#anti kitana
scaryspears · 1 year
Kitana and Jade: Thoughts and Opinions
These are my thoughts and opinions on Mortal Kombat that a bunch of people probably won't care about, but I thought I should post them here. Now I will be using past games as reference, even though every character's interpretation/counterpart is different, they still play part to the canon storyline.
[Warning: I'm gonna bash the hell out of these characters]
These two are annoying. Up from mk9 to mk11, I think deep down I never really liked these two but found them cool based on design. But they always got on my nerves somehow. The first would be their hypocrisy.
They both like to point out the flaws of other characters while completely ignoring their own, such as pride and ego. It's also the way they talk to other characters. Now I know there's a difference between story mode and intros, but they show a lot about the characters. They both have a habit of looking down on Earthrealmers, and if they evolved from that then it's undermining them. Well, they do that with everyone, but still. Sonya beat both of them by herself in mk9 story mode, and still they have an attitude where they underestimate people like her.
I'm very certain Jade is racist towards people who are not Edenian, and insensitive towards the practices and history of others.
In mk9 she calls Baraka a dog after defeating him, and in one of her intros with Jacqui it's revealed she said something terrible. Then again, Jade says a lot of terrible things.
"I apologise for offending, Jacqueline." - Jade
"And you should study Earthrealms history." - Jacqui
"And you should be more forgiving." - Jade
Me: *Offended in black* This looks like Jade's way of saying 'be the bigger person', which is basically a way of saying 'excuse my actions and put up with me'. I don't trust people that do this because they know they are in the wrong but don't want to acknowledge it, and would rather go about their life guilt free so they would make the situation not look like a big deal.
Also, did anyone else notice that Jade and Jacqui are both darker skinned characters whose name begins with a 'J' and wear green in this game? Not important, but thought it was interesting.
"In the future you're dead, I'm a revenant." - Jade
"I prefer my fate to yours." - Baraka
"I must agree, Baraka." - Jade
Huh? You like being enslaved, Jade?
"You never could accept me." - Skarlet
"Your lust for power sickens me." - Jade
"Or perhaps it's because I'm not Edenian." - Skarlet
To be fair this is just Skarlet's assumption, but I figure she wouldn't say this unless she experienced Jade's discriminating attitude. I'm going to assume Skarlet grew up with them just as Jade grew up with Kitana.
"The unholy abomination." - Jade
"Greets the boot licking sychophant." - Mileena
"For Kitana Kahn, you will die." - Jade
Touched a nerve, Jade?
"Double date with Liu Kang and Kitana?" - Kung Lao
"In your dreams, Kung Lao." - Jade
"A simple no would've sufficed." - Kung Lao
I'm with Kung Lao on this one, she was unnecessarily mean to him here.
"How does Liu Kang suffer your foolishness?" - Jade
"Deep down, I amuse him." - Kung Lao
"Outworlders don't share this humour." - Jade
I thought you were Edenian, Jade. Also, I just don't like the way she's speaking to him. She's such a bully.
"You were Shao Kahn's favourite assassin." - Kung Lao
"I was his deadliest." - Jade
"How many Shaolin did you kill?" - Kung Lao
Kung Lao asking the important questions here. Jade seems to respond with pride, just sickening. Don't get me wrong, Kung Lao has his own share of problematic, but I feel for him.
With Kitana... I think it's more of an internalised racism to some degree. I know the basics of Kitana's upbringing, Shao Kahn raised her as his own but also turned her into an assassin (technically abuse), she believed she is the princess of Outworld. And then all of a sudden she finds out what happened to her mother and that Shao Kahn is not her actual dad and stuff- yeah, you get the idea. What I'm trying to point out is that Kitana must've not known about her Edenian heritage, or at least was not told much about it, assuming she grew up knowing about Sindel being her mother.
She grew up an Outworlder, and it's even shown in her ending. Shao Kahn was her father figure for the long majority of her life and she must've shared a lot (not all) of his views, like Earthrealmers being beneath them and how they view other species. For example, their racism towards Tarkatans. Just because she made a partnership with Baraka doesn't mean it changes the way she views their race.
It's like the American presidents altering the laws for black people all the while thinking of them as certain stereotypes or using them for their own benefit instead of just normal people. The racism towards Tarkatans is quite common, Sheeva says to Baraka's face "Tarkatans are all mouth and no ears." not "You are all mouth and no ears." She targeted Tarkatans specifically. [I might rant about this in another post, but I'm just using it as an example here.]
Kitana believes that just because she is merciful that she has not inherited his cruelty, but I very much think she did (his cruelty, I mean). In comparison Kitana just happens to be very graceful about it, or just has more of a mean girl approach rather than an evil overlord.
"I never liked guns." - Kitana
"Oh, they make you nervous, Princess?" - Erron Black
"They are highly uncivilised." - Kitana
Kitana tell that to Sonya, Cassie, Jax and Jacqui. You didn't say anything to them, but you're gonna say it to someone you're unfamiliar with. 
"You soil every room you enter." - Kitana
"Bloke's gotta mark his territory." - Kano
"Even Barakas more civilised." - Kitana
Why drag Baraka into this?
"Power corrupts us all." - Spawn
"I won't let it corrupt me." - Kitana
"I've seen this cycle too many times." - Spawn
It's doomed to happen, and seeing as to who her father figure is...
"This empire is beyond redemption." - Spawn
"Reform takes time." - Kitana
Meanwhile, children suffer." - Spawn
"Bring the Matoka to Outworld." - Kitana
"We are not refugees, Princess." - Nightwolf
"Pride blinds you to opportunities." - Kitana
Outworld is way more terrible than America, it looks like. Why did she think the Matoka would fair better in Outworld? Its also the way that she says it and the expression on her face, she's so condescending.
"Do you still bear a grudge?" - Kitana
"I beat you, so you tell me." - Sonya
"Beat me? I let you win." - Kitana
That smug smile on her face... Yeah, keep telling yourself that Kitana. 
"You are not the original." - Kitana
"First came my brother, Bi Han." - Sub Zero
"Did you inherit his evil legacy?" - Kitana
Projecting much?
"You've been harsh with Kung Lao." - Liu Kang
"There's no point in coddling him." - Kitana
"It was not your place." - Liu Kang
You know it's bad if Liu Kang is stepping in to tell her off.
"Liu Kang is committed to me." - Kitana the first
"I actually prefer his friend." - Kitana the second
"Kung Lao is not in our league." - Kitana the first
That same smugness. She's just like Sindel, wanting the 'strongest' man. Notice how she uses the word 'league'.
"Shao Kahn wants you dead." - Skarlet
"And you won't be the one to do it." - Kitana
"Always belittling me, Kitana." - Skarlet
I bet Kitana and Jade bullied her, I would not be surprised if they did.
So yeah, I don't like these two. Understand they were making her character either more realistic or a version of her that made sense with her whole upbringing and stuff,but I don't like these two and just wanted to vent out their bad qualities.
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fsfghgee · 2 months
Your name's become synonymous with betrayal.
To those too obtuse to understand me. ~ Bi-Han [Sub-Zero] to Syzoth [Reptile] MK1.
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I think most people aren't paying enough attention to Bi-Han's nuances because of their own frustrations with specific traits/situations that make up his character (especially because of the way Bi-Han treats Tomas and how most characters despise Bi-Han's actions), but I admire you, @evilbihan and @inflamedrosenkranz, and @cienie-isengardu, and all those who make the slightest effort to understand the character. You are in the minority that highlights these nuances and I think this is so necessary, because I really don't understand how so many people see Sub-Zero Bi-Han from MK9 and Mythologies who barely had lines or interaction with other characters as deeper than Bi-Han Sub-Zero from the Liu Kang Era that got multiple interactions, diverse relationships and much longer story mode time.
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Also, I think it's funny to see people saying to this day that Bi-Han Sub-Zero from previous timelines was neutral and now he's like a cartoon villain, as if the old one was somehow more noble than Bi-Han from the Liu Kang era, when all the og Bi-Han did in the past was spare Sareena because she was the only one who BEGGED him not to kill her (after he had already killed 2 demons, his rival Scorpion and more a couple of people to complete the mission) and tried to reverse the actions that the success of his mission would entail after Raiden told him to do so (otherwise, he would die. His realm would be destroyed by his client Quan Chi). Also, Raiden confirmed that his soul was indeed tainted with evil (like, he had a kind of predisposition to end up in Netherrealm for doing bad things and somehow enjoying it).
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However, at no point does Liu Kang, the god and creator of Bi-Han in MK1, says that Bi-Han has a "evil heart" or that his soul is tainted with evil as Raiden told him in previous timelines. Other characters who barely know him and know nothing about his and the clan's life before he abandoned the duty imposed by Liu Kang, judge him and judge the things he does as evil without even knowing the reason behind it (and let's be honest, if all the supposed lives that Bi-Han's actions in the hope of elevating the clan cost were taken at the behest of Liu Kang, the same people who judge him would be applauding. As if some lives were worth more than others…).
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And unlike Tomas, that mission at the Ying Fortress was not Bi-Han's first and the battle he missed to free Shao from prison in OutWorld would not have been his first battle either.
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"After our years of idleness, it pleases me to again face kombat".
Those deep frustrations that Kuai Liang said he knew Bi-Han had, but that he never imagined that Bi-Han would accept the first offer that came along to escape them…
Tomas [Smoke]: Letting Father die… Forsaking Earthrealm? He's abandoned all reason! Kuai Liang [Scorpion]: I knew Bi-Han's frustrations ran deep. But I never thought they could inspire such madness. We can't let his corruption spread.
Did he really never imagine this could happen? Or did he just ignore what Bi-Han felt? What he used to say? And how his brother wasn't the only one who felt that way…
Tomas [Smoke]: What are you doing? Once he's exposed, won't you be made Grandmaster? Kuai Liang [Scorpion]: You forget Cyrax and Sektor. Their loyalty to Bi-Han is absolute. They'll sooner abet his corruption than follow me.
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Liu Kang says he abandoned his family and some people say he betrayed his brothers, while in fact Bi-Han offered more than once the opportunity for Kuai Liang and Tomas to join him, but they declined his offers of peace because they did not agree with his vision (and they were bitter because Bi-Han had let their father die, I know I know).
All Bi-Han wants for the clan is a better future and he did what he thought was necessary to achieve it. He would like to share a prosperous future with Kuai Liang (and Tomas, even though he probably prefers Tomas to keep his mouth shut and his enthusiasm for tradition and his "father" to himself), but he was rejected. They are the ones who abandoned him first.
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Bi-Han [Sub-Zero]: End this, brother! Embrace the future. Kuai-Liang [Scorpion]: I want no part of it!
Sub-Zero: Heed your Grandmaster! Scorpion: I will not betray our principles.
Sub-Zero: Your rebellion stings. Scorpion: You expect less from Scorpion? Sub-Zero: You could have ruled at my side. Scorpion: Just the thought of it sickens me.
Sub-Zero: I've gained the Lin Kuei's freedom. Smoke: You've only earned them infamy.
Sub-Zero: Resist me, and there will be consequences. Smoke: And to think I once idolized you.
Smoke: I rejected the Lin Kuei to fight for justice. Omni-Man: Justice? How stupidly self-righteous of you.
