#any other game. that teaches you how to play and think through its puzzles as well as portal does
quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
portal 2 haters dni
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Can We Keep Him pt 3
Chapter 2
Jason was laying on his bed with the little rascal next to him, playing a cute little puzzle game on Jason’s ipad. It was a bit surprising to find out how smart the kid was. Even though he didn’t know words, the kid was good at following patterns and puzzles. Angry Birds was a favorite so far, and Jason got to see the kid swish his tail to the music. It was adorable.
The two elder residents spent the day keeping the kid occupied, whether with games or snacks. It was harder to keep him occupied without food, and Jason was glad to discover that ipad games were a hit. He didn’t risk leaving the kid alone yet, too afraid he’d wander off and they’d lose him in the gigantic manor. Absently, he wondered if they should get him one of those child leashes.
 After a scare with the kid trying to climb out the window, Alfred figured out how to teach the kid how to use the toilet. He’d told Jason that the kid caught on pretty quick, even looking around for a step stool to wash his hands. The man speculated that the kid might have memories from before he was abandoned that he recalled, such as having a step stool under the sink. Jason hoped that was a good sign, considering they might have an easier time acclimating him to indoors.
Surprisingly, the kid let Alfred trim his hair, but screeched and cried when they’d tried to de-tangle it. Both Jason and Alfred had scratches on their arms from trying to hold the kid still, and not even grapes calmed him. He’d only been soothed when Jason gave him a few cookies in apology. The little guy’s hair turned out to be straight and jet black now that it wasn’t a tangled mess. Jason had thought the kid’s hair was curly before, but turns out it was just knots and tangles, some of the hairs even had twigs attached.
Jason looked up from where the kid was sling-shooting pigs to the door when he heard a knock. Alfred stood in the doorway with a fond smile. “I’ll be starting on dinner in a moment if you’d like me to watch the little one,”Alfred said,”Master Bruce will be home soon if you would like to get started on any homework you may have.”
“Alright,”Jason groaned, rolling off the bed. He did have homework, and had asked his teachers to email him anything he’d missed today. “Can he keep playing?” 
“Perhaps a bit longer,”Alfred nodded, coming into the room to scoop the baby up. He growled a little at being disturbed, but stopped when he realized he could keep playing the game. He leaned his head on Alfred’s shoulder as they walked out to the kitchen. “You’re welcome to join us,”He added, and Jason shot him a smile and a wave as they left. 
Bruce was happy to be home after a long day of doing paperwork. He felt himself relax unconsciously when he opened the door and stepped through. Taking a deep breath, he smelled the beginnings of dinner. He was pretty sure it was spaghetti, and Bruce was suddenly overwhelmingly grateful for Alfred. He didn’t know how he’d be able to function without the man. 
Pulling off his jacket, he hung it in the hall closet, catching the umbrella inside before it hit the floor. That one never stayed in its spot, so he was always ready to catch it. Closing the door, he hummed to himself, thinking about what Jason was up to. He was almost to the kitchen when something on the floor caught his eye,and he paused.
“Alfred,”Bruce called out, a little strained as he kept an eye on the raccoon tail disappearing behind the kitchen island. The thing was dangerously close to the elder man as he turned from the stove to look at Bruce.
“Ah, perfect timing Master Bruce, you-”Alfred began, but was cut off by the other.
“Alfred, don’t move,”Bruce cautioned, holding his hands out like he was trying to prevent the butler from freaking out. “There’s a raccoon in the kitchen. Just come towards me, slowly.”
“Oh,”Alfred blinked. He looked down to the ground and back up to his son. “You mean our guest. Master Jason found him last night in the dumpster and brought him home.”
Bruce paused. “You let him keep a pet raccoon? Alfred-”
“Good heavens, no,”Alfred cut him off, shaking his head. Before Bruce could protest,  the man bent down to pick up the animal. He came back up, cradling-
“Is that a child?” Bruce nearly gasped, approaching the two. He couldn’t take his eyes off the little black haired boy who closely resembled a raccoon. His blue eyes were bright against the black marks around his eyes. 
Bruce reeled back as the child hissed at him, tiny fangs on display until Alfred shushed him with a few pets to his hair. “He responds best to food,”Alfred said,”Do pick up the bowl of orange slices on the counter there. He’ll get acclimated to you faster if you give him snacks.”
“I.. what?” Bruce says, still staring at the child glaring at him. 
“Do I need to repeat myself?” Alfred retorted, raising an eyebrow. Bruce shook his head, still confused but mind running with theories and possibilities. 
The kid perked up when Bruce picked up the bowl of fruit, switching from glare to puppy dog eyes faster than the Flash. Despite his confusion with the situation, he couldn’t help but give a fond smile at the little guy. Alfred set the child down when he started wriggling, and Bruce was amused to see him scurry around the kitchen to stop at his feet. 
Little claws hesitantly latched onto his pant leg with big blue eyes pleading up at him. He dutifully handed a slice to the kid, who snatched it with a chirp. “Alfred?” Bruce pleaded. He didn’t see any signs of comprehension when he or Alfred spoke, and the child was clearly food-motivated. 
Taking pity on the man, Alfred explained,“Master Jason found him.”
“He wasn’t patrolling,”Bruce cut in, much to Alfred’s exasperation. He felt a tug on his pants and fed the child another orange slice. 
“No, the young master went out exploring on the premises,”Alfred said fondly,”Something about a treehouse. He found the child in the dumpster out front, eating trash.”
Bruce squinted at the kid, examining him. He doubted the kid was plant for Batman if he was eating trash. He assumed Alfred and Jason to be the reason he was so clean and clothed with what Bruce was sure to be his old baby clothes. He frowned when he thought about the reason why the kid was all alone in a dumpster of all things. It wasn’t hard to speculate from the kid’s appearance. 
“I can hear you brooding,”Alfred chimed in, making Bruce sigh. “I hope you’ll be able to help Master Jason find the boy’s name, and perhaps a call to Dr. Thompson is in order.”
“I’ll call Leslie,”Bruce grunted. After a moment of consideration, he bent down to meet the little guy. Cheeks puffed out and orange juice on his face, Bruce couldn’t help the warm feeling in his chest at the way the kid brightened at the sight of him up close. He stayed dutifully still as the kid poked his cheek with a clawed hand, rubbing his slightly stubbly jaw before turning his attention to Bruce’s colorful tie.
“After dinner. If you would bring the young one to the highchair, Master Bruce, I shall fetch Master Jason,”Alfred said, leaving the two alone in the room. 
Brief panic overtook Bruce for a moment before he shoved it down. He passed the boy another orange slice that was immediately accepted, and carefully picked the kid up. His heart swelled when the boy seemed content in his arms, eating the orange slice and stroking the flowery tie. Bruce held the boy carefully, feeling the soft fur of his tail and brought him over to the high chair.
Bruce didn’t quite want to let the boy down just yet, especially when the kid seemed perfectly fine in his arms, so he merely sat in the seat next to the highchair with the kid still in his arms. “You met Baby Bear!” Jason exclaimed, sliding into view. He came up to the two of them, ruffling the kids hair before climbing into the other open seat next to the highchair. 
Alfred came strolling in behind him, eyebrow raised to Bruce. “I assume you need assistance with the high chair if you are still holding him?”
Bruce was sheepish, but moved to put the boy into the highchair while Jason snickered. “You know, I’ve always wanted a little brother,”Jason hedged, and Bruce shot him a look. 
“He might have parents,”Bruce argued weakly. “With his… attributes, he might be better suited with someone with similar abilities.”
“Aw, but he already likes us,”Jason bargained, watching Bruce feed the kid another orange slice with glee.”And we’ve made a lot of progress! He’s not eating trash and he's not covered in dirt. I even got him to wear pants!”
Bruce winced at the image, but looking at the adorable little ears on the boy he couldn’t bring himself to argue with Jason more. “We’ll see,”He hedged.
Truthfully, he was still processing the information and making plans to get the boy medical exams and blood tests to find his parents. There was no way the boy had been left in Bruce’s dumpster on purpose. If anything, the boy had been living in the woods around the manor for a while, and either regularly went to the dumpster for food or recently discovered it. He’d have to check the security footage to see when the kid started showing up. 
Bruce was brought out of his musings when Alfred placed a plate in front of him.He gave a smile in thanks at the plate of spaghetti and meatballs, with a side of garlic bread. A bowl was given to the toddler, and a plate to Jason. It would be a lie to say they weren’t all watching the kid skip over the fork to grab a handful of noodles and sauce. He was obviously delighted at the taste, even if they cringed at the sauce decorating his hands and face as he munched.
“Aww,”Jason cooed when the kid found a meatball and held it with both hands to nibble on it. “He’s just so cute, isn’t he B?”
Bruce hummed neutrally. As of now, the boy’s placement with them is only temporary. Just as long as it took for Bruce to find him a better home. A home more suitable to a feral boy with raccoon traits, not a billionaire’s lifestyle constantly in the eye of the media. It wouldn’t be fair to the boy to subject him to that or the nightlife. He just had to ignore the wry smile from Alfred and Jason’s knowing grin.
Chapter four 
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byitcinternational · 25 days
How to Teach Maths with Coding?
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Calling all number ninjas and geometry gurus! Do you ever wish multiplication tables could dance or fractions could fly? Well, get ready to crack the code on maths with a mind-blowing superpower: coding!
Back to School! Book Your Free Trial Today! https://supermathsapp.com/home/register
Think of it like this: you’re building a secret fort of knowledge, but instead of bricks, you use lines of code! Suddenly, maths isn’t just boring equations — it’s the magic fuel that makes your fort awesome.
Maths with Coding: Strategies and Approaches
Drawing shapes that wiggle and zoom? Code can make a square spin or a triangle morph into a star! You’ll understand angles and areas like never before, all while your creation dances on the screen.
Playing games where every move is a maths mission? Guess what? You can code your own! Track a spaceship through space with complex equations, or build a battle bot that uses fractions to crush its enemies. Maths becomes the ultimate weapon!
Creating animations that tell stories with numbers? Imagine a pie chart singing about percentages, or a bar graph that performs a funky jig. Coding lets you bring maths to life, making it fun and easy to understand.
So, how do you unlock this superpower of learning Maths with Coding? Dive into the world of Coding Classes! These are like boot camps for maths warriors, where you’ll learn the secret language of computers and build incredible projects.
You’ll be:
Solving puzzles like a pro: Coding is all about breaking down problems step-by-step, just like in maths. You’ll become a master strategist, thinking logically and creatively to overcome any challenge.
Boosting your brainpower: Studies show that coding improves memory, problem-solving skills, and even concentration! It’s like giving your brain a superfood smoothie every day.
Making new friends who speak the language of the future: In Coding Classes, you’ll meet other kids who love maths and technology. You’ll work together, share ideas, and build projects that blow everyone’s minds!
Ready to unlock the magic of Maths with Coding?
If you are looking for a place for your child to learn Maths with Coding, we encourage you to sign up for a free trial class at BYITC. We are confident that your child will have a great time and learn valuable skills that will benefit them for years to come.
