#anti piercing guns
i-never-grew-up · 16 days
Hey, just a reminder for people getting their ears pierced or getting their child's ears pierced:
I know it's expensive but what sounds better? Paying loads of money for safe piercings done by a person who's using sterile equipment and knows what to do if something goes wrong, or having it done at home with a sewing needle or a cheap piercing gun from Shien or at Claire's then ending up with LITERAL BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA in the ears and possible infection?
Trust me, as someone with 6 lobe piercings (3 on each ear). My first ones were done with guns when I was younger in the back of a hair salon and I cried and screamed, whilst my second and 3rd ones were done yesterday by a reputable piercer (shout out to Esther!) and whilst getting them done I just let out a lil 'oh!' at each one and that was it! It hurts way less done with a needle! Trust me!
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Bram "The GM" Stoker: Jack's lockpick roll was a success, so the bolt shoots back with a rusty clang, the hinges creak, and the heavy, oaken door opens wide. What do you do?
Arthur: Are there rats? I've got an anti-rat whistle! It's got a +9 against rats!!
Bram: You don't have darkvision, so... *rolls dice* ...you don't see any rats, per se.
Jonathan: Okay, then I want to do a spot hidden che--
Van Helsing: Too late! I've already walked in.
Jonathan: What?!
Jack: I guess I follow Van Helsing inside, but only after I mutter some pretentious prayer in Latin, then I go in.
Bram: Classic Jack. Well, since no one did a spot hidden check *rolls a big pile of dice*
Jonathan: *groaning*
Bram: *rolls even more dice* Now as the door shuts behind you and you all search through the decaying ruins, the pungent stench of mildew emanating from the wet stone walls, your dim lanterns barely pierce the thick curtain of darkness, you find only cobwebs and more shadows until... Jonathan, you can't get it out of your head that this feels like Transylvania all over again and maybe, just maybe, there's someone else here. Give me a sanity roll.
Jonathan: UGH! *rolling dice and sweating*
Quincey: Can I cast gun at the darkness?
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minty364 · 8 months
DPXDC Prompt#148 Part 3
It had been a few weeks since Danny got back to Amity park and he was still a little nervous to text Damian.
He could tell Damian was getting a little nervous and impatient with how slow he was taking to respond.
That and every time he felt like he had a moment, something like another ghost attack would happen. That and the GIW announced their campaign to enact something they called the Anti Ecto acts, effectively making his existence illegal. 
“Get back here ghost scum!” His mom shouted at him. Danny dodged an ectoblast as he flew away. His parents had been very persistent about catching him lately. If he was being honest it worried him a little.
Danny landed in his empty living room and changed back. Before he could do anything, the door to the lab bursts open and Danny’s dad is standing there with an ectogun pointed at Danny. 
“I knew those security cameras would come in handy” he boasted as he turned the dial up on the gun, “I hope those acts get passed, ghost scum!!”
Danny, fearing for his life, fled the house changing back into Phantom. He headed to where he knew was a small abandoned house with an emergency bag but before he could make it he felt a sharp pain in his side. 
His Dad was known to be a poor shot but not his Mom, and as he looked back at her piercing eyes he knew exactly what shot at him. “Get back here Imposter!” She shouted after him.
Danny turned invisible and made his way unseen. 
He got to the  abandoned house shortly after and found the emergency bag. He shakily wrapped his side with a bandage and used his ectoplasm to reform his suit. He took a few calming breaths before he stood up and put the backpack on his back. 
 He wasn’t sure how but he was going to find his soulmate and tell him everything. He hated how his parents reacted and he didn’t think he could handle if the same thing happened but he needed to know. 
He spent the next few hours flying and before he knew it he was in Gotham. 
Landing on a roof Danny took a few moments to catch his breath. He put pressure on his side and laid his head back on the side of the stairwell leading down. 
He changed back into his human form and unfortunately that meant he needed to re-bandage the wound in his side. 
Once that was done he packaged everything back up in his bag and brought out his phone. 
He could tell Damian was getting worried about him, the shock and betrayal Danny was feeling was something he couldn’t really control or hide.
He sighed and let his head thump against the wall behind him.
He should probably just call Damian but how exactly he’d explain about everything that just happened… but that would mean telling him the other things too and he just didn’t know if he had the courage for that just yet. He took another deep breath and then opened his eyes to see the smog covered skies. That was one bad thing about Gotham, no stars. 
He then took another deep breath and stood up and walked near the edge of the roof and looked down. 
He was way up probably 7-8 or so stories high. The cars down below go about their daily lives giving no mind to the kid on the roof way up high. 
He watched for a few minutes mulling things over. Then he heard a soft thump behind him. He turned around and found Nightwing had landed on the roof. 
“It’s dangerous up here, would you mind stepping away from the ledge?” He said but there was an edge to his voice like he was genuinely scared Danny might do something. He guessed the vigilante’s in this city really cared about its citizens. 
“Don’t worry I wasn’t going to jump or anything, just trying to clear my head…” Danny tried making his tone as even as possible. The wound in his side throbbed painfully and made it a little hard for him to concentrate. Whatever Mom hit him with did more than just singe his side. 
Unfortunately Nightwing seemed to have noticed Danny was in pain, “Do you need me to take you to the hospital?”
The word hospital rang out in his head for a moment before he realized that wasn’t exactly an option, “Yeah, no… I’ll be fine, I just got to figure out exactly what I need to text my soulmate… I’ve been procrastinating because he seems like an amazing person and I kind of hate to admit I’m kind of a failure that ran from home.” Danny forgot who he was talking to for a moment as he rambled. It felt nice to finally let some of what’s been bothering him out. He took a calming breath before continuing, “I can’t risk them calling my parents.” 
“Alright well, unfortunately you're not in Gotham just yet, we’re in Bludhaven. Can you tell me what their name is?”
Great so Danny can’t even fly to the right city. He took another calming breath, “Damian Wayne.”
Master Post:
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spidernuggets · 7 months
Hi hope you’re having a good/night can you do a Jason Todd x detective fem reader. She meets Jason , but she meets him when he’s red hood at a crime scene.
Jason Todd x FemDetective!Reader
"So you're the guy that's making my paperwork pile up higher than the Empire State Building."
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"Christ, another one?" One of your coworkers said as the limp, dead body was zipped up into a body, and evidence collected and put away.
You shrug a shoulder, writing down in your notepad a list of suspects and witnesses involved in this new murder, which was also linked to other recent killings.
