#anti fanart shallow
luna-blood · 2 years
Sasuke isn't the only fictional character to be used by shallow people for self-validation. Much of the fandom falls for that. Either Killua or Shinobu. He forces ideas on him that are not from the characters. They don't love the characters for who they are, some only care about the powers they have, others use it as shipping material.
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comfortunit · 1 year
Hi, no judgement I'm just curious, what does it mean to be anti-fandom?
you know how fandoms behave? the groupthink? like genuinely a kind of mob mentality? are you familiar with the phenomena of fanon overtaking canon? of people being completely unable to analyze a work outside of a distinctly FANDOM lens? like all they care about is "i'm in denial about this character dying" and "it's canon in my heart" and the neil-gaiman-worshipping ass bullshit about how "we told canon to get lost!"
at this point, what i'm about to say is an ice cold take but that shit's annoying. beyond annoying, it's fucking disgusting to me. everything is just tropes to them, it's "but i want to be the protagonist, too!"
it's literally like marketing to them. everything is diluted, nothing is genuine, nothing is real. it's all just cheap imitation. everything is "transformative" fanfiction and fanart and no matter how many times they re-read, rewatch, replay the source material, the hermeneutic cycle has long since died; they bring no new genuine experiences to their re-examination of the work as it truly exists, only "i loved this completely incoherently derivative AU fanfiction so much i'm going to re-read the series with that as my perspective/framework", over and over and over. each time getting further and further from coherence. everything is hollow. everything has been eaten out from the inside.
like whatever if people want to call this dramatic then fuck them. if/when a work of fiction matters to you, like really matters to people, WHY is it that the fandom's first instinct is to remove these characters, whose meaning is defined by the story in which they exist, hollow them out, project themselves into them, and treat these stories and source material like everything has to be theirs now? why does everything have to be shallow derivatives of an original? can you not examine characters as they really are? get to know them as they exist? is that really such a difficult task?
and when it comes to murderbot, why not make a secunit oc? why must the fandom treat murderbot like it's a doll, it's a possession that belongs to them. is its entire story not an arc about autonomy and personhood? is that not the fucking core and soul of its source material? has it not expended chapter after chapter explicitly reminding the reader that it fucking hates being forced to do things it doesn't want to do? what genuine substance, what meaning is being brought by the fans, the fandom? anything? i have seen nothing but depraved conduct from the murderbot fandom. people are expected to "just let people enjoy things 🥺" as if that sentiment doesn't come from the most pathetically insecure corners of their fandom-brained shipping-sick heads. let people enjoy things? who's fucking stopping you from enjoying things? can you not handle difficult source material without sweetening it and processing it to make it easier to swallow? the flagrant disregard for genuine representation of a perspective that i have never seen represented before is what really sickens me, it's just so deeply wrong. there's something so horribly corrupted and repulsive about that.
and yes i take this very personally because i resonate deeply with the pov the murderbot diaries portrays, but on a more objective level, 'fandom' is not a sustainable way to approach anything. it's not a sustainable way to watch films or television shows, it's not a sustainable way to analyze music (have you fucking seen how swifties behave? do you remember how directioners behaved?), videogames, poetry, books, artwork, anything. anything except franchises. ask yourself, is murderbot a fucking franchise to you? then go to the fandom wiki, patronize the fandom reddit, participate in the fandom discord server, leave kudos on fanfiction written by the franchisees putting their own spin on murderbot like it's a hard rock cafe.
there has to be a line drawn sometimes between 'harmless fun' (here's an idea: make some fucking OCs!) and creating fandomized misrepresentations of source material that already possesses an incredible soul... and replacing that soul with something soulless.
and i'm not fucking saying that people have to agree with me. i know people disagree strongly with me. yes, i think the people who disagree are fucking kidding themselves, inhaling the fandom nitrous-oxide, and 'turning their brains off' instead of engaging critically with the literature itself. but this is my opinion. this is what i feel and believe.
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jcogginsa · 1 year
Wildbow is a very impertfect man who clearly has a lot of sunconscious biases.
But to b frank, there's a lot of people in fan circles who think hating him is a personality. Just now a post crossed my dash claiming that Wildboe was an anti-semite. Their evidence was a document describing his characters appearence (intended to be reference material for Fanart). This document claimed that one of the characters, a villain named Lab Rat, was ethnically Jewish. Later in the reblog chain, someone posted another version of the reference document. This version simply listed the character as nonspecified caucasian, with a note saying something to the effect of "When I was collecting information for the document I mistook a fan theory for something I had written. That and the implications of a character named "___ Rat" wasn't my intent"
The response to this was "He's obviously lying" and I'll admit that's possible.
But, the thing is that there is another evidence that this post uses to prove that Wildbow is an Anti-Semite. It's actually the first bit of evidence that they included. It's a moment from Worm, Where the character in question had a small appearence before becoming a lead in the sequel, Ward.
So what is this smoking gun, this daming bit of evidence that proves the character was always intended to be jewish? Well you see, in Worm, the lead character overhears the character speaking a language they don't recognize.
That's it. A caucasian person speaking a language that isn't english.
