#anyway! thank u anon i appreciate this greatly
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shorthaltsjester · 1 year ago
I’m t4t fjorester anon. Do Not Apologize, I loved your essay and honestly, I would read more of it and definitely agree. It just made me think about them being T4T as a conjunction to your reading/interpretation of it and I wanted to throw a lil coin in your fjorester fountain
this has been sitting in my inbox for a Hot Minute but i did appreciate this clarification ! also t4t fjorester fills me with so much joy and like the fjord mimicking vandran and his relationship with masculinity and jester’s relationship with her virtue name and femininity in general are all things that along with their in text meaning are Very well suited to also be read as consistent with transness or general gender Stuff™. i just think they’re neat
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kenobster · 1 year ago
Hey - just wanted to send a note after your last post bc I didn't interact with your Vader mpreg posts and wanted to explain why ,- it's not at all because I find you grotesque or any of those other terrible things!! I love your writing, I'm just in an Obi-Wan whump hyperfixation rn and scroll past anything that doesn't mention him 😭 I'm so sorry, it was never my intention to dig up any bad thoughts!! Sending you hugs ❤️
Hey friendo ❤️ Thanks for the ask and for sharing your feelings with me! I'm super grateful for your reassurance, you are very kind. I also really want you and everyone else to understand that y'all did absolutely nothing wrong. (Radiates huge hug energy for everyone!)
Like, I have scrolled past many a post without interacting with it. Sometimes I've even scrolled past posts that I want to interact with but am simply having a bout of executive dysfunction for whatever reason. There've also been many, many, many times (practically every time honestly) in which I do not reach the end of my dash by the end of the day and countless posts are lost to the whims of time because of it. And yeah, people will try to make us feel guilty for that. People who are hurting will especially try to make us feel guilty for that. There is post after post after post after post on this website demonizing people who don't comment or reblog for "ruining fandom." But those posts aren't being fair. Those posts are just coming from people who are hurting.
The truth is that life just be like this sometimes.
Regarding the other thing you said, I am well aware people follow me for a variety of interests! I know that not everyone shares my interest in horrifying atrocities against trainwreck villains, and that's fabulously okay with me. :) I like having differing dimensions and moods and places to exist. It's good for rainy days like today! And I'm very grateful that my broad spectrum of interests doesn't stop you from enjoying the things I post that you are interested in; that makes me incredibly relieved to hear!!
But yeah, so an interaction with a post about, say, Every Shadow isn't an interaction stolen from Vader's uterus. At least, not in my mind. It's true that I may be having feelings right now that are first affecting my ability to work on tamer/more popular interests -- but that doesn't mean I've forgotten every single wonderful person who has conveyed enjoyment of those interests! To the contrary, those people (you included!) make very happy and will continue to make me happy and have no bearing on my sad feelings in any way whatsoever. I enjoy asks about shadow AU and reblogs of Every Shadow chapters and likes of my dumb hot takes just as much today as I will next week and as I did last year. Yo, yesterday, someone even commented on one of the first Loki fanfics I ever wrote (back in 2014!), and even that gave me pure and utter joy. Believe it or not, there's no possible interaction any single one of you could have with me that could dig up bad thoughts or otherwise hurt me. So please don't ever feel like my sad feelings are reflective of anything anyone did or didn't do. <3
My sad feelings are a Me Problem, not a fandom problem. And sometimes Me Problems are nobody's fault. Sometimes people feel bad or need to take steps to preserve their mental health, and it's only the fault of some stupid brain chemicals trained to cause certain illogical reactions. But I'm gonna be fine, anon, so you keep being you. :)
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skzoologist · 1 year ago
HI HI HIIII! IS YOUR REQUEST STILL OPEN? (checked your profile but I had to ask again because what if u forgot to close it? 😭) ANYWWWWAY
Can I ask the reaction (crack or fluff just skz being proud of our bby bae) of skz to Bae dancing EXO's 'The Eve' or 'Artificial Love'?
TENCHUUU (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
word count: ~1.2k
warnings: sensual dance (for the shy ones like me)
genre: crack
a/n: Hey-ho anon, don't you worry! I basically live on this hellsite, I'm here everyday, updating my blog. Now, onto your request. The way I just watched the videos so I knew what to write about like this: 😳🫣. What can I say, I get flustered easily too. Also I wasn't sure in what format you wanted the reactions, in a little drabble like this, or written down per member, so I'm sorry if this is not what you wanted (i'm still not versed in the ways of running a blog). I hope you'll enjoy this! (Also yes, I know the gif isn't matching, I just couldn't find one from this dance)
Please let me know if I left a warning or anything out, I will add it in! Reblogs, likes and feedback are greatly appreciated!
!I don't condone anyone stealing my work and posting it anywhere without my permission, or feeding it to AI!
!This is just fiction, my interpretation of Stray Kids. By no means is this how they are and how they behave in real life!
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The band was on their 3rd Fanmeeting, the crowds overly ecstatic wherever they went. There was a certain buzz in the air, amplifying the cheering and shouting even more than usual.
And the boys were absolutely thriving on it, adrenaline coursing through their veins in dangerous amounts, pushing them to perform on those bright stages for endless hours with no problem.
Bae was no different, his stage persona flawless, the perfect and cold mask on his face never even wavering. Fans shouted his name with all their might amidst their performances to different songs, trying to grab his attention, even if it was only for a split second. It never worked, the male too focused on doing well and dancing with all his might, executing the moves with scary precision. The fans were used to it by now, never expecting the idol to actually smile at them with a finger heart or even a wink sent their way, those actions suiting the other members much more. The tall otter was way too shy to do that, especially amidst dancing. 
After the band performed the well-known and fan favourite dances that belonged to a few of their selected songs in Seoul, it was time for a little break and fanservice. Small chairs were brought up onto the stage, easily lifted and moved thanks to their light build. Everyone took their respective seats, Bae having his between Chan and Changbin. Not like it mattered anyway, the boys always kept switching up their seats and who they sat next to amidst the chaos.
And chaos, it was.
Bae knew what was going to happen, of course he did, having helped the others practise with the choreography, but it still didn’t take away the shock factor of seeing it live, right in front of him up on the stage.
It started with ‘Queencard’ by (G)I-DLE, the two males next to him standing up and walking to the centre of their little half-circle they had decided to sit in. Bae couldn’t help the smile that broke out on his face, seeing his bandmates perform so wonderfully, all those practices having paid off. But he also couldn’t help the way his eyes widened at certain moves, the skin on his ears undoubtedly already turning red. It only became worse once the song ended, Chan and Changbin going to sit back down and noticing his slightly flustered state.
He tried his best to ignore those giggles around him.
Focusing back in front of him, Bae suddenly wished he didn’t. The sight of Felix and Hyunjin dancing to ‘The Eve’ by EXO caught him off-guard, still not having fully recovered from the previous dance. Their moves were flawless, of course they were, being proud members of Danceracha, and the watching idol was extremely proud of them. He remembered which parts were tricky for who, both proudly skipping over to him when they had finally pulled them off.
But the moves were also sensual, way too much for the shy little otter. Yet, he couldn’t take his eyes off of them, gaze stuck in place and meeting with Hyunjin’s. The younger winked at him just as he performed the last hip roll, not knowing how much damage he had done to Bae’s brain.
By the end of the song Bae’s skin became several shades darker, the red extremely evident and vibrant on it. This naturally meant that everyone could see it easily, teasing him endlessly and with no mercy. It was a miracle in itself that he hadn’t exploded at all.
“Come on Bae hyung, why not dance it as well?” - Felix slyly added, wiggling his eyebrows. “N-no, I couldn’t–” - Bae tried to defend himself, only to have Hyunjin cut him off. “You’d basically learnt it with us, with how much you helped us. Come on Hyung, please?”
And who was he to say no to those eyes?
With a silent sigh, Bae closed his eyes and tried to cool himself down. Those boggled thoughts slowly detangled from each other, leaving his mind tidy and focused. The memories of each practice flashed before his closed eyelids, all in perfect order and great detail.
When he opened his eyes again he had already been standing in Felix and Hyunjin’s place, the attention of the crowd and his members all on him. A quiet breath left his lips, a hand carding through his hair as the song started up again, signalling that it was time.
Bae’s body moved in perfect rhythm, as if it was a well-oiled machine. Not a single step or flick of a hand was out of place, his mind on autopilot with only the thought of dancing floating in its entirety. He felt the tight leather pants constrict with each movement, the slit on the back of his shirt opening and flashing a bit of skin when he turned around.
As the song ended so did his focus, eyes blinking and seeing the cheering crowd as he was putting his hand down from his ending pose. Although somehow the ones next to him were much louder, something that should have been impossible to achieve.
“I TOLD YOU YOU COULD DO IT!” - Felix shouted, a smile on his lips so wide, Bae was afraid it would split his face in two. “Wah, I never knew our baby otter could dance like that!” - Chan said, all giggles and chuckles as he affectionately squeezed Bae’s shoulder. “I think you just killed a few people here, Dal hyung.” - Jeongin added in, Seungmin wholeheartedly agreeing.
At the head tilt of the flustered member, the puppy pointed at the remaining four members who laid on the floor, seemingly dead. Jisung kept glancing up occasionally, successfully catching Bae’s gaze.
“Yah, warn us before moving like that! Those hips are deadly, man.” - he accused, even pointing a finger at the poor man.
“I don’t think I can recover from this.” - agreed Hyunjin, dramatically draping an arm over his forehead.
“Guys, I think Binnie and Lino hyung actually died. They haven’t moved since then.” - Felix added in, sweatdropping at the situation.
The boy was right, as the two didn’t react even when Chan and Seungmin had shaken them. Only when Bae was nearby did they seemingly resurrect, latching onto his legs and gazing up at the blushing male with stars and adoration in their eyes.
“Marry me, jagi.” - the two said almost perfectly at the same time, even the petname they used matched.
