#anti poc harry and hermione
fanfic-lover-girl · 4 months
Hello, do you have any controversial opinions about Harry Potter? If so, what is it? I would like to hear something else, by the way I am also immersing myself a lot in the fandom of The Last Airbender and although I don't know much, I like the Zutara drawings.
Anything can be controversial lol! I literally have seen unpopular HP opinions videos on Youtube where people list Harmione not having chemistry as controversial 🤪. Like Harry has romantic chemistry with anyone haha!
I am not a true HP fan so I don't really know what's controversial or not.
However, I will say this potentially controversial opinion about some popular HP headcanons: I absolutely DETEST seeing Hermione and Harry as POC!!! I hate it!!! Every time I see fics with Desi Harry or Black Hermione, I don't read them. I don't care how good they may be. To be honest, whenever I see Drarry or golden trio fanart with Indian Harry, it low-key looks ugly to me. I don't mind Hermione fanart where she has tanned skin but I don't like seeing her with dark skin. I cringe inside whenever I see the Granger-Weasley female actors from Cursed Child. Black people are always saying we need more rep, but gosh that does not mean we need to accept every low-branch rep the media throws at us.
Just because I am black, it does not mean I am happy Hermione was retconned as black by JKR. I dislike Hermione's character already but making her black...goodness everything about her becomes 10x worse. The violence she shows against Ron in book 6, the SPEW thing (the SPEW thing is bad whether she is black or white! it just adds another uncomfortable layer to it). Desi Harry makes no sense. James Potter and Lily Evans were white! I can't see Lily as Indian. James even less! Look, I think Indian women are stunning. And I have met some Indian men at work who are gorgeous. In fact, when I was a kid I used to be jealous of this Indian girl at my school - I wished I had her beautiful, silky hair (even now I am not very fond of my kinky hair). So me hating Desi Harry is not because I hate Indian people. I just hate Desi Harry.
Keep Desi!Harry and Black!Hermione far, far away from me!
Oh, Zutara is amazing! The fandom is full of amazing fanfic writers, artists and insightful media analysis. The Zutara original songs are good too :). Katara and Zuko are two of my favourite characters and I am happy that you are liking the art so far. Zutara was my first non-canon ship so it is very dear to me. I think Zutara was the first ship I ever really had. Welcome to the Zutara fam!
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dramioneasks · 4 months
Marked by the Moon By: Louisa Caraballo - M, 4 chapters -COMPLETE! When Draco Malfoy gets punished for not completing his mission for the Dark Lord, he doesn't know what to expect, but becoming a Werewolf was not it. He comes to find out that all the things he thought he knew about them are pretty much false. Now he just needs to convince his Soulmate to get on board. Updates Mondays!
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I have............ opinions on the new Harry Potter show, specifically the diversifying of the cast
Maybe this is me being overprotective as a poc myself but I really don't want to see white hp character become poc. Mainly because their whiteness is such an integral part of their characterisation.
I don't want to see a Black Hermione because her performative activism is very white savior. She canonically disregards the people she is protesting for and she just is privileged and acts like it. Like in 'Falcon and the Winter Soldier' Sam is a lot more careful around the law than Bucky, because well Black people tend to face harsher sentences. Hermione is canonically reckless now it would be different if this was just a flaw she grew out of but no this is a part of her personality. And one time commenting on how she'd rather be killed then expelled does not change the statement. Also Hermione has never canonically discrimination, besides some cheap remarks, she has not faced any real discrimination I mean she is regarded as one of the brightest witch of her time and heck she was lended the f*cking Time Turner for classes.
Also another discussion I have seen on the internet is a Arabic Harry and honestly I have no problems with he is great I love him. My problem is with his parents Lily is a green-eyed ginger she is undoubtedly white which leaves James f*cking Potter. Let me start this of by saying I hate James, his entire character is just of a rich, privileged, white boy who got away with all the harm he did, I barely even like Snape but James Potter just disgusts me. He canonically just approached another student, disarmed him and humiliated them in front of a mob by stripping him. He is nothing more then a bully. His privilege is what kept him safe, he should have been suspended but no if you as administrator are going to protect one student over the, protect the privileged perpetrator
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hoping to do some good in the world (Muslim Hermione- fight me, jkr)
When a little muggleborn girl walks up to the Sorting Hat, a number of purebloods (and a number of muggleborns, to be honest) wonder why they can't see her hair- why her head and neck are covered by a dark blue headscarf.
In the ensuing months, they will learn the word hijab.
Hermione Granger is faithful and studious. She hates breaking the rules and is a perfectionist.
(She is also stupidly, irrevocably, wonderfully noble.)
In this universe, as in most others, Hermione Granger carries these traits close to her heart, in her spine and in her head. She holds faith in things that do not have a ready explanation, believes in heroes despite all evidence otherwise.
Hermione Granger finds a Summoning charm in her textbooks and figures it out how to perfect it before she even steps foot on the Hogwarts Express. If she is to complete her five daily prayers, then she will need a way to grab her prayer rug easily without having to carry it around all day (the Hogwarts blueprints show a school almost too large to be real- she’ll have to investigate that).
