#anyway I dunno what this is but it was fun
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galaxostars · 18 days ago
hellooooo <3 30 and kron
30. “is that blood?” for this ask game
“Found an empty room,” a deep voice whispered in Ron’s ear, making the hair on his arms stand up. “At the end the corridor, down the stairs.”
A spark of excitement ran down his spine. He grinned, nodded subtly and hinted at Viktor to go first. He’d follow after.
First, he just needed to get Harry on the dance floor so he’d stop moping about Draco’s unfairly tiny waist and bony arse, while drooling on Ron’s shoulder, and actually get some. That ought to keep him distracted long enough. Two birds with one stone, they’d both get some dicking.
“Mate, he’s been eye fucking you all night,” he said, nudging him softly.
Harry burped, took another pitiful sip of his drink.
“I don’t want him to fuck my eyes, Ron, I want him to fuck my—“
“Merlin’s tits, Harry,” Ron groaned. He took his friend by the shoulders, forcing him to look at him.
At other times, perhaps he’d be more gentle, but as it was, his cock was straining in his pants, and the glum decoration of this party—whose ideas was it to put spiders decorations for Halloween?!—made him rather eager to join Viktor so he could fuck the tension out of him.
“Did you you or did you not defeat bloody Voldemort?” Harry shrugged pathetically. “This is a piece of cake! C’mon where’s that Gryffindor bravery?”
“But Voldemort didn’t have those eyes,” he moaned, like Draco’s rather cold and dull stare was a personal offense to him. Harry really had …weird taste sometimes.
“Harry. You’re the chosen one.” New tactic, then. Time to boost his ego. Harry frowned, seemed to think about it. “Go choose that dick. You deserve it.”
“Yeah, actually,” he slurred, getting up with a new sort of confidence. “I think I will.”
Ron finally sighed as Harry made his way over to Malfoy, not before unceremoniously bumping into people, almost falling off his feet and landing like an arse in Malfoy’s arms—but that seemed to made the git quite fond and amused so, Ron counted it as a win. He downed his drink in a go before following Viktor’s footsteps.
The corridor was devoid of decorations as he got away from the party, the walls scraped and chipped, a rancid taste of puke and smoke ebbing from them. Ron shivered, accelerating his stance.
Fuck, why was it so bloody dark? Finally, he took stairs, a sense of dread filling his veins as he took in the dust, old paintings and candles. This place looked like an old torture room. This… did not make him at easy.
“Viktor?” he asked, voice unsteady.
A warmth suddenly enveloped his waist. He melted into it, leaning back against the strong chest plastered to his back. Viktor kissed the nape of his neck softly, hands huge where they roamed over Ron’s chest.
“How do you want me?”
Ever the gentleman.
Ron turned back in his arms, cupping his face to claim his lips in a kiss. They moved slowly, getting sloppier and rougher as they lost themselves in it. A whimper escaped Viktor as Ron trapped his bottom lip between his teeth, teasing at it before letting go.
“Fuck me?” he asked, breathless.
Viktor nodded, diving back into his mouth eagerly and lifting his thighs to carry him towards the gloomy table at the back of the room. As soon as Ron landed on it, he faltered, sniffing the air. Viktor didn’t seem to mind the strange pungent smell though, nor the the humidity of the table, otherwise occupied in sucking bruises in Ron’s neck.
“What even is this place?” Ron trembled, assessing the room more clearly. There was an old library filled with books that looked quite ancient, some things scattered across the floor that he could not quite discern, and those bloody freaking candles.
Viktor grunted uninterested, sliding a hand underneath Ron’s shirt to pinch at his nipples, leaving sloppy kisses all over his throat. A small tingling of arousal tore a pleased sigh out of Ron. He closed his eyes, tried to lose himself in the feeling of Viktor. They were there for a reason, after all. Might be best to ignore the setting.
He tugged Viktor closer to him, scooting back to allow him to climb on the table with him, when his hand landed on something wet. He paused, pushing Viktor away to force their mouths apart as his panting grew heavier. A soft displeased noise flew out of his lips, but Ron ignored it, staring down at the faint maroon stain on his hand.
His heart dropped.
“Is that blood?” he squeaked.
They both froze, eyes caught on the abnormally dark blotch on the table. As the silence stretched, they could hear the faint dripping sounds of droplets amongst their panting. Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop. Ron’s face paled.
It was definitely blood. One hundred fucking percent blood.
“Fucking hell, this place could not get more creepy," he muttered faintly.
Viktor shrugged. “Eh, not so different from our bedrooms in Durmstrang.”
Ron gaped, staring at him in horror. A grin twitched Viktor’s lips and he laughed, placing an amused kiss to his lips. He pouted.
“Don’t play with me.”
