#anyone not constantly taking tests wouldn't notice
briarlily · 2 years
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callie-the-creator · 5 months
ayato aishi dating a yandere!reader hcs
sfw. warnings: yandere & obsessive behavior, jealousy, mentions of elimination of rivals, etc.
author’s note: this was also posted on my wattpad, just wanted to tell you all that beforehand, so no need to worry!
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• when he realized that you were the same as him, ayato turned into the surprised pikachu meme, just looking at you all like: (ʘᗩʘ')
• but how did ayato find out, exactly? well...it took him a good few days to connect the dots fully. he didn't suspect you to be a yandere until well into dating you, that's when he started noticing things. a few of his shirts and other garments were missing— which is to be expected— but when he asked you about them, you pretended like you had no clue what happened to them which further deepened his curiosity. next, ayato began to pick up on things like whenever he wouldn't be hanging out with you and would be out doing whatever, he'd miraculously bump into you. quite the coincidence, isn't it? that's what ayato tried to chalk it up to at first but soon found out that you were following him around.
• soooo, one day when you were out of your house with your family, ayato took it upon himself to snoop
— he climbed into the window leading into your bedroom and practically turned the place upside down. of course, he was careful. he didn't want to give off the impression to you, along with your family, that he was ever here. ayato started by going through your drawers and found some of his clothes stashed inside (which he may or may not have stolen back) before opening your closet where he came face to face with a shrine dedicated to him.
— it was nothing compared to his, sure, but it was still impressive. not only that, but you had printed out some photos of him and littered them around the shrine.
• after he was looking through things, he left with his stolen clothes in tow but when you got back home and returned to your room, you felt something was off because of one thing that caught your attention: the window was open, something you definitely weren't responsible for. afraid that one of your parents was in your room or worse, you began looking around only to find that ayato's shirts and boxers that you had taken a while back had disappeared. scoffing, you pulled out your phone and texted him: "were you in my room??"
— ayato, as expected, tried to deny this but you easily saw through this act of his because you were well aware of the fact that before you agreed to be his girlfriend, he was stalking you. what followed was a conversation where both of you just let things hang out and confessed to a slew of things, you more so than ayato but luckily, you two continued to date after this (but it's not like either one of you would let the other leave willingly).
• you and ayato constantly vie for each other's attention, engaging in elaborate schemes to outdo one another in displays of affection; from leaving love notes hidden in unexpected places to planning extravagant surprises.
• you two are fiercely protective of each other, to the point where you may occasionally clash with anyone they perceive as a threat to your relationship
— ayato is more physical about it though. there will be times when he'll show up at your doorstep all bruised and bloody. he loves how worried you look when you help clean him up! even more when you pout, thinking he was the one who got hurt, and embrace him in a hug as you play with his hair
— when you get jealous over someone, it's the complete opposite. you're vocal about it, maybe not to ayato, but to the person you view as a rival. so, when you find them the next day at school, you'll outright tell them that ayato is your boyfriend. if they continue to be a problem, that's when you'll take things to the next level and eliminate them.
• both of you are skilled manipulators, adept at bending others to their will, testing each other's boundaries, and pushing the limits of control but they would only do the latter to their partner. though, there is really a 50/50 chance that their manipulation and gaslighting would work on another.
• anyway, good luck dating each other because you can't leave haha 🫡
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necrotic-nephilim · 3 months
I think what I love the most about Reverse Robin AU TimJay is the absolute potential for hero worship with Jason toward Tim. In canon we often forget that Tim didn't really care for Jason as Robin, meanwhile as I never shut up about, Jason has been weirdly respecting and obsessed with Tim since finding out about Tim's existence. So if you flip their order, make Tim Red Hood and make Jason Red Robin, there's so much room for hero worship from Jason.
As Robin, Jason has always teetered that edge of being pro-murder or not. Whether you believe he killed Felipe or not, even in his Post-Crisis introduction as Robin, he almost kills Two Face. Those concepts of lethal justice have always been brewing inside him, just reigned in by Bruce. So if you have Robin!Jason witnessing Red Hood!Tim start killing people and quickly making noticeable change in the landscape of gangs in Gotham, Jason would take quick notice. I think Tim as Red Hood would still be lethal, but there'd be a different application than Jason's Red Hood. Heads in duffle bags isn't Tim's style, even if he kills. I think you'd see something much more akin to that time Tim almost killed Boomerang, where it's such an elaborately thought out set up, it realistically doesn't even look like Tim killed anyone. It'd take months for Bruce to connect this string of deaths as anything other than coincidental, let alone link them to Red Hood. And Jason is wickedly smart, even as Robin. Jason, putting those pieces together before Bruce does and witnessing the undeniable positive change for Gotham it's enacting? Robin!Jason would be incredibly drawn in by that, and then even more-so, a Red Robin!Jason who has to grapple with being replaced to make room for the next Robin would I think, in anger, turn to Red Hood. And Tim would push him away at first, his plans don't have room for a scorned teenager who's trying to get back at Bruce and Nightwing!Damian like this- but I think Jason would wear him down. Prove to Tim that Jason can think on his wavelength.
Slightly related, what interests me about Red Hood!Tim is how it'd implicate his closeness to Ra's. Jason is taken into the League by Talia in Lost Days and Ra's doesn't necessarily approve of Jason's presence, especially not of Talia dunking him in the Pit, but Ra's has always canonically been A Little Weird about Tim. I think in a world Tim dies as the second Robin, it would be Ra's who dunks Tim to preserve his mind that Ra's thinks shouldn't be wasted, and you have the potential for 'apprentice of Ra's' Tim wrapped up in it all, even without him experience the Red Robin arc. So when it's Jason as Red Robin, instead of him going to Ra's when he's scorned by the Batfamily, he goes to Tim. The person he once idolized, because I think Tim would've been Jason's Robin. Smart, competent, a strong legacy to live up to. And now he's back, and he's pro-killing, an edge that Jason has always teetered on and would feel even closer to when he's replaced by a young Dick. I think Tim wouldn't ever be able to get rid of Jason.
Then on Tim's side, I think his reaction to being replaced after his death would be a complicated one. Objectively, being the Robin who believes Batman needs a Robin, he'd respect the logic and know Bruce was always going to replace him eventually. But still, there's always going to be that instinctual emotional reaction of betrayal and replacement. I think he'd view Jason at first with anger and distance, but then, seeing Jason as this street kid with begrudging potential, I could see Red Hood!Tim testing Jason. Constantly throwing things at Jason, seeing how he reacts, if he lives up to being Robin. Tim has a need for analyzing people, understanding their strengths and weaknesses. And he seems the Robin mantle very uniquely, he'd need to have it proven to him that Jason can handle it.
So you would have this dynamic of Jason hero worshipping Tim, slowly believing in Tim's methodology. While Tim is at first dismissive of him, but then starts to test him, see what makes this kid tick. And I think the TimJay potential of Jason trying to prove himself to Tim could be Neat.
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Billy Loomis x reader x Stu macher
Billy loomis and stu macher? Ik they aren't on ur list but it would be fun to see a male nerd reader x billy and stu (yandere ofc)
Someone asked this and somehow I deleted it , so I'm sorry but I will write about them
Also , I am infact a girl , and this is the first time that I am writing for male reader , so if this is a bit not good sorry://
Summary: you are Billy's and Stu's obsession. How they are before you get together and after you do
Warnings: yandere , implied murder , implied stalking, that's all
You are literally so perfect and handsome and beautiful and smart , they can't even properly function around you
You had not been part of their original plan who was more about revenge , but you now definably were
People who flirt with you? Well they are instantly befriended and added to the friend group
The plan is to kill all of them , along with Sydney and her friends
You were in one of Stu's classes since forever and he always thought you were super cute when answering questions
But his obsession with you started later on when Billy talked to him about you
Billy had officially met you when he was running of from class , and bumped into you causing all your books to fall on the floor
He helped you pick them up and you smiled at him and he knew
" he has the most beautiful eyes , and his notebooks are all covered in little drawings. Also have you noticed him in class , how cute he is??"
Billy was rambling on and on about you , a thing unusual for him
And then Stu started noticing you more. In class and in the breaks.
They are stalkers
My boys will be following you home , knowing everything about you
Billy very strategically plans about how to approach you
When you all do end up getting together(how could you say no to those beauties and even if you could, they'd threaten you ) it is a mix of amazing and horrible
They cater to your every need. Stu is very rich , so you will miss nothing
They study with you
Or at least they'd try until Stu got bored and now somehow you all are in the kitchen eating
Is anyone annoying you? No , not anynore
They are willing to take it to the extremes for you, killing , stealing, vandalizing, the whole packet
You will never have one moment of peace with those boys. Not. One
They will excitedly support you to your studies and let me tell you , the praise you get every time you do good on a test , makes it all worth it
Sleepovers at Stu's
Billy is willing to give effort to school work , so maybe sometimes he will ask you to help him with something
You end up making out
Every single time
All of you watch unhealthy amounts of horrors together
Even better if you are the scared type , since they have you nestling in their arms in no time , your head buried at their chest in fear
They would be the type of yanders to kidnap you , but they wouldn't really have to , since they are more than capable at flirting
Now ,the bad stuff
Extremely jealous, I don't think you can even speak to male teachers , without them fantasizing about killing the person
Super clingy and obsessed, you will not be going out on you own or with friends
Expect being constantly checked and spied on by those bitches
Istg they have no idea what personal space means
Diaries , assignments and all are not hidden from them
You will be desperately trying to pay attention to school and they will be right there , talking , laughing or touching you
Their presence is so addictive , you find yourself unable to concentrate when reading if none of them is there , and there is no way in hell you are sleeping without their touch/ voice
You're cooked. I'm sorry
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penkura · 5 months
knowing [2/8]
Summary: Sanji knew you were the one the moment he met you.
