#antonin gerbal
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garadinervi · 1 month ago
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ŰŁŰ­Ù…ŰŻ [Ahmed], Giant Beauty, (Boxset: 5 x CD + 96 page book in rigid slipcase (first and second edition); Digital album), fönstret 9–13, Fönstret, 2024 [Boomkat]
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Compositions by ahmed abdul-malik, re-imagined and arranged by [ahmed]
Pat Thomas: piano Seymour Wright: alto saxophone Joel Grip: double bass Antonin Gerbal: drums
Produced by John Chantler and Seymour Wright
Recorded 10-14 August 2022 at Fylkingen, Stockholm by Mattias HĂ„llsten and John Chantler Mixed by John Chantler and Seymour Wright Mastered by Andreas [Lupo] Lubich
Cover Photos by Leif Wigh and Christopher Landergren
Book texts by Silvia Tarozzi, Magnus Granberg, Nate Wooley, Valerie Mol, PÀr Thörn and Lars Grip Drawings by Guillaume Delcourt and Aliocha Delcourt Camera op for inner sleeve photos: Feronia Wennborg
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culturedarm · 2 months ago
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The opening minutes of ‘El Haris (Anxious)’ from the Fylkingen festival capture something of a peacock’s proud strut, with Pat Thomas’s piano leading a staggered march as the bass and drums of Joel Grip and Antonin Gerbal wobble and shimmer and the staccato of Seymour Wright’s alto saxophone splays like the furling and unfurling of a train of covert feathers.
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donospl · 8 months ago
Co w jazzie piszczy [sezon 2 odcinek 21]
premierowa emisja 12 czerwca 2024 – 18:00 Graliƛmy: MarĂ­a Grand with Marta Sanchez “Entrailles” z albumu “Anohin” – Biophilia Records Amalie Dahl’s Dafnie “StĂ„r op med solen I” z albumu “StĂ„r op med solen” – Aguirre Records Hlaskontrabas Oktet “Kuleri Be” z albumu “Kaleidoscapes” –  Animal Music Philipp Gerschlauer / Gebhard Ullmann “Mural 2” z albumu “Twelve + 1 Murals” – Between The

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burlveneer-music · 1 year ago
Umlaut Chamber Orchestra - Zodiac Suite - Mary Lou Williams' great piano suite; orchestration based on her original arrangement
In 1945, Mary Lou Williams (1910-1981) completed the composition of the Zodiac Suite. Each movement corresponded to an artist’s portrait associated with an astrological sign. It was a pretext to escape the rigidity of the musical forms for which Williams had previously written, and to experiment with the sonorities of the music of European composers such as Berg, Hindemith or Schoenberg. Although the Suite was composed for piano, Williams undertook to orchestrate it for chamber orchestra. Late in 1945, the public premiere left the composer frustrated,. A close look at Williams’ manuscripts clearly shows that the music that was performed that night does not reflect the composer’s original intentions. Movements had been stripped of their orchestration and performed as solo piano, entire sections had been cut, and multiple errors had not been corrected, due to a lack of time and resources. A cornerstone of Williams’ artistic life, this legendary work has never been recorded in its original form. After working for several years on the Mary Lou Williams archives, publishing the album Mary’s Ideas (Umlaut Records 2021) and being selected as a Villa Albertine 2023 resident, Pierre-Antoine Badaroux decided to tackle the chamber orchestra version of the Zodiac Suite, in an interpretation that underlines its heterogeneity and its richness. Music by Mary Lou Williams. Pierre-Antoine Badaroux: direction Agathe Peyrat: voice ChloĂ© Tallet: flute Guillaume Retail: oboe Geoffroy Gesser: clarinet, bass clarinet, tenor saxophone Pierre Fatus: bassoon Brice Pichard: trumpet Harmonie Moreau: french horn MichaĂ«l Ballue: trombone StĂ©phanie Padel, Florian Perret, Emilie Sauzeau, RaphaĂ«l Coqblin, ClĂ©mentine Bousquet, Clara Jaszczyszyn, Lucie Pierrard: violin Elsa Seger, Valentine Garilli: viola Myrtille Hetzel, Pablo Tognan: cello Matthieu Naulleau: piano SĂ©bastien Beliah: double bass Antonin Gerbal: drums Artwork and graphic design: Cabinet d’objets graphiques
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sonmelier · 9 months ago
Avant-cuvée 2024 : 2/8
DeuxiÚme épisode des avant-cuvées 2024 en cette fin du mois d'avril, avec 6 nouveaux disques verrouillant d'ores-et-déjà leur place dans mon futur top 100 musical de l'année.
Ahmed | Wood Blues
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đŸŽó §ó ąó „ó źó §ó ż Angleterre | Astral Spirits | 59 minutes | 1 morceau
Ce quartet de jazz fondĂ© Ă  Londres est composĂ© des britanniques Pat Thomas (piano) et Seymour Wright (saxo), du suĂ©dois Joel Grip (basse) et du français Antonin Gerbal (percussions). Depuis maintenant une dĂ©cennie, il revisite les compositions du jazzman dĂ©funt Ahmed Abdul-Malik (bassiste et joueur d’oud) en les poussant dans de nouveaux retranchements. Ici, c’est un morceau datĂ© de 1961, Oud blues (d’une durĂ©e de 4 minutes seulement) qu’il transforme en une improvisation live avant-gardiste et tourbillonnante de prĂšs d’une heure. Un hommage Ă©poustouflant de crĂ©ativitĂ© et d’énergie brute.
🎧 Wood Blues
Donato Dozzy | Magda
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🇼đŸ‡č Italie | Spazio Disponibile | 51 minutes | 6 morceaux
Le maestro romain de l’ambient techno nous plonge ici dans un paysage sonore aquatique d’une douce et belle sĂ©rĂ©nitĂ©, livrant son meilleur album depuis plus de dix ans (et son remarquable Plays Bee Mask de 2013). Rappelant par endroits l’esthĂ©tique minimaliste accueillante du double album de rĂ©fĂ©rence Voices From the Lake (produit avec son compĂšre Giuseppe Tillieci en 2012), Magda est une bande son tout aussi rĂ©confortante que captivante, dĂ©licieusement propice aux instants de rĂ©flexion et de contemplation.
🎧 Le Chaser
Hannah Frances | Keeper of the Shepherd
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đŸ‡ș🇾 Etats-Unis | Ruination Record Co. | 37 minutes | 7 morceaux
Dans la plus pure tradition d'un folk progressif séculaire, à la fois mystique et rédempteur, ce troisiÚme album d'Hannah Frances livre une fresque sonore et poétique absolument éblouissante. Profondément terrien mais majestueusement audacieux, il transforme le deuil (la perte du pÚre) en une méditation aussi vibrante qu'hypnotique, aussi émouvante que sophistiquée. Instants suspendus beaux et apaisés, fulgurances orchestrales qui emportent tout sur leur passage : l'artiste se montre brillante dans chacun de ces registres, parée d'une voix et d'une plume d'un magnétisme à toute épreuve.
🎧 Keeper of the Shepherd
Mary Halvorson | Cloudward
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đŸ‡ș🇾 Etats-Unis | Nonesuch Records | 48 minutes | 8 morceaux
Mary Halvorson fait partie des esprits les plus affutĂ©s de la crĂ©ation artistique contemporaine. Elle a d’ailleurs reçu en 2019 la prestigieuse bourse MacArthur, dont l’objet est de libĂ©rer de toute contrainte financiĂšre pendant 5 annĂ©es (afin qu’ils puissent se consacrer entiĂšrement Ă  leurs travaux de recherche) une vingtaine de citoyens amĂ©ricains se distinguant par leur intelligence, leur crĂ©ativitĂ© et leur motivation Ă  innover. Avant-gardiste et exploratoire, l’Ɠuvre de la guitariste de jazz n’en est pas moins marquĂ©e par une profonde humilitĂ©, cherchant toujours Ă  Ă©quilibrer l’improvisation libre avec des compositions structurĂ©es et expressives. Une patte absolument inimitable, laissant son empreinte de maniĂšre durable (les vibrations d’Amaryllis ne se sont toujours pas dissipĂ©es) et  qui ne cessera jamais de nous transporter (comme ici, vers les nuages).
🎧 Desiderata
Helado Negro | Phasor
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đŸ‡ș🇾 Etats-Unis | 4AD Records | 35 minutes | 9 morceaux
Peu d'artistes inspirent autant de sympathie que Roberto Carlos Lange. L'avoir vu en concert ne fait que renforcer ce sentiment. Au delà de la bonhomie du personnage, il se dégage de sa musique et de ses textes beaucoup de délicatesse et une douceur pleine de sagesse. Pour autant, l'expérimentation fait partie intégrante de son approche créative et la simplicité apparente de ses morceaux repose sur un travail en profondeur (textural comme émotionnel). Une trÚs belle suite au Far In sorti en 2021.
🎧 Best For You and Me
Lord Spikeheart | The Adept
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🇰đŸ‡Ș Kenya | Haekalu | 37 minutes | 13 morceaux
Martin Kanja est une des figures les plus importantes de la scĂšne Ă©lectronique expĂ©rimentale de Nairobi. On avait dĂ©jĂ  pu mesurer l’ampleur de sa force de frappe Ă  travers diffĂ©rents projets, dont on retiendra prioritairement le groupe noise/indus Duma (avec un album Ă©ponyme qui avait fait grande sensation en 2020). Son premier opus solo, sous l’alias Lord Spikeheart, est une expĂ©rience sonore surpuissante et implacable, fusionnant mĂ©tal, noise et rap dans un dĂ©ferlement incessant de percussions explosives, de basses tonitruantes, de guitares distordues, de textures Ă©lectroniques abrasives et de chants tantĂŽt lugubres tantĂŽt stridents. Aucun rĂ©pit n’est offert pendant 37 minutes, avec en prime le renfort d’une vĂ©ritable internationale bruitiste venue du Japon, du Venezuela, d’Europe ou encore d’IndonĂ©sie.
