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She/Her 18 Aceflux
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
Call out post to @ifus
Hi! So this person mentioned above was stealing my works!
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Please dont do this 😻😻😹😹
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
reblog this if your blog is a safe space on april fools and won’t have any jumpers, screamers, or anything scary or anxiety inducing
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
since the old version of this post was flagged for 'adult content'...
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reblog this post if your account is a trans safe space or owned by a trans person!
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along with that, reblog if your account is a non-binary spectrum safe space or owned by someone on the enby spectrum!
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
Do you have any other ocs in your off script au? We got to see Cersei and Aerilyn so are there any others?
I wouldn’t say so? The only character I had planned on as far as Oc’s go is Cersei. I made Aerilyn to fit the prompt, as I would do for any other request that need a separate side character outside of the Twst Cast and the MC.
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
Spelling mistakes happens to the best of us so it always helps to have another person overlook your writing beforehand to catch grammar mistakes
The only one I have to look mine over are my mom and my brother. My brother wouldn’t and my mom is just as bad as me XD
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
Shoe? I think you meant show, right?
Yeah, sorry, I always end up spelling mistakes, even if I go back and reread my stuff, I still find mistakes months later. But I’ll be sure to go ahead and fix that as soon as I can! ^^
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
Tomorrow, since I'm off of work, I'll be answering my asks again.
After I answer any requests I may have, there's a fic I'm planning on writing.
I basically want to write a fic inspired by Britnay Spears Criminal.
So, if anyone is interested in seeing such a fic, vote for which one of the guys you would like to see star in the fic ^^
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
The one who sent Y/n being nicer to the Saintess ask (pt.3)
Don't apologise for not being able to do my request quickly, especially if you are unwell or have other things to do, take care of yourself first!
Also, I was more on leaning to you writing it with any characters you like or feel inspired to do. I like your writing and don't mind.
But if you need me to ask about anyone specific. How about Epel and Sebek? I love the first years and haven't seen much of them in the au yet! Thank you and have a wonderful day/night!
I heard the original concept of Epel before the Epel we have now was that he was going to be a crossdresser. So this inspired Epel's part quite a bit.
If this isn't want you wanted, feel free to let me know and I'll give it another go, otherwise, I hope you enjoy!
| Epel |
Epel stood on stage, performing his given part to the best of his abilities, all the while he cursed Vil in his head. Really? Vil just had to give him the role of the damsel in distress?
And to make matters worse, well, as worse as they could get considering Epel was on stage with a big frilly dress and a face full of makeup, was the fact that (Y/n) was watching his performance.
Now, Epel had been wanting (Y/n) to come to one of his shows. He was proud of the effort he put into it, even if he still didn't always agree with the assigned chorography given to him.
But of all shows they had to come to, it had to be the one he where he was wearing a big frilly dress!?
Epel supposes this is what he gets for giving Cersei tickets. He knew she was going to be attending the show no matter what he did, so he had decided to save her some money. That was clearly a mistake, seeing as she must have given the extra tickets to (Y/n) and Grimm.
One such grey cat that had a suspicious looking camera pointing at him, all the while laughing.
Cersei and (Y/n) weren't laughing, thank the Seven Spirits for that. But Cersei had an abnormally large grin on her face while (Y/n) was staring at him with an intensive contemplating look.
He was going to burn this dress the moment the show finished. There was nothing Rook or Vil could say to get him to put this damn thing on again!
And why did (Y/n) accept Cersei's invite when they hadn't even accepted his?
Only, (Y/n) truly had been busy when Epel had asked, and Cersei truly just so happened to have great timing. Too bad for the boy Cersei couldn't help but decide to tease him, knowing he would probably burn the dress soon there after.
| Sebek |
Sebek was more than a little affronted. Being left to gap at both Cersei and (Y/n), the two at the town stables. (There's no way, not even Cersei, would be able to drag (Y/n) to a nobles home.)
Cersei was showing (Y/n) the horse that she had personally be given for when she goes on any expeditions.
