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yiifu · 2 years ago
till the end of the moon random musings
needed to get it all out of my system after speed bingewatching like 26 episodes over the weekend so here goes the word vomit
carnival float scene
i keep going back to rewatch that carnival float scene when ye xiwu and tantaijin are acting out the skit of the killing of the devil god ... the music is so fitting (it’s probably my fav song in the entire ost) and the whole thing feels like foreshadowing? it’s a near-perfect summary of the entire story in one scene. when she takes his mask off but her mask stays on it’s like she sees and knows everything about him but he doesn’t know her at all. she knows all his intentions and what he will become. tantaijin is so sincere in his feelings at that moment but she’s still hiding her feelings and intentions behind her mask. same thing with the wedding ceremony and the veil - she’s still hidden, but he’s sincere. and he can’t see her so he doesn’t know.
wedding scene
also, like, wow. the ep 26(?) wedding scene was, as someone on tumblr put it, like ‘watching a car crash in slow motion’ even the date was wrong (ominous). the whole time i was shaking my head to myself while watching tantaijin look the happiest he’s ever been (like even though he wants her in a twisted way, u still gotta feel bad for him somehow, he was really so happy and put in effort to embroider the veil, etc.) the knives were all out here, i knew it was coming and it’s going to get worse once we get to the aftermath right. (i last stopped at the wedding scene right before she drives the nails into him.)
mingye/clam arc
is it just me or am i seeing so many parallels between this arc and the real lives of the protagonists? mingye and sangjiu played by the main couple. xiaolin dies. sangjiu turns evil and goes back for revenge which is almost like what li susu is doing to get back at the devil god before he turns evil. mingye and sangjiu end in tragedy, which is the same outcome for our main couple in the first half. tianhuan being a scheming evil person in general like bingchang. also the fact that xiaolin and li susu/ye wuxi were really martial siblings in li susu’s life, just like they were clam siblings in the mingye arc.
one thing i still don’t understand yet: why did ye xiwu keep wanting to go help xiaolin escape the prison? was it just because she cared for him more after being siblings in the mingye arc? or because her was her martial brother in her first life? or was it also something else? i feel like i missed a bunch of motivations here lol 
xiaolin and tantaijin
so many things to unpack for xiaolin and tantaijin’s r/ship - right from their childhood to adulthood. you could see them as brothers in a way, like what xiaolin said in his letter. idk what they really feel about each other either - seems like xiaolin’s a little regretful, judging from his last letter. also taking into account parallels with the mingye/clam arc where they’re not even on the same side (clam family vs mingye/gods), and in the end xiaolin’s alter-ego is also dead, but not directly by tantaijin’s/mingye’s hand. unless xiaolin gets a second chance later on in the story, the two of them were never going to officially reconcile/fight together. gonna have to see what others said about this because i don’t even know where to begin organizing my thoughts about them LOL
pian ran and ye qingyu
really glad for pian ran and ye qingyu - i had to skip through some of their scenes due to a lack of time but the gist i got was that they got the chance to be relatively transparent with each other esp about pian ran’s past, and pian ran even got her love thread back (yay!). also her decision to stay in the city, both to be with ye qingyu and also to serve tantaijin, was pretty rad. wishing nothing but the best for this couple.
ye bingchang
ye bingchang .... she’s not typed on personalitydatabase but if i had to give her a type i’d guess she’s an infj, albeit a severely misguided one. basing it on another character who’s closest to her in terms of goals and the way they handle people - jin guangyao from mdzs who’s generally agreed to be an enfj. bingchang has a goal/vision of what she needs to survive (Ni) and uses Fe (manipulation of people) to achieve that. with jin guangyao, similar need to protect themselves, value themselves above others, very, very good at manipulating people by saying the right words, have attempted murder, villain origin backstory of having been mistreated by others for being of a lower social status, etc. 
also mbti with ye bingchang and tantaijin
i keep talking about mbti but i’m no mbti expert, just really love using it to understand people. if you compare bingchang with tantaijin you can see they both have kinda similar methods of doing things? - manipulating people towards some common goal through a careful plan. it’s just that ye bingchang’s is purely for personal gain while tantaijin wants personal gain but also accounts for the wider society as well. 
ye bingchang (infj): main goal of protecting herself (Ni). executes a plan to manipulate people to make it fall into place (Fe). able to adapt her behaviour to the people around her (Fe, Se?). uses whatever means necessary.
tantaijin: main goal of controlling and reuniting the two kingdoms to create peace (Ni), reduce the same kind of suffering he felt in his personal life (Ni, Fi). executes a plan to outsmart his enemies and recruit people (Te). uses whatever means necessary but also has some internal moral code he follows (Fi).
based on what i vaguely recall about the way tantaijin and bingchang convince people, there’s also a difference. bingchang is very value-oriented (asks ye xiwu to have pity on her, to not compete with her for tantaijin, justifying her actions using the universal value of justice for those who suffer unjustly, she uses universal values like compassion and pity, love, etc. to convince people, it’s giving Fe). 
tantaijin uses a lot of psychological manipulation too - knows how to talk people into having no choice but to follow him, knows how to use scare tactics without being actually mean (e.g. the tonic pill he gave pian ran to swallow, threatening to kill those ministers who didn’t want to come teach him just to scare them) his manipulation is a different brand from bingchang’s but just as effective.
but compared to bingchang, i feel tantaijin is a lot more practical in manipulating people. if i recall correctly he usually resorts to logic to convince people (or fear of death lmao). making people understand that they have no other way out of the situation and the only plausible way is his way. e.g. bringing ye xiwu back to him after she helped xiaolin escape. he doesn’t plead with her to come back because he’s lonely and loves her etc., that’s what a high Fe user might do. instead he uses action and rearranges the environment to suit his plan (Te) he makes her kill xiaolin, makes her hated by all so that the only logical way she can get out is to flee back to him. he’s in the depths of emotional turmoil by that point but he still resorts to hard force and objective control (Te) to keep ye xiwu by his side so he can relieve his emotional frustration and loneliness
might write another thing on a comparison between him and william james moriarty from moriarty the patriot (also an intj commanding a group of loyal people towards a vision) later on, just to sort out my tantaijin intj agenda when i remember
the main pairing
going back to our main pairing, what i’m getting out of this is that the two of them can never be together in this configuration, i.e. with him as the emperor/future-devil-god and she as his so-called assassin. they were never going to work out like this because there’s too much to lose and too much going on for them to work anything out properly. (also given that both of them don’t seem to be people who prioritize emotions very much in their decision-making). 
luo yunxi’s portrayal of tantaijin is so good, he manages to get that crazed-obsessed-yet good-looking character archetype down pat. truly deserving of the main character title. i keep thinking of that tweet which goes “but he murdered people. so? and he looked good doing it” etc.
for now li susu/ye xiwu’s feelings are still very murky (maybe some others might read her as already having fallen for him but still being bound by duty and fear and anger and other things) but for me it’s still difficult to figure out what exactly she’s feeling. gonna go look at some analysis posts on tumblr to understand what i’m missing.
to go off on a tangent (because i like to think of plot stuff in relation to tropes in other things), it’s sort of like wei wuxian and lan wangji in wwx’s first life. war was going on, wwx had too much to lose and his head wasn’t in the right place. the two of them were never going to work out in that first life no matter how hard they tried. only after wwx’s resurrection did they (more on wwx’s part) have time to bond and sort out their thoughts and feelings properly in a time of relative peace and stability, when the stakes weren’t as high. 
similarly, tantaijin and yewuxi need that second half of the story, when stuff isn’t as high-stakes (no war going on) to sort everything out between them.
extra: characters who won my heart
pian ran - temperamental fox girl who just needs a break, still does her duties well, treated by tantaijin like a whiny younger sister or student, ye xiwu’s wingwoman
pang yizhi/scholar pang - literally the only carefree soul in this entire angst-fest (if it matters, he feels very enfp to me), would be fun to hang out with, the perfect foil to xiaolin, somehow managed to get on the wrong side of tantaijin alongside xiaolin and escaped unscathed, he’s here to assist and watch the show and fly back to the immortal world of daozhangs after it ends
gan baiyu - speaking of someone who’s always watching the show, who could forget the ever-loyal gan baiyu who’s stayed by tantaijin’s side as he rose to power? who stood by when tantaijin was throwing all his tantrums? best boy honestly
really looking forward to the second half/arc (?) of the drama after the 500 years!
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waterfallofspace · 2 years ago
So, I've been working on my OC's again, and honestly I'm just having such a fun time flushing them out into (hopefully) believable humans~~
Annddd, not that I expect anyone to really care, but if I was gonna share them, and you were going to care, what would you guys want to see first?
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mellowyellow236 · 5 months ago
How would the TWST boys act when they had a crush on the Reader/Yuu?
All are meant to be interpreted as romantic except for Ortho, who is a wingman for his brother in his part. Some characters might be a bit OOC. Reader is GN but will be referred to as pretty/beautiful. Minor TW for Rollo having yandere tendencies.
If anyone has anything to add or any questions, please leave an ask or comment! Requests are open if anyone wants :) Everything is under the cut
Riddle Rosehearts - 
Not the best person to have liking you. 
He’s not mean or anything he just... Has no idea what to do with himself at any time. 
And it’s very obvious. 
He thinks that if he’s very, very specific about you following the rules, you’ll praise him and thus that’ll mean you’ll like him. 
He’s… Trying his best. 
“Off With Your Head!” You felt the metal clamp around your neck as you heard the echo of the words. Turning around, you saw the small redhead with his hands on his hips, face already flushing. He grabbed the drink you were holding, the surface of the coffee moving as he pulled away. “On a Tuesday, one can only drink lemon tea past 3:14 in the afternoon!” He huffed, before using his free hand to pull you away. “If you don’t know the rules, I’ll just have to teach them to you. Come on, there’s some tea in the garden. I have a book of rules I could read to you.” 
Trey Clover - 
He’s housewife material, he’ll bake for you 
“Any boy can be babygirl but it takes a man to be a single  mother” vibes 
I never know what to say to him he’s just a normal person who likes cooking 
On a complete side note if you ever go to NYC, go to Alice’s Tea Cup. It’s this tea house that’s kind of close to Broadway, at least last time I went pre-COVID, and it’s so good. I have the recipe book from there and the pumpkin scones are the best. 
You walked into the Hearslabyul kitchen, smiling at the smell of apple pie. Trey was baking, and the dish had just come out of the oven. He smiled, but then slapped your hand away when you tried to grab it. “Not yet, it needs to cool first. If you really want something to eat, we have leftover blueberry scones in the fridge.” He said, looking away to get the serving plate. You touched it anyway, pulling back as you burned yourself. He looked at you and sighed, taking you by the arm to get an ice cube on it. “Burnt hand teaches best, I suppose... It shouldn’t be that bad of a burn. If it gets any worse, I’ll  put some cream on it...” He said, before kissing the burn. “And a get-well-soon kiss, of course.” 