Now, this post did not screenshot the moment from worm, nor did they cite what chapter it's in. So short of reading every chapter the character appears in, I can't look at the moment to see if there is more context that can more clearly identify the language as being intended to be Hebrew.
But the post itself didn't include any such context either, so I feel perfectly justified in thinking that the poster was an idiot for acting like that was an actually convincing argument. There's a thing called credibility, and when your agument is as shallow and stupid as that, I stop believing that you actually care about this supposed bigotry and start believing that your just a jackass trying to look cool online by joining in on a bandwagon
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shunsellon · 2 years
Sorry for potentially annoying you, but for the ships opinion: Malice, SpectraGus, SpectraMira and Shunsellon
i've already talked about spectragus here, and i think my blog is just a testament to how shunsellon drives me insane so i'll be skipping them by simply saying that they're Thee bakugan ship for me. literally nothing comes close except maybe drago/wyvern or drago/helios.
masqalice is a very interesting ship to explore but not really on a literal sense, if you know what i mean? i like to use it as more of a metaphorical way to study alice and masquerade's characters. as for them as a couple... well i personally can't see them going on coffee shop dates and the like because i've internalized masquerade being part of alice so much. so yeah.
now disclaimer before talking about spectramira - no i don't support incest in real life. i think pro/anti shipping stuff is stupid, incredibly polarizing, and a shallow way to interact with literature/media. i'm viewing all this through an archetypal and academic point of view.
i think spectramira genuinely adds an interesting layer to new vestroia. let's be real they're not even trying to hide the vibes between them. and i think it's interesting because it plays into literary tropes and archetypes that's been used for centuries. a lot of the time, incest isn't just there for the sake of it being there. it's often used as a literary tool to show what the family is hiding, as a perversion of the ideal union between man and woman, etc.
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the text above refers to gothic literature in particular, but i've always said there's something so gothic about the fermins and that mira would make a great gothic horror heroine. "horrible truths bursting their bonds and coming to light" — mira finding out how fucked up clay and spectra are, especially in the dinner scene. the incestuous subtext adds a great layer to the fermins which i eat up.
that being said, like masqalice, i can't "ship" them in the way fandom people do. no fluff fanfics between them, no cutesy spectramira fanart for me. my fascination with their dynamic solely lies in what it adds to nv's narrative. i'm more of a spectramira scholar than like, a spectramira shipper LMAO
send me a ship and i'll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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imekitty · 2 years
Not an ask but just letting you know I love your pink astronaut fics<3 your writing gives me life:) also, i was looking over your masterlist and some links, such as paulina giving danny blood blossoms, do not work:(
Awwww, thank you so much! Pink Astronaut has always been the OTP of my heart. <3 I just always thought Paulina was adorable and her chemistry with Danny was so good.
In fact, fun fact that people don't know about me because Disparaged/Dissembled are currently my most popular fics, but my very first fic I wrote back in 2006 was also the first positive Paulina fic ever written.
Like literally the first ever, I actually wrote that fic simply because I could only find three Paulina fics on all of FFN at the time and they were all very anti-Paulina. I set out to change that, and I'm really happy today that the Paulina hate has toned down. It's not gone, but it's definitely not like how it used to be back in the early years of the fandom.
Also another fun fact, but my friend @chintastic was actually the one who came up with the new pairing name, Pink Astronaut! Although I helped uwu. We just both absolutely hated Shallow Sapphire and how it contributed to the rampant Paulina hate.
As for the Paulina-giving-Danny-blood-blossoms fic, I actually wrote that to accompany some fanart a friend drew, and I guess she deleted her blog? I guess I'll have to repost it on my own blog. Even though it's pretty old now.
Thanks for letting me know! I probably never would've noticed that otherwise.
UPDATE: I found it and fixed the link!
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unpeeled-shrimp · 3 years
Yo... I just got the sickest idea ever.
Trailing away from hetalia for a minute to present to you...
DRV3 chapter 3 rewrite!
I'm gonna write a fic about it eventually, it's gonna take ages but I'm here for it. So far there's just the idea.
So basically, Kiibo's body is discovered. He got shocked to death, Miu tries to revive him, but has no luck. Hoping they'd find a clue about the culprit Miu checks his memory card. The only things that were recovered was an audio, and a photo.
The audio was Kiibo constantly apologizing and saying it was an accident and that he didn't mean it in a distressed voice. The photo was blurry, but they could recognize Gonta laying at the bottom of the stairs and Kiibo standing on top of the stairs.
After the inicial shock, they go looking for Gonta's body. They eventually find him buried in a shallow grave behind the Ultimate inventor's lab. I haven't figured out what happens next but then trial ensues.
Firstly, everyone agrees that Kiibo killed Gonta on accident, but who killed Kiibo? Then the scrum debate starts, one side says that Kiibo's death was a suicide, given that he was holding the murder weapon, a very powerful tazer, and the other half says it's murder, becouse Miu discovered Kiibo's anti-suicide security system installed by his creator.