"Adam Matthews." You state the victim's name.
"Drug dealer?" Your coworker asks, looking at the substance that Matthews had on his person being bagged for evidence.
"Mm. He was a cook for a drug dealer who tested on homeless kids or orphans. But Matthews was also known for being an accessory for other murders, kidnappings, and was guilty for sexual assaults," you state, sighing, putting your notebook away.
Your coworker fell shocked. "How the fuck is he not locked up?!" He yells.
"Links with richies," you scoff. "Well, he's dead now. His long, overdue debt it now paid." You always believed these kinds of people never deserved a second chance. All the previous murder victims were similar to Adam Matthews. So, others may call you crazy, but you were thankful for this anonymous killer going out of their way, killing scumbags like Matthews.
"I'm going to scout around the area, Parks," you told your coworker as he nodded and went to discuss with the other officers around the area.
You shone your flashlight around the narrow alleys, searching for any clues or evidence you could use to help solve the crime and catch the murderer. Or in your eyes an anti-hero.
Just as you were about to turn around and return to the scene, you heard grunts and strings of profanity coming from behind one of the dumpsters.
Your hand hovered over your gun in your hip holster, walking towards the sounds.
You swiftly turned to see the source, hand on the handle of the gun, and saw a certain, outlawed vigilante leaning on the dumpster, holding his arm, his body stained with blood.
His helmet lay in between his legs, his domino mask remaining on his face.
"What the fu- Red Hood??" You exclaim.
"You mind?" He groans, holding his hand out, trying to avoid the flash shining in his eyes.
"Shit, sorry," you reoly, turning it off and placing it on your utility belt. Your head tilted to the side, seeing that Red Hood was struggling to wrap his arm up. "It's loose," you say, referring to the bandage- or rag that he was tying around his bicep.
"Wow, really? Didn't- fuck- didn't notice," he says, cursing once more when the bandage fell down.
You roll your eyes, crouching beside his and taking the bandage from his, unwrapping his arm and rewrapping it tighter as it should be.
"So you're the guy that's making my paperwork pile up higher than the Empire State Building." You mutter, tying the bandage to stay in place.
"Sorry, little cop lady. Just doing my job." He hisses.
"It's little detrctice lady to you. And I'd appreciate it if you made your little killing sprees a little more discreet. Eventually, the actual cops are gonna catch your ass," you snicker, getting up.
"As if I let them." He bites back.
"L/n. Where are you?" Parks says through your walkie. "Did you find anything?"
Red Hood gets up, putting his helmet back on, looking down at you, waiting for your response.
You click on the button to reply. "No. Nothing here. Coming back now."
The white glowing eyes pierce through yours as Red Hood chuckles. "Hiding a criminal? Haven't taken a look through the law book in a while, but isn't that illegal?" You couldn't see it, but Red Hood grinned, amised at this new encounter.
You shrugged. "I'm only doing this because I know I can't stop you, even if I wanted to. Besides. If these ass rat criminals kept scurrying around, the papaerwork would be much more than you're making." You smirk.
He laughs. "So you're saying you don't want to stop me?" He crosses his arms.
"Have a good night, Mr. Hood." You bid him goodbye, walking back to the crime scene.
"And to you too, little detective lady," he says, quietly hoping to run into again after he puts lead into the head of his next target.
"Jeez, I thought you died or something. You were gone for a while, are you sure you didn't find anything?" Parks quickly asks you.
You quickly wipe away the blood on your palms from Red Hood's wound onto your black jeans. "Save the interrogation for the suspects, Parks. Nothing there but dead rats and graffiti."
You walk off, almost missing the shine of a red helmet running off on the roof of a building in the distance as you smirk to yourself, also secretly hoping Red Hood would cause another casualty to meet him again.
Parks was about to walk off, too, almost missing the tiniest splotch of red on your white shirt as he raised an eyebrow.
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I didn't want to leave this ask in my inbox for too long and forget about it 😭😭
BUTTTT if you or anyone else wants!!! I can make a part 2 where Reader and Red Hood begin a constant meetup after every death Red Hood causes (only to those criminals who deserve it, obvi). And Parks becomes suspicious of Reader and threatens her or that Reader's job is put on the line!!!!
I was going to add this idea in, but I'm really bad at making long fics cuz I always wanna get it over and done with and I'm so impatient 😭
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neo-novaa · 1 year
Hobie would def give you piercings and stick n pokes :3
this is so real and true
i like to think that meeting hobie, you didn't have nearly as much skin adornment as him. maybe you had your ears pierced, or a septum, or a really small tattoo just barely the size of your thumb— but it was nothing compared to what hobie had.
several cuffs in his cartiledge with even more earrings dangling from the lobe, two piercings in each eyebrow, a bridge, snake bites— it went on and on and on.
and that doesn’t even include the piercings you couldn’t see: he also had his bellybutton and nipples pierced (don’t even try to argue with me on that one.)
oh, and his tattoos. nearly all of them were stick and pokes, but the ones that weren’t? you can bet your ass they were done with a dinky ass tattoo gun in a friend (or a strangers) apartment.
so, with hobie all decked out and covered in ink and silver, of course he’d want to sink his teeth into you and help you on your journey in doing the same.
i am a firm believer that hobie’s done most of his piercings by himself. so subsequently, he’d give you nearly any piercing you’d ask for. because if he hasn’t done it to himself, chances are he’s done it to a friend.
medusa piercing? he’s done it a hundred times. anti-eyebrow? just did one last week. 
but he’d only go as far as you’d want him to; if you were less excited about the idea, maybe he’d only give you a nose piercing, or something on your ears, or just get you some loud and obnoxious jewelry that you’d be too nervous to get by yourself. 
and maybe, just maybe, if you'd let him, he’d tattoo his name into your thigh.
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stinkysam · 2 months
Serge "Frenchie" - Meeting the boys.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : The boys meet you, Frenchie's boyfriend. Idea by @jadenisdead
Reader : male (he/you)
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They met you by accident.
There was a hero convention. But mainly it was far right wing propaganda. Guns, disturbing pro-life posters, anti-lgbt stands next to bibles and Jesus on his cross with racists flyers and a few occasional supes.
There were only two ways to get in. Be a supe, like Starlight who brought the boys with her, or pay. Like you did.
You had to pay a rather high price to get in but you didn't care. You wanted to take photos and film everything that was happening. To show to those who didn't attend how dangerous the “mindset” they proudly flaunted here was. And mostly, to put on display the faces of the proud nazis who were here so people would know to not approach them.