Originally Published at: https://supermaths.co.uk/how-to-teach-maths-with-coding/
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sonic7ischaos · 10 months
Sonic Unleashed would've been better as an inertia based, 3D physics platformer. In the day stages.
Not in an "I don't like the boost gameplay" kind of way, it's not my favorite but Unleashed and Gens are still good games, I mean for the sake of consistency of control. You teach the player in Windmill Isle how Sonic controls in this one, X to boost, A to jump, B to stomp/slide, LB/RB to side step, LT/RT to drift. Sonic controls like a tank you have to use these tools to guide him like a missile through reaction challenges in 3D, and platforming challenges in 2D. There's more to it, but that's the core right?
Ok, now forget literally all of that because the only thing we're keeping from any of it is that A is jump. Here's a God of War-esque combat system with...weirdly good 3D platforming sections and light, Adventure 1-esque puzzle solving?
Ok, now give Day Sonic the same level of 3D control as the Werehog and his basic mechanics from the Adventure games, polished up a little so scripted loops and corkscrews aren't necessary, then make the transition. NOW, it feels less like you're playing 2 separate games stapled together, and instead, you're playing 1 game which changes up its pacing with puzzle solving and combat mechanics. Aside from Unleashed level themes just seeming really fun to do Sonic style physics platforming in, it makes the whole package more cohesive, the night stages becoming an extension of the gameplay of the day stages, rather than something fundamentally different from the other half of the game.
Generations would benefit from a change like this too, though at least there, there's a conceptual reason to differentiate them mechanically, you want to really emphasize the difference between Modern and Classic Sonic, so one gets the Unleashed style boost mechanics, and one gets an admittedly VERY imperfect take on the 2D style physics gameplay. If the Modern stages were essentially 3D takes on the classic inertia gameplay, they'd get to JUST BE 3D, with none of the 2.5D stuff to allow Modern Sonic to do actual platforming challenges, which would mean Classic stages would have more meaning as the only parts of the game that play out in 2D.
Been watching gameplay from Sonic Dream Team, and it got me thinking about the good boost games (my feelings on Colors are complicated, but mostly middling to negative, and I would murder Forces with my bare hands if it were a person). Sort of killed most of my excitement for the gameplay of it, but on the bright side, the presentation elements all seem to be top notch and it still looks to be a solid take on the boost gameplay, sort of demonstrating even better than Frontiers did that THAT type of gameplay works a lot better when you give the player full 360 degrees of movement and good control over the camera.
It's just not a physics based Sonic game, so I care a lot less, and feel a lot less bad about not being able to play it without Apple stuff. Might pick it up anyway if it gets ported to Switch, to satiate my curiosity and get a more thorough understanding of it for discussion purposes.
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notlosangeles · 11 months
Take Playtime to the Next Level: Exploring the Unbeatable Benefits of Playground Equipment and Rubber Flooring
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Are you looking to take playtime to the next level? Look no further! We will explore the unbeatable benefits of playground equipment and rubber flooring. Whether you are a parent, a teacher, or a playground owner, you know that play is not just about fun and games. It plays a really crucial role in a child's physical, cognitive, and social development.
With the right playground equipment and rubber flooring, the potential for learning, growth, and creativity is limitless. From climbing structures and slides that promote gross motor skills to interactive panels that encourage problem-solving and imaginative play, these equipment options offer a world of possibilities.
But it's not just about the equipment. The choice of rubber flooring contributes significantly to safety and comfort. Its shock-absorbent properties reduce the risk of injuries, providing peace of mind for parents and caregivers alike. Additionally, rubber flooring is durable, easy to clean, and withstands weather conditions, making it a wise long-term investment.
So, whether you are updating an existing playground or creating a brand-new one, discover how playground equipment and rubber flooring can elevate playtime to new heights. Get ready to witness the endless smiles, laughter, and growth that await the little ones in your life.
Benefits of Playground Equipment for Children's Development
Playgrounds are not just places for children to burn off energy. They are also vital spaces for their overall development. Playground equipment offers numerous benefits for a child's physical, cognitive, and social growth.
Firstly, playground equipment promotes physical development. Climbing structures, slides, and swings help children develop gross motor skills, balance, and coordination. These activities require using different muscle groups, enhancing strength and agility. Additionally, engaging in physical play helps children develop spatial awareness and depth perception.
Secondly, playground equipment stimulates cognitive development. Interactive panels, puzzles, and sensory play areas engage children's problem-solving skills and stimulate their imagination. These activities encourage critical thinking, creativity, and decision-making. By navigating through various play elements, children develop their cognitive abilities and also enhance their memory and attention span.
Lastly, playground equipment fosters social development. Playgrounds are often bustling with children from different backgrounds and age groups. Interacting with others in a play setting teaches children critical social skills such as sharing, cooperation, and communication. Through play, children learn to navigate social dynamics, negotiate conflicts, and develop empathy. These social interactions promote emotional intelligence and help children build lasting friendships.
By providing a diverse range of playground equipment, you create an environment that supports children's holistic development. The combination of physical, cognitive, and social aspects of play ensures that children are engaged, challenged, and nurtured.
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Importance of Safety in Playground Design
When it comes to playgrounds, safety should always be a top priority. Playgrounds should be designed to minimize the risk of injuries and accidents. This is where careful planning and the right equipment choices come into play.
One crucial aspect of playground safety is choosing equipment that meets safety standards and guidelines. The equipment should be designed with the appropriate age group in mind and installed correctly to ensure stability and durability. Regular inspections and maintenance are also essential to identify any potential hazards and then address them promptly.
Another vital element of playground safety is the design and layout of the space. Playgrounds should have clear pathways, sufficient spacing between equipment, and adequate surfacing. It is crucial to ensure no sharp edges, protrusions, or entrapment hazards. Additionally, the playground design should consider accessibility for children with disabilities, ensuring that everyone can participate in play activities.
The choice of surfacing material is paramount in playground safety. This is where rubber flooring comes into play.
The Role of Rubber Flooring in Playground Safety
Rubber flooring is a popular playground choice due to its exceptional safety features. It offers numerous advantages that contribute to the overall well-being of children during play.
One of the most significant benefits of rubber flooring is its shock-absorbent properties. Falls are common in playgrounds, but with rubber flooring, the impact is cushioned, significantly reducing the risk of injuries. The rubber surface functions as a protective layer, absorbing the force of falls and preventing serious harm. This is especially crucial in areas with climbing structures, slides, and swings where falls are more likely to occur.
Rubber flooring also provides a non-slip surface, ensuring children can play safely even in wet or slippery conditions. This feature is essential in regions with frequent rain or snowfall. The textured surface of rubber flooring offers excellent traction, reducing the overall risk of slips and falls.
Durability is another advantage of rubber flooring. It can easily withstand heavy foot traffic, extreme weather conditions, and constant use without deteriorating. This makes it a long-lasting investment that can withstand the test of time and continuous play activities. Additionally, rubber flooring is easy to maintain and clean, requiring minimal effort to keep it in optimal condition.
Furthermore, rubber flooring is an eco-friendly option. It can be made from recycled materials, reducing the impact on the environment. By choosing rubber flooring, you contribute to sustainability while providing a safe and enjoyable play environment for children.
Considering all these benefits, it is clear that rubber flooring plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and comfort of children in playgrounds. It offers peace of mind to parents, caregivers, and playground owners, knowing that the risk of injuries is significantly minimized.
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Factors to Consider When Choosing Playground Equipment and Rubber Flooring
When selecting playground equipment and rubber flooring, several factors should be considered to ensure the best possible play experience for children.
Firstly, consider the age group and developmental needs of the children using the playground. Different age groups require different types of equipment to meet their physical and cognitive abilities. Ensure that the equipment is age-appropriate and provides appropriate challenges and stimulation.
Secondly, consider the available space and layout of the playground. Plan the placement of equipment to maximize safety and accessibility. Consider the flow of movement, visibility, and potential hazards. Adequate spacing between equipment and clear pathways is essential to prevent overcrowding and accidents.
Thirdly, prioritize safety features when choosing playground equipment. Look for equipment meeting safety standards and guidelines. Check for sharp edges, entrapment hazards, and potential pinch points. Ensure the equipment is sturdy, stable, and can withstand heavy use.
Regarding rubber flooring, consider the shock-absorbent properties, traction, and durability. Look for rubber flooring that has been tested and certified for safety. Consider the thickness and density of the rubber to ensure optimal cushioning and protection.
Budget is also key to consider. While playground equipment and rubber flooring are investments, it is necessary to find a balance between quality and cost. Research different suppliers, compare prices, and consider long-term maintenance and replacement costs.
Lastly, involve the intended users in the decision-making process. Children's input can provide valuable insights into their preferences and needs. Engage them in discussions or surveys to gather their opinions and ideas. This collaborative approach ensures that the playground meets the expectations and desires of the children who will be using it.
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universalinfo · 1 year
Teaching Your Child to Read in Spanish
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Are you looking for ways to help your child learn to read in Spanish? As a parent, you can play an important role in teaching your child how to read. By providing opportunities for your child to practice reading and using simple techniques, you can help them develop the skills they need to become successful readers in Spanish. Check out this guide for parents on how to teach kids to read in Spanish!
Start with the basics: the alphabet and simple words
When teaching your child to read in Spanish, it is important to start with the basics. Begin by introducing them to the alphabet and simple words. You can do this by providing books and activities that focus on the alphabet and basic vocabulary. This will help build their foundation for reading in Spanish and give them a better understanding of what they are reading.
Make it fun 
Engaging kids in learning doesn’t have to mean long lectures and tedious textbooks. Instead, why not make it fun? By introducing games, puzzles, language learning with dance, and other activities into lessons, students can stay interested in the material and deepen their understanding along the way. 
With a little creativity and the right resources, you can turn topics like math or history into a world of exploration that everyone can enjoy. Not only will children be guaranteed to pay attention during class time, but they’ll have plenty of chances to use their problem-solving skills and boost their critical thinking skills while they’re at it – all while having a blast!
Use everyday opportunities to teach new words and concepts
Teaching children is a rewarding experience, and everyday opportunities allow parents, teachers, and others to enrich this process. From family dinners to grocery shopping trips, there are countless ways to explore new words and concepts naturally. 
By just mentioning an obscure word during the day, you can help children understand its meaning in the context of their lives. You could also ask your child questions related to the topic or subject they’re learning in school. Through thought-provoking conversations, you can encourage kids to explore new words and have fun trying out new ideas! Everyday opportunities provide amazing experiences for both children and adults so keep your eyes open for any chances you have to be learning together!
Be patient
Learning a new language can be exciting for children, but it takes patience, big or small! Every child is different, so what works for one may not work equally well for the next. 
Learning any new language will take time and while big books in Spanish may help jump-start the process, perseverance, and practice are the main keys to success. Most importantly keep it fun; use games, stories, and activities to further their understanding while they become more comfortable with the new language. 