Cater Diamond - 
He’s a silly boy, but also an angsty one 
If he genuinely likes you, he’d probably try really, really hard to be the “perfect guy” 
And also to try to hide how into you he is because he’s scared you’ll leave him 
Those moments when his guard drops are probably the sweetest, though 
“Ah, that was fun! Well, Cay-cay’s all yours for the rest of the day. What do you wanna do now?” Cater said, having just turned off his livestream. You were behind his phone smiling at him. You were going to recommend getting a drink at the Monstro lounge, but saw how tired he was. He smiled at you when you asked to just hang out with him at home. “You do, huh? Well, there’s a new movie we could watch.” When you raised an eyebrow, asking if it was for Magicam, he just chuckled and shook his head. “Nope. A remake of an old classic. I want to watch it with you. I’m sure that you’d be able to make anything good, just by being there.” 
Ace Trapolla & Deuce Spade- 
They’re together because I feel like you can’t make one fall for you without the other. It’s a ‘buy one get one free’ deal. 
Ace would be a nightmare to have in love with you. 
He’d try his best to flirt, but mainly through really bad dirty jokes and pickup lines. 
Or, by inserting himself into your life as much as possible in an attempt to force himself into a place of importance for you 
Duece, on the other hand, would be an angel. 
He attempts to be an old-fashioned gentleman, like holding open doors and getting you flowers. 
Are those roses from Heartslabyul’s garden? Maybe. Just don’t snitch on him to Riddle. 
You weren't entirely sure how you got yourself into hiding in a cabinet with Ace and Duece, but here you were, avoiding the Riddle currently screaming his head off about how someone had stolen the roses currently in your arms. You had a hand over Duece’s mouth as he muttered apologies, trying to get him to shut up, before Ace leaned in and whispered “Hey, Prefect?” You gave him a look, to which he said, “Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see!” He asked, voice rising in volume as he tried not to laugh, to which Duece slapped him on the arm and cried, “Don’t be so loud! You’re going to get us caught!” Ace only laughed harder, until the door to the cabinet opened. You took a dash out of there with your roses, the two bumbling baffoons behind you, the yelling housewarden already collaring them. 
Leona Kingscholar - 
He’s a fun man 
Well, not really, but his attempts are very fun for Ruggie. 
He’ll just drag you away and force you to cuddle with him. 
You’ll probably end up cutting class, but do you really care when it’s with the clingy lion man? 
Throwing money at you with no regard to the amount he gives or the reason he does it is the other attempt. 
If he can prove that he’s better at taking care of you than the lizard, he can win this round. 
And get a better lover than his brother, but that’s the secondary goal. 
You were just walking in the garden when you felt someone trip you, causing you to land half in a bush. Before you could turn around to tell off the person responsible, they grabbed your waist and pulled you to them on the floor. “It’s nap time, Herbivore. Shut up and let me sleep.” When you told him that he was the one who invited you here and you’d have to skip your next class to stay, he just huffed and rolled his eyes at you, pushing a pouch in your hand. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. If you’ll be like that, take this and you can get whatever you want in your lunch period. Fair deal if you’ll stay.” 
Ruggie Bucchi - 
Would never ask you out on a date, he’s scared. 
The best treatment that you get before he’s sure you’re not going to be mean to him is that he doesn’t pawn your gifts off for cash. 
Afterward, he’ll be a bit more affectionate 
Maybe even give you some of his food... 
Also, hyena courting stuff; Shadowing a potential partner, taking a step forward and then taking a step back, and other stuff like that. 
You heard the laughing of the beastman before you were able to see his face. He had been following you around for most of the day, but every time he’d take a few steps forward, he’d taken a few back after a second. Now, though, he had his head on your shoulder. “Hello, Prefect. Look what I got!” He said, showing you a donut he had probably gotten from Sam’s. “You want a bite?” He asked, when you nodded and took a bite he bit onto the other end, giggling away. “What, was that really enough to fluster you, Prefect? Shishishi, I should try doing this to you again.”
Jack Howl - 
Jack asks you outright if you feel the same way he does, especially if you two are friends. 
Finally! A confession! 
He doesn’t want to make your friendship weird, so he wants to tell you that it’s happened and either find a way to get over you or have a happy relationship. 
Very much “Worst they can say is no, best they can say is yes” kind of man 
Aside from that, very loyal and sweet to you before he realizes that he likes you 
Also, a pinch of an old-fashioned gentleman in him 
Jack had called you out earlier that day to go on an evening walk with him, and so here you were. You were in the mountains, walking at a fairly slow pace. You neared a big tree as the sun set, and Jack took a deep breath. He took your hand, ears on high alert and tail looking undecided between if it wanted to cower beneath his legs or wag excitedly, and said, “Prefect, I like you very much. Please go on a date with me.”
Azul Ashengrotto - 
Oh no 
He has two moods when it comes to the person he likes; Annoyingly showoffish and annoyingly terrified of you. 
Somehow, it’s sometimes both. 
He would talk very loudly about how well he was doing as a businessman his contracts and how much money he’d made. 
And then you touch him and he just stops functioning.
“Oh, look, Jade! Another new high this month! We might even be able to expand!” He cried, glancing at you again and again. This had been happening every time you visited Monstro Lounge; A song and dance of Azul fishing for compliments that he seemed to hate, if him leaving the room every time you complimented him had anything to say about it. This time, you grabbed his wrist as you spoke, telling him how he was doing a very good job. You watched him turn a shade of red and blue, stiffening up as he muttered out a response. “Thank you... I will keep your response in mind.” The moment you let him go, Jade stepped in to talk to you as the octopus-mer ran away once more. 
Jade Leech - 
As the more put together of the two moray eels here, he gets the ‘classier’ side of the coin. 
Moray courting rituals of wrapping together is often described as a dance, so he’ll try to dance with you. 
Aside from that, I can see him subtly teasing you about yawning in front of him, even if you don’t understand why. 
And feeding you plenty of mushroom dishes. 
You were stuffed, that was for sure. Jade had invited you to Octavinelle a while ago, and now you were here, eating various mushroom dishes like your life depended on it. He was smiling, another one placed in front of you. “A shiitake and crab stir fry is next. Surely, you have room for more?” He asked, a small smile on his lips. He chuckled when you yawned, “Isn’t it a bit late in the season for that?” When you asked what he meant, he only shook his head and brought a filled fork to your lips. “Fufu. Just focus on eating for now, Prefect.” 
Floyd Leech - 
Hehe funny unhinged eel man  
Moray eels like to cuddle, so prepare to be squeezed by him 
Also, yawning or ‘gaping’ (Opening his mouth really wide) at you. 
Honestly, I don’t have a lot of thoughts on him, he’s just a silly little guy. 
“Shrimpy!” You heard cried behind you, Floyd flopping himself over you from behind. He yawned and pushed his head over your shoulder as he spread himself over you so his weight was all on you to hold up. “Whatcha doing?” He asked, smiling at you. Once you answered that you were on your way to class, he frowned, wrapping his arms around you before lifting you like a cat. “That’s boring! Common, Shrimpy, we’re going to find something fun to do!” 
Kalim Al-Asim - 
For Kalim, I feel as if the second he knows he likes you, you will know he likes you because he’ll tell you outright. 
Before he knows he likes you, everyone else will know he likes you. 
Running up to you at every opportunity, constantly complimenting you, talking about you to everyone who will listen, etc. 
Much like the other rich kids who aren’t used to being genuinely wanted for themselves and not their money in this school, Kalim will throw expensive gifts at you in an attempt to gain your favor. 
“Prefect!!” You heard someone shout, running at you from across the field of the flying lesson you were in. “There you are! I’ve got something for you!” He said, smiling all the while. He kissed you on the cheek, and then reached into his bag, pulling out a golden bracelet. Before you had time to refuse, because it was the middle of a class where it could easily be lost or because of the outrageous price tag, he spoke up. “And now we match! Just like twins, see?” He had kept his ones on this time, and you couldn’t help but smile as he was beaming up at you. 
Jamil Viper - 
Jamil might not be able to show off often, but he does try to do so for you. 
You’re busy and can’t cook? He’ll get you some food! 
You’ve torn a hole in your gym clothes? He’s got a sewing kit on him!
Your homework is about to kill your GPA because Crewel seems to hate having breaks? He’s your guy!
All in all, he attempts to woo you like a mixture of a 1950s housewife and the stereotype of tutor love interests in media. 
“-And that’s how to make a basic healing tonic. Any questions?” He asked. When you shook your head, he gave a small smile. “That’s good. I’ll help you clean up in here, and then I’ve got something for you back at Scarabia.” His hand brushed yours as he helped you clear up the papers that had been scattered around as you studied. “You mentioned wanting to try foods from the scalding sands, so I got a bunch of ingredients. I’ll make you a wonderful meal if you’d like.”
Vil Schoenheit - 
Much like Riddle, you must deal with him being much more annoying as soon as he likes you. 
Just this time, he’s annoying you about your self-care. 
You don’t take multi-hour spa baths in the crummy bath at Ramshackle? Well, now you do at the much better baths in Pomefiore every week. 
You don’t have a skincare routine that takes up half your morning? Yes, you do. 
You will never be in better condition physically but he will continue finding new ways to push you. 
He does it out of love because he wants you to always look and feel your best. 
You opened the door to Ramshackle, looking at a mildly annoyed Vil. He grabbed you before you could protest, leading you away from your dorm. “Come on, Potato. I’m taking you to Pomefiore, and you’re going to get a makeover.” When you asked why, the third year just rolled his eyes. “You have bags under your eyes, and they seem to be from lack of sleep or stress, if your appearance when you came here was anything to say about it. So, I’m getting you a spa day and will teach you how to take care of yourself better. If you still can’t, I’ll just have to take you for spa time more often.” 
Rook Hunt - 
Rook is a walking love letter. 
Constantly waxing poetics, and talking about how beautiful you are. 
You forget something at home and the next thing you know you’ve got an arrow shot next to you and whatever you need as well as a heartfelt note is in a pouch tied to it. 
And he’s just... There. 
All the time. 
He’s in your walls. 
You sighed, having forgotten your potions textbook for the third time this week. Truly, your memory was your own worst- What was that? A thud had come from right next to you; An arrow with a paper gift bag tied onto it through a deep purple ribbon had been shot into a tree, going right past your head. When you looked into it, there was your missing textbook, as well as a note from the giver. ‘Dearest Trickster, it is a wonder to be in your presence. I do ask, please grace me with those eyes to my face. If only I had those, I would be happy to deliver you your books for the rest of my life.’ When you looked around, you saw him; The third year excitedly waving at you from the rooftop of the school. 
Epel Felmeir - 
He tries so hard to show you how awesome cool and manly he is. 
Has the same vibes as a child showing their parents how good they are at sports. 
“Hey Mom, look!” *Kicks a soccer ball and falls flat on his face* 
He’s doing the best he can with the skills he has, give the little guy some credit 
“Hey, Prefect! Did ya see that goal I made at the end?” Epel said, having just finished a Spelldrive game. He had come up to you as soon as he was done, and you smiled at him, nodding and telling him that he had done well. He puffed his chest out at that, looking like the cat who got the cream. “Of course I did! I’ll even give ya a ride on my broom after our next practice, so you can see what it looks like when ya playing. That’s be fun, right?” He said, smiling at you widely. 