Not only was seeing (Y/n) here of all places (and not covered in trash) a surprise, but it wasn't as if Sebek hadn't invited them here before! In fact, Sebek had gone out of his way to invite (Y/n) on a day His Highness Malleus would be present! (Sebek knew that his young prince also liked the strange human, so he had wanted to do something nice for the both of them.)
(Y/n) had informed him that they simply weren't interested in seeing the stables, but clearly that had been a lie!
"Humans, what are you going here!" Sebek yelled, approaching the pair. Cersei looked over waving at the taller boy with glee.
"I'm showing (Y/n) Zipper here! Isn't he just gorgeous (Y/n)?" Cersei inquired.
(Y/n) didn't look nearly as enthused, seeing as said horse was attempting to chew on their clothes.
"Zipper is....certainly something." (Y/n) responded, backing away from the horse in a slow manner.
"Have you suddenly gained in interest in horses human? Last time I attempted to show you, you declined." Sebek pointed out, a little annoyed at having been lied to.
"It wasn't the horses I wasn't interested in." Came (Y/n)'s reply, all the while Cersei watched sheepishly from the background as Sebek squawked in shock and began lecturing (Y/n) in earnest.
The poor boy not having realized the reason he was rejected was because (Y/n) didn't want to get put through some gruesome training. Maybe Cersei should have tried getting a different surprise for the lime-haired boy?
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
Tomorrow, since I'm off of work, I'll be answering my asks again.
After I answer any requests I may have, there's a fic I'm planning on writing.
I basically want to write a fic inspired by Britnay Spears Criminal.
So, if anyone is interested in seeing such a fic, vote for which one of the guys you would like to see star in the fic ^^
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
reblog if you wear glasses. too many mutuals don't know they have glasses wearers in their midsts
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
In honor of this post, actually look at my cat
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No, he wasn’t cleaning himself, he was just sitting there. In this position, for no reason. I always find him in odd positions.
For those of you wanting a name, this is Binx (Like from Hocus Pocus) though I typically end up calling him Baby Bink.
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
Hello! I was the one who had the ask about Y/n being nicer to the Saintess and I really like how you wrote it! Also Malleus wondering if being a woman would give him a better chance is funny-
Can I ask for this again? But with another character/characters. I just want to see jealous older brothers with little sister Saintess stealing their crush because it's funny :D
Sorry it took me so long to get back to this, I got sick and had a couple of doubles at work on top of that.
So, I have a character limit of 5, something that can be found in my rules. Are there any characters in particular you would like to see this with? — You can request up to 5 of them if there’s certain characters you have in mind. (It’s easier to have specifics, otherwise I might just start doing my own favorite characters)
Or you could request five characters now, wait for me to post the next group and request another five. I just ask that you wait until I get the first part of it out or the next if you would like to do it that way ^^
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
Giving someone a list of people who like mc…Leona?
Yeah, so it's been hinted at (And by that I mean my poor attempts at hinting) that Jack does actually talk and interact with Leona, on a normal basis. Even though he should be trying to arrest him.
Of course, that's not to say that the Jack in this AU is necessarily playing double agent and leaking information about the Navy to Pirate Leona, he isn't!
But Jack does look up to Leona, because he can see that Leona has good leadership skills, and knows his way around the sea, Jack just wished he would use his skills and knowledge in a more productive way.
I wanted the Twst boys from the same dorms to still have some sort of connection that banded them together.
In the case of the MC, it's become obvious that the MC keeps getting themself into trouble, so a few people have started to make lists of who likes and who doesn't like the MC to keep them out of danger.
That's actually the only information that Jack has given Leona about anything, since Jack thinks Leona can keep the MC out of trouble. And possibly keep them from fishing on a giant lily pad.
At worst, Jack has just let Leona go when he could have caught him. In part because he respects him, but also because he thinks Leona's presence actually helps the Empire, even if it doesn't seem that way at first.
Though, some of the boys definitely disagree on who is dangerous to the MC and who isn't.
