has a distorted sense of his contribution to the construction of his house. He brags to everyone, “I built my home with my own to hands!” 
And he also constantly tackles home improvement goals that would never be accomplished without Minho’s help. 
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While Taemin is one of those “live in the moment” people, he’s also one who believes in destiny. It was never a matter of if he would get married to his girlfriend; it was a matter of when. 
Never truly afraid or embarrassed, Taemin told her outright very early in their relationship, “I’ll marry you one day-- when we’re al grown up!” He meant it, and she knew it. Neither of them is rushing to grow up, though. 
In the meantime, they enjoy each other’s company. They don’t technically live together, but she stays at Taemin’s apartment most of the time because his balcony provides the best sight of the moon and stars she has ever seen
Their favorite pastime is pestering his group members. 
Because Minho is her brother, he is the first target. Uninvited, they invaded his kitchen one morning, knowing well that neither of them knew how to cook to save their lives. Minho would have scolded them then and there when he barrelled down the stairs in his pajamas, expecting to find a burglar, had his wife not smiled so fondly at their effort to play house
Next came Jonghyun, but he wasn’t a satisfying target for any pranky because he always welcomes Taemin and his girlfriend with open arms. He even invites them to spend the night on the pull out sofa in the living room. His hospitality sends them onto the next victim. 
If anything, though, they are Jinki’s victim. When he isn’t insisting on giving them a tour of the house he built with his own two hands-- the house Taemin watched Minho build-- or forcing them to watch home renovation marathons, Jinki asks them with a broad smile, “So, when are you two gonna get married and make me a grandpa?”
Key is the only satisfying target. Taemin and his girl were able to spend an entire weekend in Key’s attic undetected!
“What’s making that noise up there?” Key’s girlfriend asked on the literal day that she moved in.
Key joked, “It’s the demon!”
Determined to prove Key wrong (or right by terrorizing everyone), Taemin stomped on the floor and screamed, “I’m not a demon!”
Suffice it to say that Taemin is lucky to see his wedding day after the beating scolding he received from Key
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Key doesn’t really plan to get married. He’s not opposed or anything, but he would only do it after a series of serious conversations with his significant other
He’s not one to judge, but he feels like most people rush in their relationships, and he’s not really about that life. Lowkey thinks Jonghyun is a maniac for moving in with his gf just a month into dating but anyway
His house isn’t a mansion or anything, but it’s obviously too big for just one or two people. He likes to live lavishly. His bathroom is practically a personal spa. 
The first time she visits, his girlfriend thinks he’s kinda weird for living in such a big place without a roommate, but she hides that behind compliments about the interior design or something. 
Key is the least likely to fantasize about living with his significant other. Like, no offense, but his house is his sanctuary. He likes having his own space. Also, he’s kinda particular about his living habits(and he doesn’t really want to share any of his closet space). 
Key only invites his girlfriend to live with him after they’ve been together long enough for him to decide that they can live together in harmony
This is somewhat unrelated, but I imagine that Key hired a housekeeper for a while, but he’s that kind of person who always went through the rooms to reorganize/clean things to his own (admittedly high) standard. So one day he wakes up like “What am I paying this person for?”
Key likes to complain and get under his gf’s skin, so she’s probably not counting the days until she gets to move in either tbh
They definitely 100% bicker the most out of all the couples, but that’s just how they communicate. They make up for their many petty arguments through the week with frequent ‘self-care’ nights wherein they watch dramas while wearing mud masks and sipping wine. 
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moontheoretist · 5 years ago
The thoughts about rarufumi I kept inside for months and can now unleash, because manga covered this whole topic already
Ah, it was so long since I talked about Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari and the reason for that was simple. I wasn’t checking each month if the new chapter of the manga is up, because I was writing my master thesis. Now I quickly read the chapters I didn’t saw before, and I am happy I did, because it turns out manga reached the point in the novel which I actually read (the only thing in the novel I actually read tbh), so I can finally brag about L’arc and Naofumi once again!
Ok, starting from the start. I skimmed the chapters of the light novel long time ago, because I was unable to wait for more manga chapters and wanted to know if L’Arc appears in any other arcs, and imagine how surprised I was when I learned that this cute motherfucker was featured in Spirit Tortoise Arc as well? Just inside the turtle, where he was adventuring with Glass and Therese for some unknown reason and where he also meets with Naofumi again.
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(I have a growing suspicion that mangaka knows that L’Arc is a raging bisexual).
