#anti benkai
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catgirlxox · 10 months ago
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the writers are the real villains for torturing him with this bitch
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awesome-normal-heroes · 8 months ago
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For anyone who thinks Amethyst Ocean is the worst heroic ship ever, keep in mind that this ship exists:
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Tolerable but annoying in the original show because she only appeared in a single episode. And it went over my head that bens future kids mom was implied to be her in the original show. But in omniverse? Terrible. It burned down ALL my crops and set me on fire too. Not even cause I think she gets in the way of a ship I like better, her and Ben together are just terrible for each other. They clearly don’t like each other, they don’t want to spend time together, and it really feels like they were just forcing them together because that’s what they set up already with the future timeline episodes. COMPLETELY IGNORING THE FACT THAT CANONICALLY THERE ARE COUNTLESS BRANCHING TIMELINES. INCLUDING ONES WHERE THEY DONT GET TOGETHER. But noooo, we need to shove him into a hateful heterosexual relationship… he’s our protagonist boy, we can’t just not put him with someone! I think kai is cool on her own. But everytime her and Ben are onscreen together it makes me wanna turn off the tv. Very cool of her to wield Excalibur! Not cool when she got reduced to just bens love interest. Both of these characters are great separately, but together it’s just not fun. They don’t bicker like ‘an old married couple’ they just fight like two people who don’t like each other and don’t want to change that. Sorry for the rant, I just. Reeeaaaalllyy think that this was one omniverse’s worst decisions. And MAN, THEY HAD SOME BAD ONES.
ugh it's just the most boring thing i've ever seen in my life, they have about as much chemistry as a wet paper bag and an unlit match and if i have to see one more dry cardboard beginning of a sex scene when they mash their emotionless faces together before a hard cut to the two of them lying sensibly in bed i'm gonna fall asleep on my couch because that's exactly what i do when these two are on screen together
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charadreammer · 2 years ago
So I’ve just finished the 2005 serie of Ben 10 and I’m actually surprise that I remembered at least the plot of almost every episode. I knew I was really into it but being diffused exclusively on TV I thought I would have forgotten an episode or have not seen it at the time, but no,  almost all 52 episodes were still in there ! The only episode I fully rediscorvered, the only one, was “Ken 10″ and I honestly think it’s because I found it boring. 
I don’t know if this episode is appreciated by the fandom but I genuinely didn’t like it. First of all, I’ve never been a big fan of Ben 10 000. I think he’s cool but really not much more than that. So, having another episode on his universe, not even on him but on his son (that we never saw before) was not interesting to me. Futhermore, Kenny seems to me like a copy of young Ben but because it’s the first time we’re seing him I don’t have the bias I possess towards Ben, thus, I just don’t find him enjoyable or interesting. 
Another thing I have against this episode is the fact that Kevin is the villain. I only started to like Kevin in Alien Force, in the classic serie I saw him like an okay character. He was there with cool abilities but I didn’t grow attached or anything. In consequences, watching this episode in a timeline where I don’t have the version of Kevin with his growth, but the grown up version of the vengeaful kid I dislike feels a little underwelming. Of course that’s not something that was an issue at the time of diffusion but I just wanted to talk about it. 
I know that in Omnitrix we have a reappereance of Kenny and from what I saw, it’s bad. But having not watch this part of the show, I’m honestly curious to see what they did with the character and if they improve him. At the moment I just know that he tries to force BenxKai and I hope he does something in the episode taking place in the Omniverse Ben 10000 universe (I think there’s one) because I really want to have at least a positive thing to think about him. 
This kinda turned into a rant but overall I’m just really excited to continue my rewatch ! 
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justmenoworries · 3 years ago
I’ve been kinda re-evaluing my opinion of Kai Green over the past year or so. And after some thoughts, eliminating of biases and reading of some very good takes from mutuals, I’ve come to a conclusion.
I like what Kai could have been. A badass Native American archeologist/part-time protector and the wielder of Excalibur? Sign me the frick up.
But....I don’t really like who she is. Ben’s nagging love interest and eventual ball and chain.
Aside from the fact that BenKai is still without a doubt the worst ship, I still can’t help but take issue with the way Kai acts most of the time. Like, I get it, she’s the tough no-nonsense woman who just wants to get the job done and has little patience for Ben’s antics or anyone’s antics, really.
But holy shit, she is just downright nasty to Ben. In a now long deleted post I called Kai emotionally abusive and I’d like to take that back, because as bad as her behavior is, it’s not really abuse. It would probably be more accurate to call it bullying, but even that is kind of a stretch.
That’s not to say Ben is a perfect angel and that he never acts like a jerk towards her. But, I’m sorry, I don’t think there’s a comparison to make between being kind of disinterested in somebody’s hobbies and stepping on a person’s face with enough force to leave a mark.
It’s honestly a shame, because looking back, I want to like Kai. She’s one of the few black characters in the show and she has so many cool things going for her, like the aforementioned Excalibur.
But then I look at her berating Ben affter he just got done saving her life and basically telling him he’s only any good as an alien and... I just can’t. I’m sorry.
What’s worse is, if it weren’t for her horrible “romance” with Ben, I’d like her a lot more. But because the writers insisted on having this extremely poorly written relationship be the main focus of her character arc, I can’t really enjoy any episode she’s in.