🎧 Nobody
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chez-mimich · 2 years ago
È toccato ad Alessia Obino aprire l’edizione primaverile di NJ Weekender Spring Edition, secondo appuntamento infra-stagionale di Novara Jazz. Lo ha fatto con “A Sound of Million Shape” (disco uscito da qualche mese), un indovinato mix di jazz e progressive rock, con un gruppo nutrito di musicisti e un piccolo coro. Subito a suo agio sia con composizioni sue, sia con alcuni brani di un vero guru dello spiritual jazz ovvero Sun Ra, dal quale Alessia Obino sembra di aver preso qualcosa di piĂč di una semplice ispirazione, ma piuttosto un modo di concepire la musica (e il jazz). Tra i componenti della band un vigoroso Piero Bittolo Bon al sax e la contrabbassista Rosa Brunello, bravissima anche al basso elettrico. Sullo stesso palco, anzi nello stesso spazio, la “Sala Performing” di NĂČva, poco piĂč tardi si scatena un tornado di potenza musicale di rara intensitĂ : si tratta del quartetto guidato dal pianista Pat Thomas e dedicato a Ahmes Malik, contrabbassista sudanese e rappresentante di spicco del filone mediorientale del jazz. La formazione vede un concentratissimo Antonin Gerbal alla batteria, Joel Gripal contrabbasso double bass, uno straordinario Seymour Wright al sax alto e Pat Thomas al piano. Un’ora di potenza assoluta, modulata su canoni diversi e lievemente mutanti. Insieme allo straordinario concerto di Marco Ribot (di cui ho giĂ  scritto), questo Ăš certamente il set piĂč interessante di tutto Nj Weekender Spring Edition 2023. I concerti della domenica si aprono con l’originale ensemble “Al Doum & The Faryds”, sulle ali dell’etno jazz di piacevolissima fattura, ma forse con ritmi un po’ monocordi, molto simili tra loro. Originali nei costumi e nella performance e apprezzati dal pubblico piĂč giovane. Chiude l’ultima giornata del weekend musicale, la “Raphabdomantic Orchestra” di Manuel Volpe, formazione che ha reclutato nelle sue fila la cantante colombiana Maria Mallol Moya che, oltre ad aver portato con sĂ© una gran voglia di dimenarsi e cercare di far ballare a tutti i costi il pubblico piĂč giovane, non mi sembra proprio indimenticabile dal punto di vista vocale. Non va perĂČ dimenticato che durante la due giorni di concerti, dopo aver ascoltato un compositore del calibro di Marc Ribot, tutto il resto rischia inevitabilmente di sembrare sotto tono. Hanno completato il programma diversi D-Set, come quelli di Catu Diosis, Lorenzo Morresi e Beat Machine Records, Vittorio Barabino e Angie BacktoMono. Lo spazio NĂČva Ăš una bellissima realtĂ  locale che perĂČ sembra piĂč adatta, sia per concezione che per proposte ad un pubblico piĂč giovane degli affezionati frequentatori di Novara Jazz. Arrivederci quindi alla XX Edizione del Festival in programma nei due weekend compresi tra il primo e l’undici giugno prossimi.
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spilladabalia · 8 months ago
Music by Mary Lou Williams.
Pierre-Antoine Badaroux: direction
Agathe Peyrat: voice
Chloé Tallet: flute
Guillaume Retail: oboe
Geoffroy Gesser: clarinet, bass clarinet, tenor saxophone
Pierre Fatus: bassoon
Brice Pichard: trumpet
Harmonie Moreau: french horn
Michaël Ballue: trombone
Stéphanie Padel, Florian Perret, Emilie Sauzeau, Raphaël Coqblin, Clémentine Bousquet, Clara Jaszczyszyn, Lucie Pierrard: violin
Elsa Seger, Valentine Garilli: viola
Myrtille Hetzel, Pablo Tognan: cello
Matthieu Naulleau: piano
SĂ©bastien Beliah: double bass
Antonin Gerbal: drums
Umlaut Chamber Orchestra - III. Gemini
Buy it here.
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dustedmagazine · 4 years ago
Slept Ons: The Best Records of 2020 That We Never Got Around To
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Tattoos and shorts! How did we miss the Oily Boys?
It happens pretty much every year.  After much fussing and second-guessing, the year-end list gets finalized, set in stone really, encapsulating 12 months of enthusiastic listening, and surely these are the best ten records anyone could find, right? Right?  And then, a day or a week later, someone else puts up their list or records their year-end radio show, and there it is, the record you could have loved and pushed and written about
if only you’d known about it.  My self-kick in the shins came during Joe Belock’s 2020 round-up on WFMU when he played the Chats.  Others on our staff knew, earlier on, that they weren’t writing about records they loved for whatever reason — work, family, mp3 overload, etc. Except now they are.  Here.  Now. Enjoy.  
Contributors include me (Jennifer Kelly), Eric McDowell, Jonathan Shaw, Justin Cober-Lake, Bill Meyer, Bryon Hayes, Ian Mathers, Andrew Forell, Michael Rosenstein and Patrick Masterson. 
The Chats — High Risk Behavior (Bargain Bin)
High Risk Behaviour by The Chats
Cartoonishly primitive and gleefully out of luck, The Chats hurl Molotov cocktails of punk, bright and exploding even as they come. They’re from Australia, which totally makes sense; there’s a sunny, health-care-subsidized, devil-may-care vibe to their down-on-their luck stories. Musically, the songs are stripped down like Billy Childish, sped up like the Ramones, brute simple like Eddy Current Suppression Ring. Most of them are about alcohol: drinking, being drunk, getting arrested for being drunk, eating while drunk
etc. etc. But there’s an art to singing about getting hammered, and few manage the butt-headed conviction of “Drunk & Disorderly.” Its jungle rhythms, vicious, saw-toothed bass, quick knife jabs of guitar frame an all-hands drum-shocked chant: “Relaxation, mood alteration, boredom leads to intoxication.” Later singer Eamon Sandwith cuts right to the point about romance with the couplet, “I was cautious, double wrapped, but still I got the clap.” The album’s highlights include the most belligerently glorious song ever about cyber-fraud in “Identity Theft,” whose shout along chorus buoys you up, even as the dark web drains your savings account dry. The album strings together a laundry list of dead-end, unfortunate situations, one after another truly hopeless developments, but nonetheless it explodes with joy. Bandcamp says the guitar player has already left—so you’re too late to see the Chats live—but it must have been fun while it lasted.
Jennifer Kelly
Oliver Coates — skins n slime  (RVNG Intl)
skins n slime by Oliver Coates
2020 was a year of loss, of losing, of feeling lost. Whether weathering the despair of illness and death, the discomfort of displacement or the drift of temporal reverie, English cellist Oliver Coates creates music to reflect all this and more on skins n slime. Using modulators, loops and effects, Coates employs elements from drone, shoegaze and industrial to extend the range of the cello and conjure otherworldly sounds of crushing intensity and great beauty. Beneath the layering, distortion and dissonance, the human element remains strong. The tactility of fingers and bow on strings and the expressive essence of tone form the core of Coates composition and performance. If his experiments seem a willful swipe at the restrictions of the classical world from whence he came, the visceral power of a track like “Reunification 2018”, which hunkers in the same netherworld as anything by Deathprod or Lawrence English, the liminal, static bedecked ache of “Honey” and the unadorned minimalism of “Caretaker Part 1 (Breathing)” are works of a serious talent. skins n slime is an album to sit with and soak in; allow it to percolate and permeate and you’ll find yourself forgetting the outside world, if only for a while.  
Andrew Forell  
Bertrand Denzler / Antonin Gerbal — Sbatax (Umlaut Records)
Sbatax by Denzler - Gerbal
Tenor sax player Bertrand Denzler and drummer Antonin Gerbal released this duo recording last summer which slipped under the radar of many listeners. Denzler is as likely to be heard these days composing and performing pieces by others in the French ensemble ONCEIM, playing solo, or in settings for quiet improvisation. But he’s been burning it up as a free jazz player for years now as well. Gerbal also casts a broad net, as a member of ONCEIM, deconstructing free bop in the group Peeping Tom, or recontextualizing the music of Ahmed Abdul-Malik along with Pat Thomas, Joel Grip and Seymour Wright in the group Ahmed amongst many other projects. The two have worked together in a variety of contexts for a decade now, recording a fantastic duo back in 2014. Sbatax, recorded five years later at a live performance in Berlin is a worthy follow-up.  
Gerbal attacks his kit with ferocity out of the gate, with slashing cymbals and thundering kit, cascading along with drubbing momentum. Denzler charges in with a husky, jagged, repeated motif which he loops and teases apart, matching the caterwauling vigor of his partner straightaway. Over the course of this 40-minute outing, one can hear the two lock in, coursing forward with mounting intensity. Denzler increasingly peppers his playing with trenchant blasts and rasping salvos, riding along on Gerbal’s torrential fusillades. Throughout, one can hear the two dive deep in to free jazz traditions while shaping the arc of the improvisation with an acute ear toward the overall form of the piece. Midway through, Denzler steps back for a torrid drum solo, then jumps back in with renewed dynamism as the two ride waves of commanding potency and focus to a rousing conclusion, goaded on by the cheering audience. Anyone wondering whether there is still life in the tenor/drum duo format should dig this one up.  
Michael Rosenstein
Kaelin Ellis — After Thoughts (self-released)
After Thoughts by KAELIN ELLIS
To be sure, “slept on” hardly characterizes Kaelin Ellis in 2020. After a trickle of lone tracks in the first months of the year, a Twitter video posted by the 23-year-old producer and multi-instrumentalist caught the attention of Lupe Fiasco, quickly precipitating the joint EP House. It’s a catchy story from any number of angles — the star-powered “discovery” of a young talent, the interconnectedness of the digital age, the silver linings of the COVID-19 pandemic — but it risks overshadowing Ellis’s two 2020 solo records: Moments, released in the lead-up to House, and After Thoughts, released in October. It doesn’t help that each album’s dozen tracks scarcely add up to as many minutes, or that the producer’s titles deliberately downplay the results. And some, of course, will judge these jazzy, deeply soulful beats only against their potential as platforms for some other, more extroverted artist. “I’d like to think I’m a jack of all trades,” Ellis told one interviewer, “but in all honesty my specialty is creating a space for others to stand out.”
Yet as with all small, good things, there’s reward in savoring these miniatures on their own terms, and After Thoughts in particular proved an unexpected retreat from last fall’s anxieties. Ellis has a poet’s gift for distillation and juxtaposition, a director’s knack for pathos and dramatic sequencing — powers that combine to somehow render a fully realized world. As fleeting as it is, Ellis’s work communicates a generosity of care and concentration, opening a space for others not just to stand out but also to settle in.
