#anyway I always figured they were THERE but kinda cool to SEE them
critter-of-habit · 1 year
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Ahsoka I love you but please never take your headband off again.
wait does this finally settle the question of "where are Ahsoka's ears"??
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autumnrory · 2 months
woooo my niece took 5 of my 13 lego sets, one of which was one of the three larger ones, so that's one huge box out of the way and i'm just glad she wanted them because like they ARE twenty years old and they look fine ofc but sometimes kids aren't gonna want stuff that isn't new and shiny ya know, but she did seem to want everything which would've been fine with me but i knew there was no way they would take all that with them, and at least i still have stuff of my own to sell, plus should get at least a cut of my brother's stuff for doing the inventory and putting together that stuff that wasn't already done
#i mentioned the hp sets and how they had been pretty much left together and he was like '....i had harry potter sets?'#which once he saw them he did think they were familiar which was some of my feeling with mine#like oh YEAH i do remember these i just didn't remember having so many#i mean between 13 sets it's really like 3 categories so i would've played with like the whole ice palace and its related sets#i do just wonder how it'll be at the store like everything is pretty much in fine shape#and probably there are people who want older stuff that's rarer and whatever now#BUT then there might be more of a demand for newer stuff at a better price or whatever idk#anyway 6 sets left in the upstairs and then the bionicles and statue of liberty are still in the attic#i'm still not convinced there couldn't be another box somewhere bc idk how to explain the few sets#that are missing so much that i can't actually do them bc even if we had gotten rid of some why would we not include the huge base or w/e#anyway we'll see! but i'm getting closer! and i did a little one this morning#that seemed to be complete it didn't list some of the pieces as extras but based on the instructions i figure they have to be#so i don't really need them like i'll include them if i find them and they're not needed for something else but yeah#anyway i can go back to fic though these first two at least are short so i may be going back to another one tomorrow#can't wait to have my room back though fr like#it is not the only thing making it feel messy because i have newer jewelry and clothes and stuff that i just have to organize and put away#but man the jewelry situation is just. it's not even having so many pieces it's like big earrings that take up a lot of space or whatever#so i just have not wanted to deal with it but it's kinda out of hand#but i can really think about that after this particular project is done#and do puzzles again oh my god i have 3 puzzles waiting for me at least#plus my mom always has a bunch to be done since everyone knows to buy her puzzles lol but that has also gotten out of hand#i wouldn't mind getting rid of a couple of mine though just bc it is like okay you do it but then you just have it and it takes up space#would be cool to have pretty ones framed tho
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papercorgiworld · 7 months
Wear my name, be my girl
Theo, Blaise, Draco, Enzo and Mattheo
Bonus: Regulus Black (Marauders era)
An innocent laugh with the Weasley twins before the quidditch game gets someone jealous. When he intervenes it becomes clear that he wants you to wear his jacket and be his girl.
Thanks to this request!
I kinda processed the request wrong in my brain and instead of just writing for Theo and Mattheo, I wrote it for all of them. I wanted to write for Tom II Riddle but he doesn’t give me quidditch vibes, so I’m sorry no Tom. Also, not to sure about this piece, but I did have fun writing this. Anyways hopefully you have fun reading it.
For the Regulus Black bonus you can skip the intro.
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It was a sunny, but chilly day. You breathe in the fresh air and head for the quidditch stadium. You arrived at the entrance and looked over to see if your friends were already at your regular spot, not noticing that a certain slytherin was staring at you. The slytherin team had just finished warming up when you arrived and he was about to get off his broom and leave his friends when the Weasley twins approached you.
“Early bird are we?” Fred sings as he sees you scanning the stands. You nod and smile, happy to have found someone you know. “Apparently too early, my friends aren’t here yet.” Fred chuckles and takes a step closer. “We’re here. We’ll keep you company.” George senses someone staring and looks over to the slytherins. “Yeaah. That might cost us the freaking game.” You and Fred look a bit confused at George’s words, so he points in the direction of the slytherins “Your boyfriend doesn’t seem too pleased with us.” You follow his finger and you can’t help but blush, before quickly looking away. “Not my boyfriend.” You chuckle. Unfortunately.
“Mind telling him that.” Fred jokes. “Hermoine told us he’s crazy obsessed with you always trying to impress you and stuff.” You shake your head at George’s words. “Don’t believe everything she says.” Fred smiles, noticing the slight blush on your face. “She says he’s answering questions during class faster than she can.” George says and Fred immediately follows. “And let’s not forget that whenever he flies near you he’s always doing cool tricks to get your attention.” George nods in agreement. “This game is going to be a curse, since he’s going to be even more arrogant and more eager to win.” Fred looks back to you. “And the way he’s staring daggers right now. That’s just unhealthy behavior.” You lick your lips and smile as the twins complain. “You guys really don’t like him?” Fred and George are baffled by your ridiculous question. “No, we don’t like him at all.” They both sing with humor as they state the obvious, making you laugh so hard you place a hand on your chest.
You were too busy laughing to notice Theodore walk over to you, but the Weasley’s do see him and quickly say their goodbyes. You look up at Theodore when he stops next to you, but continues to stare at Fred and George with dead eyes. “Please, don’t curse them.” You chuckle and make Theo look at you. “What were you talking about? You know they’re just fools, no good knuckleheads.” You stare at him through your lashes, judging him with your eyes only. He sighs and throws his head to the side. “Maybe I’m overreacting but I don’t want them to get the wrong idea.” Your expression changes as you think for a moment. “What do you mean?” Theodore shrugs. “If you’re always nice to them they might think you like them.”
You frown for a second. “But I do like them.” Theodore rolls his eyes, a bit annoyed by how oblivious you were. “I mean like as in really really like them.” You chuckle at the suggestion. “Theo, we’re talking about Fred and George. We’re really just friends. And don’t tell me that guys and girls can’t be friends, because we’re friends.” His face goes blank and you struggle to figure out what he’s thinking. After a few seconds Theo presses his lips into a line. “Right, of course.” Theodore almost wants to reach for his chest as he feels his heart squeeze. Arm I stuck in the friendzone? How did I end up in the friendzone? He tries to shake the insecure feeling that slowly creeps up on him, but just then he notices Fred and George looking your way and snickering.
“Uhm, silly idea, but how about you wear this for good luck and to make sure that nobody bothers you again.” You watch him carefully take off his jacket and feel yourself get flustered at the idea of wearing a jacket with the name Nott on it. A nervous laugh rolls over your lips. “People will think something is going on between us. Earlier George already referred to you as my boyfriend.” You bite your lip softly after saying that last bit and Theodore can’t help but wonder if you would like him to be your boyfriend. He definitely wants to be yours. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” He smirks when he notices you blushing at his words. He takes a step closer to you and watches your pretty face heat up a little more as he drapes his jacket over your shoulders.
You slip your arms in the sleeves and allow yourself to get comfortable. You scan Theo’s face in an attempt to figure out what he’s thinking about, but just then Mattheo, who was running late, enters the stadium. As he passes you he notices you’re wearing Theo’s jacket. “Finally won her over, Notty-boy? About time.” Mattheo jokes and wants to ruffle Theo’s hair, but Theodore angrily pushes his hand away and gives Mattheo a scowl. Mattheo just laughs and walks over to the rest of the team to get scolded by Draco for being late. Theo continues to stare at Mattheo, cursing his friend and avoiding you. You watch Theodore as he refuses to look at you and you’re forced to take a step closer to get his attention. “Just ignore him.” Theo says with a sigh and you smile before looking down at your fidgeting hands. When you look up after a few seconds you’ve made up your mind and shake your head. “No, I won’t ignore it. How about you explain what he meant by ‘finally won her over’.”
Your eyes don’t leave Theodore’s face and a nervous hand moves through his messy hair. His tongue moves over his lips as he searches for the right words. “Let’s just say, I wouldn’t mind if people thought you were my girlfriend, because I like that idea.” You take another step closer to him and look at him with teasing eyes. “You like that idea of…” A smile tugs on his lips as he notices you get closer and urge him to confess. “I like the idea of you being my girlfriend.” A ridiculously happy smile spreads on your lips. “I must say I like that idea as well.” You try to sound as calm as possible, teasing him a little more, but your excitement is obvious. A soft laugh escapes his lips and he quickly reaches for your face holding you for a passionate kiss. When you break the kiss, his lips stay close to yours as you drown in each other’s eyes. “You should go back to your team before Draco freaks out.” He ignores your words and brushes over your bottom lip to ask for another intense kiss. “Just a few more kisses for good luck.”
When Blaise approaches you three with his serious demeanor all laughter goes quiet and the twins awkwardly say their goodbyes. As soon as they’re out of sight you turn towards Blaise, who’s frowning in the direction they left. “Don’t worry they’re just being friendly.” He huffs, before finally turning towards you. “Trust me, no guy is ever just friendly.” You frown, before a smirk starts to tug on your lips. “Oh, so every guy has an agenda?” Blaise nods, his eyes still dark with jealousy. “Yes.” He answers without thinking it through and still glancing over in the direction of Fred and George. “So what’s yours?” You ask cheekily, happy that he got caught in your little trap and you cross your arms as you stare up at him. Immediately he looks at you and realizes what he said. You notice a hint of nervousness glimmer in his eyes as he averts his eyes and chuckles.
“Maybe not all guys. All Gryffindor guys. And Matt, he has like three agendas. And Enzo but his agenda is obvious, dude flirts with everyone.” Blaise tries to change the topic by ridiculing his friends. “But you don’t have a secret agenda?” You ask, not pleased with his answer. “Nope.” He tries to sound casual, but his brain is working on an excuse to leave, because he could feel himself heat up. You chuckle. “Good, because for a moment there I thought you were jealous.” Blaise forces an awkward laugh. “Nah. Why would I be?” You take a step closer and bite your lip. “I don’t know, it’s not like we’re dating.” Blaise nods, but there’s a hint of disappointment in his eyes. We’re not dating. I’m very much aware. No need to shove it in my face.
“Anyways, I better get going. Cedric’s waiting for me.” You make up on the spot, hoping to confirm your suspicion. “Cedric?” Blaise’s voice raises a bit, making his displeasure obvious. You try to suppress your cheeky smile and nod seriously. Blaise quickly realizes that he has no reason to keep you away from Cedric, but he hates the idea of you spending the entire game cosying up next to that damn hufflepuff.
Luckily Blaise’s brain comes up with the perfect plan. “Yeah, uhm, but before you go- I was just up there and it gets pretty cold, so… here take this and uhm be sure to wear it so you stay warm.” You can no longer contain your smile as Blaise takes off his jacket and hands it to you. You hold the jacket and stare at the letters forming his name. “Isn’t it weird that I’m wearing this? I mean we’re just friends.” Thanks for the reminder, not necessary. “Friends can wear jackets with their friend’s name on them.” Blaise argues and you laugh softly as you put on his jacket. “I’ve never seen you wear Draco’s.” He loved you wearing his jacket and couldn’t help but stare, ignoring your counter argument. “Would it really be so bad if people thought we were more than friends?” Blaise suddenly blurs, still adoring you in his jacket. He needed to know, because he wanted you to be his girl and wear his name every game, and maybe even have his name one day.
You close the last bit of space between you two, so you’re now almost pressed against him. It’s then that he realizes his feelings might not be one sided. You meet his eyes and with a soft voice you speak up. “No, it wouldn’t-” You fall silent when Blaise tilts your chin up. “And would it be so bad if we were more than friends?” You gently shake your head no and he leans in to kiss you tenderly. “Took you a while.” You tease when the kiss breaks and he smiles. “Shut up.” He whispers, before kissing you again and wrapping his arms around him.
You both break the kiss when you hear the slytherin team cheer for Blaise and you. You look over to them and chuckle. Blaise pulls you against his chest. “How about you wear that jacket to every game and I go search for some new friends.” You laugh at the last bit and press your lips against his. “Don’t worry, if I can have you and your jacket, I’ll gladly make peace with your merry band of idiots.” Blaise leans in for another kiss, but is interrupted by Draco’s yelling. “Hey! You should be preparing for the game.” Blaise rolls your eyes. “Minus Draco.” You joke and Blaise raises his eyebrows in agreement. “One last kiss for good luck?”
Draco frowns in annoyance as you and Blaise kiss for what feels like minutes. “They’re gonna have to part at some point right?” Enzo joins Draco. “I don’t know if I got to kiss her, I wouldn’t need air either.”
You’re too busy laughing with the twins to notice an agitated Draco strut over to you. It’s only when he literally pushes them aside that you meet his eyes. “Can you fools stop bothering her.” He snaps, his voice poisonous, and you cross your arms looking at Draco with a stern look. “They were not bothering me.” Draco huffs, thinking he clearly knows better than you. “They are always bothering you, talking to you for no reason.” Fred and George snicker. “Like you.” Draco looks at them with disgust and wrinkles his nose, before turning his face towards you. “Walk with me.” He demands with a calm and surprisingly gentle voice.