The boys followed Annie, watching around and trying to gather information on their way. That is until Frenchie saw you.
He didn't recognize you. You were in plain clothes, no pins or stickers on your bag, shirt, jacket or cap, your tattoos were hidden and your piercings were gone. You even had a small cross hanging around your neck to complete the good christian look.
He stopped in his tracks and blinked hard, rubbing his eyes as well. Did you have a clone ? Kimiko stopped too, noticing Frenchie wasn't following anymore.
But that's when you turned your face toward him for a few seconds that he recognized you. His eyes grew in size, shock evident and Kimiko looked at him.
“What ?” She signed. No response. She wanted to hit him on the arm to get his attention but Frenchie walked away before she could do anything. Quickly she tapped Hughie's shoulder who stopped everyone.
“Qu'est-ce tu fais là ?” Frenchie asked you, voice quiet to not attract attention, grabbing your elbow. You snapped your head toward him and pulled your arm away out of reflex. Your eyes got round when you saw him, before frowning in confusion.
“Toi, qu'est-ce tu fais là ?”
“J’ai demandé en premier.” He replied with a smirk, almost proud of it. You sighed and rolled your eyes, slightly amused.
“C'est pour mon blog.” You started. “Je veux que les gens sachent ce qu'il se passe vraiment dans ces conventions. Que les supes ne sont pas de notre côté. Le peuple, les minorités.”
Frenchie smiled. He knew you hated supes, you had always been very vocal about it even before dating him or knowing about his “friends”. You even had pins and shirts with anti-supes messages on them.
You'd often get comments about them. Not always good ones. But you didn't care.
“Du coup ? Tu fais quoi içi ? Y'a les gars ?” You asked, looking around for them but before he could answer, a voice was heard behind him.
“Who's that ?” A skinny guy with curls was looking at you… Along with his friends. An angry looking guy with black hair, one looking just as tough but less angry, a blonde girl who's clearly in hiding clothes and one with black hair and a confused expression on her face.
“C'est eux ?” You asked, pointing at them with your head.
Frenchie moved to your side, chuckling lightly as he scratched his nose and planted his hand on your back.
“Oui. [Name], this is the boys.” He said, and pointed at them one by one. “Petit Hughie, monsieur le charcutier, M.M, Annie and Kimiko. Boys, this is [Name], my huh…” He looked around quickly, making sure no one was listening and continued, leaning closer to them as he spoke quietly with a smile. “my boyfriend.”
The charcutier ? Butcher, you supposed, rolled his eyes as he turned away along with M.M who placed a hand on his shoulder, seemingly trying to calm him. Clearly this was not the reveal Butcher was hoping for. Was he hoping you’d have a way to help them ? You irked an eyebrow at his reaction. But Kimiko's eyes lit up along with Hughie's and Annie’s.
“Your boyfriend ?” Kimiko signed excitedly before hitting him and signing again. “Why didn't you tell me ?”
“That's- great.” Hughie said, a bit shocked, still looking at you. “Why didn't you tell us ?” He smiled as he turned his attention back to Frenchie.
“Well…” He started as you stared at Hughie and Kimiko. That's when it hit you. They're the Kimiko and the Hughie. You cut him off.
“You're Kimiko ? I've heard so much about you, hi !” You smiled brightly before looking at Hughie. “And you're the guy he kissed ?” You say more quietly, squinting your eyes.
Hughie frowned, confused before remembering what you were referencing. Fuck, why did Frenchie tell you that ?
“No- it's just- it’s because, you see- compound V-” He began, panicking and sweating, looking both at you and Annie putting his hands in front of himself before seeing you laugh. “W- what ?”
“You did great. Good job for the V.” You said, patting his arm before turning to Annie. “And you too. I don't know how things are in the tower but thank you for helping anyway.”
Annie eyed Hughie, still confused about the kiss thing but smiled at you nonetheless, but before she could say anything, Butcher spoke. She side eyed him, not appreciating being cut off.
“We ain't got all day. He coming with us or not ?” He said coldly, looking at Frenchie who quickly shook his head side to side.
“No, no, no, no, no. He's not coming. It's too dangerous.”
“Pourquoi pas ? Je pourrais montrer au monde à quel point ils sont dangereux.” You pointed to your camera hooked to your jacket with your head, his hand was still on your back.
“Non, c'est trop dangereux.” He turned you so you could face only him. “Je veux pas que tu sois blessé ou encore plus traumatisé.”
You sighed. He was right. But still.
“Et toi, alors ?” You asked, tilting your head to the side, frowning.
“Mais moi c'est pas grave, qu'est-ce qu'on en a à foutre ?” He said with a smile almost laughing as if his life didn't matter.
“Dit pas ça, connard.” Your fist hit his arm harshly. “Je n'en ai pas rien à foutre de toi, moi. Tu comprends ?”
He sighed. It's true you cared about him, things were different, he couldn't just put his life on the line without hurting people. You, Cherie, Kimiko, even the boys would care if he died.
He wanted to rest his forehead against yours but he abstained from doing so knowing it would attract attention. So instead he grabbed your hands.
“Tout va bien aller. Y'a deux supes sur qui je peux compter maintenant. Et Butcher et M.M, même. Et y'a même petit Hughie !” He smiled, trying to let his confidence ease your worries.
“Il sait tenir une arme ?” You asked, raising an eyebrow, looking over his shoulders to watch Hughie.
“...Oui.” He said after a moment, moving his head to get back into your eyesight. Hughie didn't really know how to shoot or how to reload any gun but… it wasn't Hughie's first time holding one. It wasn't yours either.
“C'est pas convainquant du tout…”
“Stop. Tu ne peux pas venir avec nous. Je suis désolé.”
Frenchie took it, hooking it to his jacket quickly before pulling away, squeezing your hands gently.
“Ok. J'ai compris.” You replied a bit too coldly for your liking, looking away. “Prends ma deuxième petite caméra avec toi. Elle filme. Comme ça je louperai rien.” You added, looking into your bag to give him your other camera, the one that filmed everything.
“Je t'aime.” He said with a smile.
“Je t'aime aussi.” You replied watching him walk toward the boys waiting for him.
You saw Kimiko sign something to him, and they both looked at you. He signed something back and Kimiko smiled. You didn't know what this was about but you knew you were the topic with how she looked at you before waving goodbye to you and disappearing into the crowd.
