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earthimani · 8 years ago
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Calendula: Soothing, protective, and healing. Facilitates the repair of vaginal tears and scar tissue Lavender: Antibacterial properties. Calming to the mind and uterine muscles. Encourages menstrual flow Motherwort: Strengthens uterine tone and blood flow. May help with uterine fibroids. Eases menstrual pain Mugwort: Helps to regulate cycles, especially in young women just entering their cycles. Fights off infection. Encourages discharge Oregano: Potent antimicrobial herb Raspberry Leaf: Uterine tonic. Helps to tone and strengthen muscles. Source of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin B, vitamin C, and E to nourish tissue Rose petals: Fragrant, astringent, and calming. Improves connection to feminine energy Rosemary: Antimicrobial herb. Improves blood flow, treats bacterial infections, and speeds wound healing Yarrow: Uterine tonic. Aids in stimulating delayed of absent periods. Eases cramping and excessive bleeding . Our Sacred Womb Steams consist of all of those herbs and then some 😘😉 Click the link in our bio, www.earthimani.com . . . #earthimani ~ #earthmedicine ~ #sacredwoman ~ #sacredwomb ~ #healing ~ #holywomb ~ #healthyself ~ #healthandbeauty ~ #yonisteam ~ #wombman ~ #wombdetox ~ #apothecary ~ #naturalproducts ~ #naturalwombcare ~ #divinefeminine ~ #menstrualcramps ~ #antifibroid ~ #wombpower ~ #love ~ #holistic ~ #holistichealth ~ #wombwellness ~ #wombpurification
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islandnaturals · 5 years ago
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Another way to use this healing gift from nature...the Castor plant 😍 Castor oil is made from the seeds of the castor plant, also known in Jamaica as ‘Oil Nut Tree’. It has amazing healing benefits including clearing toxins from the body and it has excellent anti-inflammatory properties so it’s great help in fixing womb issues. Castor Oil is the only oil that can penetrate deep below the first layer of the skin as well as the hair shaft which makes it a great for treating the root cause of hair loss. #healingplants #Castorplant #OilNutTree #cAstorseeds #castoroil #healthyscalp #antihairloss #scalptreatment #naturalhairstyles #wombhealth #antitumor #antifibroids 📷 @ilovemywomb (at Jamaica) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8v_FdQJslX/?igshid=d1hd8azc58xz
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dgshop2u · 8 years ago
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Alhamdulillah. Licin Kesemuanya dalam beberapa hari dan Restok😄 . Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap & Jus Durian Belanda Asli Ameen di Kafeteria Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah Kuala Terengganu. . Seteguk jus raja buah penawar kanser ini bukan sahaja putih dan menggebukan, malah sungguh likat, pekat dan tulen . Nikmatnya minum ketika sejuk, pasti mengalir di segenap ruang tekak dan sungguh melegakan . Seteguk air durian belanda dengan sari isinya yang mengalir umpama sepotong durian belanda terbaik . Badan yang letih dan lesu menjadi segar. Hati yang gundah menjadi riang. Cubalah, kalau tidak pasti terbayang bayang. Slurppppp...fuhh kepuasan yang tidak terhingga😋 . Segar. Sedap. Berkhasiat . www.fb.com/dgshop2u www.instagram.com/dgshop2u www.dgshop2u.com - House of Soursop Wassap: +601-39194161 . #dgshop2u #anticyst #antitumor #lohonghitam #antifibroid #naturalpainkiller #preventcancer #juspuriasli #antikaserpayudara #antigout #stabildarahtinggi #rawatsaraf #cuciusus #berkhasiat #ilike #koguru #jantungsihat #jusdurianbelanda #diabetes #stevia #gamarab #arabicgum #almanna #power #cikguseo #gengultra #beautifulterengganu2017 #puriaslibeku #aiskrimdurianbelanda