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Naofumi as to Naofumi, the only logical thought which could come to his mind at that moment, when L’Arc decided to conveniently NOT tell him why they are there (which tbh would save them a lot of time and playing hide-and-seek, what a smug bastard from this L’Arc) was that they are responsible for Spirit Tortoise’s rampage, and we really cannot blame him. Anybody would get suspicious. Though, because Naofumi actually trusts them to some extent, even if he isn’t aware of that most of the time, he doesn’t convince himself that they are the greatest evil in the world, which he has to murder and instead listens to Raphtalia’s voice of reason right away, without even having to be convinced.
(That’s called progress, people). 
Soon Naofumi and his party find the culprit and now believe me or not, but what Naofumi says is directly related to L’Arc and his teammates. The moment in which Naofumi laughs and declares that he won’t regret killing him is the very same moment when he gets confirmation that L’Arc, Therese and Glass were innocent. He wasn’t sure if they aren’t the culprits, and he may even be worried that they were, so this moment is a big relief that he won’t have to fight them and kill them. He literally admits here between the lines that if they were the culprits he would feel regret, he would feel guilty if he had to fight and kill them, because he actually cares about L’Arc and Therese, they are his friends, and he doesn’t want to fight with them, he doesn’t want to kill them, so the fact that culprit is someone entirely else and also completely rotten to the core makes him glad.
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Of course that is only my interpretation, but I had it already when I read this whole scene in the novel. I cannot tell you if Naofumi mentions their names in his thoughts at that moment, because it was long ago and I don’t remember, but because there were no other culprits in the sight, it’s the most likely explanation. Naofumi isn’t a person who naturally feels compassion for people he doesn’t know unless they are in certain circumstances which make him do so, and those aren’t circumstances in which he would naturally feel bad for fighting someone who literally took over Spirit Tortoise and murdered innocent people, no matter if that person was rotten or actually was nice and had noble cause or something. Hence why this interpretation was what popped in my head instantly, because it makes sense for Naofumi to be on some deeper level worried that he will have to fight L’Arc and Therese again due to the fact they have special bond and it’s actually harder to fight someone for whom you may unconsciously care. Harder not in regard to the battle itself, but in regard to your own feelings as a person, because your moral compass cannot just logically explain why you killed someone who you genuinely liked and didn’t wish to fight at all, but have to due to unusual circumstances of them being the enemy from another world.
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And then everything is put upside down when L’Arc, Glass and Therese appear again, because why would they appear now? Any logically thinking person would assume that they came to support the guy from their world and that’s fine, even though Naofumi should know better than to lump together people from the same universe as friends, considering that he would beat the shit out of every person who would do the same thing with him and the rest of the heroes. They then proceed to once again show Naofumi that they do not wish to hurt him with the very same friendly flames as before, which burn only the enemies. 
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It doesn’t convince Ost, but for Naofumi it’s enough to consider them comrades as in the next moment, when they are attacked by the familiars and Kyo, Naofumi protects them, without even thinking twice about that. Yeah, yeah, he justifies it, by saying it’s “just for the time being”, but he isn’t actually a type of person which gives flowery descriptions of his positive feelings at any given moment. So you can read it as “I am too tsundere to say that I actually care about you all”. He is the same with other heroes as he also protects them, even though he hates their guts, but there is significant difference in how he protects other heroes and how he protects L’Arc, Therese and Glass. With heroes, he always commands them to move towards him, because he doesn’t wish to come to their aid, he wants them to ask him for his aid when they need it as he is the person they didn’t respect before and need to show him again and again that they do now. In L’Arc’s and Therese’s case though he moves towards them, because he genuinely likes them (sorry Glass, you didn’t spend enough time together to like each other) and doesn’t wish to see them hurt or dead. (Yeah, I am aware that I am stretching it here a little, but only because I do not remember all the occasions when Naofumi actually had to protect other heroes, but I am probably more or less right that he usually doesn’t move to their aid first).
And now I will finish it with a spoiler to the next arc, so be warned. But before I can do that I have to firstly say that manga doesn’t mention it, but Glass is weaker in this arc due to the fact that she had to level from the scratch as per rules of the world she stayed in, just like L’Arc and Therese had too before. They can only use their full power during the wave, which was mentioned in this arc. Therese explains to Naofumi that rules of their worlds coexist at that time, hence why they can use moves they shouldn’t be able to and are also more powerful. And now, I wanna express MY DISAPPOINTMENT that L’Arc didn’t end with Naofumi when they crossed the worlds! The next arc happens in L’Arc’s world and during crossing the universes Naofumi and the rest of the band get separated. Naofumi (and Risha?) ends in a labirynth prison, where he meets new character, while L’Arc, Therese and Glass end with Raphtalia. SO MUCH GAY POTENTIAL WASTED! AH! I WISH I COULD SEE L’ARC AND NAOFUMI INTERACT WITH EACH OTHER IN THE PRISON! THEY WOULD HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER AND NAOFUMI WOULD HAVE TO LEVEL UP FROM SCRATCH WITH L’ARC’S HELP. GODDAMMIT WHAT A GREAT BONDING MOMENT! AND IT ALL GOT WASTED! Not that I am not happy for learning about Kizuna, but Kizuna is gay as fuck for Glass, so this situation is good for Naofumi only, because thanks to him Glass will finally meet her gf again, which will also make Glass grateful to Naofumi for helping Kizuna escape the prison and maybe she will finally stop wanting to murder him on the spot. If it wasn’t enough of the reason, Kizuna is a walking reason why she shouldn’t anyway.