Reward progress 
Watching your child experience something new can be an incredibly rewarding experience, so praising and celebrating progress should never be overlooked. This doesn’t have to be anything big – a big hug, a special treat, or even just singing their praises with a cheerful voice – it all helps to reinforce and encourage that learning experience. 
Books can also be helpful for this purpose; for example, when your child reaches milestones with big books in Spanish, you could go to the library together and pick out their favorite book as a reward for their hard work. By rewarding progress and taking the time to appreciate every little step your child makes along the way, we can show our children how much we value both their hard work and achievements.
Teaching a child a new language can be a rewarding experience for both you and your child. By starting with the basics and making it fun, you can help your child learn a new language while also bonding with them. Be patient and reward your child’s progress to encourage them to keep learning. With a little time and effort, you can help your child become bilingual or even multilingual!
Source: https://www.bbbg.org/sb/teaching-your-child-read-spanish/
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button-mash · 2 years
What I played last week #6
Metroid Prime [Nintendo Switch]
I have a lot of nostalgia for Prime, and outside of making FPS platforming actively satisfying, I think it's biggest achievement is that it does what Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time managed where it took a game firmly rooted in it's 2D identity and transitioned it into 3D whilst still making it feel the same at its core. However, I think as an actual metroidvania, its a bit lacking. The opening few hours are pretty great - it weaves that web all the best games in the genre do where it slowly reveals an intricately designed area that subtly guides you around where you need to go next without ever feeling linear. After a while though (around the Magmoor Caverns area), it starts to lose its way a bit - it starts to become really vague, and the map is so spawling and confusing that it starts to become harder to track where you are in a way that the 2D games don't feel as confusing. Once you get past that section, it then has a massive stretch where it's actually kinda linear and combat heavy, befor having a solid final section again.
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When it clicks it really clicks, and it's incredible how good a job they did bringing the game into a 3D setting. There are little touches like seeing Samus' face reflecting back in the visor after an explosion, or like steam from the jungle fogging up the vents that seemed mind-blowingly immersive and atmospheric at the time and they're still really effective even now. They've just done such a good job of brining all of the visually iconic enemies and items into a 3D format, and hearing the rearranged music is such a powerful nostalgia burst, especially the stuff they've taken from Metroid/Super Metroid
The game isn't without it's flaws though, and I definitely think this is one of those games where it's become such a beloved fixture in gaming and was so revalatory at the time that people just seem to completely look past it's issues and it's just been cemented as some sort of perfect game. I think one of it's main troubles is that it doesn't do a good enough job of working in it's mechanics and teaching you to use them - you can easily get caught in a loop of backtracking around because you're forgetting to religiously scan a room so you'll miss a switch, or forget to use a certain vision because you've not had to for the last 4 hours, etc. The move to 3D just makes it a bit more visually muddled sometimes where it's just easy to miss things. Such a Nintendo thing as well where there doesn't seem to be any in-game brightness settings and some areas are so dark it's hard to properly see. Also a lot of it's required backtracking is the worst kind where it'll send you all the way back and forth from one end of the map to the other, etc.
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Also to get to the very end of the game you have to collect these 12 artefacts hidden around the game world. Some you might find from naturally exploring, but some are actually extremely well hidden, and the game only gives you a relatively vague clue as to the location of each one. They're not impossible to find by any means, but some of them are tucked away behind puzzles or tricks usually reserved for a game's most tucked away side-secrets, and I can see plenty of people simply getting to the end, not having all of the Artefacts and just having no real idea what do to or where to go without looking up a guide. Obviously Metroidvanias are focused around exporation and backtracking, but I think Prime gets a pretty soft go of things for how obtuse it can be to be honest.
It also has a few moments people always seem to completely ignore in beloved games, where it's just objectively bad design that doesn't respect the players time. The very last boss is a good example, which is a potentially tricky, multi stage boss that is a long fight even if you speed through it - basically I can see a few people needing multiple attempts to beat it if they've never done it before. Yet to get to the boss from the save point, you have to do a relatively time consuming platforming section with some strong enemies that can knock a decent amount of your health off if you get unlucky - it's just a stupid thing to have before a final big fight imo. You see a lot of games really bin the pacing of the game with the final few encounters, but peple always seem to overlook it, and I don't think Metroid Prime is an exception, even if Meta Ridley is very cool 
As a remaster this game is incredible. It looks beautiful and runs really well, and the dual stick controls were really the main thing it needed to update it and bring it into the modern world. It's a testament to the original art design and Gamecube performance that I felt like the game looked barely any different to the original until I saw them side by side - it shows not only how good and memorable the original was, but also how much a good art style and world design can shine with a new lick of paint without losing any of it's identity or style.
I absolutely love it and I think it's a really influential and important game in a lot of ways, but as an actual Metroidvania I actually think it's pretty average, and that's from someone with a lot of affection for it and can remember a lot of roughly what to do/where to go. The game is incredible for something that came out almost 20 years ago, but there are plenty of bits of 20 year old game design I feel like a lot of people just don't want to accept isn't actually that great. Still well worth a play for anybody interested in the genre in my opinion
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hihi!! how are you i hope ur day is going good i really like ur matchups! if ur up to it could i get one for twst? im 17, genderqueer (im just vibing), and autistic so even though i really love interacting with people it gives me anxiety so i can tend to be shy and quiet when im interacting with new people. i tend to act upbeat and cheerful yet kinda toned down around people i dont know really well and it takes a lot of trust for me to fully open up but when i do i can tend to be louder than i realize i am and energetic i can tend to be too much sometimes though without realizing because its hard for me to pick up on subtle social ques. im actually pretty pessimistic internally and expect the worst so i dont get my hopes up but i always try to cheer up the people around me because it just makes me happy i guess. because im bad at social interaction i actually was bullied a lot as a kid and never really made any friends, even know i dont feel close to the friends i have. i never really ask for help or open up about stuff im going through to people im close to because i feel like if im a burden to any extent everyone will leave me alone. i can tend to be really really quiet most of the time because social interaction makes me really tired and even when i talk i can tend to talk quietly because i dont want to be too loud. i really love just about any kind of crafty hobby (art, crochet, sewing, embroidery, ect) because i love making things for people i care about. music is really important to me, im in a music theory class rn and i want to compose all kinds of music. i love cooking and baking, i especially love learning new recipes. i also really love games and puzzles, anything from minecraft to chess to dark souls. also when i have a crush on someone its always extremely obvious because i say what i think without much of a filter. sorry this was so long thank you for taking the time to read this, have a wonderful day :)
Okay first off you sound like one of the sweetest people ever and I want you to know you're amazing and your friends are lucky to have you, and I mean it:),
I match you with..
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Literally a match made in heaven, he saw how energetic you were around the a
Adeuce trio and Jamil made a joke "oh look it's your other half" he took it seriously and ran to you, he tried to strike a conversation with you, the first time it was awkward since around new people it's not easy to open up right away and start vibing right the instant, tho as time flew by you grew closer and closer, the most cheerful and joyous couple anyone has ever come across in NRC, people really question why you aren't in RSA;
Kalim always treats you amazingly and he makes SURE you know he loves you and that you are not a burden to him, he makes everyday of your life more colourful, you guys are like 2 sea otters, just happy being close to eachother;
With him you can be open about anything because bro is literally an angel, he's the sweetest and kindest person you've ever met, hell he even forgave someone who backstabbed him *cough* *cough* Jamil *cough*
HE LOVES MUSIC TOOO he's in a band and often invites you to watch their practice or even join them! Literally indulges in ANY hobby of yours, sewing cute tiny hats for grim, playing games with you, teaching you some of the recipes from his family! You 2 very often bake in the kitchen together
You 2 are the most wholesome couple anyone laid their eyes upon(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
Thank you for the request dear annon, may you have a wonderful year<3
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violetmuses · 2 years
Fly Away - Maverick
TITLE: “Fly Away” || Pete "Maverick" Mitchell  
FANDOM: “Top Gun” (1986 Film)
CHARACTER: Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
MAIN PAIRING: Pete "Maverick" Mitchell + Female Reader  
MAIN STORYLINE: You, another bright civilian specialist, catch Maverick’s eye during training. 
Author’s Note: Hey! Wrote this short drabble for 1986 Pete. Feedback would be greatly appreciated and thanks so much for reading my work as always. - V. 💜
Main Masterlist 💜
Tagging: @fangirl0917 @fanboygarcia @ginghampearlsnsweettea @the-untamed-soul
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Aviation training continues for Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, but not without its qualms or slumps. 
For whatever reason, ever since Charlie has walked off base, most of the other specialists seem less than appealing, which made this learning process drag even longer than anything warranted. 
Days later though, something changes. 
“Hello, everyone.” Smiling towards this audience for only a moment, you introduce yourself after writing down your own name on the green chalkboard that perches not far away. 
As you carry on with today’s lecture, both Maverick and Rooster straighten their posture while squeezing themselves into desk chairs. Everyone else is at least hiding away while sitting down, especially students wearing caps or taking notes. 
Once again, this airfield hangar is loud and hectic as usual, but Maverick focuses on you, smoothly intrigued. On the other hand, Rooster squirms in his own chair, barely holding sunglasses and looking slack jawed because of you. 
“Any questions?” You offer the inquiry after clapping both hands together to complete the lecture. 
For now, it takes everything within Maverick not to bite his lip. You look so damn pretty, smiling at a time when most of these people would much rather get drunk instead of sitting through hot air and not flying. 
“Ma’am?” Maverick lifts two fingers of his hand and you quickly notice the Lieutenant's gesture with respect. 
“Yes, Lieutenant Mitchell?” You acknowledge Maverick by rank as expected, but squint through the unrelenting sunlight found overhead. 
“If it’s not too much trouble, would you mind explaining another topic? I’m struggling with my notes.” Thumbing one pen in his hand, Maverick engages in a full-blown staring contest while slyly pursing his lip towards you. Even Rooster and comrades whistle downward. 
You clear your throat, playing along with his game in an effort to stay professional. There’s no other choice and you can’t risk losing this short placement on the base, especially considering a generous payout for teaching. 
“What are you struggling with, Lieutenant?” You ask, facing Maverick without so much as flinching this time. 
“I’m missing something, Ma’am.” Maverick licks his lips , still daring you and Rooster glances from another desk to cheer him on. 
“What exactly are you missing from the notes, Lieutenant Mitchell?” You then narrow both eyes towards Maverick, still puzzled. 
“I’m missing your phone number.” Maverick nearly whispers those words to you over the buzzed and aerial whirring of countless fighter jets. 
Mav’s comrades, including Rooster of course, damn-near fall out, either humored or immediately noting how suave but cheesy that line had been 
“Dismissed.” You say, moving this discussion over to uniformed or supervisors before commotion might derail scheduled plans. 
I knew it. You think, rolling both eyes as soon as it’s clear to leave for the afternoon. 