You waited a moment, waiting for them to completely be gone and went back to what you were doing. Taking pictures of the stands, posters, and people discreetly, hoping nothing bad would happen to Frenchie.
Traduction - Translation :
(Toi,) qu'est-ce tu fais là - (You,) what are you doing here ?
J'ai demandé en premier - I asked first.
C'est pour mon blog. - It's for my blog.
Je veux que les gens sachent ce qu'il se passe vraiment dans ces conventions. Que les supes ne sont pas de notre côté. Le peuple. Les minorités. - I want people to know what's really happening in these conventions. The supes are not on our side. The people, minorities.
Du coup ? Tu fais quoi içi ? Y'a les gars ? - So ? What are you doing here ? The boys are here ?
C'est eux ? - It's them ?
Pourquoi pas ? Je pourrais montrer au monde à quel point ils sont dangereux. - Why not ? I could show the world how dangerous they are.
Non, c'est trop dangereux. - No, it's too dangerous.
Je veux pas que tu sois blessé ou encore plus traumatisé - I don't want you to get hurt or even more traumatized.
Et toi, alors ? - And you, then ?
Mais moi c'est pas grave, qu'est-ce qu'on en a à foutre ? - But for me it's not important, what shit do we give ?
Dis pas ça, connard. - Don't say that, asshole.
Je n'en ai pas rien à foutre de toi, moi. Tu comprends ? - I do not not give a shit about you, you understand ?
Tout va bien aller. Y'a deux supes sur qui je peux compter maintenant. Et Butcher et M.M, même. Et y'a même petit Hughie ! - Everything's going to be fine. There's two supes I can count on now. And Butcher and M.M, even. And there's even petit Hughie !
Il sait comment tenir une arme ? - He knows how to hold a weapon ?
C'est pas convainquant du tout. - It's not convincing at all.
Stop. Tu ne peux pas venir avec nous. Je suis désolé - Stop. You can't come with us. I'm sorry.
Ok, j’ai compris. - Okay, I understand.
Prends ma deuxième petite caméra avec toi. Elle filme. Comme ça je louperai rien. - Take my second small camera with you. It's filming. That way I won't miss a thing.
Je t'aime (aussi). - I love you (too).
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foone · 1 year
One of the main reasons I don't own a gun, despite being from the south, is that a large part of my brain* genuinely believes it is Legal and Right to shoot anything making too much noise.
You might say "but foone, guns are loud!". True, but you need to think of the long term. If I let my neighbour mow the lawn every Friday, then they will be loud forever. If I shoot their stupid fucking tractor with an anti-materiel rifle, then there will be a very loud noise... Once.
Plus it'll send an important message to all other loud noise producers. Maybe that guy with the fucking hair-trigger car alarm will reconsider once stuff starts ending up with fresh .50 BMG piercings.
Anyway, yeah. That's why I don't own any guns. Because rationally I know it's wrong and illegal to start firing them all willy-nilly at stuff that makes loud noises, but for a few seconds when I'm afflicted with MISOPHONIC RAGE I am not thinking remotely rationally.
It's like how you're nit supposed to sneak up on and poke someone with martial arts training, because their training might kick in and knock you to the floor.
For my continued well-being and the safety of others, I need to not have guns because my instinctual reflex reaction to loud noises is to destroy it until it shuts up permanently.
And a message is left for the next 10 generations that some things are too loud a noise. Their heads will be put on a pike and I'll look up and silently wave, just like this!
I am Foone Turing, the right hand of sensory sensitivity and the boot that is going to kick your sorry ass all the way back to Earth, sweetheart! I am silence incarnate, and the last living thing that you will ever see. God sent me. *I am hauled off by Babylon 5 security*
*it's the misophonia part of my brain, obviously.
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blubushie · 1 year
hihihi can we get a part 2 for gun mistakes??? -leafanon
G'day leafanon!
SNIPERS WILL NOT STICK THE BARREL OF THEIR RIFLE OUT OF OPEN WINDOWS. Best case scenario is you’re sat in a mildly-uncomfortable chair while your spotter stands or sits next to you in an even more uncomfortable chair with a rangefinder. Before rangefinders were introduced (1990s and earlier) you were merely going off estimates (“That building is 50 yards, the next is 25, etc etc”). You never put the barrel out a window because it’d give away your position and put you AND YOUR SPOTTER in danger.
MOST MODERN SCOPES HAVE AN ANTI-GLARE COATING AND/OR A SUNSHADE TO PREVENT GIVING AWAY YOUR POSITION. This is especially useful when hunting as many animals (deer, turkeys, pigs) are incredibly vigilant and will bolt if they see the glint off a scope. This also helps with the sunlight hitting your scope and nearly blinding you from taking your shot. There are some cases of this still happening in “modern” times (notoriously the sniper duel between Carlos Hathcock and Cobra, a North Vietnamese sniper during the Vietnam War) but it’s very rare and scopes that are currently used by police, military, and most hunters don’t glint. This is what a sunshade looks like.
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BULLETS DO NOT PENETRATE WATER WELL. Water density is much higher than air and the shape of bullets means they don’t travel well in water. Most bullets will fragment or fold upon hitting the surface of the water and their speed is greatly reduced. Supersonic rounds (such as rifle-calibre, up to .50) fragment within a metre (~3ft) of the water’s surface. Slower sub-sonic rounds (such a pistol-calibre) can travel up to 3m (~10ft). Once you’re a metre under the surface, however, it’s unlikely for any round under .50 to even penetrate you on contact as it loses most of its kinetic power. Arrows however are very aerodynamic and may maintain their kinetic energy up to 2m (~6) and perhaps twice that if you're shooting straight down.
RESEARCH. RESEARCH. RESEARCH. Know the weapons you draw/animate/write. It might not matter to you, but it will make or break it to your viewer. Is the weapon single-shot or does it use a magazine? What is the magazine capacity? What is the recoil? How do you reload? What do you do in case of a jam? Does your character know the weapon well? YouTube is your best friend in this regard.
CLIPS AND MAGAZINES ARE NOT THE SAME THING. These are clips vs magazines. Clips are open and hold the cartridge by the bottom. Magazines fully enclose the cartridges. Clips only hold rounds together to make them easier to feed into a magazine.
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BLOODY TRIGGER DISCIPLINE. If your character is waving a firearm around with their finger on the trigger I am personally coming to kick your arse. You keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to shoot. YOU DO NOT POINT YOUR MUZZLE TOWARD ANYTHING YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO SHOOT.