Idia Shroud - 
Scared boy 
Very, very scared boy 
He will try to run from you any time he’s nearby.
If you manage to corner him, expect him to be very flustered. 
Maybe you’ll get a sentence or two out of him if you keep trying... 
Idia had been avoiding you for the past few days, and you had no idea why. So here you were, using the key card ortho gave you to work your way into the room of the hermit. He was hunched over his desk, eyes closed and breathing steady. His monitor was on, so when you walked over, you took the mouse out from him and went to save in his game before you closed it out. He stirred, muttering as he opened his eyes, “One more round, Orthohmysevenitsyouohimsorryicangonow!” He bolted straight up, hair flaming pink as he pushed the swirly chair back and ran out of his own room.
Ortho Shroud - 
His big brother’s best wingman 
Will come up to you and talk about how great his brother is 
If needed, pulls up diagrams and chats like he’s giving a PowerPoint presentation on his brother’s ability to date you 
“Prefect!” You heard a shout, the younger Shroud brother coming up to you. “I have something that you must see! You are aware of my brother’s affection for you, correct?” When you shook your head, he smiled, pulling up a presentation on his iPad. “That makes this much more difficult, but very well! As you can see here, one’s heartbeat increases when one meets with the object of one’s affections. This can be caused by a flight or fight response, which my brother does not usually suffer from when over a call with another. However, when your voice is there, his heart rate spikes dramatically! This means that I have reason to believe that he is in love with you. In this presentation, I will-”
Malleus Dracona - 
He is going to try to woo you with gems 
And probably other dragon-courting rituals 
I think that out of the beastmen and fae, he understands the least that you don’t get their courting rituals. 
By the name he realizes that you don’t think you’re dating he’s already picked out the names of your kids. 
“Child of Man?” You heard the familiar voice of Hornton call out to you in your garden. You smiled, turning around to face him. “It’s nice to see you again. I have a gift for you.” He said, holding out a golden necklace with emeralds sprinkled in. When you tried to refuse the gift, saying it was too expensive to get ‘just because’ he only shook his head and put it around your neck. “All the stars in the sky would be too little to give you, and every jewel in my horde pales in comparison to your beauty. If only you wear this, then you will surely compare to my father when you take your place at my side. Although, I believe you already do in both appearance and wit.”
Lilia Vanrouge - 
Old fae bat man 
He flirts with you, but it ends up being either too old-timey or too fae for you to understand 
For the old-timey side; According to Wikipedia, “Gifts accompanied courtship in the form of a man proving coins, trinkets or clothing to the woman he is trying to woo.” So, he gets you various gifts, like coins, jewelry that he has, and whatever else you’re interested in. 
I assume that because he’s such a long-lived fae, they range from ‘I found this stone in the garden’ to ‘Here’s a 1000-year-old artifact capable of destroying the world if you hold onto it wrong’
For the fae side; Male bats court by making various noises (screaming, honking, singing), flicking their wings/showing off how good they are at flying, and grooming the other party. I’m interpreting this as singing to you, playing with your hair, and trying to impress you in flight class. 
Also, him humming old love songs to you and playing with your hair I can’t-
Lilia was sitting next to you on the couch, as you flipped through various movies on the television he had in his room. You were in his arms, with his hands in your hair, braiding wherever he could get enough hair to do so. “Hey, Beastie?” He chuckled as you sighed at the lack of familiar movies. “I really do care for you quite a bit. Also, there’s this one Halloween movie that came out a year or two ago. Terror is Trending, or something. We could watch that.” He laughed again and started humming. It seemed to be a classical piece. When you asked what he was singing, he said “Dichterliebe, Robert Schumann’s Op. 48., movement 11.” He smiled at you, and then laughed at your confusion. “Just put the movie on already, Beastie.” 
Silver “Vanrouge” - 
The meeting scene from Sleeping Beauty 
That’s it, that’s my idea 
Due to the lack of inspiration, he gets a slightly longer drabble, though? 
You were walking in the woods, pausing at a shallow river, singing to yourself. It wasn’t long until you heard a horse trotting towards you. You turned to face it, and Silver smiled as you did. “It’s nice to see you again, Prefect.” He said, getting off his horse to stand next to the river with you. He looked at you, gently humming the same tune as you were. He reached a hand out to pull you in, one hand in yours and the other on your waist. “Do you know how to dance?” He asked, already starting the movements. When you shook, your head, he laughed, spinning you around. “I’ll teach you. Copy my movements, but backward... 1 2 3, 1 2 3...” He started to dance with you, slowly going from repeating the pattern to singing lightly. He was softly smiling, staring at you even as your eyes were focused on your feet. However, it didn’t take long before his horse seemed to tire of this, pushing the two of you in. “Samson!” Silver cried out, now soaking wet and a bit banged up from shielding you from the fall. “And after I promised you an extra bucket of oats to come out here... No carrots for you tonight.” He spoke, looking at you as you asked him why he had done so. Silver only smiled and responded, “There was something strange about you, and I heard your voice earlier. You’re almost too beautiful to be real. I thought it was some mysterious being, a wood sprite or a fae. Truly lovely either way.”
Sebek Zigvolt - 
He tries to protect you like the knight that he aspires to be 
He will infodump to you about Malleous or Brair Valley or something else of the sort if you let him 
Also, he’s half fae, which means fae/crocodile courting rituals. 
Crocodiles mainly bump snouts as far as I can tell, so expect many boops from him. 
Also, piggyback rides and playful nips if you get close enough to him 
“And that is why Wakasama is the greatest mage in our time!” Sebek finished, still carrying you around the school. When you tried again to tell him it wasn’t needed, Sebek scoffed. “Foolish Human! You said that your leg was tired after running in flight class, and so you must rest your legs lest you injure yourself!” He said, bopping his nose against yours. “Besides, you must know by now that as a friend of Wakasama, it is my job to defend you as I would him! In not doing so, I would be committing a sin worse than just letting you walk by yourself! As such, I will accompany you to and from class from now on. Be grateful, Human!” 
Che’nya - 
Che’nya will try to pull as many pranks on you as he can  
Appearing in random places, taking little things from you, and other things showing up in random places you never put them.  
All around being a little menace and trying to make your daily life as annoying as possible 
You sighed, looking towards the floating smile next to you. It laughed, as you held up the empty pencil case, asking it how he expected you to be able to do your homework now. He only chuckled, the rest of his head and shoulders appearing. “Stay pawsitive, Prefect! No need to be so catty!” You rolled your eyes, to which the boy simply snickered and rubbed his head against your cheek. “Come on, my puns are purrfect!” He pulled a pencil out of seemingly thin air, letting you take it from him. “And I’ve got plenty of pens back at RSA if you’d like to take a weekend trip to see me.” 
Neige Leblanche - Kinda angsty, but not much
He’s a sweet guy first and foremost, and his having a crush on you reflects that. 
He buys you flowers, takes you on walks in nature, romantic stuff like that. 
Maybe watching cheesy old movies with you and cuddling 
He wants to be your friend before he dates you, though, and won’t make a move until after you can see what life would be like if you were dating him considering how famous he is. 
He needs to make sure that you’re comfortable with the fame you’ll gain, and that you love him for more than just his popularity. 
Neige sighed, biting his lower lips. He was situated in your arms on the floor of his dorm room, what you’d define as a cheesy romcom on the TV. The most interesting part was the man going through his DM’s next to you. He snuggled into you a bit more as you asked him what was wrong, to which he said “Just... Hate comments and stuff. They’re really mean sometimes. Saying stuff...” He took a deep breath again, and melted against you. “Thank you for treating me like I’m a normal person. It means... So much to me. I... Care for you so much.” 
Rollo Flamme - Rollo's got yandere tendency's
Unfortunately, I can in no way see Rollo having a light crush on anyone 
For him, I imagine it’s an ‘all or nothing’ situation 
So, you’ll end up with a very obsessive and objectively evil wizard trying to win your heart by any means necessary 
But this is not the post for that, so he’s getting toned down to fit into a little drabble  
“Mon amour, how are you feeling?” Rollo asked you, coming into the area that you were lying in. You had been resting in the infirmary since coming back from the destruction he caused, and he sat on the edge of the bed. You turned away from him, closing your eyes and saying that you had no desire to speak to him. Rollo sighed, “Please, my dear? I am begging you, just talk to me.” You shook your head, but he took your hand and kissed your knuckles anyway. “Then I will wait for you to want to speak to me again. However, I do ask that it be soon. I cannot imagine my life without you, my dear angel, and I do not intend to live without you forever.” 
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solxamber · 3 months ago
haii can i req octotrio, malleus, and leona (all seperate!) with a reader like kokomi from genshin thats also a jellyfish? romantic or not it doesn’t matter to me ^_^ also feel free to add more characters the more the merrier :3
Leona, Octatrio, Malleus, Riddle, Vil, Rook, Rollo x Kokomi!Jellyfish!Reader
a/n; i felt pretty inspired so i added quite a few <3
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Leona Kingscholar
Leona pretends he’s indifferent, but your serene and calculated demeanor throws him off.
The first time he sees your glowing form under the moonlight, he blinks twice, convinced he’s hallucinating. “Tch, what’s with the light show? Trying to blind me or something?” But secretly, he’s mesmerized.
Your habit of calmly handling disputes in the dorm (often between Ruggie and others) frustrates him. “You can’t just talk people into behaving,” he grumbles, only to watch you succeed every time.
Leona’s competitive side comes out when he learns about your strategic mind. Chess games with you become a weekly ritual, and losing to you annoys him more than he’ll admit.
Despite his gruffness, he’s deeply protective of you, especially when someone comments on your jellyfish-like features. “Say that again, and I’ll show you why you don’t mess with jellyfish.”
Sometimes, he watches you float gracefully in water, pretending he’s there for a nap. “Stop staring at me, Leona.” “Who’s staring? I’m just resting my eyes.”
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul is immediately intrigued by your jellyfish traits and calm demeanor—after all, you’re a marine creature, and that’s his territory.
Your bioluminescence is something he secretly envies, though he’ll never admit it. “A marvelous ability,” he says while scribbling notes for future contracts.
Your strategic thinking makes you one of the few people who can keep up with him in negotiations. He offers you a job at the Lounge almost immediately, “to better utilize your talents.”
Whenever Floyd or Jade annoys him, Azul uses you as a buffer. “Perhaps you could… calm them down?” And, to his astonishment, it works. Even Floyd listens to you.
He’s absolutely fascinated by your glowing hair and jellyfish-like appendages. “Do they serve a specific function, or are they purely aesthetic?” he asks while trying not to sound overly eager.
Azul secretly finds your tranquil nature soothing. After a long day of scheming, he’ll seek your company under the guise of “strategic discussions,” but really, he just wants to hear your voice.
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Jade Leech
Jade is utterly fascinated by you from the moment he meets you. Your resemblance to a jellyfish sparks his curiosity.
