#anyone have any opinons?
killershrike · 12 days
so I've really been struggling when it comes to exactly how much magic I want to be included in dark suspension, I want to keep the story feeling grounded and "real" but it is also a fantastical setting and meant to be a story you can use as an a escape from real life into fantasy.
A Song Of ice And fire series (the GOT show as well but specifically the books) have inspired me and So-yin's character a lot. Three of her biggest inspirations are Daenerys Targaryen, Margaery Tyrell, and Lyanna Stark. Outside of ASOIAF she's inspired by Persephone, Thomasin from The Witch, Dani Ardor from Midsommar, Ellen Ripley from Aliens, and Beatrix Kiddo from Kill Bill.
Anyways, in ASOIAF magic exists but has been nearly lost due to people forgetting the correct practices, just how the society had progressed, and other things. But it is absolutely still real though we've seen strong evidence that most (if not all) require blood sacrifice. Azor Ahai could only create Lightbringer when his wife Nissa Nissa agreed to let him plunge it through her heart. All the magic practiced in Valyria is directly tied to fire and blood magic. Dany only awoke her dragons once she sacrificed Drogo, Rhaego, and Mirri Maz Duur. Jojen paste- Three Eyed Raven most DEFINITELY had Bran eat Jojen's mashed up brain in order to properly awaken his Green magic. And so much more.
I really like that idea. That, because of So-yin's constraints on Earth and inability to offer blood, she couldn't properly practice magic. But once on Yautja Prime, she realizes that there is magic once she starts to use blood sacrifice. Obviously she's not gonna kill any innocent people, she would use animals that Ghost brings back from a hunt or she hunts.
I'm a little nervous to add this, though, because I worry that maybe it's "too much" or "too far" and will make readers lose their investment or suspension of disbelief. So I guess I'm just wondering what yalll think? I would still try to keep the magic as grounded as possible. I promise So-yin wouldn't be running around with a wand hurling fire balls at people out of her hands lmao it wouldn't become some sort of Harry Potter stuff. I'd keep it very tied into pagan and other practices, I like a certain grittiness to magic like the ones in ASOIAF. If a wizard from Harry Potter met any of the magic users in ASOIAF, the wizard would be instantly killed and sacrificed lmao. That's the type of magic I really like (though I love the Harry Potter type magic but in different scenarios haha)
Anyone have any ideas or thoughts? I'm totally open to criticism or suggestions etc!
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whattheskyknows · 3 months
After 10 trillions years I have finally sat down and played the first Danganronpa. Gotta say I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I anticipated!
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thatstonedwriter · 7 months
⋆。˚ 「 Relationship Headcanons 」 ⋆。˚
Vash the Stampede
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Well, well, well, looks like the Humanoid Typhoon has swept up another unfortunate soul. Hope you’ve got some good cardio, because with the Vash, you’re almost always on the run.
Ever since you came into his life, keeping you safe has been Vash’s top priority. Frequently shoves you out of the way of any potential danger (and has definitely taken a bullet for you more than once). Because of his tendency to prioritize your safety (and the safety of others), Vash suffers many injuries, but always attempts to play them off as nothing.
Vash is incredibly insecure about his scars, so early in the relationship, it’s unlikely he’ll let you tend to his wounds. When he does eventually allow you to take care of him, Vash tries cracking jokes the whole time (most of them at his own expense). Be gentle and reassuring- he doesn’t trust just anyone with seeing him like this
Frequenting saloons is one of Vash’s favorite past-times. Just don’t try to keep up with him during drinking games. You will lose. Whether you’re his drinking buddy or designated sober companion, Vash just appreciates your company.
Vash is big on giving/receiving verbal and physical affection. Doesn’t need to be anything big either- ruffling his hair or a whispered “good job out there” is enough to fluster him beyond belief. On the flip side, Vash loves giving you hugs, or throwing an arm over your shoulders- he’s also very open in complimenting/praising you. He’s all about spreading the love, after all.
Bless his heart, Vash is so easily distracted. Be it someone in need, or something shiny, Vash is all over the place. Keeping up can be a struggle, but rest assured, he never leaves you behind.
Of course, his pacifist ideals, while noble, can cause tension- especially when he all-too-easily forgives someone who was just trying to hurt him or someone else. This will probably be the thing that causes the most friction in your relationship. Vash is always quick to apologize to clear the air, and does genuinely try to balance your safety with his ideals, but communication, especially in the beginning, may be a bit rocky, since he has the tendency to shut down in the face of negativity.
Vash is incredibly playful, and enjoys being able to joke around with you. In his opinon, having your own little inside jokes is top-tier intimacy. Seeing your smile and hearing your laughter are what keep Vash going most days.
Despite his cheerful demeanor, Vash's smiles are almost always hollow and.. Sad. You're one of the few able to discern his empty smiles from the genuine ones
With all the chaos and danger that follows him, Vash is painfully aware of how you could be taken from him at any moment. He makes sure to tell you every day how grateful he is that you’ve decided to stay in his life.
