#anti mosaic law
freespiritlilith · 1 year
Lilith is open. Free as the wind
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thinkingonscripture · 11 months
Jesus' Substitutionary Atonement in Salvation
Atonement is a very important concept in the Bible. In the OT, the word atonement translates the Hebrew verb kaphar (כָּפַר) which means to “cover over, pacify, propitiate, [or] atone for sin.”[1] Theologically, it means “to bring together in mutual agreement, with the added idea, in theology, of reconciliation through the vicarious suffering of one on behalf of another.”[2] The animal…
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The Guardian has uncovered evidence showing how Israel has relaunched a controversial entity as part of a broader public relations campaign to target US college campuses and redefine antisemitism in US law. Seconds after a smoke alarm subsided during the hearing, Chikli assured the lawmakers that there was new money in the budget for a pushback campaign, which was separate from more traditional public relations and paid advertising content produced by the government. It included 80 programs already under way for advocacy efforts “to be done in the ‘Concert’ way”, he said. The “Concert” remark referred to a sprawling relaunch of a controversial Israeli government program initially known as Kela Shlomo, designed to carry out what Israel called “mass consciousness activities” targeted largely at the US and Europe. Concert, now known as Voices of Israel, previously worked with groups spearheading a campaign to pass so-called “anti-BDS” state laws that penalize Americans for engaging in boycotts or other non-violent protests of Israel. Its latest incarnation is part of a hardline and sometimes covert operation by the Israeli government to strike back at student protests, human rights organizations and other voices of dissent. Voices’ latest activities were conducted through non-profits and other entities that often do not disclose donor information. From October through May, Chikli has overseen at least 32m shekels, or about $8.6m, spent on government advocacy to reframe the public debate.
Haaretz and the New York Times recently revealed that Chikli’s ministry had tapped a public relations firm to secretly pressure American lawmakers. The firm used hundreds of fake accounts posting pro-Israel or anti-Muslim content on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Instagram. (The diaspora affairs ministry denied involvement in the campaign, which reportedly provided about $2m to an Israeli firm for the social media posts.) But that effort is only one of many such campaigns coordinated by the ministry, which has received limited news coverage. The ministry of diaspora affairs and its partners compile weekly reports based on tips from pro-Israel US student groups, some of which receive funding from Israeli government sources. For example, Hillel International, a co-founder of the Israel on Campus Coalition network and one of the largest Jewish campus groups in the world, has reported financial and strategic support from Mosaic United, a public benefit corporation backed by Chikli’s ministry. The longstanding partnership is now being utilized to shape the political debate over Israel’s war. In February, Hillel’s chief executive, Adam Lehman, appeared before the Knesset to discuss the strategic partnership with Mosaic and the ministry of diaspora affairs, which he said had already produced results.
24 June 2024
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 3 months
by Barry Shaw
This brainwashing is being introduced into high schools and even into the elementary educational system in America.
One example, quoted in a Jerusalem Post article on June 7, 2024, titled ‘Portland’s teacher union creates anti-Israel program,” reported that the Portland Association of Teachers are promoting an indoctrination program for children as early as pre-kindergarten to high school in which the next generation of Americans will be brainwashed to delegitimize Israel, describing it as an “illegitimate settler-colonial state.”
American children are being taught to participate in Palestinian protests turning them into anti-Israel activists.
Together with a group known as Oregon Educators for Palestine (OGP) they have created a curriculum that includes courses such as “Know your Rights in Teaching,” “Organizing for Palestine within Portland Public Schools,” and “Teach Palestine! Resources for Portland Public Schools” lesson guide.
Their document provides counter definitions to reduce the legitimacy of Israel by using key terms. For example, they deduce Anti-Semitism as being a “European Christian phenomenon” and Zionism as “a settler colonial political ideology and movement.”
Their guide recommends teachers to have the academic freedom (restriction) to select (reduce) writings on Palestine only to that written by Palestinian authors, as they put it, “to offer content and context based on the authors backgrounds and opinions.”
Part of their indoctrination removes words such as “terrorism” particularly when applied to acts of Palestinian terrorism.  Instead, they replace it with the word “resist.”
Everything is wrapped around concepts such as “Occupation” even if that applies to areas from which Israel withdrew its citizens in the search for peace.
Based on that novel concept, the barbarous attacks of Oct. 7, or mass killing by Palestinian suicide bombers and gunmen, can be translated into acts of “resistance to the occupation,” even when committed by Palestinians emerging out of their self-governing territories to kill thousands of Israelis in their hometowns inside Israel.
I know. I became one of the members of the Netanya Terror Victims Association after a procession of suicide bombers and gunman targeted my hometown that hugs the clifftops of the Mediterranean, the sea defined by their slogan of a Palestine “from the River to the Sea.”  
In the quest for this homeland, they murdered dozens of Netanya folk, some of whom I knew.
Now social studies lessons for grades 3-5 in America will include a week-long curriculum on “settler colonization and Palestine.”
