#anxious gem
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lost-in-gardener · 2 years ago
[[OOC: The t4t whores (affectionate) broke the thread]] @threeoclockads
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Their eyes are significantly darkened with lust and they move one hand to softly caress his face, slipping their thumb into his mouth and letting him suck on the digit as they admire the submissive look on his face. "You're so fucking cute, such a pretty fucktoy for me— of course you can make me feel good, but I wanna focus on you first," they purr, noting his reactions to their voice and taking pride in the fact that they could make him shiver like that. They were confident, sure, but Finn wasn't used to having their ego stroked this much. It made them feel like they were a fucking god or something, like they were a deity gifting blessings to Eric with their body.
They gently maneuver him so that he's laying on his back, and they're situated comfortably between his thighs. They softly begin working on getting off his pants, pausing for a moment as they remember that it might be difficult to get the irritating piece of clothing off with the running blades on. She hesitates for a moment, not wanting to make him take the prosthetics off unless he was totally comfortable. They didn't have his wheelchair here, since it was still over at the warehouse, but Finn decided that they would work around the prosthetics for now.
She gently shifts the pants and his boxers off his hips, setting the packer aside and making a mental note of where it was so they could hand it back to him later. "I need you to spread your thighs sweet boy, can you do that for me?" They gently trace the now-bare skin of his hips with their fingertips, waiting patiently for a response.
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anyosu · 1 year ago
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mrinafria · 4 months ago
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Vai' all'inferno - Go to Hell.
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^This was such a clever use of motif. Gates of Hell leading to a place where Justitia reigns vs. this place where Satan dominates. One where ultimate justice is served to sinners, the other displaying gruesome evidence of the injustice done to the innocent. Both indicating culmination, the point where all truth is revealed, and both heavy on the religious symbolism. I love how they are leading us to the BIG revelation.
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrat- Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
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the-crystal-femmes · 6 months ago
See sometimes I hate the fucking double standards of alterhumans sometimes, or just people in general
Now, if I said that my in-sys qpp is a fictive of draculaura, no one would bat an eye
But if I SAID that I identify as draculaura, some people would go absolutely fucking wild (/neg) because of the fact that I'm not a fictive.
Like it's what the fuck
Sometimes it kind of feels like vice versa too, when I'm around fictionfolk communities, I want to include Pearl and Ula in things (Frankie doesn't give a shit) but sometimes I feel like it's not acceptable because they're fictives and not something like fictionkin or copinglink?? And I'm afraid others will be rude to them or some shit
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geminison · 9 months ago
hiiiiii i’m alive! long time no see, i’ve been really quiet these past two months huh
been feeling unwell, quit the job and then wallowed in self pity (at least not for six months, ha). watched fallout (liked it), played fallout (didn’t like it), started playing felvidek (it’s a bit of “if harry du bois was an alcoholic knight in medieval slovakia”, liking it so far). been drawing but not a lot
still got some stuff i want to show, so i’m gonna post it now and go back to eating birthday cake, hehehe
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teeth--king · 1 year ago
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My mom got me this pretty gem but didn’t check what it was, I think it a a quartz because yah know they’re so common, but if anyone know please inform me. The little crystal peaks are iridescent and change in lighting if that helps at all.
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selfawarecobalt · 2 years ago
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oooohhhhhhhh best gem
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nanukthebleb · 10 months ago
Oh no! The stranger in front of you dropped a mysteriously glowing gem. ✨💎 You picked it up to give it back but they're already so far away, walking quickly away from you! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍��️
What do you do now? 👀
Are you running after them? Keep the gem for yourself or giving it away to someone in the @ ?🤔 There's a lot of things one could do with such a magical object...
I inspect it. What color is it? How big is it? Does it have an uncommon or special cut?
But after a quick inspection I wrap it in a piece of cloth and put it safely in my pocket. I don't need any unwanted attention.
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trkstrnd · 10 months ago
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i hope fox chokes
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racingliners · 11 months ago
Gosh your edits man... they should be hung in the Louvre. You're so talented I'm genuinely in awe of everything you post, not just because of the quality but also your versatility in being able to make lots of different styles of things. (I still can't believe you both followed me back and have stuck around like you're very much the Cool Mutual™️ to me).
mutuals send me a 🍓 and I'll complement u!
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lost-in-gardener · 2 years ago
[[OOC: Thread broke again rip]] @panickedsalesman
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Finn grins, nodding their head and sitting up straight. "That sounds fun," they reply, stretching out their back and letting out a contented sigh. They're more than happy with the thought of getting out of that damn warehouse, and... well, she really wants to hang out with Eric outside of a professional setting as well. They understand that they still need to get paid for helping, since they had rent to pay and they'd spent so much time helping him get rid of that banshee, but they really didn't care about the money right now.
"I'll wait in the car while you get changed, alright? I can pay the Uber for us to get back home once we're done at the bar, and I think I have enough cash on me to pay for drinks." Of course, if they didn't, Finn could always just flirt with the bartender and get away with paying at some other time. She stands up after a second, holding out a hand to Eric to help him stand up.
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houseofwolvess · 1 year ago
im so frustrated with how everyone's now, like, expected to make their sketchbooks all pretty and neat and aesthetically pleasing or w/e. it's such a stupid expectation
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sanctaignorantia · 2 years ago
Eric Bogosian as Arno in Uncut Gems (2019)
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zosonils · 2 years ago
honestly at the point where i'm considering spending money on flight rising but i'm very very hesitant to let myself get into the habit of In App Purchases even in a game that's not particularly predatory about it
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an1malcannibal · 2 years ago
Guys I don’t think my anxiety ever went away I think that it just moved itself and got worse.
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fashionredalert · 2 days ago
For the fanfic ask game: 2 and 22
lets gooooooo lol
2. Which of your fics are your pride and joy? I was actually torn on this one but I got to admit my pride and joy would have to be my fic Reach For Me, it was my first Fruits Basket fic I ever posted. It's not popular by any means but I genuinely enjoyed writing it. What really made me love it was a heartfelt comment people left me about how much they loved and were touched by it. What really drove it home for me was the dms I keep close to my heart to this very day.
22. I have a lot of anxiety about posting my fics to be honest, I tend to hoard them and lock them away until I feel comfortable enough to post. When I do I usually harass my friend's dms about it until the anxiety fucks off lol. So maybe that counts as my celebration?
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