#anxiety makes me freezing shivering like i cant stand it
dogfags · 9 months
im perfectly medicated so why do I still get cold at night with the immense anxiety that he doesn't love me back
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thcweasley · 4 years
PAIRING : Fred Weasley X Y/N
SUMMARY : After war, Fred trying to make things back to normal again
WARNINGS : none? shitty fluff
WORDS : 1.6k
A/N: i reposted this cos something went wrong lmao.
Im not sure why i really like the whole idea of Fred X Muggleborn!Reader lmao. i know its autumn in most places, but its been super duper hot here lately. Also this might not be 100% accurate of how things supposed to go, but i just got an idea after watching what not to do at the beach. so I hope you enjoy anyways.
AND THANKYOU FOR THE LOVE ON MY LAST FIC OMGGG. Yes ill upload the 2nd part soooooonn!! so don’t you worry~
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“Lets go lets go!!” Fred said clapping his hands, signing you to move faster.
“yeah yeah” you mumbled.
It was a month after the war yet everything didn’t seem to falls back to normal. The fact that you almost lose Fred in the battle haunted you. Even though he was still standing in front of you now, present and healthy. Still you couldn’t seem shake off the image of him dying in front of you. At the time everyone was so sure there’s nothing they can do to wake him up.
“I didn’t know you’d be this sad to see me dying Y/N” He managed to let out a laugh.
Fred insisted you both to go to the beach today. You’ve told him once that going to the beach with your family and friends was probably you favourite memory of growing up. Before everything, before Fred, before Hogwarts, before Magic. So he thought itd be fun to relive your memory with you, no wand, no spell, no magic, just the two of you.
“are you sure you wanna do this? I thought you don’t like muggles activities” you asked him swirling around your wand in front of his face.
He grabbed your wand and put it away from you “Yes of course no magic, beach day! Now move your feet before I carry you into the car myself”
“I can’t believe you actually rent a car” you looked at him in disbelief.
“Well I want it to be perfect for you” he laughed under his breath. “Look at this” He pressed a button and suddenly the roof of the car starting to fold. “Just like magic!” He grinned, causing you to laugh.
“oh what did I do to deserve such an amazing boyfriend” you leaned on to the driving seat to give him a kiss on his cheek.
“I honestly don’t know Y/N” He moved one of his hand onto your waist “But I know how you could reward me without any magic involved” He squeeze your bum lightly.
“Focus on the road, Weasley” you rolled your eyes smiling, Slapping  his hand away as moving back to your position. His laughter filling the car
** Fred had taken you to a pretty cool beach. quite crowded too He found a spot and lay some towel so you can sit down.
You both lay down on your towel. Watching the clouds moving, enjoying each other arms. when suddenly someone dis-sand his towel right beside Fred and walk away.
You both sat up immediately, coughing.
“what the hell is that?” you said, with an annoyed tone, looking over to Fred. Wondering why he hadn’t say anything.
You saw Fred rubbing his eye. “you okay?” you raised an eyebrow. Confused
“uhh.. i think there’s sand in my eye” he said still rubbing his eye.
You grabbed his hand. Stopping him from rubbing his eye. “don’t rub it..” you said soothingly. “open your eyes”
he tried to open his eyes, failing. “what do you mean? I cant do it!”
“hey.. calm down” you giggled. You put your fingers between his eye, and open his eyes. You keep your fingers there to stop his eyes from blinking. you blow air in front of his eyes. Hopefully can remove sand from his eyes. “now blink”
he blinked a few times. And then look up at you. He realised how close your faces were. He held your cheek in his palm. Leaning in to kiss you. His lips warm and smooth pressing against yours.
You just smile against the lips, enjoying the moment. Until you heard a loud smack coming from Fred’s direction, causing you to pull away from him. A volley ball hit Freds head.
“sorry mate!” some guy shouted behind him. and running towards you both to pick up the ball.
“yeah no worries” he managed to force a laugh. You dropped your head to the side. Looking at his annoyed face.
“you okay Fred?” you asked him. resting your hand on his head.
“yep.. umm.. lets go for a walk”
Fred grabbed your hand, dragging you with him as he ran towards the bridge. He sat on the bridge and patted the space beside him, signalling you to sit beside him. “come on!” he smiled widely.
“Do you want ice cream?” Fred broke the silence.
“sounds great” you said as you want to get up. But he stopped you.
“wait here I’m going to guess your favourite” He scrambles to his feet and kiss your nose before walking away.
As you watched the clouds moved, you can hear the waves and some kids running around. Looking all around you, remembering the reason why you like going to the beach so much. The salty air, the sun and now you’re with the man you love the most. It couldn’t be more perfect than this.
Suddenly Fred appeared beside you. Handing you your ice cream with your favourite flavour.  “here you go ”
“awwww” you looked up at him and peck his lips. “thankyou..”
You were enjoying your ice cream when suddenly Fred groans. You looked up at him and follow his eyes direction, you saw some boys running away laughing. You looked back at him. now he’s touching his head. “dumb kids” He muttered
“Oh god!” you said in shock as soon after you pulled his hand away from his head. His hair covered with ice cream.  then suddenly bursted out laughing.
Fred groaned again “you think its funny?” he narrowed his eyes at you. Fred’s hair, he always sensitive with his hair.
“sorry..” you grinned. You reached your handbag and took your wet tissue. “I don’t know that your mouth moved on to your hair” you giggle lightly. Start wiping the ice cream off his head.
“It’s those lil git” he clenched his teeth.
You giggled lightly, its funny how frustrating this day has been for him.  “what do you want now? Go home?” you smiled at him.
“yeah..” then he instantly added “sorry” he bitted his bottom lip.
“Its okay, Let’s go home” you grabbed his hand and ran towards the car.
“my hair, it’s so sticky” Fred said once you got inside the car.
you smiled “its cute though, smells like ice cream.”
“it is not..” He said as he started the car
“whatever” you stuck your arms out the open window, holding it straight like the wing of a plane. But then suddenly you felt a cold flickers of water land on your face making you yelp in surprise at first and then groan loudly.
“Rain?” Fred questioned, painful annoyance in his tone.
You both turned your heads up to face the sky and suddenly the droplets are falling down faster and faster, making you flinch every time it hits you. Within ten seconds, the water is hammering down.
“why it doesn’t work!!” Fred pressed the roof button rapidly. Hoping the roof would start to close itself. “Merlin!” he ran his finger through his hair.
“Hey calm down focus on the road” You replaced his hand with yours, until finally the roof closed itself.
But then suddenly the car stopped. You could see the lights on the car also went off.
“hey, we’re in the middle of the rain why the hell would you stopped?” You laughed not knowing what was happening.
“well this really a cherry on top. What a nice day” he said, sarcastically.
“wh- what happened?”
“I don’t know. Merlin, I really wished I have my wand with me” he muttered. “wait here” he said as he got out of the car.
You took out your phone. No signal what a nice day.
You got out of the car. You saw Fred was standing in front of the car. Muttering loudly.  You shook your head, and ran towards him, hugged him from behind. “im so sorry Y/N I have no idea how muggle car works I don’t know how to fix this” He said as he turn himself around to face you. To his surprise you greeted him with a big grin on your face. “Why are you smiling?” he asks suspiciously, raising an eyebrow
You placed a hand on his cheek. “I was wondering… have you ever been kissed in the rain?”