Pairing: Sanji x Reader
Warnings: None really. Normal One Piece stuff I guess.
Note: uhhhh chapter two hype I guess lol.
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[Ch. 1]
Nami noticed something weird after you all left Skypiea. You and Sanji being weirder than normal. She was constantly trying to push you two together, she wanted to see a romance on the Going Merry, and the two of you were her best bet, if anything ever happened.
Which she thought never would because you acted so shyly and Sanji acted like he didn't know what he was doing anymore around you. It was painful to watch, and she tried to get Robin in on it, but the older woman just smiled and said she should let potential love take its time. Nami hated that she was right, but every time you all approached a new island, she would do her best to pair you and Sanji up as buddies. Whenever it worked, you'd come back for a girl's night and be swooning over what a gentleman Sanji was, how he wouldn't let you carry a single bag or buy anything yourself, he did everything. You swore up and down he must've done that or would do that for any girl, but it didn't make you feel any less special.
In fact, once you arrived on Skypiea, Sanji had found flowers to give you three girls. Nami and Robin both received red ones, you were the lucky one to get a blue flower, which you later gushed to Nami that it matched his eyes. You were so gross with how head over heels you were for Sanji, but she really wanted to see you two together.
That's why Nami found it odd that you and Sanji seemed to spend more time apart after your return to solid ground, er…to the water anyway. You still would help him with cooking when Sanji let you, and he'd hang around you some evenings on the deck while everyone relaxed, but Nami didn't think anything much was happening outside of that.
Zoro, however, knew differently. He'd noticed real differences in how you and Sanji were around each other after leaving Alabasta. You had seemed slightly nervous when Robin ended up joining your crew, especially when Sanji was all too eager to welcome her, commenting briefly on how beautiful she was. Zoro watched you hover around while Usopp interrogated her, like you were just as suspicious of Robin, but for different reasons, and he thought you were being a bit ridiculous about it.
It's not like you and Sanji were together, right? He could do as he pleases and flirt all he wanted, you'd just have to suck it up and deal with it despite your feelings.
Well he thought so, until that evening when he heard you on the lower deck with Sanji after everyone else had gone to bed.
"Gosh, I felt stupid, I wanted to just hug you and tell Robin you're mine."
He heard Sanji laugh, Zoro thinking you were just messing around or possibly drunk. It really wasn't like you to say something like that when you were sober and in the right mind.
"You could have. I don't think anyone would have believed you."
"Nah, Zoro would have. You forget he's the one who's known me the longest."
"Hmm, that's true. You are the one who said to keep the flirting up though."
Hearing you sigh loudly and say that was true, Zoro could only assume you fell backwards on the deck or were leaning back to look at the stars. He heard Sanji offer to take you back to the girls bunks, but you mentioned you were next on night watch so you'd just stay, it wasn't long until you and Zoro had to swap anyway.
Not hearing anything more from either of you, Zoro leaned over the crow's nest just enough to see why you'd both become silent, catching you leaning into Sanji's shoulder with his arm around your waist.
So that's why she acted so jealous.
Zoro never said a word, having figured out you and Sanji were keeping your new relationship a secret for now, likely in case you decided it'd be better to stay friends.
Skypiea almost seemed like a test for the two of you. After landing and finding the beach where Sanji gifted you girls flowers, you ended up separated due to the laws of the place, Sanji with Luffy and Usopp while you were with everyone else. You weren't too worried, even as you stayed behind on the Merry with Chopper while Zoro, Robin, and Nami went exploring. The two of you were attacked of course, and until Chopper sounded the whistle for Ganfal to come help, you'd be able to keep your enemy back despite the damage Merry suffered. You ended up with a stab wound through the shoulder from Shura's Ordeal of String and burned your hand while trying to put out the fire on Merry, Chopper nearly in tears helping you with your injuries after he helped Ganfal too.
Sanji was just glad to see you were all right when he, Usopp, and Luffy finally reunited with the rest of you. He took note of the bandages on your shoulder and hand, pulling you aside while everyone was preoccupied with other things, asking you what happened if you were really all right. You told him what happened and reassured him you were perfectly fine, giving him a smile while he lightly hugged you and said he was glad, stealing a quick kiss and leaving you a blushing mess while he went to work on dinner again.
The next day you ended up following Zoro through the forest, Sanji demanding he watch you closely and Zoro just rolled his eyes before telling you to hurry up. He kept you safe while he fought the enemies he did, and once he and Robin had been injured by Eneru's attacks, you did your best to protect them while Nami went with the false god in her attempts to stop him.
You didn't know what happened with Sanji until Usopp jumped down from the giant gold ship with him, and you were shocked by how injured he was, he looked like he'd been electrocuted more than once and it terrified you.
Once you all were safe with the Skypieans and Shandians, once Sanji was awake and had Chopper replace his bandages, you did the same as he had before and pulled him away from everyone to make sure he was really okay. You asked him multiple times, your voice getting a bit more strained each time even when he said he was fine, you were trying so hard not to break down crying to him.
"I'm sure I'm fine, trust me. I'm standing aren't I?"
There was a soft smile on his face while Sanji watched you fight back tears. He'd not seen you cry before, and hated it would be his fault for having gotten injured, but he knew you were just worried about him.
"I…I know, I just…you're absolutely–"
"I'm sure, [Y/N]-chan, I promise."
Sanji pulled you into a hug, which you returned as you couldn't hold back anymore and started sobbing into his bandages (you'd have to apologize to Chopper later). While you cried, Sanji quietly hushed you, saying everything was all right and he was definitely okay. He stroked your hair and apologized for worrying you, explaining he was protecting Nami and Usopp though you didn't need an explanation, you just somehow knew already that he'd been trying to protect your crewmates.
Zoro didn't mean to overhear your crying and Sanji quieting you, but he'd been sent by Nami to the exact spot she saw you drag the blond off to in order to bring you both back to prepare to leave soon. When he'd walked over, you'd just started sobbing and Zoro thought for a second Sanji did something to hurt you, he was ready to skewer the blond, until he heard him shushing you and explaining what had happened.
"It's okay, shh. I'm sorry I made you worry."
"I'm just…just g-glad you're all r-right!"
"Shh, I know. You need to calm down now, okay? Don't want anyone thinking I did something to make you cry."
Zoro heard you agree, and you started to breathe a little easier and your sobs went away soon after. He didn't have time to get far enough away before he heard Sanji say you two should rejoin everyone, so he stayed in place. Once you both stepped back out from behind your hiding place, the three of you stared at each other, you and Sanji holding hands while Zoro almost set a glare on him.
"A-ah um, Zoro what are…when did…why…"
"Nami sent me to get you two," he looked at your hands again before going back to glaring at Sanji, "We're leaving soon."
You nodded and now both boys were glaring at each other, it stayed like that a few minutes more before Sanji spoke up.
"Listen, moss head. If you tell anyone about us, I'll–"
"I'm not gonna say anything unless you hurt her. She's like my sister, so you better be good to her."
Turning to leave, Zoro didn't miss how shocked you and Sanji were, you'd half expected him to tell you that you needed to tell the rest of your crew sooner rather than later, but he didn't even do that. Just told Sanji not to hurt you or he'd basically be dead before he knew it. Sanji expected more of a fight, so he was even more shocked when Zoro just walked away, telling the two of you to hurry up or you'd become the newest residents of Skypiea.
Even after you left he kept his word, he didn't tell a single person, even as Zoro watched Nami try to pair you and Sanji up again and again.
He wondered how she was missing the obvious signs you two were together.
Robin was the next to find out about you and Sanji being an item. She didn't mean to, but it was after you all had saved her from the World Government, after you toppled Enies Lobby and brought your dear friend and archeologist back home to your little family. When you all had separated at Water 7, when Robin had been taken in by the government, Sanji took the lead on trying to get her back, eventually you all were together again at Enies Lobby, entering several battles to bring her home.
While Sanji and the others took on CP9 members, you again took to taking down lower members, this time Navy Men with the help of Galley-La and Franky's comrades. Those same groups helped you get back to your crewmates, to the Merry who had come to save you all, before you tearfully bid farewell to the ship that had been your home the last couple of months.
Once you made it back to Water 7, while you had to wait for a new ship to be built, you all took time recovering from your battle wounds and exploring the city a little more. Most of your time was spent with Zoro and Nami during the day, trying to help the former find a new sword and Nami taking you and Robin sometimes shopping for various items. You tried a few times to check in on Usopp, wanting him to return to you all, but every time you did so, he either had disappeared from the spot you saw him or you'd back down from talking to him. At least knowing he was alive was enough for you for the time being.
You absolutely would have spent more of your time with Sanji, but the two of you agreed to wait until a few days later, to keep suspicions off you from the rest of your crew. Eventually the two of you ventured out to the city on your own, you both left the rest of your crew for the day at separate times, meeting up elsewhere to throw them off.
Unfortunately for you, although it worked to start, Robin caught sight of you and Sanji when she was entering a shop with Nami. She didn't think too much of it until she noticed the two of you holding hands and the lovesick smiles you gave each other as you walked through the market.
Oh, I see then.
Robin decided she would keep what she saw to herself, at least that was her plan, until she heard Nami say "I knew it" when she saw you two herself.