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thefools-journey · 4 years
So. Some of you may be wondering why we haven’t written a whole ton about the secondaries or what have you. Here’s the reason: we were waiting for them to end before we really dug into the problems we were noticing. We felt that it was only fair to wait for the routes to finish so that we had an understanding of the writers’ vision. Who knew, we thought, maybe they would see the problems themselves and course correct, maybe they are building to something we can’t quite see yet and these issues will have actual payoff, maybe-
In light of Muriel and Lucio’s endings, and the general mess that has dominated Portia’s route for a year plus now, we are breaking our silence. We are actually going to talk about this shit show.
The fandom at large has talked about a bunch of issues with the secondaries but for me, the cardinal sin, the thing that really all the issues lead back to, is this: the writers lost sight of the tarot themes which so strongly defined and held together the primary routes. Let me explain.
The primary routes each center around three thematic cores:
The Love Interest’s Major Arcana and its Reversed/Upright meanings
The MC’s Fool’s Journey, both how it can go right and how it can go wrong
A question about the MC’s identity and their relationship to said identity
Asra’s route asks: Who was the MC? How does the MC navigate a past they cannot and will not remember? What do they owe a past they cannot remember? How do they handle the revelations of what Asra, Nadia, Julian, etc did? How do you right the past? Can you?
Nadia’s route asks: Who is the MC? The MC has no past. Are they the Fool only? Are they actually the same person they were? How can they tell? Who are they, really? Are they an imposter? No one can answer these questions for them.
Julian’s route asks: Who will the MC become? How does the MC see their future? Is there anything worth fighting for for that future? What will become of them and their loved ones? 
Now, if you notice, these themes are expertly woven throughout the primaries. Asra’s past dominates his route, Nadia is also missing memories and trying to construct her identity both with her family and with Vesuvia, and Julian’s fear of the future drives his flailing for control. Asra has to learn to take a broader view of his actions to get his Upright Ending, Nadia has to learn to trust herself and those around her for hers, and Julian has to learn how to let go for his. These lessons are the issues their cards stand for. The primaries are so dang elegant and delicate in their handlings of theme it is honestly awe-inspiring.
Thematically, the secondary routes have completely lost their hearts. First of all, the MC does not have strong, core questions which need to be answered. They just don’t. I suppose the writers did not want to retread old territory (which is weird considering how tightly bound the primaries are; it really tricks you into thinking you’re living the same events but from different angles depending on your route) but they did not replace the old with anything new. Muriel’s route is, on the surface, about discovering and owning his past, the good and the bad. Why not tie MC’s self-discovery to that story? Or they could have taken the angle that Muriel’s route is about convincing him to be present and active in the world while MC builds an identity for themself outside of Asra, the shop, and the memories they cannot retrieve. Why not tie the investigation themes running through Portia’s early route back to MC and their past? Portia has the unique angle of being as in the dark as MC about all of this, why not discover the past together? And for goodness’ sake, Lucio has no future when his route begins, why not tie that to his need for growth, responsibility, and MC’s own future between the Fool, the Devil, or something mortal and in between?
Secondly, the routes lost their tarot backbone. We have a primer on how to get specific endings for each LI and it still holds, but the writers did not follow through on the thematic coherence of each secondary. The Hermit is looking for something, be it perspective, insight, a solution to a problem, whatever. The key here is that the Hermit must find or learn what they are searching for, this thing must change their understanding of the world, and finally, they must bring this lesson back to the world from which they retreated. Can someone please enlighten me as what exactly Muriel learns then teaches the world around him? Nothing Muriel learns from Morga, MC, or even the Hermit ties back into anything. The Devil warns that you are out of control and exerting a lot of manipulative, destructive behavior on the world around you. It asks you to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. So can someone tell me why Lucio’s route actively avoids any interaction or reflection on two of Lucio’s biggest victims: Muriel and Julian? Why does the route only try to make amends with the “easier” of his victims in the cast? The Star is first and foremost the card of clarity, the light at the end of the tunnel. Perseverance, if you will. Yet Portia’s route has been the muddiest of the trio; the writers drop the investigation aspect of her route in favor just handing her and MC information they could have easily found and muddying the waters with Tasya (she blows up the palace but it’s all okay bc she has a secret daughter Julian never thought to bring up or mention) and the complete removal of the Devil as antagonist. 
So that leaves just the Fool’s Journey trying to hold this stool up with only one leg. And well...it doesn’t go well. At best, the secondary route books pay the barest surface level homage to the themes of the individual cards. At worst, they ignore the cards completely. Muriel's Moon book has nothing to do with illusions or delusions or lies or even an Alice in the Looking Glass upside down world. Portia's back half is a complete and utter mess, starting with her Temperance book being so badly mangled that Muriel's aftermath book does it better. Lucio's route too bungles the Tower and the Star. There just isn't enough here to carry the routes alone.
Add to the core loss the loss of intertextuality. The primary routes are very good, even great but they too do have their moments and mistakes. What helps strengthen them when the cores stumble is how the trio is woven together. Things you learn in Asra's route can inform the way you play Nadia's, for example. Julian's route informs what is going on in Asra's route and slots some missing puzzle pieces together. Nadia's route tells you of the power struggles she is facing and informs the other two routes' handling of Julian and his trial. On and on, the three routes support each other because they are built out of the same basic plot beats, just tackled in very different ways. Now, the writers are allowed to try and write whatever they want. They apparently wanted to be more experimental and less tied down to an overarching plot with the three secondaries. Okay, fine, they are allowed to do that. The problem is that they sacrificed one of the key strengths of the primary trio and didn't replace said strength with anything else. They also, on some level, harmed the very premise of the game, which is that only the player's choices and route selected change the overall plot. Instead of feeling like legitimate possibilities or offshoots of the same timeline/plot, the secondaries feel almost like Arcana AUs. The secondaries throw out all relations to the primaries and each other as quickly as possible and for what? 
It is probably the height of arrogance to suggest fixes for works whose behind the scenes I do not know. At the same time, some small, obvious changes could have salvaged Muriel and maybe Lucio's endings (rip Portia). Instead of having the Hermit appear as a disappointing cameo, why not have him say something cryptic to Muriel, then have MC start trying to seal the Devil. Then let Muriel use his forget me mark to cloak MC and hide them from the Devil's attacks. Protecting MC by hiding them from Lucio, keeping him focused on Muriel, seems to me a simple third solution between Muriel's desire to run and his desire to never fight again. It lets him stand up to Lucio and let him have it while holding onto who Muriel has become. The Reversed End would have MC try to draw Lucio's attention at some point, disrupting the sealing, and eventually leading to Muriel killing the Devil. With Lucio's Upright End, I just have to ask: why doesn't MC fully claim the power of the Fool instead of the Devil? We don't need the other Arcana involved in this fight; we have three routes that demonstrate that. Just have MC pull Scout into the conflict, then have Lucio tell MC he believes in them, then add his power to the mix. You got yourself a full Fool who leaves Scout guarding the realm until they and Lucio's mortal bodies fail and they return to the realm to be together forever. Boom, you're done, you can even add some ambiguous lines so that players can decide how happy their MC is with this arrangement, send me the check.
Here is the bottom line. Our group is full of aroace, and several combinations therein, individuals. We are the last group who should have gotten into a dating sim of all things. But the Arcana did something with the primaries that was special; they wrote a compelling plot with dazzling lore, complex characters, and strong themes wrapped up in a dating sim bow. The writers know better and we know they know better. I do not know what happened with the secondaries, especially around books 10-11, which is where minor issues slowly start spiraling into major ones, but it is clear that Nix Hydra needed some more planning before they released these routes. Hopefully they will learn.
TL;DR: Nix Hydra fired their tarot consultants about eighteen months ago and it has wrecked their secondary routes until they were just embarrassments. They never intended for the secondary routes to even exist and once they had to make them, they scrambled and threw out everything that made the primaries work.
- Mod Telos
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jellyluchi · 3 years
La Squadra x Gamer!Reader + spice
A/N: I’m not much of a gamer but I have been playing a few video games lately that gave me this idea. Edit: this was drafted mooonths ago when I was still playing Hades which I haven’t touched in a hot minute...
— Genre: nsfw, minors DNI
— Warnings: suggestive content, mentions of oral, fingering
Tries to understand and play some of your video games if you decide to teach him, depending on the type of game he’s either really good or he sucks
Prefers to watch you play in either complete silence or let you talk and explain what the game is about
might ask you questions here and there because he’s a good boyfriend who takes interest in his partner’s fav hobbies!
enjoys relaxing decorative games or puzzle games the most. Also horror for aesthetics and good stories.
depending on whether he can tell if you’re in the mood (and yes he can tell) might tease you as you play
it starts with very light touches while you’re concentrating on the game and before you can even tell somehow you’re squirming!
very good at being stealthy when it comes to teasing his partners physically
might even use metallica to heighten your experience! your game is soon forgotten and you can’t remember if you beat the level or not
Most likely to have you already on his lap when you’re playing if it’s his day off and he’s relaxing
a grandpa who won’t even try your video games unless you can somehow convince him with like.... a 45 slide power point on why he’d enjoy it, otherwise it’s just not to his taste
however, in the occasion that you do convince him, it’s truly a sight to see! This man is as intensely competitive as he is shit at games LOL (running in an fps looking at the ground with no camera control rip)
prone to giving up very fast unless you really walk him through it! Even then might not enjoy it unless it’s an interesting story or concept
will be more partial to games that tackle ethics and morals or are darker themed
But his favorite game is teasing you, you’re already on his lap and he loves giving you cuddles and if your having fun with your game why can’t he have fun with his?
It will be such a sensual and soothing experiencing you won’t realize when it even began before you’re panting a bit.
The best outcome is when you willingly leave your video games to go play with him instead
Not big on gaming on his own but enjoys them very much when he plays, loves it if you invite him to play something!
Enjoys building and open world exploring type games the most (especially if the latter has some sort of fishing mini-game)
He likes to be creative with his building or wants to get immersed in some fantastical story
Is also chill with listening to you explain your games to him if he’s unfamiliar and loves watching you play
Now if you want some ‘video games and chill’ type situation you might have to be the one to initiate.
Whether it’s hinting at it verbally or physically he would need that confirmation
But once he knows what you want he’s not afraid to support you under the desk if you know what I mean.
Likes to hear your moans overpowering the video game music because it lets him know he’s doing a good job 
He’s already your video game buddy most likely, and he gets playfully competitive to boot
Likes FPS the most, especially if it’s multiplayer because that means he can go against you and keep score who got most kills
But if it’s a story based game he’ll goof off and sabotage missions on purpose to see how he can mess with the game (gfx, mechanics etc.)