He constantly asks you questions about your biology, glowing abilities, and lifestyle. “Do you use your bioluminescence to lure prey, or is it purely decorative?”
Jade enjoys teasing you, especially when you’re peacefully floating in water. “You look so serene. It’s almost a shame to disturb you.” Then he splashes you.
He respects your calm and collected demeanor, but he’s determined to find out what flusters you. Watching your serene mask slip is his new favorite pastime.
If someone dares insult you, Jade’s smile grows even sharper. “I wouldn’t recommend making an enemy of a jellyfish, you know. They’re far more dangerous than they appear.”
He enjoys your company during his hikes, fascinated by how your glowing presence adds an ethereal beauty to the forest.
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Floyd Leech
Floyd is absolutely obsessed with you. You’re a jellyfish, and jellyfish are cool—end of story.
He immediately nicknames you “Jelly,” much to your mild exasperation. “C’mon, Jelly! Let’s go do something fun!”
Floyd loves poking at your glowing features. “What happens if I touch this? Will it zap me?” (You have to swat his hand away repeatedly.)
Your calm nature intrigues him. “How do you stay so chill all the time? Don’t you ever wanna, like, flip out?” He sees it as a personal challenge to get you riled up.
He’s oddly protective of you. If anyone messes with you, Floyd’s mood sours instantly, and you have to calm him down before he does something drastic.
Floyd loves dragging you into the water to “swim like real jellyfish.” His playful nature contrasts hilariously with your serene floating.
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Malleus Draconia
Malleus finds you absolutely enchanting. Your ethereal glow and calm presence remind him of a fairytale.
The first time he sees you glowing in the dark, he’s convinced you’re some sort of spirit. “Are you a creature of the night, summoned by the stars?” You laugh, which only confuses him more.
He adores your serene demeanor and often seeks your company when he’s feeling lonely. “You have a calming presence. It is… soothing.”
Your strategic mind impresses him. He occasionally consults you on matters of state, and your insight leaves him in awe.
Malleus is enchanted by your glowing features and bioluminescence. He often compares you to the stars and moon. “You shine as brightly as the night sky,” he says, his voice soft.
He’s protective of you, especially when others don’t understand your unique traits. “Anyone who dares mock your beauty will answer to me,” he declares, his aura dark and foreboding.
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle is equal parts fascinated and exasperated by your serene and dreamy nature.
He struggles to reconcile your gentle demeanor with the strict order he upholds. “You can’t just let them get away with breaking rules.” But you always seem to handle things so effortlessly, he can’t help but feel a little envious.
The first time he sees your bioluminescence, he’s stunned. “W-What are you glowing for? Is that some sort of trick?” He secretly thinks it’s mesmerizing.
Your calmness has a soothing effect on him during his temperamental moments. When you gently suggest he take a deep breath, he can’t find it in himself to argue.
Your strategic mind earns his respect, especially when you help him resolve dorm conflicts with minimal drama. He finds himself seeking your counsel more often than he’d like to admit.
He tries to deny how much your presence comforts him, but when you glow softly under the moonlight, he’s reminded of the beauty of following one’s heart.
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Vil Schoenheit
Vil finds you utterly captivating, both for your glowing beauty and your ability to remain so composed under pressure.
He immediately notices your bioluminescence and praises it as “natural elegance.” He may even use it as inspiration for his next photoshoot.
Vil admires your calm demeanor but insists on refining your presentation. “Grace comes naturally to you, but you must carry it with intention.”
Your ability to remain poised even under stress makes him jealous sometimes. He spends hours perfecting himself while you seem effortlessly radiant.
The two of you often engage in long conversations about leadership and balance. He’s impressed by your thoughtful insight, though he won’t always admit it.
He pretends not to care when others praise your ethereal glow, but he can’t help but feel proud, especially when you stand by his side at events.
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Rook Hunt
Rook is absolutely enchanted by your jellyfish-inspired traits and ethereal aura.
The first time he sees your bioluminescence, he dramatically declares, “Magnifique! You are a creature of the heavens, a glowing gem beneath the sea!”
Rook constantly watches you, fascinated by the way you move and speak. He calls it research, but it’s really just admiration.
Your calmness intrigues him. He frequently tests your patience with his flamboyant antics, but you never falter, much to his delight.
He adores how your strategic mind contrasts with your soft demeanor. “You are as cunning as you are serene, ma chérie méduse.”
Rook writes poems inspired by your bioluminescent glow, claiming that no words could ever truly capture your beauty.
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Rollo Flamme
Rollo is conflicted about you. Your calm, composed nature intrigues him, but your glowing features remind him of magic—something he loathes.
The first time he sees you glowing, he’s visibly unsettled. “Is this some kind of magic trick? I don’t trust it.” Yet, he can’t look away.
Your tranquil demeanor softens his usual disdain. He begrudgingly admits that you’re… tolerable, though his fascination with you grows daily.
Rollo’s jealousy flares whenever others praise your ethereal beauty. “They’re only bewitched by appearances,” he mutters, trying to convince himself he’s not affected.
Your intelligence earns his respect, though he won’t openly say it. He finds himself relying on your calm judgment more than he’d like.
Despite his feelings about magic, he catches himself enjoying the way your glow lights up dark spaces. It’s almost… comforting.
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justforyourlovee · 27 days ago
Synastry observations -1-
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Paid readings :))
follow for more content!
+ If anyone wanna ask about a synastry aspect , comment it here and I will post it in next synastry observation Post , tyy
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 his Lilith conjunct your sun :It’s over. Very intense! HAWT. This conjunction can make a married man leave his wife of 20 years. Powerful sexual energy. Karmic. This will mirror the dark energy of the man to himself.Can he see his own demons and welcome them with love? Or does he reject all parts of himself?How this goes is completely dependent on the man’s ability to love all parts of him.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 their north node conjunct your sun :they light the way for your soul path this lifetime but won't be your comfort zone because it's nn so will be pushing you forward towards where your meant to be so you need to be mature enough to handle that energy because it involves responsibility and honesty with yourself.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Seventh house synastry:When someone has a lot of planets in your 7th house, you’ll feel a strong connection with them. You’ll enjoy their company, feel comfortable, and trust them. Whether you’re doing something fun or just relaxing together, it’ll feel good. This bond can affect your love life—you might be partners or close friends who help each other with relationships. You’ll just *get* what the other person needs when it comes to love.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Uranus square ascendant : this feels like  you're both trying to find a balance between staying true to yourselves and being open to new ideas and experiences. The Uranus person might push you to step out of your comfort zone, which can be exhilarating but also a bit unsettling.  I'm not saying it's a bad aspect but  let's say it's a friendship , you and your friend are always on the lookout for the next adventure, constantly pushing each other to try new things and explore new ideas. The Uranus person may bring a sense of freedom and liberation to the friendship, encouraging the Ascendant person to break free from routine and embrace change BUT this can lead to a dynamic and stimulating friendship, it can also create tension, especially if one person feels like the other is pushing them too far out of their comfort zone. AND if it's a romantic relationship this aspect in any type of relationship add excitement for sure whether it sometimes conjunct the MC ( excitement in you career) or the IC ( excitement in your home environment or in your emotions in general) but this aspect can lead to conflicts maybe a lot of conflicts , especially if one person feels like their need for independence is being stifled by the other. It's like trying to find a balance between being true to yourself and being part of a partnership. If not managed well, this aspect can lead to a relationship that feels chaotic and unstable, with both partners feeling like they're never on solid ground.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Sun Moon Opposition : When the Sun is opposite the Moon in synastry, the Sun person often feels drawn to the Moon person. They admire how the Moon approaches life in their own unique way, and there’s a sense of respect for their emotional depth. The Sun, being creative and expressive, appreciates the Moon’s different perspective. Once the Moon feels safe and knows they won’t be overshadowed, these two can become really close—like best friends or partners who just *get* each other. It’s all about mutual respect and giving each other space to be themselves.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Lilith in the 10th house synastry: the Lilith person looks at the house person and thinks, "You’re going places."There’s admiration, but also this restless feeling like they need to  prove something or even challenge the house person’s success. Instead of lifting each other up, they might push against each other, sometimes out of jealousy, sometimes just to see what happens. The Lilith person might feel like the house person represents the **kind of power or recognition they secretly want which can create tension.
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astonmartinii · 1 year ago
hi!! i really love your blog: i usually stay silent and only like the posts but i thought today should be the day i request something!
would you be open to write a social media au with lando Norris x y/n where the reader is a marine biologist? or a surfer? or something ocean-related lmao
feel free to disregard this request if you don’t like it or don’t have time!! xx
just add water | lando norris social media au
pairing: lando norris x fem reader
first fish ruined his appetite, now they steal his girlfriend?
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and 103,451 others
tagged: landonorris
yourusername: perks of the job but back on shore i clock in to my full time job of missing lando
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user1: can we have the hair routine cause miss ma'am is in the sea every damn day and her hair is still healthier than mine
user2: REAL
landonorris: f1 is just my day job, talking about you is my passion and career
yourusername: babe even the whales in monterey bay know about you
landonorris: they better be mclaren fans
yourusername: eh i think i heard super max (whale edition) the other day
maxverstappen1: conquered all of f1 and the seven seas so real of me
yourusername: babe don't joke about that :(
landonorris: sorry :(
oscarpiastri: can you please come to the next race i may put my head through a wall if i have to watch this man go through his camera roll again RETELLING me all of the stories
yourusername: didn't realise we were so annoying 🧐
oscarpiastri: don't get me wrong you guys are cute but sometimes i wanna nap after practice in peace and not hear about whale shit
landonorris: i SEE HOW IT IS
alexalbon: no oscar is right i've heard about when had a baby seal on her surfboard about seven billion times
yourusername: HEY that was cute
user3: okay but lando could talk to ME about y/n's adventures
user4: i want to hear ALL of it for real
user5: lando and y/n podcast when?
alexalbon: do not give them ideas they’re already number one and two yappers in the international waffling championship
yourusername: yapper and proud 😤
landonorris: healthy relationship communications and boundaries? no. yappers? yes!
alexalbon: has anyone ever told you guys you’re annoying?
yourusername: yes 😃
user6: they’re so annoying i love them
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername and 1,209,451 others
tagged: yourusername
landonorris: does this girl own a pair of trousers? real question.