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earthimani · 8 years ago
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Within every woman is an access point to the divine creative power--The Holy Womb Chakra. . . This chakra is not the second chakra. It is a primary resting place of the soul energy. It is also a connection to karma and to the creation energies of the universe. . . The Divine Power of the Womb Chakra is the Essential Power of Creation. . . It is the Divine Feminine Power that created everything. . . Tap into your creative power + shop for your Sacred Womb Herbal Steam today! 🌸💗 .' Link in bio | earthimani.com . . . #earthimani ~ #earthmedicine ~ #sacredwoman ~ #sacredwomb ~ #healing ~ #holywomb ~ #healthyself ~ #healthandbeauty ~ #yonisteam ~ #wombman ~ #wombdetox ~ #apothecary ~ #naturalproducts ~ #naturalwombcare ~ #divinefeminine ~ #menstrualcramps ~ #antifibroid ~ #wombpower ~ #love ~ #holistic ~ #holistichealth ~ #wombwellness ~ #wombpurification
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dgshop2u · 8 years ago
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InsyaAllah, MALAM INI !!! 🗓 Isnin (8 Mei 2017) ⏰ Kuliyah Maghrib Jemputan 👳‍♀ Ustaz Hj Wan Abd Halim Wan Harun (Pakar Perunding Harta Pusaka & Faraid) 🕌 Masjid At-Taqwa Durian Burung , K. Terengganu, Terengganu. “Ilmu pembahagian harta pusaka makin dilupakan. Jesteru, pelajarilah & ajarkanlah ia agar tidak pupus ditelan zaman.” Muslimin & muslimat yg berkelapangan dijemput HADIR. . Legakan tekak dengan Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap😄 . Jus kami diformulasikan dengan: Puri Asli * Al-Manna * Stevia . "Jiwa Pasti Meronta Kesedapan Dengan Setiap Tegukan" . Segar. Sedap. Berkhasiat www.fb.com/dgshop2u www.instagram.com/dgshop2u www.dgshop2u.com - House of Soursop Tel: 013-919 4161 . #dgshop2u #anticyst #antitumor #antikanser #antifibroid #cegahkanser #preventcancer #juspuriasli #antikaserpayudara #antigout #antioksida #rawatsaraf #cuciusus #berkhasiat #ilike #segar #jantungsihat #jusdurianbelanda #diabetes #stevia #gamarab #arabicgum #almanna #sedap #cikguseo #gengultra #lohonghitam #beautifulterengganu2017 #puriaslibeku
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dgshop2u · 8 years ago
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Alhamdulillah. Licin Kesemuanya dan Restok😄 . Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap, Jus Durian Belanda Asli Ameen & Puri Asli Durian Belanda di Rangkaian Az-Zain Gong Kapas Panji Alam, Kuala Terengganu. . Seteguk jus raja buah penawar kanser ini bukan sahaja putih dan menggebukan, malah sungguh likat, pekat dan tulen . Nikmatnya minum ketika sejuk, pasti mengalir di segenap ruang tekak dan sungguh melegakan . Seteguk air durian belanda dengan sari isinya yang mengalir umpama sepotong durian belanda terbaik . Badan yang letih dan lesu menjadi segar. Hati yang gundah menjadi riang. Cubalah, kalau tidak pasti terbayang bayang. Slurppppp...fuhh kepuasan yang tidak terhingga😋 . Segar. Sedap. Berkhasiat . www.fb.com/dgshop2u www.instagram.com/dgshop2u www.dgshop2u.com - House of Soursop Wassap: +601-39194161 . #dgshop2u #anticyst #antitumor #lohonghitam #antifibroid #naturalpainkiller #preventcancer #juspuriasli #antikaserpayudara #antigout #stabildarahtinggi #rawatsaraf #cuciusus #berkhasiat #ilike #koguru #jantungsihat #jusdurianbelanda #diabetes #stevia #gamarab #arabicgum #almanna #power #cikguseo #gengultra #beautifulterengganu2017 #puriaslibeku #aiskrimdurianbelanda (at Az-Zain Terengganu - Gong Kapas)
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earthimani · 8 years ago