The Portland Association of Teachers represents over 4,500 educators. In their description of the events of Oct. 7, we can clearly define what they consider progressive to be utterly regressive.
PAT educators handed out documents claiming that the horrendous massacres, tortures, rapes, and hostage-taking were, in the words of PAT, justified “resistance.”
In May, Mosaic magazine featured an article entitled “Anti-Israel Indoctrination Starts in Elementary Schools.”
This is the opening phase of a Jihadi education in America. One that accurately copies Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad brainwashing.
There is a battle going on in the California school system. Last September, a law suit claimed that a California school district tried to impose an anti-Israel curricula.
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stephofromcabin12 · 22 days
I’ve spoken positively about National Novel Writing Month before and so I am sad to have to take it all back.
If you’re not aware, NaNoWriMo recently endorsed the use of generative AI in writing practices, and their statement even went as far as to say that anti-AI views are “classist” and and “ableist”.
There is no ethical use for generative AI, as we speak. Using AI, even for something as simple as rephrasing an email or generating a profile picture, means that you’re actively using thousands of stolen works, a lot of which are copyrighted and/or protected in some way. (That’s why most companies behind generative AI’s are currently facing multiple lawsuits from various artists and companies who’ve found their work was used to train the AI models without their consent and without promise of compensation)
I’m an artist. I’m a writer. I cannot in any way endorse generative AI as long as it’s built on stolen artwork by my fellow artists, and possibly even myself. There is no world in which using generative AI makes you an artist. Currently, it just makes you complacent in art theft at worst and lazy at best.
It’s not classist to say that, and it’s not ableist either. Lot’s of writers and artists have physical or mental disabilities and/or come from a middle-to-low-class background. Your financial standing, and whether or not you’re disabled, does not define your ability to create art, as so many incredible artists throughout history have proven by continuing to make art on their own terms. I used to say that there’s no wrong way to make art. I was wrong. Generative AI proved me wrong.
The statement specifically emphasized AI as a way to get proofreading and editing done without needing to pay for a professional editor. But beta-readers have always existed for this very reason; it’s just another human connection AI seeks to eliminate in the name of “efficiency”.
There are books on editing that can be found and read in libraries, if you don’t have money to buy them. There are articles and videos made by actual experts in their field that can be found for free. I trust them far more than whatever botched mosaic of words AI spits out, which might not even be remotely correct, as most AI models openly allow errors.
So, my point is: Don’t use NaNoWriMo.
There are other ways to track your progress. There are other places to find community and writing groups. There are far better ways of creating art that won’t compromise the ethics of being an artist and, most likely, the law.
It sucks that I have to say this. It sucks that NaNoWriMo apparently has had a nosedive in it’s quality and moral standings that was steep enough that nearly all their employees quit.
But that’s where we are now, apparently. And so that’s where I stand.
That’s all.
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vi-sigoth · 10 months
I'm exiting Christianity, but when I look at Paganism, I see so much of it is tainted by leftist morons and Wiccans? How do you bypass all of that and find authentic Paganism?
Disclaimer for all of my Christian mutuals: please understand this is not a personal attack, but this is my deep, true belief on this matter.
Well anon, congratulations on what will probably be one of the most difficult, but joyful, journeys of your life. You’ve already got the first step down, which is a major accomplishment: you’ve recognized that there is a lot of bullshit and misinformation around paganism. It’s a beautiful mosaic covered in grime and thorny, ugly, vines. So get ready for your hands to get dirty, and get ready to bleed. One of the great tragedies of paganism is that, despite what some think, the line hasn’t been broken, but it’s been heavily damaged and beaten almost beyond recognition. So my personal advice to you is:
1. Do not trust anyone that claims that paganism is a free-for-all, open religion.
Paganism is an ancestral religion. In fact, I was speaking to a friend about this a couple days ago, your ancestors probably didn’t really have the terms “religion” and “atheism” or “atheist” in their lexicon. Your ancestral gods are your progenitors. Are you alive? Is there warm blood in your veins? Then your gods are also alive too. To quote my friend “atheism only works if your gods are a separate, non-tangible thing. You cannot believe in your ancestry and blood. You can see it and feel it. It’s material.” Your ancestors, the spirits of the land and of the waters, the gods, are there whether you acknowledge it or not.
The problem with leftist “pagans” is that they come over from Christianity, but they still keep a Christian mindset, which is that, they believe that all the gods are for everyone. One of the most fundamental differences between Christianity and European paganism is that to accept Christianity means that you accept that Jesus Christ is for everyone. A Christian Norwegian, a Christian Irishman, a Christian Native American, a Christian Korean and a Christian Ethiopian are brothers in Christ. But a Christian Norwegian and a pagan Norwegian are no longer brothers according to Christianity. If you are a Christian convert, your pagan mother and father are sinners that will go to hell. You will not find them in the afterlife. In fact, it might even be your duty to separate yourself from them, from your entire family, if they refuse to accept Christ.