“But it’s so fun,” Viktor murmured gently, his accent as sharp as a razor blade cutting Ron’s layers to the ground.
They fell into each other again, Viktor caging Ron in his arms to slot their mouths together as he pulled him off the glum table and pushed him against the wall instead, aiming to distract him from the new discovery. Not that it was that hard to do as Ron’s cock had grown pavloved to Viktor’s touch. They hit it in a loud thud, and a choked moan escaped Ron’s lips as Viktor placed his thigh right against his bulge, making it thicken.
“That’s it,” he said, voice hoarse and sweet, “relax, my slanchitse.”
Ron did, sagging against the heat of his body and wrapping his arms around Viktor’s neck. He founds his lips again, chasing the familiar taste of cider and cinnamon to tame the adrenaline in his veins, opening his legs to give him better access. Ron started fully grind on his thigh, when his foot suddenly slipped on an object and he yelped, gripping Viktor’s arms to catch his balance, looking down to find—
“Is that a bloody skeleton?!” he shrieked.
Viktor grimaced, looking down at the dusty bones Ron had tripped on.
“Or what seems to remains of it, at the very least.”
“Please, tell me it isn’t,” Ron moaned, a high pitched sob falling off his lips as his blood turned to ice. This had to be a nightmare.
“Ahem, it isn’t?” Viktor tried, scratching his hair.
Fuck, Ron was not built for this. He’d had enough for a bloody life time of dark magic and weird freaky discoveries. He’d hunted Horcruxes, for fuck’s sake, what did he do to deserve this?
“I don’t feel so good.” He gulped.
“Ron, love, it’s fine, we’re safe—“
Nausea gripping him strongly, and he swayed as his forehead started sweating, feeling hot and itchy all over. Viktor rubbed his back, murmured soothing things in his ears as his breathing started getting shallower, but before they could register it, Ron doubled over, thrown off by the force of his muscles—
—and threw up all over their shoes.
Well. That was rather predictable.
He heaved, wincing at the acidic taste in his mouth, head falling to rest over Viktor’s chest. A hand came up to his head, running through his hair and scratching at his scalp.
“So.” Viktor paused, letting Ron gather his bearings as he pushed himself back up in a whine. “Perhaps not our sexiest moment.”
Ron snorted, clenching at his aching stomach.
“Get us out of here, before I actually faint, please.”
Viktor chuckled, summoning water and tissue so Ron could clean himself, and then lifted his body like it weighed nothing, one arm under his legs, the other under the nape of his neck. Ron yelped, clinging to his neck as he grumbled at the sudden up tilt of gravity.
“As you wish, my little damsel in dist—“
“Oh, fuck off.”
The sound of Viktor’s laughter and the warmth of his lips on his forehead settled his heartbeat nonetheless, but he didn’t fully relax until they came up the stairs, getting closer to the loud booming of the party going on and away from whatever the fuck had happened in this room.
Perhaps this was payback for leaving Harry alone to make an arse out of himself in front of his decade long obsessive crush while Ron prioritized his urge to get his insides rearranged. They did, not in the way he’d planned to, though.
Or maybe it was a lesson from the universe to punish him for lying to his best mate about this new fuck buddies slash something more?—thing he had going on with Viktor.
Either way, Ron knew one thing for sure, they were never doing this again.
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secondbeatsongs · 2 months ago
going through some old logs, and I need you to understand just how truly unhinged early 2010s RP omegle was.
genuinely you could stay on there for hours with just one person, hashing out complex traumatic backstories, drawn-out love confessions, detailed action scenes...collaboratively describing graphic violence, past abuse, comfort, hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort, any number of sex acts...and then one of you would be like, "oh haha it's 2AM! I have to sleep :(" and the other person would say, "omg saaaame. :( gnight!!!" and then you'd exit the chat and never speak to each other again, and this was. fine.
you could just spend an entire evening shoving your wretched, bleeding soul into a chat log with someone you'd never meet or learn the name of, achieve some form of emotional catharsis, and then go about your day or night like this was an average way to spend your time.
I'm really normal about this, actually
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eyrieofsynapses · 2 years ago
hey, Leverage peeps, I've got a thought. I've seen a lot of posts and memes joking about Nate's inability to understand that his clients do not want money, they want revenge. I also find this funny. but I was thinking about it and I realized something: there's a personal reason behind it. there is a very, very good reason why Nate doesn't get that.
Nate's drive to lead Leverage, outside of the crew, originated from his son's death due to his insurance company's refusal to cover the bill for the required treatment. we all know this. if his company had paid for Sam's treatment, everything would've been fine.
