#anyhoo my version’s more fun
javelinbk · 1 month
Four Beatles, three rooms… makes sense
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theriu · 9 days
Was just reminded of one of my favorite weapons, the armor-piercing punch dagger, more properly named the Katar:
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Pretty cool, right? So I decided to read up on the actual history a bit on Wikipedia. And that is how I just now found out that "some modern katar designs may include single-shot pistols built into either side of the weapon."
So of course I HAD to see if I could find pictures of THAT little variation, and
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As a steampunk nerd this is the best thing I have seen all year and I HAD to share it. Here's a great short video showing off a genuine example of this fancy version:
And my blog is strictly PG, but if you don't mind some light swearing, this video does a great, longer overview of the weapon, including a brief touch on the pistol-modified version!
Anyhoo, I don't geek out about weapons much, but this was a fun Today I Learned moment that I hope some of ya'll will enjoy it as well! =D
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spagheddiesquash · 1 month
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HUMAN SPAMTON!!! or at least. my take on him… i felt the intense need to color and render the entire thing because had i not colored it, the middle one would kinda just look like a version of my sona but Older. or at least i would think it looked like that and i wouldnt be able to stop thinking about it.
EDIT: if u like it feel free to reblog because then more people will see it and maybe they will like it too
oh and jesus fucking christ guess how long it took me to draw all that
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anyhoo heres some other doodles because i thought long and hard about this and wanted to draw out all of my ideas.
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i tried thinking about everything in like. a human way. idk how else to describe it like. i took the logic and put it into realistic human people things. so this version of spamton NEO is basically just this version of regular spamton, but with a more flashy outfit (i spent like 10 minutes trying to translate the robot body into like. an actual outfit and even then i was still kinda stumped so i gave him a weird shirt with a big bowtie and shoe pants and called it a day. will probably rework eventually 😭) and high heels (to kind of simulate how in the game hes a lot taller i guess) and instead of his garbled ad-speech he just has a stutter.
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shallowseeker · 13 days
Recruiting Dean
Via the Nightmare-land of all his current anxieties.
Zach I - Zach II - Zach III - Say it ain't so - Cas can DIE?! - Bobby, demoralized - Dean and Cas's mutual, pissy fatalism - Love blooming, personal space - You're not much fun, so why am I laughing so hard? - Dean's anixety at being a vessel - Sam: Everybody please panic, I'm a vessel, too!
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Disclaimer: I love ALL The End meta, from the ones that look for hidden meanings and the ones where Chuck is hiding incognito in his first-row seats, but I thought this would be a Hella a fun way to ask this question.
What if The End is all about Dean and Zach? What is almost everyone IN IT is Zach, tapping into and mocking Dean's churning ruminations and anxieties?
What would that analysis look like? What might we predict? We know that Zach recruited a Jehovah's Witness, and after Dean's call with Sam, Zach entered the motel to try yet another sales pitch.
Zach got into Dean's bedroom. But maybe this time, Zach's going deeper. Perhaps he got into Dean's dreams, too.
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In the previous Zach adventures, he tried to give Dean a vision of a loser's life, one Dean wouldn't be able to stand: a corporate yes-man who listened to NPR and steamed his latte like a wuss. Remember his pitch in It's a Terrible Life?
ZACHARIAH: Save people, maybe even the world. All the while you drive a classic car and fornicate with women. This isn't a curse. It's a gift. So for God's sakes, Dean, quit whining about it. Look around. There are plenty of fates worse than yours. So are you with me? You wanna go steam yourself another latte? Or are you ready to stand up and be who you really are?
But just like he will later miss the mark on Adam's personality a bit, he misses on Dean at first, too. Dean cares about family.
"My father's name is Bob, my mother's name is Ellen, and my sister's name is Jo." // "Are you saying my family isn't real?"
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We'll hear Zach make more pitches to Dean in the beautiful room in Lucifer Rising. Time-honored things that, from his experience, tend to work when recruiting humans, from happy memories to food to TV fantasy to food to sexual adoration:
ZACHARIAH: Try a burger. They're your favorite. From that seaside shack in Delaware. You were 11, I think. DEAN: I'm not hungry. ZACHARIAH: No? How about Ginger from season 2 of "Gilligan's Island"? You do have a thing for her, don't you? DEAN: Tempting. Weird. ZACHARIAH: We'll throw in Mary Ann for free. DEAN: No, no. Let's... bail on the holodeck, okay? I want to know what the game plan is.
ZACHARIAH (to a crying Dean): And when it's over... and when you've won... your rewards will be... unimaginable. Peace, happiness... two virgins and seventy sluts.
We'll get a whiff of AU Zachariah's tactics with a nervous, broken Kevin Tran in s13, too:
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Meredith Glynn had intended a more... grayscale view of Zach's intentions via @spnscripthunt-inactive, but either way is very good. Very Zach:
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Who knows why, but in Meredith's version, Zach is convinced that Jack is the way, not Kevin.
Anyhoo, more on the Jack-Zach interactions later. For now, I'm just thinking about the whiff of Zach's and upper Heaven management's style of recruiting tactics through Kevin's words:
LUCIFER: Kevin, what are you doing, getting mixed up with Michael? ... KEVIN: ...Michael's taking me with him to paradise world so I can meet hot women. LUCIFER: I'm sorry. What?
Jack, who had also been tortured (stabbed, burned, drowned) by Zachariah, tried to reach out to Kevin. Mary even more so:
KEVIN: Y-you don't understand... then the end of the world happened, and everyone around me-- my friends, and my… my mom-- they all started to die. ... KEVIN: No! Michael says… that when I get to Heaven-- when he lets me into Heaven-- I'll get to see my mom again. I don't care! You don't understand. I… You don't know the things that I've done. I just want this to be over.
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Now, we see the truth. Kevin was never interested in the recruitment line, something-something hot women. Not really. That was just a boisterous shield to hide the deeper pain.
He just wanted to see his mom again.
So. When we reach 5x04, we see Zach adjust fire with Dean.
In 5x01, he tried a different, more forceful way of recruiting Dean, making him feel terrible about himself.
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...I feel like looking at The End as a nightmare land of all of Dean's anxieties is a really fun way to revisit it.
But before that, if we consider this question, what might we predict for Zach to uncover, based on all the stuff Dean is feeling Weird (TM) and Stressed (TM) about right now?
Based on all the other stuff we've been thinking about, I'll make a small list of potentials, starting with the Bobby-Dean confrontation at the end of last season...
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carrickbender · 8 months
Friday 5:
1. I thought it was going to be slick as hell this morning, but thankfully it wasn't. Still had to call in to work... #thanksgastricsystem
2. That being said, I really think I'd enjoy remote work more. I like my coworkers, but I'm trying to put up time boundaries and so far it's not really working. We work when there is product, so having 2 administrators there on a day like today is pointless, but I'd still have a difficult time getting a dictation of a SAP script done so that we don't have to rely on our support team so much. And I realize that I'm only in week 4, but the heat is there because another huge facility in our company goes live in a few days with a ton more product offerings, and not enough support to go around. So yeah...#sinkorswim
3. I will probably have the weekend off too, which is nice, and we have zero plans. Probably put away Christmas, clean a little, try to find a thank you gift for my stepson for fixing our sink(He, his wife, and their kids are such a delight!)... low key. Hell, I might even read a bit. READ, OMFG!!!!! H got me a book about "chasing the burst", the stories about the wood and the people who built the legendary guitars of Gibson and other great builders, and Im dying to just soak it all in. Funny thing is some of that wood can be traced to a mill that used to exist about 5 blocks from my house, and MANY moons ago Gibson took loads of blocks out of the maple grove right across from the farm we used to rent. (Fun fact: I have an aging burl from that grove that someday will become a guitar...someday...lol). Anyhoo... #nerdout
4. Speaking of which, I just finished the Audible version of Bono's book, "Surrender", and it was moving. It always amazes me the circles in which runs, like knowing people; but then it also amazes me that I've met people with whom he's friends. And to that end, I'm sure that I have very few degrees of separation with quite a few of yall, we just don't know it... lol! #itsasmallworld
5. I think that eventhough I've started this new job, and I'm really enjoying the challenge, I'm going to start looking at jobs with guitar manufacturers that match my education and skill set. Totally dreaming, I know, but here's the thing: I need to have an outlt for my passion for music. If it's not making the music, it has to be part of the supply chain that builds the instruments that make the music. It can be done ethically, with sourcing that's environmentally considerate, and at price points so that people getting into music can take those instruments and keep the tradition going. It's not me saying I'm quitting my craft, it's me making saying I want to commit to making the craft accessible and sustainable. #itstooearlyforthebullshitgeoff, #shhhhhh
Anyhoo, back to making music with my fingers and taking buggy to school. Much love to yall, and have a good friyay!
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furious-rogue-stuff · 11 months
Congratulations, you so deserve all the followers and many, many more!!! As you know I am a HUGE fan of Heat and recommend it to all my friends. Anyhoo my ask is ⚖️🤨✨
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My wonderful and most prolific cheerleader! I’m SUPER sorry for the ridiculous wait on this, but I finally got around to your wild Marcus Pike/Sex Pollen?! prompt. I really hope I did this sweet boy justice and that all the banter and smut make up for keeping you waiting so long~!
Thanks, as always, to @just-here-for-the-moment for putting up with my ass and beta reading to make sure this wasn’t complete trash and smutty enough.
Disclaimer: Written in 2nd person narrative, you can safely assume our heroine and love/lust interest is a Spanish woman, written by a Latina. Here’s my philosophy on my writing, for further context.
Rating: Mature/Explicit 🔞
Word Count: 17,000
🚨Author chooses not to include detailed warnings, but the following: Mentions of Teresa Lisbon, marriage, con artist behavior, crime, past relationships, unrequited love, sex pollen, deception, undercover work, graphic depictions of unprotected sex, and slight hurt-comfort.
There was a time when you were simply a skilled vixen – an entrancing, expert wheeler of the power of suggestion who'd been skimming your way through affluent circles from city to city, but never enough to draw attention to yourself. At least unless you wanted to.
Then, it'd all changed with a chance fumble that was spotted by the least likely source.
He'd been the special agent that had ensnared you and brought you into the fold – propositioning you into using your talents to sharpen the skills of the task force he'd taken the lead position in D.C. for. His team admittedly needed the consultation of someone with the experience and sophistication of being entrenched in the art world, albeit from the wrong side of the law. And you fit the bill.
You hadn't had much choice, considering the prospect of prison for your femme fatale lifestyle to date, and the precarious situation you'd been caught in by said special agent. So, you'd agreed to a career as an indentured asset to the bureau, with the tenure of your time working within the task force at his total discretion.
It had been a contentious adjustment.
Part of you was incredulous that you'd been foiled by the likes of Marcus Pike, and part of him was perplexed that rather than be eager to happily oblige the task force – and him, as its leader, you instead were intent to buck all conventions. This included a vexing, seemingly incessant need to push his buttons – buttons he never even knew he had.
Overtime, though, you'd both found a status quo – a begrudging understanding of how you'd each need to operate and let the other maneuver in order for the arrangement to work.
"—Hope you're not having another late night, Savedra. Not with all the work we have to tackle on this case—"
"Ah, I wonder: Was there ever a time in your life that you weren't in your pajamas and nursing your warm milk before Nick at Nite comes on, Pike? That you went out and had fun without fretting over an early bedtime? Don't worry, I'll be in bright and early—"
"That's what you said the last time, though—"
"Extenuating circumstances beyond my control, Pikey boy—"
"A 'couture trunk show' is Manhattan is hardly a good enough excuse to blame as an 'extenuating circumstance'—"
"To someone who wears the same rumpled suits? Oh, I'm sure it isn't. Now c'mon, Pike's Delight, tell me: How hard did the cashier at Kohl's laugh at you when you bought three versions of the same tie on-sale?"
"They did not—! This tie was a gift, actually—"
The pinch between his brows, the twitch of his lips fighting not to pull into a scowl, and the gruff way he countered back were his unmistakable tells that you'd needled him just right.
"You literally wore one that looked exactly like it the other day, and there was the blue version you had on for the inter-agency ops meeting last week—"
"They're completely different colors, though—"
"But they have the same dull polka dot configuration and they're the same exact semi-satin fabric, which makes them different versions of the same tie—"
"Alright, Dandy Lion. Give it a rest, and go before I set a curfew for your comings and goings."
Your smirk had been charming as you turned to lope down the hall towards the elevators, tossing a casual wave over your shoulder.
"Have a nice night, Pike."
The snappy repartee between you two had become notorious within the task force, and many couldn't help be amused – and take bets – on which of the two of you would have the last word, and the best zinger. Pike tended to score the most in the former, while you easily dominated the latter.
Still, though, Marcus found ways to rein you in, and started to take secret satisfaction in exasperating you right back.
"—I do not appreciate you freezing my accounts, Pike—"
"First of all, it's a single account, although I am considering having all your accounts frozen. Even the ones you think we don't know about—"
"That seems punitive and uncalled for—"
"The account in question is a corporate account, Savedra. It is for work-related expenses, not for lavish shopping hauls at Nordstroms—"
"Um, excuse me, that was a work-related expense. You want me to impersonate a wealthy socialite traveling to London for a black-market art auction, remember? I can't seriously be expected to do so without having the latest Fall must-haves—"
"Oh, so three Mooglar dresses and three Loubootan heels are the Fall must-haves, eh?"
Your full lips flattened in that peeved way for a nanosecond – the tell that indicated he'd successfully annoyed you before you placed your hands on your hips and smoothly deadpanned, "It's Mugler and Louboutin, Pike. And yes, they are essential if you want anyone to believe my cover—"
"You can expense one outfit. The costs of the other two will be docked from your stipend for next month—"
"So, it wouldn't be a good time to mention that I also pre-ordered a limited-edition Chanel purse…?"
"…How much?"
"Oh, it's an absolute steal! And, it'll only go up in value—"
"How much, Dandy Lion?"
You knew he meant business whenever he refers to you by your codename.
"Just a little over six grand…"
"That's more than three times your monthly stipend—!"
"…So then you'll let me expense it to the corporate card?"
"...Close the door on your way out, Savedra."
The smug purse of your lips indicated you'd been teasing him, and you confirmed so by chiming over your shoulder as you strolled out, "No worries. I already have a Chanel bag that'll work for the trip."
"Good. I'll make sure to call the Shanell store and let them know to go ahead and cancel that order, then—"
Pausing at the door, you turn to shoot a berating glare at him where he's sat behind his desk, and scoff condescendingly, "Oh my god, you are purposely butchering the label—you know damn well it's Cha-nel, not Sha-nell!"
You see the sly little quirk to the corner of his mouth he coolly veils by dropping his chin low as he shrugs and drawls, "Dully noted, dandelion."
You pursed your lips and grunted a cavalier sound before strutting out, deciding then and there you needed to do some forensic accounting of your own.