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rise-my-angel · 4 months
Would you say Jon would be more of a soft!dom? Also do you think Jon would be dominant in bed? Been reading so many people say that Jon would actually be submissive in bed and its been throwing me completely off :/
Listen I am a FIRM believer in Dominant Jon. I am on here with my smut to dismantle the sub Jon headcanons for good.
He is an intense man with very raw emotions and painting him as some good boy sub in bed is crazy to me. Now he would be a soft!dom, but that does not at all indicate he has any sub tendancies.
A soft dom is simply a dominant who is more gentle with their words, more romantic and less harsh. A soft dom is a little less kinky but they are passionate and intimate. Which is Jon. I think if you watch who Jon really is as his own individual you'd realize he is a dom, he always has something clawing at his chest to take control and when he does he is a very natural firm leader.
Jons sub headcanons come from one place, and it is the cave with Ygritte scene. Now I have made my opinons on that scene clear, that Jon is a victim of rape at Ygritte's hands and thus I put NONE of my theories of his sexual inclinations towards dom/sub dynamics as being based off of that. Most people who argue for sub Jon tend to also be people who don't think Ygritte is a rapist and thus base their headcanons on that scene. Which I think is gross and insulting to Jon, since it's pretty blatantly rape once you get passed the really dishonest way the show tried to frame it.
So, if you think Jon is a dom, my smut is the place for you. I have never seen a submissive Jon smut that doesnt suddenly turn him massively out of character just to suit that narrative.
Jon is a man who within a few short months of being in the Nights Watch, tried to STAB A COMMANDING OFFICER TO DEATH when said man insulted Jons fathers honor. That is not the actions of someone who is a sub in bed. That is a man who at his core is a protector, and that includes the bedroom.
Jon isn't mean in bed, and he isn't a hard dom, but being a soft dom is absolutely nowhere close to being a sub. Jon has been looked down on and walked all over his whole life and we know he hates that.
So I do not grasp why anyone thinks he'd also want to be treated that way in the bedroom. Why would he want a woman in bed to treat him the way he hates being treated in real life? Jon craves to be in control in his life, he would never want to be ordered around and told what to do in the most intimate of scenarios.
Sub Jon headcanoners are wrong. Sorry, but they do not know Jon Snow. They are wrong. Jon is a dom. A soft dom, but 100% a dom.
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adissonsss · 11 months
Tom x teen daughter reader! He was like in his teenage dirtbag phase when he had her (yeah yk the one) and her mom left so now it’s just them and they’re bffs?? Thank youu
PT1: Tom Kaulitz X Teen Daughter!Reader
Notes; This is my first request! Tysm anon!!
•My life has been so hetic and busy, I lost EVERY thing in my camera roll from like july 2023-now(not a single TH pic+vid), my home life has been super busy, but I returned to writing ASAP.
•I wasn't so sure about if you wanted headcanons or a fic or wtv, so I decided to do headcanons
•Enjoy, much love!💜💜
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•First off, he loves you like he loves Bill. Even more, ngl. He cherishes you, adores you, spoils you, and overall just loves you.
^He will NOT tolerate you being bratty or not saying thanks, not being grateful. He wants you to know the importance of gratefulness.
•He loves buying you stuff. Any treat, stuffed animal, new soda, cd, movie tickets, concert tickets, if you play a sport or instrument any fancy and upgraded equipment, all that and more.
•Obviously, your mom is not in the picture. Tom takes care of you more than a mom could ever. He wants to help you with anything, so he researches about periods, anything that could make you sad or angry, stuff like that.
•When you were younger, if you were ever backstage during songs/on tours, you would be in a couple of TH TV episodes! The camera man would be polite and asking you cute questions
^"What do you wanna be when you grow up?"
^Stuff like that, and most fans and interviewers love you!
•Y'all know that lion cub interview w/ Bill & Tom? Let's say you were like four(???), and you got to meet a lion cub. Tom would slowly let you walk towards the lion cub, and the cub would sniff around you and lick your face. The camera man is filming this and it's totally becoming a TH TV episode.
•He would be the cause of a couple of cavities... He wouldn't let anything or anyone make you sad or angry, he is protective and can get angry when it comes to you.
•As long as your happy and not hurting yourself, he doesn't mind what you do with your looks, fashion, hair, career, etc.
•He loves dressing you up in his clothes, seeing his baggy jeans swallow your legs, and his headband+hat cover your forehead+eyes.
•If you wanted to get matching clothes, piercings, tattoos, sweatshirts, whatever, he's SO down for it!!
•(Let's say this is the 2023 era) You get along w/ Heidi & Heidi's kids so well! Having Heidi as a step-mom is so relieving. Yes, you have Tom+TH, but you can't always talk to them about periods, hair problems, how awful it (sometimes) is being a girl.
•Again with the spoiling. Tom will buy you anything. A country? It's yours. The sun? Cha-ching. An extremely expensive car? If you can drive, here's the keys.
•He will listen to your opinons and views, if you ever wanted to help him on a song, he is all for it!!