…or, if Nate had been a little wealthier, had a little more change to spend… maybe he could've paid for it. maybe Blackpool never would've had a say in any of it. maybe Nate would've had everything under control from the start.
we've discussed at length in the fandom how money equals safety for some of the others in the crew (Parker and Hardison grew up with little to none and know its importance to survival, Eliot needs it to stay ahead of his old enemies, etc.), but I don't know that I've seen any discussion on how it's relevant to Nate. for him, however, money equals security in healthcare and in housing (he lost the house, remember?). Nate's older than the others. he remained in the same place for much longer, and he had a stable life for a while. the others haven't been in that position before. many of their clients, however, are at that place in life.
yes, for the others, money keeps them ahead of the game and it keeps them secure. but none of them ever lost a kid because they couldn't pay for healthcare. none of them risk losing the life of someone who is completely dependent on them when they don't have enough.
(Hardison, perhaps, has the closest understanding, considering he hacked a bank to pay for his Nana's healthcare. but he never lost her.)
Nate thinks ahead, you know? he has a long-term view of things. I imagine that for him, when clients refuse the money, they're not just refusing a month's worth of groceries, or a place to stay the night, or the ability to keep running. for him, they're refusing control over their hard-earned, stable, long-term living situation. they're refusing the potential to save a family member's life.
I dunno, guys. I think that's a pretty good reason to not understand why people don't want the money.
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avephelis · 9 months ago
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sugimori-style renders of @daftaiyo's queen fakemon because i am ENAMOURED by the beasts. go check out pokemons of riptide it fucks severely.
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u3pxx · 1 year ago
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[bad omens] you know how it is with me and body swaps and roleswaps orz
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s2pdoktopus · 1 month ago
As per requested!
Xuanli Daughter
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And Jiang Cheng and Miao Meihua (OC) kid
(I actually already made twins for them but they can have one more baby)
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And ChengQing child
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Hope you like them!
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only-lonely-www · 11 months ago
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So basically ATLA brain rot has hit me like a truck
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mythtiide · 7 months ago
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their asses are NOT working ‼️🪻( + bonuses under da cut)
cropped version i also quite liked
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a few progress shots
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some stuff from earlier this week :)
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a friend asked me if i could put adler out of frame hehe
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various other littol doodles
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washiinmachiine · 2 years ago
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the collector
for some reason its not letting me put images next to each other so test sketches under the cut
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jacqcrisis · 2 months ago
uuuuuuhhhhh I've thinking about a jayvik au in the same magic realism universe that Left Turn is set in. Two people doing probably illegal magic research for generally good reasons in a world with strict oversight in these matters by two separate governmental entities alongside class disparity, restrictive social/cultural norms, a shady underbelly... they fit well in that. Lower the stakes so they aren't working on anything too world changing but still enough where there's tension and navigating a system very much set up against them and obviously two like mind dudes who would have never met meeting and falling head over ass for each other.
And Viktor is easy to slot in there. There's a lower class of witches barred from a lot of their own society due to pissing off the Fae Powers That Be for one of several reasons. Viktor comes from one of these families, while also probably being First Born, which means his mother (or father if mom died in childbirth) refused to give him over to the Fae, which leads to exile. Womp womp. Grows up, probably falsifies information and identity to get into a university and eventually land a government internship. On top of that, magic is a physically debilitating force on the human body with a lot of witches who work in magical research developing lifelong disabilities from the toll their work has taken on their body. A fact that could exacerbate Viktor's pre-existing condition and also give him the drive for possibly wanting to delve into some more illegal research to fix or slow that.
and then you have Jayce, who I can't place just yet. Is he Regular Guy who isn't a witch but became aware of magic due to an event at a young age and has been seeking out how to harness that power? Or is he from a middle class witch family, looking to make something better for the world after his dad died of something preventable while also being subject to the usual expectations of a young man in witch society? I don't know. Torn on that. Thinking about it.
Anyways, similar story beats to canon at the start. Jayce gets caught doing something Probably Illegal, Viktor is on scene to check it out for Department of Not Letting Dudes Do Weird Magic Shit, figures out what exactly this handsome dumbass is up to, they strike a deal, Viktor vouches for Jayce and says actually, he wasn't doing anything wrong, Jayce avoids either exile or having his memory wiped, and now its crime boy time. Straight up crime boy nerd hours where illegal magic is done, detection is evaded, and love is fallen into.
Probably. Maybe. I just...need to write out my thoughts so far. Idea thats been in my head for a few days now.