Eric McDowell   
Lloyd Miller with Ian Camp and Adam Michael Terry — At the Ends of the World
At the Ends of the World by Lloyd Miller with Ian Camp and Adam Michael Terry
Miller and company fuse the feel of a contemporary classical concert with eastern modalities and instrumentation. The recordings sound live off the floor, and give a welcome sense of space and detail to the sensitive playing. Miller has explored the intersection between Persian and other cultural traditions and jazz through the lens of academic scholarship and recorded output since the 1960s. With this release, the performances linger in a space where vibe is as important as compositional structure. The results revel in the beauty when seemingly unrelated musical ideas emerge together in the same moment, with startling results.
Arthur Krumins
 Oily Boys — Cro Memory Grin (Cool Death)
Cro Memory Grin by Oily Boys
The title of this 2020 LP by Australian punks Oily Boys sounds like a pun on “Cro-Magnon,” an outmoded scientific name for early humans. It’s apt: the music is smarter than knuckle-dragger beatdown or run-of-the-mill powerviolence, but still driven by a rancorous, id-bound savagery. The smarts are just perceptible enough to keep things pretty interesting. Some of the noisier, droning and semi-melodic stretches of Cro Memory Grin recall the records made by the Men (especially Leave Home) before they decided to try to make like Uncle Tupelo, or some lesser version of the Hold Steady. Oily Boys inhabit a darker sensibility, and their music is more profoundly bonkers than anything those other bands got up to. Aggro, discordant punk; flagellating hardcore burners; psych-rock-adjacent sonic exorcisms — you get it all, sometimes in a single five-minute passage of Cro Memory Grin (check out the sequence from “Lizard Scheme” to “Heat Harmony” to “Stick Him.” Yikes). A bunch of the tunes spill over into one another, feedback and sustain jumping the gap from one track to the next, which gives the record a live vibe. It feels volatile and sweaty. The ill intent and unmitigated nastiness accumulate into a palpable force, tainting the air and leaving stains on your tee shirt. Oily Boys have been kicking around Sydney’s punk scene since at least 2014, but this is their first full-length record. One hopes they can continue to play with this degree of possessed abandon without completing burning themselves to down to smoldering cinders. At least long enough to record some more music.
Jonathan Shaw
 Dougie Poole — The Freelancer's Blues (Wharf Cat)
The Freelancer's Blues by Dougie Poole
A cursory listen might misconstrue the heart of Dougie Poole's second album, The Freelancer's Blues. When he mixes his wobbly country sound with lyrics like those in “Vaping on the Job,” it sounds like genre play, a smirking look at millennial life through an urban cowboy's vintage sound. Poole does target a particular set of issues, but mapping them with his own slightly psychedelic country comes with very little of the postmodern itch. His characters feel just as troubled as anyone coming out of 1970s Nashville, and as Poole explores these lives with wit and empathy, the songs quickly find their resonance.
The album, though it wouldn't reach for pretentious terms, carries an existential problem at its center. Poole circles around the fundamental void: work deadens, relocation doesn't help, spiritual pursuits falter, intelligence burdens, and even the drugs don't help. When Poole finally gets the title track, the preceding album gives his confession extra weight, a mix of life's strictures and personal limitation combining for a crisis best avoided but wonderfully shared. The Freelancer's Blues comes rich in Nashville tradition but finds an ideal fit in its contemporary place, likely providing a soundtrack for a variety of times and spaces yet to come.
Justin Cober-Lake
 Schlippenbach Quartett — Three Nails Left (Corbett Vs. Dempsey)
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You might say that this record has been slept on twice. The second recording to be released by the Alexander von Schlippenbach, Evan Parker and Paul Lovens (augmented this time by Peter Kowald) was released in 1975, and didn’t get a second pressing — on vinyl — until 2019. So, Corbett Vs. Dempsey stepped up last summer, it had never been on CD. But this writer was so stumped on how to relate how intense, startling, and unlike any other free improvisation it was and is, that he just
 slept on it. Until now. Even if you know this band, if you don’t know this album, well, it’s time you got acquainted.
Bill Meyer 
Stonegrass — Stonegrass (Cosmic Range)
STONEGRASS by Stonegrass
Released on the cusp of a tentative re-opening for the city of Toronto after two months of lock-down, this slab of psychedelic funk-rock was the perfect antidote to the COVID blues when it arrived at the tail end of a Spring spent in near-isolation. The jam sessions that became Stonegrass were also a new beginning for multi-instrumentalist Matthew “Doc” Dunn and drummer Jay Anderson, who reignited a spirit of collaboration after a decade of sonic estrangement following the demise of their Spiritual Sky Blues Band project. Listening to these songs, you’d never know they spent any time apart. The tight, bottom-wagging jams on offer are evidence that these two are joined together at the third eye. Anderson’s grooves run deep, and Dunn — whether he’s traipsing along on guitar, keys or flutes — is right there with him. There’s enough fuzz here to satiate the heads, but the real treat here is the rhythmic interplay. Strap in and prepare to get down. 
Bryon Hayes 
 Bob Vylan — We Live Here EP (Venn Records)
Bob Vylan flew under the radar in 2020 successfully enough that when someone nominated them for the best of 2020 poll in Tom Ewing’s Peoples’ Pop Polls project on Twitter (each month a different year or category gets voted on in World Cup-style brackets, it’s great fun and only occasionally maddening), most of the reaction was “is that one a typo?” Nobody had that response after listening to “We Live Here” — my wife also participates in the poll, so we just play all the candidates in our apartment, and Bob Vylan was the first time both of our jaws dropped in amazement; the song got played about ten times in a row at that point. Bobby (vocals/guitar/production) and Bobbie (drums/“spiritual inspiration”) Vylan’s 18-minute EP lives up to that title track, fireball after fireball aimed directly at the corrupt, crumbling, racist state that seems utterly indifferent to human suffering unless there’s profit in it. Whether it’s the raging catharsis of the title track or the cool, precise hostility of “Lynch Your Leaders,” Bob Vylan have made something vital and essential here, that very much speaks to 2020 but sadly will stay relevant long past it.  
Ian Mathers
 Working Men’s Club — Working Men’s Club (Heavenly Recordings)
It’s been evident these past few years that I’ve retreated from music and committed myself to the slower world of books as a way of giving my mind a break from the accelerating madness outside, but I could never really leave my radio family the same way I could never really leave Dusted. Another great example why: A fellow CHIRP volunteer played “John Cooper Clarke” in a December Zoom social I actually managed to catch, and I’ve been addicted to Working Men’s Club’s debut LP from October ever since. The quartet hails from Todmodren, a market town you won’t be surprised upon listening to discover is roughly equidistant between Leeds and Manchester; the album screams Hacienda vibes in its seamless integration of post-punk signifiers and dancefloor style. It’s easy to bandy about names from Rip It Up and Start Again or even The Velvet Underground in 12-minute closer “Angel,” certainly one of the most arresting tracks of the year, but the thing that struck me immediately is that this was the record I’d always anticipated but never got from Factory Floor — smart, aloof and occasionally calculated, yet still fun enough to play for any crowd itching to move. Until the community of a dance party or Working Men’s Club live set is once again possible, patience and a fully formed first album will have to suffice. You’ll have to imagine the part where I corner you at the party to rave about it, I’m afraid.