Minho and Changbin glared at each other, all the while Bae became an absolute flustered mess, skin flushed all the way down to his neck and chest. The others enjoyed the show, maybe a bit too much, relishing in the fact that Bae had finally let up on stage for a bit. Most of them didn’t hesitate to join in and shower the tall idol with praises, only worsening his condition as he just stood there, hands covering his face so at least STAY wouldn’t see him.
He couldn’t let that happen, not in a million years. Let him have the remains of his dignity, if not anything else.
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mulderscully · 3 months ago
Thank god anon is back on, I have been waiting agggess for this!
1. You have some of the best opinions
2. You're so freaking funny
3. I wish I had your strength & courage
4. You're so awesome you inspire me
5. Your blog is the highlight of my dashboard
6. You're the embodiment of that one lady gaga gif (I hope you know which one lol)
7. The day you leave tumblr will be the SADDEST, most heartbreaking day ever
8. Getting up every day in this shit world is so hard but the fact that you get up every day and brace the world shows how amazing and resilient you are, I'm proud of you
9. You deserve the stars, the moon, the planets, the entire galaxy
10. If I ever met you in real life, I'm probably bowing down to you
🥺 this is WAY too sweet omg but i've had a hard few days and i really appreciate you taking the time to write this message. i'm glad you enjoy my opinions and think i'm funny; since i'm always a little worried how i come off cause it's hard for me to read tones even my own lol i cannot imagine fully leaving tumblr ever. i only think i should when my mental health is really bad. i realize how many people use tumblr way less than i do and realize it's because they prob have stuff to do irl and i feel like i rely on fandom too much for human interaction that when tumblr or discord are quiet (which is fine and normal) i start to think i did something wrong or i'm boring and everyone else is moving on i'm still talking abt xyz, and that is a genuine me issue lol but most of the time i don't feel that way and this is my home 💖💖💖
anyway thank u sm again you are so kind and i thank you greatly MWAH hugs
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kindlespark · 8 months ago
hello, this is the anon who sent august that really long fhjy ask - thanks for your thoughts!! they helped me understand some of the season's strengths that weren't as apparent to my tastes - i think you're so right that the temple was a high point and i greatly sympathize with the sentiment of like, it all could've been so much more compelling if the bad kids had keyed into that more (which i think is also partly on brennan's presentation of info as GM, ofc - not saying it's anyone's responsibility alone). i'm still not sold on porter that much, but i can understand your perspective and i do appreciate some of his moments - i enjoyed him being a terrible teacher to gorgug because of the tension it created within the party (isn't this bad teaching? is it not? that self-doubt was really dramatically satisfying, especially in the twist payoff). i also think you're right that the finale truly muddies the waters of what the ratgrinders' thematic positioning was - as much sense as it makes that they're genderbent foils, it feels like each member gets less and less pointed - kipperlily and riz are the clearest parallel followed by kristen and buddy, but then like ruben and fig's interactions were essentially just bits, oisin and adaine basically boil down to differing access to generational wealth, and then gorgug/maryann and ivy/fabian are basically just like rage/apathy and ranged/melee. and i don't necessarily think fleshing this all out would've made the season good, but i think (and i want to say this came up in the podcast) it was overambitious/overcomplex to combine the ratgrinders' story with porter's - hence the very confused finale. on a more positive note, i actually totally agree that the downtime system was fun and thematic! the reason i cited that aspect as a negative is more because of the eventual execution, where a lot of the ratgrinder elements got sidelined and relegated to "we'll resolve that later" - as flavorful as it was, there were times when i felt like it didn't mesh with the beats brennan expected or it stymied the group's efforts to investigate things in favor of siloing them. this is a more meta criticism but another reason i don't quite gel with the porter story is because it's the reason brennan asked emily to play as fig this season even though she didn't want to, and while i trust that she genuinely chose to go along with him in that, it definitely felt like she (and brennan) struggled to find a new throughline/arc for fig (especially since the ruben thing went nowhere) and i don't feel like that sacrifice was worth what we got with regard to porter (and ruben, as her foil) - when i think of fig's storyline this season it just feels kind of empty/reactive. anyway, i hope it's clear i don't say this to argue with your opinions and i certainly don't begrudge anyone hoping for a satisfying narrative from d20 especially considering their past successes (i couldn't agree more that fhsy and tuc are some of their finest work in this regard - easily two of my favorite seasons alongside acofaf!). i'm still exploring my relationship to subtextual readings of actual plays - i love literary criticism so i appreciate many fan theories as emotional/philosophical exercises, but with TTRPGs i often have a harder time as compared to pre-written material given their more improvisatory/fluctuating nature. as such, the shooting schedule looms large here, and i mourn What Could've Been if the cast had gotten to rest and reflect between sessions right alongside you... ah well, there's always another season <3
hello!!! thank u for a really great ask!!! sorry it took me so long to get to it, i literally haven't been logged into tumblr on desktop since i saw it and typing up a good reply on mobile would've been impossible LOL
i pretty much agree with all your points here; especially the one with fig's arc this season. i think emily should've trusted her gut and retired her after her near perfect arc in fhsy, and that brennan shouldn't have had her in this season just for the porter reveal (which could've been a fun twist even with a new character, given that emily would've still had her suspicions). her arc this season is rly meandering and inconclusive which is such a shame. the problem is that i just REALLY love porter as a villain LOL. or rather, i love porter as a concept of the villain he could've been but that was never really treated seriously as such by the show. he represents so much of what i thought this season's themes would address--he's a symbol (as a teacher) of the unfair and fucked up school system and the power it holds over kids, as well as the concepts of rage and manipulation and radicalisation and revenge. that shit is super interesting to me (also as a teacher), and if all of this was engaged with it would've been incredible. alas!
but yeah me and august were talking abt ur ask like ur literally right and we wish we had ur foresight for the season tho LMAO. like perhaps my blinders were on because truly up until the last three episodes brennan was giving me everything, conceptually, that i wanted. i wanted trg to be sympathetic villains, and they were! i wanted kipperlilly and lucy to be best friends and have tragic yuri potential, and they did! i wanted jace to also be a victim of porter's, and he was! there was a moment before the last three episodes where i was convinced nothing could go wrong and this would be my favourite d20 season ever LMFAOOOOOO OH HOW THE PRIDE COMES BEFORE THE FALL
wrt literary criticism and d20, i totally get what you mean. i've been a real hater about this season but i'm usually pretty forgiving about the improvisatory and comedic aspects of d20 seasons believe it or not LMAO. m&m is one of my favourite d20 seasons of all time, i do not care that the ending flopped spectacularly bc of the tone, dice rolls and bad jokes. acoc is another one of my favourite seasons of all time, but the back half of it is super lacklustre in comparison to the first half, and i was completely zoned out of the rushed and anticlimactic final combat until calroy came in. these things did not taint my enjoyment of the show--it's always been forgivable and understandable to me because well, yeah, comes with the improv liveplay territory!! i love analysing the shows thematically and have my critique but ultimately understand there's things no one can predict or account for. i think fhjy's case in particular was just so egregious to me; the themes felt so much more obvious, the character hooks right there, the set-up so good, that i truly had never been so disappointed by a d20 finale helppppp
like i'm used to d20 seasons not having themes that are perfectly executed or followable; when i make my posts about wishing that fhjy was about the unfair school system, it's more like... wishing that anything could've happened that would've made it possible to come to my own conclusions on that theme. i'm ALWAYS reading too deep for my analysis of d20, and i'm super aware of it--this is part of the fun of it for me, thinking about implications and characters the creators didn't have time to, fleshing out ideas and subplots that didn't go anywhere, death of the author and all that. it's just that this season's main plot and themes, more than any other d20 season for me so far, felt so completely incoherent, despite its direction being so completely obvious to me, that i couldn't even pretend to come up with coherent analysis for it and i was left absolutely flabbergasted LOLLL
and maybe that's on me! it's definitely not a mistake i'm going to take into another d20 season, i've actually made my peace with the fact im probably never gonna get another fhsy or tuc or even acoc from d20 again (or at least the main IH cast) and that's okay..... i actually almost relapsed into taz the other day i was so desperate for a good ending AHJFSKFSFSFS
anyway this got long sorry i had a lot of thoughts. thank u for ur messages anon!
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chocosvt · 1 month ago
HII choco :3 !! happy new years! (ik its been like 10 days already so soz) ive exams going on and plan to re-read honey boy soon after they end!! (since i made my sister read it recently and she pointed out smth in the fic and i didn't remember if it happened 😭 gave me an excuse to read it again hehe)
ALSOO i saw you're writing another story !! im so excited, im so SAT. I'll be on this sofa for days and people will tell me to get up but i'll simply be too sat. (if u dont know that meme then this is gonna sound so awkward i am so sorry). anyways, i hope you have a good year ahead <3<3
- aphantasia anon (lowkey thinking i shouldve picked another name or an emoji or smth bc this takes too long to type)
happy new years!! 💕❣️ AHAHAHA don’t worry AS YOU CAN SEE i am super late myself but that’s bc i have to lock in for my new semester 😌 i hope your exams went well! my first midterm isn’t until february 13th and then my next one is on valentine’s day!! like mlady wtf :/
i greatly appreciate your anticipation <3 although it will not be ready possibly until the summer depending on how much time i need for school (which is typically a lot….,,,,) but that’s the way the cookie crumbles!! (and i do know that meme, i’m something of a meme connoisseur myself… 🧐) thanks for the well wishes and i hope you have an epic weekend!!
