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restopersempre · 11 months ago
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Avrei mille cose da dire e mille altre delle quali mi dimenticherei. Ma tra queste millemila cose, l'unica importante è che ti amo e ti amerò per il resto dei miei giorni, finché i miei occhi guarderanno i tuoi.
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artesplorando · 9 months ago
Tempio di Giove Anxur
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elvthron · 6 months ago
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I haven’t been active spiritually lately and this had a backlash on how I was feeling in general. I felt somehow dirty and “muddy”, my energies were low and stagnant.
When a friend of mine invited me to a collective purification ritual I was skeptic at first, I’ve never been sharing something so personal and intimate as my practice is, but then I thought of how much I was carrying that and I could benefit from some external help. Could I, alone, clean up all the mess I’ve built up in this time frame?
We placed our collective altar near a river stream that flows into the sea, as our intent was to call upon aquatic spirits and nymphs to aid us into our cleanse. Everyone brought an offer, and I thought artemisia was the most fitting one, as a feminine and aquatic herb.
We were a group of 10 women who didn’t know eachother, but I still felt a feminine connection between ourselves, even if there were some strangers coming around I felt like our circle was our safe bubble that insulated us from the outside.
Arianna (the ritualist who organised this collective spell) started fumigating us while calling upon the spirit of the “sweet” waters of the river, then invited us to bathe into its cold waters. We then moved to the saline water to proceed with the second phase of the ritual, with Ariannas voice chanting loudly helping us to reconnect with the divine feminine.
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I really have to add that the place chosen for this ritual is absolutely powerful: we were near the Circeo, the mountain where romans built a temple dedicated to Kirke, the powerul goddess and sorceress of which the Odyssey talks about, also in a mountain near the beach was standing the temple of Jupiter (Giove Anxur, you can slightly see it in the next picture).
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What can I say if not that I’m blessed to be here?
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rosecrystal · 9 months ago
To visit list: Some of my favorite places in Italy (Pt 1)
1. Rome (obviously) I actually lived in Rome for 6 years and I don’t think it’s overrated at all, it’s a place full of history and culture and is worth visiting at least once. Also it is huge and there’s always new things to discover no matter how long u spend there!
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2. Proximity wise, in the outskirts of Rome you will also find cute seaside towns Nettuno and Anzio. Nettuno (Neptune) is a very pretty seaside small town that is also home to an ancient borgo, making the place pretty magical. Anzio is also very nice, part of it coastline has ancient ruins from Nerone times.
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3. Terracina. As you may have intuited I am a seaside lover girl, Terracina is still in the outskirts of Rome and it is home to Temple of Jupiter Anxur, a temple in honor of Jupiter that is very very ancient (there’s only ruins left) that’s on the hill overlooking the city. I thought the temple was quite a magical place when I went to visit and it gave me plenty of positive vibes. The city is also very pretty.
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4. Sermoneta. A small borgo in province of Latina, still in Lazio. It’s on a hill and the view is beautiful, plenty of nature, very cute kitties all around, very nice food and very nice people too.
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5. Naples 🩵 Definitely worth visiting! Rich in culture rich in food and the people are very lively! Had a great time both times I visited. The second time we also took some guided tours such as seeing an old church where the “skull with ears” was located and seeing the city undergrounds.
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6. Tropea. Magical magical place and home of some of the best food I’ve ever eaten (the Calabria region in general I think has the best food in Italy). I don’t think I can even explain it in words Ill just attach pictures and hope you guys get the idea.
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7. Scilla. Also incredibly beautiful and picturesque, rich in history and overall beauty, and also you could find friendly cute kittens at every corner!!!!
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8. Trani. A very cute city especially during summer! It has one of my favorite ports and also the food was delicious. A nice place to have a drink in the evening, very lively, also I had a great time sunbathing during the day too. I cannot swim and have a bit of a water phobia but I found the sea there very nice so I did take some baths. There’s also a huge park there that I loved.
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9. Polignano a Mare. I was just passing through but explored a bit of the town and loved it so much. Very particular coastline and the town is cute, very well kept and the small streets are fairytale like.
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10. Alberobello. This place is a gem. It looks like a fairytale setting because the houses (trulli) are built in a very particular way and that is so in the older times they could dismantle the rooftops in order to avoid paying tax. #slay
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There will soon be a part two!!!!
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klimt7 · 2 years ago
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Sperlonga, Torre Truglia - Foto mie - k foto
Canta o mâ !