As soon as you're a few steps away from the Weasleys you meet his eyes with a stern look. “What was that for?” You snap and Draco drops his head knowing that you hated it when he was unkind to your friends. “I was saving you. They were clearly flirting.” You shake your head. “There’s no need for you to be so protective of me.” Draco moves closer to you and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. “Yes, I do. You’re sweet, innocent and ridiculously beautiful. If I don’t watch over you… you’ll end up with the wrong type of guy.” You soften, knowing that his concern for you is genuine. “I know you mean well, Draco, but can’t you be a little less aggressive.” Draco sighs, not really seeing any problem in pushing people and snapping at them. He adores your sweet face and calms down. “Maybe there is a less aggressive way to keep idiots away from you.” You look at him questioningly and Draco slips off his jacket.
”Here, wear my quidditch jacket.” He hands it to you and you take it, but then you start to worry. “Isn’t it weird if I wear it? It’s something normally only girlfriends do.” Draco watches you put on his jacket regardless of your own argument and he shrugs. “I’m not really a labels kind of guy, but if you want to be my girlfriend, fine.” Your mouth drops a little. “That’s not what I was saying.” Draco takes your hand and pulls you closer, placing his other hand on the small of your back. You blush as you're now pressed against him. You close your eyes and sigh. “Why can’t you just admit that you like me like a normal person.” Draco licks his lips and waits for you to look up at him, before speaking. “I’m in love with you, (y/n) (y/l/n). Wear my name, be my girl.” You feel stripped of all air as his honest words reach your heart and make it swell. “Happy now?” He whispers and you nod, cheeks burning with color.
“Love confessions aren’t free.” He whispers before slowly leaning in. You smile and meet his lips for a soft kiss. “I’ll wear your name and be your girl.” He stares at you and feels himself fall even more in love with you as you say those words. “Gods, how can one person be so perfect?” He pulls you into a tight embrace, feeling like he needs to keep you close and safe with him. “Cheer for me, will you?” Draco’s soft whisper makes him sound almost vulnerable. You lock his lips with yours, kissing him passionately in an attempt to show him how much you love him. “I’ll cheer for you like a crazy fangirl.” A bright smile forms on Draco’s lips and he leans in to leave one more soft peck on your lips.
You see Enzo approach and smile at him, but you also notice something’s different about him. “Hello, fellas, how’s it going?” Lorenzo places his arms on Fred and George’s shoulders. Fred and George look at each other and then to you. “I take it this is our cue.” Fred laughs and they both disappear out of Enzo’s arms. “Did I say something wrong?” He asks innocently, like his little dominant move wasn’t obvious. You smile at him and softly shake your head. “You came off a little jealous I guess.” You try to explain and Enzo shrugs. “I’m not, you can have friends.” You laugh and close the distance between you two.
“Uhuh but you’ll always be best friend, Enz.” Enzo groans. “Yey me.” His words make you frown and he immediately feels embarrassed about his childlike behavior. “Sorry, you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just- I got my feelings all messed up after last night's kiss.” He had been crushing on you and at first he thought it was just a small thing that would pass, but it didn’t. Terrified to ruin his friendship with you and lose what little he had with you, he buried his feelings. However, after last night all of those suppressed feelings were back in his head and heart, stronger than ever.
You feel your heart sink as he refers to the stupid drunk kiss that happened last night during a ridiculous party game. You had banished that memory to the back of your head, not allowing your feelings of love to ruin your friendship. “You said it was just a silly kiss.” Enzo clenches his jaw. “I know what I said.” You’re surprised by his harsh tone, this was a rare part of Enzo that almost never surfaced. You take a step closer to him and place your hands on his shoulder. “Don’t tell me that some stupid kiss ruined our friendship?” Lorenzo sighs. “No, I did that long before last night.” Your eyebrows knit together as you don’t know what he’s talking about. Enzo shuts his eyes and presses his lips into a line before sighing. “I’ve loved you since forever and… not being with you it’s eating me up (y/n). Please don’t hate me for this, but if I can’t have you, then I can’t be your friend.”
There’s so much sadness in his voice it almost breaks your heart. When you don’t immediately react Enzo moves away, but your hands on his shoulders won’t lead him and you pull him closer. “I know exactly what-” Enzo shakes his head. “No, you don’t.” You laugh. “Yes! Yes, I do, Enzo Berkshire! Because I’ve been in love with you since forever!” It takes a moment for him to process, but when his eyes go wide you see his eyes light up again. The next moment his lips crash against yours for a long and intense kiss, while his arms wrap around you tightly, hugging you like only Enzo can. When he breaks the kiss his head still rests against yours. “Can I ask you for a silly little thing?” He whispers with playful eyes. You nod and Lorenzo lets go of you to take off his jacket. “Wear this, for me. For good luck… and maybe also to make sure those Gryffindor’s know that you’re off the market.”
You turn around and Enzo helps you slip on his jacket. His body fills with pride as he sees you wear his name. “I’ll wear it with pride.” You say and tug him by his shirt to demand another kiss. His hand holds your head, fingers entangled in your hair as his lips passionately move over yours. “I’m winning this game for you.” He whispers, before leaving to join his team.
You were too busy laughing at Mattheo’s expense to notice him walk over. With a foul smile and head held high he looks at the twins. “What are we laughing about?” His voice is calm, but he’s radiating fury. However, Fred can’t resist fuelling him especially with the Gryffindor - Slytherin game starting in half an hour. “You.” Fred says bluntly and Mattheo instantly steps in between you and the twins. Dark eyes focused on Fred. “What’s so funny about me?” Fred’s about to open his mouth when George decides to be the wiser one and slings his arm around his brother. “Time for one quick last round around the stadium, I think.” Coming to George’s aid you place a hand on Mattheo’s biceps, urging him to turn away from Fred and face you.
“They’re absolute tossers.” Mattheo snaps at you when he finally turns away from Fred. You laugh at his frustration. “They’re funny, though.” Your little joke doesn’t sit well with him. Part of him grew worried that maybe you had a thing for one of the twins. “Are you going to cheer them on or me?” He asks with an annoyed tone and piercing eyes, but as soon as he notices you take a step back he softens. He hated himself for getting so jealous and being so possessive of a girl that wasn’t even his. Instinctively his hand reaches for your arm, softly brushing it as a gentle way of asking you to not move away from him. “I- I didn’t mean to- I- I just thought they were flirting or something.” He chuckles, partly confessing he was jealous. He feels himself get flustered as you study him. You had never seen him behave like this, but he quickly regained his confident composure. “Shall I fly you to your spot in the stands?” He offers in an attempt to distract you from his confession.
But you’re not letting him get away this easy. “So what if they were flirting with me, Riddle? Is that a crime? Because last time I checked I was still single so-” Your teasing his cut short when Mattheo snorts, making you raise your eyebrows. He slightly clenches his jaw, cursing himself for not being able to control himself and allowing his arrogance to have the upper hand. “So what… you want those guys to flirt with you?” His eyes focus on yours. “They weren’t flirting and if they were there’s no reason for you to get all snappy about it.” You retort, crossing your arms. In his mind you were already his and he hated that you kept on reminding him that in reality you weren’t his at all. When you notice his jaw clench, you roll your eyes and remind him once more of the one thing he can’t stand hearing. “Matt, you don’t need to worry about me, I’m not your girlfriend.”
Okay, now you've done it. You notice a flicker in his eyes and then he quickly reaches for your arm, moving you behind the stands so you’re alone. “Wha-?” He pushes you against the wooden wall of the stadium and cups your cheek. “You should be my girlfriend.” His lips crash into yours forcefully and he pushes himself against you. It takes a moment, but you can’t resist the intensity of his kiss and your hand sneaks up to his curls as you part your lips and kiss back. When he breaks the kiss he stays close to you and studies you while you press your lips into a line, realizing how quickly you kissed him back. You feel your cheeks heat up as you notice the smug smile appear on Mattheo’s lips. His fingers entangle with your hair as he leans in for another kiss, this time softer but still intense.
When he breaks the kiss, his eyes glimmer with pride and his smirk frustrates you. “I think you should wear this.” He says, taking a step back and taking off his jacket. “You know, since you’re my girlfriend now.” You roll your eyes, but nevertheless turn around so he can wrap it around you. He pulls you with your back against his chest, strong arms wrapped around you, and traces your neck with sweet kisses. “Can I now fly you to the stands? I know your regular spot.”
Having you close against him as he flies around, making sure everyone has seen you with him while wearing his green jacket with his name on, was an unnecessary ego boost. He makes sure you land safely on your feet next to your friends. “Don’t be too insufferable.” You warn him and a smug smile tugs on his lips. “Can’t make any promises.” You go stand on your tiptoes. “If you promise to behave, I’ll kiss you now that everyone’s watching.” You swear you saw little lights in his eyes at your suggestion.
Bonus Regulus Black
Sirius seriously needed to keep his hands to himself, Regulus was fuming as he watched his brother brush a strand of hair out of your face. He had not been desperately trying to impress you for his idiot brother to swoop in and charm you with one decent gesture. “Not that you have any value to the Gryffindor team, but shouldn’t you get ready for the game.” Regulus walks over to stand by your side with his broom still in hand, staring his brother down with disdain.
Sirius grins at his brother’s obvious jealousy. “Be careful brother, your true colors are showing.” Regulus clenches his jaw and averts his eyes feeling a little caught, but thankfully his grinning fool of a brother leaves. When he looks over at you, you’re already smiling at him. “That was a bit harsh of you. Nervous for the game?” You ask and he’s glad you offer him an excuse for his behavior. “Yes, definitely the game. Though, I’m confident we’re gonna put Gryffindor to shame.” A smug smirk tugs on his lips and you laugh at his confidence, but he immediately gets a little serious. “You know, my brother’s not a bad guy, but he can be a bit… uhm- invasive at times. So if he’s ever too much, let me know.” You smile and nod softly, not going to argue with a worried Regulus. “Promise?” Regulus watches you carefully, waiting for you to make the promise. You take a step closer to him and lock your eyes with his. “Promise.”
Just as he seems to be reassured enough to turn around and go back to his team, he notices a few guys glance over at you. He sighs and turns back around to you with a face filled with annoyance. Frustrated, he licks his lips as his eyes dart around. “Why are you so tense?” You ask genuinely worried and you reach for his arms, gently squeezing them to calm him. “You really are too precious to leave unchaperoned.” He breathes and you laugh at his choice of words. He sighs, but then a genius idea pops up in his head. “Here, wear this.” He sets his broom aside for a moment and lets his slytherin training jacket slide off his shoulders. When he hands it to you look at it with confused eyes. “It’s rather chilly today.” Regulus explains, but feels himself heat up. Maybe his attempt to claim you and protect you from others was a bit too obvious. You tilt your head and stare at his blushing cheeks, but you refuse to take his jacket since you’re a bit annoyed with his inability to come clean about his feelings.
He notices that you’re being a bit difficult about it and sighs, getting a little flustered. “Just do me a favor and wear it.” You shake your head in amusement. “Fine, if you'll do me a favor as well.” You reach for the jacket and he nods, feeling a bit more confident now that you’re complying. You slip the jacket on and enjoy the warmth of it and Regulus’ scent, before taking a step closer to him so there’s no space left between you two. “Kiss me.” You demand and his eyes widen, not believing that that’s the favor you’re asking for. Clearly you had seen through his subtle flirting and obvious jealousy of the past months. No denying it now, time to step up. He leans in, simultaneously wrapping an arm around, and brushes your lips before kissing you tenderly. You rest your hands on his shoulders and allow him to pull you against him as he intensifies the kiss. Slowly you break the kiss, but your eyes still linger on his as you enjoy being in his arms. “Be careful up there.” You whisper and it’s then that Regulus realizes exactly how perfect of a girlfriend you’re going to be. He nods and moves away from you, unable to hide smile. He takes his broom and heads back towards his grinning teammates.
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mingis-orangejuice · 2 months
Using Reverse Psychology On The Demon Bros
Warnings/Genres: manipulation(in a cute way, kinda?), mentions of diets (only in Beel’s part) fluff, crack
I feel like all the Brothers would fall for reverse psychology so easily. I don’t think MC would purposely try to manipulate them (at least not all the time), they would just say things that happen to make the brothers suddenly want to help them lol
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-He’s literally the avatar of pride, if you wound his pride he’d be quick to try and prove you wrong
-MC: Lucifer can you help me with my potions homework?
-Lucifer: MC, can’t you see I'm extremely busy with paperwork for Lord Diavolo so that will have to wait for now
-MC: Fine, I guess I'll just go ask Satan, he’s the smart one anyway… *turns to leave *
-Lucifer: *is instantly standing in front of you within half a second looking all flustered and grabs your notebook from you* Let me take a look at that for you 
-Even tho he’s a Simp for you he’s also a bit lazy so you’ll need to ask him multiple times for help when it comes to any type of hard work.
-MC: Mammon, can you help me carry some boxes from the attic Lucifer says we need to start getting rid of some of the useless junk up there.