Bi-Han will not stop pursuing a better future for the Lin Kuei to please Kuai and Liu Kang, because the Lin Kuei is what matters most to him. And I'm really glad that leaks clearly show that Bi-Han was and still is an anti-hero (aka not conventional hero). And I'm not talking about og Bi-Han and his victory over Fujin and Quan Chi, I'm talking about Bi-Han from MK1 who more than once has already put his own life on the line to defend Earthrealm and will continue to defeat anyone, including gods, to defend the people he loves.
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He has his own agenda, but even Liu Kang recognizes that it's not an evil one, but as we all know, Bi-Han has been walking crooked to achieve this. I'm not going to delve into how his mother may have influenced his life and the decisions he made or how the supposed not-so-great relationship he had with his father motivated him to do what he did, but there is no shortage of hints that his parents were an important part in the formation of his character (as parents are in the life of anyone who has/had them...),
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Sindel: Both your parents were excellent fighters. Kuai Liang [Scorpion]: I can only hope to live up to their example.
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Bi-Han [Sub-Zero]: My father was a fool to follow you. Liu Kang: He wisely honored Earthrealm with his service.
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Tomas [Smoke]: If Mother were alive… Bi-Han [Sub-Zero]: She would applaud my actions.
I just want to say thanks to anyone who is interested in the nuances of Bi-Han and as much as I don't like certain attitudes of Kuai Liang and Bi-Han, I hope that one day Kuai accepts Bi-Han for who he is, not who he would like him to be, and that Bi-Han gets what he wants in the least destructive way possible. I know, a fighting game needs conflicts, but Bi-Han's connection with Kuai was and will always be eternal. Blood connection is an understatement.
Raiden: I never thought *you* would betray Earthrealm. Sub-Zero: My only loyalty is to the Lin Kuei.
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puissantveil · 1 year
You know...
If MK11 wanted to focus on Kitana, it could have followed the course of Kitana, upon learning the truth of her parentage, struggle to acknowledge her active participation in horrible things, including and especially those inflicted upon her own people. Her character arc would involve her galvanizing Edenians into demanding the realm stolen from them and prying their homeland out of her stepfather's hands. It would explore Edenians as a conquered and colonized people, how Edenia was a matriarchy, Sindel's plight, and the lives of Edenian women under Shao Kahn's thumb. At least one ending has her returning to Edenia with her mother and Jade, ready to start a new life with Liu Kang.
But no, easier to make Sindel cartoonishly evil and every Edenian into a soulless glitter person except, of course, for the two who abandon their identities, with Jade becoming queen of the Osh-Tekk if Kotal keeps his head. Doesn't that sound suspicious, just a little??
Even from a narrative viewpoint it's crappy story telling. An identity crisis is meaningless if one option is indefensible. Like, is fresh chocolate chip cookies vs. fresh dog shit really a meaningful dilemma?
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izzabela · 3 months
Can you write something where the Lin Kuei brothers grab their girlfriend's face and say "eyes on me"? 🫠😍
Focus Here - Lin Kuei siblings x fem!reader (scenario fic)
in which each brother in the Lin Kuei experience jealousy for you
a/n: yummy idea, delectable even- a dollop of whip cream to make it better
ship[s]: bi han, tomas, kuai liang x fem!reader
warning(s): brief milanya (taleena?) mention, brief johnshi mention, anti-betrayal
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(bi han really sliding no less than six feet to that wall- my extra king)
Bi Han
Bi Han sat beside you outside of the indoor pool in Johnny's mansion. Bi Han was invited by Johnny, along with his brothers and all of the other friends he had made on his cross-dimension journey, to his newly bought mansion to celebrate the smashing success of his movie, Mortal Kombat 1.
Figures present were OIA members Kenshi and Jaxx Briggs, the imperial family plus Tanya, Khameleon, and Li Mei, the Lin Kuei, Ashrah and Syzoth, Liu Kang and Geras, and the Fengjian-born monks. After all, the true-to-life heroes were the inspo for such a great movie.
Bi Han would have thrown the invitation away, if it weren't for your curiosity. During a slow day in Arctika, you sat in his lap and watched him go through numerous papers of diplomacy and information, but your eye caught on a small piece of paper that was buried underneath. You took it and read it out loud, to which you begged Bi Han to answer and say you could go.
He couldn't say no to you. He may have cryo in his fingertips, but it melted under your warmth. You, his lovely partner, had him in the palm of your hand. Plus, your puppy eyes were practically irresistible, so he just had to say yes (even though he huffed it out). He remembers watching you run out and call upon his brothers, to which all three of you came back and cheered happily at the chance of seeing your friends again.
Bi Han hated to admit it, but he did miss everyone, especially the doddering Earthrealmers. He didn't say it out loud, though, knowing you'd use it against him.
So now, here he was, with you by his side as he watched his companions eat, drink, swim, and carry a jovial air during this meeting. More specifically, he was watching you watch Tomas, Kuai Liang, Johnny, Kitana, and Kung Lao swim in the indoor pool. Splashing like grade-schoolers, you laughed at how Johnny was getting everyone wet with his large splashes. He looked like a little kid, proud of how big his waves were.
To prove how strong he was, he decided to flex his muscles at everyone watching, His signature, flashy smile was plastered on his face as he proudly showed off his external features, his muscles accentuated by the dripping chlorine water. You turn past Bi Han and see Geras and Liu Kang together, and the former shake his head. He's got a friendly smile on his face, which betrays the words he mouthed to you.
"If only I had made him more humble," you read his lips. You chuckle, rolling your eyes to the demi-god.
Johnny catches this and rushes over to you, muscles in front of your eyes as he grunts like a powerlifter. You laugh at his playful antics, knowing he meant no harm in them. After all, despite his flirty personality, you knew he respected your relationship with Bi Han. Hell, even with his fame, he stayed loyal to his wife- a rare gem that shone brightly against the muck of Hollywood.
"Rate the charm, (y/n)," he huffs, keeping his chest puffed as he hits the Icarus pose.
You laugh some more, noticing his over exaggerated facial expressions as he kept flexing. Your face is red due to the laughter, but Bi Han thinks otherwise. He moves quickly, heart controlling his actions instead of his mind.
His hand is firmly on your chin, and you gasp as he turns your face to meet his. He has no color on his face, but you know he's feeling something due to the edge of his ears flushed pinkish-red. He stares deeply into your eyes as he speaks low.
"Do not be swayed by useless flattery, (y/n)," he said, "Eyes. On. Me."
The room is quiet, all eyes on you three. Johnny is staring between you two as he slowly backs into the pool. In fact, he gently brings Kitana and Kung Lao together in the front, hiding behind Tomas and Kuai Liang. The four shoot him a glare as they try to watch their very own soap opera.
Bi Han is not one for PDA- ever. He showed it privately, making a sure that even his brothers do not see. You think hard, trying to figure out why he was acting like this- then it clicked.
The oh-so mighty, notoriously cold, Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei was jealous.
You stifle your laugh, hand on his cheek as you announce his feelings without his consent.
"Jealous much, darling Bi Han?" you tease.
Kuai Liang's got a shit-eating grin on his face and Tomas leans on Johnny's shoulder to laugh. Kung Lao and Kitana also look amongst one another and begin to chuckle, and the room is animated once more, this time with chatter about the leader of the Lin Kuei.
He takes a deep inhale, glaring at his family as he reels himself back from his vulnerability. It's too late, though, as you latch onto his arm and coo at him teasingly, tracing the muscles on his biceps with your fingernails.
"My little blueberry, jealous over an actor?" You tease some more, "Your ears are pink too, honey!"
Bi Han just groans out loud, a hand rubbing over his face as he can hear his brothers completely lose it. Kuai Liang was leaning on Tomas as he was leaning on Johnny, their howling laughter drawing Bi Han closer and closer to them. He strips his traditional garb off and is only in his pants. He towers over the three rascals that dare put him in this situation, arms crossed and his scowl deeper than possible.
"You two have no idea with whom you're dealing with," Bi Han yells as he sends himself into the pool, his impact creating little waves that rock everyone in the pool. You watch him in pure shock, and he rises from the water with a terrifying smile on his face.
You get up to try and stop him from rough housing too hard with his family and Johnny, but you feel a hand on your shoulder. Turning, it's Ashrah with a silly smirk on her face and Syzoth right behind her.
"Best to leave them alone, (y/n)," she tells you gently, "Besides, it seems they are all enjoying themselves."
You want to protest, but looking back in the pool, you see the loving smiles on the Tomas's and Kuai Liang's faces as they splash their eldest brother. Sighing, you give up and sit with the Outworld couple, phasing in and out of conversation since you're too busy watching the water cascade Bi Han's features as a rare, soft smile is on his face.
Tomas taps a tambourine rhythmically as you're next to him shaking a shaker egg, acting as accompaniments to Kung Lao and Raiden's sister's duet. They're both singing an old Chinese song, Raiden saying it was the stuff their parents listened to.
It's been a couple of years since the timeline debacle regarding Shang Tsung, Titan Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, and General Shao, and everyone involved in saving the realms was invited by Johnny and Kung Lao to Madam Bo's place for food, friends, and musical fun. Initially, Kung Lao invited Raiden, his sister, and you- Wu Shi friend group. However, Johnny had overheard and decided to insert himself in the group, offering to plan the entire ordeal.
Hesitant, Kung Lao allowed him to, but tonight was clear he went above and beyond to accommodate for everyone, especially the Outworlders that would be seeing Earth for the first time in many millennia. Karaoke was a good move on Johnny's end, since music could unite anyone and anybody, and tonight was more than enough proof.
As you shook the egg, you saw how Tanya and Mileena danced together, the former spinning the latter woman around. You also saw Harumi and Kuai Liang dance, though it looked more like Harumi leading a headless chicken. It filled you with joy, peace finally befalling the universe.
The song ends with Raiden's sister's voice gently falling quieter until the background music ended. At that, you and Tomas stood up alongside the duet, bowing as your friends cheered and whooped for the talent. You and Tomas put the instruments back in the bucket that held the other ones, sitting back down as you waited for the next singer (or singers) come grab the mics. You sigh and lean into Tomas's shoulder, to which he silently puts his hand around your shoulder to bring you close. He plants a kiss on on the top of your head, and you preen in pride and love at his affection.
You both are drawn out of your comfortable silence by Mileena and Kitana grabbing the microphones, tapping it with confused faces as they try to understand the "magic" in front of them. The twins whisper among themselves, the mics a little too close to one another, and the repercussions of their negligence are paid off with a shriek from the speakers. Everyone covers their ears, Johnny coming to the empress and princess's side to fix it.
"Okay, your lovelinesses," he said with a nervous chuckle, "This 'magic' is sensitive. So, keep a distance while singing."
He leaves them and they clear their throats, Kitana announcing themselves, "Tonight, our song will be one from tradition."
You look at Mileena, who seems to be looking at her sister with silent understanding, "A toast! To longstanding peace among the realms!"
You snd Tomas lift your glasses, him planting a kiss in your cheek, and you two cheer with everyone as they say "peace" all together. Mileena also offers their song to someone special.
"For our mother, our beloved Empress Sindel," she says confidently, "May she watch over us from the Living Forest!"
It's a little more hushed, the dedication personal to the women, but everyone pushes through and offers more cheers in Sindel's name. Once that's done, the twin sisters begin singing their song.
Their voices carry love, endearment, and power, singing in their native language. It was like a siren's song, addicting and enchanting, and you can't help but close your eyes and sway gently to their voices.