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
Deuce is a good friend for being completely down to cover mc when he thought they killed someone. I want to see Deuce react when Jack told him how he meet mc with the whole lily pad and stick.
“What?” Deuce blinked, unsure. Jack blinked back at him, for an entirely different reason.
Deuce had come to discuss with him about how the fishermen have been doing these days. Already strange, but then he brought out that damn Lily Pad and Stick.
He could smell (Y/n) all over it, almost as if it was taunting him. Further humiliation for what happened that day.
Deuce had asked Jack if he recognized what he was holding, hesitantly. A certain edge to Deuce’s eyes, the young guardsmen noticeable tense.
Jack had brought up how he caught (Y/n) fishing, omitting the fact that he knew (Y/n)’s name, and instead phrasing it as if he had caught some stranger fishing that he hadn’t seen prior since. Which, wasn’t entirely inaccurate. (Y/n) was already skittish, even more so after been caught doing something they knew they weren’t supposed to.
Deuce blinked in confusion, clearly expecting something different. What he was expecting, Jack wasn’t entirely sure. Didn’t Deuce come up to him because he had caught (Y/n) doing something they weren’t supposed to?
(Though, now that Jack thinks about it, he would have to add Deuce to the growing list of people that he knew liked (Y/n). A list he would be giving to........someone later on. Jack had expected it before, but the fact that Deuce hasn’t arrested (Y/n) was proof enough.)
“Fishing? You caught someone using this for fishing?” Deuce repeated, almost as if he was trying to double check something, losing the very dark gleam in his eye. Instead his usual clueless one taking hold.
“Yes. See, there’s even fish blood all over the stick.” Jack pointed out.
“Fish blood?” Deuce parroted staring at the red splotches on the stick Jack had been repeatedly whacked with once before. (Ironically, it hurt more when they smacked him with a fish.)
“Yes, that’s what that is. What did you think it was?” Jack inquired, catching on to the fact that Deuce wasn’t entirely surprised by the blood’s presence but rather that it was fish blood.
Deuce blinked at Jack for a moment, before a sheepish look crossed his features.
“Ah, I hadn’t noticed it until now!” Deuce exclaimed and Jack couldn’t find it in him to believe the boy. “Uh—actually, there’s someone—or rather something I need to speak—check on.” Deuce coughed, repeatedly stumbling over his words. “But thanks for the help, Jack!”
And just like that Deuce was gone. Jack blinked. Deuce definitely knew that was blood...whose blood did he think it was?
Jack thought back on the odd questions the navy blue haired boy had been asking him for the past few days, suddenly getting the impression that Deuce wasn’t nearly as upright as he had originally thought he was.
In fact, if anything, he might want to do an investigation on him.
However, it wasn’t like Jack had any right to judge.
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
I have a no work tomorrow (or technically today, depending on your time zone ), so I’ll be getting back to the requests that I currently have in my inbox (just one at the moment), so if there’s anything that you’re interested in seeing something, now would be the time to let me know! ^^
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
If you have bodily autonomy, then there is always a chance that you will do something to your body that you will regret. This is not an argument for taking that autonomy away.
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years ago
Off Script || A Not-So-Clear-Purpose || Deuce Spade X Reader
Context: This is kinda like a part two to the Jack X Reader request, where Deuce find's the MC's fishing equipment.
(Y/n) had thought there wouldn't be any issues with Deuce walking around the depleted mansion, since they had already put any incriminating things away.
What they failed to consider, however, is that Grimm is a troublemaker constantly making messes. And Deuce, being the sweetheart that he is, went to find to clean up said messes, only to come across the very thing that (Y/n) had been attempting to hide from him in particular.
"Hey (Y/n), what's this?" Deuce called out, holding up a Giant Lily Pad and a Sharp Stick. (Y/n)'s eyes went wide, a cold sweat taking over their body. One of the last people they wanted to find their fishing supplies was the young guardsmen, seeing as it was most definitely something considered illegal in the Valley. It was bad enough that the young Navy officer had caught them, they didn't need the young guardsmen for the Rosehearts Dukedom knowing.
