#anti pemzin
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Idk if you've watched tlok but if u have what are your thoughts on pema/pema x tenzin?
I feel like a lot of what ppl say about tlok katara more fits her. Yk the her being reduced down to a only a mother and being a one dimensional chartacter.(obviously she not as big of a character as katara or tenzin but still)
Also how do u think katara/pema relationship would/should be like being mother/daughter-in-law?
I really don't like pemzin, or Tenzin for that matter. It was a doomed premise from the start. The story of pemzin is:
Tenzin dates Lin, a woman who doesn't want children
After realizing Lin isn't going to budge, Tenzin breaks up with her
Tenzin then begins dating Pema, a much younger woman who basically views him as a god
Pema then spends the rest of her pre-menopausal years pregnant
So yeah it's really hard to get behind that for me. I think what makes Katara more of a shame is that she is shown to explicitly want something different from what canon gave her, and her character in TLOK plays into the idea that being gender-nonconforming is something that women are supposed to grow out of rather than embrace, not to mention that she was a main character in ATLA. I think both are worthy of criticism.
As for how I think Pema and Katara's relationship would be, I think Katara is obviously a kind person who would want to know the mother of her grandchildren, but there would always be a disconnect. Despite being Katara's only biological grandchildren, they have no interest at all in her culture and Pema and Tenzin clearly only value their Air Nomad roots. Katara isn't the type to say anything about it, but I think it would be upsetting to her.
#anti pemzin#anti kataang#atla#tlok#katara deserved better#katara#pema#avatar the last airbender#the legend of korra#ask#anon
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I also hate Pemzin, not because of the age difference necessarily, but because of the power imbalance? Like, I cannot be the only one that saw how the acolytes treat Tenzin as some kind of god for being an Airbender.
Having the political and espiritual leader of the cult-like group pairing with a student 16-years their junior was certainly a... *choice*
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I’m pretty sure Lin and Tenzin dated for multiple decades. On top of growing up together. I am firmly anti-Pema lol
she really went insert yourself into that relationship girlie it is absolutely your business. Ick.
Tenzin is How Old!?
I recently discovered that Tenzin got together with Pema in his thirties while scrolling through the Lin Beifong and Tenzin tags. And there is a 16-year age gap between him and Pema. I was like, this must be a mistake. Tenzin and Lin dated and broke up as teenagers right? Tenzin is in his thirties, going on to his forties right???!
Never knew LOK could make me feel even more nauseous than it already does. I have some issues:
If Lin and Tenzin broke up as adults, then Lin destroying Air Temple Island on her way out makes her look even worse. I know female violent behavior is supposed to be funny but I don't find it funny. A grown-ass woman acting like a hormonal teenager. Get a grip, Lin!
Pemzin is now icky. The age gap is not a total dealbreaker...but wasn't Pema an air acolyte? Considering Tenzin was basically deemed the saviour of the air nomads and the only kid recognized by the acolytes, I am not liking this dynamic. Especially when you remember how those first-gen acolyte girls worshipped Aang in the comics. I am sure any acolyte would be honoured to mother the next airbender generation. A similar sentiment to Mary accepting to get pregnant with Jesus. Just eww. And when you factor in Pema's homewrecker advice to Korra...ugh. It's the same kind of vibe as the CEO divorcing his nagging wife to get frisky with the young, adoring, just-out-of-college secretary :(
I swear LOK gets worse and worse every day. Tenzin is still one of my favourite characters from the series (not that the bar is very high) but I am reconsidering my view of this guy. And of his wife.
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What was your relationship with Lin like and what’s the actual reason you broke up with her ?
"I'll share this just this once, so we can clear the air on some things. And then I'm not going to talk about it again."
"It was good during the early years. The love and connection was there. It felt right. In my eyes, it was just a matter of time for things to fall into place, and we had the time. Instead, we became more involved with our jobs and less with our relationship. Things that I had found endearing were becoming a problem. And I'm sure she could say the same about me. Things weren't falling into place like I had imagined. Our relationship was growing stale. When I wanted to work on it, Lin would double down on her career and shut me out."