Patrick Masterson
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years ago
Des concerts Ă  Paris et alentour en gras : les derniers ajouts :-: in bold: the last news DĂ©cembre 10. White Bouse + Drone Ă  clochettes + Thomas Zielinski + Thharm + Ex_Pi – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 11. Vierge noir e : cinĂ©concert sur “Film” d’Alan Schneider et “The Haunted House “ de Segundo de Chomon + David Fenech : cinĂ©concert sur “Entr’acte” de RenĂ© Clair – La Clef 11. Boris – Le Gibus 11. Pointe du Lac + Richard FrancĂ©s, Julien Lheuillier & Quentin Rollet – Quai de Bourbon 11. Kaffe Matthews + Phil Minton, Audrey Chen & Onceim – La Dynamo (Pantin) 12. Heldon + Duncan – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 12. Maya Dunietz + Jacques Perconte & Onceim – La Dynamo (Pantin) 12. ToutEstBeau – Carbone 17 (Aubervilliers) 12. Bas Mooy + VTSS + EKLPX – Glazart 12. Kompromat (Vitalic & Rebeka Warrior) – La Cigale ||COMPLET|| 12. Mono + Jo Quail – Petit Bain ||COMPLET|| 13. Contrefaçon – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 13. Regards extrĂȘmes + Lisieux + Ascending divers – Les VoĂ»tes 13. Paskine + Between Sleeps + CAM – DOC 13. CharlĂšne Darling + Nina Harker + Regis Turner – La Boule noire 13. Officine + Fusiller + Theoreme + BĂąton XXL – Cirque Ă©lectrique 13. PAL + Zaraz Wam Zagram + Blason + Carbon Sink – Collective (Aubervilliers) 13. Ellen Allien + Hemka – Dehors brut 13. Pearl + Toscan Haas + Mind/Matter – Glazart 14. Ludwig Von 88 – Le Trianon 14. Wosto + Air LQD + Gakona + Marrakech + Pharmacie – Espace B 14. Boolvar + DalĂšs + Otis – Le Cirque Ă©lectrique 14. Paula Temple + Tommy Four Seven + Sentimental Rave + Giant Swan – T7 14. Headless Horseman + Blind Delon – Dehors Brut 15. The Ex + 75 Dollar Bill – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) ||COMPLET|| 16. Sydney Valette + Sweat + Deep Tan – Supersonic (gratuit) 17. Thomas Ankersmit + GaĂ«l Segalen – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 18. Amenra – Bataclan 20. Uriel BarthĂ©lĂ©mi & Martin Bakero + Laurent Stoutzer – Folies numĂ©riques|Parc de la Villette 20. Varg + Christoph de Babalon + Les morts vont bien + Powerplant + Fever 103° + Pessimist + Shayu + Vanadis + Aeon Shaker b2b Stagiairism (fest. MagnĂ©tique nord) – La Station 20. Vile Assembly – Espace B 20. Hector Oaks + Nene H + Nur Jaber + Parfait + Pawlowski – tba 21. Release party autour d’Achwgha Ney Wodei – Cirque electrique (gratuit) 21. Youth Avoiders + Chain Cult + Short Days + Bleakness – Espace B 21. A.N.I + Maraudeur + Raymonde + Ece Özel + Accou + Fantastic Twins + Les Fils de Jacob + Dame Area + Silvia Kastel + DJ F16 Falcon + Ed Isar + Mechanical Heaven (fest. MagnĂ©tique nord) – La Station 21. Anetha + Introversion + Jacidorex + Parfait + Schake – tba 28. Kaiser + Makornik + Cassie Raptor + Quelza + LĂ©o Occhi – La Station 28. Panzer + Hyperaktivist + Sept b2b OpĂ„l – tba 31. Illnurse + Air-One + Amina + Maxime Iko + Pho.nx – tba (Paris nord) 2020 Janvier 03. Under Black Helmet + Tommy Holohan + Fuerr + 1ndica – Rex Club 03. SNTS + Keith Carnal + Eastel + EKLPX – Dehors brut 04. Rokia TraorĂ© + BallakĂ© Cissoko & Vincent Segal – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 11. Last Night + Euromilliard + Kumusta – Gibus 14. Lispector + Ventre de biche + La Punta Bianca – Point FMR 16. Black Midi – Le Carreau du Temple ||COMPLET|| 17. Scratch Massive + Lokier + Cassie Raptor + Faast + Kiddo – Badaboum 17. Dafne Vicente-Sandoval + Ji Youn Kang + Thomas Lehn : « Occam VI » d’Eliane Radigue + Tiziana Bertoncini, Antonin Gerbal, David Grubbs, Ji Youn Kang, Thomas Lehn, eRikm & Dafne Vicente-Sandoval : « Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue » de Luc Ferrari – Le 104 17. Club Sieste + Louvet & Schultz + Chicaloyoh – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 17. Edith Nylon – Petit Bain ||COMPLET|| 18. Lee Ranaldo & RaĂŒl Refree – Le 104 18. Franck Vigroux : "Flesh" (Biennale Nemo) – Maison des arts et de la culture (CrĂ©teil) 22. Dick Voodoo + Bile – L’International 23. The Pharcyde – Petit Bain 24. Penguin Cafe + Lubomyr Melnyk + Peter Broderick + Anne MĂŒller + Hatis Noit + Janus Rasmussen – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 24. Kode9 + Teki Latex + Cem + Barker + Crystallmess + Carin Kelly b2b Bob Sleigh + Christian Coiffure (La Machine a 10 ans) – La Machine 25. DJ Marcelle + Stellar OM Source + Ploy + Clara! Y Maoupa + Black Zone Myth Chant + Theo Muller + Promesses + Gista (La Machine a 10 ans) – La Machine 25. Airod + Ki/Ki + Kobosil + Parfait + ShlĂžmo – tba 26. The Fat (cinĂ©concert pour enfants) – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 26. Beak> + Vox Low + Abschaum + Maria Violenza (La Machine a 10 ans) – La Machine 29. Rendez-Vous – La Cigale 30. Editors – Salle Pleyel 31. Tindersticks – Salle Pleyel 31. It It Anita + Mss Frnce + Flowers + Angle mort et clignotant + Casse Gueule + La Jungle – Petit Bain FĂ©vrier 02. Sunn o))) – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 06. Rouge Gorge + Arne Vinzon – Petit Bain 08. Infecticide – La Lingerie|Les Grands Voisins (gratuit) 08. Hots Pants : The Songs of Rowland S. Howard – La Maroquinerie 09. Explosions in the Sky – La Cigale 10. The Murder Capital – CafĂ© de la danse 13. Ride – Le Trianon 15. The Raincoat – Centre Pompidou 16. Orchestral Manoeuvre in the Dark – La Cigale 18. Biliana Voutchkova + Judith Hamann – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 21. Ensemble Links joue "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain : "DĂ©troit" + MolĂ©cule – Le 104 21. Pop 1280 – tba 22. Cent Ans de Solitude & Flint Glass : cinĂ©concert sur “Sprengbagger 1010” de Carl Ludwig Achaz-Duisberg – Club de l’Étoile 24. Sleater Kinney – Le Trianon 24. The Legendary Pink Dots – tba 27. Zombie Zombie + Kreidler – Petit Bain Mars 02. DIIV – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 03. Napalm Death + EYEHATEGOD + Misery Index + Rotten Sound – La Machine 03/04. The Mission – Petit Bain 05. Orange Blossom : “Sharing” avec les machines de François DelaroziĂšre – ÉlysĂ©e Montmartre 06. Frustration – Le Trianon 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinĂ©concert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Alcest + Birds In Row + KĂŠlan Mikla – La Machine 10. Arnaud Rebotini : live pour “Fix Me” d’Alban Richard – Centre des Arts (Enghien-les-Bains) 11. Nada Surf – La Cigale 13. Russian Circle + Torche – Bataclan 17. Chelsea Wolf – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 20. Ensemble Dedalus : "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie 21. Front 242 + She Past Away – ÉlysĂ©e Montmartre 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – CitĂ© de la musique|Philharmonie 27. Lebanon Hanover – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 27. Maggy Payne : « Crystal » (diff.) + 9T Antiope + John Wiese + Matthias Puech + Nihvak (fest. PrĂ©sences Ă©lectronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 28. Ensemble Links : "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain joue Kraftwerk – thĂ©Ăątre de la CitĂ© internationale 28. Iannis Xenakis : « Mycenae Alpha » (diff.) + Marja Ahti + Rashad Becker + Nina Garcia + Kode9 (fest. PrĂ©sences Ă©lectronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 29. Ivo Malec : « Recitativio » + Eve Aboulkheir + Richard Chartier + Lee Gamble + Will Guthrie & Mark Fell (fest. PrĂ©sences Ă©lectronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio Avril 03. CocoRosie – Le Trianon 14>17. Metronomy – La Cigale 18. Siglo XX – La Boule noire 26. Pharmakon + Deeat Palace + Unas – Petit Bain 27. Caribou – L’Olympia Mai 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – CitĂ© de la musique|Philharmonie 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 09. Jonas Gruska + Leila Bordreuil + Jean-Philippe Gross + Kali Malone (fest. Focus) – Le 104 10. Iannis Xenakis : « La LĂ©gende d’Eer » + Folke Rabe : « Cyclone » et « What ??? » (fest. Focus) – Le 104 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 19. Swans + Norman Westberg – Le Trabendo 22. François Bayle : « Le Projet OuĂŻr » + Marco Parini : « De Parmegiani Sonorum » + Yan Maresz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Julien NĂ©grier + Hans Tutschku : « Provenance-Ă©mergence » + FĂ©licia Atkinson : « For Georgia O’Keefe » + Warren Burt + MichĂšle Bokanowski (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 24. Philippe Mion + Pierre-Yves Macé : « Contre-flux II » + Daniel Teruggi : « Nova Puppis » + Adam Stanovitch + Gilles Racot : « Noir lumiĂšre » (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 26. Minimal Compact – La Machine  Juin 14. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Bercy Arena
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deepartnature · 3 years ago
Ahmed Abdul-Malik pioneering Arabic jazz
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[Ahmed] Pays Tribute to a Titan of Islamic Jazz: “An eruption of cyclic motifs, pounding clusters, and insistent grooves, [Ahmed]’s Nights On Saturn is an inspired reimagining of Ahmed Abdul-Malik’s pioneering Arabic jazz. It’s the third album from the Anglo-French quartet, which consists of pianist Pat Thomas, alto saxophonist Seymour Wright, bassist Joel Grip, and drummer Antonin Gerbal, and their first for American label Astral Spirits—timely recognition for one of the most adventurous groups in contemporary music. A singular musician, the Oxford-based Thomas has been active since the 1980s, bringing his avant-garde pianism and wild electronics to collaborations with Derek Bailey, Lol Coxhill, Orphy Robinson and Irreversible Entanglements, whose bassist Luke Stewart provides the sleeve notes to Nights On Saturn. ...”
Bandcamp (Audio)
W - Ahmed Abdul-Malik
Spiritmuse Records presents Ahmed Abdul-Malik (Audio) 1:31:43
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noloveforned · 4 years ago
we kicked off a new theme last week- all spring we'll be checking out the philadelphia indie rock scene of the past dozen years (or so!) tune into wlur at 5pm tonight to hear the another group of philly indie phanatics!