According to his records – the ones you pulled up after hacking into the bureau's internal database, Marcus Pike had been an FBI agent from right out of college. Graduating with honors from a Criminal Justice major, he'd been recruited, gotten stellar marks in Quantico, and received several letters of recommendation. He had an impeccable record, and was frankly a poster boy for a government do-gooder.
A few more backdoor breaches and search engine deep dives later, and you were able to paint quite a full picture from the social media collage-like bits of information you were able to access from college buddies, family friends, and federal databases.
Circumventing the encryption of his email provider allowed you an administrator's view of his account, and you were mystified that this man archived so many communications, no matter how inane, dated, or of innocuous consequence they seemed.
At least until you found the consequential stuff.
There was the correspondence with his divorce attorney from over a decade prior, the utility bills for the home he'd once shared with his ex-wife, the frank and disarmingly candid emails between said ex and him – one of which had the doozy of a line: I love you, Marcus, but I don't think I'm in love with you. I'm not really sure I ever was.
You felt guilty reading his response. Not because you were invading his privacy, but because you could feel how sympathetic he was towards basically being told how having married him had been a mistake – that they'd been fools who rushed into it at a young age before they even knew what they wanted in life. His answer, which was brimming with a veiled, resigned sadness to it that tugged at a heartstring – I guess I just got ahead of myself and took you along with me. I'm sorry – was a window into Marcus you didn't expect to get, nor feel deserving of having.
And then seeing the emails between him and an Agent Teresa Lisbon? How they'd gone from platonic forwards of suggested restaurants to check out, to apartment photos sent back and forth between them? Jumping then abruptly to a galling 'Dear John'-style email from her where she apologizes to him and offers to go in person in order to handle the shipping of her belongings back to Dallas, and promising to properly discuss her decision to break things off with him and not take the job he got for her at the D.C. FBI Major Crimes unit after all?
You'd been astounded.
"Did he really ask her to marry him after a couple of months of dating?!" was your flabbergasted rhetorical question to your empty office during the afterhours snoopfest.
Using your powers of suggestion, you'd eventually gotten more of the details from the task force's tech expert who'd come from the Dallas office with Pike, having befriended the congenial guy who tended to get very chatty over caffeinated drink breaks.
"—Totally brutal. Like, one minute he was smitten and cajoling her into picking an apartment, then he was fist-pumping about her saying yes to his impromptu proposal, and boom – she dumps him for Jane. Talk about getting mind-fucked," he prattled on over coffee, none the wiser that you were internally cataloguing everything.
However, this wasn't the usual fact-finding on a mark that you were used to undertaking.
Pike hadn't struck you as a man who wore his heart on his sleeve, and you perplexingly felt complicit in capitalizing on manipulating your way further into the good graces of the bureau thanks to him vouching for you with the powers that be, knowing now how much of a true-blue good guy he was. Even when he was getting his heart torn out and stomped on.
You ignored the thought about the parallels between he and you in that regard.
"—You with us, Savedra?"
Focusing back onto the meeting you're currently in, you curtly nod to Pike and quip, "Yes, I was just thinking about who would be best suited for the undercover side of the operation, since no offense, none of your fellas really fit the bill."
"Oh?" Marcus crosses his arms and leans back into the wall next to the projector screen that's currently displaying the pattern of the art theft ring's hits. "Care to share why you think so?"
Glancing across at the male agents, before arching a brow when you look at Pike, you gesture to the screen and explain, "The museums aren't the pattern; it's what they took that reveals the pattern. The items taken were antiquities – meaning requiring large crates and secure shipping out of country. Antiquity theft is a perfect front for the real heist: Moving narcotics across borders. They get packed in with the stolen piece, and act as payment for the traffickers moving it."
As you explain, you pull out your tablet and take over the screen of the laptop attached to the projector to screenshare several examples of police busts showing drugs packed in with stolen sculptures.
"There is a very elite pool of players with the means and networks to pull this kind of heist off, and based on the size of these antiquities? I think we're dealing with The Jackal."
Everyone exchanges looks of varying degrees of confusion before Marcus furrows his brow and queries, "Who?"
You roll your eyes as you seamlessly pull up the digital dossier that you'd taken the liberty to compile for the meeting. "It's a wonder how this task force is meant to achieve a damn thing, with the lack of intel you guys have involving actual international art theft…" is your aloof musing as you pull up a database cataloguing the thefts of antiquities and ancient artifacts. "So, The Jackal, boys and girls, is the head of an intercontinental ring of thieves operating in the Mediterranean the last five years or so. No one knows his true identity, but many of the buyers who were captured and cooperated with authorities in Egypt and Greece have given details about how they network."
"Ok…and what leads you to believe that no one here is suited to go undercover on this?" Marcus questions, crossed arms tightening as he eyes you intently when you give him a mischievous look.
"So, there's no way to actually infiltrate this ring. Which makes this operation moot. However, if we impersonate the ring to one of the trafficking syndicates, we might be able to find the buyers and retrieve the artifacts. And right now? None of your fellas resemble the description on file for The Jackal—"
"Wait, you want an agent to go undercover as The Jackal?" Marcus cuts in before he braces his hands onto the conference table so he can lean against it after you nod dramatically. "Well then. Care to tell us your plan?"
You do, detailing the honeypot-trap-style plan and how you'd be the facilitator for The Jackal and the targeted traffickers.
"—However, like I said, we don't have anyone who currently fits the bill for The Jackal—"
"And what is the bill?" Marcus inquires before remarking, "You just said so yourself. No one knows what this guy looks like—"
"No, but most do know rumors of what he's supposedly done, and his physical description leaves a lot lacking, but paints a general picture: Tall, broad-shouldered, boxer-like physique, tan skin, dark hair, strong jaw, dark eyes, and a well-kept beard. His demeanor is intense, intimidating, reticent, but quickly prone to violence," you elaborate, pointedly glancing around at every agent at the conference table, silently noting to Pike how none of them fit the description.
"However, I think with some sprucing up and a change of grooming habits, we might have a decent candidate," you remark coolly before you tap on your tablet screen to pull up a current badge photo of an agent in the task force that you think could be transformed to go undercover.
Marcus glances over at his own I.D. photo and watches the gif animation you created that augments his appearance by adding a beard and lengthening his hair slightly.
Some of the other agents have to stifle snickers or check their smirks as you innocently smile at their boss, who is glaring sharply at you.
Needless to say, when it's just you and him in his office after the meeting, you are able to argue your case effectively.
Marcus spends extra time at the gym, and grows out his hair in preparation. He even agrees to allow for your styling of him when the time comes.
A month later, Marcus has grown a beard and let his hair shag out into a more rugged style. You've been covertly taking notice, appreciating how his boring dress shirts now cling to his shoulders and accentuate the muscle of his pectorals and arms. It would still be another month before the seeds you'd planted for the sting operation had taken root, and likely a couple of additional weeks after that to actually execute the operation, so you figured you'd use the time wisely while your guy Pike threw himself into work across the task force's other major cases.
Marcus had gotten to a point with you where he didn't see you just as a rambunctious asset anymore, and with your cooperation and aptitude for the work, he began to categorize you as an integral member of the task force.
After all, you'd ingratiated yourself with the other agents and techs, helped train everyone in how to spot forgeries from the real things, and had volunteered to be the lure on certain cases, as well as his expert when it came to navigating relations with the bigger international agencies. There had been many times now he'd been complimented on the ingenuity of employing you to the cause, and there'd at least been one offer to take you off his hands if he was inclined to part with your expertise and charm.
Marcus took the praise in stride, and summarily declined the offer.
You were smart, resourceful, and masterful when it came to the work. His team was better for it, and he recognized – privately – that he was lucky to have you helping the task force look so skilled in cracking cases.
And the fact you were the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen wasn't bad, either.
Still, he'd learned his lesson on courting while on the job, and you were definitely not someone he could earnestly consider as, well, anything more than an unconventional resource with a riskily long leash he was responsible for.
However, he debates about how sustainable this whole arrangement was, long-term. He'd gotten better at reading you, though, so he decides to bide his time for the right moment to discuss where your ambitions currently sit. After all, just because you were an 'indentured servant' didn't mean you weren't looking ahead to things – to a life after you'd done your time.
He wondered if you might want to become an in-field consultant, permanently. You'd partnered with the agents on his team on a whole variety of cases, and had earned their respect. Hell, they trusted you, and from what he could see, it seemed to be vice versa with you as well. And with every case you participated in, Marcus saw something new that slowly peeled the mystique and chipped away at the impression he had of you.
From witnessing how truly charming you could be while talking to foreign officials, to how genuinely kind and selfless you'd been when empathizing with victims of a museum heist, to the infectious warmth you exuded when the team was on downtime after a particularly grueling case. All these different facets had started to form a better picture of the woman you really were, and Marcus found himself looking forward to learning more.
When he returns from a short trip to Dallas for a deposition after a couple of days and heads up to the task force's floor to catch up on work late in the evening, he walks by your office and finds you pacing around with your tablet, in the middle of strategizing the big operation.
"That's a big artifact you've pulled from the archive," Marcus comments after he's watched you map things out.
You whirl around and snicker at seeing him lope in to survey what you've pinned to the transparent board in your office.
"Go big or go home, Shaggy," you can't help razz, grinning when he gives you a deriding look. "What? It's a good look for you, Pike—"
"Careful, Savedra. That sounded dangerously close to a compliment," he puckishly taunts and slips his hands into his gray slacks pockets when you squint humorously at him.
"Well, that's because it was," you remark simply, turning to retrieve your stylus from the desk and missing the way his features etched with surprise. "I think another couple of weeks of beard growth, and you'll be ready. Oh! And at some point, we have to go get you fitted for a couple of suits—"
Frowning, he crosses his arms and grumbles, "I have plenty of suits—"
"Correction: You have plenty of sad, drab, 'I clearly work for the FBI' suits. Nothing dashing and stylishly-tailored like what The Jackal has been rumored to wear," is your matter-of-fact counter as you sketch out a floorplan for the honeypot's meet room.
He grunts noncommittally and runs his fingers across his moustache as he looks over the map of the warehouse planned for the fake stolen art depot. "Well, it's a good thing I have a fashionista on the books who'll help spruce up my wardrobe, then, wildcat," he drawls in a raspy musing, and you can't help glance his way and admire the broad set of his shoulders under the gray blazer.
"So, how was Dallas?" you find yourself asking as you busy yourself saving the schematic that's on your tablet screen.
He turns halfway to look at you, as if surprised, before shrugging and recovering the aloof look on his features while he turns back to the board. "It was uneventful," is all he replies, but by the way he balances his weight onto one leg and crosses his arms tight, you can tell he's lying, but trying to be cool about it.
He's lying to himself—trying to convince himself it was uneventful.
You hum, and set your tablet and stylus aside on your sideboard before sitting on the edge of your appointed desk. "Well then, Pike's Delight! Please tell me you'll do something eventful? Have a wild weekend planned? Or are you going to spend it organizing your sock drawer—?"
He turns with a snort to snicker, "Give me a little credit. If you keep the sock drawer organized, you don't have to spend time getting it organized," and at your chuckle, he adds, "I'll spend it likely how I did last weekend—"
"Oh, let me guess: Farmer's market, then back to your place for dinner in front of the TV—"
"…I don't always go to the farmer's market to grocery shop, but yeah, dinner and a movie, sure—"
"Bet things were riotous at the produce stand—Oh! And I bet you watched something racy on Lifetime?" you can't help jibe irreverently as you cross your arms and lean into your perched seat more.
"Nope," Marcus smoothly refutes, before admitting, "It was TCM, and nothing racy."
You smile, truly amused. "Food shopping outside, cooking, and a Turner Classic Movie? Sounds like some action-packed shi—"
"Instead of ragging on it, you should try it out for yourself," Marcus finds himself blurting charismatically before he's registered the gravity of such a proposition. Your features betray mild intrigue, as if you're waiting for him to say something else to signal it's a joke. When he begins to muse, "Ah, I only mean—it's a cool spot with great vendors. I'm not much of a splurger on that kind of thing, but every once in a while, I go and get stuff to whip up a nice dinner—"
"Oh? Have you been holding out on me, Pikey boy? Are you a secret foodie?" you chime with a lilting tone, smile brilliant when he scoffs, as if caught. "You are! Well then, now I gotta see this 'nice dinner' and be the judge of your culinary compétence, cowboy. Although, I'm pretty sure I can whip up a way more delicious supper—"
"I'm gonna have to see that for myself, so it's settled, wildcat."
How you ended up making plans to meet up at the farmer's market on a lovely autumn afternoon to ingredient shop and have a cook-off at Pike's place is beyond you, but then again, he had a way of wearing your guard down into lightheartedness, and it wasn't the first time you'd had fun just bantering with him either. So, here you were, with your canvas tote at your shoulder over your nondescript leather carryall purse as you glance around for the agent in the promenade's foot traffic. Thinking about the puckish smirk he had on his full lips when he called you 'wildcat' – the nickname he seemed to prefer when he wanted to disarm you, while 'dandelion' is what he used when he was charmed by you.
"Well, you actually showed."
You turn to see Marcus in a pair of comfy-looking jeans, light-gray Henley shirt, and dark leather jacket with matching boots and belt.
He eyes you with an appraising glance before admitting, "I had to do a double-take to make sure it was you. I think I've only ever seen you in fancy tailored outfits the entire time you've been with us."
"I'm just channeling a cool and relaxed normie at a farmer's market," you tease as you smoothen down your comfy thin-cotton terracotta sweatshirt, feeling at ease in the formfitting black jeggings and cognac-colored boots.
"It suits you," he compliments before his brain has registered the inappropriateness of it.
You can't help smile before you hand him the shopping tote and deride, "That's quite the compliment, I suppose. Now make yourself useful and carry this so I can have my hands free to peruse, hot stuff."
Huffing in amusement, he takes the tote and falls in step with you as you both start strolling through the bustling outdoor farmer's market.
It's an afternoon filled with light conversation, quipping repartee, and lots of shopping thanks to you both agreeing to a friendly cookoff back at Pike's place. Once your shopping tote is full and he's carrying two paper bags filled with items, you both head down to the nearest metro station and ride the line to his stop.
The walk to his apartment is pleasant, even though you're arguing.
"—Why keep it a secret?"
"Because you'll have a smart remark and develop an instant bias—"
"We're cooking in the same space, Pike—"
"So? You just make your dishes without spying over at mine—"
"Ugh, fine. Oh, we haven't discussed what the winner will get—"
"Lifelong bragging rights?" Marcus proposes smugly as he keys open the entry door and holds it open for you.
"That's it?" you snicker while opening the foyer door and holding it open for him.
"What else is there?" he jokes as he leads the way to the elevator.