I haven't fugured out what led to this, but it turns out Kokichi is the culprit. After the vote, Kokichi explains why Kiibo killed Gonta. It turns out that Gonta accidently found a second secret passage way in the library by moving a book and Kiibo saw him. He thought that it was on purpose and that Gonta must've been the mastermind.
Later that evening Kiibo caught up to Gonta at the stairway and confronted him. Gonta tried to defend himself, saying that it was on accident and he just wanted to read the book about bugs, but Kiibo didn't believe him. Whether it was on accident or not, Kiibo pushed Gonta down the stairs. Kokichi, who was listening behind a corner, took advantage of the opportunity and offered to help cover it up, saying he won't tell a word. Kiibo, who realized that maybe Gonta was saying the truth, agreed. They buried the body togother and Kokichi took the chance and zapped him. He hid the body and went back to his dorm. Kokichi then gets executed and the killing game continues.
If you like it then feel free to comment suggestions. You can make fanart if you want, too.
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anti-reader-insert · 3 years
I’m actually a Pro-Shipper. I’m not here to tell you what you can and cannot ship.
This blog is about anything not a Canon x Canon ship. This includes: Reader inserts, self-ships, imagines, etc.
This blog will also be about how much I hate Polyshipping / OT3+
Basically this is where I dump my personal shipping opinions.
“If you’re pro-ship, why are you anti-reader inserts??”
Because I find them uninteresting, creepy, gross, and a waste of perfectly good shipping potential for canon characters. Also because I have no emotional investments in your shallow excuse for a character. Be it OC, yourself, an imagine, or a random reader there’s no pre-existing emotional attachment there. I’m interested in seeing canon characters I care about bang, not a shallow faceless uninteresting generic excuse for a character I can’t relate to or enjoy the tiniest bit getting it on with a character I love who already has so much wasted shipping potential with literally any canon character in the source material. So yeah.
“Okay, so you don’t like it, why ruin the fun for others??”
Because there are certain fandoms where reader inserts make up the bulk of shipping fics and even sometimes, fanart. As tho no one gives a fuck about the canonical character dynamics. If there was more balance of content, I wouldn’t be so annoyed. If people tagged their shit properly I also wouldn’t be so annoyed.
“What about polyships then??”
That’s involving a personal trauma. Plus I just find them emotionally gross and a pack of lies. The only exceptions are, for both OCs and polyships, are straight up Mob x Canon because I like to see my faves suffer. So yeah.
“So you’re a pro-shipper, meaning you’re okay with all sorts of nasty shit in fiction but you choose to take issue with harmless reader inserts and loving polyships?? Why??”
Different strokes for different folks. Plus I’m not claiming anything moral about my stance. I’m not saying you’re a bad person for liking the shit I hate (boring, maybe, shallow too, but not bad). I’m very much pro freedom of speech and even tho I despise reader inserts and polyships to my core I will still defend your right to read / write them. But this doesn’t mean I can’t talk about how I fucking hate them personally. Basically, I’m not on a high horse casting moral judgement on anyone here. I’m all in favor of there being more nasty shit in fanfiction actually. That’s part of the wasted potential for me, personally, among other things. So yes that IS what I’m doing, in a sense.
“Why label is an anti blog if you’re a pro-shipper then?”
Because while anti’s are generally garbage people with garbage opinions and garbage dispositions who do terrible things... I cannot deny it’s a clear cut catchy shorthand for saying you don’t like shit. So it’s shorthand really. I do not condone harassment, death threats, or anything of that nature. Ever. I may rag on people and what they choose to ship, but I will never pretend to act like I’m morally superior for it. So while I am, sorta, anti certain things - I’m not an actual anti-shipper. Again this is due to the fact that I believe you can like whatever you want and I’m not trying to stop you.
“So what is the point of this blog then??”
Venting my frustrations. That’s pretty much it.
“Stop ruining my fun!!”
You ruin your own fun, bro. If my opinions bother you just block me. Personally I’d love to block every single reader insert, imagines, etc blog but it’s rare people accurately tag this bullshit. But if my opinions ruin your fun then your fun seems pretty fragile. Personally, if someone gave me shit about what I liked I’d just go read the shit they hate and move on with life. But hey, usually the people who do that to me are harping on about how terrible I am because of what I enjoy. I’m not doing that to you.
In short, welcome to my blog! If you happen to share my opinions then congrats you’re not alone after all! If you don’t share my opinions then perhaps you can take something away from this blog, or maybe not. If you’re here to give me shit because I hate your shit — why bother? I made it clear I’m not trying to stop you or anything.
If you have anymore questions or want to ask me personal shit, feel free.
As for the what to call me, eh idk, I guess “Chiyo” since that’s the name of my pfp character (from Murcielago in case anyone cares).
CLARIFICATION: As for the title “canon ships are always superior”, I mean canon x canon ships. Not just ships that are canon in canon.
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They were both too young to know how to love.
Of course leave it to Harry Potter to be what drags me back into writing fan fiction. Apologies to people who follow me already since this is pretty different from posts I’ve done in the past, so feel free to ignore. 