Luckily you didn't hear her, and Nami suggested she and Robin quietly follow you to see what was going on. Robin wasn't going to agree to it, but Nami grabbed her by the arm too quickly.
She hoped you'd forgive them.
"Here, this is for you, mon cheri."
"You shouldn't spend your money on me, Sanji."
Giving you a smile, Sanji shook his head, telling you that he wanted to get this little gift for you, it wasn't a lot, but he thought you'd like it. While you were going through the marketplace, he ended up pulling you down an empty alley and giving you a small box. You really didn't want him to spend any of the money Nami gave him on you, you had your own, but it was still sweet of him to think of you!
You opened the box after a bit of back and forth with yourself about Sanji spending money on you already, but you let those thoughts go once you saw it was a simple little heart shaped charm on a silver chain. You smiled softly while Sanji blushed about it scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.
"I just…I thought you'd like it so I bought it…you don't have to wear it or anything, it's no–"
You cut Sanji off by throwing your arms around his shoulders in a hug, which he returned with his around your waist, though he was a bit confused until you looked up at him with a smile still.
"You're the sweetest thing in the world, I don't deserve you."
That comment and your sweet smile got to Sanji in an instant; eyes turning to hearts, face bright red with a grin, while he snuggled his face up against yours.
"Don't say that!! I'm the one who doesn't deserve you!!"
Giggling, you pulled Sanji even closer to you and kissed him, only stopping when you heard a voice yell "We caught you!"
For a moment you thought it was Marines and they were going to chase you and Sanji through Water 7, until you realized you knew that voice all too well, and you both looked to see Nami and Robin at the other end of the alleyway.
"When did this start?!"
"And why didn't you," Nami pointed a finger at you, while you hid your face in Sanji's shoulder, "tell me?!"
"Nami," Robin placed a hand on the younger girl's shoulder with a smile, "Let's give them a moment and maybe they can explain things to us."
The two stepped away with Nami saying you had better not run because she wanted every detail possible about when and how this happened. You didn't move a muscle, still hiding your face in Sanji's shoulder while he kept you close and stroked your hair to keep you calm. Eventually, he laughed a bit and it made you look up at him.
"What?" "Guess our secret's out," Sanji gave you a smile while you pouted a bit, tucking a bit of hair behind your ear before kissing you, "Let's go talk to Nami and Robin then, all right?"
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ajaxless · 6 months
Doctor Harper being like...The "grown up" version of Kylar. Got sent to the psych ward for being a little too silly (went yandere) and hypnotized everyone into letting him out. Could you fucking imagine how scary that would be to be his (former?) Darling?
Harper as your dweeb classmate. Always has his nose tucked in a book, usually shows up to school with bruises, you can't tell if it's from his home life or from the bullies. You end up taking pity on the poor guy and get into the habit of taking him to the nurse at school to get him ice packs and bandaids. Over time Harper comes out of that quiet and polite facade and brags to anyone that will listen that the two of you are lovers. Except, no, you're not, you never would have agreed to such a thing. Sure, it's sweet that he walks you to each and every class you have and insists on carrying your books, but you never saw him in that light. You were just being kind! He got the wrong idea.
So, when Harper makes you lunch after you forgot yours at home, you don't think twice about it, typical Harper! Harper babbles on about how he's been studying how to become a doctor. That way, you two won't have to rely on the nurse. Maybe you could be his nurse? You could stay by his side all day while he works and dote on him as his lovely assistant!
Unfortunately for you, you don't get to correct him because the drugs he slipped in knocked you out before he could finish. Harper mumbles something about skipping the chapter on sedatives in his textbook and drags you home. Nobody thinks twice to stop him, most people don't even notice him.
Cue basement scene similar to Kylar's, except Harper is less paranoid and panicked. I think he'd just be delusional and convinced that the two of you are together. Defiant! Darling could resist him and snap him out of the delusional state, only to send him into a fit of anger. Submissive / compliant! Darling goes along with it out of pity / fear.
Here are some things I imagine when being abducted by Harper
He never yells and constantly refers to you by a pet name and never your actual name.
When you deny him, he probably just ignores it or smiles at you while pretending you said something else. Creepy bastard will respond out loud to an imaginary conversation he had with you. Example: Harper tries to feed you, and you spit food in his face, only for him to grin and say that he thinks the food tastes good too, then thanks you for sharing. Says things like "I love you too" even when you didn't actually say anything. If you point out that you didn't say anything, he just gives you a funny look like you're the crazy one here.
Harper doesn't think other people are going to hurt you / take you away and he doesn't want to keep you safe. I think he'd hurt you on purpose just so he can take care of you like you used to at school. That and out of revenge for being rejected. He doesn't feel threatened by other people because he's delusional and convinced it wouldn't be possible for you to like anyone else
Harper absolutely tries gaslighting you so he can be the "sane" boyfriend that takes care of you. You're just crazy, ahaha, your memory is soooo terrible. Thats not how it happened. Harper never said that. Have you been taking your medicine?
That Kylar event where they pull a knife to your throat, but this time it's just Harper showing off a new needle that may or may not contain an aphrodisiac. He might just have to "test" to see what's in the syringe. I mean, unless you can convince him not to inject you by having sex with him. Either way, You're going to get fucked. With or without the aphrodisiac is up to you.
Harper's cooking is actually good. Made specifically to be healthy and have all the vitamins and nutrients you need. Only downside is he sometimes spits in the food :( might even do it right in front of you and then laughs it off. Says it's like indirectly kissing you and it's no big deal, he always does this and has been since you let him make you lunches at school. Hearing this is ++stress
Harper doesn't write you songs, instead he makes poetry. You can't read the poems, his handwriting is terrible. (Haha, get it? Cus he's a doctor?)
Forced cuddle sessions, I can feel it. Also a messy kisser. Drools everywhere and giggles the entire time. I think Harper is a humper, cums in his pants all the time
There are two ways to escape:
Resist Harper enough until he gets frustrated and tries to get manipulate you into behaving by guilt tripping you. Harper injures himself in a minor way and insists you take care of him like you used to at school, telling you to go upstairs and get ice from his freezer...Only for you to bolt out the front door instead
Or by screaming until the neighbors hear and the cops come to investigate. Screaming only works at night, and you have to do it five times in a row when given the ability to do it. This sucks because it makes you lose a turn, and you can't resist Harper whichs lead to being noncon encounter
Either way, by the end of it Harper gets arrested. He abducted you and had a lab that made stimulants / pepper spray / sedatives and kept stealing ingredients from the pharmacy downtown. Either they determine he's insane or he goes to court and pleads not guilty by insanity.
You go a few years without seeing or hearing from him, believing he'll rot in jail forever and move on with your life. Then you find out your doctor retired and have to head to the hospital to fill out paperwork to change who your primary doctor should be, and wouldn't you know it? Harper's name is one of the options. Obviously, you don't want him to be your new doctor, but either way, he just forges the paperwork and makes you his patient.
You get called in for an appointment per usual, expecting a new doctor and Harper walks in with that stupid smile while clutching a clipboard with your medical history on it. You try to resist, but a bunch of nurses come in and restrain you and tie you to the table with leather straps that were hidden under the mattress. The entire time Harper just watches with a smile.
I think Harper would immediately confess that he's not a real doctor. He never went to school or graduated. He would've, but you got him arrested. He starts bragging about how he hypnotized your old doctor and took his place to escape, then realized he had a lot of authority and began doing whatever he wanted. Shortly after, he discovered that you still lived in town and jumped on the opportunity to get you back.
There's no harm in telling you this. Because who would believe you? You're crazy.
"Scream as much as you like, my love. The neighbors won't hear you this time."
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akutasoda · 1 month
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title - 'you understand mechanical hands are the ruler of everything'
╰➜how does your relationship stand the test of time
dedicated to - robin!
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, slight angst?, sonnet length - 703
a/n: req by the lovely @strryskys <3 hope you're having a good day/night avery!!
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when you started dating robin, you would have to be aware of a lot of things - anything ranging from her own status as an intergalactic star to everyday ups and downs. she would be extremely respectful of your privacy and her own, especially in the first stages of the relationship. at first, she would be extremely adamant on keeping your relationship out if the public's prying eyes. robin didn't need everyone knowing about her personal life, as difficult as that may be
and as your relationship progressed, she would ultimately listen to your request about the publicity of the relationship. if you preferred to keep it secret, robin would try her absolute hardest to help hide it from anyone that didn't need to know. but if you didn't mind, she still wouldn't go out of her way to show you off. if people found out, they found out - but she did secretly enjoy people knowing that she only had eyes for you.
a lot of sacrifices would have to be made on your end, some more voluntary than others. for example, she did travel around the cosmos quite often and she would love nothing more than for you to be there alongside her, but if you didn't want to she would respect your choice. instead she would stay with you whenever she could, and any strain that would put on the relationship would be dealt with in due time.
to her, you were always a comfort. someone that was a constant in her life no matter where she went - yes she had other people, namely her brother, but he was always so busy with business in penacony. robin adored having your presence alongside her, someone who helped her forget about any stress from the day and someone she could be herself around.
robin wouldn't have to worry about being robin the singer, no, with you she was just robin. robin who didn't have to worry about public image or anything to do with that, robin who could feel safe and loved. her personal life could often be the only place she could allow herself to let go and she wanted someone that respected this.
your relationship would be entirely a balanced one. if you were willing to put the effort in, so was she. robin needed you to be there and she would always be there for you in turn. she needed you to respect her schedules and lifestyle and she would respect yours, even trying to adapt more towards yours - a part of her was more keen to try and have a lifestyle away from constant spotlights.
however, to nobody's surprise, most of your issues in the relationship would stem from robin's profession. it kept her constantly busy, it was rare for her to always have a full day off regularly - most of the time she would have to make it clear she was taking a day off in advance. fortunately that was an issue that was easily overcome. the real issue came from the prying eyes of the public.
it was something neither of you could control. unfortunately, due to the fact that you were dating robin, someone would find out eventually whether you wanted them to or not - and from there, the news would spread like wildfire. everywhere you went, with robin or not, somebody would ask you about the relationship. the only way you could avoid getting asked questions would be if you went in disguise or robin helped you take security measures.
robin would feel bad about putting you through the unwanted attention of people that got way too interested in her personal life, but you would've been made well aware before you started dating.
however, any issues you two had were easily overcome or managed. as long as you both tried to make it work, it would. time could slip away and the two of you would barely notice as it wouldn't affect your relationship. yes, there would be a time that time would ultimately rip you two apart, but it wouldn't be prematurely.