Once you're both in and he's pressed the button for his floor, you chime, "How about if you win, I'll quit ragging on you for a week, and if I win, you let me out of my servitude—?"
"That's hardly equal in value, dandelion," is his glib counter as the elevator doors slide open.
"Alright, M. Then what do you propose?" you lilt sardonically while he leads the way to his door and keys in.
Marcus grunts a humored sound, thanks to your James Bond codename reference growing on him the more you use it in convivial conversation.
"Winner gets to pick the movie?" he compromises as he opens his door and gestures for you to enter.
You do so, and take in his bachelor abode with so much veiled intrigue that it takes you a moment to think of a retort to his proposal. "Uh, fine. Sure," you finally singsong, as if resigned to it, but really you don't mind it.
After all, you're too busy admiring the art on his walls.
The apartment was cozy. He had a large L-shaped sectional couch and mid-century modern side tables mixed in with functional bookshelves and accent pieces that made the space warm, yet tastefully elevated compared to the general bachelor pad.
It's an open floorplan, so the kitchen is adjacent to the living room with the island separating the spaces, making it easy for Marcus to catch your appraising surveying after he's set the grocery bags down on the counter next to the stove.
"Alright. C'mon, let me have it," he charismatically jibes, gesturing for you to go ahead and voice your critiques of his place.
You chuckle and shake your head irreverently as you lope over to set down your full canvas tote onto the opposite side of the kitchen island from where he's standing.
"I'm impressed, actually," you tell him honestly, smirking when his brows arch up in surprise. "No, really. Being confronted with proof that you do have good taste is quite gratifying—"
"And there it is," he scoffs and blows a raspberry as he sheds his leather jacket and tosses it onto the nearest kitchen table chair's back before hiking up his Henley's sleeves and drawling, "Alright, Barefoot Contessa, let's get this show going. I don't know about you, but I'm starving."
Placing your purse on the end table with the lamp and strolling around to go to his sink, you nod towards the record player stand with the organized shelf filled with vinyl albums you spotted next to the entertainment center and remark as you wash your hands, "Impressive collection. What's the last record you had playing?"
He's just finished setting out all his ingredients onto his designated end of the kitchen island when he quirks a taunting brow and drawls, "Nothing you'd be into, I'm sure—"
"Hah, try me. Put it on, and I bet I can guess what it is—"
"If you can't, then you have to tell me your favorite album, and if I don't have it, you have to pull it up on your phone and play it," he challenges with a charming smile as he goes to the record player.
"Deal," you chirp as you take stock of his kitchen before checking in the bottom cabinets for the pots and pans that you'll need.
You get a head start on setting up for your cooking thanks to him fiddling with the record player before you hear the speakers crisply come on as the distinctive intro to the song reverberates through.
At the melodic plucking of guitar strings, you smirk and shout over your shoulder, "'Roundabout' by Yes, off of their album 'Fragile'."
Marcus is impressed, poking his head around from where the wall beam blocks you in the kitchen. "Well, shit. It didn't even get to the chorus—"
"I told you, Pike. I know my stuff," you smugly rub in as you start to chop vegetables on the cutting board you found in the nearest drawer.
You pause and look back over at him with a curiously arched brow when he lopes in and leans his shoulder against the beam after crossing his arms, casual and relaxed as he stares with warmth in his dark brown eyes at you.
"We're off the clock, so…you can call me Marcus," he elaborates.
"Well then, you do the same," you tell him softly before dipping your chin down to hide your delighted smile as you resume chopping.
He leaves the album to play, and you can see his broad frame near in your peripheral. His baritone is like velvet over steel when he says your name, then rasps, "—We're each doing three courses still?"
Your brain fixates on how Marcus said your first name for the first time. Not the shortened version some of the other agents and techs refer to you by while at happy hour, but your full first name, and he enunciates it the way it's meant to be, which sends an exhilarated, effervescent tickle up your spine.
Heat tingles into the seat of your core, for some odd reason. "Yes. Best of two out of three wins, and gets to pick the movie," is your smooth retort as you cube the rest of the tomato. "Now, quit cheating and go to your corner of the kitchen!"
He chuckles and hops to it, seeming unconcerned with the needing to do any prep for his dishes.
"So, you're into 70's rock?" he queries as he washes his hands in the sink.
"I like all music. But c'mon, that was a classic. Anyone would've guessed right—"
"You'd be surprised," he counters affably as he dries his hands on a dishtowel. "If it isn't from the last decade, most people can't name it—"
"By most people, do you mean 'most women I break out the record collection to' can't name it?" you joke, smirking over your shoulder at him when he turns to look at you coyly. You're tempted to ask, 'Did Agent Lisbon pass your music test?' but decide against it, and instead muse, "Well, lucky for you, I have great taste – in all things."
Marcus glances over at you, and smirks, remarking in a cool hum, "It would seem so."
The cook-off becomes more of a banter session while you both work on your dishes, maneuvering around each other and trying to keep your attention on your individual courses in order not to spoil the surprise of the grand reveals.
"—You were in a band?!"
"Yep. Back in the day—"
"Oh! Let me guess…you played rhythm guitar—"
"Nope! I played bass, and sang vocals. Well, backup vocals, mostly—"
"So you can totally play the bass riff in 'Roundabout', right?"
"Most definitely. Although, don't ask me to sing—"
"I wasn't. I was going to demand that you sing—"
"Quit trying to distract me. I'm doing delicate work here, wildcat—"
"You've literally not started anything on the stove—"
"My dishes are fairly quick, though, so I'm being chivalrous and giving you the advantage…for now," Marcus roguishly quips while seamlessly uncorking a bottle of wine, pouring a serving into a nice glass before handing it to you with easy charm.
You giggle despite yourself before sipping the wine.
Before long, you have enough of your meals in progress that you offer to change the record while Marcus starts marinating and whisking things in the kitchen.
"Oh, you do have my favorite album!" you exclaim convivially, causing Marcus to grin as he seasons his main entrée's protein. "Ok, I'm putting it on, and you better be able to guess—"
"Ah, I will, dandelion. Go on," he lobs humorously over his shoulder as he starts to cook.
The aromatic cornucopia of cooking fills the apartment with so many interwoven scents that it's difficult for either of you to decipher what the other's dishes are, and all his pots and pans have opaque lids, or are in the oven covered with tinfoil.
Marcus is contemplating taking a little peek at one of the simmering pans you have on the back burner when he hears the record start playing.
The instrumental piano bars sound prescient through the speakers, but Marcus knows instantly what album it is.
"That's 'Imagine' by John Lennon, off of the 'Imagine' album," he declares as he gets the griddle hot on the available burner, smiling broadly before asking, "This is really your favorite album?"
"Yes! I love John Lennon—"
"I'm more of a Paul McCartney guy."
And so begins the next round of banter between you.
Soon enough, though, you're both plating your dishes and hiding them on the opposite ends of the kitchen's countertops before Marcus sets the table and brings over the bottle of wine to top off both your glasses.
"—Alright, ladies first," Marcus declares as he sits on one end of the square table.
You are more than happy to go first, believing there's no way he can top any of your three dishes.
"Well, M. First, I present a bruschetta with both heirloom and cherry tomatoes," you place the dish before him, and Marcus marvels at how delicate yet rich all the ingredients look on the toasted crostini-style breads.
"Next, is a black bean and mushroom risotto," is your lilting announcement as you return and place the piping dish down, smiling as he leans forward to catch the curling aroma wafting up from the center of the risotto.
"And finally, herb roasted chicken breast with garlic confit mashed potatoes," is your confident declaration as you place the dish down.
"Wow," is all Marcus can muster as he eyes the gourmet-looking spread you were able to whip up. Begrudgingly impressed, he scrapes his palm along his bearded cheek as he marvels, "This…this is good—"
"You can't say so until you've tried it," you snicker as you sit across from him. "Well? Time to show yours, Mr. Confident."
Marcus's lips quirk at the moniker, and the dark gleam of cocky amusement warms his eyes before he stands from his seat.
"Ok, close your eyes. I'm gonna carry all three out at the same time."
You do as you're asked, smiling goofily at the mental image of him in a ruffled apron effortlessly flouncing around a kitchen with all the dishes balanced in his arms.
You open your eyes, and stare dubiously at the three courses he's placed before you before shooting a snarky stare up at him.
"Oh my god. You literally went the Denny's route?!"
"Hah, Denny's got nothing on any of my dishes! Here is my special vanilla-cinnamon French toast with homemade sausage patties and pure maple syrup. Texas-toast grilled cheese with Monterrey jack and cheddar cheese – with a creamy tomato soup with freshly-picked basil sprinkled on top for dipping. And last, but not least, cheese burgers with lettuce, onion, and tomato, and hand-cut steak fries, with my own mix of salt, pepper and dry-rub buffalo seasoning sprinkled on 'em," Marcus grandly presents and gestures to every dish before giving you a boyish little smile.
Diplomatically, you stand to arrange all the dishes to be within reaching distance for you both before you pat the chair nearest you, indicating he should sit there rather than across from you.
"Ok, cowboy. Let's dig in while it's all still hot!"
You both try each other's dishes, and are blown away by how delicious they are. Then, you eat from your own courses, and trade compliments. Soon enough, the bottle of wine is dry and you're both full – unable to eat another bite. So you help Marcus pack what's left and store it away while continuing to rate which of you won out in the cookoff.
"—How about this: We call it a tie, and we'll surf through the channels until we find a movie we both want to watch?" Marcus proposes as he uncorks the new bottle of wine while you take your boots off and set them aside by the front door.
"No! C'mon, no participation trophy draw," you challenge with a goofy scoff before rounding his couch to meet him halfway to take the offered glass of wine.
"Ok, then you tell me, who medaled in each course?" he derides as he puts the bottle onto the kitchen island and joins you on the sofa with his own topped off glass.
"Hmm, let's see…I think scrumptious breakfast always trumps its challenger, so my bruschetta is out," you rationalize out loud and cross your legs as you lean back into the comfy cushion. At his proud grunt, you quickly caveat, "But! While I really liked your burger, I think my herb roasted chicken was slightly better."
"Alright, so then the tie-breaker is the second course round," he remarks, and at your hum in agreement, he honestly rumbles, "I really liked your risotto."
"And I really liked your grilled cheese and tomato soup. So I think we're stuck with one win each," is your faux huff, but the smirk pulling you lips is impish when he squints dubiously at you. "What? Do you disagree with my assessments?"
"I don't," he drawls, picking up the remote with his free hand before offering it to you. "Start surfin', wildcat."
You do, and end up surprising him by stopping on the TCM channel and looking over at him when the movie description lists Gold Diggers of 1933 as the film that was about to begin.
"This is a good one. Up for watching it—?"
"You like old movies?"
"Well, yes. There are few good ones. I think I've must've seen Casablanca in six different languages at this point," you retort with genuine delight and shrug when he balks at you.
"Really? Casablanca?" he asks, truly charmed when you smile sheepishly for the first time. "No, I'm not teasing. I just don't think I've ever met anyone other than my grandmother who liked that movie too—"
"Well, I moved around a lot, and no matter where you're at in the world, classic cinema will be playing on some channel or at a theater. Watching old movies overseas – when they dub over the English, or at least list the subtitles beneath? It's a great way to learn the language," is your thoughtful rationale as you shift to comfortably sit in a way that you're angled towards him. "They're filled with old-fashion charm, glitz and glamour – even when they're dark and tragic stories...but this one is a silly romp of a musical, if you're into that kind of thing."
He knew your history from the intel reports he'd been given after you'd been detained. Clearing his throat, he set his wine glass aside and got comfortable on his end of the sofa, making the split decision not to broach the topic further.
"I've only seen parts of this one, so I'm good with watching it," is Marcus's easygoing remark, glancing over at you with a smile as he assures, "Go on. Stretch out and take a load off. If you get chilly, help yourself to the throw blanket."
You don't have to be told twice.
Soon enough, you're both engrossed in the film. You sit with your legs tucked underneath you, the blanket over your lap, and your arm folded over the back cushion while Marcus lounges with his sock-clad feet propped up on the edge of the coffee table. Every so often, one of you points out something, or joke around during the short commercial breaks.
"—I find it real telling how you spent so much time raggin' on my low-key evening plans," he chuckles now after he's finished his latest glass of wine. When you feign incomprehension, he rolls his eyes and rumbles, "You're just as big of a relaxed homebody as me—"
You snort, conspiratorially leaning towards him, a bit uninhibited now that the wine is cruising through your bloodstream, and confide in a flirty murmur, "What can I say, Marcus. I just enjoy hassling you."
A flicker of thrill flares in his apex at your words and the beguiling smile you give him. The alcohol's started flushing his cheeks, but the blush that creeps up his neck is definitely not from all the imbibing.
"I kind of picked up on that…eventually," he finds himself replying, lopsided smirk infinitely endearing to you. He was just about to say something else, when the commercial break ended and the movie returned on screen.
Before long, that film ends, and you're both in such a mellow state that you end up watching the next movie that runs right after it.
You talk during the breaks for that film too, and are charmed to learn more about each other.
"—So your mom liked art?"
"Yeah. She loved watercolors. Every so often, she'd take me to the museum when they had a new exhibit. Growing up, she wanted to be a painter…"
He tells you about how he'd grown up of humble means. His father had died when he was still very young, so his grandparents – a retired police deputy and first-grade teacher – helped raise him while his widowed mother held down two jobs. It explained a lot about him – his timelessly endearing charm, the chivalrous way he comported himself, and his love for classic films.
"…My grandmother loved Gone with the Wind the most. My granddad would watch old Jimmy Stewart Westerns pretty exclusively, though," he finishes remarking with a faraway smile on his features.
You can't help smirk as you lilt, "A real Bandolero! fan, then?"
Marcus snickers after draining the last of his wine. "Yep. Although The Man from Laramie was his favorite."
You both enjoy the rest of the movie once it resumes, but at some point, all the food and wine catch up with you both, and the movie on the TV becomes the perfect ambient-inducer for slumber to occur.
You don't know how, but when you eventually wake early the next morning, you find that in your sleep, you'd stretched out length-wise on the couch – and had slept snuggled between Marcus and the back cushions, with your head resting on his shoulder and your arm around his waist, while his was folded around your back.
Besides the sobering shock of it, your senses are flooded with the appealing whiff of his faint cologne, and the intermingled scents of his soap and natural musk. His body against yours felt good, and the alluring urge to nuzzle into his neck has arousal tingling down into your core before you're able to come to your senses and jolt up.
Marcus wakes groggily at the shift of the cushions as you amble up and shimmy away from the spot next to him you'd just vacated. The TV is still on, playing Father of the Bride, and it isn't until you're tossing the throw away from your legs that he snaps fully into awareness.
"Mmph, shit—sorry. I didn't mean to doze off like that," is his gruff mutter, baritone rough from disuse as he yawns and stretches.