[Word “gay” is used here as an umbrella term, as some people may not like the alternative version even though I have no problem with the other word. When I say that there was “gay opportunity” I indeed mean all sexual orientations, not only homosexuality, as for me Naofumi is asexual and always will be.]
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(This is “I am gay for you, Kizuna” face).
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BTW I forgot to mention that, but Kyo’s situation is exact reverse of Naofumi’s. Kyo is actually bad guy, who imprisoned bad heroes in order to destroy enemy world and is pursued by good guys, who just so happen to be Naofumi’s friends. Both Naofumi and Kyo are alone, but because they are different their enemies also are different. In Naofumi’s case those are 3 dumb heroes who accuse him of everything bad, while in Kyo’s case those are three good people, who actually know that he indeed committed crimes and has to be captured and judged. (Notice that good guys rarely wanna kill others, even when they have a chance or say they will kill someone, while bad guys don’t even think twice about that - yeas, I am counting Motoyasu as a bad guy, even though he is just an idiot).
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synth-dahl · 4 years ago
H2O: Just Add Water, Season 2, Episode 21, And Then There Were Four
Things my girlfriend and I thought during this episode:
- “I can’t stop thinking about mermaids.” Me, looking at my various mermaid tree ornaments, my new mermaid nail polish, mermaid movies, mermaid lockscreen picture: “Haha, what is she talking about?”
- Again, it is so clear that Charlotte desperately misses her grandmother, and finding new information about her, especially something that seems impossible, would of course make her want to know more about her. But of course the other girls believe it’s just about them, because god forbid they talk to or know about Charlotte so they could learn that
- GF: Oh my god, I just now realized they’re at school. I thought this took place over one gigantic Phineas and Ferb summer
- I made the mistake of looking at the comments again. Christ. I know it’s a well established rule that the YouTube comment section will always disappoint you, but man, imagine that much of a... I don’t even know what, to act like a teenage girl whose only crime is being a little too overbearing and dating their favorite character’s ex-boyfriend is on par with Hitler or something. It’s like no one watching it has any other opinion about this show other than, Wow, Charlotte is a fat gross loser that I wish would die
- Like, I don’t even hate Kylo Ren or Snape this much, and they’re monsters I hate very much
- My girlfriend keeps comparing the three main characters to Walter White in terms of bad people who think they’re the good guys
- And I want to get this off my chest, real quick: I don’t hate these characters, I’m just ticked off that they’re acting the way they are. You’re telling me that hard-working, level-headed, kind, fair play Emma would be totally on board with not giving people a chance, and bullying a defenseless girl? You’re telling me that super sweet, generous, heart of the group Cleo who was heartbroken watching her friends fight, would hate someone just because they’re dating her ex, and use her powers to make their lives hell while spitting venom every chance she gets? You’re telling me that Rikki, who knows what it’s like to be disliked simply because no one takes a chance to know her, who didn’t let her own friends go to her house and meet her dad until nearly a year after knowing them because she was afraid to be judged by them, would encourage and instigate the bullying of someone who has shown time and time again to be her friend, then give super villain-esque speeches about using their magic for petty revenge? I’m sorry, but no. I’m not asking everyone to simply be besties automatically, or for everyone to act like they’re Care Bears. I’m asking for these characters that we know and love, to be the characters we know and love. Because what are we gaining by just blindly hating with a ruthless amount of venom a teenage girl who has not done anything? Nothing. And no, I don’t accept that “They’re teenagers,” excuse. This isn’t real life, this is a television show where everything is scripted. They could have written this to have a genuine growth to everyone. Look at the YouTube comments and tell me that it’s not glaringly clear that not writing a scene where everyone recognizes their mistakes and behaviors and work to better themselves while apologizing to those they’ve wronged didn’t have an impact. I’m seeing comments by people who are apparently fully matured adults still hating Charlotte with gusto that they’re disgustingly proud of. And why? Because a scripted show where they controlled the framing and what is done, showed people being villainous as in the right. Cleo, Emma, and Rikki don’t grow this season, don’t mature except into characters I do not recognize. And the fact that I am apparently shouting this into a void that just makes me sad. I just... I loved this show. I do love it. It’s just... watching it again, I wish the second season was better. It could’ve been better, and where it’s not, we could have discussions.