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juniaships · 4 years ago
Creators Please Stop Making Legitimately Awful Pairings Canon Challenge 2021
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thepurplesquip · 4 years ago
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Come on, we all know that this is true...
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thecncitygirls · 4 years ago
Benkai Salt + Out of Context OC Memes because I can damn it! >:(
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cyberfairyblog · 4 years ago
i feel bad for making all those kai green posts on my old blog. benkai still sucks though.
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catgirlxox · 10 months ago
What ben shouldve said to kai the last time he saw her
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HAH yes 👏
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celestial-moths · 5 years ago
Ben Wolf is such a great episode... the introduction of Blitzwolfer- the general misdirection of Ben’s slow transformation rather than instantaneous due to the omnitrix being stuck between capture and active modes as well as the beginning of the Season 3 Zs’skayr story arc. It’s a great episode.
All except for... Kai... Now look, I wouldn’t mind her if she was just a one time crush for Ben that had no bearing on anything further down... but she just sucks. She straight up says she wanted to keep Ben as a pet. What the actual heck?! And don’t even get me started on how Ester gets cheated in Omniverse... I’ll go into more about that when I get there...
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catgirlxox · 3 years ago
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juniaships · 4 years ago
😂 Jora holiday aka my personal serotonin
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I'm so sorry but I couldn't resist dunking on Kai XD
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thecncitygirls · 5 years ago
You're actually right! Even ignoring the incest aspect Bwen has a lot of the same problems BenKai has. (Always arguing or insulting each other, cant seem to agree on damn near anything, etc) What would make this pairing any better than BenKai???
Grits: At least Gwen and Ben had improved their relationship even in the future. With Benkai however, their relationship probably gotten so bad their son had to muck around the timelines just to fix it. Plus Gwen (and Julie, Ester, even Elena and Eunice) were much more likable than Kai.
Bwen would have the same issues as a romance, especially taking their OS personalities to account. Both would understandably barf at the mere mention of attraction.
Personally why I don't want Ben to have a belligerent girlfriend or one with too similar in personality to him is that their personalities would clash way too much for any real romantic chemistry to develop.
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catgirlxox · 2 years ago
If people can be abusive or toxic without intending to be, people can also write characters as abusive or toxic due to normalizing and minimizing toxic or abusive behaviours, and therefore writing characters that way without intending to do so.
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crystal-moon-101 · 4 years ago
💔:NOTP! (Ben 10) Right, beyond the obvious no, no ones, that make me shiver with disgust...I have to go with Benkai. Now, it’s not actually for the reasons you may think. Yes, I don’t like Kai as a character and for how she is portrayed, but I more fault that for the writing because I was willing to give the character a chance, but unfortunately things just didn’t go this way. Now, Benkai is my NOTP mostly for what it is and what it represents and symbolizes, in a way. Ben 10 has a running issue for most of their series that female love interest, and most love relationships in general, eventually fall flat and tumble down the stairs due to the poor and sometimes even awful writing. Often these relationships aren’t treated like relationships, but more so forced drama subplots just for the sake of drama.  E.G I am a Benlie fan, but mostly for how it started off and the general concept of it. I liked how sweet it was at the start for them, with Ben this chaotic force of nature, and Julie the down to earth and reasonable one. It was a nice balance between them and I loved how they grew...until I started to not love it. It was clear that the writers didn’t know what to do with Julie in later seasons, and clearly just wrote her to be ‘the love interest’ and nothing else, so when they grew bored of her character and her relationship with Ben, what did they do? Did they give her something new to do, a goal perhaps? Did they make a reasonable conflict between Ben and Julie that made sense to their relationship? Nope! Instead, they turned Ben into a jerk and Julie out of character just for the sake of drama and a reason to get rid of her eventually. You could have had them break up, that could have worked as they are two different people that can move on. But their break up was awful and not even done properly. Then we got Ester, who I was fine with because she seemed like an interesting character, fun-loving and quite charming and played off of Ben well. I didn’t mind her being end game, until they started going downhill too. They either didn’t give them enough focus or growth, or still had a conflict that made no sense expect for the sake of drama. Not to mention the whole “I can’t love you because you’re destined for someone else” garbage subplot. This is a world that is canon about having different universes and timelines, so the Ben 10K we saw in Omniverse could still be married with Kai and have Kenny, while Ben Prime/Omniverse Ben could have very well stayed with Ester. It just doesn’t make sense and was really just the writers trying to make an excuse to write Ester off.  And then we got Kai, the actual end game. I would have been alright with Kai if they had treated her like an actual character, and not make her the exact same person she was when she was ten. You can so easily tell they just brought her in because they wanted a ���badass female character’ without realizing what that is supposed to mean. Kai could have worked, but she didn’t, and she was just another case of the writing being so poor on female characters and romantic relationships. And given she was the final and canonical wife of Ben eventually, it’s just sad to see how that was wrapped up. So the reason I really don’t like Benkai is to due with how it represents just how poor romantic relationships are in the series, how poor characters are written and how the plot gets twisted around them. You can’t just slap in a random character, who hasn’t shown up since the original series, and do nothing with her...
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