-Mammon: Nah I got better things to do than menial labour for Lucifer
-MC: ok I guess I‘ll ask Beel to help, He can probably carry all the boxes in one trip, we’d get it done so quickly ☺️ 
-cue Mammon zooming up to the attic trying to stack all the boxes to prove that he can lift way more than his little brother.
-Levi would definitely be the easiest to trick with this since he’s already constantly jealous of his brothers anytime they spend time with you.
-MC: Levi it’s my day to cook dinner do you want to come shopping for the ingredients with me?
-Levi: Sorry MC I’m on hour 9 of rewatching TSL, plus it's too bright outside. Why don’t you pull up a cushion and we can watch it together?
-MC: Oh that's ok I guess I'll go ask as Asmo, he’s been wanting to take me out on a date anyway *You close his door and start walking down the hall to Asmo’s room
-Levi: D..D..D.. Date! Wait MC no I’ll take you, I didn’t realize you were asking me out on a date, wait please come back!
-I feel like he would also get jealous really quickly. Especially if you bring up Lucifer he would go full-on rage mode. Basically, anything that works on Lucifer will work on him too.
-MC: *pointing to one of the many books in his room* can I read that one? it looks cool.
-Satan: No MC it's cursed you could get hurt
-MC: ok *walks away*
-later MC is on the couch reading a book they borrowed from Lucifer
-Satan: *sees you reading the book Lucifer recommended, runs to his room to get the cursed book you wanted to read earlier* wait MC read this instead !!!!
-MC: but you said it was cursed
-Satan: it's fine I’ll figure out how to cure you just drop that other book NOW!
-Asmo would definitely get upset if you complimented someone else
-he wants to be the only one MC goes to for beauty advice 
-MC: Asmo can you share your skincare routine with me?
-Asmo: My dear MC I can't just give away my secrets to looking this gorgeous *walks away*
-later at RAD
-MC talking to Simeon: Wow Simeon your skin is positively glowing what products do you use, you’re so beautiful!
-Simeon: *blushing* oh, let me show you, I use…
-Asmo who had been eavesdropping: *Grabs MC’s arm* MC why don’t we head home I have to show you how gorgeous I look when I’m doing my skincare routine! 
-I don’t wanna be cliche but reverse psychology would only work on Beel if it was about food
-Beel is always ready to help so there wouldn’t be too many situations where you’d get to use reverse psychology on him. Like if you asked him to help carry something he would do it, no questions asked. 
- but if you wanted some of his food, especially if it was something special that he’s been looking forward to it might be a bit difficult.
-MC forgot their lunch and saw Beel eating in the cafeteria: Beel can I have some of your food it looks really good!
-Beel: *looks at MC and then looks at his food* uh this is the limited edition Goliath Hellfire pizza from Hell’s Kitchen each customer is only allowed to purchase 1 in their entire lifetime. 
-MC: oh it's okay I just hadn’t had lunch today, I guess I can just go ask Asmo for some of his lunch
-Beel: *Grabs MC’s wrist to stop them from leaving* Asmo is on a diet again so there’s no way he has enough for both of you to get enough, here MC have some of mine *sits MC down and  hands them a slice of pizza that's almost double the size of their body
(this one was a stretch cuz I feel like Beel would have given MC some food anyway but I couldn’t think of anything for him, but I also didn't want to leave him out)
-He is the definition of unbothered he doesn’t care if you go out with the others cuz he’s too lazy to go out but also he knows the moment you sit down he can just fall asleep on you and now you’re stuck with him 
-but other than that I think he’d be just a little possessive of his nap stuff tho like blankets pillows etc… 
-you know he has the best stuff so if you want to have a great sleep you’ll need to ask to borrow them.
-MC: Belphie can I use your fancy sleep pillow I can’t sleep
-Belpihe: *pretends to sleep on the couch so he doesn't have to give MC his favourite pillow*
-Mammon: Don’t worry MC come sleep on my bed it's crazy comfy you'll definitely fall asleep right away.
-Belphie: *Throws the pillow at MC and pulls them onto the couch to take a nap with him-Mammon: Hey they were gonna sleep in my room tonight!
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moonstruckme · 5 months
He would never take those bracelets off 😭 now I kinda want a fic of counselor James and counselor reader how cute
Hi, I've lowkey been hoarding this for months because I wanted to wait until I felt summery enough, thank you for requesting!!
camp counselor!James x fem!reader ♡ 693 words
“Land ho, boys!” A familiar voice reaches you over the water. Your eyes are closed towards the sun, but you feel your lips twitch upward. “Thomas, if you don’t help Callum paddle you’ll fall behind, and the last one to shore has to buy me a popsicle after dinner. Hey, look, we’ve got a mermaid on our beach!” 
You turn your head to the side, squinting your eyes to see James and his cabin of boys paddling toward you in kayaks over the lake. You lift your hand in a lazy wave. 
“Oh, false alarm, it’s just y/n. Hi, y/n!” He raises an arm to wave back at you, wrist stacked with string bracelets made with care by small hands.
You swear he’s got more from your own campers than you have, but you don’t mind; James is a hero to most of the kids, the goofy gentle giant who lets them ride on his shoulders when your manager isn’t looking and deals temporary tattoos out of his cabin during mealtimes.
“Careful, Archie, mate, if she catches you rocking your kayak like that she’s going to hang you from the lifeguard stand by your toes.” The boys laugh, and James protests, “No, really! I’ve seen her do it, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
You roll your eyes and close them again, turning your face back towards the sky. It’s not until you hear the shushing of kayaks against the coarse sand and a shadow falls over you that you say, without opening your eyes, “Spreading rumors about me again?” 
“They know better than to take me seriously.”
James’ shadow moves as he sits beside you on the sand, and you turn your head again to see him. He’s looking over his shoulder at the boys, the lean muscles of his abdomen stretching and dusky skin shining with sweat in the afternoon sun.
“Hey, whoever puts my kayak and paddle up, I’ll buy them a popsicle after dinner.” Shouts and bickering ensue, and James turns back around with a smile. “Where are your kids?” he asks you. 
“In arts and crafts,” you say. “Figured I’d catch a nap while they were busy.” 
He hums, setting his hands on the warm sand behind him and leaning back. “So you didn’t just come here to see how fit I looked dragging a paddle through the water?” 
You know James is only playing, but embarrassment tingles down to your toes anyway. “Not this time, sorry.” 
“Mm, don’t believe you.” He shoots you a grin, and you look away under the guise of rolling your eyes. That thing is more glaring than the sun. “You coming to the bonfire tonight?” 
“Don’t we have to?” you ask. It’s the last night of this session, and camp always closes out with a bonfire and s’mores for the kids. 
“I mean the other bonfire.” At your blank look, James continues, looking rather too pleased to know something you don’t, “After the kid’s bonfire, when they’re all watching a movie in the cafeteria, some of the counselors are planning to go out into the woods and have a grown-up’s bonfire.” 
You giggle. “Grown-ups? What are we, twelve?”
James bobs his head. “And we’re gonna have s’mores, and tell ghost stories, and maybe play truth or dare,” he says in an exaggeratedly animated tone. “It’s gonna be super cool.” 
“It sounds super cool,” you agree, laughing. “I’ll be there.” 
“Excellent.” James casts a look over his shoulder and starts standing up. “I should get back to my kids before they injure each other.” 
You check the time and sigh. “Yeah, me too.” 
“Want a hand?” 
You reach up and James takes your hands in his, hauling you upright. Your head lightens once you’re vertical, a combination of your sun-warmed skin and James’ touch making you woozy. 
“See you later?” he asks, releasing your hands and starting to back away as the shouting behind him grows more boisterous. “I’ll come find you in the cafeteria, we can walk together.” 
“That’d be great, thanks.” You start walking away, too, ignoring the pleasant buzzing in your chest. “I wouldn’t miss it.” 
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breezy141 · 4 months
that’s so cool | dave lizewski x f!reader masterlist.
a lil one shot. lemme know if u want a pt. 2 tho :))
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before opening your locker door you quickly checked if anyone was wandering around in the hallways, you didn’t really want anyone to see what was hidden in there. the coast was clear so you put in the combination and yanked it open as quickly as you could.
a smile crept onto your face as you pulled out the comic you were halfway through, the amazing spider-man, you had a reputation to withhold in this school, you weren’t going to let some geeky comic books tarnish that so you hid them as if it was some kind of drug.
“you have the amazing spider-man, with the limited edition front page!? holy” you heard a familiar voice speak out to you, you spun around holding it behind your back. dave lizewski was stood there, his hands holding the straps of his backpack. he was a nerd, one you shouldn’t be seen with. i mean, you always thought he was so precious and such a cutie but unfortunately, you cared more about your stupid reputation.
“n-no what are you talking about? it was an english book” he frowned and tilted his head a little. “listen, i won’t tell a soul. plus, i’ve read enough comic books to know exactly what that is” to be honest, he was a bit of a geek so who’d believe him if he said anything anyway, you thought to yourself.
“fine.” slumping your shoulders a little you pulled the book from behind you and showed the front cover to him. “my daddy got it for me! it was a birthday gift, apparently there is only a hand full available. thankfully i own one” dave was in pure awe. he couldn’t believe it.
“that’s..so cool. i never knew you were into comic books” he said with a small giggle, you caught yourself smiling at that. noticing quickly, you pressed your lips into a fine line and looked down at the ground.
“yeah, i’ve always been into them. as i grew up i kinda drifted from them but when daddy got me this i could not resist so that phase has kinda come back” he nodded as you spoke, “hey, um, i have loads that i could give you, o-only if you wanted them! maybe it could inspire you to read them again”
frowning, you debated whether or not you should take them. usually, guys would never actually care for your interests; all they cared for is seeing you on their bed, sprawled out across the bed, wearing next to nothing for them.
“if you don’t want me to give you them here, maybe we could meet up somewhere and i’ll show you some” dave spoke up after he noticed you were unusually quiet.
“well, why don’t we do both? you could give me a couple now and show me some others another time, maybe on the weekend” dave’s eyes seemed to light up “really?!” you flashed a confused smile at him.
“i, erm, i mean yes we can do that” you giggled a little at his awkwardness. pulling out a pen from your cute pink bag, and a random slip of paper you wrote your number down and passed it to him. “when you get home, message me. we can figure out a time we can both do, and then meet up” he took the paper and stared at it for a little.
“but for now, let’s go to the library, the private section of course, and read some of these comics you were talking about” he pocketed the paper and nodded, you linked your arm around his and began walking to the library.
part of you cared about people seeing you together, but the other half didn’t. maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing getting to know dave, he was such a cute guy!
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applejuicewerewolf · 25 days
Just watched M27 (in cinema! That was cool!!) And oh boy, thoughts!
First of all, I was sooo excited to watch this anime movie in an actual cinema, with other people who were also there to watch an anime movie (in an actual real cinema). Idk, I often still feel like liking anime is something embarrassing, even tho it becomes more and more mainstream, so seeing 20 or so people who also openly announced that they liked it was amazing.
Now, to the actual content of the film:
Love Love LOVE Heiji and Kaito's dynamic here. He was so angry that he drove his fucking motorbike through a window!!
The fact that the KaiShin same face thing is something Heiji is surprised by is very weird, considering that he knew that Kaito always disguises as Shinichi in movies (and yes, the movies have their own continuity, see the fireworks-soccer-ball!!)
Additionally, I watched this film in the German dub. In German, Conan and Shinichi have the same VA, and Ksito has a different one. Still, Heiji makes a note of Kaito sounding similar to Conan (their German VAs do NOT sound similar!!!)
(On that note, they replaced the German VA for Kogoro and I am scared to google why :(( )
Also in the German introduction, Conan LITERALLY calls Kaito his "fated rival" ("schicksalhafter Gegenspieler"), which is very gay for the movie that completely reveals them as cousins.
Kaito feeding seagulls. Just that. It was funny. This is what happens when he has to leave his doves at home. He is a disney princess but only for birds.
Loved the scene where Kaito was attacked while on the ground and was shown to be out of his depth. Catch him on the ground and he is a wingless bird.
Additionally loved that scene because Heiji and Conan jumped in to save him. Their dynamic was so good, with Heiji attacking front and center, Kaito trying to shoot the attacker, and Conan coming clutch with his soccer ball. These three are so much fun together, and I love how throughout the movie they hunt Kaito in one scene, and work with him in the next.
They also alway immediately recognize his disguises??? That was hilarious. These three are one the same wavelenght and I'm all for it.
Oh speaking of disguises, I am VERY surprised nobody even mentioned Okita being the third same face triplet. Would've probably taken away from the KaiShin cousins reveal, I guess?
Minor mention: idgaf about Momiji and I never will. Useless character. Why does she even exist at all. Focus on the main characters...
Okay, I cannot keep quiet about it anymore. The entire "Ginzo gets shot" scene was THE BEST THING EVER. Kaito literally reliving the trauma of losing his parental figure again, and being unable to even SHOW IT OR VISIT HIM? Him having to silently watch as Aoko (MY GIRL IS ON THE BIG SCREEN I ALMOST CHEERED) is going through this all alone??? She probably was still in Ekoda. Did she get a phone call and was flown in to Hokkaido? WHERE THE FUCK IS MIDORIKO IN THIS?!?!?! GOD. This scene. I want 500 character studies of this scene on my desk by tomorrow morning.