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obey-me-disaster · 2 years
The demon brothers in maid dresses with an MC that likes it a bit too much
A/N: This is super self indulgent post I won't lie. I am having a horrible writer's block so I needed to get this out of my system.
Demon brothers x gn!MC
!!Slightly suggestive but nothing explicit happens!!
It was a curse set up by the Anti Lucifer League. When he put on his usual attire it transformed into a full blown maid dress with thigh highs that he couldn't take off.
Refused to get out of his room until the curse wore off. He made sure that there were no cameras anywhere near him.
You are the only one he lets in, but warns you that if you laugh he is throwing you out. Needless to say you are over the moon.
While he is annoyed about the curse he can't deny the fact that he likes the way you look at him.
There was one scene in season 3 where MC made Lucifer sit on their lap and he really liked it (his intimacy bar went up). Do that to him.
If you want to try to do anything with him while he is in that dress you'll have to take lead. He has a hard time saying no to you so he will most likely go with whatever you want after a while. But makes you swear you won't tell anyone.
After the curse is over he goes straight to Satan and Belphegor to punish them. Mammon too since he tried to take pictures in order to sell them.
The only reason he won't try to drink demonus until he forgets this whole is because of you. becauseofhowwellyoufuckedhim
You probably won't see him like that ever again tho
He lost a bet to Asmo when they went to a party. He tried to win some money but it just ended up with him wearing that cursed maid outfit.
He goes to hide into your room. Why? Because you're his human so this is your problem too. Unknown to him, this was more of a blessing to you.
You were doing your own thing when he bursts into your room, locks the door and starts to complain about the stupid bet.
You probably didn't pay too much attention to what he was saying, more focused on the way the dress would ride up his thighs. The outfit was chosen by Asmo, so it was pretty revealing.
He was about to tell you off for not paying attention to what he was saying but stopped when he saw that way you were looking him.
He tries to play it off, hoping you wouldn't notice the shift in his mood or the way his whole face heat up.
Good thing the door is locked. Because that act is not gonna last long. The maid dress is not comming off either, it looked too good on him.
If you asked him enough times he might wear the maid outfit again. But that's because he is your first man and he doesn't want you to go to one of his brothers for that.
He was trying on a maid dress for a future cosplay when you entered his room without knocking.
You kind of stared at each other for a few minutes. Levi was thinking if calling Lotan would get him out of the situation while you were busy admiring how he looked in the maid outfit.
He snapped out of thoughts when he realized you took a picture of him. You had to calm him down and explain that you just like how he looks and you're not trying to make fun of him.
Tries to go on with working on his cosplay while you hang out in his room but can't really focus. Not only are you constantly checking him out, but this whole situation reminds him of an anime hentai
Just thinking about that scene and what happened between the protagonist and the love interest made him blush. The fact that you were acting just like the love interest did not help at all.
It's up to you to ask him what got him blushing so much. He tries to deny it at first but it was obvious he was lying.
He was already preparing for you to be disgusted and leave the room but instead you told him to continue
Chances are he may need to get a new maid dress for his cosplay.
He had to test how the curse for Lucifer would work, unfortunately it backfired to him. Now he was stuck in a maid dress with cat ears and tail.
You would think the cat ears and tail would make him happy at least but not really.(I think there was a chat where he said he doesn't like the idea of cat maids).
He locked himself in the room until he figured a way to get rid of the curse. No need for his brothers to see him like that and for Lucifer to find out about the future prank.
He texted you to come into his room to help him figure out a way to get rid of the curse. Yes, you knew Lucifer would get pranked into wearing a maid dress. No, you didn't tell him at all.
You did not help at all. He started to get frustrated with you since he thought you were just laughing at him. He decided to observe you more before confronting you and that's when he realized you may have a thing for him in that damn dress.
It was clear you had no intention of helping and he didn't really have the heart to tell you to leave either so he decided to let you indulge a bit. In the name of finding out more about the curse of course.
After the curse finally wears off, to your dissapointment, he nearly didn't want to use the curse with Belphie on Lucifer. He didn't even want to think what you would do with Lucifer if you saw him in that dress.
He was going through some old outfits when he found the maid dress and decided to try it on. He didn't really remember where he got it from, it was probably a gift given by one of his fans.
The moment he tried it on he immediately called you into his room to see how good he looked.
Friendly reminder to everyone, he can feel when people are attracted to him. It's confirmed somewhere in season 2. He knew you were into this shit in less than a minute.
To his credit, his intentions were pure when he invited you into his room. Things changed he sensed your attraction to him in that attire. Even without his power, it was still obvious from the way your eyes were following him.
Tries to drop subtle hints at first. Yes he knows you really like how he looks in a maid dress, but that doesn't mean you want to do anything with him at the moment.
If you seem like you want to take things further, which you most likely want to, he will keep going. Might as well put that maid dress to good use.
Will drop hints to his brothers about your preference. In the name of helping them, of course.
After that he will try on different outfits to see if he can get the same reaction out of you again.
He lost a bet to Asmo and had to wear the maid dress. He was not as bothered by the dress but by the fact that he missed on a free meal from losing the bet.
He was not planning on going out of the house for that day , so the curse didn't affect him that much.
You found him in the kitchen, emptying out the fridge. Since it was too late to stop him at the point you decided to join him and have a snack.
He felt a bit embarrasses at first but quickly got over it when he saw you didn't make fun of him.
He was too focused on eating and making conversation with you to notice the way your eyes wondered around his body. It wasn't a revealing dress by any means, but it was a bit too small for him, making it seem like it would tear at any second.
It didn't help that he decided to use the dress as a napkin. So whenever he would wipe his mouth, he would lift the dress, giving you a full view of his thighs.
In the end the maid dress got to dirty for Beel to keep on wearing it so you offered to wash it for him.
Any sadness from the fact that Beel had to change was quickly overshadowed by the fact that he stripped in front of you without a care in the world. Yeah he did have a blush on his face but it wasn't the first time you saw him like that, so to Beel it was no big deal.
Not wearing the maid dress anymore didn't seem like such a sad thing now...
The curse he tried to put on Lucifer backfired and now he was the one in a maid dress. At least it was comfortable enough to sleep in.
He decided to just sleep the curse away, and what better place is there to sleep than next to you?
When you got a text from to go into his room, you weren't exactly expecting to see him in a maid dress, but you weren't about to complain.
His original plan was only to take a nap with you, but the little shit caught on the fact that you may like him in that dress, so he decided to put it to test.
He tried a bunch of weird 'sleep positions' where he was practically all over you, trying to get a reaction out of you.
After a while he got enough of teasing you and saying that you watched too many of Levi's animes
After all that moving around and teasing you he was not tired anymore. In fact, he made you take responsability for him not being able to sleep properly anymore. It's up to you to decide what you want to do from then on.
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monicahar · 2 years
wanderer x reader, short oneshot, suggestive near the end although nothing truly explicit, scaramouche's insecurities about his vision, that's all.
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the wanderer liked to think he deserved his vision.
much like a puzzle fitting in its respective place, it's only right for him to gain the recognition of celestia. after all, he did become an all-knowing god himself from nothing but the ugly being known as the discarded puppet—kunikuzushi. even if it was but a momentary lapse, he had achieved an admirable feat unheard of since the archon war. receiving a vision in place of the gnosis that didn't belong to him was nothing to get worked up about. he constantly tells himself that it's expected from someone ambitious like him—he shouldn't be surprised.
he takes the teal gem into his hands with careful movement.
it's nothing to be happy about at all.
yet as he clutches the glowing anemo vision in his grasp, he cannot help but let a small smile grow on his face, feeling a swell of emotions stir inside him.
he doesn't know what this feeling is, but he's certain he's felt this before during his time as a kabukimono.
much absorbed in admiring the way it fits just right in his hands, he doesn't notice you approaching him, eyes softening at the way he stared in awe at his own vision.
“i remember you always scoffing at the notion of freedom,” you start with a smile of your own, effectively taking him out of his trance as he snaps his gaze towards you, immediately letting go of the vision as it hangs on a blue sash over his shoulder, “now you're here admiring your anemo vision like how you'd admire me.”
ignoring your flirtatious comment, he quickly retorts. “don't jump into conclusions.” he clicks his tongue as he crosses his arms, side eyeing you from his peripherals. “i was just checking if it was some type of sick fraud. celestia has to be testing me if they granted me a vision after i became god out of immoral means.”
you blink at his cautious statement. “give yourself a break. gods don't just hand out visions to anyone,” tugging playfully at his tucked-in kimono, you grin as you reach up to pinch his cheek with your other hand. “i, for one, think that the power of anemo is perfect for you. the clash of teal and blue do wonders for this pretty face of yours.” you laugh at the way his face burns.