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” - Matthew 10:34-37 KJ
I, as a pagan, do not abide by this. Your ties to your family, your gens, your tribe of people are the MOST important thing you have on this Earth. Our ancestral gods do not tell us to eschew our own family for them. Remember this any time you have doubts. Christianity does not originate in Europe. I don’t know how to stress this enough. It is anti-European. The more you learn about it, the more you will see that.
(And going along in this vein, does that mean a Christian Englishman should let his daughter marry a Christian African over a pagan Englishman? Ponder that one.)
So how do leftist pagans fit in with this? Well, they think that the entire, giant pantheon of European gods are a free-for all. They aren’t. If you are Germanic, you worship Germanic gods. If you are Slavic, you worship Slavic gods. Wiccanism (which deserves its own separate post) cherry-picked from Celtic, Norse, Near-East/Babylonian and Greco-Roman paganism, then splashed all that with Thelema and Khabbalah, and anyone can join. TRUE paganism is a closed religion. Odin is the progenitor of all Germanic people. If you have no Germanic blood, you don’t belong to him. So why would you worship him? It’s a whole other separate post, but it goes back to the leftist mindset that everything should be for everyone all the time. It’s RACIST to say that a quirky black girl in the US can’t worship Odin! But how so? I believe everyone has the right, and should, worship their own ancestral gods.
2. Do not trust monists, do not trust people that argue that European paganism should all be smushed together into a few archetypal figures and worshipped that way. The gods are real, they are not archetypes or representatives of something.
Yes, this is a thing that’s actually happening, and it’s probably going to be the first real schism of the pagan world.
3. Do not trust anyone that tells you that paganism is an OwO so soft and kind and gentle, non-judgmental way of life, as opposed to big meanyhead Christianity with all their hard rules!!! 👿. You might or might not know that Tacitus wrote of the Germanic tribes he observed that some criminals were punished by hanging, whereas some crimes (sodomy, for instance) were so disgusting that they were punished by bog drowning. Pagans absolutely had standards of upright, moral behavior long before they had interactions with Abrahamic religions. Just because there might not be an official written, surviving codification of those rules doesn’t mean they didn’t exist. This is unfortunately something you run into with pre-Christian Europe: oral tradition was often disrupted, therefore, modern pagans have no direct way to obtain it. And don’t think for a second either that illiterate = stupid. Druids had to undergo YEARS of training in religion, history, herblore/medicine, and law memorization, probably much more than the modern man could muster, before they were allowed to practice.
4. Most of all, do not listen to anyone who tells you that you MUST follow this religion or that. You CANNOT leave church, you MUST be a Baptist and not any other kind of Christian, you MUST be a Muslim, you MUST be a pagan. Only you and the gods alone know the yearnings of your own heart. Spend time thinking about why you want to leave Christianity, go on walks, pray and meditate, journal about it. Ask yourself what specific things you have problems with, and explore those. You would be shocked how well writing your thoughts down can help you think and articulate those thoughts to yourself and others.
Now, as to good sources that aren’t tainted by Wiccanism, I recommend going straight to the fonts: Read the best translations of myths and sagas you can find. read as unbiased academic papers on history and myth as you can. I highly recommend Telegram for fantastic discussions that really delve into paganism. I can make a separate post detailing all of the channels that I follow. I like Telegram quite a bit because I find that the pages I follow cite their sources pretty diligently, which means you can go and read the source for yourself. If you’d like to remain anonymous, send me another anon and I’ll post the Telegram list, if you’re comfortable messaging me, I can message you that list, and give you some better ideas of specific texts to read if I know which branches of European paganism you’re wanting to explore.
5. If you see a blog that talks about “working with” a god rather than worshipping them, block on site.
6. You know what, just block all Wiccans. Fuck them.
Remember that you are not alone. What you feel, I suspect, is shared by many Westerners, who feel in their blood the secret wild yearning to return to the ways of their ancestors. They might not know that’s what it is. What that nearly ungraspable thing inside them calls for, but I think if more people were made aware that there’s another thing out there, not Christianity, not atheism, not Islam, but another, half-hidden, secret thing, they might be able to give a name to their longing.
Good luck, sorry for the very long reply. And welcome home.
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power-chords · 2 months
Tony Gilroy is so great. "Tell him our ghosts have strong hands and a long memory." What a killer line that instantly tells me these guys have a familiar way of conjoining history and the spiritual realm. Love that the rebellion is terrifying in action and fragmented internally for reasons that, given the types of people who would logically comprise a rebellion (I.E., desperate people accustomed to prisons, persecution, and poverty), make dramatic sense. (It's also more realistic, because human beings are dramatistic in nature. Kenneth Burke would love this show.) The rebels are disciplined soldiers, but their real guerrilla expertise lies in psychological warfare, ideological loyalty as intimidation display, because when they point guns at women and children to declare they have nothing left to lose, they know Beehaz believes them.