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Vaginal steaming is as popular in Mayan culture as drinking peppermint tea is in American culture. In Central America, the remedy is called a bajo, and it is very common among women because it works. Yet the effectiveness of vaginal steams isn't limited to just eliminating cramps. Yoni steaming has been known by women throughout history to: ✨Significantly reduce discomfort, bloating and exhaustion associated with monthly cycles. ✨Decrease menstrual flow as well as reduce dark purple or brown blood at the onset or end of menses. ✨Regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles. ✨Increase fertility, especially when combined with Mayan abdominal massage. ✨Speed healing and tone the reproductive system after birth. ✨Treat uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness and uterine prolapse. ✨Assist with the healing of hemorrhoids. ✨Treat chronic vaginal/yeast infections, and maintain healthy odor. ✨Relieve symptoms of menopause. Shop here ⬇️ https://www.etsy.com/listing/516512295/sacred-womb-herbal-steam-vaginal-detox . . . #earthimani ~ #earthmedicine ~ #sacredwoman ~ #sacredwomb ~ #healing ~ #herbalife ~ #healthyself ~ #healthandbeauty ~ #yonisteam ~ #wombman ~ #wombdetox ~ #herbalbodycare ~ #naturalproducts ~ #naturalwombcare ~ #divinefeminine ~ #menstrualcramps ~ #antifibroid ~ #beauty ~ #love ~ #holistic ~ #holistichealth ~ #etsy ~ #etsyseller
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earthimani · 8 years ago
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This Sacred Womb blend is a general blend aiming to tone, detox, eliminate, stimulate + strengthen. You can utilize this blend for preventative use, menstrual health, uterine fibroids/cysts, postpartum, yeast infection, etc.. . . . #earthimani ~ #earthmedicine ~ #sacredwoman ~ #sacredwomb ~ #healing ~ #herbalife ~ #healthyself ~ #healthandbeauty ~ #yonisteam ~ #wombman ~ #wombdetox ~ #herbalbodycare ~ #naturalproducts ~ #naturalwombcare ~ #divinefeminine ~ #menstrualcramps ~ #antifibroid ~ #beauty ~ #love ~ #holistic ~ #holistichealth ~ #etsy ~ #etsyseller
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dgshop2u · 8 years ago
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Alhamdulillah. Kami telah selesai restok di sini - Restoren Nasi Ayam Nurul Imam. . Hanya Nasi & Rojak Ayam Tersedap di sini 😃 . Hilangkan haus anda dengan Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap! . Jus kami diformulasikan dengan: Puri Asli * Al-Manna * Stevia . "Jiwa Pasti Meronta Kesedapan Dengan Setiap Tegukan" . Segar. Sedap. Berkhasiat www.fb.com/dgshop2u www.instagram.com/dgshop2u www.dgshop2u.com - House of Soursop Tel: 013-919 4161 . #dgshop2u #anticyst #antitumor #antikanser #antifibroid #cegahkanser #preventcancer #juspuriasli #antikaserpayudara #antigout #naturalpainkiller #rawatsaraf #cuciusus #berkhasiat #ilike #sihat #jantungsihat #jusdurianbelanda #diabetes #stevia #gamarab #arabicgum #almanna #power #cikguseo #gengultra #lohonghitam #beautifulterengganu2017 #puriaslibeku #aiskrimdurianbelanda (at Restoran Nasi Ayam Nurul Iman)
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dgshop2u · 8 years ago
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Alhamdulillah. Licin dan Restok ! Rangkaian Az-Zain Gong Kapas - Panji Alam, Kuala Terengganu. . Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap! . Jus kami diformulasikan dengan: Puri Asli * Al-Manna * Stevia . "Jiwa Pasti Meronta Kesedapan Dengan Setiap Tegukan" . Segar. Sedap. Berkhasiat www.fb.com/dgshop2u www.instagram.com/dgshop2u www.dgshop2u.com - House of Soursop Tel: 013-919 4161 . #dgshop2u #anticyst #antitumor #antikanser #antifibroid #cegahkanser #preventcancer #juspuriasli #antikaserpayudara #antigout #stabildarahtinggi #rawatsaraf #cuciusus #berkhasiat #ilike #sihat #jantungsihat #jusdurianbelanda #diabetes #stevia #gamarab #arabicgum #almanna #power #cikguseo #gengultra #gslp #beautifulterengganu2017 #puriaslibeku #aiskrimdurianbelanda (at Az-Zain Terengganu - Gong Kapas)