That being said, with the Toichi reveal at the end, NOT ONLY did Kaito hide his emotions as he visited his mortally injured father figure in the hospital, his actual father was RIGHT THERE??? TOICHIIII YOU RAT BASTARD I WILL KILL YOU!
Why even WAS Toichi there. Legit. Ugh, I wanna do this in chronological order.
I feel like she was underused tho. Her only contribution was calling Conan Kaito's twin, and that was it. Feel like that's a running theme with DetCo focusing too much on random murder of the day and not its actual characters (something that also HIGHLY annoyed me during the Scarlet Schooltrip >_<)
Speaking of, that plotpoint was also kinda never mentioned again after the half point of the movie?
Coming towards the end of the story, the car chase with like 5 different parties through the city was hilarious. This is the stupid Shounen action I expect from DetCo movies (but not the stupidest Shounen action we'll get!)
As for the actual plot, I don't really care for that in DetCo movies, I'm more interested in the established characters doing fun and wacky shit.
Also so not a fan of the "murderer misunderstands or misreads a situation, making their murders pointless" storylines in DetCo. Tho M19 was probably the worst one in that reguard (girl what!)
Okay, so the Kendo guy. His mother died to a bombstrike, so he wants to blow up a mountain with lots of civillians on it. Because he's anti war. Girl what.
And now to the peak of Stupid Shounen Battles: swordfight atop a flying airplane, one of the combattants wears no shoes.
Absolutely LOVED Kaito catching Heiji midair. He does it with Conan, he did it with Heiji. Hakuba, you're next.
Sure, Iori just randomly DROPPED A FLASHBANG right in front of Heiji and Kazuha. Tho shout out to my girl Kazuha who was quick and smart enough to cover Heiji's ears as she "Get down Mr President"ed him.
At this point, shoutout to Ran. She gives it her all to make this Ship a thing. Loved her "casually but ominously deduce Heiji's true intentions" thing she did. Go be a love detective, honey!
Okay, the after credit scene. VERY NATURAL REVEAL you guys did there. Just casually have Yusaku suddenly say "yes, my wife whom I have been married to for at least 18 years, I have a twin brother i haven't seen in 2 decades." Wow.
Conan kill your uncle with a soccer ball please.
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pookietv · 4 months
a secret | arthurtv
a request!! fluffy arthurtv having a crush on a singer that arthur hill knows!!
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you weren't really sure how the last few months had played out: you had gone from a tiny artist doing covers and the occasional original song on your smaller youtube channel, to being thrust into a welcoming community with a viral video.
it was surreal, you thought, and you were convinced the support and exposure you had experienced couldn't get any better, you had been able to quit your job, and do what you loved.
that is, until you received an email, inviting you to be an opening act on a tour for arthur hill at his london shows. you had seen him on tiktok, heard some of his songs and seen some of his youtube videos, and he did look cool.
so it was an easy yes, you already lived in london, you wouldn't need to travel, the only thing you needed to do was get used to performing on stage.
so you began doing small shows in dive bars, mainly on friday nights filled with drunk people who paid little attention anyways, so you could mess up all you liked, so it became routine.
performing as normal, in the abnormally warm room, the lights slightly pinkish in the cramped bar, it was unusual to hear your name from the crowd, so when you heard a slight gasp and a "wait, you're right, it is y/n," your head did turn slightly, but with the large crowd talking between eachother, drinks in everyones hands in a sea of people, you couldn't make out anyone in particular.
once you had come off the make-shift stage area, placing your guitar neatly in it's case, you felt a slight tap on your shoulder, turning your head to be met by arthur, a smile on his face.
"y/n! didn't know you came here," he said happily, looking at you expectantly.
"oh! hi arthur, yeah, just trying to get used to performing more, so i do a couple shows a week, what about you, what are you up to?" you said nicely, giving him a small smile in return, looking around the room slightly.
"oh, i'm just here with some of my friends, it's kinda close to our apartments so we figured we'd come just to see what it was like," he paused, turning around to point to three boys stood near the bar, "come over, i'll introduce you, they'll no doubt be at the show so you'll probably see them there too," he nodded over to them, and you followed him, with him chatting away about how excited for the show he was.
"so this is y/n! this is george, chris, and arthur, two of us so a little confusing," arthur hill grinned a little as he pointed to each one in succession.
"it's nice to meet you all! i've seen you a little in videos," you smiled towards them, looking slightly at the other arthur, who was timidly holding a pint of beer and looking at me with a mildly awkward smile.
"its nice to meet you in person! i feel like your songs are always playing in our flat between the two arthurs, it's all they bloody queue," chris smiled, and you giggled a little.
you shrugged with a small grin, "well, i am sorry if you're a little sick of my voice then," you joked, and george shrugged it off with a casual, "no, no, it sounds good!"
"i think arthur got me into your music more than anyone else," arthur hill said nonchalantly.
"oh?" you turned my head towards the other arthur, curiously, looking at him for a moment, and observing how nicely the shade of green of his jumper looked on him, whilst arthur hill began sharing some story with george and chris.
"oh, um, yeah! watched you on youtube for a while, even when you were just, like, doing covers," he smiled broadly.
"oh, that's really cool! i feel like not a lot of people knew me when i was doing covers," you said softly, and he just shrugged a little.
"were you going to stay for a drink?" arthur asked, and it became your turn to shrug. he was quite nice to look at, and that prospect made you slightly nervous.
"i mean, i wasn't planning on it, but i suppose a drink could do me some good," you giggled, and he nodded.
"i'll get you a drink, what do you drink?" he asked, and you tilted your head a little.
"oh, no, you don't have to get me one! i can get one, honestly," you said, but he shook his head with a genial look on his face, a knowing smile on his face making his eyes crinkle slightly.
"no, no, it's fine, please let me get you one?" he said, already sauntering his way to the bar as you followed a few paces behind him.
"okay, well, um, thank you..! i drink anything really, i'll just have whatever you're having," you smiled, and he nodded, ordering two pints of beer.
once the bartender had poured the drinks, you and arthur kept chatting whilst walking back to the rest of the group, who were still in discussion, and arthur seemed to pay it no notice, still speaking to you.
"i do really love your covers, by the way... you're easily one of my favourite singers," he spoke, and a small spread of blush graced your cheeks.
"that's really sweet of you, thank you," you murmured, a little shy before taking a sip of your drink and looking up to him, "so, you do youtube as well right? what kinds of videos?"
"oh, i dabble in a little of everything, in all honesty - i mainly do commentary on like reality tv, so things like ninety day fiance, if you know that? but i do a lot with others, too, reaction content, stuff like that," he explained, and you nodded along, smiling as he spoke about it.
"that seems really cool! i always thought i would love to vlog maybe, if my life got more interesting, y'know?" you joked with a slight giggle, "i don't really do much at the moment, i mean i sing, i write songs, i read a little... not too much, pretty boring."
arthur grinned a little and shook his head, "i don't think you're boring, i think you could definitely make interesting content in that sense,"
"i mean maybe, i don't know, maybe if i ever toured or something, that would be a cool thing to vlog," you looked up for a moment, as if you were rolling the idea around your head. "anyway, i should probably go soon, even though i'd love to stay and chat longer, but i gotta catch the last tube home," you nodded to him as your glass was finally empty, giving him a small apologetic smile.
"its no worries! i suppose i'll see you next saturday, right?" he asked - the day of the concert, and you nodded.
"yeah, of course!" you beamed, and turned to arthur hill and tapped his shoulder slightly, "sorry to interrupt the conversation! i was just gonna say bye, gotta catch the last tube home, but it was lovely to meet you all, and hopefully i'll see you on saturday?" you looked between the boys with a smile, and they nodded, all saying their goodbyes, and giving them slight hugs.
as you left, guitar case on your back and giving them a wave, before opening the door, george turned to arthur and grinned, "so, how's the not so secret youtube crush?" he teased, and arthur's face went red.
"yeah, we figured we'd leave you to it, seemed like you were in the zone," arthur hill chimed in and chris laughed at arthur's eyes rolling.
"she's... just very nice, that's all!" he poorly defended himself.
when saturday had rolled around, you were nervous, without sugarcoating anything.
luckily, you had nothing to be nervous about - your opening went great, the crowd was lovely, and the second your set was over, the rush of adrenaline was palpable as you came off stage, and couldn't hold back a toothy smile, wishing arthur hill good luck before he went on.
you watched eagerly from backstage, wanting to cool down a little and not wanting to jump straight into the crowd.
"you did great," you heard from behind you, and turned to see arthur.
"oh! thank you, i'm so glad i didn't flop or anything," you joked a little, giving him a small smile.
"you looked really good too, really, y'know, pretty," he grinned, "overall, a great performance,"
your cheeks turned slightly red at that compliment, shyly nodding a little as he laughed a little at you, though it was endearingly.
"can i trust you with a secret?" he smirked a little, and you tilted your head slightly.
"and what makes you want to tell me a secret?" you giggled back.
"'cause i reckon you can keep my secret," he retorted, "i've sort of had a fanboy crush on you for a while, y'know, from watching your youtube. you're as nice off camera as you are on." he smiled a little awkwardly, turning to look at you for a moment.
your eyes widened a little, your cheeks only burning more as he grinned at you still.
"oh? well, um, y'know... you're also, quite attractive," you practically babbled out, giggling a little nervously and he nodded in return. "nice eyes, and stuff,"
he laughed a little at your awkward attempt, and you rolled your eyes at him as he grinned, `"and stuff?" he teased, and you pushed his shoulder slightly.
"oh, shut up, you,"
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Title: "Smoking hot" (18+)
Sanji x ftm reader
Warning: mentions of smoking, a bit (?) toxic idk, mentions the word 'boy cunt' or 'boy pussy', porn with plot, Sanji relieving his sex drive, feminine terms, mentions of 'boy tits' pre-surger. Nipple sucking. The chances of gender dysphoria are quite high, didn't proof read nor use a grammar site to fix this, straight (?) Sanji using your body with consent.
Author: y'all, I'm bored and I just wanted to make a Sanji x FTM reader. I'm a Sanji simp, sadly. Idk wtf I made, I called it a day.
Like, comment, or/and reblog! Thank you!
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You joined the Strawhats when Luffy crashed into your house and just demanded you to come after learning about your skills, baking and swift skills with weapons.
You were always quick in your feet when it comes to making desserts along with matching your skill sets with the main cook, Sanji.
You loved Sanji but he wouldn't love you.
He loves women, girls, every kind of lady he will nose bleed without any hesitation.
You, a man, well a transgender man in fact, don't see yourself as a woman and would rather have him treat you like any other man then fawn over you like he does with Nami and Robin, both girls.
You didn't really come out yet, nor are you ready anyways.
You knew they wouldn't judge at all, most definitely Luffy. He would mostly be curious but as long as you are cool and strong then he won't care.
You just weren't ready so you kept it a secret for a while until a doctor, Chopper found out later on when you were injured.
He scolded you a bit for tightening your chest too tight until you gave him your reason.
He understands, of course, he is a doctor, he knows these types of things.
He thought of a different solution and something more healthier but it would be hard to find that type of material, he is willing to help and keep your secret.
Months gone by—fights, parties, adventures, etc.
You finally got the material Chopper promised, a binder. It was comfortable and makes your chest look like a man's chest. The only rule is you only have to wear it for 8 hours, you can't sleep in it.
Which is another challenge since you sleep in the boys deck.
So Chopper thought to just have you sleep in the doctor's quarters.
Some of the boys along with the girls question, except Chopper, however they just choose to ignore it thinking it's probably hard to sleep in the men's room.
Nami found that understandable as she would've done the same thing.
Sanji fawned over her just thinking of the girls sleeping in the same section as the men—he got punched by Nami.
It continues on, your secret still kept in along with Chopper checking up on you.
You really need to tell them someday, just not sure how or when.
Until now.
It was your turn for the night, Sanji was up making you food for the night while you were getting ready to take a shower.
You didn't think too much of it so you just chose not to lock the door...a bad idea.
Sanji, the man he is, walks in without even knocking as he thought it was a good idea to just dump the food on top of the sink carefully since you were both 'men'.
Sanji looks at you in shock, trying not to nose bleed by your feminine figure as you try not to cry out of embarrassment.
Of course, Sanji being the gentleman he is, apologized as he takes the food and runs out of the bathroom closing the door behind him.
It was never mentioned again after that.
It was awkward.
You couldn't look at Sanji straight nor Sanji as well.
He tried to treat you like he treats other men in the ship but it was hard for him, kinda.
Of course, he knows you see yourself as a man but your body, your chest, those woman parts. He couldn't. So he just chooses to just insult you then hitting you to balance it out.
It continued on until another situation happened again.
Luffy stops at an island so it was only you and the cook watching over the ship.