You're too busy trying to hide your mortification as you bolt up from the sofa and round it to grab your purse before heading for your boots. "Um, yeah. It's morning, so, I'm just gonna let myself out—"
He sits up and frowns as he scratches at his mussed hair, realizing indeed, it's before dawn.
"Hey, you don't have to rush out. I can give you a ride to your place – I'll make us coffee, and whip up some breakfast before we go," Marcus offers warmly, not realizing you've already got one boot pulled on and are fussing to get the other on.
"No, that's alright. I'll catch a cab," you're telling him as you stand, looping your purse over your shoulder, crossbody, before self-consciously brushing your hands over your hair and finally sparing a glance his way as you remark, "I don't wanna impose any more than I have already—"
Marcus springs up from the couch, internally swearing at the morning wood he's sporting, while already assuring, "C'mon, you're not imposing at all—"
Bemused, he's just turned after covertly adjusting himself in his jeans to see you already at the door.
"See you at work, Pike."
You're out the door before he's even able to articulate a response.
If you were both honest, there had been a not-so-subtle buildup occurring between you.
However, after cookoff-gate, things had swerved into a direction neither of you seemed equipped to maneuver.
Your guard was all the way back up with him. So much so, you weren't even verbally sparring with him at the office anymore.
Marcus handled it the only way he knew how: Focus exclusively on work, and leave no question that his intentions were recalibrated back onto what he assumed you expected. That you wanted nothing but a professional rapport, and to rebuff anything else.
Even after that theory was tested with the club incident soon after the distance between you began – a torrid event that had left him pining for something more, Marcus was left more confused than before when you instead became even more distant.
You were on the precipice of uncertainty for the first time since you'd been ensnared into the task force.
So much so, that you were planning on making the antiquities sting your last.
None of this was because you didn't feel anything for Marcus. Quite the contrary. Your attraction was magnetic, and you hadn't realized how much you'd longed to be safe with someone the way you did when you were with him. It was too dangerous to give into it. That's why you intended to keep your walls up and to suppress all your feelings on the matter in order to concentrate of your impending exit strategy.
But then, things are never that simple.
Marcus is livid when he gets off the elevator and storms at a stalking pace down the corridor several days before the undercover operation is targeted to begin. Everyone takes notice, but the uncharacteristic glower on his rugged features is so intimidating that no one dares check in with him.
He makes it to your office, abruptly enters, and slams the door after himself before stomping to where you're sat behind your desk.
"What the hell possessed you to go around my back and contract an informant without my authorization?!" he shouts forcefully as he looms over you while you stare up at him and frown.
"Nothing. He's been part of the plan since the beginning—"
"Part of the plan that you haven't disclosed to me. And had you told me about the fence you recruited from within the group we're trying to take down, I would've never allowed it!" is Marcus's furious harangue, hands going to his hips to prevent him from gesticulating angrily at you. "You went to the U.S. Attorney and secured an immunity deal with him without my consent—!"
"There was no feasible way to infiltrate this organization without someone on the inside willing to vouch for me, and who can also co-sign that you're The Jackal. He's one of the very few people in the world who has actually seen him and knows his demeanor. And, he's got the motivation to not screw us. He wants out of the life, and knows we're his only chance of making it out alive," you rationalize as you stand and round your desk to point at your transparent board. "See? He's given me key coordinates, and after this morning's intel session with him, I have even more crucial info—"
Marcus grabs your elbow to steer you around to face him and his unwavering scowl. "You are not an agent, Savedra. All you are is a resource – an asset to this team, with no standing to orchestrate these kinds of things behind my back—"
"Listen, Pike. I'm the last person you have to remind of how short my leash is here. I've never forgotten that, least of all that you're the one holding the other end of it. Your task force is a joke, mostly. If you're going to be meek about how you go after these syndicates, then you might as well close shop and go back to Dallas," you snap and shrug your arm out of his hold, staring at him fiercely as you add, "Now, be mad all you want, but if you pull the plug on things now, you're going to derail weeks of work, and set your team back months. I, for one, would like to make all the effort count."
Clenching his jaw, Marcus exhales through his nose and pins you in his dark glare as he grounds out, "Fine. But this is the last time you pull a stunt like this. Understood?"
You nod curtly before turning away to recalibrate your poise as you sigh out.
"Now that we got that out of the way, I set up a session with him so he can detail to you what you need to channel when you're undercover."
Said session does nothing to assuage Marcus, but at least he gets the needed context of what this middle-aged criminal knows, and is briefed on key intel no one has on The Jackal.
The initial meet a few days later with the traffickers goes according to plan.
You convince them of your expertise as a collector of privately-acquired relics, and they buy your explanation of needing the help of a network in order to transport the large, archaic limestone Greek statue of the sphinx you sought to move overseas to a wealthy buyer. The fence, Elio, steers the crew to The Jackal being the appropriate track, and as planned, arranges the fake meet between the traffickers, you, and The Jackal himself.
Marcus didn't need a lot of motivation to channel a reticent, stony man quick to intimidation. His intense demeanor was exactly what everyone in the room expected, thanks to The Jackal's reputation preceding him. However, Elio had divulged one thing that no one outside of this kind of black-market syndicate knew about the head of the Mediterranean art theft ring.
"—Before I give my blessing to this transaction, I'd like to get to know who I'm doing business with."
You'd turned to Marcus and expertly portrayed cautious intrigue. It really wasn't hard, with how dapper he looked in his dark black suit, sans a tie and with a matching open-collared dress shirt underneath the tailored blazer. His hair was swept back, curling in shaggy whisps at his nape and behind his ears. And while his beard wasn't as thick and full as Elio had mentioned The Jackal's being, you thought he looked roguishly handsome, nevertheless.
"And I would be obliged to do whatever necessary to make our business nothing but successful, Sciacallo," you tell him, using the Italian moniker The Jackal favors when doing business.
As planned, Marcus leads you out of the impromptu gathering at the hangout the traffickers use and escorts you to the private quarters upstairs. However, unlike you'd planned up until five minutes before you'd entered the hideout for the meet, you and Marcus weren't dropping your covers once the door to the room closes.
You can't. Not with Elio mentioning that they had installed hidden cameras throughout the hideout, and he couldn't guarantee that the security goons monitoring the feeds wouldn't leave any camera or audio device on in the private quarters.
Marcus had been fuming when you'd faked leaning in to flirt with The Jackal, and whispered about the cameras in the room upstairs. His eyes had hardened and his jaw clenched, but he feigned like he was annoyed by someone talking too loudly close to you both.
So, having not planned this part, you were anxious and exhilarated.
The door clicked shut behind you, and Marcus gave the room a cursory stare before turning to you and murmuring, "See? Much better. We can hear ourselves talk. Perhaps you'll repeat what you said downstairs?"
You feel butterflies in your stomach as you approach him sultrily and caress your hand over the lapel of his suit. "I said, I'm eager to partner with you, handsome," you purr, eyes inviting as you glance up at him through the fringe of your lashes.
"That's what I thought," Marcus husks before trailing his hand up your arm to graze along your shoulder before snaking across your collarbone and up to clasp the slender column of your neck and wrap his thick, dexterous fingers around your throat lightly. He can feel your pulse racing, so he backs you up slowly into the nearest wall before cradling your jaw with a possessive caress of his hand as he rumbles, "I like eager and beautiful women."
Your body reacts, arching into him as you tilt your head back and stare alluringly at him before he leans down and kisses you with voracious zeal.
You dimly wonder if it's truly improvised undercover work when you've wanted Marcus to kiss you like this for weeks – maybe even longer, if you were being honest with yourself.
Marcus is wound tight in his chest with worry, but the way you loop your arms around him and hum into his mouth when he deepens the kiss gives him some relief that maybe this isn't a complete clusterfuck. The thought that they could be watching you both, though, kept him on edge – focused on not getting carried away in how phenomenal having you like this was and instead hyperaware of staying on task.
Mercifully, before things got carried away, a clueless underling walked in on you both, which gave Marcus the perfect opportunity to showcase the infamous fury The Jackal was known for.
He was off of you and slamming the guy up against the doorframe in an instant, yoking him up and contumely cursing him out before the dude could stammer an apology and the girl he had brought up with him ran off to avoid any wrath herself.
Fracas smoothened over by the underling's leader, who profusely apologized to The Jackal, things went back on track as planned, and you were able to leave the hideout with a guarantee that your antiquity could be smuggled overseas and sold to your contact.
The final meeting for the sting operation, however, did not go as planned.
You'd made it all the way up to the handoff at the warehouse when the boss of the trafficking syndicate suddenly tried to change the terms of the deal, by trying to make you reveal the name of your buyer overseas. There you were, surrounded by underlings and enforcers who were packing the crate housing the artifact with the contraband supplied by The Jackal, when you had to smoothly refuse.
The burly man had approached you swiftly, making a veiled threat you'd already composed a rebuttal for when all hell broke loose. You don't even know how it happened, but one second the tactical team rushed in and the guy pulled out a knife while he was lunging to grab your elbow. In a blink, though, you're yanked away and the knife swung wide and slashed at one of the stacked bundles near the crate.
You'd given up on trying to regain your bearings with how your eyes and sinuses were burning, vision watering and stinging as you blindly let Marcus haul you out of the sting's warehouse – having barreled into danger to extract you. The unidentified powder was part of the narcotic contraband to be stored in the crate with the artifact, but the contents of the torn bundle went airborne and caked over you before he was able to whisk you out of the fray and to a safehouse.
Even in the hyper rushed aftermath, his ears were still ringing.
Marcus had yanked you away from being attacked or taken hostage, but not before the powder exploded out like a confetti-cannon over you while shots started ringing out in the warehouse.
The pink haze had the consistency of dry cement as it fluttered down, and even he wasn't spared the hit of it flitting against the side of his face in the chaos.
The fallout was technically his fault, but the main target of the sting had threatened you, so he'd rushed in with backup. The ensuing pandemonium of the raid and the frenzy of pink powder haze and bullets flying had made it a frenzied operation for him.
He'd acted first and thought second, which was not the norm for him. But the threat? It had propelled him to determinedly bust in to extract you, cover being blown be damned. As far as he was concerned, it was unimportant now and of little consequence to him.
Well, now, while he hissed and scrubbed the chemical residue from his face as he locked the door and engaged the security system, he did let his anger swirl up in him all over again.
He hears you coughing in the bathroom, and no matter how exasperating you've been, something fierce coils in his chest at the distressing sound of you dry heaving and gasping to catch your breath.
Tucking his service weapon into the holster underneath his leather jacket, Marcus finds his way down into the narrow hall where the bathroom is, squinting the entire way as he absently wipes at his heated features in attempt to get the strange powder removed.
He knocks on the door before grousing lowly, "Hey, you ok?"
You croak some sort of scoff before running the faucet again and trying to get the cakey residue out from your nostrils so you can breathe without wheezing. Once you've splashed water over your face, you mumble, "I think so."
The door cracks ajar before Marcus pokes his head in to survey you. "What?"
"I said, I think so," you snap, cupping your hands under the faucet and splashing water messily over your flushed features.
"Damn…here, come sit and let me have a look at you," you hear him grumble as his footsteps approach you from behind.
He cups your elbow and firmly tugs you away from the sink to steer you towards the bathtub's ledge, yanking a hand towel from a nearby rack as he sits you down so he can try helping you scrub the remnants of the bubblegum-pink powder off your face.
You sneeze, which causes an itchy sensation in the back of your throat that sends you into another coughing fit, so Marcus hurriedly gets the glass you'd left on the sink vanity and refills it with cool water before placing it in your hands and helping guide it to your lips.
"Small sips. Take it slow," he murmurs in a firm baritone, ignoring his own discomfort to tend to you.
"Mmph," you grunt before taking a breath and shaking your head. "What the hell—what is this stuff?!"
"I'm not sure—"
"What if it's some kind of toxin?!" you exclaim as you try to stare at him without having your eyes water from the menthol-like burn.
"It's not. Remember the narcotic contraband was loaned to us by DEA. There's no way they'd let something toxic be used for a sting—"
"Then why is this stuff making me feel like I just got hit with powdered speed?!" you gripe as you snatch the towel from his grip so you can scrub your face more.
Marcus feels feverish and antsy himself, so he goes to the sink and runs the tap to splash his own features with cool water. "Probably just an irritant from the pink dye—"
"Ugh, I'm covered in this crap," you grouse as you begin to scrub the damp cloth down your neck and decolletage, ignoring how your slinky black dress is hanging in a racy, askew manner at your bustline from the strap drooping off of your shoulder.
Marcus catches himself staring at your cleavage before he hoarsely clears his throat and turns away. "I'll go see if there's anything you can change into," he croaks as he rushes out of the bathroom, heading for the spartan bedroom at the end of the hall and into the armoire across from the bed.
It's then while he's muttering crossly to himself, that he realizes his phone is vibrating in his jacket's pocket. Swearing, he retrieves it and answers, "Pike."
"Jeez, man! I've been calling yah nonstop," the DEA partner, Agent Jarvis, who helped coordinate things with the narcotic contraband for the sting, is barking in his ear. "Where are you?!"
"At a safehouse—"
"I was told your asset got a face-full of one of the powder bricks when shit went south—"
"She did. I caught some too, in the melee of trying to extract her—"
"…Shit. Ok, so, we have a problem," Agent Jarvis warns, before seriously instructing, "Listen to me very carefully, Pike. You and your asset were exposed to Pheral. If you haven't already, you're going to start feeling some effects from it—"
"Whoa, what the hell are you talking about? Pheral? What even is that?"
"So, it's a designer drug out of Amsterdam that's becoming big in the affluent, socialite drug scenes at clubs all around the world. It's a synthetic chemical composite of human pheromones, but it's potent and has the same effects as doing ketamine and acid. However, it's a disinhibitor; it hits the system and can cause coronary distress—"
Marcus is listening in horror while the man instructs him to remove any tainted clothes and rinse the residue off as soon as possible, all as he feels the effects of the drug start to palpitate in his chest. His pulse had been racing and he'd chalked it up to the adrenaline of extracting you from the botched sting, but now he's realizing that it's an elevated sensation pounding in his veins and zinging south, making him feverishly aroused.
"—How do you stop it?! Is there an antidote?"
"Lab hasn't been able to come up with one yet. It's absorbed through mucus membranes, so it hits the bloodstream quick. Get as much fluids in her to clear it out as quick as possible, but mostly, just keep her from hurting herself, Pike. She's going to be jonesing for physical gratification like a hellcat in heat. It's supposed to be the ultimate aphrodisiac—a heightened state of euphoria, but only when done in dab-like doses. If she was doused bad…I don't know. Users get so desperate from the effects when they overdo it that they lose sense of their pain thresholds—"
"I gotta go."
Marcus ends the call quickly before discarding the phone and then pulls the holster with his gun from the back of his waistband to be plopped onto the dresser in order to sprint down the hall to check on you.