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user8: i actually don't think i've ever seen a man this down bad
user9: ALL men should aspire to be this whipped
yourusername: i wish you would join the no trouser revolution, give the girlies something to look at
user10: i agree
yourusername: okay back up babe that ass is all mine
landonorris: it's okay babe you can admire your (my) ass all the time if you come home PLS
yourusername: sorry babe the ocean doesn't sleep and the whales need me
landonorris: but i need you too :(
landonorris: erm why am i being victimised in my own comment section
maxverstappen1: you are doing my fucking nut in mate yeha i get you miss her but kinda your fault for having a cool gf with a cool job
yourusername: omg thanks 😊
landonorris: Y/N???
yourusername: babe no offence but he's a three time world champ i'm gonna take the compliment
landonorris: i guess so :(
user10: just one normal comment section, please that is all i ask for
oscarpiastri: maybe i should get on this whole j.peg business cause my photography is doing some heavy lifting here
yourusername: i didn't take you for a stunt queen miss rookie
landonorris: where is the peace, love and positivity ?? you guys are such haters
oscarpiastri: proudly
yourusername: no cool shells for you mr piastri
oscarpiastri: I TAKE IT BACK
landonorris: you people are such flip flops
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liked by georgerussell63, landonorris and 112,872 others
yourusername: i promise we do actually do work
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user14: why am i now considering a marine biology degree for a sick ass instagram feed
user15: and protecting the sanctity of ocean life?
user14: yeah sure throw that in there too?
landonorris: i hope you slapped the FUCK out of that stingray for steve irwin
yourusername: babe we all know violence is not the answer
landonorris: you said you'd break the knee caps of any driver that took me out?
yourusername: i do not recall this
landonorris: steve irwin is a national treasure, you should've done it for oscar
oscarpiastri: i'm sure it wasn't that exact stingray mate
landonorris: you don't know that
danielricciardo: i see you've forgotten about the other aussie you were teammates with ???
yourusername: i wouldn't have that if i were you daniel
landonorris: y/n??? you're meant to be on my side
yourusername: say sorry to larry and maybe i'll gang up on daniel with you
danielricciardo: Y/N???
landonorris: i'm sorry larry ... and daniel i guess ?
danielricciardo: if my hand weren't broken right now...
user16: okay i think lando is having y/n withdrawals
yourusername: his bitchiness is a symptom of separation anxiety
landonorris: sorry not sorry
user17: mclaren pr praying for y/n to come to a race soon
maxverstappen1: p says pretty please can she bagsy the pink shells?
yourusername: most definitely she can !! i'll even be on the look out for more
maxverstappen1: thank you y/n you're my favourite - p
yourusername: that's it i'm coming home rn
landonorris: am i a joke to you?
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername and 1,322,099 others
tagged: yourusername
landonorris: reunited and it feels so good oh and a double podium, pretty sweet
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user21: obsessed with how lando said that y/n is clearly his lucky charm and the "dumbass" ocean won't be getting his girlfriend back
user22: there's levels to hating and lando's level of hating on the ocean??
user23: his hatred of fish makes so much more sense right now
user24: either he hates anything to do with the ocean or y/n convinced him they deserve to live 😭
landonorris: i'll say it's number one but realistically it's two greatly helped by the fact that it tastes gross anyway
landonorris: i know hhehehehehehehe
yourusername: i love you stupid
landonorris: i love you too dummy
yourusername: as much as i enjoyed this race i am ready for home time (after karaoke, you promised me karaoke with yuki)
alexalbon: bro has beef with the ocean 😭
georgerussell63: bro had to share his gf with WATER 😭
maxverstappen1: bro is being ... torn apart here KEEP GOING LOL
oscarpiastri: no keep going cause i just want a nap before debrief and some people are being WAY TOO LOUD
carlossainz55: i think that's probably why you guys are getting away with bullying the little goblin
user25: oscar out here just confirming that lando and y/n are ... for lack of a better word up to no good?
user26: y/n didn't lie when she called him a stunt queen
landonorris: i can't hear y'all LALALALALALA
yourusername: they hate us because they ain't us
landonorris: period 💅
user27: i hate (love) them your honour
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris and 419,034 others
tagged: landonorris
yourusername: so he had the whole proposal planned out but got a bit too excited at suzuka ... if anyone asks we got engaged on a boat in the mediterranean not in his driver's room. aside from that, HOLY FUCK I AM ENGAGED TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE I LOVE YOU LANDO I CAN'T WAIT FOR FOREVER
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user30: HOLY 😭 FUCKING 😭 SHIT 😭
landonorris: can we agree on no more like three month placements pretty please?
yourusername: baby the whales need me
landonorris: i need you more FIANCE :(
yourusername: gosh you are convincing, no more retreats for more than a month
landonorris: yay !!
yourusername: you need to put up more shelves for our shells though
landonorris: on it, i love you (i'm calling my dad to do it)
yourusername: i love you too baby
danielricciardo: enchante tease on the engagement post and for free ??? love you two
yourusername: at least you have the prettiest model ever for it
landonorris: I'M BLUSHING
danielricciardo: i'll deal with this because i'm happy for you two
mclarenf1: double podium and an engagement, suzuka really delivered this year
oscarpiastri: i guess i take back my comments about being loud in the drivers room... i'm so happy for you guys you deserve it
landonorris: ahaha i knew you were a softy really pastry boy
yourusername: i always knew you loved us really oscar, you're just sassy and we respect that
landonorris: .... sure
maxverstappen1: did he propose at sea in one final power move over his arch nemesis the ocean?
yourusername: have you considered he did it at sea because i'm a marine biologist and i love it out there and he loves me?
maxverstappen1: well now i look like an asshole
landonorris: the sea 0 - 1 lando
yourusername: lando 😭
user31: well this has all been a rollercoaster
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note: i've been kinda mia on here and i'm super sorry this request has taken so long lol. wanted to get this out now though cause lando had a horrid day today but i'm glad he's okay !! enjoy, i'm in my second week of a job so might get less busy xx
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caffichai · 9 months ago
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Food Bank Fundraiser
Hi everyone!
First of all, I want to say thanks to everyone who's been leaving such nice tags/comments on stuff I've posted! It's been really encouraging (o^▽^o)
Anyway, I think we all know it's very dark days on the economic front for many of us. So as such, I'd like to help raise some funds for Food Banks Canada! In exchange for you making a donation to the food bank, I will draw a character suggestion!
I know this is not really the sort of thing I normally do or post here but... many folks are struggling to put food on the table right now, and the food bank is a source of support for many and provides an absolute necessity. I've seen many people struggling in my own city, and food security has become an even bigger issue than it already was in the last couple of years with the food bank struggling to keep up with demand. Of course, food security is an issue across the whole country that's putting a huge strain on food banks, with nearly 5% of the entire population making use of food banks monthly, and 23% of the population reporting food insecurity (CBC, 2024; Global News, 2024). Unsurprisingly, those who are already most disadvantaged suffer the effects of food scarcity even more (Statistics Canada, 2023). To make matters more desperate, Canada's food bank system is on the brink of collapse (CTV News, 2024).
I know this isn't going to something big enough to change the world or anything, but being able to make even a small impact for individual people is important too!
Of course, I'm sure people aren't just in it for a reward, but rewards make things all the sweeter, right?
For those who want to contribute, I'll take a character suggestion and add it to a poll (depending on the number of contributors, it may be split up into multiple polls), and then I'll draw as many as I can from top to bottom ranking! If you contribute, please send me a DM with your donation receipt and your character idea! They won't necessarily all be drawn in the same style, and they'll be done according to how much time I've got. (I know that commissions are probably the biggest incentive, but realistically, I struggle to get them done quickly and they're probably not that affordable to everyone)
If you prefer SFW or NSFW, you can let me know (But NSFW will be posted to Cohost). If you make a bigger contribution, I'll reach out to you and ask if you wanna see more specifics/details in your piece. How's that for sweetening the pie? :3
For those who can't make a donation (which is completely understandable), simply spreading the post is also helpful, and I appreciate that greatly as well!
Don't forget that giving a donation allows you to get a tax break based on the amount donated as well!
If you'd rather donate to your own local food bank, that's great too! You can DM me and send me a pic of your receipt and I'll still add your suggestion to the poll.
If you REALLY want a commission, you can also DM me and I'll do my best to fulfil it! I won't be taking commissions for this till/if there's at least a couple of items on the poll though. The proceeds will go to my own local food bank. The commission will be done later though, and may take some time to fulfil. I take payment only after starting.
When do we start??
I guess once there's a good number of poll options? I have no idea how long that will be, but rest assured I'll keep you updated!
Where do we contribute?
You can make your donation to Food Banks Canada! They really need it!
Alternatively, you can make a donation to your local food bank or equivalent charity.
Other Questions?
Feel free to send me a message or an ask! I'll get back to you ASAP. If I need to include more details or clarify something, let me know! It's my first time doing this!
I want to help raise money for food banks! Anyone who contributes to Food Banks Canada (or donates to their own local food bank or equivalent charity) can DM me with their receipt and give a character to add to the poll. Poll characters will be drawn in order of their ranking, as many as I can manage, over as long a period of time as I can manage!
No pressure to donate of course, I just figured this would be a fun way of raising a bit of money to help out, and allow us to donate more than what I personally can
Current Contributor Count: 13
Suggested Characters:
Imagine your beloved, obscure or popular character here on this poll list! Oooooooh, how lucrative :3
Total funds raised:
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heaven-s-black-box · 6 months ago
Notes- Shorter S/O; Neuvillette & more x gn!Reader
Return to File
Recovery date: September 11th, 2024
Description: heyy can i get headcanons of the genshin boys being taller by the gn reader by a head? For the characters can i get neuvillette, diluc, al haitham, xiao and anyone else u wanna write! Feel free to delete if ur not comfortable with this, and have a nice day! <3
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with an anonymous researcher, we thank them for their contributions. I added Ganyu, Layla, and Lumine. I was going to add Furina but it was getting too long. Heights taken from the gamer, also a head's height difference is about a foot.