PROPANE TANKS WILL NOT EXPLODE IF YOU SHOOT THEM. Also, handguns are rarely powerful enough to pierce propane tanks. CARS WILL NOT BLOW UP IF YOU SHOOT THE PETROL TANK.
IF YOU FIRE A FIREARM IN AN ENCLOSED SPACE IT IS GOING TO TEMPORARILY DEAFEN YOU. GUNS ARE BLOODY LOUD. That’s why we wear ear protection. This applies less in intense combat situations as (in my experience) tinnitus doesn't happen if you start shooting after your adrenaline starts pumping.
MAG-DUMPING. Not only is it very dangerous because of the recoil, it’s a stupid waste of ammo as the recoil buggers up your aim so you’re rarely hitting your target. Unless your character is in a panic and/or holding down the trigger out of rage, they’re not going to mag-dump because you’ll empty your entire magazine in only a few seconds (stupid in a combat situation) and rarely hit your target. Fully automatic weapons are fired in short bursts of 2-5 rounds at a time.
IT’S INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT TO HIT A MOVING TARGET. IT’S EVEN HARDER TO DO IT WHEN YOU’RE THE ONE MOVING. Rounds fired while moving are typically just suppression fire—basically shots fired to make your enemy take cover so that they have no time to shoot at you. You are not aiming at a specific target. It’s spray-and-pray.
HIPFIRING IS SPRAY-AND-PRAY. It’s EXTREMELY difficult to hit a target while hipfiring and hitting any intentional target while doing so requires EXTENSIVE practice. For this reason most hipfiring is spray-and-pray—spray, and pray you hit something.
SHOTGUNS ARE EFFECTIVE AT MUCH FURTHER THAN ONLY A YARD OR TWO. Most stay clustering within 50yds. That’s this distance. If you're firing a slug it can be accurate to up to TWICE THIS DISTANCE.
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SHOTGUNS WILL NOT THROW THE VICTIM ACROSS A ROOM. They don’t have that much kinetic power, and even if they did, they’d throw the shooter across the room first because they’re taking the brunt of the kinetic energy in the form of recoil.
BULLETS WILL PEIRCE CARS. Car doors will not protect you from bullets, not even the door of a police cruiser. THE ONLY PART OF A CAR THAT WILL PROTECT YOU FROM BULLETS IS THE ENGINE BLOCK. The rest is just concealment cover and will not protect you.
MOST CRIMINALS IN THE USA WILL NOT HAVE FULLY AUTOMATIC WEAPONS. This is less applicable to scenes that occur before the 1980s when there were more full-auto weapons on the streets, but even then were INCREDIBLY expensive and even your most notorious gangster would be unlikely to have them. Unless your character is a top-of-the-line 1920s-1940s Chicago/NY mobster, they probably won’t have that Tommy gun unless they’re filthy rich or the weapon was given to them by someone else who's filthy rich.
STOP HOLDING YOUR HANDGUN SIDEWAYS. YOU DON'T LOOK COOL, YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT AND THAT'S HOW YOU GET JAMS. Having a character do this is a great way to show they're all bluff and an idiot, though.
YOU CANNOT PUT A SUPPRESSOR ON A REVOLVER. Well, technically you can, but it won't work. There's a gap between the cylinder and the bore and in this space is something called the forcing cone. There's a gap between the forcing cone and the bore which allows gas (and sound) to escape from the cylinder, which renders the suppressor absolutely useless since the sound and gas just escapes anyway.
As before, if I think of any more I'll add them later!
As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an ask!
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French 25mm APX anti-tank gun. Produced in both mle 1934 and 1937 versions, this one being a 1937 model. The mle 1937 was intended to be used by infantry units and towed by horses. However both had models poor armor piercing performance of only 40 mm (1.6 in) at 400 m (440 yd) and while easy to use, were too lightly constructed to be durable. Does have a neat muzzle brake though. At the US Army Armor and Cavalry Collection.
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setra-studies · 2 days
heyyy, since you said youd like to tell me more about that japanese occupation thing, i am here requesting anything else about it just cuz you seem to have lots of fun explaining it!! :3
1940s : a filipino perspective
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oh my god !!!
thank you SO much for this ask!!!
alr alr i'll actually get started now
TWS: blood, war, injury, bombings, rape, murder, general war-crime stuff, HEAVY torture
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 1941: the start of fear
japan, aspiring to unite the countries in asia into the greater east asia co-prosperity sphere, called GEACOPS for short, had occupied manchuria already by the 1940s, and the philippines was the next thing japan wanted.
but the philippines was already occupied and colonized by the americans -- so this lead to the famous bombing of pearl harbour on december 7, 1941. in my textbook, here's an excerpt of the news in the honolulu star bulletin:
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this was very strategic, as this was the largest american military base in the pacific, therefore cancelling out america disrupting japan's takeover as they were recovering from the bombing.
USAFFE (united states armed forces in the far east) were an army of filipino and american soldiers organized by general douglas macarthur, but were no match for the japanese forces. marching from north and southeast, the japanese moved toward manila and occupied the city.
an account of the pearl harbour bombing in the philippines by lourdes reyes montinola states:
on december 8, 1941, feast of the immaculate conception, we were on our way to church when news of the bombing of pearl harbour came. that same evening, a piercing siren warned us of an aerial attack--the first of a hundred we were to experience. we crouched in fear as the enemy dropped the first bombs, and our defenders fired anti-aircraft guns . . .
we remained unaware of impending tragedy until the day manila was declared an open city. we did not realize how bad things were going to be until we saw enemy soldiers carrying white flags with the red sun slowl passing through taft avenue . . . soon after, our house was commandeered by the japanese as were many other residences on vito cruz and taft avenue . . .
general macarthur declared manila an open city on december 26, 1941, which means it has been abandoned by its defenders. the japanese invaders, however, continued bombing, until vital installations and buildings of manila were gone. on new year's day 1941, USAFFE retreated into the hills and forest of bataan in the west, foreshadowing an even which will eventually be called the most inhuman atrocity in world war ii -- the bataan death march.