She leaves her first class and her lunch block for five minutes everyday. She heads out into the hallways, summons Abba’s prayer rug, recites a compass spell to orient herself toward Mecca, and recites her prayers.
This is not a story about heroes and villains. It is not a story about war and destruction, about magical spells and epic climaxes.
This is a story about the strength of a single girl’s faith.
Hermione knows fear. She knows the way that people look at her hijab with suspicion, look at her father like he’ll hurt them and her mother like she’s stupid (despite the fact that they’re both dentists, with their doctoral degrees and a wish to help others). She knows hatred, the way people sneer when they look at her and the way boys at her primary school would tug at her hijab, jeering names at her face.
She knows that Harry and Dean and Lavender and Anthony and Neville and the Patil twins all suffer from the same prejudice as she does, if for different reasons.
When Draco Malfoy spits mudblood in her face, when he curses her origins, she calls upon the spells that she can run past her lips. She summons up a righteous anger borne of years of absorbing others’ hatred, remembers pages and pages of spells. She whips hexes at prejudiced lips, smiles at the crunch of her fist against his face.
Hermione Janan Granger does not pray to flawed mentors and old men- she prays to Allah, and to herself. She is more than just a pawn, a fount of unfocused knowledge.
She wants to do good in the world, just like her parents, but she guards her trust close. She bestows it on those who have earned it- Harry, Ron, Ginny, Millicent, Anthony, Neville, Luna- but not on men who people seem to put blind faith in without proof.
Her faith is strong, but it is not without base.
She makes friends with Anthony Goldstein, who celebrates Yom Kippur and Hanukkah and the Shabbat prayers with the same devoutness with which she practices her own faith. In a rather secular, magical world, being able to find someone else who puts such effort into their faith is relieving to her.
During Ramadan, her mind grows sharp and her spells powerful even as her stomach growls. Her focus increases as her hunger grows, as her faith finds its way past the limits of her stomach and into her bones.
Her dedication to her faith becomes known, and respected. During this month of the year, she is unbeatable even as her skin grows a bit sallow and her stomach grumbles during classes.
(She heads down to the kitchens after sunset and is greeted by a feast. She understands that, magically speaking, it fulfills house elves to provide food for her, but her faith does not abide by slavery of any sort. It is hard for her to process their smiles whenever she asks for food.
So, instead, she thanks each and every house elf, mentions them all by name in her prayers. Perhaps this will help them.)
When Hermione tells Harry, the orphan boy, the forced hero of the story, that they are all heroes, she doesn’t mean that they are all saviors of worlds, leaders and princes. She doesn’t mean that they have to save the day, have to be courageous and beautiful and in love.
She means that they are survivors, and that this, in itself, is a heroic act.
Her caftan for the Yule Ball her fifth year is modest and beautiful. A long dark blue caftan, trimmed with dark blue lace and embroidered in gold, it is just perfect. Her hijab is dark blue to match.
Viktor Krum looks at her and smiles. “You look beautiful, скъп."
She smiles. “Thank you, Viktor."
Viktor Krum is nothing like the perfect Muslim boy she dreamed of as a little girl, but he is smart, and wonderful, and perfectly kind.
He respects her faith and her boundaries, calls her beautiful. He holds her hands, but does not kiss her. He is the perfect first boyfriend.
When she emerges from the lake, her hijab is sodden with water but thankfully still covers her hair and her neck.
Viktor leaves at the end of the Triwizard Tournament. Cedric won, Fleur placed second, and Viktor placed third. Despite his loss, he smiles and says, "It vas vorth it, Hermione, because I got to meet you."
Hermione returns his smile. "It was nice to meet you as well, Viktor. We'll continue to write, right?"
He nods. "Of course."
Hermione Granger is not meek. She is devout, and focused on her studies, but not meek.
She is full of faith for many things: Allah, education, and herself. She channels this faith into progress, into change.
Harry comes to her at the end of fifth year, stomach in his throat. “Hermione,” he says, eyes downcast, “I have something to tell you.”
“Yeah?” she asks, raising her eyes from her book.
“I...I think I like boys and girls.”
She looks at him. She’s suspected for a year or so, ever since his minor obsession with Cedric Diggory last year and the way he stares at Neville’s arse sometimes.
“Okay,” she says, and flips the page. “Tell me when you finally ask Longbottom out.”
Harry sputters, and she smiles.
Hermione’s sixth year, she breaks up with Viktor. It is an amicable split, no hard feelings between them. He wishes her luck with school and asks if she’ll mind if he comes to celebrate her graduation next year.
She smiles and says of course not.
She walks into the Room of Requirement (a fascinating discovery when searching for an answer to Harry’s Second Task two years ago) and finds Harry and Neville snogging in the middle of the Historic Legends section of the Great Hidden Library.
She clears her throat and they spring apart, looking like they’ve been caught doing something unspeakable. “Mind handing me the copy of the Upanishads, won’t you?” She gestures to Neville, who grabs a copy of the book that she’s seen him reading on the Express and hands it to her. “Thanks,” she says, and heads over to the Muggle Sports section (the far end of the library) so she can read in peace.
Hermione graduates top of her class, Susan Bones, Draco Malfoy, and Terry Boot right behind her.
The world is at her fingertips, and all of knowledge is within her grasp. She can change everything wrong with the world.