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emry-stars-art · 2 years ago
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Doodles after learning the different meanings of different wax seals; according to this infographic using blue wax indicates romance or passion, the darker the blue, the stronger the feelings. Abram only has red wax (the default option) if any at all, but luckily he knows exactly who to ask when he finally learns there’s a separate proper way to seal certain sweet letters to his prince
Find the royal au masterpost here 💕
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sysig · 2 months ago
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Cards 👏 cards 👏 cards 👏 (Patreon)
#Doodles#Osmosis Jones#Damned#Ozzy#Drix#Thrax#You may remember my DAX card - cough - and also my Stanley card! Also cough huh actually lol#Stanley's looked much more like this tho#Which would be because they're all part of the same printed set!#I actually have another like dozen-ish of these#Might show 'em off in the end-of-year roundup 👀 But for now it's just these guys! The sillies!#In very legible ink lol - I can read it and they're my notes so that's the important bit#I think Thrax's last name would actually be ''Roja'' tho so that's on me#Also why is Drix called Drixenol when his full first name is Drixobenzometaphendramine - where's the L come from#I've been Jonesing - pun intended - to fill out Ozzy's ''personality'' section for aaaggesss#I keep trying to pick at a scene with him and it's just not turning out! Need an easy-overview of his traits and features lol#I did actually have a new idea after making these so I think I was onto something lol#He has a very fun character type ♪ He's oddly socially aware for how annoying he can be! He does it on purpose!!#Drix is the exact opposite so they're great contrasts to each other hehe <3 Drix Tries to be helpful and fumbles it but he's so earnest!#Also finally got me decided on their room placements - so much easier to coordinate them at Night with that square#They don't have roommates Yet but based on who was inhabiting which rooms originally....o3o It's an idea isn't it hmmm#I went and read Thrax's description on one of his wiki pages as well and he was described as ''Cold'' and I was like uhm???#Like yes he does kill in cold-blood - he's pretty unflinching and indiscriminate with what and who he aims his fire power at#But with his hot-headed attitude and overall heat aesthetic I have a difficult time calling him Cold exactly - cool for sure! Haha#But yeah I dunno about that - he's also a nerd which I find very fun haha sets up a powerpoint presentation for his thugs#And just ends up doing the main bit himself anyway! He just likes to talk about his plans hehehe#It really is double-fun to have them all from different points in their timelines ahh ♪ Who and what they know so fun to play in#The secret-keeping and surprises are my favourite part! Mismatch and uncertainty! Love that#I also had a lot of fun with their background splashes :) Ozzy gets blue cells - Drix gets his pills and some fizzles#And Thrax's cell-destroying fire and flames were stylized so cool! Also has a bit of a pollen look as well! I enjoy
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justarandomhelluvablog · 1 year ago
sorry sorry last time I'm talking about huskerdust tonight but does it fuck anyone else up knowing that Husk and Angel basically lived at the same time but were on opposite sides of the country. But also Husk went traveling. Like these two could have met while they were alive and wouldn't even know it. They didn't even know the other existed until they met at the hotel
Like I have. so many thoughts about this.
#hazbin hotel#Husk#Angel Dust#gods imagine how different things would have turned out for both of them if they'd met while alive#well I say that but they were deeper in their vices then than they are now so...... maybe they'd have made each other worse#or maybe they could have saved each other who knows#also just thinking about the idea of Husk and Angel meeting at a bar in New York back when they were alive#like not even knowing it was each other but having met and spent a night drinking in a bar together talking#maybe Angel was going around flirting for free drinks and Husk was waiting to board a ship to who knows where#and they're both neck deep in their own vices but Husk tries to give Angel some advice anyway (we dk if Husk's morals developed in Hell#when he lost his status or are remnants of his human life but I like to imagine he was a decent man who made a string of bad choices#we also don't know what kind of Overlord he was. for all we know the worst thing he did was bet souls so we dunno if he was cruel/immoral)#but Angel not heeding his advice bc who's gonna listen to an alcoholic amirite but he was fun to talk to and bought him drinks so#and them parting ways without even so much as learning the other's name. and all this happening just days before Angel dies#Husk doesn't even think about him again cuz he was just some dude at a bar and barely remembering bc it was ~20 years before he died#but Angel vividly remembering it bc it was one of the last memorable days leading up to his death#anyway thanks for listening to me ramble orz
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tenojan-in-tevinter · 7 months ago
Love it when mages/spellcasters in stories have slightly otherworldly traits. Unnatural eye colors/pupil shapes, unusual skin tones/hues, sharp/animal like teeth, nails, or ears, fur/horns/scales/feathers where they'd normally have none, etc.
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s2pdoktopus · 9 months ago
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The Illyrian people having a blast lol
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quirkle2 · 7 months ago
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been dying to design new Little Guys. the moth creature is from a few months ago, but the wolf is new. neither of them have names yet
i also made this pixel version specifically for my forum signatures <3bc i love forum sigs im obsessed w them. the one for the forums is tiny but this is upscaled bc tumblr sucks
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