Your eyes open to check your surroundings and see the following: Li Mei and Khameleon twirling around one another as they sway their hips, Raiden dancing with his little sister (also spinning her around), and Tanya bumping the side of her hip with the tambourine, matching the sound and rhythm of her lover and dearest sister-in-law. You clap your hands along and wiggle your hips too, Tomas chuckling at your attempt to dance.
Tanya seems to hear the commotion where you are, and she dances her way to your seat. She takes your hand and offers a loving smile, taking you in her arms and teaching you how to dance with them. Unknown to you, though, Tomas simply watches in silence as his lover is taken away from his side. He tries to hide his feelings, after all you were just dancing with a friend, but he couldn't help it.
He grits his teeth and crosses his arms over his chest, clearly showing his odd discomfort of seeing you dance with Tanya. The smoke, that usually surrounds him without shape, rises in thin lines. It seems Johnny and Kung Lao notice the Czech man's dilemma, naming his affliction for him.
"Oooh~," Johnny draws out as he wraps his arm around his shoulder, "Smokey bear here's got it bad!"
Tomas tries to fix himself, "I am- I am not! I'm simply watching her dance with friends- no more and certainly no less."
Kung Lao eggs him further, "I believe he is trying to mask his discomfort, but you're such a bad liar, Tomas!"
Your focus is drawn away from your impromptu dance lesson to Tomas and friends, the poor man subject to childish torments and jokes. You decide to meet him, dancing just as Tanya did when she got to you.
Tomas sees you and immediately gets away from his friends, sweeping you in his arms as he leads you two back to the floor. You're shocked for sure, but smile as you dance, him twirling you around to shake, shake, and shake.
He notices you looking at Tanya's moves, mimicking her in your own, aloof way, bur enough's enough. Tomas grabs your cheeks gently (but firmly), making sure your beautiful eyes stay on his own.
"Not her, love," he says rather darkly, going against his personable manner of speaking, "Me. Only me. Eyes. On. Me."
You can hear Johnny and Kung Lao whoop and holler, but you can't look away from your boyfriend's eyes as he lays his command. Realizing the situation, you smile softly and gently tap his hands to let you go.
"Childish, aren't they?" you comfort him as he continues to act as your dance partner.
He sighs and frowns, "They can truly be so immature."
Even after Kitana and Mileena's song, you two kept dancing to whoever sang next, never taking your eyes off him.
Well, only once did your eyes wander from his, and it was to watch Kung Lao and Johnny get scolded by Liu Kang and Raiden.
Kuai Liang
Kuai Liang sat next to you on a picnic blanket, gently grazing his fingers on your back as the gentle spring breeze billowed through the cherry blossom trees at the Fire Temple. You breathe in and exhale calmly, a peaceful air among you two and the many friends present. Looking around, you see Mileena and Tanya on their blanket together, Mileena's head on the Matron Superior's shoulder. You also note Kitana and Raiden on their own blanket, Raiden a nervous wreck next to the beautifully deadly woman.
Many familiar faces surrounded you, and your heart warmed greatly at the fact you could see your friends once more.
Johnny wanted to host a garden party for Kenshi's birthday (lovely boyfriend he is, huh?), but he wanted it to be grand. He somehow managed to convince Liu Kang to bequeath the Fire Temple to his leadership. He technically did, allowing Johnny to plan the party, but only when Liu Kang or Geras was present. Still, it turned out to be a massive success.
Kenshi, busy with work in the OIA, Earthrealm's defense, and his own clan, had very little time for himself. He missed home, and not just the scenery of Japan. He missed the food, culture, and the ability to simply take a break and enjoy the wonderful country of Japan. Since he had a target on his back at home, Johnny wanted to bring him a taste of home with their new friends and allies.
Johnny sent invitations out to everyone, you, Kuai Liang, and his family as well. Kuai Liang, as much as he cherished his friends, was busy. Working as second in command for Bi Han was rough, and as much as he loves his brother, he could not figure a way to convince him to take one day to themselves. He made the mistake of leaving the invitation out in the open on his desk. When he left his room, you had found the invite and immediately went to find the leaders of the Lin Kuei.
Bi Han surprisingly said yes, and you all showed up here now. Sat on a blanket next to Kuai Liang and his brothers by your guys' feet, you all cherished this rare break surrounded by friends. Suddenly, Johnny tapped his glass to command attention.
"Thank you everyone for coming to Kenshi's birthday," Johnny said warmly, "Before I kick you all to the curb, I propose a game!"
You looked at everyone on your blanket as Johnny continued, "I've got some papers made and different stuff hidden around the temple. First pair to come back with the entire paper filled, wins a prize!"
You were excited, grabbing his hand and pulling him up, "Come on, Kuai Liang! I wish to win, so let's get up to it!"
He chuckles, "Alright then, love, but slow down. My brothers have yet to come up with us."
You watch as Bi Han gets up with a grunt. He offers a hand to Tomas and lifts him up effortlessly, a smile on his face as he tells him his thanks.
As you're all clamoring about the possible prize, Bi Han simply saying it was a useless ruse. Before you guys could get the papers, Johnny came back with another announcement.
"Agh, sorry guys!" he apologized, carrying a cup of popsicle sticks, "To get rid of bias, and unfair advantages," he looks at his Outworlder friends, "Everyone has to draw a popsicle stick with a number. Find the person with your matching number, come get a paper, and yerrrr outta here!" Johnny says with a baseball announcer voice.
Everyone's hands lunge towards the cup, in hopes that fate would still allow everyone to be paired with who they wished. Unfortunately, no deity heard your prayers, and you've drawn a stick with a "10" on it.
"Daring, did you draw the same number?" you show your stick to him. Unfortunately, he shook his head.
"Unfortunate, I drew a 6," he said with a sad smile. His misery is short-lived, though, as Ashrah taps his shoulder with the same numbered popsicle stick. He gives a polite smile at the demoness and turns to you, only to find a certain Zetarran by your side. Kuai Liang was about to call your name, but you were swept away by Syzoth's eager amusement.
Ashrah chuckles lightly, "Not very pleased, are you, Scorpion?" she amuses Kuai Liang. He simply grunts, but puts a polite face for her.
"Let's just... follow them," Kuai Liang says as he leads the way. Ashrah, despite her own consort with another woman, did not feel affected. Perhaps she was getting used to more "human" emotions, or maybe she was so confident in Syzoth's loyalty. Regardless, she followed him as he followed you and Syzoth.
As he and Ashrah found things on the list, he couldn't keep his gaze away from your enjoyment with the reptilian shape-shifter. You were in awe of how he could shift half of his body to jump high into trees, or the fact that he still had his reptilian tongue despite his humanoid form. You were most interested in his eyes, though. Do not get it twisted, though, you were very much loyal to Kuai Liang and his love, but it wasn't every day you saw someone so vastly different.
As Syzoth explained how his body worked, Kuai Liang had enough and stormed over to you and him. His anger was affected every step he took, the grass behind him leaving trails of burns in the shape of his feet. Your head turned to him as you saw him close in on you, eyes fired up and heart burning for your attention. One of his hands easily takes both of yours, unable to get away from him as his other hand gripped your chin. His thumb caressed your bottom lip as he spoke.
"Do you have any idea what you do to me?" he announces, not caring is Syzoth and Ashrah are behind him listening, "When you look at others, especially other men..."
You try to look at Syzoth, but Kuai Liang's grip is decently firm. You can feel his breath, slightly warm due to his magic.
"Not him, at me. Keep your eyes. On. Me," he commanded.
All you can do is nod as he wraps himself around you for a hug. You sigh in the warmth, inhaling his summer scent and in your own world before realizing what he was feeling.
Your eyes widen, gasping as you separate yourself from him, "Kuai Liang, are you... jealous?"
You can feel him freeze before looking down at you. His eyes don't meet yours, darting everywhere around you as his face flushes pink. You coo at him, patting his head as you look over to your companions.
"Do not worry over this one, Syzoth," you assure him, "His sting is not as deadly as he says it is."
Syzoth puts a sheepish hand to the back of his head, nervously laugh as Ashrah links hands with his free one. Kuai Liang, out of his emotional stupor, begins to profusely apologize to the Outworlders. In fact, he apologized on the way back to Kenshi and Johnny's table, turning their papers as Kuai Liang rambled on and on and on.
You didn't win the prize (which was a huge Johnny Cage stuffed bear with glasses and its own "Johnny" tattoo), but the fact you were considered so precious to your beloved was the best reward you could ever have.
this was so cute. i think johnny would throw the best parties
i've gotten a couple more requests in the past couple of days, so i'm gonna do my best to finish them before my vacation.
i'm actually wanted to write fics on the known ships/couples already established in MK1, what do you guys think?
thank y'all for reading! and i'll see you guys in the next fic
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ryukang1995 · 7 months
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The heroes and villains of Mortal Kombat.
Liu Kang, Kitana, Sonya Blade, Jax, Kenshi, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Smoke, Jade, Kung Lao, Nightwolf and Raiden...oh yeah, Johnny Cage too.
Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Mileena, Kano, Noob Saibot and Shao Kahn.
Characters like Baraka, Reptile, Ermac, Sindel, Kabal, Cyrax and Goro were not included due to them often bouncing back between alignments within the franchise.
While Mileena was depicted as a heroine in New MK1, she has been largely depicted as a villain in almost every one of her appearances.
Also, while Scorpion has been depicted as an anti-hero or villain (sometimes unwillingly so), he is largely on the side of Earthrealm within the conflict of Mortal Kombat, hence why he is on the heroes picture.
That's all for now.
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ancanosaur · 5 months
Does anyone else remember how weirdly toxic the MK Fandom was around MKx era? Becuase I do.
Those like handful of blogs that were just getting into beef with random Kano fans and their whole thing was "Kanno is a peice of shit! And so are you for liking this fictional antagonist!!!" I remember a few who put anti-Kano in thier description of their blog and it was just a hobby to shame people for drawing Kano fanart or liking the character in any way. (And a small revival with mk11 since they made him fuzzy for that game lmao)
Weird uncomfortable age gap shipping... That whole thing about that one artist that drew Cassie cage/subzero stuff and a shit ton of people were like "uh, he's friends with her dad and is like 52. So that's kinda weird." But then it also turned into a headcanon argument bc people were like "yeah subzero definitely watched Cassie cage grow up and he was a part of her childhood." Wich is so funny looking back at it bc there was no need for people to theorise anything about the characters relationship any further than what is Canon for it to be weird.
That fucking Sektor fan who just casually wrote headcanons about Sektor being a huge fucking racist for no goddamn reason?????!?!??? The headcanon specifically was about how they ship him and Cyrax and how Sektor calls him slurs and physically, mentally, and sexually abuses him as part of thier romantic relationship????????????? And they even gave examples of the horribly racist things he says to him¿¿¿? And that Cyrax was just okay with it??? And ended the post with like " I love my evil little man 🥰" No trigger warnings on the post either and when they were critiqued for it they were like "it's realistic and it's just my personal headcanons and you don't have to agree. Sektor is my comfort character and this is just how i see him." -type shit. (Deeper lore about said person. I actually interacted with them way before the headcanon thing. They approached me wanting to rp and they were so controlling they were basically just telling me what to do the whole time. super rude and impatient. So they just suckedl lol.)