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Neuvillette- 5’11”
A head’s difference is nothing, he’s used to looking at Melusines
Plus he’s almost 6 foot
He has to look down at most people
I feel like, as a dragon, he’s a bit protective of everyone smaller than him
Just in a pack kind of way where he’s looking out for the young/weak
Not to mention to him you are young, assuming you’re mortal
Not a very physically affectionate person, so doesn’t do things like use you as a chin rest
Does, however, enjoy you tucking into his side
He is starved for touch and affection, simple physicality makes him happy
I also feel like he tries to make himself smaller outside of court
Assure him you like his height and remind him to straighten up
Oo, leans down to listen to you! Tap his shoulder and he’ll lean close so you can whisper in his ear
Surprise him by jumping/getting on your toes/climbing up to kiss him and he will short circuit
Quickly starts keeping things you need on lower shelves, again he shares an office with Melusines he’s used to it
Overall, the height difference isn’t a big deal to him
Diluc- 5’10”
Also just shy of 6 foot, but most people in Mondstadt are tall and children avoid him
So he’s not really used to looking down (Jean wears heels and is 5’6”, he doesn’t have to look down much)
Likes the domesticity of seeing you in his clothes, no matter how they fit
Maybe sleeves are too long, or your torso is short and shirts fit you like dresses
Affection doesn’t come naturally to him, but once he warms up to it he will rest his chin on your head
Between his height and strength picking you up is easy and he surprises himself with how much he likes it
Keeps finding excuses to do it, like helping you over a puddle or down the steps
More than happy to lean down for whatever reason, be it so you can feed him something or whisper something
His favorite reason is surprise kisses though, but his all time favorite surprise kisses are when you yank him by the lapels of his jacket
If you live together he will try and keep your things on slightly lower shelves, but also you aren’t usually getting things the maids are
Overall, enjoys the height difference
Al Haitham- 5’11”
Once more, almost 6 foot
He, however, does not like looking down at people because it hurts his neck
Regularly complain about this to you
I’m torn between him teasing you and not wanting to put the effort in to that
I think if you start bickering, your height is on the table for teasing
Like if you’re ignoring each other, he’ll walk into you and claim he “couldn’t see you down there”
However, if you live together or even if you just stay over frequently, will leave things on lower shelves and gets a step stool
Leans on you saying he’s tired
Spends most of his time sitting/lounging so I don’t think his height is really a big deal
Definitely makes you work for his affection though, you will need to pull up a stool/kick him in the knees to get kisses
Can also easily pick you up if he thinks you’re taking too long to get somewhere
Overall, notices the height difference but doesn’t really comment on it
Xiao- 5’2”
Isn’t used to looking down at people who aren’t children
Seriously, very rarely does he meet people shorter than him
However, that doesn’t mean he’s super excited you’re shorter than him, he’s kind of indifferent
He will happily get things for you that you can’t reach though
Like Neuvillette, he likes to make himself seem smaller
Though in his case it’s for comfort, he likes curling into you once you get to that point
Also starved for touch and affection, but also traumatized from losing all his friends
So curling into you gives him all kinds of assurance
When you wave for him to bend down, it sometimes takes him a minute
Already short circuits with affection, but your head naturally resting on his shoulder during hugs really breaks him
You just fit together so well
He has a stool so he can reach high shelves, so when he forgets to leave your stuff on lower shelves it’s not too big a deal
Overall, give him a bit to get used to being the tall one but otherwise indifferent
Ganyu- 5’1”
Her heels probably have her standing at about 5’2”
So she’s used to looking up at people, most of the adepti are really tall and even Keqing is slightly taller than her
Definitely likes being able to let you hide behind her, she likes protecting you
Like Xiao, she isn’t used to being the tall one, but she gets really flustered and apologetic when you ask her to leave things on lower shelves
Pretend like you what to whisper something and kiss her when she leans down
She’ll get flustered then ask “what did you want to tell me?”
Being able to pick you up makes her feel extra strong, so sometimes if you want to get something high up she’ll just lift you
Look, we know she’s strong but we all played her character quest
Also likes when you lay on her/she’s the big spoon
I feel like being one of the shortest adepti weighs on her, so she totally understands if you’re self-conscious about your height
But she loves you, doesn’t matter if you’re shorter or taller than her
Also, she may be taller than you but if you kabedon/ flirt with her with any level of confidence she will shrink in on herself in embarrassment
Overall, loves the height difference 
Layla- 5’2”
Like Xiao and Ganyu, a little shorter than the world average so she kind of has to look up at most people
Not significantly, but she’s not used to looking down
She also doesn’t talk to people often, and when she does she’s sitting
In fact she’ll probably be seated for most of your conversations, so stand over her and fluster her
Will lean into you while you walk
Has also fallen asleep with her chin on your head or leaning over so her chin is on your shoulder
The sudden weight has probably nearly toppled you a few times
Likes to lay on you, her head on your chest
I feel like she naturally curls in on herself a lot, just from exhaustion and maybe a bit of self-consciousness
Would love to let you lean on her but she’s not sure she could keep you up right
Keeps things on low shelves anyways, sometimes standing on a stool seems like a really bad idea
Overall, the height difference doesn’t really affect your relationship
Lumine- 5’2”
Look, Aether is 2 inches taller, she never heard the end of it once she stopped growing
Another member of the, pretty much everyone is taller than me club
Her heels add maybe a half inch, they look pretty small
Loves being the taller one
Need help getting something from the top shelf? She’s on it, even if she has to get a stool
You asked her to get it, she knows you could use the stool but you’ve already asked her
Can’t see something? Want to get on her shoulders? Up you go
Likes being the big spoon/letting you lay on her because she’s terrified you’ll disappear
Seriously, she’s lost so many people on her journey so far
Uses you as an arm/head rest when you’re standing around
Will make lighthearted remarks about your height if you don’t mind
Stuff like “I could probably sneak you in in my bag”, usually it’s stuff Aether has said to her at some point
Kiss her bare shoulders, it makes her jump and she loves them
Overall, will only tease you about your height if you’re okay with it
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liekadae · 7 months ago
(Disclaimer: I understand that all the permit office stuff is a BIT and its Not Serious At All.
The Purpose of this post is to use this as a jumping point to explain real world Art and how Fascism Uses Art because I think its incredibly important for people to understand it.)
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I can not be the only one who squinted their eyes at this Permit Office notice and thought it sounded a bit fascist
Anyway Pearl, it's very punk of you to deny the status quo I beg you please keep doing it that's the whole point of the punk in solarpunk
deny the government's standards of beauty
deny the aesthetics of the a soulless entity
I am being 100% real here in that I see Pearl's portal as a piece of Modernist art and I will be devastated if it gets changed because it doesn't 'fit the aesthetic'
I kept thinking "why do you think your art is bad?" when pearl was describing it. I don't know, I like it a lot! It's weird, yes, its out of place, yes, but thats why its so beautiful to me
I am being dead serious that fascists use the argument of aesthetics to control the art output of their people, and that Modern art Looks Like That because its in response to the idea that art should strive for a universal standard of 'quality'.
Fascist art was heavily inspired by the classical era which focused on the ideal standards of man/woman/architecture/anything and they used that aesthetic to build up the mythos of their own regimes; anything that did not conform to that standard of beauty, did not contribute to the mythos and therefore was a criticism.
Art that was deemed the standard was traditionally beautiful, ideal, and representational. Basically, art where a group of people could look at it and come to the same conclusions as everyone else. Where as modern art was often abstract, personal, and focused on the expression; anyone could think anything about these types of art.
The art did not conform, therefore it was dangerous.
If you seriously hate modernism, I need you to take a good long look in the mirror and ask yourself why
Article about Modern Art and Fascism
Article about Nazi Germany and Art
I think I loved Pearl's episode so much because she is exuding the malicious compliance lots of artists wish they could embody. She is responding to it in a modernist way. The permit office didn't like her art so they told her to comply and she does the opposite! I need her to keep doing it, because that's what the 'punk' in solarpunk is about
It's about denying the status quo. It's about anarchy. It's about socialist post-modernism. It's about feeling your feelings, making the art that you wanna make. Being the person you want to be.
(This is a very brief explanation of these concepts. If you have any more info or want to discuss this further, feel free to add your own ideas/comments/reblogs/etc but PLEASE keep it civil)
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lesbianralzarek · 2 years ago
tumblr in reddit terms
blogs: personal subreddits where the theme/topic is 99% of the time just “me and whatever the hell i feel like at the moment”. for reference, the most common other theme rn is “wizard roleplay that never breaks character”
reblogs: crossposts. these are crucial to maintaining tumblr’s ecosystem. due to blogs generally having fewer followers than subreddits have subscribers, this is the way that posts get seen and passed around. the vast majority of posts on a person’s blog tend to be reblogs, so if the people you follow dont reblog a whole lot, your dashboard is gonna be a ghost town. post limit (combined total of reblogs and original posts per day) is 250, so feel free to go hog wild
tags: this one is complicated. theyre a combination of flairs and Comments But Low-key. you can use them for organization and to avoid seeing content you dont want to (go to your blog, settings, account settings, content you see, and then add tags you want tumblr to warn you about before seeing it). if op tags the post #reddit (in the tags, not the body of the post), itll show up in the #reddit tag when anyone searches that tag. tags are also used for comments that dont really add anything to the post. you know how a jpeg gets kinda gross when its been through a million screenshots and has ifunny watermarks and shit? thats what adding “lmao same” as a comment does to a post. comments stay on reblogs, while tags show up in 4 places: op’s notifications, the notifs of whoever you reblogged it from, when someone clicks on the “notes” button of a post and actively looks for the tags left on it, and when people view your specific reblog of the post (like a follower would on their dashboard)
likes: upvotes but weaker. almost everyone turns off all the algorithms (settings, account settings, dashboard preferences, toggle off the first 3 options. also, make sure your dashboard is on "following" and not "for you". this is highly recommended), so leaving a like doesnt boost the post in any way. they still matter to some people. you can also use them to bookmark a post and go back to your likes later
enthusiastic and/or hyperbolic tags: reddit gold. you wanna let op know you like their art? leave something like ”#printing this out and stapling it to my forehead #op you wanna get married?” in the tags
pornbots: both reddit and tumblr have an issue with them. we block and report them on sight. they usually have hot women as their icons, no posts or reblogs, and a description like “22, brazil, nurse <3″. try to not look like that if you dont wanna get blocked by everyone you follow
blocking: you have this as well, but it seems like a bigger deal on reddit. the reason we are not twitter is because we block bitches who annoy us and move on with our day. do not feed the trolls
things we dont have:
karma: clout-chasing is The Most embarrassing thing you can possibly do on this site. we are all in this circus together and the clown who gets the most laughs is still a clown. popular users will literally deactivate sometimes because clout is a burden. no one here makes money
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theviolettulip · 3 months ago
Usopp-centric Fic Recs
Here they are, @pinkcrittertomb! I combed through the Usopp-centric tag on Ao3 and picked out (most of the) fics that I personally liked. I was gonna post when I FULLY combed through it, but it's been months and the tag keeps growing (yayy!!) so I'mma just post the 50+ fics I've got rn 😅
If you (or anyone else!) have any you wanna add, feel free to reblog or comments them. Also tagging @wesleysniperking & @thenapmaster cuz I think you'd wanna see this<3
Ducks are Evil by The1WhoReads
One-shot, Modern AU, Math Savvy!Zoro trying (and failing) to tutor Usopp, and Usopp suffering because of it. Humorous, cute, and has Usopp Zoro & Luffy interactions.
Изобретение by Тюша (Tyusha)
One-shot. Yeah, yeah, I know, it's Russian, but it's worth using Google Translate! It's about Usopp in the Chopperman universe, so he's actually Usodabada, and it was honestly very enjoyable and touching and made me want more Chopperman Fanfics...the author also has LOTS of other Usopp-centered works.
The Sheep And The Lion by Corporal_MerryWeather
One-shot, Usopp & Merry & Sunny apparitions. really cute, him being able to see Merry show up as a little goat and later Sunny as a lion.
What makes a person? by Starlight_Adventurer
One-shot, Usopp is a goat mink (his mom's a mink, his dad's human) and he's angsting about his dad. Luffy comforts him<3
You could be my luck by yuukri
One-shot, Modern College AU, basically the East Blue 5 going on a grocery trip at 2 in the morning and it being the BEST slice of life everrr it is just SO. THEM.
Marked by truth by SaltyYagi
Multichapter. Truth Spells/Elixers/whatever are my JAM and here, Usopp is hit by a DF power of this very same ability. TW cuz Usopp is depressed & suicidal (and his crew find out about it)
Bar stories by SaltyYagi
TW sexual assault, multichapter. Usopp almost gets raped in a bar, and then deals with the aftermath. It's VERY well-written, and his reaction to what happened and his feelings I thought were very realistic! His crew, of course, is there for him.
