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tsukikoayanosuke · 10 months ago
Suddenly Magical Boys?! - Ruikasa Week 2024
Day 3: First Meeting
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(ft. Colofes magical girl au & mentioned of April Fools 2024)
Magic was something Tsukasa never really considered in life.
It wasn't that he disliked fantasy. No, complete the opposite. He loves fantasy. His favorite plays and stories are fantasy. But he has his limit. He's not a child anymore. He's 17! The perfect adolescent age! He's too old to wish upon a star! He has things to do! Places to be! The cafe to run! Auditions to go!
He has an audition to go!
"TOUYA! MINORI! I'm going now!" Tsukasa tossed his apron, accidentally hitting Touya in the face as he reached for his jacket. "There's the pecan pie in the oven!"
"Good luck, Tsukasa-senpai." Touya waved his hand, not even bothering to remove the apron from his face.
"You can do it, Tsukasa!" Minori cheered as she rolled past him on her rollerskate to carry a pudding order.
Tsukasa flashed them a smile as he ran out of the Booo! Cafe. His mind has only one target. There was no time to take in the view of the town Tsukasa had come to be acquainted with in just a few months. This town known as Kazamatsuri is a town at the foot of a mountain. While it is different than his modern hometown of Tokyo City, it doesn't lose its charm for its very environmentally conscious inhabitants. It is as if you're living in a forest; greenery in every corner as the gardening committee takes their positions very seriously. Thus, the air in Kazamatsuri, despite being more advanced in technology, is still as fresh as when you live in the countryside, making it a perfect town for his sister, Saki. It was also a coincidence that their other siblings, Touya and Kanade, also live there.
So now all of them live under one roof and Tsukasa, of course, being the responsible older sibling, took it upon himself to take care of them. Booo! Cafe, where he works together with Minori and Touya, is his source of income as Saki and Kanade help in their own way; Saki with her alien investigation team and Kanade with her band.
But when the local theater, the Devil's Manner, decided to do an open audition for their new production, Tsukasa knew he couldn't miss it.
And thus how he finally arrived at the venue, nearly out of breath. Darn, his legend almost ended before it could begin.
"Alright!" Someone clapped their hand, gaining everyone's attention. A blue-haired man stood in front of the auditionees along with a purple-haired teen who Tsukasa was sure is a the same age as him. "Welcome, everyone. I'm Shion Kaito, the head of Devils' Manner Theater. And this is Kamishiro Rui, our director." 
Already a director at that young age?! Ugh! It was like a stab in the heart for Tsukasa. He needs to do better! He hadn't accomplished great anything yet!
"We'll start with introducing youself." Kamishiro clicked his pen. Oh, wow. His voice is kinda nice- what the heck, Tsukasa?! Get over yourself! "Starting from the right, okay?"
Tsukasa nodded to himself. Alright. First impressions are important. He has to go big.
"Alright." Kamishiro pointed at him. "Your turn."
Tsukasa cleared his throat and stepped forward with a hand on his chest. "My first name is written with the character for ruling, and second with the character for pegasus." He spun around. "I am Tsukasa Tenma, the soaring pegasus born to rule the showbiz world!" And stretched out his hand toward Kamishiro. "Allow me to take my first steps to stardom on one of your stages, and I shall repay you with a plethora of incredible shows the crowds will fall in love with!"
Kamishiro's eyes widened ever so slightly. Good. He made him speechless. "Incredible shows, you say?"
Tsukasa nodded. "I am not merely a star, I am a supernova! I am the miracle-bringer! And now, I am at your service! Give me any role, and I will perform it to 12,000% satisfaction!"
Kamishiro giggled. "We'll see about that, Tenma-kun."
Hours went by and Tsukasa could finally breath. The sun has started to set as he stepped out of the theater. It went better than he expected. Stardom here we come!
'Hey owari wo koete zutto paatii wo Hey mawaritsuzukeru meriigooraundo'
Oh, that was his phone. He picked it up. "Hello."
"Onii-chan!" It was Saki! "How was the audition?"
"It went great!" Tsukasa cheered as he started to walk away. "We'll just hope for the best for now."
"I knew you could do it! We should celebrate! Pizza and movies?"
Tsukasa nodded. "Pizza and movies, as tradition. I'll grab the drinks. Any request?"
He could hear Saki's shout followed by some mumblings from presumably Touya and Kanade. "Milk tea for me and Kanade and Touya wanted iced coffee as usual."