When Hermione Granger is eleven, she climbs a stool and puts a hat on her head. She is told that she will do well in either Ravenclaw or Slytherin, and she smiles.
I want to learn everything, she thinks, and the Sorting Hat shouts her House to the world.
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pjo-gaysofgreeks · 9 months
I wrote this silly little thing for a graded final and I figured I’d share…
Allied Authordom: Rowling vs. Riordan
By Serena Martinez
Allyship does not demand perfection, but rather desire to grow. We are all unlearning internalized -phobias and -isms which have been normalized in society. The key to true allyship is recognizing you have the capacity to cause harm, do the work to be better, and consciously avoid hurting someone that way again.
Given the upcoming television adaptations of both J.K. Rowling and Rick Riordan’s popular series, I am going to use them as a case study example. The hoards of Millennials and Gen Zers that grew up with either or both series are now young adults with the ability to think critically and set their own moral principles. I am not sure I know someone in my age range who hasn’t at least watched a Harry Potter movie and most of my friends are eagerly following the new release of the Percy Jackson Series (December 20th!!!). As much as I wish people would turn towards new POC authors who are trailblazing their own paths of authordom, I know many are still tied to the nostalgia of the past.
When first published, neither series included diversity up to today’s standards. Both trios were completely composed of white cisgender people: a male protagonist, a male best friend and sidekick, and a female friend and potential love interest. Although Riordan intentionally made Percy neurodivergent to depict the experiences of his real life son and Rowling crafted the entire series to support species equality, the core representation remained the same. That doesn’t even include Rowling’s problematic stereotyping of the werewolves and goblins who were based on people with HIV/AIDS and Jewish communities respectively. Riordan and Rowling’s subsequent elaboration (or lack thereof) on their respective universes showcases the difference between them as authors and allies.
Rowling has essentially never budged from her original position on representation in her series. To her, making Hermione Black in the theatrical adaptation of the series and retroactively admitting Dumbledore is gay was enough to show she is a proper liberal ally. Many would deem this too little too late, especially given the stereotypes used to describe people of color in the series like Kingsley Shacklebolt and Cho Chang. Rowling showcases prime examples of tokenization without ever addressing such simplistic character depth over two decades after the series’ publication.
Then, of course, there is the significant harm caused by Rowling’s unapologetic transphobia. She has only doubled down since her first transphobic tweet in 2020 by publishing a book about a cisgender man dressing as a woman to murder people (emboldening the false and harmful narrative of the trans predator), donating to anti-trans companies and legislatures, and claiming that continued support of the Harry Potter Universe is proof that people are in support of her transphobia views.
I think Rowling could have come out of this unscathed had she admitted her books were a product of her time and apologized for her wrongdoing to the trans community. Instead, she has only chosen to dig her heels into hatred. Suffice it to say Rowling is the bad example of allyship amongst these two authors.
Riordan, on the other hand, heard readers’ criticism of his predominantly white and straight series and returned with a sequel including complex characters not defined by their racial, gendered, and sexual diversity. Riordan’s central characters in subsequent series were Latini, Creole, Chinese, Native American, Muslim, bisexual, and genderfluid. His newest book that follows a gay couple from the original Percy Jackson universe is co-authored with a queer writer because Riordan did not want to attempt to portray an experience so distinct from his own. When Leah Jeffries who plays Annabeth Chase in the new TV series experienced racism from fans online, Riordan published a statement calling out the behavior. Since interviews have started he has continued to ensure she is supported. Rick Riordan is certainly imperfect but has continued to use his privileged platform to uplift voices rather than misrepresent or silence them.
While Rowling uses Twitter to corral an army of transphobes that dox anyone who looks gender non conforming in their profile picture, Riordan uses his platforms to vocally confront hatred. The same year Rowling mocked gender inclusive language for people who menstruate, Riordan was staunchly calling out transphobes criticizing genderfluidity in his series.
It is not enough to just magically make characters different identities because doing so erases the complexity of each experience and makes representation a farce.
Onto the question everyone has been waiting for: what does this mean for the T.V. series?
This is not just about allyship. This is about how Rowling continues to harm trans communities during a time where they are already experiencing heightened levels of violence.
Do NOT watch the HBO Harry Potter series or anything where Rowling gets streams and thus money! Illegally stream it. Watch the old movies on DVDs you already own. But every view pads her wallet and her ego, emboldening her to fund and support transphobia globally.
Reread the Percy Jackson series in preparation for the much awaited television show. Delve into Harry Potter fanfiction which doesn’t line the pockets of the Author Who Shall Not Be Named. Try new series from queer authors of color who deserve to be platformed far more than Rowling ever did.