Fred finally recognising the playfulness in your voice. His frown soon eases up into something less harsh-looking. “I haven’t actually,” he breathed
You closed the gap between you two, kissing him passionately. You feel the water soaking through your clothes as you’re pressed your lips on to his lips as the freezing water dripped down on you both. You grab onto his shirt, starting to shiver. You can’t remember the last time you’ve been happier. Because finally, after a whole month of anxiety, you can just focus on whats happening right now.
You finally separate lips, both catching on your breathes.
Fred strokes a stray raindrop off of your nose. “sorry, this is the worst date ever” he gave you a sheepish smile.
“I don’t think so” you pecked his lips smiling widely, he smiled back.
“are you being sarcastic with me?” he raised his eyebrow playfully.
You shook your head smiling. “For a magic-less day, it was quite magical” AAHAHA im sorry guys this was super cheesy. but.. should we make a part two where we give fred weasley the reward he deserves?
MY OTHER WORKS follow me / send request / talk to me! im lonely (if u send me anonymously maybe click here) my collaborative ford anglia playlist Christmas with the Weasley playlist
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ochabestgirl · 3 years
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I have so many good ideas and prompts for fanfiction, and I HAVE tried my had at writing, but it never turns out how I’m wanting it to. I would love for an experienced fanfic writer who loves kachako, to maybe feel inspired to write a specific prompt that has been in my head for years.
So the story starts out with an established Katsuki and Ochako relationship.
Ochako hasn’t been feeling her best, with fatigue and weakness, wt loss, easily getting winded which has been putting a dent in her hero training. Ochako has never wanted to be a burden on anyone, so she keeps how she’s been feeling to herself, brushing off any concerns from her friends and teachers, saying she’s just been overworking herself as an excuse.
Things then take a turn for the worst when she passes out after giving blood at the yearly blood drive that pops up at UA every November. Nobody really thinks anything of it, since it is a normal reaction to donating blood. She wakes up in recovery girls office 4 hours later with a passed out Katsuki in the chair next to her bed. He wakes up and is worried but she eases his worries and sends him back to his dorm room after recovery girl comes in to check up on her. Once their alone, she informs her that after running a few tests on some of the blood she had donated, they discovered that her labs showed an increased in the number of leukocytes which point to one think, leukemia.
Recovery girl wants her to run more tests and have a bone marrow biopsy to confirm and come up with a treatment plan but Ochako is in denial. She can’t possibly accept the fact that all her hard work the last two years at UA could all be for nothing, so she goes harder than ever and does her best to hide it from everyone, including Katsuki.
After getting pared up with Kirishema for a class hero project, Ochako starts having worse symptoms, like bleeding gums and nose bleeds. Recovery girl says that this is a sign of worsening leukemia so she gives her an ultimatum, she either go’s to get her biopsy done or she was going to tell Her teachers, HIPAA be damned.
Reluctantly she agrees, but on the days following, Kirishema notices that she’s been slacking and feels frustrated to be the only one doing the work. On the day of her biopsy, she dips out of training early. Kirishema, having had enough, confronts her saying it wasn’t fair to him if she wasn’t going to take their assignment seriously. Ochako ends up having a compleat meltdown saying, “ you wanna know what’s not fair, I have cancer!” Kirishema in shock tries to respond but she cuts him off “ I’m going to my first bone biopsy today, that’s why I had to leave early, I’m going through this alone, but I’m sorry if all of this is an inconvenience to you!” Tears rolling down her face she turns on her heals and walks away, leaving Kirishema standing there speechless.
After a few moment he takes off to recovery girl desperately looking for answers, now extremely worried about his friend. He grills her for answers. Recovery girl, not able to give him much information, tells him what she can. That Ochako isn’t wanting to tell anyone or be compliant, and where her biopsy is taking place.
Ochako is on the table and they are about to start but before they even take out the needle a nurse walks in and whispers something to the dr. He nods his head and the nurse leaves. She doesn’t thank anything about it, until the door opens and Kirishema walks in. She is confused. “I couldn’t let you go through this alone.” He says shrugging his shoulders with a wary look on his face and tears in his eyes.
He sits by her side holding her hand and brushing his fingers through her hair as she gasps and cries in pain. Tears both running down their faces.
* I don’t have much in between this part and the next. Mostly just Katsuki  worrying to death, seeing the bruising on Ochako body and the amount of weight she has lost, not to mention her lethargic behavior, and Kirishema wanting to tell him what’s been going on but not being able to because it wasn’t his place. Ochako swearing him to secrecy, wanting to be the one to tell him but not feeling ready, so she keep putting it off.*
Kirishema has enough when Ochako passes out during breakfast, right in the middle of eating. Katsuki beside himself with anxiety and worry, urging her to take it easy. Ochako looks at Kirishema, noticing the terrified look on his face and excuses herself to go to her dorm room, but not without giving her boyfriend a calming kiss saying she was going to take a nap. Katsuki watch’s her disappear through the elevator doors, with a hopeless look on his face. Kirishema has made up his mind and sneaks off after breakfast to confront Ochako.
They end up getting into an argument and Kirishema says that she has to the end of the week to tell Katsuki or he was going to and storms out of her room, leaving Ochako sitting on her bed staring off into space completely spent with the day already.
Katsuki comes up after cleaning up the dining area to find Ochako passed out rather uncomfortable looking on her bed. He adjusts her to where her head is on her pillow and draws the covers up over her shoulders. She is shivering so he looks for another blanket in her dresser drawers only to find a large plastic bag full of an assortment of colorful pills. (Ochako put them in a plastic bag so she could hide them better.)
Completely shook, thinking that Ochako has a drug problem, he takes the pills and leaves, and in typical Katsuki fashion with no warning or tact, confronts Ochako in the common room after dinner in front of all his classmates. Completely consumed with worry, frustration, anger, concern and sadness, he doesn’t even think that he probably shouldn’t have approached it the way he did, but he was too desperate to care.
He throws the bag of pills out on the coffee table in front of Ochako. “Care to explain why I found a bag of pills in your dresser?” He asks with so much tension he is shaking a little bit. “I should have noticed sooner, it makes so much since now.” He says to no one in particular.
“Katsuki it’s not what you think, let me explain, I….”
“Don’t even fucking lie Ochako, you’ve been lying to me for weeks, I’m sick of it damnit!” He is shaking uncontrollably now. “I’m telling Aizawa, and we’re getting you into the first rehabilitation facility we can find that has an opening!” He’s so unhinged that he doesn’t even notice the stunned looks of concern on his classmates faces.
“Ochako, is it true?” Mina asked with both hands cradled to her chest. “ If it is, we all love you and want to help you.”
At this point Ochako is slumped over with her face in her hands, trying to make herself as small as possible.
She had been sitting between Deku and Iida, who are now rubbing her back with worried looks on their faces. “Ochako we will get you help, everything will be okay.” Deku says with tears in his eyes and voice thick with emotion.
Ochako springs off the couch so fast it startles everyone. She’s pacing around the room, and the color looks to be drained out of her face. She’s breathing heavy with tears in her eyes, borderline panic attack mode. Katsuki’s face softens and he approaches her, arms lifting like he was going to try to calm her down.
Kirishema then decides to speak up “ Chako, I think now is the right time to tell him.”
Katsukis head snaps up and his eye meet the ones of his best friend. “What the hell are you talking about, you knew what was going on this whole fucking time, and kept it from me?!”
“It wasn’t my place to say anything bro.” Kirishema responded with regret.