I just wanted to try and get some thoughts out about a fanfiction I’m currently writing, specifically the relationship between Harry and Daphne. Or the lack of one right now anyway. ;)
The basic background is that this is a soulmate AU with soulmate marks and empathy/semi-telepathy (I’m not sure what to call it honestly). The three main ships are Dramione, Ransy, and Pottgrass, and it’s a slowburn enemies to lovers starting from Goblet of Fire on. Emphasis on slowburn and enemies considering two of the involved are Draco and Pansy.
Before I started writing again, the only ones of those three I shippped/read fanfiction of were Draco/Hermione and Pansy/Ron. I originally picked Daphne because I’d read fics that had her as a character and liked her in them; after that I read two fanfics that made me really ship them, because the amount of ships I have due to fanart/fanfic is huge. (Previously I was, and actually still am, a Nottgrass shipper because I am a multi-shipper a lot of the time.)
I’m going to put the rest of my rambling under the cut.
So there are a couple different things going on here. The most superficial was that, when I had started writing, I’d been re-watching the Lizzie Bennet Diaries so I was a bit influenced by Pride and Prejudice when writing Daphne at first. Specifically the inspiration was Matthew Macfaden’s Darcy from the 2005 movie and Daniel Vincent Gordh’s William Darcy from LBD. (And as an aside Astoria was slightly based on Georgianna from the 2005 movie and Gigi Darcy from LBD.)
The inspiration became less strong the more I wrote, but her being standoffish/cold/rude to non-Slytherins (except Astoria) and the scene where Daphne tries to make a deal with Harry was inspired by Darcy's first, horrible proposal to Elizabeth. But that’s the shallower reason, let’s get into the meat of it, which is background vs appearance. 
Harry Potter was orphaned at the age of one years old, was raised in an abusive family who didn’t even give him a room for ten years, had no friends until he got to Hogwarts, and was lied to by the Dursleys’ about what his parents were actually like. There were no pictures of his parents, he wasn’t told they were a witch and wizard, and he didn’t even know they were murdered. When he is told about his parents, he is given the romanticized view of James and Lily and their relationship. He thinks they were the perfect picture of soulmates, as he hasn’t been told that James was once a jerk that Lily really disliked. His first real experience of familial love was with the Weasleys and thinks of them as the best family in the world. Daphne knows nothing of this aside from the fact that he was raised by muggles; I don’t think she thought much about Harry at all outside of times parts of his adventures were found out by the school. Like the flying car incident. As she said in the fanfic, Harry just sort of existed to Daphne. 
Harry is only fourteen years old at the start of the fic, and has only had a crush on Cho at this point, but he does know that he wants to have the real love and respect his parents had. He wants to have a family of his own that would actually be loving. He doesn’t want his potential future children to grow up without love. And, most importantly, he doesn’t think Daphne is capable of that. 
What Harry knows about Daphne’s background is that she’s part of an old, wealthy pureblood family a la the Malfoys or the Parkinsons. (He wouldn’t know the term Sacred Twenty-Eight.) That’s pretty much it and would be about the amount of knowledge all the students from the other houses would know (except for Astoria, the Ravenclaw little sister, who is just as uncomfortable as Daphne when asked to talk about their parents). Harry is also generally dismissive of Slytherin house as a whole thanks to Draco and his gang; he thought they looked like a “pale and unpleasant lot'' at the Welcome Feast in first year. 
Here’s how Daphne comes across to the kids outside of Slytherin: standoffish; doesn’t seem to talk much outside of class participation, and is often sarcastic when she does; doesn’t seem to have friends outside of Slytherin and the only non-Slytherin she is consistently genuinely affection towards is her little sister, and not everyone sees that; while not a member of Pansy’s gang is still known to be a good friend of Pansy’s, and is also close to Blaise who is seen as equally snobby. 
(Speaking of Blaise, Daphne still wants to know why she’s the only one to get an insulting nickname like Ice Queen when Blaise and Theo are often just as anti-social towards the other houses as she is. In Theo’s case, more so. XD) 
Of course, it’s easy to sympathize with Daphne when you know what her background is really like. Her parents, despite being soulmates, have an absolutely toxic relationship that their daughters had to witness: “Daphne Greengrass hadn’t been a fan of the soulmate concept for years now. She could even pinpoint the exact moment her disillusionment started: the night before her sixth birthday when her father finally told her mother that, soulmates or not, he had never loved her and had only married her out of both obligation to the bond and to the alliance with her family. This had then turned into a screaming match in her father’s study accompanied by the sound of glass being thrown at a wall.” This is just one incident. 
Daphne was so used to her parents arguing (and to be really clear, I’m not talking about normal arguments couples have; I’m talking about full-blown trying to verbally/emotionally hurt the other as possible or just arguing to try and win against the other person) that she was already making it her job to comfort Astoria, who “was still a baby, and upset by it”. Daphne has grown up with a very dim view of romance and romantic love. 