•When he had the dreads, you accidentally chewed on a couple😭
•If you ever get a significant other, he is going to make sure they're the right one, and won't let you get hurt by them.
•He splashes you w/ water at the beach
•He had to raise you practically on his own, so he expects y'all to be close. He had to bathe you, feed you, keep you happy, and he honestly puts you before himself.
•When you were younger, he stayed up all night waiting for you to get up and protecting you if someone wanted to come in and try something.
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necromancelena · 1 year
I've never understood how people can have passionate opinions about other people's opinons on food. "How can anyone say they don't like pineapple on pizza?" "How can someone say they hate pasta?" Well you see we each have thousands of neurons creating trillions of neural pathways that are influenced by our experiences and environment so probably there are going to be subtle differences in our opinions on food beyond any individual's control. It kind if just happens I don't know what else to tell you.
why did you just send an ask that is my own post from two weeks ago?
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luvyeni · 1 month
Okay so this is random but i wanna know your opinon on the whole "if someone takes you out to dinner, you're obligated to go home with them" thing because last week my friend set me up with a guy in her class and he toke me to dinner but he only talked about himself the whole time and kept bragging about how many ex girlfriends he had then he paid for me even though i told him i didnt want him to. Afterwards when we were walking out he asked me to go back to his place and when i said i wasn't comfortable with that he started literally yelling at me outside the restaurant about how i'm supposed to let him have sex with me because he paid for me and a couple walking into the place had to calm him down. I still don't know how to feel about it but the friend that set us up told me i should have just let him sleep with me even though i didnt want to because he toke me to dinner....
Please tell me how u feel about this, i need another opinon🙏
that argument is so rapey and weird you don't owe anyone any part of your body because they paid for dinner, if he want paid sex then he should've called you someone who does that. me personally i would've walked away while he was yelling, if he would've tried to do something i would've pepper sprayed him. NEVER go to dinner on the first date , maybe an early one or lunch, a place with a lot of people so if he tries something you'll have help and if you do go on a dinner date, bring pepper spray or a tazer.
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rinsoap · 2 years
˚ ༘ ♡⋆。˚ ミ the big inarizaki three's favourite artists!
✿²˖ ࣪ ➣ includes : suna rintaro, osamu miya + atsumu miya
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suna rintaro :
!!? ok this man has 100% turned every single one of his friends onto tyler the creator. he likes to say he “discovered” him as if he didn’t have like 300 million streams at the time ?? and tbh he didn’t even discover him iwaizumi put him on 😭😭 but he’s a little liar so 🙅🏼‍♀️ but at least he has good music taste!!!!
his favourite songs by tyler the creator are :
- ARE WE STILL FRIENDS? on the IGOR album.
- FUCKING YOUNG / PERFECT on the cherry bomb album.
!!? he will NEVER admit it but he LOVES red velvet 😭😭 he is a kpop stan till he dies and he is RIDDEN with guilt. osamu will be making fun of koreaboos (as he should) and suna will be slowly shrinking into his shirt as he starts yelling about how dumb kpop is. he truly would rather die than admit he knows every single lyric to sunny side up!
his favourite songs by red velvet are :
- BYE BYE on the reve festival 2022 birthday EP.
- russian roulette on the russian roulette: third mini album.
- BAMBOLEO on the reve festival 2022 feel the rhythm EP.
——✩⌗ HONORABLE SONG MENTIONS : give you the world by steve lacy. 505 by arctic monkeys. IMPURITIES by le sserafim. yes i’m changing by tame impala.
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osamu miya :
!!? he is obsessed with cigarettes after sex! it is truly insane how it is one of the only bands that genuinely makes him cry. like he will be listening to K. with atsumu in the car and atsumu would be groaning like “dude stop with this sad shit its killing the vibe” as a single tear rolls down osamu’s cheek 😭
his favourite songs by cigarettes after sex are :
- john wayne on the cigarettes after sex album.
- affection (single).
- heavenly on the cry album.
!!? OK MAYBEE THIS IS AN UNPOPULAR OPINON but this man is 100% a shameful swiftie. he doesn't know why but he literally will not tell anybody he loves taylor swift like it is his guilty pleasure and for what ???? he loved her in her red era too, he is LOYAL he's been a fan since 2012 dude !!!!
his favourite songs by taylor swift are :
- the very first night [from the vault] on the red (taylor's version) album.
- august from the folklore album.
- i think he knows on the lover album.
——✩⌗ HONORABLE SONG MENTIONS : lovers rock by tv girl. pretty boy by the neighbourhood. apple cider by beabadoobee. SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK by joji.
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atsumu miya :
!!? his favourite is chase atlantic because he's a fucking prick LMAO he is a chase atlantic MENACE he plays it everywhere any occasion and frequently LIES ab it??? he'll be like "i'm kind of a fan on the dl you know not that big of a deal haha the music is good but its whatever" and then squeal everytime he sees a tiktok of a concert 😭
his favourite songs by chase atlantic are :
- drugs & money (new mix) on the chase atlantic album.