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Warning: Long essay below the cut
Real talk about Harry Potter for a second. As a millennial who was into HP when I was younger, I have to honest and say that I did not see the problematic shit the J.K. Rowling put in her books. For a lot of us, growing up as a white kid in the early 2000's, we were not educated enough to see the anti-Semitism, racism, and lukewarm feminism that wasn't really feminism because Rowling made fun of Hermione for it. Watching the spiral of Rowling into TERF territory and aligning herself with people who reference Hitler in their TERF speeches and literal fascism breaks my heart. HP played a huge part in my childhood, as it did for many people. Sadly there are HP adults who continue to enable Rowling to use her platform for evil. Instead of looking back and dissecting the literature that formed our current mindset, there are people who grew up to be nasty people indirectly because HP taught them that anyone who complains about the system is doing progressive social justice wrong. Harry Potter became a wizard cop for the system that helped put Voldemort in a position of power. Hitler didn't rise to power out of the blue. He worked the current system in his favor and won support. He wasn't just some manipulative well spoken mastermind, he was using rhetoric that already existed. The criticism about the politics in the HP universe came far too late. We currently have numerous adults who are now currently voting to repress Black and queer history from schools, LGBTQ+ education, and criminalize being trans and gay in several states in the USA.
Not every adult who read HP became a fascist, not every adult who is fascist read HP. I'm certainly not saying that HP is solely the reason why anti-LGBTQ+ hate crimes are currently on the rise again and legislations are trying to get passed. What I am saying is that this is what happens when you don't think critically what you read. Critical analysis about what books are produced and by whom can help deter or enable the kind of ideas that Rowling associates with. Her brand of "progressiveness" is seen through the lens of an upper middle class and upper class white British woman. She largely benefits from a system that will come to be the shoulder for her to cry on when the internet "bullies" her, i.e when the internet and former fans try to hold her accountable for the inflammatory things she's said and written about trans people, women, Jews, POC, etc. I am not a saint in all of this either. My first book that I wrote which will never see the light of day again contained an Indian servant because I thought about historical "accuracy" which looking on it now was a load of shit. What I should have done in the first place was do critical research and properly acknowledge the racism and discrimination and imperialism of the British Empire. That character should not have existed and I deeply regret writing a story like that, even if my intention was not to further enable a white-washed history of the relationship between the British aristocracy and the people of India. Whether it was my intention or not, the fact that I wrote it was not okay. I am sorry for that. That book is no longer available and the remaining physical copies will stay with me. They aren't going anywhere. Moving forward, I will do better research and listen to the voices of people of color when it comes to writing characters outside of my own race.
Rowling has yet to learn that lesson towards trans people and keeps using the debunked conspiracy theory that "men dressed as women" will sexually assault someone in the ladies' room and take up female-dominated spaces. Transwomen are women. End of story. It seems that the more she is criticized for upholding anti-trans beliefs and conspiracy theories, the deeper she digs her heels in. She doesn't want to be corrected or told she's misinformed. The die hard fans of hers follow suit. Adult fans of HP have gone to assault and abuse transwomen, forgetting the soft-spoken message of the books they claim to love so much, that you should not hate people for who they are. I say soft-spoken because HP's message of anti-bigotry can hardly be called as such. It is spoken through the lens of upper class wealthy white woman's perspective of social justice and feminism. I say soft-spoken, and even limp-wristed, because its anti-bigotry message falls flat when discussing the numerous problematic and racist undertones in her writing. She wrote house elves as sentient creatures who want to be enslaved and made fun of Hermione for fighting for their freedom. She wrote the main characters to be all straight, white, and cis who later become part of the very system they fought against as children. The magical races in the Wizarding World universe are frequently looked down upon as if they're lesser than the human wizards and nothing is done for them. She did little to no research on non-European naming conventions and named the one East Asian character Cho Chang, combining a Korean and Chinese name as if the cultures are synonymous, named a black character Kingsley Shacklebolt, and allowed the Fantastic Beast franchise make Nagini (a South Asian name with cultural and religious significance) an Indonesian woman played by a South Korean actress. As if insult wasn't enough, Nagini is portrayed as a submissive Asian woman (stay classy Rowling!) who later dies at the hands of a white character to move the plot forward.
I wrote this fucking essay because Rowling is hurting so many people. Her kind of rhetoric which is a pandemic of hate towards trans people is hurting those I know. Two of my dearest friends are transwomen and I would fight tooth and nail for them. Hearing the author who wrote the books that got me interested in reading say things that accuse my friends of being men and wanting to assault women hurts them more than me and it infuriates me. She is one of the many reasons why diversity in reading is important so her mistakes don't get repeated and regurgitated. When you're a dumb white kid in the 2000's, you don't see the problematic stuff because you're not personally affected by it. Nobody can be racist against a white kid. And when authors like Rowling get praised in spite of the insensitive stereotypes and problematic shit in their books, it really is no wonder that we have a resurgence of hate crimes and rhetoric against LGBTQ+ folk and POC. The books didn't materialize out of thin air. There were so many editors who have had to go through the books and said, "Yep. That's fine" when she was writing offensive names for POC characters, anti-Semitic goblins, and having the white main characters join the system that put wizard Hitler into power.
It hurts to let something like HP go and die a slow painful death. It was a huge part of my childhood and got me into reading books. I might not be the reader I am today without those books. Because I will never be affected by the system in which people of color, trans folk, and the Jewish community are oppressed and I admit to being very privileged, I did not recognize the numerous red flags in J.K. Rowling's body of work until it was too late. For that I am sorry. The damage is done, but I'm trying to do better by listening and protecting my friends, trans or otherwise. J. K. Rowling can go fuck herself.