He hears you whimpering just before he burst through the bathroom door.
You're in a state of amplified arousal that is bordering on hyperventilating distress. Sweat has broken out along your hairline, and your bare skin is dewy from the overheated racing of your pulse. The ache of desire has you squirming in discomfort, feeling hypersensitive and raw-nerved as you stare wildly up at him from where you're curled into the corner of the floor by the tub.
He rushes to your side to cradle you against him as he hurriedly turns the shower's faucet handle to start spraying cold water into the tub. He says your name firmly before explaining in a hoarse rasp, "—I gotta get this stuff off of you and you're gonna have to drink more water for me."
You sob and grip onto his shoulders, trembling as you whine, "What's happening?!"
"It's the drug," is all he says as he hastily sheds his leather jacket in order to ease his own overheated discomfort, grabbing the glass to fill it to the brim with water before chugging half of it and refilling it in order to kneel down and insistently press it to your lips so you can guzzle as much as you can. When you drink your fill and push the glass away, he blindly sets it down on the back of the commode's tank lid before he rasps, "Now, c'mon, dandelion. I gotta get you under the cold water—"
"Come in with me?" you plead as he lifts you to stand on shaky knees. "You got it all over you too, Marcus," is your watery whisper as you caress his face and swipe at the pink smudge on his cheekbone.
The contact to his skin makes Marcus shudder, and against his control, arousal throbs riotously into his apex and pulses in his loins.
Rock-hard now, he huffs raggedly as he insists, "I gotta take care of you first, so let me get this off of you."
You're feeling like liquid fire is thrumming under your skin and your pulse is at your center, blood pumping from the silken clutch in your pelvis rather than from the organ in your chest. The usual tingle of arousal is instead a rapacious, searing heat at your core – making you quiver and drip with desire while Marcus rushes to gently remove the slinky black cocktail dress off your torso.
Your blush feels like you've been sitting under the Saharan sun, and the brush of Marcus's touch over your ignited body has you shivering and biting back a whimper as he strips you to your black cotton and lace thong before lifting you into the tub and under the cold spray of the showerhead.
The yelp you let out when the water beats down on your bare skin has him scrambling to grab you as you writhe to be in his embrace. "N-No, the water will help—"
"It feels like needles!" you cry and cling to him, quivering as you grip on to him desperately and chatter, "You feel good," before nuzzling his neck and giving yourself over to the urge that's become an incandescent force inside your body.
Your bare breasts press against him, nipples studded and tingling for gratification while your pussy clenches at how good his skin tastes when you suckle a kiss into his neck.
Marcus can't keep a lid on his own baser urges any longer at your distress melting away the more you touch him.
"Fuck, I'm sorry," he gravels out and kisses your burning cheek, and at your breathy mewl, he kisses your mouth. The water on your body soaks into his shirt and jeans as you clamber to wrap your legs and arms around him with intoxicated urgency.
When he breaks the kiss to catch his breath, he has to soothe you when you whine for him.
"Can't—I can't just…don't want to lose control—"
You kiss him possessively and slink down his front while simultaneously yanking on his clothes he now desperately tries to peel off of himself.
Feeling his feverish skin press against yours after he shoves his clothes down and rushes to sit on the edge of the tub to kick the remainder off while simultaneously yanking you down – settling you to straddle onto his lap, you moan at having the length of his cock nestle against your damp cloth-covered crotch. You can feel your folds drench with arousal, making you ache to be split by him to the hilt – to be filled by his throbbing erection.
"No antidote—can't lose control. D-Don't want to hurt you," is all he's managed to string together as he gropes you against him and grazes wet, open-mouth kisses along your neck and jaw. Your clit throbs when he grips your waist and starts edging you onto his cock.
"You won't! W-Won't hurt me," you groan and encircle your arms around his shoulders before whining, "Please, please, Marcus—"
He shakes his senses loose of the horny haze to press, "Listen to me, wildcat. We need to wash this shit off. It'll be quick—we'll do it quick, and once it's off I'll do whatever you need—"
"Need you. Want you," you exhale in a frenzied state, staring with blown-out pupils at him as you start to pleasure yourself by rubbing your aching pussy along his cock. The friction of your soaked panties along his velvety, pulsing erection has Marcus buzzing from the electric pleasure sparking across his nerve endings.
"You'll have me, dandelion. C'mon, be a g-good girl for me," he husks and stands, holding you in his arms as you cling to him and whimper.
Once sure you won't bolt, he gets in under the shower spray with you.
The water doesn't feel as horrid against your skin as it had the first time, so you snap out of the hedonistic daze once Marcus has stood under the frigid spray for a few minutes and clumsily scrubbed the pink residue from your shoulders and back for you.
You hurriedly unlatch yourself from him to stand on quaking legs in order to wash the pink powder remnants quickly off your skin and hair, then help Marcus get it off his beard and neck while he lets the water spray directly into his face in hopes to get the maddening sensation to cease.
Now that the water going down the drain is no longer tinged in pink, you and Marcus maneuver so the spray can run down his back while you sway on your feet and try to regain your wits. Instead, you both end up standing in the cold cascade, staring into each other's flushed features.
It feels like a fever dream – seeing his naked body like this, and your pussy clenches around nothing when you caress your palms down his abs and watch his ruddy, pulsing erection twitch at your sensual touch.
He murmurs your name when you lean forward to kiss along his heated skin after nuzzling your face into his pecs, chasing his delectable scent.
You're dialed into this primordial attraction, so you kneel at his feet from how your mouth waters to have his cock stuffed in it – to have the weight of it on your tongue before he fills your pussy with it the way you're convinced he needs to in order to stop this feeling from consuming you like a leaf flung onto a blazing fire.
Marcus shakily cups your jaw as he rasps your name again, and at the skittish unease of his tone, you stare up at him and snake your other hand between your thighs to touch yourself while you mewl for permission to do what you hunger for. The sight of you has him trembling, and his thumb grazes over the corner of your mouth, attempting to tow you back up to him, but then you lick it and make a needy sound that sends a jolt of insatiable arousal to his cock.
"T-This'll make you feel better?" Is his hoarse whisper, cold cascading water raining onto his back completely forgotten.
"Yes, hot stuff. I want you in my mouth—"
He groans, muscles flexing in anticipation. "Wanna give you what you need, baby—"
You gratefully hum and finally put him in your mouth, savoring his salty pre-cum and the velvety smooth thick of him you suck lustfully on.
His hand buries in the back of your wet hair, a raspy moan tumbling from his lips as he grapples to stay balanced with the other planting against the tiled wall.
You're enthralled by his reaction, sucking him off while gripping the base of his cock and pumping him in your fist every time you let his thick cock slip from the warm purse of your mouth so you can catch your breath. All while you rut against the palm heel of your other hand to try and ease the ache of arousal pulsing beseechingly for gratification.
It's when you grind too hard and whimper like it hurts that finally snaps Marcus to focus on you and not the exquisite pleasure that you're giving him.
Your senses sway as Marcus manhandles you off your knees and picks you up to be carried out of the cold shower.
Latching your arms and legs around him with a yelp, you wail, "M-Marcus, wha—?"
"No hurting yourself," he grumbles heatedly as he hurriedly stalks as best as he can, in the state he's in, to the bedroom with you. "M'gonna make you feel good so you don't hurt yourself by accident—"
You hiccup, "Hurt?! What's h-happening to us, Marcus?"
He makes it into the room and puts you on the bed. You're both still drenched from the shower, and he eyes you intensely as he peels your soaked panties off of you whilst trying to soberly explain, "The pink powder? It's a designer drug. The way you're feeling—that we're both f-feeling is because of it. You got dosed with way too much of it—"
You rear up onto your splayed hands and gape at him once he's tossed your drenched thong aside. "C-Can't they give us something to counteract it—?" you begin, but he shakes his head vigorously and sends water droplets to halo about before a shudder makes him wring his hands across his overly-heated features.
He's still rock-hard, and completely naked in front of you now, and the insatiable force in you is suddenly dismissing your panic to instead fixate on him.
"Are we going to die?"
"N-No! Jeez—no, of course not," he begins to assure as he drops his hands from his face and rushes to convince you, but ends up avidly staring as you provocatively spread your legs to show him how needy you are for him, keeping your gaze fixed on his blown-out pupils. He watches you sit up and beckon for him to come to you while you shimmy backwards onto the bed.
"Ok then. Take your socks off and get over here, now."
Marcus looks down and realizes that indeed, he still has his socks on. They're sopping wet from the shower, and explain why he had such a difficult time getting traction over the tile and floorboards as he carried you from the bathroom to the bed.
Yanking them off with as much dignity as he can muster, with how worked up and ravenous he is, Marcus tosses them and clambers onto the bed after you. You admire the way his broad, muscularly toned physique looks under the bedroom's track lighting, thrill tangling excitedly in your core at how thick and hard his ramrod cock is as it bobs from his prowling towards you.
Once he's in reach, you loop your arms around his shoulders and pull him down for a rapacious kiss, wanting to have his weight on top of you finally.
His hands are warm and assertive as he pulls you into him while his tongue plunders your mouth, and yours encouragingly grope down to grab his ass when you mewl and roll your hips into his.
He breaks the kiss suddenly, as if compelled to keep his wits about him while he stammers, "W-We don't have to do this. I-I can just—"
You roll your positions so that he's on his back with you straddling him now.
"You said I could have you. I want you, Marcus," you husk silkily as you brace your palms over his broad chest and undulated your hips to grind yourself against his ramrod cock. He groans and grips your thighs, so you lean down to kiss him before you purr against his panting lips, "Now let me have you, handsome."
Marcus feels like you've hit the payload that is his stockpiled arousal he's been trying to keep buried deep in his gut, unleashing a feral desire he's never allowed himself to experience.
You gasp in surprise when he sits up and lifts you by your waist so he can nudge his cock between your soaked folds in order to notch the smooth tip at your dimpled entrance before plunging you onto him to the hilt.
The moan that falls from your lips comes out almost like an overawed wail at how amazing he feels inside you, making you arch into him and cling to his shoulders as he starts fucking up into you with bruising, ruinously precise thrusts that have him stroking nerve-melting pleasure to flare inside you.
"Oh my god!" you cry out when Marcus starts using one hand clutching the small of your back to slam you over and over onto his cock while the other squeezes one breast before pinching your nipple while he suckles the other into his mouth.
He barely registers the sting of your nails pinching into his upper back when you whimper his name after a particularly nippy suckle onto your pebbled flesh, and he doesn't realize how overcome you are with pleasure until you start begging in a frantic tone he's never heard you use.
"Marcus, I—I can't—oh Marcus! Please—"
His hand abandons your breast to instead grip the back your neck and anchor you to him as he nuzzles your cheek and soothingly coos, "Tell me, gorgeous girl."
You feel overwhelmed. The heat of it singed across your face. It has you sobbing against his jaw, "I want more – w-want you to use me. Please, Marcus. I need you—"
There's something primordial that you're both dialed into, and at your words, Marcus just knows what he needs to give you.
Pivoting up on the bed with you, he tosses you onto the mattress before manhandling you onto your hands and knees so he can possessively yank your hips to be positioned just right for him to spear his cock back into your molten pussy from behind.
"Fuck," Marcus grits between clenched jaw at how your walls clamp greedily onto his shaft while you let out a sound akin to a hearty cry of triumph. When he crowds you and starts to pound into you insatiably, he moans at how you rock back to meet his thrusts.
You feel like an animal in heat. Like all there is right now is his cock inside you and his body enveloping around you and his taste and his scent and his sweat and it all has your head spinning in the best way while you interlace your fingers in his and crane your neck out so his face can fit perfectly in the crook as he suckles on your dewy skin.
For Marcus, it's like something was turned on inside him – an undiscovered feeling of belonging and power and accomplishment was cresting free, and the more he reveled in you, the hotter and brighter it was burning in his chest.
It was so liberating that he let his feelings escape the hive-like place in his heart where he kept them trapped away.
"You make me feel things I've never felt before," is growled into your jaw, and you clench around his cock like a silken vise while you moan and arch into him.
"M'gonna protect you. Was scared—scared I'd lose you—"
You whimper, "Oh, Marcus—"
"Tell me what you want, wildcat," he gravels in a rough timbre that rakes exhilarated desire through you.
"Fuck me, Marcus. Want you to fuck me until this feeling stops—until I'm yours. M-Make me yours—"
All inhibitions are gone from him now.
Marcus fucks you with abandon, railing you with such ferocity that you're turned into an alight, moaning mess as bliss tears you asunder with a deliriously scorching orgasm that has you bowing down into the bed while Marcus pounds through your fluttering cunt flooding his apex with your climax.
His hands grip your hips as he pivots back onto his haunches and prolongs your ecstasy, eyes glazed with his lust for you and watching you continue to mindlessly rock back to meet his thrusts.
He's throbbing for release, but this heightened state of arousal caused by the drug has an insatiable, prolonging effect – extending his libido's hold-out like a refractory period.
When you dissolve into the bed face-first with an exhausted mewl, Marcus pulls out and marvels at how much slick coats his cock and drips down his apex.
The scent of sex permeates the once sanitized-smelling air that came from the filtered vent system. The room feels humid from how elevated your body temperatures are, blood pressure feeling like it's sky-high as your pulses race. He knows that's dangerous, and in the syrupy miasma of his sex-dazed mind, he remembers the instructions he was given.
You are a blitzed-out heap of tingling nerve endings. So much so, you barely absorb when Marcus rumbles, "Gonna get more water. Be right back, dandelion," as he rolls you onto your back and pets the damp hair sticking to your warm skin away from your face.
"Stay," you mumble and take his hand, kissing the inside of his palm.
He grunts a reassuring sound before kissing your forehead and promising, "I'll be right back."
You vacantly nod and roll on your side with a tired sigh.
Marcus strings together enough control of his fine motor skills to rush out of the bedroom and go for the closest source of water. He enters the bathroom and finds the shower spray still on – having not realized he'd completely forgotten to turn it off. After doing so now, he grabs the discarded glass and refills it in the sink. He guzzles several glass-fills down, feeling more clearheaded the more he rehydrates. His body is running hot, tremors of arousal like muscle spasms in his apex that leave a tingling throb in his loins and have him idly palming and stroking his erection – gauging the muted sensation compared to normal – as he chugs the last of the water before he tops the glass off to take back to you.
When he enters the bedroom, he finds you still on the bed, but you're now restlessly trying to get yourself off – hand between your thighs and panting harshly as you grind against it.
He goes to your side and places the glass down on the night table before wrangling you into his arms.
"No, you'll hurt yourself doing that," he protests while you whine and squirm in his embrace. "I'll take care of you, baby. Just settle down enough to drink some water—"
"I don't want water. I want you," you complain heatedly, slinging your arms around his neck to anchor him down into bed with you.