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pansy2005 · 11 months ago
pansy2005 i greatly appreciate you giving later panic! a try even if it wasn’t ultimately for you. i am sorry for your loss. my wife just put on viva while she cooks and i’m a little stoned and i’m like.…the Vision the Commitment To That Vision……the anticipation building in my system as god killed rock and roll approaches its end and i know say it louder is coming (say it louder easily a top five panic song of all time if you ask me, also a top five transition between songs…everybody needs a place to go……[say it louder beat kicks in] EVERYBODY HATES YOU NOWWWWW…sorry, again, edible hitting and i’m hearing one of my absolute favorite songs. you understand even if they’re not your favorite songs). anyway! thank you for giving them a try!! i’m sorry you don’t get to experience the Euphoria this album sets off in me as a DISCOGRAPHY CLOSERRRR (i was insane about it before it obtained that status but its place in the complete body of work!!! fucking insane!!!! oh say it louder instrumental building to the end of THIS song!!!!!!! oh WHAT an album this is!!!!!!) so sorry. the edibles. anyway idk how old you are but i suspect you are younger than we are (29 and 30) and…okay i was going to say i hope you circle back in like a decade and it Clicks and you get to experience this joy but i don’t hope that because i think the thing in us that this resonates with has to do with shit we’ve seen in ourselves and our loved ones in very difficult times and i certainly do not hope that you suffer. but as life comes with difficulty just like as a rule. so i hope later down the line you get to love this album because it’s a joy to love her so — ohhh something about maggie the song that you are…your deft use of symbolism that builds throughout the album…your placement before the sad clown-all by yourself-do it to death triple whammy of I Am Losing My MIND!! — if twenty years from now or whatever you’re stuck in a car with a brendon urie like and it all clicks……Welcome……Join Us, Pansy2025.…
lol i love this so much 😭 even if it’s maybe not for me i do understand loving something like that and loving something that is currently the popular thing to hate (<-twenty one pilots enjoyer) and i also like stuff that sucks to some people (front bottoms enjoyer too) but sometimes smth comes at the right time in your life or speaks to a certain moment or feeling or experience and that is such a special feeling n nothing can break that. i’m glad u have this album you love lol
and you are right i am a couple of years younger than y’all so maybe i need to give it more time. maybe it’s an early 30s type album.
i appreciate this ask very much it made me happy i hope you have a wonderful evening with your wife anon
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ttuesday · 3 years ago
Omg I absolutely love your work!!!!! It makes my entire day 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Can I ask for HC of the fellers getting their facial hair shaved/trimmed by the reader?
ahhhh thank you anon <3 luv u
Arthur’s confused. He doesn’t understand why the hell you’d want to shave his stubble, creasing his brow as he tries to figure out what the catch is. He’s cautious, mainly because no one usually does things this kind for him but he agrees, sitting down cautiously as you get ready.
He pretends like this is a chore to him, huffing and telling you not to give him any weird looking goatees or mustaches but once you start, he goes quiet and closes his eyes. 
You wonder if he’s somehow fallen asleep but he’s sitting upright so you know he’s still awake. Arthur relishes in your tender touches, feeling your hands gently move his head when needed. Arthur considers himself to be very vulnerable like this and yet he feels so safe. You have such a strange effect on Arthur, he knows this is completely out of his comfort zone but with you, Arthur automatically relaxes. The effect you have on him truly baffles Arthur.
Charles has a simple reaction. He thinks about it for a few seconds before shrugging and saying ”Sure, why not”. He trusts you to shave him and Charles knows that if anything, you’d be helping him by giving him some tips when it comes to shaving.
He doesn’t have much facial hair anyways, maybe a 5 o’clock shadow depending on when you ask so Charles knows there’s very little you can do to completely mess this up. If you need him to hold the razor or badger (not the animal, apparently that’s the name of the fancy brush for shaving foam) while you inspect how well you’ve done and if you’ve missed any areas, Charles has no problem to do so, willing to help in anyway he can.
He never asks you straight out to help him shave, knowing you have better things to do but whenever you offer, he greatly appreciates the gesture and won’t ever refuse you. Of course if you ever need help with anything, Charles offers to aid you out since you’ve done such a kind gesture for him. Whether you need some assistance planning a con or with your chores around camp, Charles is always there to help.
Dutch likes to keep up appearances and his specific appearance means a lot. He’s the face of the gang so if he goes around with an uneven mustache thanks to your barber skills, he’s not only embarrassing himself but also the gang.
Or at least that’s what he tells you every time you bring up trimming his mustache. He’s verrrrrry hesitant to let you shave his facial hair or go anywhere near his mustache but one evening after spending the day celebrating a successful heist (and having a few drinks), Dutch decides he might as well let you have a go at shaving some of his stubble.
Dutch is very precise with what he wants, holding up a pocket mirror the entire time to see exactly what you do. Once you’re done, he thoroughly inspects your work before saying he supposes you did an alright job.
What kind of joke is this? Why would Micah let you clean up his facial hair? It takes about 5 tries until Micah allows you to go anywhere near his mustache and beard, presuming this is some malicious ploy the others put you up to and that you’ll shave off his mustache entirely.
But the more you talk to him about it and explain how you just want to clean up the edges of his mustache and maybe trim it a little so it’s not covering his upper lip, Micah starts to warm to the idea. He watches you like a hawk while you do it though, not completely trusting you and wanting to make sure you keep to your word.
He doesn’t enjoy you trimming his mustache while you do it, way too paranoid to let down his guard but once he’s thoroughly inspected your work afterwards, he’s happy with it, even offering to get you a drink. Even though he was hesitant at the beginning, Micah expects you to do this for him on a weekly basis now, pestering you once his mustache starts to grow again.
After the wolf attack, John’s been very hesitant to shave, scared he might do more injury to his scars. For the first few weeks, John would only shave when necessary and it often took him much longer than usual, delicately trying to avoid his cuts. 
He’s unsure when you offer to shave his stubble, warning you about how careful you need to be and how it might be too much trouble. But if you’re certain you want to do it then John sits as still as he can and leaves you go for it.
John’s pleasantly surprised at how attentive you are, going slow and making sure not to miss any stubble. He knew you’d do your best but he’s amazed at how effortlessly you do it. John’s very bashful afterwards, running his hand along his smooth jawline as he thanks you.  
This is literally heaven for Javier. Although he rarely feels pampered, it’s something he loves. It actually makes Javier feel a little giddy, he’s not normally the centre of attention, usually playing a background role in heists or too busy playing the guitar to be the prime focus during any of the gang’s parties.
He instantly accepts your offer to help him shave, telling you all about how he usually shaves before asking if you have any suggestions or tips for him. Javier is very open to any ideas you have, taking on any advice you have when it comes to trying out different styles of facial hair.
He can’t stop smiling afterwards, convinced his facial hair looks better than usual because you’re the one who helped him clean it up. If you ever want to do it again, Javier will let you, even offering to pay you for your assistance (but if you won’t take cash, he’ll happily buy you a drink to show his gratitude)
Bill can’t remember the last time he’s shaved. He just lets his beard grow, not putting much care or thought into how it looks. When you approach him and offer to clean it up a bit, Bill’s taken aback. He didn’t think people took much notice of how his beard looks nor did he think there was much anyone could do to help it look better. 
He’s actually self-conscious since you’ve asked to trim his beard, not realising how badly it needed some care until you mentioned it. No one’s ever done this for him before so Bill isn’t sure how to act while you get to work on his beard. He tries to make some small talk, asking if he can help in any way but eventually he sits quietly and basks in the feeling.
He doesn’t compliment your work or speak much about this afterwards, mainly because Bill gets too flustered to say anything else other than “thanks”. He may not directly ask you to trim his beard again but he will mutter complaints about it getting too long, hoping you’ll get the hint and offer your services again.
Sean needs help shaving to be honest. There have been times he’s missed patches of stubble and didn’t bother re-shaving. He says it ‘adds character’ to his face but the gang knows it’s out of laziness. So Sean is extremely lucky to have you offer to help him shave.
He isn’t the easiest person to shave, unable to keep still and constantly asking what’s taking you so long (even though you’ve only been doing it for 2 minutes). Yeah, he can be a handful sometimes but he’s a lot better once you’ve finished.
Afterwards, Sean feels like a million dollars. He can’t stop touching his cheeks and chin, convinced his skin has never felt so smooth. For the rest of the day, Sean continues to praise you and boast about how amazing his skin feels. Honestly, he’s walking on cloud 9 for the rest of the day, completely smitten with you.
Hosea likes shaving his face whenever a 5 o'clock shadow starts to appear. He finds it therapeutic, taking his time as he methodically spreads lotion across the lower part of his face. Shaving is something Hosea doesn’t have to think about when he does it so normally he goes on autopilot mode and takes the time to destress.
When you ask to help him shave, Hosea is hesitant purely because he sees this as his time for some soothing self-indulgence and he knows that no matter how much he trusts you, he won’t fall into the same zen space if someone else is shaving his face. Hosea tries to prolong the inevitable, promising to let you do it some other time but eventually, he sighs and sits down, patiently waiting for you to start.
Hosea hates to say it but you surprised him at how good you were at it. Well, he always knew you were capable of shaving his face, the real part that surprised him was that he was still able to fall into his meditative space. If anything, Hosea found it more comforting than normal, feeling immediately at ease as you talked him through it, softly describing each step of the process so he knows you have some idea of what you’re doing.
It is extremely rare to see Trelawny’s facial hair grown out or not precisely styled to his liking. In fact, there’s only one time you’ve seen him with more than just his mustache and that’s when he got held captive by some bounty hunters.
Trelawny was dishevelled, mildly injured and his facial hair had grown out. After the whole bounty hunter fiasco, Josiah was feeling down and in need of some sympathy so when you offered to trim his mustache and shave his 5 o’clock shadow, he accepted without a moment of hesitation.
Even though Josiah’s feeling down, he still manages to crack a few jokes while you shave his stubble, starting to let down his guard and relax into your slight touch. This may be a small gesture but it means a lot to him and he’ll definitely be surprising you with some small gifts to show you just how much your help meant to him.
Kieran doesn’t put too much effort into shaving. He tries his best to keep his facial hair trimmed neatly but that’s hard to do when you have a small, cracked mirror and you’re using a dull razor.
Kieran can’t remember the last time he’s been to a barber so this is completely out of his norm. To be honest, leaving you trim his facial hair makes Kieran notice how sloppily he usual does it, not realising it’s possible to be so gentle while shaving.
He’s very quiet while you trim his beard, too busy relishing in the sensation to spark up conversation. This is the most relaxed Kieran’s been in a longggg time and although he won’t ever ask you to trim his beard, (he doesn’t want to sound bossy or act as if you have to) if you ever offer to do it again he’ll be very happy to accept.