in the afternoon before christmas day, december 24, 1941 amid heavy bombings in the city the national government headed by quezon* and osmeña* were evacuated to the island fortress of corregidor. secretary of justice jose abad santos, general basilio valdes, and colonel manuel nieto were with them. manila was left under the care of jose p. laurel, the acting chief justice and the city mayor, jorge vargas. at the malinta tunnel in corregidor, quezon and osmeña took their oath for their second term as president and vice president of the philippine commonwealth*. after a few days the group left for australia and then for the united states.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ surrender and the open city
moving on to the horrific death march in bataan, soldiers were imprisoned by the japanese. but with no provisions, they were then ordered to walk to camp o'donnel, a concetration camp in capas, tarlac, and their march reached a whopping total of 126 kilometers.
but before that could happen, first, on april 9th, 1942, the 75,000 strong USAFFE soldiers in bataan laid down their arms, surrendering to the japanese. may 6th, 1942, the last remaining stronghold, corregidor, was also surrendered by general wainwright.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ the horrors of bataan
to understand the terrible nature of this event, you must understand that no one had water. no one had food. no town could offer the dehydrated, starving filipino and american soldiers food or water or risk being beat by the japanese. escape was impossible, as the japanese shot down whoever attempted to do so. not even dirty canals or wells were available to men for drinking water. the dead were left to grow hot in the sun by the roadside, and if you were nearly dead the japanese would just shoot you and end it already. watches, rings, fountain pens, everything was looted by the japanese soldiers from the USAFFE men.
of the group that started in bataan, 10,000 died. more died in the concentration camp.
from san fernando, surviving prisoners were densely packed into boxcars with no ventilation and brought to capas. as the trains moved to their location under the hot sun, the boxcars became ovens that cooked the men inside alive.
six kilometers were left after their trip, that were once again agonisingly walked by the soldiers. 15,000 died of hunger, malaria, diarrhea, and more executions. a war veteran by name of quirico v. cadang shares his experience in his memoirs:
the earlier mentioned jose p laurel now acted as president of what is called the puppet government -- named after the japanese's puppetry of the new president. laurel was actually doing well in regards to running the country and reducing harm done, and allowed philippine history to finally be taught in schools. this government, the japanese-sponsored republic, was inaugurated on october 13, 1942.
beheadings, cutting of throats, and casual shootings were the more common actions of japanese war atrocities--compared to instances of bayonet stabbing, rape, disembowelment, rifle butt beating and a deliberate refusal to allow the prisoners food or water while keeping them continually marching in tropical heat. falling down or inability to continue moving was tantamount to a death sentence, as was any degree of protest.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ the state of the government
economy was at an all time low during the occupation -- food and water scarce, as money was used to repair bombed buildings and such. prices soared in result.
the japanese kempeitai raided houses with unregistered radios, whos owners were then imprisoned in fort santiago, and inhuman punishments were meted out to them as a daily exercise.
failing to bow to the japanese sentries stationed at street corners resulted in harm to whoever had done so -- but that was not the main source of fear. the spy was.
filipinos could also be spies for the japanese -- called the makapili (literally meaning "choosy" or "the one who chooses"). he was to identify rebels (called guerrillas) and those identified would become targets and would be executed accordingly.
many years after the war, the abuses done to filipino women came to light. the "comfort women" were used to relieve soldier's sexual urges, and were often gathered into houses, even schools to be raped over and over every day. the infamous pulang bahay (red house) is the most well known place where this happened.
remedios fellas, 72, presented her story in a book entitled "the hidden battle of leyte: the picture diary of a girl taken by the japanese military." i will not describe anything in the book, as i deem it perhaps too graphic for this blog and i don't want people to get scared off. but i will say that stories like these were truly horrible, and no woman should ever suffer like this as spoil of war ever again.
by 1945, the americans were ready to return. after a bit of island-hopping (and subsequent victories), the leyte gulf war commensed. the american fleet, composed of 650 ships and 4 army divisions, cleared the area and subdued the japanese troops. from october 24 to 26, the battle for leyte gulf took place. the battle at surigao strait ended with the japanese annahilated. the battle of samar, after an endless day of fire and shooting, the americans had the upper hand. leyte, liberated on october 26th, 1945, was now the temporary capital.
the guerrilla / resistance movement was the main source of rebellion, monitoring enemy activity and reporting to general macarthur, to carry out assaults against the japanese military, and to kill japanese sympathizers and spies.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ freedom in reach
manila's liberation finally took place on january 9th, 1946, as the americans surprised the japanese with a landing of troops in lingayen gulf. on february 3, the troops entered manila. freeing prisoners, over 1000 were saved from the bilibid prisons -- and these prisoners were those of bataan and corregidor.
seeing the futility of their situation, the japanese committed a final horror before the battle begun -- the manila massacre. violent mutilations, rapes, and murders took place. filipinos were gathered into houses to be shot or burned down, and women were mass raped. a japanese battalion order dates february 13th reads:
when filipinos are to be killed they must be gathered in one place and disposed of with the consideration that ammunition and manpower must not be used to excess. because the disposal is a troublesome task they should be gathered into houses scheduled to be burned or demolished. they should also be thrown into the river.
about 100,000 of the one million residents in manila died in the absolute massacre. 1,000+ us soldiers were also part of the casualties while 5,565 were wounded. 16,000 japanese soldiers died as well, mostly sailors. the battle of manila was recorded as the fiercest urban fighting in the entire pacific war.
when in class, we watched a video of this massacre -- manila was gone. razed to the ground. on february 23rd -- my own birthday -- the fighting stopped. buildings gone. ground dirty with blood of filipinos, americans and japanese alike. the past six years culminated into a battle of the greatest intensity, and it ended in a city destroyed completely. the beauty of manila nowhere to be seen, the filipinos won back their independence at a cost too heavy to carry.
in malacañang palace, macarthur gathered the filipino leaders, finally declaring a statement that brought joy to the nation, that allowed the deaths of thousands of rebels to have come to use:
my country has kept the faith. your capital city, cruelly punished though it be, has regained its rightful place--citadel of democracy in the east.
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thank you for reading. feel free to request other historical events.
if you read through this and feel very traumatized, play tetris. you'll likely forget most of the traumatizing details. i apologize in advance.
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spike-and-faye · 7 months
Important and Correct Headcanons:
Spike has an Rx for Space Prozac but he never remembers to fill it. (This is actually a good thing bc you're not supposed to drink with anti-depressants.) Jet was prescribed antidepressants too but has some weird moral hang up on using them.
Faye could've prevented 9/11 because I fully believe she coulda snuck a gun onto a plane and wrested control from the terrorists. However upon seizing control of the cockpit she'd immediately crash into the island from Lost
Jet installed a bidet toilet seat on the head on the Bebop. His masculinity isn't threatened by having a spotless ass hole.