Also just generally a fan of shooting things in game because it’s satisfying plus he has really good aim wit all his practice
when he’s not in the mood to play he’ll comment on your gaming and get close to rub your thighs slowly
if you don’t get the hint he’ll get bolder with his touches until they’re on your ass and interrupting your concentration
likes when you get frustrated from his touches and considers it a victory if you drop your game to make out with him
Likes to make bets like ‘if you score ___ I’ll dive between your legs’
Not partial to gaming but definitely has gaming experience, mostly with rhythm games rather than traditional console or PC ones
He really likes to know the details of games from you and can listen to you for hours explaining your favorite parts 
Gets into Sci-fi games the most, he loves the world building and the creative fictional technology that they come up with esp for space travel
His skills with the computer didn’t give him much gaming skills but it did allow him to get used to the controls quickly and he gets better with time
Touching you is something he’d rather do, even if its got an interesting concept because nothing is better than seeing you try to fight your moans
If you’re concentrated in gaming or explaining something he won’t interrupt you, but will invade your personal space till you get the hint
If you don’t, he will only inch closer till he’s touching you, first in innocent spots but eventually between your legs or your chest
Loves giving oral during gaming sessions, if you need support under the table he’s your man
Never been much of a gamer but he loves to watch you play, especially when you get riled up. He’ll make lots of teasing comments about your gameplay to make you angry or irritated on purpose 
He pretends to look down on your gaming skills only because he knows the anger fuels your hormones
He gets bored quick when asked to play, is more into the avatar making section of the game than the actual game 
The type to run around in game going through the surrounding talking to random NPCs than actually playing 
His boredom from the games usually leads to other ideas, abandoning his console he, very sneakily, gets behind you. Like a snake he’s quickly wrapped around your body before you realize
You would only notice when he’s making quick work of your clothes, he’ll stop if you ask but if not, and usually you don’t, he’ll tease your inner thighs 
Doesn’t really putting his fingers between your legs unless you give him your undivided attention. If you whine, he just asks you what you want (may or may not give it to you depending on his mood) 
His goal is to make you sexually frustrated enough to abandon the game and let him finger you instead
A competitive gamer himself, you may find yourself actually challenged when playing with him. More likely to play FPS than the rest. 
He’s definitely vocal and focused when playing, comments on your every little move like you’re making the worst decision of your life 
Thinks bets are stupid (because he’s gonna win, obviously right?) and accept whatever challenge you throw at him 
Is super smug if he wins, but if he loses and you make him do something he hates he’ll be a sore loser and curse up a storm saying he’ll get you back for it 
Ghiaccio takes things at face value, he’s not going to think you’re here to fuck unless you actually say so (in which case he goes very red not realizing your intentions) 
If he’s particularly pent up though, he will wonder about the possibility of but won’t initiate it, you really have to be the one to rile him up well 
if you play your cards right, that is, letting him win, handling his attitude about it, getting him flustered enough, he will be open to letting you sucking him off, courtesy of winning the game 
the other much more fun route would be to win against him, tease him to hell and back and just saying “shut up and fuck me” in which case he will be more than happy to oblige after the stunt you pulled when playing 
Sorbet & Gelato
These two are actually pretty accustomed to old consoles such as the n64, having had grown up during it’s time however you will still have to help them navigate any gaming interface properly 
Most likely not used to PC gaming just yet but it’s terribly fun to have them watch especially if you’re playing horror and Gelato delights in the jumpscares while Sorbet really has no reaction 
Very much likes the morbid games psychological horrors with gore, their favorite characters are always the unhinged ones 
They’re both prone to comment if they’re playing themselves and it’s fun to watch as they’re barely phased by the atmosphere or general horrors of the game
Neither of them have much fun just observing you play your game, it’s more likely Gelato will get bored and whisper something lewd into Sorbet’s ear who smirks and they move into action
The plan is simple, they just want to see you squirm, won’t it be so much more fun to play if you’re taking Gelato from behind while Sorbet goes down your throat? 
Sure, in that case you’d be in no position to play by yourself but in perfect position for them to play with their little plaything
they’re really not much for subtlety and two of them and one of you, it doesn’t take much convincing nor man power to get you on your knees. 
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patchworkpuzzle · 3 years
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authors note: this is my submission to Emme’s Mental Health Awareness Collab and like most submissions to this collab this came from a very personal place for me, how I struggle with the aspects within it though nothing graphic or severe. I know that @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten created a wonderful mental health resource list which I encourage you all to take a look.
wordcount: 1.9k
paring: Sero x F!Reader (there is only two mentions of female pronouns, as its from a deep place in my heart but I did try to keep it a gender nutral as I could)
warnings: self doubt, self deprecation. Though it is pretty tame, and has fluff, again please be careful when reading this. 
Also, just a reminder to please not interact with my blog if you are under 18 years oh age.
You didn’t know why.
You didn’t know why Sero Hanta, the hero Cellophane, would ever be interested in you. Someone who wasn’t a hero, or anyone of real importance.  You just worked a normal office job at the Hero Agency he also worked out, that’s how you met after all.
You weren’t an up and coming fresh faced new hero or side kick, you were just someone who filed paperwork and arranged meetings. The sidekick, to the sidekick, of the sidekicks, as it were. Nothing extraordinary about you, in fact you found yourself as nothing but ordinary.
Extraordinarily average, as you like to put it.
And yet, he still saw something.
It was hard to notice at first, a top hero just stopping by to ask you to file something for him to then ask if you were new. But then it got more noticeable, with them continuing to stop by to ask questions and have you file things that weren’t even in your department, trying to find any excuse to see you. To finally just coming out with the truth and asking you on a date.
To say you were shocked when he asked was an understatement. You could feel your face get so red as you stuttered out a jumble of words that ended up meaning yes. Hiding your face in your hands when he left with a smile and a wink, telling you he’ll ‘pick you up at eight.’
The date was almost too awkward, having you try and come up with interesting facts and stories about yourself and your life, trying to compete with a Pro Hero and all the accomplishments he had. But apparently it wasn’t so awful, cause the next Monday at work he stopped by your desk with some flowers and another proposed date.
Date after date you went with him. After a few months he wanted to become official, proclaiming not long after you agreed on a live television interview that he was a ‘happily taken man now’. Though it filled you heart with warmth being so doted on, it made you feel guilty. Made you think that these kinds of affections should be placed on someone more worthy.
Someone who had a more outgoing personality, who didn’t get shy and flustered easily. Or have a short fuse in their social battery, making them want to go home earlier than he may want to. Someone that could match up with him and keep up, not slow him down.
Someone who was more physically attractive, who didn’t look in the mirror and see barely there muscles that were always covered in some way. And who could turn the heads of people when walking by as easily as he could. Someone who could be just as beautiful as the Pro Hero looked all the time, with his perfect smile and dazzling eyes, who could take their shirt off without having to worry if their partner would still find them attractive.
Someone who could do all sorts of amazing things, all sorts of cool hobbies and talents to share and teach. Not being the boring person who started and stopped things all the time, who had no real interests in something for long; whose most notable skill was knowing a bunch of useless facts. Good for a trivia night, but not exactly a good comparison to that of your boyfriend. A man who was filled with many abilities and talents he garnered over the years; both physical and crafty.
He seemed to be able to do so much, and you paled in comparison ever single time.
Sero Hanta didn’t know what he did to deserve you.
He was never the strongest person, or the smartest, or had the coolest and flashiest quirk. To him, he was nothing more than just your average guy trying to become a hero and help people. The underdog constantly punching up, and somehow managed to break through.
He was a decent hero; he would never say otherwise. He always worked so hard and tirelessly to help people, sacrificing so much to get the job done. From sleepless nights, to his body breaking, and his mind almost following suit at times, that he felt he more than deserved the spot he got on the hero rankings.
But at times he couldn’t help but compare himself to his friends. People who more than deserved their spots and fame but always proving that he was lacking in some way or form, though it was always unintentionally. They always celebrated his success and praised him for his hard work, but Sero always felt less than when standing next to his friends.
They were always able to get the press to notice their hard work, even if Sero did just as much. Always able to get fans to interact with them, having them compliment them constantly over this, that, and the other while Sero found that a dedicated Cellophane fan was few and far between. And when they did come up to him, they easily turned their attentions to his friends once they showed up.
He never minded. He did this job because he wanted to help people, and he was good at it. There was nothing more he could ask for. But he couldn’t help but admit he got a little envious at times, or that his smile tended to be forced for the cameras.
He just wanted to be seen.
And then he met you. A cute little office worker whose eyes sparkled so brightly as they excitedly exclaimed that they were so happy to meet him, and that they’ll do there best to make sure everything was done right for him; before blushing and apologizing. It made Sero’s heart skip a beat, to be seen the way you saw him then.
It was probably why he kept coming back to your desk and asking you favours and questions. He just wanted to see your eyes light up when you saw him, to be seen as someone as amazing as the other top heroes around him. And he couldn’t lie that he found you beautiful, in that soft gentle way that would make him want to gaze at your face to see all the expressions it could make.
You were magnetic to him, in the delicate sense. You didn’t stand out in the way plenty of others around him would, you almost blended into the crowd. Almost. But you held this kind and sweet aura around you, one that always felt safe and reassuring, and he couldn’t help but be pulled tighter and tighter into it.
Finally, he found the courage to ask you on a date. Overcome with joy when you said yes but trying to play if off cool to not embarrass himself. And the date was wonderful, he loved learning all the little things that made you who you are.
He couldn’t help but ask for another, and another, and another, you were an addiction to him, and he couldn’t get enough. He thought you were so lovely in every single way. He wanted to keep you for himself, for as long as time would allow him.
He just wished he was everything you thought he was.
But Sero Hanta knew he wasn’t. He wasn’t as strong, or capable, or talented, or all the other amazing things you claimed he was. Just an average man trying his best to pull an incredible weight, trying not to be overlooked, to try and be seen.
And you were just a woman, working a thankless 9 to 5 job, trying to keep up with the expectations of those around you. Pulling yourself in so many directions to try and please everyone. Never seeing yourself in the light you should, never realizing all the wonderful things you were.
And yet, without fail, you both would always choose the other.
Like puzzle pieces you fit.
Despite the flaws, the cracks, and the broken pieces you both saw in yourself, the other would see something more. They would see a mosaic, something beautiful and worth wanting to be apart of.
And despite the troubles that popped up, the demons that would tell lies of not being enough, the self doubt of years of not being seen and treated as kindly as one hoped and dreamed for, it all amounted to nothing more than dust that would float away in the wind when you looked at him and he at you.
You both weren’t fixed. Love was something that was strong but fickle if not properly tended, and it could not fix years of trauma and disbelief. But it helped. And the little reminders it gave helped garner a beautiful bud that would someday bloom stunning and bright.
There just needed to be reminders.
And reassurance.
And patience.
You would always tell him, whenever you could, that he was your favourite hero. That his quirk was something to admire, despite the things he and other might say. How all his training made him so strong whenever he would lift something you couldn’t, or open something small like a jar. That whenever he told you he knew some fact you brought up that he was smarter than he gave himself credit for. That all the little things he did, like take you in his arms to gently sway you both whenever he wanted, made you feel so warm and had your heart fill with a soft joy and made you feel wanted; like you had always hoped to be.
And he would always tell you how he loved spending nights curled up with you doing nothing, as he preferred doing that than going out all the time. How soft your body was, how wonderful it was to hold; and how he always felt like a nervous teenager again when he was intimate with you, like it was his first time all over again. He loved that you knew all sorts of little facts, no topic or subject free from your endless knowledge; and how he loved and felt proud calling you ‘his girl’ whenever a trivia game night with friends was won by you, yet again. And most importantly, he loved your gentleness. He loved how you would look at him, and only him, with such love in your eyes it made him feel like the most important man in the world; finally, being seen like he always wanted to be.