Lenny likes the little bit of facial hair he has. He thinks it makes him look more attractive and he takes pride in his facial hair, trying his best to maintain it on a near daily basis. Lenny wouldn't consider himself to be vain but he definitely likes keeping things neat, often cleaning up any stubble.
When you offer to shave his stubble for him, Lenny's surprised by the suggestion but he actually really likes the idea. He's a tiny bit nervous just because no one this close to him has ever shaved him before but he trusts you and has faith you’ll do a good job..
Lenny finds it very relaxing. He doesn't understand how it's so relaxing when you do it but whenever he shaves his facial hair, it's just boring and nowhere near as calming. He could definitely get used to this, appreciating how much effort you put into it and honestly if you kept doing it for another few minutes, he may have drifted off to sleep.
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stxleslyds · 3 years ago
Hey there. Just letting u know I'm grateful for ur posts abt clearing up facts from fanon shit when it comes to Jason's character. I know DC no longer cares & is not worth investing all this effort into when they've devolved their own "canon" into a corny fanfiction, but for those (very few, apparently) of us that still want good, complex characterization & not inaccurate, cringey woobiefied tumblr headcanons in our comics, ur posts are greatly appreciated.
Hi Anon!
Thank you for your nice words! I am glad my blog does serves its purpose, when it comes to comics we are all right when we say that "they are confusing" or "difficult to keep up with", so my intent was to always go back and sort of detangle the Jason that once was from the Jason that there is now (they are very different although both canon) and from the fanon Jason.
In a sense I thought that I have been very optimal when it comes to talking about the different aspects of canon Jason but it is also true that I have a bias towards Pre-New52 Jason (he do be my fav Chonky)
I just want to talk about the great character that we once had and make him more present in people's minds. Fanon Jason is good but Jason as he used to be back in the day... he was perfection✨
Anyway, once again, thank you for the lovely words they definitely brought a smile to my face! I hope you have a wonderful day!
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hanmine · 3 years ago
🎉 NEW GAME: Introduce your mutuals to everyone and what do you think of them? 🎉
okay deep breath this is gonna take a minute damn
*disclaimer that i have a lot of moots and i can’t include all i’m sorry i love you all pls don’t be sad 😭*
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@rindouphiliac RIS MY LOVE literally is my (real) boyfriend and ID KILL ANYONE THAT STARES TOO LONG like ris is mine if that wasn’t clear and i love love love would literally break up with hanma in a split second to marry ris
@maitani mich is the inspiration to every clap back to snarky anons on my page BUT ALSO she is too funny ong makes me cackle LMAO we get so heated together over the pettiest shit and also she comes up with genius ideas and i take her genius ideas and boom it all works in the end thanks to her so everyone go to mich for genius ideas except she’s not helping you bc you’re ugly and she only helps me so yeah
@kisakunt i see blair all the time bc they’re kisaki’s and i’m hanma’s and it’s unavoidable 🙄 but i’m glad blair got me into my gatekeeping agenda bc it’s liberating and thrilling and also they’re so funny and have a story for everything i kid you not this bitch got some crazy experience for every topic of convo never a dull moment with this one
@mitsuyahh is one of my first friends on tumblr ever and i love cypher so much like so much literally can say anything and she always either pick my side immediately or say something out of pocket and i love telling all my 3 am fic ideas that i’ll probably never write
@8kh hunter wrote the first haikyuu series i ever read and we all know i have a sakusa obsession well guess what their series was also the first sakusa series i read and it’s part of the catapult to my deep and canon love for him literally was like :O when i realized we were moots and is the talented moot that could literally be a novelist i just sit there like 😯😧🤭 every time they post
@mqtsuno chi is baji’s and chifuyus’s 🤚🏽and she claimed a whole drabble that i wrote for her anyway ?? i didn’t even know it at the time but i was like hmm this is for someone and i can’t put my finger on it and now i know and that’s some soulmate stuff right there
@mtsuyas mika is so hot and sweet and her selfship name is so cute like are u serious ?? mikuya ?? it’s an L that shutee can’t be that cute LMAO and rip teenma that was horrid too
@titsuya one of my first moots on my other secret blog ;) AND I LOVE SAR SO MUCH HELLO !?? so hot and we are texas buddies even though sar doesn’t rly like texas LMAO and i would like to give her a big forehead kiss so bad
@miykui waka’s princess 🤚🏽but also the sweetest ever romi baby ily mwah will think of them whenever i write for him bc that is his lover no questions comments concerns please and thank you
@fuenn SO SO LOVELY AND TALENTED omg i rmr fuenn entering my 5k event for a kita drabble as the first time we spoke and drew me a lil oikawa and kuroo doodle AND ALSO GIFTED ME A SAKUSA SELF SHIP ART AND IS SO TALENTED WHAT like blew my mind i love fuenn so so much
@chimielie omgggg lia is such a good writer like first of all i have actually gushed about her writing with like four different moots on multiple occasions like everyone can disagree on a lot of things but one thing we can agree on is that she writes sooo well and also sees me act a fool on dash all the time but still acts like i’m sane in the head and i appreciate that greatly
@luvbub BUB MY SWEET ANGEL omg i was a fan of bub when i was new to the fandom in haikyuu, lost her blog, later found her blog again after i had my own writing blog, followed her, proceeded to get followed back, and had a heart attack. also watches me act a fool on dash and sees me be a snappy little snark and picks my side every time even 😭 bubashi and bubtsuya for the win
@kairakeiji CALISTA ANOTHER SWEET ANGEL so cute >:( and now she writes for tr and i’m so excited bc she’s so talented and she stole hanma’s place so now it’s calistee for life so yeah rip hanma
@solarchuu OTHER TEE AND THATS SO COOL THAT WE’RE BOTH TEE and they’re soooo sweet and i love so much would kill for tee always make me smile on dash and always says the sweetest things and makes me laugh and if no one else loves me tee will love tee so tee x tee literally tee squared or tee^2 or tee the power of two
@kr3idz and @takemittchy MIMA AND CECI my cinnamon rolls i miss them :( we bonded over our love for nanami and then we rode out our haikyuu phases together and entered tokrev phases and i love love love them so much always make me smile on discord mwah cutest cinnamon rolls ever
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spaceyflowerswriting · 2 years ago
Thanks for answering me :) I completely understand that you got confuzzled (English itself is confusing lol.) Anyway, Yes, I would greatly appreciate it if you make a tag for me :D (I know this is random but here, have a birb ˏ₍•ɞ•₎ˎ) - Fellow Korean
ofc!! and no worries lol english is very weird with its "rules" ;;
happy to add u to my list of anons ^_^ and here's a squid back く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡 💖
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years ago
hello!! i saw that u did ur very first matchup n it was so sweet, may i request one too for jujutsu kaisen?
pronouns, age, preference, physical description: they/she, 18, male preference, i have an athletic build (used to compete in martial arts tournaments) that's on the meatier side bc i'm a big eater, i have short hair and dress masculine for the most part.
personality: i’m assertive and love taking the lead in just about anything! i enjoy teaching people and used to be an assistant teacher for a summer pre-school and was an assistant teacher in a taekwondo class for around two years!! i’m not quiet but it takes time for me to share personal stuff, i love conversing tho, and i love making decisions on the spot. i’m dead serious about building a career (and tend to overwork) and too ambitious for my own good which gives off the impression that i'm cold but i'm actually pretty clingy and love receiving cuddles and kisses. i often show love through gift-giving and physical touch!! but i value good conversations a lot too!!
interests: business and law (am a business major in uni n wanna be a lawyer someday hshsh), literature (especially: sci-fi, classics, gothic horror, and magical realism.), animal documentaries (i love animals i have three cats!!), colognes.
hobbies: writing, reading, cooking, and organizing stuff hshsh.
ty so much for doing matchups, pls take ur time!!
Aww, thank you anon! And yes, ofc!! These are fun >:3
Also, real quick, we are so similar wtf? Hello, fellow martial artist and law/literature/animal enjoyer ❤️❤️ (me and my boyfriend have three weiner dogs)
Anyways, I match you with...! *drum roll*
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❥Nanami Kento!
He's also an overworker, so he'll tend to realize if you get too overwhelmed or stressed with something
Will always help you before he helps himself tbh
Will interchangably use she and they to refer to you, he knows people with she/they or he/they don't have their 'they/them' option used a lot (I might be projecting here lol) so he'll make an effort to use it to make you feel seen and heard
He likes that you're so serious about a career, especially in the field of business
When you two first met, he was one of many who thought you were cold, which ironically drew him to you
He doesn't need another Gojo in his life
It'd be such a slow burn, too, you both slowly uncovering things about the other and falling in love
I feel like Nanami is pretty indifferent to physical touch at first, but over time he comes to feel like he needs it. He also will show his love through gift giving and also words of affirmation
He's really really good with words, so conversations would be satisfying with him
I think Nanami would be indifferent to animals, really. It's not that he doesn't care about them, he'd gladly help an animal in need. He just doesn't want animals that aren't pets in his house (i.e. raccoons, possums, wild mice, etc.)