“you're insufferable.” he complains, but doesn't make a move to remove your hand from his cheek.
“look who's talking.” you reply nonchalantly as you ignore the way his eye twitches in annoyance, removing your hands as you take a step back to stare at him properly. “look, i know you're hesitant about your vision. no matter how many times you tell me that you do deserve it—i know that's not what you actually think deep down inside.”
you sigh at his silence. it's just confirmation that you hit the bullseye. gently taking his hand in yours, you speak up once more—“does it feel that much unreal to have something you'd finally call your own?”
he doesn't reply again, but the answer is evident in the way his eyes narrow at the ground. after having so many things taken away from me, i'm not sure if i could trust this just yet. it still feels like a dream.
“we eternally owe buer for this. any other archon probably wouldn't have tolerated your actions, so do everyone a favor and just believe in yourself.” your grasp on his hand tightens. “if you can't do it for anyone, then atleast do it for yourself. you're quite the selfish one after all.” you giggle at your own comment, causing him to pursue his lips as to stop himself from smiling like an idiot.
right. he'd never forget the amount of help nahida and the traveler provided just for him to finally be himself—free from the exhausting hatred and bitterness he held against his creator.
he sharply inhales. “okay. i'll try. for both of us.” his voice comes out small, much akin to a whisper that you probably would've missed if it weren't for your close proximity.
he shuts his eyes when you lift his hat to press a chaste kiss on his forehead, further reminding him that he wasn't alone in this world anymore. that he has someone to rely on once again.
he inwardly scoffs. he's selfish. incredibly selfish.
to think that he can have you and his vision in one seating—it's only a matter of time before fate takes it toll and takes one of his cherished possessions away once again in the name of karma.
he has sinned so much that even he's unsure if he deserves the peace bestowed by the god of wisdom. he could get you in more danger now that the fatui is in his trail—it'd really be better if you cut ties with him but he really doesn't want to.
simply because he's selfish.
and if it's his selfishness that's keeping you anchored by his side, then he doesn't mind it at all.
he'll stay selfish till the ends of time, as long as it means to have what he wants right where he wanted it.
the wanderer gazes at his vision once more, bringing it up to the moonlight pouring in from an open window, blinking his eyes at the way it reflects on the luminous glow of the moon.
glancing at the sleeping figure beside him, his eyes soften at the way your chest heaves back up and down, before he trails up on your neck—covered with the blotches of his bites. his eyes narrow at the sight.
you encouraged him to be selfish even after everything he's done.
after putting his precious vision atop the bedside table, the wanderer gently brings your head to tuck under his chin, a satisfied sigh leaving his lips as he caresses your back in comforting circles. his own eyelids fluttering to a close at the comforting beat of your chest, quietly inhaling the scent of your hair affectionately.
so he'll oblige.
he'll bask in this selfish peace, and he'll prolong it—no matter what it takes.
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marshmallowprotection · 6 months
Can you please write a one shot on vet yoosung having to deal with a patient like this guy
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"Dr. Kim, you should be warned, the patient today was listed as a bite warning."
"I'm sure we can handle him. He might just be anxious at the vet. It's no problem! I'll take it at his pace so he doesn't feel crowded. I'd hate to feel cornered when I don't feel good and I can't communicate why that is, too! Is it the mastiff from last time? He wasn't as bad as they'd claimed, you know! He just needed some belly rubs before he turned to butter."
"Dr. Kim, I'm starting to wonder if you're afraid of any animal at all!"
Yoosung chuckled. "No, no. Of course not. I don't have anything to be afraid of! Animals can sense your anxiety, you know. That's one of the first things I learned before I even got far into my studies. If you're as calm as you can be, they'll feel better about trusting you. It isn't clear cut and perfect, but it does make a difference in my experience."
"You might be surprised with this guy."
"C'mon, how bad can he be?"
The nurse nodded and went to wet the patient from the waiting room. It wasn't long before she turned with a crate that was filled with the howling and growling of a dog. Yoosung noticed that the nurse was wary, trembling as she went to the unlock the crate and free the beast from his cage, but he offered her his hands.
She took that offer in an instant and took a step back so he could do it.
A fraction of a second later, a Chihuahua burst out of the crate and began to bark at him in incredulous speed. He didn’t seem happy to be at the vet, that was for sure, but the rate at which his body was shaking was bound to make anyone assume he was filled with rage the likes of which no human had ever seen. 
Yoosung knew what most people assumed when they saw a yapping Chihuahua. They expected to see a dog that wouldn't stop trembling or howling in disgust. Frankly, a quick Noogle search would tell them that the reason why their dog was responding the way it was because they were overstimulated, overwhelmed, or cold.
They weren't filled with anger nine times out of ten.
He knew these animals weren't filled with rage, and it was sad that most people were afraid of them for that reason. He had to imagine that it would be frustrating to be a small dog, constantly poked and prodded as if you were nothing more than a toy, and anyone would angry after being treated that away—even if you didn't want to be. 
The Chihuahua yipped at him but Yoosung was patient. He took a seat in front of the dog and kept his hands to himself, seeing how long it might take his patient to get the barks out of his system with the space to do what he needed to do. He knew that wouldn't be all the comfort the dog needed to feel better, but it was a start, and he wasn't the type to rush an appointment if it wasn't an emergency to start with!
"Hey there," his voice was gentle as the dog continued to shake and tremble. "We've got plenty of time to figure out what's wrong, little guy. I won't poke and prod you until you establish your comfort level. I don't like going to the doctor, either, but the least I can do is make the trip less cold."
The growls continued. 
This wasn't his first rodeo with an animal that wasn't comfortable. But, this was assuredly the first time he interacted with a tiny dog that clearly hadn't had its boundaries respected. He knew what that felt like... and it wasn't fun to have his buttons pressed until he felt cornered!
Undeterred, Yoosung continued, "I would give you treats to help you feel a little more comfortable, but for us to run the test today, you can't have anything to eat. But, I promise if you let me take care of the scan, I'll give you something fresh to eat. Your owner said we could do anything to make sure it was comfortable for you if we could and I bet a plate of chicken will do the trick, huh, little guy?"
Quietly, he offered his hand to the Chihuahua. Most people would have expected the dog to bite them on impact, but he didn't let any fear show on his face. "Don't worry, I won't grab you without asking first."
He was somebody who took care of animals for a living, and he knew that showing fear over a bite or a scratch wasn't worth it. He could take it, and he would rather take it if it meant they trusted him fully instead of feeling like nobody listened to them. It took a moment, but the dog sniffed his hands, and the growling suddenly subsided with it. 
A smile appeared on Yoosung face as he let the dog nuzzle its face against his hand. "There we go, that's much better, huh? Let's get you taken care of so you can go home and eat to your hearts content all night long, hm?"
"Dr. Kim... how did you do that...?"
"Simple! I let them decide that I'm trustworthy on their own before I go poking around. They're just like you or me, you know? That's what I told you before. Patience helps."
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sugarywishes · 29 days
In your AU, what do you think originally made William do what he did? And more pressingly, how did his motivations and goals change over time, as he got spring locked and eventually burned later on? I am very curious, especially with all the different interpretations around. And I wonder if it was a small thing at worse made worse by Evan's and/or Elizabeth's deaths, or if he was long gone even before they occurred...
May I just say, I absolutely love every question you throw at me, it gives me time to flesh out my rewrite of FNAF a lot and I really appreciate it! Answer below as usual. Also I guess, spoilers for my rewrite?? (As if I haven't been constantly yapping about this)
His original motivation was indeed Evan. He was his most treasured valuable, and losing him was horrible for everyone, and also having your family slandered by everyone in the community and getting fired made things even worse. It made William become more unhinged than he's ever been before, and he kills Charlie as a result (it was accidental drunk rage)
Anyways he totally freaks out at this and drives away before anyone could see him. He tried his best to forget abt it and avoid the restaurant and Henry but he went back to the location eventually to take cash (cause yk he doesn't have money so he resorted to steal some because Henry never took Will's keys, and also he didn't change the locks) and then he notices something off about the puppet animatronic, it seems almost too alive. Out of curiosity, he checks the old Golden suits in the back and sees that Fredbear's suit seems weirdly twitchy for being inanimate. And he notices that a weird dark ooze spills out of the robots so he takes some of it to investigate more in his basement
Some library scouring here, some personal experiments here and he dubs the substance Remnant and deduced that maybe enough of this could maybe bring Evan back to life (so his plan was to pull a Victor Frankenstein, holy shit) so he originally killed the MCI to collect more remnant to eventually use for Evan's corpse to hopefully bring him back, it successfully brought back a rat he was testing (but he failed to see that the rat kept decaying even when it was still 'alive') So who's to say that Evan just wouldn't become some sort of zombie or something?
But he starts getting a little too into the killing children thing. When he killed the first three, he did it out of a necessity and didn't really have any feelings when doing so. But after Fritz and Cassidy he started to enjoy it (and as i said in the Cassidy post he didn't have to kill her but he did because he wanted to) it was the first time he's felt joy since before Evan's death. It actually kind of grossed him out, so for a while, he stopped killing. (Internal conflicts, he'll eventually completely embrace this horrible part of him, and also because it's to show that he could've just not done that but yk thats the consequences of his actions so...) But he still thought it wasn't enough remnant (it's an excuse for him to keep killing!)