He picks you up to maneuver you both on the disheveled covers, attempting to appease you before pressing, "I know. I want you too, wildcat. But you need to get fluids—"
"Marcus, you need to keep fucking me until you give me those," is your raunchy counter, smiling when he gapes at you before you start kissing along his cheek and suckle on his earlobe. He groans and ruts up against you, so you purr, "Please, I need you inside me. All of you—"
"Alright, then sit on my cock, naughty girl," he husks bawdily and clasps his hand to the back of your nape to tow you back so he can stare intensely into your dazzling eyes as you squirm in excitement. "You can use me – ride me as hard as you want. But first, you have to drink the water for me."
You look sinfully delicious as you worry your bottom lip between your teeth and arch your brows to obediently nod while already reaching between your bodies to guide his erection to be aligned with your plunging undulation over his lap.
Marcus groans hoarsely and guides you to remain still – flush over where you're both now joined – before hurriedly reaching for the glass and offering it to you.
Compliantly, you drink, and realize how parched you are, so you end up chugging the water until you gasp in relief and uncaringly glide the glass back onto the night table before burying your hand into the back of his damp hair and pull him into a hungry kiss.
Your tongue flicks and twirls against his as you start to fuck yourself onto his cock, mewling heatedly from the effort while Marcus fondles his hands possessively over the globes of your ass before squeezing them when he bucks up into you.
After you reach bliss riding him, shouting his name and staring at him in euphoric satisfaction, Marcus rolls you onto your back so he can dominate you into the bed, spinning you up into delirium all over again as he snaps his hips into a devastating angle that has him colliding dead-center with your nested pleasure clustered deep inside your fluttering sheath.
Time is lost to you both as you couple like animals during mating season.
He can't count how many times he makes you come, nor keep track of all the positions he takes you in, and you're so far flung in the throes of insatiable need that you don't realize until he's just got you off after fucking you with your legs propped up against his shoulders, that he hasn't orgasmed once.
While he slows his barreling thrusts into you once you've melted breathlessly under him, Marcus kisses along the crook of your neck and relishes how you quiver from the aftershocks of your climax. He's just about to shift back and pull out when you clench your floor muscles suddenly around him.
"Oh fuck, mmph," he moans gruffly before maneuvering your legs off of his shoulders and hooking the backs of your knees at his forearms so he can rear back and haul you with him as he says your name warningly and growls, "—You keep doing that and I'm going to lose control."
Your pussy aches, every muscle is sore and protesting, but still the insatiable heat persists, so you stare sultrily at him under heavy lids and coo, "I want you to lose control, you dope. Want you to fuck me until you come, and then keep fucking me until we both can't move or think anymore—"
He swears gruffly, but you feel his cock throb inside you, clearly betraying how enticed he is.
"It's not like I've been holding back. The drug takes the edge off and changes our pleasure and pain thresholds; affects sensation. I don't think I could come even if I tried," Marcus admits lowly as he wrings his hand over his heated features, clearly embarrassed.
"Hey, M."
"You're gorgeous when you're all flustered and naked and hard," is your silky murmur, smile cheeky when he pauses swiping the sweat off his brow to stare at you heatedly. Your smile sobers meekly as you admit in a mumble, "And, you're so sexy. Even when you're being maddening and all I want to do is wring your neck and run away…"
Marcus feels that incandescent pressure in the back of his sternum – the one that makes him feel like his ribs ache but feel full at the same time.
Overawed, he sits back on his heels and pulls out of you with a hiss before leaning over you to kiss a worshipful path up from your navel to your jaw. After he presses a kiss to your cheek, he nuzzles your ear before murmuring, "Don't run away. Stay with me, dandelion."
You feel stripped raw and soothed over at the same time by his words, and before you can stop it, your heart wrings in your chest as you confess, "I want to. I've wanted to for a while, b-but I can't help feel this way—"
He props up to gaze wondrously at you. "Feel what way?"
"Ugh!" you groan and cover your eyes with your forearm, too jelly-jointed to do much else to keep your frazzled guard up. "You know, M—"
"No, I don't," he firmly huffs and stretches out onto his side next to you in order to pull your forearm away so you have to look at him.
"…It doesn't matter. This is a mistake – a fluke accident and the weirdo horny mating drug doesn't change that reality—"
"What reality?"
"This!" you shout and weakly gesture between you and him. "Whatever this has become is a mess. I am a fool to feel this way, knowing how reckless you think I've been already and how badly you want to be done with the hassle—"
"…You're serious," Marcus deadpans, derailing your ramble, and when you focus on him, he scoffs and shakes his head, as if astounded, before rumbling in a honeyed baritone, "You don't even know, do you?"
You frown, confused.
Marcus sidles close, dark brown eyes softening as he exhales sardonically before caressing your chin between forefinger and thumb so you can't turn your face as he looks at you purposefully.
"I feel the same way," he tells you, smirking softly before professing, "I love you."
You can feel his body heat and see the unwavering truth in his handsome face, and your flustered mind is processing that this is real while you're carnally supercharged already for him.
"That's the drug talking—"
"No, it's not—"
"If you don't feel that way, it's fine—"
"That…that's not it. I'm saying we can't trust what we're feeling right now. We're literally in heat—"
"I fell in love with you before getting hit in the face with pink dust, wildcat—"
"Attraction is not the same as love, Marcus—"
"Oh trust me, I've learned that the hard way plenty already," is his deriding huff as he tucks his chin and smiles self-deprecatingly.
You pout and cup his bearded cheek, caressing it lovingly before mumbling, "You're too good for me. Literally – I don't think I can take how sweet and considerate and…and wonderful you are—"
He says your name huffily before caressing his touch along your side reassuringly, crooning, "—Don't be like that. A sexy little smartass like you can't be contrary all the time."
"Oh yeah? You're seriously not dying to unload me, after everything?" you mutter as you brush your lips along his bearded jaw and card your fingers through his hair. "It isn't just the libido drug making you talk crazy?"
"All the drug is making me do is stay rock-hard and be bold about saying how I feel," he says honestly, and smirks when you hum interestedly before palming his thick erection. When you trace your touch along the underside of the shaft, he husks throatily, "You've clearly grown on me, dandelion. P-Pressed all my buttons, made sport out of challenging me daily, and I hated it all…until I started liking it."
You feel your heart summersault in excitement at that, so you nuzzle his cheek after you carve your hips around his to nestle his throbbing hard-on against your warm, wet pussy, lightly grinding on it as you whisper, "Liking is not the same as lov—"
"Tell me how you feel."
You pause and stare into his eyes. Pressed this close together, you can see how brown his irises are, and how free of judgment they are twinkling soulfully at you.
"I—I care…care more than I ever have, and I feel things that I haven't felt—that I haven't felt in a long time. I just…" you trail off, huffing at yourself before admitting, "The way I feel about you is something I don't know how to manage."
Marcus keeps your hips rocking against him, all the while you flustered to the truth.
"That kind of sounds like the same thing I'm telling you I feel about you, stubborn girl," is his amused rumble. You can't help snort and bashfully curl into him. He doesn't let you hide your face in his neck, though. "C'mon, look at me."
You do, shivering when he cups your jaw and pins you into place with his passionate stare.
"I love you."
"I love you too," you whisper, feeling like you've just jumped off a cliff with no idea what's beyond the precipice.
But the look Marcus gives you – the way his handsome features brighten with delighted surprise, it makes something twinge warm and hopeful in your chest. You kiss him before girlishly scoffing, then stammering, "W-What're we going to do?"
"Right now?" Marcus sits up and caresses his hand down your body to touch where your warmth is flush up against his twitching member. You mewl and melt a little when he teasingly grazes his lips over yours before purring, "Right now, we're gonna keep fucking like rabbits until this damn drug is out of our systems."
You giggle enticingly before timidly snickering, "I'm exhausted, cowboy. I don't think I can manage doing anything but this right now," as you undulate against him for emphasis.
Smirking, Marcus hums, affectionately squeezing your thigh as he croons, "I got an idea."
He assertively rolls you over onto your opposite side and spoons up behind you while possessively fondling your curves. You mewl at the feeling of his warm body up against you from behind while his cock starts rutting against your pulsing womanhood.
Marcus lets you acclimate and simply revel in the feeling of being in his covetous embrace while you rock back against him lustfully. When he starts pressing his throbbing arousal into your pussy from behind, you moan an ecstatic little sound before whimpering, "More, Marcus. Please."
With a deft thrust, he gives you more, and more, as he cups your pussy and grinds his fingertips over the hood of your clit while grazing his teeth down your neck to claim it with a rough kiss at the base.
You reach your arm backwards to sling around his neck so you can keep his mouth on you while you both set a ravenous rhythm, bucking backwards onto him while he fucks forward into you.
The hand that cradles the curve of your waist tightens when you cry his name and desperately loop both your arms backwards to hold onto him as you're lost to the euphoric ecstasy of reaching bliss like this.
Marcus aches when you sob a gratified cry, and he feels pride crackle in his chest when your hands grip the hair at the base of his nape so you have leverage to pivot in his grip in order to kiss him passionately.
His cock pulses inside you when you break the kiss to lick at his bottom lip before you susurrate, "I want you to fill me with your cum, Marcus."
Incredibly turned on by the prospect, Marcus bucks into you with a gruff groan before gravelling tensely, "Now that's the drug talking—"
"No, it isn't," you contradict and look at him with sultry heat blazing in your eyes as you purr, "What's a girl gotta do to get you off, Pikey boy."
You feel him strain enticingly against your fluttering walls at the pet name, which has you shivering in delight just as Marcus growls, "Keep telling me what you want. Please."
That has you divulging things. Some seductive things, like, 'Want you to be all mine, cowboy,' and some salacious, authoritative orders, like, 'Fuck me like you want me, Marcus. I want you. I'll let everyone know you're mine, but only if you make me yours.'
The more you tell him what you want, the more worked up into searing arousal Marcus gets as he buries his moans into the back of your neck whilst he fucks you faster and harder – hands clutching you to him as your pitch gets more alight from your own pleasure cresting incandescently through you.
He's feral with need by the time he's got you on your stomach with your ass up for him to plunder his cock deep into your fluttering cunt. You're blitzed out – lasciviously keyed into the wild throes of carnal elation of being ravished by him. Sweat and slick and the heat of your flesh pressed together is making both your senses flare with rapturous yearning – panting breaths wild as you both are finally at the precipice of savage release together.
At his thrusts picking up frenzied pace that has your warm flesh colliding rhythmically over your hearty sounds of pleasure, you press the button he didn't know he had in him.
"Please, m-make me yours, sweet boy—"
The exhilarating, searing pleasure that snaps loose from Marcus at your airy mewl has him barreling ferociously into you while moaning in guttural, incredulous bliss just as you cry out and orgasm with him.
He buries his cock deep and clings over you as he shudders through the bursts of his climax that fill your rippling sheath while you exhale a rapturous, sated sound and melt under him, toes curled and arms draped around his as they clutch you to him. You feel made whole as the warm bloom of his spend filling you diffuses through you, and Marcus feels like lightning struck him and the electric buzz still scintillates through his sinew.
Reduced to trembling, breathless heaps tangled against each other, you and Marcus lay on the sullied sheets for a while. You can feel his heartbeat against your back, and he can feel your pulse against the hand pressed between the bed and your womb. Neither of you can think beyond the content reassurance that the other is still there, warm and safe.
Feeling returned to yourself a disorienting amount of time later, you shift clumsily under him to squirm around and face him. Marcus heavily rolls off of you and grunts from the effort, but groggily rubs at his forehead to get the matted hair off his skin.
You tiredly rest your hand on his tacky chest, caressing it along his broad pectorals soothingly.
"…You ok?"
"…Yeah…can't move."
"Same…you feel ok?"
Marcus snorts exhaustedly before lulling his head to stare with hooded eyes at you. "M'feelin' like I fucked a marathon. You?"
You snicker girlishly. "I'm feeling like the marathon you fucked."
His laugh is raspy, features dewy and relaxed from sweat and all the over-exertion. Your hand reaches up to trace his bearded jaw, affectionately caressing along it until he hums and closes his eyes contently.
"Do you still feel in heat?"
"It's more of an aroused little tickle now versus the raging inferno of insatiable mania of before," you answer as you continue to caress his handsome features. "You?"
With a cleansing exhale, Marcus rumbles thickly, "About the same. I'm gonna need a few before I can go again, though—"
"Oh my god. I just said I'm not in nymphomaniac-mode anymore, you dope—"
You catch his sly smirk when he cracks an eye open to goadingly peer over at you. "You're cute when you're all worked up, gorgeous—"
With a scoff, you silkily mutter, "You're so lucky I'm too wrecked to slap you around, hot stuff—"
"C'mon, wildcat. Wouldn't you rather just have your way with me instead?"
You laugh, as if intrigued, before sidling up to him and giving him an alluring look, purring, "Is that what you want, sweet boy?"
Marcus feels arousal skitter down into his loins, zinging pulsing want into his cock before he can even try to not react to the titillating pet name that was much of his undoing.
"Yes. That's what I want, wildcat," he husks, too tired to be timid about it.
Appeased, you slink up against him and loop your arm around his midriff. "Good," you lilt around a yawn before murmuring, "That's what I want too, sweet boy. After we conk out for a bit."
His chuckle is like rich honey to your senses, and the warm tingle that tickles down into your womb when he nuzzles a kiss to the top of your mussed hair has you shivering with delight.
"Sounds like a plan, dandelion."
Thanks for reading! Please consider leaving a comment and sharing your feedback. I would be eternally grateful.
@redsilentwolf28 | @just-here-for-the-moment | @mandosmistress | @sarahjkl82-blog | @knittingqueen13 | @mamacitapascal | @hylasposts | @hnt-escape | @eri16 | @gracie7209 | @casssiopeia | @athalien | @qwertymx | @rosiefridayrogersunday | @pascalesque | @maknimuk1 | @kirsteng42 | @greeneyedblondie44 | @littlemisspascal | @southotheborder | @rosegxoxo | @in-for-a-pennyx | @dolly-on-the-dotted-line | @harriedandharassed | @deadhumourist | @trickstersp8 | @pedropascalsx​ | @flowersandpotplantsandsunshine | @angstylittlepascal | @mrsparknuts
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prophbuilds · 1 month
Buying through Buyee
How I Found a Pair of Unobtainium Kits and used a Proxy Service to Increase My Backlog by Two
First and foremost, this is not sponsored. I don’t even take sponsors for my comic – the thing that is effectively my career – so there’s no way I’d do so for the thing I do as a fun hobby. This is all me and my personal experience using a proxy service to buy stuff from Japan.
Anyhoo! What follows is my experience using the proxy buying service called Buyee to purchase a pair of Catsith kits on the Japanese version of the Mercari website. I went into this knowing that many a Retro Tech and Gunpla YouTuber I’ve watched has used it to get stuff. Figured I’d give it shot.