If you want a cat or a dog or ferret or whatever, then that's fine. You wanna rescue and foster animals? Absolutely, go for it
I actually headcanon that Nanami's favorite pet is a ferret, just cause I said so (he also seems like the type of man to like ferrets idk)
Nanami is also an avid book reader, so he'll likely recommend you some books, and some evenings he'd be content with some of your cooking (or his, or just takeout would be fine), a glass of wine for each of you, and both of you quietly reading your respective books
If a movie came out about a book you both read, he doesn't care if it's shit, he'll buy tickets for the two of you as a date night
He also loves organization, like you! He likes color coding stuff, or organizing his outfits for the week every Saturday night
All of his papers are in neat piles, his kitchen cabinets are all neatly put away, his spices are even easy to reach/put back in their spots, and he has a system and specific day for cleaning (sunday)
Making choices on the spot is his specialty, and he greatly appreciates that you do the same. It saves a lot of time, unlike "indecisive Gojo" as he lovingly says
He wants to read anything you write. Unless it's personal stuff you haven't told him yet, or if you don't feel like it's good enough to show him, he'll simply respect your boundaries and give you a soft forehead kiss
Mans goes crazy giving you forehead kisses btw, he loves it
Since he also knows martial arts, he'd want to spar with you a bit, just as some sort of bonding experience/workout
Obviously he'd go easy on you, you're his love. But if Gojo found you two and interrupted, he's going to beat the shit out of that annoying albino (I promise I don't abuse Gojo, I say as every time I mention him in another character's thing, I'm always writing him being ignored or beaten)
All in all, you two are the adorable power couple that comes to deeply understand each other with time, that everybody wants to be <3
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skzoologist · 2 years ago
Hi could u possibly do soft moments between Bae and the members that Stay maybe wouldn't see as they are more in private 😊
word count: ~4.7k words, around 500-700 word per member
warnings: just some tooth-rotting fluff ^-^
genre: fluff
a/n: Hey-ho anon, of course I can! I have gone a bit overboard with this to be quite honest, but I hope you like it! I'm very happy you requested something, especially because it is some diabetes-inducing fluff. Sorry, sorry, I'll wrap it up and let you read what I wrote, I am just so happy about my first request!
Please let me know if I left a warning or anything out, I will add it in! Reblogs, likes and feedback are greatly appreciated!
!I don't condone anyone stealing my work and posting it anywhere without my permission, or feeding it to AI!
!This is just fiction, my interpretation of Stray Kids. By no means is this how they are and how they behave in real life!
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Bang Chan:
A soft knock echoed through the room, no answer to greet it back. But he anticipated it, opening the door anyway and slipping inside silently.
The busy form of his hyung greeted him as he entered the studio, back slightly hunched as he was leaning ever so slowly closer and closer to the screen, completely absorbed in his work of creating art. A gentle smile slipped onto Bae's lips, his eyes sweeping across the room.
He loved his hyung and the other members of 3racha, he really did, but he couldn't help the disappointed sigh that left his chest at the state of the place.
It was an absolute mess -although it was usually pretty clean, to be fair-. Blankets and hoodies were laying everywhere, the table was cluttered with empty takeout boxes.
Thus, he silently got to work; first he gathered up the trash, putting it all into a plastic bag he found -probably what the food had arrived in-. Then, he collected all the hoodies, folding and laying them onto the now clean table for the others to find easily later. And lastly, he grabbed the blankets and comfortably laid across the couch with them: one acted as a pillow, one blanketed him as intended.
Bae was bullied into taking a rest by the others, but since they themselves were all busy doing something else -what hypocrites-, he thought he would join Chan in the studio.
Bae never said it out loud, but he treasured quiet moments like these, where he could just lay around in the others' presence, comfortable silence draped across them like a safety blanket; just like now.
As he was watching a video on his phone -one ear plugged in with an earbud, the other left open in case Chan needed something-, the silence was broken.
"Hey Bae, could you please listen to this?" - Chan asked, as if Bae's presence was normal in the room.
And maybe it was, with the surprising amount of times he visited just to take care of his hyung or the other hard-working members.
The younger looked up at his hyung, craning his neck in the process from his comfortable lying position, a small smile gracing his lips as he nodded. Not even a second later a pair of headphones was passed into his hands; he gave a thumbs up to signal he was ready once he put them on.
Upbeat music filled his ears, the notes filling his head and dancing around in there. It felt like his pulse was matching the beat, the rhythm, and he could already imagine the theme, the props, the setting in front of his closed eyes.
But it was all over a bit too soon, the music fading away and leaving emptiness in its wake. Chan's awaiting face greeted him once he opened his eyes, and he already knew what the older wanted.
"The first third is good, but it needs a bit more power, maybe more bass. Around the middle is a weird sound, the different components of the music somehow not clicking well together." - it flowed out of him, Chan nodding along and drinking in his words as if they were water in a desert.
The elder went back to work, not even thanking him. But it wasn't needed, this exchange of theirs now a second nature to them. While Bae wasn’t as well-versed in the world of music as 3racha was, Chan always liked to ask for his opinion without an ounce of hesitation.
Besides, he could see the excited and grateful tinkle in Chan's eyes, how that smile widened with the dimples peeking out once he figured out a new part thanks to Bae's advice.
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Lee Know:
He started towards the kitchen once he looked at the time; he knew his menace of a hyung would be there, utilising his wonderful cooking skills.
"Ah, our little otter has arrived. Came to steal some fish?" - said Minho, his voice light and teasing as he turned back towards the cutting board topped with varying vegetables.
Bae just lightly huffed, knowing that whatever he said back would only result in even more teasing. Besides, as much as it got on his nerves sometimes, he knew all the jabs and nicknames were only Minho's way of showing love.
The elder simply chuckled at his lack of verbal answer and put a gentle hand on the middle of his back to lead him towards another cutting board, descaled fish already washed and sitting on top of it.
With a sweep over all the ingredients neatly laid out on the countertop, Bae put together what food they would be eating for lunch and got to work, no instructions needed.
That was the thing with the duo; they worked so much around the kitchen together, they understood the other silently at that point, no words needed. Little glances, a nod of head, a single gesture of the hand or hip. It was like their own little secret language.
Just the thought alone put Bae in an elated mood, lips quirked up oh so slightly, but permanently as he added the sliced up fish into the lightly oiled pan, the meat sizzling in response. A hand appeared on his waist and he slightly stepped away to let the other dump his own chopped up ingredients into a different pan. Some onion, carrot -they were star-shaped, how cute-, green bean peeked out from the conglomerate of vegetables, but Bae was sure he couldn’t successfully identify every ingredient in the pan.
He poked and flipped the fish slices quickly, then stepped away to their rice cooker. The warmth that kept gradually sliding down on his hips left, a slight huff sounding from behind him somewhere.
That cheeky cat was at it again -well, still at it, to be more precise-, always on the hunt for skinship and butts.
Bae silently sighed and poured in the correct amount of rice and water into the machine. With the press of a few buttons it was already buzzing and on its way to make some fluffy rice.
Knowing he was done, Bae turned around and went back to the stove, hovering behind the male stirring the contents of the pan. He slightly leaned over Minho, noting how the fish was done and already taken off the heat, earning a little hum from his throat.
From the corner of his eyes he noticed the elder looking at him, that content warmth and fuzziness dancing around in those dark orbs, staying even after a slow blink, staring right into his very being. And maybe, maybe his eyes reflected the same look, maybe they took on that crescent shape he adored seeing.
He wouldn’t know, not even as he put his chin on Minho’s shoulder, not even as he helped get the table ready for food, all the while dodging advances on his buttocks. But he sure felt content as he glanced at the fully set table, steaming food sitting in bowls, ready to be eaten.
And that was his mistake, as he felt that firm grip and slap. “Yah! Lee Minho, get back here right this instant you little–”
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Seo Changbin:
Bae found himself in a precarious situation.
You see, he was simply on his way to the kitchen to get some water, then immediately return back to his room and continue working. But the moment he stepped foot in the living room -something he had to do to get to the kitchen-, a certain dwaekki set his eyes on him and loudly protested when he tried to leave.
“Binnie, I have things to do, let me go–” “Nooooooo, stay with me, everyone else is busy, I’m lonelyyyyy.” “No, really, Binnie, please–”
But no matter what he said, Changbin only clinged stronger to him, strong arms encircling his waist and trapping him hostage.
After a minute of struggling and whining -from the dwaekki’s end-, Bae decided to take mercy on his own ears and with a heavy sigh, remained still in Changbin’s hold. The immediate joy that radiated from the man was absurd, you would have thought he had won the lottery or something.
But no, he just had a hold of his tallest hyung, turning him into a plushie as he flopped onto the couch and snuggled into his lax form. The satisfied sigh that left his chest was heavy, an indicator of just how comfortable the short male was.
Bae was already familiar with how cuddly and demanding Changbin could be, he knew it all too well. Thanks to his ‘wonderful’ bandmates, who all just showed him into the short male’s arms as a sacrifice most of the time, knowing full well it would be impossible to escape. Your only choice was to accept your fate and be manhandled around, like a lifeless doll, because god have mercy on you if moved and squirmed around.
Changbin was a loud man and he had no hesitation to remind anyone of that fact, no matter how close they were physically at that moment.
“Wanna continue the series we started last week?” - came the question Bae was dreading. “Binnie…” - but a single look at those shining chocolate orbs filled with hope and the stars was all it took, his will wavering and shattering completely.
The sound echoed in his ears, as if a pane of frozen ice was dropped onto the hard ground.
So he simply silently sighed and nodded, already reaching for the remote that laid on the coffee table, as he was laying closer towards it.
A few button presses and a bit of a scrolling later he found the show on netflix and hit play, placing back the remote onto the table to be out of the way. He focused back onto the screen after, the intro skipped and the characters already on-screen, getting thrown into the drama of the episode.
But just as he was getting absorbed into the story, the cuddling male wiggled around to find a new comfortable position. Once that was done, he directed his gaze back onto the screen, following the female lead as she–.
Changbin was doing it again.
And again, and again, until Bae realised what was wrong.
“You want snacks, but don’t want to let me go, don’t you, Binnie?” - the heavy silence was all the confirmation he needed, as he sighed for what felt like the umpteenth time. “Well I don’t want you to escape, Hyung…” Dear gods, he was pouting. “Alright, then hold onto me.” “Wait what–” But Bae didn’t wait around, simply held onto Changbin who clung onto his form like a koala to a tree and stood up carefully, not wishing to topple over and injure both of them.
He could get snacks like this and keep his little dwaekki happy, what a win-win situation.
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Hwang Hyunjin:
It was one of those rare days, where he found himself gripping a pencil and his stashed away sketchbook.
Soft lines appeared on the white void, connecting and crossing paths in varying places. Some stained the paper greatly, leaving a strong presence behind, while the others barely appeared to be visible at all.