Small explosions leave katsukis palms as he leaps over the couch grabbing onto Kirishema’s shirt getting a few punches in before Deku and Sero pull them apart. Katsukis is still thrashing trying to get out of Dekus grip.
“I have leukemia!” Ochako screams loud enough for everyone in the building to hear. She then falls to the ground curling into herself sobbing.
Everyone and everything just stops and everyone freezes, Kirishema is laying on the floor rubbing his face while katsukis just stands there, with a blank look on his face directed at Ochako.
“Leuko-what now??” Kaminari asks from his place beside Kirishema.
“But that’s” Deku starts “ That’s cancer right?”
A strangled gasp is heard from Tsyu, who is trying not to cry.
“How can this be? Your so young, you have your whole life ahead of you.” Iida says like he hasn’t processed the information yet.
This comment causes katsuki to spring to life, “ w-why the fuck are you still here then, we need to get you to a hospital! Som-someone go get recovery girl! Why are you all looking at me like I’m crazy! She needs to go to a fucking hospital!” He’s not pausing for breath and in a half second, he is crouching down next to Ochako, ready to pick her up and bolt to the closets hospital himself. “ W-whatever, I’m going to get Aizawa myself!”
“You can’t!” Ochako desperately clings to katsukis arm, both trying to ground herself and to stop him from leaving. “You cant tell anyone! N-none of you all can tell anyone.” She looks like a cornered animal.
Katsuki looks at her like she has grown a second head. “what the hell are you talking about?! Do you even get how serious this is?! You could fucking die Ochako!” He’s panicking now “ That is not a risk I am willing to take!”
Anger boiling up inside her she yanks her hands away and stands up, causing katsuki to fall over.
“This isn’t your decision ‘Bakugou!’” She seethes. “I have worked so hard and I have come so far! I can’t give all that up! I won’t!” She is standing so still, fist clenched and shaking slightly.
“Chako, you have to-“ Kirishema is silenced by Ochakos loud “No!”
“I don’t Have to do anything! This is my decision!” Ochako starts backing away, eyes darting around the room, obviously looking for an escape. “It’s my decision…” she whispers once more before she bolts to the door leading to the outside, having jumped over the couch in the process. By the time anyone had realized what had happened, she had already disappeared through the doors vanishing into the night.
The class explodes into a frenzy.
“What is going on down here.” Came the calm voice of their teacher from the elevator doors.
“Mr Aizawa…” Kirishema takes it upon himself to explain everything that had happened, all the while katsuki curls more and more into himself. He is still on the floor, head between his legs and hands in his hair.
Deku is close by, trying to talk to him but it is lost on def ears, he can barely make out the panic in his voice.
Trying to get control over his breathing he starts in though is nose and out through his mouth. He is filled with so many emotions he doesn’t know which one to focus on. Angry tears well up in his eyes, threatening to spill over.
He is aware of Kirishema’s face replacing Deku’s, and the ringing in his ears has stopped enough to hear him say that Aizawa, Mina, and , Tsyu have went after her.
He doesn’t remember when or how he winds up on the couch, and he doesn’t even care. He feels hands push him down so he is laying down with his feet propped up, and a cold washcloth is placed on his head.
By the time he starts to breath normally, he’s not sure how much time has passed. When he opens his eyes, he sees that some people were still lingering. Kirishema was sitting in a chair next to him with his head in his hands. Deku, Iida, and Todoroki were hovering by the door, looking for any sign of their return. Sero and kaminari sat on the love seat across from katsuki with sad, forlorn expressions on their faces.
When he slowly sits up, Kirishema lifts his head. Looking him dead in the eyes, katsuki asked, “Did all of that really happened? Is this really happening?” Katsuki hates how his voice cracks.
“ I’m afraid so.” Kirishema says gaze lowering to the floor. “ listen man, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. It wasn’t my place.”
“ I understand why you didn’t. It’s okay.” Kirishema looked like he wanted to say something to that but suddenly the door opened.
Katsuki shoots up from his seat on the couch and faces the door.
Tucked underneath Mr. Aizawa’s arm was a rather small looking Ochako. Face puffy from crying, and bags under her eyes from exhaustion, she looked like the walking dead. Beside her with her arm locked with hers was Mina, face also a little read and puffy, Tysu bringing in the rear holding Ochakos shoes, despair written all over her face.
Ochako refused to look at anyone, even the remaining members of the so called “Deku squad.”
Katsuki makes a move to meet them at the door but one look from Mina makes him stop in his tracks. She shakes her head and mouths ‘not now,’ so not knowing what else to do he just stands there and dumbly watches them make their way to the elevator.
Katsuki tries to sleep that night, but can’t, his mind too full with visions of Ochako dying. Giving up he goes to his desk and opens up his laptop. He spends the next 3 hours researching leukemia, the survival rate, symptoms, causes, treatments, reactions to the medication, by the time the third hours came to a close it’s 2 am and katsuki has had enough. Without second guessing himself, he makes his way out the door, down the hall to Ochakos room and knocks.
It takes a few minutes before the door opens revealing a wide awake but an extremely exhausting looking girl he calls his girlfriend.
Her face contorts in pain and her eyes well up with tears when she sees him. “I’m so sorry katsuki” she sobs.
Without saying anything katsuki grabs her face with both of his hands and kisses her with the power of every emotion he had felt and is still feeling. Pushing her back into her room, he kicks the door shut. She’s on him in seconds, tears still leaking from her eyes as he kisses them away.
“I love you. I love you so fucking much cheeks.” It’s comes out as a choked whisper, like a plea for her to live. He’s got a lump in his throat but he pushes it down. She doesn’t need him breaking down too.
Ochako steps back for only a second to remove her shirt, then she leaps and wraps her legs around katsukis waist, opening up a whole other can of worms.
Not having any control at this point, he pushes her against the door, devouring her mouth like it was his only lifeline. “ I love you too! So much, I’m so sorry.” He silences her words with a Searing kiss. He moves them over to the bed and gently places her down. then settles himself on top of her. “Are you okay? I’m not hurting you am I?” He’s so afraid now.
“You could never hurt me.” She says with such certainty.
That night they gave themselves to each other in every way they could think of.
Him needing to feel her, to know that she was still alive and whole in his arms.
Her needing to feel alive and needing reassurance that she wasn’t alone in this, needing to feel close to the one she loves.
*So that is all I have so far. I do have some thoughts about her treatment and how katsuki struggles with watching her suffer. I would like the story to include weather or not Ochako makes it. But I’ll leave that up to whoever wants to take this story on. Also feel free to write smut if you want. I’m just not good at that, so I didn’t include it.
Please let me know what you all think and if you can make this fic come to life.
Disclaimer: Art is not mine! I got it off of google search. All credit goes to the artists.
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silvercrystalwhump · 3 years
Silence and Milkshakes
TW: dehumanizing whumpee, General bbu warning, implied past noncon, tired and stressed boy
The engine of the old, filthy truck hums with a low drone; something clicks around in the hood. It could be nothing, or it could be something terrible. Flynn isn’t planning on checking it now. It is a nice distraction from the aching throb in his side. Silently, he rubs his fingers on the worn leather steering wheel, just barely cooler than the surface of the sun. When he first bought this car, he hated the way the leather stuck to his hands and made driving a lifetime commitment, but now it only resonates warmth through the calluses of his fingers.
The radio is turned down; it broke and is now stuck on an old jazz station saturated in static. Flynn can tell what the artist is through the grinding of the static, he thinks it’s Miles Davis, but Flynn was more likely to guess the winning lottery numbers than guess the song currently playing. Flynn taps lightly on the brake as he approaches a light. Yellow lights glare down at him from its pole. As the car rolls to a stop, Flynn glances at his passenger seat.