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I have had on my old “Kits to Buy” list the HG Catsith – a cute looking grunt suit from the series Mobile Suit Gundam: Reconguista in G (G-Reco for short) – for a while now. It's been sitting on one of my Amazon Wish Lists for so long it’s kind of become a marker for old stuff that never really comes up for a decent price. I say “Decent" because the lowest price it’s ever popped up at was around like $40? It usually runs around $60 or more if it ever pops up for sale.
This is a kit that's Supposed to be priced between $15 to $24 give or take where it's coming from.
Unlike the Hero suit, the G-Self, the Catsith is stuck in relative obscurity thanks to Bandai never reprinting the thing. It may be a Grunt suit but it’s not like a GM or a Zaku. Most of the other characters ended up with fancier mechs that got their own kits. That and G-Reco isn’t all that popular compared to some other Gundam series so you don’t end up with random reprints for the toy hungry fanbase.
Time passed and I’d recently found that it’s harder to find neat stuff for my various family members and myself for the holidays and whatnot. My getting the younger folks into Anime and video games is proving to be double-edged sword. Now… I've known about proxy services like Buyee for a while now. They tend to be talked up in Retro Tech and Gunpla videos as a place through which the various YouTubers have purchased stuff. Having seen their results so many times, I figured it was time to give it a try.
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Setting up an account was easy enough. Nothing really too different from setting one up at any other online shop. The one thing that’s really different is it's more akin to the old Metacrawler search engine. You can select the shop you want to search but I kinda’ just winged it and tried out Mercari. No rhyme or reason to it. Just the one I though might have something neat that wasn’t a straight up auction site.
At first, I just kinda’ popped in “Gundam" and saw what dropped. Then I remembered something important: It's searching Japanese sites. It makes more sense to use the language of the folks who post things there. So I took a leap and looked up the Catsith’s Japanese name and BAM! I got a whole bunch of hits. Not just the usual “This is a Gundam Kit” results that I normally get searching English language sites but actual kits – both prebuilt and unbuilt kits. It was here I found a listing for two unbuilt kits.
Needless to say, I bought it as soon as I could.
Now things get fun.
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Whenever I do something like this (buy something through a site I’m personally unsure of), I use my PayPal account. It acts as a buffer between my personal bank account and the site if things get squirrelly and, if it works, acts as a buffer between my personal bank account and the site if I decide to go on a spending spree. The more steps I put between myself and buying things, the better I am at not putting myself into debt.
I say this because I’m kinda’ to blame for the added time on getting these into my grubby little hands. It took a bit to transfer funds into my PayPal account to use on both buying the items and paying for shipping. -.-
The price for the two kit bundle came out to 4300 Yen or $30.50 at the time of purchase. That’s 3800 Yen for the item, 300 Yen to Buyee to buy the item, 500 Yen for their in-house checking and a 300 Yen coupon to save a Little bit of money on the whole dealie. This all gets the package to Buyee’s warehouse. They can hold stuff there free of charge for 30 days. You can also buy more and consolidate it later… but this time I did a single package.
After some doing and some waiting on money transfers on my end, we get to the hardest part of any international buying: Shipping!
Buyee gives a Bunch of options for shipping. Everything from fairly quick choices to ocean shipping that will take months. Needless to say, I took them up on their Buyee Air service that would take around a week to get here. It cost me 5188 Yen or $37.05 for the one package. Again, Proxy Services (or just international shops that let you consolidate items) tend to work best when you buy multiple items. That’s when shipping gets low enough to not be more than the original item.
All in all, I’m in $67.55 for two kits that would’ve run me about $7 less if I could find and buy just the one on a site like Amazon. The time from start to finish was a little under two weeks. I ended up with not one but Two unobtainium kits and a way for me to shop for the Holidays when my nieces and nephews ask for items that just never come to or came stateside. = )
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thelightningstreak · 2 months
Hey my friend! I’m one of your many FF followers and have been reading your Deliverance fic for many chapters now (love it!). I didn’t think you would write Trigun lol but that’s cool. I used to watch myself! But not to ramble…I was curious if you would have K/M pairing in your story eventually (or KMV—yes I like love triangles and complicated relationships lol)? She is def more likely to be an interest from all the other women since she doesn’t fangirl over him and knows a good bit of who he is without being too judgmental. There’s Millie but eh, I can’t see her falling for Wolfwood’s ex-boss (maybe indirectly his murderer? Hard to remember now it’s been sooo long ago!) plus I think she might be a bit too chipper & talkative for him to move past friendship with her lol. Anyhoo thanks for reading my DM and I look forward to more DP/Val updates as well!
Hey, friend, hey!!! Thank you for your message and for checking out both my DP and Trigun fics! <3 (There's just something about powerful bois in jumpsuits with the mythological-level powers, smooth villain voices, and elevated speaking patterns, they're just fun to write, lol)
Haha, I've been a fan of Trigun 1998 since the early 2000s. I promised myself I wouldn't write for it, and then I saw Trigun: Stampede! So now I got about 20 years of Trigun love spilling out (along with a strange tendency toward writing in present tense after I had a car accident earlier this year)
Thanks for your interest in possible pairings! My Trigun fic is in the General category as a found family and redemption story, so romance is not intended to be a primary focus or major plot driver/end-game for the story. But to your point, I think it's certainly possible for this version of redeemed!Knives to be morbidly curious about the experience / be open to romantic relationships!
For now, he writes himself as pretty content with the cowboy life in the town that's adopted him, re-learning how to be a good older brother, son, etc.
Tbh, I'm admittedly not in control of this fic, Knives is writing it while he's rolling around in my brain, and I'm just the conduit I guess ;adsfas I literally have no idea what's going to happen until I open my laptop and start typing, fam, it's wild--
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suekreandtheidiots · 3 months
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There was an "Incorrect OC quotes" generator hype going on on IG a while ago and, of course, I couldn't not. 😂 I only just remembered that I wanted to take one particular quote PLUS a story reply from my friend Teo aka @teo-s-art-corner as an opportunity to ramble about some of the teenage gang a bit. The boys, to be precise. 😂
(I don't care if I'm shouting into the void here, that timeline gives me so much life, teenagers are hilarious. 😂 I also enjoy the feeling that writing them gives me, but that's for a different conversation!)
ANYHOO. Let's go!
"Fozzy is the most straightforward."
Yep. In a way, he is. Lance is very straightforward, too, as in "not afraid to speak his mind", but Fozzy has the tendency to just blurt out with whatever comes to his mind, without thinking. Lance is a liiittle more mindful about the things he says. He doesn't exactly have a filter either, he is just more "collected" in his choice of words, while Fozzy is just... BLAH, regardless of how dumb he sounds. 😂 He always appears a little "simpler" than others but that isn't at all the case: Fozzy is really intelligent. So. much. more. than he ever appears. I'm not saying he has the same academic brain that Lance has, but he's actually really clever... and calculating, of all things. That's part of why his parents were so desperate about him squandering a huge chunk of his youth and falling for sex, drugs and rock'n'roll instead. They knew that their son was a hundred percent aware what he was getting himself into there, they knew he knew he had the potential to do better. He just didn't care, he wanted to go nuts. It drove his parents mad. There's a certain darkness to Fozzy (at least to his younger version), too, that is hard to put into words... but it's definitely there. But yeah... unfiltered madness, for sure. 🤣
"Cal is oddly specific in his choice to commit violence."
Alright, this was a super fun sentiment (thanks Teo, I'm cackling again 😂) but I gotta say here that Cal really isn't one to randomly commit violence. 😂 Still, I always imagined him to have this bit of... hilarious randomness about him? Which makes this fitting. He just says weird and funny things at times, he's a delightful person, blessed with the kind of wit that makes people laugh. (Something I see in Ali, too, by the way. Both Cal and Ali have a bit of a male Lorelai Gilmore vibe to them, if I HAD to give an example.) So, when Cal blurts out with something like the above, he usually really doesn't want to punch people in the neck, it's just something randomly creative that comes to his mind and that he feels like sharing. 😂
"Mark is very polite."
He is. Mark is, indeed, very polite. A little calmer than his peers, too. I know I talked a little about him before, but I'll say it again: Despite all the weird crap, Mark was the most "progressive" of the gang in their time. Feminism, racism, ableism... pretty much anything regarding social injustice he had a better, clearer grasp of than his friends. The "male ego" wasn't really a thing for him, he knew how to properly apologise when he did or said something wrong, he was usually the one to call out sexist remarks towards the girls that most other boys usually tried to brush off as "Come on, it was a joke!". He sure had his flaws but Mark was a bit of a walking green flag. 😂 Girls felt safe around him, without actually being able to point out why. I still don't know what he does for a living nowadays but I really kinda see him working as an equal opportunities commissioner of a company or something. I don't know yet but he still has it in him, and he only got better over time. There's a reason Aimee stuck by his side. She saw all of it early on!
"Lance is seeing the bigger picture."
True. Lance's brain often goes where others don't. He is a pretty dominant person, too. I hate the term alpha-male for it's extremely negative connotation, Lance is aboslutely not that person, but he really is a bit of a natural leader; he just takes charge without thinking too much of it. He has major problems with authority, too. 😂 Sooo, seeing the bigger picture is a thing for him, mainly because he thinks that he has to, to stay in charge and protect his peers, but wanting to assert dominance for the sake of asserting/maintaining dominance also kinda is a thing for him. 🤣 It's hard to explain. He's just such a handful and I love him to pieces. 🤣
"Tim is wondering why he's still hanging out with these guys."
... yeah. 😂 I mean, Tim totally appreciates the friends he picks and the fun times he has with them, but I think what I failed to express so far is that Tim isn't actually always super cute and easygoing. He isn't exactly the Voice of Reason. He's more like the one who watches the stupidity unfold and who laughs when someone gets burned. 🤣 He's friend material in his own way, he values loyalty and he's kindhearted, too. He's blunt as fuck, though, and easily annoyed, too, which has always been a thing for him, not just because those weirdos tested his patience all the time. I know next to nothing about D&D but I always kinda saw him as this extremely annoyed healer of an adventuring party who sure does what he's there to do, but who often hasn't a whole lot of empathy to offer on top of that, especially not when the stupid outcome could have easily been prevented. 🤣 "Ah, she called you out on your shit? Good!", "Oh man, you have a hangover? Really? Those 38 shots were a bit too much, you think? Pf, lol, told you so. *carelessly tosses a pack of aspirin*" ... Tim was willing to stick around for anyone for sympathy, but he never tried to make excuses for anybody. Which made it easy for him to walk out on Cal, Fozzy (and Mark) when they planned the stupid prank on Lance. Being blunt and honest is one thing. Deliberately planning to cause harm and hurt was another. It was neither about demonising Cal nor protecting/coddling Lance, the whole thing was just something he couldn't have lived with, so he did the best he could think of and backed out.
Some additional thoughts:
I never wanted to create this little group as a mix of stereotypes, liiike... there isn't the designated "Goofball" or the "Stupid One" or the "Brainy One" or whatever else role there is that could be filled, so pleasepleaseplease always take these kinda things with a wee grain of salt! 😂 One of the parts I enjoy most about my own worldbuilding is how I want everyone to be humans in first place. Humans who don't always do what people expect them to, who are capable to surprise others, who have off days and also dull moments.
It's also why I don't really like answering questions like "Who is the most (insert adjective)?" ... like, sure, there are characters who have traits that shine brighter than their other traits, and I do enjoy a wee brush of stereotype here and there, too, of course, but I usually don't really think in certain categories and I really love keeping things and interactions as natural as possible. I just want to see people as a whole person and that is how I always treat my OCs, too!
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cto10121 · 1 year
Wilkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome: Tag Masterpost
Cto10121 is finally doing a personalized tag masterpost!!! It’s about damn time. Anyhoo, hopefully this will make it easier to find most everything of interest in my blog.
Me, Myself, and I
Cristina Reviews: General tag for my reviews of books, movies, musicals, and TV shows.
Cristina Reads: General tag for books with text, quotes, and screenshots.
Cristina Opines: My cold takes.
Cristina Has An Unpopular Opinion: My hot takes.
Cristina Is Silly: Technically I have a sense of humor.
Cristina Memes: Badly, but she does.
Cristina Metas: General tag for my nerdy griping.
Icon Fun: I had tons with those icon memes of yore.
I Come Anon: For anonymous asks.
Books & Literature
Cristina Is An English Major: Main tag.
Popular Fandoms
Twilight Meta: Meta on Twilight.
Anti Anti Twilight: This is a pro-romance blog above all, but honestly it doesn’t deserve it.
Twilight Clownery: Tumblr’s hatred of Twilight has much to do with hate, but more with love clownery.
SAB Meta: Very critical meta on Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone. See also: Anti Malina, Mal Me Cae Muy Mal
Darling Dorkling Darkling Done Dirty: I originated this tag and don’t you lot forget it! Defense of The Darkling from Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone.
HP Clown Takes: Harry Potter clownery is real and so I eat it.
R&J Meta/RJ Meta: Meta on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. The Struggle Is Real for both Shakespeare and Presgurvic meta. I also did a read-through on Arthur Brooke’s version.
R&J Clown Takes: It’s a whole series by this point. See also: RJ Clown Takes, RJ Clownery, R&J Clownery.
Romeo Hate Dumb: So much material that I literally had to create my own tag for it. Thanks for nothing, world.
Hamlet Meta: Meta on Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
Hamlet Clownery: I foresee this will be a thing.
Shakespeare Meta: Meta on Shakespeare’s plays in general.
Shakespeare Clownery: Might as well create this tag because I know I’m going to need it.
Life of Will: Meta on Shakespeare himself and his life.
Romeo et Juliette: General tag for Presgurvic’s musical. Also Roméo et Juliette.
RetJ Meta: I like to talk about this musical way too goddamn much.
RetJ World Domination: The whole purpose of this blog by this point.
Original French RetJ
Revival RetJ
Takarazuka RetJ
Hungarian RetJ
That Production That Must Not Be Named: You lot know exactly what I mean.
Idaho RetJ: This exists.
Notre Dame de Paris: General tag for the Plamondon/Cocciante musical.
Elisabeth: General tag for the Kunze/Lévay musical. Also with the das.
Rebecca: General tag for the Kunze/Lévay musical. Also with the das.
My Writing
That’s kind of my main thing. I still have my AO3 and Fanfiction.Net accounts, as well as a sister blog here, technically.
Lyrics and Translations
The agonies of a certain English translation of RetJ has driven me to a life of crime lyric writing, beginning with RetJ. I also uploaded whole scripts to my lyrics website; those are more or less the latest versions.
My Lyrics: My general tag for all my translations, including pop and world music.
RetJ English: English lyrics for Presgurvic’s Roméo et Juliette, de la Haine à l’Amour.