Sanji did complain how he would rather be with the ladies to protect them but got pushed down by Nami saying we need someone strong to watch over the ship which swooned him again.
Nami did mention you as well but you weren't that offended, honestly you knew you were not that strong as those monster trio so you just shrugged off.
You thought things would be normal.
You thought.
You moaned as a high sex drive Sanji slammed into you with hard thrust making both of your legs wobble. Your clit was going through the hard thrust as you smell the smoke hitting the air.
"Fuck, I needed this so much. Your boy pussy is pleasing my dick so well..."
His voice, deep and raspy making you shiver as he continues on fucking you. His hands reach through your jiggling chest from the harsh thrust, grabbing and squishing it.
"Fuck, even you boy tits are moving is so sexy. What a fuckin pretty boy, I'll miss these..." He takes off his cigarette and places it on top of your lips, indicating you to hold it.
You took the cigarette from his fingers with your mouth as you watched Sanji lean into your chest and started sucking hard onto your hard nipples, making you moan, tasting the ash into your mouth.
You reach the cigarette from your mouth, taking it out as you continue on moaning.
He stops sucking your nipples as he stares at you.
"You're going to be my personal sex toy, this boy cunt belongs to me, you got that?"
You just nodded as he took out his dick as the semen spurted into your thighs. Your clit clenching into nothing as you whimpered from the emptiness.
"Look at that...your boy pussy really wants another round, aye?" His fingers touch your puffed clit, feeling the wetness from his fingers.
"let's go again, after this other smoke. I still feel horny, you think you can take all of that away, baby boy? All of these women couldn't get a chance with me but you, a man with feminine body parts, you are perfect..." He lines his dick again into your puffy cunt as he slams again making you moan louder.
"I wonder if this makes me gay....whatever."
I got like thousands of drafts (16+ drafts) ummm y'all ill lock in UHHHH...
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archangeldyke-all · 6 months
hi angel !! i hope ur doing well.
what do you think sevika would be like with a witchy partner? like a partner whose always slipping crystals into her pockets or using makeup to draw protection sigils on her arm (me lol)
disclaimer! i know a bit about witchcraft, being a lesbian and all, but i'm not super familiar with rituals, or cultural practices, so this is all kinda just guessing.
men and minors dni
the thing is... she tries so hard to be a skeptic.
she scoffs every morning when you gently tuck a black crystal into her side satchel, promising it'll protect her.
she rolls her eyes when you talk about astrology or the phases of the moon... like the planets have powers.
and any time she walks in on your burying a candle or some herbs, she just shakes her head and chuckles, then kisses your head and goes about her day.
but... and she fucking hates the fact that it's true... your little potions and spells and whatever else you do... it seems to work.
she asked you one night after she got home, as she was cooking dinner and you were unpacking her satchel for her, why you don't just leave the 'little rock' in overnight, so you don't have to pack it for her every day.
you giggled and explained to her that half the protection is the way you bless it, the symbols you trace into it every morning.
"what kinda symbols?"
"well, i made a special one for you. for when you go to work. that you'll come home safe to me."
and you kinda take her breath away with that answer.
and, worst of all, it seems like it works. each day since you've moved in and started the little morning ritual, she's come home safe and sound, excited to see you.
(she convinces herself it's just the placebo effect, until she comes to terms with the truth when you're too sick one morning to pack her little satchel for her, she forgets the crystal, and gets the shit beat outta her. twice in one day.)
sometimes you anoint her forehead or pulse points with little oils: petals and herbs and other little goodies in the jars. she'll ask what it's for and you'll shrug.
"this one's for peace of mind. you look all far away." you said one night, when you caught on the couch watching tv in the middle of the night.
she was snoring on top of you within minutes.
"this one's for communication." you said on the morning before she asked silco for a raise.
which she ended up getting.
"this one's... well... you'll see." you said mischeviously, before pressing a kiss to her cheek and winking at her.
when she had your ankles by her ears, her strap balls deep inside of you, you giggled and bit her earlobe. "it was an arousal-- ah! arousal oil."
"figures." sevika grunts.
anyways... you know that despite the teasing sevika respects it. she's always bringing you 'cool rocks' for your crystal collection-- you don't have the heart to tell her most of them are just pebbles, so you just add 'em to the shelf. she'll pick up anything and everything that looks a little mystical for you: from cool black matches, to candles whose flames burn different colors, to real crystals, and bones or taxidermied critters.
(she kind of loves the witchy-gothy vibe of it all, loves that there's always candles burning, and incense by the windows-- little jars of goodies and ingredients everywhere. she thinks it's cool. she'll never admit it to you, though.)
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub
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year2000electronics · 14 days
So how did Dipper and Mabel transform? You said that most people in the town change over a year, but the twins were almost immediately, so was there some intense body horror?
Like growing extra limbs or the leg joints snapping into disturbing shapes and lengths while their toes fuse together into hooves and their spines push out into a whole other back and continues into a tail? Or Mabel’s horn growing? Idk that sounds like it would hurt pretty bad.
Or did they just wake up one day with their lower half replaced by a unicorn and deer, respectively?
Btw I LOVE how you’ve been doing your world building, and all of your designs are SO CUTE/COOL!!
GREAT QUESTION! see, dipper and mabel's cursed transformations in particular need to happen at a stricter time-point than many of the others because of the role it plays in the story
it can't happen too late, because this is an au about "what if everyone was monsters", and if dipper and mabel were taking their time transforming all the way up to mid-season 1, it kinda defeats the point a little
the transformation needs to happen quicker than expected, because if it's too slow, stan or another adult can see the warning signs and realize that the twins are absolutely going to get cursed if they stay for too long. it needs to happen like [snaps fingers] that, or else it wouldn't be able to happen
SO. with all that in mind, my answer for how the twins end up transforming is this. the twins have exactly one event in our show timeline that they're NOT monsters for: tourist trapped. at the starting point of tourist trapped in the show, we also know for a fact that it's been at least a couple days just based on things like dipper's "until one fateful day" line in the show. so it's not like they get cursed the moment they step into gravity falls! but the curse happening only AFTER the twins find journal 3? i feel like that makes a sort of air of mystique that's like... did the curse take the twins so fast because they dove too far into studying the supernatural? is it because they're kids so it happens faster for them? whoooo knoooows... oooh... (it's left purposely ambiguous)
ANYWAYS. about a day or so after tourist trapped but before gobblewonker, stan has the kids working at the shack for another day of suitable-for-kids labour. however, the entire day, the kids feel really sore and they keep complaining about it to stan. id also pin it as feeling really similar to "growing pains" that kids around that age get? that aching around the hips
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he figures they're just being a bunch of city slickers not used to lugging their weight, and he DOES let them have the rest of the day off, but, like, doesnt think anything else about it. why would it be weird? curse takes at least a year. that's how it's always been. the kids go to bed and end up experiencing a lot of feverlike symptoms, crazy fever dreams, unexplained pain, but all that ever happens is that one or two of them wake up half-asleep and try to get some water (not noticing that their feet are clacking against every surface)
and then.
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BUT YEAH thats how i imagine it basically. once i finally get around to making a Customary Google Doc about my take on monster falls i might revisit this answer but this is my headcanon for now!
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A random thought, you remember the achievement when we get the Statue of Perfection or Statue of True Perfection. Everyday we received iridium ore or random items, then how will the SDV/SVE Bachelors, (can you add the adventurers and mages) gonna react to this huge looking (gold/iridium) teddy bear appear in the farm and everyday a random item pops out.
(I mean I would find it weird and intriguing, that I woke up the next day just to see a huge looking teddy bear appeared on my spouse's arms.)
...A teddy bear?
*looking at a picture on the SDV wiki*
It's a cat, isn't it? I always thought it was a cat. *Looking again* Although the ears are a little round, it does looks like a bear. Kinda...
Anyway, good to see you in my askbox again! Enjoy some headcanons 💕 And I'm interested to hear from others, who do you see in these statues, the bear or the cat?
SDV bachelors react to Statue of Perfection/True Perfection:
...Was there some kind of strange fashion for huge jewelled statues or something? It wasn't enough for Shane to find a gold statue of Lewis in Marnie's room (of course, she refused to say how it got there in the first place), but now Farmer had one. Well, at least Shane's spouse had chosen a cute animal instead of one with the hideous mayor's face on it. "Why?" "That statue gives us ore every day." "...So you can do nothing and you'll make a profit. Wow, that's handy stuff." A useful statue and a nice looking one, so Shane didn't mind.
Imagining the life of a rich and famous athlete, which Alex aspired to, he still didn't understand some of the oddities of people living in luxury. For example, the habit of ordering gold statues with encrusted gems. Alex's spouse had received a statue of Perfection as a reward for their deeds, but those who just bought them and tried to pass them off as some kind of achievement? Weird. They usually also ugly looking, not like Farmer's statue that looks like a bear, or maybe it's a cat, and... ??? Did the statue just give him a prismatic shard??????
"Darling, where did you get this?" "One statue was given to me by Grandpa. The other I got as a reward." Never before had Harvey seen statues as tall as himself made of pure iridium. The doctor hadn't paid much attention to it before, thinking they were just strange decorations made of inexpensive metal. But later, while rearranging the bedroom, Harvey began to scrutinise each of the statues. "Your Grandpa had unusual taste in furniture." "It's not about taste, it's about to get ore." And Farmer took the iridium ore and the prismatic shard from the two statues, leaving Harvey in complete shock.
To be honest, Sebastian was a little disappointed when Farmer told him that the Statue of Perfection wasn't some sort of totem for worshipping spirits or gods. Too bad, he was already prepared to listen with interest about how these statues were connected to all sorts of occult stuff, but alas. "Well, I wouldn't say the statues are simple, hon." When Sebby saw with his own eyes that these metal figures yielded ore, he opened his mouth in amazement. "Cool." Okay, now Sebastian was even more interested in how this magic statue worked.
Sam's been doting on the cute faces of the iridium statues for about half an hour now. "Heh, adorable. Where did you acquire that statue?" "Got it from Grandpa's Shrine." "...Huh? From where?" The young guitarist guessed that the statues were unusual, but he didn't realise that there was a whole adventure story behind them with all the weirdness. "And one of the conditions of getting statue was to pet your dog?" "Yeah! Well, I'd pet the dog anyway because I love our dog, statue or not, but yeah." Sam doesn't understand anything, but he's still interested! Like wow, cool magic statue!
When Elliott was touring for his book signings, he managed to visit several museums in Zuzu City that were full of similarly unusual statues and figures. At least the statues his spouse purchased weren't the spawn of nightmares (Elliott doesn't judge art, but he certainly wouldn't want those decorations in his home). "They're not just cute, dear" When one of the statues produced a prismatic shard, the writer was speechless. But then he had an idea... "The hero went on an adventure in search of a statue of eternal wealth... Not a bad plot for a novel, don't you think?"
SVE bachelors react to Statue of Perfection/True Perfection:
Magnus can't believe his own eyes. "This is an endless source of iridium ore - a dream for treasure seekers, and a topic of discussion among mages and witches as to the origin of this relic. But also the cause of death for many, ruined by their own greed and envy." The wizard hopes that his spouse will not meet the same fate. He also tries to restrain himself from the urge to study the Statue of Perfection by being cautious. Magnus knows that Farmer's intentions are pure, and they have earned such a reward through hard work, but just in case.
"You definitely had to go through many trials and do incredible things to obtain such a treasure, my dear. A worthy reward for someone like you." Lance knows very well that even the richest person in the world cannot afford such a magical statue, it only has to be earned. And his dear spouse has earned not one, but two whole statues. Lance knows how these statues work, so not surprised about that. But the pink-haired man is more interested in the exact merits for which Farmer was so honoured. Lance wouldn't mind hearing their story over a glass of wine.
Oh, it's.... the Statue of Perfection! It's real! What? Of course Victor knows about it! Well, not that he knows for sure, but he's read books about various artifacts and relics that were covered in mysteries. The books themselves were written by adventurers, and there were at least a few mentions of a legendary Statue of Perfection that would bring the owner happiness and wealth. Or something like that. But now Victor's spouse has been given a true legend for their hard work! It's impressive, and he is very proud of Farmer!
Bonus reaction from non-marriage SVE adventurers/mages:
"What do we have here~ Sweetie, you have no idea what powerful magic these statues contain." It wasn't even the fact that the two pure iridium statues yielded ore and a prismatic shard every day that interested Camilla. The Castle Village witch believes there is something else stored inside, something that would be good to study. Wealth doesn't interest her, but potential magic does.... "I wonder how the Farmer got such a treasure, hmm? You'll tell your friend Camilla, right?
The first time Alesia saw the statues of Perfection, she thought Farmer worshipped some kind of animal spirits. She herself is an Yoba worshipper, but has no dislike for other beliefs. "If this is not totem, then what?" From the information she's received about the statue, the sniper is silent from shock for a few seconds, then says, "According to the legends, people, blended with greed, killed each other to get their hands on these relics. Do not repeat their fate, young adventurer. And be careful who you share this information with." Alesia hoped Farmer wouldn't get themself into trouble...