"Alright them, I'll see you later."
"See you!" Tsukasa smiled at his phone screen. He might be the oldest sibling, but that doesn't mean the little ones won't help him back. They only have each other in this town. Tsukasa would do anything to protect them.
To protect. To keep their smile.
He has to...
It's all he can do...
And then, the world shifted. 
Dong... Dong...
"Eh?" Where did that bell come from?
The wind picked up. A cherry blossom petal hit his face.
And then, it happened.
Runes of white light hit the street. 
A kid carrying a soda can tripped on top of it, but before his mother or Tsukasa could help him, time stopped.
Everything froze in a red hue like the sky. An old lady walking a street. Teens roughhousing playfully. A vendor selling takoyaki to a little girl. Nothing moved.
Except for Tsukasa.
"What the..." He looked around, dashing to find anyone who wasn't frozen. "What's going on?!"
The earth cracked and when Tsukasa turned around.
A giant baby with sharp teeth. "OkAy, pRePaRaTiOnS CoMpLeTe!"
A floating ball with millions of heads stood. "ThErE ArEn'T MaNy pEoPlE BuT It'S EnOuGh. LeTs hAvE ThEm."
"ChOw tImE! ChOw tImE!" The baby opened its mouth and people started to glow, covering them with white flame. The flame got sucked into its mouth.
"ItS So dElIcIoUs, sO DeLiCiOuS!" the baby cheered.
"DoNt tAlK WiTh yOuR MoUtH FuLl." the faces scolded it. "ShAmE On yOu."
The heads also opened their millions of mouths and sucked more flame from the people.
And Tsukasa just froze there. He couldn't move. Too much in shock.
This must be a dream. A nightmare. A hallucination from the build-up of nervousness of the audition.
There was no way this was real.
"There's no way..."
One of the many faces on the ball finally noticed him. "WhAt iS ThIs? A HuMaN StIlL RoAmInG ArOuNd tHe rEd nIgHt?"
The baby stopped its feast to turn to Tsukasa. "Is iT A MaGiCaL GiRl?"
"CoUlD Be. AnD A StUpId oNe tHaT Is."
The baby giggled and loomed over Tsukasa. "NoT GoInG To tRaNsFoRm?"
And he couldn't do anything as its hand wrapped around him. "CaUgHt yOu! NeVeR HaD A MaGiCaL GiRl bEfOrE. ChOw tImE!"
It opened its mouth and Tsukasa could feel himself getting sleepy. Flames came out from him and flowed into the baby's mouth. 
This is just a dream, isn't it?
A nightmare.
He'll wake up, right?
Someone... Saki... Touya... Kanade...
Wake him up, please.
A twinkle appeared in the distance.
And a shooting star hit the baby in the face.
It screamed, releasing Tsukasa from its garps.
Someone caught him before he could hit the ground. 
In his dazed state, he could see his savior; purple hair with two cyan stripes. A marking of a crescent moon over his right eye. A suit that reminded him of space.
"What are you thinking?!" His savior scolded him. "Why are you doing just standing there?!"
"Did you forget to transform? What kind of Magical Boy are you?!"
Magical... "Magic doesn't exist..."
"Then explain all of this."
"A nightmare?"
"A MaGiCaL GiRl..." The ball of a million heads. "A ReAl oNe tHiS OnE."
Tsukasa could feel his savior clutching him tighter.  "Time to go."
The baby raised its hand about to hit Tsukasa and his savior, but they jumped out of the way. Well, it was more like his savior jumped while carrying Tsukasa's bridal style. That certainly woke Tsukasa up.
"Wait!" He put his arms around his savior's neck, securing himself from falling. "What's going on?"
"Are you new to this job?" his savior asked. "Does no one ever taught you about this stuff?"
"I didn't even know magic even existed!" Tsukasa shouted. "There's no such thing as Magical Girls!"
"You're being saved by one." 
"There's no way!" 
"Look, whether you want to believe or not, this is real." His savior looked down at him and Tsukasa could see constellations in his golden eyes. "Magic is real. Us Magical Boys and Girls are real. And those creatures, the Eaters, are real. They brought upon the Red Night where time stop so they could feast upon humans' soul like your. When a human lost their soul, they will disappear from existence and no one will remember them. Humans aren't supposed to be able to walk around the Red Night, so either you're also a Magical Boy or you have something with magical power to make you move around here." 
"But... I don't..." 