- Okay, glad I got off my chest. My girlfriend was putting Halloween decorations up and we had to pause it for a little while.
- Oh my god, seriously, I don’t see pictures of mermaids and automatically think they’re real. These people are so paranoid if they went to one of those sea park shows with mermaid actors they’d probably lose their freaking minds
- Max is the only person who has treated Charlotte like a decent human being this entire season. She should’ve found him earlier, I bet everything would’ve turned out better. Like, he knew the importance of keeping the mermaid secret, yet he knew that she deserved to know the truth.
- OHMYGOD so much could be resolved if you would just TELL HER THE TRUTH
- GF: So far, all the drama could’ve been avoided by not contradicting her finding out her grandma’s a mermaid, instead of telling her it was crazy, they could’ve played along with the discovery Me: But then it could lead her to discovering there’s mermaids. GF: Yeah, but it doesn’t link back to the three at all Me: Good point. I mean, what does that give her? Knowledge that mermaids are real and that’s it. Not even plural mermaids. Just a singular mermaid. Then again, she would want to know how it happened, and probably find Mako anyway. GF: That’s still a very long stretch to link it back to the other three
- She’s making her way to the moon pool, and knows the way because of the one time Cleo was moonspelled and showed her the way
- God damn Don, I love you. “Don’t tell me, you’re here for the full moon too?”
- I know I said this before, but they are definitely freaking out more about Charlotte knowing about one mermaid but keeping it quiet than they are about Zane who in the first season was shouting off about mermaids and how he was hunting them every second he could. They’re freaking more about this than they did about Dr. Denman, who literally kidnapped them.
- Wow, Cleo, why don’t you do cartwheels over them almost breaking up
- Ugh. Will the show please decide if Lewis wants to be in this relationship or not? Because he constantly flip flops on the subject while his friends trashtalk her and it’s all blamed on Charlotte
- Lewis: I feel like I’m lying to her. GF: You are lying to her! Lewis: No, no, I am lying to her. GF: EXACTLY!
- See, if Cleo had been like this, like her actual character for the rest of the season this could’ve all been avoided.
- GF, as Charlotte sees the moon pool come to life: Oh, they’re not gonna c*ck-block her mermaid powers this time?
- Why don’t they go to bed with eye masks as soon as it gets dark
- Oh, see, she is practically doing her cartwheels at the idea of Lewis breaking up with Charlotte. I take back what I said, that wasn’t Cleo being her kind, supportive self. With that scene, it now kinda reads as Cleo hearing that Lewis wants to do the kind thing and break up with Charlotte to stop hurting her, and Cleo happy because now he can get back together with her. Which is, you know, gross
- GF: This has been an entire season of Charlotte standing sadly at piers
- Lewis: Charlotte, you deserve someone who can be honest with you.” GF: You’re damned right she does!”
- GF: (sarcastically) I love the horror music of Charlotte as a mermaid. WHY IS THIS BAD? What is she gonna do, take over the world? The only consequence is now they’ll have to hang out with her. Me: I think it’s because the show hates her, and god forbid she be happy, like literally everyone would be in this situation. At least she had a choice in being a mermaid
- Me, as the end credits roll: So, what do you think so far, about Charlotte being a mermaid? GF: About time. I hope she brings everything raining down on them like she’s Moriarity
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animc · 4 years ago
a tsukishima imagine where y’all are dating but he introduces you as his friend and not his gf? something angsty please!!
my first request !! oof it’s been a while since i’ve taken them (like literally... years), but i hope it was somehow to your taste anon ^___^
⇢ pairing: tsukishima kei / reader 
⇢ synopsis: tsukishima was kind, and you used it to your advantage.
⇢ word count: 765
⇢ genre: angst
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YOU TRIED TO pretend that it never hurt whenever Tsukishima would pull away from your touch when you initiated something, but your façade couldn’t cover up the way your eyes lingered on him a little longer because this was as close as you could ever get to him. He had always been distant to begin with, but who were you to point fingers?
You had known heartbreak would come the moment you called him out and confessed because Tsukishima was kind—so kind that he couldn’t turn you away when you looked at him and curtly responded with an “okay” when you asked for him. You were painfully aware that it wasn’t what he wanted to say, but you guessed that this was what people meant when they said ‘love is blind.’ 
You saw his hesitation and yielded your head as if it wasn’t there. You wanted to believe you could do it—that you could make him look at you, even just once. And yet, two months later, you hardly moved from where you started.