And, duh, obsessed with The Eye, the primal draw to cosmic wonder, one that serves in witness from the Empire's perspective and in judgment from the Rebellion's.
In judgment of... what else? The things they feel forced to do, and the collateral damage — idealism, because of course it's Nemik who is crippled in the translation of theory to action — in Abrahamic mimesis, as anti-cathartic, botched pseudo-fulfillment of Old Testament child sacrifice. (But the manifesto, the book, survives. So Nemik is also redoubled into a Mosaic remnant of the Law.) This is also why Skeen commits his betrayal only after The Eye has "closed." Ironically, he is guilty of thinking almost exactly like the Empire, where the panopticon is the only game in town and winning is a condition of optics that must be maintained lest the breach with compliance result in physical/social death. He has a vestigial sense of a deeper moral order, he acknowledges it almost instantly when the first few meteorites streak across the sky, but after an adolescence of authoritarian rule his only concept of a god is one that doesn't inspire fealty unless it's sensibly, verifiably present. Contrast Cassian, who of course kills Skeen to save himself but still holds certain absolutes as inviolable, seemingly because they affect him in a way that is emotionally intolerable. (For example: Never abandon your countryman.) Which in the best-case heroic scenario results in a Marcus Aurelius and in the worst case... well, [gestures at everything]. Fascism and faith are both emotional responses to human social realities, a need to belong/be "initiated" into a cultural order — a structure, an authority — and in the Empire's case that "order's" lethality escalates in proportion to its absurdity, the arbitrariness of its application. In a galaxy far far away, which is to say "right here, right now," you can join the army or you can go up the mountain in silence/be smuggled down the river. Perhaps if you're "lucky" enough not to be scapegoated or drafted or both you can devise a compromise. You could try to play A Serious Man. (Some living!)
I brought back my copy of Killing Time from my folks' place and I'm wondering if it merits a reread 16 years after I first kinda dismissed it. Watch me be like, "No, wait, this is the Blackhat of Caleb Carr novels." Information is not knowledge, and the corollary that Tony Gilroy is writing about is that for knowledge to survive a totalitaran information economy, its transmission cannot be externalized and standardized, converted from exchange value to market value. Knowledge that judiciously permits for dogmatism, polyphony, and revisionism where necessary is what I like to think of as wisdom.
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azspot · 10 months
If the prophets of ancient Israel such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Malachi and Amos were alive today, Benjamin Netanyahu would accuse them of anti-Semitism for daring to describe his government as a travesty of what the Mosaic covenant was all about. A common thread running throughout the Jewish Bible—Christianity’s Old Testament—was to criticize kings, the wealthy and corrupt courts for violating the Mosaic commandments to create a fair and equitable society protecting the poor from the economic oppression of debt bondage, and loss of their land. If the prophets were summoned to give judgment today, it is Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud Party and the steeply unequal economy of Israel that would be condemned as violating the most basic laws of Biblical Judaism.
Were the Biblical Prophets Anti-Semitic?
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abrahamshipwreck · 9 months
In addition I feel like if people viewed Z.ionism as more like Republicans/Alt-Right here in the US and less as a religious entity it would make things more understandable.
Republicans will use their religion as excuse for their actions and policy- its their RIGHT as Christians to ban same sex marriages, push forward anti-trans laws, set up more immigration hurdles, etc- when there are many, many, many Chistians and sects of Christianity that don't hold those values. But Republicans have made their warped religious views so prominent many hear 'Christian' and picture American Christofascism in its place- ignoring the many who aren't or aren't even American.
Zionism does the same thing, and its working. Down to the Manifest Destiny ideals. Judaism is a rich and varied religion, with mosaics of cultures from where the worshippers live and reside. Zionism is less than 100 years old and does a pick-and-pull from religious scriptures to excuse their actions. Just like Republican Christians.
Not all zionists are Jews. Not all republicans are Christian. Do you understand??
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mikeo56 · 1 month
The Corporate Sewage Promotion of Mental Masturbation by Marc Andressen, CEO of “I’m a Fart in a Whirlwind” and “Venture Capitalist Are Not Much of Shit”
Andreessen is a software engineer by training. He developed the first widely used web browser called Mosaic in case anyone can remember this. He has later had his hands, or money really, in a lot of companies that paid off handsomely, including but not limited to facebook, twitter, skype, and eBay. He is now one of two partners at a Venture Capital firm, so basically they’re investing into startups hoping to hit big. He has an estimated net value of 1 point 7 billion dollars. I’m telling you this just so you can put the following into context.
Andreessen starts his manifesto by complaining that someone is lying to someone about how technology is bad.