no love for ned on wlur – april 2nd, 2021 from 5-7pm
artist // track // album // label rosali // mouth // no medium // spinster boyracer // no aloha // right or wrong cassette // emotional response adam hattaway and the haunters // sympathy // woolston, texas // holiday control freaks // telephone city // she's the bomb // slovenly gang of four // outside the trains don't run on time // solid gold (remastered) // matador m.a.z.e. // zipper back // ii // lumpy no sister // portrait in a rearview mirror // no sister // (self-released) skiftande enheter // lögn // lögn 7" // chunklet industries urdog // triumph // long shadows: 2003–2006 // rocket spread joy // unoriginal // spread joy // feel it cool ghouls // in michoacan // at george's zoo // empty cellar * dom and the wizards // heavenly sweet little skin wrapped skeleton // the australian cyclone intensity scale // tenth court bobby dove // hopeless romantic // hopeless romantic // (self-released) matt gold featuring macie stewart // queen anne // imagined sky // whirlwind kilometers // moonlight // hear thy neighbor ep // earth libraries * karl blau featuring c.j. boyd, karima walker, tara toms, thor harris and shannon fields // your next bold move // kin campaigns compilation // joyful noise flow trio with joe mcphee // recombinant // winter garden // esp disk' pat thomas, joel grip, antonin gerbal and seymour wright // nights on saturn (communication) (excerpt) // ahmed abdul-malik's 'nights on saturn' // astral spirits black spirituals // anti up // black access/black axes // sige earth, wind and fire // energy // the need of love // warner bros. patrice rushen // let there be funk // shout it out // prestige talib kweli and madlib featuring consequence // engine running // liberation // blacksmith noga erez featuring rousso // story // kids // city slang * kalbells // poppy tree // max heart // nna tapes becca mancari // bad feeling (acoustic) // juniata ep // captured tracks * nightshift // outta space // zöe // trouble in mind lofi legs // dreamin' // lamb // we were never being boring randolph's leap // helluva summer // spirit level // fika
* denotes music on wlur’s playlist
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festival-meteo · 8 years ago
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LE PROGRAMME DU FESTIVAL METEO 2017 EST EN LIGNE || FULL PROGRAM ONLINE : http://www.festival-meteo.fr/spip.php?mot1538
MARDI 22 AOÛT 2017
* SHEEP TRIO (SĂ©bastien Jeser, Lukas Rickli, Johannes Von Buttlar) * MATTHEW SHIPP & EVAN PARKER « HOMMAGE À JOHN COLTRANE » * MARC RIBOT’S CERAMIC DOG (Marc Ribot, Ches Smith, Shahzad Ismaily)
* EVE RISSER SOLO * KRISTOFF K.ROLL « A L’OMBRE DES ONDES » (J-Kristoff Camps, Carole Rieussec) * ALVIN CURRAN SOLO * YANN GOURDON SOLO * MILESDAVISQUINTET! (Valentin Ceccaldi, Sylvain Darrifourcq, Xavier Camarasa) * BIC (Julien Desprez, Mette Rasmussen, Ingebrigt HĂ„ker Flaten, Mads Forsby) * THE NECKS (Tony Buck, Lloyd Swanton, Chris Abrahams)
JEUDI 24 AOÛT 2017
* BILL ORCUTT SOLO * BEAMS (Alvin Curran & les stagiaires) * ISABELLE DUTHOIT & HILD SOFIE TAFJORD * SPILL (Magda Mayas, Tony Buck) * INCERTUM PRINCIPIUM (Edward Perraud, Ingebrigt HĂ„ker Flaten, Aymeric Avice, Benjamin Dousteyssier) * WILL GUTHRIE & OREN AMBARCHI
* LAURA CANNELL SOLO * OREN AMBARCHI SOLO * JASON KAHN & NORBERT MÖSLANG * ONCEIM & JOHN TILBURY - “SANS” (FrĂ©dĂ©ric Blondy, Pierre-Antoine Badaroux, FĂ©licie Bazelaire, SĂ©bastien Beliah, Patricia Bosshard, Cyprien Busolini, Giani Caserotto, Xavier Charles, Pierre Cussac, Jean Daufresne, Bertrand Denzler, Vianney Desplantes, Benjamin Dousteyssier, Jean Dousteyssier, Benjamin Duboc, Yoann Durant, RĂ©mi Durupt, Elodie Gaudet, Antonin Gerbal, Jean-Brice Godet, Louis Laurain, Julien Loutelier, Jean-SĂ©bastien Mariage, FrĂ©dĂ©ric Marty, AnaĂŻs Moreau, StĂ©phane Rives, Arnaud RiviĂšre, Joris RĂŒhl, Diemo Schwarz, Alvise Sinivia, Deborah Walker) * MUSICA ELETTRONICA VIVA (Alvin Curran, Frederic Rzewski, Richard Teitelbaum) * THE TURBINE! FEAT. TOSHINORI KONDO (Hamid Drake, Harrison Bankhead, Benjamin Duboc, Ramon Lopez + Kondo Toshinori) * BILL ORCUTT & CHRIS CORSANO & GURO SKUMSNES MOE
* FRANZ HAUTZINGER SOLO * ONCEIM «LAMINAIRE #7» (FrĂ©dĂ©ric Blondy, Pierre-Antoine Badaroux, FĂ©licie Bazelaire, SĂ©bastien Beliah, Patricia Bosshard, Cyprien Busolini, Giani Caserotto, Xavier Charles, Pierre Cussac, Jean Daufresne, Bertrand Denzler, Vianney Desplantes, Benjamin Dousteyssier, Jean Dousteyssier, Benjamin Duboc, Yoann Durant, RĂ©mi Durupt, Elodie Gaudet, Antonin Gerbal, Jean-Brice Godet, Louis Laurain, Julien Loutelier, Jean-SĂ©bastien Mariage, FrĂ©dĂ©ric Marty, AnaĂŻs Moreau, StĂ©phane Rives, Arnaud RiviĂšre, Joris RĂŒhl, Diemo Schwarz, Alvise Sinivia, Deborah Walker) * L’OCELLE MARE SOLO * PERE UBU « MOON UNIT » (David Thomas, Steven Mehlman, Keith Moline, Gagarin, Darryl Boon) * PETER BRÖTZMANN & HEATHER LEIGH & KONDO TOSHINORI 
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burlveneer-music · 2 years ago
Sbatax - Spires - two side-long free-jazz jams from sax/drums duo
Under the name SBATAX, Denzler and Gerbal continue their exploration of flow, speed and patterns by exacerbating the sound of their saxophone-drums duo. The furrow they dig ends up forming spirals that gradually migrate towards regions where movement becomes a texture that floats in the wind. Bertrand Denzler and Antonin Gerbal have been working together since 2011, both as a duo and with bands and projects such as Zoor, Denzler-Gerbal-Dörner, Onceim, Horns+, CCP3 or Protocluster, whose albums have been released by labels such as Umlaut Records, Confront Recordings and Remote Resonator. Bertrand Denzler: tenor saxophone Antonin Gerbal: drums
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dustedmagazine · 4 years ago
[Ahmed] — Nights on Saturn (communication) (Astral Spirits)
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Photo by Guy Bolongoro/Anne Tetzlaff
Nights on Saturn (communication) by [Ahmed]
With his integration of non-Western elements into post-bop, bassist and oud player Ahmed Abdul-Malik made a mark on the jazz tradition on his string of releases as a leader in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Starting with Jazz Sahara, he went beyond exoticism and dove in to a true improvisational synthesis of jazz vocabulary and the microtonalities of Arabic and Eastern music, melding hard bop sonorities with instruments like the qanun (an Arabic zither-like instrument), daegeum (a Korean reed flute) or the sliding temperament of Bilal Abdurrahman’s clarinet playing. So, it is fitting that the group [Ahmed] (sometimes spelled without the brackets), with pianist Pat Thomas, alto sax player Seymour Wright, bassist Joel Grip, and drummer Antonin Gerbal, would both embrace Abdul-Malik’s music while transforming and abstracting it with their own internalizations and personal approaches to improvisation.
Amongst a plethora of projects, Thomas has long incorporated and metamorphasized the jazz tradition, both overtly in his interpretation of music by musicians like Monk, Paul Bley, and Ellington, and more indirectly in collaboration with musicians like Lol Coxhill. He’s also dug deep into the Arabic roots of jazz. Grip and Gerbal have each worked in various contexts reflecting on the jazz tradition as well as in their trio ISM, along with Thomas, where they explore churning, multi-layered collective free improvisation. The real wildcard here is the choice of Seymour Wright as the saxophonist. The alto player’s single-minded solos delve deeply into the establishment of a personal, timbral vocabulary from the deconstruction of the keypads, conical bore and reed vibrations of the instrument. But then there was his participation in the trio SUM along with Eddie PrĂ©vost and Ross Lambert, a setting for collective invention obliquely infused with jazz voicings. That said, Wright is also an erudite writer about reed players as diverse as Lou Gare, Julius Hemphill and Johnny Hodges. So that choice may not be as odd as it seems. 
For their third release, a set captured live at CafĂ© Oto in London in December 2019, the four dive into an extended improvisation inspired by Abdul-Malik’s “Nights on Saturn” and “Communication.” Like on their previous recordings, they circle in on thematic kernels from Abdul-Malik’s pieces and their loping momentum and then obsessively dismantle them into cycling waves and drubbing torrents. Grip and Gerbal establish the pace and kick things along as Thomas’ hammered clusters and Wright’s overblown blasts and rasps dart in and out of a forceful, coursing thrust, feeding back into the overall cascading energy of the piece. They notably eschew the conventions of a traditional piano, reeds, bass, drums quartet. This is rarely about heads or solos, instead, immediately locking into a communal approach to the underlying structure of the piece. The even balance of the recording places all instruments equally so none ever jumps to the fore. When things do open up for Grip’s bass solo about two thirds of the way through, they cannily use that as a transition point to wind out for the final stretch, gradually adding in each member, mounting to a caterwauling conclusion. It will be intriguing to hear where the four members will take this concept. For now, though, it’s always wonderful to hear how they continue to navigate Abdul-Malik’s music with their highly distinctive reconstruction of the tradition. 