Art blogs getting wierd asks that requested them to draw the fem characters in what was very obviously kink art but the asker would ask it in a way to trick the artist into making free fetish art for them. I got so many requests back in the day to "could you draw mileena for me :) but with her jaw wired shut? :)" or "could you draw kitana wereing a new pair of flip flops for me? That would make my day." like ????? Vague to the point of its sus but there were alot of minors in the fandom at the time including myself, i was in highschool at the time. but I was raised on deviantart so I could smell a wierd fetish from a mile away. But I did see other young artists fulfill these requests and several of them completely unaware that they were drawing kink art. Kink art is cool. But not when you're tricking minors into drawing it for you for free. (There was this mileena anon that was the most common one and I swear it was the same dude bc it was always something to do with with her getting her jaw wired shut, her getting bracess, or some other hardware being attached to her jaw/teeth.)
Selfshippers/heteroshippers being like "I know Kung Jin is the only Canon gay character in this very cis het and hyper masculine video game franchise- but im gonna ship him with my girl oc :) becuase he isn't real and it's not wierd to just pick the only gay one :) out of a huge line of big muscle men to choose from :) to ship with :) my female girl she/her lady with a vagina self insert :) or ship him with Cassie :) bc they are friends and should date :) I know he likes men :) and erasing that part of him :) erases :) a big part of his character :) and character arc :) but he would look cute :) kissing girls :) bc im :) girl :) and so is Cassie cage :) and my oc :) - is what I remember.
2015/16 really was a time for the fandom.
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 10 months
Outworld dashboard simulator.
Sindel’s footrest 💜🖤Follow
Kitana and Mileeena are only ten thousand? They should be at the Kafullah Klub.
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Outworld-Copper Follow
Just saw Earthrealm’s competitors for today’s tournament. We got this in the bag.
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Hammer_Time ⭐ Follow
@General_Shao please, I can serve you so much better than Reiko, one chance, I beg.
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ANTI-Tarkat Follow
No offence, but if you have Tarkat, keep it to yourself.
Kytinn_Konnoisseur Follow
That the empire allows users like you to exist is why we’re constantly discussing civil war.
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Zaterra_Enjoyer Follow
Reiko got his ass beat by a farm boy, RIP.
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Test_Ur_Might Follow
Imagine being anti-Umgadi, just say you hate seeing women win and fuck off.
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dei2dei · 1 year
Li Mei's Kit: A Meta Analysis
I haven't been able to play the beta, but I find Li Mei's very VERY Chinese traits interesting. They leaned hard into them, and I wanted to take a moment to go all meta-geek about her fu lions and her fireworks.
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Sometimes called "foo dogs", they're stylized lions and are used as guardian symbols all over China. MK has used them with great abandon throughout; they're pretty stereotypical. Traditionally, guardian lions are paired: one has a paw holding a ball, the other has a paw holding a lion cub. The one with the ball is male, the ball representing the world and the material; the one with the cub is female, representing nurturing/care and the spiritual. The female lion protects those inside, while the male protects the structure itself, and you can keep going down into layers here. Turtles on turtles, or lions on lions, as it were.
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What's interesting to me is the guardian-protector angle of them and the choice of that for Li Mei. As an Umgadi, she would have been dedicated to protecting the royal family; the idea of being able to summon a spiritual guardian lion to protect her charges is a great note. When she fails in her service and leaves and becomes Constable of Sun Do, she absolutely does not leave behind her protectiveness, but in fact extends it to the capital at large. She's not just protecting Sindel and Kitana and Mileena now, it's everybody.
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(and the best screencap I could find was a fu lion against Kitana, which amuses me on some level). The firecrackers are another spirit protection aspect, and I hadn't known about this moving to China. The folklore is that there was a monster who lived in the mountains that would come down to a village, terrorize it, and then leave. One year an old man shows up and spends a few days protecting the village; eventually he says "I can't do this anymore, I have places to go and things to do, but I'll help you protect yourselves". He teaches the community what to do: namely, Nian hates the color red, as well as loud noises like drums and music and… you guessed it, fireworks. Not only do they make for some pretty sweet particle effects, but they lean into that idea of protection again, a little subtle reinforcement that this is part of who Li Mei is. She's a guardian, and with her bright lights and loud noises, she's going to keep the bad things away. The last "big" element in Li Mei's kit that's new is her Sky Lantern. From a gaming POV it's a great anti-air move, and it actually leans into the historical side of things: they were used in China initially for military purposes, and then took on a non-military angle. Li Mei's kit leans into the military side of things, so these aren't unexpected.
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But the sky lanterns do have a significance today that is less about the military, and more about family and reunions. Much like the fu dogs also have nuture/care and family tied into them, so do the lanterns - which means Li Mei has a whole boatload of "I will protect and care for everyone as my family". Especially since she was taken from hers and became a warrior-priestess. Despite - or in spite of - everything that's happened, Li Mei is going to continue to protect her family... which at this point is all of Sun Do. And just maybe all of Outworld, but only time will tell.
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world-cinema-research · 3 months
Week 9 Essay: Reservoir Dogs(1992) and Tangerine (2015)
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It is within cinema that the unique ability to reflect the societal shifts of the time along with cultural nuances through innovation in storytelling and production. For the two films I was lucky enough to choose for these two course weeks, the unconventional approaches and directions that have succeeded are exemplified in Quintin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs (1992) and Sean Baker’s Tangerine (2015). Situating these films within critical debates, the historical contexts we are able to uncover delve into the influence of the times from which they were created. 
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Economic Dimensions
Reservoir Dogs was produced on a modest budget of $1.2 million. For an independent film in the early 1990s, this was a significant risk, especially given the lack of major stars. Despite its limited financial resources, the film grossed approximately $2.9 million in the US and has since become a cult classic. The film’s success can be attributed to its sharp dialogue, non-linear storytelling, and Tarantino's unique vision, which resonated with audiences and critics alike.
Conversely, Tangerine was produced on an estimated budget of $100,000 and grossed around $924,793 worldwide. What set Tangerine apart was its groundbreaking use of iPhones for filming, which drastically reduced production costs. This unconventional approach not only highlighted the potential of accessible technology in filmmaking but also demonstrated that compelling storytelling and authentic representation could triumph without a hefty budget.
Aesthetic Dimensions
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Reservoir Dogs is noted for its gritty realism, non-linear narrative, and its pop culture-laden dialogue. Its aesthetic was both a throwback to and a reinvention of the crime genre, blending elements of film noir with modern sensibilities. Tarantino’s distinct style, characterized by extended dialogue scenes and sudden bursts of violence, was unconventional for its time and paved the way for a new wave of independent filmmakers.
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Tangerine, on the other hand, is celebrated for its vibrant, high-energy visual style. By shooting on iPhones, Baker achieved an intimate and immediate aesthetic, capturing the chaotic and colorful atmosphere of the Los Angeles grime. The use of natural light and real locations further enhanced the film’s authenticity, offering a raw and unfiltered look at the lives of its transgender protagonists.
Cultural and Social Dimensions
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Reservoir Dogs primarily explores themes of trust, betrayal, and moral ambiguity within a group of criminals. While it does not explicitly address social issues, it reflects a cultural fascination with anti-heroes and the blurred lines of what makes someone evil. The film’s dialogue-driven approach and morally complex characters challenged the conventions of the crime genre and resonated with a generation of viewers who were increasingly disillusioned with traditional hero narratives.
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Tangerine is able to directly engage with social issues, particularly those faced by the transgender community. By casting transgender actresses Kitana Kiki Rodriguez and Mya Taylor in leading roles, the film brought much-needed visibility and authenticity to transgender representation in cinema. The narrative, which centers on friendship, identity, and survival, offers a poignant and often humorous look at the struggles and resilience of minorities in urban environments.
Technological Dimensions
Reservoir Dogs did not rely on groundbreaking technology but instead focused on strong storytelling and dialogue. Its success demonstrated that compelling narratives and well-developed characters could triumph without special effects or a massive budget. The film’s innovative use of a non-linear structure also influenced the storytelling techniques of many subsequent films.
Tangerine broke new ground with its use of iPhones for filming. This technological innovation not only reduced production costs but also allowed for greater flexibility and creativity in capturing the film’s dynamic visual style. The success of Tangerine encouraged other filmmakers to explore new, low-budget production methods, democratizing the filmmaking process and proving that high-quality films could be made with accessible technology.
Critical Reception and Historical Context
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(Linked image above)
Upon its release, Reservoir Dogs received mixed reviews, with some critics praising its originality and others criticizing its violence. Over time, however, it has been re-evaluated as a seminal work in independent cinema. Released in the early 1990s, it helped define the era’s indie film movement alongside works by directors like Richard Linklater and Kevin Smith. The film’s success laid the groundwork for Tarantino’s grand career and influenced a generation of filmmakers.
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(Linked image)
Tangerine was widely praised for its performances, direction, and innovative production. Released in 2015, it came at a time when conversations around transgender representation in media were becoming more prominent. The film contributed to the broader cultural shift towards inclusivity and authenticity in storytelling, earning numerous awards and accolades. Its success highlighted the importance of diverse voices in cinema and the potential for technology to democratize the filmmaking process.
Situating the Films in Critical Debates
During the time period of 1992, where Cartoon Network was finally established and broadcasted for the first time. Reservoir Dogs, a movie that has been the subject of numerous critical debates, particularly regarding its portrayal of violence and its influence on independent cinema. Scholars have argued about the film’s moral ambiguity and its impact on the crime genre. By examining primary historical evidence, such as contemporary reviews and box office data, we can understand how the film’s unconventional approach resonated with audiences and critics. The film’s non-linear structure and dialogue-driven narrative continue to be analyzed for their innovative contributions to storytelling. Similar sentiments were articulated in Tom Shone’s article, where he reflects on Quentin Tarantino's debut film Reservoir Dogs and its enduring influence. Released in 1992, the film occupies a unique cultural space, having greatly influenced a generation of filmmakers and screenwriters. 
The Glorious Bullshit of Reservoir Dogs,: Twenty-Five Years Later
Tangerine has sparked discussions about transgender representation, the use of accessible technology in filmmaking, and the depiction of marginalized communities. Showcasing transgender representation that corresponds congruent with the LGBTQ advocacy and collective action occurring, eventually leading to the landmark court case of the fundamental right for same sex marriage, Obergefell V. Hodges. Within her dissertation, Paula Lopez examines the impact that the cultural shift of LGBTQ representation in media as response to the equal rights movements during the period has taken place. In portrayal of Trans lead actors, the film works as both advocacy and a cultural product. Scholars and critics have praised the film for its authenticity and groundbreaking use of iPhones, while also examining its impact on the industry. By analyzing primary historical evidence, such as interviews with the filmmakers and actors, and textual evidence from the film itself, we can understand how Tangerine challenged conventional production methods and narrative tropes. Exemplified through the selected interview from the same time period of the film, where the table of analysts revel in the film’s innovative utilization of the Iphone’s cinematographic capabilities. As well as the authentic storytelling and accuracy of the Los Angeles scene and ambiance, captured through its story progression and aesthetics. 
Tangerine Critical Resource
Tangerine Review
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Both Reservoir Dogs and Tangerine represent pivotal moments in film history, each breaking new ground in their own ways. Reservoir Dogs redefined independent filmmaking in the 1990s with its unique narrative style and modest budget, influencing countless filmmakers. Tangerine utilized its limited but freeing technology and authentic representation to tell a vibrant, socially relevant story in the mid-2010s, pushing the boundaries of the time in terms of representation and production techniques. Each film's success, despite their unconventional approaches, underscores the power of innovative storytelling and the evolving landscape of cinema.