Now, Daphne does know that people can be genuinely in love. For all their many, many faults, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy are devoted to each other. Pansy’s parents aren’t on the same level, but are loving/affectionate enough with each other. However, she doesn’t think love and happiness are guaranteed so it’s better to have something more solid like respect or trust. However, that is hard to get across to Harry because she’s grown up to think being emotional is bad/a weakness and it’s hard for her to open up to people she doesn’t know well. (Pansy was her first friend at five years old and is still her best friend up until this point; it’s also the reason her other friends are the Slytherins she’s known for years at this point. People she’s used to.)
She could have approached Harry differently, flirted, or suggested dating, or tried to be romantic but she would have thought of that as dishonest/manipulative. Because Daphne knows love isn’t guaranteed for soulmates. Because Daphne knows she’s not the most likeable person. Because Daphne isn’t sure she could love Harry and doesn’t want to lie about it. Yes, Slytherins are all about cunning and clever ways to get what they want, but this is one of the areas Daphne would not even consider something like that. For all her issues, Daphne does have some standards. 
Self-control and (just control in general) is something Daphne clings to because her parents were often unpredictable and she had to create a sense of being in control of her life. Her father is not a warm or empathetic person and he looks down on people being too emotional. (Yes, this is supposed to be hypocritical considering he’d get into screaming matches with his wife.) He would be out of the house a lot for both work and to get away from his wife. Her mother was emotionally and mentally in a bad place for a long time and withdrew from her children a bit. She improved by the time Daphne was at school, but her favorite is clearly Astoria for reasons that will be expanded on later. Daphne tells herself she gets it because Astoria is her favorite family member too. (Also I just want to make this clear, Daphne and Astoria are close siblings who genuinely love and care about each other. Daphne is also Astoria’s favorite family member. Their relationship, as I like to see/write it could be another post though so moving on.) 
This need for self-control also was because of the stutter she had growing up. She was already self-conscious about it and she was very aware that her parents (her father in particular) saw it as a problem, which stressed her out more and made her stutter worse. The more emotional she’d get, the more likely she’d stutter. Whereas the more comfortable she was, the less often it happened. Pansy already mentioned in one of her POV’s that she barely heard Daphne stutter around her after a while; not a huge spoiler or surprise, but it was the same with Astoria. One of Daphne’s pre-Hogwarts tutors was essentially a wizard speech therapist, so she had it under control by first year but it was still recent enough at the time that she was pretty afraid of slipping up at school. Also consider the fact that some students (not just Slytherins either, but from all houses) made fun of Quirrell's stutter, and he was a teacher. (Yes he was evil, and only pretending to have one, but they didn’t know that then.) How much worse would the teasing be for a first year student? So as her father told her, sometimes it’s better not to talk at all. 
Harry doesn’t know any of this. 
Before things really started in the fanfic, Harry’s one interaction with Daphne that really stood out to him was that time she was sarcastic to him in first year after his first Quidditch game: “You know my family made the snitches used at Hogwarts. Please try not to choke on another of them next time.” When fourth year started, she ignored him completely in the Great Hall, and didn’t help her friend in a way he didn’t recognize/understand. 
The next day, Daphne sends him a note ordering him to meet her during lunch, after not acknowledging him in public. (As Harry says, she didn’t even write please. It also didn’t ask him for a date and time to talk, just told him to meet her in a specific location.) When he asked if she was proposing to date him, she “made a truly exasperated sounding noise” which definitely hurt his pride a little. She also tried to approach a relationship (not necessarily even a romantic relationship, just in general) with him, someone she has barely spoken to,  like a business deal, which he thinks is a cold way to look at it and he loses his temper. However, it should be noted that she asked him why when he rejected her out of hand and well, don’t ask a question you wouldn’t want an answer to. 
Later on he sees her picking on a second year for seemingly no reason. In reality, this is a girl who did something to her sister and Daphne doesn’t let things like that slide when it comes to people she cares about. 
Now afterwards things get murkier because Daphne is wanting to freeze him out/ignore him, but he is the one to poke at her. The soulmate bond is like an outside force that pushes down on two people to try and force them together, which can be downright unbearable if you really don’t like the other person. Harry finds the pressure it puts on them very hard and is stunned when she acts like she’s not affected at all. (He’d feel better if he knew she was feeling it just as much as him. Sort of like how Hermione and Ron both take comfort in the fact that Draco and Pansy are having as bad a time with the bond as they are.) He’s already under stress from the situation with his scar hurting and Sirius leaving his hideout to come back to England because of it, now add on to that the stress of an outside magical force trying to bond him to a girl he doesn't like and who doesn’t like him. No, he’s not handling it in a great way, but he’s young. 
And Daphne could always try and talk to him about things good (sending him a song through the bond to help him sleep when worry for Sirius was keeping him up) and bad (the incident with the second year), but she doesn’t try. Partly it’s out of pride, but largely it’s because she’s developed unhealthy coping skills that she doesn’t realize are unhealthy.
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sakucrossing · 4 years
whats your opinion on sassusaku?
not sure how long this ask has been here, so sorry if it’s super late!
I’ve mentioned this a few times before, but I’m sure it’s very confusing bc I reblog both anti ss and ss content. 