Spike is forklift certified
Faye had an IUD in during the accident and incidentally has had it in for 50+ years now
Ed stays the age 13 forever because of some weird future space tech.
Ein is Whitney's biological dog son who he abandoned. Kind of a Nina from FMA situation.
Andy has had full laser hair removal of his pubes, including his nads.
Julia has pierced nips
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chaotickiddo · 1 year
My energy and time is limited and messages can get lost so if I don't answer you, it's not personal💕
I do not want to Dom you unless you pay me for my time, do not ask.
I don't have a partner and am not looking for one 😊 I'm very happy just playing with my fwb(s) and hope to create more meaningful relationships and meet more like-minded people to grow with.
About me:
Hi there 👋🏼 I'm Luna/Bug, yes those are actually the names I go by and I will not be giving out my dead name, don't ask.
You can also call me kiddo, mutt, creature and moth among other things.
SoCal ☀️🌱
Disabled/chronically ill
Pronouns: ALL but prefer they/he/it/she
Pansexual/possibly also Demisexual
Ethically nonmonogamous/polyamorous
CNC, somnophilia, petplay, DD/LG, impact play, breathplay, orgasm torture, cock warming, free use, intox, kidnapping, gun/knife play, ropeplay/shibari/suspension, anal, r4p3pl4y, fauxc3st, degradation/humiliation mixed with praise, edging, occasional gore, and plenty more, I'm generally a gross lil toy🫶🏼😇
Kinks I only play w/certain people:
Gunplay, denial, cheating kink
scat, vomit, branding (hot items), detrans, raceplay, maybe piercing play🤔 there's not that much, I'll update as I think of em
Tags on my page:
I have them tagged below so you can easily browse 🥰
#D4ak / #me - pics of yours truly 🌜💕
#cutedateidea - exactly what it sounds like
#meandwho - let's me real, it's me and the besties/mutuals
#thisenergy / #this - things I like
Tip me here:
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Send screenshot for proof🖤
I'm not really making content like I used to anymore though you can always send me a tip and I will always send you a gift back! All tips/gifts are extremely appreciated! 🖤🫶🏼
For now
Minors, pet/age regressors, lil tots, incels, maps, terfs, radfems, trump supporters, anti-lgbtqia+, any hate, if you aren't here to be considerate, queer, kinky and kind then kindly GTFO🐶💕
Do not send me unsolicited pics, you will be blocked.
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selfmedblves · 8 months
Pierce It Yourself: Nostrils
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So, you wanna get a facial piercing? Maybe it's your first piercing ever or maybe it's your second, third, fourth, fifth, maybe it's even your twentieth piercing.
No matter how many piercings you have, you can do your own nostril piercing. Maybe you have strict parents that wouldn't take you to a piercing place, or maybe you can't afford to get it professionally done. Either way, I'm here to walk you through piercing your own nostril.
First, you want all the proper materials. For a nostril piercing you will need:
18g/20g piercing needle
Piercing jewelry (studs are reccommended for first time piercings)
Alcohol pad
Piercing clamp
On what to pierce with, DO NOT USE A PIERCING GUN. Piercing guns do not pierce well. They are also harder to sterilize. More likely they will cause trauma to the skin and get infected.
You can get a good nostril piercing kit for $10 that has actual needles. You will want either a 18g or 20g needle depending on the jewelry you wanna put in.
Before you pierce your nose, it's a good idea to look up reference photos and play around with possible placements.
Another tip I'd give to anyone piercing themselves is to watch videos of professionally done piercings. They are good reference points as the people doing them often have years of experience.
Now that you have all your materials, you can finally make your piercings a reality. Start putting on a pair of gloves. Then take your alcohol pad and rub it on and around the piercing area. This will get any dirt and bacteria off the area.
Use your marker to mark where you want your piercing to be. When you have your placement decided, take your piercing clamps and put the holes of the clamp ends around the mark.
Then turn your nostril horizontally to prevent the piercing needle from hitting other parts of your nose. If you want a more painless piercing, use numbing spray or numbing gel and put it over your piercing area. Then grab your piercing needle and pierce that shit!
After you pierced your nose, allow yourself time to look at the piercing spot. If it's bleeding, wipe off the blood with an alcohol wipe. Now put in your piercing jewelry at the end of your piercing needle. Remove the piercing needle through your nostril and thread the nostril jewelry into your piercing.
Nostril piercings take around 3 to 4 months t9 fully heal, so in that time, you should be extra careful with your new nose piercing.
Do not play with or change your piercing jewelry. That will cause irritation that can lead to piercing bumps. If you get a piercing bump, use jojoba oil or emu oil occassionally. Do not use chemicals like peroxide or rubbinf alcohol, those will only irritate the piercing more.
To care for your piercing, use a good unscented anti-bacterial soap and warm water on a q-tip and use it to clean your piercings. If it gets infected, please seek medical attention immediately.
After three to four months, your piercing will be completely healed. Congratulations! You now have a fully healed nostril piercing.
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the-astralalchemist · 2 years
servant guda summoned in a holy grail war
caster guda who seems to have the most obvious class. the more generations come, the more a story changes - of course the savior of humanity would be a brilliant caster. but no, they aren't your typical mage. they use an advanced form of projection magic, making them the perfect decoy. they switch between a sharp red bow, a silver broadsword, and oddly, a yellow paw shaped club. when caster activates their noble phantasm, their arms glow in strange patterns of gold. an anti demon measure that can be used best with a command spell: ars exitio daemoniorum.
rider guda who laments their class. they have the worst mount, a giant tank they call the shadow border. they claim to not even know how to operate it - but it's not like you could get around in it without gaining a crowd. rider’s version is externally smaller than the original and has no access to the paper moon. with practice they manage to condense it into a motorcycle nicknamed shadow bear. it growls at you when you try to touch it and zaps when you stand too close. that chrome colored monster is scarier than its user…
assassin guda who comes wrapped in a black cloak a bit too broad for their shoulders. "just because i can technically shoot a target," they whine, "doesn’t mean this should be my class!" though an assassin, they are no good at covert ops. their method is guns blazing - literally. their primary is a semiautomatic firearm lovingly called calico. paired with their scope farflier, which can serve not only as an aim assistant but can sense their target. they say they trained under the warrior goddess scáthach. you don’t believe them until you have nightmares - memories. you are on a shooting range getting hit over the head by an intense fuchsia haired woman when you miss a target. you don’t ask about those.
berserker guda who is startling normal. something in your gut says this is wrong. when you ask if they really are a berserker, they shrug and smile. you see their madness when they let loose in battle. they are virtually unkillable. they will keep going until the head is separated from their body. they were loved deeply by death in life - it still follows them like a loving specter, as part of their soul. otherside blessing is what they call it. a warning for berserker's future or current master; occasionally they might slip up and call you “doctor”. please ignore this mistake.
avenger guda who never existed in the first place. they are older, tall, with piercing red eyes. they move silently like a serpent. it's hard to detect their presence, even for their master. their katana is stained crimson that doesn't scrub off. but the blade never rusts. they wield an anti-world noble phantasm: dreams end, lostbelt. they deeply love this world and will do anything to protect it. they will put an end to this war. no one needs a tool so destructive. the deaths of millions are on their shoulders, what more should twelve bodies be?