- HEAVEN AND BACK on the PHASES album.
- goosebumps chase atlantic remix (unreleased)
!!? he will never tell anyone how badly he fucks with olivia rodrigo like he is convinced she wrote SOUR for HIM. he will lock himself in his room, walk to the corner of his room before sliding down the wall in absolute shambles as he screams all of the lyrics blasting through his poor headphones. osamu literally hates olivia for this exact reason he cannot listen to her anymore.
his favourite songs by olivia rodrigo are :
deja vu on the SOUR album.
all i want on the high school musical: the musical: the series soundtrack.
happier on the SOUR album.
——✩⌗ HONORABLE SONG MENTIONS : borderline by tame impala. beef flomix by flo milli. heartless by the weeknd. want u back by cher lloyd.
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morningstarbee · 1 year
as much as i love hannibal, i will always be a will defender
I've seen some discourse among fannibals about who was in the wrong during Mizumono. I've actually seen several takes calling Will heartless and a monster for betraying Hannibal/hurting his feelings.
And I just need to write my thoughts down on this because I've always been a big proponent of
"Hannibal is a hypocrite who can dish it out but can't take it."
What do I mean by that? Let's make it very clear what happens in between them throughout the show.
(Spoilers ahead. Obviously.)
Let's start with Season 1
Will is a lonely person who has never felt truly understood by anyone
Hannibal befriends Will, accepting his darkness and the other unpleasant parts of his personality that drove other people away and made him feel wanted.
Hannibal gets Will to rely on him, to trust him and his opinion above any other person in his life.
Hannibal becomes aware of a serious illness that not only affects Will's ability to perceive reality, but could potentially kill him. He not only fails to inform Will or a medical professional about this, but actively makes it worse.
He frames Will for his own murders and when Will realizes something is going wrong and comes to him about it, urges him to turn himself in.
Will goes to prison and loses his credibility, his reputation. All his friends and colleauges no longer trust him. For many, all the secretly held beliefs they had about him are "confirmed" and all the perceptions about himself he had spent his life avoiding are now the common opinon.
Good? Okay now let's see what happens in Season 2.
Will makes a (failed) attempt to kill Hannibal through a proxy.
Hannibal claims his kills as the Ripper and Will is released from prison.
Will hatches a plot with Jack to make Hannibal believe that Will is on his side so that they can get him arrested.
Will makes Hannibal feel accepted and seen, in a way he had believed no one was capable of.
He plans to betray Hannibal at the final dinner with Jack and arrest him when he begins the plan to kill Jack.
Does that sound familiar? Person A befriends Person B, makes them feel accepted, and then betrays them and gets them thrown in jail. Person B's revenge is to befriend Person A and make them feel accepted only to turn and and betray them to get them thrown in jail.
It's a pretty fair revenge right? The only way it could have been more even was if Will somehow gave Hannibal brain cancer or something. (Though you could argue that the attempted murder makes up for it.)
Except, no, because Will doesn't go through with it.
He changes his mind and decides not to do the betraying part. He makes a very real attempt to accept Hannibal's offer and run away with him. And yet, in Hannibal's eyes, he accepted too late. And we all know what happened in Mizumono. A complete bloodbath.
That's the equivalent of someone punching you, and when you punch them back, they gut you in their fucking kitchen.
I also want to point out something specific in Mizumono.
Hannibal slices through Will's abdomen and says the words "I forgive you. Can you forgive me?"
Now what happens in Season 3?
Hannibal leaves for Italy with Bedelia and is living in Florence with her.
It takes 8 months for Will to fully recover, not only from his physical wounds, but from the emotional ones. Hannibal leaving him behind. Grieving Abigail for the second time.
Will mentions, two separate times in this season, how he wanted to run away with Hannibal. When Jack asks why he warned Hannibal he says "Because he was my friend...and because I wanted to run away with him." Later, in Italy, when Jack asks if he will disappear with Hannibal when they find him, Will replies "Part of me will always want to."
Also, people never mention this, but everyone who survived the bloodbath knew Will had betrayed them. After Will took the risk to betray everyone to try and follow Hannibal, Hannibal left him behind with the people he betrayed for him.
Will travels to places where Hannibal has been to try and figure him out. Why that happened. What went so wrong. He visits the chapel in Palermo, the entrance to Hannibal's mind palace. He visits his childhood home and leaves flowers on Mischa's grave and a tableau of the man who killed her. He takes a tour that ends with him in Florence, where Hannibal "became a man", and finds him there.
They have, by all accounts, a pleasant conversation. They leave the Uffizi Gallery together and Will pulls a knife from his pocket. Chiyoh shoots him before we ever see how that plays out. And afterwards, Hannibal has him so drugged he can barely string a sentence together to explain himself. Then Hannibal attempts to murder him. Like saw open his skull and eat his brain.
Now this is purely speculation, but I have always had a pretty clear idea of what Will was attempting here, although he had arguably bad timing.
Earlier in the season, when Will was following Hannibal through the catacombs, he calls out "I forgive you." Which is a call back to when Hannibal forgave him in Mizumono.