Kai is sitting there. Yesterday, Flynn gave him one of his hoodies for comfort while he was at school. Unfortunately, the high school hoodie permanently acquired the faint smell of cigarette smoke years ago. Kai sits as straight as a nail, eyes at his feet. His hands are perfectly still on his lap.
Position 3.
Flynn presses on the gas, and the car lurches forward. His eyes go back to the road, but his thoughts stay on the box boy. He had read up on some information about box boys from WRU’s website. They are people who signed over their rights to get better, happier lives. Flynn keeps himself from scoffing at the thought. Happier lives, Kai looks like he’s seen some horrible stuff. Hell, he’s been traumatized to the point of muteness. Flynn had triple-checked his medical records for anything that would render him mute, but he found nothing.
Why willingly put yourself through that?
Flynn pulls into a small section of town, and he drives the car into a Chick-fa-la drive-through. He wants something in his stomach before he goes and lifts bricks all day from some rich guy. His eyes trail back to Kai, “Do you want anything bud?”
Kai’s bright green eyes look at him. For a moment, Flynn thinks that he’s not going to respond. But, instead, Kai tilts his head slightly, strands of silky red hair fall across his face. Some deep inside Flynn, a side of him twisted by the horror he lives with every day, understands why someone would buy a little box boy like Kai.
So tiny, adorable.
Flynn curses himself and says, "Do you want a milkshake?"
Kai nods silently. His thin fingers pull at the shorts Flynn gave him a week ago. Flynn pretends not to notice; Kai seems to panic when he does.
"Wjat flavor?"
Kai blanks again. Green eyes looking wide at the menus that glow in the early morning light. His eyes grow distant, and he just looks back at Flynn.
Flynn sights and raises a hand. Kai flinches, Flynn pretends to ignore it. Then, he holds up a finger, "Can you hold up fingers?"
Kai nods. The tiny box boy is as tense as hardwood cut against the grain.
"Okay, one for vanilla, two for chocolate, and three for cookies and cream."
Flynn watches the gears turn in Kai’s head. Three pale fingers raise for a second before shooting back to his thigh. Flynn gives Kai a warm smile as he pulls around to the speaker.
As Flynn orders, he sees Kai shift in his seat. Kai pulls his knees into the hoodie and tries to hide his nose in his knees. Flynn notices the boy shivering, and once he finishes ordering, he leans into the partial backseat and pulls out an old quilt.
"I know it's chilly bud, the heat doesn't work in this car," Flynn says as he wraps the quilt around Kai's body. Kai looks with wide eyes at Flynn. He seems to lean into Flynn's touch, no matter how brief the contact.
The drive over, and Flynn hands the woman cash and grabs the food. He sets in it the cup holder area and pulls out. As he drives, he gives the milkshake to Kai. The box boy gingerly takes the cup and holds it. His eyes on Flynn, the entire time, waiting in his eyes.
"That's yours Kai, you can drink it."
Kai instantly puts the straw in his mouth and tries to suck down all of the liquid. Almost immediately, he regrets it. Flynn holds back a chuckle, "You can't drink it so fast Kai you'll get a brain freeze."
Kai blinks at the drink and puts the straw back in his mouth, this time drinking slower. Flynn tosses a chicken mini into his mouth, and he keeps driving.
He drives mindlessly for a few lights until Kai sneezes, ripping him back to reality.
At a red light, Flynn looks over at Kai. He put the milkshake into a cup holder and is now quietly sleeping against the seat belt. Flynn smiles subconsciously and then memories of a few nights ago.
He had awoken to Kai sleeping against his chest. Flynn shoved him aside in a panic and freaked the little guy out. Guilt gnawed at his throat all day after that.
Kai has not tried to touch him since.
Flynn swears under his breath. Why did he put him? There were so many ways to handle that, and you chose aggression.
Why am I so much like my father?
Flynn shoves those thoughts aside. Now wasn't the time for self-loathing; he had the stuff to do. He needs to drop Kai off at Chloe’s and get to work. Gritting his teeth, Flynn pulls through onto one of the highways near his home.
Usually, he wouldn't mind leaving Kai home by himself. Since he got home before his Father, Kai stayed in his room, so even if he did, he would be fine. Not today.
His Dad will have his drinking buddies over to watch the game tonight. Flynn rubs his thumbs across the leather of the steering wheel, anxiety crawling up his spine.
Dad expects him to cater to his friends.
One of those friends is Morrie Mitchell.
Flynn holds back a gag as he pulls into the shopping district of the town. A small bakery with its backlights on sits off to the right. Flynn, with white knuckles, pulls into the back parking.
Putting the car in park, Flynn sets his head on the steering wheel. Bile rises in his throat, but Flynn bites it back.
Hands, he can feel ghost and across his back. The man's voice is a specter across his mind, whispering twisted sweet nothings. He wants to hide away from a voice and hands that are not there.
Tap tap.
Flynn rips his head up and locks eyes with Worried dark eyes. He sighs and opens the door; Chloe stands out in the dawn light. The golden light crosses her face and makes her skin look like golden chocolate.
"Sorry," Flynn says, "I'm just out of it this morning."
Chloe smiles, "Not an issue, I have coffee inside if you want some."
Flynn nods, "Yeah, thanks."
Hopping out of the car, he walks over to the car’s passenger side and opens the door.
Kai stirs. He wakes up and looks at Flynn, confusion and worry across his face.
"Hey bud," Flynn says calmly, "Chloes going to watch you while I'm at work today."
Chloe walks up behind him and wakes at Kai. Flynn guides Kai out by the hand. Kai hops out of the car and lands next to Flynn. Chloe looks down at Kai’s hands and says, "Hd drew on his hands."
Kai freezes and starts to shake. Flynn mentally curses and tries to soothe him, "Its alright bud, it's okay."
Flynn reaches into the car and grabs Kai’s milkshake. Then, leaning into the back of the truck, his fingers wrap around an old math notebook. He hands both to Kai and says, "How about the draw in here okay?"
Kai nods profusely, his eyes begging out apologies. Flynn guides Kai towards the bakery.
Chloe trots out in front of them and opens the door. She steps into a sitting area in the back for the staff that's linked to the pantry.
"I explained the situation to Ma as you explained to me and she's perfectly fine with him staying here."
"Thank you Chloe," Flynn yawns, "I seriously cant thank you enough."
Chloe smiles, "Dont mention it."
She turns to Kai, who holds his things in a death grip, "How are you Kai."
Kai just steps behind Flynn and inches as close to him as possible.
"He doesn't speak," Flynn says softly as he leads Kai over to the worn couch, "He'll listen to you though."
"Mute or nonverbal?"
"I don't know, he just doesn't talk."
Kai sips on his milkshake and bundles in both the quilt and the jacket.
Flynn walks towards the door and pulls out his wallet. Before he can pull out a twenty, Chloe shakes her head, "Flynn, you and I both know you need every penny, see this as a favor from a friend."
"Are you sure, I really don't want to put a burden on you all."
Chloe gives Flynn a look worth an entire essay; we both know you'll need it to escape.
Flynn pierces his lips and nods. He turns back to Kai and says gently, "You can draw back here; let Chloe know if you need anything.
Kai nods sleepily.