The Techno-Optimist Manifesto is a 5000-word essay by billionaire and Silicon Valley venture capitalist Marc Andreessen. I think we need to have an eye on what those Silicon Valley people are up to, so let’s have a look. Andreessen is a software engineer by training. He developed the first widely used web browser called Mosaic in case anyone can remember this. He has later had his hands, or money really, in a lot of companies that paid off handsomely, including but not limited to facebook, twitter, skype, and eBay. He is now one of two partners at a Venture Capital firm, so basically they’re investing into startups hoping to hit big. He has an estimated net value of 1 point 7 billion dollars. I’m telling you this just so you can put the following into context.
Andreessen starts his manifesto by complaining that someone is lying to someone about how technology is bad. Then he declares: “I am here to bring the good news. We can advance to a far superior way of living, and of being… It is time to be Techno-Optimists. Techno-Optimists believe that societies, like sharks, grow or die.” So they stop growing and die. Not sure that metaphor works as intended. “We believe everything good is downstream of growth.” Like the chemical industry polluting rivers. Or more like trickle down dollars that by the time they arrive have turned into food stamps? “The only perpetual source of growth is technology.” Before the technology, there needs to be knowledge. It’s really knowledge that is the source of growth. “Give us a real world problem, and we can invent technology that will solve it.” Well, the real world problem that he has is all the people who disagree with him, and it doesn’t look like he’s got the technology to solve that problem does it. “We believe free markets are the most effective way to organize a technological economy.” Good old neoliberalism. “We believe the market economy is a discovery machine, a form of intelligence – an exploratory, evolutionary, adaptive system.” Ah, now that is interesting. I actually mostly agree with that. Except that market economies don’t optimize resources distributions just magically on their own. They need some framework to make sure they work as desired. This is why, cough, we have anti-trust laws. And why there should be a tax on carbon and so on. You really can’t have a market economy without some way to enforce market rules. “Centralized planning is doomed to fail, the system of production and consumption is bex.” True for the time being, but as technology advances it’ll be able to solve increasingly complex problems. So, yeah, let’s talk about this again in 100 years.
“David Friedman points out that people only do things for other people for three reasons – love, money, or force. Love doesn’t scale, so the economy can only run on money or force.” Love doesn’t scale. He writes that so confidently. But the more economically prosperous civilizations have become, the more humans have begun to care about other living beings, genders, races, nationalities, animals, indeed the entire biosphere. There’s even a name for it. It’s called the Moral Circle Expansion and is an idea that goes back to the philosopher Peter Singer in the 1970s. “We believe markets are generative, not exploitative.”  Nothing exploitative at all about working three jobs and still struggling to pay rent, says American billionaire. “We believe the techno-capital machine of markets and innovation never ends, but instead spirals continuously upward.” I’ve been wondering what this reminds me of, it’s the catholic profession of faith. I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, spiralling continuously upward.
“The techno-capital machine makes natural selection work for us in the realm of ideas.” It’s not a natural system, it’s a man-made system and it will only work if the rules of selection are set up suitably.
Humans are for example terribly bad at integrating information about the long-term future in their every-day decisions. The libertarian free market ideal assumes that we do that, when in reality we don’t. No one stands at the gas station future discounting the social cost of carbon.
This is why a lot of nations leave the really long-term investments to governments. Yes that is inefficient. Yes, a free market could do it better, but simply doesn’t do it. Also, Venture Capitalists are profiting very nicely from government investments so maybe he shouldn’t overstress the free market thing too much. “We believe intelligence is the ultimate engine of progress. Intelligence makes everything better.” Many of the most intelligent people in the world contribute surprisingly little to progress. Think chess masters or Ed Witten. By my personal experience, it’s the upper-middle-class of intelligentsia that makes things happen. Like Bill Gates or Elon Musk. Not the Ed Witten chess master sort of intelligence. More the getting-shit-done sort of intelligence. Andersseen then goes on about how artificial intelligence will make everything better, but we’ve heard this all before, so I’ll skip it. Societies thrive with energy supply, true but nothing new either. Then comes section on Abundance, where he writes: “We believe Andy Warhol was right when he said, “What's great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest… A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke.” I once spent an afternoon in a villa of a billionaire in Hollywood. It’s a long story but yes Coke was served. It was served by members of the staff. Together with champagne. Americans are all equal but some are more equal than others. “We believe the global population can quite easily expand to 50 billion people or more, and then far beyond that as we ultimately settle other planets.” Yes, 50 billion is probably possible. But is it desirable? We now come to the section “Becoming Technological Supermen“ which is just two steps away from the meaning of life, so hold tight.