Though, it was strange that Howl had yet to report them. But they had also seen Howl doing a number of strange things before. Things they really should have reported him for, but they haven't. So, they suppose, it's fair in a weird twisted since.
However, there was a problem. (Y/n) had never actually seen Deuce do anything but be the straight-laced guardsmen. Sure, sometimes he seemed a touch more aggressive than he needed to be. Sure, sometimes he said things that were a little to strange. Sure, he avoided speaking of his past as much as possible, but it wasn't any of (Y/n)'s business. (They wouldn't have cared if Deuce actually had done something illegal, as long as he didn't drag them into it.)
But that wasn't the point. The point was, Deuce found something he shouldn't have. And (Y/n) was now wondering if they should accept the fact that they were going to go to prison, or ask the ghosts where to hide a body.
"It's just something I keep in storage." Was (Y/n)'s flat reply, the same tone they spoke in when answering any question. Only, this tone had a tad bit more of an edge to it. Something Deuce himself had failed to notice.
Deuce supposes (Y/n)'s answer wasn't all that strange. They kept a number of odd things, but typically that was kept in a separate storage from what Deuce could remember. Maybe the lily pad and stick were just an exception to the rule?
"Oh! That's what (Y/n) uses to get fish sometimes!" Grimm exclaimed, elaborating. Simultaneously, both Deuce and (Y/n) froze. (Y/n), turning to look at Grimm with a seething glare, and Deuce who stared blankly at the rolled up lily pad and stick in his hands.
Now, (Y/n) didn't want to kill Deuce. He was a dear friend of theirs, but if it was either his life or their and Grimm's freedom, they knew what their answer would be. And just when Deuce had seemed ready to drop it!
Deuce, on the other hand, was attempting to figure out exactly what Grimm meant. How could a lily pad and a stick help with getting fish? It wasn't any type of currency, unless (Y/n) had found a really strange fisherman that wanted odd forms of currency. Which, wasn't entirely unbelievable, but it was in storage and both items seemed a little worse for ware, meaning it had been used multiple times.
Did…. did (Y/n) kill someone for fish? Inspecting the stick a little more closely, there were splotches of red on it. Did (Y/n) use the lily pad to suffocate someone or blind them? And then use the stick to land the final blow? But surely, Deuce would have heard about a series of attacks? Or a series of murders? But, what if it was being covered up? The Queen wouldn't want anyone to worry, after all.
Briefly, Deuce had considered that (Y/n) might be fishing for fish themselves, but surely, no one would be stupid enough to use a lily pad as a boat. Especially since Deuce knew (Y/n) couldn't swim. That theory just didn't make any sense. And, well, (Y/n) had always acted a little more feral than what would be considered normal.
Perhaps…. it would be better if Deuce got (Y/n) fish from now on. Or asked the Young Heir Rosehearts if he would be so kind as to do so. Deuce managed to turn his life around, he was sure that (Y/n) could do the same! He just had to make sure there wasn't any evidence of their crimes.
"It's alright (Y/n)! I understand, I won't tell anyone about this… but maybe it would be better if I got you fish from now on?" Deuce suggested with a kind smile. (Y/n) blinked at Deuce in shock, surprised that the young guardsmen would be so generous.
"Really!? That means you won't have to be away so long getting fish, Henchmen!!" Grimm cheered, excited at the prospect, further confirming the very wrong idea that Deuce had in his head.
"That's very kind of you, Deuce." (Y/n) let a hesitant smile form across their lips, touched that their friend wouldn't mention their crime of fishing.
If (Y/n) knew that Deuce was willing to cover up murder for them, they would have whacked him across the head. If Deuce had learned that (Y/n) was actually fishing with the materials, he would have a meltdown in worry, and reconsider the intelligence level of his beloved friend.
However, neither would come to learn of the misunderstanding. Well, not until one wolf beastmen sat down and had a talk with one Deuce Spade.
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