"Also, as many people have reasoned, there was the matter of kids. She knew from the moment we started dating that kids were always going to be part of the picture. She knew what she was signing up for when dating me. But I wasn't going to push it on her. I waited patiently for her to be ready. And waited. And waited. Until I realized it was never going to happen. I wasn't going to demand it of her. And I didn't want to mess up what she built for herself."
"A lot of people think it was the need for kids that ended the relationship or that it was Pema. Neither is true. I ended it. Me."
"I saw how we handled our trials as a couple over the years. We didn't resolve them. We argued over them, let them fester, pretended they weren't there, and hope they go away on their own. It wasn't healthy. It's not what I wanted. And she wasn't open to trying to change or fix anything."
"By the time Pema confessed her love, I was already looking at ending it. It was a weighty decision, like chopping off a dying arm to save the rest of myself. Not something I wanted to go through with exactly, but it needed to be done either way. Pema provided the hope and drive I needed to go through with it. It wasn't until later that I discovered just how whole Pema made me feel. I had forgotten that feeling."
"And before anyone asks -- no, Harmonic Convergence would not have changed my decision, because it would not change how we as a couple dealt with the trials given to us. I'm thankful for the way things turned out, or else I may have missed my opportunity with Pema."
#Tenzin#headcanon#linzin breakup#anti-linzin#i guess??#no more anti linzin than what's already canon#pemzin#idk what to tag this as anymore and i'm tired...#ask to tag
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For the brutal honesty game, Pemzin and Sokaang!
This is a Good Ship, Actually. The hate Pema gets is insane (Pema has never done anything wrong in her life ever), and Tenzin is an adult responsible for his own choices. Their dynamic is great, and they've built a beautiful family. Probably my favorite canonical LOK ship.
TBQH, this ship kind of grosses me out. It's a personal preference thing-- aside from a handful of very specific exceptions, I usually don't like shipping the same character with siblings (or with an ex's sibling). (It just feels a little icky to me.)
Send me a ship for my (brutally) honest opinions on it.
#avatar legend of korra#avatar the last airbender#thoughts#shipping#pemzin#pema x tenzin#pema#tenzin#anti sokaang#aang and sokka#aang#sokka#yes even i have my own squicks#shocker i know#you do you#ask me stuff#thanks for the ask!#all queued up
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It's funny that the rumored gap between Zuko and Katara would be 'too big' in the live action meanwhile Katara and Aang's son married someone sixteen years younger than him but that's okay because that son is the product of their preferred ship.
WAIT A DAMN MINUTE Pema and tenzin are 16 whole ass years apart???
Yeah I better not see anymore people saying that Zuko and katara’s age gap would be too big bc HOLY SHIT that’s....very unsettling to say the least
#zutara#atla#anti Kataang#DAMN and I thought pemzin was cute#WOW that’s weird#and yet everyone’s coming for zutara??#like just say you hate the ship and go
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I am
In the avatarverse
100% Kataang
100% sukka
100% maiko
50% makorra
50% korrasami
100% makorrasami
100% bopal
100% Kainora
100% pemzin
0% zutara
#avatarverse#avatar: the last airbender#legend of korra#kataang#sukka#maiko#makorra#korrasami#makorrasami#bopal#kainora#pemzin#anti zutara
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Let's not forget HOW Pemzin became a thing: she took the chance and stole the bf from Lin…I mean, this shouldn't, but can happen in broken relationships. However, she still was one responsible part for hurting a person deeply. If Pema had told Korra and Jinora the story with guilt in her voice, I would've still understood that she is a person with flaws, but good at heart. She fell in love with Tenzin and made the wrong choice.