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mrstsung · 9 months
Vent below if you like liu kang this post isn't for you. This is basically an anti liu kang and really angry post.
Giving y'all a warning.
Again DNI if you like liu kang or "stan" him. Or are a fire god liu kang fan. Because this post isn't for you.
Like I'm giving a warning for a reason because im not gonna be nice rn. I choose violence today ok?
Trying to cite warnings and tag this so people don't get up in arms. (Which they may anyways but hey thats on them if they click further)
Cw:vent,angry admin.
Last warning. If you like liu kang. Plz for the love of god dni and keep scrolling. But if you dont like him. And especially hate fire god liu kang. Plz Continue.
Vent below cut
If you like or stan liu kang but more so mk12/mk1 god *redacted titans derogatory* liu kang.
Kick rocks. He's an asshole. Have a nice die liu kang. 💀🗑⚰
Nah. You can miss me with that. Liu kang deserves nothing but death and suffering. In fact everyone BUT shang tsung deserves it.
Nah if yall would have gave shang something actually decent,livable,love and care,maybe a fucking decent friend that wasn't a previous roster member?,etc. None of this would be a problem. But nope. Liu kang had to be a petty whore bitch with bias agenda. Could have made him evil and made him like dark raiden. But nope you had to make him insufferable and unlikable.
Like a guy who hides behind the im nice,till you disagree or reject his ideals and suddenly you're gaslighted and given shit. Omg much like religious indoctrination. How interesting. But they dont wanna talk about that.
People don't wanna talk about how shitty the writing is. But people don't care so as long as the characters are pretty and fuckable enough. But the more things change the more they stay the same i guess.
Everytime i see mk12/mk1 liu kang i wanna spit on him and punch him and set him on fire and just want him dead and gone for good. Because i fucking hate him. I have never hated even kronika this bad,more so i felt she was a waste of potential, and redundant af. Nah He deserves die.
Like go to Super hell liu kang. Piss off with your shitty fanfic Timeline. Loser bitch ass hiding behind a fake ass smile and preaching peace. Peace my ass. Shit happened anyways. Makes fucking shinnok look like a fucking saint sweetheart in comparison.
Like im not even joking. I don't even care about his reasons. I dont even care what canon says. Or these fucking mk1 liu kang fans say anymore. Im tired.
Which we all know it's because he has weird hang ups over kitana when he could have just fucking left,said fuck it and married her anyways. She would have said yes. But he had to be weird about it,roundabout af,and make everyone suffer because he couldn't get edanian pussy.
Or it's because maybe he thinks he can do better than raiden. The arrogant prick. Nah that god dilf raised you and you give him this shit?! After all he went through?! Thi s is the thanks you give him?! Liu kang im not just disappointed in you im disappointed in the fact raiden didn't kill you off when he had the chance when he went dark. Would've Saved us a shitty game and a half.
Like liu kang did all the things and still had bad things if not worse things. Happen. Preaching peace and prosperity my ass. Fake ass ugly ass hoebag bitch. I hope he chokes on his spit in his sleep. I hope sand get in his ass and never comes out. I hope he dies from this bullshit lame tarkat disease and gets ultra mega plague. I just fucking hate it man.
The villains are lame. The story is lame. Liu kangs fanfic is lame. And nrs is lame.
I'd rather deal with the shitty 2021 movie than this shit. I'd rather deal with shitty writing in mk11 than this. Fr. At least it's entertaining shit.
And shang tsung isn't a fucking dumpster fire in the story. Shao kahn while a meathead is still terrifying. Quan chi isn't there but in 10 he was fucking beeeeeast. Shinnok. Poor shinnok. You deserve better. Cetrion was a waste. Kronika too. Geras was actually scary,but now he's a tool.
Legitimately the gameplay is just juggle better,gimmicky kameos bullshit,and same ol crap different wrapper.
Mk12/mk1? More like mk11.5 . Nothing changes thats worth the money.
I can find better shit on emulators.
Graphics aside what does the new game really truly have to offer? Nothing.
Wishful thinking. Like a bag of lays chips but unlike potato chips which is useful. This game sadly. Is not.
(Liu kang is only valid if he's from the 95 movie thats it. Fuck every other version. But even then it's thin ice at this point. Nrs has ruined liu kang for me.)
So yeah kick rocks liu kang. I hate liu kang and anyone who stans his ass rn in the story and the new game can fuck right off.
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derrymilk · 2 years
~ Introduction Post ~
(\ (\ („• ֊ •„) ♡ ━O━O━━━━━ Hiya friends, welcome to my blog! (my kink side-blog is @mommymanaged) Here's the basics: My name's Kitana (Kit for short). I'm a 25yr old whose sole mission in life is surviving this hellscape. I'm greyace, bisexual, non-binary, and polyamorous, & my pronouns are they/them. I'm proship, sex/kink positive, and supportive of people creating any content as long as it doesn't harm real people. I aim to create a safe space for those who frequently get denied one. You are welcome here! ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ My current fandoms: • IT • Stranger Things • Buffy The Vampire Slayer • Our Flag Means Death • My Hero Academia • Arcane ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ I encourage interactions and love making friends! Feel free to send me writing or drawing prompts, ask me about my HCs, etc! But minors pls DNI with this blog. Disclaimer: This is kind of obvious, but any of the problematic stuff I may condone in fiction does not cross over into reality. If you have an issue with my blog, please use the block button liberally. There's enough hate on the internet without antis who thinks they've got the moral high ground trying to play purity police. Pls see yourselves out! ˙ᵕ˙
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scaryspears · 1 year
Edenian supremacism probably comes with the Sindel retcon. They were originally allies of Earthrealm and as much victims of Shao Kahn as anyone else - Kitana and Jade were actually freedom fighters for Edenia. Why they're now apparently all soulless pieces of shit (and why the narrative turns against Kitana beginning with Aftermath, seriously listen to how Spawn just dunks on her), I think, has to do with a change in society as a whole.
As more and more previously unheard people speak up and tell their stories, more and more narratives are getting flipped, and rightly so - those we've been told to admire all our lives are turning out to be bigots at best and greedy, power-hungry butchers or heartless religious zealots at worst. Conversely, the people society whose voices society wishes it could silence - BIPOC, LGBTIA+, workers, those with disabilities (ND included), really anyone who's suffered at the hands of the powerful and privileged - are finally starting to be vindicated, to have their complaints validated, and their stories heard.
In other words, our heroes are turning out to be way worse people than our villains ever were, and fiction is starting to reflect this; The Boys would be a textbook example, nobody with superpowers in that franchise is anywhere near heroic, and honestly I'm a little disturbed that anyone would want to play Homelander in MK. The Edenians were presented as the most virtuous in the original universe, so they were the obvious choice to be the rotten bastards in MK11 (not a choice I exactly agree with, or even the Sindel retcon at all, but if I got to make every choice cheese curds would grow on trees, so)
Having made that observation, I still consider having villains more sympathetic than your heroes to be an immense failure on the part of the author. Let's be real, "princess" is part of Kitana's identity, and that implies she's up to her eyeballs in some sort of privilege. The thing is, free will exists, and privilege does not (or should not) hard-lock you into being an asshole. Even Kitana could have chosen integrity and real compassion, to do what's best for the people even when it came at expense to herself, but nope, she chose to play footsie with Kotal's buddies and attack people for not meeting her sky-high standards.
This is not the Kitana Outworld deserves, and this is not the Kitana the MK community deserves.
I'm falling asleep at my laptop rn, so good night and thank you for pointing out that Sonya is trash.
Not gonna lie, I always saw Sindel as an evil character even with the whole mind control thing. If their own queen was willing to kill her own husband, an Edenian, to have a stronger one (Outworld-ian) then they shouldn't be flabbering about supremacy.
I've been meaning to vent out about Sonya but didn't know when.
"I'm a little disturbed that anyone would want to play Homelander in MK" I thought this was a joke when I first heard it, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually meant it.
When it comes to villainising the heroes I think it's more of a Severus Snape situation, where we the viewers find out there's more to the villains and the heroes. I think NRS figured we were tired of goody two shoes and wanted to see those goody two shoes be more humanised, if humanised means less decent. And then proceeded to butcher some beloved characters, I guess. Harry's been told his parents were good people only to find out they did terrible things. When shown that Mileena just wanted a family we can hold some kind of sympathy for her, even though it doesn't excuse the fact that she's a blood thirsty killer.
One thing to be noted is that there's a lack of consistency when it comes to the games, and not just designs, so when you're talking about "those we've been told to admire all our lives are turning out to be bigots at best and greedy, power-hungry butchers or heartless religious zealots at worst." I think it's the writers changing their minds to fit the mindset of current audiences, acknowledging that it's not just kids playing the games nowadays and it's their way of making things more realistic.
As a Johnny Cage stan, I can very much tell you that there's a lot of things wrong with him, but he's an angel in comparison to the other heroes. (even if he was sexist and mouthy in the past, he is the most relatable) He is a good example when making a flawed character in my opinion, or maybe I'm being too soft on the guy.
I don't think Scorpion was held accountable for screwing everyone over, either. Or killing Bi Han. Poor Bi Han.
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jadesdesert · 4 years
So I was rewatching Kitana’s MK armageddon arcade ending, which involved her making an all-female fighting force to take on the forces of darkness, and I just found it ironic that everyone accuses MK nowadays of being “too political” or “pandering to sjws”. Yet here’s this ending from a 14-year old game potraying themes they would accuse of doing the same thing. (The comment section to this video kinda proves my point lol)
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Today's Map Hating Character is: Kitana from Mortal Kombat
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izzabela · 3 months
I have a request, can you write a different scenario for the Lin Kuei trio x female reader where each of the brothers goes on a mission and part of their mission is to get close to another female person/outworlder to gain information and the reader stumbles upon it mistaking it as cheating and runs off heartbroken and each of the brothers tries to find the reader to explain to them what really happened?
That was a mouth full, sorry 😅
It's Not What You Think! - Lin Kuei Siblings x fem!reader (scenario fic)
in which you stumble upon each brother in a... sleazy scene, and you're left at a loss for words
a/n: OH THIS WILL BE FUN, i adore funny plots, so this is no different than my other fic
ship[s]: bi han, kuai liang, tomas x fem!reader (scenario fic), jenshi mention
warning(s): suggestive ending(s)? no "y/n" bullshiyet, anti-betrayal, post-story mode, johnshi mention
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Bi Han
Bi Han was furious, to say the least.
Though it had been almost two years since the events of the timeline's intersection, both Shang Tsung and Quan Chi were still at large. They both fled to different areas all across the realms, and at one point, Shang Tsung had appeared in Earthrealm for a bit to try and thieve Sento from one of the champions that defended Earthrealm.
Liu Kang, distressed with this revelation, left for Outworld to speak with Empress Mileena personally, pleading with her to have one of his own people find Shang Tsung in a secret mission. Of course, Mileena agreed (with the promise it wasn't another secret espionage), and the Fire God immediately called upon Bi Han for this task.
While he was known to take a decent amount of time on missions, it was for the sake of meticulousness and being thorough. His tactical brilliance allowed his missions to end more cleanly, making sure no loose ends were out to bite him in the neck later, so Liu Kang knew he would be ready for anything.
Fuck. That.