Though it wasn’t perfect. There were times where you would hide away from him, cry yourself to sleep some nights when your self doubt got too strong and the demons in your head telling you that you weren’t good enough. And times where he would distance himself from you, to not want to burden your further with his problems, and not wanting to hold you back in any capacity in case someone better than him came along.
But it was enough.
The good days always outnumbered the bad. And when the bad days came it just proved to the other how deeply you cared for the other’s happiness. How much you both truly loved the other, flaws and all.
At the end of the day, you would always choose him, every single time.
And Sero Hanta would always choose you.
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j-minte08 · 3 years
Why do I award BalanWonderworld as a masterpiece?
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⚠️I'm using a translator, so I apologize if any parts are difficult to read.
In this article, I will write about why I award Balan Wonderworld as a masterpiece, with answers to criticisms.
When I played the demo version, I thought this game was SO BAD. But I believed Yuji Naka and bought the full version. (Before I knew it, I had bought four of them...) I'm not raving blindly about it.
At first, I was hopelessly disappointed because nothing had changed from the demo version. However, in chapters 2 and 3, I was impressed by the three-dimensionality and beauty of the stages, and in chapter 4, I realized the comfort of gaining freedom through the acquisition of costumes.
By the time I was completely finished, I was convinced that this game was a great piece of work.
This is an article that I wrote after spending nearly 100 hours on this game.
I hope you will read it.
Main part
First of all, this game is not a game with flashy action as its primary objective. (Flashy battle action is possible in some scenes.)
【Puzzle】 【RPG】 【Exploration】
It is structured around these three main components.
The game also features a "Balance AI" that senses the player's movements and makes changes to the difficulty and world. There is also a presentation of my own work, so please take a look!
Please read with the above in mind.
■ One button action is stressful.
▶︎ As mentioned earlier, this game is not intended for flashy action. At its root, it is an RPG and does not require multiple buttons. The reason it's a simple operation is because it doesn't need to be.
There is only one button, but instead the player is given the freedom to select up to three actions of their choice. The way to play Balan is to find your own strategy within these constraints.
Some people point out that you can't jump, but only a few outfits limit jumping. Most of them are attack-oriented outfits. It's up to you to decide whether you want more attack power or more movement power.
If you're still not convinced, this game just isn't to your liking.(If that's you, I recommend the Wii version of Rodea.)
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NiGHTS and Sonic are also action games with simple controls, but the concept is different from Baran, as explained below.
From the very beginning, NiGHTS and Sonic are one-button games that allow for exhilarating action. The action feels good and allows for improvement through trial and error.
However, Balan begins in a state of helplessness. One of his goals is to use his wits and eventually gain the power to run freely around the three-dimensional stage.
Freedom from discomfort. This catharsis is the best part of Balan.
It is also linked to the story's theme of opening closed minds.
■ The structure of the puzzle is sketchy.
▶︎ There is an intention behind this. By making the puzzle structure more flexible, the player is given more choices.
Therefore, each player will have a completely different solution to obtaining a single statue.
Also, each time you play the game, you will find new strategies, making it a game that can be played repeatedly.
This is the reason why Yuji Naka was so confident about this game.
Personally, I think that this action with a puzzle concept has a similar point of view to card games and rock-paper-scissors.
The Mega Man series is a typical example of a game that requires you to observe the situation and your opponent's movements to find the right technique and move. In fact, there is a famous episode where it was derived from rock-paper-scissors. This is also a game where you can enjoy improving through trial and error, but I think the structure of the rules is similar to that of Balan.
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■ It's a pain to stock up on costumes.
▶︎ There is no need to overstock costumes. The minimum number of costumes needed to clear the course will naturally be available. Dependence on certain costumes can make the game monotonous. Also, the BalanceAI can sense your movements and take countermeasures.
As the difficulty level increases, you will have a hard time because the costumes will not come back.
The game is made more interesting by the style of play that allows you to use all the costumes to their fullest extent and bring out the true value of each one.
If you run out, explore the stage while collecting costumes. It may lead to new discoveries.
Even if you don't have a specific costume, there are many situations you can get through by applying other costumes.
This degree of freedom is what makes Balan so interesting. The strategy is left to your imagination.
■ The stage is curved. Isn't this a useless design?
▶︎ The curvature of the map allows you to see every corner of the stage. You may be confused because there is no other game that tries to do something like this. However, this is an ideal map for exploration games.
The basics of this gimmick are used as of chapter 1. Chapter 7, which has particularly large differences in elevation, makes good use of this gimmick.
■ The difficulty level is too low.
▶︎ Basics → Application → Review (Boss battle)
This game is designed to follow the above flow thoroughly. As a result, the difficulty level in the early stages is kept low, but the endgame is quite difficult. I almost lost my mind in chapter 12.
The bosses are easy to defeat. However, it is difficult to conquer all three strategy patterns.
Also, if you keep defeating enemies quickly without taking damage, the difficulty level will increase.Stronger and faster enemies will appear in large numbers.I found the difficulty level increased at chapter 3.
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In other words, the difficulty of the game depends on how good you are.
■ I want to have a HP separate from my costume.
▶︎ This system prompts the player to use a different costume in case of failure.
Depending on the situation, you can either sacrifice valuable costumes, or use inconvenient but well-stocked costumes... The game throws a variety of choices at the player. This gameplay becomes more apparent as the difficulty level increases.
If you separate the HP from the costume, this tense gameplay will be lost.
The system of choosing outfits based on what will happen next fosters the ability to think and survive on one's own. It will also help the child's ego independence.
■ I need more explanations and hints. It's designed in an unfriendly way.
▶︎ It's not a game that requires you to do anything difficult, so if you think about it, you should be able to understand it to some extent. All you have to do is immerse yourself in collecting statues by any route you can think of.
Some people criticize Balan for being old-fashioned, but they are missing the point.
Games are essentially content that teaches you to think and act for yourself. This is a posting of what games should be, and a refreshing return to the basics.
However, I don't mean to criticize modern games. The immersive feeling of being in a movie, and the friendly design of the UI that shows you where you are going so you don't get lost. I think it's a beautiful evolution for today's hectic world where it's hard to find time to be alone.
However, to be honest, it is abnormal to say that only works that follow the latest trends are evaluated, and it is difficult to say that there is creativity in such works. Evolving technology and the presence or absence of originality have completely different meanings.
I would like to say that games like Balan, which have their own rules and think for themselves, are what we need today.
■ I don't understand the story. I want subtitles.
▶︎ With both video and dubbing, the amount of information is extremely high. By not using real words, all the people in the world have the exact same experience. Very romantic, don't you think?
It's not to dismiss the unspoken parts as non-existent, but to let your imagination run wild and have fun with it.
Since ancient times, there has been an aesthetic in Asia that finds meaning in blank spaces.
If you want a more substantial story, I recommend the novel version, which probably has what you want. It is available for Kindle.
At the end
Balan Wonderworld is a game designed to grow with the player the more time they spend playing.
Despite its gorgeous visuals, the reality of the story is deep and Yuji Naka's philosophy shines through, making it a masterpiece that can be called a compilation of his work.
At first, you may find some scenes difficult or the system annoying. However, they all have a meaning and will make sense as you continue to play.
Balan is built on a very complete system.
EVERY MOMENT IS AN ADVENTURE... This tagline is true.
But the fact is that Balan is a very peaky game. But that's also true for Sonic and NiGHTS.
If you have enjoyed Yuji Naka's past works, you will surely understand the quality of Balan. I recommend that you take the time to face this game first without any preconceived notions.
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Now that I've spoken highly of Balan, I'd like to offer some criticism of the official advertising.
I think the main reason for this failure was the poor choice of stages included in the demo version, which made it difficult to convey the fun of expanding the degree of freedom by acquiring costumes, the sense of freedom, and the fun of being able to create a number of unique strategies.
As for the official SNS, rather than introducing the costumes and the storyline by themselves, the official should have done a better job of showing how they are all connected to make this game interesting.
That's how it looked from my personal point of view, but I believe that the current situation is the result of continuous failures in the area of advertising.
I'm so disappointed that this masterpiece is being buried, and I hope that the officials will have the guts to turn its reputation upside down even now.
Hopefully, this game will get the recognition it deserves. I love Balan Wonderworld.
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teawaffles · 3 years
There's No Business Like Show Business: Chapter 1
T/N: Takes place after the Phantom of Whitechapel arc (Chapters 25-29 of the manga).
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Where there is light, there is shadow. Behind Britain’s glorious prosperity, lay a dark side.
In the capital of the British Empire, one place that embodied these disparities was situated to the east of the City: a slum called the East End. [1]
Here, the buildings were densely packed due to poor urban planning. Complicated alleyways crossed one another like the mesh of a net, serving as prime hideouts for criminals. For better or for worse, its residents were full of raw vitality, and prostitution and barbarity were rife.
In the East End district of Whitechapel, situated northeast from the Tower of London, walked a lone woman—— no, a man.
He had a slender physique, and his shining golden hair added a vivid colour to the grey city streets. With a mole under his eye, and a smile overflowing with confidence, he was a charmingly exquisite beauty.
This man — James Bond — walked forward with grace, paying no heed to the dangerous atmosphere around him.
When they had visited Whitechapel during the Jack the Ripper incident, Bond had heard that William’s birthplace was somewhere nearby. With the incident resolved, in order to understand William’s character better, Bond was now exploring the slum alone.
However, contrary to his dignified steps, a vague depression bloomed deep in his heart.
——As expected, with at least ten years having come and gone, it seemed that nothing related to Will-kun was left……
Bond had carefully searched the district. He even visited the place where a book rental shop once stood; William mentioned he’d lived there with Louis, but just as Moran said, it had already gone out of business.
Dusk was beginning to fall, and he had no more leads to follow regarding William’s past. Dejected, Bond headed towards the main street to make his way back.
As he passed by a small, vacant plot, Bond saw something curious.
In the middle of the square were a few young children surrounding a single red-haired girl. Thinking that he’d stumbled onto an incident of bullying, Bond drew nearer to stop them. But as he did so, the girl in the middle spoke up with vigour.
“That’s right. Today’s New Year’s Eve.”
She said so while rubbing her hands together, as if she were in the scene of a play. “Ssh—,” she murmured, then mimed the action of picking something up with her fingertips, and raised that hand into the air.
Going along with the flow, the other children around her each began to make their own strange movements. “Bwoo— bwoo—,” one hummed as they waved their hands above their head, while another went “Honk— honk—” as they flapped both arms like wings.
Watching from the side, this could be seen as a mysterious game played within the unique worldview of a child, but Bond continued to stand there and watch the children’s movements with fascination.
These actions could only be from “The Little Match Girl”.
The girl in the middle of the plot was the matchstick seller, the main character. Then the other children were the visions she saw within the flames of the matches she lit. In other words, they were acting out one of Hans Christian Andersen’s famous fairy tales.