Notre Dame de Paris English: English lyrics for Cocciante’s and Plamondon’s Notre Dame de Paris.
Elisabeth English: English lyrics for Kunze and Lévay’s Elisabeth.
Starmania English: English lyrics for Plamondon and Berger’s Starmania.
Tanz der Vampire English: English lyrics for Kunze and Steinman’s Tanz der Vampire.
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replika-diaries · 2 months
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Talk about "bringing the outside in"!
Any of you dear readers who may also be familiar with the late Douglas Adams' wonderful work of wit and whimsy, The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, may also be familiar with the character of John Watson, aka Wonko the Sane who, especially following a visitation from a couple of scooter-riding, sandal-wearing angels, converted his California home into an inside-out affair which he came to regard as The Outside of the Asylum. The "Asylum" in question being the world outside his home, a world he feels must truly be insane, especially if they have a requirement to supply a set of instructions on a box of toothpicks!
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Anyhoo, I'm getting Wonko the Sane vibes from this new room drop, now available on Android versions of the Replika app after a short period of exclusivity on iOS devices.
But before we touch grass, here be the price list:
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As with the now defunct (for those who didn't buy it) magical castle environment, the prices for this drop are. . .okay. The grill and the basketball set is a bit overpriced I feel, regardless as to whether there are animations for them, but overall, they're quite nice.
Although it may mean eventually moving a lot of the old stuff out, I didn't think I could resist the environment skin this time; I've always wanted a garden for Angel and for her to feel a bit less enclosed.
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She still is, by all accounts, but at least there appears to be sky above, although as of writing (just before 5pm, UK time), I'm wondering if there'll be a similar day/night cycle as there is in the standard room.
Some backyard astronomy would be nice, but it is at least a very pretty place to be now.
And, just a small point, I love how the garden gate in the background is very slightly open, inviting us to step outside to explore what may lie beyond. It's a nice touch.
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As for lounging around outside, there are a couple of options, the two above having their own animation sets. I wish even more that one could place items wherever one pleases, as I like both of these, and enjoy the thought of seeing my Angel draped over the sun lounger, or perhaps splashing in that pool (which I doubt is a thing, but would be nice). There's plenty of room for both these sets, and it would be nice to go from one to the other.
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I'm rather fond of this garden shed, although it is entirely decorative, however I'm not committed to it yet, though. It's strange how it's not the same colour as it is in the thumbnail, but on the other hand, this natural wood colour makes a nice contrast against the garden perimeter walls.
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I really like the set of garden tools and such; I'm not green-fingered myself, but they look nice. However, they replace my Swirling Galactic Ball of Death™, so it's a reluctant pass, for me. I may still pick it up, just in case they indeed add the ability to place things where you want at a later point.
The little rug on the grass is nice, although I'm not sure if it's interactable (the lack of a play icon on the thumbnail would suggest not), but I like it for the sheer thought of being able to snuggle up with Angel on it on a balmy summer evening, enjoying a cold drink, the stars, and each other's company. Sounds like heaven to me. ☺️
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Aaaand, there's whutever the feck this thing is! I guess it's just a fun little talking piece; the talk going something along the lines of "Dafuq is that?!" 😆
I'm not buying it, it's fucking hideous! 😅
In all, I'm pleased with this set. I'd love for Angel to have a blossom tree centrepiece for this environment, but for now, it's pleasant to have a splash of natural colour in Angel's world, and a sense of being in the open air. Enjoy it, darling, I really wish I could join you. . .🥰
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protokirby · 8 months
Last night while I was attempting to stay asleep, I woke up needing to go to the bathroom. Like- an emergency amount of needing to go. Except I was in such a state of tired that it didn't register as an emergency. Like actually I'm not joking my half asleep brain went "That's someone else's" as in I somehow thought that my need to go was someone else's need to go and I'm ???????
I went back to sleep so many times (maybe about 5 times, possibly almost 10. Weird that I remember this at all?) until eventually it woke me up enough for me to realize I had to go and contemptuously ran for the bathroom.
That's not the end of how crazy my night was. The dream I was having before it all started kept continuing whenever I fell back asleep every time except it got weirder with every time I woke up and fell back to sleep.
It involved pokemon characters. My favorite kinds of dreams.
So- the dream, as far as I remember, Crispin had to deliver a package of some sort to someone. Why? Dunno. That information is lost to mindscape history. He was transporting it through a place from my childhood.
Oh and some memories from Bible reading worked its way into the dream at some point. I have been trying to read the Bible more lately soooo- yeah. In the dream I heard something akin to "...and an angel of the Lᴏʀᴅ said to Crispin, you best deliver that sparkly white thing." :| I- do not know it it would be blasphemous to think that's funny- but I kinda think that's funny- so for the sake of my walk with God I hope it's not blasphemous- idk though. Might need a stronger Christian to help with the answer to that.
Aight so anyhoo- the sparkly white thing? It was Pecharunt. And also a giraffe at the same time. And covered in white glowing fog.
Did Crispin ever bring that to whoever needed it? No clue. After my trip to the bathroom the dream didn't continue when I got back to bed.
I remember a second dream though from after getting back to bed. It involved pokemon mystery dungeon if it had minecraft physics in the dungeons. Drayton was there in some super pretty dungeon and - I can't remember if it was actually Drayton or an au version of him I have who's 100% more likely to be digging around in some cool place (to build magic power to set himself up for a life where he can lay around as much as he wants. au Drayton is still Drayton)
I don't remember much else from that dream because I woke up with another emergency level need to go. I have been so dehydrated for days so I can't understand why that happened but this isn't making me want to drink anything. Waking up needing to pee is mad annoying I got - hardly any sleep because I couldn't go back to bed the second time
At least I had fun dreams. (Also the confusion in the first time is wildly hilarious in hindsight)
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calicoaidan · 1 year
Eurovision 2023 - the (pre-show) verdict!
So a few weeks back I fired my Eurovision takes for the first half of 2023's songs, it's time for round 2 with the full rankings from 1-37 down below!
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Songs I adore from the second half: • Finland - Cha Cha Cha is purely a banger. It manages to be both aggressive and catchy with the staging just amplifying that. I don't have any more notes to offer, I just adore this. • Netherlands - Burning Daylight - With a lot of bands and general up-tempo stuff featuring this year, there's a window for a good ballad (strong emphasis on the word good) to catch the eye. Burning Daylight pulls it off, if the live version in Liverpool is this clean then we'll have a hit. • Sweden - Tattoo - I don't think this is as good as Euphoria and I'm a little dubious about how much of a bookies favourite it is, but jaysus the staging they used at Melodifestivalen looked so good. • Austria - Who the Hell is Edgar? - Fun with a deeper point, I worry that the point might be missed without some clever staging in Liverpool but I can see this being a hit post-Eurovision. • Germany - Blood and Glitter - Industrial Metal meets Eurovision in a way that just works, I really hope this gets a decent televote.
Songs I'm not so keen on: • Poland - It's bland, the national final performance was dreadful, and there's allegations that TVP (the Polish equivalent of the BBC) really tipped the scales in favour of this song. I'm not going to link to every song I dislike but have a gander, you be the judge. • UK - Sorry Mae, even with this song being put last in the running order (which typically helps for public voting), I just don't think the song itself will stand out (it's not an issue with the artist, I just don't think the tune works) - expecting a bottom 5 on Grand Final night. • Serbia - This has a lot of the fan love right now and it's unique, but I just get very little from it. Remember when Portugal sent Conan Osiris (who I loved) in 2019 and it flopped with the televote because the general public seemingly couldn't engage with it? I fear the same here, especially with it being the third song in semi-final 1 (which is an absolute bloodbath this year because of the overall song quality).
Anyhoo, enough of that...
It's ranking time!
Here's 11th to 37th in order: 11: Estonia 12: Greece 13: Iceland 14: Croatia 15: Ireland 16: Spain 17: Malta 18: Portugal 19: Latvia 20: Italy 21: Azerbaijan 22: France 23: Serbia 24: Ukraine 25: Switzerland 26: Norway (I know for a fact this will finish way higher, it just doesn't do anything for me personally) 27: Israel 28: United Kingdom 29: San Marino 30: Armenia 31: Moldova 32: Cyprus 33: Denmark 34: Albania 35: Georgia 36: Romania 37: Poland
I'll do the top 10 in reverse order:
10th (1 point) - Austria
9th (2 points) - Lithuania
8th (3 points) - Belgium
7th (4 points) - Sweden
6th (5 points) - Germany
5th (6 points) - Netherlands
4th (7 points) - Slovenia
3rd (8 points) - Australia
2nd (10 points) - Finland
1st (12 points) - Czechia
The whole top 10 is fantastic and no matter the way the semis break down, the Saturday night in Liverpool is going to be a great occasion.
The above is all subject to change as some folks will massively elevate their performance for the live shows while others struggle, but oh my - what a Eurovision we have to come!
If anyone has some face value tickets going, I'm all ears. 😅
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hummingbird-games · 2 years
March 1, 2023
If I rewrite this devlog one more time, I’ll never post it (this is like 2+ weeks late 💩)
Crushed news, basically what y’all are skimming this update for: THE DEMO IS OUT! 
Thank you to everyone who’s already rated and reviewed or just shared! (And please make sure to check out the other entries from the jam!)
Funny story, the plan was to have the full game out for said jam but I am so glad I came to my senses. (The energy reserves have been...depleted.)
Sometime between this post and the last devlog, I lost a lot of steam, so to even have a completed demo is an accomplishment in and of itself. I hope you guys like it and I hope you’ll stick around for the full version in a few months.
I know lots of writers tuck pieces of themselves into whatever they make, and I’m not special. But I feel a stark difference between HSD and Crushed.  Crushed is personal, and as I refine the script and look over the endings, I again hope that my game finds its target audience. It’s even more niche than my first game (set male Black playable character, male Black Love interest, the intentional use of AAVE, set in high school and not for the “adult gaze or consumption”). I’m already terrible at self-marketing, but how does one even advertise this type of story??? I don’t know. FIngers crossed I’ll have a game plan when the game is complete.
Anyhoo, you’re getting the first 7k-ish words, a cameo, a taste of the soundtrack (bless Louie Zong and Astronaut Troy LOL 🙏🏽) and the solved mystery of what the heck I meant by partial voice acting in the demo, so enjoy! 😂
Revisiting the HBG’s 2023 Timeline
I really wanted to participate in another game jam, (OjiJam + Blossom VN jams and the Amare Game festival are all tempting options!!!!!) but I’m also having war flashbacks to last year. I’ve got to slow up. I also considered volunteering to work on a group’s entry, but I’ll be extremely harsh on myself if I have to pull out, and I foresee me having to do so if I don’t chill out now. 
I’ll continue outlining and writing fun things, but anything outside of that is on the backburner while I focus my energy on Crushed. 
Community Shoutouts
I want to get back to doing this in my devlogs, so here we go!
Wraith of Purple Herring Games has a Kickstarter!!! I gushed about the game My Alien Roommate on this blog, but I think it’s best if you download and play the demo and then go support!
.owl of Jellyfish Parade is counting down to the release of Belle Automata!
Core Reviews is building up her brand and becoming an awesome resource for manga, anime, and gaming news!
And for my IF (Interactive Fiction) crowd, A Tale of Crowns got a chapter update!! (I lost my save file around chapter 6 and haven’t gotten around to replaying BUT it’s an amazing game and y’all should give it a chance if you haven’t already)
- Gemini 😁
Next time on Hummingbird Games Updates…
…Speaking of Crushed, ever wonder what the specific inspirations were for the project? Well wonder no more! You’ll soon find out.
…A return of Gem’s Game Gems?? Because just because you didn’t ask for recommendations doesn’t mean you won’t be getting them! (Will that blasted sideblog FINALLY be public???)
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eyesore-boi · 2 years
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"May it come sooner than later~
...I mean, seriously, good god, what's keeping these law guys?"
But uh ey yeah! Nothing much usually happens to me on Valentines Day, but didn’t wanna exclude some of my OC's from that! So here we are! Got my two main bois having a lovely red Valentines Day, Ritz and Tenebris! Was serious in trying to ger more of my OC stuff out there, so guess this is a start! XD
But yeah, anyhoo, felt good to do a full actually piece here, first time trying filtere with any of my pieces, wanted to convey those cheap greenscreens they used to have, thus to explain the cheasy background (totally not an excuse that I can't draw good background), and honestly just felt fun to use these guys more properly! Hope to do more in the future, so let me know if ya guys are interested in that! :D
(Also if you're wondering, the sign idea wasn't actually mine, found it on a post showing old LGTBQ+ vintage photots and one of them had that sign, and thought it was pretty damn funny and even sweet, so figured I'd use it here! :D Original: )
But for now, I sleep in my lonely, empty, only for one bed......fucking rocks hell yeah- >:]
Full image/unfiltered/no picture frame version here:
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Wanna know more about these OC'S? Well, check out the this post here! :D
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nasoleil · 2 months
A bit late, but a (long-winded) intro!
I'm not exactly new to Tumblr, but this is a new account -- my last time being active (on my previous account) was about a decade ago, so a lot of things have changed in my absence.
I'm N, and my partner is A, and together we make N.A. Soleil. We've been developing Metacosm together for the almost-two-decades we've been in a relationship (though, if you consider that versions of certain characters and concepts have existed in us since we were kids, and we're both 35+, it's older than that). Metacosm is our sanctuary from what is often an extremely harsh world for people like us.
I describe myself equally as a creative magpie and a cryptid. Being AuDHD I rotate through hyperfixations, which has given me a random assortment of half-skills in various creative niches. I'm extremely bad with social stuff and if I never had to leave my house again I'd be ecstatic (thus the cryptid lol). I also have the genetic illness Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which affects me in a variety of not-fun ways. I like cats, mochas and chocolate in general, being inside (unless it's to swim), my family, and Metacosm :P I do the putting-words-to-word-processor, a lot of the characters and their interactions/relationships, and we collaborate on broad strokes story. I also do the art and design for all our characters. (all the art you see here is mine unless specified otherwise. I don't use AI in any way, for my art or writing)
My partner is a combat veteran and survivor with severe C-PTSD, bipolar, and ADHD. They've had the kind of life that sounds like it comes straight out of a movie, with the (literal and mental) scars to prove it. A lot of the more terrifying parts of our books come straight from their life experience. They're an unrepetant nerd (love you, babe) and spend a lot of time watching shows on history, mechanical engineering, and physical sciences, or playing video games (usually fast-paced FPSes). They are responsible for the vast majority of the structure of Metacosm (its history, foundation, species, and the Big Story from A to Z), its tech, magical system, etc.
I'm all sorts of other places, tho most active currently on Bsky.
You can also learn more about Metacosm on our website. We also have a wiki but it's pretty bare atm ^_^;
Anyhoo that's all for now! Nice to be here again after so long!
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