Michael Rosenstein
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years ago
Des concerts Ă  Paris et alentour en gras : les derniers ajouts :-: in bold: the last news 2020 Janvier 11. Last Night + Euromilliard + Kumusta – Gibus 11. Le Villejuif Underground + Bryan's Magic Tears + Solal Roubine – La Maroquinerie 11. ANDCL + Bare-TT + SQ17O – DOC 11. Sean Canty + Myako + Sainte Rita + Berenice's Hair – Le Klub 12. Deltanik + Romaric Sobac + Kutafon + Wapaii + Clap 42 + Class of 69 + Chouki (dj) + DĂ©sirĂ© B & A friend + Leandro Barzabal  – Les Nautes 13. Vincent Segal – Pan Piper 14. Lispector + Ventre de biche + La Punta Bianca – Point FMR 15. Xavier Garcia & Lionel Marchetti + Les HĂŽpitaux + Das Os + Minifer – Les Nautes 16. Dolores + NW "RiR1009" + Somaticae + Les ConfĂ©rences bunker – Les Nautes 16. Black Midi – Le Carreau du Temple ||ANNULÉ|| 17. Scratch Massive + Lokier + Cassie Raptor + Faast + Kiddo – Badaboum 17. Dafne Vicente-Sandoval + Ji Youn Kang + Thomas Lehn : « Occam VI » d’Éliane Radigue + Tiziana Bertoncini, Antonin Gerbal, David Grubbs, Ji Youn Kang, Thomas Lehn, eRikm & Dafne Vicente-Sandoval : « Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue » de Luc Ferrari – Le 104 17. Pleasure Principle + Techno Thriller + It's Sunday + Armand Bultheel + Bernardino Femminielli (dj) – La Station 17. Warum Joe + Rikkha + The Flug – Le Cirque Ă©lectrique 17. Lee Fraser + Forces + Renaud Bajeux + Kazehito Seki – Espace B 17. Club Sieste + Louvet & Schultz + Chicaloyoh – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 17. Edith Nylon – Petit Bain ||COMPLET|| 18. Bracco + Portron Portron Lopez – La Lingerie|Les Grands Voisins (gratuit) 18. Laurent Pernice : accompagnement musical de la lecture d’Alain Damasio – MĂ©diathĂšque Françoise-Sagan (gratuit sur rĂ©sa) 18. Lee Ranaldo & RaĂŒl Refree – Le 104 18. Cluster Lizard + Monolog (Mads Lindgren) + Blakk Harbor – Espace B 18. Bagarre + Pauline (Fils de VĂ©nus) (dj) + De Vedelly (dj) + Cheetah (dj) + Leslie Barbara Butch (dj) – Le Klub 18. Franck Vigroux : "Flesh" (Biennale Nemo) – Maison des arts et de la culture (CrĂ©teil) 18. Samuel Kerridge + CRAVE + Pratos – Petit Bain 18. VSK & Michal Jablonski + Scalameryia + Neri J + NN + Paul MĂžrk + Heart Peaks – tba 18. Wallis + Sina XX + Foltz + Marum (dj) + Herr Mike (dj) + F/cken Chipotle + Front de crypte – La Station 18. The Horrorist + Alienata + Thomas Delecroix + Ekors + OpĂ€k + Tomar – Dehors brut 19. The Pleasure Principle – Carmen 22. Dick Voodoo + Bile – L’International 22. Eloise Decazes et Eric Chenaux jouent "La Bride" + Pauline Drand +Nick Wheeldon (fest. Au fond de l’hiver) – Espace B 23. Common Holly + Raoul Vignal Music + Viktor's Joy (fest. Au fond de l’hiver) – Espace B 23. The Pharcyde – Petit Bain 23. LansinĂ© Kouyate & David Neerman (fest. MOFO) – tbc (Saint-Ouen) 23. Phase fatale + Justine Perry + Munsiger – Rex Club 24. De Ambassade – (La Machine a 10 ans) – La Machine (gratuit) 24. Richard Dawson + Eric Chenaux (fest. Au fond de l’hiver) – Petit Bain 24. Penguin Cafe + Lubomyr Melnyk + Peter Broderick + Anne MĂŒller + Hatis Noit + Janus Rasmussen – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 24. Kode9 + Teki Latex + Cem + Barker + Crystallmess + Carin Kelly b2b Bob Sleigh + Christian Coiffure (La Machine a 10 ans) – La Machine 24. Balladur + Dr Drone + Ellah a. Thaun + Humbros + Karel + Marble Arch (fest. MOFO) – Le Sultan (Saint-Ouen) 25. Tamagawa + Drone Ă  clochettes – À la ville d'Épinal 25. Litovsk + Litige + Catisfaction + Turquoise – Espace B 25. DJ Marcelle + Stellar OM Source + Ploy + Clara! Y Maoupa + Black Zone Myth Chant + Theo Muller + Promesses + Gista (La Machine a 10 ans) – La Machine 25. Apollo Noir + Cesar Palace + Discovery Zone + Fiesta En El Vacio + Hyperculte + Lyra Valenza + Sacrifice seul + Tarek X + Tropical Horses (fest. MOFO) – La Station 25. Airod + Ki/Ki + Kobosil + Parfait + ShlĂžmo – tba 25. I Hate Models – T7 26. The Fat (cinĂ©concert pour enfants) – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 26. Beak> + Vox Low + Abschaum + Maria Violenza (La Machine a 10 ans) – La Machine 29. Rendez-Vous + The KVB – La Cigale 30. Editors – Salle Pleyel 31. Tindersticks – Salle Pleyel 31. It It Anita + Mss Frnce + Flowers + Angle mort et clignotant + Casse Gueule + La Jungle – Petit Bain 31. Mhysa + Teto Preto + Lavascar (fest. Closer Music) – Lafayette Anticipations 31. L’autopsie a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que la mort Ă©tait due Ă  l’autopsie + PeĂŒr + Solitude Club – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 31. Courtesy + Anetha + Corbeille Dallas – Rex Club FĂ©vrier 01. Tom of England & Bobbie Marie + Nicolas Godin (fest. Closer Music) – Lafayette Anticipations 01. Noir Boy George + OKO DJ b2b Nosedrip + As Longitude + Christophe ClĂ©bard + Laura Palmer + Weird Dust + Boochie (Listen fest.) – La Station 01. Badbad + Toro/Azor – CafĂ© de Paris 01. Jean-Louis Costes – Jardin Denfert 02. Sunn o))) – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 02. Alessandro Cortini + Not Waving + Dark Mark + Jean-Luc (fest. Closer Music) – Lafayette Anticipations 06. Rouge Gorge + Arne Vinzon – Petit Bain 06. Rakta + Disorientations – Supersonic (gratuit) 06. Mnemotechnic + Radiant + Rvptvres – Le Cirque Ă©lectrique 06. Nahawa Doumbia – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 07. Andy Moor – Chair de poule 07. Choolers Division + Devil's Cum + Bothlane – Le Cirque Ă©lectrique 08. Infecticide + Mr Marcaille + Luci + Adolf Hibou – La Lingerie|Les Grands Voisins (gratuit) 08. Hots Pants :  The Songs of Rowland S. Howard – La Maroquinerie 08. Richard Dawson + Eric Chenaux – Petit Bain 08. Emily Jane White + Floh – Les Cuizines (Chelles) 09. Explosions in the Sky – La Cigale 10. The Murder Capital – CafĂ© de la danse 10. ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead – Petit Bain 11. Moor Mother + NSDOS + Badbad (fest. How To Love) – Petit Bain 12. Tristesse Contemporaine + Nova Materia + ToutEstBeau (fest. How To Love) – Petit Bain 13. Mondkopf + Rafael Anton Irisarri + Tomaga + Tern (fest. How To Love) – Petit Bain 13. Ride – Le Trianon 14. Fils de VĂ©nus + TSHA + dj Vegyn + MegaWax + Pauline Forte (fest. How To Love) – Petit Bain 15. The Raincoat – Centre Pompidou 15. Drive with a Dead Girl + Nursery + Shrouded and the Dinner – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 16. Ropoporose : cinĂ©concert sur “ Dark Star” de John Carpenter (fest. How To Love) – Petit Bain 16. Orchestral Manoeuvre in the Dark – La Cigale 18. Biliana Voutchkova + Judith Hamann – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 21. Pop. 1280 + Dune Messiah + Private Word – Supersonic (gratuit) 21. Ensemble Links joue "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain : "DĂ©troit" + MolĂ©cule – Le 104 21. TG Gondard + Belmont Witch – CafĂ© de Paris 21. Eszaid + Magda Drozd + Delmore FX (fest. Oto Nove Swiss) – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 22. Tomoko Sauvage + Julie Semoroz (fest. Oto Nove Swiss) – Centre culturel suisse 22. Cent Ans de Solitude & Flint Glass : cinĂ©concert sur “Sprengbagger 1010” de Carl Ludwig Achaz-Duisberg – Club de l’Étoile 22. Low Jack b2b King Doudou + ïŒł ïŒł ïŒł ïŒł + StaStava  + Laura Not (fest. Oto Nove Swiss) – Petit Bain 23. FĂ©licia Atkinson + Tujiko Noriko + Manuel Troller (fest. Oto Nove Swiss) – Lafayette Anticipations 24. Sleater Kinney – Le Trianon 24. The Legendary Pink Dots + Mellano Soyoc – Petit Bain 27. Zombie Zombie + Kreidler – Petit Bain 27. Deeat Palace + Elek Ember + PhilĂ©mon – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 29. SPFDJ b2b VTSS + Dax J + Hadone + Stranger – tba Mars 02. DIIV – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique ||COMPLET|| 03. Napalm Death + EYEHATEGOD + Misery Index + Rotten Sound – La Machine 03/04. The Mission – Petit Bain 05. Dorian Pimpernel + Mooon – Supersonic (gratuit) 05. Orange Blossom : “Sharing” avec les machines de François DelaroziĂšre – ÉlysĂ©e Montmartre 05. King Dude – La Boule noire 06. Frustration – Le Trianon 06. Electric Fire + Fantazio et les Turbulents (Sonic Protest) – Les VoĂ»tes 07. L’atelier d’éveil musical du centre social Raymond-Poulidor + Foudre rockeur (Sonic Protest) – Les VoĂ»tes 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinĂ©concert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Alcest + Birds In Row + KĂŠlan Mikla – La Machine 10. Tempers – Supersonic (gratuit) 10. Jerusalem in my Heart + MĂ©ryll Ampe et les Ă©lĂšves de l’Ensapc + LucrĂ©tia Dalt (Sonic Protest) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 10. Arnaud Rebotini : live pour “Fix Me” d’Alban Richard – Centre des Arts (Enghien-les-Bains) 11. Nada Surf – La Cigale 11. Mopcut + F-Space + We Use Cookies + Astra Zenecan (Sonic Protest) – La Station 12 Thomas BĂ©gin + JD Zazie (Sonic Protest) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) 13. Russian Circle + Torche – Bataclan 13. Emptyset + Hair Stylistics + MĂ©ryll Ampe (Sonic Protest) – L’Échangeur (Bagnolet) 14. Why The Eye + WAqWAq Kingdom + Maria Violenza + Fleuves noirs + Jean-Marc Foussat + Julia Hanadi Al Abed + Pierre Gordeeff (Sonic Protest) – L’Échangeur (Bagnolet) 16. HĂ€llas + La Secte du Futur + MeurtriĂšres – La Maroquinerie 17. Chelsea Wolf – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 18. Pelada – Petit Bain 18. Lee Scratch Perry & Adrian Sherwood + 2Decks + Zaraz Wam Zagram (Sonic Protest) – Église Saint-Merry 