He wasn’t putting a lot of thought behind it, really, he just let his hands take the lead and doodle out whatever they wanted.
And soon the lines created shapes, the shapes piece by piece drawing out to be a face.
Apparently he'd been drawing his artistic bandmate, but that wasn’t a big surprise to be quite honest. They had a photoshoot the previous day and everyone was in awe of Hyunjin’s beauty. The image still lived clearly in his head, the soft, colourful lights hitting the male’s features perfectly.
Maybe he should have started drawing on a bigger, professional paper instead, not his cheap little sketchbook.
But before he could stand up to do so, his door opened after a soft knock. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
“Hyung, wanna go and-...Hang on, are you drawing without me? Am I seeing things correctly?” - you could already hear the exasperation in Hyunjin’s voice, the fake hurt rearing its head. “Jin…” “How could you?? Hyung, I trusted you!” “No, Jinnie, look–” “Whenever I ask you to draw with me, you decline, saying you are busy, but then you do this behind my back??” “Hyunjin, please–” “How many times have you done this? How can I ever trust you again?” “I’ll draw with you.” “Have you been–...hang on. What did you just say?” “I’ll draw with you now.”
After the three full seconds it took the younger to process what'd happened, his face lit up and a delighted sound left his lips. Bae could only sigh, but there were no negative feelings behind it. He truly did enjoy their art sessions together, as rare as they were.
So, he let Hyunjin drag him around into the blonde’s room, all the while excitedly babbling. Once Hyunjin was excited and rambling, you had no choice but to let him tire himself out.
It was all very endearing, really.
Bae watched the other zoom around the strategically messy room, gathering supplies for both of them. Paint supplies for himself, a pencil set for Bae.
Having everything they needed, they both comfortably sat down facing the other and got to work.
It seemed like this time Hyunjin didn’t want to discuss what their subject or topic of art was going to be, but that was fine with Bae. He was just going to continue what he had started, but now on a professional canvas.
He did have a perfectly good reference right in front of him, after all.
That was how time went by, both of them immersed in their own work as soothing instrumental music filled in the silence. Their canvases not empty anymore, now filled with a myriad of colours and shapes.
Looking over his work one final time, subtly glancing back at his subject, Bae deemed the artwork done and put his pencil back in its place. Feeling stiff, he stood up quietly and stretched, satisfying pops ringing through the air.
And as if they planned it out, Hyunjin stood up as well to stretch, a smile painted over his lips when their gazes met. With a single flick of his hand he beckoned Bae over, the taller striding over towards his easel.
Pure shock and surprise sat upon his face, his wide eyes drinking in the colourful strokes that painted him.
“I caught a glimpse of your sketch earlier, Hyung. So in exchange, I did the same. How do you like it?”
But Bae could only stare at the painting in front of him, his cheeks dusted and blood ablaze fueled by adoration.
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Han Jisung:
He only heard the faint sound of a footstep before he was tackled from behind, almost falling face-first into the floor, had he not grabbed onto the wall in reflex.
“What the fuck, Sungie, you could have injured yourself!” “But Bae hyuuuuuung, I missed youuuu.” “We literally saw each other 4 hours ago.” “Exactly, that’s 4 hours too long!”
Bae could only sigh at that, silently readjusting Jisung on his back so he wouldn't slip off and started walking back to the practice room -where he was originally going, without an added weight on his back-.
“That interview was so boring without you.” “Sungie… I don’t talk a lot, what do you mean?” “Sure, but you let me play with your fingers. Or your clothes. You’re just, just, there, you know? It’s really boring when you aren’t.” - it took the taller every drop of willpower to not accidentally misstep or let the younger slip down from his back. He was pleasantly surprised, heat slightly dusting his cheeks.
“But wasn’t Seungminnie with you?” “Yea, but that’s not the same.”
Bae simply hummed, still trying to fight off the heat from his cheeks as he stepped foot back into the practice room he had for himself for the day. He went towards his phone -that was connected to the audio system-, thinking which dance to practice.
But even after he had successfully decided, started the music and walked back to the middle of the room, Jisung did not budge at all. Not even when he let go of his legs, no. The brunette merely tightened his hold, arms and legs wound around Bae as if he would disappear any second.
A single glance at the mirrored wall they were facing was all it took to see the playful grin on Jisung’s face and cause Bae’s face to deadpan.
Well, two could play that game.
And with that, Bae simply got into position and was about to start dancing, when his little squirrel finally detached from his back in slight panic.
Before a word could leave Jisung’s mouth, Bae spun around and grinned widely, attacking brunette’s sides in a brutal tickle attack. The younger boy thrashed around, begging for mercy, even fighting for it, but to no avail.
His attacker didn’t let up, only after tears sprung out of Jisung’s eyes and air barely entered his lungs.
Satisfied with a job well done, Bae stood up and huffed, hands on his hips as he looked down at the absolutely dishevelled and dead-looking Jisung. Knowing he won’t move for a while, Bae simply grabbed both his legs and dragged him away, to not be in the way and accidentally get hurt.
Afterwards he went to reset the music -his playlist was going ever since-, then got back into position.
The beat of the music seeped into his being, his pulse picking up to match it. Careful of every step, the angle of his limbs, the flow of the moves, he practiced the dance ‘til perfection.
His chest heaved, droplets of sweat rolling down his skin as he glanced up and saw something in the mirror.
His eyes zeroed in on it as an ‘Oh no’ echoed through the room, the perpetrator already scrambling up from his seat and running towards the door.
“Han Jisung, come back here this instant and tell me why you started a live in my dance session, you–!”
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Lee Felix:
The sky was blue, the grass was green and Felix was a stubborn man. All rules of life, things you had to accept and live with.
That was why when Felix grabbed Bae’s wrist the moment they got back to the dorms, he didn’t put up a fight. The older simply sighed as the others laughed at his misery and just followed the excited male into his room.
The moment the door was closed and the younger was sure his hyung would not be able to escape, he let his wrist go and excitedly started booting up his console.
“Come on Dal hyung, let’s play some Mario Kart!” - Bae was a weak man, his ability to say no to those sparkling eyes nonexistent.
So, he just nodded, accepting the controller offered to him and plopped onto the bed, his back propped up by the headboard and the sea of pillows Felix had. There were also plushies of all sorts laying around, the little skzoo plushies standing out as they were all neatly placed into comfortable positions.
His attention was stolen away when he felt the bed dip next to him, the younger crawling into his lap without a second to waste. Not like Bae minded it. He circled his arms around the younger and placed his chin on his smooth, blonde mop of hair.
“You can choose the map and all.” - Bae answered before Felix could even ask, receiving a hum in response.
They both chose their characters, and the game started.
Now, even though Bae wasn’t a professional gamer or even a casual one -especially compared to his bandmates-, he could still hold his ground. A dodge of a banana peel here, a timed speed booster there, and he was already climbing the ranks, getting closer and closer to the younger.
He could feel Felix becoming nervous, especially when he leaned away from his hold to concentrate better, leaving Bae empty handed on the bed.
But the elder expected this, having had this dance countless times before, already knowing how it would end as well.
And he was right, the same thing happened as it usually did, with Bae winning and Felix losing somehow.
“Agh, what the hell? How did that shell hit me, I wasn’t even in its line of fire! A rematch, gimme a rematch, Hyung!”
And so Bae did, giving the younger what he wanted one after the other.
But after the 10th one, the score in favour of Bae with 7-3, Felix got so frustrated he started sulking. He was turned away on the bed from Bae and all, with his hands crossed and lips probably pouty, controller long forgotten on the floor -where it was thrown at-.
The elder sighed, putting down his own controller and crawled towards the sulking little chicken, dragging him into his hold.
“How about we watch some Ghibli movies, hm? Maybe Totoro, or Kiki’s delivery?” - he whispered out, trying to hold the pouty male’s gaze that avoided him.
A few minutes of silence was all it took, dark orbs now looking back at him with a whisper of ‘Fine’. He smiled, his lips only curving up even more, once Felix’s expression mimicked his.
There was that smile he adored so much.
The freckled male made grabby hands, and Bae happily obliged as he placed him into his lap, arms caging the younger in their hold. Felix wiggled around and snuggled even more into his chest, as if there was any space left between them to conquer.
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Kim Seungmin:
It was rare when the second youngest wasn’t insulting someone, causing any trouble or just generally being the ‘nuisance’ he usually was. It was all part of his charm though, no one would truly feel annoyed with him at the end of the day.
Bae knew this as well of course, never taking those playful insults to heart and only jabbing back at the younger a few times if he felt particularly mischievous at that moment.
He was pretty sure it was all part of his love language, just like how physical touch was part of Chan’s or Felix’s for instance, or how acts of service were part of Minho’s. Everyone worked differently, and that was how Seungmin did.
But under all that teasing and being savage, the younger hid away a softness he rarely let the others see. Something even Bae could seldom experience, but cherished nonetheless.
Like when he came back to the dorms after a long day of practice -maybe a bit too long, considering it was almost midnight-, his limbs aching and mind numb from listening to the same song over and over again, in order to perfect that one move he couldn’t quite get.
He didn’t expect anyone to be up -besides Chan of course, that workaholic- and was rightfully surprised, when a sleepy puppy greeted him by the door, taking his bag away and ushering him towards the sofa to sit.
Bae just confusedly looked at the other, but when he tried standing up he was met with the nastiest glare he had seen in a while, so he hurriedly sat back down and waited in silence for the younger to arrive back from the kitchen.
He heard some sounds, the occasional clinking of a utensil against something ceramic, the microwave going off for example. He could only blink at them, not knowing what Seungmin was doing and why he was still up.
But he didn’t have to wonder for long, the brunette appeared with a tray, a steaming bowl of instant ramyeon and a cup of juice sitting on top of it. It was gently pushed onto his lap, the younger boy sitting next to him on the couch, facing him with a pillow in his hold as comfort.
“Eat and rest, Dal hyung. You push yourself too hard sometimes.” - said the gentle voice beside Bae, and he had to let the words sink in to properly process them. “No, Hyung, eat that, or I will break your legs and force it down your throat.”