-Sabine Hossenfelder
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dfroza · 10 months
we are the Temple of the Spirit
(as reborn children of Light)
being the Spirit of our beautiful mysterious Creator (also known as the Son and our heavenly Father) who is the sacred treasure of (the inner room)
and we have to see the significance of the former Tabernacle and Temples in Jerusalem that acted (through the blood of animals) as precursors to the True Lamb who was sacrificed on earth for everyone’s sins, of which no animal sacrifice could do.
although we see the prophetic vision given by the prophet Ezekiel of a coming Temple where there will be sacrifices made as a “memorial” to what the Lord finished on the cross in sacred Blood
And this points to the return of our eternal Messiah and King Yeshua (Jesus) who will rule first earth for a thousand years before A new heaven and earth is made. this speaks of the restoration of Israel during this time, which is the 7th day (7-thousandth year) of Creation as A Sabbath day that lasts for 1,000 years of time.
and as there is a desire by Jewish people to build the Third Temple in Jerusalem to operate under Mosaic law, yet this will not be Ezekiel’s vision of the millennial Temple to come. and we also know there is a set time of great Judgment (wrath) to come upon the world after (A secret elopement) of the Spirit & Bride as a spiritual “marriage” in Heaven, as well as the great deception of what will be anti-Christ (counterfeit messiah)
these things are all “unfolding” before our eyes.
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mosaicparadigm · 1 year
Our multidisciplinary team is well positioned to advise on the legal, regulatory, transactional, and policy issues involving cryptocurrency and digital tokens, in addition to blockchain and the distributed ledger technologies on which they are based. Our diverse experience across practice areas gives us the practical knowledge necessary to advise clients on emerging trends and developments particular to the industry. We draw on our strengths in the financial, energy, and technology industries to represent companies and individuals in cryptocurrency, digital asset, decentralized finance (DeFi), and blockchain communities. We will guide them through white-collar investigations/litigations, government relations, and strategic communications matters. Our crypto attorneys have significant experience representing cryptocurrency exchanges, corporations utilizing blockchain technologies, bitcoin mining companies, power generation utilities, and other participants in the broader cryptocurrency and DeFi industries on various issues, such as:
Cryptocurrencies and other digital assets
Related spot and derivatives exchanges and trading platforms
Security and utility tokens, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and the ecosystems of stablecoin
Changes to wholesale, retail payments, settlement systems, and central bank digital currencies
DeFi networks, protocols, and strategies
Smart contracts and token governance structures
Development and implementation of blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies, particularly in the energy and agricultural sectors
Tokenization of physical assets
Crypto mining and related energy and environmental considerations
Initiatives and proposed regulations and legislation by U.S. and foreign regulators, legislators, and global institutions like the World Economic Forum, International Monetary Fund, and Bank for International Settlements
Commodity and derivative enforcement, investigations, and litigations
Security enforcement, investigations, and litigations
Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism finance compliance
Economic sanctions
Cybersecurity and data breaches
Public policy, legislative, and regulatory advocacy
M&A, joint ventures, and corporate governance
Secured lending and Uniform Commercial Code issues
Token and digital asset security offerings
Blockchain and smart contract platforms
Intellectual property rights and technology transactions
Environmental matters
Tax structuring.
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davidpatrickjohn · 2 years
He thought that the one thing that might break down American Democracy was the hysterical efficiency with which these pressure groups crusaded to seize all the benefits of that Democracy for themselves: the farm bloc, the women’s bloc, the manufacturers’ associations, the consumers’ associations, the bar associations, the medical associations, the Protestant ministerial associations, the labor unions, the anti-labor unions, the Communist Party and the Patriotic Flag Associations. Drug stores combining to force legislation forbidding the sale of aspirin on trains. Irish Catholics voting not as Americans but as Irish AND Catholics, Swedish Lutherans voting as Swedish Lutherans, Arkansas Baptists voting as Neanderthals.
Catholics forbidding the Episcopalians to advocate birth-control, and Methodists forbidding the Unitarians to drink their ancestral rum, and people who really believe in Christianity overwhelmingly outvoted by all these monopolies.
Gangs of Fascists damning the Jews — always the opening gambit in any mass insanity — until the Jews are forced to create their own alliances, and these become a new Sanhedrin that censors the Jews who won’t submit to the new Mosaic Law.
The Friends of Russia, the Friends of Germany, the Friends of the British Empire, the Friends of the Slovenes and Croats, the Sons of the American Revolution, and the Sons of Dog Fanciers.
Each of these private armies led by devout fanatics — not always on salary — who believe that the way to ensure freedom for everybody is to shut up every one of their opponents in jail for life, and that this is a very fine, new solution.
God save poor America, this quiet man thought, from all the zealous and the professionally idealistic, from eloquent women and generous sponsors and administrative ex-preachers and natural-born Leaders and Napoleonic newspaper executives and all the people who like to make long telephone calls and write inspirational memoranda.
Lewis, Gideon Planish, 1943, p291
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Jesus was appalled (Mt 15:3-6, Mk 7:8-13) that they had the gall to start their own tradition - a tradition of not killing disobedient children as the law commanded (Ex 21:15, Lev 20:9, Dt 21:18-21). Sufficiently so that he was convinced that it was more important to kill your children than to wash your hands. Because there should be no mistake: the old Mosaic laws remain in effect... forever. (Mt 5:17-19, Lu 16:16-17)
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wisdomfish · 4 years
'Biblical teachings and applications on slavery'
The Bible explicitly prohibits the type of slavery that existed in Antebellum America, and the related slave trade, as will be seen.