Now how did Hannibal forgive him? He stabbed him, sliced him open with a knife, enough to hurt, really hurt, but not enough to kill him. He left him with a scar. A physical reflection of the emotional pain he caused Hannibal.
I will argue until the day I die that Will was attempting to reciprocate that idea here.
Hannibal reacts like Will was attempting to kill him. That getting that close and having that conversation about how intertwined they were was another ruse. I think in part it was an emotional reaction, though Hannibal would deny it. I mean, fool me once shame on you, but fool me twice, shame on me, right?
Of course, Hannibal doesn't get a chance to kill him because they are interrupted by the mercenaries Mason hired kidnapping them and taking them back to the States.
This is another big thing, because Mason wasn't after Will at all, not really. He was simply a bonus to Mason, and since he had them both, he decided to use Will, by cutting off his face and using it like a mask. Will is constantly catching strays for being associated with Hannibal.
They get out of this situation, narrowly, due to Alana's intervention and Hannibal rescues Will and takes them both back to Wolftrap.
When Will wakes up, Hannibal is acting like they're all hunky dory, like he didn't just make an attempt on Will's life.
Will tells him to fuck off. "I’m not gonna miss you. I’m not gonna find you. I’m not going to look for you. I don’t want to know where you are or what you do. I don’t want to think about you anymore."
Will has made so many attempts to meet Hannibal at his level. Every single attempt at reciprocity between them has ended in Hannibal lashing out. Despite all of Hannibal's claims of wanting an equal, he never lets Will commit acts of betrayal and violence on the same level as him. If I was Will, I would also be done with him. It's so exhausting putting so much energy into someone only to constantly get it thrown back in your face like that.
(Also why I believe, in the show canon, their relationship doesn't work until Hannibal gets humbled by three years in prison.)
This is why you may hear me say things like "Hannibal has the emotional intelligence of a toddler" or calling him a hypocrite and stuff like that. Again, I LOVE Hannibal, he's one of my favorite fictional characters, period. But sir, you're so dumb. How can someone so clever be so stupid?
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zishu-arts · 4 months
OPINON ON DARKS STATUS? (as in do you think TDL is dead dead)
he is not dead i refuse to believe he is dead could i possibly be delusional? mayhaps. but i cant just accept the fact that he's gone
i'm wondering if he's maybe alive and just recuperating. the only thing keeping me to this hope are:
alan hasn't killed off a major character and i dont think he would. we thought vic was dead, and he's back, we though cho and dark died initially, but they're back, i think both purple and mango technically died from the staff but they're still alive. the only people he's killed off are for the backstories of other characters
there was no body. the explosion that "killed" him was miles away in the mountains and we didn't get a body shot. we don't even know if second's powers are enough to kill someone. both chosen and second are immune to deletion (so, probably dark as well). debatably, that's the one thing that's guaranteed to kill just about anyone. does second, however powerful, hold a candle to that amount of power
i like him too much and if he's dead i don't know what to do with my life
which isn't a lot, but hey, there's also a lot of counterarguments (such as, jfc, that laser looked like it would kill even the goddamn animators. and also, victim's only chasing after chosen, which means dark is either around in his hold or. you know. dead.)
BUT my main theory is that victim and dark has probably interacted with each other at one point during that 5 year gap. if, in the event that dark is alive, he must be seriously injured and the only person i could think of that might be willing to help him is victim. probably for his own personal gain, but as long as dark is alive.
victim having dark could also be like, his hidden trump card that he uses to either get chosen to talk or find alan himself. which could also bring a lot of emotional turmoil for both sides because -- is dark more evil now, or is he gonna double cross victim, does he care enough about chosen for that, is victim just using him?
in any case, he will always be alive in my heart <3
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edvinception · 8 months
No, but I can't with this fandom lol. Being so very mad that secondary characters dare to exist and fulfil their roles (the show couldn't really function without them) and that the actors may be included in the last season's promo for a bit. The shock, the horror, those bastards! And claiming agressively that noone cares about anyone else except the big five is not only very disrespectful to the people who all worked on the show and brought in their contributions, but just childish. Like I care. I care about what everyone's to say and I'm excited about it all but I feel like I maybe might be in the minority here.
I'm personally pretty annoyed with the negativity in the fandom.
I don't want it to seem like I'm against any kind of criticism or that I don't think people are allowed to talk about things they don't like because that's not the case. What bothers me is the way people choose to do it and it mainly boils down to two things; one: people speak of their opinions in a very negative and sometimes both agressive and insulting way instead of being constructive and civil and two: people talk about their opinions as if they are facts that everyone in the fandom agrees on and as if it'd some universal truth.
It's completely fine to discuss what you dislike but using terms such as "Lisa is gonna ruin the show" "Lisa is gonna mess it up" "Lisa cannot write to save her life" or whatever else I've seen is not discussing but hating. No need to be rude, mean and condescending. You don't like the storyline fine, be a grown up about it, have a nice attitude.