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switch · 2 months
oh yeah i feel the need to make this PSA now that a free heracles is available again and some people will still talk to you about fgo like it’s 2017:
heracles is still good, but the game has scaled to the degree that he is generally not quite the reliable unkillable soloist he once was. insane cq gimmicks, bloated healthpools, the emphasis on aoe/mixed waves, the inflated amount of damage he takes, the frequency with which bosses crit nuke, pierce/buff removal, and the existence of competitive soloists who can be used as support if you need while dealing more damage, taking less damage, and possessing more anti-debuff/gimmick/crit utility etc, all make him more of a backline emergency cleanup crew guy now. especially if this ticket means you’re getting him at np1. gun to my head i’d recommend getting or raising np levels on either saber or emiya depending on which one suits your general farming/wave clearing needs better unless you’re dying for a cleanup guy.
like again i’m not saying he’s bad or can’t still be used, but i don’t want people to ticket him hoping for gameplay carry and then be surprised at how frequently he can get shut down outright if you just throw him at newer content without a lot more prep and resources.
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marley-manson · 2 months
I go on a lot about BJ's flaws because they're what make him interesting to me, but I gotta say I love to view Hawkeye, especially with regards to his relationship with BJ, as like... what's the right word? Stubborn? Judgemental? Take-charge (in a way that incidentally doesn't negate him being subby in bed but rather makes it a more interesting dynamic lol)? Demanding?
He leads and he automatically expects his friends to follow, and if they don't he'll make his judgy displeasure known. He's extremely empathetic towards people as a general rule but a typical exception is when they're his close friends and they go against his judgement or fail to meet his expectations.
Based on how I perceive Hawkeye's character as a whole, I would actually sum it up as Hawkeye getting a little irrationally upset when he's ignored as a presence, someone who has an effect in his friends lives.
I'm thinking of The Bus when BJ wants to include Frank in a conversation and Hawkeye snaps at him for it; or Hawkeye watching BJ standing politely for Margaret in The Gun and giving him a very pointed disapproving look; or the way he initiates his appendix scheme in Preventative Medicine without consulting with BJ at all, just assuming he'll go along with it; or the way BJ is able to goad him about the joke by not laughing at it in Dear Uncle Abdul; or the way Hawkeye gets upset when BJ doesn't join him in his outrage in Give Em Hell Hawkeye; or the way he accuses BJ of not being loyal in The Most Unforgettable Characters, or Commander Pierce even (though I think the latter ep is ooc in many ways, aspects do potentially fit this take on Hawk.)
Or, for non-BJ examples, arguably trying to convince Carlye to divorce her husband for him; getting mad at distant childhood friends when they don't humour his paranoia about his nightmares in Hawk's Nightmare; his judginess towards Borelli in The Consultant when he fails to live up to Hawkeye's first impression of him; there's a little moment in Private Charles Lamb where Trapper interrupts Hawkeye mid-joke and Hawkeye gives him such an irritated look lol...
And of course it's all largely a function of his role as a protagonist with very strong opinions: the anti-authority attitude as a cornerstone of the show, and the way he's almost always the one who initiates and takes the lead in the show's plotlines. And it informs his two closest relationships on the show, with Trapper and BJ both as followers to his leader.
There are plenty of examples of him following another's lead as well, since he's not someone who particularly cares about being in charge of anything - Carry On Hawkeye, his indifference to being Chief Surgeon in Chief Surgeon Who, Twas the Day After Christmas where he's completely checked out and doesn't care at all about the authority roleswap, his usual respect for Potter, BJ masterminding a few pranks, etc. It's not about needing to be an authority figure or being unable to switch to a more supportive role when the situation calls for it.
It's about needing to affect people, imo. It goes along with his urge to entertain, to be seen, to be enjoyed as a spectacle, because he too easily feels invisible as part of the army (The Interview). It fits his tirade against the army wanting them to blend into the background in fatigues, in Peace on Us. It works as the source of his outrage when his things are used without permission (Picture This, Follies of the Living with the clothes peg).
I'd say he hates being disagreed with, dismissed, ignored, or misunderstood to a somewhat irrational extent because it feels like being unseen, invalidated, invisible. Being stuck in the army, in a situation totally outside his control where he's viewed by the higher authorities as just a number definitely exacerbates it, but I think it's a part of his core personality.
Honestly, to get a little interestingly weird with it, I could even believe that part of the appeal of being a surgeon for him is the physical impact on people - the proof when he saves a leg or a life that he had his hands in someone and changed them. He does canonically use pretty unique and recognizable sutures after all.
This is mostly a headcanony take since I don't necesssarily think these nuances are really intended lol, and there are definitely plenty of moments that don't fit this vibe since Hawkeye is fairly well-rounded as a character and person overall. Sometimes he's more easy going and chill. It's more just me tying some patterns together in a way that I think makes sense with Hawkeye's character and the way he embodies the 'acting out in a warzone' theme.
And I don't think it's all flaws either - Hawkeye's force of personality is usually a virtue in the show. He does a lot of good with his refusal to back down, and his impact on people is probably pretty positive overall. If he inspires others to rebel more, question authority, be more true to themselves, be more openly emotional, etc, I think that's great.
But like, it's also kind of fucked up as an interpersonal dynamic, particularly with a more passive best friend who seems to often resent how much limelight Hawkeye takes up, and particularly in the army environment I think Hawkeye's urge to make himself seen, understood, and agreed with becomes pronounced to a pretty offputting degree at times. It leads to a very one-sided dynamic between him and his two best friends which imo is very interesting to explore.
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