His wealth of knowledge in stealth, skills in death, and the art of killing were minuscule against the situation he found himself in. Shang Tsung's trail led to the red light district of Sun Do, and he was in the middle of the grimy, sleazy streets where the lowest of both men and women worked for keeps. It sickened him that he would need to get intertwined with such people in order to learn more about the villain who had burdened him with more stress, but he had no choice.
He knew you would understand, as you saw how fierce he was for you and your safety. After all, you two had been dating for one whole year, your bond was too strong to be broken. He did his best to make you happy, keep you happy, and by his side- this would be no different. He let out an annoyed gruff, adjusting himself to make sure his arms were out, and his already low-cut attire was able to show more. He loosened his bun and walked into this newfound battlefield, hoping his ice would quell the horrendous fire of disgust that burned in him.
Although you were a mortal, you had many connections to the semi-immortal people of Edenia, many of them being royalty or figures related. Some names include: First Constable Li Mei, Supreme Commander Kitana, and the Matron Superior Tanya.
You remembered the first time you met them, all of them stumbling out the portal and onto the gravel of Wu Shi Academy. Unable to move them, you advised all the available healers and medics to set up camp right where they fell. Your talent in hydromancy was one thing, but your healing capabilities were another level of amazing. You were healing more people than most of the monks, and that gave you time to build rapport with these new faces.
That was two years ago, and now here you four were, in the busy streets of Sun Do, eating at a restaurant while talking about your lives.
Unbeknownst to Bi Han, you were drinking and enjoying the cheery atmosphere of the city, all four of you clearly having a blast to be away from the crushing responsibilities of life. However, your joy was short-lived when, past some restaurant-goers heads, you saw a familiar head of black hair, although his bun was loosely tied up and more of his hair fell over his face.
"Bi... Han?" You called out, abruptly standing up and following the familiar figure.
The man you have been dating for a year was in Sun Do, but not for leisure. You knew him a man rare with days off, so this was unexpected.
Li Mei and Tanya's head snap up, their vigilant eyes scanning the area, but you saw where he was headed. You decided to follow your instincts, and left the women clamoring your name as you pushed and shoved your way to where you saw him.
"Wait!" Kitana exclaimed, "Do not be so hasty, you do not have the means to defend yourself!"
Their worries and cries were drowned by the adrenaline building in your veins, and you turned the corner to quietly follow your dearest lover. Yes, you were a healer, but you were trained by Liu Kang as well, so you had some means to fight back. For this case, you decided to ensue a defensive position, watching him quietly.
You hid behind lazily stacked boxes, barrels, and the crowd that filled the street. Finally, the street cleared up, and you saw the most horrifying scene yet.
An escort in skimpy clothing, and her breasts practically about to fall out, was all over your lover. She lazily dragged her fingers across his chest and down close to his crotch, but it draws back to his black-silver mask. His eyes are hardened while she teases him amusingly.
"Everything comes at a price, cryomancer~" she draws out the "r" seductively, "If you so badly need it, monetary gains must be met."
Your breath hitched, and burning tears welled your eyes as anger began to affect your mastery of water. Your eyes began to burn, and blinking didn't help. You wipe them and rise from your hiding spot, but make a loud scene to reveal yourself. Both Bi Han and the escort lock eyes with you, and your tears began to leave your eyes. If Bi Han squinted hard enough, he could see vapors rise from where your tear stains were, your anger acting as a stove and reacting with your tears.
"Oh, how curious..." she drew out, "A lover, perhaps?" Her head rested on his chest and nuzzled into it.
Your heart shattered when Bi Han threw his arm over her shoulders, his other hand under her chin and turning her head away from you.
"A woman like her could not match my own status," and she smiles evilly at the response, taking his arm and leading him into one of the businesses that the escort worked.
Your cries echoed in the street, and you felt the warm arms of your friends pick you up from the dirty road. Your head immediately burrowed into the nearest shoulder, that being Tanya, who takes you into her arms and hugs you tightly. Li Mei glances at the opening in the wall, the "door" being a cheap beads and fabrics. She wanted to go after the Earthrealmer, but she'd have to leave a bookmark in this case.
"I don't want to be here anymore... but I do not wish to go home," you whisper hoarsely.
The women look amongst themselves and decide to take you to the palace, where Kitana explained to her sister and she graciously let you stay for as long as you need. While Li Mei could not enter further, Kitana took over completely as Tanya went to be by Mileena's side. You cry into your friend's lap, "why" and "how could he" leaving your lips angrily as you feel your grip on your magic grown unstable.
"My friend..." Kitana begins softly, "I do not know why Bi Han would do such a thing... but you must know that you are stronger than you let on. You defend your friends ardently and with loyalty, which is a rare type of strength unseen in many millennia, and I know you will grow stronger than this."
You continue to sob in her lap, and Kitana makes eye contact with her sister and Tanya, who stood outside of the room. They wanted to enter, but Kitana shakes her head and gently shoos them away. Tanya sighs, closing the door gently and leans on her lover's shoulder.
"It pains me to see her in such a state," she expressed, her hands locking with Mileena's.
Mileena was hurt seeing you in agony, but it hurt her more not being able to tell you the truth. She decides not to speak, your cries and sobs doing the talking for all four of you as the night let on.
Bi Han beat the shit out of the escort as soon as he got the necessary information out of her. Along with her, he made sure to leave every one of these disgusting lowlifes in the wake of the Sun Do police force, so they could arrest every single one of them for prostitution and harboring dangerous illegals.
He escaped to the roofs, watching the Constables bust through the opening and taking every person in the building into police custody.
"Round them up!" Bi Han heard Li Mei's command, "No one is above imperial law."
With this, Bi Han bolts to the portal at the center of the city, practically crashing through it to get back home. He missed you dearly, wanted to explain everything, and hold you in his arms again. He wanted to apologize, rub your back as you sobbed, and kiss your lips to wipe the dirt that covered his.
Landing like a uncoordinated goose, he's flat on his back and meets the eyes of his brothers and Liu Kang. The Fire God extends a hand to him, lifting him up back to his feet.
"An... interesting entrance from our most skilled Grandmaster," he noted, "But no less welcome, my friend. I assume you found something."
He doesn't bother answering to him, though, and he simply grabs Liu Kang's collar. Kuai Liang is quick to grab his arms and hold him back, while Tomas guards Liu Kang's front.
"Did you mean to tell me she was there as well?!" he practically screams, "She was in front of me, almost compromising me!"
Tomas seems to realize what his brother was talking about, quickly filling him in on information he clearly missed, "Did she not tell you she would be in Outworld that night? She wrote about it in her letter to us!"
Bi Han digs into his memory and remembers the paper that lay on his desk. The stress that ate him alive made him forget about this date you set aside, and the words you had used to describe how excited you were to see your friends again.
"Fuck..." he cursed softly.
Kuai Liang let go of his brother before he demands Liu Kang to open the portal again. He sighs, smiling softly as he waved his hands to open a fiery gate.
"Explain to me your findings when you come back with her," he says, mentioning your name, "It has been a while since I have seen her as well."
He nods and rushes through the portal, meeting the blue sky of Edenia and the entire Umgadi force surrounding him. He looks across the steps and sees you and Tanya hugging, talking about something before you let go from the embrace.
He called your name and your head snapped to his voice. Your eyes are wide and tears are threatening to fall, but you look away and turn completely away from him. Tanya takes this into consideration and glares at Bi Han, ordering the priestesses into a protective and offensive rotation.
"Recall them, Matron Superior," Bi Han demanded, "I would like to speak with her myself."
"That is for her to decide," she hisses, "She is a friend to the crown, and any threat seen against such will be treated as so."
The priestesses are ready to attack, but you slip away from Tanya and walk to Bi Han yourself. Bi Han and the other priestesses are still, and you close the distance between your lover with eyes downcast. He removes his mask and wants to hug you, but you hold your hand up to stop him.
"Tell me..." you begin slowly, your teary eyes meeting his worried ones, "What were you doing that night? With a woman like her... saying those, awful things to me..."
Bi Han doesn't know what to do with his hands, wanting so badly to take you into his chest and tell you what he said meant nothing, it was to keep his front up, to save you and Earthrealm. But he puts his hands to his side and begins to speak.
"Liu Kang had me follow a trail, one that led to Shang Tsung. That snake was out of my grasp, shifting shape and getting away. However, I got some information on him thanks to that... whore."
You take note on how disgusted he looked, his head turning away from you as his face morphed into something indiscernible. He looked lost, disgusted, and most of all, defeated. You frown at him and take his hands in yours, and he uses this to hold you in his tight embrace.
"I did not mean a single thing that night," he said, feeling your chin wobble on his shoulder, "You were the only thing on my mind, and you still are. You consume my very being, everything I do is for the sole purpose of your happiness- nothing more or less."
You nod slowly, your hand placed on his cheek as you rubbed your thumb softly.
"Your word is my code- and just one thing uttered from your lips will silence me forever," his eyes shone with unshed tears, trying to keep up appearances in front of Tanya.
You just hug him, quietly crying in his arms as he hugged you back, his grip tightening on your waist. The weight he had on his chest finally left, and your presence was like a cleansing waterfall that washed away his sins.
You hear Tanya recall the formation, telling them to return to their posts. You didn't care what was happening though, as long as Bi Han's arms stayed around you as your tears fell.
Kuai Liang
Kuai Liang sat in a booth seat along with Johnny and Kenshi, in "casual" conversation as they scanned the area for anything out of the ordinary in this tightly packed club. Music blasting, alcohol flooding his nose, and the feeling of sweaty bodies on him made him seethe with anger and disgust.
The three Earthrealm defenders were in a club in Los Angeles, your native town, and the last known location of both Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. Ever since the timeline convergence, all the realms have been busy trying to clean up the miscreants mess; for some reason, it let them to this huge club on the West Coast of the United States.
Liu Kang debriefed the men, saying that one of the Sisters of Shadow were in Earthrealm, in bars all over California to take the naive souls of men and women alike to fuel the black magic that Quan Chi practiced. In order to get close to them, and perhaps find the sorcerers once and for all, Liu Kang sent the three of them on this mission.
It pained him to be in your hometown without your knowledge, and it hurt him even more that he had to get close with another woman for the sake of Earthrealm. But that was the main reason he was here, to protect your future with him and the future of Earthrealm- in order to ensure that you two would have a home to come back to in the end. In order to carry out this mission flawlessly, he did not tell you, and that killed him inside.
You two had met just a year prior, you being plucked out of fighting in illegal fight clubs to serve Liu Kang as a future Champion. You accepted rather easily, thinking this was all a dream, but as you trained with them, you realized it was anything but.
Kuai Liang was drawn to your fighter spirit and spark for protection, not to mention your flawless beauty and grace as you fought. He saw you as an equal, and you were touched on how he didn't look at you like a failure. Of course, due to your history of betrayal and mistrust, you didn't place your love or faith in him quickly. However, with every kind word, gesture, and gift he offered you, every look of concern and worry, and his attention to you, your walls melted against his fiery love and you gave yourself to him.
How he hated to break your trust after such a life of turmoil, but he hoped you would understand. You knew of his loyalties, his fierce protection and eager to serve Earthrealm. He prayed to the elder gods every night the mission's length increased, hoping you'd understand. Tonight, it was put to the test.
You sat at the bar alone, your friends having gone to the dance floor with a group of guys clearly fiending for one-night release. You sighed and swirled your drink in the cup, a mini vortex forming.