I’m of the opinion that canon ss sucks ass. There’s no development; their peak was a few moments in the chunin exams then it was practically non-existent from there (not counting fillers/next gen shit). SS was always about how Sakura felt, how Sasuke affected Sakura, and how Sakura unconditionally loves him despite all the wrongs he did. 
We get CRUMBS of how Sasuke feels about her. Beginning of it he was very annoyed with her (rightfully so), then he sees her as a friend/teammate in chunin exams arc, he expresses gratefulness towards her before he dips konoha and knocks her out, then in Shippuden there’s nothing but a “Sakura” when they first meet....aaand nothing till she tries to kill him where he’s batshit, and then (some) good crumbs during fourth shinobi war thats also between lots of bad crumbs. I kinda roll my eyes when I see ss fans zoom in on Sasuke’s blushing face in the manga as if that’s any evidence that he feels in any way romantic interest towards her when she had a very shallow infatuation with him. It just doesn’t sit right with me that ss was always about Sakura’s feelings. Just very poorly developed and executed overall. 
And at the VERY END OF THE DECADE LONG SERIES they’re just married with a kid and its like...........ok? I can’t really remember them ever having a meaningful convo..........like...............ONCE
There’s aaallll that.......but its also like.......they look good af together so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. If you follow me its pretty obvious I love multisaku content, and though I usually don’t touch ss with how much its ingrained in canon and how poorly it affected Sakuras character, in the world of fanon none of that shit matters. It’s like the top hetero pairing I think? so obvi there’s gonna be a lot of good content for them to where I can just shut my brain off and just enjoy it sometimes. If I can enjoy madasaku/gaasaku/sasosaku why shouldn’t I just let myself enjoy the abundance of ss content when the fans do it better. I very rarely read fanfics of them so I mostly just reblog fanart on tumblr.
Brotp ss would have been so much more compelling and this is a fact I don’t care what anybody else thinks. A sakura who got over her infatuation with him, who actually sees him as HIMSELF and is still there for him. A reformed (?) sasuke who also sees sakura just vibin and being HERSELF with him, still caring about him even if she no longer has romantic feelings. They become friends with no romantic/sexual tension (much at least) who just vibe and occasionally beat the shit out of each other. Sakura prescribes him medicinal marijuana and they smoke a blunt. 
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dcbicki · 5 years
theres this fanart going around of el slapping mike across the face and i keep seeing ppl say its funny? and like.. imagine thinking slapping your boyfriend is like a cute quirky thing.. i think its actually kinda gross and like.. imagine reading their relationship so wrong thinking el would EVER lay a finger on mike..
This is an old ask but I saw that artwork again earlier today and just had to find this message because I hate that one piece of fan art. Like, it’s well-done and the artist is clearly talented but I legitimately loathe everything about it aside from the actual technique used.
The message it sends isn’t cute, or funny. It’s literally a girl dumping her boyfriend by... slapping him across the face? There’s nothing empowering about it. If anything, it’s detrimental to El’s character, El and Mike’s relationship -- which is in no way violent and is the very opposite of what that artwork would have a non-viewer believe -- and it trivializes domestic abuse while also promoting the whole *girl power* thing this fandom has been eating up since the third season came out.
I get that it’s just fan art and that I’m probably being melodramatic again, but art in all its forms can be a direct influence on how people view the world, and what we accept as standard...young people especially. Say a young fan of the show, of El’s, sees that image and is told it’s “funny” or “badass” or “cool”. She’s obviously going to think that hitting your boyfriend as an expression of self-empowerment is good...when it isn’t.
(But, let’s be real: a big portion of this fandom a) hates Mike for some reason, so anything that’s anti-Mike is pro-fandom; b) is faux feminist and likes to pretend the girl-bonding moments weren’t shallow as hell; and c) is immature, which is why more adult fans need to be cautious and explain to younger fans why certain things are/aren’t acceptable... this kinda shit included.)
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grass-skirt · 5 years
I seem to recall you posting some Ao no Flag fanart, and I wondering about your thoughts on Chapter 44. I also understand if you don't wish to talk about it, because it's frustrating, to say the least. On a more not-blood-pressure-raising topic: Pearlina rules! (You may have already gotten this message. It said "bad request" when I sent it, so just thought I'd try again to make sure. Not trying to nag you).
Yeah, chapter 44. It’s a lot. I’m with you, it wasn’t fun to read. It would take a whole thesis paper to write up all the elements and implications of what’s been going on in the manga lately, so, as always, I’ll TRY to say something brief here. 
If I had to pick one issue from the chapter I would go with the long haired blond guy (whose name I currently can’t remember). Am I a fan of Kensuke? Hell no. Do I take issue with the author deciding to use childhood molestation as an explanation for Kensuke’s violent homophobia (or his brick-headed sexism in general)? Completely. But at least he’s invested. At least he’s recognized that he’s caused problems and has acknowledged that he can’t change “right away,” which leaves the door open to the possibility that he thinks he might be able to eventually. 