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Isola di Ponza - foto mie - k foto
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Terracina, panoramica dal Tempio di Giove Anxur - foto mie - k foto.
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archeolove · 2 years ago
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Tempio di Giove Anxur. Terracina (LT) dettaglio interno.
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paganplaces · 5 years ago
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Temple of Jupiter Anxur
The temple of Jupiter Anxur is located on a mountaintop that overlooks the town of Terracina, Italy.
Read more at: https://paganplaces.com/places/temple-of-jupiter-anxur/
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thesunlounge · 5 years ago
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Odeon - Anxur (from Collezione, Edizioni Mondo 2015)
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francescointoppa · 4 years ago
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Un particolare del tempio romano di Giove Anxur (Terracina, LT)
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dererumgestarum · 5 years ago
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The great ex-urban sanctuaries of antiquity serviced the serious side of ancient religion. Out in the empty countryside, often in some setting of considerable natural beauty and away from the distractions of daily life in the city, the sanctuary was the domain of the deity. One made the pilgrimage to this distant location as a demonstration of one's reverence for the God. Once there, important requests were made and the appropriate, propitiatory gifts and sacrifices offered. The most famous santuaries--that of Apollo at Delphi (which had the added attraction of the Oracle), Artemis at Ephesus, Zeus at Olympia, were like small cities, offering amenities to visitors, usually in spectacular architectural settings.
The sanctuaries of the Republican period fully exemplify the Roman genius for innovative construction and landscape engineering. The sanctuary of Jupiter Anxur, or the youthful Jupiter, the patron deity of the colony at Terracina, dates to the early 1st c. BC. when Sulla restored and reorganized the strategically-important trading city, following its Roman colonization.
Although the sanctuary is not far from Terracina, its dramatic placement high above the city, on a rugged, yet picturesque, bluff overlooking the sea, sets it apart from the world. The surviving cryptoporticus and podium are situated not on the highpoint of the bluff, but on its southeastern edge, which is closest to the town below. The massive substructure raises the groundline of that corner of the bluff to just below the highpoint. Conceived of as an augmentation and restructuring of the irregular topography, the cryptoporticus provided the temple architects with a true tabula rasa—an idea building site, free of obstacles.
The cryptoporticus has a western orientation. As the podium shows, the temple itself was placed daringly off-axis and off-center, to allow for a full southern exposure, which would optimize the interior and exterior lighting of the builidng. The temple was therefore sited without respect to the cryptoporticus qua building—instead it negates its existence by treating it simply as the ground on which it is built.
The effortless effacing of the cryptoporticus is an amazing bit of slight of hand, given its gargantuan scale and outstanding construction. The structure is an example of the expert handling and creative use of concrete construction in the Republican period. The concrete core is faced with opus incertum, the placing of which is anything but uncertain. Arches are reinforced by masonry voussoirs The open arcades of the western side function as a porticus. These are intersected by transverse openings which are surmounted by groin vaults. These elements are sized and aligned with extraordinary precision and regularity.
The Doric temple of Jupiter was dismantled for its ashlar masonry long ago. The concrete cryptoporticus, however, which survives nearly completely intact, is apparently unassailable and indestructible.
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difensoredelfocolare · 5 years ago
On air: "Ne N'è Colpa Mia" Chicken Production
Così Gigi Nofi, scrittore e poeta locale, descriveva Terracina:
"Si bella e ricca come a 'na regina
e tie' 'na vesta tutta pentecchiata
de vaghe d'ore, d'uva prelebata,
che se sdelonga 'fina alla marina..."
Perché è così che è Terracina: bella, arroccata su quella montagna sotto lo sguardo vigile di Giove Anxur e di San Cesareo, ma anche della Madonna del Carmine e di quello della Madonna di Monte Leano, abbracciata poi dal mare che la incornicia e la impreziosisce, con l'Arcipelago Pontino in lontananza e nelle giornate limpide compare all'orizzonte anche il profilo di Ischia.
Terracina è una città che ho imparato ad amare con il tempo, prima era solo il posto in cui abitava nonna e dove si andava ogni domenica a passeggiare sul lungomare. Non mi piaceva, non la capivo più che altro.
Poi è iniziato il Liceo e tutto è cambiato, ho iniziato a scoprirne le cose belle e le mille sfumature che essa poteva regalarmi e che vi invito a scoprire.
Una di queste sfumature arriva a Pasqua e sa di anice e rhum e profuma di forno a legna: sua maestà il Tortolo terracinese.