"I know now you aren't one."
They landed on the roof of a building and his savior put him down. "When the Red Night ends, you'll be transported back to your original spot when it was activated. So, stay here." 
Just as he was about to leave, Tsukasa caught his hand. "Wait! What about you?" 
His savior looked ahead toward their previous enemies. "I need to make sure they don't reach you and stop this Red Night early." 
He chuckled. "I've taken an interest in you. Even if we won't meet again in this condition." 
Right. Tsukasa wasn't supposed to be here. He wasn't supposed to get involved in this mess. "Can I at least know your name?" 
His savior shook his head. "If we meet again in this Red Night. I'll tell you my name. But I'll be sure to look after you in one way or another." 
With that, his savior jumped into battle. With the spectacles that was the shooting stars when Tsukasa gasp- 
And then, the world shifted. 
Dong... Dong...
Everything returned to normal. 
Everything started to move again. 
But he knew some things were missing. 
There was a single teen missing from the roughhousing group. The vendor never sold anything. And the mother whose child previously fallen down just walked passed him. 
They were gone. 
Those who were eaten by those monsters, the Eaters, were gone. As if they never existed in the first place. 
And Magical Boys and Girls, like his savior, were fighting against them. 
Magic... Exists... 
Someone caught him before he could fall down, clutching him for their dear life. "Tou...Ya...?" Wasn't Touya supposed to be back home? 
"You're alright." Touya hugged him tight and close. "You're alright..." 
"How did you get here?" 
"I ran." That's strange. Touya was never one good with physical activity. "You haven't home for a while so I thought-" 
"But time stopped." 
Touya let out a gasp and pulled out from the hug. "How did you-" 
"Are you...magic too?" 
Touya started at him with shock and Tsukasa begged that Touya would laugh or be confused, because this is just too ridiculous to be real.
Magic doesn't exist and everything he saw of Red Night and Eaters and his Magical Boy savior are just a hallucination. 
And yet, Touya reached for Tsukasa's jacket pocket. Touya and Tsukasa's jacket are identical, thus they would often got mixed. It wouldn't be surprise that in earlier rush, Tsukasa took Touya's jacket instead of his own. But it was still a surprise when Touya pulled back his hand while holding something. 
A hairpin. A simple hairpin with two small black orb.  
A hairpin that Touya would wear often. 
"Humans aren't supposed to be able to walk around the Red Night, so either you're also a Magical Boy or you have something with magical power to make you move around here." 
That was what the Magical Boy said. 
Is that Touya's magical item? So Touya is really is a... 
"I promise I will explain everything." Touya said as he pulled Tsukasa into another hug. "I'm glad you're safe..." 
Magic was something Tsukasa never really considered in life. 
But after taking a glimpse of it and knowing how dangerous it is, of how his own siblings in involved, Tsukasa knows there no way he could stay ignorant. 
Perhaps one day, once he learns more about this magical conundrum, he could meet with his savior again.
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 1 month ago
It's always so weird to come down from the biology heavens to see what the average person believes about animals, plants, ecosystems, just the world around them. I don't even mean things that one simply doesn't know because they've never been told or things that are confusing, I'm talking about people who genuinely do not see insects as animals. What are you saying. Every time I see a crawling or fluttering little guy I know that little guy has motivations and drive to fulfill those motivations. There are gears turning in their head! They are perceiving this world and they are drawing conclusions, they are conscious. And yet it's still a whole thing if various bugs of the world feel pain or if they are simply Instinct Machines that are Not Truly Aware of Anything At All????? Help!!!!!! How can you look at a little guy and think he is just the macroscopic animal version of a virus
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chalkbird · 5 months ago
when you're a shapeshifter i bet letting yourself slowly fall off a rooftop only to turn into a bird and fly away feels soooo good
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months ago
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Hey now, Let her cook!
