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twigon0metry · 5 years ago
Anxiety Tips and Tricks
 Hi there y’all! As a person who struggles with anxiety/phobias on a daily basis, I’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks that have helped me to cope. Hope this helps somebody!  ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆*:・゚
BIG DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor/psychiatrist, I am just sharing things that have worked for me specifically. They may or may not work for you. And always be careful when it comes to meds or changing your diet, make sure you do your research or ask a doctor if you need to before trying something new. ;)
~ Make sure you eat healthy, or as healthy as you can. Your digestive system and mind are closely connected, so what you eat is going to affect your state of mind. Try to avoid things you know you’re sensitive to.
~ If you also have a bunch of other unexplained symptoms that are bothering you, you may want to try an elimination diet. Food sensitivities can manifest themselves in ways you wouldn’t expect, and can make existing mental disorders worse.
~ On that topic, make sure you eat enough! I know stress can really take a toll on your appetite, but it’s really important that you eat SOMETHING, even if it isn’t perfect. Trust me, being hungry makes you feel SO MUCH WORSE. 
~ If you forget to/don’t eat because of stress or anxiety and get so hungry you feel gross, try eating some watery fruits or veggies. (salad, smoothies and oranges are my fav). They go down easy (some stuff is hard to chew and sticks in your mouth when you’re stressed bc your mouth is dry), are generally easy on your stomach, and don’t usually have a strong flavor or smell. They don’t fill you up much, but I find that they’re usually enough in the moment until you can find something else.
~ Try to get enough sleep. Being overtired really affects your mental state (and other parts of your body too), and you’re far more likely to be stressed. I know it can be really hard, but do what you need to do to at least get some rest, even if it means going to a doctor if you have insomnia. Your mental health is SO worth it!
~ Chamomile tea, lavender tea, and teas with valerian or passionflower in them have a calming effect and can help if you’re feeling stressed. 
~ I take passionflower pills twice a day, and they can really help with restlessness throughout the day. (do your research before you try anything!)
~ If you’re supposed to be taking any meds, make sure you’re taking them--CONSISTENTLY. Taking care of the rest of your body will help with mental health as well.
~ I personally am a very logic-oriented, grounded person, and when I’m really stressed, I tend to get a bit delusional and think in unreasonable ways. So I find it really helps to have someone tell me or help me figure out what is actually true about my situation can help ground me again. Besides that, talking to someone you trust can really help you feel better.
~ It’s good to talk about how you’re feeling with others, but don’t obsess about it or do it all the time. As much as we sometimes want to know all the whys and hows about a situation, it can actually be really unhealthy if we focus on it too much and it actually makes the anxiety worse.
~ One of the coping mechanisms that’s worked best for me is the opposite of this--deliberate distraction. Find something that’s really engaging (reading an interesting book, watching your favorite TV show, having an interesting conversation with a friend), and do it until you calm down. Sometimes being in a quiet, calm place gives your thoughts too much room to roam.
~ Anxiety can be a fearsome enemy (pun totally intended). Fight it! If you can, reject thoughts of fear. Pray against them. Think about other things. Force yourself to do something else. Avoid ruminating on your fear and how you’re feeling.
~ If you are a Christian, maintain your relationship with God! I do devotions, but there might be other ways to do this too. Your soul and body are made to be in relationship with God, and so without him you will feel scared, lost and alone. This is something that really helps me.
~ Hugs and cuddles with loved ones are proven to have many health benefits. Besides that, it just feels good!
~ If you don’t have friends, (RIP) hug/cuddle/pat your pet and spend some time with them.
~ Get professional help if you’re struggling a lot. Please, please, do this before it’s too late. Your mental health is more important than the stigma or the things people might say. Your physical health will thank you too.
~ Learn to recognize what your individual symptoms are. Sometimes you don’t realize how anxious you are. Some symptoms of stress are: clenching/stiffening muscles of any kind, thinking at length about the subject, sweating, shaking, headaches, restlessness, irritability, unexplained sadness, fidgeting, upset stomach, fast heartbeat, quick breathing--and probably more that I forgot LOL.
~ Spend time with supportive, loving people if you have them. They will uplift you and care for you. Healthy community is really important.
~ Have a good laugh. Watch “Try Not to Laugh” videos on Youtube, read a funny book, watch a funny show, or hang out with a funny friend.
~ Don’t push yourself too much. It builds up and gets really exhausting, and you will burn out. Make sure you have a time for rest.    
~ At the same time though, don’t do too little. Procrastination can wreak havoc on your life and mental health. If you feel overwhelmed by stuff, try to focus on only one little task at a time. Don’t plan ahead too much, just focus on what is right in front of you and start there.