Blond dude was more frustrating. It’s aggravating to sit there and listen to a high school student be fake-deep about “haven’t you ever considered that you’re anti-homobpobia is just as prejudiced as homophobia?” The only leeway I’m willing to give him here is that he’s friends with both Toma and Kensuke and he’s sticking up for both of them even though on a political level you can’t be an advocate for both gay kids and violent bigotry. Basically I think that blonde dude was being such an ass as a way to defend Kensuke from a bunch of girls who he felt were approaching the subject too casually and inconsiderately–that they were more interested in dumping on Kensuke and making him admit he was wrong than on being ~fair~ or considering others’ points of view. I think that’s mostly bullshit and it’s frustrating, but that also doesn’t mean that isn’t something there. I just think that something, that ode to a shallow interpretation of the absolute importance of neutrality, isn’t jack shit compared to the weight of recognizing the intense gravity of, again, violent homophobia. 
Overall I do think that Ao no Flag has a very nuanced, complicated, and raw, depiction of complicated topics. Taking some time to look over the chapter again and try to process it has actually made me feel a little better about it. I still overall really appreciate the manga, but my hopes around the future for it are measured. The author has a delicate line to walk in order to present negative, harmful viewpoints and feelings as being real/present and to some degree understandable in their origin, while ultimately not endorsing them and not giving people a free pass to perpetuate those harmful views simply because of some BS argument about respecting everyone’s viewpoints no matter how much damage they cause. 
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egotisticalee · 5 years
gabis2r replied to your photo “”
What would be the point? We'd buy it anyway. It's extra effort for nothing. Unless, ya know, he's doing the video stuff for fun...
im the op and i agree completely with @faefulli and @angelii-ii. i find it hard to believe that people would "buy it anyway". they came as a set and to have to pay full price for a new extra piece of the set, along with shipping, is pretty discouraging.
there's also the fact that this isn't just about "glitchy fun" which, as angelii-ii says, is not really fun when it mostly just incites panic and anxiety for days, and even those who don't want to get involved can't get away from it. he's mentioned several times that he has 'big things in the works'. often reblogs fanart with 'cryptic' tags. purposefully left anti out of ego weeks. if this is "ARG style" (which, im not sure if you've ever been in an ARG, but this is not) then even an ARG would have done something with all these 'hints' by now. i say 'hints' because they feel more like empty gestures to try and retain interest in something he has no intention of putting any effort into.
either way, you missed the point. this isn't even a post about wanting an ego appearance (though if it was, keep in mind that the last proper appearance we had was over 2 years ago, with appearances before that being only 5 months apart). it's the fact that a lot of things jack does now seem very empty and shallow and i wouldn't put it past him to put glitches in videos to get people interested in anti merch. "legal reasons" also just sounds like a throwaway excuse.
you are also being hostile by not acknowledging and respecting that other people might not want to be along for the ride and might want something to actually come of these promises that things are being worked on. something that's not $12 socks. you are also being rude to my friends and i don’t appreciate that on my post. if you get that people can be frustrated then respect that we are frustrated and since you are not frustrated, this post isn't for you. (ps. if you wanna go there, using the wrong "look" is not a good look. and talking about someone's use of emojis without actually acknowledging their point makes you appear childish)
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avenger-hawk · 5 years
I just hear to ask you how do you deal with this f*cked up fandom. Their shit is all over the place. How do you handle this😣.
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I don’t.
I block everything I can’t stand, from shitty opinions to canon stuff, from memes that aren’t funny to banalities of all kind. A special place in my personal hell of blocked stuff is for SS but also SN/SI and everything topSasuke, flawless ray of sunshine Naru and meek martyr Itachi.
Same for people. I unfollow and/or block those who like the stuff I don’t. And when I am insulted/attacked by the fandom police, that I hate just as much as all the aforementioned stuff, I take a look at their shitty callouts, that btw never mention me directly with the @thing so I can have it in my notifications, they’re cowards who attack me more or less indirectly so that I can only know from third parties. Anyway when I get to know I block them and their friends who reblog/reply that shit, and then I unfollow their friends who follow my blog/are mutuals with me. I am aware that some ppl only follow me for the fanarts while they dislike my opinions and other things and it’s ok, but I don’t want fake people who ‘go to the police’ every time I do my thing on my blog. Fuck them all tbh.
Of course the downside is that sometimes my dash is dead, since I only follow a few people who don’t post/reblog much since they also avoid new stuff, and there isn’t much interesting content because most are…well. you know or you wouldn’t ask this right? But I prefer things to be this way instead of seeing shit that makes me angry. Besides I mostly focus on my own writing and ideas anyway (even when I don’t write lol) and I only write essays when I’m asked something. I don’t feel like writing an opinion about something unprompted anymore tbh, because of the f*cked up fandom that made me lose all motivation except for writing my own stuff. 
Thing is I was much angrier with the fandom like, up to last year maybe? Now I’m just disgusted and bored by everything and everyone also my life has taken such a shitty direction rn that everything shitty happening online isn’t as shitty as real life shit so instead of gauging my eyes out whenever I see bullshit I block/unfollow with no second thoughts. It’s always the same old, same old WRONG and STUPID arguments, same old police getting even more hypocritical with their morals, even the same old anti shallow arguments that are nothing more than empty slogans. tbh I often feel like I’m the one out of place here.  