The elder could only gulp at that, nodding as a response and finally taking a look at his food. It really was instant ramyeon, as he initially thought, but there were extra ingredients added in: a boiled egg, some veggies, and a few slices of meat. Seungmin really took his precious time to make this for him instead of sleeping, even though you could see how tired the boy was.
His eyes that usually shined with mischief were dulled by sleep, his movements a bit sluggish. Sometimes his eyelids remained closed for just a second too long, the motion of opening them looking demanding on the boy’s part.
But even so, Seungmin fought sleep just to watch Bae eat that food, and who was he to deny that from the younger.
Every bite warmed his heart, and not only because it was scalding hot.
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Yang Jeongin:
They were all together in the practice room, preparing for their next comeback and everything was going well.
Everyone was nailing the moves they were unsure about before, their bodies moving in sync as if they were gears in a machine, made to work together.
So when the music stopped, they all cheered together, some even dropping onto the floor in relief and exhaustion. Bae was one of them, but mostly because a very enthusiastic Hyunjin tackled him and he just couldn’t properly hold them up when he was so tired already.
“Alright, lunch break.” - Minho exclaimed and everyone bursted into loud cheering, springing up and flocking around Chan to see what they could order online.
It took a bit of nudging to get the blonde off of him, but Bae eventually succeeded and got up himself as well, sauntering over towards the group of very hungry idols. Looking over the available choices and what everyone had already ordered, he settled on getting the same thing as Felix and laid back down onto the ground to wait for the food.
Naturally, with these people as his bandmates, he couldn’t be left alone and enjoy some peace.
No, instead he was dragged around on the floor by Changbin and Jisung, both arguing about who could do it faster or something. Bae wasn’t really paying attention, too tired and hungry to be bothered with such things.
Eventually, the food arrived and he was free once again, but before he could grab his soda can, it was snagged by a certain maknae. The younger popped it open and handed it to him, but not before pinching his cheeks with a fox grin.
“Today, I’m gonna be the hyung, you’ll be the maknae.”
Bae was absolutely frozen and in shock, his eyes wide, one hand holding the box with his food, the other hovering in the air as he was in the middle of grabbing his drink.
That one sentence seemed to have grabbed everyone’s attention, chaos unfolding before Bae’s unblinking eyes.
“Wait, Innie, what do you mean?” “Hang on, hang on, do you mean Bae hyung should be the maknae for today? As in, being babied and stuff?” “Oh my god, you’re a genius!”
Those were a few sentences Bae could make out, before all heads turned towards him and a shiver ran down his spine.
They all flocked around him before he could even lift a finger and the next thing he knew, he was sitting on the ground in Chan’s lap with everyone else around him, being fed different types of food. His hair was an utter mess from all the aggressive headpatting, his cheeks already in pain from all the pinching.
All the while the one behind all this was enjoying the view with a grin, after having had his fair share of abusing the new maknae for the day.
Not being able to take it anymore, Bae somehow successfully wiggled out of Chan’s hold and stood up, huffing as he had to slightly catch his breath from all that.
“Going somewhere, Hyung? Sorry, you're the younger one now.” - came the sudden voice of Jeongin from behind him, scaring the living life out of Bae. “Let me take you there.” - before he could protest, he was picked up by the youngest menace, carried away from all the others who started protesting as they wanted to do the same.
“Innie, why must you hate me?” But Bae never got an answer, only a hearty laugh as he was carried away from the chasing members.
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jostepherjoestar · 4 years ago
Hii! Lá squadra with a maladaptive daydreamer teammate? Always pacing and always daydreaming ab smth. Talking to themselves and stuff. (sorlato included) thank u so so much ❤️
La Squadra and their maladaptive daydreamer teammate HC’s
Oh this was very interesting to think about, and to be honest a challenge to La Squadra’s capabilities of understanding others and their ways of being. Enjoy 💖✨(i’ve put this in a more positive? situation since it’s an actual disorder and i’m not sure anon meant it in that sense, not all daydreams can be good ones though. Take care my friends ☺️)
CW: maladaptive daydreaming that impacts daily and work life
also sorry if there’s mistakes, i barely edited, this was written before my mental auwchie that i’m working through rn!
Risotto is one of the more understanding members of your team. He’s always observing and noticing the smallest changes in behaviour. Yours and that of your colleagues. From the very first day you became part of his team he’s noticed you stare off or just cease to listen to whatever was going on around you. Lost in your own little world, not even realising the deeps sighs you let out every once in a while, mind a million miles away. Sometimes he even hears you quietly talk to yourself, hardly making out what it is you’re saying, but when he hears your laugh- that genuine one reserved for the things you truly enjoyed- he’s assured that you’re not struggling at the moment. It’s only during important meetings that he’ll gently ask you to focus and be present. If it becomes a frequent hinderance and it starts to affect your work he’ll let you know privately, knowing you well enough by now that calling you out in front of the rest would be rude.
He finds it rather odd, questioning if you’re not just ignoring others while you live the daydreams that are far more entertaining and sometimes even exciting than whatever is going on in reality. Formaggio won’t beat around the bush, asking you bluntly if you get bored of him. It’s only when you explain yourself that he truly understands it, making him reflect on his own behaviour instead. He does often talk to himself, commenting on his own jokes, the people around him or just a random thoughts that had to make themselves known. When he notices that familiar pacing it makes him so curious to know what you’re thinking about. Often asking you what’s on your mind, even if it doesn’t really interest him, he’ll hear you out until he gets bored. He will, however, yell at you during missions if you happen to get caught up.
What on earth could be more important than him? To be so entranced by something else while he’s clearly posing and basking in the beauty of the evening sun, ponytails perfectly parted and cascading down his shoulders, awaiting anyone’s attention. Like a groomed show cat, he’ll get annoyed and just ask for your attention instead. Ugh, why can’t you just realise he needs to be seen and appreciated every once in a while. Snapping you out of whatever daydream that was unfolding, surprised that so much time had already past. The plot was just getting juicy. “Why don’t you just write them down like a normal person?” His insult bringing you to the realisation that it wasn’t even a bad idea. When you thank him, that determined look in your eyes still not paying the man any mind, he sighs in disappointment. But halfway through writing down whatever grasped your attention before, you got even more distracted by a newer and more interesting one, opting to just go back and have a chat with Illuso so he’ll stop bothering you for attention.
He’s never minded your daydreaming, never too present to witness the more intense bouts that made you pace the floor and clench your fists like today. After many attempts at trying to grasp your attention and failing every time, he just stops you dead in your tracks. The man’s hold perhaps a bit too strong for comfort as he searches your eyes for lucidity. “Calm down, ok! You’re making me nervous.” Prosciutto is a bit of a worrier himself, just not on the outside, gears always turning and analysing his surroundings and the people in it. It only sets hims off to see you pace and mumble. But he understands, extending that kindness he offers to Pesci to you, asking if you need anything to ease you back into reality. He can be softly kind and caring, he needs the rest of team to be in top shape so you’ll all be able to count on each other.
Pesci will stare off with you, trying to see what had captured your attention, even getting up to stand behind you to see what was so interesting. It’s only after realising you weren’t paying attention at all that he realises you were lost in a daydream. He’s a bit curious about the whole thing, carefully asking you questions. He won’t completely understand but he tries his best and offers his help. Not really sure what he can do but very adamant on offering it anyway. If it affects you during missions Pesci will be sure to gently snap you out of it.
The enigmas of the human mind greatly interest Melone, having read more than enough books on the topic during research. Not that much is clear about the treatment of it though, so he’s interested in how you handle it. He’ll be sure to ask a lot of questions, about the topics of them, what could possibly trigger them. If it’s too much or too personal he’ll stop though, however it won’t erase his curiosity. He’ll observe from a distance instead then. After yelling at him that you’re not a human experiment he’ll actually back off and stop. Don’t worry though, if you need actual help after a bad day, the daydreams not really of a positive nature anymore, he’ll try his best to calm you down. If it get’s too bad he’ll urge you to seek help with professionals.
Just like with Prosciutto it’ll set him off as well. If you’re pacing and mumbling he’ll stop you as fast as possible, it’s too distracting and it enrages his senses. Even if you’re in your own room, he’ll hear the floorboards creak and storm over. His anger can be clouding, deep down he is truly concerned for you. But it never really comes out that way, he’ll scold you and demand your attention during meetings. When you calmly tell him afterwards that it’s not really helping and his yelling could set you off, he’ll take a DEEP breath to calm himself down. Realising that perhaps his anger isn’t the best option. After the short talk he’ll be a bit more calm and less harsh, holding himself back from lashing out and instead approaching a tinge more restrained.
Sorbet & Gelato
The two like to observe you from the couch, twisted into each other’s hold. Their amusement wears off though, realising that maybe it isn’t as entertaining as they first thought. Gelato will actually try and help you, gently ushering you back to reality, while Sorbet won’t offer any support. The two will mostly worry or reprimand you if starts to affect your work though. They need to be able to count on you and your full attention. After some convincing Sorbet will soften up, if only a little, at Gelato’s request. Instead yelling at you to snap back, he’ll intently poke your arm.
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lewis-winters · 3 years ago
idea i felt u would want to know. so yknow trans george right. amazing perfect great fantastic love it. this isn’t super creative or ground breaking but: sort of mulan au where george is trans and joins the army as a man by fabricating certain documents and all as a chance to get away from family although he loves them so he can live as a man (under the guise of volunteering as a nurse or something is what he tells them) but yeah thought of this brushing my teeth last night
GREAT MINDS ANON!! GREAT MINDS!!!!!! tho i can't take all the credit. @hellofanidea has definitely played a major role in all this-- i want to shout him out bc i love him but also like. he and i talked about trans!George in the canon timeline before, too!
more rambling under the cut bc it's 2am and i am slightly TOO excited about this ask and a bit too delirious.
god ok like this shit isn't what you sent an ask for but like just to give context-- jem and I have been developing two trans OCs since june 2021, both of whom were created to subvert the Mulan Trope. like, one is a trans woman (my oc, named Natalie Morse) who, prior to enlisting, knew that she was trans and was already half-way to living as a woman (this is an oversimplification of this character but whatever that's the general gist), but has had to stuff all that back in (to the detriment of her mental health and sense of identity) in order to enlist!
the other OC (who was created by @hellofanidea) is a trans man named Arthur Benjamin Foster who does EXACTLY this. GOD i want so badly for all of you to see him and read his story because! because!!! i just love Arthur so much, he's like. the best male character in my heart and his backstory continues to poke me in the feels constantly!!!!!! i curse how slow i write because GUH i have so many feels for these two and their situation and honestly? playing with gender fuckery with these characters has been so SO lovely like. i learned so much of myself and my gender with these two. and just. they're great. i love them.