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fandompridehcs · 6 months
Updated pinned post
Abt me
I'm Anna but I also go by the names Maci, Hope, Clover, Moonlight, Seven, and Starlight
I'm 18
I use she/they/it pronouns and sometimes he/him
I also run @kincallouts and interact from there, and @annnathegayblogger
An abt me doc with more info is coming soon!
This blog is heavily inspired by mogai headcanons!
My other socials
YouTube: annastarlight
Another YouTube channel: Starlight studios
Jammable: Maci3
Starmaker: AnnaStarlight
Old Starmaker(no longer have access to) : annastarlight
Tier Maker: Anna
Insta: annastarlightnew
Old insta accs: F1lthyn4g1t0k1nn13, thesadgurlbutnotagurl, maci_starlight, ceystop3favships admin 💚, dailykomanami, annabutafb meme acc
Ao3: annathegaywriter
Tellynom: annathegayclown
Pronouny: annathegayclown
Twitter(no longer use): maci_starlight
Tiktok(no longer use): maci5521
Roblox: annastarlight
I have no set DNI, but my accounts are a safe space for POC, LGBT, palestinians, pronoun non conformity, lesboys/turgirls, mspec mono idenites and otherwise "contradictory" labels, alterhumans and nonhumans, kink partakers, systems(including non traumagenic systems), disabled folk(including paras and personality disorders), researched self dx
Hate to any of my followers might result in a block
I'm also anti contact for paras, generally against transx and think fiction affects reality, feel free to block me if my beliefs break your DNI
Request rules
No labels that positively encourage action on paraphilic disorders(unless it's reclaimed, for example, clovergender)
No labels that encourage pro ed, thinspo or body checking
Anything having to do with proship unless it's a recovering proshipper hc or a label related to it
Transx or transid stuff(unless transrace in the adopted sense, transabled hc specifically requested by someone with BIID, or a chronosian/altage individual reclaiming transage)
I will not allow any label used by exclus(ex. todamoric and sapphomoric)
No hcs of real people
I'll take hcs of the reclaimed definitions of recugender but I'll use this flag instead of the more well known one to avoid people thinking I'm a troll
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I also know circumgender has a reclaimed definition but idk if there's an alt flag, if there is tell me and I'll allow requests
No morosexual hcs
I'll allow hcs of the reclaimed definition of sapiosexual but I'll change it to "scisexual" or "cognisexual" and use this flag to avoid anyone thinking I'm abelist and classist
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No virosexual hcs
Rabiosexual is changed to "rabies pride" to avoid anyone thinking I'm a troll
None of these ships:
Incest ships, this includes step siblings and adopted family
Any ship between one or two minors with an age gap greater than 2 years(even between 2 minors is pushing it bc there's a big maturity gap between let's say a 13 year old and a 16 year old)
My policy with minor x adult ships: 18 or 19 is still relatively young, so if it's a 16-17 year old x an 18 year old or a 17 year old x a 19 year old I think it's fine bc they're still teenagers.
Overly abusive ships(I'm not nitpicky, if you can take them out of the canon events and circumstances without making them ooc I think it's fine)
Katsuki Bakugo x Izuku Midoriya from BNHA
Steven Universe x gems
Peridot x Lapius from Steven Universe
Kylo x Rey from Star Wars
Enterpa x other princesses, Cartra or Bow from She Ra
Izuru Kamakura x Nagito Komaeda from Danganronpa
Misa Amane x Light Yagami from Death Note
Eren Yeager x Mikasa Akerman from Attack On Titan
Eric Cartman ships
Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
Valentino ships other than Vox and Velvette(Hazbin Hotel)
Charlie x Alastor from Hazbin Hotel
Angel Dust x Alastor from Hazbin Hotel
Alastor x Nifty from Hazbin Hotel
Alastor x Husk from Hazbin Hotel
Other Alastor ships are fine in a QPR but no romantic relationships
Fizzaroli x Mammoth from Helluva Boss
Bella Swan x Edward Cullen or that werewolf guy
Kelly x Crybaby from K-12
Everything above also goes for my other accounts since I draw ship art, edit ships and write fics for ships. I won't draw, edit or write about the ships above.
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i-am-very-human · 3 years
Honestly, the whole Harry or Hermione + Draco thing gets exponentially more abusive and disgusting when shippers picture Harry / Hermione as Brown or Black. Like, at that point you’re not simply ignoring the white supremacist undertones to Draco’s character; you’re straight up embracing it and willfully perpetuating the “aww, won’t somebody think of the poor racist’s feelings!” / “let’s redeem neo fascists without requiring atonement!” BS that is already far too prevalent in the world. Super gross. Super dee duper gross.
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theleftovertaco · 4 years
I have been surfing tumblr for a while then all of a sudden I remember seeing art with Harry Potter character but as POC(one of them being hermione).
So then I search the web and found HC and art of HP being POC; harry being indian, hermione being black, lavender bi-racial, ect. There's even some explanation behind this since especially in the book and how it describes characters, because in my mind that's how I kinda imagine them, even when reading HP fanfic( No hate on the actors though, they did a wonderful job at portraying the characters).
What are your thoughts on the matter though because for me as a African American I find it rather eye opening and amazing, to see this. What do you think? Any opinions on this?