I often think about leaving the fandom cause most things N*ruto aren’t interesting anymore to me, but I still love Sasuke and his relationships and his everything, as well as IS, Team Taka, KS, dark NS and my rarepairs very very much so I can’t leave yet. I do spend some time in another fandom though and I do sometimes read other manga, and now there’s Game of Thrones so for a while I’m going to be distracted, maybe. Haven’t started watching the new episodes so don’t you guys dare say anything tho.
In short I keep to myself as much as I can since I can’t punch certain ppl in the face lol
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dwtisgay · 2 years
april actually served him well in one way and that is the lowering of expectations- there is a VERY high chance that he looks 'better' (to society) now, so the ppl who saw his doxx will be either disappointed (casual haters and antis) or relieved (shallow fans who knew it was true), and the rest will just be curious to see his looks? sometimes on yt you see some1 go "i've seen drm he's huge" so there's only one group of ppl who will be disappointed and it's the delusional tiktok froy people lol
Every time I am like "surely most kids can separate reality from fiction" and I am met with a resounding no - so I agree with you in that I am relieved it will soften the blow for delusional people who were swept along with the fanart, and reminds them that dream is indeed just a Dude
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vecna · 6 years
are you a hank x connor shipper??
I mean, yes, but AS ALWAYS that comes with a fair amount of disclaimers.
(Sorry for giving you a very long response, anon! I’ve had a number of people asking me about this in my inbox, but you’re the least aggressive one, so you get my thought dump.)
A) I feel like the most important thing to know is: I see these two as close friends first and foremost. Imagining them as a ship is a faaarrr distant second, and extremely minor by comparison. I don’t like when people heavy-handedly push them as a ship and only a ship, because (imo) that’s doing a disservice to how wonderful their friendship is that they develop over the course of the game. In my mind, I can’t have one without the other, and I could spend years engaging in content where they’re just good buddies -- no ship whatsoever -- and I’d be just fine. I really really really enjoy them as having a deep friendship. Any “ship” stuff I headcanon with them builds on top of that foundation, rather than replacing it, if that makes sense.
I also don’t see the ship as “canon” and will never try to argue that. (Although the Wink™ is supremely gay.)
B) Even when I do ship them, I really don’t... ship them the same way that apparently 90% of the fandom does. I’m not here for content that forces them into weird yaoi tropes where Connor is an innocent naive weeping uke (typing that hurt me), and I’m super not here for any variation of the healing dick trope, or anything like that. Honestly I just can’t get my head around anything sexual with them in general? I appreciate them as a ship in a very emotional bond sort of way, not so much anything physical.
Now, don’t get me wrong -- I’m here for all the cute domestic shit with these two, whether they’re buddies or a ship. Give me all that doofy fanart of Connor wearing Hank’s oversized pajamas. But I don’t enjoy content with them that shallow-izes them into terrible fanfiction tropes, or is about them fucking on every surface of Hank’s house. I appreciate them -- as friends or as a ship -- as two people unpacking an entire van’s worth of baggage together, and it being extremely rocky and emotional and difficult. Hank’s not going to stop being a temperamental suicidal alcoholic who lost his child just because Connor came along. Connor’s not going to instantly recover from being a murder tool that had his agency violated repeatedly just because he has a friend. They both are bundles of trauma. They’re a pair of deeply dysfunctional guys leaning on each other as they emotionally get up from the floor.
Or that’s how I see them anyway, ymmv.
C) I don’t see them as a father / son relationship, and that’s been doubled down on between the two actors’ recent comments. I don’t have anything against people who see them that way, so I don’t want to get too into this topic. I mostly just have a problem with the “””antis””” who keep barging into my inbox -- and my friends’ inboxes -- screaming foul and casually throwing the word “incest” around. I can see, generally, why people interpret them in a father/son context, I just don’t see it that way at all myself.
The only two hills I will die on re: the father/son angle are these:
Most of the father/son interpretation hinges around Hank calling Connor “son” in that one death scene, but I live in a part of the United States where older men regularly call any dude younger than them “son” just as a colloquialism. So it’s hard for me to see anything there.
Also, every time I see someone say Hank is using Connor as a replacement for his son, I cringe. Cole was 6 when he died, and he would have been 9 if he was still alive. There’s no way Hank is going to see Connor, a grown-ass man, as a replacement for Cole. 9/10 times, this reasoning comes along with people infantilizing Connor and I’m really not here for it, it makes me uncomfortable.
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discoursecatharsis · 6 years
I saw some Leak1ra fanarts and damn, some os the arts in the tag are so beautiful and well-drawn... What a waste of good art in a ridiculous, shallow, racist and full of stereotypes anti thing. If it was a legit fanon thing, I would be liking/reblogging all of them. But in this case, I want to be at least 100 km away from this bullshit.
It’s just sad because I’m sure most of them are just like...misguided. Like in THEIR minds, they mean well/have good intentions but in actuality... yikes. 
Why can’t they just make their K/ance AUs like normal people?? omg T-T
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