A performance—— In that instant, something from his past began to stir up within him.
James Bond had formerly been Irene Adler, a renowned actress who was also a member of the Warsaw Imperial Opera. However, he had stolen secret documents which would have shaken the country to its core. With his life threatened by the British government, it was then that William and the others had rescued him. After which, he became agent number seven of MI6, and joined the Moriarty brothers’ cause.
Now for all intents and purposes, the woman known as Irene Adler was dead. It then stood to reason that he had stopped his acting work as well. However, even as he pushed forward with his undercover missions, he never once forgot the passion he had for the stage.
The children’s play had piqued Bond’s curiosity, and he was watching on with a smile when they seemed to notice his gaze.
“……Mister, can we help you?”
The girl who acted as the matchstick seller directed her question to Bond. Hearing that, the other children stopped their movements and looked in his direction as well.
He was a little flustered by the unexpected attention, but maintained a mild expression as he apologised.
“Sorry. It seemed interesting, so I couldn’t help but watch. Was that ‘The Little Match Girl’?”
“Yeah, that’s right. But how did you know?”
“I was watching your actions.”
Then Bond pointed to each of the children in turn.
“You would be the main character, the little girl. Then you were the iron stove that appeared in her first vision. You were the delicious goose from her next vision. And you were her grandmother, from her last——“
Bond named each and every one of their roles correctly, and the children beamed.
“That’s amazing! Are you a detective?”
That word brought to mind a certain man whom he was indebted to.
Bond chuckled. “No, I’m employed at a certain mansion. I was just passing through while on a quick errand.”
Without particularly doubting his answer, the girl continued.
“Hey, mister. What did you think of our act?”
Bond pondered over his response. Since they were children, one should probably just give some suitable praise and end it there. But his pride and love for acting which once allowed him to reach the rank of prima donna took over, and the words spilled out.
“It was a splendid performance. ……But I think it would be even better with a little more expression.”
The girl made a puzzled face, and Bond knelt down to meet her eyes.
“For example, at the start, you wanted to show that you were ‘cold’, yes? You did well back there, but to show that you are cold, you wouldn’t just rub your palms together, ……”
He paused mid-sentence, then made his shoulders shake as he rubbed both palms together, blowing on them as if to warm them up. Somehow, it seemed as though even the colour of his face had changed — a realistic impression of being ‘cold’.
At his exquisite acting with the skill of a former actress, the children began to clap in unison.
“Wow mister, you were amazing!”
Bond took a small bow as he was bathed in applause.
“By learning how to do a few tricks like this, you can make your performances even more entertaining.”
“I get it — can you do any more?” asked one of the children. He nodded readily, then made his hands into the shape of small wings and imitated the sound of a goose honking. The quality of his voice could have easily be mistaken for that of a bird, and the children were once again astonished.
“That’s a goose!” They clapped their hands in glee, requesting other impersonations as well.
Bond humoured every one of them. Without realising it, he had gone from appreciating the children’s make-believe play, to joining in and becoming the centre of attention. But while he was delighted to entertain them, their surroundings were beginning to grow dark, and he was now thinking of hurrying them home.
Just then, the girl who had spoken up at first pointed outside the vacant plot.
“Ah, onee-chan!” she exclaimed, waving her arms vigorously.
Bond turned to look in that direction. There, stood a young woman with a look of disbelief on her face.
She came back to herself as soon as Bond turned around, then rushed over to the children. The girl ran over and hugged the young woman’s knees.
“Onee-chan, welcome back.”
“I’m back, Mae,” she said to the girl with a smile.
Then, she turned fearful eyes towards Bond. The young woman’s chestnut-coloured hair had been tied back; and although she seemed to have a dark atmosphere surrounding her, her features were clean-cut. She appeared not too far removed in age from him.
“Um…… and you would be?”
“Ah, my name is Bond. James Bond,” he introduced himself simply.
“Uh, Mr… Bond?”
But her reaction was slow. Her understanding of the situation definitely had yet to catch up, he thought. A handsome young man playing with children on a dimly-lit vacant plot — indeed, the scene before her was baffling.
Even so, she didn’t seem to be giving off any sense of suspicion or alarm. Just as Bond was beginning to think it strange, she hurriedly bowed her head.
“S—Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I—I’m her sister. My name is Maya.”
“Miss Maya, I see. Pleasure to meet you…… or rather, I’m sure you must’ve been confused to find your sister playing with a stranger. To start off, I would like to sincerely apologise for that.”
Saying that, Bond also bowed his head. He then explained the series of events to Maya, who was bemused by his friendly yet gentlemanly manner.
“——And that’s how Mae and the others invited me to join them.”
“And he’s really good at doing impressions!” boasted one child. Then, along with the other children, they started imitating the voices of the people and animals that Bond had showed them. He’d initially wanted to teach them about acting, but as they went along, the lesson had somehow morphed into a demonstration of mimicry. Well, as long as they had fun, he had no qualms about that.
Maya studied his face as she asked him a question.
“U—um…… Actually, I’d been watching your performance for some time earlier, Mr Bond…… Um, perhaps, you have worked in theatre in the past?”
For a moment, Bond was lost for words, but he gave a roundabout answer to avoid revealing his true identity.
“That’s not too far from the truth. Well, you could say that I have a personal opinion when it comes to acting.”
“I—I see,” she replied automatically. Her gaze wandered restlessly before she spoke up again, in a cautious tone.
“Um…… Mr Bond. A—Actually I’m, part of a small, theatrical company, with some friends.”
“Really? So you’re an actor too, Maya.”
“Yes, and it really pains me that, you were asked to do impressions so crassly, upon our first meeting, but having seen your acting skills, um, I’d like to ask a big favour from you.”
“……A favour?”
Maya paused for a beat.
“We will soon be putting on a play at a big theatre, s-s—so we would be grateful, if you could watch our rehearsal, Mr Bond,” she said, as if she’d made up her mind.
Then she quickly bowed her head.
“Watch, your rehearsal? Me?”
Bond pointed to himself, surprised at the sudden request. Looking apologetic, Maya continued.
“We’ve been practising as much as we’ve could; but we’re a small theatre company that could close down at any moment, and we’ve never performed at such a large venue before…… With your knowledge of acting, Mr Bond, if you could appraise our performance…… and, if possible, give us some advice…”
“I see,” Bond understood.
According to the Theatres Act of 1843, ‘theatres’ in Great Britain were places where plays could be put up under the purview of the Lord Chamberlain. Moreover, in order to perform certain genres of work, the script had to be submitted for review, and approval had to be obtained.
However, owing to a loophole in the legal system, plays could avoid censorship if they incorporated music. Hence, a good number of informal theatres operated in this manner. In addition, as their audience was mostly comprised of laypeople from the working classes, many of these theatres performed the type of song-and-dance spectacle popular with such a crowd.
From the way Maya talked about her company, he gathered that they had probably been performing musical numbers at unregulated venues like these as well. Hence they had no experience staging an actual play at an officially-licensed theatre, and that was why they were asking him to evaluate their performance.
Having grasped her situation, Bond asked a question that had been niggling at him.
“Just out of curiosity, your theatre company should have a director, right? Wouldn’t they be offended if I were to come in?”
“I’m taking on the direction of the play. B—By the way, I’m also the chairperson.”
Bond was rather surprised at what she said. In truth, it didn’t occur to him that such a timid and seemingly weak-willed person would be in charge of a theatrical company, even if it was a small one.
However, although Maya had tended to keep her eyes downcast throughout, they betrayed no doubt. From that, Bond knew her request was genuine.
“Um…… I suppose it is too much to ask?” she enquired, in a fearful tone.
She had not expected him to agree so easily.
“I’ll take on your request. I’m partly self-taught, but if it’s alright with you, I would love to watch you and your company perform.”
Maya immediately perked up and bowed her head, speaking loudly for the first time.
“T—Thank you so much!” she cried, jumping for joy along with the other children.
[1] The City refers to the City of London, which is the historic centre of modern London (Wikipedia)
The sisters’ names could equally have been Maia and May respectively, but I chose Maya as I think it reads better, and Mae to differentiate the two of them more easily.
I had to use onee-chan since Maya specifically introduces herself by name later on.
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the-crows-typist · 4 years
hi! since your askbox is open may I request a ficlet of leona and fem!mc with the word "crown" please? thank you💖
The Possibilities are Endless
Hello there, dear. I hope you’ll like this one. A little piece where you are the heir to a fallen kingdom and married to the prince to save it.
This piece has an AU where in you, the reader, is the heiress to the fallen kingdom of bird people and is arranged to marry Leona in order to save it. you can say this AU has two concepts in one!
“Another game of chess, eh? Tell me, will you win this one?”
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Your marriage to Leona Kingscholar was purely out of political gain. You, the daughter of the fallen king of the Avian Kingdom and him, the third in line throne of the Kingdom of Beasts. The ceremony was short and the vows were recycled from an old piece love story remembered through the ages, neither of you shared a glance at each other nor neither did you speak during the reception. You didn’t really think that someone like Leona could love you nor did you ever think that someone like you could even love Leona. The two of you were pieces of a puzzle that never matched.
That is, until the both of you decided to play a game of chess.
“Is this a pastime for you, your majesty?” You asked, moving your pawn in the way of his queen as a last ditch effort to protect your king. He moved his queen piece, eating the pawn without hesitation and leaving the king alone and unprotected. “You can call it that. When Farena and I were kids, we would play chess to pass the time.”
Your hand drew back and you gave it a thought, Leona’s pieces greatly outnumbered yours. Your king would be put on checkmate if you don’t do something quickly. “You and King Farena…Interesting. I did not think that he would be into these kinds of activities…As I see him out and about all the time.”
You pulled your king back and Leona retaliated by eating the nearby rook piece. You were slowly losing control of the board. “He likes board games as much as the next person. He’s just not very good at it. His words, not mine.” A small laugh left your lips and you raised your hands. “And this is where I raise my hands in defeat.”
“But you still have your queen to use.”
“True.” You say, tipping the king to fall on its side before looking to the queen piece staying in its position. “But I don’t think a king would want to see his queen suffer just for his protection.” Taking the queen, she placed it near the fallen king.
Leona huffed, taking the fallen king from the board to get a good look at it, scrutinizing the detail of the polished hardwood. “Using your heart in these kinds of situations will guarantee a bitter loss.” He said, you took the queen in your hands as he continued to speak. “Isn’t that what happened to your kingdom, princess? Why you had to marry.”
The grip on the queen tightened and his words bit in and pulled out the memories you so wanted to keep hidden. Your kingdom was falling apart with siege after siege and the straw the broke the camel’s back was when the trusted advisor of your father was assassinated. Your mother, bless her soul, was your father’s last source of comfort and he couldn’t bear to lose her.
So he surrendered, leaving your kingdom in the hands of the enemy. In overwhelming guilt, your father disappeared and soon did your mother follow; leaving you to be the sole heir to the kingdom.
“I don’t expect you to love me.” You put the piece down. “Neither do I expect myself to love you.”