“Tsukki!” a voice called out, and you found yourself face-to-face with a blond-haired guy whose height rivaled that of your boyfriend’s. He slung a bright green jersey on his shoulder and gave Tsukishima a strong slap on the back as a greeting before laughing heartily. The tall guy immediately went into an animated dialogue about the training they just finished, until he set his eyes on you. 
You felt small as you tried to give him a friendly smile, but it didn’t help that it was as if Tsukishima was inching away from you ever so slowly with the turn of his body, to line himself up with the bubbly stranger. You knew it might have been uncomfortable that you insisted on going to him after his practice to walk home together, but you went anyway.
This was what lovers did, and you wanted to believe that that was what the two of you were.
“Sorry! I got carried away,” the blond guy told you, a sheepish grin making its way to his face. “I’m Koganegawa Kanji, the setter for Sendai Frogs!”
You figured that he was one of Tsukishima’s teammates, judging from his towering figure and demeanor, but also by the way he seemed to easily carry a conversation with your boyfriend. In a way, you envied how they could do something as simple as talk, yet you could never get more than two sentences out of Tsukishima’s mouth. “No worries! I’m [Y/N], Kei’s—”
“Friend,” Tsukishima cut you off almost immediately with a pointed look trained on Koganegawa. “You can go, I’ll lock up.” Even as he went on with his sharp tongue, he didn’t dare to look at you and focused his hardened expression on everything else except you.
Koganegawa looked back and forth between the two of you curiously but didn’t pry. He just nodded and shook your hand firmly before taking a step back. “I’ll go ahead then! It was nice meeting you.” Koganegawa’s gaze stayed on you for a moment longer before he turned on his heels in a rush to leave without hearing a reply.
You wondered what kind of face you were making now, that even a stranger would go as if his tail was hanging between his legs for no reason, but above everything else, you wanted to ask Tsukishima a myriad of questions. However, even as you scoured the depths of your mind for the words and explanations, nothing came up except the harsh realization that Tsukishima’s slip of the tongue was laced with the truth.
It had probably never been his intention to let it go on for this long, and you had been too caught up with the idea that maybe, just maybe, he would change his mind about you. 
But he never did.
When that fact hit you, harder than ever, tears fell from your eyes. You cried, and for the first time, you felt Tsukishima’s touch.
He pulled you against his chest and let your sobs rack through your body. He carded his fingers through your hair while his other hand found its way to the small of your back, as if he was anchoring you in place. All the while, Tsukishima didn’t speak, he didn’t try to explain himself nor did he reassure you, and that alone made the silence more deafening.
Still, you wanted to try his kindness one more time. Maybe he could indulge you, even for another short moment. “Can we try again, Kei?”
When his reply came, your heart dropped.
“I’m sorry, [Y/N].”
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kattimariias · 6 years ago
jasmine flowers
so yknow what snorkmaiden deserves? a gf. i made her one! enjoy a fic about pining.
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Dear Diary,
Today I found someplace new during my travels. It felt like a different experience than what I've seen so far, most of it's residents didn't feel as-how should I put it-rude? They didn't feel like they were judging me for being a bit distant, infact they respected it. I think I'm thankful for that.
The weather was warmer, so I didn't get much practice with my powers. But I could at least admire the scenery for once, which was okay and all-I prefer the winter, obviously. There was something comfortable about my surroundings; the soft green grass, the light beaming towards a field of flowers, and the rivers that quaintly flowed.
Something about that flower field attracted me. I didn't get to see a varied amount of plantlife often, usually being in colder areas and all, so this was almost a new thing to me. Well-more like a revisit of sorts.
I happened to pick a flower with someone else by complete accident. A round troll like creature she was, with hazel eyes and a blonde fringe. Her fur was fluffy and yellowish, and I was stuck looking at her for several minutes; my paw practically stuck on hers and the flower.
We broke our trance and awkwardly apologized, neither of us seemed to know why that happened. I think it's because I personally have never seen anyone like her. She just looked so nice and friendly, like she would never harm me. And I think I'm right in thinking that, because she never did. 
She introduced me to this land, told me it was called Moominvalley, and showed me some of it's famous landmarks and her friends. Throughout it all, I couldn't help but be entranced by her cheerfulness. I mainly feel don't feel in place whenever I'm around people that are definitely more spirited in me, but something about her felt...different. Gentle and sweet, and a little bit firey.
I don't know, it was weird. And I want to see more of it, so maybe the next day will bring something new. I think I'll stay here longer than intended. ~ Vietal
Dear Diary,
It's been awhile. It isn't even travel related, but I needed to write this down. It's been a month since I've decided to reside in Moominvalley for awhile, and that likely won't change. I'm not giving up on traveling, that's for sure, but this feels like a main source of comfort. Maybe it's home? I don't think I even know what that truly is.