Jadu is going to faint with happiness. These are the same statues of Perfection that wizards and adventurers have been searching for for centuries! The metal artifacts made of pure iridium simply radiate magic! They have a rather lovely appearance, the wizard should note, very cute.... But he's distracted! Jadu almost begs Farmer to let him study them. Like Camilla, he's interested in the knowledge hidden in the statues, not the iridium ore itself.
Are these THE statues of Perfection that half of all adventurers and wizards would kill themselves over? Pfft, it looked like some cheap obscure bear-faced thing. Isaac is not impressed. And the presence of ore in the statue didn't surprise him much either ("I've seen stranger things"). Still, the grumpy adventurer will not deny the fact that Farmer has achieved this, albeit silly-looking, reward by hard work. So they're worth something. Maybe Farmer is not as hopeless as Isaac previously thought. ("Thanks Isaac. I guess...").
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mvltisstuff · 10 months
hi!! omg so would you ever mind doing a one-shot where buck is like capital W Wasted and is flirting with reader (but reader has always had a crush on him) so when he complements them they’re all like “buck, you’re being mean.” and he’s all offended and confesses everything but the reader isn’t too sure how real it is?
you can 100% control the ending, your vision is so *chefs kiss*
i wish you were sober - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
a/n: i’m so sorry this is like weeks late, but i hope it’s enjoyed regardless. 🫶
as if she were a high school freshman seeing the QB of varsity football that she never, ever had a chance with, y/n’s heart would dangerously speed up whenever buck walked into the room. let alone when he did anything. if he brushed past her, or if he placed a hand on her shoulder, it left y/n begging to not be left crumbling on the floor. she could tell buck knew, too, but both their egos stood in the way. y/n was just too embarrassed to let the words come out of his mouth, and buck figured he would ruin anything between them. so, he left it where it was. he didn’t touch her or try to turn a new light on.
he did, however, know how to drink, and he knew it all too well.
he’s not an alcoholic, but he knows how to have a good time with the right amount of shots and continuously ordering more drinks for everyone. everyone watched his intake get bigger and more, but they didn’t both to stop him. if buck wants to have a good time and let loose by drinking, they just have to let him or even join him.
usually, y/n has no problem ordering her cocktail and sitting at the bar with her coworkers. but recently, it’s all be off like a glitch in the system. nothing has been the same since she noticed the pounding in her chest and the screaming in her mind whenever buck walked into the room. seriously, it was becoming a problem. she needed to cool it down, and she was scared of what might happen if she let her courage be defined by liquor.
“can someone tell y/n to drink, please? i can’t stand to see her wallowing in the corner.” chimney asks, dipping his chip into the salsa before shoving it into his mouth.
“don’t act like you wouldn’t be prying the glass out of my hands. besides, i barely got the drinking memo, i just wanted to go home!”
“what’s got you all moody?” eddie teases.
“i’m not moody,” y/n grumbles, taking a sip of the drink she surely doesn’t want, but the tipsy buck had ordered it for her. eddie turns around, shaking his head and getting up to grab another beer from the counter. “where is buck, anyway?”
“he kinda ran off somewhere, we think he’s trying to get his friend who works here a discount because he knows him.” chimney tells y/n, nodding off to whichever direction buck might have went in.
y/n’s always happier when bucks around, whether she wants to admit it or not. he’s like a bug, clinging to you but in the best was possible, a way that makes you want him to never go away. the buzz in your ear is never obnoxious, and he somehow manages to make you feel so much lighter in the world.
but, tonight, y/n’s not sure if she wants him around. she doesn’t want to watch his relentless charm go over everyone in the bar, knowing that he’ll never want her the same way. it’s getting exhausting, watching girls hang off of him knowing that buck will never be y/n’s.
still, buck manages to find his firefly, his closest friend (he won’t admit that it’s more).
he swoops into her conversation and tries to bring his usual brightness back, but she just seems frustrated with him. the air between them feels tense and as if y/n fears him, or resents him. she can’t let herself go around him anymore.
“y/nnnn!” buck drags out, leaning on his hand which rests on the shiny bar.
“what, buck?” she turns her head, only the corner of her mouth lifting up to play along with his antics.
“come on, i think i deserve a whole smile, huh? we both know how pretty it is.”
“what?” she stumbles over her words, unable to figure out why he’s suddenly doing this.
“i love making you laugh, y/n, because i just get to see your cute face light up.”
“buck, what are you talking about-“ y/n laughs, but she’s silently letting her heart crack more at every word he says. she can’t handle him saying this and then leaving it to be false reality. he keeps going. he doesn’t stop. the compliments are consistent, and normally they’d be appreciated.
tonight is different.
tonight, y/n doesn’t feel like listening to buck make up fake things to say about her. she doesn’t feel like listening to things that he’ll forget about in the morning. things that mean the world to her, but nothing to him.
she finds herself sneakily lurking outside the bar, her coat on and the light wind biting at her nose. LA doesn’t normally get too cold, but the chilliness in the air is making her rub her hands together anxiously for warmth. she dials through her phone, searching for her uber app in any way to get home.
“you think you’re sneaky? why you leaving?” buck hiccups, his thick soles crunching the pebbles beneath his feet.
“i’m going home, buck. i’m not playing this game tonight.”
“what game? we can play games, we can play pool!”
“you barely have enough coordination to stand here, i doubt you can play pool.”
“alright, well, goodnight to you, too. what did they put in your drink?”
“have you ever thought that you’re the problem?”
“oh, way too often, pretty girl,”
“stop,” she whispers.
“don’t say that. that’s just mean, buck.”
“what’s mean? the fact that i love you or the fact that we’re standing out here in the cold when we could be having fun inside?”
“buck, enough.”
“i’ll say it again, i love you! i don’t know who else has to hear it for you to listen to me!”
“stop saying that! you’re the one playing a fucking game with me. you’re saying all this to flatter me and then tomorrow, you’re gonna wake up as if nothing happened. you’re gonna remember the shots you took, not the words you threw at me.”
his drunken eyes start to fall, looking deadly as he stares y/n in the eye. “but what if i mean it?” he says, his voice having a tinge of sadness to it.
“i don’t believe you.”
“you should.”
“well, that doesn’t fix everything, buck. if you really love me, tell me when you’re sober.”
she turns on her heel with her freezing hands in her pockets, and the image of her genuinely angelic face fades out of sight. the only thing that buck is left with is the sounds of car tires crunch against the cold concrete and a decision to make.
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4ttack-ur-heart · 1 year
I Think I Wanna Marry You
Pairing: Levi x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, light angst but it’s a happy ending, levi being nervous about proposing.
Summary: You take great care of Levi, you always have. When Hange reveals your intentions of marriage to him, Levi does everything he can to make it happen- just be sure to add a few bumps.
So I know I promised this Levi fic out yesterday, but sadly life got in the way. My bad for any mistakes, I wanted to post this asap. ANYWAYS, I kinda got carried away with the original idea and went super wordy with it, so enjoy a longer fic <3
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Making your way outside was a struggle. Your vision was slightly obscured from the various items held in your arms.
“Excuse me.” You said as multiple scouts dodged out of your way. Some of them chuckled at you and others offered you help.
“You got it, (l/n)?”
“All good!”
Your boots scuffed across the dirt path as you walked carefully to the training grounds. The sounds of grunts and shuffling filled through your ears as you approached the open ground. You set the items down gently on the floor, careful not to knock anything over.
Taking a seat next to the pile, you rested your arm on your propped up leg, taking in the scenery in front of you.
Your eyes scanned over the crowd of soldiers sparring with each other until they settled on one.
His scouts jacket was set on a nearby bench and his white button up was untucking slightly from his movements. Sweat beaded down his face and his hair was swaying back and forth in front of his face.
The sun was brutally beating down on the grounds and you never understood how they could train so heavily in the scorching heat.
Levi was training with Miche. The two men, although different in size, were evenly matched. Miche threw a fist at Levi, but he quickly retaliated by knocking his arm away and sending a powerful kick to his abdomen. Miche grunted from the attack, but quickly straightened up as Levi charged at him once more.
The men threw hits back and forth until Levi managed to knock Miche off balance. Levi sent his leg to the back of Miche’s knee before jabbing his elbow on his back. The tall man hit the ground with a grunt.
“It’s not even a fair fight anymore.” Levi said, holding a hand out to help him up.
Miche chuckled and took it. “Let’s not forget I’m the one who kicked your ass first.”
Levi scoffed at his response, but he couldn’t deny it. He gave it his best, but Miche did manage to take him down in the Underground.
Miche wiped the dust from his uniform and met your watching eyes. He nodded his head at you and Levi turned around, looking at your sitting figure just feet from him.
You smiled at Levi as he approached you, a more mellow look on his face. “What are you doing here? I thought you had paperwork to finish.”
“I did, but I finished early and wanted to see you.” Standing up, you turned to the pile you brought with you. “Here.”
“What’s all this?” His steel eyes scanned over the pile.
“I got you some water.” You handed him the jug, which he graciously accepted. “Then I brought you a towel.”
Again, he took the item.
“And some food in case you were hungry.”
“(Y/n).” Levi started, but you rambled on, pulling out various items.
“I didn’t know if you were getting sunburned or not, so I also brought some of that cooling balm from the market.”
“Oh! I also brought some of that bug spray Hange made. I know the mosquitos are brutal this time of year-”
“(Y/n), darling.” Levi said firmly. You paused mid sentence and looked up at him. “I appreciate it, believe me I do, but you didn’t need to do all this.”
“But I wanted too.” You answered back.
Levi chuckled. “I can see that. How on earth did you carry everything?”
Shrugging, you wrapped the towel around his neck and used the end to wipe the sweat off his face. Then you opened the cooling balm and slathered some of the goo on your fingers. “I have my ways.”
Before Levi could speak up, your fingertips attacked his face and started spreading the balm on his reddened cheeks and nose.
You notice a few scouts staring at your actions. Clearly trying not to laugh at their strong Captain getting pampered. “The hell are you staring at? Get back to training!”
The scouts quickly ducked their heads and walked away.
“I don’t need all this, darling.” He insisted.
“Your face says otherwise.” You smiled. “Finish your water.”
Levi wrapped an arm around you waist and pecked your cheek. “Thanks.”
After a brutal day of training and working on the new scout formation with Erwin, you were beat. You settled into your sleepwear for the night and made your way to Levi’s office, a tray of tea balanced in your hand.
Your knuckles wrapped against the door briefly before you shoved the door open, taking a second to rebalance the tray of very hot tea. Levi was doing his infamous resting face as he saw your figure unceremoniously enter the room.
“Tch, I could’ve been in a meeting.”
You walked over to his desk and placed the tray down. Setting a cup in front of him, you carefully poured him his tea. “Yeah, and…? The higher ups love me.”
“If you say so.”
You shot him a playful glare and he gave you a small smile in return. He picked up his tea from the top of the cup and brought it to his lips.
“Careful, it’s hot.” You warned him.
“Really? I couldn’t tell with the all the steam.”
“Okay, Mr. Grumpy, finish your tea and we’ll head to bed. I’m tired.” You poured a small amount of milk into your own cup, stirring it gently with a small spoon, a gentle clinking sound echoing in the room.
Levi took a sip and placed the cup down, picking up his pen and scribbling his signature down on a few spots. “I’m not stopping you, darling. If you’re tired, go to bed. You know I don’t go to bed at a decent hour.”
“Yeah, that’s gonna change.” You said nonchalantly and took a small sip. “Finish up, cause we’re going to bed in 20 minutes.”
“No, I want to try something.” You cut him off.
Levi let out a small sigh, but nonetheless nodded at you. “Alright.”
After about 15 minutes, Levi shuffled his papers together and placed your empty cups back on the tray.
“C’mon.” His hand grasped yours and he led you to his quarters. The room was very simple and tidy, not a speck of dust either. You looked at the small bookshelf in the corner of the room filled with countless romance novels you recommended to him.
“Did you read ‘Just Us’ yet?” You asked and settled into his bed, the scent of fresh linen filling your nostrils. The book was laying on the nightstand, the bookmark peeking out of the bottom of the book.
“I started it, but haven’t had time to finish it.” He said and started to undress.
“You should! It’s about a young couple that fell in love instantly and their life- oh my god, the wedding scene! Ahh~” You rolled across the bed and draped an arm frantically over your forehead.
Levi deeply chuckled at you. “Yes, you’ve told me countless times about it.”
“Yeah, cause you should read it.” You rolled your eyes.
“I will, I will. Now, what did you want to try?” Levi sat on the edge of the bed and turned towards you, now dressed in more comfortable clothes.
“Come here.” You quickly sat up and made grabby hands towards him. Levi obeyed and sat closer in front of you.
“Now what?”
“Lay down.”
“Darling, I cuddle you, not the other way around.” Levi crossed his arms.
“Shut up, you old man. Just do what I say.”
Levi scoffed and hesitantly laid down against you. His head was leaning on your chest as you sat up against the headboard and shuffled under the blankets.
Levi was stiff against you, clearly not used to the position.