However, the way she told the love story to Korra and Jinora—with pride in her voice about what she did back then—made her unsympathetic for me. She comes off as a homewrecker pick me, and it is IMO irresponsible to make a story like this sound like a beautiful, innocent romance...especially when you tell it to your pre-teen daughter. That smells like written by certain misogynists all over...
I wanted to like Pema later on and not judge her for one scene, but she gave me no personality outside of being Tenzin's wife and the mother of her children. Too bad.
Idk if you've watched tlok but if u have what are your thoughts on pema/pema x tenzin?
I feel like a lot of what ppl say about tlok katara more fits her. Yk the her being reduced down to a only a mother and being a one dimensional chartacter.(obviously she not as big of a character as katara or tenzin but still)
Also how do u think katara/pema relationship would/should be like being mother/daughter-in-law?
I really don't like pemzin, or Tenzin for that matter. It was a doomed premise from the start. The story of pemzin is:
Tenzin dates Lin, a woman who doesn't want children
After realizing Lin isn't going to budge, Tenzin breaks up with her
Tenzin then begins dating Pema, a much younger woman who basically views him as a god
Pema then spends the rest of her pre-menopausal years pregnant
So yeah it's really hard to get behind that for me. I think what makes Katara more of a shame is that she is shown to explicitly want something different from what canon gave her, and her character in TLOK plays into the idea that being gender-nonconforming is something that women are supposed to grow out of rather than embrace, not to mention that she was a main character in ATLA. I think both are worthy of criticism.
As for how I think Pema and Katara's relationship would be, I think Katara is obviously a kind person who would want to know the mother of her grandchildren, but there would always be a disconnect. Despite being Katara's only biological grandchildren, they have no interest at all in her culture and Pema and Tenzin clearly only value their Air Nomad roots. Katara isn't the type to say anything about it, but I think it would be upsetting to her.
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I hate pemzin because of how tenzin treated lin, but I also dislike linzin because it feels like, while it’s not taang, it’s a watered down version of it. I just find it strange that they started dating, but I know I’m saying this because I’m a taang shipper, so it feels like a slap in the face. Linzin just an odd ship too.
#anti pemzin#anti linzin#taang#Aang#toph#Tenzin#lin beifong#atla#atla confessions#LOK#lok confessions
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yeah pemzin always was creepy to me. younger woman marries older man she views as a kind of deity then spends the rest of her life popping out babies for him? ew
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Tenzin is How Old!?
I recently discovered that Tenzin got together with Pema in his thirties while scrolling through the Lin Beifong and Tenzin tags. And there is a 16-year age gap between him and Pema. I was like, this must be a mistake. Tenzin and Lin dated and broke up as teenagers right? Tenzin is in his thirties, going on to his forties right???!
Never knew LOK could make me feel even more nauseous than it already does. I have some issues:
If Lin and Tenzin broke up as adults, then Lin destroying Air Temple Island on her way out makes her look even worse. I know female violent behavior is supposed to be funny but I don't find it funny. A grown-ass woman acting like a hormonal teenager. Get a grip, Lin!
Pemzin is now icky. The age gap is not a total dealbreaker...but wasn't Pema an air acolyte? Considering Tenzin was basically deemed the saviour of the air nomads and the only kid recognized by the acolytes, I am not liking this dynamic. Especially when you remember how those first-gen acolyte girls worshipped Aang in the comics. I am sure any acolyte would be honoured to mother the next airbender generation. A similar sentiment to Mary accepting to get pregnant with Jesus. Just eww. And when you factor in Pema's homewrecker advice to Korra...ugh. It's the same kind of vibe as the CEO divorcing his nagging wife to get frisky with the young, adoring, just-out-of-college secretary :(
I swear LOK gets worse and worse every day. Tenzin is still one of my favourite characters from the series (not that the bar is very high) but I am reconsidering my view of this guy. And of his wife.
#anti pemzin#anti pemaxtenzin#air acolytes#tenzin critical#lin beifong critical#anti lok#avatar the legend of korra#tenzin#lin beifong#anti pema#pema critical
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