This is reinforced in the Mosaic Law, which explicitly prohibits kidnapping and selling others into slavery, ‘Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death,’ (Exodus 21:16). This explicitly prohibits the slave trade, including the infamous Middle Passage, and thus American slavery. And of course, Moses was the man who God used in His miraculous deliverance of the Israelite nation from bondage in Egypt, commemorated in the great Jewish celebration of the Passover.
In the Law of Christ, the Apostle Paul lists ‘slave traders’ / ‘menstealers’ (ανδραποδιστής andrapodistēs) with murderers, adulterers, perverts, liars, and other evil people (1 Timothy 1:10). Paul tells slaves to become free, if they can (1 Corinthians 7:21), and conversely tells free people to not become slaves (1 Corinthians 7:23). This is in line with the Mosaic Law, which expressly prohibits returning an escaped slave to his master; rather, he was to be cared for (Deuteronomy 23:15–16). Thus the antebellum American Fugitive Slave Act (1850) explicitly contradicted Scripture. When it came to a personal example, he encouraged Philemon to free his escaped slave Onesimus (Philemon 16). Furthermore, he ordered masters to treat their slaves in the ‘same way’ as they were treated, and not to threaten them (Eph. 6:9).
Such practice would see the end of slavery, and without bloodshed. This indeed happened, as thoroughly documented in Rodney Stark’s book For the Glory of God: How monotheism led to reformations, science, witch-hunts and the end of slavery (see review, The biblical origins of science). He devoted ch. 4 to the consistent teachings against slavery.
Stark documented that even back in the 7th century, Christians publicly opposed slavery. The bishop and apologist Anselm (c. 1033–1109) forbade enslavement of Christians, and since just about everyone was considered a nominal Christian, this practically ended slavery. Then the famous theologian and apologist Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225–1274) denounced the practice. Several popes supported this from 1435, and Pope Paul III (1468–1549) gave three major pronouncements against slavery in 1537, e.g. Sublimus Dei — On the Enslavement and Evangelization of Indians in the New World. And long before them, Church Father Gregory of Nyssa (c. 335 – c. 395), brother of Basil the Great, denounced slavery as inherently sinful. As Stark writes, ‘The problem wasn’t that the [Church] leadership was silent. It was that almost nobody listened.’
- Jonathan Safarti
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papirouge · 2 years
Radfems made a post about how sexist the Bible is. Do you or anyone else know how to debunk it? I’m conflicted..
I'm gonna be honest, anon, radfem are EXTREMELY deceitful and dishonest about the Bible. Why? because they are either "former Christian" who actually never read the Bible or had a proper comprehension of the Bible OR never did read the Bible, and pull out completely idiotic analysis out of it, such as cropped verses, misguiding translated (for example using [women have to be] "quiet" instead of "virtuous").
Case in point ; the OP of this post quotes 3 times Ecclesiasticus...when this book doesn't even belong to the Bible canon. Yes, that's right : that's an Apocrypha. It's as much relevant to biblical theology as, for example the book of Judas (where it is said that Jesus asks Judas to betray & hand him down to the pharisees(??!!)) and other apocryphas usually containing heretical heresies contradicting the actual Bible.
This is enough to realize OP is extremely ignorant it and displays that typical radfem arrogance of talking crap about something she doesn't properly grasp. She probably searched on google "Bible misogyny" without grasping that not everything called "the Bible" is actually IN the Bible. I mean, there's literally a" Bible" of satan, right?
I'll focus on the quotes from actual Bible canon books and will class them on color code following on the usual argumentative traps that anti Christian LOVE using against the Bible:
- misquotation
- interpretation bias
- cropped verse to change the meaning of the whole statement
- statement that is irrelevant to the femaleness of the individual but rather her actions
Ephesians 5:22-24:
For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.  
Nothing in that verse argues that a woman is inferior to a male. Ephesians 5 is about the covenant of MARRIAGE that is a ministry in Christianism. And like any other ministry, there is an order, and order in which the women is under her HUSBAND ; not because he's a man, but because he's her HUSBAND. Radfem love acting like celibate Christian women didn't exist or that marriage was compulsory for us. it's not. Paul actually said that it was BETTER for single to remain as such. If the Bible was truly misogynist, wouldn't it rather compel woman to get married and be under our husband leadership?
Exodus 21:7-11When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are.
The FULL chapter goes as follow :
"And if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go out as the menservants do. If she please not her master, who hath betrothed her to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed: to sell her unto a strange nation he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her. And if he have betrothed her unto his son, he shall deal with her after the manner of daughters. If he take him another wife; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish. And if he do not these three unto her, then shall she go out free without money. "
Note that at the end of the chapter, there's actually an open door for the slave to go free. OP sneakily cut that part out to act like there wasn't, and that female slaves couldn't be fred. There's indeed a difference of treatment for female slaves as Moses elaborates on the added options they have such as marrying his son.