“Relax, Lee.” Your hand brushed through his hair, trailing down his undercut. “Close your eyes.”
So he did. He let his eyes drop shut and focused on trying to fall asleep. The steady beating of your heart lulling him into a relaxed state.
He threw an arm around your stomach and pulled his body closer to yours. You tried not to coo at the sight and continued trekking your fingers through his hair. Levi seemed to like the gesture and you thought if he was a cat, he’d be purring up a storm.
The room was silent as you picked up the book on the nightstand, your hand fumbling to set up the book in a way without disturbing Levi.
Flipping through the chapters, you found your favorite part. The wedding.
Levi was snuggled up against you, soft snores escaping his lips as he was clearly knocked out.
Idiot. Watch me find out he’s a bottom, too.
You read through the book, the vivid detail and dialogue playing out perfectly in your head. You could only hope it could be you and Levi in the novel.
The main character reminded you so much of Levi. Very strong and intimidating, until he met the love of his life.
After the ceremony, the couple in the novel secretly snuck out into the garden of their reception. A stolen dance away from everyone else. The scene was intimate and private as the couple swayed under the moonlight. Drunken laughter heard from inside their venue, but they didn’t care. Their dance was something you only dreamt of with Levi.
“Maybe one day.” You murmured, now very sleepy. Sagging down against the headboard, you pulled Levi tighter against you and shut your eyes.
“You seem well rested.” Hange commented at Levi. She was right, while he still remained his usual self, he was more relaxed and not so much on edge.
“(Y/n) helped me sleep last night at a decent hour.” He replied and looked over some of Hange’s notes.
Hange hummed in response.
“You know she wants to marry you, right?” They said.
Levi froze in place, his eyes widening at the comment. “W-what?”
“Don’t act stupid, Levi. I knew you were a guy, but I still thought you were one of the few that had a brain.” Hange laughed at the stiffened man, their smile faltered slightly as he didn’t seem to relax. “You did know that, right?”
“I-uh. W-well-” Levi couldn’t find the words. “How do you know?”
“Cause she told me.” Hange replied, sticking their face in their microscope, analyzing some new Titan sample.
“A few weeks ago.”
“And you’re just telling me now?” Levi said clearly irritated.
“Damn, shorty, I thought you knew. That girl loves you to death. Have you seriously never thought about it?”
Of course he has. He’s thought about it every day. Levi was hesitant, though. Not about wanting to marry you, just scared something bad will happen after everything he’s been through. Everything he’s loved in his life was brutally ripped from him, so he’s always carried that fear inside of him.
“I have- I do want to marry her.”
Hange smiled at him. They rolled their eyes and gave out a loud laugh. “Then what the hell are you waiting for?! Get to it.”
“Levi, I bought some of those nice smelling oils you like. Ya know the ones from that small shop in town?” You opened the small bag and set the vials on his desk.
Levi didn’t look up from his papers, a small hum leaving his lips as he was clearly not paying attention.
“Lee, you okay?” You asked and tilted your head at him, you noticed he tensed up as you got closer to him.
“Mhm.” He didn’t look up, his eyes still scanning through the papers.
“You sure? You seem distracted.”
He let out a heavy sigh and his hard eyes met yours. “I’m fine, just trying to work, (Y/n).”
Your shoulders sagged at his tone, clearly confused. “Maybe you’re just stressed. Do you want to head to bed? You slept so good the other night, like you woke up and your hair was sticking-”
“Trying to work, (Y/n).” He repeated sternly, making you frown.
“O-oh. Okay, I’ll leave you alone, then.” You said quietly and reached for the vials set on his desk.
Putting a few back in their bag, your hand grazed the last one when it fell forwards and collided with the ground.
The small glass jar shattered upon impact, making Levi’s eyes scan to the mess now on the floor. You flinched at the sound and quickly bent down the pick up the broken jar, nose wrinkling as the strong scent invaded your nostrils.
“Shit, sorry.”
Levi abruptly stood up, the chair screeching against the floorboard and his hand reached up to touch his forehead. “(Y/n)…”
Your eyes met his from the floor.
“I’m trying to work. Please just go.”
“I know, I’m leaving. I just thought these would cheer you up.”
Levi rolled his eyes and opened the window behind his desk. “Yeah, and now I’m going to have a headache from the oils scent. Thank you.”
Your lip wobbled at his words, clearly feeling hurt by his annoyed mood. “Look, I don’t know what’s wrong with you, but you don’t have to take it out on me.”
“I’m trying to work! For gods sake, (Y/n).”
You stood up from your spot on the floor and bit your lip in a weak attempt to not cry. “You don’t have to be an asshole.”
Turning on your heel, you made your way to leave the room. A body suddenly blocked the doorway and you glanced up, before ducking your head down and brushing past him.
“Commander Erwin.”
Erwin looked at you with a confused expression and tried to ask what happened as he noticed the tears escaping your eyes, but you quickly left before he could.
His gaze looked towards Levi and then the broken vial on the floor, a stern look adorning his features. “Care to explain?”
Levi let out yet another sigh and angrily rushed a hand through his raven hair. “I’m stressed out and I took it out on her.”
Erwin let out a ‘hmph’ at Levi’s explanation. “She’s just trying to help you.”
Levi knew that. Of course he knew that. Everything he’s been doing has been stressing him out lately trying to make everything perfect for you.
Yeah, you were right, he was an asshole. Levi reached into his drawer and pulled out a rag. He crouched down to the spill and covered the liquid. “I know, I just don’t want her to find out. I left the fucking book on the desk and I thought she’d see it.”
Levi removed a few papers off his desk and revealed the open book of ‘Just Us’ flipped to the wedding chapter. He had several lines were underlined and circled with details annotated.
Erwin shut the door behind him and stepped closer, letting out a grim chuckle. “Well, you certainly took care of that, didn’t you?”
“Tch.” Levi glared at the commander. “What the hell are you doing here anyways? It’s late.”
Erwin pulled out a a few papers folded together. A letter. “I managed to get in contact with the jeweler. Told him about the rather sad income out soldiers receive along with your story.”
Levi crossed his arms hardened his gaze. “So you made me out as some basket case?”
“Not necessarily. It doesn’t matter, what matters is that he cut the price in half.” Erwin handed Levi the papers. Levi tore the papers from his grasp them and scanned over the writing, his eyes widened as he read through.
“He wants me to pick it up in the morning.” Levi whispered and felt his hands getting clammy. This was it. Tomorrow morning he’d have the ring.
The ring he picked out for you, his future wife.
“Levi?” You knocked on the door to his office.
You woke up to an empty bed this morning and you thought he was still mad at you from last night, so you made him some tea as a peace offering.
No answer. You opened the wooden door to the room, the loud creaking ringing out in the empty room.
“He’s not here.” You recognized Erwin’s voice from behind you. You jumped at his words, not expecting him to appear behind you.
Your hand rebalanced the sloshing cup of tea in your grip. “Where is he?”
“He went into town.”
For what? Levi never really liked to venture into the city on his own and if he did, he always took you with him. You knew he’d much rather prefer a nice stroll in the forest or around the courtyard, so hearing this was a surprise. “Oh, alright. Would you like some tea, sir? I’d hate to see it go to waste.”
Erwin nodded and took the cup from you and set a hand in your shoulder. “Are you okay? You looked rather upset last night.”
You stiffened at his question and nodded your head. “Y-yeah. Sorry about that, sir. We kind got into it.”
The commander gestured for you to walk with him and so you did. The halls were mostly empty, only a few scouts lingering before starting their daily duties. “Stop with the formalities, (Y/n). You don’t have to apologize for your feelings. He’s under a lot of stress right now and I had sent him to go meet up with some of the MP’s.” The lie easily slipped off his tongue as you both stopped in front of his door.
“I understand he’s stressed,” you started and turned the corner to his office. “I just don’t want him to feel like he can’t talk to me about it.”
Erwin took out the key to his office and unlocked the door. “If I know Levi, he doesn’t want his own stress to add on to yours.” The door opened with a loud creak. “Give him some time to cool off and figure things out. You didn’t do anything wrong, please don’t forget that.”
His words brought you a sense of calming. It was nice to hear it from someone else. But until Levi wasn’t upset, you’d continue to think otherwise.
“Thank you, Erwin.” You smiled up at him through watery eyes.
“Of course, my office is always open when you need me.” He gestured to the opened door, making you laugh. “Why don’t you go help Miche? He’s dealing with the new squads and you know how hard he can be.”
“Yes, sir.”
The day dragged on slowly with your mind being clouded on Levi. You weren’t mad at him, just concerned. Both of you had worked so hard to communicate your feelings and concerns throughout your relationship so that situations like this wouldn’t happen.
“Squad 3 advance in! Give Squad 1 their chance to recover!” Miche shouted at the training soldiers. The squads were practicing with some of the new Titan dummies, thanks to Hange and some of the Garrison soldiers, they were able to have more movement and spin on the mechanisms. It gave training more of a purpose since they weren’t just stiff pieces of wood anymore.
You stood next to Miche, surprised by the new recruits. “What do you think of them?” You asked.
“They’re good, still need work though. They won’t be truly ready until they’re face to face with the real thing.” His arms were crossed and a hardened expression carried on his face.
You nodded at his words and a small silence washed over you both as you continued with training.
“Are you going to address the elephant in the room?”
“We’re outside.”
“Don’t be a smartass, you know what I mean.” He gave out a small chuckle.
“Erwin?” You asked and sighed when the man nodded. “Dammit.”
“Everything okay?” Miche always treated you like a little sister. Watching out for you and being protective before you and Levi had started dating. Miche wasn’t too happy when he found out you liked him and knowing how Levi could be, but as he saw how Levi was allowing himself to become closer with you, he eventually pushed you two together.
“Yeah, I guess I just caught him at a bad moment.” Shrugging it off, you tried to downplay the situation. The more you talked about it, the more it wracked your brain.
“Still doesn’t excuse it though, (Y/n).” He replied, voice now more serious. “Just give me the signal and I’ll beat his ass.”
You laughed. “Didn’t he kick you to the floor the other day?”
Miche’s response made you squeal as he wrapped an arm around your neck and dragged his knuckles across your hairline. “Ah, I’m sorry!”
Levi hands felt clammy, he was nervous. Very nervous. He was walking through the halls at a brisk pace, desperate to find you.
The small velvet box in his pocket felt like it weighed a hundred pounds as it gently bumped against his thigh with every step.
Levi took a deep breath and knocked on your door. A faint ‘come in’ was heard and he pushed the door open slowly.
His steel blue eyes met yours hastily. You were still in your casual clothes, your sleepwear in your hands.
“I-I, uh. Shit.” He muttered, losing his confidence.
“Is everything okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost, want me to put some tea on?” Concern was laced with your voice.
Fuck, how the hell were you so sweet to him? Even after he snapped at you last night for no reason, you still found a way to take care of him. Swallowing the bile in his throat, Levi straightened his posture.
“No, darling, I’m alright.” He made his way over to you and he took both of your hands in his. You gave Levi a concerned face, why was he acting so strange?
“(Y/n)…” Levi started, thumbs nervously rubbing over the back of your hands. “Listen, I need to apologize for last night. I was being a jerk and you didn’t do anything for me to speak to you in that way.”
His thumb then trailed over to your left ring finger. The area naked and bare, but not for long, he hoped.
“Aw honey, why do you look so distressed? It’s okay.” Your gaze softened and you reached up to rub your thumb against his cheek, you raised a brow when you realized his face had a thin layer of sweat. “Erwin told me everything.”
Levi almost choked on his spit and his eyes widened. “H-he what?”
“Yeah, he told me how he had to send you in town for all those errands with the MP’s. I’d be mean about it too.”
Oh, thank god.
Levi let out a sigh in relief. “N-no, that’s not w-why-shit.”
You started to become concerned for him. The poor guy was starting to sweat and now he’s stuttering. He only did that when he’s nervous.
“Levi, I need you to be honest with me right now, you’re letting your thoughts get the best of you. What is going on?” Now your own thoughts started to haunt your mind. “Are you…”
Oh god, you didn’t even want to finish your sentence, afraid it going to be true.
“Are you breaking up with me?”
“Oh, no- god, fuck no.” Levi quickly reassured you. He wrapped his arms around your frame and pulled you close to him. Your arms remained at your side. You were beyond confused on what was happening. “Just come with me outside, it’s like a sauna in here.”
Levi knew you were getting really suspicious now, hell it was the middle of autumn and it left the stone castle feeling like an ice tundra, but he couldn’t help the way his cravat suddenly felt like it was suffocating him.
Leading you through the hallway, his hand never left yours, and neither did the puzzled look on your face. You thought it was going to be a simple apology, he literally just gave it to you, but for some reason he’s dragging it out.
The chilly air surrounded your figure, making you instantly shiver. The breeze was light, but the air cold. Levi was sure to cool down in this weather. The full moon lit up the base with hues of blue casted shadows. The crickets and cicadas chirped their songs along with the rustling of dead leaves as they plummeted to the earth.