I think it’s awesome, especially since up until the 6th movie, lavender was mixed race (played by a black actress). They only changed her to be white once she was a love interest for Ron.
Hermione being black 100% is valid, as is Harry being Indian (there are posts you can find to back this up, headcanons saying that Potter is an angelicized version of Putlar/Puttar, I’ve also seen ones where Hermiones parents are immigrants, which would add to her drive to work extremely hard in school). Black, hispanic, and Asian people deserve characters that look like them, and ones that are well developed characters with realistic motivations and emotions, and more than just a few seconds of screen time (there’s also the argument that we should give characters that canonically are POC more attention such as the Patil twins, Dean, Angelina or Cho, but that’s a slightly separate conversation).
When I’m writing my fanfics, I do personally think of Harry as Indian and Hermione as black.
That being said, I am also not a black or Indian woman, so I cannot speak for those minority groups. My stance on it is that if it makes you feel happier and more represented and helps you feel connected with that characters to think of those characters as Black or Asian or Hispanic, then do that.
Furthermore, writers and producers need to do better when developing books, tv series or movies. They need to create fleshed out characters, especially BIPOC women.
JK Rowling failed to do this on so many fronts, but that doesn’t mean that people can’t take those characters. They do not belong to her in a vacuum. They’re for our consumption, for everyone’s consumption.
Imagine characters in the way that makes you feel represented. You deserve that.
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vaughen-gogh-away · 6 years
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It's 'Mione
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wolfpants · 2 years
look for me in the sun (a drarry fic)
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An early birthday gift for @moony-saraneth! Thank you for being my number one cheerleader, commenter, and friend! I hope you know how much you're adored in this community! It's been amazing getting to know you over this past year, here's to many more! Thank you to my team of betas and cheerreaders, I could not have done this without you @academicdisasterfic @lqtraintracks @oknowkiss! And a very special thank you to @crazybutgood who did a sensitivity reading on this fic, which features POC Harry and an interaction where he experiences microaggressions from an OC.
Look For Me In The Sun | Drarry | Rated M 8.7k words
Summary: Harry and Draco are on the run in America after a mysterious string of werewolf-like attacks in the Muggle community causes the Ministry to impose new and harsh anti-werewolf legislation. Giant trees, crashing waves, seedy motel rooms, and the long and winding coastal road awaits them, but will they ever be able to go back home?
Tags and Warnings: EWE, road trips, America, forests and forestry, werewolf!Draco, animagus!Harry, on the run, sexual content, racism and microaggressions via an OC, motels, Americana, hurt/comfort, minor injuries, vomiting, secret codes, Hermione is a badass, Drarry vs. the world kind of vibes, ASD-coded Draco, Harry Potter POV, POC Harry Potter, Indian Harry Potter, beaches and seaside, isolation, San Francisco
They crossed the state border an hour ago, and with it, they left the rain behind.
Draco’s window is open. Just a crack, just enough to let the air in; air that smells like the colour green, like ancient trees and grass trodden on by wild things. He’s dozing, his pale hair whipping around where it’s no longer sticking to his cheeks, his jaw. 
Harry glances at him every so often. It’s a pattern: road, tank, radio, Draco. Road again. It stretches out endlessly. America is impossibly, improbably large.
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dramioneasks · 3 years
Absolute Power - 1leilalook - E, abandoned - 'Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.' - John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton. Hermione Granger loves irony. Lives for it. An example: Harry and Ron leaving her behind on their mission to hunt Horcruxes 'for her own safety'... as if she's the liability. Another example of irony: Hermione being the brightest witch of her age, and yet doubtful to see the front lines of a war that is drawing ever closer.However, something sinister is afoot. She can feel it. What will happen when she's no longer certain that the 'good' guys are actually all that good?And what the bloody hell is Draco Malfoy doing imprisoned under the stone floors of Hogwarts?Only an insufferable know-it-all such as Hermione Granger would do anything to get to the bottom of things, including putting herself and her friendships on the line.
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thebluespirit83 · 3 years
debunking pro-snape/anti-james arguments and putting it on the internet because clearly i hate myself. buckle up. this is gonna be a VERY long post. im ready for the amount of hate i will get; im willing to take one for the team. 
1. james forced lily into dating/marrying/etc him 
this literally never happened? because its almost as if lily is her own person who is able to stand up for herself-
“I wouldn’t go out with you if it was a choice between you and the giant squid,” said Lily.
“LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Lily shouted. She had her own wand out now. James and Sirius eyed it warily.
She turned on her heel and hurried away [from james]. 
-and so she would not allow someone to walk all over her. its almost as if james (canonically) matured as a person, and she appreciated this, realised he was a good person and got feelings for him? because james’ only negative traits were that he was conceited and a show off. people are able to mature and grow from these things! james did this! he did not ‘force’ lily to go out with him!
2. james and the other marauders bullied snape
you know what, i cant even disagree with this one. you’re right - they did bully him. but lets look a little bit at the context. 
sirius and james were both upper class, naive white rich boys. they are idiots. they were both stupid smart teenagers!! they were popular! and while this does not excuse the gross bullying snape was subject to-
Pink soap bubbles streamed from Snape’s mouth at once; the froth was covering his lips, making him gag, choking him
Several people watching laughed; Snape was clearly unpopular ... Snape was trying to get up, but the jinx was still operating on him; he was struggling, as though bound by invisible ropes.