#dungeon meshi#chilchuck tims#senshi#laios touden#marcille donato#izutsumi#oyasumi punpun#<- In case you are wondering what the source for the little bird guy is.#Yeah that's right. I'm back to my extremely obscure crossover BS.#Punpun is one of those series that falls under the category of 'Good! but I cannot responsibly recommend this to anyone."#If Dungeon Meshi is like a friend asking you to go on a quick errand and you accidently go on a life changing roadtrip -#Punpun is your friend asking to go on a quick errand and they pull up to the vet and tell you your dog is being put down.#Then they explode into sludge. Melting your car. You hitchhike back but the person who picked you up is an axe murderer.#I could not finish it. My friends who did say it was good. But agree it was for the best I did not finish it.#Hey speaking of tone twists...We are one episode away from one of my favourite chapters being animated!#WHO'S READY FOR THE SENSHI BACKSTORY! WHO IS READY TO CRY!#ME! I AM! I spooked my flatmate with how energetic I was this morning. I'm vibrating with energy I was not designed to contain.#I should talk about today's episode here: It was very good. I love how they animated the familiars.#And!!! Anime only people now are in the loop on the Chilchuck lore. Part 1 of many. He still contains multitudes.#They all do to be honest! If this episode told us anything it was that we still don't know these characters as well as we think!#See you guys next week. I'll be inconsolable.
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leafwhirlwind · 8 months ago
I feel, personally, like not enough people focus on the fact that in this iconic big tiddy moment
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Falin is. Splattering someone’s brain on the pavement like a fine ragù.
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frags-fragzzzzz · 2 months ago
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Hello ghost trick fandom
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pinkd3mon · 3 months ago
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This is what happens inside the buddy towers while they wait for Kirby, me thinks
Based on this post I made about Dedede watching TV and this amazing tag someone reblogged it with
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egophiliac · 6 days ago
you know, sometimes I forget that Twst is actually an isekai that starts with the protagonist getting run over by an inexplicable horse-drawn carriage. and every time I'm reminded is a delight because that's AMAZING.
also. look. okay. there's a lot of very fun stuff in the trailer but I am obsessed with that Crowley surprised pikachu face. me when I spend all my keys and gems literally hours before they announce overblot SSRs and drop the anime trailer:
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#twisted wonderland#twst anime#<- gonna use that for anime stuff in case anyone wishes to filter it#this is the point where i once again have to admit that i have not really read the manga#(i've liked what i've seen but it's very hard for me to keep up with stuff a lot of the time)#(the anime may actually be easier for me to absorb it in :')#god i GOTTA draw the manga yuus#i kept meaning to when yuuna got revealed but i didn't get around to it before 7-13 ate my brain 😭#anyway the bits they chose for the trailer are pretty interesting to me!#like i think chances are good it was mostly from that one sequence because given the timeline#they probably don't have a ton of 100% finished post-comp footage yet so they probably just took what they have#but also i'm thinking back to how deliberately vague all the game promo stuff was#and...okay again i don't really know how they did it in the manga but i am reminded of how overblotting was actually like. a twist.#a twst twist#like we were introduced to it in the prologue with the mine phantom#but riddle's overblot was an actual SURPRISE and like. an instant reveal that okay THIS is what the story's gonna be about#so i'm just kinda wondering if the anime promos might also like...actively try not to spoil everything#or if they're gonna go full anime-intro 'here's all the super spoilery scenes you can expect to see :)'#basically is the marketing gonna skew towards new viewers or established fans. both valid i'm just curious!#also excuse me for a moment as i reveal myself as a hugely pretentious snob but#oh my god the backgrounds actually have some texture and shape and are taking style cues from the game backgrounds#oh my god the castle exterior actually looks illustrative and fantastic and isn't just a 3d model they plopped in#it's hard to tell at this point how consistent that'll be since most of the trailer is in the mirror chamber#but i'm just SO happy to see it! hopefully this means they weren't crunched to fuck and are able to really go ham#(the pre-isekai scenes all look more generic modern anime so like...is that a conscious artistic choice they made)#(because that would be incredible. holy shit.)
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solardrake · 1 year ago
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Delivering mail to the furthest corners of the server ✉✈
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ningadudexx · 9 months ago
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I love these ominous snake people
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cherrywhite · 10 months ago
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every single time (template from @mhuyo)
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murkying · 3 months ago
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redstone supervisor
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astrangeavenue · 4 months ago
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drew some of alan beckers stick figures in keith harings style cause i thought it would be fun. and i was right
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mooneggtarts · 3 months ago
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My contribution for the template by @starrypawu with my beloved son Awakened TSC. The jesus coded you are
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poyitjdr · 6 months ago
Reminder that Sanji has willingly put his own damn fingers in Zoro’s ‘barbaric’ and ‘disgusting’ mouth
Also bonus Sanji giving the biggest shit eating grin I’ve ever seen:
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fiyaharts · 8 months ago
bruce and clark missed each other :) audio from the basement yard podcast
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