Una delle prime testimonianze che riporta la ricetta del Tortolo è quella di Genesio Cittarelli, che ne descrive oggi passaggio con spirito usando il dialetto della città. Questa è la ricetta da lui riportata nel suo libro "Fra vetuste mura":
La facetùra de j tortole tè cièrte regulamènte c’abbesògna arespettà.
Se scacate ve vènne screscetàte a jàjme o, oppuramènte, ve ce se fanne j vièrmene.
Trènta uève
Quatte bustine de vanìja
La scorcia rattata de nu chile de limone
Nu chile e mèzze de zucchere
Mièzzu chile de strutte
Nu litre de uèj
Mille lire de vaghe d’ànese
Quatte chile de farina de rane
Mièzzu litre de vuine bianche
Nu becchère de rum
Na chelàta de cresciùte
Do bagnapède scuzzate a duvère
Quatte sègge
Na ‘mpajatèlla de sudore e tutte j fije che v’aretruvuàte
(se so pòche faciètevej’amprestà da lle sòre e cunàte vòste. Più mammòcce tenéte antòrne e mèj j’è)
Si evince da tutto questo di come la preparazione di questi dolci sia una cosa seria e complicata che richiede pazienza e dedizione. Se ne fanno molti nelle varie pasticcerie in giro per la città, ma l'unico degna di nota è quello di Agnesina la Furnara, figura storica della città alta.
Ora vi racconterò però la ricetta della mia famiglia, quella che mia mamma prepara ogni anno a Pasqua (ho diminuito naturalmente le dosi, perché lei parte da 30 uova da cui escono circa 14-15 di questi dolci che cuciniamo nel forno a legna)
600 g di farina circa (400 g di Manitoba e 200 di "0")
150 g di lievito madre rinfrescato
5 uova + 1 per spennellare
250 g di zucchero semolato
100 g di strutto (o burro)
100 g di latte intero
semi di anice
scorza grattugiata di due limoni
1 bicchierino di rhum o di Strega
olio e.v.o.
Rinfrescate il lievito madre almeno quattro ore prima usando la farina che userete per la preparazione. In una ciotola abbastanza ampia per contenere l'impasto durante la lievitazione o nel contenitore della planetaria rompete le uova e sbattetele, usando la foglia, con lo zucchero per almeno 5-6 minuti.
Unite poi il lievito spezzettato, lo strutto (o il burro ammorbidito), i semi di anice, la scorza dei limoni e il rum e fate amalgamare il tutto. Aggiungete dunque la farina un po' alla volta e quando l'impasto comincerà a essere più duro continuate ad impastare almeno per un quarto d'ora usando il gancio. Terminato l'impasto coprite tutto con un foglio di pellicola per alimenti e quattro o cinque coperte o tovaglie e mettete l'impasto in un luogo riparato a lievitare per almeno 12 ore.
Ungete il piano da lavoro con dell'olio extravergine, capovolgeteci sopra l'impasto ben lievitato, dividetelo in due e formate dei filoncini che intreccerete e disporrete a lievitare in una teglia molto ben imburrata e infarinata di 20 cm di diametro e alta 12 cm.
Fate lievitare altre 5-6 ore sempre tenendo l'impasto ben coperto con tovaglie o canovacci. Infornate dunque, dopo aver spennellato la superficie con dell'uovo sbattuto, in forno preriscaldato a 180 °C posizionando la teglia nel ripiano più basso per circa 50 - 55 minuti o fin quando inserendo uno stecchino non risulterà asciutto.
Sfornatelo e fatelo raffreddare coperto da un canovaccio e poi conservatelo chiuso in un sacchetto di plastica e servitelo con della salsiccia secca o con della cioccolata fondente.
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rosecrystal · 1 year ago
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Temple of Jupiter Anxur
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liviaserpieri · 8 years ago
Terracina da Paolo Macorig Tramite Flickr: The place where the temple of Giove Anxur was built.
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primopianostudio · 5 years ago
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#mediterranean #postcards @michelle_sciarra by @primopianostudio #filmphotography #graflex #largeformatphotography #foma #viewcamera #visitterracina #tempiodigioveanxur (presso Tempio di Giove Anxur) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9HNrlZqJLL/?igshid=15lpnn49bnw9b
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lopez666 · 7 years ago
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Terracina with Monte Sant’Angelo and the Temple of Jupiter Anxur #nofilter #terracina #anxur #coast #sea #sunset #mare #tramonto #tramonti (presso Camping Anxur)
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archeolove · 2 years ago
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Tempio di Giove Anxur. Terracina (LT)
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