Flynn turns to Chloe, "Just remember to give him lunch around noonish and check on on him every so often, if you show him where stuff is hell usually take care of himself."
"Aye aye captian."
Flynn chuckles and waves to Kai. Kai blinks back at him and continues drinking his milkshake.
Flynn hops in his car and drives off to work. But, he still could not stop thinking about Kai.
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noirwritingtime · 3 years
Dangerous.. Lifeform?
CW: horror, language, paranoia/anxiety
"Henrik- Hen, I uh.. this may be a bad time to drop this on you but I've.. well, it's easier to explain once you're here! See you soon, please hurry-"
Henrik frowns slightly, hearing the voicemail repeat once more. Vhat zhe fuck is he doing? The good doctor drives to their shared place, growing more and more concerned as time passes.
He was right to be concerned.
All the lights are on, some lamps too, and it is bright as an endless lit void. The doctor has to squint his eyes slightly from how bright it is in the house.
The sound of footsteps come from the hallway and Jackie waves him over.
"C'mere, it's in here."
That's concerning, thinks the doctor.
"Vhat's in there?" Jackie shakes his head and waves him over again. The doctor sighs and heads over. "I mean it Jackie."
"You'll see-"
The hero opens the door to the spare back room. The two head inside, the doctor seeing what Jackie was talking about. A silent gasps leaves him.
"Vhat..who?" He mutters, not able to look away.
"It showed up one day.."
In front of them, masked by the darkest corner of the not so brightly lit room, sits a figure. Curled over itself and emitting a low hum. Henrik moves closer, just by a bit before being yoinked back by Jackie.
"It's not happy-"
It is a good thing Jackie grabbed him cause the thing swiped at him- large claws being the main thing visible and terrifying.
The doctor gasps, noting the claws.
The thing pushes back into the corner after stating its place with the others.
"Does it-" He clears his throat and addresses the thing instead. "Do you speak?"
It shifts as it tries to form a response.
"Grhgh..I can." It flashes its eyes at him, bright green scleras are the only thing seen. This shocks both the doctor and hero.
"Oh, that is great. Do you have a name?"
"Anti. Hhrk."
"Do you have something in your throat?"
It doesn't respond to that, but if its face was visible the others would note the devilish smirk it wears. It shifts again to stare at Henrik, taking an interest.
"Anti is a unique name, did you choose it?" Henrik tilts his head, interested enough that he almost forgets he has to chastise Jackie for harboring an unknown creature without telling him sooner.
"..sort of."
"Zhat's nice. Where did you come from?"
It gurgles, maybe it is giggling. After a moment of very loud gurgling, it goes quiet.
"Not here."
Henrik figured that might be the answer it gives. He hums.
"You've got humor."
It smiles and nods, quite proud of that about itself.
"Well, I'm going to go talk with my friend. You just sit tight." Henrik smiles at the thing and backs away with Jackie.
The two exit the room and Henrik slaps Jackie's shoulder.
"Vhat zhe fuck happened? Start talking." Henrik says hushed and quickly. Jackie looks down and nods.
"I will I will-" Jackie takes a moment to gather his thoughts. He feels the gaze from the doctor and looks at him. "It showed up one day in my room, don't know how, but it happened. I panicked and then it started panicking? I'm not sure. Next thing I know, I've got it cornered into that room, cause the thing doesn't like lights apparently."
Henrik raises a brow. "Is that why every light in the house is at full brightness?" Jackie nods. "Makes sense.. have you talked at all- how soon after did you message me?"
"Eh.. not long after I got it in there. I didn't try to talk, tried giving it food but it tried scratching me so I didn't try again."
"That's good thinking." Henrik rubs his chin. "What now.. We should talk with it, but I'm not sure what else we could do about this."
Jackie nods and glances at the door to the room it's in. He wonders why it showed up.. and how?
"I want to talk to it again."
"I'll be with you."
In the dark corner, it stirs slightly. It hears the two talk through the walls, it hears everything. It smirks, though no one can see. The creature had been listening and waiting, letting the fall of humans guide it to its goal..
The door to the room opens, letting in additional light that makes it slink back into the corner even more. Funny thing about humans, so quick to assume..
"Hello again, you up to chatting?" Henrik starts the conversation, walking into the room and staying a comfortable distance away. The creature looks at him.
"Wonderful. What are you?"
It gurgles before giving an answer. "Anti."
"Is Anti a species?" He raises a brow, not sure if its playing with him. It is. It so is playing with the doctor because it shakes its head no.
"Well.. then vhat are you?"
A giggle. Then a tilt of the head.
"I'll move to a different question then," Henrik gets the idea that Anti will be stubborn, especially for certain questions. "Are you here for harm?"
"No. Just here."
"Here for vhat?"
"Existing. Exploring.." It trails off.
"New here?" Henrik smiles, being as gentle and friendly a presence he can be. It shakes its head before continuing.
"I've been here before."
Henrik tilts his head and raises a brow. "Oh, that's good. Where have you been?"
It smiles wide.
Here? This sends a shiver down Henrik's spine. Here, like this house? When-?
"This house- you mean?"
A simple nod is all it takes to make Henrik's heart pound, and all the very limited color in his face disappear. "Oh- that's nice.." His throat feels dry. "H-how long? Ago, I mean. How long ago did you visit?"
"Which time?"
"Zhe first-" Henrik glances away, not sure if this is still safe. Oh, what am I thinking- This isn't safe at all! The light is the only thing we have right now- His hands fiddle with the fabric of his pockets.
"Years. Forgot the number."
Henrik swallows dryly, and glances to Jackie- who heads over and grabs Henrik's shoulder.
"Excuse us, we'll talk later Anti." With that, Jackie takes Henrik out of the room.
Once away from the thing Henrik starts shaking his hands in repetitive motions.
"Years?!- Jackie, how-" He visibly distresses, rocking back and forth on his feet. "How did we never see? Vhat has it done here? Oh God-"
"Henrik, hey bud. You're okay.." He speaks gently, watching the doctor and refraining from touching him. It's never a good idea to touch Henrik when he's panicked unless asked.
"Am I?!" He looks back at Jackie, shaking one hand spastically. He blinks and takes in a breath. "Sorry Jackie.. I didn't mean to yell."
Jackie smiles gently, understanding. "Its alright. This guy is unnerving, definitely creepy." He rubs the back of his neck.
Henrik nods, continuing to move and get his worries out. "Yeah, yes. I don't like how it's been here, before. Before."
"Mhm. It doesn't help that it isn't answering easily."
"That's the worst part." Henrik mutters.
"I agree.."
Henrik shakes his hands more before settling. "Alright.. we need to get through this. Now." He looks to Jackie before going back to the door with Jackie following.
"You got this, I'm right there with you Hen."
"Thanks, we'll-" Henrik shakes and freezes in the doorway. "Where is it? Jackie? Jackie it's not there-" His voice raises with fear.
"What?" Jackie looks in the room. "Hen, its okay- I'm right herAh-!"
Henrik blinked and everything changed. An instant change, that thing was gone. Where is Jackie? He turned back to see and is set into an adrenaline rush.
The walls. He finally saw what has happened. Oh god the walls, it's all sickly and dark and is that Jackie's leg in the ceiling-
"Jackie!" Henrik reaches for his leg, trying to bring him back down. The thing must've grabbed him from the thick substances coating what seems like everywhere- oh where did it go?!
Jackie's leg slowly becomes legs and then torso and thank fuck- he's breathing, barely but it's there. He coughs and weakly grabs at Henrik, thick globs of dark essence falls and spills out of his mouth and ears.