-it (unfortunately) makes sense with context. james and sirius also stopped bullying people, and even expressed discomfort/regret with the way they acted-
“I’m not proud of it,” said Sirius quickly.
“Of course he was a bit of an idiot!” said Sirius bracingly, “we were all idiots!
[sirius talking to remus] you made us feel ashamed of ourselves sometimes
A lot of people are idiots at the age of fifteen. He grew out of it.
-when they were younger! i’d also like to point out these little lines i noticed when i was finding quotes for my argument which snape stans like to ignore:
James and Snape hated each other from the moment they set eyes on each other
I mean, he [snape] never lost an opportunity to curse James
there was a flash of light and a gash appeared on the side of James’s face, spattering his robes with blood
wow, look at that. the hate they felt for each other was mutual! snape also jinxed james! but oh wait - james was the one who matured! snape was the one who bullied his son twenty years later because he looked like james! 
3. snape didnt abuse the kids at hogwarts 
here’s a real argument i saw when looking through some pro-snape posts: ‘snape wasn’t an abuser, because abusers don’t let their victims retaliate, but snape did let the kids talk back to him’
what. the. fuck?! 
this is the dictionary.com definition of abuse: ‘to treat in a harmful, injurious, or offensive way’ or ‘to speak insultingly, harshly, and unjustly to or about’. i’m pretty sure snape did both of these things-
“I don’t need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!”
“So,” said Snape, gripping Harry’s arm so tightly Harry’s hand was starting to feel numb.
Snape threw Harry from him with all his might.
[hermione’s teeth]  "I see no difference."
‘Idiot boy!’ snarled Snape [at neville]
-on multiple occasions. i’d also like to remind you guys that neville’s worst fear is SNAPE?! his TEACHER, a figure that is supposed to be there for emotional and educational support is his worst fear in this entire world?! above the woman who drove his parents to insanity? over failure, over his abusive grandmother, over everything? his teacher? and for the pro-snaper that used this quote-
Nearly everyone laughed. Even Neville grinned apologetically.
-to claim that it was a joke, it isn’t a joke. because when snape came out of that cupboard, he was terrified. yes, it’s an embarrassing thing to have as your boggart, but the point is is that it is. he is terrified of that man. 
4. james only joined the order because his wife was a muggleborn and he ‘had to’
this is just factually incorrect. james had been sticking up for muggleborn rights since he was in school, far before he started dating or even became friends with lily: 
“Apologize to Evans!” James roared at Snape, his wand pointed threateningly at him.
“I’d NEVER call you a - you-know-what!”
so this is literally not true!! plus, at least he did join the order, whatever his reasons where (which were canonically good). snape didnt join the order. snape was friends with someone who suffered discrimination in society, and instead of using his privilege to help her and support her, he joined a group that was set on murdering people like her. when james had a friend who underwent oppression (remus/lycanthropy) you know what he did? he illegally became an animagus. 
5. snape had to be a death eater to survive at hogwarts as he roomed with blood supremacists
this is the shittiest excuse i have ever seen in my entire life. as a poc, this comment really reminds me of the argument ‘i was raised in a racist white household! i cant control my beliefs!’
you can always control your beliefs. i understand not going on big rants about blood inequality in front of a bunch of supremacists, and i understand wanting to blend and fit in (especially because he was unpopular and needed the support the slytherin boys provided), but i will never understand then becoming an active member of the group yourself. he got the dark mark. he helped voldemort. he was a death eater, and a proud one at that! no-one forced him to join. this argument literally makes my blood boil. 
6. snape had a lot of trauma from being raised in an abusive household
okay? so did sirius. so did neville. luna was bullied at school, just like snape. harry lived in an abusive household. did any of those people bully children? did any of those people join a blood supremacist group? and dont get me wrong, im not calling any of these people perfect - they all had a lot of flaws - but none of them hurt another people to the extreme that snape did. 
7. snape saved the trio’s lives many times
this is the absolute bare minimum. ‘oh wow, he didnt let harry die!! what a king! he should be respected and praised! we should excuse all of his other actions because he didnt let people die <3′ 
8. snape is not a perfect person, he also did good that many people overlook
you’re right, snape did do some good things in his life. but unfortunately, for me and many others, doing a couple of good things doesnt excuse all of the shitty, abusive things he did too. we’re not ignoring them - we just dont think they’re good enough reasons to forgive him. 
‘but james and sirius hurt others! you ignore all the bad things they did in favour of the good!’ you do the same thing with snape, first of all. second, they did a lot of good stuff. james’ and sirius’ only crimes were being annoying. for being a bit of a dick, conceited, knew they were hot and were a bit entitled. while these things are annoying as fuck, they were also stupid teens that eventually grew out of their behaviour and became better people. not perfect! better. while snape just stayed bitter at the marauders, long after their deaths, and even took his anger out on an innocent child. 
