mingot-studios · 24 days
Am I the only one who feminism is kinda idk like exclusionary?
i feel like by focusing solely women's rights (cis white women in particular) it kinda leaves behind those who also suffer under patriarchy (i.e. gnc transwomen, enby people, men, poc people etc.)
I say this because at least in the West, cis white women have been at the forefront of the movement since it's start back in the the 1910s with the suffragettes fighting for the right for women to vote Specifically WHITE CIS women, women of color were not included.
And don't even get me started on terfs
I feel like we need a new more inclusive movement that includes everyone who's suffered under patriarchy not JUST Women.
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[sigh] fine, i guess i'll make antipat fanart. since none of you will.
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imagine making low quality, low effort fanart of a stupid little contrarian joke from an episode of film theory. apparently that's the kind of person i am, and i'm weirdly fine with it
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dilutedh2so4 · 12 days
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Hera, tortured by the beauty of Ganymede, and with the soul-consuming sting of jealousy in her heart, once spoke thus: "Troy gave birth to a male flame for Zeus; therefore I will send a flame to fall on Troy - Paris, the bringer of woe. No eagle shall come again to the Trojans, but vultures to the feast, the day that the Danai gather the spoils of their labour."
-> Greek Anthology 9.77, Epigram of Antipater of Thessalonica
Sources: English, Greek
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tschulijulesjulie · 1 month
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Antipater???? like.... Armand????
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misspygmypie · 9 months
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I'm sorry but the absolute chokehold he has on me right now!? I am craving some fics with this man lord help me! please someone give him the happy ending he deserves ugh
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lionofchaeronea · 2 years
Epitaph for an Ant
Anthologia Palatina 7.209 = Antipater of Sidon (2nd half of 2nd cent. BCE) Note: Deo = Demeter. Here beside the threshing floor, o suffering workman-ant, I have raised for you a barrow made of thirsty dirt, So that the grain-bearing furrow of Deo may charm you even dead, As you lie in a chamber turned over by the plow. αὐτοῦ σοὶ παρ᾽ ἅλωνι, δυηπαθὲς ἐργάτα μύρμηξ, ἠρίον ἐκ βώλου διψάδος ἐκτισάμαν, ὄφρα σε καὶ φθίμενον Δηοῦς σταχυητρόφος αὖλαξ θέλγῃ, ἀροτραίᾐ κείμενον ἐν θαλάμῃ.
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Ants, pg. 180 from Album der Natur, 1854-55
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darkchocolatecoffin · 5 months
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Okay I rewatched this movie on Netflix and noticed that during King Herods song, Antipater stops the guards from cutting off the mans head after his father declared it on a whim. It’s literally such a small detail but I love him sm guys.
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chaoswxlson · 9 months
why did one of my best recent drawings have to be a bible fanart i hate it here...anyways watched journey to bethlehem
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mystery-star · 5 days
If y'all been wondering why I have not been posting that much these past months; it's because my obsession wandered a bit.
What? you may ask
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Or more precisely... who
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superpte · 18 days
Aristotle: Fascist Mysogynistic Enslaver, Or Why Great Minds Should Not Be Revered Too Much
Aristotle was a top mind, top logician, founded biology as a science, etc. One of these two achievements alone would justify his fame. But these achievements are not why Aristotle was faithfully copied and preached for 23 centuries. According to Aristotle’s Politics Book I, politics concerns the search for the good life (eudaimonia) within a natural community. Natural slaves and inferior souls…
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themhac · 2 years
no fa ridere perché sono mesi che non guardo una partita né seguo i risultati e oggi che ne stavo parlando la roma perde eeeh ragazz scusate purtroppo sono io che vi devo dire
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emanuelstefancu · 2 years
în ideea în care aș putea fi antipatic.
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miroslawmagola · 2 years
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(via The Giza pyramid complex.)
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Herod the Great
Herod I, or Herod the Great (c. 75 – 4 BCE), was the king of Judea who ruled as a client of Rome. He has gained lasting infamy as the 'slaughterer of the innocents' as recounted in the New Testament's book of Mathew. Herod was, though, a gifted administrator, and in his 33-year reign, he was responsible for many major building works which included a rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem, several aqueducts, and the massive fortress known as the Herodium. Historians have re-assessed his long-held negative reputation and now credit his reign as having had at least some positive effects on Jews and Judaism in his kingdom.
Accession to the Throne
Herod was a client king (or close ally) of Rome, but his route to the throne was not a straightforward one. His father Antipater the Idumaean made him governor of Galilee in 47 BCE. On the death of his father, there followed a turbulent period of in-fighting involving his brother and various Roman factions. In 40 BCE the Parthians attacked both Syria and Palestine, taking Jerusalem in the process. Herod's brother was taken captive, and he committed suicide shortly after. Herod was thus forced to flee to Rome, and Antigonus of the Hasmonean dynasty was installed as ruler at Jerusalem.
In Rome Herod gained the favour of Octavian and Mark Antony, with whose support the Senate was persuaded to install Herod as the king of Judea. In practical terms, though, this did not solve the problem of Antigonus and the Parthians. Mark Antony was therefore dispatched to the region and he swiftly cleared it, forcing the Parthians back to the eastern side of the Euphrates River. Meanwhile, Herod, with the aid of the Roman general Gaius Sosius, led a force and retook Jerusalem in 37 BCE. Finally, he began what would be a long and prosperous 33-year reign as king of Judea, or 'the land of the Jews' as it was often referred to.
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lamentofspring · 11 months
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my precious mimi, my sweet sacrificial lamb ♡ / ophelia, friedrich heyser / tell me when it hurts, flower face / call me by your name (2017) / paper doll, flower face / the carnivorous lamb, agustín gómez-arcos / there sleeps titania, john simmons / viviane, renée vivien / mythological beauty, big thief / greek anthology; epigrams, antipater of sidon / in a week, hozier & karen cowly / my love mine all mine, mitski / venus verticordia, rossetti / nathan, flower face / cornflower blue, flower face / @tendermimi ♡
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lionofchaeronea · 2 years
A Helmet Speaks
Anthologia Palatina 6.241 = Antipater of Thessalonica (Julio-Claudian period) I, this helmet, received a double grace: I am both pleasant for my friends to look on And a source of dread for anyone who’s hostile. Piso has me, taken from Pylaemenes: Neither did the helmet suit any other locks, Nor would his hair suit any other helmet. ἡ κόρυς ἀμφοτέρην ἔλαχον χάριν· εἰμὶ δ᾽ ὁρᾶσθαι καὶ τερπνὴ φιλίοις, καὶ φόβος ἀντιπάλοις. ἐκ δὲ Πυλαιμένεος Πείσων μ᾽ ἔχει: ἔπρεπεν ἄλλαις οὔτε κόρυς χαίταις, οὔτε κόμη κόρυθι.
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Ceremonial Greek bronze helmet, crowned with a griffin. Artist unknown; manufactured in South Italy between 350 and 300 BCE. Now in the Getty Villa, Malibu. Photo credit: Davide Ferro/Wikimedia Commons.
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