19. HP (Haswell & Powell) + Inga Huld Hakonadrottir & Yann Legay + Asmus Tietchens + Regreb “2 Cymbals” (Sonic Protest) – Église Saint-Merry 20. Ensemble Dedalus : "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie 20. Bleib Modern + Order 89 + Blind Delon + IV Horsemen + Paulie Jan + Codex Empire + Opale + Panzer + DJ Varsovie (fest. des souvenirs brisĂ©s) – Petit Bain 20. Senyawa + Bonne humeur provisoire + Black Trumpets (Sonic Protest) – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 21. Mind/Matter + Die Orangen + Mitra Mitra + Qual + Rendered + Verset Zero + Years of Denial (fest. des souvenirs brisĂ©s) – Petit Bain 21. Front 242 + She Past Away – ÉlysĂ©e Montmartre 21. Container + Muqata’a + OD Bongo + Diatribes & Horns + Jealousy Party + Urge + Wirklich Pipit + Me Donner + Cancelled + FLF + 2Mo (Sonic Protest) – Le GĂ©nĂ©rateur (Gentilly) 21. GZA – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – CitĂ© de la musique|Philharmonie 22. Mike Cooper + Yann Legay + Will Guthrie & Ensemble Nist-Nah + Cheb Gero (Sonic Protest) – thĂ©Ăątre Berthelot (Montreuil) 24. Skemer + IV Horsemen + Silly Joy – Supersonic (gratuit) 24. Joe Gideon – Espace B 27. Lebanon Hanover – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 27. Baston – L’International 27. Maggy Payne : « Crystal » (diff.) + 9T Antiope + John Wiese + Matthias Puech + Nihvak (fest. PrĂ©sences Ă©lectronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 28. Ensemble Links : "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain joue Kraftwerk – thĂ©Ăątre de la CitĂ© internationale 28. Iannis Xenakis : « Mycenae Alpha » (diff.) + Marja Ahti + Rashad Becker + Nina Garcia + Kode9 (fest. PrĂ©sences Ă©lectronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 29. Ivo Malec : « Recitativio » + Eve Aboulkheir + Richard Chartier + Lee Gamble + Will Guthrie & Mark Fell (fest. PrĂ©sences Ă©lectronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio Avril 03. CocoRosie – Le Trianon 04. Ash Code – Espace B 09. Will Samson + Northwest + Lyson Leclercq – Le vent se lĂšve 09. The Chap + Rubin Steiner Live Band – Badaboum 14>17. Metronomy – La Cigale 18. Siglo XX – La Boule noire 23. Volkor X + ToutEstBeau + AphĂ©lie – Supersonic (gratuit) 23. Health – Petit Bain 26. Pharmakon + Deeat Palace + Unas – Petit Bain 27. Caribou – L’Olympia 27. The Foals + The Murder Capital – ZĂ©nith Mai 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – CitĂ© de la musique|Philharmonie 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 09. Jonas Gruska + Leila Bordreuil + Jean-Philippe Gross + Kali Malone (fest. Focus) – Le 104 10. Iannis Xenakis : « La LĂ©gende d’Eer » + Folke Rabe : « Cyclone » et « What ??? » (fest. Focus) – Le 104 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 19. Swans + Norman Westberg – Le Trabendo 22. François Bayle : « Le Projet OuĂŻr » + Marco Parini : « De Parmegiani Sonorum » + Yan Maresz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Julien NĂ©grier + Hans Tutschku : « Provenance-Ă©mergence » + FĂ©licia Atkinson : « For Georgia O’Keefe » + Warren Burt + MichĂšle Bokanowski (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 24. Philippe Mion + Pierre-Yves Macé : « Contre-flux II » + Daniel Teruggi : « Nova Puppis » + Adam Stanovitch + Gilles Racot : « Noir lumiĂšre » (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 26. Minimal Compact – La Machine 30/31. Paula Temple + Dave Clarke + Ben Klock + Len Faki + 999999999 + VTSS b2b Shlomo + DVS1 + François X
 (Marvellous Island) – Ăźle de loisirs de Vaires-Torcy  Juin 03. Bambara – Espace B 06/07. Four Tet + Nils Frahm + Park Hie Jin + Modeselektor
 (fest. We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 14. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Bercy Arena 18. Acid Mothers Temple – Espace B
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years ago
Des concerts Ă  Paris et alentour en gras : les derniers ajouts :-: in bold: the last news Novembre 06. Scattered Purgatory + Qian Geng + UVB76 + ruĂČ tĂĄn – Le Cirque Ă©lectrique 06. Minus Pilot + GNG + Thomas Stone + Kevin Buckland – CafĂ© de Paris 06. Mont Analogue + Les Halles + Bravo Tounky – Garage Mu 06. Guitar Wolf + School Disco – Gibus 06. Glacial – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 06. Fred Terror + BLNDR + Paulie Jan + Panzer – Rex Club 06. The Murder Capital – Nouveau Casino ||COMPLET|| 07. Camilla Sparksss + Hyperculte [+ Xiu Xiu : ANNULÉ] – Petit Bain 07. KĂŠlan Mikla + Leroy se meurt – La Boule noire 07. The Flamenco Thief + Fauna y Flora – La Ville d'Épinal 07. Randomer + Parallx + Parfait – Glazart 08. 10LEC6 + Mad Rey + Promesses (Salon Offprint) – École des Beaux-Arts (gratuit) 08. Bedroom Community – CitĂ© de la musique|Philharmonie 08. Part Chimp + Gnod + Hey Colossus – Petit Bain 08. Sourdurent + Raymonde – Pan Piper 08. Jad Wio + Love in Prague – Gibus 08. Crystal Geometry + Monya + Size Pier + Kaya + Sina XX – La Station 08. Jennifer Cardini b2b Gerd Janson + Mouse on Mars + Fantastic Twins + Oko DJ + Miley Serious b2b Philipp Strobel (10 ans d’Arte concert) – La Machine (gratuit sur rĂ©sa) ||COMPLET|| 08. Boy Harscher – Trabendo ||COMPLET|| 09. Trotski nautique (20 ans de l’Omadis) – Omadis (gratuit) 09. Molchat Doma + War Scenes – La Station 09. Fleuves Noirs + Thank + Drive with a Dead Girl + Panico Panico – Le Rigoletto 09. Leroy se meurt + Staatseinde – Le Zorba 09. Kwartz + ABSL + Toscan Haas – Glazart 10. Amiina : cinĂ©concert sur "Fantomas" de Louis Feuillade – Le Studio|Philharmonie 10. Ólafur Arnald + Hugar – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Nosfell : “SĂŒanij, dans la forĂȘt du songe” (fest. Paris en toutes lettres) – Maison de la poĂ©sie 10. ToutEstBeau + Mort nĂ© + Sebum XS + Stator + Nouveau SystĂšme – Les Nautes 10. Anetha + Talisman + Claudio PRC – Dehors brut 10. Fontaine D.C. – Bataclan ||COMPLET|| 11. Friponnes de Porc + Flesh World + Sergej Vutuc – tbc 12. Deerhunter + Moon Diagrams – Trabendo 12. Up-Tight + Officine – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 13. Mick Harvey & JP Silo, Steve Shelley, Glenn Lewis – Les Trois Baudets 13. Melania + Kiddo – Badaboum 14. Dinah Bird & Jean-Philippe Renoult (Inaudible Matters) – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 14. Girl Band + Silverbacks – La Maroquinerie 14. Automatisme + Lacustre (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lĂšve 14. Le Crabe + LR 666 + W 666 D + Insin – CafĂ© de Paris 14. Stella Chiweshe + Is a Fish – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 14. Manni Dee + Remco Beekwilder + Mental Infection – Glazart 15. Von Pariahs + Nursery – Point FMR 15. Tendra Ael + City Dragon + Meryll Ampe + Divisas – La Pointe Lafayette 15. Scrtch + Feromil + Mistress Bomb H – Le Cirque Ă©lectrique 15. Chemical Brothers – Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 15. Karenn + 16H07 + Antigone... (Big Bang Festival) – Les Docks de Paris 15. Ron Morelli + Krikor + A.T. + Gabriel D.ko + Mad Pablo – La Bellevilloise 15. Kap Bambino – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique ||ANNULÉ|| 16. Princess Century + Grand 8 + The Disease – L'International 16. Magrava + ruĂČ tĂĄn + Jesus Cry Stalin – Le Picolo (Saint-Ouen) 16. Kas:st + Agoria + Bambounou b2b François X + Charles Kenkler + Matrixxman + Remcord...(Big Bang Festival) – Les Docks de Paris 17. Nitzer Ebb + Liebknecht – La Machine 17. Tropical Fuck Storm + Unschooling – Badaboum 18. Omni + The Gotobeds + Pleasure Principle – La Boule noire 18. Surf Curse + edgar dĂ©ception + Fiasco – Supersonic (gratuit) 19. Earth + Helen Money – Petit Bain 20. Lucy Railton + Sean Baxter + Jessica Ekomane – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 21. Cate Le Bon + Grimm Grimm – Petit Bain 21. Haco + Emiko Ota avec KiriSute Gomen – Studio Campus 21. Vincent SĂ©gal, ClĂ©ment Saunier, Odile Auboin, Jossalyn Jessen et Gilbert Nouno jouent des piĂšces de Peter Eötvös, Yan Maresz, Gilbert Nouno et Fausto Romitelli (fest. Innovasounds) – Le 104 21>23. Nosfell : “Le Corps des songes” (fest. New Settings) – ThĂ©Ăątre de la CitĂ© internationale 22. eRikm + Franck Vigroux & Antoine Schmitt : “Chronostasis” (fest. Innovasounds) – Le 104 22. Rubin Steiner + Dombrance + Ambeyance + Meteo Mirage – La Maroquinerie 22. Kazu Makino (Blonde Redhead) – Les Étoiles 22. Vixen + Faast – Badaboum 22. Nursery + Casse Gueule + Tout de suite – Cirque Ă©lectrique ||ANNULÉ|| 22. Drew McDowall – Protocol (Pantin) ||ANNULÉ|| 23. Franck Vigroux & Kurt d’Haeseleer : “The Island (part. 1)” + Cinna Peyghamy (fest. Bruits blancs) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) (gratuit sur rĂ©sa) 23. Trio Sacher + Ensemble intercontemporain (fest. Innovasounds) – Le 104 23. Piloot + Spelterini + Rastrejo + Tachychardie – Espace B 23. Arrington de Dionyso – Le Zorba 23. Billy Childish + Le Villejuif Underground + Petausaure (fest. BBmix) – CarrĂ© Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 23. 