One minute, you were playing for keeps in illegal cage fights, the money barely enough for your shitty apartment in the bad side of L.A., now you were an elite fighter and Champion-to-be for a Fire God.
Crazy right?
Even crazier you found love in your master's great friend, Kuai Liang. You were already off-put on Liu Kang's kindness when he took you in, Kuai Liang made it no better. The way he took his time with training you, spending time with you, and waiting for you to trust him made your hardened heart soften. It had been a long time since someone was so patient with you, let alone accepted all of you.
So, when you recognize his iconic black bun in the crowded sea of sweaty bodies, you knew something was up. Kuai Liang was not one for the social scene, and clubbing was strictly off limits for him as a personal thing- what the hell was he doing in L.A. on a Friday night?
You decided to follow him, closing your tab and silently stalking him. From where you stood in the club, you could see where he sat. with Kenshi and Johnny in one of the booths near the dance floor. Your head followed his general path, and the sight before you made your heart stop.
Kuai Liang was letting another woman touch him, and her face was scarily close to his. She whispered something to your man, and he said something in her ear that illicit a horribly high-pitched giggle from her. You were fuming, and decided to confront them in the act.
"You bitch!" Grabbing onto her shoulder roughly, "The hell you think you're doing?!"
Kuai Liang's shocked face matched yours, but with his mission in mind, he grabbed onto the woman to protect her, not you. Was it possible a heart could break even more? Because if you thought it was broken, this completely shattered it.
"K-Kuai-," but all he does is huff and grunt at you.
"Who do you think you are?!" he shouted, people around you watched the scene unfold, "Creating a fucking scene..."
He never cursed, especially around you. He knew how to hold his tongue, and he never raised his voice at you even if he was pissed beyond the realms' saving. Your face morphed into hurt, betrayal, something Kuai Liang promised you to never do. Yet here he was, failing you.
"Silly girl," the woman hissed as she kicked your abdomen, "Leave us!"
You groaned as you picked yourself up, immediately escaping the messy scene and fleeing out of the club. Tears blurred your vision as you crashed into people on your way out, only having yourself to console the agony you were in.
Kuai watched as you left, and he swore he would make it up to you. No matter how long it took.
Kuai Liang was an assassin. He was trained in the meticulous art of killing people swiftly and without noise.
So when Johnny and Kenshi found him, blood all over his dress shirt and pants, the demon's mutilated body slowly dissipating, they knew not to push his buttons.
"All of the information I gathered has been written down," he said without turning to his friends, handing them some paper.
"A-alrighty then, Kuai..." Johnny said nervously, a chuckle matching his tone.
"Go back to the Temple, there is something I need to do before heading home," he said calmly as he cleaned up, "Do not wait for me, explain to Lord Liu Kang the dilemma as well."
Kenshi nodded, and the couple looked at each other before turning their gaze to the clearly pissed-off man, watching him storm out to find you. They had a feeling on what was happening, but they didn't press further as they set off for the temple. Kuai Liang was outside the club, searching recklessly to find you in the summer night. Just a couple of blocks away, he heard your distinct cries in an alleyway, and he followed them and up, your body curled up in the fire escape of an apartment building.
Quietly, he tries to get to you and be by your side, but his kunai drops from the hidden hilt in his pants, giving away his position and it scares you. Your head snaps up and you get into defensive mode, your brows furrowed in anger as you snarled at him.
"What in the elder gods' names do you want, Scorpion?"
His hands are up, but he still tries to close in on you by slowly walking to you. You're cornered, and the crying has made you too exhausted to move.
"I know what you saw was, to say the least, alarming..." he begins, "However, please allow me to explain."
More tears welled in your eyes, "I trusted you, Kuai Liang. You knew my story, I gave you my heart- I confided in your warmth!"
Kuai Liang squats to your height, arms down as he watches your tears fall.
"How could you..." you sob again, your head thrown up facing the sky.
Kuai Liang watches your tears fall, and he gently used his hands to wipe your tears. He's surprised you don't shake away from him, so he used this opportunity to explain himself to you. From Liu Kang's plan, Quan Chi's legion of deadly female demons, up to now, he explained in great detail and softness for you to register despite your wails.
"Oh darling," he begged softly, "You know my promises to you- they're written in blood. If you so wish it, I will shed it for you- if it meant see you smile once more."
You wipe your tears and ask him with shaky words, "Swear on your family, swear that what happened meant nothing to you."
His hand wraps around yours and your foreheads touch, his warm breath on yours, "I swear to the elder gods above and the honor of my late father- she is dead to me."
You smile almost evilly, "Prove it."
Safe to say, your evening ended with more cries, but not in pain this time. Still, Kuai Liang would do anything to never see you cry so sadly like that- even if it meant more blood being spilt in your name.
Tomas, Kuai Liang, and Bi Han were in a neighboring village, just a mountain away near Fengjian, in an undercover mission that lead to Shang Tsung. Liu Kang got word from Raiden, who had visited home for a brief moment, that his people were talking about a strange man coming to and from the village for something unknown.
Not wanting to waste an opportunity, he called upon the Lin Kuei Grandmaster and his second-in-hands to try and apprehend him once more (not mimicking the Ying Fortress situation). What the brothers didn't know, though, was that the trail would lead to a small club, a front for Shang Tsung's hideout.
It was a music club, with weekly performances from many female singers and dancers from the neighboring villages in the region. Tomas, who knew you were an active and avid singer, hoped to the elder gods you weren't here to witness what he was doing.
In front of the long stage, he sat in a rounded booth seat with an "entertainer" by his side as she talked his ear off about every performance that went on. She was in a horrible costume, those Qipao costumes that the Westerners sold as costumes in cheap Halloween stores, her pale skin glowing softly under the warm light of the club. Tomas played into his role of a "traveling" foreigner, needing rest in this village and simply needing time to "destress" from his journey.
Tomas was dressed in some jeans and a gray shirt, a backpack on his other side to really sell the look. In his ear, provided by Sektor and Bi Han, was an earpiece to hear the commands of his brothers. He knew the woman next to him was connected to Shang Tsung, but all he was worried about was you.
He prayed to the elder gods that you would not worry. He prayed that you would believe in him, stay confident in him as he completed his mission, and hoped that you would forgive him when he eventually needed to tell you this entire debacle. He sighed, beginning to play his role into getting more information out of the woman.
He whispered dirty jokes, laughed quietly with her at her horrendous attempts of humor, and even held her close. While this was for the betterment of the realms, he would rather die than finish this mission. He was getting some useful information from her, and he could hear Kuai Liang and Bi Han talk to him over the earpiece, but his focus was brought away as he saw his prayers ignored.
You were here. Performing. In the middle of his mission as he was smack dab in the center of your sight. At first, he saw you smiling happily as your voice filled the room, but when your eyes met his, your will to perform left.
The Shang Tsung affiliate was all over Tomas (though you didn't know), kissing up his neck as he continued to hold her. People around you two were beginning to grow tired of the act, clamoring for you sing or begone. You tried to continue, voice slightly shaky as the lyrics left your mouth, but you were ultimately pulled backstage by the show manager. Behind the curtains, the sight broke your heart more and more.
Tomas's hand was locked in hers as she took him away, and a flirty smile was on his face as they both walked away from your direct line of sight. Too angry at what you witnessed, and growing depressed, you retired for the night and left to head back home.
Tomas was the most affectionate of his family, and you were drawn to his optimism despite the pain he had endured. Just like his brothers, he was loyal to an alarming degree, but you knew why. Having him lost his family, leaving his home country, and being put in a new place, he longed to have someone of his own.
Sure, his brothers were great, but you were the final piece to him. Your kind personality, joyful nature, and loving demeanor made him fall instantly, and you loved Tomas just as much. You were surprised to see how a man such as he, going through what he had gone through, still remained joyful and optimistic.
What he loved so much about you, though, was your talent in singing. Whether singing while cooking, bathing, or holding him, Tomas found your voice a safe haven. He vowed to always keep you happy, smiling, and most importantly, singing.
After this, though, he'd have a hard time hearing your bird song once more.
It was gone, along with your heart and the man you loved so dearly.
Tomas stood over the bloodied woman's limp body, hunched like a hunted taken-down animal. He called his brothers to enter the room, and they too were met with the horrendous sight.
"By the elder gods..." Kuai Liang breathed, "Tomas, what in Earthrealm-."
His pupils were dilated heavily, his grey irises overtaking his eyes. He was breathing heavily, and his grip on his karambit made his knuckles turn white. He was seething, his hunter's instinct turned on and on high alert. He shoved past his brothers, not without Bi Han stopping him.
"Foolish brother," he hissed, "Why did you kill her? Lord Liu Kang needed her alive."
He breathed calmly and turned back to his brothers, who both stilled at how calm his demeanor was speaking to him, "She is alive, brothers. Take her immediately to Lord Liu Kang, I have personal matters to tend to."
Bi Han grabs the collar of his shirt, shaking him, "We have our duties to fulfill. If you so wish to abandon your role, the Lin Kuei will hunt you- I will hunt you."
Tomas takes his brother into his knees, his blade gently pressing into the kill spot on Bi Han's neck. Kuai Liang's breath hitched while Bi Han shook his head to stop his brother.
"I will accept whatever may befall me, but I need to do this, Bi Han," and he turns his head to see his youngest brother's face.
"Please," he begged.
He nodded, sighing in relief as he bolted out of the back room. Kuai Liang scoops the woman into his hands, while Bi Han watched in awe at his brother's will. He left the back room to find you, hoping to set things right.
He searched the village for your house, and saw you crying in the balcony in the back. You were fiddling with a leaf that fell from the large tree that hovered over the balcony. To get to you, he had to climb to see you.
"Love..." you heard him say behind you. You gasp as you shuffled away from him, but he doesn't relent.
"Love, what were you doing there?" he asked gently, coming closer, but you held your hand up.
"No, Tomas," you said defiantly, "You tell me what you were doing there. With that woman all over you, with your hands on her equally as eager, with me right in front of you..."
More tears fell as you sobbed more, and Tomas's heart broke even more at the pain he put on your heart. He silently fell onto your balcony and sat with his legs crossed over themselves. He reached for your hand, and you surprisingly accept it. He gently rubbed his thumb over it, slowly explaining everything.
"So, the club I performed every couple of months, was a front for s multidimensional threat?" you asked gently, wiping your tears.
Tomas nods, his hand cupping your cheek, "My love, no one could beat you. Hearing your voice break, your eyes look at me like that..." your hand held his, "Everything about you controls me, your voice a siren's song."
You smile weakly and kiss his cheek, "Listen to me, then, as I call you to me."
You lead him into your bedroom, and your voice commands the rest of the night as you two stay entangled in one another.
guys my ipad is lagging after typing all this, long ass fic
still, i hope you enjoyed, especially you anon!
i'll see yall in the next fic!