Smoke by Ilkwrdthngsdntjudge
>>Usopp's stuck somewhere, and he can't breathe. He thinks maybe it's the smoke? But then why does his chest hurt?<< Idk what to say, this might be THE best fic on the list, SUPERRR well-written and the 2nd chapter is just so much fuN! 🙂(🫠) (multichapter)
With a 100% Win Rate by Just_Fifi
....you know what, this fic and Smoke might just be tied for best written fic on this list. This one-shot is slice of life CENTRAL!! Ft. Usopp & Kaya and the Usopp Pirates playing games, and Usopp With a (frustrating, for Kaya) 100% Win Rate. VERY enjoyable! (one-shot)
Seed of Doubt by ladykarasu
One-shot, the idea of it is actually DEPRESSING. (pun kinda intended) Perona wanted revenge so she placed a ghostie in Usopp so it continually chips at his resolve and the result is...well, see for yourself!
The Seer by TheMightiestPen
I just LOVE when fics capitalize on Usopp's 'prophecy' skills, and this one takes it to the max! Some horrifying stuff, lots of BEAUTIFUL nakamaship, and the best thing of all is that it's a series and the second fic has been recently posted and is updating frequently!
Deconstructed by LessonsFromMoths
🥲...I think the summary says it all. >>Usopp loves his nakama. Despite his constant fear, protecting them is second nature....apparently, so is dying for them.
In which Usopp dies. Right?<< (minor Kaya/Usopp, multichapter)
Head High by ChijikatotokaShikukute (catoandtonto)
TW bullying: the violent, disgusting, and humilating kind (poor Usopp...). There's also other stuff, I recommend checking the tags first. Ongoing. This fic is INSANE. Modern AU, highschool. Usopp & the crew fought and they haven't made up (kinda like a bad W7 ending) and I would classify this fic as a mystery, specifically to the audience cuz we have no idea what's going then find out more chapter by chapter and it's all VERY interesting. I don't think i'm doing it justice, but trust me bro
The Truth In Our Lies by CaptainJojo
One-shot. This. THIS is all I've ever wanted in 2,239 words. >>Usopp doesn't have eight thousand followers. He doesn't have any real stories. Does he even exist? Does it matter?<< We've got Usopp feeling low, and then the Monster trio confronting him and showing him he's loved GAH IT"S SO GOOD PLZ READ IT!!!!
Calm Inside the Storm by ChijikatotokaShikukute
Ongoing. Usopp's chillin' when he's suddenly greeted with Merry's spirit/ghost, who's there to help him cuz apparently he's DYING and wow, this is a lot, but it's SO good (and unintentially funny XD). Honestly, this author never misses!
Solidarity by deadlysoupy
TW self-harm. One-shot. Why Usopp wears his armbands. (I like this headcanon)
Of faults and care by orphan_account
One-shot, Luffy & Usopp fluff, honestly the sweetest! >>Every week they would gather together, just the two of them. They would share the things they love and compliment each other. They don't actually know where this habit had come from, but they never questioned it.<<
A boy’s savior by SaltyYagi
One-shot. Usopp as a Whitebeard pirate (cool concept) meets confronting Yasopp
First Kisses by auriferousxbee (this one's locked btw)
One-shot. SUPER cute Kaya/Usopp! Their first kiss =P
Usopp's Struggle: A Painful Accident on the Sunny! by UsoppFangirl1
One-shot. (the title & username is honestly perfect, just wanted to say that~) Usopp's ammunition explodes and he's badly hurt. I just LOVE how the crew is very worried about him!
the things only He sees. by arurun
Multichapter, completed. IT"S SO FRICKING HILARIOUS!!! Usopp can see the devil fruits' spirits, and at first it drives him crazy (Gomu is a BRAT) but they all like him and it's just so amusing to see him deal with this and his crewmates thinking he's a bit weird XD
The Greatest Treasure by Pirate_Giraffe
one-shot. Oh my god....this one is one of my favorites, straight up because it is HILARIOUS!!!! STRAIGHT UP CRACK OH MY GOD I FELT LIKE ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING XDDD Basically SHs arrive at Laugh Tale and the one piece is revealed...=)
You're Beatifuuul To Meeeeeee by e4679p
one-shot. short, but wholesomeness PERSONIFIED!!! >>After time-skip, Usopp finally thinks he has a chance with Kaya with his new mucled body and tell to his friends but Luffy disagree with him by saying he always had a chace meaning he was always beatiful and didn't need muscles (Off course Luffy is right)<<
Personally Confused by Ilkwrdthngsdntjudge
one-shot. >>An untold story of Usopp developing Dissociative Personality Disorder.<< I think it's very interesting! Would've loved if it was longer...
Name-calling, and it's side effects by Ilkwrdthngsdntjudge
one-shot. The crew start to notice Usopp's weird powers. Wonder where those came from...
Blood Bath by Ilkwrdthngsdntjudge
one-shot. You know what, at this point I just recommend checking out the writer, all their OP fics are centered around Usopp! This one is one of the...angstier ones. =( >>In which the Strawhats are captured, and Usopp makes a deal with their captors for his crew's safety and freedom.<<
Where do I actually belong? by Haiiro_lolz
One-shot. Usopp thinking about his nakama. The vibes here are interesting--him loving and admiring his family but then kinda putting himself down.
Rocking of the Waves by sinelanguage
One-shot. This fic is like a warm hug, or a balm to your soul. ILY USOPP YOURE SUCH A SWEETHEART!!! (Usopp & Crew stuff)
Pathfinding by sinelanguage
One-shot. Zoro & Usopp GOODNESS!!! I read this a while back and I LOVE IT, both are stuck in a marine base and Usopp has to remotely guide Zoro to where he is before the base explodes. Very nice stuff👍
strongest soldier by Nianinn
TW Self-harm, one-shot. ZORO & USOPP CONTENT LE'S GOOO!!! Also a sprinkle of Robin & Choppah looking out for Usopp ;)
Hard of hearing or hardly working? by SaltyYagi
One-shot, Usopp becomes Hard of Hearing after his stay at Boin, and his fam, of course, supports him (and learns a bit of ASL =)
The confrontation by Jazmin_Dreemur
One-shot, what if Luffy & Usopp met and spoke before the crew set sail? The writing is a bit wonky cuz I think it was translated but it's still a nice read and I think there should be more fics with this idea.
Scars you (don't) have to hide by TushaMG
TW self-harm, one-shot. 🥹Sanji & Usopp bonding cuz of their scars. Well-written.
An Attempt at Atonement by redriotinggg
One-shot. >>Usopp apologizes for abandoning his crew.<< Emotional, and also the crew affirming Usopp (he is very much wanted, and not cuz of his 'usefulness').
Negative thoughts won't leave me alone by Vagabonde
One-shot. Usopp is drunk and Sanji takes care of him. VERY cute and funny<3
Usopp's Egghead Revelations by A_Smort_Person
One-shot, set after chap. 1095. Usopp stumbles upon some Seraphim research and has an interesting relevation. . .
There's nowhere to hide from me by Vagabonde
One-shot & one of my FAVES! This is action-packed, all of it well-written and Usopp is the in the center of it all! Truly the MVP.
He's a Wonderful Sniper by Anonymous
One-shot. Usopp's having a bad day, and his thoughts spiral and he wishes that he never joined the Strawhats so he wouldn't be a burden to them. An ethereal being answers his call, and shows him how things would've gone if he never joined. Well-done, and I honestly there were more fics that explored an AU where Usopp never joined.
days fade into a watercolor blur by eat_crow
One-shot. Depression hits Usopp like a hammer, and he just can't find it in himself to get out of bed. Thankfully his nakama always have his back, and in this case that nakama is Sanji (!!! LOVE their relationship and this fic!)
Jump In, the Water's Great! by Urndearing
Multichapter, ongoing. In this (INCREDIBLE) fic, Usopp isn't the sole focus but there's lots of attention given to him cuz the sirens do, after all, bring out everyone's worst fears and insecurities, and poor Usopp's got a lot of those. Could not recommend more!
The Love Life of Lady Long Nose by crackerjackermackeral
Multichapter, ongoing. This one's a RIOT! It's fem!Usopp and every chapter is about her in a different pairing. Everything's really well-written and also funny & cute, and the best part is you can just skip around to whatever pairing you're interested in!
The Coward's Redemption by Brucenorris007
Multichapter, ongoing, last update 2022 tho =( I just finished reading the first chapter and OH MY GOD AM I BLOWN AWAY!!!! It's a time travel fic where Usopp is sent back to fix things by Coby and so far, it's INCREDIBLY well-written!
I'm Sorry Too(2) by LastOblivion
Multichapter, ongoing, last update 2023 =(( BUT! You *MUST* read this! All Usopp fans, in this fic Usopp gets lots of love (and apologies) from his crewmates, and it's so incredibly sweet! Everyone is VERY in-character and it if doesn't make you go "aww" at least once then I'll eat my hat! (plz don't make me, it's my only one...)
In hollow towers and empty hives by SaltyYagi
Multichapter. >>Usopp is is a foul mood with no seeming reason, Zoro decides to figure out why.<< Cute Z&U actions, with some hurt/comfort as well. I really love this author and their Usopp fics, half of those are on here XD
Would you show up for me now? by IluvVaporeon
TW suicide mention, one-shot. Usopp writes a suicide letter to his bum of a dad (doesn't send it, of course) and I remember liking how passive-aggressive it was.
"House of Gold" by EMA_literature
One-shot, songfic. Usopp tells Chopper (and his eavesdropping crewmates) about his mom. Short & sweet!
bountiful treasures by Nomadstarlight
One-shot, 17k words of chaos & hilarity! The SHs are bounty hunters and this is all from Usopp's POV--his journey is honestly incredible and that ending DELIVERED XD
Grilled Fish for the Sniper's Soul by carmerlin
One-shot. Usopp breaks his foot and Luffy & Sanji (& the rest, but the focus is on these two) are taking care of him. GOD this is incredible! Wonderful characterization and very humerous--also the little Sanji moments are 👌
The Restless Barber of Syrup by Evilgu
One-shot, Wild Wild West AU. Literally the BEST THING EVER!! Everything from the setting to the characterization to the plot (it's not a repurposed Kuro) is wonderful, and Usopp really shines!
Merry in a Bottle by BeccasStoriesToTellInTheDark
One-shot, Minor Kaya/Usopp. This is an Usopp&crew-come-back-to-Syrup-Villaige fic and it is PHENOMENAL. There's Usopp & Kaya, Usopp & the Vegetables, and Usopp & Crew moments and they are all wonderful! Very slice of life, feelgood read.
Consumed by Kooabreen
Multi-chapter, ongoing as of writing this. This is a modern AU horror fic that is EXPERTLY written, even better cuz it's from Usopp's POV. I don't wanna say too much, so just trust me on this!
Your Protector by character-studious-drabbles (character_studious)
Drabble. >>Usopp has nightmares. Then he stops. (He never figures out the reason why.)<< I'm only gonna link this one fic but check out their rest! They've got a bunch of nice drabbles for Usopp, and the Strawhats in general.