Anyways, something I SOMEHOW forgot to write last time was the girl's name. Curse my mind sometimes-it's Snorkmaiden. Writing that down feels nice, it's a pretty name. 
But she's why I have to talk about something so off topic. I have spent sometime with her during my stay here, whether that'd be relaxing in the forest, going on little adventures, and flower picking. She made me a flower crown to wear on my hat, and I definitely wear it on occasion. Sunflowers aren't exactly my thing, but I'd do it for her.
I don't know why though-with anyone else, I wouldn't be sure what to do with a gift like that. They put so much work into it, they should keep it! Yet this time I want to keep it with me, even when I leave? Do I even want to leave?
...Okay, maybe I'm rushing this too much. Point is, I think I really like her. I like mostly everyone here, but she seems to be a special case. Even when I go to sleep in my little tent, my thoughts rush towards our conversations. Her (barely visibly, but still) smile, her laughs, her hums, her attention to detail when making things for me. And for me only.
I really love that sort of attention. I think I'll write a letter to thank her.
~ Vietal - Dear Diary,
I won't fill this journal with updates about my weird feelings towards Snorkmaiden, I promise. It's just a huge focus for me at the moment.
Today we held paws. By accident, of course. We were just relaxing by the river, laying under the trees shade together. I've never sat so close to someone before in my life, usually I wouldn't let myself. But of course, things have changed ever since I've been in this valley. Still don't want to leave, I'm not radically different.
Anyways-we were so close, I could feel a bit of her fur brush up on me, and while I couldn't exactly feel it due to wearing long clothing, I felt the urge to touch it. Pet it. Feel it sink into my paws and softly breeze through, taking out a few stray hairs-
-no, no, that's weird. I knew I shouldn't do that. So I just forgot about it, but I had already raised my left paw due to the strong urge. And when I placed it down on the ground, I felt hers. Hers on mine.
And for some reason, I blushed. Heavily. I had to use my hat to hide my face just to hide it, but my tail started to thump. And I could already tell she was looking at me weirdly, wondering why I was suddenly acting so strange, until she noticed what was happening. I felt so screwed in that moment and I didn't even know why-I wanted to let go but I couldn't-and then-
-nothing happened much, really. She asked if I enjoyed it, but I didn't know how to respond. But in that sweet voice of hers, sugarlike to me, she asked if I was okay. I still had no idea what to say, other than look at her completely embarrassed.
She told me there wasn't any issue in holding hands. Even if it was considered a romantic gesture, friends could still do it. Close friends usually did, infact. Friends. We were friends. Close friends. I rarely had friends for very long.
This time I hope it sticks.
~ Vietal (and yes, she got the letter, and sent me one in reply. It's one of the few things I think I'll keep with me.)
Dear Diary, Things keep getting weirder. Much weirder.
So I do have more friends than Snorkmaiden, though they aren't as close. One of them is Moomintroll, who I think is in a relationship with her. And that seems to be a problem?
I don't know why, but everytime I see her leaning so close to him, I wish that were me instead. We already keep holding hands with each other while on nature walks, is that not enough? That in itself almost sent me into panic!
She talks about him sometimes while we're together. About how kind and brave he is, and how much he loves him. I sit and listen and don't say much, but there's so much I want to say in return. That maybe I could do they same things he does? I mean, yes, maybe. But why would I want to? Just to impress her? 
She's my best friend, I don't need to make impressions.
But I still want to. That's why I climbed ontop of a large mountain a day after, spending most of my time just doing that. I wanted to tell her about this, just so she could hear about it, and be amazed by my efforts. She held both of my hands with that smile of hers, wonder in her eyes. I wanna do it again and again just to see that.
It feels too selfish, though. So I won't.
Sometimes, she rants to me, feeling like Moomintroll's mind just wanders elsewhere when the time is supposed to focus on both of them. Her ears are down, frustration is in greatly in her voice, and she seems kinda lost. Perhaps like I am.
I don't know how to comfort, but I try my hardest during these times. It feels like a part of me breaks whenever she is upset, and that I would wither away if I continued to see her heartbroken. 
Of course, I don't say anything, but instead I give her hugs and feel that fur I deep down wanted to feel more of, but that didn't matter then. It sort of matters now, still.
Somedays we don't spend time with each other, and that's fine. But I can't help but feel odd seeing her do our usual thing, walk around the woods holding hands, with him instead of me. It also shouldn't matter, but it does.
And I hate it. I don't want her to have to constantly pay attention to me, she has a life outside of our friendship! But why do I just wanna do the things they do all the time? Why do I want what Moomintroll has so much when what I have is already good?