It's completely fine to dislike certain aspects of the show or the storyline as a whole but stop acting as if your opinion is the truth and everyone's opinon is the same as yours.
I understand why you make think you are alone in your opinons anon but trust me you are not. It's just that negativity is more visible and stands out more and some people speak loudly and frequently about their dislikes which makes it seem like it's everyone when in reality it's not.
I also think people have a tendency to exaggerate alot when they talk about the things they don't like. I do too, but I mainly talk in private about those things so I don't spread unnecessary negativity around.
But claiming that wilmon is sidelined for minor characters or that Lisa can't write comes as quite childish to me.
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bladesofkyber · 4 months
Finally saw Furiosa in theaters & we have Opinons.
Hello Homer. Welcome to The Iliad and The Odyssey. While that conflict starts with an apple, this conflict begins with a peach. Both are catalysts for a decades long saga culminating redemption and the restoration of self. Obviously the plot points are not one for one and Max & Furiosa both take the role of Odysseus at different times in the story. (if anyone reads this, please be kind it's been a hot minute since i read either the Iliad or the Odyssey and i'm going off memory here and it might be intertwined with Troy: Fall of a City which is not quiteee faithful to the source material but i've also seen it an unhinged number of times.) Oral Tradition: The History Men are stand ins for "Homer" or the many storytellers whose tales we attribute to Homer. With the fall of civilization, knowledge and stories are shared by the History Men much like the traveling storytellers of the pre-modern world. George Miller has said Max could be seen as a mythological figure, which tracks with the narration by the History Men as Homeric stand ins.
Random Greco-Roman References: Praetorians, Imperators, Scrotus' attire, the relief sculptures on Jack's War Rig, Cheedo being told to "Wring your hands and tear your hair" in the ancient greek style of grieving. Fruit as the Catalyst: Apple vs Peach. The Trojan War begins with an apple. Discord is pissed she doesn’t get invited to a wedding. Paris chooses Aphrodite, Aphrodite promises Helen who isn’t actually available and Chaos Ensues. Furiosa takes the peach, not outrightly forbidden to eat, but far from the safety zone. Both instances are the catalysts that start their respective conflicts. Furiosa also evokes the imagery of Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Siege: Like the Achaeans, Dementus is unable to capture any stronghold in the Wasteland without trickery. The actual Trojan Horse: capturing the War Rig and disguising his men as War Boys to gain entrance into Gas Town, otherwise impenetrable. Fury Road has that Trojan Horse as well, with Max taking on the role of Odysseus suggesting the group return to the Citadel with the War Rig. Forgetting yourself & Hidden Identity: Odysseus' men eat the lotus flowers and forget their desire to return home. Max has suppressed his identity and lost himself to the ghosts of the wasteland. He hardly knows what is real and what is not. Odysseus washes up on shore and does not reveal his name at several points in the story. Seems he learned his lesson with Polyphemus and does not reveal himself without caution, especially upon his return to Ithaca. Max does not share his name with Furiosa until the very end of the story. ("What's your name, What do I call you?" "Does it matter?") Max is haunted by the ghosts of his past, by those he could not save & the mistakes he made. Max has wandered the Wasteland alone for so long, he has lost sense of himself. He is feral, "reduced to a single instinct, survive." A Long Journey: The Odyssey is a 10 year long journey home from a 10 year war; Odysseus has been away from Ithaca for 20 years at the end of the Odyssey. Albeit Odysseus fucks around A LOT, some is his fault some isn't. Furiosa states she's been away for 7,000 days plus the ones she forgot to count. (19+ years.) Max has been wandering since 1979/1980. Coming Home: In the end Furiosa, like Odysseus, fights for her home, even though in her case it wasn’t the home she longed for. Max, coming back to a sense of self, helps Furiosa & the Wives fight for a home to come back to. Odysseus & Telemachus fought to rid Ithaca of the suitors; Max & Furiosa fight for The Citadel, to free it from Imortan Joe. Praetorian Jack as a stand in for Hector of Troy: Hector was the pride of Troy, it's greatest warrior. Jack is the best driver to run the Fury Road. Revered by their respective cities, these warriors are both slain in battle. Jack's death scene is a clear allusion to Achilles desecrating the body of Hector after Hector's defeat. Achilles drags Hector's body behind his chariot while Hector's widow Andromache watches from the walls of Troy. I would argue the relationship between Furiosa and Jack is romantic, specifically due to his death scene. You have Jack's body dragged by the motorbikes with Furiosa, taking on the role of Andromache, forced to watch. (I also can't hear without my subtitles, but when they are about to be executed and she touches his chest and he touches her face, I s2g she says "Jack, my Jack." which has nothing to do with the Trojan War, but is absolutely implying a romantic relationship. You will not be able to convince me those two didn't bang after he stitched her up in the grotto. Please.)
Really hope the next Mad Max takes on a different ancient Saga. Here's hoping for Mad Max with Beowulf vibes.
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xclowniex · 6 months
"Jews" are not the enemy, but those who justify an ethnonationalist state. Look at all the Jewish people on the left speaking out against your bullshit - oh yeah, except you claim we "Aren't real jews".