Henrik stares wide eyed at Jackie as he holds him before trying to guide him out of the hellish room. "Jackie- keep, keep coughing. Get that out-" He tugs him along, slipping but still standing. His heart pounds as he feet try to keep him moving.
"Try- gahhr-chh-" Jackie shakes with the amount of force in each cough. Weakly clinging to Henrik's guidance.
"Keep coughing-" Henrik stops, shaking more at the sight.
It's everywhere now, for sure.. If Henrik didn't have fantastic memory he wouldn't be able to tell you the color of the walls or where any pictures are on the wall. The floor is coated, and moving? Its moving, rippling and pulsing.
"Jackie- we have to go.." His words tremble and he rushes himself and Jackie into the hallway.
It's so heavy.. thick and dark. Is that giggling? Breathing? Maddening.
"C'mon- don't let go okay?" Henrik is stressed and trying his best, worried about the amount that's still spilling out of Jackie's mouth.
Thick globs drop from the ceiling, coating the floor below and near creating a wall to the outside.
But, the two manage to get outside. Henrik wants to go further but Jackie's coughing urges him to stop and tend to his friend.
"Jackie, cough as hard as you can." Henrik sets him down on the lawn and places a hand on his back. Trying to help get the weird thing out of him.
Jackie whimpers and nods, his throat feeling dry and slimy at the same time. "Hggrh-" He coughs hard and a slimy hard thing falls onto the ground. "Hhhh- ghhod." He coughs more and stares at the thing. The thing slowly melts onto the ground.
Henrik pats his back. "I've.. I got you-"
"I," His voice rasps, finally having a clear throat but it's extremely dry. "I can breathe.. now.." He keeps his eyes set on the thing, watching it.
"Good, that's good.. let's, can you get up? I don't want to be here-"
"No.. we cant let it get out. Imagine the.. the panic." He rasps, giving Henrik a look that could only mean he's wanting to be heroic.
"Jackie! We've got to wait or something-" He pleads, glancing at the house. Not wanting to think about what is inside. Growing.
"But- It could escape!" Jackie looks at Henrik.
"Ve should call, Jackie! No.. no heroing." Henrik pleads, shaking. "Please."
Jackie looks at him for a few moment before nodding. "Okay.. I won't Hen. I promise."
"Thank you" His voice cracks and he hugs Jackie, momentarily ignoring the weird substance and how it coats his clothing and skin.
Jackie only nods in response, patting Henrik's back. "We need to call- who?" He asks quietly.
"I don't know.." He shrugs, keeping close to Jackie. All that matters for the moment is Jackie can breathe and they both got out.
"Marvin, ve- no, don't! Ve just need ozhers to deal vith it. Not us! Marvin, please." He pleads on the phone with Marvin. Henrik is trying to explain to the others that the house is not safe.
"No- I don't want you to risk that! Marvin!"
A hand settles on Henrik's shoulder and grips gently, Jackie trying to calm him down.
"He's not listening!" Henrik's voice only raises in pitch and stress.
"I know I know, let me talk to him.." Jackie says comfortingly, gently guiding the phone into his own hand. "Alright Marvin. . ."
Henrik listens to them both talk before glancing at the house, yet again. It looks so peaceful. Like nothing is wrong. How wrong that is. Well, is that wrong? Maybe it's all better. He's been under quite a lot of stress.. might be seeing things.
Without fully connecting how he got there, he feels the cool metal of the door handle in his hand.
"Wha-" Henrik blinks and backs away quickly, ripping his hand off the handle. "Jackie!"
"Hm, oh!" Jackie rushes over and pulls Henrik close. "What are you doing?" He looks worriedly at Henrik. The doctor is disturbed.
"I.. I don't know!" Henrik looks to Jackie. "I don't remember getting here." He whimpers, letting himself get pulled away by Jackie.
"Its okay, breathe.." Jackie mutters soothingly. "Let's go back over here and wait for the police."
Henrik nods, watching the house. He swears the whole place flickers.
This better not be some crackhead call or prank. The police officer pulls up to the house, looking over the two people looking like an actual mess. He sighs before getting out.
"Alrighty you two, I don't want to deal with nonsense shit." He walks over to the others.
Henrik and Jackie look over, ready to hear the cop call them all sorts of names.
"We aren't joking, sir." Jackie starts, his throat cleared up a bit more from waiting. "It's dangerous inside and Henrik doesn't want me to deal with it."
The police officer shakes his head in disbelief. "I'll just go look before I bring you two in." He walks over to the door.
Henrik's eyes widen. "Wait-" He holds a hand out. "It's not safe!" Jackie holds him back.
The cop looks back and raises a brow. "Sure thing buddy." He grabs the door handle and opens it. He whistles at the sight. "Lot of work you put into this fellas." He mutters before pulling his flashlight out and turning it on to see inside.
The sound of loud maniacal cackling fills Jackie and Henrik's heads. Taunting.
"Wait, you think we're pranking you?" Jackie calls out. "Don't go inside yet!"
The cop doesn't answer and goes inside.
The door shuts behind him.
Those cackles leave their heads and fills the air.
Jackie stares at the door with a panicked expression. "Oh no. No- We have to go in now Hen!" He moves to go after the cop, getting to the door and tugging the handle.
Henrik chases after Jackie. "Hey! Jackie wait, no!" He sees that Jackie has not entered yet, meaning the door is locked which spikes more panic. "Oh no.."
"He's locked in there- I have to get him out!" Jackie moves back from the door and kicks by the handle with his heel. Easily breaking through the wood with his strength and mighty kick. Scrambling, he pulls his foot back and reaches through to the other side. He unlocks the door but before he can go in, Henrik's hand begs him to stay.
"Henrik, I have to help him."
Henrik stares, muttering and stopping himself. Unable to think clearly. He doesn't want Jackie hurt but there is a man in trouble!
"Henrik, I'll be okay."  He says gently, grabbing and holding Henrik's hand to reassure him. With a gentle squeeze, he swings the door open to face the hell within.
You can find this and a soon-to-be-extended story of this, and more at my wattpad, @actualwheat ! Thanks for reading! :D
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dazed--xx · 4 years
I Trust You
REQUEST: Hey! Just saw you wanted requests so here it is So, you're making out with Yoongi and things get hot but you're kind inexperienced and had a bad first time, but you didn't tell him... he notices that you're nervous and stops to check on you, so you tell him and start detaching yourself from him cuz you're embarrassed, but he stops you and show it to you how you should be treated I'm sorry, this was kind specific, feel free to do it you want >< ❤
GENRE: SMUT, ANGST, if you squint fluff
MEMBER: YOONGI x Idol!reader
A/N: so this one is kinda a hard one to write i was a victim of sexual assault and it was kinda like this but way more graphic. but i hope you guys enjoy im sorry to the person who requested this because i forgot your tumblr name but i hope it reaches you if it does comment please.
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“Yoongi-ah” I moan as his lips slowly suck on the bend of my neck. “Hmm?” He whispers, His lips attacking mine. My hands buried in his soft midnight hair, his wandering to my ass. Yoongi’s member pressing against my stomach, hard. His hands reach for my breast, as my tongue wanders his mouth. “Baby-” Yoongi bites my lip interuppting my protests. I let out a small moan “Hmm I love hearing you moan for me baby” His hand sliding down lifting my shirt slightly. My hand grasps his wrists, my breathe gets stuck in my throat. Water is building around my lungs and im gasping for air. The dark feeling rises and the memory begins to replay over in my head once again.  