But as I said before he likes doing things the easy way, and he thought maybe if I make robots to kill kids I just get remnant faster and uh oh. Liz dies. And he doesn't really like the fact that the children that he does tolerate somewhat keep dying so he ditches that idea. It also makes him even more crazy!
This moment kinda awakens a fear of death in him (as if he hasn't been surrounded by death by KILLING KIDS) so now he starts killing the DCI/KCI kids to get some remnant for himself (and also cause he likes killing kids) to live longer to 'keep working on his Evan project' (which he has been sidelining), then yk then he dies. And in my other posts I said he doesn't remember much of anything in his human life when he becomes Springtrap, so in his memories he killed kids just cause he thought it was fun and he wanted to be immortal. Same thing applies to Scraptrap and Glitchtrap (at least until he sees Gregory and it awakens the locked away memories he had of his family, but that's a story for another time!)
He's always had the potential to be evil (as it think everyone has that) but it took a while for him to fully become the monster he is deep down. Or something like that idk how to sound cool in text lmao
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theoceanoasis · 12 days
A dratchrod idea
Rodimus hiding a breeding kink and need for emerging a sparkling.
He’s gone his whole life saying he will never have a sparkling but as he’s gotten older its changed and he falls into mini heats at random because his coding is just begging for a sparkling.
He hides it and he’s thankful for that because he’s still scared to have a sparkling but he so desperately wants one still and he doesn’t know how drift or ratchet will react to his secret since they always say they’re too old for sparklings
He's always wanted a sparkling. Ever since he could remember but it was never the right time. So many things were happening and for a long time he didn't think it would ever be possible.
Although he loved Nyon he knew it was no place for a sparkling. It was hard enough surviving on his own and he couldn't put a sparkling through the childhood he'd grown up with.
He didn't want them to live in fear. Always worried about the functionalist trying to kill them because of who they were.
Then the war happened and he didn't know how many sparklings he'd seen die. So many people were lost during the war as their home was destroyed.
Every day was a struggle and he never knew if he'd survive. If anyone asked him if he wanted a sparkling during that time he'd say no. He couldn't even imagine it the very idea terrifying him.
He never thought the war would end or that he'd ever have a chance to have a sparkling. For a while he even managed to convince himself that he didn't want one. Because it was easier than the painful truth that he'd never have one.
Then the war ended and he became Captain of the Lost Light. For the first time in years he could finally think about having a sparkling.
The idea both thrilled him and terrified him because now that he was safe on the Lost Light he didn't have an excuse to hide behind. If he wanted to have a sparkling he could.
He found himself desperately wanting one but too afraid to mention anything, even when he started dating Drift and Ratchet.
His body decided that now was the perfect time to have sparklings. He constantly had to deal with his body putting him through mini heats. They left him begging for spike as he desperately wished to fill his gestation chamber.
He tried his best to hide when that happened pretending he was just more horny than usual. He'd always make sure they used protection during his mini heats not wanting to have an accident.
He'd tried asking once if Ratchet and Drift wanted a sparkling. He'd been so nervous as he tried pretending like he wasn't interested.
They both thought they were too old for sparklings and told him they were happy. It had hurt and he'd tried not to burst into tears.
He loved them so much but he always wanted sparklings. Knowing they weren't interested hurt and he knew he'd never get the chance to be a carrier.
He loved them too much and didn't want to leave them which is why he had to ignore his body's urges to get sparked.
He didn't know how it happened but after feeling sick for the last few days he'd taken a test. With shaking hands he'd stared at the positive test. Tears fell when he realized he was sparked. Both out of happiness and also terror.
He was finally getting his chance at having a sparkling and even now he knew he couldn't get rid of them. He already loved them so much it scared him.
He had no idea how Ratchet or Drift would react but he could already imagine it wouldn't be good. He'd spent the next few days in agony trying to figure out a way to tell them.
He didn't want to loose them but he knew they wouldn't want a sparkling. He'd spent the last few days snuggling against them enjoying their love while it lasted.
He tried to take in as much as he could. The entire time scared of the future ahead.
Drift and Ratchet noticed his strange behavior and finally having enough they sat him down. He'd been nervous his leg bouncing as they spoke.
Knowing he didn't have a choice he told them the truth. He'd waited anxiously as the words sunk in thinking he was about to be rejected when they both hugged him.
He looked at them in shock as they hugged him and cried about how happy they were.
"I thought you wouldn't want them?"
"Of course we would."
Drift reassured with his hands on his belly.
"But you said you were too old for sparklings?"
Ratchet gave him a sad look as he pulled them both into a hug.
"That's because we didn't think it was possible. It hurt too much trying to imagine something we could never have."
"Until now."
Drift kissed him crying and talking about how beautiful he was and how excited he was.
He cried against them both feeling overwhelmed with relief and happiness. His mates carried him to bed where they reassured him that they loved him and they couldn't wait for the sparkling to be born. The three of them cuddled together with Drift and Ratchet kissing Rodimus all over until they eventually fell asleep.
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Optimus is absolutely fascinated by his "prize" and recognizes an Outlier ability, commenting Megatron always did collect them, and having Ratchet install an inhibitor collar. He doesn't want Tarn silent, just temporarily neutered.
Cue Tarn raging at being denied Megatron again while Optimus attempts to court the Decepticon in the attic. One who keeps destroying his tributes and is very, very different from the Decepticons he knows. And much more intriguing for it.
They fight and every biting word and blow, vicious threat and attack on his staff, just makes Optimus more besotted.
Tarn meanwhile is stalking around like a caged lion and calms down enough to realize he is caught temporarily.
There's a lot of psychological manipulation and back and forth between them and Optimus trying to "ease" Tarn into the Autobots only to find he fits in great. The SG Autobots love Tarn.
Jazz takes him for the day to help with "interrogations" and inside the cell is one of same Decepticons that Tarn had hunted in his previous life. The one who'd betrayed the Waves location. The Autobots don't expect much from him, but the Prime said to "let him play".
Tarn is relieved to have some stress relief and was always bitter this hunt got cut short.
He gives them a full DJD treatment.
Jazz and the others are impressed. They tell Optimus he has their full approval. Other members of Autobot High Command take Tarn out at different times because Optimus is "busy" which annoys him giving he is being held hostage but he is keeping an eye out.
This is the vaguest part but basically Optimus is teasing Tarn now because he went from OP being constantly there to never seeing him and only dealing with others.
It is testing how he fits with his Autobots while making sure Tarn thinks of him.
If anyone challenges him he is permitted to physically fight. Something he discovers during a Iromhide Day when Hot Rod picks a fight and only Ultra Magnus's interference and Optimus showing up and distracting Tarn saves his plating.
Optimus and Tarn have a Evil Moment in front of everyone and Optimus saunters off leaving Ironhide snorting and Tarn bristling very much not self aware enough to recognize the obvious flirtation.
Jazz, strangely, becomes one of his favorite Autobots.
Tarn in turn is noticing the Autobots and how their philosophies align though the obviously need some refinement. Tarn has opinions about the Autobots and a lot of it circles around a lack of discipline, organization, and management. He calls the "indulgent wretches"
Optimus actually shows up and they have more tension moments over a drink, some music, and talking. Tarn accuses him of being directionless and criticizes him. Optimus asks what he would do and Tarn gives a basic outline of his dreams for the former Decepticons and Optimus is very, very into this because he is bored and unchallenged and the Decepticons are annoying but not a threat to his rule and his Autobots are scattered and unfocused biting back at each other.
He ends the night calling Tarn "beautiful" and this is one of the first of many "date nights" in which Optimus pays for time with some luxury Tarn wanted.
A lot of it involves Tarn criticizing him and eventually discussing his own world and the differences in histories here and Optimus biting back about Tarn's own leader's failures which make him instinctively bristle but accept and Optimus sees that utter loyalty and devotion and wants it. Loyalty is a very precious commodity and he thinks Tarn's former lord is the greatest fool to abandon it and tells Tarn as much and how he wouldn't have ever wasted such a gift.
Tarn does not swoon but has some interesting dreams that mix his own time with Orion Pax and memories of Megatron with SG Optimus.
Optimus is very focused on courting a proper "Evil Queen"/Lady Macbeth who can give him the kick in the aft to be a proper conquering Warlord not someone who sits on his laurels and the rest of the Autobots approve.
Of course he would
SG Optimus's method of seduction is the same as [Fractured Reflections], because yes we all agree that SG Optimus is just. Shit at flirting, and seriously thinks this is a good idea. BL Tarn is seething, of course.
These two are both trying to get one over on each other offffff course they are
He never expected to be anyone's idol, but he is. He has unknowingly enraptured then via his techniques and personality, and many are following him around like goddamn puppy dogs.
BL Tarn: "I can fix them AND make them worse."
Of course he gives him advice, like Tarn my guy that's your concern here??
They are so horrible and perfect for each other
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daedalusdavinci · 2 years
10) I have never been this sick before I'm sorry did I, haha this is so weird, but did I confess my love for you? f- four times? yeah? haha oh, superbats
listen. as someone who has been entirely out of my mind on medication for the past two days, i felt like i understand exactly what to do with this prompt. and yet. and yet. i still went off the rails with it. this is not as superbat as i wanted it to be but duke is there and i feel like tha tmakes up for it
id link the prompt list this is from but i lost it. sorry. i ptu off answering this for too long
Alfred said it was the flu. Not Ivy's newest batch of toxin, or Tetch's mind control, or the lasting effects of a JLA fight gone wrong, or even a stomach bug from eating Tim's latest feeble attempt at cooking while desperately trying to practice to impress his boyfriend. It was just the plain old flu. And Bruce had never felt worse.