Note that here, the Bible forbids the slave owner of selling her to foreign nations (that would not provide her the same "rights" as under Mosaic civil laws and expose her to actual abuse & danger) or treating her disadvantageously compared to his stepdaughters. Besides, nothing in that passage argues that any of these options should be forced upon the slave. The treatment is just different as it just leaves more option for the possibility of marriage as in the Old Testament, marriage was actually a mean of social & economic protection for women.
1 Timothy 2:9-14
Women are to wear suitable clothes and to be dressed quietly and modestly, without braided hair or gold and jewellery or expensive clothes; their adornment is to do the good works that are proper for women who claim to be religious. During instruction, a woman should be quiet and respectful. I give no permission for a woman to teach or to have authority over a man. A woman ought to be quiet, because Adam was formed first and Eve afterwards, and it was not Adam who was led astray but the woman who was led astray and fell into sin. Nevertheless, she will be saved by child-bearing, provided she lives a sensible life and is constant in faith and love and holiness.
Already debunked the "women have to be quiet in the church" = women cannot speak at the church" argument here.
As for the forbidding for a woman to teach to a man, it is in the context the spiritual instruction as stated in "instruction" (or "learn" following translation) in the verse 11. Note that the submission of the woman is ALWAYS contextual in the Bible. Nowhere it said that woman is inferior to the man for just being.
PLUS clothing modesty is NOT a prospection only for women i.e 1 Peter 3:3-4, 1 Corinthians 12:23 are both gender-neutral prescription.
Job 14:1-4 Man born of woman. Who can bring what is pure from the impure? No one!
OP showed her ugly lying self and totally cropped entire verses to literally make up that sentence!! LMAO
TRUE verse go as follows:
"Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble. He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not.And doth thou open thine eyes upon such an one, and bringest me into judgment with thee? Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one."
Here Job isn't expressing a correlation between coming from a woman and being impure, but rather about how tough it was to bear with God's judgment falling upon us after being tainted by the struggle of life (with images such as being cut down like a flower, life fleeing like a shadow as soon as we come out the womb, etc.). "How can one become pure before God's eye after being tainted & drained by life??" ...kind of energy. Not "it's all because of women!!". Radfem truly cannot get things right.
1 Corinthians 11:9, 10
For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. For this reason, and because of the angels, the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head;
This part is literally about head covering...... While women are pushed to cover their head during their assembly, men are called to uncover theirs (1 Corinthians 11:7). It's literally a mutual prescription. Once again, nothing against women specifically.
1 Corinthians 14:34Wives submit to your husbands, as is fitting to the Lord.
Peep my comment on Ephesians 5:22-24 at the top of my post about husband/wife relationship being different from casual men/women ones.
Colossians 3:18
They attacked Midian just as the LORD had commanded Moses, and they killed all the men. Then the Israelite army captured the Midianite women and children and seized their cattle and flocks and all their wealth as plunder.  They burned all the towns and villages where the Midianites had lived.  After they had gathered the plunder and captives, both people and animals, they brought them all to Moses and Eleazar the priest, and to the whole community of Israel, which was camped on the plains of Moab beside the Jordan River, across from Jericho. Now kill all the boys and all the women who have slept with a man. Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves.
Deuteronomy 20: 10-14:
When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town. But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder.  You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you.
Radfem love quoting these verses to argue these virgins got raped. But nothing said as such. It's pure projection at this point. "Virgins" being very young girls or children, it might as well mean that they simply got spared and went under the soldiers' guardianship. I really don't understand why radfem argue that Israel soldiers would rape these children when the Law was frowning upon death sex outside marriage AND forbade marriage with foreigners.... It truly makes no sense.
Exodus 22:18
You shall not permit a sorceress to live.
Do radfem think that male sorcerer had a pass under Moses Law, or...?
Leviticus 20:18If a man lies with a woman during her menstrual period and uncovers her nakedness, he has made naked her fountain, and she has uncovered the fountain of her blood. Both of them shall be killed.
I don't understand the point of quoting this passage. Both the man and woman are killed, so how is it proof that God loathes women more than men? Israel civil laws had a bunch of traditions & rites about menses that were actually for sanitary reasons (for example, Israeli women had a tradition to take a ceremonial bath at the end of their periods, and thus "celebrate" their fertile phase.), so it makes sense for their law to reinforce the ban of any sexual intercourse during menstruation. Menstruation itself isn't the issue, but having sex during them creating the risk of STD, so it's a reach to deem it as an attack against women.
TL;DR : anon you should pay me for making me spend 2 hours on that post lmao
...joking, I'm doing all of this for God's glory, hopefully it will make things clearer for you! :D
But yeah, radfem are 100000% full of crap when talking about the Bible and you really shouldn't be impressed by their theatrics and meangirl circle jerk. I mean, that girl really quoted a book who didn't even belong to the Bible canon.... They have no idea of what they're talking about, and it shows.
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