999999999 + Jawbreakrs + Nico Moreno + Perc + Sentimental Rave + Softcoresoft + Trym + Parfait + UR trax – tba 23. Crystal Distortion + Jeff23 + 69db + Ixindamix – Dehors brut 24. TR/ST + Ela Minus – Le Trianon 24. Mdou Moctar – La Boule noire 24. Midori Takada + Carla dal Forno + Felicia Atkinson (fest. BBmix) – CarrĂ© Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 24. The Young Gods + Les TĂ©tines noires – La Machine 25. UnitĂ© d’habitation + Geography of Hell + Skin Crime + Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement + Becka Diamond – Le Klub 26. Wardruna – Olympia 27. Poly-Math + Bruit ≀ + Maven – Supersonic (gratuit) 27. The Stranglers – Olympia 27. Silly Joy + Raskolnikov + Jupiter Jane – L’International 27. Le Singe blanc + Double Nelson + Putavelo – Le Cirque Ă©lectrique 27. The Stranglers + Ruts DC – L’Olympia 27. HĂ©lĂšne Breschand, Tarek Atoui & CĂ©cile Mont-Reynaud : “Pandore” + Ensemble Motus joue Tony Conrad et Elsa Biston (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) 28. The Psychotic Monks – Trabendo 28. Artl + Powerdove – Petit Bain 28. OD Bongo + Richard Frances & Konpyuta + Domotic – 100ECS 28. Michel Maurer : “Collection de petites piĂšces” et “Fragments d’un journal intime” (fest. Mesure pour mesure) – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 28. ABSL + Blush Response + Kuss + Ferdinand Prairie – Rex Club 28. Derek Holzer : “Vector Synthesis” + Cate Hope & Lisa McKinney : “Super Liminum” + Antoine Schmitt & Hortense Gauthier : “CliMax” (fest. Bruits blancs) – Le Cube (gratuit sur rĂ©sa) ||COMPLET|| 29. Le Syndicat + Entre Vifs – Les VoĂ»tes 29. Balladur + TĂŽle froide + Poupard – Badaboum 29. Scanner & eRikm + HĂ©lĂšne Breschand + eRikm : “Le Piano englouti” de Brunhild Meyer-Ferrari (fest. Mesure pour mesure) – Nouveau ThĂ©Ăątre de Montreuil 29. Ulrich Krieger : “Raw” + Cellule d’intervention Metamkine (fest. Bruits blancs) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) 29. Maoupa Mazzocchetti + Filmmaker + Club Meth + Detective Unit + Jean Redonodo + Shlagga – La Station 30. Mondkopf – MĂ©diathĂšque musicale de Paris (gratuit) 30. Aidan Baker & BOW Quintet + SEPL (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lĂšve 30. Ulrich Krieger + Natacha Muslera + Julien Desprez + Eryck Abecassis + Sylvaine HĂ©lary avec Clyde Chabot, Jean Cagnard, IsmaĂ«l Jude, Nathalie Papin et Michel Simonot (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) 30. Donato Dozzy + Max Cooper + Terry & Cyan Riley + Ensemble intercontemporain : "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Ensemble Social Silence : "Music for Airport" de Brian Eno + Apollo noir + RĂ©cital pour marimbas (Marathon fest.) – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique ||COMPLET|| DĂ©cembre 01. Motorama – La Maroquinerie 01. Ghedalia Tazartes & Rhys Chatham (Semaine du bizarre) – ThĂ©Ăątre Berthelot (Montreuil) 02. Carambolage + GalĂšre + The Bardogs – Supersonic (gratuit) 03. White Hills – Supersonic (gratuit) 03. Belgrado – Espace B 05. Cent Ans de solitude + Kazehito Seki + Joachim Montessuis – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 06. The Flying Luttenbachers – The University of Chicago Center (gratuit sur rĂ©sa) 06. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinĂ©concert sur "Koyaanisqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 06. dDamage + Arnaud Rebotini (dj) + Mondkopf (dj) + Sister Iodine + Krikor (dj) + White Heat + Dr(dr)one + Grorille (dj) + Panzer (dj) + Paulie Jan + Le Dogue (dj) – La Station 06. Nina Garcia & Maria Bertel + France Sauvage + Somaticae (Semaine du bizarre) – ThĂ©Ăątre Berthelot (Montreuil) 06. Answer Code Request + Regis + Raslan b2b Yoannis – La Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 07. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinĂ©concert sur "Powaqqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Kokoko! – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 07. I Hate Models – tba 08. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinĂ©concert sur "Naqoyqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Mark Lanegan Band + The Membranes – Le Trianon 10. White Bouse + Drone Ă  clochettes + Thomas Zielinski + Thharm + Ex_Pi – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 11. Boris – Le Gibus 11. Kaffe Matthews + Phil Minton, Audrey Chen & Onceim – La Dynamo (Pantin) 12. Mono + Jo Quail – Petit Bain 12. Heldon + Duncan – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 12. Maya Dunietz + Jacques Perconte & Onceim – La Dynamo (Pantin) 12. Bas Mooy + VTSS + Eklpx – Glazart 12. Kompromat (Vitalic & Rebeka Warrior) – La Cigale ||COMPLET|| 13. Contrefaçon – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 13. Regards extrĂȘmes + Lisieux + Ascending divers – Les VoĂ»tes 14. Ludwig Von 88 – Le Trianon 15. The Ex + 75 Dollar Bill – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 17. Thomas Ankersmit + GaĂ«l Segalen – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 18. Amenra – Bataclan 20. Varg + Christoph de Babalon + Les morts vont bien + Powerplant + Fever 103° (fest. MagnĂ©tique nord) – La Station 20. Hector Oaks + Nene H + Nur Jaber + Parfait + Pawlowski – tba 21. Youth Avoiders + Chain Cult + Short Days + Bleakness – Espace B 21. A.N.I + Maraudeur + Raymonde + Ece Özel + Accou (fest. MagnĂ©tique nord) – La Station 21. Anetha + Introversion + Jacidorex + Parfait + Schake – tba 2020 Janvier 04. Rokia TraorĂ© + BallakĂ© Cissoko & Vincent Segal – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 11. Last Night + Euromilliard + Kumusta – Gibus 16. Black Midi – Le Carreau du Temple ||COMPLET|| 17. Edith Nylon – Petit Bain 17. Scratch Massive + Lokier + Cassie Raptor + Faast + Kiddo – Badaboum 17. Dafne Vicente-Sandoval + Ji Youn Kang + Thomas Lehn : « Occam VI » d’Eliane Radigue + Tiziana Bertoncini, Antonin Gerbal, David Grubbs, Ji Youn Kang, Thomas Lehn, eRikm & Dafne Vicente-Sandoval : « Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue » de Luc Ferrari – Le 104 18. Lee Ranaldo & RaĂŒl Refree – Le 104 18. Franck Vigroux : "Flesh" (Biennale Nemo) – Maison des arts et de la culture (CrĂ©teil) 24. Penguin Cafe + Lubomyr Melnyk + Peter Broderick + Anne MĂŒller + Hatis Noit + Janus Rasmussen – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 26. The Fat (cinĂ©concert pour enfants) – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 29. Rendez-Vous – La Cigale 30. Editors – Salle Pleyel 31. Tindersticks – Salle Pleyel 31. It It Anita + Mss Frnce + Flowers + Angle mort et clignotant + Casse Gueule + La Jungle – Petit Bain FĂ©vrier 02. Sunn o))) – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 09. Explosions in the Sky – La Cigale 10. The Murder Capital – CafĂ© de la danse 13. Ride – Le Trianon 16. Orchestral Manoeuvre in the Dark – La Cigale 18. Biliana Voutchkova + Judith Hamann – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 21. Ensemble Links joue "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain : "DĂ©troit" + MolĂ©cule – Le 104 24. Sleater Kinney – Le Trianon Mars 02. DIIV – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 03. Napalm Death + EYEHATEGOD + Misery Index + Rotten Sound – La Machine 03/04. The Mission – Petit Bain 05. Orange Blossom : “Sharing” avec les machines de François DelaroziĂšre – ÉlysĂ©e Montmartre 06. Frustration – Le Trianon 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinĂ©concert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Alcest + Birds In Row + KĂŠlan Mikla – La Machine 10. Arnaud Rebotini : live pour “Fix Me” d’Alban Richard – Centre des Arts (Enghien-les-Bains) 11. Nada Surf – La Cigale 13. Russian Circle + Torche – Bataclan 17. Chelsea Wolf – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 20. Ensemble Dedalus : "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie 21. Front 242 + She Past Away – ÉlysĂ©e Montmartre 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – CitĂ© de la musique|Philharmonie 27. Lebanon Hanover – La GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 27. Maggy Payne : « Crystal » (diff.) + 9T Antiope + John Wiese + Matthias Puech + Nihvak (fest. PrĂ©sences Ă©lectronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 28. Ensemble Links : "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain joue Kraftwerk – thĂ©Ăątre de la CitĂ© internationale 28. Iannis Xenakis : « Mycenae Alpha » (diff.) + Marja Ahti + Rashad Becker + Nina Garcia + Kode9 (fest. PrĂ©sences Ă©lectronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 29. Ivo Malec : « Recitativio » + Eve Aboulkheir + Richard Chartier + Lee Gamble + Will Guthrie & Mark Fell (fest. PrĂ©sences Ă©lectronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio Avril 03. CocoRosie – Le Trianon 14>17. Metronomy – La Cigale 18. Siglo XX – La Boule noire 27. Caribou – L’Olympia Mai 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – CitĂ© de la musique|Philharmonie 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 09. Jonas Gruska + Leila Bordreuil + Jean-Philippe Gross + Kali Malone (fest. Focus) – Le 104 10. Iannis Xenakis : « La LĂ©gende d’Eer » + Folke Rabe : « Cyclone » et « What ??? » (fest. Focus) – Le 104 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 19. Swans + Norman Westberg – Le Trabendo 22. François Bayle : « Le Projet OuĂŻr » + Marco Parini : « De Parmegiani Sonorum » + Yan Maresz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Julien NĂ©grier + Hans Tutschku : « Provenance-Ă©mergence » + FĂ©licia Atkinson : « For Georgia O’Keefe » + Warren Burt + MichĂšle Bokanowski (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 24. Philippe Mion + Pierre-Yves Macé : « Contre-flux II » + Daniel Teruggi : « Nova Puppis » + Adam Stanovitch + Gilles Racot : « Noir lumiĂšre » (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 26. Minimal Compact – La Machine Juin 14. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Bercy Arena
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