Min, my back is on the ground. Min-Jun's hands wandering all over my torso, across my chest. No, Don’t, Stop please. His hands trail down my body and lifts the blue shirt I had been wearing and a cool breeze sends shivers through my body. He stops at the button for my jeans, and I close my eyes as he removes them. I don’t like this Say something idiot, he'll stop right?  
His lips travel from my lips to my collarbone. His sloppy, wet kisses that are etched into my skin. "Min-Jun, I don’t want to. I'm not ready." I say. He lifts his head, rolls his eyes, and continues kissing me. I jerk my head to the side "Min-Jun, please stop."
He throws his head back in frustration. "Excuse me?" He looks at me in disgust "Of course you don’t like it, if you relax you'll enjoy it, I promise." I shake my head, and Min-Jun clenches his jaw.  
"Min-Jun, I don’t like this can you please stop? I don’t want to do this, not here and not now" I said. He shushed me, caressing my face " I promise I'll take care of you during this whole thing okay? Just calm down you'll be okay," He said, "If you keep fighting me it's going to hurt." He lines himself up with me, I close my eyes.  
The group is more than a mile down the street and really loud music playing, they cannot hear me if I scream. Min-Jun slammed himself in and out of me harshly, pushing my hip into the bed below me. Please God stop him, send someone looking for us so this can stop please god just stop this. An unfamiliar noise escapes my lips, did....did I just moan? Do I like this? and he moaned "Do that again, I like it say my name baby girl" My mouth stays shut. A harsh stinging spreads across my cheek, “what did I just say?” This isnt my Min-Jun, my Min-Jun has never acted like this before. His thrusts get harsher at my silence. Maybe if I just do as he says this will stop, “Min-Jun” I say weakly as his member attacks my core. “Hmm good girl” His lips fall onto mine as his pace slows and the familiarity of his old self returns.  
The kiss feels loving, as my hatred grows. His head falls to my neck “fuck- youre so tight baby girl” his hand caresses my face softly his thrusts getting sloppy. “Call me daddy” DADDY?! He wants to own me and for me to accept that ownership....fuck no.... I wont.... I don’t care.... I wont call HIM daddy. He looks at me angry, his hand wrapping around my throat “Come on baby girl, what you feeling shy?” I cover my face and nod quickly terrified. He smiles “youre so cute baby. Its okay you don’t have to this time next time okay?” NEXT TIME?!?!?! YOU REALLY THINK YOURE GOING TO SEE ME AFTER THIS!!!!! Im screaming on the inside but my weak and terrified state just nods.
He begins groaning and his hips stutter freezing “Fuck! I just came so hard baby girl” He lifts himself off of me and holds me "Relax, you fought a lot, next time please don’t do that.  I don’t like hurting you, baby girl."  
A large smile formed on his face, he is satisfied and I am silent.
“Yoongi, please...stop” I whisper as tears begin to stream down my face. Yoongi freezes panic evident on his face his hands caress my face. “Are you okay?” I nod. His face falls “baby youre crying”. I smile and wipe my face and move past him sitting in the studio chair messing with his piano. “We should finish this track oppa” I smile at him. He nods, distain on his face. After about 10 silent minutes, yoongi speaks up “Listen, im not sure why you started crying, but just know you can tell me anything and I will never judge you. Okay? I know you went through a lot before you met me and I wont push but just know I will always be here for you” the wall of silence I built after all of this time, finally comes crumbling down. The words come out like word vomit, Yoongi listens growing angry as the words come out of my mouth.  
“IM.GOING.TO.FUCKING.KILL.HIM” Yoongi says angrily. “Look baby you tell me stop and we stop okay. Id never pressure you into anything especially something as serious as sex, but I do have to ask.... have you been with anyone since? Like have you ever been able to enjoy it?” I shake my head. He runs his hand through his hair. “Dont worry baby ill wait for you forever if I have to. I want you to trust me enough to want to give yourself to me. I love you and I wont hurt you like that or in any way, id never do anything to lose you. Id be lost. I cant help but be happy you fell into our practice room that day” I smile and move from my chair to yoongis lap pressing my lips against his. His hand caresses my face as his tongue explores my mouth. I stand up and grab his hand leading him to the couch. Seductively I push him back onto it and straddle his lap. I kiss down his neck, a moan escapes his lips. My core grows wet as his member hardens against it.  
I suck on his his neck and he bucks his hips up into me. “Hmmm Babygirl don’t do that....” yoongi whines. Grinding into his lap, I nibble on his earlobe lifting his shirt. “You don’t have to do that” yoongi states grabbing ahold of my wrists. “I want to” I smile soon our clothes are tossed all over yoongis studio and were both in our underwear. “Fine but if were gonna do this babygirl were gonna do this right” He states taking ahold of my waist and pressing me into the couch. His lips are on mine fast need evident in yoongis pace. His member grinding into my core as yoongi attacks my neck. “Hmmm this is gonna be all about you baby girl okay? Im gonna make you feel so fucking good” His words make the blush creep up on my face. “youre so fucking cute and innocent...and your going to be so naughty for me..hmm im gonna ruin you baby” His hand slides into my panties. “Fuck youre so wet already baby girl. Can I taste you?” He asks softly. I nod “No baby use your words I want you to tell me if its okay this is all about you” He kisses my core over my panties. “Yes oppa I want you to eat my pussy please” he pulls my panties down and attacks my core. The feeling overwhelmingly wonderful “FUCK! OPPA!” My hand buries in his hair as he sucks softly on my clit. “You taste so much fucking better than ive imagined baby girl.” The need for yoongi grows “Oppa...?” I ask softly, Yoongi lifts his head worried coming back up to my face. “Yes ? Are you okay?” Panic in his voice, I smile “Im fine I just want you to be inside of me... not that im not enjoying this but I only want to cum on your cock”  
Nodding yoongi sits up and begins looking through his clothes. “what are you doing?” I ask confused “Looking for my wallet I have a condom in there” “you don’t need one” Yoongi freezes and turns around “are you sure?” I nod. He drops his underwear and his member flys up and hits his stomach. A nervous look flashes across my face as yoongi lays positions himself in between my legs “ill go slow okay” his words easing my anxiety.  
“its okay baby I trust you”
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willgayers · 7 years
i havent been COMPLETELY thru your list of reddie fics so if youve already done something similar ignore this but. what about a sickfic where richie is sick? also maybe eddie just like, forgets about germs to take care of him and then ends up getting sick too and blaming richie and richies jus like, dude, were you here
i changed it a little but only the part where he blames richie and richie wonders if he was there !!! hope u like it :-)
again,,, sorry for the length?? but i cant write these short?? also again. IT IS WORTH IT 
so obviously eddie is TERRIFIED of germs and every time one of the losers has even a little flu he’s not gonna touch anything they touch and will stand 5 feet away from them and honestly in the end will probably just be that one friend who’s gonna say
“my mom said no”
just so that he won’t hurt his friends’ feelings even tho he really just doesn’t wanna be anywhere near them bc hey he could get it too and it could turn into something more dangerous like leper obviously
but then one tragic time… richie gets a flu
and eddie’s very torn bc he doesn’t wanna be with richie cause ???? he isn’t clean
but then again they were supposed to hangout
eddie is thinking whether he should ditch richie or not
“jesus i’ve been sneezin since 8am”
yeah eddie is not gonna go there
the gERMS ARE FLYING and just the thought makes him shiver
he’s thinking that oh well maybe tomorrow he’s gonna be ok again
spoiler alert: he’s not
so eddie suffers thru the day bc its boring at school without richie
they talk on the phone later that day and eddie’s like hey r u feeling any better
“i am nod” richie answers with a stuffed nose
eddie just sits on his bed with a facial expression that is nothing other than :(
then the day after that ,,, eddie goes to school in hopes of that maybe richie had a miracle healing last night and now he’s gonna be there
now eddie is just gettin pissed off bc how dare his boyfriend be sick for this long
so again that night they speak on the phone
“richie jesus christ when are u gonna HEAL”
“i am do dorry eddi-spageddi bud i am just so sig”
eddie is gonna turn into hulk soon from the conflict bc he REALLY misses richie
should i stay or i should go™
(nice stranger things reference)
ok maybe eddie is gonna give it one more day.