BUT ANYWAY there's your context for the next thing i'm about to say: jem and I have spent many hours discussing the logistics of how a trans man might enlist for the army and how he might manage to stay relatively unsuspected and 'twas truly a situation that is the source of many shenanigans and UGH the GENDER FUCKERY of it all because on top of the logistics of going relatively un-clocked in the army as a trans person, we've also discussed so much the paradox of being "in the closet" but simultaneously also being "out" in that any trans man must now keep their body a secret, but also, outwardly, and amongst everybody, they are men. like. there's no contest. there's no deadname to call them-- none of their peers know what the deadname is. and that's such an interesting thing to me, ya know?
furthermore, the logistics of the binder. and showers. and relatively staying clean. of course, we've talked about this and come to the conclusion that some people have to know at least in order to offer help! and that always melted my heart a bit because! not only are your peers encouraging and aggressively validating your gender by calling you your name instead of your deadname, but they are also validating you by protecting you from a system that aims to strip you of your identity. and like. that always made me so happy?
like, one of my favorite things to write about Arthur and trans!george in the canon timeline is that, at some point? people know and those same people love them enough to hide them and help them. and that's my favorite part of it.
a;kgalkhflksklfhslfkldlsa ok im sorry anon i have so many thoughts about this but no braincells at the moment to make them sound pretty?
pls send me another ask when I'm more coherent to answer HAHAHAH idk idk i love trans characters i love gender fuckery i would LOVE to talk about it more with you. thank you! you're greatly appreciated!!! MWAH!!!!!!!!!!
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multimilfs · 4 years ago
Eda Clawthorne x Fem!Human Reader: Closets & Claim
Summary: Anon requested “I’ve greatly enjoyed your eda x fem reader stories. They are absolutely terrific! Do you mind making some more with eda being protective and assertive. And if u don’t do n*fw then maybe some slight n*fw” 
A/N: Alright so, I broke my own rules here. This is smut. I won’t take any n*fw requests though because it’s not something I am typically comfortable with. Writing this was something I am only comfortable with sometimes. I was only okay with it this time because some people 👀 got my brain working yesterday and this was the result. You all know who you are. 
Warning(s): Smut. Tasteful smut, but still smut. (I’ll leave asterisks before it in case you want to read everything except the saucy bits) 
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Putting a smile on for the party was easy, knowing it made Luz happy. If you were honest with yourself, Hexside’s student appreciation event wasn’t even that bad, if a little stuffy. You couldn’t help but think of ways you and Eda could throw a party way better than this. But you wouldn’t. Luz wasn’t really one for huge parties anyway.
As you scanned the room for Eda, you felt a presence at your side. You turned to see a charming looking man holding a drink out to you.
“Oh, no thank you, I’m fine.” You said kindly.
“Please, I insist,” He said in a sickly sweet voice, “Can’t leave a beautiful lady empty-handed.”
Paying no attention to your tense body language or displeased expression, he forcefully wrapped your fingers around the glass he was holding. You pulled your hand away quickly. It didn’t take much for you to recognize what type of witch he was; a cheating husband looking for an ‘exotic’ human to show him a good time.
“So, what brings a fine human like you to an event like this?”
“My kid.” You said shortly, focusing your gaze on said child.
It warmed your heart to see the open, carefree expression on her face. She was pointing excitedly at a plaque with her name on it. You’d already taken multiple pictures of said plaque, even though it was supposed to go home with you at the end of the night. They’d been more for Camila than anyone else.
The woman had wanted more than anything to be there, but an emergency shift at the hospital had stopped that from happening. That and she wasn’t very comfortable with spending long amounts of time in the Boiling Isles yet. You couldn’t blame her, you’d been the same way in the beginning. And you couldn’t help but admire how much of her own discomfort she’d pushed aside to make Luz happy. Camila was a great mom.
After getting lost in your thoughts, you remembered the man standing next to you. He’d taken the time to run his mouth. You hadn’t heard one word of it and you didn’t need to. It was likely full of innuendos and suggestive comments.
You only gave him your attention when you felt his hand grip your wrist. Against all of your better judgement, your body froze up. It was then that you heard what he was saying loud and clear.
“Why don’t you and I just.. slip out of here for a few moments. We’ll be back before anyone notices.” He said, giving you a smile that made you feel sick.
“No.” You said, vibrating with anger, and a small amount of fear.
“Oh come on, don’t be like that.”
“Get your greasy hands off of me before I make you.”
“I might like that.” He said suggestively.
“The lady said no.”
Your head turned, relief filling you upon seeing Eda standing there. Her eyes were filled with anger at the man. His hand was still clamped around your wrist, making you shift uncomfortably.
“And who are you? Mind your own business.” He snapped.
Eda inhaled angrily, while you tensed. That was the wrong thing to say. You could see that Eda’s anger was dangerously close to boiling over and that the Owl beast could potentially come into play, but part of you didn’t care. All you cared about was getting away from him.
“It became my business when you decided you could touch my mate. Now scram, before I decide to give your wife a play-by-play of what just happened here.” Eda growled, using her free hand to place it on the man’s chest, shoving him back. It made him release his grip, to your relief.
You moved away from him, tucking yourself safely into Eda’s side. Her shoulders relaxed slightly as she wrapped her arm around your waist.
“If you want to walk away with all of your limbs, I wouldn’t.” You warned, glaring at him.
He stopped, looking between you and Eda, trying to determine if it was worth it. You felt Eda’s hand clench around your waist. Giving him your best glare, you tried to warn him off. The last thing Luz needed was for one of her guardians to lose control at an event like this. Luckily, the witch took the hint.
Relief, and a little bit of amusement, flooded you as he stomped away. Seeing a grown man throw a tantrum was a funny sight. Overall though, you were glad that you didn’t have to deal with Eda transforming. She was getting better at controlling it, but with how angry she was, it would have been impossible this time. You didn’t want to add homicide to her list of crimes.
Looking up at your girlfriend, you saw her chest was heaving. She was doing everything she could to calm herself down. So she didn’t cause a scene.
“Eda, hey, look at me,” You said softly, moving directly in front of her so she couldn’t move anywhere else, “I’m okay. You fixed it, okay? He’s gone and he won’t touch me ever again.”
She nodded, but there still seemed to be something there, some feeling she couldn’t shake. You had no idea what was going on inside of her mind. So when she grabbed you and started to pull you out of the room, you felt extremely confused.
“Eda? Eda, where are we going?” You asked in a hushed tone.
You knew that you could pull away at any time, but you had no reason to. Eda would never do anything to hurt you. It was best to go along with what she had in mind.
***          ***           ***
The witch gave you no verbal answer. Instead, she found an empty hallway, her eyes searching frantically for something. You understood when she yanked open the door to a storage closet, shoving you in, and following you inside. Once the two of you were safely ensconced in it, she wasted no time in moving your clothing aside so she had free access to your body.
“Here? This is really irresponsible of us.” You said in a harsh whisper, trying not to pant against her hands roughly gripping your frame.
“I sealed it with the necessary spells, now just relax.” Eda said.
As her lips latched onto that sensitive part of your neck, you’d never been more grateful that Eda carried around pre-drawn runes. If not, you knew you’d be failing to hold back the noises you were making.
Her hands and the way she touched you was rougher than normal, more assertive. Normally, Eda took her time, making sure you felt loved while she left you thoroughly satiated. This was different. Animalistic. Her normal chuckles were replaced by snarls and growls as she left bite marks on your neck and down your chest. They almost drowned out the moans leaving your mouth as she rammed her fingers inside of you.
Your body jolted everytime she removed her digits, only to slam them back in. If you weren’t so used to her, you’d probably be hurting. But you were experienced enough to know that the hurt would come later. Walking was not going to be easy after this.
“Who do you belong to?” Eda asked in your ear.
Eda’s pace sped up after she asked the question. She could tell that you were nearly at the precipice, ready and eager to fall into the bliss she was building you up to. Your brain registered the question, but in-between all of your whining and moaning, you couldn’t form an answer. You were too caught up in the feeling of being thoroughly ravished.
“Who do you belong to, Y/N?” Eda asked again, growling this time.
Her pace had slowed, causing you to let out a desperate whine. You were almost there. She was keeping you from the one thing you wanted so much in this moment and it was killing you.
“Tell me who you belong to and I’ll let you finish.” She taunted, an animalistic grin on her features that made you clench.
“Y-You! I belong to you, Eda!” You whined out.
The noise turned into a choked shriek as she resumed her blistering pace from before, pounding into you at a rate that should have been impossible. You weren’t complaining though. The opposite, really. It was all you needed to fall over the edge, letting out an obscenely loud noise as the feelings overwhelmed you, making your body go stiff. The moment lasted for so long you feared you were going to black out, but eventually you went limp, held up by Eda’s strong arms.
Silence filled the room, marred only by your panting breaths against her neck. You felt sticky and sweaty, but thoroughly pleased with what had just occurred. Wordlessly, the two of you did your best to fix your clothing and hair.
“You’re such a good girl for me.” Eda said smugly, placing a kiss on your lips, before moving out of the closet. As the two of you moved back into the hallway and to a restroom to right yourselves, you were relieved to see that there were no people around.
Thank Titan those runes held up.
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