Alfred said it probably wouldn't have been half as bad if he hadn't gone out to patrol in the snow, multiple times, even after being warned not to. Damian said it probably wouldn't have been half as bad if he hadn't insisted on testing those antitoxins on himself recently. Jason said he'd slipped a viral strand of zombie DNA into his coffee grounds the last time he swung by, and it was only after Cass pointed out the coffee grounds also would've poisoned half the house that he realized Jason was most certainly just fucking with him. Duke said he should probably run the tests just in case, because the freezing batcave would certainly do him a lot of good, and somehow that entirely reasonable suggestion just wound up making Alfred more frustrated than ever.
And then Alfred did the unthinkable.
He called in the cavalry.
There were few things more humiliating than being babysat by the man of steel in his own home. Objectively, Bruce could understand why Alfred had called Clark; Clark was responsible, kind, reasonable, already familiar with the Manor, and very good at fielding both Bruce and his kids. He also had the physical strength to literally stand his ground with Bruce, when needed. But Bruce was half-out of his mind with the flu and even through the fogginess of his own miserable stupidity, he had just enough awareness to know that it was beyond embarrassing for Clark to see him like this.
He was sleepy and disgusting, useless beyond any injury he'd ever sustained, even his mind rendered weak in the face of the sickness. He was sweaty all the time, and half the time he could barely think past the sensory nightmare of being sick, all of his routines shattered and his own bed so nasty it made his skin crawl. Words felt impossible most of the time, until it was easier to communicate with Cass than anyone else. When he did speak, it was barely more than incoherent mumbles, and usually about The Gray Ghost, which was the only thing he could bring himself to focus on for more than ten seconds at a time. His memory came and went, and being sick turned into a montage of Gray Ghost episodes and beloved faces, with Clark's featuring most heavily.
When his fever finally broke, he felt desperate to be out of bed and gain some semblance of humanity back. It was humiliating to constantly be guided back to bed like he was frail, or to lie around in a shivering, sweaty mess while Clark tried simultaneously to keep him distracted and pretend not to notice. He needed a shower, and food, and goddamn it, even some sunlight would be welcome. More than anything, he needed to not be in his damn room for ten seconds.
Perhaps taking pity on him, Clark agreed to it, deeming that he was at least well enough that he could probably make it down the stairs without falling over. The world felt a lot less hateful after a shower, and even bundled up in a miserable huddle of blankets, unable to smell the fresh pancakes through his congestion, it felt good to sit in the kitchen and breathe fresher air, out of the cramped darkness of his own room. His coffee was warm in his hands, and for a while, he just closed his eyes, listening to the rush of the gas stove and the scrape of Clark's spatula against the pan.
"Hey, looks like the jailbird's flown the coop. Or are we finally posting bail?" Duke's voice was light as it drifted into the room, shoes scuffing on the floor. It wasn't the same heaviness as the Signal's boots, so he was in his civvies. Not here on bat business.
"He wanted a change of scenery," Clark explained. His footsteps were steady, the tap of a plate as it touched down in front of Bruce soft. His fingers brushed through Bruce's hair, combing it back out of his face. "He's doing better today. His morning report says he's still got the shakes, and his congestion is pretty bad, but there were barely any typos this time, and it was actually coherent." Bruce didn't miss the teasing tone in his voice, and he scowled.
"Wow. Does that mean the spelling error "love you" era has come to an end at last?" Duke's voice sounded from closer to the stove, no doubt stealing pancakes from the remaining pile.
Bruce could hear the grin in Clark's voice. "I overestimated on the pancake batter. Help yourself."
Clark kissed the top of Bruce's head, giving his shoulder a squeeze before he returned to the stove. "Eat, Bruce. You're only going to feel more shaky if you don't eat anything."
Bruce sighed, taking one long, last sip from his coffee before he set it down and forced himself to open his eyes. Clark hadn't given him a ton of food, probably knowing he wouldn't be able to finish it, but the pancakes looked golden and warm enough that he allowed himself to unfurl from his blankets, reaching for the fork. Clark and Duke's chatter fell into fuzzy, comfortable background as he ate, and he had to admit, it was nice. It was always nice knowing one of his kids was close by and safe, and it was good to listen without any real expectation of having to participate himself.
After a while, his phone buzzed in his pocket. There was a text from Duke that said, "How are you holding up, big guy?"
The string of texts before the most recent one were disturbingly incoherent. He could remember some- his rant about The Gray Ghost most clearly, from when Duke had dropped in to check on him and infodumping to Clark had turned into infodumping to Duke- but a lot were lost to the fog entirely. There was a pattern to them, though; Duke, checking in, or sending him pictures, keeping him updated, and Bruce responding with some variation of "I'm ok, tell lckar to let me uot," or "Thank yuo, loev you."
A quick look at his other recent contacts revealed a similar pattern. Jason had blocked him two days ago after Bruce had texted him the same check-in message ten times in one day. Cass had started texting him pictures all the time. Barbara had gently informed him she was locking him out of his emails and social media for his own good. Diana had delightedly texted him back that she loved him too. Bruce did not want to even look at he and Clark's history.
He texted Duke back, "I know they're saving screenshots of me. Make them delete them, immediately."
Duke's laughter was loud and warm. "It is way too late for that, B."
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
If I was Martin I would be excited to explore the Green in the show, like we knew that bc of the unreliable narrator there isn't space to explore this group in the book as it should be. So would make sense for him to push more for them in S2. And expend the story he already started.
I really want to see the show exploring the Aegon x Heleana x Aemond dinamic.
That dinner scene I constantly go back bc I find always something difrent that I didn't noticed.
Also because of the way she commented in a funny way about her married life I could see the common people loving her for her innocence and humor that comes from it. But that is me maybe overanalyzing 🤣
I do too.
What I really don't want is for the writers to turn Aegon into the Beta Test Joffery Baratheon. He wasn't that in the Book and it's basically lazy-ass writing by Sara Hess who wanted the show - along with Spotchnik - as their political statement, cause they're raging narcissists who have to take other people's work and make it about them and what they want to say.
Dude, Aegon didn't love or like Helaena. But my guy loved his kids, all of them. He actually really cared about his children and his brothers. Aemond didn't really like his ass all that much ... but then Book!Aemond was kinda psychotic. But Daeron - despite everyone in the Seven Kingdoms begging him to crown himself king - he won't dishonor Aegon and wouldn't tolerate disrespect to him from anyone, even roid-rage rapist mutha-fuckers like Hugh Hammer. He'd stare down a cold blooded killer on the biggest dragon in the world and sit big boy's ass down rather than someone disrespect Aegon or dishonor Alicent.
I don't want to see Aegon become a monster. I want to see him start to fucking grow as a person, that he didn't want to rule, but he actually finds that he's pretty good at it. I want his crazy drunk ass get on a Dragon and fight, cause - "Fuck it, Aemond, I'm not even supposed to the king anway, lets ride!" cause none of Alicent'and Criston's boys are cowards.
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kielxzd · 2 years
#kinguea | possesive uea, jealousy
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uea never liked confronting people. he never made the first move when it comes to confronting, but that doesn't mean he won't retaliate. if he has to, then he would.
everything in his life has been smooth sailing. he is loved and surrounded by people who loves and cares for him. his work is steady, even with the addition of a new intern.
except that said intern seems to be testing him.
right at the introduction, uea had noticed how she eyed his boyfriend. it was full of admiration and desire.
nothing unusual. uea had seen that look from other people, even before him and king got together, so it wasn't a big deal.
that is until she decided to make her move.
she started by showering king compliments even for the littlest thing. on top of that, she would hold his hand or cling on to his arms with no shame. in front of their coworkers. in front of uea.
everytime she does that, uea could feel everyone stare at him, waiting for his reaction and see what he would do. he never really had to do anything bc he trusts king and he's glad he does.
king, being the polite man that he is, would always reply along the lines of "you're welcome" "just doing my job". sometimes, he even reminds her that he's her senior and mentor while subtly removing her hold from him.
uea could kiss him right then and there.
however, that didn't seem to sway her so she decided to step up her game.
she began bringing him gifts like foods and drinks saying she had 'accidentally' made an extra the night prior so she decided to share it as to not waste one.
"she said she made extra, but only shares it to p'king. hmph." uea would hear jade whisper. he couldn't help but chuckle bc it wasn't only jade who seems to be annoyed at her in behalf of uea.
it was the whole IT department.
ever since they noticed how she's acting towards king, they have been asking uea why he's not saying or doing anything. like why isn't he saying that king is his.
all he could say is "it wouldn't be as interesting if i just outwardly say it. i rather show it, you know?" with a cunning smile on his face.
from then on, they would constantly drop hints that he's taken and would say that she "should stop or else you'll face the wrath of the tiger. rawr!" - gun's word.
she takes it as a joke and would brush it off, not aware of the pair of two eyes watching her from the sideline.
that behavior was nothing new bc as he said, he had seen those before they got together.
what he didn't see coming was how gutsy and thick-skinned she is.
uea was in bed playing on his phone while he waits for king to finish showering when king's phone vibrated. the name of the intern popping up.
uea never liked touching other people's phone bc it's a privacy, but king always insisted saying it was okay.
with that in mind and his curiousity rising, uea picked up the phone and opened the message.
his jaw dropped once he saw what's inside and quickly closed it.