9. people only hate snape because he was poc and queer coded
as a poc and queer person, please stop. this is a very bad excuse. being poc and queer (which im pretty sure he isnt, but anyway) doesnt excuse you from your actions. plus, a huge amount of harry potter readers are poc and lgbtq. why would they hate snape for those reasons?! 
so thats all i got for today. im not gonna go into a deep snily/jily thing because i literally cannot be bothered. anyway im done. i need to go revise, i’ve already spent long enough on this. 
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I don’t think anyone should be buying those HP dolls. HP was massively popular when I was a kid, I didn’t get it because it’s just too generic and childish for me, but my brother was a big fan and my best friend growing up was a massive fan, so I get that a lot of people love it. You don’t have to pretend it doesn’t exist and yeah a lot of creators of things probably weren’t very pro queer/trans/poc what have you especially if they were of a different time and have been dead for a while, but JKR is still alive and is spending all her time making money off of HP and spouting hate about trans people. Children now are seeing her and believing her because they love her creation and that’s not okay. She’s using her platform to advocate against trans people being allowed to exist and exist free of persecution.
I get that people grew up loving hp and all it’s characters and creatures, but at some point you have to accept that if you could ask Harry or Ron or Hermione about trans rights they would have the same opinion as JK herself. You can try to believe that they would be better than that, but they’re not real, they’re characters made from inside her mind and she believes that anti trans is the morally correct view, so her hero characters would inherently also believe that. You can’t separate them from her, they are her and they will be her unless someone takes over the franchise and changes the canon.
I’m not saying you can’t still love hp, but you have to realize where the money is going and what promoting it does and what it says about you. Don’t give her money, she has so much and odds are it’s going somewhere it shouldn’t be. People are using her words and her status to justify the mistreatment and persecution of me and my friends and my family, and if you care about trans people you can’t keep pretending like you can separate hp from JKR’s hate. I’m not calling you a bad person for rewatching your dvds on christmas, or writing fanfic or dressing your dolls in homemade hog warts garb, but don’t buy the dolls, don’t go to the theme park, don’t go see the new movies, because doing those things say that you think it’s okay to pay a woman who spends most of her time saying that an entire group of people don’t deserve to live.
Some people can’t avoid eating at Chick-fil-@ or shopping in h0bby l0bby (though I can hardly imagine a scenario where you can’t avoid that, but I’m sure it’s possible) but hp is not sustenance or a supply store. You are not an ally (even if you’re a part of the community) if you knowingly and Willingly pay someone who wishes to do another person harm that is undeserving. Trans people, gay people, indigenous people, poc, etc deserve to live without persecution and have rights, so don’t pay bigots. Look, I love twilight, I was a massive fan when it came out, but once I learned about who Stephanie me yer was and what her POV was when writing the book, I never paid her a cent again. I still enjoy the dvds somewhat ironically because I still have them, but I’m quick to tell people who she was and what she intended when she made those books.
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detectivenyx · 2 years
“bigoted art is always bad” is a take i don’t really agree with - like i do at the most base level, where the art’s only purpose is to incite bigotry or promote bigoted thoughts and it’s literally so obvious that any average johnny could figure it out
but it’s a take that a. ignores a lot of the subtleties of writing, and b. were it true, then all art would be bad. absolutely all of it.
if we take harry potter, if it were identifiably bad at the outset, we never would’ve had armies of mid-to-late millenials swearing by it, making the houses their personality traits, lamenting that they never got their letters to go to the madeup magic school. there was just enough competency in the writing and just enough allegory going ‘this blood purity is bad’, for rowling to slip her views subtly into the reader’s subconscious.
the banker goblins, hermione’s attitude towards the elf slaves being considered ridiculous, every PoC having extremely offensive names (ainsley shacklebolt, the patil twins, cho chang), the character of rita skeeter, dumbledore being gay but never on-screen? those are only talked about now that rowling is so openly bigoted, such an open white supremacist, hates trans people so openly, that it’s what she’s known for. but before it was widely out in the open, these depictions of antisemitism, racism, and anti-queerness, were almost never talked about. but they still existed all this time.
from the very date the books were published, people still thought the books were good, and only reevaluated after learning that the author was a terrible person.
but that opinion that the books were good? it still existed. the story would not take off if readers were not compelled by the work presented.
if you declare all bigoted art bad from the outset, you will be betrayed over and over again (at best - at worst you’ll absorb that bigotry!). if you keep in mind good art can be bigoted, compelling work can hold bias, you will keep an active mind while reading.
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thistlecatfics · 3 years
I wish you wouldn’t reblog blvnk-art’s works. She’s been very problematic and ignorant about brown Harry and black Hermione — and then there is the whole not drawing any POC characters in general. And somehow being from Brazil is an excuse? She’s a mess. Sorry, just thought you should know!
Hello Anon!
I appreciate you taking the time to message me - it sounds like you really care about fandom and anti-racism and what I post. I believe I am familiar with the accusations.
I don't participate in call out culture/cancel culture/morally motivated online social media campaigns to restrict someone's influence.
Some of my influences on this are the work of Loretta J. Ross, Clementine Morrigan, Sarah Schulman, and Alice Marwick's research on morally motivated networked harassment.
You are more than welcome to unfollow me, block blvnk, or do whatever you need to do to curate your online experience. I'm happy to chat more off anon about my principles on the subject or about this specific case if you have questions.
Take very good care <3
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