so it’s friday and richie has missed school for almost the whole WEEK
“wow eddie you’ve been without richie for almost the whole school week how’s that feel must be a new record huh”
“shut up stan”
don’t be mean stan
eddie’s heart is breakin
again,,, he goes home from school and calls richie immediately
“ARE YOU,,,,STILL…. SICK?????”
“yeah i— *LEPER COUGH* i ah-ah-AMh *cough*”
eddie cringes because ???? oh my gosh he is turning into a zombie
eddie has had it
he hangs up and stomps out of the house and rides his bike to the grocery store and buys all kinds of stuff like non-caffeine tea ((bc he knows for a fact that it helps better than regular)),, some ice cream and chicken soup in a can even tho eddie thinks it’s disgusting and fights with one of the workers
“yeah not today”
“my bOYFRIenD haS bEeN SiCK!! FOR A WEEk and i hAVE TO BRING HIM A CAN????”
eddie shakes his head in disbelief and curses the store as he walks away
then he finally arrives at richie’s house
he knocks on the door first just in case his terrible excuse of parents are home but they aren’t
so he leans down to grab the key from under the doormat and opens the door
he walks in and stiffens his upper lip as he glances around at the sight of empty beer cans and liquor bottles and there’s just the smell of old booze and cigarettes in the air
like it’s normal (and eddie hates that it’s normal) but richie’s SICK and he should be breathing fresh air not the literal definition of the breath of a drunken bum who’s been living in the gutter
this wasn’t what he was expecting bc he figured that richie’s parents would at least open the fucking window because their son is sick inside the house
so quickly eddie makes his way to richie’s room that is at the end of the hallway and he knocks on it softly before opening the door
he finds richie sitting in his bed ,,, burrito inside blankets and he’s watching something from his laptop
his eyes are red and his face is a lil swollen and nose also v red
eddie wants to cry bc he looks so bad
“yes,,, eddi to the rescue” he mocks his boyfriend’s stuffy nose voice a little
richie is literally starstruck bc ???? EDDIE IS THERE ???? EDDIE , IS THERE , WHEN HE IS SICK ????
“whad de fug edz u should go befor u ged dis doo”
“i’ve been to school without you for a week now richard im done”
richie wants to cry
eddie is still just staring at him bc he doesn’t know how to approach him since he’s still a little disgusted at the situation this is all new for him ok but he really wants to help his bf
“i bought u some stuff”
richie starts to smile wide
“BUT” eddie starts
“before i give u any”
“you’re gonna leave this house”
richie looks at him like he’s crazy
“r u serioud eddi every pard of ma badi hurts”
eddie feels so bad for him
“you don’t even have fresh air here richie so i am serious”
richie can’t take the fact that his boyfriend is such a knight in shiny armor
eddie leaves the bag for a moment to grab richie inside his blanket burrito and pull him up.
“ur gonna have to get rid of this blanket tho”
eddie looks at him
“srsly richie i can’t give you a ride on my bike you’re gonna fall down and roll down the hill”
“i will give you my blanket once we’re there”
richie throws his blanket down way too fast and he starts feeling nauseous
the bike ride isn’t very aesthetic™ for him either bc his head is spinning and all of his muscles hurt and oh my gosh he’s doing his everything not to throw up on eddie’s back rn
eddie’s mom isn’t home so eddie can easily sneak richie in
he’s not sure how he’s gonna explain him living there until he’s healthy again tho
but he’s not gonna worry about that now
(fast forward;
so now they go into eddie’s room ( he’s basically holding richie up )
and richie settles down on eddie’s bed and eddie wraps him inside a blanket and richie is just smiling at him the whole time
“r u comfortable”
“very” richie says. the blanket smells like eds and he is in eddie’s bed. ofc he’s comfortable 
“here’s my laptop”
eddie hands him his macbook and goes to the kitchen to prepare the chicken soup. in the can. which eddie still thinks is unacceptable as he heats it up
richie is about to cry bc “did you really mage me chiggen soub”
eddie nods with a light frown like wtf obviously that’s what you eat when you’re sick
“there’s also ice cream”
“ice cream???”
“yeah it’s for the throat…???
eddie is kinda confused bc how can richie not know it helps
then it occurs to him that
richie doesn’t know, because
no one’s probably ever taken care of him when he’s sick????
now eddie wants to cry
“scoot over”
he wants richie to be on the side next to the wall so he can lean his head on it if he wants to it’s more comfy  
with a lil trouble richie does move and eddie cuddles up next to him
literally cuddles
richie is SHOCKED
“are you sure u wanna do dat”
richie wants to marry eddie
“wad r we watchin”
“kill bill”
“waid a minude… isn’d dis-”
“yours. yeah. i never watched it and i never gave it back so”
“u never watched dis?? oh my god eddi—”
“eat ur chicken soup and watch this movie with me now oKAY” eddie is a pissed off knight in shiny armor bc talking is just gonna exhaust richie more and he needs to get WELL
richie eats his soup and they watch the movie in silence,,,, glued to each other and at some point eddie realizes richie’s fallen asleep with his head resting towards eddie’s
eddie can’t move because he knows if he does he’s gonna wake up richie
but thankfully after like 15 minutes richie wakes up and he’s like “shid where am i”
“you’re with me”
he turns his gaze down at eddie and he remembers that yes,,, he is in fact with eddie and he just feels: ️️️️️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
well the weekend goes by and eddie goes hardcore nurse on richie and literally by sunday he is already pretty healthy like his voice is back to normal and so on
but… Oh… no
eddie and richie are eating in the kitchen
richie goes;
“baby can u pass me that ketchup”
eddie’s eyes widen and he freezes in shock
richie looks at him like o'shit he done caught the flu
but then he starts to smile
“what do you mean?!?!?!”
“because obviously im gonna take care of u”
eddie is 😨😭💘😓😭💕😨😭💗
then later they tell the other losers why they’re both missing school and stanley uris wants to comment again
“so eddie u went to richie’s house??”
“and i thought i was romantic letting bill choose dinner”
@nopetaking @xbell22 @donthateonk8 @stenbroughbros @reddiebrekmyheart @itsgreywaterrichie @donvex @blueeyespurpleskies @ageorgymi @oh-youre-the-worst @eddiekaaspbraak @whipashwhipash @rissyq @richietoaster @edskasqbrak @waterlouis @wyattghouleff@urtury @bukiminajimu @kcutieeesblog @stansmansuris @adorefack@reddieaddict @icyeyes102@denbroughbill @graveyardshipper @taletellingsir @anxiety-freak-yuuri @rheddie @queertrashmouth 
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