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heck-theo · 9 months ago
ROTTMNT Pride Flag Icons
The response to my last post about these was very encouraging so I finished them! Here are some examples using popular headcanons and/or headcanons that I like (so hard to pick cause there are so many great ones).
Below these examples are some rules for use and then below that are the blanks with the green flags for you!
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Rules: First I wanna acknowledge that there's nothing I can really do to stop people using these however they want, and while I would disapprove, I'm not going to get mad and fight you about it. I won't give you the attention.
If you have any good faith/genuine questions or criticisms about these rules please let me know.
TLDR:Keep it respectful and PG.
Who can use these? I don't mind anyone using these if it follows the rules. Please credit me in some way if you use (even if it's just a text post), and don't claim that they are your own. If you would like to use it in a way that isn't specified here or with a flag not mentioned, feel free to ask.
Editing? I don't mind if you want to add small details, adjust colours etc, but I'd rather you didn't make large adjustments that could really change the overall picture.
How do I use these? I actually have no clue how to mask over a colour in a flat image, these are all clipped over the flag colour layer. If you do know please feel free to leave a comment. If you would like to request a specific flag go ahead and ask. If I only get a few requests I probably won't mind doing them for you. This is not a guarantee though, and it just depends on what I have going on and how I feel at the time.
What flags can I use? This is intended for flags that represent or support LGBTQIA identities. To be clear this does NOT include anything like TERF, MAP or Zoo flags. Also please don't use any flags representing kink and stuff.
Country flags? That is not the intended use and I'd really rather you didn't, however in the end as long as the flag isn't being used in a way that supports war, genocide or bigotry I'm not toooo fussed.
I really hope I'm being paranoid and this won't be an issue but I feel the need to say it cause I've been on the internet long enough to know it's full of trolls, grifters and creeps. If you see anyone being problematic, bigoted or disrespectful with these feel free to let me know. Free block list.
One last thing: There is a more "fem" leaning/alt version and a more "masc" presenting version. I tried not to get too carried away with changing their designs in the alt version. Also I'm still trying to figure out this style so it's not perfect but I was flattered that you guys were interested so I wanted to finish them off. Also they were designed to read well on a small scale so a lot of choices were made specifically to try and increase readability when they're itty bitty and some things might look slightly odd on full scale? Anyway.
Ok without further ado here are the blanks (I hope you can get some use out of them and enjoy ^^):
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aroace-poly-show · 6 months ago
hello friends we are starting this kind of early cause i have. a lot of mutuals. so. taking in requests now for the
marlo mutual christmas/winter gift doodles
putting this above the read more so people see it: ‼️‼️you do not need to celebrate christmas for this!! if you’re one of my mutuals that doesn’t celebrate christmas but you still want one you are still included ‼️‼️and if you really don’t want one then just like the post without commenting please ‼️‼️ otherwise i might assume you just haven’t seen the post and dm you to be sure aifbksnfnd (or let me know directly. comment or dm or ask or whatever you want. i just need to know that you’ve seen it and don’t want one)
i did this last year. really simple concept. you give me a few characters you like and i will draw a silly little doodle for you and send you an ask (or dm or tag you in a post with if i can’t send it in an ask for whatever reason) on christmas day!! i will have this post queued to go up multiple times a day so hopefully people don’t miss it sorry if it gets annoying fast LMAO
some answers to potential questions and clarifications here:
-you are not required to give me a doodle in return, you can if you want but you do not have to!! there is no pressure to!!! if you do want to make a return gift though then characters i like i’ll list them at the bottom
-begging you. if we’re mutuals and you want one pleaseeeee respond in the comments. it keeps things all in one place for me, and if i am not sure whether you want one or not i will just ask you directly and i get Anxious so if you want to save yourself the trouble of me bothering you in dms for it pleaseeee don’t feel like you’re not included in this, and just comment on the post
-id appreciate like. a handful of characters you’d be happy to receive a doodle of and not just One, since i might have trouble drawing some and i don’t wanna send you a really shitty doodle or stress myself out trying to get it right in time fjnskdnsk
-they do not have to be characters i know about!! literally any you like!!
-i’m doing this really early so i can give myself enough time for it but if you change your mind on the characters before just let me know!!
ummm. if i need to add more i will. but i think that’s it for now!! praying i’ll actually be able to go through with this i am so sorry if i end up having to give stuff out late 💔💔
anyway if you really do want to give me one in return. i think i’m pretty obvious about who i like and you’re free to do others i didn’t mention here that you know i like too, but here’s a few jic anyone wants a list: anyone from wonderlands x showtime, mafuyu asahina, basil from omori, vflower, siffrin, loop, mirabelle
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pretzel-box · 5 months ago
Hello everyone.
This will be a rather long post about some things I wanna adress, including the fact that I plan to stop writing for Pressure, my OCS and other peoples Ocs in the near future.
Down under the cut is a list with my personal view, issues and some other things that lead to this decision. Maybe I miss a lot or don't go too deep into detail but the main points are covered.
But before I would like to add that this is MY opinion and MY choice. I let you think of it what you want but I also request that you respect my actions.
The first point is probably already clear from the start. Maybe some noticed, maybe not but I fell out of love with the fandom and the game itself. It became boring to play, the characters lost their charm and I can't come up with any creative scenarios anymore and the ones that already exists have lost their meaning. This may sound like the typical burnout thing and maybe it is but I'm more than certain that I wanna step away from the game and the fandom to focus on other things that bring me more joy. Maybe I start a multifandom writing blog or I just learn another hobby.
The second thing that is close connected to the first point is the fandom of the game, including the community on tumblr. A huge part are super sweet people with a very creative side. I would go as far and say that I brought some of those together with my projects and writing and it really makes me happy to see everyone interact so friendly on my blog.
But something that I haven't adressed is the fact that there are also plenty of hardcore fans, haters and weird people in my askbox or general in the fandom. It is to be expected when someone gains a massive amount of followers. But I do not accept the fact that people judge me based on what I write, who I write for, when I write and if I write at all. I delete those asks. Some telling me that my community project is awful, unserious and pulls other ocs into dirt. Other people are claiming that I don't write Sebastians Character right and oh wow seriously? I am not Sebastians creator, I do not have that ultimate deep lore and mindset to write a person 1:1. I get hate for my own stories and of course the fans could now come to my protetion and say „But Chea don't listen to the haters, you are amazing“ but it doesn't fix the thing in a slightest.
Also regards the people that praise me, some of them ( I won't name anyone) are counting to those weird people that force me. There were 2 or 3 people that acted all sweet in public only to try and take control of some story plots etc.
Also, I started writing when Pressure was first raising to be popular. There weren't many pressure writers out there. I am usually not someone that posts their work online, I don't comment on stuff and I rarely like something. But I really wanted to see more pressure fanfictions. Now we reached the point where there are more than plenty amazing writers and I can quit. There is no need for me to continue something that only makes me hate myself more because everytime I open my notes to write a story for pressure it feels like a mental torture. I leave the writing to the other blogs.
The status for now:
AASB gets discontinued.
Reverse AU gets discontinued.
Streamer AU will recieve 6 more chapters to end the story on a good term.
House of Entities will get continued for a small period of time, probably till I am done with the Streamer AU. There is no plan for the chapter count yet.
All requests in the inbox will get deleted and the inbox itself will be closed after Streamer AU finished.
Any other unnamed project will get discontinued as well.
All stories, one shots, series, drabbles and other works of mine are free to use. Other authors can pick them up, re-write them or just make an own story out of those. I drop all rights for the ideas and I won't demand any credits either. Maybe someone else would like to continue House of Entities as well.
My final word, which may sound repeating: I do not change my opinion, there won't be any motivation talks or sugar coated words that will change my stand in those things. I know some of you will try and comfort me but this is really not needed. I wish for you all to accept the outcome of this situation and move on more or less.
I apologize dearly because this is very sudden and I hope you all will understand.
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crazylittlejester · 9 months ago
video games i think the LU Links would really like
(disclaimer: these are only games that I’ve played/am familiar with, so if you have any you wanna add feel free to reblog or put it in the comments)
Sky and Hyrule: Animal Crossing; and I know they take it so so seriously. They both have like over 1000 hours in it, and they compare islands all the time. Fights have been had, tears have been cried, and it’s all over animal crossing
Legend: Skyrim or Baldur’s Gate, I just really think he’d go crazy over the character design stage, and I think he’d like fantasy games like that
Wind: Minecraft, he loves ‘Building Lakes’ (putting a fuck ton of tnt everywhere and filling in the massive holes with water and calling it a lake)
Four: Resident Evil; I think he’d love the franchise as a whole, but Biohazard and Re2r are definitely his favorites. He takes it very seriously, and he didn’t like re6 but he had fun ripping apart evil lizards with his bare hands (in the game ofc)
Time: Southpark The Fractured But Whole; He doesn’t game much, but when he does he’s helping save coon and friends and he’s doing it with the most fucking dead serious expression on his face. He would call himself a gamer as a joke and the others would think he’s a serious gamer or some shit, and then he’s off playing a fucking south park video game
Wild: Mortal Kombat, he fucking LOVES Mileena and Kitana they are his favorite characters, but he thinks Johnny Cage is hilarious. The other Link’s would get really mad at him for only using Mileena’s roll move, they’d be screaming at him and he’d be sitting there giggling. I also know in my heart he’s almost gotten hit by a bus while playing Pokemon Go
Twilight: STARDEW VALLEY. I can see him coming home from a long day with tears in his eyes and he just grabs his laptop and curls up in his bed and plays that shit for literal hours. Anyone who has him on discord sees him playing that game CONSTANTLY
Warriors: I think he’d love BG3 for the character dressup part (and I KNOW he’d romance Wyll or Lae’zel), but I can also see him really enjoying resident evil as long as he’s playing with a friend
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sokoneedsagun · 7 months ago
Sorry to like ruin anyone’s night but I just wanna know how other people feel about something
So for those of you who don’t know Bruce Wayne is Jewish (if not religiously then at least ethnically), his mother is Jewish which makes him by default even if he doesn’t practice, Jewish
So I’m just thinking about Bruce who’s maybe 35? His oldest son has moved out months ago and they aren’t speaking, and his youngest son? His youngest son just ran away to Ethiopia and came back dead. So Bruce who hasn’t buried anyone but his parents not knowing any other way to and Jason being buried under Jewish customs
His body was taken back to Gotham and buried as soon as possible, there would never have been a viewing in the first place due to how broken his body is but it gives Bruce more of a reason to keep it closed casket, a part of Bruce’s suit being ripped for Keriah, Jason’s casket not being nailed shut (which makes it all the more possible for him to dig his way out when he does come back), and the biggest one for me. But just the image of Bruce filling in his own child’s grave, he hasn’t done it since his mothers funeral and in a way it hurts even worse, helping to cover the wooden coffin with his son inside himself, trying to keep his hands from shaking so hard he drops the shovel
And I just wanna say, I’m not Jewish, almost all of this just came from things I already knew about and doing research, if something is wrong or should be elaborated on please do tell me, and if anyone has anything else to add please feel free to add it in the tags or comments
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