127 notes · View notes
avi17 · 3 years
MK X Pacific Rim AU Concept
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You ever get an AU idea in your head and go absolutely feral for a bit putting it all on paper?  Me neither, until now!  This isn’t so much a fic as just a detailed wiki-style outline, but hopefully it will still be fun to read!  I had a ton of fun figuring out how to translate all these concepts and backstories into the PR world. If anyone feels like doing anything with these ideas they’re absolutely welcome, just please credit me and link back to this post if you do!  I don’t think I’ll ever be able to write this into some massive longfic, but I definitely hope to do some shorts in this ‘verse. I brainstormed this with a bunch of people, and got some fun ideas from @sxvethelastdance​, @bastardsunlight​, and @fallen-angel-lucifer- thank you guys so much for humoring all this!​
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Pan Pacific Defense Corps Marshal Raiden was a legendary Mark 1 pilot dating back to when the program was first launched.  Based out of the Shatterdome in Tokyo, he and his brother Fujin, in their Jaeger Thunderbolt Gale, were the first line of defense from Kaiju attacks headed westward from the breach for five grueling years. However, they met their match in Motaro, the first Category 3 Kaiju to make landfall on Hokkaido, and when Fujin was torn from their Jaeger and killed, Raiden was forced to take down the creature solo- a feat replicated only twice since. The physical and emotional toll of that day led to his retirement from active combat, but he remained in the PPDC as a commander, as well as a mentor of other pilots.  When the Jaeger program was decommissioned, he was the last one to retain his faith in it, and took up leadership over the few remaining Jaegers at the Shatterdome in Hong Kong for one final stand against the Kaiju. Current Pilots:
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Liu Kang and Kung Lao Jaeger: White Lotus Original base: Hong Kong
The home base heroes of the Hong Kong Shatterdome, pilots Liu Kang and Kung Lao are the top graduates and darlings of the Wu Shi Jaeger Academy.  Raised together in a martial arts sect before the first breach and drift compatible since their ranger training began, they are nearly inseparable- though Kung Lao has never quite forgotten how Liu Kang's scores just barely edged out his own in their individual skill assessments, and he strives constantly to prove himself his partner's equal (despite Liu Kang's insistence that such competition is unnecessary). Their Jaeger, White Lotus, is a well-rounded, powerful machine, featuring high-powered flamethrowers, as well as a system of fuel vents that allow it to set its fists alight and heat them to brutal temperatures in close-quarters battle. For ranged combat, it utilizes a circular blade mounted to its head, which can be thrown like a boomerang with enough force to slice through buildings. 
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Kitana and Jade Jaeger: Edenia Glory Original Base: Lima
Interplanetary refugees, Kitana and Jade escaped to Earth after their homeworld was attacked and overrun by Kaiju invaders.  Their spacecraft crashed in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, and though they immediately searched for civilization in order to warn Earth’s people of what was to come, the first wave of attacks had already begun.  After making their way to Lima, they volunteered to put their combat skills and close bond to use as rangers in the South American Jaeger program. Together they have defended the coasts of Chile and Peru since the Mark-2 days, though between battles, they spend their time in communication with the PPDC and the U.N., sharing what information they can about the Kaiju and other alien life previously unknown on Earth. Their Jaeger, Edenia Glory incorporates technological elements from their original planet not used in any other Jaeger, and is lithe, fast, and deadly, with a style focused primarily on precision bladework rather than hand to hand brawling.  Its name is a tribute to their lost homeworld, and they use it to great effect to prevent Earth from suffering the same fate.
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Sonya Blade and Jackson "Jax" Briggs (later Johnny Cage) Jaeger: Flawless Victory Original Base: Los Angeles
Both Lt. Sonya Blade and Maj. Jax Briggs had successful careers in the U.S military behind them when the first Kaiju came ashore and attacked San Francisco.  Though at the time, Sonya was in the field pursuing the criminal Kano, she returned to the states when her friend and superior officer, Jax, suggested that they might be good candidates for the newly-formed ranger program.  He proved to be right, and the two did time at the Shatterdomes in both Los Angeles and Anchorage, fighting off Kaiju from Canada to Mexico, and became well-admired figures within the military for their ascent.  Though far from unscathed, the ostentatiously-named Flawless Victory is the last American Jaeger left standing by the time the program is decommissioned and is a tank of a machine, sacrificing some speed for the greatest physical strength of any Jaeger still on the field. Like the other American Jaegers, for long range combat it favors plasma cannons and explosives- particularly a ring-shaped plasma blast with wider coverage than the usual single beam- but it is at its most effective when delivering a crushing beatdown up close and personal. Johnny Cage is the star of a popular series of action films dramatizing the battles of the Jaegers and Kaiju, and to many civilians at home, is as much the face of the Jaeger program as its real members.  He has a secret ambition to become an actual pilot and has an impressive record in simulations, but because of his celebrity status (and his personality), Marshal Raiden and the other Jaeger teams refuse to consider him as a true contender.  However, when a vicious fight with two Kaiju at once leaves both of Jax's arms shattered, taking him out of commission as a pilot for the foreseeable future, Sonya is forced to accept Johnny as her new co-pilot in order to keep Flawless Victory in the fray where it is needed. Despite her irritation with him, they turn out to be drift compatible, and become a formidable duo in their own right.
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Hanzo Hasashi and Kuai Liang Jaeger: Phantom Vengeance Original Base: Nagasaki
From the Nagasaki Shatterdome, the bright yellow Mark-3 Jaeger Shirai Ryu defended the coast of the Yellow Sea across three countries.  Its building was overseen by its husband and wife pilots, Hanzo and Harumi Hasashi, and it was named for the legendary warrior clan from which Hanzo claimed descent.  It was in service for four years, though Hanzo and Harumi always spent as much time as possible between missions with their young son Satoshi, who lived with them in their quarters at the base so that his parents could still have a part in raising him in a world that would not guarantee a reunion for families who choose to separate. Across the sea based in Shanghai was an organization known as the Lin Kuei, a private military contractor funded by shadowy, unknown sources.  Though its bread and butter was anti-Kaiju weaponry, it also began to develop its own Jaegers- the only ones outside the PPDC, created from illicitly obtained blueprints, and hireable for the right price.  Its crown jewel was a small, stealthy machine called simply Sub-Zero, unique for its proficiency underwater and tendency to use coolant as a weapon rather than fire or explosives, and piloted by two brothers- Bi-Han and Kuai Liang. When the massive Kaiju Kintaro directly attacked the Nagasaki Shatterdome, Shirai Ryu was the only Jaeger left to defend it. Desperate, the Hasashis attempted to contact the Lin Kuei, as they were closer than the nearest other Shatterdome in Tokyo.  They received no response and were forced into battle alone, and though they prevailed, the price was too high- not only Harumi’s life when part of their cockpit was crushed, but Satoshi’s as well, buried in the wreckage of the base.  In his grief, Hanzo blamed the Lin Kuei- particularly Bi-Han, with whom he had never gotten along- for what he perceived as a failure to act due to greed and amorality. What Hanzo did not know that day was that they were experiencing the first double event in history, and Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei were under attack by the Kaiju Sheeva at the same time.  The Kaiju hivemind had figured out Sub-Zero’s usual strategy of attacking from the water, and were ready with an acidic bite that tore a hole in the cockpit, which rapidly flooded.  After a similar failure to make contact with Shirai Ryu, Bi-Han was swept out into the sea and presumably drowned (though his body was never recovered), but Kuai Liang, despite a bleeding face and water up to his neck, managed to kill the Kaiju mere moments before Sub-Zero ceased to function. After his release from medical, a furious Kuai Liang set off immediately for the remains of the Nagasaki Shatterdome to confront Hanzo for his failure to respond to the attack, since Shanghai was within Nagasaki's area of coverage. Both blinded by rage, they nearly got into a fistfight in the middle of the base, but once they realized what had truly happened, their anger cooled.  They bonded over their grief, and the unfathomable experience of having to pilot a Jaeger alone after such loss- and in the process, discovered they were drift compatible, and that they both wished to continue the fight in retaliation for what the Kaiju had done to their families. Their new Jaeger, Phantom Vengeance, is a strange sight- constructed from salvaged pieces of both Sub-Zero and Shirai Ryu (along with some newer tech to fill the gaps), it looks as much like a walking ghost as its pilots. However, it should not be underestimated based on its appearance. Quick and light (for a Jaeger), it features a retractable grappling hook to drag Kaiju into the range of its blasts of powerful coolant, and a devastating grip to snap them like twigs once frozen. 
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Other Players:
After the destruction of Sub-Zero and the defection of Kuai Liang, the Lin Kuei concluded that the problem with the Jaeger program was the human element of drift compatibility, which limited the number of possible pilots and held them back due to concern for their partners in battle.  Therefore, in secret, they began a series of horrific experiments, fusing subjects with their Jaegers to operate more like batteries than true pilots, and erasing their memories through drugging and electric shock in order to create blank minds that could operate together without the complications of emotion.  Assassins Cyrax and Sektor, along with Kuai Liang’s close friend Tomas Vrbada, were among the subjects of this initiative, forced to operate a three-armed machine called Triborg.
Shang Tsung is a scientist, shunned from the academic community and at times running afoul of the law for his unethical- if not outright twisted- biological experiments. He and Marshal Raiden have crossed paths in the past, and though no one knows the details, their enmity towards each other is clear. However, in his desperation after the decommissioning of the Jaeger program, Raiden had Shang Tsung brought from prison to the Hong Kong Shatterdome, and gave him access to whatever parts he needed to find a way to destroy the Kaiju- by any means necessary. Shang Tsung agreed partly because of the money offered, but mostly because the world's destruction would throw quite the wrench into his own personal goals. (And maybe because it was deeply satisfying- and perhaps useful- to have the Marshal in his debt.) Where his allegiance will lie at the end of the day, however, is anyone's guess. 
For such experiments, one needs a steady supply of Kaiju parts, and for contraband like that, Raiden had to look even lower- to the crime syndicate the Black Dragon, led by Kano and including his associates, Kabal and Erron Black.  Though once mercenaries dealing in everything from illicit arms trading to assassination, the Black Dragon followed the money and and put all their resources into the trafficking of Kaiju parts.  With demand so high, they have become immensely powerful, but their involvement with the PPDC in the name of greater profits ends up bringing Kano face to face with his old nemesis, Sonya Blade- with predictably violent results.
Nightwolf was the historian of the Matoka tribe, which had long ago predicted a great cataclysm that would bring about the end of life on earth.  Though he had been skeptical that such legends were real, when that cataclysm came to pass in the form of the Kaiju invasion, Nightwolf was not content to merely await a prophesied destruction.  He left home and applied for the ranger program, but although he trained toward being a pilot and had the necessary combat skills, he never found a partner with whom he was drift compatible.  Rather than dwell on this with resentment, he pivoted his focus into other ways he could help, and found his place as a technician and LOCCENT officer.  Transferred to Hong Kong after the decommissioning of the Jaeger program, he was the rangers’ primary point of communication with the base while in battle.
Though most of the world fears the Kaiju, there are also those who worship them, and such admiration has evolved over the years into a full-blown religion.  The shadowy high priest of this cult is Quan Chi, who claims that the Kaiju have been sent by the God of Death himself- to end the days of humans on Earth as we so richly deserve.  Recently, a strange, hollow-eyed man calling himself Noob Saibot has appeared like a shadow at Quan Chi’s side, serving as his personal bodyguard against all threats and a fellow ardent believer in the inevitability of humanity’s destruction. Mileena is a grotesque fusion of Kaiju DNA with that of Kitana, which was stolen against her will when she was injured and bled during the invasion of Edenia. She enters Earth as a general of the Kaiju, connected to their hivemind, along with the first Category 5 to ever come through the breach, Goro.  Together, they intend to ensure the will of their creator and the ruler of the Anteverse- Shao Kahn- is carried out.
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