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dgshop2u · 8 years ago
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InsyaAllah, MALAM INI !!! 12 FEBUARI 2017 AHAD 'Kuliah Maghrib Mingguan' Ustaz Afis Ibrahim 📖 Sambungan Kitab : Peranan & Tanggungjawab Suami&Isteri' 🕌 : MASJID TENGKU TENGAH ZAHARAH(Masjid Terapung), KUALA IBAI, KUALA TERENGGANU, TERENGGANU DARUL IMAN Like Page : https://www.facebook.com/Audiokuliah/ . Hilangkan Haus Anda Dengan Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap! . Jus kami diformulasikan dengan: Puri Asli * Al-Manna * Stevia . "Jiwa Pasti Meronta Kesedapan Dengan Setiap Tegukan" . Segar. Sedap. Berkhasiat www.fb.com/dgshop2u www.instagram.com/dgshop2u www.dgshop2u.com - House of Soursop Tel: 013-919 4161 . #dgshop2u #anticyst #antitumor #antikanser #antifibroid #cegahkanser #preventcancer #juspuriasli #antikaserpayudara #antigout #stabildarahtinggi #rawatsaraf #cuciusus #berkhasiat #ilike #sihat #jantungsihat #jusdurianbelanda #diabetes #stevia #gamarab #arabicgum #almanna #power #cikguseo #gengultra #gslp #beautifulterengganu2017 #puriaslibeku (at Masjid Tengku Tengah Zaharah - Masjid Terapung)
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dgshop2u · 8 years ago
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Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap Di Dapo Barokah Peminat Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap kini boleh menikmatinya di Keda Dapo Barokah (Adok Bajek) Durian Burung, Kuala Terengganu.
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dgshop2u · 8 years ago
Dapatkan Puri Asli Beku, Jus Asli Serta Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap Di Kedai Keropok Lekor Tok Molor Kuala Terengganu
Dapatkan Puri Asli Beku, Jus Asli Serta Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap Di Kedai Keropok Lekor Tok Molor Kuala Terengganu
Alhamdulillah. Wah malam-malam begini masih rancak restok di destinasi wajib peminat Keropok Lekor Terengganu yang tersohor ini. . Kilang & Kedai Keropok Lekor Tok Molor 😁 . Hilangkan Haus Anda Dengan Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap! . Jus kami diformulasikan dengan: Puri Asli * Al-Manna * Stevia . “Jiwa Pasti Meronta Kesedapan Dengan Setiap Tegukan” . Segar. Sedap. Berkhasiat www.fb.com/dgshop2u…
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dgshop2u · 8 years ago
Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap di Masjid Wakaf Tembesu, Kuala Nerus Terengganu
Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap di Masjid Wakaf Tembesu, Kuala Nerus Terengganu
Anda tercari-cari Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap di sekitar Gong Badak, Kuala Nerus? . Dapatkannya secara Segar setiap hari di perkarangan (tangga utama) Masjid Wakaf Tembesu 😉 . Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap! . Jus kami diformulasikan dengan: Puri Asli * Al-Manna * Stevia . “Jiwa Pasti Meronta Kesedapan Dengan Setiap Tegukan” . Segar. Sedap. Berkhasiat www.fb.com/dgshop2u…
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dgshop2u · 8 years ago
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Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap Kini Di Rangkaian Agro Bazaar Kuala Bekah, Kuala Terengganu Alhamdulillah. Menembusi Rangkaian Agro Bazaar pula selepas ini di seluruh Terengganu. . Agro Bazaar Kg Kuala Bekah - Jalan Pulau Musang, Kuala Terengganu.
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dgshop2u · 8 years ago
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Jus Durian Belanda Kini di Kedai Telco Green Value Resources Kg Kijing Marang, Terengganu Alhamdulillah. Jus Durian Belanda Kocok2 Sedap kini juga boleh diperolehi di Kedai Telco Green Value Resources Kg Kijing, Hadapan IbuPejabat Polis Marang.
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