1. Please provide me where I have ever said or endorsed a post which said that anti zionsist or non zionists jews are not real jews, as I do not think that and have never said that.
2. Israel is not an ethnostate. Ethnostate is defined as a state which limits citizenship to one ethnicity or a state where one ethnicity dominates others.
In regards to citizenship laws in Israel, automatic citizenship applies to jews who can prove heritage and children born in Israel and has at least one parent who at the time of birth has Israrli citizenship.
Naturalization aka non automatic citizenship is open to anyone who has been living there for 3 years with a residency visa and can show proficiency in Hebrew aka the main language spoken.
So obviously it doesn't fit the definition of only one ethnicity being able to gain citizenship.
Whether or not it counts under the definition of one ethnicity dominating others depends on what you count as dominating.
Israel's population is 73.2% Jewish. 21.1% are non Jewish Arabs. 5.7% are classified as other. Those stats are from December 2023. (Source)
If you classify that as an ethnostate, then so is New Zealand as 70.2% are European as of the 2018 census. (Source) However, New Zealand is factually not an ethnostate.
If over 25% of Israel's population is not Jewish, it is an ethonsate? Cause most people would look at those figures if they were for others countries and not Israel and go no.
Further more, this study here, goes in depth on Jewish make-up besides Jewishness. Eg, Arab jews, USSR jews, African jews, etc. All of those jews in Israeli count as just Jewish unless specified otherwise by said jew.
3. Jews across time have and will continue to disagree on matters. Jews have and will continue to disagree on zionism and if its good, bad, neutral or something else. All Jewish opinons are valid. Like I said, I do not think someone is any less a real jew for being antizionist or non zionist.
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rowanwritestoomuch · 12 days
An Introduction to Small World Theory
aka my favorite theory to write with
I don't see this one talked about often, and I don't even know if its a real theory for literature or just something my mentor shared with us, but I am going to introduce you to it now if you have not considered it before.
Many books begin with two characters meeting for the first time. Often plot points, especially in romance, include meeting each other's extended social groups, friends and relatives, all of whom do not know the other party to any extent so they are forming opinons of each other for the first time.
But there are lots of pieces of media that work *because* the characters all know one another from the start, in a variety of ways. Consider the primarily comedic How I Met Your Mother or Friends. Often when a new character is introduced, the conflict or rising action of their introduction is pointing out their connection to another character where in the introducer did not know that the introducee knew an adjacent member of the party. This is a very direct way to use Small World Theory and is the most common.
But my mentor taught us a more subtle way, and it is my absolute favorite--- the indirect method. Consider this; in the place you live, you are only ever 3 people away from someone you know, whether its a friend or your doctor or a worker at the gas station you frequent. When you travel to a place you don't live (within your country/state of origin), you are generally still only about 7-10 people away from someone you know, potentially even less. Often these connections are not something we think about or even know about one another; a mutual friend who is important to one party but simple an acquaintance to the other can still make for compelling conflict if one is wronged by the other and the middle person has to consider which relationship is more important to them-- or they find out that this conflict exists, and it changes their perspective on one party.
The connection can be even more subtle than that. You can reveal a lie by indicating that one party seems familiar or alluring to another party, and then later explain to the reader that the liar seemed familiar because the pov character caught them in the lie BEFORE they knew who they were, witness-of-the-crime style, but this can be used for anything not just real crime. See, we observe other people's lives every day and barely notice, until something sticks out to us when we gain information we didn't have before. Perhaps the liar suggests they had a good relationship with an ex lover, but the MC witnessed the liar and their ex in an altercation outside a restraunt weeks before, only now realizing these two situations are connected.
Even further than that, you can give your characters a mutual motivation or development. Have one be taught by an influential teacher who later moves after the character has graduated and is again an influential figure for another character, giving them an intertwined sense of morality, or perhaps an inverse form because they were influenced by this character at different points in their lives. More options; you could make two characters familiar with one another in a way that the other characters don't immediately understand, to the point where it becomes almost bothersome, and they have to confront their nagging interest with a conversation, only to find out these characters they thought were just friends are actually blood relatives or co-workers, or even dating without anyone realizing.
These are all ways we can realistically create connections through individual characters in subtle ways, which is the meat of our theory, but what is the meal? What is the big picture? Make them all connected.
If Character A is connected to Character B then Character B must be connected to Character C who is connected to Character D and Character D connects back around to Character A. That is the 3-person adjancy we see in our real world. For maximum effect, rather than making these connections unique between each individual pair, instead have them all connected in different ways to a fifth Character E. If Character E is the ex lover of Character A, but also the co-worker of Character B, the acquaintance of Character C and the current lover of Character D, then you have motivational connections between all of these people around the same topic. If the conflict is that Character D and Character A are at odds, then Character B might be on the side of Character D due to their bond with their coworker, or they could be on Character A's side because they can't stand their co-worker. Character C might be annoyed that they're dragged into a situation about someone they barely know, or they could be a drama-hound who loves to eat up the details of other people's lives. Character B could be a gossip, Character D could be in an unwittingly abusive relationship, Character A could be an empowered victim, Character C could be an unbiased observer. All dancing around the same central point; how did Character E affect us?