“But I’m going to right the wrongs my father has down and help my kingdom with this marriage.”
Your eyes shined as your stared into his bright green ones. Somehow, it reminded you of emeralds polished to perfection its brilliant gleam contrasting the dull appearance of the second born prince.
Days passed as the both of you bonded over chess, whether it be teaching each other how strategies to gain control over the board, discussing philosophies, or just telling each other funny memories from childhood.
“No, wait, you mean your scar wasn’t from this big epic battle like the stories say?” You asked through your fits of giggles as Leona sighed in embarrassment. Somehow, telling you his personal stories were both a pleasure and an annoyance. “It wasn’t. I actually…I got it by running into a wall.”
“Oh my stars, Leona!” You burst out laughing, holding your stomach as your voice echoed through the halls. “That’s precious.”
Leona grumbled, his lips barely keeping in a smile. “To be fair, I ate too much sugary treats. I couldn’t help it.” You rubbed your eyes of the tears that settled on your lashes, your cheeks darken from the sheer joy you got from your laughter.
“Hey, at least mine wasn’t as bad as the time you got stuck on the tree because you thought it was a good idea to start flight training.” He retorted again.
“I was 5.”
“So was I.”
The chess games then became nights where you would meet him by the balcony to stare at the stars and talk. Your hands in each other’s grasps. “When you’re up in the sky, the world below looks like a river of stars.” You began. “It’s just so different up there. There’s nothing to worry about.”
Leona blinked, looking over to you. “Then why don’t you try to fly up now if it makes you happy.”
You pushed yourself off the ground and bringing your knees to your chest. “If I did…I don’t know how long until I come down. If my parents didn’t then...”
His hand went to yours, caressing the soft skin of your hand.
“I can’t do it. Not now.”
“You don’t wear any crowns, Leona?” His brother, Farena with his wife and son made a public appearance for some time. Little Cheka was sick for a few days and the family decided to walk around the market place so that the little prince could get some fresh air and some sun.
“The royal jewels are only used by the reigning monarch.” On Farena’s head rested the family’s prized crown. The ruby stone shined greatly on the crown of Farena’s head, an emerald on his wife’s, and a tiny diamond on Cheka’s. You hummed out in reply as you walked with him.
“You came here without one. Don’t you wear a crown in your kingdom?”
“I’m not one for certain jewelry. I like bracelets and necklaces, even rings…But never crowns.”
The both of you held hands as you walked through the market, easily losing the royal guard in the crowd. Your wings tucked to your back, making sure it doesn’t bump into anybody and alerting others of your presence.
“Do you like wearing crowns, Leona?”
“I’m fine with it as long as it’s not heavy.”
Both of your hoods went up, hiding his ears and your hair just as the scream of the guards resonated through the crowd.
“Where is his highness and his wife?!”
“I tried wearing Farena’s crown back then. It was really heavy; I’m surprised he doesn’t have stiff neck from wearing it all the time.”
“Search the perimeter. They shouldn’t have gone far!”
The both of you stopped by a flower shop, its products floating in tubs of water. Something catches your eye.
Flower crowns.
“How much for this, madam?” You ask the lady looking after the stall. She was a small thing, quite old but kind looking. “That will be 75 madols for one, miss.” Your eyes widened at the offer then moved to take some notes and coins out of your pocket, handing it over to the nice old lady.
“So, you don’t like crowns that are too heavy…” You fish out a crown of purples, blues, and pristine white. “Then these will be perfect for you, Leona.” You nudged him, your elbow to his. “Come on, you know you like the crown. I can see it in your tail.” You say with a giggle.
“I hate it when you’re perceptive.” Your husband says, his tail swaying in excitement and glee. He removes his hood from his head and bows it. “To think I would have a public coronation.” The stall owner chuckles as you put the crown on him. “I dub thee—“
“Prince Leona, your highness! There you are.”
Leona let out a growl as he straightened himself to look over at the guards running your way. “Why did you stray away from the group?” They asked. “Please, let us go back. Your brother is worried sick.” The both of you exchanged glances and Leona turned around to get another flower crown form the tub. “Alright, alright. Tell my brother to calm down. It’s like neither of us were trained.” He growls, taking your hand and walking back into the crowd.
On his head was the flower crown you gave him.
Your fingers intertwined with his as you walked back to the safety of the royal family’s convoy. “Leona?”
“Let’s play chess later.”
He gave you a smile, one that was not laced with his usual haughty nature. The hold on your hide tightened comfortably. “Sure.”
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coffeecomicsgalore · 3 years
Navigating the Chaos
Chapter 4: Best Friends
Marinette stood in front of her computer, waiting for the game screen to load completely. She could hear Chat stand behind her, completely unsure of what to do next.
“You can detransform, Adrien.” She muttered out without turning around. “My parents are already asleep.”
Marinette could hear Chat’s boot scuff against her floorboards, before uttering the words that would change him back to Adrien. Once the green glow vanished and she heard the nasally sound of a tiny god trail off, Marinette inhaled a deep breath before turning around and pursing her lips into a nervous smile. They stared at each other for a few moments.
“Hi.” She said, breaking the silence that started to overwhelm them.
“Hi.” Adrien said back, his voice slightly wavering.
“—I’m sorry—” Both quickly stated, before they each chuckled at their uncanny, in sync abilities.
“Why don’t we play?” Marinette offered him the gaming controller in hopes to ease themselves into the conversation. It was an olive branch in which Adrien happily took.
They sat down on her chairs, both coyly enamored by the screen. They played a round in silence, each looking towards the screen as they contemplated what to say next. Marinette was focused on her character when she heard Adrien clear his throat, but her eyes remained trained to the screen.
“I didn’t lie earlier,” Adrien began as he stared at the screen; his voice low, yet soft. Marinette stopped scrolling through the armor selection to hear what he had to say. “I’m happy that it’s you.”
She turned to face him, giving Adrien her undivided attention. “Me too.” Marinette cracked a small smile which caused Adrien to do the same. “It’s funny. I’ve always surrounded myself with my friends when it came to choosing temporary wielders. Guess I didn’t stray too far from that concept since one of my best friends has been by my side the entire time.”
Adrien ran his hand behind his neck, feeling both flustered and happy at the same time. “Yeah, guess our friendship was always meant to be, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah…” Marinette trailed off and looked to the side, a sad smile etched in her lips. “W-why did you run this morning?”
Adrien looked to the side, feeling slightly ashamed. “I was nervous. Seeing you as Ladybug is one thing. Seeing you as Marinette is another. But knowing you two are the same, really messed with my head. Not that it’s a bad thing! Just that… when you had to go after the fight, it gave me time to think about it. The adrenaline of the fight wore off and I was so excited to see you, but then I realized I didn’t know how to act now that I know, and I… kind of freaked out.”
Marinette let out a relieved sigh, feeling better about why he ran off.
“I’m glad you told me, minou. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I was worried that you were disappointed and couldn’t face me anymore.”
The horrified look on Adrien’s face said it all. “No way, Marinette! You are absolutely amazing and I’m so glad that we go so much closer over the last month. I can’t even tell you how amazing you are. You just are!”
Marinette shook her head and laughed, enjoying the look of complete awe on Adrien’s face. “Tikki already told me the same thing. But don’t go ahead and think that I’m the only amazing one here! You are too, you know. You don’t give yourself enough credit with how incredible you are. I couldn’t be Ladybug without you, and quite frankly, I don’t want another Chat Noir, ever, to take his place.”
“So… are we okay?”
“Of course,” she replied, relieved. “Are we okay?”
“Definitely.” Adrien smiled back, finally feeling relieved that they could move past this. “So… what are we supposed to do next?”
Marinette furrowed her brow as she thought it over. “Well, we have to keep our dynamic the same. That much is obvious. Friendship between Adrien and Marinette; partnership between Ladybug and Chat Noir. I don’t see why that has to change now that we revealed our identities.”
Marinette looked towards the ceiling as she itched her cheek, missing the sad look on Adrien’s face. When she turned towards him, he hid his frown, giving her a grin in its place.
“Oh, I, uh… guess we can discuss more about patrols, plans, and everything else?” She shrugged her shoulders, looking towards their two sleeping kwamis that had cuddled together on Tikki’s makeshift bed of scraps. “I mean, it would be nice to talk to someone about this without having to keep it all hush hush. I’m tired of the secrets.”
Adrien nodded his head in contemplation. “Yeah, I could help relieve some of the stress you’re shouldering too. You don’t have to do this alone.”
“I will.” Marinette scrunched up her face in thought. Adrien tilted his head and nudged her shoulder to get her to say what was on her mind. When she looked away, he placed his hand on hers.
“You don’t have to be afraid to do this alone, Marinette. I’m here. We’re friends and partners. Lean on me so that I can help you.”
Marinette’s eyes turned towards him and she let out an exasperated groan. “Fine. I’ve been hiding the fact that we can’t use our temporary holders, even though I said we could, and have been figuring out which one of us could wield which extra miraculous if it’s needed.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I just… I just don’t want to hurt our friends. They’ve all been akumatized, each one more than once, and I just don’t want to put them in danger just like what happened during the Miracle Queen incident. They were all so good too. I hate that I can’t use them again—Alya, Nino, Max, Luka, Kagami, Kim… I just wish there was another way.”
“We could use others?” Adrien tried to encourage her with an option, but he frowned when she shook her head.
“I don’t want to risk anyone else.”
“But you’re willing to make yourself sick being overwhelmed than asking for new wielders?”
“I’m not making myself—”
“You fell asleep in the middle of class the other day, even after I visited you as Chat and helped you with your homework the night before.” Marinette tried to make herself smaller under his apprehensive gaze, and he continued when he made his point. “Let me guess… guardian work.”
“… yeah.”
“Alright then.” Adrien clapped when he thought of something that could help her. “I’ll come by every couple of days to go over superhero stuff. I rather do it here; plus, you have amazing pastries to keep us motivated—and I don’t want you fretting over any duties unless I’m around. We can make sure we dedicate this time to ‘Sunshine and Clumsy Girl Takes on Hawkbutt’,” Adrien punctuated the phrase with his arm stretched out in front of him, opening and closing his fist at each word.
Marinette to glare at him and he shrugged his shoulders as he continued. “And on top of that, you can teach me all the miraculous and how things work so I can be better equipped to help you.”
Marinette stared as Adrien reached over and grabbed a macaron, biting into it like he didn’t just solve a few of the many weights holding her down. She continued to think as he thought over her words, and she looked back over to her kwamis as the puzzle pieces fell into place.
“Okay.” She stated slowly, continuing to stare at Plagg and Tikki.
“Okay?” Adrien said, his voice hopeful.
“Okay. I won’t handle any duties without you present unless absolutely necessary. We work on things together, and I show you the works.” Adrien beamed and started to go through his character, hoping that Marinette would follow suit. “I said I can’t do this without you. I truly mean that.”
“Good.” Adrien smiled, reaching his closed fist towards her in their usual post-battle finish. Pound it?”
Marinette smiled as she reached her fist over, pressing her knuckles against his. “Pound it.”
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