~ Remember that your existence matters no matter how hopeless you feel, and that you are not alone. Somewhere in the world someone cares about you, and there is always someone praying for you. You have a purpose. Live to find it and fulfill it. Keep fighting!  ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
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self-esteemteam · 7 years ago
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On the final day of Mental Health Awareness Week, the coverage has already waned from the powerful punch of launch day on Monday. And tomorrow it may very well fall off a cliff. So this is a memo to say that while the conversation may seem to quieten down publicly, we’ll keep fighting so that EVERY DAY we focus on mental health awareness and explore different self-care tips and mindsets to help manage our brains a little better. Today also feels a bit flat in the thrust of the Royal wedding comedown and there is no escaping the headlines (the Daily Mail had a 47-page spread on it!!), as it raises questions about comparison of wealth, of love, of notoriety, and also injustice in the world about what we place importance on. We may have a long way to go before mental health gets a 47-page guide, but we certainly intend to sneak in through the back door and keep fighting the good fight. Xx #mentalhealth #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthawarenessweek #mhaw18 #wellbeing #wellness #mindfulness #mindset #selfcare #selfworth #selfcaretips #positivevibes #recovery #depression #anxiety #anxietyhelp #anxietyadvice
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mindtherapykent · 6 years ago
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No matter what you do, you can’t tell your brain to stop thinking. In fact, if you tell it to stop, it will think even more. The act of thinking is neutral. It isn’t good or bad. It’s what you think and what you do with it defines the quality of your life. Be mindful of your thoughts. Catch yourself thinking. And decide if you want to continue thinking about it or would you rather think about something useful that can help you or others? If your thoughts are helpful, overthink as you want. Be a thinker, not a dweller. When you catch yourself dwelling, replace each negative thought with a positive one.You can replace your thoughts using positive feelings, thoughts or actions as they all are interconnected. Practice these simple exercises and suggestions to keep your thoughts on the positive side. * Only use positive words when talking. ... * Push out all feelings that aren't positive. ... * Use words that evoke strength and success. ... * Practice positive affirmation. ... * Direct your thoughts. ... * Believe you will succeed. ... * Analyze what went wrong. #mymindset #thinkpositivethoughts #beinthemoment❤️ #iaffirmmyself #beinthemoment #beinthemoment❤️ #everyoneisamazing #affirmationsforanxiety #controlanxiety #helpwithdepression #thingstomakeyouhappy #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealththerapists #mindtherapydailyaffirmation #thecontrolsystem #thecontrolsystemmindtherapy #affirmationsforanxiety #mindtherapydailyaffirmation #anxietyadvice #mentalhealthsupport #mindtherapymaidstone #hypnotherapy #clinicalhypnotherapy #hypnotherapymaidstone #hypnotherapytherapist #thecontrolsystemtherapist #freeconsultationfee #freetastersessions #loveyourself💖 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt3Etiplf97/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yge99yzb3ljs
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ljacker · 7 years ago
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Monday is coming. What are you going to do differently this week that you haven't don't before? #thinkdifferent #happiness #anxiety #stress #simplify #mentalhealth #workhappy #gethappy #wellbeing #depression #emotions #eq #health #emotionalwellbeing #change #lifetransition #grief #toolsforchange #fear #worried #anxious #invisibleillness #emotional #insecure #anxietyadvice #scarythoughts (at Leslie Inc.)
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soulfulnexus · 4 years ago
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Find your own path................... . . . . . #selflove #loveaddiction #innerchildhealing #healingtrauma #codependency #selfcompassion #anxiousattachment #selfhealing #codependentnomore #selfhelp #alanon #slaa #attachmentissues #positiveselftalk #mindsetiseverything #everydayisanewday #mindsetcoach #youarecapable #embracechange #welcometheunknown #melodybeattie #pemachodron #highlysensitiveperson #fearofabandonment #trustyourintuition #estherperel #anxietycoach #anxietyadvice #anxietytips
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m-u-s-ker · 9 years ago
I will be depressed outside today. Sometimes that feels like a great accomplishment
Therese Borchard
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cactiblues · 9 years ago
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Hi Everyone,
As promised, here we are, answering some of your questions.
I look forward to doing this again in the not too distant future, and I thank my lovely friend Ellen for having me on her channel.
Maxine x
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self-esteemteam · 7 years ago
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We recently wrote a piece for @ditchthelabel & explored the idea that with knowledge comes power 💪🏼💪🏾 It might not cure a mental health issue, or a physical one, but it can help dial down the panic that often goes hand-in-hand with them and comes with confusion and fear. Take anxiety itself for example, have you ever had it so bad it feels like your heart is about to burst out your chest? Or have you ever had that feeling in your stomach that feels like it’s completely empty but also like you’re about to give birth to a baby elephant at the same time? Or perhaps you find your mind goes completely blank whenever faced with a task? If you learn about why these things happen, it means that when they do, it doesn’t feel so alien if you know what’s going on inside. So taking a few moments to read up on what fight or flight is, or what panic attacks are, and that they are caused by hyperventilation from breathing out too much carbon dioxide while breathing too fast or too shallow, all of a sudden it paints a picture of why these things happen. This can make them a lot less scary and overwhelming should they happen again, knowing it is the body’s physical response to feeling panicked, and that you are safe and can pull through it. 💛 #mentalhealth #wellness #wellnesswarrior #anxiety #anxietyadvice #anxietyrelief #anxietyhelp #anxietytips #exams #stress #examseason #examtips #revision #revisiontips #alevels #gcses
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anxietyadvocacy-blog · 11 years ago
Talking 'bout my generation?