Small World Theory explores the intimate connections that we have with other humans, even when we don't realize it. It helps us craft backstories for our characters that take place moment by moment, instead of years or decades at a time of doing the same thing. It begs the question; who do they know that's off screen and how would knowing that person affect the story? How can we make characters have rich, intriguing and complex lives without showing the reader every moment, every acquaintance, and without beating them in the head with exposition? Through connection. You don't even have to fully explain any of these connections, but knowing they're there can really change how you view your plot, your character's motivations and their personalities.
Always remember, write because it hurts if you don't.
til next time
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It's SO FUCKING EASY to get harassed in this fandom - at least, in tumblr space. I'm thankful this confessional blog exists, because people would have made posts again "THEY'RE A FUCKING PEDO THEURE A FUCKING ZOO THEYRE ROMANTISING GORE THEY LIKE INCEST AND MORE HORRIBLE FUCKING THINGS IF YOU FOLLOW THEM I HATE YOU!!!!!!" and their proof would be some fucking bullshit, or taken out of context. And in any case its a problem that exists only in a goddamn vacuum ONLY in internet space. There are fucking people who dm you about another person and accuse them of shit BEHIND THEIR BACK, because THEY DON'T LIKE THEEEM :((( they're weirdd and scary which justifies everything we do and say. You can't just block, noo, you GOTTA write to EVERYONE around this person about how SHITTY they are, and anyone who doesn't agree is just as SHITTY as they are. I don't know what else can scream louder about the fact that you don't have anything else to do
I wonder how many of these people actually believe in cause, or are doing it because secretly they enjoy feeding their fucked up sense of "justice", by bringing down the person they PERSONALLY don't like. Can you REALLY, with whole your heart say you're doing this not because of that? The fact that you're with other people, all together, dogpiling another BAAAD person, because YOU'RE not like them, you have GOOOD morals, GOOD opinons, you have GOOOD stances. It feels as if you're better than them, doesn't it?
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candeathbereal · 6 months
Astro observations #11
-The funny thing about looks is that astrology has the funniest ways of expressing itself that reading something like "leo risings have great hair" or "saturn dominant people have great bone structure", and you can go along with it. One day I asked my boyfriend what feature of mine stood out the most and I was expecting something like my eyes since that is usually said for neptune dominants. Then he said something like "Your hair and face shape" and I sat back thinking about it. Like hair, sure I do have a leo rising so I expected that but face shape??? Did the part of my teenage years where I focused on working out my face so I could have a great jawline actually work out in my favor....yes yes it did. Now I have a great jawline that it can coexist with my hair as a outstanding feature. I make a big show of this because I started looking more and more into astrology and appearance patterns and you know what I found? Nothing becuase I am shitty at researching and connecting things. I know it's not ideal all things considering I do run a astrology focused blog but shit happens. I would love to hear you guy's thoughts and opinons on astrology being connected with appearance and the patterns of all that. Like I can see certain things but I fail at finding the patterns myself tbh.
-Moving on, my pluto trines my sun and my ascendant and my sun trines my ascendant. My venus also trines my ascendant while my jupiter sextiles it. And honestly it's interesting to hear people's first impressions of me and I give off conflicting impressions. I seem hardworking yet not to the point of being an asshole about shit. In high school I had people think I smoked but I have never done any drugs but I give off a certain vibe. I also think it's cause smoking isn't considered "acceptable" ,for a lack of better words, so I have always spent my time around people who do smoke because I never truly felt "normal" or "acceptable" when I was younger especially. To a certain degree I understand why I tend to vibe with what's considered outside of the norm but I don't exactly indulge into it myself. My seventh house is in aquarius, my uranus and lilith is in my seventh house, plus my seventh house lord is in either my tenth or my seventh house (I am still unsure about aquarius because it is said to rule both uranus and saturn). So naturally what's considered "outcast" or "stigmatized" hasn't always escaped my interest. Yet I don't find serial killers and all that, that interesting...I still learn about it because I feel a pull to understand why. Like why does this confuse people so much? You can find a reason for murder and most people if not everyone seems to be able to want to kill somebody. Of course this is a very rooted in morality so just know serial killers that kill people out of pure pleasure disgust me. Anyways I want to assume it's beyond the mindset of murderers that interest people so if anyone wants to discuss it with me further my inbox is open. Or anything else you guy's would wanna talk about. I feel like I'm missing something in this world which is knowledge. I live through pure curiosity as opposed to spite or hope. There is not a defined goal like spite but there is still somewhat a goal in curiosity. It's to know more but it doesn't always have to be positive either. It is the 'neutral' between many reasons to live but it works for me.
Alright enough of my random babble, I hope this made sense to anyone. Afterall I am posting this to be shared with others because if I wanted to only have this be for me it wouldn't be so public. Or even written down to be honest.
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