Maybe this valley is doing something to me.
~ Vietal -
Dear Diary, It's been a long while, again. I just didn't have the strength to write about things. I've taken a break from Moominvalley, and it's probably for the best. I'm not used to interacting with people a lot, and plus, my feelings towards my own friend was getting weird.
If I stay away from her for awhile, then perhaps those feelings will go away.
~ Vietal - Dear Diary, I'm still in the woods, it's a bit of a long trek.
But I had a dream that shows I just can't get over her. I was in one of Moominvalley's flower fields, similar to the one where I met Snorkmaiden. She was there, as beautiful as ever, and it seems like she was glowing as brightly as the sun.
I ran towards her, but it seemed like I couldn't get to her. The field just kept stretching further and further-even if I was close-she was far from my sight again. But I was determined to get to her, even saying this to myself, and I sprinted full force while outright screaming her name.
I reached a hand towards her, and she reached a hand towards me. But then I was gone, and Moomintroll was there instead.
I woke up, repeatedly saying her name.
Something is wrong with me.
~ Vietal -
Dear Diary, I don't even think this is for travel anymore. I've gotten a separate journal for that, this is just filled with a little bit too much emotional venting right now. I'm still far away from the valley, now in the colder areas I'm used to. But I feel so alone. 
The solitude feels familiar, yet it's what I would rather not have at the moment. I miss waking up and hearing the birds sing, the sense of Moominmama's cooking not too far away, and Snufkin's music on occasion. And of course, even if I act so strange towards her, I miss Snorkmaiden.
It feels like a part of me is missing, even though I wasn't in Moominvalley for extremely long. I guess that's what I get for staying there for an extended amount of time in the first place? I think I should go back.
Hopefully, they won't be angry about my abrupt absence.
~ Vital
Dear Diary, After a long journey, I've finally returned, just in time for spring. And what a reunion, it was.
No one was mad at me, thankfully, they were a little concerned about why I left so abruptly, but they presumed it was just because of my nature as a Mumrik. I never explained why I actually left, just went with their assumptions, since I didn't want anyone to know about my weird feelings.
I was a bit hesitant to spend time with Snorkmaiden again, but my mind instantly changed when I heard her outright crying. Our conversations never really delved into that point, but it definitely crushed me. I couldn't bear to hear it upon arriving at her home.
I thought it was my fault, because I just decided to leave her with no explanation. And that just made me feel worse, almost on the verge of tears myself. How could I just do that, and not even think about how she felt about me just up and going? I was so stupid. So shortsighted and stupid-
-it wasn't even about me. She reassured me about that fact more than one time. She was really worried when I left, of course, but she understood that sometimes I just needed to be alone, and explore the world. Understandably so, she was still a bit angry that I didn't say goodbye first, but the fact that she didn't hate me relieved a bit of tension on my end.
Not entirely. The true reason why she was upset is because of Moomintroll being so focused on Snufkin returning, to the point where he didn't really care about what she had to say. She was wondering whether if he actually loved her or not, and my heart was cracked again.
I couldn't tell her if he did or not, I didn't know much about romantic love and how it worked, but for once I spoke. I told her that this time, I would stay. I would continue to be with her, and make sure she's happy. If I got the chance, I'd ask him about why he acted like that, hopefully getting an answer.
I wanted to help her smile again.
I comforted her closer this time, she snuggled close to me and I could feel her fur the way I always wanted to. But that didn't matter, as I closed my eyes and rubbed her back. I could hear her whimpers slow to a crawl, as we just laid there on the bed. Softly gripping onto each other. Cuddling.
It was silent, but a good silent.
~ Vietal
- Dear Diary, It took a bit, but I managed to ask Moomintroll about what happened with Snorkmaiden. He told me that sometimes-he just gets really fixated on Snufkin when waiting for him-and pushes people away, probably a bit too harshly? He doesn't intend to.
The two made up, thankfully, and things went back to normal. Least my idea of normal at this point, which was being weirdly jealous.
Something I thought about is that Snorkmaiden was also a bit fixated on waiting for me. Moomintroll also told me that on the first few days of me being gone, she would look outside her window and await my arrival, while also taking some breaks. She hoped that I would come back soon, up until realizing that I needed some space and that it would take awhile.
So-was it a best friend thing? For us to fixate so heavily on those we were bonded with on a close level? Moomintroll did it, Snorkmaiden did it, I feel like I could do it. I know that Snorks and Moomins hibernate, and since I'll stay this winter, I know I'll wait each passing day for everyone to wake up. But it's still a special case for Snorkmaiden.
I think about her a lot. I dream about her sometimes. I even talk about her to some of my other friends, and I don't think I want to stop. Moominmama and Little My always give me some weird look whenever I do too, and I don't understand it.