"what the fuck."
he checked the message again to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.
he wasn't.
the screen displays a pic of her wearing red lingerie that barely covered her private areas with a message saying 'does this look good on me?'
looking at their previous convo, king never texted anything that would warrant such message from her.
if anything, it was always her that would send messages that has innuendos.
uea was about to reply when three more messages came up.
> omg p'king im sorry i didn't mean to send it to you >_<
> or maybe i do ;))
> since you've seen it already, what do you think? do you like it?
uea never understood how people get so possessive of something, but at that time, all he could feel was the adrenaline rushing from his body, telling him to make a claim and shut down anyone who dares to steal what is his.
but he chose to remain calm and rational, with a sprinkle of passive aggressiveness ofc
> i think it's inappropriate to text your senior at this hour. even more so to send him that type of message knowing he's already taken.
she quickly replied not even a minute later.
> this sounds like p'king's mysterious lover. so you do actually exist.
> i thought the ppl in the office are just saying those bc they want him for themselves. i've seen how they looked at him.
> especially that uea. i dont like him.
> he's all over p'king. i mean i dont blame him. i would too.
> too bad they don't have a chance.
uea couldn't believe how much audacity this woman have.
> and you think you do? may i remind you, king already have me. what makes you think he would rather have you?
uea can feel himself getting heat up so he took a deep breath before he couldnt stop himself from verbally hurting a woman.
> well see about that.
> yknow, ive been wanting to know you. what you look like, what's your personality. everyone keeps talking about you in the office and they seem to know you very well. could it be you're working in the same company?
> not that it matters ofc. im pretty sure im way better than you. it just sucks that we have to meet this way.
this bitch.
uea was about bring the intern back down from her high almighty chair when he felt king kiss his forehead.
"what's wrong, love? you look like you're about to murder someone." king teases, climbing on the bed with just boxers on.
"it's-" uea pauses, eyeing the scratch marks he left on king last night.
"it's nothing." he smiles, immediately clinging to his boyfriend and planting a kiss on his jaw.
an idea just popped in his mind. he smirks at the thought of how beautiful king would look like tomorrow after they enjoy tonight's love making.
king stares at him for second and the phone then back to him before flashing a knowing smile.
"alright then." king then captures his lover's lips into an intimate kiss.
uea returns the favor by lapping and nipping king's mouth, his hands immediately pulling king's hair, placing it on the right angle.
king hums as he slightly bite uea's mouth before soothing it with his tongue. uea figured what he was doing and quickly opened his mouth to let king in.
king immediately stucks his tongue in, meeting uea's own halfway, intimately and sloppily tasting each other. it was messy yet demanding. it was intense yet loving.
when the need for air became too strong, they pulled away and stared at each other with a playful and cunning look in their eyes. uea, specifically.
"can i mark you?" uea whispers, his nails running through king's hair softly.
"of course. i'm all yours."
and so he did.
uea and king was on the way to the elevator when the intern's voice sounded.
"p'king, good morning!" she greeted with a cheerful voice, her eyes full of affection. her gaze then shifted to uea and greeted him as well.
"good morning, p'uea." she said with a kind, friendly voice.
if he didn't know any better, he wouldn't notice the subtle quick change of expression she did. but since he learned that she doesn't like him, he caught it with his own eyes.
uea nodded and gave her a small smile, even if he wanted to pull her hair and drag her out of the company.
he shook his intrusive thoughts away and greeted her back.
"so p'king have you seen my message last night?" she asked, her full attention on king.
king did a subtle glance at uea as they walk towards the elevator before facing her. "what message?"
she was stunned for a second before huffing with a smirk. "nothing. it was an accident anyway."
uea rolled his eyes inwardly. he knows she knows that king's 'lover' deleted it before king has the chance to see it.
"are you sure?"
"hmm. it's nothing important."
they stepped into the elevator with the intern getting king into having a conversation with her. uea let them until he heard her asked king an interesting question.
"p'king, do you have a girlfriend?"
"girlfriend?" king chuckles. "no. no, i dont"
"i thought so!! ive never seen you bring anyone here." she faces up front with a small smirk.
she must've been thinking how her chance of getting together w king went up when king denied the existence of his 'girlfriend'.
she seems to feel that someone was staring at her and looked back. she smiles at uea and asked the same question.
uea heard king chuckle from his side.
"him with a girl? i couldn't even imagine that!" king couldn't stop himself and laughed loudly, as if he just heard the funniest joke on earth.
uea glares at him before stomping on his foot.
"ouch! that's not how you treat your /friend/ uea." king hopped dramatically.
"then stop teasing me. i-i could pull any girl i want to." uea stutters as he lies through his teeth.
king laughed even more, he ended up clutching his tummy.
"bab- uea stop joking seriously! i cant!" king smacked uea's arm so hard. he quickly realized what he did when uea glared at him while he covered his arm. he immediately side-hugged uea and rubbed his arms lovingly.
"im sorry. i meant to do that." king apologizes, still chuckling.
the intern, who was forgotten on the side, cleared her throat to get their attention.
"oh sorry. no. i don't have a girlfriend. i don't like girls."
"i see." she replied curtly, her expression turning sour at what just happened in front of her.
as they entered the department, gun, who was suprisingly early, greeted them energetically. he seemed to be in a good mood.
"good morni-" gun whistled as soon as he saw king. "wow, p'king. is that a hickey i see there? were you having fun last night?"
king chuckles when gun wiggled his eyebrows. "you could say that."
"jeez. someone's getting territorial." gun teased.
uea went straight to his desk with a small smile. he sure is territorial.
king is his and his alone.
"oh i didn't see you're here too. good morning!" gun greeted when he saw the intern.
she scoffed before turning aroung to sit on her desk.
"aw, rude."
"come on guys! drink more! we have a long weekend coming so lets go all out." sister faai's voice rang over the booming music at the bar.
they were having get together since it's been a while since they had one.
"we're just going to drink? we're gonna get wasted faster. we should do something else!" the intern complained with frown. her expression immediately light up when she thought of something.
she's either thinking of drinking game or have them go on the dance so she'll be able to dance with king.
"we should do truth or dare! if you cant tell the truth or do the dare, you have to drink! sounds fun right?" she suggested excitedly.
thought so.
"thats boring! we already know each other here!" faai pouted, gulping the shot of alcohol in their glass.
"sister faai! sister faai!" gun called their attention, leaning in and whispering something.
faai's face brightened up and they started giggling.
"actually yeah lets do it! it will be a good opportunity for us to learn more about our beloved intern here. and ofc vice versa!"
"thank you sister faai! i knew you got me." the intern cheered happily.
faai smiled, crunching their nose and taking a sip of their drink.
"okay. we go this way, so p'jade! you go first!" gun initiated.
"sure. okay gun, truth or dare."
"im feeling brave tonight so dare!"
"drink all of your remaining beer or remove your top and dance on the strip pole." if jade could just transform rn, he would have red horns and dark wings appearing from his body.
gun was dumfounded at his dare making everyone laugh. despite being energetic and cheerful, gun is a bit shy in showing his body.
"p'jade i hate you!" gun cried. "but i also dont wanna get that drunk tonight, i'll do it!"
everyone cheered when gun stood up and started tripping. faai, king, and jade, along with their other colleagues, cheered for him.
as everyone did their turn, answering truths and doing dares, it was finally king's turn.
being in a bar was always associated with his name. on top of that, he had always been an honest man. so it should be light and fun.
until the intern started to insist that she should be making king do the dare.
"can i please ask it? please? please? as your new programmer intern and junior? please?" she kept insisting.
it seemed like everyone got tired of her whining, so they gave it to her, her eyes immediately flashing an evil glint.
"p'king you said you dont have a girlfriend..." king hummed, rubbing uea's thighs under the table.
uea have a very bad feeling abt this.
"so i dare you to make out with me!"
everyone fell silent in shock, not knowing what to do or how to react.
"i dont think thats a good idea." uea broke the silence as he sets his glass down.
"so you can speak, p'uea." she said with a condescending tone.
"is there a problem?" uea asked calmly.
"not really. it's just you always glare at me. on top of that, i noticed how clingy you are whenever p'king's beside you. could it be that you like him?
"why does it matter?"
"you see i like p'king. i just feel disappointed that i have to compete with a man." she pouted. jade almost stood up from his spot aftet hearing that, but was quickly stopped thanks to faai.
uea chuckled, taking his glass of alcohol and drinking it.
"you're so funny." he said, staring at the liquid. "the thing is there was never a competition to begin with. you can have him for yourself."
uea heard king gasped from the side. he wants to laugh at his boyfriend's reaction, but he held his arm instead.
"aww. than-"
"but as i said, your dare is never a good idea. i suggest you change it."
the intern rolled her eyes, scoffing.
"ugh whatever." she chugged her drink, before standing up, making her way to king. "i didnt even ask for your opinion anyway."
"that's the thing." uea said in a low voice, standing, pulling up king with him. "dogs dont ask. they listen."
uea faced his boyfriend, tugging his collar, and pulling him into a kiss.
the mixture of whistles and cheers didnt go unnoticed, but what stood up to uea the most was the look on her face after he said those words.
satisfied with himself, uea smirked and wrapped his arms around king's neck and going full on making out with him.
hell with the other people. hell with their coworkers. hell with the intern.
uea doesnt care.
he is making a claim.
king is his.
and his alone.
- fin -
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