I want to start by apologizing for the lag in postings, my semester is wrapping up which means an endless string of papers, presentations, and other loose ends to tie up before the end of the month. The lack of posting does not relate to a lack of interest or concern.
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A thought I’ve been wrestling with lately is the idea that anxiety disorders may not be legitimate, or that someone becomes more prone to anxiety with the changing of times. I don’t agree with this notion. Besides the fact that my doctor made it clear to me that this was something wrong in the chemicals of my brain and not something I did, it’s just a hard concept to think about.
I’m well aware of the changing times and the idea that with so many advances it’s easier to “blame” things on diseases than it used to be. But I can trace my anxiety issues back to elementary school – maybe further if I really thought about it. I clearly remember sitting in elementary school math classes and feeling paralyzed by timed math tests. Simple multiplication would leave my mind at the start of the minute we got. Other kids were whizzing through them, some even moving onto a second sheet, and while I’m not the greatest at math it wasn’t difficult work but I struggled to get half done.
Other instances I remember the terror I felt when I would forget a folder in school or at home, how I always thought the teachers would think less of me and therefore my grades would suffer. My anxieties, in elementary school, would begin the night before school would start. I would go to bed and start thinking about all the possibilities of things that could go wrong. What if I failed a class? The whole grade? What if I had to repeat the year? And then by the time high school came around I had other worries, grades, harder courses, honors courses, AP classes, sports, clubs, etc. etc. I remember before starting one year I had my pre-school meltdown over if I got a detention. What would happen then? Would I still get into the honor society? Would I still get into college?
I never failed a class, a never had to repeat a whole year of school, I never got a detention, I was in National Honor Society and I have gotten into college and graduate school. The thing is, I often knew that what I was freaking out about was not going to happen, I knew that if I told other people they’d think I was foolish, but I couldn’t stop the feelings. I couldn’t stop the thoughts that were overcoming my mind.
I still go through this today, some things have to do with school, most about my future, and then there’s some miscellaneous issues as well. But the thing remains that while I know that what I’m freaking out about isn’t going to happen I can’t stop myself. I wish I could, I wish I could just shrug things off and not think in terms of what’s the worst thing that can happen but I can’t. My brain won’t let me.
In certain ways, sure, label me as a product of the time I was born and raised in. I’m attached with my phone more than I’d like, I love scrolling through Instagram, and there are days that I’m going to be drinking a Starbucks, listening to Mumford and Sons and just being an ‘average’ 20-something. But, I implore you, don’t label my disease as a product of the time I was born and raised in. I wish I didn’t have to deal with it every day, but I do. I deal with my anxieties every day. Some are better than others, and it takes a lot for a day to be really bad but it doesn’t stop.
I would never go up to someone, who has type-1 diabetes and tell them that they must have their disease because they were born when people eat more sugar. Don’t tell me that my anxieties are because society puts stressors on me. Because in my world, a stressor would be the start of a school year, a timed math test, or trying to go grocery shopping without a list. 
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ramblingsofatraveler-blog · 11 years ago
I may not agree with all of these, but generally they offer good advice!
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18mollie · 11 years ago
So I wrote on blogpost on dealing with anxiety and my advice and stuff. It was very difficult for me to post it but I hope someone finds it useful http://lifeofmolz.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/anxiety.html :)
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m-u-s-ker · 9 years ago
daily coping with its modest victories is the only place to begin
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self-esteemteam · 7 years ago
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It’s that time of year when rationale flies the nest, transforming a lot of us into the most anxious version of ourselves. The dreaded E word: exams!! Our Stressed class explores ways to dial that anxiety right down, as well as revision tips and tricks of how to perform under pressure. Our team of speakers travel the UK bringing advice right into your classroom with their relatable and effective life hacks 💥 Ping an email to [email protected] or click the link in our bio and we’ll come to Self-Esteem Team your school 💫 #exams #examstress #motivationalspeakers #anxiety #anxietyadvice #workshops #secondary #primary #PSHE #mentalhealth #revision
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m-u-s-ker · 9 years ago
Getting your life back isn’t so much a matter of ending depression altogether – though that blessed event can happen. For most people, it’s a problem of adapting to the reality of the illness.
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m-u-s-ker · 9 years ago
Shortterm advice on how to cope with depression: do all those things you can’t possibly do when you’re severely depressed.
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