“Here, darling.” Levi said and draped his jacket over your shoulders, you graciously accepted it. The man now stood in front of you in just his white button up and black slacks.
“Okay, sorry about that whole mess back there.” A slight red tinted his face. “I’m nervous about this.”
“I love you, so fucking much. I was scared as hell when we first got together, because I was afraid you’d leave me like everyone else. Besides, Miche made it very clear he didn’t like me.”
You let out a small giggle at his words, and he continued.
“Eventually he came around, and surprisingly enough everyone supported us. Sure, a bit of teasing here and there but that’s the fun part. Anyways- fuck, sorry, I don’t mean to keep rambling on. What I’m trying to say is Hange told me that you said you’ve been thinking about marriage-”
Your eyes widened and you mouth dropped open. Dammit Hange. This could go one of two ways…
“And so have I.” His finger reached up to your chin and pushed your mouth closed. “It hasn’t left my mind since I realized I love you, and I was scared you weren’t ready yet, but hearing it gave me all the reassurance I needed.”
Levi’s hands patted the pockets of his slacks and he could swear his stomach dropped 6 feet when he couldn’t find the small box. His gaze suddenly shifted to his jacket you had wrapped around your shoulders. With an awkward reach and a disappointed sigh, Levi reached into the coat pocket and pulled out the box.
“The reason we got into a fight yesterday was entirely my fault. Erwin lied to cover for me, I went into town for this and I was trying to work on the proposal and there were things on the desk that might have spoiled it.”
You gasped and covered you mouth with your hands when you saw the velvet box. There’s no way. Tears immediately welled in your eyes as he opened the ring box.
It was stunning, a silver band with a glimmering diamond in the center along with smaller diamonds strewed around the bands.
“Now, there’s about a thousand different ways I wanted this to happen, but I wanted to do this now. I need you to know that I will always love you. No matter what stupid fights we have, no matter who is angry at who, I’m here for it… all of it. You care for me so much, as I do you and no one has ever treated me as kindly as you have. So I ask you…”
Levi dropped down to one knee, his fingertips brushing against the box. “(Y/n) (L/n), will you marry me?”
You were speechless for a moment, trying to decipher if this was real or not. Sniffling you nodded your head and rushed out your answer.
“Yes, of course.”
Levi slipped the ring on your finger with tears in his eyes and stood back up. His hand brushed away a few tears that escaped down your face.
You pulled him in for a hug and started crying into his shoulder. “I love you.”
Levi pulled you tighter against him, his lips planted themselves across your forehead. “I love you too, darling.”
“I can’t wait to marry you.”
Lemme know if you guys want a part 2 with their wedding ;)
Tag list: @sad-darksoul @cullenswife
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vante1920pm · 2 years
If you are so inclined I’d love to see a fic with aonung where reader is neteyam’s age and his bestie and like very much a big sis figure to the rest of the silly kids but particularly Lo’ak and she’s Omatikaya but comes with them to the metkayina for a reason and ends up liking Aonung but also fights with the boys to protect Kiri 🤷🏼‍♀️ idk
──;; 𝐅𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒 ★☆
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★ 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: I'm kinda disappointed with how it turned out but I hope you can still enjoy it :)
☆ 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: ao'nung/fem!omatikaya!reader
☆ 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: swearing, ooc, not proof read, short, violence
𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗴: kill bill
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"He asked if you're a freak, hah!"
"Hmm? Did you hear this, Neteyam?"
The boy just looked at you and shrugged his shoulders.
You were walking with Neteyam along the beach just to talk about stuff, like you always did.
That was when you spotted Kiri and these Metkayina boys talking, or more like forming a circle around her, as if they were trying to catch her.
Neteyam was distracted by something, so you just observed at first.
"Woah, Y/N, this fish looks just like you!"
You ignored Neteyams stupid teasing and didn't took your eyes away from the scene.
It seemed like they were picking on her, Lo'ak interrupting them right after. You heard them arguing so you tapped Neteyam on his shoulder, who, yet again, looked at you, confused. You pointed with your head towards their direction, to show him what you meant.
Neteyam immediately stood up and walked into their way, you following right behind him.
"Leave us alone!"
Neteyam grabbed Aonung by the shoulder and pushed him away. His smile dropped immediately and he just stared Neteyam down.
"You heard what she said. Leave them alone."
If you're being honest, he scared you a little but when he's like that.
"Ohh, big brother come-" Aonung stopped his friend mid-sentence, which made you curious now. Is he gonna challenge him?
Lo'ak stepped beside you, this action made Aonung look in your direction.
Neteyam stepped before you, in a way to shield you? You weren't sure but that's something that he did sometimes.
"Back off. Now!"
Aonung put his hands in a defensive and mocking way up, taking a few, small steps back.
"Let's go."
You all followed Neteyam, with Kiri sticking her tongue out to the boys and Lo'ak giving them one last glare.
Lo'ak came up to you again, putting his hand on your shoulder to guide you in front of him.
"Bye bye, heh!"
To this, Lo'ak turned around and headed right back to Aonung. Neteyam called his name with a warning tone but Lo'ak just assured him that it's fine.
Lo'ak put his hand in front of Aonungs face, who just smirked the whole time.
"But it can do something really cool, watch."
You held back your grin, knowing exactly what would happen next.
Without losing much time, Lo'ak already threw the older boy, with his fist, to the ground.
"It's called a punch, bitch!"
Aonung sat himself up before he threw himself on Lo'ak to make him fall down.
Now they all fought each other. 'sigh'
Neteyam now also joined the fight, punching and kicking the others.
Kiri made a comment about how stupid the fight was but couldn't contain her own laughter.
You chuckled and decided to also join the fight, that would be a great chance to finally beat the shit out of Aonung. He deserved it anyway.
So you grabbed his tail and pulled him back to you. He was perplexed and didn't move for a second, too surprised to fight back.
"Now you too, Y/N?" You heard Kiri say, who was still laughing her ass off.
You smiled at that and sat yourself over Aonung to punch him in his face a few times.
After every slap, you just smiled at him, but he didn't defend himself, which confused you a little bit.
You stopped to look at his face and to ask what his problem was and why he didn't fight against it, but he just stared back at you, with a grin on his face.
"What are you doing, fish lips? Fight back!".
He didn't reply but his gaze lingered on your lips for a few seconds, before he looked back into your eyes.
"Heh, you're not as weak as I thought.."
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© 2022 VANTE_1920PM
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ninjakk · 3 months
I have been seeing a lot how wwx got lwj drunk to sleep with him lately and how that’s implied in his confession is that true. Idk I’ve just been seeing a lot lately it kinda putting me off wx and mdzs 😭
Hi Anon,
Seriously? That's just ludicrous! Please don't listen to such nonsense 🫂 that's so far from the truth I'm surprised people are even saying something like that!
The scene in question clearly shows WWX intentions from the start. There's no room for arguments or interpretation here, it's pretty clear-cut! But, just to prove this ridiculous take is completely wrong, let's have a look through the text - to put your mind at ease 😉
So, prior to the scene in question, Wangxian have had some pretty poignant moments together. Not only has WWX fully realised his feelings for LWJ, but he's started to understand he has had them for a very long time - thanks to the whole scene with the married couple making him realise his need to tease LWJ was not as straightforward as he originally assumed back as a teen. He is also beginning to take real notice of how LWJ treats him "differently" and hopes that it might be in the same romantic way he evidently feels toward him. Then of course, we have WWX even praying to be "tethered" to LWJ for the rest of his life and secretly declares their two bows as part of their marriage bows!
With all that in mind... Why the hell would WWX get LWJ drunk just to sleep with him 😂 Getting someone drunk to sleep with them is usually (but not always of course) because they feel they will not have a chance with them when the person is sober! WWX thinks he might have a chance to be with the person he loves, he wouldn't ruin that just for (his first ever!) quick fumble in the bath sheets!
We can clearly see the rationale behind WWX's actions:
Just as he was about to pour the liquor, he hesitated, taking that split second to warn himself. If he doesn’t drink, then let it go. If he does, just ask a couple things. Don’t do anything else—just figure out how exactly he feels. He won’t remember anything once he sobers up, anyway… It won’t affect anything.
He swore this to himself before he steadily filled the wine cup and pushed it toward Lan Wangji with perfect nonchalance. He was already prepared for Lan Wangji to reject the drink—but maybe the other man had his own worries, for he picked up the cup without a single glance and tossed it back in one go.
WWX literally tells himself and the reader that he has no ulterior motives. I know he can fib at times, but we know WWX is not some depraved sex offender gagging to jump LWJ's bones! Up until this point he's been rather chaste and sweet! He cares far too much about LWJ to take advantage of him. It's more than obvious WWX has a plan to use Drunkji's trait of speaking candidly and without restraint to find out how the man truly feels about him without having to risk asking it becoming awkward and being rejected if he were sober.
“Let’s play a different game. Just like before, I’ll ask questions and you answer them. No lying…”
He had only just uttered the word “play” when Lan Wangji abruptly agreed, “All right!”
Of course, once LWJ is drunk, things don't go as planned and Drunkji decides to go off on a little adventure, dragging WWX along by the hand for the ride. This eventually results in LWJ becoming dirty and WWX offering to help him wash - none of which were part of WWX's original intentions. WWX even tries to leave LWJ to bathe alone!
Wei Wuxian heaved a sigh of relief. “Take your time soaking. I’ll go outside.” He moved to step outside, get some fresh air and cool himself down, but then heard a splash.
In fact, he tries a number of times to distance himself in such a steamy situation. But LWJ is insisting he stay and being very huffy when he tries to leave, so WWX reluctantly complies.
Here we see WWX's motivations reiterated yet again:
And so, despite getting Lan Wangji drunk, Wei Wuxian spent most of the night waffling and didn’t manage to ask him a single thing. It wasn’t that it slipped his mind. In fact, he hadn’t forgotten for a moment that the reason he had given Lan Wangji alcohol was to ask him, Hanguang-jun, how do you really see me? But every time the words were about to leave his mouth, he found all kinds of excuses to back down—There’s no rush; I’ll play along with him for now, wait until he’s had enough fun before I ask, or I can’t be so flippant about this, gotta be a little more serious. I’ll ask again after we’ve sat down…
But despite the many excuses that had him dragging his heels, the real reason was probably that he was afraid. He was afraid of getting a different answer from the one he hoped to hear.
WWX only wanted to get him drunk so he could ask LWJ how he felt about him without making it awkward. He loves him so much he's frightened of losing him if LWJ's answer was not the same as his. This way, he can find out first and ensure they feel the same before confessing when the man is sober. If his answer was not what he hoped, WWX fully intended to keep his own feelings to himself and stay with him as a friend instead, anything to be by his side. He was frightened of losing the one thing he ever truly wanted for himself.
As we all know, things escalated quickly... and WWX was lost in a blazing fire of desire and passion. We, as the reader, can see LWJ had long since sobered up - thanks to the subtle hints with his speech and actions no longer childlike, as they are when he's drunk. I always felt WWX had picked up on this and at least assumed LWJ was sober by the time they became physically intimate.
Although Wei Wuxian didn’t know exactly when he had sobered up, there was one thing he could be sure of. Since this was Lan Wangji’s reaction now that he was clearheaded, it meant he’d been an unwilling participant in what had transpired earlier.
To me, this indicates WWX not only thought LWJ was sober, but he also thought the other was a willing participant in their love making. He certainly would not have reacted in such a heartbroken way if he had always intended to take advantage of a drunken LWJ just to have sex with him. Overwhelming guilt and disgust washes over him and suddenly WWX is blaming himself for everything that transpired.
I'm not entirely sure if they mean it was implied in the above scene or the Guanyin Temple confession scene. But even from the above, we can see it was not planned or intentional in any way. If they are unhinged enough to interpret WWX's confession during the hostage party as him admitting otherwise - they are completely twisting his words!
“Lan Zhan! Lan Wangji! Hanguang-jun! I…I genuinely wanted to sleep with you earlier!”
It's more than obvious this is NOT, in any way, a confession that WWX got LWJ drunk to sleep with him! WWX is trying to clear the misunderstanding up as quickly and efficiently as possible - and if it shocks JGY into letting his guard down long enough so he could escape his clutches and run straight into LWJ's strong arms, then that's a bonus! WWX could not bear the thought of LWJ being in any distress or pain because of him and he had to get him to realise how much he loved him as soon as possible. It's brilliant! He is literally just telling LWJ that he actually had wanted to sleep with him because he really really REALLY loves him and not because he is some flippant man who slept with a friend in the heat of the moment because he wanted to or to "thank" him in some way - as he had alluded to earlier in an attempt damage control. That's what the above is. Not WWX revealing he had intended to get LWJ drunk to sleep with him from the very beginning!
Overall, such a claim doesn't even make sense. Why would WWX get LWJ drunk to just sleep with him if he already suspected the man had feelings for him? What would that even achieve? I'm going to put this down to Wangxian haters trying to pick and pull at threads that aren't even there to begin with.
Don't listen to the haters, it seems they can't read 🤷🏼‍♀️
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