Is it annoying? Entertaining? Is there something I'm missing? Why do I love her so much?
Oh. -
Dear Diary, Couldn't finish the last one properly. I think I understand things now. From myself, to Moomintroll and Snufkin, to why I keep getting those weird faces. I think...I might feel romantic love towards Snorkmaiden. I think that's why I feel excited when I see her, why I like to hold hands with her, why I like talking and doing anything with her, why I want to be with her forever, and why I want to be like Moomintroll.
I really, really love her. Love her more than the winter, than travels-well-I still love those, but my love for her is something I can't get over. She's so lovely herself, knowing so much about romance, I bet she could really surprise me sometimes.
Am I gonna need a separate diary for this? Goodness.
~ Vietal
- Dear Diary, I'm not sure if I can just tell her. I don't even think she feels the same way, since she's with Moomintroll. But it doesn't matter, as long as she can still smile and stay happy with someone she loves.
I'll just have to learn how to deal with this.
On another note, she gave me some flowers today. One of which usually grows during the winter, she says it's a winter jasmine. I don't know what it is, but something about it felt special to me. Maybe it's because she said that one of it's meanings is love?
But she likely meant platonic love. I highly doubt she likes me back, she's still relatively close to Moomintroll. Actually, that reminds me...does he even like her? Romantically?
Whenever I see them walk together, on occasion, he looks a bit uncomfortable. His smiles look a bit forced, he looks a little distracted, and some of his subtle movements seem bothered whenever they come close to each other.
I've seen him more comfortable with Snufkin, whenever I do see them hanging out anyways. Should I do something about this?
...I don't really know how to handle it though, probably not.
~ Vietal
Dear Diary, Well, again, been awhile. It's just been the usual, with a bit more understanding towards my feelings. I've been a bit blue sometimes, but Snorkmaiden's presence just automatically makes things better for me. It's strange how love works.
Well, this doesn't have to do with smiles, unfortunately. Somewhat. Turns out I was right about Moomintroll's feelings, and he was starting to force romantic attraction to Snorkmaiden. Their love was geniune at first, it seems? But eventually, it dwindled. It happens.
I hope it doesn't happen to me.
Snorkmaiden told me it was for the better, and she's happy for him. She told me this on the verge of tears, not unlike what happened when I promised her to stay, and even if she tried to act as if this didn't bother her, I could obviously tell.
I did what I did last time, and gave her more physical comfort as she began to let it out. It was hard to listen to, and I wanted to block out the sound of her sobs beating against my heart, but I pushed through, sort of. I cried with her.
I just couldn't help it? But she started to comfort me, we were both trying our hardest to comfort each other, holding each other tightly. Her snout was heavily pressed against my face, and she stopped her tears for a second to blush. For once, I laughed since it looked so funny, and she did too.
The blushing didn't stop for awhile, though, and she seemed a bit awkward. I wondered why, but then I recalled that how her and Moomintroll basically kissed through pressing their snouts together...
I'm not making any advances, though. She needs time to breathe.
~ Vietal -
Dear Diary, Winter is arriving, and now I must say goodbye to my friends in Moominvalley. For one must travel, and the others must hibernate. I won't even be as lonely, knowing that there are winter creatures here.
Thankfully, this time I can tell Snorkmaiden goodbye and not worry her too much. I have a few flowers for her to sleep next to, as well as a letter for her to read when she wakes up. A letter intended to tell her how I feel towards her, a crush aside, and I am ready for our reunion when Spring comes back.
It's the one way I can say those words to her.
~ Vietal -
Dear Diary, On my travels again, I have kept her gifts, including one she gave me before I left. A photo of us we tried taking while lounging around in the woods. It's messy, it's funny, but it has care put into it. I love it
I love her. I wish to see her again soon.
~ Vietal -
Dear Diary, I think I won't write in this one for awhile, because...it feels like a nice way to look back on how things have progressed.
When I came back, I went to her house first and called for her name. I could faintly hear her run down the stairs as fast as she could, and then she leaped into my arms. We span around in circles, giggling, before eventually stopping to look at each other.
We stared. Like how we first met. Both of our paws were hand in hand, and it felt like it was only us.
She said these words to me.
"Vietal...I read your letter. And I am really flattered to know that's what you think of me." She paused, and gently placed the jasmine flower petal on my hat. I gasped a little, yet continued to hold on her free hand. "I think that's what I think of you, too."
I froze, but her warm smile grounded me to reality. It was true.
"I love you."
Not long after, we looked at the valley together; paw in paw, our bodies and heads close together as the sun rose.
I wouldn't have this any better in any other way.
~ Vietal
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